Andrew Schulz's Flagrant with Akaash Singh - Elon's Tesla Burning is Terrorism, Drake Lawsuit Gets Worse, & White Lotus Saved TV
Episode Date: March 19, 2025YERRR Schulz's Mom is a Leafs fan apparently, we find out who is an organ donor, the guys learn about American history and find out who is to blame, the viral Ruby Franke story gets broken down, the g...enius behind White Lotus is revealed, and the debate about Tesla being burnt down is had. All that and more on this week's episode of FLAGRANT. INDULGE 0:00 Schulz's mom is a Leafs fans 2:08 Alexx Tennis obsession + Giving blood 10:34 The US government did some WILD things 20:18 Why do we trust Italians? 23:17 HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALEXX + We'll never know 25:46 Weird transition to Mark's baby 27:28 "We can park here" + Uber's so expensive 33:13 Persian Tire Change + Car Rentals are LIARS 36:53 The US has Extreme Gullibility & Religiosity 57:00 Ruby Franke story is wild + Parenting Advice 1:11:54 Jonathan Majors "aggressing" + Wild justifications 1:23:58 George the Messiah v Brian Scalabrine + March Madness 1:36:48 Using Down Syndrome filter for OnlyFans? 1:43:35 White Lotus Allegory, Catch-up & Theories 2:03:13 Emily in Paris predicted Life + Foreshadowing 2:05:55 Austin profile raised by Joe Rogan 2:07:26 UMG calls out Drake + Can Drake win? 2:13:38 Billboard's new rules + The streaming business 2:23:10 If Drake does half-time World Cup show... 2:24:11 JFK Files released 2:26:26 Violence v Tesla - is this terrorism? 2:34:18 Boston Tea party - terrorism, vandalism or revolution? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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What's up everybody, welcome to Flagrant.
It's been brought to my attention by the internet, the glorious internet, that uh,
my mom was caught outside of a Toronto Maple Leafs hockey game recently.
Take it away.
I'm really sorry.
I came all the way from Scotland, I thought the Leafs were gonna win.
Two games they lost.
It must have been the fact that the guys were so overwhelmed at the size of my massive chin.
They lost concentration.
I am sorry.
They let me sit on the bench.
That's why they lost tonight.
They were overcome by Scottish pheromones.
They didn't know what they were doing.
I didn't know.
That's so good.
They let her sit on the bench?
I never understood where you got your confidence until that day.
That all makes sense.
They might be the most confident people.
They just don't give a f-
Are Scottish women known for having huge tits?
Two for two!
Most of the women, my aunt Edith,
rest in peace, had huge tits.
She looked like Gru. She had all upper body.
It was just this massive upper body.
But a lot of them start to get fat and then
their just belly and tits become this one thing.
It's just like something to put a square on top of the wall
That's fire dude, man, this girl was awesome. Yeah, she said she's a big one that you know that there's like
The Scottish are so they have like such like a roasty culture
Yeah, they're like you gotta get you got to accept whatever the fuck you look like real fast
So if you're if you're fat, everybody calls you fat since you're a kid. It's kind of like Latinos
Like the fat kid they call you they call you flaco. What does that mean?
Call you the opposite of what you are I knew a Gordo
Oh, okay. They'll call you the opposite of what you are.
I knew a Gordo.
We have like a family name in India.
So my cousin, they just call him Golu, which just means round.
Just means round.
That's just what's called.
That's his name to everybody.
So then eventually you become like 45 years old and you've been a fat piece of shit your
whole life.
You learn how to be funny about it and endearing, and then you just take over the internet.
So shout out you, miss.
Shout out you, okay?
I was playing tennis with the number one 14-year-old in DR,
and she's like a little darker skinned Dominican,
and they're like, hey, nigger, nigger, nigger.
That's her name.
She beat your ass, didn't she?
Oh, of course.
She was nice, 14-years- old, busting everybody's ass.
That shit was fun.
That people really coming up on tennis, huh?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, dude.
Give her some time.
No, you guys got that quick.
What'd they call you out there?
I really was the weakest link out there.
It humbled me quite a bit.
Do you have a tennis ball on your nail?
I do.
Oh, wow.
Tennis ball on the nail.
The shirts have a towel.
You know what, dude?
I like it.
That's Lee, like, I love it.
You're like the gay version of her.
You're like that, but for gay.
I'll take it. Thank you.
No, because he doesn't want to have fun with it.
He, like, tries.
Oh, that is true.
Like, she knows she got huge fat tits,
and she's a big, sloppy girl,
and she leans into it. Yeah.
But you get a little sensitive when we make...
I think this is fly as fuck.
No, exactly. That's the problem.
She doesn't think she's flying like she doesn't
Think she believes
She believes so we had a way conviction we get you to that point though
We need to get you to the point where you're just accepting
Yeah, if you were like, I'm not good at tennis because there's no good homosexual tennis players. Yeah, that would be that no there was Arthur Ash
That's a deep cut joke.
Wait, who's Arthur Ashe?
That's a deep cut joke.
He died at age?
He's the one who died at age.
I didn't know what happened.
And we named a stadium after him, isn't that crazy?
He got it from a blood transfusion, dog.
Beckley didn't know.
Beckley didn't know.
I think he got it from a deep cut.
No, did you really think it was a blood trip? Yeah, it was like the 70s
They didn't even start checking until after he died. So there was just some random gay guy getting butt fucked, cummed in and then going to
Mount Sinai and yeah
They didn't understand what AIDS was until like what the late 80s? Who gives blood like I'm trying to like what's going on your life
Really? I've got good blood. Really? Yeah. Yeah. I'm giving plasma. Yes. I do the same thing. Oh, do you have the fancy blood? Yeah? Yeah? No, I don't but plasma
I heard they needed and I was trying to be a good person. I gave up on that shit
Don't wait. I see your blood it don't I should I? Why is it yellow? One blood transfusion, type 2 diabetes a week later.
A corn syrup.
If anybody gets diabetes like Arthur Ashe, that's me.
That's my blood.
RFK will ban your blood immediately.
Red diamellia.
Why is there so much corn syrup in here?
So what's going through your life when you...
Was there like a call made, like,
hey, we need blood because there's a travesty?
I had donated before, and you actually feel better.
At first you feel kind of like shit when you donate blood,
but then, I don't know, you start to feel like-
I've done it too.
I thought it was for like a credit or something in college.
Like I thought there was some sort of award.
I did that for 9-11, so everybody knew which team I was on.
That was important in my high school.
Well, which team did you donate to?
You did it to the dudes in Afghanistan.
No, no, no, dude. That visa took too long.
So I just went to the mosque and, no, I did it in my high school.
They had like a blood drive.
I don't even know how.
So they were milking 9-11 for blood.
Yeah, yeah.
You know, but you need your blood in Texas.
That's a good point.
That's some fucked up shit, man.
When I was in law enforcement, they used to force us to do it, like every six months.
You feel good afterward though, right? Half an hour? No, really? When I was in law enforcement, they used to force us to do it. Like every six months. Really?
You feel good afterward though, right?
After like an hour?
I just used to do it for the fucking chocolate and a little time off from work.
At my high school, they would drive up with a bus, five Jamaican ladies would be on it,
and then you'd go on, you'd give blood and they'd give you a movie ticket.
And you got to skip class.
And so they would just mill, but you, there were 15 year olds going on this bus, giving
blood like three times a week.
But that's sick. You get a movie ticket.
Movie tickets now.
Movie tickets now.
We don't do it for just to be good Samaritans.
Yeah, the movie ticket is $40. They sell the blood for $600.
It's like an insane money.
They sell it?
Yeah. Yeah, these buses are just selling it to the hospitals and they make crazy money on it.
Oh, I thought the buses were from the hospital.
That's crazy.
They're like independent blood harvesters from children.
Can someone fact check this please? That's crazy. They're like independent blood harvesters from children.
Can someone fact check this please?
That seems insane.
Okay, so when Hollywood does it,
they're like these evil elites.
That's what Jamaican ladies do it.
Steal blood from children.
Yeah, the blood sled team.
We gotta...
That's wild.
Yeah, dude, it was wild.
And you gotta skid class.
So it's a private company that comes and makes money off of.
I don't think so.
That's what I thought.
The American Red Cross does any shit like that, I think, right?
Mine was just a big red bus.
That's what it was called.
We had the big red bus.
And they would just pull up and you got to skip class.
No parental consent form or anything.
They go to Floridian's, though.
These motherfuckers would just go in a random red bus and just give their blood to anybody.
I wanted to start this as a business in college where you go to spring break locations,
pull blood out of people, then they get drunk faster
and you get their blood.
That's a win-win.
Kind of smart, right?
That's a good idea.
Yeah, because with less blood,
your blood alcohol. You get drunk super fast.
People will die.
Well, then more blood.
You know?
It's just like, it's kind of a perfect system.
Oh yeah, do we ever drain the dead?
What is the... like how long is blood good?
Like if somebody dies, we'll take their lungs, we'll take their liver, we'll take their heart.
As soon as they announce time of death, they should take the whole...
Yeah, like Dune, just take whatever.
Yeah, I feel like that's...
Why don't we do that? Are you an organ donor?
Let me check. That freaks me out.
I said no. Yeah, I think I said no.
Y'all said no? I think I said no. Because if you believe in the afterlife,
it's a soul. Yeah. But my idea of the afterlife is that I got what I got.
I'm going to be whatever my shoulder still hurts in the afterlife.
They don't even have it anymore. Wow. You're an organ donor. No, no, no.
You gotta take that off. So they took it off to New York license. Class D.
What is that? They didn't.
You're not with class D.
Oh, that's a different vehicle you can drive.
Oh, shit.
All right.
Al thought he was an organ donor
and they took it off his license.
No, no, no.
It used to say organ donor or not.
Now it just says donor or not.
Like I just got the little heart there.
Do you have a New York license?
No, I got the Texas, but I'm sure it's the same shit.
I don't think I'm a donor.
I don't think it's true. I don't think I'm a donor. I don't think it's true.
I don't think you're a donor either.
My mom told me not to do it.
Hey, wild guess here.
No, it's class D. D is for donor.
That's the grade you got on your driving test.
That's what I'm doing.
You're letting me drive a golf cart.
Yeah, dude.
My mom told me not to do it, because if I was on the operating table, they said they would harvest my organs.
That's why I knew that was it.
That's what my mom told me.
They all say that, like they're not going to try to save you as much as if a doctor sees like a fresh pair of kidneys.
Let this motherfucker bleed out.
They don't see your life.
But they don't take the blood.
They don't take the blood.
If it starts to clot and it's, they take it from the living people.
They take it from the living people. But I'm saying if it's, if somebody develops that technology,
that's that's going to save a lot of lives.
Yeah. And then we don't have to, you know,
you don't have to pull up to these kids in school. Yeah. Yeah.
You sure they would like it?
They weren't like Haitian using that shit for voodoo and shit.
No, they might have been.
Honestly, they might have been.
They did a sperm donation bus right after it was crazy.
Can we speak to that?
All the high schools with line cups.
It was a glorious thing.
It was fun.
Dude, two for one.
Yes, bro.
Big white bust pulled up right behind him.
But you've got to jerk off before because you won't have
the blood to fill your dick.
So you've got to jerk off first.
Then you give blood.
And you take the blood right from the dick.
So they drain your dick.
You jerk off.
It's still hard.
And then you just tap it. Bro said that you were you know, Brandon
Yeah, he said
He said you're not racist mark, yeah, you're not racist. But if you want to prove it to the world, just go on Shanice R's spot.
He said he would never get a blood transfusion because he doesn't want another man's blood in his penis.
That's funny.
That's facts though. He's like, it's kind of gay. You get a blood transfusion, someone else's blood pumping your dick up, that's funny. That's facts though.
He's like, it's kind of gay.
You get a blood transfusion, someone else's blood pumping your dick up, that's gay.
You just gotta die, I guess.
Wow, that's right.
I guess, yeah, you never think about blood as like your thing.
If you feel like it's like water or something like that, we just all have access to it.
But yeah, it's your blood.
And you got another man's blood fucking your wife.
Black people come up with the best homophonia.
I mean we gave you syphilis one time.
And now you don't want to go to the hospital. You wouldn't even get that COVID shot, probably because of the syphilis thing.
No, I mean, for sure, because of the syphilis thing.
It was because of the syphilis thing.
Yeah, absolutely.
So they were just straight up injecting syphilis
into black people?
Into the pilots, yeah.
And then telling them it was like medicine or something.
Like, what's gonna happen?
It's like, let's just see.
But why did they not think that you would just get syphilis?
Like, what's the experiment? I don't know. They wanted to see the effects of it or whatever, I guess. Instead of getting syphilis? Like what's the experiment? I don't know. They
wanted to see the effects of it or whatever I guess instead of getting
syphilis patients they're like well let's just inject healthy black people with it.
This is horrible. Wait a minute. It's so fucked. That's why you don't trust the government.
They did in Guatemala too. Did they? USAID. USAID supported. So they didn't trust the results from the black people. We need a bigger data stack.
They're like, which race can survive syphilis?
Come on, be honest. Is that the idea behind it?
Or did they like mutate the virus a little bit?
I don't know. I think it was just to see like what late term syphilis look like.
Like untreated.
That's what I think. I don't know. I'm not an expert.
Watching you realize this is so funny.
Watching you realize this is so funny.
Watching you realize this in real time, and you're such a history guy in some house.
I'll be honest with you. Who has more history than this guy?
Yo, the Romans, bro!
The Romans are more fired.
They had baby tigers!
I still don't believe that. Y'all don't believe that.
I still don't believe that. You don't believe it that I still don't believe it. You don't believe it
He's kidnapped cubs you trying to say that they they put syphilis in fully grown black people and then when they got syphilis They were like this syphilis shit is crazy
That was the time people kept getting sick and they're like we're trying to give you medicine and it was just more syphilis
Fauci was alive, is that what you're trying to tell?
I think Fauci did it.
Who was the Fauci at the time that signed off on this?
All white people.
That's the problem.
We need to throw the bad whites under the bus.
The fact that we don't have a Fauci,
that it was his program.
The Germans did it, Mendeleev and Hitler,
and you got the guys, you know the guys.
Well, we know about them when they did it.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
Germans threw their guys under the bus.
We need to throw them under the bus.
Yeah, that's true.
We need to know who the Fauci was at the time.
White Americans need better PR. I believe that.
That's a thing.
Thank you. Thank you. I've been saying this for fucking years.
I'm trying to do my best, you know.
But a good version of us out there for the world to consume.
This is horrible.
I agree.
Nah, they got white Americans in the problem.
How would I know who did that to you?
I think all of you.
That's the problem.
That's the problem.
That's the design.
That's my point.
We like it.
Can you just be honest?
You're fucking prostitutes.
Y'all got syphilis.
You blamed it on us.
Can you just be honest?
You're telling me the pilots who are like-
We got it from the white prostitutes, though.
Hey, we believe it.
I mean, that's how they got Capone, too, right?
Didn't that Capone go down for syphilis?
He did go down for syphilis.
So maybe-
He was also, or something that, it was maybe Capone too, right? Didn't that Capone go down for syphilis? He did go down for syphilis.
So maybe he was also, or something that,
it was maybe gonorrhea,
something apparently that was very easily treatable
with like penicillin, but he was so afraid of
like injections or whatever that he just died.
Because Sicilians are black.
That's true, that's true.
We're finally connected here.
You're doing it bad right now.
I'm doing it good.
Yeah, that's cold, so.
Damn, bro, that's crazy that we don't know the person responsible for. Yeah, that's cool. Damn, bro.
That's crazy that we don't know the person responsible for that study.
It's crazy you didn't know.
No, no.
I knew what happened.
I knew that they were not using protection and they got sick.
I knew something happened, but I didn't know there was a specific psychopath that was like,
hey, let's just inject syphilis in them and then see if they get it.
It was a government thing, was it not?
I thought what they did is like they mutated the virus in some way and they thought that
it would create an immunity to the disease.
No, you're right, Akash.
Study conducted between 1932 and 1972, 40 fucking years by the United States Public Health.
They figured that shit out after three years?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Forty years of doing that thing? years by the United States. They could figure that shit out after three years.
The United States Public Health Service and the Center for Disease Control and
Prevention, the CDC.
400 African-American men with syphilis.
See who headed the program.
I want to know who is responsible.
The fact that it's not in the Wikipedia article.
This is crazy.
I know all white people get blamed for it.
No white people are just sitting around
hoping you get syphilis.
They're probably hoping way worse things.
They're really racist ones.
They're not even satisfied with the syphilis.
I'm glad you had that part, the really racist ones.
The most racist white guys go,
let's give them this curable disease.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So what kind of weird mutated psychopath
would even develop something?
Was it treatable back then?
By the end of the study,
medical advances meant it was entirely treatable. So you guys, hold on. No. Wait
a minute. Hold on. It worked.
Now that Mark said it, let's have the discussion. Let's get Darrell Cooper on
here. He's going to have an alternative take on history.
Can I read the sentence before that on the Wikipedia, Joey?
The purpose of the study was to observe the effects
of the disease when untreated.
So I think they specifically didn't wanna treat them
to see what happened.
I mean, that's the most fucked.
This is just diabolical.
We gotta figure out.
Taliaferro Clark?
That's what I'm saying.
Taliaferro Clark.
Taliaferro doesn't sound super white.
I'm gonna be honest.
It doesn't feel Jewish.
I was thinking that.
I was holding his breath.
So I'm done with him back there waiting for it to be Colin Ginsburg.
This is a white.
That is a white.
That's an Italian.
That's an Italian. That's not an Italian.
No, his name is Charles. He looks like Prince Charles to be honest with you. No, his name is Taliaphero.
Oh Charles. Just Taliaphero. Yeah, just because you said it. Taliaphero. Taliaphero. Taliaphero.
And his name is Charles. They're trying to ethnic it up right now to make him a real Italian.
No, but you always get a white name when you come to America so they just fucking blame white people for it.
Yeah, this guy's a fascist Italian, of course.
You know what I mean?
We had, listen, he's basically a Nazi.
What, the Italians back then were Nazis.
Yeah, exactly.
They saw what the Nazis were doing, were like, okay, we like that shit.
And some, some will say it's like they love clothing so much that they're like, oh, whatever.
But the reality is, is they were Nazis.
So they came here and they tried to do Nazi shit.
That's not on us.
White people just became white after that whole tried to do Nazi shit. That's not on us. White people just became white
after that whole civilist thing.
Sorry, Italians just became white.
We never considered them white
when they were doing this horrible stuff.
It wasn't until black people got equality
that they were like, we need numbers.
Some people say that.
I personally don't subscribe to that.
No, I think it wasn't until, yeah,
they came out with a couple of good movies.
Now it's like, all right, we want those. Yeah, yeah, yeah, they came out with a couple of good movies. Now it's like, all right, we want those. Yeah, it was a couple of good movies. Yeah, if entertainment
was the metric, y'all would have been accepted way earlier. Bring up the other guy. We're not
close enough. Oh, what's the other guy? We're not white passing. The other half part of this
experiment. They tried to take some of our half whites. Raymond Vondelaire. Definitely not us.
Look at this. He did it.
Well, look at that fucking guy.
Click on his page real quick.
Where's this guy from?
That's a German name.
That's a fucking German right there.
