Andrew Schulz's Flagrant with Akaash Singh - Believe White Women

Episode Date: May 26, 2020

This week Andrew Schulz, Akaash Singh, AlexxMedia and Mark Gagnon discuss The Last Dance will ruin Jordan's legacy, Schulz says believe white women, how plastic surgery is better than going to college..., Schulz discovers how to please women and much more. INDULGE! Want an extra episode a week? Join the Flagrant Army

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's up everybody um i want to uh start this podcast on a serious note and uh there's something we probably neglected a little bit in the last few years of us doing this podcast but it's the believe all women campaign and i feel like uh you know recent events have transpired in central park not the other central park thing, but this recent Central Park thing where a woman, you know, called the police on a on a black guy who was birdwatching, just asking her to lock up her dog or what is it? Leash up. Yeah. Leash up her dog. You get in a dog. What is it? You get in a dog. I don't know what they're called. I don't know. Lock him up. I got a crate. I guess we're locking him up. But you know what? It is true. We should.
Starting point is 00:00:49 I don't know if you guys know this hashtag, Believe All Women, but we've got to believe all women. What is she saying that the guy did? I mean, harassing her. God knows what. This is cop worthy. I got to call the cops. This guy is attacking me.
Starting point is 00:01:02 If she says it, we've got to believe her. We have to because that it's incredibly it doesn't matter if he wasn't doing anything he was just bird watching i believe everything i hear from the masses on twitter and it is the quote believe some women no it's believe all women and first of all this is a white woman so they're the most believable you believe them no matter what right i mean they It's like white women you believe first, right? And then there are other races you believe them a little bit less, obviously. But if a white woman, a mask-yielding white woman.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Oh, she was mask-yielding on top of it. She had a mask on. She was protecting herself. Oh, my God. The most believable. This is the most believable. She's going along with the guidelines, right? She's wearing a mask.
Starting point is 00:01:42 She cares about it. If she's calling the cops on a black guy it must be for something good must be when in history has a white woman called the cops on a black guy and it's been you know false false it's never happened in history i can't even do honestly has there been one time never not even a single time a single what's your favorite cowboy what's his name no michael irvin emma smith emma emma smith there's something emma oh no i don't know anything that's probably nothing yeah yeah but uh but all i'm trying to say is guys we have to believe all women and it's really it's really important you know and it starts with us you know it's like you gotta believe your girl yo
Starting point is 00:02:21 i gotta believe my all the time you know Everything they say. No matter what they say. She's right. I mean, honestly, yeah. You can't just ask a woman to leash her dog. Like, what is that? Yeah. I mean, that's crazy. That's astonishing.
Starting point is 00:02:36 That's violating. That is rape. That's rape culture. Bro, honestly, that black guy was raping that white woman, bro. Yo, you're not wrong. rape culture bro honestly that black guy was raping that white woman bro yo you're not that black guy was way raping that white but the way that he he told her to leash her dog yeah how is that different than rape i don't see the difference it might have been it might have been rape in a lot of ways what do some black dudes call women bitches birds oh shit... Oh, birds. Whoopsie.
Starting point is 00:03:06 That's why he was bird watching? Oh, I got you. Whoopsie. But in all seriousness, in all seriousness, right? He's out here bird watching. Do you think he was just talking about her? That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:03:20 He wasn't actually talking about birds. She's like, what are you doing, weirdo? He was like, bird watching? He was just watching her. is super interesting okay god i find it hard to believe he was bird watching in the park okay yeah let's be honest he was probably trying to rape someone but in that situation i don't know if it was her right i mean i think it was maybe she called the cops because she knew he was trying to rape somebody in the park honestly who asked alicia to leash a dog? That's just a rapist. A rapist type of thing.
Starting point is 00:03:47 White women have like a spider sense for black male rapists. Yeah. Especially in Central Park. 100%. The dog's like a weapon. If he's saying leash your dog, it's like, oh, put your mace away. Exactly, because the dog could run at him, but if he's leashed, he can't. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:02 I want you to be defenseless. Yeah. Put your brass knuckles in your backpack she's looking ahead that's what nobody's doing nobody's looking ahead what is that's the first step leash up your dog tie it to a tree yeah right use your sweater to leash him there we go white women know man we gotta trust white women believe all women bro but you have to believe all women this is women this if there's one thing that we learned from this weekend is believe all women you know what's one thing that we learned from this weekend is believe all women.
Starting point is 00:04:27 You know what? We should have learned it earlier. Say again? We should have learned it earlier. We should have learned it earlier. This is just confirming what we should have already known. Why are we letting
Starting point is 00:04:34 black people into the park? Oh my God. Why are we doing it? Guys, we know what could happen, right? We know. Thank God there are these white women out there.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Protecting the park out there protecting the park protecting the park like you don't need those park rangers you don't need park officials you need white women honestly give them a little goofy ass hat white women should have all the power white women should have all the it's clear they know what to do they know what to do they don't abuse it how many people got raped that day? Not her. Not her? I'll tell you that much. She stopped doing her. One less. One less.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Negative one rapes. Real talk. Wait a minute. What? What? How did it become negative? Because it would have been one if she didn't. So that's zero.
Starting point is 00:05:17 If she didn't do her civic duties. I think one minus one is zero. No, that's negative. How do you get negative rapes? It didn't go in her so that's zero i don't want to listen to this math debate this is not a math debate all i'm trying to say the focus is that we gotta believe all women we gotta believe all women i apologize i'd like to apologize you know what because you have said some chauvinistic things i've said some chauvinistic
Starting point is 00:05:42 things bro i've said some chauvinistic things on this've said some chauvinistic things, bro. I've said some chauvinistic things on this podcast and I really would like to say I apologize to all women and from now on, I'm going to believe you all no matter what you say. All the time.
Starting point is 00:05:53 No matter what you say, I believe you. All the time. That's it. I cheated on you in your dream. Yeah. I did that.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Hey, I did that. I should be in trouble. In your fucking dream. Yeah. In your stupid ass subconscious I did that. Hey, I did that. I should be in trouble. In your fucking dream, in your stupid ass subconscious that you can't control, idiot, I cheated on you in your dream. Why would you make me that in your dream? Isn't that hilarious?
Starting point is 00:06:20 That's the best case me. Their fantasy is just they get to yell at you. No, their fantasy is also my fantasy. See how much we have in common, babe. But I believe you. I believe all women. You know what? I believe no men.
Starting point is 00:06:40 I think believe all women is not. I don't think it's extreme enough. I think believe no men. I think that's think believe all women is not I don't think it's it's extreme enough I think believe no men I think that's the next next step what do you think about that I think you're right believe
Starting point is 00:06:51 I think you have to no men you can't stop and believe all women believe you have to understand no men because if you're believing
Starting point is 00:06:58 all women you can't believe all men too yeah and maybe you're right maybe just believe no men if you believe no men no matter what women say it's going to be believed yeah because you don't believe all men too. Yeah. And maybe you're right. Maybe just believe no men. If you believe no men, no matter what women say, it's going to be believed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Because you don't believe the man. Exactly. Now, what happens when these dykes start raping each other? Believe both. Now we talk. Believe both, Al. You believe both. What about a tranny?
Starting point is 00:07:22 Which way? Male to female, female to male? Male to female. Nope. Male to female? Male to female, female to male? Male to female. Nope. Male to female? Male to female, don't believe. Female to male, believe. Because that woman is still all woman.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Yo, real talk. Honestly, if a female tranny turns into a man and she says she's a man, you know what I do? I believe her, bro. You got to believe all women. You got to believe all women. Now, if a man turns into a woman, do we believe him? Apparently not. We don't believe men.
Starting point is 00:07:59 You can't believe men. You can't believe men, bro. All he's doing is trying to get away with lying in the future. That's why he's doing it.'s why a man would change his sex to a woman so you think oh i should believe her no he's just doing it to plot some shit oh my god what a scumbag men never have good intentions never have good intentions pieces of shit garbage how often you dream about your girl cheating on you? Never. Never, right?
Starting point is 00:08:33 What a piece of garbage you are that you don't take your insecurities into your fucking dream world. What a piece of shit you are. I don't let her get good dick in my dreams. Yo, you are one selfish piece of shit. I'm a piece of shit. That you would not let your girl that you love. That I love. Get some fat dick in your dream.
Starting point is 00:08:52 For once. For one time. She out with the skinny mini. You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? Akash, how the fuck could you do that? How could you put her through that? You know why?
Starting point is 00:09:05 Please tell me. I don't know. Because I'm a man. And I am therefore garbage. Oh my God, bro. I mean, it's just, I'm so bad. We all are in this room. Honestly, believe nothing you heard on this podcast.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Believe nothing. Absolutely nothing. I'm disgusted by us all. The only way it would be a fact Is if we had a woman Come sit in this chair And she validated Every single thing That's the only way it is
Starting point is 00:09:30 So we'd like to apologize To all women For not believing y'all Now this weekend Really proved How important it is To believe you You fucking get it
Starting point is 00:09:38 You know it We're sorry Yeah And we're sorry about that Brutal rape That you had to go through Oh god Brutal Yeah Brutal.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Yeah. Brutal. Could you put a leash on your dog? Help! Could you please leash up your dog so I could watch the birds and not be scared? No! Stop! No means no!
Starting point is 00:10:04 Real talk! Yeah, I just... I'm sorry we had to start the podcast off on such a serious note man usually we don't like to do it we like to keep things light and we like to keep things smooth over here but some things are so serious you have to address them yeah you can't always be funny you can't always be funny and always be jokey it's not this is not a joking matter when a white woman almost gets raped in central park and has to stop it herself bro she where were the men to step in can i just tell you something she was violently raped bro you know what when it's one black guy that counts as five black guys you didn't understand that in the eyes of a white woman one black guy turns into voltron separates
Starting point is 00:10:40 into multiple guys that's how it works. Central Park Five. Central Park Five was really one guy. Think about them. What are the names of the Central Park Five? It was John. It was Adam. It was Malik. It was Alan.
Starting point is 00:10:59 And it was Lionel, right? What does that spell? Jamal. Lionel was a reach I was reaching for that L I was reaching for that L and I didn't even know it was going to be five letters Jamal
Starting point is 00:11:14 I thought Jamal was six when I plotted it out in my head I thought it was six believe Jamal women bro say what believe Jamal women yo we got to believe
Starting point is 00:11:22 Jamal women bro I heard this lady got fired from her job. What was her job? Dog walker probably? Stupid ass bitch. Shit, her job ass job. She was abusing that fucking dog. If there was one moment where the white lady and the black woman kind of got along,
Starting point is 00:11:41 it was probably the way that she was abusing the fuck out of that dog. Did you see? I haven't watched this one. It's brutal. Dude, that's the most tragic part of it. She's trying to hang the dog. Yeah. Like it was fucked up.
Starting point is 00:11:55 Like if he stepped in right there and he like beat her up a little bit to protect the dog, I think we would have been okay. Yeah, 100%. You always protect a dog. Oh boy. You want to play it?
Starting point is 00:12:04 Yeah, play it yeah play it play it everything break okay oh you got the whole video at the minute he got the full minute oh yeah she comes bragging this guy oh she got the pre-pants please don't come close to me please don't come close to me please please call your phone off. Please don't come close to me. And I'm taking pictures calling the cops. Please call the cops. Please call the cops. I'm going to tell them there's an African-American man threatening my life. Please tell them whatever you like.
Starting point is 00:12:34 I mean, that's a brave black guy, dog. I would not take those odds. The second a white lady goes as an African-American threat in my life. He's a bird watching black. He's a bird. He knows how to handle himself He felt confident in that situation Be honest Al
Starting point is 00:12:47 A white lady comes to you with a cocker spaniel dog Look at her choking the shit out of that dog That's foul huh She could choke the dog She could choke me Where's Carol Baskins She was projecting something when she was handling that dog This is what was going to happen
Starting point is 00:13:02 There's a lynching coming Alright listen handling that this is what was gonna happen there's a lynching coming all right listen whatever it gets same same old shit if you guys don't know what we're referencing uh just look up this lady that called the cops on this black guy this black guy literally was just hanging out in the park and he asked the lady to put the leash on her dog yeah i mean you're fucking annoying with that shit like come on like if somebody doesn't have a leash on her dog yeah i mean you're fucking annoying with that shit like come on like if somebody doesn't have a leash on their dog they probably know their dog is going to run around biting people that being said you do have the right to ask people to put the leash on their dog it's literally the law it's the law it is the law yeah fair enough i get it maybe makes you feel
Starting point is 00:13:39 uncomfortable you have the right to feel comfortable in the park along as you know just as sure as you're going through all the laws. Yeah. Now, having said that, if a white lady has a black dude to put a leash on a dog, you're like, bitch, stop it. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah, of course. Come on, white lady.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Come on. But also, the dog could be scaring away the birds. Like, for real. Right. I don't really think he's bird watching in a park. You don't think so? No. I don't think that we have any, like, amazing species of birds that are in Central Park.
Starting point is 00:14:04 No, that's a thing. Bird watching, and I believe it. It's a thing. In of birds. No, that's a thing. Bird watching, and I believe it. It's a thing. In Central Park. It's 100% a thing, yeah. Central Park is like an actual, there's a lot of wildlife there. But also, this is a Harvard-educated Marvel editor or something. He's a nerd.
Starting point is 00:14:17 I can 100% believe a nerd is watching birds in Central Park. I almost had this happen to me. So I was riding my bike in Central Park. Catcalling women. In this area where people tend to bird watch. And I had to bring back a classic. Like somebody's like, no bike riding in this area. And I was like, cocksucker, say what?
Starting point is 00:14:36 And I brought back a classic. She said, what? And I felt good and kept riding. You know what he just did? I don't understand what just happened he said cocksuckers say what i get that and then she said what yeah i get that and i was good how did that tie into bird watching well he raped her afterwards what do you think happened next read between the lines you're like but no bird watching your thing because i was riding my bike
Starting point is 00:15:02 and i called a bitch a cocksucker bird watching i don't understand how it tied together yo our guys got a high you know litmus test for comedy do you know what i mean this guy don't play around you don't play with your little uh cute one-liners level funny yeah come here friends level funny bro i'm not fucking around over here yo if you know chandler bing i'm not hearing it chandler bing dog the fucking goat um so yeah so that's what happened in new york this week everybody's going crazy on it what a fucking cunt huh i mean just the stupidest what a whitest bitch i know ever and everybody's jumping on it and people are like i've been anti-white woman for a long time you have been and i honestly defend white women because because everybody hates them though i don't think it's real i it's i'll tell you why one because i know what it's like when
Starting point is 00:15:52 everybody's on like the i hate white guys train yeah and they were too blind to realize it was going to come to them next like i used to see all these female comics go up and like hate on white guys and like who'd have thunk women lack foresight never would have seen that coming so it's like i used to see them all go up and like they bashed the white guys and burr has a great bit about it but like they bashed the white guys like with the non-white straights yeah like white guys just became this like group that you kind of like bash which is fine like it's the joke is funny i'm all about the funniest joke i don't care but i would remember watching the white female comics up there doing it, the straight white female comics.
