Andrew Schulz's Flagrant with Akaash Singh - Coronavirus is the New Blue Check

Episode Date: March 17, 2020

Whats up people. Schulzy and AlexxMedia here breaking down to you why the coronavirus test has become the new blue check, why you need to take cash out now, and help some old people dammit! INDULGE...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up friends, what's up enemies, and everybody in between. We're back with another episode of, we still don't have a name for this, the Quarantine Chronicles, the Corona Chronicles, the, I don't know what it is. We back. We back. That's all that matters. We got a new catchphrase. I don't know if we should start with it or end with it, Al.
Starting point is 00:00:21 I think both. Both? Yeah. All right. So it's peace, love, and- Here. If that don't go on a motherfucking SARSars mask we put that shit on amazon immediately we are wasting our time um i'm glad you all have been fucking with this let's just get right into it man here's something i got
Starting point is 00:00:38 a question um i got i got a question here uh how is it that there are no more tests, right? There are not enough tests, not enough coronavirus tests, but famous people keep testing positive. My girl was thrown up, right? My girl was sick, had all the symptoms of the flu, and they straight up told her. They look her right in her eyes. They're like, how many Instagram followers you have?
Starting point is 00:01:07 And then they get your ass back out on the street with the rest of the people. The coronavirus test is the new blue check. Your blue check on Instagram means nothing. Al, don't even go. Do you have a blue check now? Nah. Don't even go for a blue check.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Get yourself a coronavirus test because that's how we know who's really famous and who's really not. I heard a blue check. Get yourself a coronavirus test because that's how we know who's really famous and who's really not. I heard a crazy statistic. What? I heard that Oklahoma used 60% of its tests to test the Oklahoma City Thunder and the Utah Jazz. Wow. You serious?
Starting point is 00:01:41 Son, the Utah Jazz ain't even from Oklahoma. Are you serious? Son, the Utah Jazz ain't even from Oklahoma. If you're designated a certain amount of tests, it's got to be for the people that live in that place, right? That's wild, son. I couldn't fucking believe it. But it just seems every single day, like Tormund from Game of Thrones, the red-headed Viking dude that loved the big bitch. What is her name?
Starting point is 00:02:01 Brienne of Tarth. She tested positive for the corona. And I really think it's one of those things where you're starting to see the wealth gap a little bit. Right? Because the second a famous person has any symptom whatsoever, all of a sudden we find out if they got it or they don't. Yeah. Idris Elba, got it. But we don't know how long they had symptoms before they got the test. Like, maybe they had to wait a little bit.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Akash came in here drowsy as fuck, right? He still don't think he got it. We all think he do. I think he did. 100%. But he's not going to be able to get tested unless he has every single fucking symptom. Yeah. So that's what it is. It's just going to be, you literally got to walk into the fucking testing site like straight up corona'd out you know like
Starting point is 00:02:48 full on virus for them to even consider it and i'm telling you this because i know it i went through it with my girl so it's a it's a weird it's a weird situation i think there's a lot more people that got that shit than uh than are able to say they have it. I mean, my mom thinks she had it. My brother thinks they had it. But my dad didn't get it. You think you had it. Not everybody who got sick at all or everybody who had the flu is like, yo, I must have had that corona.
Starting point is 00:03:16 I didn't have it because you didn't get it. Exactly. If we're all around, but I could be immune. I might be immune. I'm thinking I'm immune because I bite my nails and I bite my toenails. And I feel like I built up some sort of immunity to the dirt that exists in the world. I mean, that as well as other things. I'm saying, I'm dirty.
Starting point is 00:03:37 You're incredible. Like, bad hygiene. I think you might have built up the antibody. Bro, I repel it. When I'm in Chinatown, Asians move away from me. And I feel like, because they know. They can't,
Starting point is 00:03:47 they bounce off of me, bro. Did you see that video? Where she put her finger in the water and then the dirt went away? I split the sea like Moses when I go to Canal Street. Son, you're walking soap. That's it, bro.
