Andrew Schulz's Flagrant with Akaash Singh - Emergency Coronavirus Survival Guide

Episode Date: March 14, 2020

Yo whats up its Schulz. A lot of misinformation out there about the Coronavirus, so I sat down with AlexxMedia to bring y'all the real. Love y'all, stay safe and don't die. INDULGE...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, people? Now, I know what you're saying. You're like, it's Friday night. We usually don't drop a podcast on Friday night. What are the Flagrant 2 guys up to? Well, I'll tell you what we're up to. We know you're quarantined. Okay?
Starting point is 00:00:14 We know you're looking for any way to ignore your girlfriend or your boyfriend or your husband or your wife or your family members. And we thought we'd step in. And by we, I mean I andrew schultz that's alex media right here it's just the two of us in the studio we risked our lives to come down here what up up what up up what up i don't know what that means i don't know what that means i might have that rona i might get that tender rona stay stay six feet away so um yeah man we uh i really wanted to come down here and uh and i wanted to do a podcast kind of clearing up some stuff about corona and the coronavirus i think it's important um you know when you get a platform that you gotta share information on that
Starting point is 00:00:59 platform you know and we're gonna share this information and the way that we do it which is with a little uh little tiny bit of flagrancy, of course. But, yeah, I think it's important to get that information out because I know a lot of us are confused. I've been fucking confused. I was calling everybody. I don't know how many times I called Alex yesterday telling him to go grocery shopping, get stuff to shut down the city. What was I saying? Son, you're more concerned than my mom.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Bro, it was like an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie. what was i saying son you're more concerned than my mom bro it was like an arnold schwarzenegger it was literally an arnold schwarzenegger movie in my head last night and that's the last time i'm going to say schwarzenegger so um let's clear up some stuff obviously a lot of you probably saw trump talk today uh uh you know a lot of uhic shit, a lot of brilliant shit, uh, just a lot of information that we have out there. Uh, let's start with this. Why can't you get tested? Right? This seems to be the most asked question. This was the question that I was asking myself. I was like, what the fuck is the big deal with the tests? Why can't you get tested? Okay. Why can't you get tested?
Starting point is 00:02:01 Okay. You can get tested. It's very easy to get tested. That's not the issue. The test can't get processed fast enough. That's why they keep telling people, hey, unless you have the exact symptoms, don't get tested. You even heard Trump talk about it in the speech. And there was a couple other people in the speech.
Starting point is 00:02:24 In order to get tested, it's literally a nasal swab. So they jam this thing up your nose. It happened to my girl the other day. My girl has the flu. She got the regular flu during Corona.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Alex doesn't believe it yet he's still in here with me today. That's loyalty. You already know. That's a guy who doesn't want to lose his job in economic collapse.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Sorry, babe. Got to get that Rona so we can pay this renta. But literally, we went into the, what is it called? C-A-M medical? Urgent care.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Basically, urgent care. We went in there because she had all the flu symptoms and I'm like, fuck. She got fucking Rona and we went in there because she had all the flu symptoms and I'm like, fuck. She got fucking Rona and we went in and she had regular flu. Okay?
Starting point is 00:03:08 It's easy to test for that. They just do this nose swab. They jam this thing deep in your nose and they test it and then you're out of there. The coronavirus, you have to send to a lab. Okay?
Starting point is 00:03:19 Currently, excuse me, there's one in the country that's doing it. It's called, I think, LabCorp and they can process a thousand a day. That's the in the country that's doing it. It's called, I think, LabCorp, and they can process 1,000 a day. That's the issue. We've got 320 million people. 200 million of them are like me and you listening, where every time we're short of breath or we sneeze, we're like, fuck it, I got corona.