Starting point is 00:16:26 And I remember just smiling myself at the back of the back table of the Southern Village Underground. I'm like, oh, you bitches don't know it's you next. And it's like, they're going to get tired of us, right? Like you get tired of white guys eventually, or you need white guys, right? Like obviously with the corona, like we were talking about in the piece that we made but like a white guy's gonna make the vaccine a white guy's gonna figure something like you need white guys eventually you're gonna need us it's just what it is right the things that
Starting point is 00:16:54 white women do amazingly are extra credit right like white girls are gonna figure out how to save animals carol baskin's classic white girl they're gonna figure out how to save animals. Carole Baskin's classic white girl. They're going to figure out how to save the environment. Greta Thunberg. That's great. Do you know what I mean? They do the extra credit shit that, like, it works when everything else in society is already figured out. Right?
Starting point is 00:17:16 When you need to get down to the nitty gritty. We pay for the house. You clean it. And they hire some Mexican to clean it. Right? Like, it's not even them that's clean and really you know yeah so it's like the extra credit they're phenomenal at so i give them a lot of credit when it comes to that i'm like all right you guys are about it like you're about diversity
Starting point is 00:17:34 they're the first ones to fuck someone of a different race you know what i mean they're really the most progressive when you really think about who the most progressive people on the planet are in terms of like policy and what they do They'll adopt the kid forever adopt you they'll do it. They're all about making the world a better place But it's extra it works in luxury when shit hits the fan when you're in a park with your dog off the leash You know why because they've always been in luxury, but that's thing. They don't realize they really believe They believe that their struggle and and harriet tubman is the same struggle like they're like those my fucking don't suck in the underground river I've been sneaking I've been sneaking downstairs to make breakfast you've been sneaking
Starting point is 00:18:14 black people over to Mason Dixon it's the same thing isn't it like they really believe they're living in the same world I remember I did a show and then some white comic came up after me female and first of all I hate when comics talk about the guy who just got off stage when they got on stage. If it's not like off of their joke or whatever. Right. But she was just like, I think if we can learn from the last comic set, it's that men have it hard. And I wanted to be like, you're a white woman. What do you think your life is that you can sit there and be like oh men have it hard if you're looking at any
Starting point is 00:18:46 i don't name name mcintosh but the best he said white women are so privileged that it used to be white privilege and now it's become white male privilege and then female white females are part of the minority circle you're so privileged you privilege your way out of being called privileged i've never understood this metaphor that you've always used or this analogy yeah you're so it's we used to be white privilege and then all the minorities here yeah now it's just white male privilege and then white females just got down here we're disadvantaged we have we are oppressed you're so privileged you just slithered out of that and you're just like oh no white men oh so you're saying by not being privileged you're privileged by not being called privileged and still getting all the benefits of white men? Like, what in society did white women really not get?
Starting point is 00:19:27 Voting? Who gives a fuck? Grow up. Okay. You know what I mean? Okay. I will say this. While we were at war, they had to play softball.
Starting point is 00:19:36 And that is like, no, no. That is a huge sacrifice that they made for America, bro. You have to understand, like, there were white guys, they were in trenches, right? Just getting this stereo, whatever they were in trenches, right? Just getting dystheria, whatever the fuck that is, right? And then there were, women were playing softball. What's worse, trench toe or turf toe?
Starting point is 00:19:52 Or turf toe. They were getting turf toe, bro. That's the problem. It was a real thing. But no, in all seriousness, obviously white women have been through tons of shit. I'm not saying that they haven't,
Starting point is 00:20:02 but they've been. Yeah, fair. Look, I'm not trying to discredit the things they've went through, et cetera. That being said, if we're looking at like the, if we're ranking struggle in terms of like a 100 meter dash, right?
Starting point is 00:20:20 American struggle, whether you like to believe it or not, is no different than the final heat of the 100-meter dash. We're all fractions of a second apart, right? Maybe white people are Usain Bolt. We're winning by a couple lengths. But then everybody's coming in pretty close compared to the rest of the world. I had this exact thought last night.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Do you see what I'm saying? With the running metaphor? No, no, no, not running. Just like the idea of american privilege i was just it reminded me i was like yo i'm thinking about my cousins back in india who were just like poor right but like to just to get people to understand it i wanted them to think about that race right we're all running in the front we're stretching out our chests across the finish line right and i'll i'm not going to push back against you know white privilege right
Starting point is 00:21:03 you are usain bolt to use your metaphor. You're ahead. You're winning. I am ahead, right? I have an expectation of what it is, et cetera, of normalcy, this, that, the other. That being said, if you want to compare to the world and any other place, nobody is trading places with their cousins who are from where they're originally from. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Ever. Nobody's going back. Correct. Right? I'm not even going back to Puerto Rico, and that's part. Ever. Nobody's going back. Correct. Right? Al not even going back to Puerto Rico. And that's part of America. That's true. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:21:30 So it's like. So everybody's that. So what we're complaining about in America is kind of hysterical. But that being said. You only know what you know. So I do get it. I do get it. I go.
Starting point is 00:21:42 You're not living in fucking Romania. You're not living in the Congo. You're not living in these types of places. So of course you don't know what that struggle is like you have a unique experience where you get to go back to your fuck shit and see why your parents left yeah right so you have actual perspective and you complain less but what if someone who don't even know where they're from yeah yeah no i get it i just it's i don't know there's something where it's like you tell white dudes in middle america like you guys don't care about us you're monsters because you don't get it and then you try to tell that same person like yeah but think about people in like like in north toria or whatever and they're like yeah but i only know what i know and somehow you can't apply that
Starting point is 00:22:19 logic to a white middle america privileged guy when you expect him to understand your struggle and he's like well i don't know what i see he's like, well, I only know what I see. I only know what I know. I only know what's around me. Yo, you know what it is? We got to stop acting like we give a fuck about each other. I'm so on board with that, dog. That's my whole philosophy.
Starting point is 00:22:35 I don't ask y'all to give a fuck about India, ever. I don't want you to. I don't give a fuck about y'all. Damn, son. Ouch. Yeah. Puerto Rico's about electricity. Have I ever asked you about that, Al oh but i don't care no no no i'm saying like i'm not saying we shouldn't give a fuck about each other i think
Starting point is 00:22:53 it's valuable to care about one another what i'm saying is i just jumped off that what i'm saying is what i'm saying is let's stop acting like we do Yeah the High horse or whatever Standing on the pedestal Yeah like nobody really cares Like Susan Sarandon cares but she's bored Do you know what I'm saying Like all these actors act like they care about the struggle
Starting point is 00:23:19 But like you spend a month to learn an accent This actually ties into the Lana Del Rey situation. What is the Lana Del Rey thing? So last week she made a comment like, oh, now that Doja Cat, Ariana Grande, Camila Cabrera, Cardi B, Kalani, Nicki Minaj, Beyonce, they all sing about fucking, wearing no clothes, and cheating. Can I please go back to singing about embodied, feeling beautiful and being in love and all that type of shit. So she came under criticized because everybody she listed was a minority. Ariana Grande is a minority. She's Mexican.
Starting point is 00:23:53 No, she's Italian. But she's half something. No, she's Italian. Everybody, she gets, yo,
Starting point is 00:23:59 the cultural appropriation clan or whatever the fuck they call it. We're going to come back to this bitch at some point. We all just decided she's Latina because Grande is in there. But she white. And she be tanning. She's Grande like your fucking Starbucks. She's not Grande like Mexico. Yeah, yeah. Perfect.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Oh, yeah. Well, whatever. But she came under criticism because all the other singers that she mentioned, except Ariana, are non-white. And so she's like bitch you don't you have it easy every time you put a song out even though it's about abuse or fucking killing herself or some shit like that you'll still hit number ones and shit like that so it's like why are you complaining and then why mention these other singers like you're trying to put yourself
Starting point is 00:24:39 in with these other singers i didn't even know londo ray was putting out music i swear to you i don't know who she is that's the thing it's like why knock somebody else yo you know what it is this week people got real bored something happened this week they got real sensitive
Starting point is 00:24:52 hey man open it up I think it happened it might be open it up cause now it's enough now we're bored again open it up cause they're like
Starting point is 00:24:58 reaching into the vault they're reaching into the racism vault oh yeah right they're really fine and shit like Jimmy Fallon. They got the Fallon. That's America's go-to.
Starting point is 00:25:07 The Londo Ray. I mean, the Joe Biden shit was hilarious. We got to talk about Joe Biden shit because it's mad funny to me. All right, we're going to take a break for a second, man. What we should have done is had a nice little group breakfast with the best fucking cereal on the planet. Okay? Magic spoon.
Starting point is 00:25:22 All right? I'm not playing any games out here. The days where the breakfast cereal was his trash sugary nonsense that made the kids go shoot up to school are done okay if you have children you have people you care about you have people that you love in your life and you're feeding them that other sugary bullshit get it out of here. Magic spoon. Simple as that. Let me read this to you. Zero sugar, 12 grams of protein, only three net grams of carbs in each serving. That's keto friendly. Keto friendly. It has literally the best flavors of all the best cereals. So all the flavors that
Starting point is 00:26:00 you liked, they have. The four, cocoa, fruity, fruity frosted blueberry not even a question tate's amazing gmo free soy free grain free gluten free keto free low carb it's not even a question this is how delicious it is this is how amazing it is if you don't like it, they're going to pay you your money back. You have nothing to lose here. It's the best. This is how confident they are. If you don't like it, they're paying you your money back., okay?
Starting point is 00:26:37 Slash flagrant. Make sure you use our promo code flagrant to check out. You get free shipping. And remember, if you don't like it, if it doesn't make you happy, there's a 100% it's not if it doesn't make you happy there's a hundred percent happiness guarantee if it doesn't make you happy 100 happy they're gonna refund your money 100 100 we got five boxes you like it i like it i love frost is my favorite that's my favorite you like you would i yeah that's magic slash flagrant use the promo code flagrant. You get the free shipping. I don't understand what you have to lose here. You either get great healthy cereal that tastes delicious that you love.
Starting point is 00:27:10 You could start your day with something healthy for free with free shipping. Or you get your money back. Choice is yours. We know which one you should choose. Now let's get back to the show. First of all, okay, so many things about this we're talking about joe biden breakfast club interview it was really just joe biden and charlamagne charlamagne was great and a phenomenal and charlamagne at the end of the video joe biden goes uh he goes listen if you're having
Starting point is 00:27:41 trouble deciding between trump or me before that charlamagne is saying we need to talk more because I want to know what you're going to do for our community before I decide who to vote for. So a lot of time left before November. So we got to have more talks. Right. And then Biden goes, listen, if you're having trouble deciding between Trump or me, then you ain't black. And he smiles. He's obviously joking around, et cetera. Black Twitter goes crazy.
Starting point is 00:28:04 The black vote ain't for free how dare you say this what what what does biden think we are you think we're completely loyal to this literally a month ago diddy got canceled for saying the exact same shit oh the opposite direction hold on go ahead so diddy literally goes yo the black vote ain't for free. And people are like, how could you vote Republican, Diddy? Who the fuck do you think you are? What are you thinking? Why would you vote for them?
Starting point is 00:28:33 Joe Biden just repeats the same thing that people say on black Twitter every single day. They criticize the fuck out of Kanye for voting Trump. They criticize the fuck out of anybody who ever said that they would consider voting Trump. And Biden just echoes those same sentiments. And all of a sudden, Black Twitter turned into like this rational swing state where it's like, well, I'm going to vote whoever does the best thing for me.
Starting point is 00:28:55 I don't know. It was too funny. Let them tweet that though. And then tweet them back. All right. But so are you going to consider voting Republican? They're immediately going to be like, fuck nah, man.
Starting point is 00:29:03 It was so funny. Shout out to Van. I love Van Lathan. I love Van. But Van goes, that was completely inappropriate. Some shit like this. He goes,
Starting point is 00:29:12 that was completely inappropriate with what Biden said was completely inappropriate, disrespectful. That being said, I'm still voting blue. It doesn't matter. It's like,
Starting point is 00:29:21 come on, bro. Y'all are Knicks fans. I hate when they add that line at the end. Because they don't want to look like sellouts. Everybody's afraid of looking like, we're all afraid of the mob. Yeah. But the real, it's just that one line that people had a problem with. Like, don't tell us you're not black if you don't vote for me.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Like, that's wild, son. Oh, 100%. Listen, listen. Everything else he said warranted. 100%. If he left that line out, he would have been like. He's going to do that all the time. I know.
Starting point is 00:29:48 It's going to be so good. It's going to be hilarious. Honestly, if I was him, I would not have apologized. If I was Biden, I'd be like, I stand by that 100%. If you don't think that I'm going to do more for black people than this guy, then you don't care about black people. Being black is not at the beginning of your identity. It is not a core value that you care about.
Starting point is 00:30:08 I would double down on that shit 100%. I'll tell you, you wouldn't have got elected. I mean, I'm going to be the nominee. Yeah, I don't understand. He's the nominee. No, I know. Are you going to vote for Trump? Is there anything Biden can say on that level level that's like you ain't black if you
Starting point is 00:30:25 don't do this it's not we we're between a rock and a hard place man we don't have anybody good we want to vote for we elected the hard place and the rock so like what you want to do you know i mean yeah these are people people voted for so here's the thing here's the thing i thought that the interview from charlotte was genius because I think he guaranteed a black vice president nominee. Guaranteed. Now they have to. It's got to be Kamala. If she turns it down, maybe it's someone else.
Starting point is 00:30:54 But there's no way it can be not a person. It was going to be Klobuchar or whatever her name is, I think. Oh, that's out. Apparently, I was very close before this. Done. Done. Because if they don't do it then black people confront like they're gonna vote for trump now i've been saying i'm brilliant idiots for maybe
Starting point is 00:31:11 the past five years and i've gotten tons of heat and eventually people start to like understand it but the conversations i've been having with charlamagne and the things that charlamagne's charlamagne is starting to say now have been echoing these sentiments, which is you cannot possibly get something from somebody, politically speaking, if they already feel like they have your vote guaranteed. All of your leverage is not guaranteeing your vote. If you notice, Obama doesn't co-sign any candidate until he knows who won the primary. Biden was his guy. Obama didn't say a peep until Biden wins the primary. He is the Democratic nominee. Now Obama's like, okay, I got you.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Right? It's like you need to make sure that you can play and position yourself with your leverage. If all black people are like, yo, we might fuck with Trump. What do you got for us? You got a bill. You got a strategy. Guaranteed right now, Trump and his team are working on a black strategy. Guaranteed. I mean, they've been doing that. strategy guaranteed right now trump and his team are working on a black strategy guaranteed i mean
Starting point is 00:32:05 they've been doing that no no but like a specific point of black strategy to put their foot on biden's fucking neck and that would actually crush it to be honest if they came out right now with a phenomenal black strategy that the black elites really believed in and thought could work i guarantee you could see a switch i guarantee it this is an unprecedented time i think what we really should take away from this is that we're gonna get a black vice president thanks to andrew that's what i think i think that's the point of this whole thing he does it enough you don't gotta do it for him so he did it he just did it i'm just saying i noticed and listen
Starting point is 00:32:48 yo can i tell you something let's say biden wins right yeah biden's probably gonna die yeah or at least become senile yeah okay he'll be removed first female female. Full. What? Full black. What? First full black president. Who's full black? If Biden's vice president dies. But Kamala's not full black.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Oh, it's going to be Kamala, you think? Yeah. So it's close enough. I shouldn't be talking about that shit ever. I ain't going for this bitch. Fuck out of here, bitch. Yo, apparently Kamala was getting stroked by famous dudes back in the day. Like, she's kind of cool. She was like fucking Montel Jordan. She was fucking a few by famous dudes back in the day. Like, she's kind of cool.