Starting point is 00:03:57 I'm going. Look how white you are. I know. So, basically the thing is, out there, I think that there are certain people that have it. It doesn't really matter. We're going to find out about all these famous people.
Starting point is 00:04:09 But we're also going to find out, this is what's really interesting to me, is we're going to find out what famous people are actually about the shit they preach. Because a lot of these late night hosts, right, they love to be critical of the billionaire class and the millionaire class for how greedy they are and corporate greed this and corporate greed that. Well, the John Oliver's of the world's, you know, the Trevor Noah's of the world. I hope you're paying your staff during this hiatus. I hope you're paying your staff during this hiatus, you know, because it's very easy to criticize when you're not in a position but now you're in a position so we're gonna see if you're gonna put that money where your mouth is okay have you heard anything i haven't heard anything just yet i've spoken to people who work for them yeah and they've said things to me like yo trevor noah made you know 30 million on
Starting point is 00:05:01 the road last year so i'm sure he got enough bread to hit us off. And yeah, I'm sure he does. You know, Samantha Bee loves to talk about the wage gap, loves to talk about how she's the only female host in late night. Don't be the only host that don't pay the staff. Don't have the wage gap with the pay for the staff. You know what I'm saying? All I'm saying is if you are given the opportunity very unique opportunity right now to display your morality to take care of the people that you're
Starting point is 00:05:32 supposed to take care of you know i'm saying what i tell you al when this shit went down you told me i'm good al hit me with a very real text wait what did i say i'll have you a very real text. He said, he put that shit in brackets. He goes, this is me being vulnerable. But am I good? Oh, yeah. Remember that? Yeah, I did.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Because I left security. Al had a state job. He was good. He had the illest coronavirus job you could possibly have. Because he was about to be home with full pay. Yep. Right? Everybody works in the state. I talked to some of them.
Starting point is 00:06:02 They are chilling. They love coronavirus. They try to usher Asians into the country all they can. Anybody. Italians, please come. Welcome. Coughing and sneezing everywhere. Picking their nose. Putting it on a fucking subway. The MTA
Starting point is 00:06:17 today, this is a totally separate side note, but the MTA just asked for a $4 billion bailout from the government. How poorly run is the MTA, son? This is shocking. How poorly run is the MTA? For those of y'all who don't know, MTAs are subways and buses. How poorly run is the MTA?
Starting point is 00:06:34 That literally people stop using the subway for two days and they lose $4 billion. Son. Son, who's running the MTA? My girlfriend? Who's running the mta my girlfriend who's running son my amazon account hasn't stopped getting charges since we've been quarantined and she keeps saying it's not her al did i text you today like yo did you buy this no son i've been texting edin mark i've been texting everybody who has any access to my amazon account because i'll be getting these little fucking texts these little notifications seven dollar thing from top shop what the top shop clothes hit that this woman buys shit from
Starting point is 00:07:10 stores that are close you got a blockbuster rental feed and we're gonna get two what else are you gonna buy what kind of vintage shit is happening in my household you about to have that kobe steak coming to the crib. Kobe, Jesus, bro. Yo, what happened to the Kobe steak? Say what? What happened to Kobe steak? What's the steak that we had? Oh, I think Kobe.
