Andrew Schulz's Flagrant with Akaash Singh - Coronavirus Makes Trump Go To War

Episode Date: March 19, 2020

What’s up friends and enemies. It’s Schulz here with the birthday boy, AlexxMedia and we're back with another episode of whatever this is call. This Coronavirus got Trump ready to go to war... I�...�ll explain. PEACE, LOVE & YERRRR

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, people? Welcome to another episode of We Don't Have a Name for This, okay? Coronacide chat. Some people are calling it the Quarantine Chronicles. I don't know what it is. We haven't named it yet. We'll name it at a later date. And I just hope you guys are having the Quarantine time of your life. You see what we did there? The puns keep running. The puns keep running over here, baby. It's Alex Media's birthday birthday so make sure you with uh wish him a happy birthday happy birthday al uh alex media with two x's on uh all socials thank
Starting point is 00:00:32 you um let's get right into it man people are trying to trying to make money off the rona i got a venmo request uh for 20 from vaccine yeah some people are trying to profit off our dire need of a vaccine. And I'm not just talking about the pharmaceutical companies that do that every day. I'm talking about regular human beings are trying to profit. And I will be honest with you. I sent that Venmo request for $20. I still haven't paid Ed and from three weeks ago for doing all the podcasts that we do, but I immediately sent that Venmo request because we all got to do our part. I don't know if they got the vaccine.
Starting point is 00:01:09 You just funded terrorism. That's exactly what I did not do, okay? I'm trying to stop this bioterrorism. But people at home, let me tell you something. A great question that everybody's been asking is, where is the vaccine? Okay? I was doing a little reading,
Starting point is 00:01:24 and it turns out some people believe they have it. And by people, I'm not talking about like 4chan or like these Reddit nerds. I'm talking about actual pharmacies or like not pharmacy, pharmaceutical companies. They believe they have the vaccine. Here's the problem. I know what everybody's watching right now. I know you guys at home are watching right now. You're like, okay, they have the vaccine.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Why don't they just give it to us? I'll tell you why. They don't know the long-term effects. What if they give the vaccine to everybody, and then two months later, we all die from it? Now you gave the entire world a death sentence. Only 1% or 2% of us was going to die from corona. Now all of us are dead
Starting point is 00:02:06 so that's the tricky thing with vaccines right you don't know the long-term effects usually i think they create a vaccine and then it's at least a year right they test on animals then they start testing on humans they've jumped right to the humans and obviously we're all thinking the same thing right now it's like yo if one of these old people are going to die you might as well just hit them off with the vaccine. If they die from it, we know it kills them. If they don't die from it,
Starting point is 00:02:27 we know it's good. And I completely agree. But these pharmaceutical companies, they're not feeling that way. But yeah, they're rushing to human test and they're actually paying people. They're paying people
Starting point is 00:02:39 a pretty good penny. Yeah, they're paying people like $450 to do it. And honestly, probably a lot of people would have done that before this week all the politicians started saying, yo, we could give you $1,000, $2,000. They're like, well, I'm good. I'm good on that injection.
Starting point is 00:02:53 I'm going to chill at home, play 2K or UFCs, Fight Night, whatever that shit was. That game is amazing, by the way. You guys should check that game out. Intense. Not an ad. But here's the thing. So a lot of people have been asking about what are the effects of this, right? What are there going to be effects on relationships? You see a lot of
Starting point is 00:03:10 like people posting about relationship problems. Will it ruin marriages? I don't think it's going to ruin marriages at all. I actually think it's going to make marriages 10 times better. I'll tell you why. Men, There's something in our composition That makes us think Whatever we do Is the hardest thing Okay Whatever we do
Starting point is 00:03:30 Is the hardest Our wife could never possibly understand How hard our job is I have a friend He literally watches basketball for a living This guy thinks he has the hardest fucking job Guys I can't talk I gotta go
Starting point is 00:03:41 Watch the Orlando Magic Play the Knicks I mean That might be worse than D dying from coronavirus watching that game. That being said, it's not the hardest thing. I literally call my boy today, right? I'm like, hey, how you doing? He picks up.