Starting point is 00:33:25 She was like fucking Montel Jordan. She was fucking a few other famous dudes. Let's go. Yeah, like, she's kind of cool with it. You know what I mean? She fucked her boss. You got my vote. She wanted that power spot.
Starting point is 00:33:35 You know, she'll kill Biden. I 100% buy that. What, you mean like from nagging? Maybe. Female vice president is a wild idea, what do you mean i don't got enough women talking to me telling me what to do bro fall the fuck back yo my god dude for a second i thought that's what the president's wife was i totally forgot in that little moment of time i totally forgot that pence was there and i was like wait ain't it always a female vice president
Starting point is 00:34:03 yo real talk that's what the vice president? Yo, real talk, that's what the vice president should be, just the wife. Oh, bro, yeah. Nah. And then you could divorce that bitch out of a vice president seat. Yeah. Every argument she brings up, bitch, you want to be a not, you want to be an ex-vice president real quick?
Starting point is 00:34:22 She'd probably still keep the White House though. He's got to move into a penthouse if he sees someone. He'd go to a hotel it is interesting we'll see what happens but i i look i love it you know me i'm gonna point out hypocrisy where i see it yeah but i love the fact that black people are starting to publicly recognize the power of their vote and are willing to leverage that into progress. Because that is what most tight-knit communities do. And they do it on a local level because usually they don't have the numbers
Starting point is 00:34:56 to influence a national election, right? But like the Chinese community in Chinatown, I'm sure will do whatever they can to like get, you know, congressmen or what is it called? State assemblymen or whatever hired in their area to serve their interests. Black people should do that shit just like everybody else. I 100% think every minority is perfectly. It's great when they support themselves and they are all about themselves and support their own businesses and all that.
Starting point is 00:35:19 And if black people realize they can swing an election like this might be the first step to being like oh we should just do everything and take over real talk real talk think about how much political leverage black people would have if you swung the election for trump think about how much political leverage black people have if they all decide to vote trump this election and trump wins by that percentage point and they fully were like listen we're just going to the highest bidder right well not to bring it back to that political bitter it's a different one you're selling yourself it's a little different it's a little different it's not so bad it's empowering that way so but like realistically think about that
Starting point is 00:36:12 like imagine do you know how right now like wisconsin and what are the other state ohio yeah they're like certain states the swing states in america have massive political leverage right and presidents will go visit and stump in these small states that really i don't want to say are insignificant but have far less significance economically yep than new york or california or texas or something like that right but presidents will go there and beg for their votes black people could potentially be that yep imagine that you would have every fucking president tap dancing all these old white guys tap dancing for you guys for your fucking votes especially if you knew you were swing if you knew black people would swing i think that's a problem they don't know that
Starting point is 00:36:57 we're willing to swing but right now who sponsors that because you're not i know that's true that's what i'm saying it is true but i saying- Y'all need to do it. They already tap dance for our vote. Say again? They already tap dance for our vote. But they don't, bro. For the primary. Yeah, come on.
Starting point is 00:37:11 In South Carolina, they were shucking and jiving. You had that guy dance at the fucking juvenile, back that ass up. You had Biden. He was like, his whole life was saved. Hey, maybe Biden is wrong. Maybe if you don't vote for Trump, you ain't black. Maybe that's the black move is voting for trump swing that election yo real talk bro yeah but the funniest thing that
Starting point is 00:37:30 people didn't missed in that interview um charla axum about like his black agenda and he's like yeah you haven't seen my black agenda the black manifesto and he called it the black manifesto the name of his black agenda rug it's called lift every voice and he called it the black manifesto and he called it the black manifesto the name of his black agenda rug it's called lift every voice and he called it the black manifestos like nobody caught that that's so i mean i don't think anybody knew what the fuck his black agenda was yeah and what was his black agenda and look here's the reality some vegas no black agenda is gonna be good enough because you don't want you want to know why is because who said the 40 acres and a mule thing back in the day? Shit. First of all, let's be honest.
Starting point is 00:38:10 Back in the day, that would have been massive. No, no, no. But let's be honest. I hear a lot of black people talking about, I want the 40 acres and a mule. Figuratively. Y'all don't know what to do with a mule. That's the mule. What can you do with a mule, yo? Y'all don't know what to do with a mule.
Starting point is 00:38:20 Mule. How about a Ford Pinto? How about that instead of a mule You're gonna make One oxtail You're gonna call You're gonna call Kamala Harris
Starting point is 00:38:32 Jamaican ass over Like yo How we cook up This mule You're gonna make One mule I had mule And then that shit
Starting point is 00:38:37 Gonna be done You give us all mule The next milk Every white person Is gonna be drinking Is mule milk We'll find a way Let's be honest We'll find a way let's be honest
Starting point is 00:38:45 we'll find a way so let's be honest 40 acres in a mule dog i mean one mule for 40 acres what yeah that's actually that was a raw deal back then how you gonna get one mule to go over 40 acres i don't even know how fast people were How fast did they think black people were? How good did they think black people were at farming? And they're like, nah, just get one mule. They will handle this shit. Oh, man. Each black person was going to get 40 acres and a mule. Yeah, I guess.
Starting point is 00:39:14 I don't know. That's an amazing deal, bro. Yeah, we still weigh in. But who said no to it? What happened? Was there like a paper sign? White people just didn't give it. Are you sure? Yes. Yes. That's why we're still waiting. I think't just didn't give it are you sure yes yes
Starting point is 00:39:27 that's why we're so i think this is how brilliant y'all are this is how brilliant white people are marketing wise is they promised that and never gave it and then if you do that to somebody else you're called an indian giver how the fuck is it not a white giver son where you think we learned it from and fucking indians bro now we talk you down up front say, we talk you down up front. Say what? We talk you down up front and then we pay what we promise. No, it's not you the Indian. You dumbass. You thought it was about y'all? You thought Indian given was you?
Starting point is 00:39:51 No, it's the feathers. Native American. What did they promise? We sold, we got Manhattan for the fucking beads and whatever soap. Five dollars and a fucking half a mule. Exactly, right? Half a mule. And then they were like, oh no, that's our land.
Starting point is 00:40:04 We buried our ancestors no we give a fuck yo that's another thing we gotta talk about they always love to talk about all this is an ancestral burial ground it's like back in the day you just bury someone where they died did you nah it was like a cemetery they didn't have no fucking cemetery like they would bury all the people in the same spot how do you know know that? Because there'll be mad bodies in the same spot. What do you mean? I think because you live there. What, you're going to take them down to the next town?
Starting point is 00:40:30 I don't think he's wrong. I'm not sure he's wrong. I just don't. We'd have to look up. No, no, no. But look, before we get the facts, let's just talk. Because we all like. Come on, let's have fun, right?
Starting point is 00:40:39 So like. You're right, you're right, you're right. So this is what I'm trying to say is like people act like there's some sort of ownership of land because you buried a motherfucker there. But like you just buried a dude where he died or close. Nah, it's not that. Yes, dude. Think about how many white people died and you buried your uncle, your cousin, your grandfather in the backyard.
Starting point is 00:40:56 And then you sold that land. Well, that's no longer his. Yeah, but it's not just one body. It'll be a bunch of bodies. I don't. Hey, dog. But cemeteries are some shit y'all do too we invented cemeteries and anybody building matter of fact in manhattan on wall street
Starting point is 00:41:09 yeah this is random plot of land that you can't build on because it's a white cemetery white people are buried there that's different i'm not talking about i'm not talking about where white people are buried bro that's where ghosts come from you don't want to fuck with them okay okay? Ain't no black ghosts out there, huh? Ain't no Indian ghosts. Bro, why they no Indian ghosts, bro? We burn the body. Get the fuck out.
Starting point is 00:41:33 Say again? We burn the bodies. We all cremated. Ain't nothing to hang around. I guess you're right. You can't burn the soul. Nah, man. We go to the next life.
Starting point is 00:41:42 We're chilling. But let's think about that. Because we got reincarnation. We got the next life. Oh, that's right. You're already on it. You on to the next shit. We're chilling. But let's think about that. Because we got reincarnation. We got the next life. Oh, that's right. You're already on it. You're on to the next shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:48 White people, we didn't think about that. No, you didn't. So that was- You had the foresight of the other Indians on that one. What was that? You really didn't think that shit through. What, the other Indians? Yeah, when they made that business deal.
Starting point is 00:41:57 They weren't thinking, bro. Oh, bro. And everybody look at their- I got to look more into these Native Americans. They needed some Jewish lawyers to look over that contract to be honest with you. Did they? Did they? So they helped a lot land deals and you ain't had no jewish lawyer come on other but here's the thing what's funny is somebody had this joke about this we're like they thought they were getting over on us yeah
Starting point is 00:42:18 so that makes them scumbags because they had no idea of ownership of land yeah right so they're like wait a minute these idiots are gonna give us some fucking beads and a necklace to have this land that nobody's allowed to own anyway haha stupid yeah so they thought they were ripping off us off so that's karma you got got dummy right on some level you can't feel bad because they thought they were ripping like both of us walked out of that deal like fucking idiots right yeah no you can't say i'm wrong on that one okay so then there's this thing about the burial ground you can't make a casino on this land because it's an ancient burial ground my point is as long as there were humans living in an area there's going to be someone buried there get over that shit yeah but white people do that shit too is my point but what are you talking about burial
Starting point is 00:43:08 grounds you don't we don't have the same rules we don't have the same rules bro is different honestly in all can i be completely honest with you yeah i think we should dig up all cemeteries i think it's a wild like it's wild i just bury shit and then just land it up dig it up it's fucking bones i'm not saying that we have to burn them all i don't know what happens but i think it is egregious it's a little while there's a lot of land being used for cemeteries for what i don't think they're keeping up with the amount of people dying something seems fishy because i don't keep cemeteries getting bigger they're not getting bigger the one queens yeah one of queens in the same size it's been the same number fucking plots but
Starting point is 00:43:47 i always see more funerals here's a better question i think they wait till all the family dies and they scoop that around you're like oh we got a new lot dog whoa think about it think about it i think they'd see how many people come visit and then if you don't come visit for a couple years bye 100 percent she's 100%. That shit is like cocoa. When you got forgotten, when you got forgotten. It's a wrap for you, dog. It's a wrap for you. Come on, don't bring that movie up, man.
Starting point is 00:44:10 Yo, son, I'll watch this shit again. It's the best movie of the millennium. Think about this. That shit is incredible. Think about this. That shit is sad. Have you ever seen a construction site at the, what is it called? The cemetery.
Starting point is 00:44:23 Okay, yeah. No. Like, think about this. Like, you see plots of land that are unused, and it says, like, a for sale sign. I ain't never seen no for sale sign at the funeral or at the cemetery. First of all, do you buy it from the people? Who owns the cemetery? So people own the land and decide to build a cemetery on it, I think.
Starting point is 00:44:39 What kind of morbid motherfuckers would do that? White ones. It can't be white guys. It can't be white. Wait It can't be white guys. Wait a minute. Do you pay rent for that spot for the rest of your life? No, you buy the plot. Pay once.
Starting point is 00:44:50 Buy the plot. So they got land. They're landlords. These dummies. You fucking dummy. If I was them. Wait a minute. Can I buy someone who's dead?
Starting point is 00:45:00 What the fuck? Where is this going? I'm just saying saying if I buy enough of the plots can I just build a house yo real talk yeah you could if I bought enough
Starting point is 00:45:14 plot if I'm like yo my whole family's gonna die like respect like let me get that shit right and then I buy enough
Starting point is 00:45:19 and then I could just put a little fence up so I don't gotta see none of these dead fucks yeah and I hear all that weeping. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:27 You know, when people go to the cemetery and they leave their little flowers and shit. Yeah. It's touching to see. But like if you're in heaven, right? Yeah. And you're looking down. Mm-hmm. Do you think you feel different when they go to the cemetery and they go to your stone?
Starting point is 00:45:46 Or if they're in the living room, like right before they watch the game, they're like, yo, I miss you. No, I think you feel different. Because they're going out their way to do it and shit like that. Y'all some ladies with this effort shit. Why everything about effort? Like, why is the effort doesn't matter when I go to work? Why is that not effort? We're always right.
Starting point is 00:46:02 What is this? I want you to write a card. What are you talking about? Write a card. Ain are you talking about write a card but there's effort yo why why why women can't why is it somebody's fighting i think it was some dreams that happened i didn't talk about this i didn't talk about i just appreciate if you went through the effort of dreaming of me shitting on you. Ladies, I just want to make sure that when I'm talking about ladies, I'm not talking about white women.
Starting point is 00:46:32 Y'all never wrong. But everybody else. Everybody else, we believe you white women. Don't worry about it. But everybody else, ladies, listen. So explain to me the effort shit, right? Because like for some reason, effort, like going to work is not effort. But like when you write a card, they're like, I just like the effort. Or like, oh, you went and got this specific thing or you made me a collage
Starting point is 00:46:56 or like you went and found like my favorite Pop-Tart. Like there's all these things, right? And I'm starting to believe it's not effort. It's just inconvenience. It's like that's what you equate love. It's like is it bothersome? Yeah. Is that love being bothersome?
Starting point is 00:47:14 Can I play devil's advocate and I mean devils? Devils? All right, go. Go. Go If your girl orders food for you Or cooks food for you Yeah Which one means more Whichever one tastes better The exact same
Starting point is 00:47:34 Real talk Whichever one tastes better The exact same Wow The exact Matter of fact I'm gonna get fucked up For even saying it
Starting point is 00:47:42 You want me to say it? No, no, no. Let me not say this exact same dog. If I'm being completely honest, I really, I love the fact that she cooks. Because my girl cooks all the time. Yeah. I love the fact that she cooks. It's great.
Starting point is 00:47:58 The food is there, et cetera. It's amazing. Sometimes she orders in. And she'll order in and she'll take it off the plate or take it out of the box and put it on the plate. Ms. Doubtfire style. Yep. That shit is lit.
Starting point is 00:48:10 What have you eaten out the box? Do you care? Honestly, I'm okay. You know what it is? It's like a struggle in America. It's that same hundred meter dash. If she cooks at home, Usain Bolt. You know, if she orders in Tim Montgomery, it's close i know tim montgomery is just another
Starting point is 00:48:28 right this is another thing you know i like it when she cooks but if she was like i'd rather just order and i'm totally cool with that i just like the fact that she puts what son devil ain't always wrong you know and what do we say believe all women damn right oh shit oh dude gotta believe him bro when they say it's the effort nah it's not the effort I like the you gotta believe them bro oh god
Starting point is 00:49:08 I almost I almost said the thought oh wow that's even more gay shit that's a thought that counts yo
Starting point is 00:49:21 yo I think I I think i get it now yo because if my girl made the dinner or she bought a super expensive dinner it's really the fact that there was dinner there when i got home yeah it's not that she paid for it right right that makes sense right and they would love a really nice card or like a thoughtful date where like you pay attention to a story she told you one time and then like there was that there you know and then so i see okay i'm starting to understand a little bit now. 36. I know. That's just a shame. I know. I ain't going to do it.
