Andrew Schulz's Flagrant with Akaash Singh - Rogan Spotify Strike Is A Deep State Hoax

Episode Date: September 29, 2020

This week Andrew, Akaash, AlexxMedia and Mark discuss Trump's taxes with Saagar Enjeti from the Rising, the Deep State going after Joe Rogan, our predictions on the Trump/Biden debate, Andrew gets ser...enaded by Robby from Cobra Kai, Jimmy Butler, NBA finals and much more. INDULGE! Want an extra episode a week? Join the Flagrant Army

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Starting point is 00:00:00 and then center it a little bit yeah great all right perfect with your fine ass all right all right all right ready look listen we have no introduction for this because it's happening right now in the moment i had to get to the bottom of this okay yeah you did you had to get to the top of it too yeah you did you had to get to the top of it too andrew hey that's a freudian slip done on purpose okay listen we gotta mouth this topic real quick guys about this topic okay listen we got my man you're robbie bro i know your real name is tanner okay but to me you're robbie from cobra kai robbie keen okay okay sir okay listen Robbie from Cobra Kai. Robbie Keene. Okay? Yes, sir. Okay, listen. First of all, how old are you? I am
Starting point is 00:00:48 21. Okay, we just need to make sure that, because I was going off last episode. What? Al, what's up? Anyway, okay, look. Al just needs to know his feelings are okay. Everything's fine, Al. Everything's fine. So this is something that I needed to bring up, because this was
Starting point is 00:01:04 serious, okay? I had, you you were looking as akash said too smoldering on the podcast and it made me feel uncomfortable you'd be smoldering not the podcast on the show i can't even speak i'm so nervous okay so listen listen listen listen listen i'm fucking trembling right now i'm so excited i should have got a haircut. So in all seriousness, in all seriousness, you were looking too cute as fuck on the show. Okay. And I tried to bring this up in a very safe space, which I thought that this podcast was. And then don't, don't touch your hair like that, bro. Don't touch it.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Don't do that. So, so these guys tried to front like you weren't as pretty as you are. Okay. Listen, listen, they literally tried to do it you denied it objectively this kid is pretty as fuck all right but you have feelings for the kid and i'm just saying he looks like mark okay that's where shit got uncomfortable because i was just going to sexually harass you from a distance right as we do nowadays right never thinking that we were going to have this conversation, but God bless, okay?
Starting point is 00:02:07 And then Akash had to make it personal by saying, Mark and you look similar, okay? Are you personally offended by that? Absolutely not. I was. I was offended, yeah, because I have like high quality, you know, standards. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:02:26 This is getting weird What what Al Does he know what Mark looks like Okay so we're gonna bring on Mark So that you can see Mark Cause I don't think that you guys He might be offended Nah he's not offended Mark trying to look different than you
Starting point is 00:02:36 But Y'all look the motherfucking Taylor what you say Ignore the braids Okay let's see the braids Oh yeah I got my braids Okay Oh yeah my hair looks crazy.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Yeah, you look Amish, bro. Put that shirt on. You look absolutely ridiculous. You look crazy right now. What happened to the tops, dude? No, but they look so cool with the hat on, but with off, you look crazy. Abigail looking ass bitch over here, bro.
Starting point is 00:03:00 What's going on with this guy? Dude, how am I supposed to look at that and then look at this you know he reminds you of the mark you used to love yeah mark get out of here little house on prairie ass mark orthodox ass carl living in williamsburg too long okay problem is though is is mark completely white oh are you not tan not white tanner buchanan okay so the thing is is you're so good at telling people's ethnicities okay i've watched you since the new year since all the covid shit's been going
Starting point is 00:03:58 on i got super into your videos and i know it's just super great at telling who uh what ethnicities people are yeah um i don't think you can see past your beauty dog i know it's just super great at telling who uh what ethnicities people are yeah um i don't think you can see past your beauty dog i hate well i hate doing foreign i'm not completely white i know you're mexican bro you're half mexican you're i'm half mexican is that right that's what you got try again oh shit 75 no no no try again 25 port Portuguese or some white shit like that. I'm not Latin at all. You're not Latin?
Starting point is 00:04:31 Black? We tried to guess. Oh, Asian? Tell us, you cute motherfucker. He's Asian. Oh, you ruined it for me, dog. I'm over it, bro. I'm over it bro I'm over it
Starting point is 00:04:46 Tanner you fucking had me We're not the true to smoldering ass white boy I'm back Mark you're back Let's go Let me undo those braids for you Mark I gave you a hand I'm actually
Starting point is 00:04:59 I'm a quarter Filipino Oh that's not real Asian Quarter come on yo No that's not real Asian Yeah they're not even Asian Asian. That's Spanish Asian. Son, you one-eighth Mexican, one-eighth Chinese.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Yeah, that's... Come on, yo. Did you know karate before? Or is that just... Was that like some shit you did to pick up girls? This ain't inside the actor's studio, bro.
Starting point is 00:05:21 I'm saying I want to know if he can defend me. You know what I mean? That's what I'm trying to find out right now If some shit goes down am I safe Tanner You let me get to the second part of my question My bad my bad my bad
Starting point is 00:05:31 Go you can answer the question But don't say anything past episode 2 Of season 2 because I haven't gone past that It's okay You guys are still on that wheel with the water Trying to learn how to do karate You got some Lululemon spandex on for some reason. How do you know his outfit?
Starting point is 00:05:50 Yo, what? I still know his outfit. Sam was wearing something too. I don't remember, but she was wearing something. Oh, shit. Yo, can you play that guitar for us, bro? The only song that I'm comfortable singing and playing is Creep by Radiohead. Oh, that's a thing.
Starting point is 00:06:07 It's the whitest shit you could have possibly said on this podcast. That fully describes how I've been towards you the last couple weeks. I can play Creep by Radiohead if you want. Man, you want Creep? Alright, fine, fine. We'll do Creep. It's the people's national anthem.
Starting point is 00:06:24 It is our national anthem sing to him like he's Danny LaRusso we're gonna sing together though just imagine I'm Sam imagine I'm Sam you want me to start
Starting point is 00:06:32 with the chorus because that's that's the thing everybody knows let's do that one you and I we're on the wheel together it's all about balance
Starting point is 00:06:38 yeah one shout on Andrew please karate is about balance let's start at the end Miyagi-Do is all about balance okay I'll give you an intro all right and then we'll we'll go to the chorus okay good Karate is about balance. Let's start at the end. Miyagi-Do is all about balance. I'll give you an intro.
Starting point is 00:06:47 All right. And then we'll go to the chorus. Okay, good. All right. You know this one Taylor? Yeah Andrew's not gonna be able To stand up after this Here we go
Starting point is 00:07:09 I'm a creep Oh god Hey It's okay Yeah I'm a weirdo Mmhmm Appropriate What the hell am I
Starting point is 00:07:22 Doing here I don't run long Yeah Facts Appropriate. I agree. Facts. Facts. Oh. Listen, Robby, if you were so cute, I would have cut that shit off. Okay? Yo, Robby, man.
Starting point is 00:08:04 I'm over you, buddy. Robby you buddy robbie bro definitely a guitar player i'm just a guitar player really yo um robbie man thank you so much man tanner everybody go check out tanner and cobra kai man it's an absolutely great series that first season i haven't watched this uh second season fully yet but the first season i thought was one of like the best incredible yeah it was one of the best written stories that I've ever seen. Thank you. It was amazing. You guys were all great, man. So keep up the great work, man. We'll stay
Starting point is 00:08:32 in touch, okay? I'll take you out to get some muffins or something. Alright, see you guys. Peace, man. Thanks, brother. Alright, guys, let's get back to the show. We got to talk about what everybody's talking about, and that's Trump not paying his taxes or doing what every American should. Okay? Come on.
Starting point is 00:08:47 It is your American right to pay as little in taxes as you possibly can. That's the game. That is the game, right? That's the entire game. Matter of fact, like the only reason Bernie exists is because of that game. Like if everybody just paid what they're supposed to, there's no Bernie.
Starting point is 00:09:03 There's no AOC. Ain't no game. Amazon would be here. We don't have fucking jobs. Hey, you know what, man? This is, if you are a moderate. You gotta love it.
Starting point is 00:09:12 I love it, yo. You gotta love it. This is the most successful he's ever seemed to me. I always hear Trump is a good businessman and I question it. There's good business.
Starting point is 00:09:19 And then when I hear he only pays $750, I'm like, that motherfucker doing it. He's doing it. He about his business. Bro, imagine that, only $750. Now, here's that motherfucker doing it. He's doing it. He's about his business. Bro, imagine that, only $750.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Now, here's the thing. A lot of people out there, Alkosh, you know this, they make a living. We did this in other times in our lives and then the government
Starting point is 00:09:34 doesn't even trust them to pay their own taxes. Right. That's low-key disrespectful. You're a teacher, the government trusts you with America's youth, the next generation of Americans,
Starting point is 00:09:44 but don't even trust you To pay your taxes Fair Takes your money from you first Fair Right Snatches that shit Yup
Starting point is 00:09:50 Takes more Than what you're supposed to pay Right They go Alright maybe You're supposed to pay $2,500 Just in case
Starting point is 00:09:59 We're going to take $3,000 And then at the end of the year We're going to give it back to you And then you're going to be Super happy and thank us For giving you your money back In case you try some fuck shit And then you got to prove to me That you're worthy to give it back to you And then you're going to be Super happy and thank us For giving your money back And then you got to prove to me That you're worthy
Starting point is 00:10:07 Of getting it back Isn't that some fucked up shit You take my money And I don't charge you I give you a loan Yep I give you a motherfucking loan How do banks work
Starting point is 00:10:14 They give you loans You got to pay back more Yep I give the bank a free loan On my money Not the bank I give the government They don't even ask permission
Starting point is 00:10:20 They take that shit They just take that shit Before you even get it That's theft On some mafia shit This is my cut Whoa And then I'll give you your cut trump's a hero bro trump was like you're not taking nothing can we just talk about taxes trump not anything else i don't care who you are it's like you know the best way to look at it is this is like everybody wants to front about who they
Starting point is 00:10:40 are politically right like so we could all sit here and al you could tell me right now that you are a staunch Democrat. Taylor, you could tell me right now you are a staunch Democrat. You gonna let a Democrat do your taxes? You want the most conservative right-wing accountant that possibly exists, do you not? I don't want no pro-choice accountant.
Starting point is 00:11:00 Fuck out. Yo, real talk. Are you gonna let a Democrat, oh no, sorry, are you gonna let a conservative give you an abortion? I'm not letting a conservative get the abortion. Hell no. I want a Democrat to do that.
Starting point is 00:11:13 A conservative might fuck that shit up. Correct. Might make an oops. Keep that baby in there. Keep it alive. Correct. Let her or his personal values affect the job they're doing. So I don't need no Democrat doing my taxes.
Starting point is 00:11:24 Absolutely not. Come on. It's time to save money. Al I don't need no Democrat doing my taxes. Absolutely not. Come on. It's time to save money. Al, who does your taxes? Lady of Jewish descent. Good move, buddy. You had me a little nervous with lady, bro. But then again, you only got to pay her 70 cents on the dollar.
Starting point is 00:11:36 That's good business. That's good business. Okay, Al? Yeah. You figured out a way to save money, which is what taxes is all about. Yeah. Honestly, I got an Irish guy doing my taxes. I'll be broke tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Yeah, what are you doing? I literally do. I looked at his last name a lot. His last name is Reed. These guys can't even manage potatoes. You trust in a manager, fucking. I once had a Greek guy doing my taxes. Yo, I'm out.
Starting point is 00:11:58 I'm out. Your country broke. I know. I was invested in fucking Oikos. Yeah, get out of here. All my money, zero savings. Anyway, point is, I think that if the Democrats are trying to smear Trump for not paying his taxes, bad move.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Bad move. Bad move. I like this move. This is, how much did Amazon pay in taxes? Oh. Trump paid more than Amazon, and that just tells me Trump is less successful than Amazon. Let me ask you a question, Akash. Huh.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Okay? And everybody who's listening right now at home all around the world, okay, that's been in the service industry, AOC used to do what? Bartender. Bartender. Now, when you're a bartender or a server
Starting point is 00:12:35 or somebody who works in the service industry... Ooh, I know where you're going. Do you declare all your tips and pay taxes on all those tips, or do you try to cheat the tax man by taking that cash, putting it in that sports bra, and getting it the fuck out of here? What do you think you do? I don't think you report it.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Oh, my God. Oh, do we have a tax cheat on our hand? Or is that just the American thing to do? We were supposed to pay taxes on that tea. And then what did we do? Threw that shit in the ocean. We said, fuck your taxes. That's all Trump did.
Starting point is 00:13:02 He said, fuck your taxes. Bruh. That's all he did. He he said fuck your taxes that's all Trump did he said fuck your taxes bruh that's all he did he said fuck your taxes it's the most patriotic thing to do is not pay your taxes IRS
Starting point is 00:13:11 if you're listening I do pay my taxes I just want to let you know I pay by the system that the rich people made so I can avoid as much of those fucking taxes as I can
Starting point is 00:13:18 that's my point I say this all the time the rules of the game are there follow the rules find the loopholes if you don't like it support a flat tax which sounds mad republican but. Follow the rules. Find the loopholes. If you don't like it, support a flat tax, which
Starting point is 00:13:25 sounds mad Republican, but I promise you, if there's no loopholes, everybody just pays 18%. That's just what the fuck it is. You will get more money that way. And you will get more money that way, but you'll find a way around it, too. I mean, we're always going to find a way around it. Oh, probably. Of course. We try to write off everything. Now, listen,
Starting point is 00:13:41 we're going to talk to an expert, someone who actually knows this. Akash, myself, everybody on this podcast, Alex Media, Margarita, Taylor, we're all talking shit. We don't know anything about tax code. We're idiots. I pay somebody a percentage of my income to do all these taxes and handle all this shit.
Starting point is 00:13:55 They could be robbing me blind right now. They could be listening to this podcast and robbing me blind. It's really true. You guys know. I don't look at any of these reports. They send me reports every month. I don't know a person who cares less about numbers than Andrew.
Starting point is 00:14:06 If you show him numbers, he's just like, get it out of here. What, Taylor? What? No, I care less about numbers probably than you do. Really? I'll keep that in mind when it comes to paying you. Thank you very much for letting me know. But in all seriousness, we gotta... This is great information. Please, continue to divulge. But in all seriousness,
Starting point is 00:14:24 you have to on on some level, relate to not wanting to give the government money for taxes. I understand taxes go to good things. I understand they go to firemen, they go to policemen, they go to our railroads, they go to schools, et cetera. I'm not saying we should take money out of there, okay?