Starting point is 00:03:55 He's exhausted. He's groggy. He's like, man, man, this shit is rough. And I'm like, what, the quarantines got you down? He goes, nah, man, these kids. This guy just hadn't taken care of his kids yet he literally worked every day of the three years they've been on this planet so he just hadn't babysat his kids for an extended period of time he's like son this is breaking me
Starting point is 00:04:19 down i cannot handle this shit anymore taking kids Taking care of kids is stressful. He literally goes to me, he goes, yo, this is going to change the markets. Because my nanny is looking me in the face and seeing me struggle. And she's going, ooh, I'm about to get a raise when this shit is over. You're not going to praise gouge now. But if you're a nanny or a babysitter the people that are paying you those parents of the kids you watch are finding out exactly how valuable you are right now so the second this whole shit is over be good during this shit everybody's stressed financially financially everybody's strapped but
Starting point is 00:04:56 the second those folks start to make money again let them know a inflation baby we're gonna have to boost them prices up okay you can't be out here doing the same work for the same amount of money as inflation goes up. Okay? Only strippers would be dumb enough to do that. Strippers still dancing for $1. $1. Come on, yo.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Come on, yo. At least step it up to Portland with the $2 situation. Yeah, Portland was slick. They literally took out $2 bills so we could tip the strippers, which I was too high to even tip any of them. I got so like, whatever. We didn't tip a dollar. So, but it's an interesting thing.
Starting point is 00:05:32 What's going on when you see what happens with this Corona? Now, I find it very funny how much can change in a month, right? Literally, if we go back a month ago, everybody think back a month ago when times were normal, times were regular. I mean, people were dying in China, but we've never cared about that. So we just completely ignored it, right? A month ago, people were saying, how dare Trump build a wall? Brexit? What are you talking about Brexit? We're the European Union. We're all these countries together, right? Now, close the borders. Nobody in, nobody out. How dare you even think about letting anybody in or out of your country?
Starting point is 00:06:09 What, are you fucking crazy? Right? A month ago, guns kill people. How could we even have guns? Now, there are lines around the block, hipsters buying guns on fucking electric bicycles. Who would ride an electric bicycle? Get a motorcycle like a man. That's an inside joke.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Some of you might understand. All this independent women shit, that's out the window. No woman wants to be independent during a quarantine. You want that quarantine, baby. Be honest. You want to be lonely. Ain't no to the left, to the left. What can I do?
Starting point is 00:06:41 Can I make you some breakfast? Can I help you out? Is there anything I can do to provide? Do you know how to cut hair? Yo, real talk. Women, I know there's a lot of women out there that know how to cook. I know there's a lot of women out there that know how to clean. And you guys are killing it during this little quarantine situation that we got going on.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Yep. But if you could also cut hair, we might have to risk it on some barbers, bro. I'm getting a little woofy out here. Al, how you doing? Son, that's why I'm behind the camera. You're lucky, right? I got to be out here in the front where they just see me turn into the fucking wolf, man. No, this is going to be bad.
Starting point is 00:07:18 But yeah, man, it's a different time. It's a different time. A lot can change. And maybe America, maybe we all needed this or maybe the first world the second world whatever it is maybe we all needed this kind of like um reckoning we needed this like realization you know we've been living in this completely false dream world for so long we just got comfortable yeah and i'm liking it so you know what there's a difference but it's like we were before what What it was, I'll try to explain to people, is like we were peeing on ourselves, right?
Starting point is 00:07:47 And when you piss your pants, it's actually warm as long as you're pissing. But when you run out of pee, it gets cold and uncomfortable. And that's what happened. We ran out of pee, right? And now we're just sitting here in these soggy, dripping fucking pants and we're miserable. And we're doing everything we can to dry up those pants. I just want to let you know. What an analogy.