Starting point is 00:50:09 You're a real nigga, that's why. No, I ain't going to do it. I ain't going to do it. My dad didn't do it. There you go. What, put in effort? My dad, he was so thorough in his convictions, bro. I don't think he got my mom flowers
Starting point is 00:50:25 on Mother's Day one time. Wow. Oh, wow. No, really. That just wasn't his thing. Like, I think that just wasn't his thing. Yeah. But not that he didn't care,
Starting point is 00:50:37 but he was just like, what's that about? Like, I love you every single day. Like, what's the deal? Yeah, but when you talk about your mom, she also seems very practical as well so she doesn't she cares about that you're shorty on that man yeah i think you gotta get some flowers on mother's day b even if she's not a mother yeah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah now i'm fucking thinking about it
Starting point is 00:51:00 now i kind of understand it a little bit huh yeah do you do you care about that shit i i really think about it with just food but like with food that shit makes sense bro yeah like if you cook for me as opposed to getting me mcdonald's yo so mark told us the most fascinating thing before we started recording all right his girl throughout the entire year incredible takes notes on people when they're just talking about shit and like if they mention something that they want so then anytime their birthday or holiday comes around she can go to her notes and get all the thoughtful things that that person actually wanted uh-huh and she has notes about his family members so mark didn't even know what to get his own family she
Starting point is 00:51:44 goes to her notes and her phone. So Mark looks like the thoughtful guy who got... Isn't that fucking incredible? That's incredible, son. That's effort.
Starting point is 00:51:51 I mean, that's... Yeah, that's gonna make for some great presents. That he gets credit for. I guess what I'm trying to say is I think effort at work should also be calculated into the equation.
Starting point is 00:52:04 I do like the way I see you trying to fight being a better boyfriend. I appreciate that. But do you understand what I'm saying? Like effort is effort. 100%, yo. Women have a lot more effort to give because they're not working as much. Yeah. And I be thinking that all the time.
Starting point is 00:52:18 Like you want gifts. How about I work and you buy your own shit? How about that? That's not a gift? How he just let that slide. What did he say? Yo, slide. What'd he say? Yeah, wild. What'd he say?
Starting point is 00:52:28 I kind of heard that shit. It made a lot of sense. I'm still trying to make... No, I made actually... He said... If we're going off Andrew's point where there's like a total... Don't do that.
Starting point is 00:52:35 Don't do that. Why'd you dare fucking do that? You said it out. Say what you said. If there's a total amount of effort that exists... Shut up. Say it exactly how you said it.
Starting point is 00:52:43 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Say it exactly how you said it. I that's what i'm mad at this shit bro i feel uncomfortable on the inside bro i think i just like i don't feel right bro i feel like i just found out i'm a tranny or some shit god damn that shit feels real weird inside man bro i literally said i literally had to stop myself before i said effort and then tried to correct it and then stop myself before i said put some thought dude this is harsh man son if i get i'm so gay if i get gifts i literally tell her i it's a thought that counts dog y'all seen the six cents yeah this shit this is what it feels like bro i see women you know what
Starting point is 00:53:26 i mean like when you feel fuck dog i see him dog i really see women's feelings i see him dog i get it i know it's horrifying right it's horrifying bro also you know a problem with our career is that we have too much fun for it to be work they don't think it's work. They don't think it's work. You gotta train them to know it's work. Wait, what? Dude, man. Yo. You got to. You gotta really make them understand. And my homie said this.
Starting point is 00:53:51 Shouts to Oney Perez with his girl. They broke up, so maybe it was a bad idea. But literally every time she'd be like, oh, are you gonna go out for shows?
Starting point is 00:53:57 He'd be like, no, I'm gonna go out for work. And every time it became, oh, okay, he's going out for work. You gotta understand, just as we enjoy our job, doesn't mean we don't work hard at it.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Doesn't mean it's not hard. Doesn't mean we don't put everything into it. Not a shit bad easy, bro. Bro, this is so fun. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Your job sucks. And our job's stupid. We can have fun and dance all day if we want.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Ha ha ha Hey Hey Hey Cut that shit out Cut that shit Cut that whole shit Hey don't put that
Starting point is 00:54:34 It could be bad And it's It's gonna be another Designer bag Sitting on the side of the room Right there Couple weeks Oh shit Nah bro out of the room couple weeks oh shit
Starting point is 00:54:47 nah bro we had a great fucking system where we just buy the shit and that was worth it yep
Starting point is 00:54:55 cause the effort we put in but I think back in the day our jobs used to suck yeah we're in factories work in a factory
Starting point is 00:55:01 go to war you know what I'm saying that was effort go to war bro not sit in a factory. Go to war. You know what I'm saying? That was effort. Not sit in a fucking lounge chair and talk about white bitches complaining. What'd you do at work today, babe? What was your tough... How much... You know what's crazier?
Starting point is 00:55:17 What do you do at work? So much of my job is just complaining about her. What'd you do at work today and we smoked some maybe weed we might smoke some maybe it was we maybe it wasn't that's what we did at work today jealous you fucking jealous uh no but that shit is work That's why we can't be as good of boyfriends. Is that it? How am I? We busy, yo. What? Busy.
Starting point is 00:55:48 You travel before. Oh, my God. You travel before Corona every weekend. Every weekend. Every weekend I was on the road, bro. I had to go to fucking Hawaii, hang out on the beach. You know what I'm saying? That was crazy out there, bro.
Starting point is 00:56:02 You could bring her back a souvenir. Dog, I even had to go on stage for a whole hour and be showered with love, dog. How the fuck could I do that, bro? Hey, real talk, it's hard to be a good boyfriend when you get showered with love everywhere else. Yo, facts. I mean, like, I'm full. Yo, we be lying to our girls about the effort, man, and the work. I really do say that shit to my girl out there.
Starting point is 00:56:24 I'm working 60 hours a week i'm mostly eating granola bars i'm mostly eating granola bars in that room right like that's more the majority of those 60 hours is granola bars bro oh bro nah man do you ever pretend now we anesthesiologists out here say what we like anesthesiologist what does that mean somebody said back when i was gonna pretend i I was going to be a doctor, talking about anesthesia, it's five minutes of sheer, everybody said it's the easiest job.
Starting point is 00:56:49 He's like, it's five minutes of extreme pressure and terror, and the rest of the time you're chilling. Every surgery though, those five minutes, you could kill somebody. Right.
Starting point is 00:56:56 It's mad high stakes. That's what we are, you're saying? Yeah, we're like that, but clowns. Mad high stakes, short periods of time.
Starting point is 00:57:03 A lot of pressure. Right, but also we're like that with no stakes. Yeah, like're at high stakes short periods of time. A lot of pressure. Right. But also, we're like that with no stakes. Yeah, like, we're at high stakes.
Starting point is 00:57:11 So, we're just not like, we're like toll booth operators, son. That's really what we are. We're just sitting here all day. Nah,
Starting point is 00:57:19 bro, honestly, no, we're nothing like them. We got better hours. That's fact. What were you saying? And we're inside.
Starting point is 00:57:26 But you ever come home and pretend to be super stressed out and really exhausted? Just to give the illusion? No, I get stressed, and now I'm starting to wonder why. Because we're putting it on ourselves. Now life is good, yo. Life is good. We out here complaining. So you're going to start giving effort now?
Starting point is 00:57:45 No. I'm not saying I'm going to start giving effort now? No. I'm not saying I'm going to start giving effort, but. You fucked up your excuse to not give effort. I fucked up my excuse, dude. I did not realize. I did not realize that I value the effort, but I'm very grateful. I show my gratitude. I do show my gratitude, bro.
Starting point is 00:58:06 I do. I do. I come home. I give her a big kiss and I grab her butt cheeks and I open them and close them real quick. Just go like that. And then we have a nice dinner, man. And I'm very grateful. And I say thank you all the time.
Starting point is 00:58:26 That's a good point. Sounds like an even trade. What does effort look like for a guy? For girls, it's really easy to do effort. Yeah. But what could a guy do that's effort? I think it's making money. Yeah, also remembering her stories.
Starting point is 00:58:39 That shit is hard as fuck. What? Remembering her stories. Thinking about her story and bringing that up in a dinner. You remember them shit? That's a fucking miracle, dog. Yeah, it's a miracle. That's not effort.
Starting point is 00:58:52 That's like saying lifting a car is effort. When she said, do you remember what I told you about? Every time I'm like, there's no fucking chance. How would I remember? And then when I do, I'm just like, oh, thank God. Oh, we're good. I'm good for another year off of this one. Son, I feel very uncomfortable, bro.
Starting point is 00:59:12 My whole world got flipped, turned upside down. I'd like to take a minute. Sit right there. Sit right there. Dude, man, this is crazy. I get it now yeah man but i don't want to change my ways you don't gotta i don't gotta no but you also fucked up letting everybody know how easy our job is that was stupid oh boy it was worth it fuck you have five minutes of content i'm not gonna i'm not
Starting point is 00:59:48 gonna sit here and say we got a hard job though bro them motherfuckers got hard jobs yeah yeah we're american struggling that that's a fair point say again we're doing the thing where we're complaining about a great life like america's yeah like we just get to kick it all day we're like firemen you know oh man no um i don't know man i don't even know where to go from here what else can we talk about like i'm like i'm honestly shell-shocked from that realization our girls told us our jobs weren't hard should have believed all women we should have fucking believed all women dog dog. It isn't hard. You know what it is? It's not hard.
Starting point is 01:00:30 How do I say this? You know how people are like, oh my God, like doing stand-up, that's the craziest thing. I would never want to do that. Yeah. Right? That's the hardest thing in the world. Like every person you'll ever meet that doesn't do stand-up tells you that your job is the hardest thing in the world. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:42 I would sit down with Elon Musk. I guarantee Elon Musk would be like, I could never do stand-up. That's the craziest thing in the world yeah i would sit down with elon musk i guarantee elon musk would be like i could never do stand up that's the craziest thing in the world yeah i guarantee i don't know if it's the hardest thing but i think the fear factor is so great for people that they assume it's that hard and i think you have to calculate the fuel factor. It's almost like rock climbing, it can't be that hard because white guys do it good. That's true. You know, athletically, you know what I'm saying? It can't be that hard.
Starting point is 01:01:16 You know that's the only sports white people thrive in is when black people are scared to do? We either price you out or we extreme you out. Yeah. That's how it works. Pricing out is a good one too. Price you out, extreme you out. Hockey That's how it works. Pricing out is a good one too. Price you out, extreme you out. Hockey, lacrosse.
Starting point is 01:01:27 Anything with a horse. Right? Anything with a horse. Or a mule. Or a mule dog. Dude, for real. So it's like, yeah, I just can't. It's like his anesthesiologist analogy.
Starting point is 01:01:45 It's high stakes when you're on stage. Embalming is miserable. Embalming is hard. That's the thing everybody's afraid of. It's a blow it off. Yeah, they're afraid of that public humiliation. And yeah, so there's a fear factor that's been attached to it that we're willing to put up with.
Starting point is 01:02:01 And anesthesiologists, they're afraid they can kill every person. But really, it's just doing a math problem that they've been trained to do and they've done it multiple times. But is that on the anesthesiologist? Like, if the person dies, that's not on them. You're just giving them the same anesthesia. That's one thing I could get fucked up. They just checked exactly how much
Starting point is 01:02:18 you gave them. Was it the correct procedure and all that type of shit? So it's like, if you fuck up one mathematical equation and kill somebody, and then they see that, hey, you fucked up, then that's on you. Yeah, if you make a mistake, it's like if you fuck up one mathematical equation and kill somebody and then they see that, hey, you fucked up, then that's on you. Yeah, if you make a mistake, it's a very high stakes mistake.
Starting point is 01:02:29 Yeah. Then they could sue. Yeah. And then you have to pay a lot. But it's the same anesthesia, right? I mean, yeah. No, there's different types. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:02:38 Yeah. Huh. You thought it was just one drug? It's just anesthesia drug. I'm going to be honest. I thought it was called anesthesia. It's called anesthesia drug i'll be honest i thought it was called anesthesia yeah yeah okay that's not the name of the drug no different type what's the name of the drug like it's different types it's like propovol that's the one that mj died son i
Starting point is 01:02:54 was on that shit for 10 minutes bro oh you were son it was the best in the world really the best i've ever felt in my life i was so happy that's how motherfuckers get hooked on that shit it was the best imagine if you start chasing that like MJ would wow the only reason I'm not addicted
Starting point is 01:03:11 is because I know it killed MJ otherwise I'd be like let's keep doing this yo that's the thing you know happiness is just a fucking push button away
Starting point is 01:03:18 oh god yikes oh god this is taking a turn for the worse I'm really going through this is a rough episode for me emotionally man i was not ready for it all right let's take a break for a second pay some bills guys uh father's day is around the corner ladies father's day is around the corner
Starting point is 01:03:36 um this is a gift for not only your father but your mother as well okay your dad probably has one of these disgusting huge bushes that your mom's and probably have to move that hair out of the way to suck on his your dad's dick okay that's what probably had to happen to suck on your dad's dick she's had to move this bush right out of the way for years for decades actually okay you owe it to your mother and you owe it to your father maybe your dad's single maybe he's out there on tinder maybe he's out there on grinder we don't know what your dad's maybe he's not getting as much head as he should because he doesn't know that in current days you
Starting point is 01:04:12 got a groom down you got a groom down there you got to make it look good you got to make it look big you got to make it look thick okay tuck that thing in we want that little fro down there scotty pips you want to turn that dick to scotty pips instead of that shit looking like a used up brillo pad yeah you should look like ben wallace okay you need to go scott you need to go from ben wallace to scotty pips okay oh man west ass pubes that's right is going to be what takes you there it is the best in men's grooming okay they got the the lawnmower 3.0 now i mean there's so many different versions but the perfect package 3.0. They got the Lawn Mower 3.0. Now, I mean, there's so many different versions, but the Perfect Package 3.0 Manscaped is the number one recommended gift all year long. Okay. Comes with the Lawn Mower 3.0 waterproof cordless body trimmer and a ton of other liquid
Starting point is 01:04:57 formulations to round out your manscaping routine. This is the third generation trimmer that they have. Okay. Cut cutting edge ceramic blade to prevent manscaping accidents on any part of the body chest hair back hair you gotta look no further guys i'm telling you you could use it for all these other parts of the body but let's be honest we know what you're using it for okay you trim down them pubes you're getting that thing in performance shape you want that dick looking like an f1 car down there, and you can do it with Manscaped. You deserve to bust out of this quarantine because we're about to go out there in the world, and you know these ladies are going to be horny, okay? You know all those Tinder dates you got
Starting point is 01:05:33 lined up. You know those Hinge dates you got lined up. You know everything that you got lined up is about to be ready to go, so make sure you're ready to go. Get your body in shape. And by doing that, you trim up them balls. Get it looking good. Okay? All you got to do is use the code flagrant2. Flagrant2, you get 20% off and free shipping. Flagrant2., 20% off and free shipping. Go there right now. Let's get back to the show. Let's talk about Khloe Kardashian's new face. Yo, you seen this bitch? I don't know why we're surprised at Kardashian surgery. Does anybody understand why this is news every single time?
Starting point is 01:06:14 They get surgery. They get carved up. That's what they do. Why is this news? It's just shocking at first. It's like Facebook updates. Remember way back in the day when Facebook would change everything and you'd be like, what the fuck is this?
Starting point is 01:06:24 And then you get used to it and like that. And then when it changed the next time, and you'd be like what the fuck is this and then you get used to it and like that and then when it changed the next time like what the fuck is this the new operating system that's kardashian faces yeah yeah you hate it initially but then you're like no that was the right thing to do yeah and it was like she looks like denise richards yeah a little bit a little bit i mean she looks undeniably better. Like, this is a thing we have to talk about with plastic surgery with women, right? They have the ability, especially these girls, right? I mean, like, their job is to be attractive and have a cool lifestyle for a living. It didn't start that way. Her job was to be the funny fat friend.