Starting point is 00:14:39 That being said, when you make money, right? I'll be honest, I pay half my money in taxes. That's just how the fuck it works, right? So now I'm able to write things off and do these Trump type things legally so you don't pay. But the reality is, think about that. Half of money in taxes? That means I work from January to June for free? Imagine someone hired you to work from January to June, Taylor, for free. Y'all don't want to go back to working for free. Hey, we're not in the business of working for free no more. You thought three-fifths was bad.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Half? Half? Half? Half is too much. So the point is, you can resonate with not wanting to pay taxes. Can you not? Yeah. Al, can you not? That's so what's so funny this is wild keep going i love it though i'm just saying what would be a fair amount of taxes 10 i give a little 10 go make your votes in your
Starting point is 00:15:38 if it's good enough for jesus it's good enough for the government thank you al come on now you know what else is good enough for the government. Oh, that's a fucking toy. Thank you, Al. Thank you, Al. Word. Come on, Al. You know what else is good enough for Jesus? A life, Al. See, I'm on your side, motherfucker. I know. I fucking jumped up to the second chance.
Starting point is 00:15:54 You know what, son? Nah, you ain't paid enough. No, but in all seriousness, but in all seriousness, that's right. The church only takes 10%. What's the largest landowner in the entire world, Mark? Catholic Church. Catholic Church. What's the largest landowner in the entire world, Mark? Catholic Church. Catholic Church.
Starting point is 00:16:06 What's the largest landowner in America? Walmart. No, I thought it was the Church of Scientology or some shit. I don't know. I think it's some church. Oh, I don't know. Those are some badass motherfuckers. The Church of Scientology.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Sign. For a minute, Robbie was breaking this shit down to me. He was telling me that the Church of Scientology, they want to get tax-exempt status because churches don't have to pay tax. Right, mm-hmm. Because even God knew that shit was fucked up. That's how you know the government knows it's fucked up to tax us. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Is that they're like, all right, we can't tax God. We can tax these plebeians, but we can't tax the one upstairs. So they wanted tax- tax exempt status, right? And the government was like, no, you're like a fraudulent religion. That's not real. Like we can't give you tax exemption. That's bullshit, right? And then apparently, this is what Robbie told me, is that a few of them broke into the IRS, stole some crazy records of the fuck shit that the IRS does.
Starting point is 00:17:02 And they said, hey, we'll either expose this to the world or you just give us tax exempt status. And the IRS was like, I won't watch it. What? What I'm saying is, we have a mission impossible to do. How do you break in? I don't know. We gotta talk to Tom Cruise about that.
Starting point is 00:17:20 That's literally all he does. He wouldn't be the guy, right? Hanging from wires, grabbing files. Yo. Catching drops of sweat sweat that's a fire beat how has no one flipped that I'm sure they have they have yeah
Starting point is 00:17:33 alright my bad anyway point is we gotta talk to an expert about this and I got my buddy who we're gonna get online with right now you know him from The Rising
Starting point is 00:17:41 you know him from his podcast I gotta get his podcast name right I don't wanna fuck up the podcast name but you know him from The Rising and You know him from his podcast. I got to get his podcast name right. I don't want to fuck up the podcast name. But you know him from The Rising and you know him from the Realignment podcast. This is Sagar and Jetty. I'm telling you, you can watch all this stuff on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:17:54 He went the YouTube model with his host, Crystal, and they're literally the only news source I trust. And he's an absolutely fucking great dude and he's bringing truth to power and hopefully he answers the zoom call right now are we on i see his cute ass okay there it is looking like a young republican what's up i know he looks like clark kent um so we have saga and jetty here man yo
Starting point is 00:18:17 saga first of all i love what you guys do go check out saga show the rising you can check it out daily um and uh you guys do it up what what is it exactly you do a full length show and chop it up into clips yeah basically we do like a two-hour show and it gets chopped into clips okay great i absolutely love it it's my source of news uh and just to break down what it is you are you skew conservative and crystal skews liberal but you don't hate each other you call out your own politics. You call out the other side and you have a very fruitful conversation about, you know, what is happening in the world today, right? Without like name calling, et cetera. Is that fair to say?
Starting point is 00:18:55 Yeah, that's what we try to do. And I think, I mean, if there's a core innovation, like to what we do, and so we're willing to call out our own side. I mean, we're about to talk about the Trump tax story. You're not going to go on Fox and you're going to hear anybody who's on the right tell you the truth about what's in the story. Okay, so break it down for us. What is happening? What's going on with the Trump story? Like, what was your initial reactions? We were texting a little bit earlier.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Is he not paying? Okay, is he doing anything illegal? That's number one. As far as we know, no. Okay. he doing anything illegal that's number one as far as we know no okay is he doing anything that we should look down upon oh yeah 100 but this is my this is my thing right which is yeah we should look down upon it but if you want to look down upon trump and what he's done here which i 100 do then you want to look down on every billionaire in america i don't think most people want to have that conversation hold on hold on are we looking down upon him for avoiding taxes yeah yes he's okay he's he well actually in a way he's only
Starting point is 00:19:56 doing what you know people like him wrote the laws to do exactly but that's also heroic like if i don't know if you're familiar with our podcast here, but the people on this podcast, we all support people who find ways to pay less taxes. 100%. 100%. Akash, can you speak on that? Yeah, Sagar, you get it. You're Indian.
Starting point is 00:20:14 We will never pay anything we're supposed to pay ever. Everything is a haggle, and my dick gets kind of hard thinking about cheating taxes. Quite frankly. Quite frankly. So Akash supports it it i support the idea of it's not necessarily cheating the taxes because he's not doing anything illegal he's taking advantage of these loopholes that people like him created in the tax code right so is it a little
Starting point is 00:20:38 bit hypocritical that there are these politicians calling him out which at the same time have been lobbied to create these very loopholes within the tax code. That's exactly it, man, which is that look, I don't want to hear it from Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Yes, literally said, so Schumer, Pelosi and Joe Biden all said that one of the first things they're going to do is bring back the salt tax deduction, which you New Yorkers are probably pissed off about the state and local tax deduction um which only benefits people who are millionaires in new york city and in san francisco what is what is the salt what is the salt tax deduction what is that it's called state and local taxes so it used to be that you guys because you have crazy taxes up there in new york city yeah could deduct the amount that you guys pay in your state and local taxes from your federal
Starting point is 00:21:22 tax income burden that was repealed by trump in the top in the trump tax bill one of the few good things actually in that tax bill all right this does not sound good to me at all i think that i think we're on the opposite size of taxation within this conversation right now for you it's bad for society it's good my man yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i mean we didn't come to america to care about society saga right everybody left their families to come here for selfish reasons so they could take care of their Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We didn't come to America to care about society, Sagar, right? Everybody left their families to come here for selfish reasons so they could take care of their self, hoard the wealth, baby. Yeah, also Salt Tax, Sagar is how India got its independence. That's where we said this the last fucking straw.
Starting point is 00:21:56 You not going to take our spices and salts from us. Is that true? That's what we marching for. Gandhi marched like 50 miles over this shit. How dare you, Sagar? Sandals, bro. How dare you? Sandals bro. How dare you support this? Come on.
Starting point is 00:22:07 My great, my great grandmother was in that salt to March. Just to be clear. You need to come join us. Fuck us all. 100% support. Wait a minute. Was she really in that salt?
Starting point is 00:22:15 Yeah, she was in it. You know, for a fact that she was there. Are you fake news? It's like a proud, it's a proud history legacy, man.
Starting point is 00:22:21 Yeah, but I'm sure everybody was like, yo, I was there. Like I'm sure lots of my grandfather lied to me. I don know say again she died before i got to talk look my grandfather said that he was at the game where babe ruth pointed and hit the home run and my and my dad was like no you weren't you fucking loser but that's what people back in the day did before cameras you just said you were there like imagine living in selma and being black and
Starting point is 00:22:45 like not being at that march of course you're gonna tell people no i was in the back like you're gonna say that right yeah you have to say it you have to maybe you're right i don't know we should look into your great grandma dude yeah be happy i'll send you an thing whatever i don't know i bet she was taking long ass walks after heavy meals so probably she just cooked up some heavy ass like rookies and man, butter in the chicken. And they were like, we just got to take a walk, yo. Tell me to stop feeling full. Akash, what chicken bullshit are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:23:13 This is 100% pure vegetarian. Butter chicken, yo. Oh, he said this is 100% pure vegetarian. He's calling you out on your meats, bro. Yo, my cast is allowed to eat meat, so I'm looking down on you with your bum ass. Oh, he just outcasted you, Sondra. Are you getting- Outcast or whatever, yo. Hey, we're- Listen, this is a Bram and family, so I don't eat meat, so I'm looking down on you with your bum ass. Oh, he just outcasted you, Sondra. Are you getting sucked in?
Starting point is 00:23:25 Listen, this is a Brahmin family, so I don't really care. Oh, Brahmin class. Wait a minute. Grizzly class. Hey, let me tell you something. Let me tell you something. Let me tell you something. A real Brahmin would know how to say Brahmin.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Right? Right? Should I bring my little string out? All right, I should be wearing it. You don't even know the name, Republican ass. I'm sold out. I'm sold out. I've got the hair and everything.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Boy, they got you, Sagar. They got you. No, he's trying to tax us all. Yeah, yo, I'm not into it. Yeah, I am. No, listen. What do you mean? I thought you were supposed to be conservative.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Republicans are supposed to be anti-tax. No big gov. Yeah, dude, this is what my whole show is about. Fuck that. Like, I don't agree with that so what's conservative about you i should have never brought you on this shit man 52 percent of republican voters actually support a wealth tax the whole reason trump won is because he ran against all these other goobers who are spouting this anti-tax bullshit they're
Starting point is 00:24:22 like oh we need lower taxes oh that's all we need. Deficits. All this other stuff. Vast majority of Americans want to see rich people pay more taxes, and they want better public services. That's it. He's kind of making sense. He's kind of making sense. No, but that's just because the vast majority of Americans ain't rich.
Starting point is 00:24:37 Oh, that's a good point, too. They just want other people to pay taxes. No, that's a good point, too. Let me ask you this, Sagar. Actual question, not trying to pick a bone or whatever, a joke around. What makes you conservative if you're in favor of higher taxes? What am I missing? Personally, what makes you?
Starting point is 00:24:50 That's a presumed. Look, what's personally conservative about me? I think, like, family is good. I think we should have more family. I think people should have more kids. I think people should have more flexibility. I mean, I think religious people should be able to be religious. Like, and I know that sounds, most people on the left are like, I don't disagree with any of that.
Starting point is 00:25:05 But yeah, you know, on an elite level in terms of policy, like some of the things that people do, do disagree with those things. So that's what makes me conservative. So you want to take my money so you can have a big family is what you're trying to say. Yeah, basically. Yes. I see. I see. I see where we're at.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Okay. That's some brumming ass shit. That is some brumming ass shit, isn't it? Hell, come on saga come back that's my politics man come on okay so what i did read about when i was reading this thing up about trump right was that uh the big story here might not really be the lack of taxes paid it might be the debt that he has so apparently he has like up to like 400 million dollars in various debts right and people are going well if there's a
Starting point is 00:25:45 president of a country that's in debt to certain financial institutions how can we be so sure that he isn't going to do things that benefit those financial institutions to possibly alleviate that debt or you know maybe they uh don't bump interest rates or just to have good favor so how so is there any validity to that i think it's a fair point i like this is what i want to i want to be clear here look like the president united states owing 400 million dollars to anybody is like it's bad if the president like not paying his taxes and you know acting like every other billionaire i think that's bad is that a real i'm sorry to interrupt is that a real 400 million or is that a i don't want to pay taxes 400 million so it is a real 400
Starting point is 00:26:23 million from what i can tell so like i said is clear, which is a lot of people are using Andrew's point. And they're like, oh my God, he could be owned by Russia. He could be owned by, you know, this, no man, look, look, it's public record. It's literally out there in the financial disclosure. I actually sent it to Andrew. If you guys can throw it up on the screen, I don't know if you have it. I'll send it to Andrew. Whatever. But like, it's actually, look at it. it look it's mostly deutsche bank um and some other real estate financial holding companies and you can go through and you can look those are majority u.s controlled people but again i don't want to excuse this stuff like i don't think it is a good
Starting point is 00:26:54 thing that the president owes all this money to people do i think he could be like blackmailed by a foreign entity because of it no you know that's bullshit and so i just think we need to be very like clear here about what exactly is happening right and do you think it's possible that they would call in those loans because that's what the uh you know catastrophists are doing right now they're going what if these what if these debtors calling their loans how is he gonna pay it off well doesn't he not to defend trump but like doesn't he have assets i imagine a couple of those buildings that his name's on he probably owns right yes dude i mean he owns a boeing 757 like he owns real estate all over the world that's a dope way to pay off your debt if they called in the loans i think he'll be fine like he probably could pay 400 million it might leave him strapped with cash but like yes he owns more than 400
Starting point is 00:27:40 million dollars in assets so the real story here, which everybody's missing, is rich people get to skip out on taxes. Yeah. And we're hyper-focused on Trump because obviously he's a lightning rod, but maybe we should be focused on the tax code and trying to find ways to make it more, I guess, fair for the average person. Yeah, I mean, check this.
Starting point is 00:27:59 So the Federal Reserve actually came out with a chart today. You see how we're bringing the hood out of Sager? He said, check this. He said, yo, check this. Let's go. You can't talk like down the rising. Loosen up that tie, baby. Let's go, bro.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Loosen up that tie. We ain't doing it. I see you hit one of these, bro. Let's do it. Okay, go. Let me check it. Check it. What are we checking?
Starting point is 00:28:16 We're going to start going like this. All right. No, no, no, no. I'm into it. I'm into it. Federal Reserve came out today. Bottom 50% of Americans own almost no wealth. And the rest of the data shows 79% of wealth in the United States is owned by either millionaires
Starting point is 00:28:31 or billionaires. So that's 80%. 80% of wealth by millionaires and billionaires. That's only 11% of the country. 11%. Okay. So let's think about that. I mean, does it make sense for 80% of wealth to be concentrated in the top 11 percent of the country?