Starting point is 00:08:12 There's a lot of things drying up. Dude, I'm telling you, there's a lot of things drying up. Everybody thinks it's all negative. It's not all negative. Do you know what I mean? You're getting cameos for the low. Ooh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:22 You think the stock market's low? You think the Dow Jones is low? Go check out Cameo, bro. Your favorite artist from the 90s? $10 a pop, guaranteed. Go check out what 98 Degrees is doing on Cameo. You have Nick Lachey say whatever you want to you for $5 guaranteed. Go look at, listen, I'm not on Cameo, but go look at the prices of Cameo and see how those are fluctuated. I guarantee that that bottoms out before the stock market on Cameo, but go look at the prices of Cameo and see how those are fluctuated. I guarantee that that bottoms out before the stock market. Cameo is going to be serious.
Starting point is 00:08:52 If you don't know what Cameo is, good. So, all right, let's talk about the economy for a second because there's a lot of conversations about like what's happened to the economy and, you know, these bailouts and people want to give every American $1,000 or $2,000 or, you know, is, are we in a recession, all these different things. So let's talk about it just in its most basic terms, right? And I wrote this down just so I could be extra clear about it. But the way capitalism works, and especially our economy works in its most basic terms is we buy goods or services and then the people who receive that income then spend it on other goods and services. Okay. So when there is no money, all of that grinds to a halt. For example, right? Let's say the people get laid off, right? From their restaurant job, okay?
Starting point is 00:09:47 They no longer have money to purchase goods and services, right? They no longer have money to go to a restaurant, right? That restaurant no longer has income from people purchasing things in the restaurant, right? So the restaurant can't function. The people can't function. The restaurant has a loan from a bank. This has got to pay back, but now it has no money coming in. So it can't pay back that loan. The people maybe have a loan for their home, the apartment
Starting point is 00:10:15 that they live in, right? They no longer have any wages coming in. So they can't pay that loan back, right? Now the banks don't have any money coming in. Now, when you and I go to the bank and we try to take some money out, the bank goes, oh shit, we don't have any money coming in now when you and i go to the bank and we try to take some money out the bank goes oh shit we don't have your money we go why not he goes oh the way that we operate as a bank is we lend out your money to other people make a little bit of profit on it and uh well those people didn't pay back the money we went back the whole economy falls apart that is worst case scenario that's not going to happen but the way that they're trying to avoid it is with this bailout talk or this $1,000, $2,000 to every American talk, right? What a bailout is, is essentially you give the money to the business and then that trickles down, right? So you give
Starting point is 00:10:53 the money to the guy who owns the restaurant and then he pays all his employees and then those employees have money to go purchase goods and services, right? The other way to do it, the Andrew Yang model, which a lot of politicians are adopting right now is give the money directly to the people, right? And that will hopefully help consumerism a bit. So now every American has another $1,000, $2,000. And what do they do with that? They go to the restaurant, they buy some goods and services at the restaurant. Now the restaurant gets to stay open, and the people get to purchase things, but also get to pay for their rent. So that's what people are trying to avoid by these either bailouts or giving the money to the people. So you basically bail out the businesses or bail out the people. I doubt that they'll do both, but who knows? It could be that
Starting point is 00:11:34 dire. And we'll see where people go from here, man. One of the things that's really interesting that could happen to this is long-term business effects though um we've been living so good that we never considered anything like this could possibly happen and that's why you have all these businesses that operate on the margins is what it's called right you have all these businesses that are basically month to month like al al used to run a restaurant or a social media for a restaurant right and the restaurant went down but that restaurant was probably operating month to month. So if they had a good month, they were good.
Starting point is 00:12:08 They had a bad month. They were bad. Yeah. Right. And if you have a couple of bad months, you out the game. Right. And a lot of these businesses that are open today are going to be out the
Starting point is 00:12:17 game after a couple of bad months. If they don't get some bailouts, right. What's going to happen in the future is this. A guy who has $3 dollars to invest in something. Is going to go to have a meeting with somebody and the guy's like, hey, listen, I want to open up a restaurant and we'll probably probably profit this much, but it'll be a cool place. But, you know, we're not gonna make too much money, but we'll make probably 10, 20 percent or something like that. And the guy will go, well, what do you plan on doing in case there's like a flu epidemic?