Starting point is 00:07:35 No, Wagyu. Wagyu. Wagyu got Kobe's beef the fuck out of here. Yeah, no, I think they might be the same. I'm not exactly sure. All right. But a lot of weird shit's going on. A lot of very interesting shit is going on right now. I don't even know how to preface this shit.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Okay? But Google lifted their censors. I don't know if they lifted them. Maybe they just don't have enough people that are at the Google office to continue running the programs that are like maintaining them. But go try this right now. Matter of fact, go do it right now. If you're watching this video at home, go do this right now. Type in some shit you want to know the truth about. Okay. Any conspiratorial shit, apparently what Google usually does is it kind of like pushes that search away or to like the
Starting point is 00:08:26 bottom of the search for example if you look up like 9-11 conspiracy or something like that or if you look like what really happened at 9-11 right it won't immediately go oh the u.s was involved blah blah blah it will kind of filter those things out because it doesn't want conspiracy shit at the top of the news or information um uh what's it called the lineup if you will okay um because people might be interested in that but they want to kind of control what truth is and that's not necessarily a bad thing you don't want hundreds of millions of people running around believing conspiracies like have you ever talked to a conspiracy theorist they're exhausting yeah they're like comics but not funny it's literally all they are they're like here's a wild take and
Starting point is 00:09:07 then you don't laugh you just get really anxious and you feel horrible right at least a comic like well here's a funny thing about 9-11 and then they'll deliver you know yeah so if you go google right now who runs the banks usually if you google who runs the banks it would give you like who's your local bank ceo or who's the local bank president or who's the president of chase who's the president of um wells fargo google right now who runs the banks and i wonder if it changes by the time we get this up but al google right now who runs the banks you don't have to do split screen yeah i'll just tell them why they do it and i'm'm watching Al do it as we're talking. So Al is typing that shit in caps like he's angry.
Starting point is 00:09:50 I want my money. So what does it say? So I'm not gaming the system. What does it say? It says Rothschild family. Boom. So obviously the Rothschild family is a very famous banking family, a global banking family. And a lot of people say that these are the people that are connected and run the entire world from an economic standpoint. Apparently, before this week, you'd never see that pop up first in a Google search, right?
Starting point is 00:10:18 Because that type of information isn't the powers that be, if you will, that might be able to access Google or these other places might go, we don't want people looking after us. Like if you notice, Rothschilds never end up on like a Forbes 500 list. Oh, yeah. Never. I always wondered that shit. So that's the thing. You have to opt in to that list.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Right? So the real rich people ain't even on the list. You ever see Vladimir Putin on that list? No. You just see the suckers that want people to know that they're rich. Yeah. Because they can make money off of being rich and being known as the rich guy. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Right? So these dudes who got the real, real money are like, yo, I don't want them knowing who the fuck I am. I want to go on vacation, bro. I don't need a yacht like Bill Gates. You know what I'm saying? I just want to go to the Bahamas, hang out regular. A Rothschild could be sitting right next to you having a fucking papaya dog, and you would have no clue. That's true.
Starting point is 00:11:10 I have no idea what they look like. Now it's on. So some people are saying because Google, the employees aren't in the office, they can't continually monitor this shit. Maybe since they're at home, there's like different access to Google, or maybe they're blocked from accessing certain things. I don't know what exactly it is beyond my pay grade. But it is an interesting look about how like the fabric of society is starting to unravel a little bit. Not in a fucking bad way. I'm not trying to go like doomsday on you guys at all.
Starting point is 00:11:39 That's never what this thing has been about. But these are the repercussions of this type of economic and like health-related calamity right now you're seeing the reverberation into other things the mta shutting down everybody in new york like they made money like that was a business i just thought that was part of what new york was what do you mean you lost four billion or you think you're gonna lose four billion in revenue like all these things are not directly related. So comics had to cancel all our gigs for the next few months. Now, all these comedy clubs we were supposed to perform at
Starting point is 00:12:14 are saying they've got to close their doors. That is the repercussion of this, the economic repercussion. That happens in every single business. So when people are worried about the economy, it's not AT&T going out of business government's gonna bail them out government's not gonna bail out the funny bone in omaha not saying that it went out of business maybe it did maybe it didn't but the dc improv you know what i mean yeah there might be like some small business loans that kind of stuff but again those are loans so if the government's like here we'll give you a loan thanks thank you for giving me more
Starting point is 00:12:45 money that i have to pay back when i'm not making money yeah like a business that can't function doesn't need a loan right a business that can't function needs a pause button you playing a video game you gotta piss what do you do pause you press pause you don't ask call of duty for more time you don't ask mario kart for more time or more laps you go pause when i get back we'll continue this shit that i think is the most functional way to get out of it so a couple things as far as preparation goes that i've been told for some people this is like just in case shit just make sure you're ready go take out some cash from what i've been told we're not going to mad max scenario anything like that but when there are times of uh economic instability people get real sticky with their cash and by sticky i mean they don't want that
Starting point is 00:13:40 shit too far from them right so if you have, right. And you try to take it out of the bank and too many people try to take it out at the bank at the same time, what the banks might do is put a limit on how much you can spend and how much you could take out. Why would they do that? Well, because while your money is in the bank, all your money ain't in the bank. While your money is in the bank, all your money ain't in the bank. That's the illusion. The way banks make money is Alex Media, myself, you guys at home listening, we all give a bank some money. That bank then lends that money out to other people.