Starting point is 00:03:39 I want to go get tested, right? The second you have any issue, I walked up three steps, not even a flight of stairs three steps and i'm like i got that rona i was like you better pass me a lime i got the corona i did i did food shopping after you stressed me to do fruits i freaked alex out i'm carrying a couple bags i'm like uh-oh i got it oh i think i just breathed hard just now so i got it. Uh-oh. I think I just breathed hard just now. I got it. So you start looking around at other people. See who's breathing hard, who's not. It's a rough time, right? So all of us got those psychosomatic symptoms.
Starting point is 00:04:15 We're making ourselves sick, essentially. But the issue is processing it, okay? You can't process it fast enough. Whose fault is it that you can't process it fast enough? Honestly, Trump's. process it fast enough whose fault is it that you can't process it fast enough honestly trump's i think i've been very objective about trump on the podcast so objective that a lot of people go yo so to support trump this and that no trump fired a group uh government organization that was basically in charge of pandemics you heard heard about this, I think, in the interview. And he basically fired.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Now, he goes, a new administration came in. I guess we got rid of them. I don't know exactly what happened. That doesn't matter. If you are responsible for the administration's wins, even if you had nothing to do with them, you're responsible for their losses. Okay?
Starting point is 00:05:00 If this is a basketball team, all right, and the head coach of the basketball team says that he doesn't want to double LeBron in the playoffs, and then the president and GM of that basketball team don't fire that coach the next year, and he makes the same mistake the next year, whose fault is that? administration it's the administration it's the president of the gm they got to make those decisions so ultimately this does rely uh or lie rather on trump because what that government organization would have done is the second they saw china had the coronavirus they'd be like yo fuck we got to figure out exactly what this shit is and be ready for it because we should have been ready for it we had a few months in advance right like we should have been ready for this shit so we should have been ready for it and again a few months in advance right like we should have been ready for this shit so we should have been ready for it and again it's all about processing so now they got fucking walmart over here they're gonna do drive-through processing that's the only way
Starting point is 00:05:51 you can get americans go to the fucking doctor okay is put in a goddamn drive-through that was so infuriating i don't know if you watched the did you watch the thing yeah okay so like if you guys at home didn't watch it literally they're like okay this is what we're gonna do we're gonna take a little of the parking lot from target and wal, and then we're going to do drive-thru processing. I'm like, you fast food fucks. Is this the only way you can get Americans to be healthy? Is it that they stay in their cars? Trump loves that McDonald's so much he created fast food.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Fast food tested, son. Popeye's and Corona. That's all we want. Yo, if you get tested for Corona, you son. Popeye's and Corona. That's all we want. Yo, if you get tested for Corona, you get a Popeye's chicken sandwich. That's literally the only thing that could save us all. Oh, shit. I'm getting multiple tests. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Keep going. So it's an annoying situation, but that's why you can't get tested. Now, what they're doing is a couple of other labs are offering to help out, like these university labs, right? I think University of San Francisco, maybe UCLA, these other other places here's the thing they can't do quantity they can do like 20 to 40 a day so then the question is why are these other countries so good at it they've expedited the process and they weed people out before they even get there so in china first of all they've dealt with other illnesses that are like similar in these ways like SARS and that kind of shit a few years I remember SARS so like they were prepared they had facilities
Starting point is 00:07:09 for SARS now they're just using the SARS facilities for the corona yeah okay simple as that if you have a basketball tournament we could go hey we got Madison Square Garden you need to play that's how it goes now if you go to a country doesn't play basketball they're gonna have to build some shit so we're gonna have to build some shit. So we're going to have to build some shit. We're going to have to get it right, and we're going to have to expedite the process. That's what they were talking about. The lady was trying to explain to people in the Trump whatever address that is, emergency address. What is it called?
Starting point is 00:07:37 I don't know. Who gives a fuck? When Trump was talking. So they've got to find a way to speed it up. They can get it down to 24 hours. Here's the thing. They've got to weed out the people, right, before they take the test. So everybody thinks they have corona now, so everybody's going to want the test.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Problem, okay? So everybody's going to think they have the test. That is what it is. We have to find another way around it. There's ways to screen, okay? In China, they're doing CAT scans. In China, they're testing your temperature everywhere you go. Like if you're in Wuhan, literally you can't walk in and out of your community.