Starting point is 00:28:46 And who are the people that the politicians listen to? I mean, this is what we talk about on our show, which is that, like we said, these are the people who write the laws. There are intent. There are whole buildings here in D.C. who are built to lobby specifically for what Trump gets away with by not paying taxes, which is real estate deductions. away with by not paying taxes, which is real estate deductions. These are some of the most powerful people in Washington because, and I was trying to, I was kind of explaining this to you because it's kind of, it's, it can seem complicated, but it's actually simple, which is real estate developer buys a piece of property for a hundred million. Then he doesn't want to pay taxes. So he gets somebody to assess the building for 90 million and then can write off $10 million in deductions for years and years and years in the future, even though he never lost any real income.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Or let's say if the building gets more expensive because he upgraded it, you can write off your investment costs. Either way, you don't pay any money. So this is the key thing to understand here. So just to clarify what you're talking about, you're talking about depreciation. And I think a lot of people were tweeting about it. And this applies to anything. This applies to the equipment in this studio right here. Yeah. of the cost of the equipment per year for five years. You can actually write it off in the first year if you want. But they're basically saying,
Starting point is 00:30:06 yo, the equipment's getting worse and it's gonna get older and it actually doesn't hold the same value that you bought it. The appraisal thing was interesting to me also because I never heard that before. Oh, so with the building, for example, if you have a building and you bought it for 100 million and then next year they're like,
Starting point is 00:30:20 yeah, but look, the bathrooms are all old and all this stuff is worn down, it's worth 90 million. That 10 million, you get to write off that loss, if you will, in the value of the asset. So what's really interesting is you write off the loss, but then you put $10 million in to make up for that loss of your own money. And you get to write off the investment that you're putting in. So now you're writing off $20 million. Exactly. So basically what they do is they-
Starting point is 00:30:43 And you're probably raising the rent because you improved the building and you're going to tell your tenants, hey, look what we did to the building, more rent. So you're just in. So now you're writing off 20 million. Exactly. So basically what they do is they- And you're probably raising the rent because you improved the building and you're going to tell your tenants, hey, look what we did to the building, more rent. So you're just making money both ways. The name of the game, I guess, is how do I prove that everything I have is losing as much money as I'm making?
Starting point is 00:30:57 And then you come out to zero. And as long as you're at zero, you maintain all the wealth that's within the asset. You're describing the business model of Amazon. This is Amazon, right? They don't pay any taxes. You know why? Break it down. Because look, this is how corporations do it, not just people. That's why we've got to have a whole conversation. Amazon has this thing called Amazon Web Services. Most people don't even know this. They think Amazon is a retail company. No, it's a server company, vast majority of its income. So what it does is it takes this money printing machine, Amazon Web Services, and then invests it and covers losses. That's how they're able to sell you. You know,
Starting point is 00:31:31 you go on Amazon, you see like Amazon Basics products, and it's always cheaper than whatever the competitor is. That's not because they know how to make it cheaper or they send it cheaper. They can just take the loss because it's being subsidized by another part of the company. And that way, they never technically have profit because they're always investing their money into other areas. But what does that mean? That means that they can kill all of their competitors. So they never pay any taxes, but somehow Jeff Bezos is worth what?
Starting point is 00:31:58 Fucking 200 million, $200 billion. How does that happen? Like that? This is what we have to understand. So it's all a scam. I went on a a i did a tour once of europe right and uh i didn't look at the contracts as well as i should have because i never like reading any of this shit i just looked at the number at the bottom and i was like oh this is what i'm gonna make i'll be good right and this is actually the tour where alex got arrested alex is our video producer over here and so it ended up being very
Starting point is 00:32:22 costly outside of that well done alex and uh don't go to uh sweden saga okay they're rough on the browns okay i don't know if we would take we would last there i don't think so no no no so uh uh what class are you again cast are you rajput rajput yeah yeah would you sell them down the river dude would you be like take the raw meat eater they? One of those meat eaters. Absolutely would. Yeah, I'll trust them. So I'm there. And at the end of the tour, I'm looking at the money that I made.
Starting point is 00:32:53 And I had some shows in London that really sold out. And then we did some shows in Sweden that didn't sell that many tickets. And the shows in London, we just kept adding shows. And it was crazy. And I looked at what we made in Sweden and I was like, all right, we didn't make that much money, but like that's on the promoter of the gig. I guess he lost money on that gig. You know, it is what it is. And then I looked at the overall contract and I realized that the gigs were cross collateralized, which
Starting point is 00:33:18 means, which is what Amazon does essentially to protect themselves. Right. So they were like, if we don't meet a certain amount of money in sweden we're going to take it from the london shows right and that's what these companies are doing to allow themselves to grow is they don't even have to profit as long as they got one thing that's making money they just write off those losses like what a lot of i think sports team owners do too yeah it's like the sports team same way nfl they might lose money or the team might lose money but they have a real estate business or they have some other business, a restaurant business, and they'll write off the losses in their sports team versus the gains that they make in whatever. And that's why I don't believe when NBA owners are like, we lose 200 million a year supporting
Starting point is 00:33:56 the team. It's like, I know you show that you lost 200 million to pay less taxes. I don't think you actually lost 200 million. But you never believe it. My question to you saga is what would be your tax solution because it feels like any wealth tax you create they're gonna find a way out of it and then everybody else is gonna pick up the bill great question too man which is i'm not necessarily in favor of wealth tax like whenever people say wealth tax like i think what
Starting point is 00:34:17 they're saying is billionaires should pay more taxes from i've done a lot of research into this basically as far as you can see, a wealth tax would probably is, I wouldn't say it's unfair, but it would just discourage. I mean, look, like maybe this is my conservative part of me, but like, we still have a lot of fucking billionaires for a reason, right? Like people do create awesome companies here in the United States. Like you don't necessarily want to discourage that. What you want and what I want is balance. Like, I think it's crazy for the top 50% to own nothing, especially people who are younger, you know, like probably listening to this podcast or like 30 years old have literally no chance at accumulating any wealth whatsoever. So I actually think it comes mostly from the financial industry. Everything you need, every dollar you need is sitting right on Wall Street in hedge fund transactions. And so many of the different things that these guys get away with. 1,000x profit, all of that. It's not a mystery.
Starting point is 00:35:06 It's sitting right there. These guys are able to make record-setting profits every single year by depreciating their stuff and moving around their assets and the amount of money that is interchanging. You can tax financial transactions. You could raise a billion. Here's another one. We're talking about taxes.
Starting point is 00:35:24 This is a This study came out actually in the National Bureau of Economic Research, just in case anybody wants to start checking me, and says that you could raise $1 trillion, a trillion in revenue with a one-seventh size investment on IRS, just tax enforcement. So that's not even a new tax. That's just enforcing tax laws that we have on the books right now. So there you go, like a trillion dollars. That's not even a new tax. That's just enforcing tax laws that we have on the books right now. So there you go. Like a trillion dollars. That's a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:35:48 That's more than the entire military budget. So this is the easiest of things I'm trying to think about. Sagar, those all sound great. But how much will we make if we just bought Greenland? I mean, Greenland is priceless, man. You can't even put a number on it, right? I think that's the solution, to be honest with you. Look, I love Greenland, so we should buy it.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Dude, I appreciate your time, man. Thank you so much for clearing this up. You sound like an undercover Bernie, bro. I just want to say, I know that you- Oh, please, no. They always tell me that. It's not true. It's not true.
Starting point is 00:36:19 They look at my positions on immigration and everything, then they get mad. Oh, really? Oh my God. Tell me, tell me tell me tell me tell me what is the uh god dude you're gonna make me we don't have to go down we can that's fine i want to know i want to know do you do you wish that you're a great grandma it's an old school bernie position so they really shouldn't be mad at me okay okay you know you go back and you look at what bernie sanders saying 2015 and what you're saying in 2020. It was like open borders is a Koch brothers proposal or something.
Starting point is 00:36:49 And then all of a sudden, you know, Democratic Party and elite media shifts one way. And now Bernie's all for open borders. So some people get mad that I said that he's effectively for open borders, even though the guy used to understand that that depresses a lot of Americans wages. OK, now, last question. This is very depresses a lot of americans wages okay now uh last question this is very important to a lot of our listeners so answer carefully okay kashmir you know what it is yo you only have to think twice about this saga you know what the fuck it is yo you're right i already know what it is you know what the fuck it is you didn't even hear a question what is it what is it now saga pakistan or india bro look i my position can be summed up in two words pakistan
Starting point is 00:37:30 our resident political expert this is the most flagrant motherfucking news. I say that as both as an American citizen and as a person of Indian descent. Hey, man. I don't even care about that second one, yo. That's what's up. Stay true.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Oh, God. Yo, Sagar, we love you, man. Tell them where they can find you one more time. That's right. It's Realignment Podcast or on Rising over at The Hill on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:38:02 E. Sagar on Twitter and Instagram. Thank you guys for having me and congrats on the Patreon thanks and for real i'm telling you saga you do these great what do you call them monologues okay so he does these but you you call them your it's called a my radar my radar his radar so and you do it daily and uh and it's great it's a deep dive onto a single subject and he was really nuanced and really researched and um i get a lot of information from them i think you guys should check it out literally it's one of those things where even today i went for it before i texted you on youtube to see if you did it on the trump tax thing today are you there no i'm glad dude i'm glad i'm glad that you guys can
Starting point is 00:38:42 talk about it no no it's important yeah yeah no but i'm what i'm saying is i'll often look to you as a resource for information so i'll be like oh let me see if you cut out there so it's all good i'll be like let me see if saga did a radar on this thing and i'll get some information so make sure you go check it out we'll throw a link in the in the description but thank you so much man i appreciate you better jay hen though thanks guys see you later peace all right guys we're gonna take a break for a second because you're not sleeping well let's's be honest. You're not sleeping well. You're not sleeping as good as you should be. Nobody is in quarantine. Honestly, I haven't.
Starting point is 00:39:09 I haven't. I've been getting fucked up sleep. And there are things that can help you sleep that are out there. And it is a no brainer if you do not take advantage of those things. OK, we partnered up with this company called Calm. You've probably heard of it. A lot of you have heard it. You might have seen ads on YouTube, Instagram, that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:39:28 But I'm telling you, this company is legit. They have a whole library of programs designed for healthy sleep. They got soundscapes, guided meditations, over 100 sleep stories narrated by soothing voices like Stephen Fry, Kelly Rowland, Lauren Dern. I'm telling you, 85 million people around the world use Calm to take care of their minds and get better sleep. It puts you in the mood to pass the fuck out. You know what else helps you sleep? Getting a great ass deal. And if you go to slash flagrant, you get a limited time offer of 40% off a Calm premium subscription.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Guys, this is a no fucking brain. No fucking brain. Honestly, if you're having trouble sleeping, no bullshit. Give it a try. Give it a try. It will center your mind. I know a lot of us always say is i want to go to sleep but my mind is going crazy i'm thinking of a million fucking things just listen to steven fry you'll pass right the fuck out imagine you book that commercial or you book that reading you are so boring that you make
Starting point is 00:40:16 people go to sleep we have a job for you yeah anyway go check it out um flagrant that's right remember it's calm like slash flagrant go check it out also guys the big dacy energy tour is back we doing it uh i have already told you guys about october 21st through the 24th at acme comedy company in minneapolis minnesota come through limited seating social distancing rules will apply so hurry up and buy the tickets before they sell out also we just added a show October 9th at the Connecticut Comedy Festival. Our boy Emilio, owner of New York Comedy Club,
Starting point is 00:40:49 is putting on a comedy festival. And I'm headlining October 9th in Trumbull, Connecticut. Get tickets at We got, let's get back to the show. All right, while we talk about Trump, let's talk about this debate, okay? Today, when this episode comes out, there's going to be a debate. I believe it's at nine o'clock wherever you watch debates i don't know where you watch
Starting point is 00:41:11 debates can you watch them anywhere is it like one of those things where they're like it's on every channel type of thing is it or is it on a specific channel because this is like major ad revenue i would try to get the exclusive rights for this debate i don't know if you can to be honest with you what is is it, Mark? I'm looking it up here. My, go. Yeah, it looks like it's being played in most places. That's probably the right thing for the nation.
Starting point is 00:41:33 But if I was a for-profit TV network, I would want exclusive rights to this debate specifically. Yeah. Would you not? Oh, absolutely. Because this will be the first debate that I watch in history. Really? I think I only watched highlights of the past debates.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Oh, wow. I don't think I actually sat there and watched the debate. I watched the highlights and I'm like, oh, that's crazy. You call him Lil Marco or you call him Low Energy Jeb. I'm like hearing things. Maybe I like switched around the channels and I got to the debate, stood there for a little bit, and then like I moved on. I'm excited to watch this debate. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:09 That's interesting. Oh, debates are the only fun part about politics to me. I like the presidential debates. Did you watch them? Yeah. Really?
Starting point is 00:42:15 Yeah, I did. When was the last time that you watched a debate? Obama. Like, both of the times. I watched the Trump debates with Hillary.
Starting point is 00:42:21 Let me take that back. And I watched the Trump debates with Hillary. Yeah. Yeah, let me take that back. I think I've watched a lot of debates. Yeah, let me... I don't know what I was saying right there, man. I definitely watched that debate the last
Starting point is 00:42:34 time when he was debating Hillary when he... You know when he brought out the Clinton's accusers in the front row? Yeah. That was lit. Yeah, now that I remember. This is kind of like Seinfeld. I swear I never watched the show, but I can remember every episode that you i just block it out oh yeah so i guess the debates have been entertaining no this one's different though but this was different now here's the thing this has potential to be an amazing debate but i wonder if it gets crushed by high expectations low
Starting point is 00:43:03 expectations key to life right you think you're you're going to watch a political debate. You're like, this is going to be the most boring fucking thing in the world, but let me at least try to be informed about which one of these liars that I'm going to vote for. Right? And then you go and you're like, oh, it's a roast. And he's just roasting these other famous people that have had their asses kissed their entire lives.
Starting point is 00:43:18 And they literally are melting next to him because they don't know how to handle criticism. This is fun. Yeah. We're all going into this like, oh, you're goingiden and then biden's gonna malfunction yeah we don't know what the fuck biden's gonna say he could drop an n-bomb you have no clue what's gonna come out of biden's mouth right i want to see what's gonna happen what if it's the most boring poised debate by both parties you don't think so when has trump so? When has Trump been in his pocket?
Starting point is 00:43:45 Here's the thing. There's no audience. There's no one for him to play to. Oh, interesting. Right? To entertain. He's performing into a void.
Starting point is 00:43:54 Right? So while he might be like, I'm getting these jokes off. If everybody's straight-facing him and not reacting at all, does he have any reason to keep on performing? He's like a comic on Zoom.