So you have a Nazi Italian and a Nazi German that developed this disgusting program where
they're abusing American citizens.
And accidentally cure syphilis.
Listen, listen. American citizens and accidentally cure syphilis
You gotta imagine this guy's son is walking around be like like, they cured it though. Yeah. Right? Damn.
Come on.
Look, it wasn't good, but look at it.
I think we gotta look into the descendants of the Vandelaers and then the, what was it, Taliaferro?
Stop making it ethnic.
I know, right?
Taliaferro, that, I mean, that's it.
His name is Charles Clark.
No, his name was Taliaferro.
And then the other one is...
We gave him a syphilis.
We showed him with a little syphilis.
Take the mullet on a syphilis.
And don't give it to him.
Little like plants with a syphilis.
Oh my God.
Oh, there's a racism section that we quickly...
...clicked away from.
American history sucks. No, no, no, no
German and German Nazis and Italian Nazis that we let into the country. So yeah. Yeah, but you guys let them do this fuckshit
Listen, bro. We didn't know they're in the government doing all they gave us a good sales pitch. We're gonna cure syphilis really that sounds awesome
By any means necessary.
All right, I was looking at the means.
Okay, can we see what that exactly is gonna be?
That's why now they can only use white mice.
That is a good point.
That is an interesting point.
It is only white mice, bro.
I said, it can't be any color mice.
I like white ones, bro.
This highlight is rough, dude.
Look at this fucking racist Guinea right here. Look what he said. Tali-o-fero. There can't be any color by something white. What's wrong? This highlight is rough, dude.
Look at this fucking racist Guinea right here.
Look what he said.
Taliaferro Clark said, the rather low intelligence
of the Negro population, the press economic condition,
and the common promiscuity, sexy relation.
Why are you boring?
Not only contributing to his prediciplicy, sexy relationship
But the prevailing indifference with the regards of the deep mentor that's a fucking guido if you ever see
Imagine showing up to the senate or whatever you got to get approved for this thing, right? We have an idea, we have put the vaccine inside the black people in the face of the sea for the...
And you're a white person that's never even heard an Italian speak before, you're like,
oh my god, that sounds like a good idea, get the fuck out of here, you sign off on this thing.
Why would we trust Italians with science in the first place?
Thank you.
Ferrari came in last place this last weekend in F1.
The only thing they do good is make cars.
They were popping Galileo, right?
That's what I'm saying. Renaissance. They had a good run.
Yeah. 400 years ago. And they were parted up with...
I don't even think they were Italian.
I don't think Galileo was Italian. I don't think Da Vinci was Italian.
Da Vinci's not Italian. Leonardo Da Vinci? I don't believe I don't think Alay was Italian. I don't think Da Vinci Da Vinci is not Italian
last name. Leonardo Da Vinci. I don't believe it. Why? It's the only name more Italian than
Mark Suns. How is Luigi Mangione a Italian? What do you mean? I mean, they're bad people.
It's the Italians. Yeah. Food is good enough. Oh my god. And the culture is amazing. They're so loving and warm. I will never. And you go there and you're like. You won't get us to do it. Oh, Humalfi is
just amazing. They just got it. I just want to hold myself. I just want to hold myself.
And you're right, the cinema is fantastic. Yeah. Guys, my sellout streak ended. You know
I had sold out so many shows in a row. I was doing 4,000 tickets in Brea. Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Can you believe it? I didn't sell out in Tulsa Oklahoma that got a change we got to get back on track Omaha Nebraska this week
I'm at the funny bone buy your tickets next week March 28th I'm in Columbus
Ohio I know there's a lot of Indians there you better buy your fucking
tickets April 10th through 13th I'm gonna be making up for those shows in
Tampa most of tickets are already sold out we've added I don't know if we're
gonna be able to add anymore maybe we can find some real estate somewhere but
I don't know if there's any more able to add anymore. Maybe we can find some real estate somewhere, but I don't know if there's any more room to add.
So hurry up and buy those tickets.
April 17th through 20th, I'm gonna be in Denver.
And obviously 420 in Denver at ComedyWorks,
you know what that means.
I'm gonna be getting high on stage.
Maybe I'll do shrooms, maybe we'll level it up.
So those dates and many more at
Buy your tickets right now, let's get back to the show.
What's up guys, World's Fastest Ad Read.
Please don't skip.
New York City.
I'm going to be doing my monthly show with Joe Avery March 25th.
Bang or Main.
I'll be there April 26th.
Portland Main.
You can bang or suck his dick.
I'll be there April 27th.
And a bunch of other dates.
Charleston, Atlanta, Strasburg, Hoboken, Indianapolis, Raleigh, Portland, Oregon, Fort Worth, Austin,
Stanford, Philly and a bunch of other dates.
Will be announced soon.
Find places to suck his dick.
Let's get back to the show, thanks.
But it's really messed up what they did to those black people, man.
And you guys should never forgive them for it.
Specifically the Germans and the Italians.
Thank God for us good whites that stopped that program.
Yeah, but now y'all let them in, so now we hate you all.
Oh, that's on y'all.
That feels like prejudice. That feels like racism.
Not to say. Why'd you let them in?
When you blame the group for the actions of the few.
Why'd you let them in?
Are you anti-immigration all of a sudden?
Yeah, all of a sudden.
All of a sudden.
They've been anti-immigration since the post-showdown.
I know this is dumb.
Yeah, I'm like, black people have not been supported
of immigration since the fucking transit link.
These slave trade, the last thing they want. I have not been supportive of them for ages since the fucking transit went de-slip.
The last thing they want.
I was still saying reverse this shit, bro.
Oh my God, dude.
Yeah, that's rough.
Yeah, not a great look.
That's rough.
Yeah, sorry about that.
On Al's birthday of all days.
Yeah, happy birthday, Al.
Happy birthday, Al.
Thank you, guys.
On Al's 32nd birthday, we're going to bring this shit up.
You're healthy. That's pretty good.
From what I know.
Did you ever get gonorrhea or syphilis or whatever?
What's the one you just take a pill for?
I think that's gonorrhea.
Gonorrhea, yeah.
I don't know.
Who do we test that on?
How do we figure that out?
But like how do we figure the cure for gonorrhea?
Yeah, that's a good point.
I mean, isn't there a cure already?
Yeah, how do we get there is what he's saying.
Oh, how do you, I missed that one.
Yeah, like where were the gonorrhea experiments
is what he's saying.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Like what even does gonorrhea do to you?
You just get like dick pimples or something?
I don't know why you're looking at me.
You said you had it.
You're the one holding your dick, right?
I don't know if I had it.
You said you had one of them.
Why are you saying you had one of them?
Why are you saying like that?
What is that? What is that? His dick got defensive.
32 years from now we're going to find out if I ever have that shit.
No, I think I went and I was like, yo, I don't know, this shit feels a little warmer when
I pee than usual.
And the doctor was like, listen, you could just take these pills right now for gonorrhea
and it will go away.
Or you could just wait and see if it goes away automatically.
But there's no point in taking the test to see if you have gonorrhea.
And I was like, I'll just take them pills.
And it went away.
I should, I think it did.
I don't know.
Wait, what?
Do you still have gonorrhea?
No, I took the pills.
And it went away.
I think it did.
We'll never know.
That's the greatest thing.
We'll really never know.
Oh, that's a great answer.
That is such a great thing.
You don't get tested, you can never get shit.
That's crazy that that was the prescription.
You just went in.
He's like, yeah, take it anyway.
Yeah, I was like, yo, I'm peeing,
and it's like a little warmer by a few degrees than normal.
Doctors are so lazy.
They don't take any fucking antibiotics or anything.
It's like, you gotta cough things up.
It's bacteria, so you just give it antibiotics, I guess.
And it's like, we're good.
Just do chemo and just in case.
Yeah. Why not? Just see.
This is one of the ones that you take the antibiotic.
You know, sometimes they're like,
oh, it could weaken your immune system.
If I might have gonorrhea, give me the fucking antibiotic.
Hell yeah.
I was still fucking on that shit.
Flamethrower. You definitely weren't spreading Godfrey.
You definitely weren't doing that.
Holding that shit like Elon.
Were you nutting harder?
Oh dude, the nuts were coming out molten lava.
Just chunks.
Chunks. That shit was coming out molten lava. Just chunks. Chunks.
That shit was coming out with chunks.
Oh, bro, speaking of which,
I was holding my little baby over me.
Why are we talking about it?
Come on.
Come on.
No, chunks made me think about it.
Just go see how you do that, right?
Chunks made me think about spicy.
Cheetos coming out his dick.
Why are you doing that?
Why are y'all thinking that?
That was such a weird transition.
You said speaking of which.
I'm chunky, bro, I'm chunky.
I was holding my little baby near the window and he threw up onto the radiator.
Oh nice.
Oh, it's not the cover.
And there's a cover on the radiator so like it kind of went in, went through the grate
all the way down to like the hot part.
Oh no.
Didn't bring it up to anyone.
And then we went out of the house for a walk.
Oh no.
And then the radiator kicked off.
Oh no.
And we came home.
It was just fucking cheese, dude.
The whole part was fondue.
It was crazy.
Oh god, so it's just cooking,
it's cooking the vomit.
Oh, it's vomit hotter.
It's just milk.
How do you even clean that if you have a cover for it?
Yeah, we had to like get underneath it,
turn it off, wipe it down.
Just me, just clean it up.
On my wife's birthday.
Oh, happy birthday to your wife.
Would you get her for her birthday?
This is the most annoying thing.
I was like, hey, what do you want for your birthday?
Like a thing that I could buy you.
Maybe we could do like an experience.
We could get a chef to come and make breakfast.
Money at the problem, it's the best.
She just said, you know what?
I would just love to hang out with you.
Oh, you're a horrible husband.
That's the most expensive gift. That's most. That's the most expensive gift.
It's so my millions of dollars.
This is a podcast.
We love you.
Yeah, that's true.
But a chef would have been.
Yeah, yeah, because you could have knocked that shit out in
an hour. Who knows? You're done. What could have happened? Who knows where my where chef would have been, yeah. Yeah, because you could have knocked that shit out in an hour.
Who knows?
Who knows what could have happened?
Who knows where I could have been career-wise?
I don't know if I told you this shit,
but I was going to the Museum of Natural History at Shiloh.
Did I tell you guys this?
Yeah, you did.
And going to the Museum of Natural History at Shiloh.
We go to park.
Shut up.
You were hoping.
I know.
You got to get back.
That's fun to get back. OK, so we go to park and we park on this,
almost like right in front of the Museum of Natural History.
I'm like, I don't know if this shit seems right.
My wife's driving, she parallel parks,
she finally gets into the spot, which is wide open,
but it takes her four or five tries.
She goes to pay the meter.
As she goes to pay the meter,
you know I'm from New York and I don't trust
parking anytime, I see the meter maid walk past us and I go yo by the way
is the can we park here and the guy goes nah you can't park here right now I go
oh Emma we can't we can't actually park here my wife looks at me she goes oh no
we can't no no I just asked the guy who gives the tickets we could park here.
She goes, no, we could park here.
I look back at the guy, because I'm helpless at this point.
I look back at the guy, right?
I look back at the guy.
The guy looks at me, he goes, good luck bro.
He goes, good luck my boy.
The guy who gives the tickets looks at my wife and goes, you can't park it?
And my wife's like, that motherfucker don't know what the hell he's talking about.
But he knows that you're right either way.
You're in a great position because either you move the car and you're right or you get
a ticket and you come back and you go, oh, that's so weird.
We got a ticket.
I wonder why.
Oh, he knows that I'm going to be fine.
And you're right again.
So he's looking at you like, hey, I got you.
No, he's looking at me like, man, what this guy got to put up with.
You know, he's dressed like you like, hey, I got you. No, he's looking at me like, man, what this guy got to put up with.
You know, he's dressed like a police officer.
Yeah, what's called a meter maze is hilarious.
I know.
We are really disrespectful.
New Yorkers kept on to that.
Yeah, because fuck them.
They're all Indian.
They're the ops, dude.
They're all Indian.
They have tickets.
Fuck them.
They're all five meter mazes.
They're Indian on the ops list.
They don't have one uniform that fits them.
Every meter made I've ever seen is in like a size 3X.
I've never seen an Indian meter maid, but if you gave me a take on that.
They're all Indian. They're all like, they're all like Sri Lankan.
All the traffic cops are Indian and all the meter maids aren't it?
I've seen West Indian traffic cops. Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, All the disappointing Indians are meter made or comics. Oh, yeah.
Yeah, and their outfits are always too big.
And they just walk around, they got the big thing on their side
and then they give everyone tickets.
Yeah, it's very nice.
Bro, my wife has been girlmapping tickets
where she's convinced herself.
Yeah, we've already done that.
She keeps on doing this shit to me.
She's like, man, Uber is so expensive.
I'm like, what?
She's like, yeah, have you taken an Uber lately? It's like so expensive.
I go, yeah, I guess maybe it's gone up a little bit.
She's like, no, it's like crazy.
Like every time you get an Uber, it's like 35 bucks.
I go, 35 bucks?
That's pretty specific.
And I go, why are you saying that?
She's like, yeah, thank God.
That's why I drive everywhere.
And then she's like, yeah, even if I get a ticket,
it's actually cheaper when you think about it if I if I don't take an uber
I open up one eye my drawers. I
Thought she was giving out tickets
She's like I'm saving
This is money we're making. This is money saved.
This is $5 saved each one of these tickets.
Oh man.
That's the way.
Even if you pay the shits off,
eventually when you get too many,
they just revoke shit.
What do you mean, take your car?
No, your registration.
Like, they'll revoke it if you get too many tickets yet.
But can I just tell them how Uber's so expensive?
Yeah, yeah.
What if I say that?
What if I say the right thing?
No, because they did that to me once
when I was doing that same girl match.
I used to do it back in the day.
I was like, instead of a parking garage,
I'm like, yeah, I just get the $35.
I thought about that.
This is more expensive.
This is how expensive.
So no, no, no, no, no.
This is how expensive New York is.
It's actually cheaper to not do a parking garage
and just get tickets and leave your car on the street.
I mean, I guess depending on how many times you get tickets.
Well, no, you'll get tickets the exact amount of times.
If you keep your ticket every time,
once a week, it might be 60 bucks.
You only get two tickets a week, right?
Because you can't go Tuesday and Thursday.
So you get two tickets a week, that is,
let's say it's 60 bucks a ticket, $120.
Four weeks in a month, what is that, 480 bucks?
So 480 bucks.
A parking garage like in Manhattan,
it's a thousand dollars a month.
It's half the price to just get tickets.
So anybody that has a garage in the city,
it's so your car doesn't get broken into.
And that's why New York picked up on game
and they're like, nah, you keep getting too many tickets,
we're gonna just take your car.
Well have you seen the new thing
where they don't even put a boot on you?
They just put like a blindfold on your car?
Have you seen this?
This is hilarious. I saw a boot last week. Really? No, the new thing apparently is like they just put like a blindfold on your car? No. Have you seen this? No.
This is hilarious.
I saw a boot last week.
No, the new thing apparently is like they just put
this giant like mat that like sticks to your window.
So you can't see out the windshield.
And they can only get it off with a special solvent.
Well, that was the idea with the go.
Oh, probably because there's groups of people
you can call on now.
And they'll take the boot off.
I saw a guy drive the boot, break the shit,
fuck up his own car. got out of there dog.
It was unbelievable.
You kind of got to respect.
You want to play a game?
The game is called guess what race he was.
Was he part of the Symbols?
Oh, this is great.
But I look at this, I'm like,
oh I could drive around that.
Like you pop your head out the window
and I think you easily can get away with it.
I think that's the problem. People start driving with their head out the window
But do they track them? They must have trackers or something, right? Probably. That's crazy. Yeah. Wow. I took the boot off in
College how I just took the wheel off with the spare on
I drove to where our campus security was and I was like
Hey, take this off with the time. Oh, you took the entire wheel. Yeah
Oh, and then I put the spare on and I drove away.
I was like, I have shit to do today.
Yo, Lowkey, how much is a new wheel?
I bet you a new wheel is cheaper.
Oh, I mean, if you do a Persian tire change.
What is that?
Where you rent the same car that you have, switch out all the tires and then return your
Oh, shit.
This is why you can't have immigration, bro.
This is the problem with immigration.
You never heard of the Persian tire change? No. I wish I'd done shit. This is why you can't have immigration, bro. This is the problem with immigration.
You never heard of the Persian Tire Chase?
I wish I'd done that.
Bro, this is,
Doug is silent right now.
Doug is silent.
Okay, this is-
Buddy G-Wagon, one day, buddy.
Just one G-Wagon.
No, this is-
Swip, whip.
Holy shit.
Because we don't even think about it
because we're like good people.
Yeah. But if you come from a place where you don't get rewarded for being good, you go, okay,
I'll just take a van.
But also if you're screwing over like fucking, I don't know, some car dealer or some car
Car rental people are such scumbags anyway.
They're people too, Mark.
Wait, why are they scumbags?
All the car rental people are just the worst.
You rent the car, you show up, it's not the car you wanted.
They're like, oh, we could put you in a Fiat.
And you're like, I'll just kill myself.
Like, I'd rather not do that.
Dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude.
I think I'm telling you guys a story, but like, one of the-
It's the most emotional I've seen, Marc.
Most feelings don't backstay, Marc's never known.
One of the funniest parts about going to St. Barts
is everybody lands at this little fucking airport, right?
It's just all these like rich people from fucking New York
or whatever and all these other places, Miami.
And like, they have already signed up
and they've done their rental car thing.
And in the picture, they're all getting a fucking drop top,
beautiful, whatever, right?
And they show up and they go to this little shitty kiosk
and there's some French girl there
and she hands the keys to a Volkswagen Cabriolet
with three tires.
And just seeing these people go,
I ordered, I ordered a G-Wagon,
I ordered like this absolute pandemonium
that they're not getting the exact car that they wanted.
You're in a fucking random island
in the middle of the Caribbean.
Like, to be honest, like low key, maybe you're right.
Like there's just blatant lying when it comes to the rental.
He's on point.
I rent cars a lot because traveling
and I need it for the equipment and shit like that,
you never get the car you paid for.
And then they try to look for little scratches on it
and shit and say you did it.
I've had so many times they try to say,
oh, you got in an accident or a side swipe or some bullshit.
And I'm like, no, I didn't.
I know I didn't.
Oh, they'll try to put that on you.
So now it's like, whenever I rent a car, I'll just take pictures of it all around the car. So and
That has I've been able to fight two times the attempted that chinami. I was like, hey look at this picture
Look at it's dated. There's nothing here. Look at the picture when I returned it
So that shit is racism, bro, cuz I've never once
Been asked if I did something to mess up a car and I've messed up maybe like a heartbreak
You have a D class in your life.
I'm D. I don't think there's a single time I've rented a car and I haven't done something
wrong to it.
I swear to God.
Like every single time.
Parking brake on the whole time.
I go get groceries, I slam it into the car and then, and never once have they even asked.
Whoa. That's why I just do like the private car rental where you just never once have they even asked. Yeah. Whoa.
That's why I just do like the private car rental
where you just rent it from like a dude.
Yeah, Ferbo is that what it's called?
Turo. Turo.
Those are great.
I pulled one into a snowbank one time,
just like spun out, hit the snowbank,
and at least my wife is so pissed.
I was like, take a picture, it's kind of funny.