Starting point is 00:08:12 You're locked in there. They're basically throwing food at you like you're a fucking zoo animal. But that's how you keep the virus where it is. You don't let it spread. Yeah, that's basically what they're trying to do. Stop it from spreading. Now here's the reality of the matter. And this is what I've gathered basically from research and reading medical professional stuff, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. It's too late to contain. I know that sounds fucked up. That sounds tragic. It is. And it isn't. We're past the containment
Starting point is 00:08:42 period. That means if a virus pops off in fucking Rhode Island and we find a way to keep it just in Rhode Island, everybody else is good. Eventually you quarantine those people, you cure them, and then the virus goes away. Now it's gone too far, right? Everybody's going to get it, or at least they say between like 50 and 70%
Starting point is 00:09:00 of Americans are going to get it. Same for Europeans. Okay. The good news, it's not going to kill most of us. Most of us are going to get it. Same for Europeans. Okay. The good news, it's not going to kill most of us. Most of us are going to have a shitty flu-like, you know, symptoms for a couple of weeks and then our bodies will naturally fight it and then we'll be back. Okay. So why is everybody freaked out? Because it kills people. It kills people who have shitty immune systems, right? They have shitty immune systems maybe because they're already sick or maybe because they're old. Old people have shitty immune systems. Now there's not a drug that you give the
Starting point is 00:09:29 old people and then it saves them. The reason why the old people need to go to the hospital is because they can get on a respiratory device. They can basically have the hospital, uh, you know, machines, et cetera, breathe for them while their body fights the illness. Your body's still going to have to do it. Your body's just much weaker as you get older. So that's a concern because we all have people over 60 years old that we fucking love. Right. And the older you get, the tougher it is for you to actually fight this. Here is now we get to talk about containment a little bit. And this is why shit is very important. This is why you see things getting canceled.
Starting point is 00:10:06 We canceled some shows in Orlando this weekend. And you see cancellations happening all over. Broadway, theater is canceled. You see any big gathering canceled. Why is that a big deal? We're no longer trying to contain. We're trying to stop the speed of the spread. Okay?
Starting point is 00:10:22 So you've heard people say this a lot. Flatten the curve. Okay. So what we want to, you've heard that people say this a lot, flatten the curve, right? We already accept that the majority of people in the world are going to get the virus. We accept that. What we're trying to do is limit the speed at which they get it. So let's say we had a graph, right? And the graph going up are the amount of people that get it, right? And the graph going this way is the amount of time in which they get it. We'd rather the graph go like that, right? Instead of straight up and then straight down, okay? Because remember, you and I listening. We're good. Mom and grandpa, maybe not good. We have a limited amount of hospital beds. Take that in. Grandpa, grandma need the hospital to survive it. Most of them,
Starting point is 00:11:17 right? Especially if they get older, we have a limited amount of hospital beds. If it spreads too fast, they all need the hospital beds. The hospital goes, well, hey, we don't got the beds. They have to choose who lives and dies. That's what's apparently happening in Italy. Have you read that? In Italy and China. Italy and China.
Starting point is 00:11:35 They're basically going, you come on in and live. You, sorry. Better luck in your next life. That's what we're trying to avoid. That's why we're trying to have people not go to these big gatherings because the idea is at a big gathering, many people could catch it. If it's just you and your girlfriend at home, the both of you get it, you chill out for a couple weeks, you're good. If it's you, your girlfriend, your 10 friends, you're all at this fucking
Starting point is 00:11:59 Chippendales, dancers are swinging their cocks all around, everybody's getting corona. Chippendales, dancers are swinging their cocks all around. Everybody's getting corona. Now we got a lot of hospital beds that might need filled. That is the issue. So we're really just trying to limit the amount of infection, the speed of infections. We know everybody's going to get infected. We're just like, don't let it happen too fast where we can't contain it, I guess you could say.