Starting point is 00:44:03 He's just losing all his confidence. Tell us about your shows, dog's just losing all your shows dog you'd be losing confidence in that void son you gotta just read your jokes like a monologue that delayed laughter right you set your put and you look at them quietly this ain't what i'm here for this ain't why i chose this profession so i wonder if that's what's gonna happen it's possible that's the only thing that that saves biden is there's no audience if there's no biden sorry if there's no audience biden could potentially end up just having a regular conversational debate with trump he's got no one to play into and he's not trying to land these
Starting point is 00:44:34 fucking jokes yeah that's potential that being said the other side of that coin is this when trump is in interviews with people there isn't, right? And he's still saying wild shit. Yeah, you're right. So he's kind of just a wild boy. He's wild, bro. You saw the shit he tweeted? What did he tweet? Where he says, yo, we got to get Sleepy Joe drug tested before the debate.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Why? Oh, I like that. Because he's like, oh, he's not. The full tweet is like, it's going to be uneven. He's going to be on drugs for him to be able to stay awake or some shit like that. And then he tweeted like seven hours ago he goes uh it looks like joe biden has refused the drug test gee wonder why i mean if i'm biden i'm going yo you should test trump too because apparently trump's been on like some
Starting point is 00:45:16 form of like amphetamines for years now yeah like some like super adderall yeah people think he's coked up they think he's yeah coked up or on math or some shit like that. But if he's on super Adderall, why the fuck are we not on Adderall, bro? Yo, I've heard Adderall is like the limitless drug. Son, it's amazing. It's the best drug I've ever tried in my entire life. And I'm not saying that people should go do it. I'm sure it's really bad for you, but it's unbelievable. It sounds like they should go do it.
Starting point is 00:45:38 You should. No, you shouldn't do it. You shouldn't do it, but you should if you have anything important to do. If you have anything of importance, you should do it. No, no. This is the only time I'll tell you to do a drug if you have anything important to do. If you have anything of importance, you should do it. No, no. This is the only time I'll tell you to do a drug if you have something important to do outside of sex. Because I'll definitely tell you to take Blue Chew for sex. But if you have something important to do, a test, a job where you really need to concentrate,
Starting point is 00:45:58 you need to get a lot of work done in a short amount of time, obviously Adderall. Phenomenal. I legit know kids who got into med school because of Adderall. It's okay. It's okay. Alex is concerned about something. Listen, you got to get your doctor Adderall, phenomenal. I legit know kids who got into med school because of Adderall. It's okay. It's okay. Alex is concerned about something. Listen, you got to get your doctor to prescribe it, obviously.
Starting point is 00:46:09 You know what I mean? But if I was your doctor, I would prescribe the fuck out of that. Because that drug is absolutely amazing. I've only done it at Burning Man. Keep that in mind. I've only done it at Burning Man, okay? But Al and I went through two weeks.
Starting point is 00:46:21 You were out there. You were taking Adderall too that's the least of what you took you were taking getting fucking foot massages from dudes and shit like that
Starting point is 00:46:30 you were a wild boy out there bro you were getting foot massages before you even had any drugs in you Burning Man was about love peace and love apparently dogs
Starting point is 00:46:38 all I'm saying is that Adderall shit maybe Biden's on it but you know what Trump is too and Biden should call him out why don't we both take drug tests I can't wait to see this shit tomorrow son you're excited well it's tonight for everybody listening but we're recording monday but go i'm excited because the
Starting point is 00:46:53 tax thing just dropped and trump hasn't had enough time to prepare for that usually with the crowd he can just like say his just talking points and then they go wild or whatever the case is. But now, like you said, no audience. He's going to just keep bringing up the taxes. And then when he tries to get off the taxes, hey, here's some Corona with the right. And then I'm coming back with taxes. It's going to be taxes, Corona. Grab him by the pussy dropped three days before a debate.
Starting point is 00:47:19 Trump handled that shit. I thought that was a better performance. If you watch both debates. Yeah. First debate, I thought he lost. Second debate, after grabbed him by the pussy, I thought he won. He don't care, bro.
Starting point is 00:47:29 He's with it. Let's go. I still think he needs the audience, though. I think an audience absolutely helps him. 100%. That being said, I don't think that the tax thing matters that much for him.
Starting point is 00:47:41 But I will say this, that this is where the conspiracy that like the media is controlled by the left and they're working in cahoots to take down trump this is where this shit comes from two days before the debate this piece comes out that's saying trump doesn't pay his taxes that we already know because four years ago a piece came out saying he doesn't pay his taxes so to me and i think maybe the average person is looking at this and they're going, hey, is the media working with the Democrats to try to find a way to poke a hole in Trump so that he loses some steam going into the debate and so that he's on the defensive the
Starting point is 00:48:16 entire time and he can't attack Biden? I think that's where people end up going with this information. Maybe the New York Times has been working on this report for three months and then maybe they're working on it before the debate and maybe the new york times is going when where can we get the most juice out of this story oh right near the debate oh yeah we can't forget newspapers are fighting for relevancy too twitter journalism they're a dying breed yeah craigslist wasn't a fucking they're endangered and now with twitter they're pretty much extinct but you see what i'm saying let's get some juice
Starting point is 00:48:45 out of this to your point. And they have a personal vendetta against them. And they got the vendetta because they don't like them. He's always calling them fake. Exactly. So where it looks like,
Starting point is 00:48:52 it looks like from the outside how they could be like partnering up, the only thing that they could have in common is ratings, profit, dollar bills at the end of the day. Oh, we're going to drop this right before the debate.
Starting point is 00:49:02 Why is that? Well, because they're going to be the most focused on Trump right before the debate. So we'll tap right into the main vein which is trump and biden i wouldn't be surprised if fox news dropped some body shit oh that's right they did then last week they dropped the shit about hunter biden oh yeah getting uh three million dollars yeah it was like the prostitute thing he was like the sex trafficking thing that he was involved with i didn't't know sex trafficking. I know that like a Russian billionaire gave him $3 million, $3.5 million for some reason.
Starting point is 00:49:30 People are alleging that that money was funneled through like a sex trafficking thing or like a prostitution thing that he was using for prostitution. Alleged. So perfectly. So it's like these are both parties working the system. Yeah. Right? And you only see the nefarious shit of the opposition.
Starting point is 00:49:43 You know what's interesting? You know what I mean? Like you're not going to tap into, you're not going to tap into, you're not going to tap into the shit that your team is doing was fucked up because you're like, no, you should expose that. That's truth. That information needs to be out there.
Starting point is 00:49:53 But when the other people do some shit, you're like, oh, you're just ganging up on us before the debate. You know what's interesting to that point? There's this documentary about like Lewinsky and Bill Clinton and that whole scandal. When everything broke, do you know what Hillary,
Starting point is 00:50:04 the first thing she did on her news report was? You know what she called it? A right-wing conspiracy. They said his entire strategy when the Monica news broke is let's just distract
Starting point is 00:50:15 people with something else. That's exactly what we accused Trump of doing. What does Trump always say? Oh, that's a left-wing conspiracy. These are rules that Trump is the first one to play with.
Starting point is 00:50:23 But when it was the Democrats, when it was liberals being like, that's our guy nobody cared hey man that's just his thing and now we're looking at republicans like how can you ignore all these things how can you just call everything a conspiracy this is out of clinton's playbook yo just like the tax loopholes he's using are out of their playbook bruh Like, we got to stop acting like all the elites, regardless of Democrat or Republican, don't benefit from the same system. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:50:49 The Bushes, the Clintons. It's the same shit. Yeah, they're both benefiting. They're both benefiting. They're all benefiting. The Obamas are now benefiting. The Obamas are now entering that upper echelon of wealth. You know?
Starting point is 00:50:59 Are you kidding me? They're cashing in. Cashing in. They got the huge Netflix deal. And God bless. Go get your money. No one's saying don't get your money money but when you're willing to get that money and you're willing to take advantage of those systems in place that are just for the people that are rich
Starting point is 00:51:11 don't criticize the other motherfuckers doing the same thing as you and i think that's the thing that the internet is really exposed to the average viewer like myself or you or you guys right is we're looking at them going hey the facade is do you guys not realize we could see what you do there's like public record i don't gotta go to the library no more look at microfiche i could google which bills you put into law and which tax breaks you sign up for and that's part of trump's appeal i don't have to look for it is here you're not lying to me you are who you are so it's kind of cool that like it's gonna to force politicians to be a little bit more honest. I think that's where you get the AOCs. Like criticize AOC whoever you want.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Like there are certain things that she's being maybe hypocritical about, sure. But there are other things that she's trying to hold her party accountable for as well. And it's kind of lit. And to be honest, it's the only way that you can function as a new wave politician. Yeah. I don't know if there's any of these traditionalists left. And i don't know if they're going to be able to compete in the next 20 years yeah everything changed i think i think trump changed everything aoc is a part of that the the basically right wing aoc the guy in the wheelchair he basically the same like it's the
Starting point is 00:52:18 new wave is like kind of extreme understands the internet understands how to manipulate it did you see the um you can see the fraudulence uh on the other way when um you saw what biden said when he was talking to those troops hmm this shit fucking hilarious yeah he goes uh he's talking to troops he goes uh he goes i've made two good decisions to my life in my life uh choosing my wife jill and choosing something johnson or whatever like that and i guess john Johnson was one of these high ranking military figures that I guess was looking over these, uh,
Starting point is 00:52:47 service men and women. I don't know who the fuck it was and they don't react to it. And he goes, uh, clap, you dumb sons of bitches or something like that. I love that. What'd he say again?
Starting point is 00:52:55 It was like, uh, I'd be stupid bastards or something like that. I'd be a stupid bastards or something like that. Right. And it is so funny to see all these right wing, like Twitter conservatives. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:06 Immediately, how could he speak? How could he speak to the troops like this? This is horrifying. Doing the exact same thing that the left wing Twitter trolls did to Trump when it came out that he allegedly said any people that died in war were losers. Why are we going to visit them at the graveyard? Right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:22 It's just like you're both playing the same system. I hope those are the next people to get exposed yeah grifters oh yeah do you know what i mean like the fake journalists are like taking advantage of each side yeah and defending somebody no matter what they do yeah you're a fraud too you're a fraud you're playing a character too that's why i love sager or saga so i always fuck up his name but that's what i love it's like he is a conservative by principle, but he's willing to call out conservatives when they are not upholding the principles that he believes a conservative should have. And that's what you should do.
Starting point is 00:53:52 And that's exactly. We do not have a fucking monarchy. Yeah. And that's where a lot of people end up treating these politicians as. Like there's some form of royalty. And like no matter what they do, it's okay. Yeah. You're allowed to say, yo, you're on some fuck shit to your own own party i believe in the principles of this party more than i believe in you as a
Starting point is 00:54:08 person yeah that's the whole point of a party yeah it is a party no individual is greater than the party so to that end you're not upholding these principles that's on you will i still vote for you i guess but you're not doing your job you're not doing what we're supposed to do yes yes i wonder if a centrist could ever win an election against a populist it'd be tough it's tough right it'd be tough i think cuban has a chance just off of star power that's the only reason i would say cuban would be a populist maybe I don't know what populist means. I can spell that shit. No, but meaning like,
Starting point is 00:54:51 if you had somebody come out there and try to represent everybody, and by trying to represent everybody, you're going to let everybody down a little. Okay. Right? Right. I don't know if that person- Like Obama.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Like Obama. Yeah. Yeah. But Obama was running up against romney right yeah romney second time mccain the first time and mccain the first time right both centrist like mccain for republican very centrist yeah right like i think a lot of republicans would even give him pushback on being conservative he's like too reasonable in a lot of areas same with romney he's like yeah he's gotten more liberal now, but even at the time he was. He was a very like reasonable Republican, if you will.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Right. And that's why Obama had the ability, I think, to defeat them. Right. Because Obama was going up against a kind of like another centrist. So these two centrists were battling for the majority of the people and the majority of the people accepted. All right, I'm going to be happy with certain things and let down with other things, no matter who I pick. So I like this guy a little bit more than that guy right
Starting point is 00:55:47 this guy out charmed that guy with trump he's just going yo i only care about the people who fuck with me and i'm just gonna give them shit and fuck everybody else i don't know if uh i'm gonna give everybody a little bit candidate can win we'll see in this election i don't know what biden's doing i mean he's he's i don't know what his platform that's the thing he could actually do well in the debate i think he's got a pretty easy job yep ahead of him go on that and we've talked about this a little bit but yeah yeah my my suspicion is that all biden has to do is prove himself to be competent yes he doesn't have to beat trump he doesn't have to outsmart him he doesn't have to have
Starting point is 00:56:23 quick witty insults he just needs to be able to prove to the american public and the people that are undecided like yo i got this shit low expectations key to life he has the lowest expectations people if he can put sentences together people will be like oh he can talk this isn't a bloodbath tomorrow i'm gonna be like i think he won because i expect him to be embarrassed on every level there is a uh yeah it's interesting because if that is what happens the conservative smear campaign on biden is what created his win yeah oh that's great by painting biden as this person who can barely put together a sentence yeah right by just constantly retweeting these versions of him fucking things up
Starting point is 00:57:06 and all the gaffes and popularizing what that is and saying he's a corpse. I mean, I've been saying he's a fucking corpse for months. Yeah. And it's probably because I'm consuming all this content. The only time I see him, he's fucking up or saying dumb shit. Yeah. Right?
Starting point is 00:57:16 Telling Charlemagne that he's not black. Like, it is random when you see someone do that. Right? And you're like, okay, this guy's not all there. If he goes out there and he's somewhat competent, he exceeds my expectations of him. I'm like okay he might got it and that's all because of how the republicans painted him this is interesting it could backfire it's really not even that hard to do what to beat trump like you could throw you would think that that's part
Starting point is 00:57:41 of his brilliance is you think that yeah and then he just comes so over the top. You're like, what the fuck just happened? It is like Blitzkrieg. I just feel like I remember how he was in the last debate. He just looked like a child to me, walking around trying to interrupt Hillary. It's so easy to just kind of roast him up. But some people were turned on by that shit. They liked it. Another thing about Trump that what he does, and i think this is why he wins in debates is and this is specifically when he does
Starting point is 00:58:10 this is you never get to see or rarely get to see a politician on a public platform get ridiculed okay sometimes you see it in debates and it becomes a fucking national news story remember tulsi gabbard said that thing about Kamala Harris, right? And it fucking blew up the internet. Yeah. They take little pot shots at each other, but they know that they're on the same team. So they can't go too fucking deep. And Tulsi really ain't on the team.
Starting point is 00:58:35 So she went deep and exploded. There are people for years that have hated the Clintons and hate the Clintons politics. So when you see somebody in public, in front of the whole world, slice open the Clintons, that is fucking satisfying. They love that. That's cathartic. They don't care if you grab pussy or you didn't.