Starting point is 00:12:43 Because that's something that could happen now. Coronavirus. And then the guy will go, well, we don't make enough money to survive that. So we just got to hope that doesn't happen. And then the millionaire dude will go, I'm good on my money. I'll invest in something else. I think this could really affect mom and pop businesses long term. Because why would you invest, especially if you're trying to get outside money, why would you invest in one of these businesses that's barely profitable? Towards the end of my parents' business, they had a dance studio.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Obviously, you know that from the clip we put out. You know what I'm saying, Al? You know what I'm saying, Al? Hey, the Corona Shuffle, what is it? I already forgot it. It doesn't matter. Go check it out on Instagram. Distancing? Yeahain, disdancing?
Starting point is 00:13:29 Yeah, yeah, social disdancing. There we go. Go check it out on Instagram if you know what we're talking about. Our hips really didn't lie. Check it out. Nah, they were throwing. They were throwing. But yeah, they were operating month to month towards the end of their shit. So they could not sustain something like this.
Starting point is 00:13:40 Yeah. So I think that you could see like long-term repercussions business-wise that could really change the way that we do business. And no bullshit, I think it changes the way people live. I don't think old people
Starting point is 00:13:53 will live in big cities after this if they can afford not to. Right? I mean, most smart old people moved out. They already move out. Right? But I always assume
Starting point is 00:14:03 that they moved out, right? Because of like comfort of life and lifestyle. But I think this is one of those things where like culture was impacted by environment. So I think like a long time ago, we're talking about maybe 100 years, 200 years or 400 years or whatever. I think people moved out of the big city as they got older. Not only because they were more like successful but also because they were trying to avoid the plague. They were trying to avoid the flu. They were trying to avoid all the sicknesses that we didn't really have a way to cure back
Starting point is 00:14:36 in the day. And I think you'll start to see this happen again. If you're old, you really want to be on a subway with some motherfucker coughing on you and playing music real loud and the the speakers on his phone nah you want to be out there in montauk chilling by the beach with fresh air with no corona in it i really think it could be something that switches the way we live we literally send our parents out and that's an interesting thing like if you don't want your parents to live with you when you get older just move into the city and you really look at them like you could look at you know you could live with me if you want but you could also die how much you love me mom how much how much
Starting point is 00:15:13 you love me dad you willing to do it i really think it could it could be something that goes down you know um on the bailout situation I wanted to point out there's a few businesses right now that are really having a hard time, especially like the airline industry. Yeah. They're having a tough time. And somebody broke it down to me. It's like that industry as well as others. They do this thing where it's like a buyback of their stock. So they increase the stock prices because they're liquid.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Like they have a lot of cash on hand. So they buy their own stock and raise the prices of it. Well, so what happens with the buyback is this, they got the bailout, right? And this would happen when Obama bailed out. No, no, no, no. This is different. This is a stock buyback. Yeah. Yeah. So what happens is they use the money that they got, right? Uh, from the Obama bailout. And instead of injecting that money, let's say, into employees and that kind of stuff like that, they bought back their own stock. And that drives up the price. Yes, yes, yes. Right? So what they're doing is a move that's only to appease shareholders, not necessarily make the business more viable.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Some people believe it does make the business more viable because if it's worth more, then the business is looked at as better and maybe more people invest in it. Yeah. You know, especially in a time of scarcity, you see one business doing well, you're like, okay, look, I'm going to get my – like if you look at the stock market right now, every business is going down except Netflix. Mm-hmm. Right? Of course, because everybody's streaming. So people just dumping money in those companies that are like working. But yeah, that's that's another issue.
Starting point is 00:16:50 It's like that's one way you could potentially save your business or not. You know, like. But they're taking the hurt in the worst because now their stock is worthless and all of their money was in their stock. So not not only as no one's taking flights now, your company isn't worth shit and all your money was in their stock. So not only is no one's taking flights, now your company isn't worth shit and all your money was in your company. So it's like, they are. There's a tricky thing with this, right? Now let's scroll down a little bit.