Starting point is 00:12:25 We're not containable or handle the amount of people that need to go. We're basically trying to save as many old people as we can. That's the idea with it. Yeah, flatten the curve. So yeah, basically old people are the ones that are going to do it. What can we do? A lot of people ask, what can you do? Really, honestly, the only thing you can do is isolate. If you feel sick, isolate. The shitty thing is that before you show any symptoms, you're still contagious. So you could be super healthy, not think you got any corona at all, and then you're playing fucking one-on-one with your grandpa, and then a week later he's in a hospital.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Right? That's – Playing one-on-one with your grandpa. I don't know, dog. That's how I'm going to do it. I'm going to ball up my kids, bro. Are you kidding me? Dog, I'm not playing no fucking games when it comes to my kids
Starting point is 00:13:05 how about just getting this work how about just visiting grandpa and giving him a hug or something heavy breathing b heavy breathing heavy breathing we're not playing games but uh but you're right maybe that's a little bit unreasonable still point is all these things um all these things can definitely happen you You have, you basically have these people that are high risk. So isolate, isolate, isolate, uh, the medical mask myth. Okay. Let me show you something about the medical mask. There is like one or two medical masks that actually work. The most popular one is called an, uh, N 95 mask. This one that I'm holding right here that you see the Asians wear at the airport all the time is not that. This doesn't work.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Okay? Wear it. It gives you a little extra help, but it's not the end-all, be-all. This is a surgical mask, right? Surgeons use this so when they're doing surgery, some fucking lettuce that they ate for lunch doesn't fall out of their teeth into the person that they're doing surgery on. It doesn't have any filtration system or nothing. Okay? The N95 one actually filters the air in and out, I believe. person that they're doing surgery on it doesn't have any filtration system or nothing okay the n95 one actually filters the air in and out i believe yes so that even if you have it you don't
Starting point is 00:14:11 do it so i suggest if you can get your hands on the n95 you can go visit your folks love them i haven't visited my folks yet i'm i'm actually nervous to do it and that's one of the most fucked up things about the coronavirus is that i don't even want to say it, man, because it's so fucked up to say. But, like, God forbid you pass it on to your folks and then they died. You got to low-key live with that in some way, man. It's fucking crippling. So do whatever you can to protect your folks. If you got to isolate them, just isolate them.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Bring them food. Bring them whatever they need. But try your hardest to make sure that they're okay. Okay? Another thing, very important. Tip the fuck out of anybody in the service industry for the next month or two months or however long this lives. Their business is going to get destroyed. Okay?
Starting point is 00:14:58 Their well-being is going to get destroyed. And the whole time, they're going to be putting themselves at risk doing it. So, over- overtip them. I don't even care if it's coffee, whatever the fuck you can. Take care of those people. And also, anytime you see medical staff, just fucking thank them, dude. They're on the front lines of that shit. And granted, that's what they signed up for, 100%.
Starting point is 00:15:17 But I'm hearing stories of 60-year-old doctors that are giving themselves Corona so that they can gain the immunity so they can get back in there and help people in the ERs. Wow. And that's a risk at 60. So it's like, there are a lot of people that are, that are, that are putting it all on the line.
Starting point is 00:15:39 You got to respect that shit. You suit, you just super got to respect that. So make sure you do that. Obviously washing your hands. Um, keep in mind, this is caught from breathing okay not caught from like sneeze on someone and then you get it that's like the flu they keep using the flu it's in the air so in china when they have these people quarantined they got to sit six feet apart from each other everybody got to be six feet apart right and um the reason that is because you don't want to be
Starting point is 00:16:03 sharing the same air as someone who might have it is then you get it. OK, so if you know you got it or if you suspect someone near you got it six feet, keep it six feet apart like Al's favorite movie. If you listen to this podcast. Don't make me start tearing up, son. Don't. Don't do it. Who would have thought that we would have been over-prepared for Six Feet Apart, bro? Word. That one movie, man.