Starting point is 01:07:00 Was to be the funny fat friend, right? And then, but reality is a lot of like women that don't have like a skill in entertainment their job is to have a cool lifestyle and be attractive yeah right and the cooler the lifestyle and the more attractive the more followers they get and then the more money they make right because they'll get different sponsorship opportunities they want to be brand ambassadors for these other companies etc so it completely behooves them to invest in how they look. If that means carving up their fucking face, it actually makes sense. Matter of fact, any girl who wants to be in entertainment that doesn't carve up their face is kind of a fucking
Starting point is 01:07:36 idiot. It's like a basketball player that doesn't exercise. It's like, hey, you could jog more and then have your legs in the fourth quarter and then be able to score more points and then you could potentially win or you could not. And choosing not to to be natural, it's almost like you're a fucking idiot. In their field, like if you're going to be a cyclist, you got to use EPO. If you're going to be a cyclist, you got to dope. You cannot win without doping.
Starting point is 01:08:02 Even now, they try to clean up the sport you gotta dope that's the name of the game if you're a weightlifter you gotta use steroids everybody uses it paying college players if you want to if you want to be a successful college basketball team nine out of ten coaches pay players and the others in last place that's the same that's perfectly right so it's like of course they're gonna do it and to be honest think about how quick it is for a girl. You get a surgery on your face. You get new tits. You get new ass. You're spending such a small amount of money to increase your value in your world. Imagine you or I could spend $5,000 to be 10 times funnier.
Starting point is 01:08:45 Yeah. 10 X funny. You think men wouldn't invest in that? You out of your fucking mind? Yeah. It's valid. 10 X funny? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:57 I do think it looks a little weird. Like the amount of her face that's missing is crazy. Like look how much of her face is just gone. She took out all the OJ from her face. Oh yeah. that's missing is crazy. Like, look how much of her face is just gone. She took out all the OJ from her face. Oh, yeah. But realistically, that was the part that should have gone.
Starting point is 01:09:11 She finally looks like Caitlyn's daughter. Yeah, she definitely looks more like a Kardashian. You think they went to the same surgeon? What, OJ and... No, Caitlyn and...
Starting point is 01:09:20 Caitlyn and Khloe. Oh, yeah. I think they just got one for the fam. I mean, that the teeth everything is done but she looks undeniably better you can't deny it yeah it still looks weird like so good you see a bitch that looks like so fake that it's weird so here's the thing i'm with my line is much better than ugly
Starting point is 01:09:48 it's not is weird better than hot because they weren't hot is weird better than ugly and a lot of times these girls morph their face so they become weird, but the weird is actually more attractive than they were. So they'll take the looks because at least they're getting looks. I think the issue with that, though, is that you're neglecting that there's no negative side effects from plastic surgery.
Starting point is 01:10:17 There are none. You age weird or it costs money and you have to keep touching it up over time. They all age weird. like it costs money you have to like keep touching it up over time nerve loss or like you get like paralysis like al's last two sentences were very funny you're a neglecting negative side effect there are none no i mean what you're saying what you're saying might be true but like let's be honest like i don't think a kardashian is gonna get her face paralyzed like probably not and in terms of like aging weird they're gonna do this as they get women just
Starting point is 01:10:49 get plastic surgery as they get old now this is the new normal like if you have the enough money to afford it you get it i don't think there's one woman that is aging naturally that is under 60 years old now can we name one who's just like fuck it I'm gonna age national Meryl Streep you're talking about actual going under cutting up face or you're talking
Starting point is 01:11:09 about like Botox Botox included but isn't that crazy how we like separate that like how crazy is that that right now we're going
Starting point is 01:11:15 wow it's just Botox there was a time where you got Botox and it was like that was a big thing right you're injecting a fucking poison
Starting point is 01:11:23 into your face that freezes your skin. And now it's like, oh, yeah, it's just Botox. Dude, there are guys that do Botox. We know one of the guys. We went down to, fuck. Arizona. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:11:33 I just texted him the other day. The Arizona guy? Yeah, the Arizona guy. Oh, yeah. Oh, my God. My bad. I know you're listening. I forgot your name.
Starting point is 01:11:39 My bad. But Tyler? And basically, he was doing Botox for dudes. Dudeox for dudes dude i don't think you need to remember that guy's name so again i think he's happy you don't remember yeah i know maybe i should shout no but his business is flourishing because of it but that in that crate like that's just normal like all of our girlfriends right now are gonna expect to get talks 100 you could act like your girl's not i would put a hundred thousand dollars on the fact that she's gonna get it i'm not taking that bet to me the line is like invasiveness i guess like if it's you're fucking cutting things and i was botox makes me a little
Starting point is 01:12:18 uncomfortable because it's an injection but it's different when a surgery yo so here's the thing the better the surgery gets the less invasive it gets. Remember back in the day, the nose job was you chop away at the nose and hack away and all this shit. Now they got this thing where they just squeeze. Excuse me. They put filler. I don't know if it's the same filler that they put in your cheeks and that kind of stuff. But they put filler and they can reshape your nose with filler.
Starting point is 01:12:43 Wow. So let's say you have like a round nose. They actually fill in the top part so it looks like it's just going straight down. So all this shit is getting way better. Obviously, initially when plastic surgery started, I assume it started probably after one of the wars. This is my assumption.
Starting point is 01:13:02 It probably happened after one. You have all these people that were like super maimed from things that happened in war and they're like trying to carve you back to life. That's what I'm assuming. And this is my assumption. It probably happened after one. You have all these people that were like super maimed from things that happened in war and they're like trying to carve you back to life. That's what I'm assuming. And then eventually people are like, oh, that kind of works. Let me do that on this.
Starting point is 01:13:13 It's going to evolve and it's going to get so good that the procedure is going to be so minor. You're like, why would I not get that? You know what's going to end up? So we talk about like with genetic testing or whatever genetic modification, you can make like a super baby
Starting point is 01:13:24 and we're all just gonna have these babies that have the perfect genes yeah we're just gonna be able to do that retroactively with surgery it seems like yeah
Starting point is 01:13:30 like we yeah you're already born and that technology doesn't exist to do it before but well you get surgery look however you wanna look yeah
Starting point is 01:13:37 and should you should you maximize your life yeah and it's also in a sense so it's gonna be like well then what we're all just gonna end up looking great and looking the same and then what's and then it's like level
Starting point is 01:13:48 shit out we'll find somebody you know some other way to create a hierarchy but it is interesting that you got all these naturally pretty bitches like fucking alicia keys going well let's be natural it's like bitch you look good natural yeah not everybody looks good natural not everybody looks good without makeup yeah you know what i mean it's like it's like lebron literally going you know guys we should just you know stop lifting weights or zion going oh why are we doing this shit why are we putting so much effort into our bodies it's like yeah you won the fucking lottery you're it's no different than like white people saying hey just obey the law it's like white people you get to yell at the cops as a white guy nobody's gonna kill you when
Starting point is 01:14:22 you yell at the cops not everybody else gets to Nobody's going to kill you when you yell at the cops. Not everybody else gets to do that shit. That one I can't argue with. Weightlifting and shit, though, to Mark's point, there's positive side effects only to weightlifting. Now, when guys start using steroids and there's negative side effects with it, then we start looking at it like, bro, I don't know if you should do that. No, you can still get hurt if you weightlift the wrong way. But generally speaking, it's much better for you to weightlift than not weightlift. Like, if two people are living their lives, you would say, hey man, lift weights.
Starting point is 01:14:46 True. You're not going to say two people living their lives. It's much healthier for you to get plastic surgery. Like just for your body and your soul and your mind and all that shit. All I'm saying is when hot chicks preach this natural shit, they're doing it because it benefits them.
Starting point is 01:15:02 They're like, yeah, I'm the hottest of the hot. So let's maintain this hierarchy so I don't have to do anymore. Right. But if They're like, yeah, I'm the hottest of the hot, so let's maintain this hierarchy so I don't have to do anymore. But if you're an ugly chick, you're like, nah, fucking, I'm coming for you, bitch. Why should I live my life like this?
Starting point is 01:15:14 I wonder how she feels when she looks in the mirror now. She has a completely different face. That looks like two separate people. That's where plastic surgery is also scary to me. It's like something you grew up with your entire life.
Starting point is 01:15:23 Now you look in the mirror and you see a different person looking back at you. That must be beef. And I think that's where it goes. Here's where it is, though. Here's where plastic surgery is also scary. It's like something you grew up with your entire life. Now you look in the mirror and you see a different person looking back at you. That must be beef. And I think that's where it goes. Here's where it is though. Here's where it is. I think that women are so accustomed to how they look on Instagram and on Snapchat with the filters that their mind has started to morph to believe that's what they look like.
Starting point is 01:15:44 I truly believe that the perception of self, I'm being 100% serious. No, it's possible. But in my mind, logically, it's like you look in a mirror way more than you look at yourself on your phone. You would think. Nope. Their mirror is the phone. Their mirror is the phone. They only look at the phone.
Starting point is 01:16:02 Their mirror is the phone. In their fucking, what is it fucking uh but you've got to go through the process on your initial instagram of adding the filters right they're not so the first thing you look at is you and then you say okay i make myself look like this i make myself look like this as long as you know the filters are on already like snapchat snapchat starts the filters on it while you're looking at the phone and also think about this way so i'd be looking cute as fucking my god think about and honestly that's why i think people use tiktok because i think tiktok morphs your face i had some video that showed it but i think tiktok actually morphs your face to
Starting point is 01:16:33 make you look better looking so of course you're going to spend more time on this app that makes you look better than you do that's a hot take if people don't know about that shit i have a video of a girl showing it. She caught the app. She kind of exposed the app in a weird way, but nobody's going to care. But that's genius. Of course, it's brilliant. Make everybody better looking.
Starting point is 01:16:53 So now you're looking at better looking people. What, you have some facts? No, it's like, this is a similar thing that happened with dressing rooms, where all of a sudden they started putting way nicer mirrors. They put slimming mirrors,
Starting point is 01:17:03 the best lighting. Son, you ever go to a grocery store and fruit look mad good yeah that's a good point they got the light and the water on the fruit oh the water boy the water's on the fruit dry as fuck asbestos all over the place asbestos i don't know you're building inspector yo maybe i should point is is why wouldn't you want to look at the better looking thing and now it's an option you're gonna look here's where i think plastic surgery ends up a lot of times though because a lot of well you can say she looks better but a lot of people they get a little bit of plastic surgery and you're like oh yeah they look better and then
Starting point is 01:17:37 they keep getting it and getting it and then you're like what the fuck am i looking at at a certain point because if you can just constantly change things you don't like about yourself you're gonna say oh i'll change this thing and then be like all right change that i don't like this i'm still not happy let me change this it's like one thing at a time it's tattoos like tattoos are cool initially and then the people that keep on getting the tattoos you're like yo like and with most people there's a tipping point where it's like ah this is what the fuck am i looking at i would say say the Kardashians, that's one thing. They do a good job of stopping at their limit and shit
Starting point is 01:18:08 because Kylie got hot and just stayed it. I don't see her keep tweaking unless she's tweaking to just maintain the hot. She does a great job of it. Kim, I know, has gotten mad surgeries, but she still looks good. She doesn't look over surgery done. I understand what Al's saying and I can agree with Al it's like I think they
Starting point is 01:18:27 look as if they've had work done but they don't look as exaggerated as some of these Hollywood types that like have turned into I feel like Kim is looking like that and I also think Kylie's young it also starts as you age and you get more and more work done
Starting point is 01:18:42 Kylie's not going to be content when she ages. She's not going to age like that. As she ages, she's going to get more and more work done. When is she 20 right now? Right. Of course the bitch is going to be great and stop. I'm just saying, why would you not, bro? It makes no sense.
Starting point is 01:18:54 But there's a tipping point where it's like, what the fuck is this? What am I looking at? All you have to make sure is at that point, you're better looking than you would be if you age naturally. And I think there's a point where it's not. Sometimes. You're just stuck with it. Sometimes. Typically.
Starting point is 01:19:09 I think back in the day, it used to be that way, but I think now it's way different. I think you're looking at way different surgery now. So it's like a Jennifer Aniston who's probably had work for the last 20 years. Yeah. She's still looking good, bro, for 50 years old or something like that. J-Lo out here, 50, looking amazing. J-Lo is great jennifer anderson i'm like just just get old yeah but here's the thing you don't think j-lo's had work done
Starting point is 01:19:30 j-lo i'm saying j-lo's work that's the new work great that's the new work when you don't look like you had work that is and and when you're going to the best doctors that are only doing the minimal stuff to maintain what you have it's going to continue to look natural and it's only going to get better from here by the time we're that age you realize how fucking amazing this shit is going to be and i guarantee you guys are going to do they're going to as they're going within the next five years guys are doing botox every guy will do botox within the next five years as they get older they're already doing now but it's like under the under wraps not it's not even a question it's not even a question. It's not even a question.
Starting point is 01:20:06 So... Not even a question. I thought you were going to fight me on that. No, no, no. It's not even a question. Every guy will get it within five years.
Starting point is 01:20:13 He was debating not getting it when we were in Arizona. But you said you like the character. I like age on my face because I think it shows character.
Starting point is 01:20:22 I like laugh lines because I've laughed and I want to enjoy laughing. That being said, if it looked like I've been giggling too much, I can't be coming home. My girl's like, I've been putting in effort today. She's like, I can see on your face.
Starting point is 01:20:37 You know what I mean? I don't know, bro. I think it's just personal preference. I'm more leaning how Akash is. I don't really like it. It's appealing to look at on Instagram, but when I see him in person, I don't really like the girl that got the fake stuff.
Starting point is 01:20:53 That's the other tricky thing. It doesn't hold up in person. My only image of Khloe Kardashian is what her family and press and PR team puts out to me. You know what I mean? The only images I've seen of her face is mad Photoshop. Who has no wrinkles on their forehead? to me you know what i mean like the only images i've seen of her face is like mad photoshop like who has no wrinkles on their forehead yeah you know i mean like it's all super photoshopped and like produced yeah so it's tough to know what's actually real yeah 100 yeah it makes me like uncomfortable to look at like yo that's a lot like look how much
Starting point is 01:21:19 her face they just took off the surgery might be good but it also might just be like photo tricks and shit it's tough it's definitely photo tricks and all that kind of shit. It's just a different, we got to look at it different, man. It's like, this is their business. Their business is looking beautiful. Yeah. And they're going to do whatever they can to have a competitive advantage in that. And most women, and this could be unfortunate, but most women, a significant percentage of
Starting point is 01:21:42 their value as a young single woman is tied into their looks. Right? It will give them advantages, not only in terms of meeting a guy. Fuck a guy. In terms of getting a job. And if you're a female salesperson and you're hot, guys will buy anything from you. Son, all these medical sales chicks, all smoke shows coming in. Even like the beer and liquor distributors
Starting point is 01:22:05 back when I used to manage restaurants there would always be some hot chick in a fucking short skirt medical sales is actually the fucking move if you're a woman
Starting point is 01:22:12 who's hot because you're gonna make a lot of sales because you're hot and you could potentially get you a doctor because you're hot you're meeting them
Starting point is 01:22:18 so you're hot you're in their face you're selling them shit it is a huge competitive advantage being attractive you want to get a job at a restaurant it's like being a respectable groupie an ugly chick right it's hard dog you're not going to be the maitre d do you think you're going to meet a maitre d yeah no right you're not going to be the maitre d you're not going to be you might not even be a
Starting point is 01:22:38 fucking waitress dude it's i do not blame girls to do it that's all i'm saying i i empathize with them like it's easy to just go look at these girls are so fake it's like yeah well we've created a society where they fucking have to be in order to function in front of it it's kind of shitty i am yeah i think they push that society forward also is is the thing like yeah but they're only gonna do what we reward it's just like us it's like we're out here in fucking skinny jeans with rips in them and all that kind of shit because that's what these girls are rewarded right we wouldn't dress like that unless they reward it we saw some we saw a girl that we thought was hot fuck a guy that wore some stupid shit and then we're like all right i guess i gotta wear that to fuck those girls i'm i'm building
Starting point is 01:23:17 this argument as i make it so maybe it sucks isn't there a line with us though like when when comedy central rest in peace was giving specials to everybody who was like super oppressed or trans or like this thing or that thing. We were just like, I'm not doing that. There was a line for us where society is rewarding this type of behavior. I'm not talking about society.