Starting point is 00:14:19 So all our money isn't in the bank at the same time. But the bank is going, Wells Fargo is going, these motherfuckers ain't going to ask for all their money back at the same time. I can lend this shit, make a little money on it. Matter of fact, they get a couple little percentage points. Everybody's happy. Then you have a coronavirus and all of us are like, yo, we're going to need that money. And the bank is like, well, about that money, it's because I lent it to this guy who wanted to open up his little sneaker store. And either they're lending it out or it's also they're investing it in the stock market.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Right, right, right. They're putting it somewhere else than the bank. The banks, I think, only have to keep, I think, 10% of what, 10% of the holdings in the actual physical vault. Yeah. Right? So if Alex, me, and you guys listening, we all have total $1 million in a bank,
Starting point is 00:15:03 they only got to keep $100,000 of those dollars in the bank. $900,000 can be invested or they give loans to other people, et cetera. They use that money to make money. So when everybody's freaking out about money, what do they do? They go, bank, just give me some money. I just want to make sure I'm good. So the bank has to go, shit, we can't have anybody asking for money at the same goddamn time. We don't have the money. Let's limit it to $500 a day a seven thousand dollars a day five thousand whatever the fuck it is they might start limiting in a time like this just make sure you have a couple thousand dollars just have some cash around you never know right it literally might come down to a situation where you got to go to your neighbor like hey can i buy some food off you guys maybe you could memo maybe
Starting point is 00:15:44 you could cash out maybe you could paymo. Maybe you could Cash App. Maybe you could PayPal. Maybe not. Shout out to the drug dealers that are always liquid. Let's go. Honestly, they might be the first ones not to be. Why you say that? How are they going to get their imports?
Starting point is 00:15:57 Oh. If you're not growing it here, it ain't coming in, B. That's true. It ain't coming in. They're checking every person coming to the country. You don't think they're going to check those bags and shit? Them Colombians should send them right back to Colombia. Cocaine going to be
Starting point is 00:16:09 pricey. Better chop up that Adderall. Another thing. Kids, don't use drugs. Son, don't use drugs. But if you do, use Adderall. How do you think we put out 14 podcasts a fucking week? Shut up. They're going to actually believe that bullshit. Son, right before this, we were chopping up on the table. Let's talk about the fucking Rona.
Starting point is 00:16:29 And I didn't get any of that. You see that nose? Yo, Al, we'll share it. Son, I snored up that Adderall from the other room. I took one deep breath. Al was like, yo, really? Come on.
Starting point is 00:16:40 Come on, fam. Breathe out your mouth. Son, I'm having a hard time breathing now. I don't know if it's your nose or the corona every time before you take a breath i'm just like anyway uh other thing this uh money thing real quick in case y'all care some of you probably already know about this some of y'all might be financially uh illiterate just like me but an interesting thing. Every bank will, and maybe you should tell your parents about this or some folks that might know,
Starting point is 00:17:17 they might not know. A bank will keep up to $250,000 of your money under your name, but it's one name per bank. Now, if you have a business with that bank, that's considered another name because that business isn't you even though it is. Okay? So let's say I have Andrew Schultz. I can have $250,000 in this bank. And then my business, which is, who knows, Blue Bottle Productions, can also have $250,000 in that bank. Now, I can have more than that, but the government's only going to insure up to that. So let's say you have $750,000.