Starting point is 00:16:30 And where were we going when we watched it? Shit, where were we going? Hong Kong. Oh, we were. We were. Oh, shit. That's crazy. We were ahead of it.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Son, you see? We light years ahead of y'all motherfuckers. Catch up. Catch up. Yeah, so make sure that you're not doing that. If you can avoid shaking hands, if you can avoid touching your face and that kind of stuff, or touching the same things that other people who might be affected are touching, do that. Obviously, none of the people during Trump's address knew that.
Starting point is 00:17:06 These fucking retards were all shaking hands, gapping people up, grabbing and readjusting the microphones. OK, the only guy who didn't readjust the microphone was the guy who was like four or eleven. The guy literally couldn't see over the microphone, but he was like, I ain't getting that Rona. Y'all can share this Rona. They ain't going Rona with me. So, yeah, basically, that's it. I guess, you know, take whatever precautions you can. Some people are going very extreme. They're basically taking off all their top layer of clothing before they enter their apartment.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Yeah. Me. Are you doing that? Yeah. I thought you only wear like a sweatsuit. That's one layer. No, I got underwear and shit. Ah, so you go underwear and then you go straight in.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Yeah. So that might be an option. And then obviously washing your hands, doing all that kind of shit. What are you doing if you can't get Purell? I have two huge bottles and I just lucked up to have them in my house. Never used them. And so now I'm legit. I got enough Purell to last a year right now.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Really? Yeah. Like the big joint. The big ones. Yeah. I might have to get one of them. I got nothing. I'm not here with Lysol.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Might be a little. I'm wiping my whole face and hands down with Lysol. You can do some brown paper bag money or something like that it's like that throw you a little something um yeah so basically that's that's what they're saying just be careful make sure your parents are careful and you know don't spend too much time with your parents and you don't let's be honest okay i know everybody right now that the corona's around they're like god damn i can't see my parents you haven't called them in a month. Let's really be honest. Some of you are Italian and you do that shit all the time.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Some of you are Latin and they call you all the time. But the most of you are not talking to your parents that much. I think it's good that you get on the phone with them, good that you make sure that they have what they need. But the reality is if you're spending time with a lot of other people and you're spending time with them, you're putting them at risk. And explain that to them. One other thing about the parents.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Yeah, yeah. Like parents, especially the ones up in age, like they're stubborn as fuck. They're not going to take this shit so seriously. You need to stress to them the severity of this, even if it's annoying, even if they yell, whatever the case is,
Starting point is 00:18:58 make them stay home. 100%. Do everything you have to do to help them, like bring food, whatever, whatever, whatever, but help them to stay home. Yeah. Got to keep them isolated, 100%. I mean, my mom's having a pain in the ass because my dad's memory's gone, so she got to explain to him there's coronavirus every single day. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Literally every single day. Not the beard. Not the beard, honey. Oh, man. It's a wee bit of a flu from China. Damn, that's the- Every day. Let's go take a walk. That's a different type of a flu from China. Damn, that's the... Every day. That's the different type.
Starting point is 00:19:25 Let's go take a walk. That's a different type of 40 first dates. It's 40 last dates. And they've just known each other too fucking long. In the movie, they celebrate her birthday every day. This is when he's like, yeah, the world's coming to an end. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Good morning. We're all going to die. That's my mom's conversation with my dad every single day when he's like i'll go out and get the newspaper you're gonna die don't go out there and die and then make me die uh anyway um so yeah so basically that's where we are we're in a real live uh living situation and what i mean living situation is like we are surviving out here and shit is getting changed and you find out what really matters when you're surviving right find out what's really real when you're surviving yeah right nobody's talking about which pronoun
Starting point is 00:20:17 they got to check on the box to get the coronavirus test right nobody like, they is not on the box. They're like, I'm whatever you want. Just let me get tested. You know what I mean? Nobody's getting upset. Nobody's looking at that Trump address. And they're like, there weren't enough Asian transgenders on the committee. They're like, whatever you guys do to save us, just fucking save us. Because at the end of the day, being offended is really a luxury.