Starting point is 01:23:37 I'm talking about getting pussy. Those are different things. Well, with the Kardashians, it's not about getting dick. It's about advancing in society. I'm talking about what we wear as men though yeah but if you're comparing it to the kardashians what i'm saying is for that you're saying the kardashians do this because society rewards it not because they get better dick i'm saying well i think they do get better dick they're able to like hook up with these celebrities and that kind of stuff like that and these athletes etc that
Starting point is 01:24:03 pushes forward their their their brand which is built on, oh, they're hot girls, et cetera. So if the idea is society rewards this behavior, that's why they do it. For men, there's usually a line, I think, with most men, where society rewards stuff to a certain degree, but it's like, yeah, we're not doing all that. We got our line. Yeah. I think everybody has a line, but I think your line moves with society so as society rewards certain things you're willing to do stuff that you probably made fun of it's like we're all dressing in the exact same way and to your point their husband is the guy that's doing everything he's them right pushing things forward but think about like we're all dressing in a way that we
Starting point is 01:24:37 probably used to make fun of somebody 100 the dress like that so like look at our morals so they're fucking malleable as hell yeah like we used to clap i wear a goddamn purse oh yeah that thing the over the shoulder bag shit that my girl got me it's a fucking purse i would clown someone a month ago for that shit yeah you know so it's like clearly shit is malleable clearly it's not etched in stone and whatever becomes the acceptable form of dress whatever becomes the acceptable form of attire we're eventually going to gravitate towards it and depending on how you know um strict we are with our morals we'll like dip our toe in the water or just fucking dive in yeah dip a toe what are you smiling about nothing what nothing nothing i don't have to talk about on the plot why dip a toe in oh okay dip a toe in that's what i say dip a toe in so you know you can get out it's like a good segue but i mean oh
Starting point is 01:25:33 what is his nail polish you wore mark's pinky nail i thought you slammed your fucking pinky in a door or something like that i didn't know you painted i was just saying like that's how far we're willing to go like malleable because we would make fun of somebody who had their nails painted. A boy had his nails painted. I'm making fun of Mark. Yeah. I mean now it's becoming a thing. So now people do it and it's like bro when I was in college I painted my fucking nails.
Starting point is 01:25:59 100%. But the only reason I did it is because I would be at a bar and some girl would be like why'd you paint your nails? Gotcha bitch. You know what I'm saying? That simple. So, of course, I'm doing it because I think it's going to get me some pussy. I'm telling you, man, we will do whatever is rewarded by the opposite sex. And you cannot deny that more people are going to like her pictures because of the surgery she got.
Starting point is 01:26:21 Yeah, I get it. I just, again, I say dip a toe in the water so you know you can hop out. It's an easy path. You jumping that motherfucker you in it's easy advice no no but i hear you i'm saying it's easy advice to give that's the right advice to give but would you do it in that situation like you've always told me you're like i'm ready to sell out they want to give me the shit i'll sell out they sell it out yeah i say that as a joke more so i think because when i see this kind of shit man shut the fuck up you mister i'm ready to sell out yeah i say that so in case i do sell out you can't be like what a liar you know what i mean but i think about that shit all the time that means you're willing to do it
Starting point is 01:26:58 it's my price is i feel like their price you're good you've got whatever you need like and i guess it's all relative but at a certain point when i'm looking at half your face gone and it's like a doll like like a blow-up doll i'm i don't want to go that far again yeah we can we can move on again we're not describing whether she's gone too far not far that has nothing to do we're describing why she's in this situation i get no i get and why we're all in this situation to a certain extent yeah you know it is interesting it's like we should really never clown anything ever anybody wears ever because we are a few years away from wearing ourselves yep yeah and if you don't conform you look even more goofy yeah we're clowning michael jordan the greatest athlete in the history
Starting point is 01:27:45 for wearing baggy pants. Yep. Tim Duncan. Tim Duncan, one of the greatest basketball players in the history for wearing baggy pants.
Starting point is 01:27:53 Who's more comfortable? You got your fucking kneecaps exploding out of your jeans right now. Looking cute. They are more comfortable than us. When we go home,
Starting point is 01:28:01 do we put on our tightest pair of jeans or what do we put on? Sweats. Baggy fucking pants! And here we are, criticizing motherfuckers who dress every day like we do when we want to be comfy. Who's the fucking idiots?
Starting point is 01:28:17 I respect the guys who are just like I wear what's comfortable. I know millionaires who wear sweatpants all the time. Just out and about. Never going to fuck about being fashionable. Those are the winners. They win. They win.
Starting point is 01:28:28 We're not all them. Fuck. All right. Let's move on. Do we want to talk about this Doja Cat situation? I don't even understand what a Doja Cat is. I don't even fully understand it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:37 I don't even. I don't know what's going on. I thought it was Amanda Seals. I had no fucking clue. I had no clue what's happening. You want to make a quick run now? Yeah. Can you just bring it down?
Starting point is 01:28:44 All right. So Doja Cat, she's some singer. She's trending because- She's a rapper, ain't she? Singer, rapper, you know how they mix it up nowadays. So she was trending because she was on some video chat site talking to racists and laughing at the racist jokes. She talked about not wanting to be black,
Starting point is 01:28:59 but at least she's thick. And she had a song with Din Do Nothing, and Din Do is like a- Called Didn't Do Nothin'. Called Didn't Do Nothin'. So apparently she talked about how she used to go into these incel chat rooms, and she's still active in one of them, like white racist dudes who nobody wants to fuck. And they'll say all these hateful things,
Starting point is 01:29:16 and she's like, I don't know why I'm so active in it, but I am. And I will find myself participating in the hate a little bit. And then she had a song called Didn't Do Nothin', D-I-N-D-U, Nuffin nothing n-u-f-f-i-n and that's apparently a term these white people like these racist dudes will use whenever a black person gets killed by the cops and they'll i guess they're saying like oh that's how these black people talk he didn't do nothing and it's like that's what they used to make fun of it so she had that that song title. So people were jumping all over her. And then people started defending her.
Starting point is 01:29:47 And then she came on IG and had an apology. And it got very confusing. People are trying to cancel her. People are saying we're sorry. It's just an odd thing. And I don't fully get. I know what happened, but I don't get it. I'm 36.
Starting point is 01:30:00 So she's half Jewish, half black or South African. But yeah, so it's just like as a black person, I hate saying this because it's like, yo, you're ashamed to be black and you should be proud to be whoever you are. And so it's I don't know if this is like a mentally ill situation or really she's just the same of her blackness. But regardless, it's like, fuck it. Do we know how she's just like uh early 20s i believe i got sympathy for people trying to especially like by rachel mix whatever trying to figure out your identity i can understand how that's tough and if you're i don't know man i got i don't like black people listen to her music 24 um she just started to get hot so like she first popped on
Starting point is 01:30:41 the scene with like this stupid silly song i'm a cow. That girl. Yeah. And so now she has a song with Nicki Minaj. That was like number one on Billboard like two weeks ago. Some shit like that. Okay. She also had a tweet with the F word in it. So she almost got canceled like a couple years ago. Old tweet got pulled up. She was saying the F word mad times in the tweet.
Starting point is 01:30:58 Is it possible that. And look, I'm just thinking best case scenario for all people uh and playing devil's advocate is it possible that she's curious about identity and she's exploring identity by going into these chat rooms and like talking to these people and like do you think she's trying to understand what this hate is i don't think so because she's like laughing at racist jokes. So she's going along with them like, I think she's saying like the hard R nigga in there or allowing them to call her that in the chats and shit like that. It's like, it just seems off.
Starting point is 01:31:37 It's off, for sure it's off. And she had like one thing where she actually, oh, this is like her in the chat room. Oh, I just lost a cigarette. Dude, ADD. one thing where she actually oh this is like her in the chat room i don't know what that means yeah i don't know probably some racism but right but these are the chat rooms that she was in. I've also heard people speculate that she was getting money from doing this. That there was ways that she was getting paid from some of these guys, and they would hit her up, and they would buy her stuff. I'm sure. Even if that's how you want to make money.
Starting point is 01:32:17 Right, but now it's not like she's a self-loathing black person, and it's like she kind of pretends it or does this thing just to get paid. It's another possibility not that it makes it better but like it to me it kind of like clears up her agenda a little i mean if that was what she was doing she's taking money from white racists like isn't that good yeah but by enabling money from that well by enabling their racist behavior right but they were all going to be racist before that, right? Yeah, but I mean, it's about how you make money. Also, if they're giving her money, how racist are they?
Starting point is 01:32:50 I don't know. This whole thing is weird. She's decent looking, and if nobody fucks you to the point that you call yourself involuntarily celibate, and a decent looking bitch, she's not cute to me, but if you're that guy, she's the fuck, she's a goddess. So maybe she's on there to disprove
Starting point is 01:33:05 how racist they are but also racist people will fetishize black people right chapelle had that great joke where he's like uh he's like what is it uh like slave owners fuck their slaves right i mean if you look at porn hub surges like the top horn up surges like mississippi and alabama or like ebony stuff like that right right right right right right i don't know man i i don't really understand it but like to me she's just canceled i didn't care about her regardless before this but now it's like ah whatever i don't need to ever hear your shit my assumption is that her fan base was never really black i i my feeling is i mean when you're a pop star, you have a mix, right?
Starting point is 01:33:47 But she's not like Boosie. Oh yeah. You know what I'm saying? Like my assumption that she was kind of, she had like a Tyler, the creator kind of audience where it was like a lot of like suburban white kids and maybe some suburban black kids, but it was mostly like a suburban, like,
Starting point is 01:34:01 uh, it was almost like anti-rap, anti-R&B her stuff. And she was kind of like a weirdo i think whenever you perform high on any of these charts the majority of your fans are white are gonna be white so i don't think they care about this and at the end of the day they're like yo just keep being quirky she put up a huge apology twice yeah so like one she puts out this long written apology and then she got on a couple days later talking about like oh i didn't
Starting point is 01:34:26 show my breasts because she promised to show her breasts if she got a number one single yeah so she basically was trying to take the attention off of this whole racist shit by like talking about her tits and it seemed to work a little bit because people aren't talking about the racist shit yeah it's a big racism week huh yeah a lot of shit going on this week in racism yeah what do you think that's about do you think it like gets started with the biden thing and then like i wonder how the media cycle works if that's what it is it's like the biden thing starts it and it's like oh racism is popping and then all of a sudden do we seek out all these other racist things like we look at jimmy fallon and blackface and jimmy kimmel and blackface like we take that thing from 20 40 years ago whatever the fuck it is we throw throw it back in. Like,
Starting point is 01:35:05 does it, does it become the new trending topic? If you will. Yeah. I don't know if it's orchestrated that much. I kind of think it's just like, that's always going to be a hot button topic. No,
Starting point is 01:35:14 not orchestrated. Not like someone going, not like someone going, Hey, let's put all these stories out the same week. I think one thing pops. Say again, like shark week,
Starting point is 01:35:22 like shark week, dark week. It's not dark week, but, but it's like, I wonder if one thing pops and again like shark week like shark week dark week it's not dark week but it but it's like i wonder if one thing pops and then all the different not only people organically are searching for other races shit that's fucked up but networks are also searching for other races because like oh everybody's riled up about the race stuff let's double down let's put it out we get ratings off of this yeah or maybe the minority's just acting up i consider that but why just be annoying and stuff you know but like what's going on there's got to be a reason why this week why is it this is a big week in outrage huh we can fake outrage
Starting point is 01:35:57 but why you might have said it like motherfuckers are bored motherfuckers are bored but i also think a story like this this is like it's so much drama it's like this person that we thought was one way and we see there's a little investigating to be done with this there's like a timeline i sent the article i sent i finally found one that had like the timeline of how it happened and what she said and it's like you feel like you're putting something together like unearthing little pieces at a time jimmy fallon didn't gonna to have the legs that this had because it was, oh, here's an old thing from 20 years ago. Right. Done.
Starting point is 01:36:30 Doja Cat, there's always like little new pieces of information from the past being unearthed. And it just keeps feeding itself. It's like how big the Caller Daddy Barstool thing got. Like, to me, I don't really understand it. I didn't either. My brother was like, dude, I didn't hear about your podcast. And then I started just reading about it nonstop. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:48 It's just weird when there's like different, if it's a complex story, that's going to have more legs in. Simple. Jimmy Fallon was hilarious once in his life. Yeah. Maybe the reason could be like if contact is like the antidote to racism, like being in contact with people of other races and like that sort of like diffuses any sort of like racial animosity yeah the fact that people are locked in with only people that look like them and like not getting as much like interracial contact but you would think that would make people more racist not seek out more racism yeah exactly i think it's like it's like uh fueling like some racist animosity and people are starting to like point fingers and like trying to call
Starting point is 01:37:22 people out and stuff maybe it's fueling a fire. Yeah, maybe. It's possible. I don't know. It just seems odd. But it has been a lot of finger pointing. And not all racist shit because even the Aisha Curry thing. What is that?
Starting point is 01:37:36 The Aisha Curry thing? She tweeted one time about like, oh, I like to keep myself covered and save my goodies for my loved one. And then she gets online and posts the picture in a bikini showing her. She was waiting to lose the baby weight. They always say that shit. They're like, I want to be whatever when they're losing that weight. And the second they get it off, it's, let me show off this body.
Starting point is 01:37:55 I mean, she looks great. Her body looks phenomenal. But it is weird. I don't know why she feels like she needs to show that. She's got a thing. She's got a void. She's got something empty. She needs attention. she needs attention if steph had her ego the wars would have fallen apart a
Starting point is 01:38:10 long time ago that is he got the ego of a great basketball wife she got the ego of fucking mj what is savannah james does she have an instagram what is she posting son oh i don't that's the goat of basketball wives if she is but like what is her we should look that up like what are her posts is it all brawn like can you look up savannah james's instagram mark yeah that's i don't know man it's just like a weird it's it's just weird you almost feel for steph right because I 100% feel for Steph yeah she only posts pictures of her kids so Savannah's
Starting point is 01:38:47 only posting pictures of her kids and the family she's in a fucking hoodie and shit you gotta scroll four times just to find a picture of her yeah
Starting point is 01:38:54 it's one picture out of like 30 so far that's only her there's another on what seems to be her birthday and Aisha's posting like you know bikini pics
Starting point is 01:39:02 and then banana bread and yeah it's a lot about like. We get it, bitch. You cook. Yeah. You're a mom.