She's like, I'm not taking a picture.
Just sat in the car the whole time
in the snowbank like leaning over.
How'd you guys get out of this? A dude just pulled up, some random dude, Nacho, was just like I'm not taking a picture. I just sat in the car the whole time in the snow bank like leaning over
Dude just pulled up some random dude nacho was just like oh I got you and pulled us out and then I called up the Guy was like have put into snow bank. He's like I had happens. Don't worry. Give me 300 bucks
I just gave him cash and it was fun. Yeah, it went away legend. It was great
You just deal with real people, you know real not these corporations not these corporate corporate interests
They're fucking evil fucking oligopoly we live in, you know?
Yeah, dude.
Fucking oligopoly.
Manzioni, bro.
What else is going on, boys?
Explain this Ruby Frank shit to me.
Oh, this shit was awful.
Can we get a picture of Ruby Frankie?
Before the pod, everybody has been saying, yo, you need to learn about this Ruby Frank
I don't... What is it? Ruby Frankie. Is it one person?
Yeah. Well, technically, it's many people. Yeah. Okay, just
bring the whole thing down. I have no clue what what this is.
All right. So this girl Ruby Frank here, right? 2015. She
starts posting a family vlog called eight passengers on
YouTube. It goes dumb viral. She gets millions of followers.
She's making hundreds of thousands of dollars a month
doing a family family vlog. Yeah, she's Mormon lives out thousands of dollars a month doing a family vlog.
Yeah, she's Mormon, lives out in Utah.
So like passengers is like passengers of God.
Six kids, husband and wife.
And she's just filming the daily life of like the kids.
And from when the kids are young,
like one of the kids isn't even born yet,
like all the kids are like 10ish, 12ish.
And then slowly the content gets bigger and bigger and bigger
but also like a little bit
more aggressive, and she has this very...
What do you mean by aggressive?
She's putting the kids, oh, my daughter's first period,
or oh, my son's using deodorant, or he's going through
puberty, putting out stuff that's very private.
And one of the girls is saying, you're really getting
in there, my boy.
I got a lot of lip.
Don't do that, don't do that.
I got a lot of lip, you wouldn't know nothing about that.
It should be hanging on your teeth.
I got a lot of lip.
I got a lot of mouth.
He put it like a fiend dog.
He put it like a straight hand's nose.
You gotta get it up there to the gum.
I don't wanna waste nothing on the teeth, man.
I want it going right to the gum so it goes right to the source.
Can we talk about Ruby Frank
and this murderous bitch?
She killed the kids? Is that what happened?
No, she ain't murdered nobody.
So what's the deal?
What's the deal?
All right.
Go, go, go.
I was saying early on, like one of the kids,
I think was saying like, it felt like our whole childhood
revolved around her wanting to film us.
And like, that was what life was.
Like her being like, we need to film this thing.
And we didn't even have like our own life.
It's just a weird thing.
But then it continues to devolve.
She puts one of the kids, she's like,
hey, you don't have a bedroom anymore. You have to sleep on a And so then she puts one of the kids, she's like, hey, you don't have a bedroom anymore,
you have to sleep on a beanbag chair.
Like one of the kids is like acting out,
he's not being obedient.
And like obedience is like the most righteous virtue
within the family.
If you're not obedient, you're being of the devil.
And so she eventually links up with this therapist
that starts working with the family
to get the family to be more obedient.
You heard that, right?
She took the kid's bedroom away, the bed away,
he had to sleep on a beanbag for months.
Like... You heard that right? She took the kid's bedroom away, the bed away. He had to sleep on a bean bag for months. Like.
What bean bag?
For sure.
We've all seen.
Oh my God.
A bean bag?
No way.
We've all seen what kind of father he is.
I know.
And for him to act like he would ever be like okay
with anything remotely approaching this is so funny.
My daughter would never just.
Would disrespect me.
Wouldn't have a demon as who?
Kidding me.
Would never be a situation like that, clearly.
Okay, and then it escalates.
And then you sleep on a bean bag.
I mean, if you manage to sleep on like a hard wooden floor,
sure, but a bean bag is pretty sick.
It's kind of sick, it's kind of chill.
Bean bags are a cool.
That is better.
How old is the kid?
Like probably 15, 16?
And then it was like a four year old or something. Oh. 15, 16. It's like a teen. That's the kid? Like probably 15, 16. And that was like a four year old or something.
15, 16.
That's the kid?
Yeah, he's a stud.
He's a stud to be honest.
But basically she gets this therapist involved.
And the therapist is like kind of a man hater.
She's like man of the problem.
She gets her husband into therapy.
Also not like a real PhD.
Like what are they, licensed clinical worker or whatever the fuck, nonsense.
It becomes basically a cult,
where like now she brings this girl, Ruby Frankie,
into like her group and now is like her co-host
on a bunch of the content.
And then she stops doing YouTube content
and just like isolates the family,
isolates the parents away, or isolates the dad
so the dad gets kicked out of the house.
And the, her starts hooking up with the therapist in their own house who?
I think that was strongly alluded. They don't know if the therapist a male or female female
She's woman man-hating and then these mormons are so easy to gay up
You guys remember that uh that horrendous documentary with a guy fuck the whole family
It's just kid stuff. It's just kid stuff about a hand job to another dude
Remember the guy who's disgusting but he had sex with the dad and the daughter
It was like horrendous like if the daughter wasn't involved to be hilarious
But he did do it to the daughter as well, but there's something about
Yeah, it's not just Mormons, I want
to say. I think they're the most extreme example of Americans. But I think Americans, since
we grow up believing that we can achieve anything, we are probably the most gullible culture.
And I think this is why that we accept conspiracies so willingly. Like there's another part where
the government is obviously live and these institutions take advantage
of us, absolutely of course.
But because we grow up and every single one of us is like,
I'm gonna be a millionaire when I grow up,
of course I am, I'm gonna be the most famous person,
I'm gonna be the most successful.
There's no version of us that is like,
I can't go past my class, I can't achieve these things.
We believe we can do anything.
So you could turn them into lesbians.
Like you could flip them.
It's really interesting.
But theirs is like religious.
Where the cults?
There's cults don't exist outside of America, right?
Eh, I wasn't.
Where are there cults that are this popular?
James Jones was probably not in America, right?
He was in South America.
Well, he started in America.
He started in America.
Sorry, your motherfucker got a crack in here, bro.
This is where you make your bones.
Are gypsies considered a cult?
No, but like Japan had a famous one.
They did the sarin gas attacks in the subway.
They had one cult.
What I'm saying is we got a million,
we have so many different cults,
we don't know which one drank the kool-aid
and they all died.
Like there's like hundreds of them.
The most poppin' cults have religiosity tied in.
That's why like the Caribbean, I think,
they could be, they're slightly more believable
on like spiritual shit.
Like if you were to tell a Jamaican,
be like, yo, I saw this guy was talking to me, he flew.
But I think it'd be a little easier to get a Jamaican guy
to be like, wait, for real?
Every American would believe you in a heartbeat.
Have you seen the way the Americans react to like mentalists?
Do you know like when they go,
and what you're thinking of is Deborah,, and they're like, Debra,
like if you do that in France, like, ah, yes, you get some Debra, okay, this is very nice.
Like there's no reactivity in Europe to that kind of shit.
They're like, oh, magic, okay, very nice, good trick.
I think it's God.
I think if you grew up with like a religious underpinning, that's why I believe in demons,
even though I don't.
Yes, you do.
We believe in demons even though I don't. Yes you do. We believe in everything.
I think God maybe is part of it, but I also think there's something culturally like pushing
this belief in the impossible, where I think there's a restrictive belief in other, like
in Scotland they're not believing in other shit.
Where my mom grew up it was like, hey, this is where you are, you're going to stay right
here and that is it and you better accept it and love it.
This is like this kind of British class system that everybody lives in and you can go within
this range.
But if you go out, you're a real, if you're really putting an effort, you're a real keener.
Are they super religious in Scotland?
They're like tribally.
I think in general, you can, some people will take some specific random part of the Bible
that's crazy.
There's demons probably talked about in the Bible and then that just becomes all of what
it's about.
So this one was literally Jodie, the therapist was like, I'm possessed by a demon.
That's why I need to move into your guys' house with all your kids.
Yeah, her house was possessed.
So she moves in with the family of eight people and is having exorcisms on camera.
They're like filming it.
The girl's like, yeah, out of her like doing an exorcism.
They kick the daughter out of her room
So since she gets a room in the house
So she slowly like works her way into like a pretty good system and every time that like she wouldn't go she wants or like
It wasn't happening fast enough should be more possessed. Yeah, and
Then she gets up to the top bedroom and then she's having these these demon problems overnight
So the wife would leave the husband in their bed mind Mind you, the husband went through hell in this experience.
He first got on steroids.
He didn't get juice, but he got incredibly fit
because the wife, the original Ruby Frank,
he was like, you're the man of the house.
You need to like be diesel.
I wanna keep listening to this.
I watched the Hoo Hoo Doc, I didn't see any of that.
Hold on, could this happen in Italy?
No way.
And they are Catholic.
Like what I'm saying is could this happen in France? No way. It's not happening in Greece. It's not happening anywhere else.
The first thing you pointed out was Mormons. And there was the other one too.
But I think that Mormons are the most extreme version of Americans. Right? It's like to believe their thing. Like have you looked into their belief system?
No knock on the Mormons. but it's some wild shit.
Like the Native Americans made it over to Jerusalem, then pulled back.
Jesus came to America, fire.
So it's like, I think there is something in our DNA.
Maybe it is like, maybe that we are these like risk takers from the rest of the world,
We leave the rest of the world, leave our families because we really truly believe that
we can do anything in America. So that type of belief system, which is amazing,
it's what America thrives off of,
also lends us to believe anything could be possible.
And that's why you see these cults sprout up.
And I think religiosity helps it.
I think we're splitting hairs.
I agree, I think we're just disagreeing on the percentage.
That's it.
I agree with you, that is part of it.
I wonder if cryptos is popular in Europe.
Like I bet you it's not. I bet you they're like, it's just letters
There's no way you could possibly make and every Americans like this is the new fuck me
I'm like, I watched one documentary on the Fed and I'm like these motherfuckers
It takes one video to flip the entire country. Yeah, how the fuck did they give us all this information like?
We're vulnerable, yeah, this is insane.
We are vulnerable.
I feel like where life is pretty good, I feel like you're not going to get into it as much.
Like, remember when we were at the pool in Arizona, we met those British people, they're
like crypto millionaires, and like their teeth were rotted out and they're all in blow.
Like, yeah, crypto is a new thing, bro.
You guys go and get on it.
And then I was just like, oh, this is the end.
We're looking at the end right in the face just
like these fat British people like yeah we're putting all the money in crypto. They're probably
billionaires at this point. Yeah. Yeah they probably made a lot of money. Yeah dude. Anyway. Yeah keep
going this. So husband gets on steroids he gets fit. The husband just got really screwed in the
whole process. He's also kind of like a dumb seeming guy easily manipulated. He's so in love with his
wife he's like so cucked out he just goes along with everything she wants and then so what the what the therapist does is genius
She has a men's group this woman
Hildrein has a men's group that they have to meet on zoom every week and then they talk about the shame of like looking at
pornography lust and not loving and having sex through love but through lust and she uses the husband as the
The beacon of hope she's like, oh oh yeah, the husband's been doing great.
He's the best.
He's the best.
He's the best.
Builds them up into this like godlike character.
And then once she gets in the house and she now wants the husband away from the wife,
she just every week starts to land into him for months.
She starts going, do you feel bad about your shame?
I know you're having lustful thoughts.
She starts attacking him, making him an outsider inside of the group that he used to be at the top of.
So now he wants her approval so badly.
So he'll do anything for this therapist.
I think he watched pornography one time that month,
and she's like, that's why there's demons in the house.
And then, come on.
This is only in America.
Like we need to start,
we need to start like just being honest with ourselves.
And we can be a little better about the demon stuff.
Mark is one of the smartest people
we know he believes in demons I
know yeah he's also the most religious person I know this guy barely even
religious religious person you know he doesn't eat sugar come on last time he
went he's repping his bro I've been going every Sunday in Lent. In Lent? So one Sunday. Yeah, so far.
He went one week.
Yeah, I'm on a streak.
I'm on a streak.
This is the most religious person you know.
This guy right here.
You know Dove.
When was the last time you went to synagogue?
He goes every single morning.
He goes every day.
Every day?
Yeah, he eats lobster.
He's praying for Gospa.
Ah, damn it.
He does lobster though.
Yeah, that's a good point.
Yeah, I mean with the diet.
And shixas.
No, he's off the shixas.
You're off the shixas.
Yeah, yeah.
That's great.
I love it.
Don't ever say I've never lied for you.
Don't ever say I've never lied for you, Doug.
But yeah, but there's something about us, man.
We'll believe it.
And every single New Yorker thinks
the Knicks are gonna win the championship every single year.
Because we are.
Every single Dallas Cowboys fan thinks it's outside of you.
No, no, no, no.
Outside of you, but you understand what I'm saying.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
We have this, like, there's this beautiful delusion we have.
It allows us to create the greatest thing.
Can I thread it?
I think the delusion in America specifically
is imbued with religiosity because of Manifest Destiny.
The whole point of America is like, yo, anything's possible and you can make
all the money you want because God wants you to.
Well, can you explain specifically
what manifest destiny is?
How that plays a part in...
You can go west as far as you want
and colonize and kill all the natives
because that's what God wants.
Because that's what God wants.
Hey, hey, what did JFK say?
Was it JFK or was it Roosevelt?
Like, God is on our side.
Like, we're gonna win this war.
Yeah, Roosevelt.
It was Roosevelt, right?
Yeah, World War II. Yeah, it was like, I forget exactly how he said it, but essentially it's like God is on our side. Like, we're gonna win this war. Yeah, Roosevelt. It was Roosevelt, right? Yeah, World War II.
Yeah, it was like, I forget exactly how he said it, but essentially it's like, God is
on our side. And we're all like, oh, what?
Alright, let's go. Let's go on the beach.
And then the first line of Americans just got murdered and they're like, yo, God, you
want to pull up? Like, what the fuck? You're a little late here.
God is on the third line.
No, yeah.
God will come up with a little career.
That also makes sense with the Mormonism thing. Like, they are the manifest destiny religion. Yes. American primeval. Yeah, they, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, They come back here and then they kind of just sell in Salt Lake and nothing really happens. It's like that thing, what is it called, where they go for two years?
The mission is like this beautiful, you basically get your business acumen locked in for two
straight years, right?
You go, you learn sales in the toughest environment possible.
You learn another language.
You're trying to sell God to people who don't want it.
Dealing with rejection of the most personal thing in your life?
The thing that means the most to you. Oh wow. Getting smacked in the face and you're put in
a lot of them like really tough situations. So they develop that skill to deal with rejection.
They develop an amazing skill to sell and by the end of it you're not knocking on doors. You're
running a team of people that are knocking on doors. Oh really? So they come out of that with
this like understanding of how a business should function, learning another language,
and knowing how to manage other people
in really desperate situations.
So of course they come back here and they thrive
and they become the largest, what is it,
landowners in America or something like that.
They run multinational corporations.
Churches large.
And we just call them goofballs because they have
some weird beliefs, but they're all in that action.
They're both.
It's a boot camp.
Yeah, they are both.
But if you look at Mormon business people,
there's so many, like the Mary Kay girls
that do all the makeup, the MLM makeup.
That first girl was Mormon.
There's a whole sub-genre of Mormon mom talk,
where it's just TikTok influencers
that sell clothing and makeup and shit.
All Mormon, all know each other.
Just no shame regarding selling themselves
because they're like, yeah, bro,
I fucking go around and talk to people about Jesus.
I mean, it's actually,
the Jet Blue, Black and Decker, Sky West, Marriott.
It's a lot.
I'm raising my kids Mormon.
I've always said this.
Son, Mitt Romney.
Yeah, Bain Capital, the legend.
And who are we talking to?
We're talking to somebody about like how they justify that.
Because the idea, I think with Bain,
I could be messing this up,
but you're essentially taking over businesses
that are in distress and then building them back up.
And you've got to fire maybe 10,000 fucking people
when you do that.
And it's just like, how do you deal with that
as a Mormon, as a God-fearing person?
You could negatively impact 10,000 people's lives.
And I think the justification was,
yeah, but I'm saving the other 20,000
that work at that company. And what would happen to them if the whole company went out
of business? So you can retrofit any justification that's pretty good. They're fucking impressive.
But like most Americans, they will believe whatever the fuck sounds most interesting.
I think Mormons are also like the highest tithing
group of people.
So like a lot of times they can justify business decisions
for the fact that the more money they are making.
They give back to the church.
The 10% always go to the church pre-tax.
All right guys, we're gonna take a break for a second.
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Now let's get back to the show.
All right guys, let's take a break for a second.
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Then you, I mean, yeah.
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Now let's get back to the show.
I was convinced the whole time
while she's doing the YouTube channel,
she's like, the reason it's going well
is because we're promoting God and LDS to the world.
Like that's the reason God is blessing.
She changes the handle from like,
what is it, eight passengers to what?
Moms of truth.
Moms of truth, yeah.
So this girl is like a part of, now it's them too. Not even the family, but she's still like, what is it, eight passengers to what? Moms of truth. Moms of truth, yeah. So this girl is like a part of, now it's them too.
Not even the family, but she's still like,
you can describe it.
She basically kicks out the oldest son,
the oldest daughter, they go to college
and they have complete cutoff.
They can't talk to the family at all.
She says, if you talk to the family,
you're gonna be bringing more demons into the house.
So for the sake of the family, don't talk to us.
The oldest son gets kicked out because he masturbates.
You're missing a main detail.
The woman, how'd you find out, the therapist is living in the house and also is his therapist and is also
manipulating the oldest son and being like, tell me what you've done wrong.
I know something went wrong.
I know you have guilt on your conscience.
He's like, all right, I got a hand job.
I drank a little alcohol and I looked at porn.
And then that gets back to the mother.
And then the mother goes, oh, the reason this house is cursed, the reason that the woman
is still being possessed by the devils
because you're in the house doing sinful things.
You have to leave. He leaves at 17.
The older daughter's in college.
And this is when the father is also being excommunicated from the family.
And the woman is now having these demon possessions overnight.
And the wife would go to the husband and be like,
hey, I need to go upstairs.
I think if I stay with her tonight,
the demons won't affect her.
And this is where the like hookup accusations start to build.
The daughter in the documentary says,
I believe they were hooking up.
Which is kind of far.
Like, I mean, it's insane.
What does a therapist look like?
Dwarves not. Not cute.
Yeah, tough look.
Tough look.
There's like videos of them on a jet ski and they're like
so like lesbian cute. They're like holding on to each other and she's like I'm gonna go so fat and
she's like don't throw me off. Yeah. Oh god. Yeah. She was sitting front row at the Maple Leafs game.
So then basically for nine months,
this woman and the therapist
are raising the four other kids,
husband's out of the picture,
two oldest kids are out of the picture,
and then she just starts abusing the shit
out of the two youngest kids.
This is where it gets super fucked up.
Who was abusing them?
The two of them together.
The two moms.
Husband's kicked out of the house,
he has no idea what's going on
but he's so brainwashed
and was so pussy-whipped over this girl that that on these calls, he just assumes he's the problem
and everything's gonna get better.