Starting point is 00:17:13 But there's a tricky thing with this, right? Is sometimes these big businesses, and again, I don't work for them, but sometimes these big businesses, they don't give a fuck because they know they're getting bailed out. Like, they're like a rich kid's – they're like a wealthy person's kid. You know, like those wealthy person's kids that, like, get in car accidents all the time. They get DUIs.
Starting point is 00:17:38 They're strung out. They get arrested. But they don't really care because they know that they're too rich to really get in trouble. Yeah. Right. That's what these businesses are like. That's what AT&T is. They're like, you really don't let me fail.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Hey, you really if you let me fail, it's global economic collapse. Like, that's what the airline industry is. They're like, you really you really don't want there to be any American airlines. And what I mean by American airlines, I don't mean that airline. I mean, all airlines that operate out of America. Delta, United, all of them. So they're looking at the government like, hey, bro. What?
Starting point is 00:18:13 You going to leave me in jail, ma? You going to leave me in jail, dad? No. Cough up the bread, stupid. That's literally how they're doing it. So I don't think they have the same fear of failing. Whereas if me and you got a business and it fails, you think Donald Trump's like oh we gotta bail him out no don't give a fuck don't give a fuck don't give no fucks i just feel sorry for the employees the ones that are getting laid
Starting point is 00:18:32 off or being forced to leave the job like that should so that's another thing that's really interesting about employees and what's happening right now like and like predatory hiring this is what's really interesting so there are going to be certain businesses that are going to do everything in their power to keep certain employees if they believe that they'll be able to make it through this right so let's use like nba teams as an example right nba players are all unionized and they have all these rules etc so if the players stop getting paid they're still locked into their team you can't touch them but the front office isn't so if the team if the team shuts down for the rest of the year and they decide to not pay their front office they essentially let
Starting point is 00:19:13 them go so if there's a front office person let's say a gm or a president another team can contact them and be like yo the pistons aren't paying you't paying you. We want you next year. We got all the money. We'll start getting you now. Oh, wow. So you can see a lot of shakeups, not only in the NBA, but also a bunch of other businesses, tech businesses. Uber is struggling. Lyft got some money. Lyft goes, yo, we want your CEO.
Starting point is 00:19:37 We want this. Obviously, CEO is not going to go. And that's why you see a lot of part-time workers getting laid off first, because unfortunately, they're the most replaceable. They're going to do everything in their power to keep the senior execs because they're like, if we lose these guys, we actually lose the most profit driving force in our business. OK, so it's a tricky thing. But that's when you see the replaceable workers go, man. It kind of sucks. But yeah, it kind of sucks. We'll see what Trump has to do with it. Trump. Trump is go, man. It kind of sucks. But yeah, it kind of sucks.
Starting point is 00:20:05 We'll see what Trump has to do with it. Trump is interesting, man. Like I've been watching basically him bumble this entire shit and it's giving me some perspective on what he's been doing and how he's been operating and how he's been playing the game. Right. Trump is James Harden. OK. OK. Explain it to the non-basketball fans so james harden is a is a basketball player who's known for his like regular season prowess right like james harden is out here flashy putting up big numbers doing all this kind of shit never won a championship right and that's what trump was doing trump was uh was running on the economy he was like as long
Starting point is 00:20:42 as the economy's booming, I got this election. Because at the end of the day, people vote with their pockets, right? So I got to keep the company, I got to keep the economy humming. And the economy was humming, right? Stock market was killing. Everything was high. He was riding high. He could literally say whatever he want to anybody. And he didn't care. That's offensive. You don't really care because look at your retirement fund popping, right? Shut up. That's what he was looking at people he was looking at all these reporters talking shit to him and he was just like how is your retirement though yeah exactly you love this right here's the thing james harden flashy big numbers just like that trump economy right how many rings he got zero because what wins championships defense and trump just like james harnon
Starting point is 00:21:28 threw away the defense for the offense all offense right yeah so trump threw away that pandemic team when he got into office for what reason save a few million bucks it was a few million bucks right that's what it was going to save him but he threw it away because he wants to have that bare bones government where it looks like you know there's not a lot of spending it's not big government etc and i get that to a certain extent right obviously government is not the most effective uh use of money right um that being said he threw it away for the offense. And when the defense was needed, it wasn't there. Just like James Harden in the playoffs. When a defense was needed, it wasn't there. You can't win a championship on step back threes.