Starting point is 00:58:55 It doesn't even matter at that point. It's like, yo, you did that shit for me. Finally, someone called this bitch out on, you know, bad geopolitical decisions or whatever the fuck it is. Even grabbing by the pussy just ended up being a way to call out Bill and how phony she is. And that felt good. It felt good to those people.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Yeah. The Clintons were always an enemy. The difference with the Biden situation, I don't think people see Biden so much as an enemy. Correct. He's like a grandpa. Losing his mind a little bit. And that's the thing that's a little bit concerning, right? It is because-
Starting point is 00:59:24 Think about it. If he's a grandpa and he's losing his mind a little bit i got a pops who's losing his mind a little bit now i don't want my dad running the country now before sure but now i'm like you might not have all your faculties there to do it but if you're mean to the guy who's losing his mind a little bit his memory's not all there, fumbling his words, and we all have a relative that's going through that, we might not go, oh, this is a fun roast. We might go,
Starting point is 00:59:50 yo, why you being a dick? This is elder abuse. This is elder abuse. Yo, you're an asshole, bro. I feel like they would do that to Bernie, not Biden. See, Bernie's sharp, though. I don't look at Bernie and go,
Starting point is 01:00:01 oh, this is an old man breaking down. He's been old his whole life. I don't think Bernie's been young. No, he was man breaking down He's been old his whole life I don't think Bernie's Been young No he was born 50 He was born 50 years old Huh He Benjamin Button
Starting point is 01:00:09 But he's just an old Old man Yeah he stopped Yeah I don't know There's no but So it's tricky with Bernie Where you feel less bad
Starting point is 01:00:18 For him because He's got so much energy Motherfucker's shooting Foul shots Yeah Right Bernie would have Gone back at Trump too
Starting point is 01:00:23 I don't think he gives a fuck If the Democrats didn't set him up to lose. Charisma? Curmudgeon? Curmudgeon. Curmudgeon, yeah. Curmudgeon.
Starting point is 01:00:31 Nah, Bernie's a curmudgeon. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He'd just tuck his head in his shoulders and go, go fuck yourself, right? Like he'd get real New York. This guy's lived in Maine
Starting point is 01:00:39 for the last four years and has not lost his Brooklyn accent at all. Yeah, I don't know how that's possible. Dude, I go to Long Island for like two days. I'm immediately like, fuck, give me some water. Like I'm immediately absorbing whatever it is.
Starting point is 01:00:50 It's unbelievable. It's almost arrogant that you don't pick up the accent of the place you're in. New Yorkers would do that though. What do you mean? That's a New Yorker asking you to do is never lose the accent. Yeah, you're right. Just like lean, double hearted. Yeah, 100%.
Starting point is 01:01:02 Yeah. 100%. That's the most New York shit about Bernie. He's liberal. He's Jewish. And he held on to his accent this is a new yorker through and through fucking really is i don't know we'll see what happens what do you think happens you think that trump smokes him i think trump smokes him but to your point the expectations have been set so low maybe we come in very pleased with it but i think objectively trump smokes him al i think trump gets tripped up with the tax thing and the coronavirus record, and he looks like he loses. So that's an interesting mark.
Starting point is 01:01:29 Yeah. I think Trump bullies him, but if he goes too hard, Trump looks like a dick. Yep. And then Biden just is coherent, and people go, oh yeah, Biden's pretty reasonable, and Trump's an asshole. I'm undecided. I'll go Biden. That is the best case. Some people could do that. I'm not sure what'll happen. That is the best case scenario, I think, for Biden. Hey, all I got to do is look coherent and professional and the more he says and the more he looks like a dick, it doesn't matter because I'm not winning over any of his super Trump supporters.
Starting point is 01:01:52 All I'm going for is the middle. You want the douchebag or you want me? What do you think, Taylor? You better talk into that microphone, Taylor. I swear to God. Trump is a good distractor, though. So I feel like even if Biden was to like shoot at him about coronavirus or whatever he's gonna come back like he's gonna not answer the question oh yeah 100% yeah so so Trump has to answer for corona and he has to
Starting point is 01:02:17 answer for um the taxes he's gonna have to have responses for both of those Biden's got to answer for his kid and the Ukraine stuff and he's got to answer for his kid and the Ukraine stuff. And he's got to answer for probably the crime bill. He also has to answer for not being Sleepy Joe. Oh, yeah. And he's got to answer for his coherence. Yeah. Sleepy Joe, though, of all the Trump nicknames, seems the least damning to me.
Starting point is 01:02:37 Lion Ted, Crooked Hillary, even Boring Jeb. So funny. Low energy Jeb. Low energy Jeb. Sleepy Joe is like, hey is like hey sleepy that big deal lying crooked that's crooked that's some shit that you're like you look at them a little different if you can be manipulated like that sleepy joe is like whatever he's 90 yeah but i'm saying like he doesn't even complete his sentences though yeah no he has to be coherent to be yeah i agree
Starting point is 01:03:00 but i think that's a really good point too the nickname he chose isn't really that punishing no but that's i bet you why our perception. The nickname he chose isn't really that punishing. No. But that's, I bet you, why our perception about Biden is different than all the other candidates. Why? Because the nickname is subconsciously playing into that. We look at Biden as just an old, meek man, and we kind of feel bad for him. And his nickname reflects that. Ah, when you're crooked Hillary, we don't feel bad for you.
Starting point is 01:03:21 Yeah, she looks evil. Yeah, she is crooked now that you think about it. Now that you point it out She crooked as fuck She's kind of crooked Lying Ted He do be lying Ted be lying yo Did Trump just create
Starting point is 01:03:31 His own biggest fuck up Marketing wise Maybe Imagine that He creates the lowest Expectations with Biden With the Biden's always babbling
Starting point is 01:03:40 And the gaffs Etc And he gives him a nickname That doesn't Make us hate him. It actually makes us feel bad for him and it's almost endearing. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:03:51 That's happened before. Marketing companies market too well. They'll release a product like Axe Body Spray did this shit where they're like, oh, if you get Axe, girls will be all over you. And there's all these loser fucking dudes
Starting point is 01:04:02 buying Axe by the tub full and then they were like, all right, we can't do this anymore because now losers buy acts so they ended up selling their spray to the wrong demographic yeah they're it was so effective their marketing was so good that all these dorks were buying acts and they're like oh we gotta change it up yeah because we don't want dorks to have our shit we want the cool guy to have our shit yeah interesting so trump might have did that His marketing might have been so effective. Oh, my God. That's kind of fucked up.
Starting point is 01:04:29 All right, guys. We're going to take a break. Pay some bills for a second. Listen, you know it's the NBA Finals coming up. You know we're going to put a little cheddar on a game, a little cheese on a game. You know what I mean? Peel off a couple bills. Try to make a little something.
Starting point is 01:04:38 And if we're going to do it, we're going to do it at Okay? Simple as that. That is the one-stop shop for all your gambling needs online. You're going to use that promo code flagrant, and I'm going to tell you what you're going to get. They're going to match your initial investment. That means you put in money to gamble, and they are going to match that amount of money, and then you get to gamble with all of that.
Starting point is 01:04:57 That's free money to gamble, and we're not done yet. They're also going to throw a $10 NBA future bet in there as well. All you got to do is sign up, use that promo code flagrant. That's And let's get gambling and let's spend, what is it? I don't know. Make some money, spend some money. Let's make some money. Let's make some money, okay?
Starting point is 01:05:15 That's what it is. You gamble, you win, they pay., promo code flagrant. Let's get back to the show. I want to address something that happened in the news. I think it's very important globally. And that is there is a new number one comedy Patreon in the world. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:05:35 It's the universe, really. It's in the universe. Matter of fact, in the multiverse, in all of the different verses that exist. In history. In history. Yeah. There is one number one
Starting point is 01:05:46 comedy Patreon wow and what one is it I anybody is it it's not flagrant it's flagrant too
Starting point is 01:05:53 wow it's flagrant too isn't it wow it is what it is listen all I gotta say is guys when you invest in yourself
Starting point is 01:05:59 man when you're truly independent you know you get to do these things you get to build these things you know you get to build up that leverage you get to build these things, you know, you get to build up that leverage, you get to build that connectivity
Starting point is 01:06:06 with your supporters and we got to extend a huge thank you to everybody that's helped us build that because there's a clip that someone cut and put out on Twitter
Starting point is 01:06:14 and it was us, I think a couple years ago, saying, all right, you know, we're top 20 but we're going for top 10, we're going to top five
Starting point is 01:06:24 and then we're going to go for number one and I believe that we got this, if you ride with us, we're top 20, but we're going for top 10. We're going to top five, and then we're going to go for number one. Yep. And I believe that we got this. If you ride with us, we're going to go there. And you know what? We fucking did it. Yes, and we did it.
Starting point is 01:06:32 Love all y'all. We did that shit. We got to do. Taylor, not you. You weren't really there for us. Yeah, you just came along at the end, but it's all good. We appreciate you. Perfect timing by you.
Starting point is 01:06:41 But what I will say is I love creating new goals hell yeah it's the best thing when you achieve your goals and you got to create new goals yeah so we're gonna look forward to creating new goals asshole army everybody that's supportive if you haven't checked it out yet we're over there flag slash flagrant2 if you want to come check us out come fucks with us we appreciate you there's always a space for y'all over there And everybody Who's already over there If you guys got new ideas New goals for us to unlock Let us know
Starting point is 01:07:08 We're gonna start brainstorming Thinking about it And I think come Friday We'll have A cool new idea That we can all work towards For the next episode So yes
Starting point is 01:07:17 Again Thank y'all so much man It means a lot Anything Akash You wanna say? No man Thank everybody in this room Thank everybody
Starting point is 01:07:23 That signed up Anybody who's OG Remembers I was basically homeless when we started it and I really think God did that so Andrew would take enough pity that he found room in his schedule because he was busy as fuck for the Patreon and then we just we built some shit man it's amazing it's fucking amazing it's beautiful man well um thanks again guys all right so let's let's start the show um i want to talk about i want to talk about these uh spotify joe rogan rumors so this is adorable yeah so there's so apparently there's a news story out there that is um there's employees at Spotify that are threatening to strike if Spotify doesn't have editorial control over Joe Rogan's content. Okay.
Starting point is 01:08:11 Now, as far as I'm concerned, I can't find any proof that this is actually happening. Oh, interesting. Yeah. So I don't know if this is even real. What I assume this is, is a journalist of some sorts, a blogger, if you will, probably had a friend that works at Spotify. And the friend says, yo, I heard some people are not happy about Rogan's episodes. They might strike or something.
Starting point is 01:08:38 Hearsay, nonsense. It's no different than me and you going, yo, you know what? We got to do some shows in Iceland, man. That'd be dope to do some shows in Iceland And then all of a sudden people vlogging There's a new comedy tour Flagrant 2 is going to Iceland Okay
Starting point is 01:08:50 Right No official report of any Have you read any official report of Flagrant 2 No but I've read it in enough publications That I assume there's something to it But that could be my own just buying in Because I saw it on a few different sites I think that's what it is
Starting point is 01:09:02 I think what happens is When you have a name That's as popular and polarizing as Rogan, people are going to talk about it. Obviously, it's clicks. Right. Right? This is going to be a clip.
Starting point is 01:09:09 Yep. You know what I mean? What we're doing right now, obviously. Facts only. So it's like, because you are news, you beget news. So people start hearing this information
Starting point is 01:09:20 and then Barstool's tweeting it out, but they haven't verified it. They haven't spoken to anybody. And then all these other places are tweeting it out. They haven't verified it. They haven't spoken to anybody and then all these other places are tweeting it out. They haven't verified it. They haven't really spoken to anybody. So I think it's actually bullshit. I don't think there's any strike
Starting point is 01:09:31 because what grounds do they have to strike? Have they listened to the music on their platform? Think about it. Nothing said in any Rogan episode could possibly be more offensive than, and I know everybody's assuming that I'm going to go gangster rap, death metal, country music.
Starting point is 01:09:47 Dixie Chicks are always killing dudes in the fucking- Let the bodies hit the floor. Absolutely. Let the bodies hit the floor. Like there's all these different types of music. That's not about a fire drill. So there's all these different types of music
Starting point is 01:09:57 where they're killing people, murdering people. They're doing all these kind of crazy things within the music. Far more offensive than like an intellectual discussion about 15-year-old trans kids being able to mutilate their body. Right. Right?
Starting point is 01:10:11 So, I don't know. For me, I think we're about to see a very interesting thing start to happen, especially with Spotify. Yeah. is these platforms, as they start to get exclusive rights for content, have to decide if they're a content curator or if they're a content aggregator, right? YouTube is no longer curating content, right? They're just like, yo, put whatever you want up. We're just a platform. You know what I mean? Like we're going to have some rules, but they're very limited rules. You know, what we will do is we won't put ad dollars on your crazy video of you slaughtering a goat, but you can put your video of you slaughtering a goat up on
Starting point is 01:10:50 YouTube and that's fine. Once you pay for exclusivity on something, people are going to hold you responsible for the content that you're putting out. So now that content is not beholden to the listeners of the content. It's beholden to not beholden to the listeners of the content. It's beholden to all the listeners or the users of the platform. Right? And some of those users on that platform might be like, oh my God, these views are so offensive to me. Take it down or I'm going to stop using your platform.
Starting point is 01:11:17 Cool. And they're allowed to say that. And then it's up for the platform to decide, is this person or creator, the content creator worth potentially losing some people because they'll bring so many more yeah which is great for a guy like rogan because he's the biggest whale there is he's going to bring everyone but what if you're a fledgling podcast this just gets signed to spotify and there's pushback among spotify listeners then you're out then you're fucking out unless you change your content. This is,
Starting point is 01:11:45 it's very simple to me. I actually wonder if there's validity to it because I also, and you can correct me if I'm wrong, aren't there certain episodes that aren't coming from
Starting point is 01:11:55 YouTube onto Spotify? I don't know the exact validity of that. Maybe there's certain ones that weren't added. Yeah, I had heard that. I hadn't
Starting point is 01:12:05 checked for myself but i think that's the that was the rumor that like the alex jones one wasn't put and that's kind of where i think if they're fake rumors that's where this snowballed from if they're real rumors this is what i would say to any spotify employee thinking about going on strike we always tell people know your worth and normally that's a positive thing hey ask for more money know your worth if you're a spotify employee know your fucking worth it is six figures probably low six figures that's your worth joe rogan's worth nine figures yeah who the fuck do you think is more easily replaceable ah know your worth you will be jobless and that's great because i know plenty of people would love to work at spotify and wouldn't give a fuck about a podcast with intellectual discussions that That's a good point.
Starting point is 01:12:45 Now you got something? I just looked at Alex Jones episodes and they're not up. So Alex Jones episodes are not up there. Now, to be fair to Rogan, I think he said he's going to keep his 100 favorite episodes on YouTube. So the Alex Jones episode and a bunch of these other episodes are still available on YouTube. So it's not like he sells the rights to the catalog and then all those shows just disappear out of nowhere. That being said,
Starting point is 01:13:09 they probably did filter some of the episodes they want, which is fine. And I imagine Rogan's like, all right, if more people are just gonna watch it on my platform, then that's fine too. But it is interesting and we are gonna see if enough pressure can be placed. And again, I'm not worried about Rogan
Starting point is 01:13:22 because Rogan can do whatever he wants. I'm concerned with the content creator that's much smaller than Rogan. I think those guys are going to, if you want to go with Spotify, Rogan got so big, you take me as I am. And if not, I will walk.