No checking with his kids.
I think his oldest daughter tried to text him.
Hey, dad, just wanna let you know I love you,
thinking of you.
He hearts it, and then one minute later unhearts it
because he's so worried about, you know,
crossing his wife, essentially.
Even though he's already been kicked out
for months, maybe a year.
He's so worried about crossing the mom and losing her
He said like I chose her over my kids every single time so moves the two youngest kids away from their childhood home
Into the therapist house, which is like on a compound far out in Utah
It's a mansion in like the desert like there's no one around for an acre to make those three acres and like the house is like
Retrofit it's got like bunkers underneath,
it's got like a safe with like a panic room,
it's got like food prepped for months.
How does she have money?
From doing this cult basically.
Yeah, she basically runs like one of the best
therapy situations and it's,
I don't wanna say it's like,
the church isn't helping her,
but the church is telling people you can go to her.
It's like a hustler's university for soccer mice.
Yeah, that's a good way to put it. And so the kids end up getting abused. Like they
have to like go stand in the sun. They have to jump on a trampoline for like 12 hours
a day. They forced me to like run in like 110 degree weather. And then at one point
they're just like bound with like ropes in the basement, just like tied up. And the mom
documents everything in these journals. Everything, word for word.
And the vlogs start getting darker.
Like if your kid is, it is principle over everything.
If you, basically, if your kid has to die
for the principles to work, then that's what it is.
It doesn't matter.
The punishment needs to be more severe.
So the way they found out is that the kid,
one of the, the boy that's tied up,
escapes from the house. The therapist leaves the door open. He escapes from the house, runs across the kid, the boy that's tied up, escapes from the house.
The therapist leaves the door open,
he escapes from the house, runs across the street,
like all the way down the driveway,
like to the nearest neighbor, knocks on the door,
and then the neighbor shows up.
The kid's about to walk away
because the neighbor's an old person,
takes him a while to get to the door.
Kid just kind of, you see it on the ring cam,
he starts walking away.
He's like almost at the street,
and then luckily the neighbor opens the door,
and the kid is like, hey, can you do me two favors? neighbors like kind of like what it's a what are they it's and then he's like can you?
Actually, I just need one. Can you call the cops? I'm worried about my sister in me or something like that
Yeah, the videos on a ring can't do yeah
Our brain to be honest, yeah, I cried watch dad like this is an old man
He's like once you have a seat here
Then I guess his wife brings out like a banana and some water. The dad calling the cops is looking at the kid. He's
got, he's like bound at the ankles, duct tape on his ankles and all bloody, emaciated, like
super skinny. And then he just, he starts crying. This old guy just looking at this
kid. He's like, what's happening to these kids is awful. And then apparently he has
a sister in the house too. So then I, yeah.
Swat comes in, raids the whole house fresh,
she's the sister.
Finds the sister.
And this bitch, the therapist,
when she answers the door,
she answers the door,
she goes, I'm on the phone with my lawyer.
Like already she knows.
She knows.
So this, I would say this mom is probably schizophrenic.
Like the way she talks about demons
and she says I'm on a mission from God.
These are things I've,
very like basic understanding of schizophrenia.
That's like, these are things
that a schizophrenic person might think.
That like, there's demons in the house
and I'm on a mission from God, blah, blah, blah.
This therapist is a dirty, dirty bitch
and the dad is a cuck for just letting this all happen.
To me.
Like, that's my takeaway.
So then basically go to court,
they both plead guilty to six counts of child abuse
and they both get like 30, 40 years in prison.
Oh, the daughter was in. And they both get 30, 40 years in prison.
The daughter was in, when they found the daughter,
she was upstairs in a room, like her hands like this,
you know what I mean?
Like her knees tucked against her chest.
In like a closet, in the back of the closet.
The cop is trying to talk to her, she won't speak.
It's so sad, so he's just calling for whatever,
backup or welfare or whatever, CDC or whatever the fuck.
Oh, and people had been in Utah, her neighbors,
it's Utah, they're probably all friendly with each other.
They were all concerned
and they had called for welfare checks,
multiple neighbors and the oldest daughter
called for a welfare check.
I want a welfare check for my brothers and sisters.
I don't think they're okay.
And then the cops weren't allowed to get a search warrant
because the judge said, one of the neighbors asked,
or was asked, are there,
have you seen evidence of physical abuse?
And because the neighbor said no,
the cop was like, you can't give him a search warrant.
So this goes on for 10 months.
So if those kids, if that kid doesn't escape and they die,
frankly, it's also on the judge for never once being like,
yo, you're allowed to go search, go do a welfare check.
And to be honest, this is, I've had a,
like we have a neighbor who says some crazy shit to their kid.
Like, you're a fucking psychopath, like nasty shit to the kid.
You're fucking insane, what are you doing to, like, we're hearing things horrendous.
We called Child Protective Services, CPS or whatever, and then they were like,
if you don't have evidence that the kids are being physically abused, there's nothing we can do, I'm sorry.
So verbal abuse doesn't...
It doesn't count, and they're all, she was like, the same thing they said to her,
the lady on the phone was like, I'm with you.
And the shit this mom says,
I was gonna go over and knock on the door
and be like, what the fuck is going on?
And my wife was like, you cannot call,
let's call CPS, let's do this the right way,
but you cannot go over there.
And I was like, I'm gonna go check in on the kid
and be like, yo, are you okay?
I hear what she's saying to you.
And she's like, dog, this woman is clearly crazy.
You have somewhat of a public profile.
You don't know what she could say about you. Trying to groom this kid or whatever. So it's like, you call CPS, you try this woman is clearly crazy. You have somewhat of a public profile, you don't know what you could say about you.
Trying to groom this kid or whatever.
So it's like, you call CPS, you try to do the right thing,
nobody shows up, nobody talks to her, still hear shit.
It's like crazy, and we live in like a nice building.
So what happens to that kid?
I don't know, I see him, I try to just be like,
hey, what's up man, everything okay?
He is withdrawn, head is always down,
and it's just like, yeah,
your mom is saying horrendous shit to you.
Yeah, it sucks, because I think if you like CPS and you like lie you can get
charged like fraud and like actually it's a crime if you do some shit like
that it's almost like slodding. Right that makes sense. But I mean if you hear somebody that's verbally abusing the child.
They can't do anything about that but imagine if he calls and be like oh I
seen her hit the child and he lied about that shit Then it's like he can get in trouble. I mean you could say you heard it what sounded like it. Yeah
I mean, yeah, just the shit
I can't even think of it because it's all right on spot and whatever but like the shit she says is just like we
Hear it from our room and in like apartment nearby and we're like down the hall people have been like talking to us
Like what the fuck is going on in there?
That shit scares the fuck out of me because that kid turns into a school shooter.
That's the one too, it's like.
Head down all the time.
How old?
Oh, you could talk to a 15 year old.
Nah, I ain't talking to nobody.
I ain't talking to anybody.
He had a rule, all right?
He had a strict rule.
What's a rule?
When you're in college, you can't go out there.
High school.
They were good guys.
Oh, that's funny.
I also think though, there's a conversation
about all of these mommy vloggers.
Like, my wife sees a couple of them.
Some of them will just have their kids
like in the background of a video as a part of like,
hey, here's a day in my life.
My kid went to whatever.
Some of them will make their kids the center of the video
and there's an Indian girl who does it.
Right. And like, she's just a daughter who's to me just an adorable girl
but she wears glasses and I know how this fucking internet thing works. I know we all know how the
comment section works. My wife was watching it and I was getting like fucking furious before she got
Justine got on TikTok and she was like why are you so angry and I was like dog this girl is going to
start seeing negative comments she's a fucking baby This is going to fuck her up mentally,
she has no consent in this.
Why are you putting her on fucking video?
Do you care about your kids at all?
Or are you just so fucking talentless
that you'll do whatever it takes to get a few views?
I was like livid about it.
The Ruby thing is crazy
because she's forcing the kids to do stuff.
She's like, hey, act sad.
Hey, be sad in this one.
And the kid's like, mom, I don't really wanna do this.
Yeah, I think larger conversation,
all them fucking parent vloggers,
if your kid is the center of a video,
your account should be banned.
Well, did you see what happened?
Also, it's child labor.
California's legislated against this.
California right now just started a law
where if your child is 60% of your content,
you have to put away a certain amount of money for them,
30% of their income.
I like that.
And there's a bunch of people who are leaving california being like guys
We just don't like the lifestyle here like we're going to tennessee. We're going to texas
We had mold in the house or whatever these like sort of excuses are but it's just so they can enslave their children
And make contact. I don't know the I don't know the full details. That shit is so gross like this lady
She was giving them just like 10 bucks to be oh, yeah
She was like if you help with the video you get ten dollars
And she's coming home with fucking a hundred that she also left she saved all the raws
So there's all these offcuts of her being like do it different and then it being like she saved all the raw
so there's all this evidence against you know, it's funny about this is that uh,
there's a lot of people that
that there's a lot of people that,
like their kids just worked at the bodega or worked at the diner or worked whatever
and that was just part of their chores.
That's what it is.
And they didn't get their $10.
Maybe they might've got a couple bucks,
but this is just your contribution to the family.
Like this is the family business.
Nobody has an issue with that.
No, I can, but here's the difference.
Internet comments are the difference.
You go to school, nobody's gonna be like, hey hey look what people are saying about you working at the bodega
Yeah, hmm this if you or just some kid can go comment on the parents page, and it's like well
Whatever I will say this though like all the mommy bloggers like keep that shit up though because
They put out some good information like like learning like if you want to know like how to beat jetlag for your kid
You could just type that shit into TikTok.
It's incredible.
I love that. You'll be the center of the video.
No, I think you're making a...
That's the difference.
Yeah, you're defining it right.
Like that is a talent when you describe it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Putting my kid in a video and talking about how cute they are, that's the kid, that's no different than like
these stage moms that we hate or the kids that force their kids to be actors.
You're the exact same person, but now you're also the director, the executive producer.
You're just taking all the money.
And the next person won't be as insane as Ruby Franky.
She'll be smart enough to delete the raws, et cetera, et cetera.
I think slicing it in that when you're making your kid act for the content, and especially
emotionally manipulating them, abusing them like this, that's fine.
But no, no, I mean, that's not fine. Sorry. That's horrible and they should all go to jail. That's illegal like this, that's fine. But, no, no, I mean that's not fine, sorry.
That's horrible and they should all go to jail.
That's illegal, yeah.
That's illegal, they should all go to jail.
But I see a lot of these mommy bloggers, they put out amazing stuff.
It's like, hey, my kid was doing this and actually this piece of this bottle can pop
off and she almost choked, like don't use this bottle.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And then you go, oh my God, thank you so much for sharing that information.
Of course, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm just saying like as a parent there's so much
useful information that a lot of parents they're saying like which food has you
allergic reactions but it's not it's not on the ingredient list. Yeah there's like
soy secretly and some shit. Yeah like so there's I love the fact that information
is decentralized especially with parenting just as a parent because I get
so much of it but I agree with, there's a different version of it
where you're abusing the kid for content.
But the one, like you said,
where parents are at the forefront,
it's super helpful as a parent.
Before, we just had to go off a few parenting books
and you hope those were good.
You know, I'd rather go off of millions of people
on the internet saying what was useful for their kids
without exploiting the kid and
And I think a lot of them are good at some even like blur their kids faces out in them
And they'll be like hey this this tool for sleeping on a plane was really helpful. We inflated this thing
Mm-hmm, so I don't want to criticize those people because that shit is one of her teenage
Don't I guess not she's a teenager getting her eyebrows threaded and like I didn't watch the video, but I know Indian girls
I know what the eyebrows look like. I know you're inviting some comments, you know
You're trying to protect the kids from that online criticism, which is very different when their parents they're just like offering
Information and advice. Yeah, one's entertainment one's information. Yeah education rather
Yeah, but like that's just fire like how to play with your baby, dude There's all these amazing videos from like doctors
They're not pediatricians, but they're like they have made like a PhD in child psychology or something
Yeah, like how to teach your kid how to sound out letters or how to teach your kid how to like say words before they can
Even really speak. Yeah, and I yeah, I learned all this stuff from like this is amazing
I remember the first time a girl left me alone the baby
She's like, all right, I'll be gone for like an hour and a half. We'll be right back. And I was like, what do I do? She's like, I was playing with them. I was like, this is amazing. I remember the first time a girl left me alone with the baby. She's like, all right, I'll be gone for like an hour and a half. We'll be right back. And I was like, what do I do?
She's like, I don't know, just play with them.
I was like, what?
Read them up.
But I was like, do I just like read them?
Like, I didn't know what to do.
What girl left you?
I don't know.
What a baby.
My wife.
Oh, OK.
You said that girl.
Yeah, you said that girl.
That was a little weird.
She was like, yeah, just play with the baby.
I was like, I don't know.
So I looked at the video and was like,
oh no, put some water in a pan, let him splash in it.
Shit like that, I was like, oh, that's smart.
That's great, that's informational, like you said.
Even if it's entertainment, that is,
even if it was you getting on camera
and complaining about your kids,
but your kids aren't in the videos, they're blurred out,
I'm not even saying this is a shot at him,
that's what Luis Ike did.
But you don't know who the kids are,
he protects their identity, that's great,
that's entertaining. But I think that's a good C.K. did. Yeah. It was. But you don't know who the kids are. He protects their identity. That's great. That's entertaining. Yeah. But I think that's
a good slice. Yeah. But what gets the views? And they knew that the son and the oldest
daughter got the views whenever they would be on the phone. That's some whore shit, Doug.
That's some whore shit. You exploiting children for views is some whore shit. I know. Yeah.
That's just crazy. Yeah. Give me something fun right now. This is too dark. I need something
fun. I need something light. How about Jonathan major's beating the shit out of this girl?
We need something fun and light bro the emotional manipulation that he is capable of that's insane
I need you to read verbatim what happened in the transcript. Yeah, can you fill me in on this story?
I've been away so jonathan major's audio, you know, he's been accused of all the old shit
So audio leaked of a conversation of him with said woman.
He says, I'm ashamed I've ever, Majors begins
before cutting himself off, cuts himself off,
I goes, I'm ashamed I've ever,
I've never been aggressive with a woman before,
I've never aggressed a woman, I aggress you.
She goes, you strangled me and pushed me against the car.
He goes, he goes, yes,
all of those things are under-aggressed.
That's never happened to me.
Because I said something sarcastically in your eyes,
she said, and he said, well, clearly it's more than that.
And then she goes, something inside of you.
And then he goes, yeah, towards you.
Yeah, son, yeah, son.
Son, he just blamed her for choking the shit out of her.
This guy, you need to bury this motherfucker under the jail.
Now here's the question.
I need to know the timeline.
What's crazy, there was rumors of maybe
Marvel bringing him back in.
They sat on that audio.
Oh, yeah.
I think they waited for these rumors.
People were defending his ass.
And I think the chick is white, right?
You know, so. Mistake number one. Snow White. Mistake number one. People were defending his ass. And I think the chick is white, right? Yeah.
Mistake number one!
Yeah, Snowboy.
Mistake number one!
Where's Dr. Umar?
Where is Dr. Umar when you need him?
Hey, Dr. Kumar is here!
Mistake number one!
Mistake number one!
That's because the video came out, she had his phone, it's like, you know, you shouldn't take people's property.
And what was the video of him running away from us? That was
Something black people all about Castle doctor.
And he was running away from her. She was the aggressor.
Yeah. But isn't? Yeah. But now. Okay, so this is I I'm not
mature enough to have this conversation. I think it's better that I am not mature enough to have this conversation. We Okay, none of us not mature enough to have this conversation. I just want to point that out right now.
I think it's better that way.
I am not mature enough to have this conversation.
We, we.
Okay, none of us are mature enough
to have this conversation, but we will have it regardless.
Now, there was a movie where he was,
I think it just recently came out,
where he played a bodybuilder.
I don't know if it was a historical piece,
but it's a movie about weightlifting,
specifically, bodybuilding.
And he gets absolutely ripped, shredded, jacked for it.
Which I assume he's taking tons of steroids
and all these other performance enhancing drugs.
You think that's to blame?
I didn't say that at all.
I didn't say that at all.
I didn't say that at all.
I didn't say that at all.
What I'm saying is, what I'm saying is, was he taking all those things around the time
of his aggressive behavior?
Is it possible that these steroids could have made him lose control?
And aggressed.
It could have made him more aggressive.
He's pretty big in Creed.
Maybe he was started there. Ooh, here's another one Creed. Maybe he started that. It's Hollywood's fault. I think I got the PR move for him.
Okay. Sometimes a man is struggling with his sexuality. Oh yeah. He doesn't know
how to handle the fact that he might be a different sexuality and so he's a
little he takes it out on women in a way that's not fair. Because I can't help but notice,
his pictures with Michael B. Jordan.
No aggression.
No aggression whatsoever.
It's very uncomfortable.
Did you not hear when he came at us?
Oh, this is just perfectly timed.
Look this up if you can, Joey.
I'm pretty sure he just came out
and said that he was molested as a child.
Look that up.
Hold on to that one.
I miss the old days when it was just like, you hungry?
Have a Snickers.
You know, when you were angry or hangry?
Just eat some.
Just blame it on how hungry.
Does he say that he was...
Just blame it on how hungry.
The old days actually used to work.
Say what?
Sexual abuse at age nine.
So, yeah, so he came out saying he was sexually abused.
I can't help but-
Man or woman, that counts.
Damn, everybody.
Everybody, everybody, popular.
That's what I'm saying.
We're not, we're not, turn the AC off.
It's too cold.
We're not mature enough to have this conversation. I just want to let you know. Do you think he tried to beat the
Very popular is the same shit
As an adult you looking back
How do you say you got me flattered as an adult? You're looking back.
I mean, he was the same.
Yeah, I had it like that.
Yeah, I just forget it.
You have to feel bad for him.
Dumb as out of here.
You just walked up.
Yeah, I do. Nothing to do with that.
Where you going?
Looking for Jonathan Maitis?
He's old now.
Damn, man.
Fucking hell.
I mean, this is what Kevin Spacey did.
What's that?
He got accused of abusing a kid,
and he was like, oh, I'm just gay.
No, the kid was.
But he really is gay.
The kid was, but, listen, the kid was 17,
and also gay.
So that doesn't count.
That's crazier than what I said,
because he's like, that's not a joke.
I don't think.
You see what I'm saying? You see what I'm saying?
You see what I'm saying?
I know.
I'm not totally crazy.
Let me make you argument.
Let me make you argument.
We're not mature enough to have this conversation.
We're not mature enough to have this conversation.
But like, gay on gay is the exact same thing as like male 17-year-old and like 30-year-old
As long as they're both gay.
If it's a straight dude that's being, you know,
taken advantage of by a gay guy, that's fucked up.
But if it's a gay guy just getting to fuck a 30 year old
movie star.
It was unwanted sexual advances.
We don't know about that.
We don't know about that.
Also I agree, I'm team Kevin Spacey
because I'm pretty sure all the accusers did end up dying.
Yeah, so we're not gonna sit here and accuse him of anything.
No, I'm not that, I'm team Spades.
Yeah, it's fucking demons in his asshole, that's for sure.
Yeah, I love House of Cards.
Okay, so basically at nine,
Jonathan Majors was the town tricycle.
And, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen.
You can't say that.
We're not mature enough to have this conversation.
That's horrible, there's a lot't say that. We're not mature enough to have this conversation.
That's horrible.
There's a lot of people that deal with this absolutely.
This is horrible and those people should go to jail.
But that doesn't make it okay for him to choke the shit out of a woman.
Yeah, that's why we're making these jokes because he did something heinous.
The only reason we're making these jokes is because it seems like he tried to undercut the abuse towards this innocent woman with his own molestation.
And that's not allowed.
And when you do that, we get to make fun of you for that.
That's hurt people, hurt people.
He was obviously hurt.
Those people that hurt him should be fucking
least questioned.
We gotta see what the fuck was happening in this town.
We gotta understand what's going on.
But he should go to prison for choking the shit
out of a white woman.
You know what I mean?
You know what I mean?
What the fuck is happening?
Where's Megan Good and all this?
She was like his crisis PR.
She came in and she was walking around with him.
She's this beautiful, stunning, talented woman.
Why is she with this dirtbag?
But who is this person, Megan Good?
Oh my God, one of the most out of my life.
I hate you sometimes.
I feel like I wanna aggress you.
Look at her, that's her in like her, I don't know, mid 40s probably?
You could pull her up from any age.
I mean, she's just absolutely beautiful.
I mean, it's retarded.
Yeah, you married, son. Relax, man. Relax, man.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
We need a TikTok about that.
We need a TikTok immediately about the way your man's talking about making good.
That's a good idea.
But she an actress.
Do it again on there.
What is she an actress?
This bull.
I'm being tense here.
Mark, I'm gonna slap you.
Why am I supposed to know this?
I'm genuinely curious.
You just supposed to.
I mean, it is.
She's a beautiful woman, but I don't know what she is. Think like a man, stop the art, and you're gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm gonna slap you. Why am I supposed to know this? I'm genuinely curious. You just supposed to.
I mean, it is.
She's a beautiful woman, but I don't like the way she is.
Okay, can we...
Think like a man, stop the yard, Friday, she's in Friday.
Damn, damn, damn, bro, damn.
She's like 14.
She was young, yeah, she was cute on Friday.
You're not true to be an Indian, bro.
You want a sister so bad it's unbelievable.
Well, I can't help it if I say that.
You want that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's true.
That's what I'm talking about.
He was grooving in his braid.
He just didn't know it.
I didn't realize until well later somebody told me.
What do you mean?
Somebody told me years later, we were seeing her in Stomp the Art.
He was like, dude, she was in something when she was a kid.
I forget which movie.
And then I looked it up.
I saw Friday.
Oh, nice. I saw that. That was one that I did see.
Good. I don't remember her in that film, though.
Good, good.
He only saw the hot boys.
Man, that's really fucked up what he had to endure as a child.
Child of the Matrix.
If it's even true, we don't know if it's true, he might just be saying it to, like, subvert this woman's narrative about him beating the shit out of her.
How awful would that be if he lied about that just to gain sympathy for us
when we want to hate a woman beater?
Yeah, that wouldn't be good.
I mean, the things people will do.
No, I don't think it's a lie, because if you're going to lie,
just say I was molested by a woman.
You're going to add the molested by a dude.
Now you got to forgive him.
But then you got to forgive him.
Also, molested by a man we were more sensitive to
than molested by a woman.
Can we look up how old he is?
Maybe it is lying.
He's like, I gotta kind of offset the gay look.
But you're like, yo, I'm a jerk.
Bitches wanted it too.
Bitches wanted it too.
The likelihood you get molested by two different adults?
Come on.
Can I tell you that?
That's why I said what I said.
That's why, did you see what I said what I said?
No. You see what I said what I said.
It was different. You see it.
You hate it. No see it, you did.
You did.
No, no, no, no.
He's looking at stats.
Yeah, I'm looking at stats.
Let's have a real conversation.
He's 35, this happened when he was nine.
You had 26 years to go to therapy, work through your issues.
Yeah, it's fucked up that happened to you.
It was very traumatic.
26 years, you could have worked through it.
You didn't.
I'm not gonna forgive what you did
because this potentially happened.
You've been in therapy for 20 years,
you still angry as fuck.
How do you think he's gonna get over molestation and nothing?
I ain't choking my wife and she got more attitude
than this bitch, I promise.
Babe, you said you choke your wife.
I said I ain't choking my wife and she got more.
And she got more attitude than this girl, I promise.
That's because she will fuck you up.
I'm not playing.
I'm not playing.
That would be an even fight.
That's an even fight.
I wanna see y'all throw down, now you're fired.
Ding, ding, ding.
That's an even fight.
You gotta stay awake, Clarence.
There's no way.
Not me now.
Oh, okay.
Damn, bro.
All right, well listen, we got through most
of the trauma section of today's episode.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I feel like Free Jonathan majors, though.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
I mean.
He abused a woman, Al.
Yeah, that's not true.
He was molested.
Canceled stuff.
No, that's not, that's what the Marvel movies try to do,
Remember when Magneto was a bad guy
and then we had to feel bad
that he was in the Holocaust or whatever?
Remember like everybody, everybody,
they just used the Holocaust to humanize Magneto.
Nobody asked about Magneto, right?
Of course, of course.
I'm not even saying.
Okay, go ahead, go ahead.
I was thinking of you, I can see it.
Of course the Jewish character in Marvel
can control the coins.
Like, I couldn't believe they shoehorned that story into it.
Like none of us needed to know about his backstory
and feel bad for him.
He's trying to kill all the human beings in the world
and we're supposed to be like,
oh, but he was in the Holocaust.
It was, oh, we can't do that.
Why did we let that happen?
But that made him a better villain.
I agree.
We should use that.
Of course he was the villain. He was the... I agree. We should use that.
Of course he was the villain.
But they made the movie.
They did invent that. The Holocaust?
No, no, no, no.
We're not going to do it.
We're not going to do it.
Go on the rails, dude.
We're not going to do it.
I don't know. You guys need to calm, simmer down.
We need to simmer down. Oh, can we talk about some sports? Let gonna do it. You guys need to calm, simmer down. Yeah we need to
simmer down. Oh can we talk about some sports? Let's do it man. Buddy did you see the George
the Messiah, Brian Scalabrini drama this whole thing? I'm conflicted on this. Okay so I'll just
walk you to anybody who doesn't know George the Messiah is a New York streetball legend. He plays
at a court on West 4th Street and 6th Ave called the Cage. Typical everything you think a New York street ball legend. He plays at a court on West 4th Street and 6th Ave called the Cage.
Typical, everything you think a New York baller is,
like the old man at the gym, he's that to a million.
Talks cash shit, fouls you like crazy.
If you try to call a foul, he calls you soft.
He's not standing for it and he'll beat you.
He's got this nice hook shot floater that goes in
and there's all kinds of videos of him
Beating people one-on-one then they asked him in the interview. You think you would take an NBA Hooper
He said yeah, bring him bring him to West Forth University. It's different over here
He goes I think I could be Brian Scalabrini and they're like that guy's 6'9". He's like no
White mamba the white mamba. Yeah the white mamba I could beat him and then Scalabrini is like, you know what?
Sounds good. I'll be in New York this Saturday. Let's do it. So they have a game everybody's hype and
Brian Scalabrini
It's just one of the more satisfying videos to watch to be honest with you because we've all played that old guy at the rec
I just fouls you and talk shit and is annoying and Brian Scalabrini just bullies this guy. Why are you?
I mean, he just bullies him. So I'm conflicted because obviously I want to side with the New York City streetball
legend and shit talker, but there's also a part of me that just loves the fact that Scalabrini
shows up anytime someone calls him out.
He's like, beat him, shoot him.
He has the greatest quote.
He says, I'm closer to LeBron James than you are to me.
And it's just like, nobody will believe him, but he keeps on busting people's ass every single time.
There was a story in Boston where they were shitting on him
that he's the lowest ranked player on NBA 2K or whatever.
He called like a radio station.
He's like, yo, anybody who thinks they can beat me
that's not in the league, come to this rec center in Boston.
And then he beats the shit out of all of them.
Every single one.
That's fire.
I like that energy.
That's fire.
No, so I fuck with him for that.
And there is a moment here where George has found shit
at him and he does some old school move.
He's got him in a post and he makes a move
and he kind of tucks his elbow up and under
and hits George in the chin with the elbow
to create some space.
But he didn't back away from it.
He was just like, listen, you wanted to play around
with fire, you're gonna get burnt.
And he started talking crazy shit.
George didn't really know what to do.
Yeah, so at one point he says,
he gets on the mic from the guy who's commentating,
he's like, yo, he was fouling me the whole time,
so I started fouling back, and then one guy goes,
you're fouling him worse though,
and Brian just goes, oh, get off his nuts.
It's so funny.
So you gotta realize, like, Scalabrine, it's not like he was raised in Nova Scotia.
He's been hooping with the baddest motherfuckers on the planet his whole life.
He knows how to talk shit. He's also a big dude.
He's skilled as fuck.
He can shoot. His whole thing in the league was just hitting open threes.
So he can still stroke it.
Nah, it's okay, yo.
Oh, he says something at one point. One guy goes,
Hey, yo, he don't even clock it. He doesn't even care.
He says something like, yo, you go hard, you go hard or something.
The guy goes, hey yo.
That's a white momma, bro.
But it's the most New York shit ever.
But I think he blanks him.
I think he beats him 11-0.
He beats his ass.
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, he just bullies this kid, dominates.
I think Joey pulled up some of the highlights.
And then he takes off the hoodie at some point.
Straight at him.
Love that.
Yeah, he getting fouled.
Calabran is 46.
We like to believe like the last person on the bench, the NBA, isn't a super alpha.
You have to be so alpha to even get into the league.
He was the best guy at his high school.
The best guy his entire life.
The best guy at his college. Yeah. And then made the league. And he the best guy at his high school. The best guy his entire life. The best guy at his college.
Yeah. And then made the league.
He wasn't bad with the Spurs.
He did his job.
Like, if you get him open, he'll hit the three.
Yeah. And that's not that easy to do.
There's some high pressure moments
with the championship team. They got to get a ring.
So like he hit big shots.
When you're at home and you're looking at that is like,
oh, I can do that.
I can just stand at the corner and wait for the ball.
He pulls the fuck up.
And Scalabri kinda leaned into it in a way, like just by being like fun.
You know what I mean? Like he would like do silly antics.
He called himself the white mamba.
So I think he kind of likes in a way that people underestimate him.
People call him the white mamba, I think, but he didn't mind it.
Yeah, he wasn't like, but you can't.
I love it. But shout out George, man.
I always see George over by West Forth.
Shout out fucking George.
I never see him. Yeah.
Did you bet on did you bet on the George and Messiah?
No, but what do we what do we got for March Madness?
You guys care at all? You should you should care.
I don't give a fuck. St. John's.
I know St. John's one of the big East.
Like to me, all that proves is that if you get the big coach,
you get the big money and then you can get good players.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Who's the coach of St. Paul? To me all that proves is everything everybody's been saying for the last 30 years.
Really? For 30 years?
Everybody knows this. You get the best coach in college basketball, you have a chance.
Wait, why do you have a chance?
Coach K built up Duke from nothing. It wasn't like a stellar program before he got there.
Right. But do you listen to what I say?
Are you sure?
Yeah. You get the best coach, you get the most money, you get the best players.
But why do you think you get the best players?
Because you have the best coach.
No, because you pay the players.
Because the money goes in when you get the coach.
Yeah. But Coach K wasn't paying the players.
The example. Do you remember the example you just used?
When you make an argument, do you think?
Okay, it's fine.
What happens in your head when you say no?
John Calipari.
Good job.
Yes, yes, yes.
You're making my point.
So you agree?
Okay, good.
That's what I was saying.
No, you didn't say it at all.
You said the exact opposite thing.
No, but this is not new information.
With supreme confidence.
This is not new information.
You are George the Messiah. Okay, fair enough. He's scaliber. And I'm scalabrave right now. Hop off his nuts.
Just hop off his nuts, Arkon. Okay. Who's St. John's coach? It's not Pacino, but it is.
Okay. It's Pacino, right? It's Pacino. Okay. So Rick Pacino, who's like a legendary, you know,
college coach. I think he even tried to coach in the leagueino. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So Rick Patino, who's like a legendary, you know, college coach.
I think he even tried to coach in the league once.
Yeah, Celtics.
Celtics wasn't good.
It wasn't good, but he's killed it with college.
And so he's there.
But in my whole life, I was like, oh, I guess these guys, and I don't want to take anything
away from my coach, Kay, but like my whole life growing up, I was like, I guess these
guys just have this intangible skill.
They understand two, three defense better than these other guys.
And I said, no, it's like Rick's got the connection.
I don't want to show him, but he probably got the connection to Nike and all the players want a connection to Nike
So the guys that are getting scooped up early when they're in fucking middle school
Nikes, you know put them in the pocket. You can't pay him now
You can pay him and then I'll but before
Their team is being sponsored you have connection to these people and then you funnel them into this league and they all go
Or into this team and they're also going at that time like, well man, if I'm on this coach's team,
I'll probably get more air time and that's gonna give me
a better chance of getting into the league, et cetera.
So within two years, they win the Big East
and St. John's hadn't won a fucking game in the tournament
since we were in high school.
I feel like, who would play for St. John's
when we were in high school?
Was it, Artest didn't play at St. John's, did he?
No, no, no.
Syracuse. Oh yeah, I'm bugging. I think Artest did. Was it Artest?'s, did he? Carmella? No, no, no. Syracuse.
Oh yeah, I'm bugging.
Was it Artest?
There was a team back in the day that was like good for a sec.
Oh no, Barkley.
There was a kid named something Barkley.
I don't know that kid.
I remember St. Joe's had a little run back.
St. John's, I remember being like, aren't y'all supposed to be good?
So back in the day, yeah, this is Mark Jackson, Chris Mullin, Jason Williams, the one that
killed somebody.
And then there was a Barclay that played there at one time.
And then Metta, Santa Florida Artest, 100%.
Anyway, point being is, like, yeah, that's, and then I was looking at this in terms of
a program.
So if you're a university, you go, okay, how much does Patino want a year?
He wants five million a year.
How much do we make as a university if we make the NCAA tournament?
We're selling out every single game during the year and then we're getting a tournament.
I'm sure you get a piece of that tournament budget.
You go, well, fuck it. I'd rather pay the coach than pay these players.
You make Final Four?
Out of here.
Crazy money. And this is within two seasons, right?
I think Patino took over two years ago.
Yeah. About? Something like that. I don Patino took over two years ago. Yeah.
Something like that.
I don't know, like it's a pretty fast turnaround.
So I'm looking like every small university,
I'm going, hey, where's the biggest donor?
And going, how do we get Calipari?
How do we get, what NBA coach is about to just
get fired because they're not good enough?
Bring his ass in here, let's make it happen.
How much do you even need the coach?
Like could Elon just be the coach of a college basketball team and get the money
figured out and then just get the best like. Here's the thing about the coach
and I don't want to see them like I'm shitting on coaches but like and maybe
it's different at the college level but like the last few coaches. Who's about to shit on coaches?
The last few coaches that won the NBA championship were all first-year coaches.
Huh. Yeah that guy with Toronto, who won last year,
the guy with the Lakers, it was his first year.
It's Kerr, I think his first year.
Kerr won his first year, absolutely,
he won in his first year.
Maybe they brought something new and innovative to the game.
No, just the fact that they were new,
like you're saying, it doesn't take skill set,
and I'm saying no, maybe the fact that they brought
a new, different way to play is the fact that they brought a new,
a different way to play is the reason why they won.
Maybe you're right.
I think it was Kerr more so, but like the Lakers guy,
the first year they win in the COVID, it's like,
you got LeBron, he's your coach.
I think that's what happens.
Like, and maybe in college is a little different,
but then you could also argue like the Delta
between like an average good college player
and an NBA level college player is way bigger
than like a really good NBA player and an NBA level college player is way bigger
than like a really good NBA player
and then an average NBA player.
You know, so like if you have a superstar in college,
you're fucking, you know.
Then you might be set.
Exactly, Mellon.
Like, Dominic, Syracuse, it was like, he was unstoppable.
The guy's like fucking six, nine, he could dribble,
he could pull up from three.
It was, it's like he's playing with high school kids.
Anyway, so what do we think for this year? Who do we think takes it?
Like I don't even know. I don't know anything about college basketball, but I'm
gonna ride to St. John's. That'd be such a fun. For the city it would be great
because we pretend like we support St. John's when they're good.
Like the whole city gets involved. You see the St. John's jerseys pop out.
We don't even know what borough that shit is in. You need that energy back.
I'll take the other New York team. I'll take the Liberty.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
All right, so you got Liberty.
You got St. John's, you said?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'll pull up for Florida, dude.
Come on.
They're ranked number one, apparently,
which I didn't even know that.
Yeah, UF.
UF's good.
Or I'm going for Drake.
Gotta support Drake.
Drake is my guy.
Drake can do no wrong.
Yeah, definitely.
I think I'm going, I can't do no wrong. Yeah, definitely. Definitely. I think I'm going,
I can't go Duke.
Don't go Duke.
I'll go Duke for you so you can go St. John's.
Okay, fine.
All right, I'll go St. John's.
You go Duke.
I mean, is Cooper injured?
If he's injured, I think it changes.
Yeah, he hurt his ankle.
I think it's uncertain if he's gonna be.
But if they can make it through the first weekend,
he might be okay.
Now, here's the question.
How often do you play in the tournament? Two games each weekend weekend I think. Oh so it's... So like the whatever at the first
round and then the second round then Sweet 16 is a week later, Elite 8 is Monday, then a full week
then it's Final Four. So in the beginning you're playing more often though? No it's just two games
each weekend, two rounds each weekend. How much how many times does one team play a week? Twice if they keep winning
That's a lot if you're coming off injury. Yeah, I think he has to sit out the first weekend
I think if they can make it through because they're if they're a one seed they're playing the lowest seed in the first round
You should be able to win without correct second round
Hopefully and if you can get through that then you might be okay for the elite or a sweet 16
And that's like We need you.
It's crazy how unpredictable this shit is.
With the NBA, we know who's gonna win
at the beginning of the season, most likely,
unless there's a big injury or something like that.
This tournament shit, it's like...
No lead is safe in college,
because they're not as good, they can't close it out.
So, it's 16 point lead in college doesn't mean anything.
I mean, I guess it doesn't as much now in the pros,
because there's so many threes,
but no lead is safe ever.
You almost know a comeback is happening.
No, I wonder if that's part of it.
Like in the pros, they weren't shooting as many threes,
there weren't as many players that could hit pro threes.
So the leads were a little bit safer,
whereas the college threes always been super close.
So the guys who can't really shoot at NBA range could shoot pretty
efficiently in college and they could evaporate a lead pretty quickly. So I wonder if obviously
part of it is like the skill set, like there's like singular, unbelievable talent. But there's
just more guys going to hit a college three. So you could evaporate that lead. Yeah, that makes
sense. I always attribute it to a college kid not being as able to withstand the momentum shift.
So like they're emotionally caught up in the game.
They're not as used to it.
It's like also you got to see every one of them fans.
When you're when you're at home, they're in your physics class.
Like if you miss that free throw, you got to look at that guy and you got to explain to you how gravity works.
Oh, man.
All right.