Starting point is 00:22:18 And that's what Trump was trying to do. Step back, paper towel, Puerto Rican. That was his move. Right. Threw that shit away. So now what does Trump do? He pivots. Are you seeing what he's doing now? This is genius. He's gone to war with the virus. Oh, wartime president. Right? What are they always saying now? Wartime president, right? He had the American flag in the past. And why has he done it? Because a president at war has never lost an election. So Trump can't run on the the economy anymore he can't run on his decorum that's for sure right nobody give a fuck about building a wall at this point because all the borders are closed anyway you can't say i'm closing the borders yeah everybody got closed borders now stupid
Starting point is 00:22:59 right so what does he have to run on war now? To his credit, he's not starting a war in another country. He's he's pretty much anti-war. He has had plenty of plenty of opportunities to go to war and he hasn't done. And I respect that. So he found something to go to war with that doesn't have U.S. soldiers as the casualties. And that's the virus. And now all the language around the virus is warlike. That's the virus. And now all the language around the virus is warlike, right? He's even calling it the Chinese virus, right? Because it's us versus the Chinese virus, right?
Starting point is 00:23:34 He's almost like adding some stakes to it, right? I can't believe he's doubling down with that shit, though. That's the best. The virus does not have an ethnicity. Why do you call it a Chinese virus? Because it's from China. That's a good point. It is from china so it is a really interesting thing that's going on and uh the war is against corona and he's doing that shit man he's going for it it's a smart strategy i give it to him the smart side we'll see what happens um i don't want to stress you guys out we are trying
Starting point is 00:23:59 to keep this under 30 minutes we have promised that we were gonna we were gonna do that um but then we get to talking it's fun to cook but uh we do have definitely have some good news to rock on um we got a corona hack for you because remember as times change as the economy changes as business changes there's all these little opportunities that pop up a lot of people aren't aware of okay so here's a dope corona hack my girl put me on to all these fancy restaurants right um will go out of business if they don't continue making food. But you can't go into the restaurant and eat, right? So what are they doing for the first time in their history?
Starting point is 00:24:31 Delivery. So Minetta Tavern, arguably the best burger in New York City, has never delivered in their existence. Delivering. You don't got to wait in line. You don't got to look like a sucker when they say, oh, we have no reservations tonight. They'll take it to your house.'re your bitch now okay not only minetta tavern um what else was there carbone carbone you get that spicy rigatoni from carbone uh you get that uh caesar salad from carbone there's a bunch of other shit but carbone is an amazing restaurant
Starting point is 00:25:01 you literally cannot get a reservation you know it it? No. I'm just saying, there you go again talking this big buddy shit out here. Nah, son. Even though, yeah. It's not too crazy. I'm talking about like the Corona date night. You and your girl, you get dressed up,
Starting point is 00:25:12 you're staying in, right? You have someone else risk Corona to get you that spicy rig, right? Nami Nori sushi, that's going to be expensive. But if you're going to ball out, right? Think about how much money you're saving staying in the house, right?
Starting point is 00:25:24 You're not going to spend any money money it's not like you're doing activities you're not even buying five dollar coffees at starbucks because you're not leaving the house i really think that we're gonna be on shutdown shutdown like you're not leaving yeah and here's an opportunity where some of that money that you save you get to spend it splurge have a nice one just look at all the restaurants that you've wanted to eat at i bet you half of them have started some sort of either delivery or pickup service take advantage of that advantage of that shit show us when you got it we love seeing your little uh your posts with all these types of things um i know a lot of people have been doing stuff you've been getting hit up a lot huh yeah yeah yeah it's been um look i understand it's a tricky time you
Starting point is 00:26:04 know like new yorkers they're debating whether we're going to shut us down. I think they're going to shut us down entirely. I really do feel like that's going to happen. And I think you just got to be ready for it, man, be prepared for it. You know, I live in Manhattan. Our studio is out here in Brooklyn. And if they shut down the bridges, they shut down the bridges. So I got to find a way to be out here.