Starting point is 01:39:08 What, you want credit for doing your job? Do I take pictures of my paycheck every month? Put it on Instagram? Fucking stupid ass bitch. I hate this bitch. Steph, the quietest, most deferential, fucking great player of all time, maybe. And you can't keep your fucking mouth shut when he loses a game why do you think that he's attracted to that balance opposite the track
Starting point is 01:39:31 so you think he's attracted to the fact that she has this ego i mean maybe the confidence to express herself when he's more like but steph is so confident he has on the court i think he's confident i think he's so confident and this doesn't faze him it's like yeah whatever let her do her I think he's confident on the off the court like I don't see that confidence well I we don't see much of him outside of basketball to begin with but he doesn't seem the type to put himself really out there like I think that's a choice but it's not based on lack of confidence I think it's just a choice based on like you know the confidence it feels about the world and. I think it's just a choice based on like how he feels about the world.
Starting point is 01:40:05 And like, I think it also has a lot to do with like his religious beliefs. Yeah. He's a really religious dude. Yeah, man. He's a grounded guy. He's got to be humble.
Starting point is 01:40:13 Like that's really important to him. Like having humility. Why he would find her attractive. I just don't understand. They're like high school sweethearts or some shit. College, I think, right? I thought it was high school, but I don't know.
Starting point is 01:40:26 No. You can't choose who we love. I don't get it, man. But again, who cares? Like, do your fucking thing. Love who you love. I also think she could fucking shut up sometimes. I mean, love evolves.
Starting point is 01:40:39 You evolve into being quiet. Yeah. Talk after he retired. All right, guys. We're going to take a break for a second. We got to pay some bills because you know we got to support the number one cbd brand for the asshole army it is radix remedies r-a-d-i-x i mean they've got absolutely everything if you
Starting point is 01:40:59 like smoking joints okay but you can't get super duper high because you got to do things throughout your day but you like that cool calm tranquility that comes with it maybe you like that casual uh smoking environment you and a friend just like to sit back and relax and pass around a j radix they got the flower they have these pre-rolled joints okay completely pre-rolled ready to go they also have the little medicine what are those things little prescription bottles but they got full of yeah you know what i mean that's just mad cute that's adorable nice move yeah drug dealer's been doing that for a minute i like to see in the cbd world they also got the creams they got everything they really have everything
Starting point is 01:41:37 ready to go okay the creams they got the um neuro root if you need a little bit more brain functionality you need that memory to be a little bit sharper right you need to be a little bit quicker try that neuro root okay it hops on the cbd so it goes right to your brain works way faster than anything that's digested in the belly in the belly uh if you need that science broken down i'm sure they do it on the on the website radix has the best cbd in the game if you fuck with the asshole army you fuck with flagrant too that is the place to go get it and If you fuck with the asshole army, you fuck with flagrant too. That is the place to go get it. And if you want 10% off, you're going to use our promo code flagrant.
Starting point is 01:42:11 Okay? Use the promo code flagrant. I'm telling you, if you do any form of CBD drops, I don't give a fuck what it is. CBD melatonin gummies, man. Oh, shit. If you're trying to fall asleep, bro, you're trying to fall asleep, you need that melatonin gummy. That's night night. You out of here.
Starting point is 01:42:28 You out of here. Anyway, Radix remedies dot com. Use that promo code flavor. You get 10 percent off. And if you're in Austin, go say what's up to them. Let them know you're part of the asshole army. Keep it tight and they will take care of you like they have for other asshole army members in the past, man. Also, they've got
Starting point is 01:42:43 a key for hand sanitizer. That's yeah've got, I keep forgetting, hand sanitizer. That's, yeah. And they're donating a bottle of hand sanitizer for every bottle that's purchased. So if you want to do something good for the community that's fighting this corona, go get your hand sanitizer through the guys over there at Radix. All the discounts apply.
Starting point is 01:42:58 Go get that shit. And the promo code is flagrant. Let's get back to the show. Oh, you brought this up that the NFL owners want, like fans at the stadium. Oh, yeah back to the show oh you brought this up um that the nfl owners want like fans at the stadium oh yeah no gag not brought that up yeah that story about the nfl owners yeah um so they they really feel that the season's gonna happen and they think that state um people are gonna be in the stands when does the season start uh september the week after
Starting point is 01:43:24 labor day yeah there'll be people in the stands yeah does the season start uh september the week after labor day yeah there'll be people in the stands yeah without doubt within two months this shit is open you think full say again you think full full like this is two months this shit is open from now are we supposed to be open now when are we supposed to be fully open we did that i don't think any states are fully open because i thought flor Florida was fully open, but it's a soft open. Okay. Yeah. Two months.
Starting point is 01:43:48 I say two months from now, everything's open. Now, they're going to have these stupid fucking laws that limit the amount of people that can go into a Broadway show or limit the amount of people that can go to a stand-up show or concerts or festivals. Restaurants, they might even be affected as well. Or that football would be. Yeah. No, no. I'm saying currently, right now.
Starting point is 01:44:04 Right. As they're opening them, by the time football comes around, we're going to be golden, 100%. Now, the tricky thing is it's state by state. So are the LA Rams going to have an empty stadium, but the St. Louis Rams? Fucking A's. I'm trying to think of a place that's in Missouri because Missouri's open.
Starting point is 01:44:26 But is there another team in Missouri? I don't think so. What's another state that's wide open? I don't know. I thought Florida was wide open. Georgia? Georgia? Okay, so the Falcons are going to have a full stadium,
Starting point is 01:44:37 but the LA Rams are not. So that could be a case. I don't know. It's hard to tell because that's right before um flu season and so they're saying that it's going to be a second people might be spooked because second wave yeah uh i don't think i don't think the second wave is going to be that crazy but i think people will be a little spooked but you know what was great about this story the nfl owners everybody talks about them they're racist they don't care about their black players they don't care about anybody they don't
Starting point is 01:45:02 give a fuck about the fans they don't give a fuck about the players they just want to make money so you can judge them if you want to yeah but they're greedy and we're all greedy yeah and to be honest they're willing to give us entertainment so be greedy i'm completely okay with this i love the fact that they kept that same energy yeah yeah like i've always hated nfl owners and they fuck over the players but now i'm like oh okay they're just greedy yeah they don't give a fuck about anybody yeah good for them be owners and they fuck over the players but now I'm like oh okay they're just greedy yeah they don't give a fuck about anybody yeah good for them be that do they fuck over the players I mean the players also allow themselves to
Starting point is 01:45:32 get fucked but like the new collective bargaining agreement they agreed to is worse than the old one that they're already getting fucked on and that's on the players for not going to a fucking lawyer right away and being like hey is this any good and voting and then the nfl players union is even more fucked because they wouldn't let people change their votes
Starting point is 01:45:49 after they found out how shitty the deal was and a bunch of them had already voted then there were like the nfl players union which there's some corrupt shit there was like no you can't change your vote but here i guess my feeling about the players is like if you are replaceable that's what you get and so it's like nfl players are the most replaceable, that's what you get. Go to you. So it's like NFL players are the most replaceable athlete in sports. To a degree, but not exactly. We can debate it.
Starting point is 01:46:15 If they were so replaceable, we would have liked the XFL. We would have liked the American Football League. We would have liked the first XFL, the USFL. We want great football. We do not accept outside of college where we're all like you said. How do you explain college? Yeah, like you said, we're all indoctrinated into this belief that we love this school so we watch this and then we root for a team and there's still better quality in the xfl than there is in but maybe that's the reason why the xfl and the afl didn't work because you don't
Starting point is 01:46:38 have the elites no because you're not indoctrinated into the team yeah but if you're not indoctrinated on some college shit on some passion these are the best years of my life i mean do you think that you become a giants fan when you're six years old because of the skill and even then the way here's even then the best programs the reason casuals watch is osu alabama whoever the fuck else i'm thinking of florida schools like all these these are the guys that are the elites that are all going to go pro and be great right but you're going to watch those teams regardless we didn't i don't ever remember watching casually an alabama football game until nick saban got there and then they started getting people who are going to go right i watched to a granted we're going to watch we're going to watch
Starting point is 01:47:18 the better teams i just think i think you're maybe not crediting enough the indoctrination the indoctrination of professional sports as well. You were made a Cowboys fan. I was made a Cowboys fan. Just like you're made Hindu. And I'll tell you this, when the Cowboys were really bad, I wasn't watching their games like that. And that's natural.
Starting point is 01:47:35 I think we all do that, right? Like as a Knicks fan, you know what I mean? Knicks season ticket holder. I can even go through that. But I was made a Knicks fan. It wasn't my choice. Right. Right?
Starting point is 01:47:43 And I feel like with the XFL, with these other fledgling leagues you need to have some time to create those types of fans you can't just do one season then everybody comes watch because the reality is we don't watch sports for the sport we watch sports for identity right we'll tap into the reason why we watch female soccer is because we identify with america the second they start playing each other within america nobody watches right we'll let the women represent america right in the world cup and then we'll watch it way more than the men because we like watching the greatness but i think that you can watch a shittier football i don't think you'd be i don't think football would be king if the talent wasn't good i think that it's similar to like fighting where it's like sometimes the better
Starting point is 01:48:24 fight is with the worst fighters you know like you have these guys that can have like a trilogy of fights like uh Arturo Gatti and Mickey Ward right and they can make millions of dollars in the fights because they're just fucking savage it's carnage MMA some of the best fights are just some of the guys who aren't the best fighters and the best fighters make a boring fight sometimes yeah I very rarely hear about two shitty teams having a game that I needed to see i very rarely hear people be like oh man you should have watched the fucking whoever the i think that's what makes game i think that's what makes college football so exciting is because there's no defense there's just really poor defense there's
Starting point is 01:48:58 just not enough talent that's recent event before college was all running in defense right but i'm saying recently like the fact that you could watch these guys go crazy, 60 to 50, the games could be, right? I think you see some play like that. I just would like to see, in my opinion, the most replaceable athletes are NFL players. One, you have to replace them a lot because the average lifespan is what?
Starting point is 01:49:21 Five years or whatever. Less, right? Three years or something like that, right? So it's like they have to be replaced. they weren't replaceable they'd be fucked right and two it's more an athletic based sport and less like a uh specific all-around skill based thing you know what i mean it's like i would say they're probably the most replaceable of the sports because there's just more parts there's 22 players on the field at a time basketball there's 10 hockey there's 10 right baseball who cares and a time. Basketball, there's 10. Hockey, there's 10. Right. Baseball, who cares?
Starting point is 01:49:45 And a lot of them are interchangeable, right? Where it's like you have a guy who played this in college and all of a sudden he comes to the league and he's a quarterback in college and now he's a wide receiver. Oh, he was a linebacker in college, but now he's a lineman. There's all these positions. Oh, he's a corner, but now he's a safety. All these are kind of interchangeable. It's very rare you're a point guard in college and then you become a center or even a shooting
Starting point is 01:50:06 guard chess and most of your pawns most of your pawns yeah in in football you're saying yeah yeah um yeah so i don't know man i just i just feel like these guys are gonna get the shitty end of deals because the brand the shield is so strong and the player's value isn't that strong yeah there's a few bradyys but like i mean you even sit down a brady like that's how powerful the nfl is you sit down the most marketable player you suspend them for four games for some shit every quarterback does that was deflategate even to that end though if you have a union the whole point of the union is we stick together and do what's best for us as a league for the players for you to just accept the first deal bad stupid
Starting point is 01:50:43 you're right about that yeah% agree with you on that. It was stupid. I guess I'm just saying like, I don't know how much leverage they even fucking have. An individual player, yeah, I can see your point. You don't have much leverage. As a whole, the players?
Starting point is 01:50:53 Then you could maybe do something. And if you sit, the owners are, I mean, they'll be fine. They'll probably be better off than you because you're too stupid to manage your money. Right. But the owners are going to be like,
Starting point is 01:51:00 yo, we are losing. Crazy money. Crazy money. We're by far number one. The only thing people can do on us is gain ground right now. Let's do something. Let's give them something. It's just tricky, man.
Starting point is 01:51:09 It's like when you have a sport that really values a singular athlete like Michael Jordan or like Lance Armstrong for biking. Yeah. Right? I was watching a little bit of this Lance documentary. It was interesting. They protected him. Right?
Starting point is 01:51:21 They knew he was cheating. He even talks about it in the documentary, right? Right after the big cheating scandal where they canceled this team called Festina, right? Right. right they knew he was cheating he even talks about it in the documentary right right after the big cheating scandal where they like canceled this team called festina right lance comes back after the ball surgery right and he's in the tour de france and he's actually busting everybody's ass yeah and they find cortisone levels like high cortisone levels right and just so happened the cortisone that they were using to cheat could be administered through cream, intramuscular, like spray, eye drops,
Starting point is 01:51:50 like five different techniques. They were cheating with this thing. But because it could be used five different ways, the head of the commission, the biking commission, said, oh, he just rubbed it on his legs for chafing. They protected him because they knew what it meant they were in such a vulnerable position and they had this amazing comeback story so they protected lance from an american rider who they don't we don't give a fuck we don't we never give a fuck before or after lance about the tour de france or viking but it was the biggest thing
Starting point is 01:52:20 in the world you have this guy who's this amazing comeback story the sport itself was on a comeback because last year they just waxed this entire team which was the best team for all this doping so now you want this one testicle guy who just had cancer to come back and bust everybody's ass in the tour de france yeah and you could risk the whole sport going through that shit again or you could say no it was just some leg cream and i don't think when i saw them uh suspend brady i was like oh shit, the NFL don't give a fuck. Brady? Like, of all people?
Starting point is 01:52:50 It's kind of crazy. And I wonder if they do that shit with tennis. Like, I wonder if they found out that Federer was cheating or something like that. I wonder if they would. That's all the women have. Yo. That's all the women have.
Starting point is 01:53:03 And she's American. And she's black. Yo, imagine they found out that she was using performance hand drugs or like doping or some shit. They're not saying shit. I think they might protect her, yo. Gotta. What are we going to do without her?
Starting point is 01:53:14 Who the fuck is another female tennis player? That's the only time I put tennis on. When you saw her playing, right? When she went to big. She was by far the most marketable for female tennis. Yeah. And I think that like David Stern, let's say jordan did have some gambling issues steven stern can't kick jordan out the fucking league nope he gotta pull him aside and go yo please do us this way like do
Starting point is 01:53:34 us a favor yeah stop this shit please because you're making it look bad but if you kick jordan out the league all those fucking numbers tank and that that reflects on you, the commissioner. Yep. That's a tough job, yo. Yep. I mean, yo, Goodell got balls. Yeah. He don't give a fuck about what anybody thinks. He really don't care. Everybody hates him. Fans hate him.
Starting point is 01:53:55 Players hate him. Owners like him. That's all that matters to him. He's good with himself. Did you guys see the- We got to pull this up. This just dropped. Yeah, this is interesting.
Starting point is 01:54:03 And it's like, well, there's a Jordan thing that we're going to talk about. We this is interesting and it's like well there's a jordan thing that we're going to talk about we should start to wrap this up but there's a jordan thing we'll talk about i want to preface it with something else it's so interesting the waves of information that are coming out based around this jordan that's insane isn't it cool and it's going to be cool to see because the jordan doc his legacy was at the highest it's been in 20 since 1997 1998 like after they dropped it yeah by the end of the last dance, Jordan is back, dude. He's 100%, maybe more godlike than ever. Right.