Well, let's see what happened. Listen, if you're betting, you know you you how gravity works. Yeah. Oh man. Yeah.
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Now let's get back to the show.
Miles, you met an OnlyFans girl?
What, male OnlyFans guy?
No, no, I saw an OnlyFans girl on Instagram,
on my Instagram, and I brought up to Mark
that I think this is,
this is crazy, I actually didn't even wanna say
the allegation I have.
Just pull her up.
Yeah, just pull her up.
Where are we going with this?
This is an interesting woman that's positive.
Stop talking about me on the pod.
It's never been good.
Okay, now it's good.
It's never been a positive.
Now it's good.
Now it's positive.
There has yet to be a positive story
Pretty girl. Oh, she a little reary. Oh
I know this one. Is this the one? I'm the that's the other one. No that other one got a dumper on it
So there is a girl. I don't know if she's on only fans
But she's definitely all over my tik-tok and Instagram and everything search pause. That is the girl
No, the other one got a bigger dump.
Okay, well I think what we're all talking about is,
they got a similar face.
There is a girl who is putting on a Down syndrome filter.
That's her.
I think this is the girl that's using a filter
because she's like, she's sort of too upfront about it.
I think one of the captions that caught me off guard
was like, I'm Downs and also down or something crazy.
I saw that one.
And then I went on the Instagram.
For research purposes.
Now this is a tricky one because they are above age
in physically but mentally.
They stop maturing probably around,
don't know, 12, 13 or something like that.
Oh, fuck, don't say that.
So what is the rule with that?
I think it's intellectual maturity.
You gotta go, no.
I don't think you can have sex with a Down syndrome person.
No sex, but you can admire him.
The body's still a bank. Hold on, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute.
He's onto something.
Admiring them would not involve any intellectual manipulation at all and their body is of age.
There's no intellectual connection between you two.
You're not exploring for thoughts.
You're not talking to her.
You can never listen to them when they speak.
You're talking about women in general?
So this is really interesting.
It is not wrong if they had one.
And we know it's not wrong because Victoria's Secret,
I think, had one of them at the show, right?
Didn't they have a Down Syndrome model?
Modeling, so clearly it's okay that we observe them
and admire them, right?
No. Good.
I'm safe.
You're safe.
You're safe.
Now, having sex with them, you would be having sex with a 12 year old trapped in a 24 year old fucking supermodels body
Which is wrong, so it'd're pulling the pot. Yeah, I know. I know. I'm gonna do it. I have tennis balls on my fingernails. Hey, look at my fingernails.
I have tennis balls all over my fingernails.
Like, ta-da!
I love tennis balls.
It's pretty retarded.
He already said this.
Now, so I think she's faking.
Yeah, that brings up a whole other ethical ripple.
Well, the Victoria's Secret model is not faking.
Of course, of course.
But this girl that you are bringing up,
it appears is pretending to have Down syndrome
So there's multiple of these yeah that we would look at them on the internet, which is working
Yeah, according to the algorithm. Yeah
Yeah, I think she's using AI face swap or like a something. That's devious, dude. That's that's what I'm trying to say
It's crazy, right that like yeah, that's her angle. Yeah, but who developed the AI face swap
to make you look down?
Like, is she also coding?
No, I'm sure it's an app.
I'm sure it's just an app.
So you think there's an app out there?
For sure.
What's it called?
I'm gonna find out.
Oh, see, look, there's another one.
There's another down there.
Look at him acting like he just found out.
No, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, I definitely would. I definitely would. I definitely would. one but there's another look at him like I was trying to figure out if it's
the same girl but they look like scoops
wait but does she say that she's on
positive audience does she say that
she's a neurodgent? I mean look at the face
Something you've never done with a woman in your life
I'm not real. Oh fuck. I'm not real. I'm an AI character and do not have down son. You've been checking out AI retards
She got a don't burn
No, I think that's artificial unintelligence.
All right, guys, let's take a break for a second.
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Let's get back to the show.
There's just a clip that I think was very fitting
given what's been happening on Flagrant
and the newest romance that's blossoming
amongst the Flagrant staff.
So why don't we just watch this clip, let it play out.
We don't need any context.
You don't need any sound.
Just watch two, well, the characters are brothers,
but just watch.
And this has been viral because White Lotus
has been kind of building with this weird subplot.
We can just press play whenever you want.
We'll talk, who cares?
So this is one brother and another brother.
They smooch on the lips.
And that's initially, and then the second one
is similar to what has happened on the flagrant set,
I believe, between Miles and David.
He likes that.
It's on the set.
He liked that. So I just think you know
It's like kiss me. Do you know what I mean? God?
we've shows this episode right after we find out about miles and David and
You're still trying to wrap your mind around the characters because you are not caught up on the show
You didn't see it building toward this. No, I saw it
I saw we went to go jerk off and he was looking at his butt or whatever. And then he made out with him a third time. Horrid. That kid is David.
Maz is the one that's a little disturbed by it, but...
But he's still okay.
He didn't move away, like...
Do we know, like I haven't gotten to this episode yet, but do we know if they're like actually...
Brothers or... Yeah.
They're blood brothers? Seemingly blood brothers.
They're trying to hook up with these girls,
the girls start kissing and I think they kiss,
each of them kisses the younger guy
and then they're like, now you two need to kiss
if we don't just take him.
It's a classic party thing, he's like,
you guys should kiss, you guys should kiss.
Classic party thing?
Yeah, it's like one of those classic party situations,
right, Miles?
It just, it happens all the time.
You guys keep podcasting.
Whenever we accuse him of, he is.
I just want to let you know.
And he's going to incriminate himself.
We don't need to say a single thing.
Every time he opens his mouth organically and authentically,
he will prove he is racist and now gay.
You guys are not for us.
Just keep podcasting. I'm not here.
That's what David's dick looks like.
Oh, man.
Yeah, it was, I thought they were building up
that the younger brother was gonna hook up with the sister.
He seems like he's into whatever.
The little brother's a creep.
He's like kind of innocent, but also demented.
Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so now everybody's back in on the show. Yeah. The Little Brothers are creep. He's like kind of innocent, but also demented. Yeah. Yeah.
Okay, so now everybody's back in on the show.
Yeah, yeah.
So first of all, I just want to say something,
which I admire a TV show.
This is their third season, right?
So you could grab your balls and go on the third season.
By that, I mean, you could take as long as you want
to build up the storylines,
and then when you finally execute, huge cannonball splash.
The first few episodes came out,
and people were writing this shit off.
They're like, oh, they lost it.
The first two seasons were good.
I still feel that way.
Oh, interesting.
Even after this episode, I still feel it.
This episode was weird as fuck.
It was my least favorite.
I didn't feel that way.
OK, let me just get out what people were saying.
And I spoke to one of the producers of the show,
and he was like, yeah, it's annoying
that there's a lot of criticism about it,
but we're building up towards this thing.
And I was like, I think that takes courage.
Now with today's internet culture,
you just wanna give everybody something
in the first three seconds so they don't scroll away.
So I think it's brave to actually slow play something
and then deliver big five episodes in or six episodes in.
And the reality is with the, what's it called, the binge culture, people can just, if they
turned it off after two episodes and they find out something crazy happened on six,
one weekend they'll just plow through the rest of it.
So you can really let these characters marinate.
Can't we give a show time?
Like we did two great seasons, they deliver every time.
The show opens with a murder, a mass shooting at a resort,
and everyone on episode two is like, this sucks.
I agree with you.
We're going somewhere.
Now, I wouldn't recommend doing this.
Season one, I wouldn't recommend doing it.
Season two, that's balls.
But season three, you've earned it.
You put out two great pieces of content,
and you should know as the consumer,
yo, all these characters are a little fucked up,
you might not know why yet,
but pay attention and lock in.
And I think they do a really good job on this show
specifically of like creating mystery.
You don't know why each person is doing
whatever they're doing,
but you are curious to see where this is going.
And so as much as people bitch or complain on TikTok,
you're gonna keep fucking watching.
And then when they come through with a hammer,
hopefully that's happening in these next few episodes.
I haven't seen, but it seems like the reaction to,
it was this, and then also there's a monologue by-
Oh yeah, that's like it goes crazy.
Oh, Sam Rockwell. Sam Rockwell.
And I love the fact that they didn't even mention
he's in the show.
Usually you have an actor of that size on a show like this.
There's not a lot of big actors in the show.
Like you can't, like who's a big actor in the show
outside of the dude that played
Luthoran I mean dude the kpop girls
She's not a big actress. Yeah, like she's dumb famous. She's super famous and she's so got walking Goggins pretty big, right? Yeah, I think he's I think he's like I
Think he's pretty big. I wouldn't he's not huge. Yeah, you know, I mean like Walden Gogg's
I think it's just recently with the success of a fallout
Maybe become this like beloved character or character actor
But like there's not like huge superstars in the show like the fat white bitch from the previous seasons
Like she was like a pretty famous person and she got famous from being on the show and I miss her
Cooling aid the fuck. Yeah, Jennifer Coolidge. Sorry that I-
Anyway, my point is like,
when you have an actor of Sam Rockwell's name,
his size on a show where there's not a lot
of huge marquee actors,
usually you would put it in the promo.
You'd be like, oh, by the way, this guy's coming,
so you guys should watch.
The fact that they don't even mention it
is not even the credits or anything like that.
I think that shows balls, it shows confidence.
The monologue is insane. Do you watch that?
No, I haven't seen it. I'm not up to this episode yet.
Why? Why is it so good?
No, it's not so good. It's just disturbing. It's crazy.
He basically just shows the end game reductionism of sex addiction.
So it's like, I was addicted to partying and sex,
and then I got addicted to... I wanted to be the guy...
I wanted to be the girls that were getting fucked,
so I brought these guys over to fuck me.
And then I wanted the girls to see me getting fucked,
so I could look her in the eye,
so she could see me getting fucked by me.
And then the whole time, Gaggen's character is like,
-"Huh?" Like, he's just being us.
It's all us at home. It's amazing.
It's so well done, and like, it's perfect.
I mean, Rockwell is such a good actor. No, he's a beast.
He's awesome.
Yeah, he's a beast.
I will say in this show, in the first few episodes
that I've consumed, the relationship
between the three girls, watching my wife
watch those three girls, is unbelievable.
Because she's watching and she's like, this is how we are. those three girls, it's unbelievable. Because I need to know that.
She's watching and she's like, this is how we are.
This is how we are.
We kind of like, we're all friends, we hang out,
then we all gossip and talk a little shit
behind each other's back.
Like this is like, she goes, this is an obviously
exaggerated hyperbolic version of a relationship
of a few close friends maybe around that age.
But she's like, it's not like foreign
Like it is it is what a joke should do or what a TV show should do is like take something that is true
Or real and then just ratchet up a little bit
But not so much that you couldn't believe it. Does that make sense? Yeah, and you see those combos and like I
Think that those three as annoying as they are,
and that feeling that you get,
where you're like, ugh, I feel uncomfortable watching it,
to me, I'm like, that is written to perfection.
I agree with you.
So, my shorty, you know she's from Spain.
Every time when she hangs out with some American women,
she's like, that is that.
She's like, ugh.
That's what the guy, what's his name?
Mike White, I believe his name is the guy who creates the show. I think like, his superpower is like, ugh. That's what the guy, what's his name? Mike White, I believe his name is the guy who creates the show.
I think like his superpower is like understanding relationships between people and like exaggerating
or like turning up the heat on our most fucked up qualities.
Because everything is kind of, these relationships between like the hot young girl and like the
older dude that like pays for everything like that. Like, it's toxic, but it's not abnormal
from relationships you've seen.
Like, this shit is, he's good.
And I think that's why you relate to it so much.
There's a little part of you that kind of like,
either sees somebody you know
or even yourself in these characters.
The waspy, douchey older brother like that.
He nails that. He nails that.
Son, the mom, the pill prophet.
Oh, so perfect.
My lower ass is paining.
Oh, shit, first of all.
I haven't been around one of those.
That's the pill mom?
That's some suburban white shit.
Like in the city, we didn't experience a lot of that.
Sometimes on the Upper East Side,
you get a little bit of it,
but like a lot of those moms were like high performing,
like working moms, just like that.
The mom at home who marries the rich guy,
but like really cares about her place in local society.
I mean, how she relates to these people.
The H-O-A.
Say that again.
The H-O-A.
The H-O-A.
The Homework Association.
And also the judgment that she has.
We're not trashy, we're classy.
I mean, she is, what is that woman's name?
Parker Posey.
That woman.
She's a good, dude gone girl. That's gone girl
I'm pretty sure no wait miss Parker posy gone girl. No no no no no no that's um
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're she's a she was in is a six feet under or something like that. I don't know
She's been in some shit obviously, but she's she deserves to win some shit every time
She talks if I'm on that set and I'm one of the other actors. I'm laughing every time she does so funny
Yeah, I don't understand how she talks. It's so funny.
Like, how do you understand how you keep it straight?
You're gonna stay here in Taiwan?
You can't be in Taiwan.
You can't die.
That's the last episode, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, she's unbelievable.
I mean, I've heard some theories.
Go, go, go.
That, because this guy's stealing all her lorazepin.
Yes, yes.
And he's the only one that knows where it is.
She showed him, hey, I'm putting my purse
underneath this thing with these drugs. That's my episode that I just watched, yeah. And then all of a sudden that knows where it is. She showed him, hey, I'm putting my purse underneath this thing with drugs.
That's my episode that I just watched, yeah.
And then all of a sudden all the drugs go missing.
And she's like, where are my drugs?
And she knows that he's the only one that knows where it is.
So is it possible that she knows that he's drugging himself
and that is somehow aware of the empire falling down?
Yes, or she just doesn't want to acknowledge or admit
that her husband, who is this like pillar of society,
whose father or grandfather was a governor of North Carolina,
wherever the fuck they're from.
Ostensibly a good dude.
Like most of the time you see these guys in movies,
they're cheating on their girls, they're X, Y, Z.
And then he says early in the season,
the guy that's going to jail, he's like,
I was doing you a fucking favor, this didn't even help me.
I was just trying to help you out.
And you said nothing could happen.
So like, he's not some piece of shit ostensibly,
again, some piece of shit scumbag
fucking everybody over to get his wealth.
He tried to help a guy out,
and now it's coming back to bite him in the ass.
It seems like a fairly connected father,
his kids love him, and you see that guy falling.
Even, I don't know how far,
again, I don't know what happens in the next couple episodes
because I think I just watched three, or maybe I watched a little bit of four. Yeah, you I don't know how far again, I know what happens the next couple episodes. I think I just watched three or maybe I watched a little bit. You're only
one episode behind. Okay. So the daughter is a fucking bitch. Like after this episode,
I haven't even seen this episode, but the fact that she makes the whole family take
a 35 hour flight to go to this thing so that she can like, what was it?
She wanted to interview a monk.
Yeah, she wanted to go live in a monastery.
No, no, no. She told them.
To interview a monk.
For my thesis.
And when reality is just so she could see if the monastery is good and then live there.
It's like, she's trying to act like she's this like holier than thou,
like I don't have attachments, I'm Buddhist.
It's like, no, you're the most entitled little fucking... you want to do something so you make your entire family go to Thailand
so you can check out this little place?
That's right.
And the irony is she doesn't even realize her own entitlement, she thinks her family
are the selfish ones.
And the only one that calls her out is the Patrick Schwarzenegger brother, where he goes,
Dad, she always fucking gets what she wants. Everything she wants, she always gets.
Right? And then everybody goes, you're just being like a snobby little wasp who just talks a lot of shit.
No, no, no, no. That motherfucker knows exactly what that sister is.
She might be the most manipulative in the whole family.
And the fact that she doesn't even know it.
Yeah, she shows up at the temple being like, yeah, I'm just going to talk to the head monk.
And the guy's like, yeah, you have to make an appointment.
Yeah. And then she's like shocked. She's like, what do you mean? Okay, I, I'm just gonna talk to the head monk. And the guy's like, yeah, you have to make an appointment. Yeah. And then she's like shocked.
She's like, what do you mean?
Oh, OK, I guess I'll take two.
That's interesting.
I didn't clap that.
This is the...
This is like that guy, the storyteller's like a real brilliant fucking guy.
My one gripe with this scene where the brothers kiss, by the way.
My one gripe.
It gives MDMA a bad rap.
Oh, because they're all molly?
They don't know. I don't think we know it.
They're on a pill.
Ah. That everything feels awesome. Yeah. No, the brother's not, the
douchebag brother's not into it. He's just like, if you look at him afterward, he's miles.
He's just like, disturbed. He also has a phase turn in this where he's like, yo, we don't
do drugs. Like, why are you taking drugs? He tells the younger brother, he's like, don't
do drugs. Yeah. And he's like, oh, fuck it, whatever. And he tells him like, go out there
and they kind of paint him as like a, you would think almost a little like, be with the way he treats women, but he's like, just go out, whatever. And he tells him like, go out there, and they kind of paint him as like a,
you would think almost a little like,
be with the way he treats women,
but he's like, just go out there, get rejected,
dude, just go shoot your shot.
It's not, it's not like, hey,
if they say no, it doesn't matter.
This is ballsy TV creation.
Like, I think a lot of times people are going into
like creating a show, they're like,
how can we make him likable?
How can we do it?
And it's, no, no, no, fuck with me.
Do what they did in Game of Thrones.
You like Jamie Lannister, he's a piece of shit.
When you like him again, no, he's the worst human being ever.
Then you like him again.
Fuck with my emotions a little bit.
Make me fall in love with a character
and then break my heart.
And it's more accurate.
We are all good and bad.
Nobody's pure good, nobody's pure bad.
And when we don't know what to expect, we keep watching.
Stop creating things that we already know what to expect
because you think it won't fail.
That fails every single time.
Fuck with me.
And I like, at least the first few episodes,
they're building up this girl to be like
the only innocent one in the family.
And I'm just looking at her like,
what the fuck is going on here?
And then she goes, don't tell him,
but I'm actually gonna stay here for a year.
And then what is the first thing the younger brother goes,
but what about me?
They're all selfish pieces of shit.
Wow. Yeah.
Hear Noeval speak, Noeval see Noeval,
you saw that metaphor?
No, no.
At the very beginning scene, when you first see them
all coming out of the boat, she has the headphones on.
Oh, I love that!
And the brother has the glasses on.
Yeah, love it!
And the other brother's drinking a beer.
So like they represent like the three monkeys.
Oh, wow.
I saw it on Reddit. I was like, oh, that's really clever.
But I know multiple people that won't do MDMA
because they're like, oh, it makes you gay.
And I was like, no, it doesn't. And then this comes out.
I'm like, well, if you're gay, it does.
Are we more than one of them?
Are we the gay or the incest?
You can't just feel like, well, this is
not gay. That's the thing.
I brought this up to my wife. She was like, yeah, that's so weird
I was like I completely agree but also if it was hot twins, we'd be like
No, that's no
Girls wait girls. Yeah. Oh, okay
This is my point
There's two hot girl twins. You won't be like creature
I'm told you guys this right when I dated those one of the girls a twin and I was like you guys ever you know
Don't like a threesome. They were like that's twin. And I was like, you guys ever done like a threesome?
And they were like, that's incest.
And I was like, free y'all.
But yeah, I know.
So I guess, yeah.
I guess they're like doing the kiss shit.
It is weird.