Starting point is 00:26:22 I might have to get an Airbnb. I might have to do one of those things. But I got to find a way to be here. i might have to get an airbnb i might have to do one of those things but i gotta find a way to be here but we made a promise to you guys we're gonna deliver this every single day and you know we we intend on keeping that promise man um i know a lot of you guys have been spreading the word and and uh and sharing these videos with your friends and that's just so dope man it means a lot to us you know and um that you would want to do that and hopefully they're helpful to people and that you would want to do that. And hopefully they're helpful to people.
Starting point is 00:26:46 And hopefully you get the most out of it. And hopefully you run with some of this stuff, man. I shaved my balls yesterday, man. And I felt like a new man. I saved it. I saved it. Because when I get a little down, I shave my balls. But I knew I was going to get a little bit.
Starting point is 00:26:59 I knew I was going to get a little bit frustrated in this quarantine. I knew I was going to feel a little bit claustrophobic and held down. And I waited, I waited, I waited. It happened and boom. I felt like a new man. I felt like a brand new man. So save that ball hair, okay? Save that
Starting point is 00:27:17 ball hair, shave it up, tip-top shape, and feel like a new person, okay? And ladies, you shave every single day. So don't play around out here. Okay? The patriarchy's back. We in a quarantine.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Learn how to wax at home. Yo, real talk. I can't go out. Real talk. Learn how to wax at home. Babe. But a couple, just a couple quick hits before we go. Go.
Starting point is 00:27:38 So I just want to say shame on you to Best Buy and Tesla and any of the other big factories and big companies that are forcing their employees to stay and work. Like a lot of like large groups of people forced to work close inside each other or they risk their getting fired if they don't want to come into work. It's a little bit alarming for New York because we kind of leading the way. But it really looks like they're going to we're going to have full shutdown shut down not leave your house that's the way it's heading right now but there's no confirmation of that guys just prepare for those things um you know prayers out for the people in salt lake they had a huge earthquake over there uh 5.7 magnitude earthquake it like they lost power imagine
Starting point is 00:28:25 losing power at a time like this when you're forced to be at home so prayers out to them and um they had an earthquake in salt lake yeah huge earthquake damn yeah and then uh just shout out to uh brazil and the 1400 prisoners you have running your streets oh that's what's up them favelas about to be lit bro yeah you know talking about talking about uh semi-legal shit uh one of the dudes hit me up from amsterdam he said uh so they closed all the businesses except groceries and pharmacies yeah uh also you know what's bad funny is we criticize companies like tesla and best buy for like uh forcing their employees to work but we never criticize whole foods you know i mean we're like
Starting point is 00:29:06 y'all better show up y'all better i need my fucking dry mango hi hector yeah okay stock them shelves motherfucker we got the cbsa stock like we don't give no smoke to them we're like all y'all better get corona because you are here to make sure i got tampons to buy my girl okay the originals unscented scent cause yeast infection i learned but no what was the point we're saying damn we over 30 man fuck we gonna get there but that was the last one just uh brazil like just like oh no the so they shut down everything except like pharmacies groceries like what everybody's doing you know hospitals and um the black market trade for weed got so crazy in three days that the government said all right fuck it we'll open
Starting point is 00:29:51 up the cafes oh wow that's crazy that's crazy like you can do pickup only three people in the store you gotta wait a lot but it just got so insane in three days wow so don't you ever say that potheads are lazy all right they got energy to get the shit that they need anyway man we love y'all um we appreciate y'all man thank you for spreading the word we hope this helps you and uh we're gonna keep it up as long as we in here and let's build this man salute i know we should you know we should we should take a little shot or something at the beginning take Take a little sip on something, no matter where you are in the world. You know, because there's no rules now for drinking. Right?
Starting point is 00:30:29 It's not like we're working. So it's either a shot, sip of coffee, sip of tea, sip of whiskey. It don't matter what the fuck it is, a sip of. We should start the show with that, but we'll end it today. And as always, peace, love, and year.

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