Starting point is 00:17:45 You need another bank. than that, but the government's only going to insure up to that. So let's say you have $750,000. You need another bank. You need to take that $250,000 and go to another bank if you want to make sure it can't go anywhere in case people go on a run on the banks. And I'm not trying to freak you guys out. The chances of that happening are very, very slim, very slim. I just want you to be informed. Let's say your parents got some money. You know, one of your grandparents died or something like that from that Ronita. Right? God forbid. God damn. What?
Starting point is 00:18:10 I'm just saying, God forbid. And they got some money that's just chilling in the bank. You never know what could happen. Just make sure that you're on point with your chicken. Okay? To quote my man. What was my man's name again? Marshawn Lynch.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Just make sure you got your chicken under control. You know what I mean? Speaking of Marshawn, he was in Westworld. Yo, we got to get to Westworld. Don't ruin that shit to me, but I was feeling that Westworld. What's it called? Yeah, and then another thing, very important. If you just got out of prison, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:18:40 very important. If you just got out of prison, I'm sorry. Son, imagine, son. Son, imagine you just got out of prison. You're like, finally, I'm free. And de Blasio's like, everybody stay in their house.
Starting point is 00:19:00 You're in a 24-hour quarantine. Can I get some pussy sent over? Social distancing. There'll be no touching. Nobody. For 48 hours. Maybe eight weeks. I'm like, where are you going with this?
Starting point is 00:19:15 20 years in prison. You're like, oh, I wanted some pussy. No. Touching. Nobody. Stay in your home. That is crazy. You might as well just stay in prison. You got all your homies in there.
Starting point is 00:19:23 You know you don't have a cell phone. You know you don't know how to use facetime you don't know how to use nothing imagine coming out of prison now how much trash that life would be bro and oh and if you catch the rona oh man double whammy right what do you do son go right go right back to prison you gotta knock on the prison door like Yer I did something Yo I did that other thing too What's up warden On a more positive note
Starting point is 00:19:55 And this is actually something important It's something that I started doing I think that we should all start doing If you got old people in your building Or your neighborhood go knock on their door don't get too close to them and ask them what they need okay smart they can go to the store but they can't because if they get the corona they're dead so help them the fuck out go get them the groceries get them whatever the fuck need. Put it at the door and then leave.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Amazon Prime that shit to them. But don't let these old motherfuckers go to the packed ass grocery store. They're probably freaking the fuck out. They know they're at risk. At least one old person in your building, go do that. And low key, it's going to make you feel fucking good. It's going to make you feel good, man. I think that even in this podcast today, we've been having a little bit of a negative attitude
Starting point is 00:20:49 towards what's going on. It's not ever a negative attitude. It's just about preparation. We try to start this with the preparation of what's going to happen and how you handle what happens. But now we're going to kind of shift to how the fuck we're going to dominate this thing. I mean, it is not end all game over.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Like, don't think that at all. You know, I mean, like there's positive stuff out there. Like apparently China has reopened Apple stores out there. And you have to look at this shit like a wave. Right. Like so China got the first wave. Right. So everybody's following suit.