Starting point is 00:20:43 I don't want to make this about being offended, but it is a fucking luxury. And when shit hits the fan, you're like, how do we make it through? This is how we're going to make it through. We are going to get there. Unfortunately, there are going to be people that pass. They do not make it. It's going to change our lives, and it might change our lives for the rest of our lives. Real talk. This might be something that we got to deal with every single year. And it might change the way we travel it might uh change the way we look at old people it might change the way we look at ourselves because remember we're not always young i'm 36 i was 32 you know it gets comfy we're comfy now but you never know yeah you know so i get more severe because real talk not to cut you but that's what happens with these flus right right? We could find some kind of way to have like an antibody for it, but then it could come back next year a little stronger and a little stronger and a little stronger.
Starting point is 00:21:32 So it's a new world we're living in with these types of viruses, the fact that they're global pandemics. And the thing that people, especially young people, aren't bringing up or it's not the information not being spread this affects your lungs like you can if you get a severe pneumonia it can cause permanent damage to your lungs so just because you recover your lungs could be fucked up for the rest of your life yeah that's so like stop acting like oh whatever i get it and i'm fine like you don't want to get this shit you really don't want to get this shit is You really don't want to get this shit. There's a pneumonia vaccine or something, right? Like it could be treated with antibiotics and things of that nature and, you know, rest, respirator, all that type of stuff. But it can just still like once you're, fuck the name of them, but it's like the air sacs in your lungs.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Like once those get damaged there, they don't get repaired. Yeah. Oh, so that punishment that you endured during pneumonia yeah it's gonna be everlasting so you want to avoid the pneumonia as possible that's why they say people who smoke it's like you can see how the damage on their lungs even if they stop smoking your lungs still look like a smoker looks like shit yeah they recover a little but they're not going to recover fully so that's another thing like you might think oh i'm 50 years old i'm good but you've been smoking since you're 14 you're not good yeah you're not
Starting point is 00:22:48 this is a respiratory illness or virus rather so it's going to attack that part of your body and if your lungs what do they always say in those uh those smoke commercials they're like you're 30 but you have the lungs of a like 70 year old like some old 80 year old. Okay. So now you in the game. Now you can be affected by this. So yo, be careful with that. And all these people are like, yo,
Starting point is 00:23:10 I just smoke weed and we did it. Be careful. Real talk. Be careful. Be healthy right now. Don't over drink right now. Do all the things that can keep your immune system top notch. If you can exercise,
Starting point is 00:23:23 right? Do whatever you can To get some exercise Obviously you don't get Shit faced all the time You know I mean you're gonna be Quarantined with your girl You're gonna wanna drink
Starting point is 00:23:30 A little something Try to stay stress free Cause stress lowers Your immune system Yeah hey You're all gonna die Stay stress free That's what we do right
Starting point is 00:23:38 That's what motherfuckers do right Literally Hey Who do you love most In this world Your parents They're gone Stay stress free
Starting point is 00:23:45 No It's really important I'm just saying That's what the news would tell us Right Like all the horrible shit Is gonna happen But hey don't stress
Starting point is 00:23:52 Cause that could also hurt you Could we slide down A little bit more On this thing right here There's a And another thing Yes please So
Starting point is 00:24:00 Is this the aliens So we always have this Theory That like Aliens are gonna come and then that's when we'll see the world come together you know and stop all the fuck shit and the bickering and all that shit is this the aliens bro it honestly we have this feeling right or we have this idea right that like an alien looks like us or his hands and feet right why doesn't have to look like us doesn't have to be anything like us it could literally be a virus right it could be a virus that lands here and attacks different communities why is hiv not a fucking alien
Starting point is 00:24:39 right i was actually thinking about that with the uh if you're like an old school NBA player, you got to be pissed off. Right? They canceled the season. They made us play with magic in non-league games, in the All-Star game. You couldn't even have fun. You know the All-Star game is supposed to be just like, hey, we're not going to play D. We're going to relax. We're going to have fun.