Starting point is 01:54:30 But then you're starting to hear story by story. And I don't think, I'm curious to know how much it'll chip away. Because each story chips a little bit away from what he presented himself as. Do you think that this ends up hurting his legacy? Hmm. I don't know. And that's my question. Is in the long long run will it chip away from it so much that you're like he should have done this documentary differently that's the thing it's like when he initially put it out i'm like cemented that's it statue he's the goat nobody could touch him but he's put when you say you're the goat you're basically inviting the
Starting point is 01:55:02 discussion from everyone else how you aren't and we will hear the loudest voices will be your detractors yep so when what's the motherfucker's name uh tim duncan goes honestly i was never really impressed i sent you this i meant to send you i think i said to al baxson but uh it was like tim duncan comes out and goes honestly i was never really impressed by michael jordan but i'm not really impressed by anybody like you never even hear that discussion if last dance isn't out because nobody's going to Tim Duncan and saying, so what was your thoughts about Michael? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:31 So he's inviting the criticism in an age where criticism is the loudest microphone no matter what. Yeah. So when this story about Scottie Pippen coming out and saying that he thought Kobe was better than Mike. Kobe was better than Mike. That happened before the documentary came out. And it's also, if you watch the quote, he's like he thought Colby was better than Mike. Better than Mike. That happened before the documentary came out. It's also,
Starting point is 01:55:45 if you watch the quote, he's like, I thought Colby was better than him because he just worked so hard and he didn't have training. And it's like, Oh, you're saying MJ was better, but Colby worked harder and you liked him and he didn't have a great coach,
Starting point is 01:55:55 which he did, which he did. Yeah. But it is interesting like to see people slowly start to chip away, man. Yeah. Like slowly started to chip away. And I wonder ifordan was better off
Starting point is 01:56:06 if his legacy was actually more intact intact before social media because social media couldn't it couldn't do anything to disintegrate that reputation because it wasn't even in question it was just like yeah he's the go but let's not really discuss it. Maybe LeBron's the GOAT now. Is it LeBron? Is he the best? Whatever, but you weren't really talking about what Jordan did or didn't do, and now people are coming out and saying,
Starting point is 01:56:31 nah, bro, Jordan actually wasn't that tough. I stepped to him, and he didn't do shit. See, I think if he just presented himself as I was obsessed with winning, and if he was even remorseful, like I was pretty hard on some teammates, like I fucked up. If he was just more like, and not, I was pretty hard on some teammates. Like, you know, like, I fucked up. If he was just more like, and not, I was hard on teammates, but I did them a favor.
Starting point is 01:56:50 They won because of me, which is true. But it was always his shade of the truth. You're opening up the door. And if that, sometimes he's straight up lying. And if you do a better job of being objective. Oh, bro. And you're, you have, and this is, every goat needs somebody who's willing to push back. And this is, again, the value of a Phil.
Starting point is 01:57:06 The director ain't Phil. The director is going to say, oh, okay, you want us to say it like this? Let's say it like this. If you had a Phil Jackson type director, it'd be like, hey, man, is that true? Are you sure you were okay with Isaiah being on the team and there was no conversation? Because if not, it's a fucking problem. You're going to look like an asshole. 100%.
Starting point is 01:57:22 I'm going to push back a little bit. He didn't have that. One lie eliminates all your truths. It does trust is super fragile and that's the thing it's like every statement that he said in that documentary or that was even portrayed in the documentary because now we know he put out the edit for the documentary and he co-signed everything that was out there right this wasn't a third party right with the lance documentary i don't think it's lance i think someone else making it he just agreed to it but this is jordan's doc so jordan is controlling the narrative if one lie comes out now we question every other truth yep we start to go oh shit weren't people really that afraid of talking
Starting point is 01:58:02 shit to him and him holding a grudge? Or were they just making that up for the documentary? Because if they could make up the food poisoning thing, they could make up that. Sam Smith also said he lied about something. Did I send that story or not? He said that he lied about the food poisoning, and he said he lied about retirement. About his seventh year. And I knew they weren't coming back. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:19 I knew that was bullshit. We said that early in the documentary, and then there's a scene I remember, we all remember, he's in the hotel room alone, and he's like, I'm not going to miss any of this. Yeah. This, I'm just confined to my hotel room,
Starting point is 01:58:31 and I can't do anything. This is my only time alone. That moment, I remember being like, oh, he was done here. He knew he was done. And then he comes out and says, ah, it's maddening I didn't get to do a seventh year.
Starting point is 01:58:42 And it's like, well, you could have played for somebody else. You only want to play for Phil. You didn't want to do a seventh year. And it's like, well, you could have played for somebody else. You only want to play for Phil? You didn't want to go to another team? You could have gone to the Knicks, given the Knicks a championship, been God, God, God.
Starting point is 01:58:51 Bro, I love Michael Jordan, but I wonder if there's a lesson to be learned here, which is, if you're already considered the GOAT, screaming at the top of your lungs or putting out a documentary
Starting point is 01:59:03 that goes, I'm the goat. In a biased way? In a biased way. Only puts you in the situation where you could be criticized. And can chip away from your goat status. Yep. I don't think he was considered the goat.
Starting point is 01:59:16 Like, there were way more discussions of who's better, LeBron or Jordan. Now, because of this documentary, we've all seen that. Okay, no, Jordan was definitely better than LeBron. So I think he needed this to cement himself in our generation. I agree with that, but if it had been done more objectively or if his only focus was,
Starting point is 01:59:34 I wanted to win more than everything. Winning was the only thing that mattered and that was it and it wasn't all the other shit, then we might've been like, yo, this dude was obsessed with winning in a way that LeBron isn't. I think Akash made a great point because if he was more of an asshole in this documentary
Starting point is 01:59:49 yeah we would believe everything that he said yeah i wanted isaiah at the dream team fuck him yeah fuck him fuck him i didn't like him fuck him and you know what the goat gets to do that you know i'm saying like if you showcase every single story if you say every single thing that happened matter of fact if you even have some humility if you're always like you know i'm saying like if if you showcase every single story if you say every single thing that happened matter of fact if you even have some humility if you're always like you know what i stepped to robert parish that's a big motherfucker bro hey steve kerr something like that i didn't always get my way i mean i didn't always get i tried to push sometimes i push buttons too far i regret some of the things i did sometimes people call me on my shit son i really think if it was like you said if it was just focused on how much that what
Starting point is 02:00:26 he was willing to do to win no matter what it all costs we would look at lebron and go nah he's not willing to win at all costs like jordan solidified yeah but when you build yourself up into this kind of folk hero which he did yep he turned himself into a one of these wild west heroes from the movies that he loves to watch and we all bought it but it was stupid that we bought it in retrospect because it's like this can't all be true we live in the information age right now we can go to every single person that was in that documentary and go is this what happened and they had the ability true or false to chip away at it that's dangerous bro i'm just saying the only people you're hearing negative things from are the b level besides this is audio of let's play this clip this is audio i'm gonna read the tweet audio of michael jordan admitting he told rod
Starting point is 02:01:11 thorne that he wouldn't play on the dream team if isaiah was on it let's hear it and this is from something's going on just give me two seconds this is from a podcast jordan did or an interview jordan did a long time ago right right years ago maybe decades ago so this is a 23 second soundbite if we can't get the audio right we'll just read the quote it's probably in the article let's do it we got it hello no we'll insert it later what's going on i don't know probably something's this court is breaking down or something like that um so go scroll up i think the article has a quote rod thorne called me i said rod i said rod i won't play if isaiah thomas is on the team he assured me he said you know what chuck being chuck daly which we also speculated doesn't want isaiah so isaiah is not
Starting point is 02:02:03 going to be a part of the team. You called the Chuck thing perfectly. I knew Chuck didn't want him on that fucking team. Yeah. I knew something happened there. And if you soured with the coach that took you to two championships. You're an asshole. You're a piece of shit. Real talk.
Starting point is 02:02:15 And if Jordan said that I didn't want him on the team. Fuck, Larry didn't like him. Chuck Daly, his own coach didn't want him on the team. Why does he need to be on the team? And he was 1992 Isaiah, not 1988 Isaiah. He's not the same player. Why the fuck didn't want him on the team. Why does he need to be on the team? And he was 1992 Isaiah, not 1988 Isaiah. He's not the same player. Why the fuck do I need him on the team? Also, he's probably not the only person that said he didn't want him on the team.
Starting point is 02:02:31 Yeah. A lot of people probably said they didn't want him on the team. I think it'd be better if he was honest. Yep. Brutal honesty. Let us know how fucked up you are, man. Treat us like you treat your teammates. There we go.
Starting point is 02:02:42 Yeah, I mean. But maybe he wasn't brutally honest. All this shit, I think, just came out of his insecurity like he he greenlit the documentary after the after uh lebron won the finals yeah apparently you hear that yeah he greenlit the after lebron came back from 3-1 he greenlit the documentary like he just felt all this insecurity and then had to like lie about it like what do you do when you're insecure you start like embellishing shit inflating yourself you know you said there's a lesson here maybe to be learned as much as we love jordan i think jordan teaches us a lot of lessons on what to do and what not to do he's teaching lessons all the time whether he realizes
Starting point is 02:03:12 or not what to do in a lot of ways how hard to work all that shit the singular focus on winning that's all you can do all that what not to do don't be jordan now this unhappy miserable motherfucker in a mansion just yellow-eyed fucking drunk all the time smoking cigars yeah yeah bro when you are on a like you didn't even fact check your own shit yeah you didn't remember saying publicly i don't want this guy on the team about a controversy has existed for decades yo i'm not gonna lie jordan strikes me as a type of dude that believes his own lies yeah well that makes perfect sense you know how you like saw in the documentary he made up that le bradford stevens or whatever le bradford smith whatever the fuck his name was like he said something that i took it personal he said good game and i took it personal what an asshole yeah so it's like he strikes me as the type of guy who
Starting point is 02:04:04 goes no i don't think i ever told rod thorne and then just starts believing that he didn't tell rod thorne yeah and he just believes whatever reality he's in because it benefits him to believe that that's true and that is like a telltale sign of a psychopath or at least sociopath one of those two you just start believing these things are real. Yeah. And yeah, it's kind of a shame, man. Oh, God. Imagine this actually killed his legacy. That'd be really sad. I don't think.
Starting point is 02:04:30 I mean, I think there's always going to be. It's just going to go back and forth. So there's going to be a tipping point where it's too far. We're hating on Jordan. We forget he's the best. And I think it'll even out. If Scotty comes out and he was like. And he starts chipping away and he has every reason.
Starting point is 02:04:43 Yeah. But if Scotty comes out and he starts chipping away, that's not a good look for MJ. Then he's just going to look like he's hating. Fair enough. Because if all the goats in the dock praise Jordan godlike, that's the word I need. If your contemporaries who are the best at that time are saying,
Starting point is 02:05:02 no, you're the best, that's it. I don't care what the other role players are saying about me who is who are you talking about like magic larry like they're saying he yeah but they're also guys who didn't play against lebron like there's never gonna be guys who played against but i'm just saying like at that time he's the greatest so it's like we can't jordan will never play against lebron in their prime so we'll never know like them head-to-head. But I'm just saying from what we saw in the doc, from what we saw in real life,
Starting point is 02:05:30 and then what we see from LeBron right now, it's like Jordan's the best. I don't deny Jordan's the best. That's not what I deny. People can take all these knocks at him. It's not going to dethrone him. Here's what I'm saying. I don't deny that he's the best, and I think he is the best.
Starting point is 02:05:49 Prior to the documentary, I thought he was the best. the documentary has solidified it in a lot of ways for me that being said i think he's opened up more doors for criticism through the documentary instead of close them and the idea behind the documentary i presume was i'm gonna close all the doors okay there's no you're not even in this Ah, okay. You're not even in this conversation, LeBron. You're not even in this conversation, Kobe. Nobody's in this conversation. It's just me. I'm the GOAT. And now all of a sudden,
Starting point is 02:06:11 you can see a door open over here where it's like, yeah, I mean, he was good, but he was kind of a bully. Da-da-da. A door opened here. Horace Grant said, I'll fight you right now.
Starting point is 02:06:20 So if the story's coming out, he wouldn't let Horace Grant eat. And now Horace is like, I'll fight you right the fuck now. What are you going to do if you're Jordan? You got to fight this guy or you look kind of like you might have been lying. Or you have something coming out where it's like, yo, Dennis Rodman was one of the greatest basketball players to ever play basketball.
Starting point is 02:06:36 He just didn't really score the ball that much. But the fact that he played the game the way he did it, it allowed Michael to be successful. And then it comes out that, whoa, Scottie Pippen was actually the second best player in the NBA during Jordan's career, and he happened to be on Jordan's team. Like, if all these things start coming out, like, whoa, that was actually the first super team. And not only did they have a big three, they had a fourth.
Starting point is 02:06:55 Tony Kukoc was one of the best players. And it's like, is that the most talented team ever, more talented than the Warriors? All I'm saying is doors are opening. Out of nowhere, all these doors are opening. And you're like whoa that was not the goal of this documentary I think it could have
Starting point is 02:07:10 negative effect and he just took shots everywhere if he had done it or if someone else had done it Ken Burns said this, this isn't a documentary it's whatever, it's bias, it's his production company Ken Burns is a dork but I think he might have been right if there was more objective the last 40 seconds against the jazz incredible but if he
Starting point is 02:07:31 doesn't also say yeah you know pip didn't do shit fucking back was hurting pussy you know i mean and then you leave out a nimish patel brought this up i was talking to him yesterday apparently kukoc had a great game he had a great series that series yeah jordan doesn't mention that if jordan is objective like yeah man pip was fighting he was a fucking warrior but he was in pain he just was limited kukoc played great but that's kukoc you know i just those last 40 seconds i realized we we won't win game seven we have to win this now i gotta go do this now there's a degree of humility he just spoke with and then he watched that 40 seconds like yo this motherfucker really went and won the game yeah lay up steal on the other end win the fucking game game winning
Starting point is 02:08:10 shot yeah yeah kukoc like had 30 points shot 83 from the field i mean insane insane yeah yeah so if he's humble about it yeah i mean yeah kukoc played great but pip that's our guy he's fucking that's my right hand he's hurting he's limited he's warrior he's fighting instead of looking at pitball skeptical like pip says his back was hurting you know whatever you know i mean it's a back big deal anyway um anything else before we get out of here we got a long ep for y'all today i don't believe so look at the topic list i think we're good anything else we can cover on the patreon oh yeah that's right man patreon man uh we'll see you guys over there this friday we're good anything else we can cover on the Patreon oh yeah that's right man Patreon man we'll see you guys over there this Friday we're gonna be
Starting point is 02:08:48 dropping that Patreon yeah man thank you guys for signing up man our Patreon keeps exploding it's really crazy it's really dope to climb in a global pandemic I mean it's amazing it's amazing man and yeah so we're at like 8500 right now
Starting point is 02:09:04 I want to hit that now i want to hit that nine i want to hit that 10 000 mark and let's be number one patreon in the motherfucking world that's that's the goal right now so uh keep spreading the word keep sharing it with your homies man if they need these little tastes little samples we always include a little sample of the episode of the flagrancy and you guys can get some of that you know what our job might be easy it's just hanging out with y'all we hope y'all love hanging out with us as much as we love hanging out with you. There it is. So do it two times a week.
Starting point is 02:09:28 Come over to Patreon, man. slash flagrant2. If we don't get you this week, we'll get you next week. All right? Peace. God bless.

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