It's weird that the brother was like looking at him.
Like that scene wouldn't be as weird
if the brother wasn't gazing into Patrick Schwarzenegger's ass.
It makes it creepy because this brother's into it. Yeah. And then goes back. at him. Like that scene wouldn't be as weird if the brother wasn't gazing into Patrick Schwarzenegger's ass.
Oh yeah, it makes it creepy because this brother's into it.
And then goes back. Like they just needed a kiss and then they're like, well that's
not enough so they do a little more and then he does it and then goes back again.
Yeah, yeah, see that? And then I think he goes back again.
Gosh, won't look.
Yeah, I know, just look at it dude.
I did that when he was on.
I'll tell you what, that British girl is so endearing. Oh, she's awesome. Oh yeah, I know. Just look at her, dude. I did the, hey, hey, hey, hey, when I was on. I'll tell you what, then that British girl is so endearing.
Oh, she's awesome.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh, my goodness.
She seems like the pure character on the show.
And I'm waiting to see what happens.
Wait, which one?
Teeth, teeth.
Teeth, teeth.
Oh, okay.
It's funny, she did a, she was talking about, she's been an actress for a while and she's
a successful, I guess, actress in theater and stuff like that in England.
And she's like, I just can't get cast as an American roles.
Like I never get cast as an American and it's just because of the teeth.
And then she's like, I played one in a theater production
and people would come up to me and be like, that was actually really brilliant.
You're great. But like none of us believe you're an American.
It's simply because of the teeth. Damn.
But it is true. Like if your teeth look like that in America, you would get braces.
Especially if you're a pretty girl like her. Yeah. Everybody would just go, Like if your teeth look like that in America, you would get braces.
Especially if you're a pretty girl like her.
Everybody would just go,
why don't you just fix that one thing we all fixed
and then you'll be like the hottest girl ever.
But now I feel like she's gonna be way more castable.
Like after this, I feel like, oh yeah,
we want her because of that.
She stands out so much.
That fact.
I'm curious about her relationship with Walton Goggins.
Why are they together?
What does she get out of this?
It's not like she can't find another guy who's a piece of shit.
Why does she say that they're soulmates?
It seems like she wants to fix him.
Yeah, she's the girl who wants to fix the guy.
So do we really believe that that is her entirety or is there something else?
My recollection of White Lotus is they weren't all pieces of shit in the last two seasons.
I felt like there were some decent people throughout season.
Natasha Rothwell, the black girl.
The black girl.
Oh yes, yes, yes, yes.
She seemed in season one and this season like just a good person.
So they always, there are always people who are just good people.
So yeah, that's kind of about it.
That one kid in the first season that goes off and joins the Canoe Team.
The only kid that gets a happy ending in the entire series.
He goes and joins the Canoe Team.
I'm like, our kid's sick as hell.
Yeah, I like him.
I think that's why this season isn't as hard to watch
for me because now I know what it is.
The first season I'm watching and then the end,
you're like, well, that sucked.
Nobody's happy, this is all miserable.
And then the second season, I was a little more prepared
but got even darker.
And this season I'm like, whatever you're throwing at me,
it's gonna be fine.
Now, I will say this. This does not make me want to go to Thailand at all.
I don't like you saw the one in Sicily you're like dude Sicily looks amazing I gotta go check this.
Yeah the one in Hawaii I imagine.
I don't need to go to Thailand at all.
But you're not like a meditative kumbaya mother fucker so that.
But is that the only reason you go out there?
But there is a white lotus effect
With like these places people start going to it afterward like the hotels are so beautiful. You're like, I just need to experience that
Yeah, but I think the fact that they have to give up their phone. You're like
Just like the natural beauty of it when they're on the
Like jungles, bro.
I'm off that jungle.
I'm a beach guy over a jungle guy.
I'm off the jungle.
There's a lot of bugs out there.
I don't like the forest. I don't like the jungle.
I'm off of that.
It bummed me out that it felt like Bangkok was quite close to this place.
In the show, correct?
Like it seemed like he got there pretty quick.
Jamil stayed at this resort and I asked him,
I was like, oh, they're pretty close to each other.
Like they'd be so amazing to be able to do both. And he was like, no,
they're flights away from each other. It's like, oh,
that bones me out. Cause I would like to go to that resort.
Like how long is a flight? Like 30 minutes or is it five hours?
Like an hour or two. Yeah.
But I thought it was like, you could go there for like a little faster.
You have to fly to Bangkok anyway. I'm sure. Yeah.
I thought they were close.
I thought this was shot in like multiple different resorts and they make it look like one.
No, it's always shot at the Four Seasons, I think.
Oh, really? It's just one? I don't think.
All three seasons are shot at the Four Seasons.
So, Four Seasons Sicily, when we went, was completely sold out because of the show, bro.
I just don't know if we'll have that same impact in Thailand.
Yeah, I don't think it will.
That jungle shit is overrated.
I mean, Thailand's a developing country. I went there, I went to Phuket, but it was like, oh,'t think it will. Yeah, that jungle shit is overrated. I think the three-gram. I mean, Thailand's a developing country
I went there I went to Phuket, but it was like oh this feels like India
Three people on a scooter and like the roads look kind of like dirt roads. It's a snake show
I don't need to see snakes. No, I'll go to a snake show. That shit's fire.
You used the demon. I would go I would pull up just go see him tame the demons, bro.
Nah, I don't know. Nah, she's cruel.
The love interest of the little security car guy. I'll get some passports. Oh, yeah don't know. Nah, she was cruel. I mean, the love interest of the little security card guy.
I'll get some passports.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
Bro, she's beautiful.
I'll get some passports.
She is so beautiful.
I mean, she's mega famous.
She was in Blackpink, the K-pop band.
She's solo now and she's still doing it.
Killing it.
But she is like, okay, so here's something my wife told me.
You know that show Emily in Paris?
So years ago, I think like a few seasons ago, there was a storyline in the Emily in Paris show
where the heir to the LVMH throne, they don't call it LVMH in the show, but that's what they're alluding to,
is dating this like Asian K-pop star.
That girl in real life is dating the heir to the LVMH.
And that happened years after, like,
I don't even think they could have been privy to it.
We're talking about- Life imitating art type.
Yeah, wow.
Whoa, that's wild.
Kind of weird.
Or were they dating on the low for years and then-
Yeah, they might've had a scoop or something.
That's wild.
But yeah, she's so pretty and she's not she's not like
Like everything that you would think about like traditional beauty
We're like angles in the face and all this other stuff is not her at all like when you describe her face is like soft
Mm-hmm. She's very symmetrical symmetrical. Of course, of course, but like the other girl the model girl on the show
Who's obviously stunning the girl from
Quebec or whatever like that. Yeah, the dates Gary or Greg or whatever his name is like she's traditionally beautiful. Yeah
But that fucking Korean chick, holy shit. Yeah, I mean
I think she's and also the guy the guy that she's dating is so endearing. I love this guy.
He's so sweet.
I think he's evil.
There's gotta be some shit.
We like him too much.
No, I think he's evil.
I just think he's gonna die tragically or whatever.
And then break all of our hearts?
That's what I've heard.
I think she's evil.
Yeah, I think she's kind of stringing them along.
One of them is evil for sure.
No, no.
Wait, this is her?
Oh, wow.
She looks different.
She looks a little different, yeah. Yeah, it's not as a... No, this is wait, this is her. Oh, wow. She's different. She looks a little different. Yeah. Yeah, it's not as
No, this is this is this lisa
Damn yeah, they really do all look alike. God damn dog. Come on. Come on joey. What you doing minnesota?
That's her damn. Okay. That's better. Yeah
This is better Yeah, click that one right there that you should.
No, no, the other one. Go back. Go back. Go back.
All right. That one right there. Right there.
No, no, no. Top, top right.
Yeah, that's the one he clicked.
Yeah, that's and it was like on the screen when you said not now.
I don't know what I'm thinking about.
You got to spun up. Yeah.
I think the three the three moms, the MILFs, I think they die.
Wait, they're all moms. Yeah, I think so. Yeah, I think the three moms, the MILFs, I think they die. I hope they do.
Oh, they're all moms.
Yeah, I think so, yeah.
I think they die.
One of them is married.
Happy ending.
One of them is married to some rattle.
The foreshadowing is that they're all walking down the street and they all got water guns
and all the water guns are shooting them.
And they're all getting sprayed with the water guns when they're walking down the street
of whatever that main street is.
And I think that's foreshadowing for all of them being shot.
I mean, did you see the shots fired at Austin?
It's like a whole episode dedicated
to like shitting on Austin.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, it's kind of hilarious.
I don't know, I just didn't put it together.
This is how influential Joe Rogan is.
The only reason that girl moved to Austin in the show
is because of Joe Rogan.
Yeah, probably.
I've never heard the word Austin even brought up
on TV, film, news before Joe moved there.
Like the fat, go.
I think when COVID happened, that LA crop,
there was like a huge chunk of them that went to Austin.
To Austin, yeah.
Like Joe included, I think he kind of led the way,
but there was just a ton of other LA people that were like,
oh, this is like a liberal city nearby.
Like, so a lot of them went. And then she's like the ton of other LA people that are like, oh, this is like a liberal city nearby Like yeah, so a lot of them went and then she's like the example
They put the LA girl that loose Austin then adopts the local culture and Mike White is so good at picking up on like subtle
Nuance that he's like, oh, this is the perfect thread. Yeah. Yeah, it's great
Yeah, yeah. Yeah her like in the accident you vote for Trump and she was like
But also it
taps into that like coastal elitism too. Like how could you be around them? Yeah. It's just
so classic, like liberal woman, liberal, rich, rich woman from the coast. How do you, what
do you even talk to them about? Like just so removed from like reality. Yeah. The same thing you would talk
to her about for the last two days. You guys have been talking. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm excited
to see what happens. I'm gripped. I'm fully in. They got it. All right. What else we got
guys? This UMG Drake thing. Oh, what's like, what's going on here? I feel UMG listened to what everybody was saying online
and just put it in legal terms.
They really just called out Drake for all the hypocrisy.
And just so the history of it, we all know.
Drake assumed UMG.
They came back and they're like, hey, you're just
salty that you lost this rap battle.
And we, and, oh, actually, Drake is saying
that they're putting him in his safety.
But they basically said like, you lost the battle,
you always pretend to be unbothered.
This clearly bothers you a lot.
It was a battle you provoked.
Also, you accused him, if you're worried
about defamation of character,
before he said anything about you with kids,
not only did you talk about him being a child or abusing his girl, you
also invited him to talk about this in the TaylorMade freestyle when he's like
talk about it with underage girls, that's a gift from Joe Budden or whatever.
Yeah. That's you talking saying hey why don't you talk about this? So you're
inviting him to talk about it, he talks about it. And now he's putting your safety in danger.
Has Drake ever spoken about his justification
for this lawsuit?
Like nobody's asked him about it.
I mean, I'm sure people have asked him.
He's not.
Drake is a guy that has platforms
that if he wants to use, he can.
He's not talking about it publicly at all.
And it's funny that he's doing the thing
that they accuse him of doing,
the rapper who acts unbothered
But then he behind the scenes you're doing this shit. Yeah, and it's very it's very petty
They're quoting his lines and shit like that. Like it's really funny the way they came back. So if he drops this I
Mean, it's just is it a massive L. Do we just move on? Does anybody care? They can never make me hate Drake
Isn't that crazy trying never make me hate Drake. Isn't that crazy? They're trying to make me hate Drake, but it's never gonna work.
They said he signed a public petition that criticized prosecutors using lyrics against artists
So like you signed a petition saying you shouldn't be able to use an artist lyrics against them
They're just lyrics and now you're suing us for this. Yeah
I mean, yeah again, it's it's well, I think that the lawsuit
says that
they were specifically inflating and promoting
the song, which had the inflammatory lyrics.
But I don't think the lawsuit is about the inflammatory lyrics.
I think it's about the inflation of the song.
Yeah, I think he is saying the lyrics specifically is what is putting his health, his safety
at risk.
Yeah, right.
He's not saying UMG promoting the stream,
you are promoting a song which will bring violence toward me.
Look at the lyrics of the song,
calls me a child, Melissa.
Right, but again, just so we understand
what we're saying here,
he's not saying you put out a song that has these lyrics.
It's you are inflating it over normal amounts.
So I think it's about the inflation, not the lyrics.
But the inflation, the manufacturing of that inflation
could add harm.
So if you up it 20%, now you've increased 20% of the harm.
So I'm suing you for that 20%, not what the lyrics are there.
But do you understand?
And I think this is why United has to find a different way,
I'm sorry, UMG has to find a different way to go at him, because I think the only thing they could say is we do this for every artist.
We've done this for you.
But they can't say that because then that blows up their business model.
So they have to find, hey, just dismiss this case with prejudice.
So that's a good point.
So kind of Drake is Drake's calling out the business in a way where the business has to acknowledge
that they do do this.
And now he was the beneficiary,
but I guess he's also saying, if all things are fair,
I'll still beat all these motherfuckers.
I think that was his goal.
His goal is just to blow this whole shit up.
Like, let's take the curtain down and let's just-
Because if the curtain's down, he's still gonna beat them.
Maybe they all get 30% less, but he still beats them.
But there are other people that might be
the beneficiaries of that inflation more than him.
In other words, like again,
we're talking about some brilliant idiots,
but there are a lot of people that can get
a number one album for a week, or a number one song for a week.
And then the next week the streams die.
Yeah, I think.
Was Russ saying that on the pod?
Yeah, I think he was.
He's like, so basically you can buy a number one and then the next week nobody really knows about it.
Yeah, but you want number one.
That's all that matters.
And you go on number one might make people listen to it.
Well, the song's number one might make people listen to it. Well, song's number one, let's listen to it. And then exactly, so you can manufacture it and then
that manufactured number one can potentially turn into a legit number one or it cannot.
And yeah, but maybe he's like, I'd rather be on a level playing field with everybody because I'm
still going to fuck these people up. So he's just showing everyone's cards, pulling the curtain down
from everything.
And just being like, yo, this is how the business works.
But the business might be more helpful
to these other artists than Drake.
For sure.
So he's like, all right, let's tear this whole shit down.
I'm gonna be the one that wins in the end.
I'm assuming that's the case
if he's willing to go at the label.
That's interesting.
So they haven't dropped the lawsuit.
This is just UMG continually trying to protect themselves.
Yeah, because they can't be honest.
They can't be honest and say,
this helps everybody that we've covered, including you.
We should make Drake look a little bad,
but it also like, this is our business model,
so we have to protect that.
Yeah, but they're basically admitting
that they can inflate a song
and make it bigger than it actually is.
So now, whoa, if he wins this,
some people go, yeah, but it worked for you too.
He goes, yeah, okay, it worked for me.
But they admitted they made it bigger
than it was supposed to be.
And my songs that I released
weren't made bigger than they were supposed to be
because I didn't release them through UMG
or whatever the fuck it is.
So then this could work out for Drake still.
I don't know, because I think-
Yeah, legally.
I don't think the public opinion is going to really care.
If UMG has to come out and say, yeah, we inflated it by 50%, I think that now the song is an
absolute bang.
That's a huge hit.
But if you're a Drake fan, you go, oh shit, the only reason it was like that is because
they inflated by 50%.
Drake fans, I already believe that.
Drake fans haven't been topped out of anything. What's this billboard thing about billboard
is changing the way that they,
that they count sales?
Have you guys seen this?
Academics posted something, if you get what it was.
I could try to find it.
What, now they're like including streams in a different way?
Yeah, or they're counting them in a different way.
And if they've showed that you are using bots, then they will suspend
your account for 12 months or whatever the fuck it is. But it's billboards acknowledgement
that bots are being used. You don't put out a precautionary measure.
Albums sold via an artist label or other official website must now be redeemed in order to be chart
eligible. In addition, verification using H-psha is now required to prevent bots.
So Hcapsha is that thing where you have to type in the code to prove you're a real person.
So how do you do that for every single stream? Every time I play a song, I got to do an Hcapsha?
Yeah. Minimum prices of albums increasing at all retailers, $7.99 for CD, $7.99 for
cassette, $15 for vinyl.
Does it feel like buying albums?
Yeah, and I think they said if you drop it on another site,
outside of the streamers or something like that,
how Kanye's dropping his music and stuff like that
on his own website.
So those could be more easily manipulated.
Any D2C store with three submissions of illegitimate data
within a 12-month period
may receive a minimum 90-day reporting system.
So direct to consumer,
is that when you're selling merch with your album?
Like is that the bundle stuff?
That or if you're selling it on your own site.
Oh, that's interesting.
So they're basically acknowledging that their formula or algorithm has been manipulated.
And whoa, which everyone kind of knew, but it was never really confirmed by any of the
big like leaderboards.
I mean, people said this a lot about, I mean, not to not to shout out Travis, obviously
he's a megastar, but they're like, if you're selling a bundle with the album, it's going
to make the sales look this big.
When in reality, there are people that are buying merch or they're buying these other little artifacts that have to do with the album. Which I don't
think should reflect poorly on Travis because it just means his fans really
want to consume his stuff but those same people that are consuming on Spotify
might also buy the album over here just to get access. So now you have the same
person that's buying twice. You don't get a real idea of like how many people are
consuming the music. That's where I don't get a real idea of how many people are consuming the music.
That's where I don't think this is gonna be a win for Drake.
Because exactly what you said about Travis,
I don't think that should affect the way we look at Travis.
I don't think it will affect the way we look at the artist.
It's what you always say, it's how do we feel.
I think we generally feel not like us
was an absolute fucking smash,
and Hard Part 6 was just like a big L and that's just what it is.
Okay. Numbers can be numbers.
I agree with you, but I do think that like, I'll bring this back into the special that we just put
out. So we were in, we're like top two for the first week and then we've been in top 10 for the
second week. Now, Netflix telling me, all these people telling me, the agents telling me that usually specials
don't stay in the top 10 for that long.
They don't even stay for the week, let alone be in there for a second week.
It's very rare.
So to me, what I see that as, okay, we could do great promotion, we could do a sick video
with Matt Damon, shout out to Matt, we could get the first day tons of people to watch.
And usually there's just this fall off.
To have a second week, it means people
are telling other people to watch it.
That's the only way it can go.
Obviously I'm doing promo, I'm doing these press,
these interviews are coming out,
more people are hearing it, absolutely.
But at the end of the day, it's like,
are people enjoying it and are other people consuming it?
So I think there is something to like that longevity
with the consumption.
And I do compare that to what Russ was saying about music
where it's like day one, big hit,
and then next week not a single straight or very few.
If that was a podcast, someone will launch a new podcast,
it goes number one for a couple days and then it drops off.
And then it's not, it's like they go,
okay, I got the number one podcast.
You get Rogan and then Rogan will come back up
a week later. So it's not, it's like they go, okay, I got the number one podcast. You get Rogan and then Rogan will come back up a week later.
So it's not actually that. So I think this is Billboard trying to adjust for like to
have a more accurate understanding of how many people are really consuming because really
intelligent record companies and artists have found a way to kind of like trick it to make
it look like this big success. When in reality it's not. Travis is gonna be a huge success no matter what.
We've seen him perform in fucking Rome
for like all of Italy it looked like.
It's not gonna be Travis.
But there might be another artist like,
I don't know, what's her, like Megan Thee Stallion
or something, pop for like a day,
and then nobody listens to the album after that.