Starting point is 00:25:01 Motherfuckers out there are like, yo, let me not get age. At the All-Star, bro. I put up this meme from Magic Johnson. And Magic Johnson, he's supposed to be what's his name? Cameron? And fuck, what's it? Peyton Full? Peyton Full?
Starting point is 00:25:18 Yeah. And he's like, niggas get viruses every day, B. Yeah. What was your Cameron line? His embers die every day. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, that shit killed me. But it's true, man.
Starting point is 00:25:31 It's something to be concerned about, bro. It's something to be concerned about. Obviously, economy is something, you know, we got to worry about. Trump was slick. You saw what he tried to do? Did his little speech at 3.30. Notice he came out about half an hour late. What closes Friday at 4?
Starting point is 00:25:51 Oh, okay. So he tried to do his cute little, and notice who he had up there with him. He didn't have scientists. He had one scientist lady and Mike Pence. Right? The rest of them owned Target. What the fuck? Does the guy that owns Target know about the coronavirus?
Starting point is 00:26:12 You sell lawn chairs and fucking bath towels. I don't need you. There's a Walmart guy up there, the Target guy up there. They had all these people from just consumption of goods giving their opinion on the coronavirus. But it's like, I need scientists to tell me about this. But they did it right before the stock market closed because he wanted to get a little boost going into the weekend. So during the weekend, he could be like, ah, the economy is good. Everything's fine.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Blah, blah, blah. I got this under control. And he wanted to re-up on that oil before that shit goes back up. Oh, that was genius. Like, I give it to you. I ain't gonna lie. That was okay. Yeah, we got that for the love.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Yeah, yeah. Literally, he said, we got it for the love. He didn't say it exactly like that, but he said it exactly like that. Ooh, they got an influx of weed? Gobble it up. Yeah. I give him that. Yo.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Yeah. Ooh, they got an influx of weed? Gobble it up. Yeah, I give him that. Yo, Mike Pence is like, I know he's a despicable person from what we're told, but he sounds official. Presidential, son. That's why they needed him with Trump, because Trump could barely finish his sentence. I was like, okay, talk a little bit more. And he knows he plays his position, too. Oh, he was kissing Trump's ass Swinging on them balls Yeah but he
Starting point is 00:27:26 Like He still looks mad good Giving it up to Trump Oh yeah He's professional Look how much better I talk than him Look how much more
Starting point is 00:27:33 Informed I am than him Exactly But yeah He got that Real talk If he wasn't like Trying to electrocute gays To get it out of them
Starting point is 00:27:40 And I'm not saying That doesn't work I don't know You know what I mean That's another thing Is like That's never been tried You know what I'm not saying that doesn't work. I don't know. That's another thing. It's like, that's never been tried. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:27:50 It's always flagrant here. But like, that is, son, right now, if you had coronavirus and you were dying there, like we could try electrocuting you,
Starting point is 00:27:59 you'd be like, zap me, dot, what's up? Like, you know what I'm saying? Back in the day, they were just going for it.
Starting point is 00:28:06 That was one of the medical options, right? They put some shit on your head. Remember girls who had their periods? And they would just go zap them up? Zap them up seemed good. I think that's still good. You're not wrong. I haven't tried it, but I think that would work.
Starting point is 00:28:20 What, zapping your girl up? Yeah. When they're on their periods. We quarantine for a month. We might have to do it. Hey, babe, plug might have to do it. Hey babe, plug the TV in real quick.
Starting point is 00:28:32 You gotta fuck with the cable. Hey babe, TV on play. Babe, you still not like giving head? Well, we fixed that. Hey babe, did we fix that?-sucking problem that you had? My girl literally just texted me.
Starting point is 00:28:54 Son, that's great. She knew. She knew. Son, you got to go home. Start fucking moving your feet bad hard on the rugs and shit like that. Just tap on the head. What is that called? Static electricity?