Starting point is 01:13:35 I have nine and a half million YouTube subscribers anyway. Yeah. Probably making six figures a month, at least just off YouTube. That's it. Fuck the millions of listeners and the ad reads.
Starting point is 01:13:44 Like, I'm good. A fledgling podcast. This Fuck the millions of listeners and the ad reads like I'm good. A fledgling podcast. This is the cost of doing business with Spotify. Do you think that you're not worth pushing hypocritical about it? Like for me, I just don't understand. Like there's so much content out there. Like there's so many podcasts that, um, uh, on, on Spotify, they're like focused on like murder and like rape and like serial killers and all this other stuff. So it's not like the content exists in a way that's like PG only. Yep. Right?
Starting point is 01:14:08 So clearly you're diving into the stuff that's rated R. Yep. Right? So what you're dealing with now is the policing of specific ideas. It's the idea that promotes the phobia. Whereas you could say, hey, this podcast talks about a serial killer. It doesn't co-sign the killing. Good point.
Starting point is 01:14:27 Now that we're talking about promoting the phobia or promoting negative behavior, if you will, there's a lot of music on the platform that you could argue promotes negative behavior. Now, if you're saying, hey, that's just music. It doesn't make people go out and do stuff, right? Well, yeah, maybe these are just podcasts. They don't make people go out and do stuff, right? Well, yeah, maybe these are just podcasts. They don't make people go out and do stuff. Why is one more influential than the other? I mean, the reality of the matter is,
Starting point is 01:14:48 as influential as Joe Rogan is, I'm sure there are a lot more people that want to look like Kanye. You know what I'm saying? You know what I also thought just crossed my mind as you were going through this? You know whose album I just listened to on Spotify? Who was that?
Starting point is 01:15:00 Tory Lanez. So that brings us into the Tory discussion. Now, if I brought that up too early we can keep talking Rogan but the point is to your point about
Starting point is 01:15:08 like we're talking about toxic people or whatever Rogan is a guy that has everybody from every platform on his podcast not everybody does that
Starting point is 01:15:16 you can't promote this guy and not promote Rogan and leave certain episodes off my general feeling is I don't find businesses
Starting point is 01:15:23 I don't have a problem with their hypocrisy as much because I know all they care about is money. To me, you can be transparently phony in a sense as a business because that's like,
Starting point is 01:15:32 I want you to just be like, yeah, all we care about is money. At least you're being honest. If Spotify's like, no, we can't lose Rogan. We can lose these 100 employees.
Starting point is 01:15:39 You're very easily replaceable. It's a fucking pandemic. Right. Recession. Plenty of people looking for jobs. We'll replace you. And then small podcasts, you're not worth these listeners you're out i don't mind that i know they're about profit so to me be hypocritical be phony whatever like you're about money it's not
Starting point is 01:15:55 hypocritical at the end of the day if your only goal is money right right right i just had a i just had a quick theory um i think we might be hearing these things about the employees over at Spotify, maybe because they are unhappy to hear Rogan has some huge deal and maybe they were asking for a raise and Spotify was like, oh, we don't have the money. I've heard that before. And they're like, wait a minute, they turn around and this guy just got nine figures. That's interesting. Now it shows how stupid they are because bringing somebody like that over to their platform is going to put them in position to get that raise.
Starting point is 01:16:30 Right? And nobody subscribes to Spotify because you work in marketing. You know what I mean? Nobody's like, Samantha in marketing is there. I got to sign up for Spotify now. Ideally, if she's doing her job,
Starting point is 01:16:39 that's why everybody subscribes to Spotify. Yeah, but I'm playing, that specific person. You couldn't have picked a worse department to criticize. I was hoping you wouldn't poke a hole in that, sir. Sanitation, maybe. Okay. You see my larger point, I think, but I do wish I picked a different example.
Starting point is 01:16:52 I do wish I picked a different example. Yes, I do understand what you're saying. I understand what you're saying. Accounting. Sure, accounting. Accounting. Yeah, yeah. No, 100%.
Starting point is 01:16:59 It's just, for what I really think this is,, I think this is political division. I think this is politics or donors or influencers trying to find a way to silence Rogan. And I think they're trying to build support. I think they're even stoking a fire that isn't there. I think they're like, yeah, the employees are pissed off. And then they're hoping that the employees there go, yeah, we are pissed off. Yeah. They're trying to start the fire that the employees end up continuing to grow.
Starting point is 01:17:30 And then maybe find a way to silence this guy that they're terrified with. Because look, what I always see is the second Rogan talks about anything, right? Political, anything. It doesn't matter if he says, I like Biden. He says, I like Trump. It doesn't matter. The next day, immediately, he's discredited. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:42 Right? How could you listen to this guy? He's transphobic. He's homophobic. You called him last time he's discredited. Right? How could you listen to this guy? He's transphobic. He's homophobic. You called him last time. Exactly. Same thing. Right?
Starting point is 01:17:48 Yeah. So I wonder if this is the powers that be going, hey, we got to get this Rogan guy out of here. And now we might have the ability to do it because we could put pressure on the mother company. Right? And I think all that would do
Starting point is 01:17:58 is that would just make Rogan go, well, you got to pay me no matter what. And I'm going to keep putting my shit out on my platform. Yeah. You cannot touch the guy. Yeah. So it seems weird. weird it seems i think i agree with you that it seems like a fluff piece kind of thing because the only site like the site that is reporting all of them like barstool like mma whatever is from like digital music news doesn't seem like that reputable and
Starting point is 01:18:17 on top of that i don't see why the story is only coming out now when the deal was announced in like what march april or something like why is it like the employees knew who rogan was when they signed the deal we knew what the amount allegedly was when the deal came out why is it only now they want to silence him as we come up to the election when he's saying oh i'll moderate the debate i'll moderate a debate i'll do something political all of a sudden all these like fluff pieces come out trying to slander him i think i really think that's it right i think they're trying to remove him from political influence. What can we do to remove him from political influence?
Starting point is 01:18:47 Can we scare him? Can we scare him enough that he won't bring up these things on his podcast out of fear that the deal will go away? Let's put out enough news stories where he feels like he can't say what he wants. He can't share his opinion because it's too costly. And he doesn't even do it. Just get in his head and he'll tiptoe. If he's like, oh, should I say it or should I not? He'll pull back.
Starting point is 01:19:06 That's what it seems like. That's what I think. Yeah, I agree. I think that's what it might be. I'm skeptical if there's any Spotify fans that are really like, we're going to protest. I don't even know if it's happening on the inside at all. Of course not. I really don't think it is. And there's no grounds to because of some of the music that we've all listened to is
Starting point is 01:19:18 way more foul. Way more foul. No justification. You could argue that some of the podcasts that he has on that they might, you know, take offense to, right? You could argue that they're not meant to offend. The intention is not meant to offend. The intention is some sort of discourse, right?
Starting point is 01:19:34 It's an intellectual debate about a controversial topic. That's it. Intellectual debate about a controversial topic. Saying, I'm going to let the bodies hit the floor, right? Saying, I'm going to kill this guy who cheated on me on some Dixie Chick shit. I'm going to let the bodies hit the floor, right? Saying I'm going to kill this guy who cheated on me on some Dixie chick shit. I'm going to poison the fucking man. Like saying I'm going to sell drugs and fuck these bitches and I'm going to kill motherfuckers that are in rival gangs. Saying all that shit.
Starting point is 01:19:54 There's no intellectual discourse right there. No. This is, I'm the most badass motherfucker. Yeah. And then on top of that, if you're going after the character of the people themselves, there's artists on there that are way worse character than Roman. That's true. Felonies. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:04 It's Akash's point. Whatever and then then to the tori lane's point which is interesting you saw it with six nine where they blacklisted him and then uh tori put out the album this uh weekend i guess he put out this weekend saturday i think yeah right so he puts out the album and i think he ends up selling 50 000 copies or something like that i know that's what academics posted that's where i get my news shots at and i went and uh and he wasn't getting any playlisting and he was i think someone was complaining about that or maybe act was like saying he wasn't getting a playlisting meaning he wasn't showing up on these playlists that spotify has right and it's really interesting to me because this is a streaming service using their influence to suppress an artist right we saw it also with uh takashi right
Starting point is 01:20:45 all i thought after that was wait if they could suppress an artist without admitting they're doing it but just suppress an artist can they blow up an artist and if an artist was signed to a label that was say a percentage owner of the streaming platform big equity owner maybe just big investor, do you think they could blow up that artist? Now, I'm not saying that this is the case. Yeah, absolutely. But for some reason, Spotify, whenever I'm listening to anything, will not stop recommending Machine Gun Kelly, Logic, and Joyner Lucas. I've never listened to any of their music. I'm sure
Starting point is 01:21:24 they're nice guys. I've never once said I of their music. I'm sure they're nice guys. I've never once said, I want to listen to a Machine Gun Kelly song except the Eminem diss, which I thought was really good. Outside of that, I've never once. I press skip every single time, Machine Gun Kelly, Joyner Lucas, or Logic, come on. I press skip.
Starting point is 01:21:37 I am telling the algorithm, do not give me this music. There was a white rapper on Pandora that kept trying to send me, and I kept thumbs downing everything he would do. And they keep on pushing. And they keep pushing that shit. So that's a very valid point.
Starting point is 01:21:48 I'm curious. Yeah. If you could suppress an artist, can you promote one? It could be as simple as Mark pointed out one time, the Rap Caviar playlist on Spotify is massive. Just throw that shit on. That's a private playlist though. Private playlist, but you could figure that out.
Starting point is 01:22:04 It might be Spotify. That is Spotify? It might be Spotify. That is Spotify? It might be. Okay, because they have like your daily drive or something like that, which is an algorithmed playlist. I think the labels cut deals with the playlist. Now we're talking. Okay? This is where shit gets interesting.
Starting point is 01:22:16 Labels, I'm assuming, are cutting deals. Or if you want to get even more nefarious, stock owners. Hey, we want to own $2 million worth of Spotify stock or $20 million worth or a hundred million dollars, whatever it is. We're an early investor in Spotify. Okay. I'm an early investor in Spotify. I got artists under my label. I would like you to give them a leg up against the competition. You don't have to make people like their song, but you can keep on putting in front of them. And that's literally what the algorithm does. How is that any different than the radio industry?
Starting point is 01:22:50 Yeah. Yeah. Right? Payola record labels. Also like a digital version of Payola. This is digital Payola. Wait, and this is where it gets interesting.
Starting point is 01:22:59 Record labels back in the day, they would pay the DJs and I think the stations in general, then it became illegal, but to play their records, right? So realistically, the only way that an artist could get radio play is if they had a label, right? And the only way that they could get into a record store, Tower Records, is if they had a label, because the label had the connections to tower records and what is it vhm or whatever these these places were right internet music comes out fair game for everybody again right streaming platforms pop up now all of a sudden at first it was fair game for everyone but now it looks like they're bumping certain musicians and giving them a little bit i don't know uh more popularity visibility etc right
Starting point is 01:23:48 now we're right back into the record label model that we thought we just broke yeah the new the new empires i think are going to look a lot like the old ones the exact same one yeah it's only it's only transitioned to the the the streaming platform Will be the label Netflix looks a lot like TV You know what I mean Like in the sense of pushing I get so many Netflix originals Pushed to me
Starting point is 01:24:10 It's insane Yeah Everything recommended for you Is a Netflix original somehow No like Random shows that They bought from somebody else They think I would like
Starting point is 01:24:18 It's always Netflix original Right It's the same It's in the same world And why would you not Yeah that's true If you go invest in the content
Starting point is 01:24:24 You're going to want people to see it That's true And if you're Spotify in the content you're gonna want people to see it and if you're spotify and you're somehow invested in these artists or vice versa if you're one of these like uh i guess labels or i don't even know managers or something who's invested in spotify or invested in apple invested one of these streaming platforms you're gonna want to make sure that your artist is getting all the juice all i'm saying is are we about to be put into a position where the only way that you can succeed in an artist is if you are signed to one of these? That's the only way you can get the play? Because right now, YouTube is the only platform where just a random artist could blow up. Because YouTube is like, we're not going to be purchasing anything anymore.
Starting point is 01:24:57 And they really just do that because they don't want to be responsible for the content that's up there. 100%. But that might end up being the most fair playing ground there is. Because Spotify is like, we don't give a fuck. We buy who we like. We promote their shit. That's what it is. YouTube is so scared of the controversy, it just kind of works out that it's more democratic.
Starting point is 01:25:13 All right, guys. We're going to take a break for a second because I need your girlfriends to appreciate your dick more. And my girls start appreciating my dick more once I start trimming that shit up with Manscaped. And it's plain and simple. Okay? I was letting it grow. I was getting comfy in Corona. I was letting the scraggly ones grow up on the testicles, grow up on the root.
Starting point is 01:25:31 Some even came up on a pickle. And you know what? Yeah, it was wild. It was severe. And I had my little Manscaped kit. You know, I had my little, my crop care kit, if you will. Okay. I had the crop preserver.
Starting point is 01:25:44 Got the ball deodorant, got all that stuff. But most importantly, what I did is I got in there, I clipped away, I buzzed, and it is the easiest way to shave your balls. It really is the easiest way to shave your balls. They have different lengths that you can shave it down to. I'm telling you, she looks at me like I'm a new man. One, your dick gets bigger immediately. Let's be honest.
Starting point is 01:26:02 You shave that pubic hair, your dick immediately looks bigger. Okay. That's an amazing thing. Right there, Manscaped already. You should sign up. Simple as that. But they have all these other things. The ball toner. It's a spray toner. They give your balls a nice little slice of heaven with aloe vera, hazel extracts. They have the crop cleanser, body wash, crop mop, the foot duster. It's a foot deodorant. It's designed to keep the stankiest feet smelling fresh the lawnmower three-point trimmer that's the one where i shave my balls when i'm telling you you get that it just looks amazing i started shaving other parts i went up into the grundle i went into that little gooch area i took it down there it was so easy i was like i might as well
Starting point is 01:26:37 back in the day i'm there with like scissors i got a razor blade it's just too much work this shave down quickness it looks amazing y' Y'all all got to go do it. So what you're going to do is you're going to You're going to use the promo code flagrant and you're going to get 20% off and free shipping. Simple as that. promo code flagrant, 20% off free shipping. Go do it. Get your dig right. Let's get back to the show. I love to say, I told you, that's one of my favorite things. That's true. I told you so. That's true. It's literally one of my favorite things to say. That's true. I told you so? That's true. That's literally one of my favorite things to say to people. And I think on this very
Starting point is 01:27:07 podcast, one week ago, to this day, I believe it was one week ago to this day, I said exactly how Stylebender was going to whoop this fucking juiced up retard Paolo Costa's ass, okay, who's talking crazy shit, talking crazy shit, and then got humbled.