Starting point is 00:21:23 China was first. Now they're back in the market first. By back in the market, I mean they're back to work first, right? So maybe if we lock everything down just like they locked everything down, shit will open back up. That's a potential positive, you know? So, yeah, just go help some old people. You know, it looks like New York, I think, is going to go on full quarantine, full lockdown. Like you got to stay inside.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Dark Knight Rises, shit. Shut down the bridges. You know what it looks like New York, I think, is going to go on full quarantine, full lockdown. Like, you got to stay inside. Dark Knight Rises shit. Shut down the bridges. You know what I mean? Funny thing about Dark Knight Rises is that Bane had a mask on. Like, he was ready for Corona. He was. He didn't even care about the Batman. Well, yeah, so.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Holy shit. Corona is the Batman. It's literally bat soup. Son. You know what I'm saying? Come on, son. Son. Corona is Batman. And we're all bane we're trying to protect ourselves from it
Starting point is 00:22:11 no but yeah you read all the um what's called what is something in place how's he calling it not quarantine they're just thinking of any other word to not call it quarantine What's called Is something in place How's he calling it Not quarantine They're just Thinking of any other word To not call it quarantine They don't want to call it quarantine So bad Just say what it is
Starting point is 00:22:31 Shelter in place Shelter in place Just say we in time out Yeah Okay mom Okay dad What are we in time out You just sending us
Starting point is 00:22:37 Into our fucking rooms We're gonna have to be in there Non-stop You know we told y'all To go out there And get some dogs And something you can walk Yeah
Starting point is 00:22:43 But no It's gonna happen in New York first And then then all the other states are going to follow suit. New York is ground zero for this shit. Yeah. Let's be honest. It's the most densely populated place on the planet. Of course people are going to transmit it to each other. Also, the only people who pay less attention to shit than us is Florida, apparently.
Starting point is 00:22:58 These motherfuckers are dying for the corona in Florida. Son. We were seeing images of them all hanging out at the beach, swimming. The beach is packed right now in Florida. for what yeah some dummies and florida got the oldest people word do you know what i mean like florida it got the oldest people if you even go to a walmart after you go to that beach you're taking out 20 of the people in florida hands down so it is what it is we would recommend obviously not doing that shit but um look it's there's there's a lot of positives that can come in this situation i think if we
Starting point is 00:23:31 go up a little bit more there's there's a couple more things no the other way um i think i think this is something that's really important to say one is uh we're not gonna go into this scared i hate that fucking mentality. I think it's a whack mentality. I think it's a stupid mentality. I think it's a bitch ass mentality. And we are not going to go into this with any bitch assness.
Starting point is 00:23:53 At least I'm not. I know Alex ain't. You will find whatever you look for. And that's in life in general. I say that to my girl all the time. It's like, if you are looking for a reason to be angry at me, you're going to find it. I'm going to give you plenty of reasons. Right? That's just life in general. I say that shit to my girl all the time. It's like, if you are looking for a reason to be angry at me, you're going to find it. I'm going to give you plenty of reasons.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Right? That's just what I do. I give reasons to be angry about shit. But I'm also a great motherfucker. So if you look for a reason why I'm great and we have a great relationship, you're going to find that as well. Same thing goes with this Rona. Right? Like, if you look for why this is the most awful situation that we could possibly be in, then you will find every reason why it's awful.
Starting point is 00:24:27 If you look at it as something that can be exciting, right? If you take the challenge and you rise to it, right? You master it. You defeat it. Like, you have to understand, you are the product. All of us right here, we are the products of millions of years of evolution. Okay? right here, we are the products of millions of years of evolution, okay, we're built to handle some fucking sniffles and a little time out, if you can't handle this shit, you're not supposed to be here in the first place, okay, don't let that shit, do not let this shit bog you down,
Starting point is 00:24:59 this shit should be something that is, that is on many levels, you can't wait to accept and conquer the challenge, right? Like one thing me and my girl were talking about, right? Because she wants to stay in her apartment right now. We're in my apartment, right? Her apartment's getting some construction done. And, you know, she kept talking about how things are going to be better once we get to her apartment. I said here's the problem we're not going to be happy if we keep thinking about what will happen in the future to make us happy right if we keep on thinking about what's going to happen when corona's gone and how we're going to be happy then we'll be miserable during the whole corona right if we focus on what we got now and what's dope now and how we can take advantage of this shit now, what we can do with all the free time, how we can learn shit.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Right. My mom is putting out, you know, my parents own a dance studio. If any of you guys didn't know, that's that's what they do. They own a dance studio. My mom is about to put down her whole dance lesson syllabus for all the years that they owned a dance studio all on YouTube videos. Wow. Go learn how to swing. Go learn how to salsa.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Go learn how to Argentine tango. That's what's up. Right? Like, low key, I want to bring her in if she don't have the Rona, and I want to do, like, a live dance class that anybody could come in on on Instagram Live. That's dope. You know? And then you're there with your girl. You might as well take 20, 30 minutes to learn how to fucking merengue.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Right? Like, take advantage of these opportunities. Me and my girl watched three nights in a row. We watched Lord of the Rings. Amazing fucking trilogy. And it was great to have that thing to look forward to. I was like, I'm not going to sit around and sulk. I refuse to sit around and sulk.