Starting point is 00:29:10 Oh, shit. Just start doing like the craziest dances on the rug and just give her a nice little tap on the head and be like, boop. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Stop talking back. Zap. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I just slide in the room like Tom Cruise in that movie. Oh, yeah. What is it called? Risky Business? Risky Business. i just slide in the room like tom cruise in that movie what is it called risky business risky business i just slide him in my socks like where you at bitch zap that scene is so iconic we gotta reproduce that shit might have to uh a couple things one this is the time to live up to our reputation this is the time to live up to what
Starting point is 00:29:42 we say about ourselves this is the time to be american to what we say about ourselves. This is the time to be American, right? 100%. I mean, this is what we always say about us. We say that we're the best. We say that we're unstoppable. We say we could do anything. We say we have the greatest minds in the world and the greatest people in the world. This is the time to prove it. This is the time where you get to showcase your Americana. This is where we showcase it to the world. We showcase it to ourselves. So now we have a real problem in front of us. This isn't, hey, it's the soccer. I want to win the World Cup. This isn't the fucking Super Bowl, right? This isn't an episode of The Bachelor. That's nonsense. This is real life for dead shit. And this is when our American-ness comes out, you know, whether it was fighting off Britain, whether it was fighting the Nazis, you know what I mean? Whether it was Ford versus
Starting point is 00:30:23 Ferrari, great movie, go check that out. Whatever it is, American ingenuity has stepped in and delivered what it's always promised. So I'm not hoping, I'm knowing that we are going to be able to do that. And if we have to throw money at the problem, we throw money at the problem. We have to throw intellect at the problem, we throw intellect at the problem. If we have to throw just sheer manpower at the problem, bring in the Mexicans. We'll do whatever we got to do to make sure that we can get this shit done. But I'm very confident and I believe in us and I believe that when the going gets tough, we can really do it.
Starting point is 00:30:53 And that's been our spirit for a while. Again, we don't want this to be too long. We want to just knock these things out. But we know that everybody's going to be quarantined for a bit. And we want to deliver for you, man. That's our role. Everybody, everybody has a role in this. You know what I mean? I know the doctor is going to be doctoring, you know what I mean? But the, the content creators, the comedians, you know, the people out here delivering that distraction during these tough times, I hope they all step it up. I know that's what we're going to do. I'm excited to do it. You know, that's why we have a studio. That's why we built this whole thing so that we could take this into our own hands we open the doors and we deliver because i know you guys are going to be there and i know you guys are going to need it and i hope we can put a smile on your face or maybe someday we put some information in your head make you feel a little bit more comfortable about what you're dealing with feel a little bit more informed and also hopefully laugh
Starting point is 00:31:39 at it and that means a lot to us so we appreciate appreciate you guys fucking with us, man. And thank you very much. And just know we're going to figure this out. We're going to be all right. And yeah, we got some. What time are we at? I don't want to go too long, but we do have some interesting. 33. We're at 33.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Okay. I think we covered everything out. I had some interesting like medical surveys. This is more like number dense kind of stuff. And maybe we talk about it at a different time but we basically touch these main points this is just with the actual statistical analysis are we doing facts over this nah i mean hey bro you know what i mean don't spit in your girl's mouth bro is it that hard yeah just come
Starting point is 00:32:20 yo dude is Corona in karma? Nah This guy don't know At all Children are innocent Okay This girl's wheezing In the bathroom Right now Alex
Starting point is 00:32:34 Help me Babe I gotta go record You're young You'll be alright Anyway y'all Be good Be safe And we're gonna come at you
Starting point is 00:32:44 With more If y'all fuck with this're going to come at you with more. If y'all fuck with this, we're going to come at you with more. Man, this week, I think we need to keep doing it. And stay in your eardrums. Stay on your YouTube. Spread the word. Spread the flag and street. Do not spread the corona.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Peace.

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