Starting point is 01:27:24 And I said exactly how he was going to break it down. I thought it was going to take a little bit longer. I did say that. I thought it was going to be maybe third or fourth round. I didn't realize that Izzy was going to get him out of there in a second. Embarrassed him. Embarrassed him. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:27:34 Surgical. So if y'all don't know what you're talking about, you missed one of the most exciting fights we've seen in recent history. Israel Adesanya, a friend of the show, amazing MMA fighter, UFC middleweight champion, destroyed, demolished Paolo Costa. God, just dismantled. Dismantled. Surgical. I mean, unbelievable. Like, if you're like a nerd about fights, and again, I don't know that much about MMA. I'm a huge boxing fan, so I understand the striking side of MMA way better than I understand like the grappling and the wrestling.
Starting point is 01:28:02 Like, I just don't know about it. I don't know the strategy. I don't know what they're trying to do and it looks cool when they're down there with the jiu-jitsu it can be like boring at times but I just don't understand it but striking I understand and seeing his approach seeing Izzy's approach to taking out Costa was unbelievable incredible like first of all it was so brilliant that he attacks the leg, right? It was actually the same strategy that- Yep.
Starting point is 01:28:28 Go, what do you think? Same strategy he used against Romero. So, yes, but like a little bit different because Romero wouldn't engage with him. But the idea- But the idea was going after the leg. But what I would say is it was the same strategy as his teammate used against Max Holloway by Izzy's teammate, right? Max Holloway has this amazing jab.
Starting point is 01:28:46 He's an amazing striker. And what Izzy's teammate did is he attacked that opening leg in their first fight. Okay. And that limited Max's ability to jab. It limited Max's ability to strike. And that's what Izzy did right here. Paolo Costa comes straight forward. He's a bruiser, right?
Starting point is 01:29:02 So what Izzy did, he starts attacking that fucking leg. And now Paolo Costa is, one, afraid to come to come forward two afraid to put any weight on it if you're not putting any weight on your front leg how are you supposed to throw punches with power yeah and he was setting them up for these strikes i mean it was amazing like he would pump fake a leg kick palacosa would bring his leg up to block it and the second he brought it back down then he fires the real leg kick i mean just destroyed it And the guy was just broken. You saw him out there just fucking broke him, pieced him up, took him out there. It was just beautiful.
Starting point is 01:29:30 It was absolutely beautiful. You know what's cool is Izzy been on this podcast a couple times, for those of you who don't know. And the first time he came on, he hadn't won any belts, but he talked about how power doesn't mean what people think it means. He's like, I don't need power. I got precision. He said that exact thing. He was like, I will hit you exactly where I want to hit you over and over again, and you will fall.
Starting point is 01:29:47 It might not have the same power behind it as these meatheads, but you will fall. And to watch a guy manifest everything he said to this point of superstardom and dismantling this monster. If you look at them on the screen, you're scared for Izzy. And I don't know shit about MMA or fighting in general. I was a little scared for Izzy, but he did exactly what he said he was going to do three years ago. And it got him exactly where he said he was going to go. So fucking cool to see that happen.
Starting point is 01:30:10 Yeah, man. I think, and again, I said it last week. So I don't want to repeat too much of it, but I wasn't nervous for Izzy just because I know how big he is. I think a lot of people don't realize how big he is. And I swear when he does like the weigh-ins, he slouches or like spreads his legs wide. So it looks,
Starting point is 01:30:26 he looks smaller. But when he goes face to face with the guys, he kind of looks almost their height. And then on fight day, he's like a whole head taller than them somehow. I don't know how the fuck he manages to do that, but that's kind of fuck with you a little bit. Fuck with your confidence.
Starting point is 01:30:39 You think you're as tall as a dude you're about to fight. Then the next day he's a whole head taller than you. Yeah. I mean, I just thought looking at just the size of the whatever the mass i was like oh this guy's huge as fucking costa and he's on juice is he said that the first time he came here right he also said three years ago i want to take costa because before the usda or whatever usada yeah usadia gets him i want to get him because i know he's on steroids yeah so he called costa three years ago yeah i want to get him and you see this guy he looks like a fucking juice head and you're like yo i'm a little scared i again not knowing
Starting point is 01:31:08 anything was like yo i'm scared for izzy and just embarrassed him like you said you watch costa try to like be a showman the first round second round that's all gone yeah two minutes into the second round he's knocked out submitted and then izzy fucking ass fucks him twice literally panamon's ass fucking him twice and then gets off it was just incredible to watch yeah it was just amazing man I think that was
Starting point is 01:31:29 the first time I seen somebody go down with a temple shot that didn't hit like flush yeah like it like grazed him and
Starting point is 01:31:36 his legs were gone yeah and it's really interesting because Paolo Acosta was known for having a really good chin like he's been in brawls
Starting point is 01:31:43 with people like he was in a brawl with Yoel Romero. Not a fight where it's a jab fest, that you're being super strategic, and maybe you're touching people but not full power. We're talking about all-out brawl. And Izzy dropped this guy like it was nothing. It was on a graze. It was almost like he was ready to go down.
Starting point is 01:32:04 I think Izzy caught him with a leg kick before. Yeah. And that's followed up with that. Yeah. But man, it was just fucking amazing to see. And everybody is real quiet right now. All the people out there that was like, they were criticizing Izzy for the Romero fight.
Starting point is 01:32:15 Remember like, oh, it's a boring fight. It's like, yeah, because Romero was terrified. Yeah. Romero knows. And listen, I don't want to say another man is terrified of fighting. You know, they would do something I'm not fucking doing at all. But Romero knows that that was his fate if he tried to engage. I actually credit Paolo Costa.
Starting point is 01:32:29 I credit him for trying to do what he thought he was going to do against Izzy. Nobody's going to do that against Izzy. I don't care who you are. Nobody's doing that against Izzy. Not in the middleweight division. And honestly, maybe not in the light heavyweight division. It changes because he doesn't have the same length and size advantage, but the speed advantage he'd have over those light heavyweight division. Like it changes because there's a different, he doesn't have the same like length and size advantage, but the speed advantage he'd have over those light heavyweights and his,
Starting point is 01:32:49 just his striking ability. I don't know any light heavyweight that can strike with him. And he's not going to bang with you. He's going to be in and out, pick you apart, strategically break you down, make you move into certain positions and then capitalize on those positions. Like it's a wrap bro.
Starting point is 01:33:03 So impressive to watch. This is what I'm worried about. Who's he fight next like it was so dominant right it was i know everybody's saying right now because there's this new guy in the ufc that fought three times in a couple months his name is hamzat something like that he is like a cleft palate right and uh i think is he called him rat lip which is really fun and uh and he's very impressive he had like a big knockout against his journeyman fighter. But it's a very different game when you're knocking out journeyman fighters and you're going up against the best in the world
Starting point is 01:33:31 and who could be the greatest to ever do it when he retires, right? This was his 100th combat sport victory. You know what I mean? He's 20 and 0 in the MMA, 75 and like 4 or something like that in kickboxing. Like 5 and 1 in boxing. Like this guy could go down as the best. He really could. I think some people are predicting that this guy, Jared Cannoneer.
Starting point is 01:33:54 Yeah. So what is he's at the point right now and a lot of like fighters get to this point where like you actually have to promote your opponents. Right? Because like the reason this fight was exciting is because we all thought kosa had a chance yeah and what i'm concerned about is he was so dominant over kosa is that we start going well who the fuck's gonna be able to fight him right because then you lose an opponent there's one fight left who john bones jones well john bones left light heavyweight so he's middle weight right yeah light heavyweight is one above that and he left that to go to heavyweight right could he drop down a light heavyweight is he go up to light
Starting point is 01:34:28 heavyweight potentially but he just left his belt he relinquished the belt right so like you leave the belt to fight for the same weight without the belt it doesn't make sense to me i think what john bones is doing is okay let me go see if i can do some heavyweight fights and see if i can get another belt up there right which i think makes sense and now they're talking back and forth on instagram or like twitter or whatever it is and we'll see what happens but and it would be a cool fight we'll see what happens but um but yeah i mean like i just don't know who he ends up fighting cannon ears got to fight the guy that is he just beat yep right robert whitaker yeah robert whitaker so it's like as he said after his fight right that's the guy he's talking about beat. Yeah. Right? Robert Whitaker. Yeah, Robert Whitaker. That's what Izzy said after his fight, right?
Starting point is 01:35:07 That's the guy he was talking about? Yeah. He said, if you win this, you're next. Yeah. You get it next. But he has to build up Cannoneer. Yeah. So Cannoneer has to have this super dominant win,
Starting point is 01:35:16 and then we're excited about the Izzy fight. But he's been so dominant that I can't even name another person. Can you guys name another person? No. The closest fight he had was Gastelum. Gastelum was the closest fight he had. And that's another thing that I'm starting to realize. And I got to talk to Izzy. I've been messaging him a little bit afterwards,
Starting point is 01:35:30 but I got to break him down, like just break down his thinking about this. I don't know if Izzy is getting better. Like I think he's been this elite a striker as long as he's been maybe in kickboxing. And I don't think he's learning more kickboxing per se by being an mma i think what it is is in his earlier fights and i gotta ask him about this but he's he was less confident of his ability in mma he knew he was a beast with kickboxing but now he's entering this field where he's like well i'm not an elite grappler and i'm
Starting point is 01:36:02 not an elite wrestler and i might have to do those things in this fight. So I gotta be, I gotta be on my P's and Q's. Right. And I think what's starting to happen is, especially with Gaslam, Gaslam was a wrestling background guy, you know? And I think what happened is, as he's just destroyed the elite fighters in the division,
Starting point is 01:36:20 I think his confidence has built up in terms of what he can handle. And I think this last performance was like, oh, it don't matter if you're a professional wrestler. It don't matter if you're an NCAA wrestler. It don't matter if you're a gold medalist. He did say after the- I will destroy you.
Starting point is 01:36:33 He did say after the Gaslund fight when he went the distance, he's like, there's a level of confidence I have now that's even higher. Like, I feel different. Yeah. So I wonder if that's what it is. It's not necessarily skill per se that's improving, but it's just confidence in his skill that's improving. But yeah, man, I'm excited.
Starting point is 01:36:47 I'm excited for what's happened next with him. And who knows? I really hope that this guy, Jared Cannoneer or whatever, has an amazing fight against Whitaker and then destroys him so it can be built up. But if Whitaker beats Cannoneer, I don't need to see Izzy fight Whitaker again. No.
Starting point is 01:37:00 Yeah. You literally knocked Whitaker out twice cold in the same fight. he gets saved by the bell I think in the first round or the second round and then in the third round you knock him out completely do we need to see that fight again no absolutely not about that 100 but yo shouts to Izzy man we got to get Izzy on the show you know when all this I'm sure he's you know in mid celebration but what all this is done man you got to come back on here when you're in New York you got to come back on Flagrant man
Starting point is 01:37:25 We love you brother We're proud of you man And keep up the great work Keep knocking these Motherfuckers out Don't ever let them Don't ever let them Try to disrespect
Starting point is 01:37:32 Without paying a price There's a price for disrespect Watching Izzy rub it in too Man I missed most of the Pre-fight trash talk And I loved it Just the little bits I saw
Starting point is 01:37:41 With the white belted Costa brought and all that Shit is so corny And then Izzy just Man just owned it Yeah And how funny was it That like
Starting point is 01:37:47 He ends up mounting him At the end Yeah And then the butt fuck thing Was absolutely hilarious Absolutely hilarious Anyway Congratulations kiddo man
Starting point is 01:37:55 We're proud of you over here You keep it up alright Let's take a break Pay some pills Let me tell you something There's one CBD brand That is the official CBD brand Of the asshole army Flagrant 2 Official CBD brand brand that is the official CBD brand of the asshole army,
Starting point is 01:38:05 Flagrant 2, official CBD brand, and that is Radix. Radix Remedies. If you go to, you want to get it. They got everything for you. Okay? Use our promo code Flagrant. You get 10% off whatever you order, and they have tons of amazing shit. Okay?
Starting point is 01:38:18 You have the pre-roll joints. All right? You have the drops. You have the balm. You have the flowers. You can roll your own stuff. You can mix it into whatever you want. You have the nighttime gummies with the melatonin. That's right. Be careful of those. Listen, Akash loves those, lives by those, but be careful that melatonin is strong. I'm telling you, you want to reduce a little stress. You want to relax a little bit more. You pop that CBD gummy. You are good to go. You just want to smoke, chill, not get too fucking high where you can't do anything. You just hit up one of those pre-roll joints and you are Gucci., 10% off your order with flagrant. Great guys, great company. Go support them. Let's get back to the show. Guys, we officially have an NBA finals. That's right. Two teams have made it through the bubble, the Lakers and the Heat. And as Jimmy Butler said so eloquently,
Starting point is 01:39:09 the road to an NBA championship is through a LeBron James-led team. And that is happening this year. Lakers versus Heat. I want to have a quick conversation about Jimmy Butler. Yeah. For those of you guys who don't follow basketball very much, Jimmy Butler is a player that is an enigma he's someone who is always like he's really fascinating man like yeah i think the closest thing that we have in the past to jimmy butler
Starting point is 01:39:35 is charles barkley like a guy who really just kind of what is it a move to the beat of his own drum i was gonna say if you remember Ricky Williams in football, Ricky Williams. I think that's disrespecting Jimmy a little bit. I think Jimmy's stronger mentally than Ricky. Didn't Ricky have an emotional breakdown? Ricky was a little emotional, but just in the sense of just kind of like, just his own guy.
Starting point is 01:39:56 You can't figure this guy out. Ricky Williams also had a couple of great seasons and they abused this guy, like ran him way too much and probably ended his career early. But just in that sense of like, I don't exactly understand what I'm looking at but i'm gonna do what i want to do but he does what he wants to do and i appreciate that i fuck with you on that for sure and jimmy
Starting point is 01:40:12 definitely has that jimmy will do whatever he wants to go fishing he'll go fishing this is what he's going to do um he is a unique individual he's fine being himself he's fine giving it up for his teammates you know i mean like this is is a NBA veteran making tons of money, wears his rookie teammates jersey after one of the games. Like Tyler Harrow had a great game, but still like it is humbling to do that as a vet. You know, like I don't know if LeBron is walking around with some rookie that had a good game.