And then you go, wait, are people listening?
Like what exactly is happening here?
And I think it is on Billboard to tell us
if people are listening or not.
Also someone that's a huge megastar
still would benefit from this
because they're going against other megastars.
You know what I mean?
So like someone like Travis or Meg
or some other type of massive celebrities
going against Taylor.
Or going to some other type of ultimate megastar
that they need to, you know,
they would benefit from like a little sweetener.
It's also reigning in from what I've read
what artists can do.
So like they can't they can't release more than four different types of the album, deluxe
version, regular album blank. Even like they're potentially before releasing 10 different
albums, different songs. Because your super fans are going to buy 10 different times.
Yeah. And you can only change the cover like a few times. Like it's sort of consolidating
what artists are able to do. It allows a artist that's not as famous
or not as successful to have a fighting chance.
And right now they don't.
Like if you're a super big artist,
Taylor's dropping the same day as like indie rock artists.
Indie rock artists have no fucking chance.
Because even if people don't like Taylor's album,
her label can just buy the fucking streams
and guarantee you're the number one.
So to me it's cooler than like an indie rock artist
with an amazing album that people are like really fucking with
has a chance to knock out one of these big time acts.
Like that's fire.
Yeah. But is it doing anything to the streamers
where it's like they can buy the bots on Spotify or Apple or any of those places?
Like, is it preventing that in any way?
I don't know. I don't know enough to tell you. I assume but maybe not. Maybe it's just on these like third party sites or whatever. Yeah, because that would be worse for the indies.
Completely screwed. It is peculiar that they would do it. I don't know if Billboard is owned by
these big streamers, but it's in the best interest of the record labels who own a piece of the
streamers to control that market as much as they possibly can. They want to be able to turn it up
on their artists and they want to be able to kind of ignore the ones that they're not signed to,
or they don't have signed to them. So it does seem like it's kind of democratizing the way
that we review how much music has been consumed, which is not in the best interest of UMG.
And if UMG and these other big streamers own big companies,
own parts of Spotify, that's not in their best interest either.
Like you want to create the illusion if you need to.
Hopefully you don't have to, but you want to if you need to.
Because they've got so much money invested in them.
Can't they just ask Spotify,
be like, yo, are 50% of the streams coming from India?
Look at the back end be like yeah, you're getting all your streams from India. It's probably bots. Yeah
Spotify just cut that shit. I think Spotify came out not too long ago. Spotify's getting paid by the sorry
It's over but like Spotify's getting paid per stream. So if the record label wants to spend money streaming them
Spotify's getting paid. They're not gonna beg. Please don't give us your money
wants to spend money streaming them. Spotify is getting paid. They're not going to be like, please don't give us your money.
They're in the business of people streaming the music.
So whether it's a bot or not, they're getting their three cents or, you know,
fraction of a penny or whatever it is per stream.
So why would they say no to it?
As long as they're getting paid every single time.
But are they getting the same money if it's just a bot?
They have to be.
Like how does it work? Like subscription, ads, stuff like that?
No, I think every time a song gets played,
they have to pay a certain amount of money to Spotify.
Or no, they have to, Spotify has to pay a certain amount of money to the record label.
That's what I thought, yeah.
That Spotify's hosting is, they're licensing it from the label, so they have to pay the label.
So in my mind, Spotify would be like, yeah, we're not getting any money from these subscriptions
from some random house and you know.
So they should, if anything, it's costing them more to have bots so they should want
to get rid of bots.
I think they are cracking down on bots.
Like I'm pretty sure I saw this a couple months ago where Spotify is like, oh, if like 80%
of your streams are coming in bots, we're going to start penalizing you.
Like they know what's going on and they're like, now they're trying to cap it.
We'll still let you do it,
but just not so aggressively as you've been doing it.
Could you look that up Joey to see?
Because every single one of those bots
doesn't have a Spotify account
that they're spending money monthly on, right?
A lot of them are probably listening on like
the free version where you gotta have ads.
And if the advertisers find out that a large percentage
of the people consuming music on Spotify aren't even real,
they'll reduce their, what is it, per click spend.
Well, I think Indians are real people, but it does,
like it's just some Sri Lankan dude,
like listening to music all day, listening to ads and shit.
Well, is it even him or does he have like a farm?
Yeah, probably a farm where it's a thousand phones
and they all like, you've seen those farms, right?
Where it's just phones across the whole wall.
So if you're spending for a million streams,
or you're spending for a million people
to watch your advertisement on Spotify,
and then you find out 250,000 of those people
are just one guy in Sri Lanka with a lot of phones,
or a handful of these people, you're like,
all right, well I'm only gonna spend 750,000
because 250 isn't, now 25% of your revenue
is out the door, you gotta clean that bot shit up.
Yeah. Whoa.
Yeah, dude.
So this might work out.
Maybe it doesn't change the way that we see Drake,
it doesn't change what happened in the beef,
but maybe it does transform the music industry
a little bit.
And if Drake does a halftime show at the World Cup?
Oh, man. Come on, dude.
See you later.
Out of here.
He's back.
Drake is back.
Half the people watching can't even understand
what the fuck he's saying.
It doesn't matter, bro.
You get what he's saying.
You get the energy.
You get his sex appeal.
You know what I mean?
You see the bullet holes in his hoodie.
That's all that matters, bro.
That's all that matters.
No, if he does the halftime show at the World Cup,
it shuts it down.
Game over.
I'm team Drake.
Before every show, I put on Drake's hardest hits.
It's a playlist on Spotify, Drake's hardest songs.
It just goes crazy.
You just hear a bunch of singing.
Yeah, it goes crazy, bro.
It's only the hardest tracks, bro.
This is God's plan.
It is.
That's how I get the hits, God's plan, bro.
I believe dumb shit.
It's God's plan, bro.
Manifest Destiny.
Drake's last album had a few slappers on it. They did. They had a few slappers.
Give me a hug. I like that shit. That shit is crazy. Give me a hug. It's fire.
Yeah. Yeah. Maybe, maybe girl. That shit goes crazy in the club.
Um, all right. Well, what do we got guys? Before we get out of here,
let's do one more thing. I mean, McGregor pulled up on Trumpito.
We still don't have the JFK files. Nobody read 80,000 pages this morning.
Can you throw that shit in chat GBT? I was thinking. Chat GBT is gonna be like, yeah, it's all redacted. Yep. Can we
believe that? I don't think they're going to put anything out. They're not. I don't think they ever
will. And if it does come out, I think it's gonna be a political weapon against the people they want.
There's gonna be justice dog. They're gonna be like, Iran killed JFK. We gotta go get oil.
They smart, man. They're the best at politics.
Make a claim that they're not gonna do, half-ass it,
and they could be like, look, see, we did it,
but the public really didn't get it.
But I voted for the guy who said
he was gonna release that shit, and he released it.
I think a lot of files are burned and shit.
I think you learned from Build the Wall, that was too much.
That was like, I have to build the thing.
But this, I could be like, I'm gonna release the files,
I released them.
You can't read them, but they're out there.
Yeah, like I've seen one, the thing that I think Sawgreeven said,
they redacted stuff that was already out.
So there was more shit covered.
So it's like, I don't know.
I don't think we're gonna know anything.
It was interesting to hear how it's like, I don't know. I don't think we're gonna know anything. It was interesting to hear how kind of like skeptical or like kind of down on this first
part of Trump's term that Soder was. Interesting. You remember he was just like,
I don't like what's happening. I don't like the power Elon has. I don't think this bodes well for
Trump and his legacy. Like it was interesting to hear that from a staunch conservative. They're
like, I'm not very happy with this administration right now. Is that what you got from the convo? That's what I got from the convo.
I should have been listening. I didn't get that.
He was criticizing Elon, he was criticizing, y'all didn't hear that?
Yeah, he was criticizing Elon, not too much of Trump.
Yeah, but he was just like, the first 100 days defines a presidency.
Right now it's getting dominated by this. This is the story. And that is incredibly
important for Trump's legacy. And if he keeps letting Elon dominate the headlines instead of the other things
he's doing, that's not going to be good.
Like, I'm not very bullish on how this is going to be viewed.
And I think he wasn't bullish on a lot of the dough to stuff in general.
But like, it was interesting to hear that from a guy who I figured would
would love what was happening.
Yeah. The sense I got was just like hesitant and like he sees that it's
a risky play that could pan out, but he does see the risk
that's involved in the strategy. I thought it was even more like not that into it's a risky play that could pan out, but he does see the risk that's involved in the strategy.
I thought he was even more like not that into it
than what you're saying.
Now to be fair, I think that we were kind of like
forcing him to give a steel man.
And I think that's maybe what you're responding to.
You see all the Teslas exploding?
Yeah, Al's selling his Tesla.
I'm not gonna sell it yet
because the resale value is tanking right now.
But just rebrand it.
Have you seen how people rebrand the Tesla?
But this is terrorism.
This is domestic terrorism.
Tell them. Tell them.
Not for real.
You should lock these motherfuckers up.
You can't do this, bro.
Freedom is bitch.
What's the difference between vandalism and terrorism?
If you do it against the guy, like...
Ha ha ha.
Because that's, I don't know.
Vandalism might be too mild of a word, but terrorism, I assume people got to be in
danger. Yeah, I feel no people are in danger.
It's somewhere in the Tantalus.
Oh, wow. I looked at terrorism as like
violence with a political agenda.
I think that's the definition of terrorism.
But then is it property violence?
Like if no one dies, does it need to like this?
This is property damage? Mark's right.
Yeah, I guess the property damage can't count as terrorism because in Spain there was a
group that would blow up cars and they would make sure that nobody was there, but they
would just blow up the cars or like there was a bomb in a building, but they would make
sure nobody was there.
But the idea was to like stoke this fear and they had a political agenda.
So I don't know if anybody needs to get hurt
for it to be defined as terrorism. I just think we should look that up. I think, but
I think it wasn't that when they were trying to fight Uber. No, no, this is, this is way
back when they were fighting Uber. Yeah, this is, this is like, there was a separatist group,
I think in like the Basque country or something like that. Yeah. And I wonder even if like
the car bombs and shit like that in Ireland were like people in the cars.
I think they were targeting people if I'm not mistaken.
And at some point that person will likely be in the car at a car dealership. You know these cars are empty.
Sure, sure, sure. But that has nothing to do with the political agenda part of it.
Oh, no, no, there's a political agenda. I just don't know if you would call this violence or like even a building where you know people are going to go into or whatever. I just feel like a
car that's unsold that doesn't belong to anyone except Tesla that's on a parking lot. It just
seems different. Yeah, it seems like a terrorist. I'm not saying it's legal. I think we're like splitting hairs
on a word, but I think the point that I'm trying to make here is that like this is an aggressive
act of whatever you want to call it. Is this violence?
What is this?
Terrorists would probably find it's a calculated use
of violence or the threat of violence to instill fear
and achieve political or ideological goals,
often targeting civilians or noncombatants, right?
It's definitely instilling fear.
It's absolutely instilling fear, right?
And for a political agenda, like they don't like his politics
so they're attacking one of his businesses.
This has nothing to do with the quality of the cars.
This is an American car manufacturer.
The people that make Teslas are Americans.
100% of Teslas sold in America are made by Americans in America.
You can't say that for Ford, you can't say that for GMC, you can't say that for any other
car producer in America, I'm pretty sure.
So this is an act of aggression on American automakers that will lose their jobs if Tesla tanks and
cannot sell cars anymore. So you are attacking Americans when you're doing this. So yeah,
I'm a victim. Terrorism. You're a victim of terrorism. Big penis. They drill my car scared
the shit out of me.
Yeah, no, but but so for real, like to me, I think this is disgusting and it's motivated
by political agenda. It's just I don't agree with this guy's politics, so we're gonna attack his business,
which ultimately will hurt Americans.
And yeah, I just think it's gross.
I think it's disgusting.
I think it's fucked up.
I don't like it, even though I don't like much
of what Elon is doing right now, I don't like this.
I will also say, you're not,
the second you have Starlink on your wifi on your flight,
you're gonna be like, you know what?
I'm never giving this up.
I'm never giving this up. I'm never giving this up.
I'm streaming anything I fucking want on this plane.
I could do FaceTime calls.
It's incredible.
You're going to become, you're going to use Elon's products whether you want to or not.
You're using them already.
You're using PayPal.
Like you're using, you're using, I mean, if you were pro Ukraine in the war, what do you
think the Ukraine government uses for internet access on the battlefield?
Starlake, right?
So it's just like this idea that you could take
this one specific thing about Elon that you don't like
and then use everything else that you really do like
and enjoy and makes your life better,
but not attribute any of that to Elon at all.
It's, yeah, it's microscopic thinking.
Yeah, very.
We are talking about people at the end of the day.
Yeah, you're right, this is what we do.
No, no, you're right, this is what we do, and it's just, but I can still be bummed by it. Oh, yeah, I think it sucks
I'm bummed by like like this shit sucks. I really fucking like the cyber truck and this is
destroying my whole like just
Which that is kind of funny I do find that yeah, we like
What is happening to you? it's sort of funny.
But here's the thing, we think of everybody
that has the Cybertruck and we're just going,
oh, look at these rich, successful people.
Almost every Uber I get now is a Tesla.
Which is the worst.
I, ugh.
It goes too fast.
When you order the black car and they give you a Tesla,
it's a little bit, I think that's egregious.
I'll be honest, it's egregious.
It stops and starts too quick. It gets sick. I'm not worried about that. I ordered a black car. It's a little bit
Okay, whatever the point is the point is there's some fucking there's some guy who immigrated to the United States of America legally or
Illegally, and he's trying to make a living and now he's got a dick drawn on his car and he can't charge Uber black prices anymore because his shit has been terrorized because of some fucking white bitch from Maine with purple hair is
upset at Elon.
Like the people who are actually going to suffer from this are probably, well obviously
it's Elon, but if you're talking about the actual destroying of the cars, I bet you it's
more minorities than anything else.
I mean, we know one.
I get to see a white person affected by it. So these people in their efforts, like push whatever,
I don't even call it woke ideology, but like maybe push back against what he's doing, which you have
every right to be suspicious of. Right. And it might work horribly. Like it might, people might
be really impacted. You don't even realize the people you're attacking to prove your point,
to protect those exact same people, you might also be hurting them.
It's like peak American, not even human hypocrisy.
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, there's like the animal protesters that like throw tomatoes on a painting.
Like, who the hell?
Have you seen how people are covering their cars now?
No, we're not.
Can you search like Tesla, Mazda?
And so people are now taking their Tesla emblems off their Teslas and putting different car emblems.
But it's still a Tesla? Exactly.
But they actually look really like believable.
That's all I gotta do to switch up the Cybertruck.
People do that with the Cybertruck.
I'll put a Nissan on it.
People do that. Like, so this is a Tesla and they put the Mazda thing on it. They're like, yeah, it's Mazda.
Oh, wow.
And someone did it with a Cybertruck. They just put a Toyota decal on the back of it to signal to're like, yeah, it's Mazda. Oh. Wow. And someone did it with a Cybertruck.
They just put a Toyota decal on the back of it
to signal to people, like, hey, I'm kind of distancing.
Like, obviously, it's a Cybertruck.
But like, I'm trying to separate.
Low key, it's corny, but I might do that shit.
Separate the art from the artist, bro.
I liked this shit before all this was going on.
It's not fair.
And there's a bumper sticker for that.
I bought this before Elon went crazy.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Kind of funny.
That's just a wrap.
You just have to take off your wrap and put that one on.
Yeah, I might actually do that.
But it's corny, it's like, now I'm giving in to...
Yeah, literally terrorism.
You're negotiating with terrorism.
This fucking sucks.
We taking our shoes off at the airport because of terrorists.
You gotta put a fucking Audi decal on your car
because of terrorism.
It's fucked up.
It does look sick though.
Honestly, it looks kind of fire.
It looks better, right?
That Audi looks like a slaps, dude.
I don't know, that shit is hard.
They make a great car.
Like, let's stop acting like it's not a great fucking car,
and making the car has nothing to do
with what he's doing in government.
If you don't like
Doge go protest the Doge shit. Yeah, but that is
Ineffective, so you have to hit him somewhere else. Yeah, Elon needs to shut up and invent
But do that for you being a billionaire genius and there's no dojo office where you can go to and complain to somebody
So you have to go a Tesla dealership and you're lighting on fire.
That shit is so wack, bro.
That shit is so wack.
The only steelman argument I can find online,
I've been using Chef GPT and shit to try to find one,
is that they're saying it could be framed as the,
is the Boston Tea Party vandalism or was it terrorism
or was it revolution?
And I was like.
No, I like this. This is good.
Let's talk it out.
Oh, that's kind of nice.
Well, T was, oh yeah, I guess it was hurting the government specifically, not, I guess
yeah, I guess it's hurting Elon's pockets and he's in the government.
Well the T was, they were private.
East India Trading Company.
Yeah, which is a private company, publicly traded.
But no, so it was a publicly traded company.
They're attacking, well, just like Tesla is.
So they're attacking that.
And then the idea was the East India Trading Company would hope that England would protect
their business interests in America because England was the beneficiary with that tax
So yeah, this is exactly what they're doing. So they better hope they're right. What does
that say? Like the difference between like terrorism and revolutionary is the victor?
Yeah, or terrorist and freedom fighter. Yeah. So yeah, we'll see what happens.
The difference with this is burning a car could affect a lot of people. You could catch
a large fire. There's like throwing tea overboard doesn't affect people possibly.
Also, they're not just doing it to Tesla dealerships. They're doing it to owners of Teslas as well. a large fire, throwing tea overboard doesn't affect people possibly.
Also they're not just doing it to Tesla dealerships, they're doing it to owners of Teslas as well.
Yeah, smacking someone's tea out of their hands.
Yeah, taking someone's tea from their house and then setting off fire.
But there were people working on that ship that had to move the tea and that was their
And then if the East India Trading Company stops, or Dutch East India Trading Company
stops doing it, they're out of a job.
Those people suffer.
That's what I'm trying to say.
It's not like this is a foreign car manufacturer and we're protesting them because
we're at war with them. Let's say we're at war with Germany and we're like, yo, no more
Porsches, no more Mercedes. All right, bet. Stop it. Done. All these cars are made in
America. Like 100% of the Teslas sold in America are made here fully. Not the shit like with
Ford where like 30% of it is made in some other country and then you kind of put it together here.
They're all made here.
So this is as American as it gets when it comes to the automotive industry.
I feel like it's something we should maybe protect.
Is there another business we could protest?
Protest SpaceX.
I don't give a fuck about that.
That's just fire.
It just got back to two that were stranded up there.
All right.
So then don't protest that. Protest the tunnels.
Yeah, the Hyperloop.
Protest the tunnels, protest the Hyperloop,
protest one of these other goofy shits.
Don't protest the one that we like and we all enjoy.
Flamethrowers, we don't need the flamethrowers.
We don't need flamethrowers, protest it.
What if that's how they lit on fire?
That's actually good.
No, they gotta fight back.
That's actually good.
They gotta fight back.
If you're going to light a Tesla on fire,
there should be like a flamethrower that pops out
of one of the...
Oh, Terminator.
Yeah, Batman shit.
That's gonna fire.
Make each one a Bond vehicle.
Nah, that shit sucks.
Anyway, guys, we love you, we appreciate you.
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