Starting point is 00:26:39 If there's something that is upsetting about the living situation we have, then we fix that shit. Okay? We're upset we don't have coffee? Let's buy a fucking coffee machine. But let's not buy some bullshit. Let's buy a French press. Let's buy the nicest fucking coffee machine we could ever have. Let's buy the machine that we wouldn't buy regularly
Starting point is 00:26:56 because we're like, I just want a cup of coffee on the go. I want an espresso. No. Let's get some refined, beautiful shit. Let's become coffee connoisseurs. Son, I'm Almost built for this Like this is how I live my life every day
Starting point is 00:27:08 There you go You already got that nice coffee spot Yeah Like The way I go about life is Hey Everything's gonna be okay I just live my life in a positive way
Starting point is 00:27:17 Yup And that's it Yup Like I'm always happy I'm always in a good mood Like Yup Excited
Starting point is 00:27:20 Like right now Yeah This situation sucks But I'm invigorated by it. We coming in here and just creating. This shit is fun. Coming in here creating, bro.
Starting point is 00:27:30 We have no plan, no plan whatsoever. Yo, let's just come and create. Let's figure this shit out. Let's go. Let's talk to the people. Shout out to all the people who, from the last episode, they've been DMing me about all the new shit that they did that day. Like, I love that. Even that shit, I get amped up that shit.
Starting point is 00:27:45 You know what? Next episode, next episode. And you know what? Fuck it. Let's do this right now. What's up? Let's say this right now. What we're going to do is we're going to do an episode every single day as long as this
Starting point is 00:27:58 quarantine lasts. Every single day, we're going to come in here and we're going to do that episode. And we're going to drop that episode. We'll find a good time to drop that episode And you know what We will have Some structure in our fucking days We'll have a little community in our fucking days
Starting point is 00:28:16 We'll all have something to look forward to In our days Matter of fact pull up Pour yourself a cup of coffee Pour yourself a cup of tea Pour yourself a glass of wine Whatever the fuck you pour yourself A glass of coffee, pour yourself a cup of tea, pour yourself a glass of wine, whatever the fuck you pour yourself, a glass of water, that works too. But let's create some structure, community togetherness throughout this thing.
Starting point is 00:28:32 And let's have a conversation every single fucking day. We'll do that. That will be our commitment to you guys. If y'all fuck with it, then come hang out. Simple as that. Okay? But I would love it to be a specific time. For real, man.
Starting point is 00:28:45 I was, like, inspired by the FDR fireside chats, man. People were anxious. They were nervous. They didn't know what the fuck to do. They didn't know who to trust. You know? And then he was like, I got this. We're going to talk about the economy.