Starting point is 01:40:40 I don't know if he's walking around Caruso's jersey if he has a good game. It's humbling to do that to yourself, you know? But he also will shit on his teammates. He broke Andrew Wiggins. I mean, not that Wiggins was really flying before, but like he mentally broke this guy. He couldn't handle it emotionally.
Starting point is 01:40:55 And what was really interesting about Jimmy is that he always had this ability, amazing ability, but some people looked at him like a head case and that he would get under his teammates' skin. And what's really interesting, what's happened with the heat is he found an environment that was conducive to his attitude about competition. Right.
Starting point is 01:41:15 Pat Riley is an old school motherfucker with the heat. He's okay with that trash talk. He's okay with alpha players being alphas. He's okay with a culture that allows that to live and breathe. And Jimmy, who went to, he was at Chicago, and then he went to Minnesota, right? Then he went to the 76ers. Then he lands in Miami and has this amazing bubble experience in Miami.
Starting point is 01:41:39 It seems like he finally found the team that has a culture where he can thrive. And I'm watching Jimmy and what he's been doing and how successful he's been leading his team. Right. And I'm starting to think. Is everything that we've liked about Russell Westbrook what we should have been liking about Jimmy Butler? I think so. Is Jimmy. That's a great way to put it.
Starting point is 01:42:01 Is Jimmy Butler the real Russell Westbrook? That's fucking. Don't get me wrong. Like Russell Westbrook? That's fucking great. Don't get me wrong. Russell Westbrook is an athletic marvel, and he's such a great competitor. But his way of playing the game usually doesn't help his team win. No. And in times, it actually hurts it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:15 Jimmy is a dog. He's out there doing whatever it takes. If it's D-ing up the toughest guy on the other team, if it's scoring, if it's bigging up his teammates, if it's screaming at everybody, he's a motivator. But he's a fucking winner, especially what he's done this time during the bubble. And I'm wondering if everything that we've loved
Starting point is 01:42:31 about Westbrook, we really actually love about Jimmy, he just wasn't in the environment where he could do it. And to be honest, I owe him an apology because I love Jimmy,
Starting point is 01:42:39 but then after he left Philly, I was like, maybe at some point the problem is you. Yeah, you left Chicago, it seems like bad terms. You left Minnesota on horrible terms. Don't seem to leave Philly on good terms. Maybe maybe at some point the problem is you. Yeah. Yeah. You left Chicago. It seems like bad terms. Yeah. Left Minnesota on horrible terms. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:46 Don't seem to leave Philly on good terms. Yeah. Maybe it's you. Yeah. Then it turns out, I think he just needed the right culture. Yeah. He doesn't, I don't think he understands this new star. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:54 Explain that. Explain that. I think LeBron understands the new NBA star because LeBron is kind of the new NBA star. But break down what you mean by that. Which is, I'm a little bit sensitive. I need positive reinforcement. I don't want you to yell at me. I need to be coddled a bit.
Starting point is 01:43:06 Can we have our own personal handshake? Yeah, let's be friends. Can you and I have a super cool handshake that's just me and you and we'll do it between every single period? Maybe at the beginning of every game, too. That'd be really good. It would make me feel really good.
Starting point is 01:43:16 And as a guy who spent mad time in therapy, I get it. But I grew up in an Indian household and I also get the Jimmy Butler shit, which is like, I don't got time for your fucking game. It was like what Jordan used to be yeah except Jimmy will seems like co-sign you more if you do well yeah Jordan wouldn't get pipping flowers like Jimmy's doing for Tyler Hero oh yeah
Starting point is 01:43:34 yeah yeah I mean Tyler Hero's not pipping but like Horace Grant or whatever Horace Grant hated Jordan yeah Tyler Hero's like yo he's doing it this is a guy who works his ass off he buys into the culture I'm gonna big up this motherfucker every time I get a chance so that point tyler hero said he's like i really want to get to the finals uh uh for uh for jimmy it would be his first time in the finals now it's like you're a guy who's lived and breathed basketball your whole life yes you're only 20 but like you've been dreaming about the finals your whole life like yeah you want to get there for you but imagine like loving a teammate so much that you want to see them be there. That's the first thing that comes to your mind.
Starting point is 01:44:07 That is dedication. You don't get that unless you earn that respect. So one thing that I love about this bubble is that like we get to find out this really, truly unique character that is Jimmy Butler when given the right situation can really thrive and like make his teammates better and it's really awesome one thing that absolutely terrifies me about it is that Kyrie Irving is watching this going see if I just have my right team yeah I just have my right culture this is what I could do yeah and that's all that the only reason I've been bouncing around is because I'm just like Jimmy I just don't have the right guys around me but once I do I got
Starting point is 01:44:42 this that's fine let him keep thinking that I mean like but could could we also make the argument right that we said that about Jimmy before this yeah I guess you could but I just think also on top of everything Kyrie's body doesn't hold up and everybody whenever I tweet the Kyrie stands are like when Kyrie is healthy when is Kyrie healthy yeah yeah yeah that's fine 40 games a year Jimmy Butler is a fucking he is a healthy he is a healthy he's a man yeah you're not taking him
Starting point is 01:45:07 out of games that easily you know what I mean this guy built for it Kyrie ain't built for it he's three inches taller than me you know what I mean get out of here buddy what do you think happens
Starting point is 01:45:14 what are your predictions for the finals I think I've people have been telling me Miami this whole time my homie Donish picked Miami in the first round
Starting point is 01:45:21 he said they're getting out of the east I think I just hate them because they beat the Mavs in 06 but I haven't seen it this whole time, and I think the LA's just going to overpower them, but they're clearly scrappy as fuck.
Starting point is 01:45:30 I think they take it to six. It's interesting, isn't it? Yeah. They're going to have to be lights out because the only thing that I'm looking at, I'm looking at both squads, and I'm like, can LA keep up with the firepower
Starting point is 01:45:41 from the three-point line that Miami has? Dude, Duncan Robinson, Tyler Hero. Hero is quick, dog. Yeah. He gets his shot up so fast. Yeah, yeah. Duncan Robinson, too. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:51 And it's just like, so what's going to happen there? That's my curiosity, right? Is it, I think the Lakers got it. I don't think it should be difficult. But if Miami goes bananas from the three-point line, I don't know how LA reacts to that. Because who on LA can really knock down? Contavious Caldwell-Pulp? Kuzma on a good day.
Starting point is 01:46:14 Danny Green seems washed. Maybe he can get a good game by the finals. I don't know. I think that those guys got to come up big, and they got to beat them from behind the line. I think this quarantine has actually benefited LeBron the way it benefited chris paul and you don't think about it because lebron plays 45 minutes a game all the time but he played less minutes this year then got three months off then hopped right into the playoffs and if you've been watching lebron i haven't
Starting point is 01:46:36 watched every game but i see him the games i see he just fucking takes over yeah because i think he got the energy to yeah he had a full off season and then hopped right into the playoffs. And it's just when you watch, I remember I saw LeBron live with the Heat playing the Nets one playoff game and they lost the game because LeBron just kind of let it come to him. When LeBron decides to take over, there's really nothing you can do. Even at 35, there's nothing you can do. Yeah, he really closed out the Nuggets, huh? I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:01 The 3-1 team. You guys watch a little bit? I watch a little bit, yeah. Yeah, I mean, it was impressive. The 3-1 team. Yeah. You guys watched a little bit? I watched a little bit, yeah. Yeah. I mean, it was impressive. It's just different. He's just locked in right now in a way that I haven't seen before. And I think this is the easiest, by far, matchup LeBron has ever had in the finals.
Starting point is 01:47:15 This is the first time you're looking at his team and you're like, oh, they're heavy favorites. Yeah. Maybe 2011 Mavericks, which he wasn't ready for. But then since then, when was the last time you saw a LeBron team overpower the other team like this and think, that's this heavy of a favorite? Yeah, I can't remember. The Spurs, the first time, he was completely outclassed. The Warriors, three times in a row, they always have more talent.
Starting point is 01:47:32 Yeah. And a better coach and better system and all that. It's funny. I agree with you. But for some reason, I feel like that he has a chance. The way they play, the team chemistry, the trust that they have in each other, the fact that they were even given Iguodala the ball when he was playing like doodoo the whole series and they just put that trust in him and then he's fucking lit it up like that's the team that hey they can pull one
Starting point is 01:47:55 out even from such a strong team like the league yeah i think they they're scrappy and i've clearly slept on this whole time i think they take it to six but i think at the end the talent is just so insurmountable does it show you like um the importance of a culture yes you know like he had this culture they talk about culture and then they have players that are on the roster not to play but simply to drive the cultural value yeah right like udonis haslam is not there to play basketball nope he's there to instill culture and make sure the rooks have someone they can go to but hold the vets
Starting point is 01:48:28 accountable because you're not going to talk to Udonis Udonis is a dog too you know what I mean like you're not going to talk shit you might talk shit
Starting point is 01:48:35 to Andrew Wiggins sweet Canadian kid you might talk shit to what is it Cat whatever his fuck skinny ankle Ben Simmons
Starting point is 01:48:41 on Philly and exactly you might talk shit to Ben Simmons but you're not going to talk shit like that to Udonis right so I wonder if you see other teams go not only do we need to start building a culture but we need to keep around the players
Starting point is 01:48:54 that drive that culture yeah and even if we're signing them to like veterans minimums it doesn't matter it's worth that every player the heat has is a fucking workhorse bam out of bio by all accounts that guy's nice nice and a fucking like he works yes tyler hero this guy wasn't highly regarded coming out of college how'd he get so fucking nice he clearly worked duncan robinson undrafted yeah there's a great message there's a dm duncan robinson is a senior at like michigan state or something like that i forget which school he went to like Like some school, I think it's Michigan. He DMs a writer for The Ringer. And he goes, hey man, I listen to your podcast
Starting point is 01:49:33 or I read your stuff, whatever it is. And I'm just really curious about your line of work. And I'm really curious about like what you do. And I'd love to just pick your brain if I could. He's literally in his senior year preparing for not playing basketball professionally that's amazing and dming for job opportunities amazing which is pretty cool like taking the initiative right and now he's in the nba finals amazing and hooping his fucking ass that's amazing you know a theory i just had
Starting point is 01:49:59 about jimmy butler maybe the thing he hates the most is wasted talent is someone who doesn't work to fulfill their potential because i'm thinking about the players he did not most is wasted talent. Is someone who doesn't work to fulfill their potential. Because I'm thinking about the players he did not like. Andrew Wiggins, talented fucking kid, number one pick overall. Didn't seem to want it. He didn't have the mentality to go get it. Carl Anthony Towns. Carl Anthony Towns.
Starting point is 01:50:16 Ben Simmons, we talk about all the time, how you not have a jumper. I think Jimmy saw him, said he don't want to fulfill his potential. I don't like that motherfucker. Where did he come? Miami. He loves Tyler Hero. Because Tyler Hero is not a super talented guy. I think he sees a guy who works his ass off because that's what Jimmy was. Jimmy was not highly regarded.
Starting point is 01:50:32 I remember seeing him as a three and D guy. Hey, D up. Hit some threes. You're good. Worked his way into being an all-star. Duncan Robinson, undrafted. Worked his way into being the best three-point shooter in the league. Bam.
Starting point is 01:50:42 Mid-round pick, mid-first round pick, nothing special. Worked his way into being a superstar potentially. I think Jimmy loves that because he sees in the league. Bam. Mid-round pick, mid-first-round pick, nothing special, worked his way into being a superstar potentially. I think Jimmy loves that because he sees himself in that. Interesting. And I think superstars who don't fulfill their potential, he sees what he wished he had
Starting point is 01:50:53 and he sees what he would have done with that talent and he fucking hates that person. That is best-case scenario for Jimmy. Yeah. I wonder if worst-case scenario is he's threatened by superstars. Interesting. And they make by superstars. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:51:06 And they make him act out. Maybe. I heard he loves Joel Embiid though. And Embiid is a guy who will take attention away from everybody. He doesn't try at all. Joel Embiid gives the least effort. That's true. Is that a shape?
Starting point is 01:51:20 I mean like. Maybe my whole theory is fucked. Yo, I have a question. Yeah. do you think the passing of kobe bryant or playing the last dance and like watching the last dance has had an impact on lebron psychologically and how he approaches the finals honestly i don't think so i i think that lebron is super like locked in and he understands the goal and what he wants and like for his legacy i don't i think that like he's leaning into the marketing of you know kobe's passing us the torch and we
Starting point is 01:51:49 couldn't lose in the mamba jerseys and like all those opportunities but i think on like a personal level no i think it i think kobe adds one or two percent if he's 98 locked in this gets him in 99 99.5 because it's like that was his friend who passed now i'm wearing the fucking jersey this guy like i'm not i can't lose yeah it'd be interesting to see what would have happened if the last dance came out during the bubble oh yeah because the last dance came out right and then while everything was shut down so we were all super inspired by the last dance came out right and then while everything was shut down so we were all super inspired by the last dance right like in the same way that like you know izzy fights last night right or izzy fights on saturday right and um i'm just so inspired i like go downstairs to my gym i started hitting the fucking punching bag and shit like i'm kicking it my hip is all fucked up today
Starting point is 01:52:41 because i did old man problems but like i think like immediately everybody's i'm gonna be so locked in in these playoffs just like mj was and because we live in the you know in this content cycle where everything is constantly being refreshed and we forget about it the last dance feels like it was a year ago to me like we reviewed it it feels like it was 365 days ago yeah no that's fair i don't think that they're holding on to it the same way but imagine it came out the same time oh it'd be as the finals nuts imagine it came out in the week before the final so the downtime people would be salivating nuts i mean all these players would be going fucking berserk let's go every game would have been a fucking war
Starting point is 01:53:20 yeah to that point though what did mj always look for when he was playing motivation extra motivation even when you're that elite and that locked in you need to find the motivation i think lebron's more than the last answer be kobe that was my that was like my brother man he's gone and i'm wearing his jersey it all feels like he's supposed to be here now just the first time i'm not rooting against the lakers i love hating the lakers i can't root against them this year if they get it great man good for them i think he feels that too of like yo this is destiny this is This is the first time I'm not rooting against the Lakers. I love hating the Lakers. I can't root against them this year. If they get it, great, man. Good for them.
Starting point is 01:53:48 I think he feels that too of like, yo, this is destiny. This is my fourth ring. Let's go. I'm locked in. All right, guys. Thank y'all so much for listening. One more time, thank y'all so much for making us the number one comedy Patreon in the world, man.
Starting point is 01:53:59 It's just such a huge achievement. Obviously, it could not be done without you guys. I mean, you guys make the Patreon what it is. Simple as that. So if y'all believe in us, we keep on taking this to the next level. It's slash flagrant2. If you want to see what it's about, we do another episode every single Friday. It's behind that Patreon
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