Starting point is 00:28:55 We're going to talk about whatever these things are. And I think that we could offer that, man. I really truly believe we can. It makes me feel good doing it. So if that's a little thing that we can give to you guys Then I'm 100% down for that Al you down for that? I'm down
Starting point is 00:29:08 It's every day I love that It's every day What did you do new today? Or what are you gonna do new today? Okay so So Me and my girl
Starting point is 00:29:17 I could tell Do you feel like your apartment's Getting a little full? Yes And we're gonna wrap this up soon As we try to keep them at 30 So my apartment's getting a little full? Yes. And we're going to wrap this up soon as we try to keep them at 30. So my apartment's getting a little full, right? Because you're getting all this stuff. You know, your girl starts to stay with you and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:29:33 So she got her stuff. You're hoarding things because you're going to shop. You're like, ah, we got to make sure we have everything. We need this, that, the other. It's getting a little full. And I could tell that stresses me out a little bit. I could tell it's stressing her out. And I'm like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:29:45 We're not going to be stressed out about this shit. Let's throw some shit out. She goes, what you mean? I go, I don't need certain clothes. We're throwing them out. Okay? You're donating them. We're donating them to the streets.
Starting point is 00:29:57 These clothes are for the streets, bro. You know what I'm saying? Real talk. Are whores street walking walking how does that work nah everything's online now it is online ain't no hunts point yeah no hunts point during rona bro you a trooper the ogs might still out there i guess with the thick heel but yeah so the oh yeah so it's like so i gotta got to... So I'm like... I'm like, what we're doing is we're throwing everything out that isn't needed, that I don't
Starting point is 00:30:29 wear anymore, that you don't need, we don't want. We're cleaning up. We're creating space in this fucking apartment. I charged up one of my shades. I was just waiting to charge up my shade. I charged up my fucking shade so the shade can go up and down. It's one of those electric shades. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:30:42 But I just didn't charge it forever. I just left it down because I was fucking lazy. Just too rich for niggas out here. Which I'm pulling on shade still. Pour. That's the new hot gate. Pour. But I was like, nah, we're fucking doing it.
Starting point is 00:30:59 And then we have all these sneakers that are in this part of my apartment. And we don't have a closet or anything. I don't have a lot of closet space in my apartment. And so I said, we're building a fucking sneaker rack. Order that shit off Amazon. Anything that we need, we're fucking doing. Order the coffee. Order the sneaker rack.
Starting point is 00:31:16 I don't care if it doesn't look good. You know what we do? We build that shit. That's our project. And if it doesn't look good, we unbuild that shit. Send it back. But let's do things. Let's be productive.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Let's go get this shit keep sending us the stuff that you do man the photoshops i know there was a dude i got to forgot his name but we'll start posting him as well but he just did all this cool like little artwork and um he was like yeah i'm just going for it another guy said he got a job at uber eats because he got laid off from his regular job it's like people are actually going for it and um and we want to hear more stories about that, man. Uber Eats and Amazon is hiring. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Amazon hiring 100,000 people, man. So go hit up Amazon, you know. And, yeah, get it, man. Al, anything else you want to tell the people, man? In my 32 years of life, I learned how to do laundry for the first time. Oh, shit. I know all about detergents, fabric softeners, all that shit.
Starting point is 00:32:06 I'm lit out here. Hey, bro. You soft, bro. Hey, bro. You soft, bro. Hey, bro. First time in my life. You don't got a shorty
Starting point is 00:32:15 living with you? Nah, I've always did drop-off service. Really? Yeah, always drop-off. Oh, you can't drop off to the Asians. Yeah, that's part of the reason.
Starting point is 00:32:25 You just wrap all your clothes in a gas mask? That's part of the reason. That is fucked up. You need to find a new drop off, dog. Oh, man. Dude. Anyway, y'all, love y'all, man. We came over a little bit over 30.
Starting point is 00:32:41 We're going to do under 30 next one. We're going to try to keep them under. That's always our goal, but then we start talking. It's just fun. Chop it up with y'all, man. So holler at 30. We're going to do under 30 next one. We're going to try to keep them. That's always our goal. But then we start talking. It's just fun. Chop it up with y'all, man. So holler at us. We appreciate you. Hope y'all appreciate this.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Peace. Love. Yer.

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