Andrew Schulz's Flagrant with Akaash Singh - Schulz Is A DAD, Taylor Swift Wins Super Bowl, & Putin Tucker Interview Reaction

Episode Date: February 14, 2024

Whats good family, Schulzy explains what its like becoming a papa, why Taylor Swift is being targeting by everyone, the Super Bowl conspiracies, and Putins interview with Tucker. INDULGE! 00:00 SCHUL...ZY HAD A BABY! 38:30 Andrew can breathe now - stress-free 42:07 Andrew can’t relax + paternity leave is a scam 47:11 Push present for doing what you should be doing 48:40 Super Bowl - Mahomes is truly the goat 58:42 Taylor Swift didn’t get her ring + unwarranted hate 1:03:05 Usher = incredible + racism is real 1:10:58 Whites are winning + Usher v Diddy 1:14:41 Biden leaning in + Vying for Taylor 1:20:18 Putin = controlled desperation? USAid & how politicians make money? 1:36:46 Migration issues in NY? Border politics 1:50:05 Managerial class + US letting in too much info? Macro v micro issues 2:06:44 Mark no longer scared of bears 2:09:00 Rogan getting that Spotify bag + audiobooks too 2:22:23 Mark rocked by reincarnation 2:25:17 Shane Gillis’ Biblical return + lost everything & gained it all back + more

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up everybody? Welcome to Flaygr and I and a Kid. Yeah! Let's fucking go! Gang, gang. How you feeling, dude? Feel great, man. Everybody, her name is Shiloh. Daughter, 8 pounds, 7 ounces. Full head of hair. Her mother's nose. For everybody who's asked.
Starting point is 00:00:18 I'm not gonna lie, I was actually... I didn't tell you guys this, I went to do a 3D scan or whatever. Oh, yeah, those are crazy. So they can give you these very realistic pictures of what the baby looks like. And Emma gave it to me for my birthday, for my 40th birthday. So it was like a beautiful gift. But we went there and I got to get the image.
Starting point is 00:00:39 I don't know if it was her face was pushed up against. Her nose was huge. It was to the point where we were like, all right, well we can do something about it later. Like, for like weeks I was like, and I asked the technician who did it. You plot, it was crazy. It was insane, It was insane.
Starting point is 00:01:05 It was like half the size of her face. It might have been.5. It might have been.5. Bro, it had to be something. And you're blaming yourself probably. Of course I'm blaming myself. Emma's nose is a tiny little button nose. The nose is taking half of the kid's head.
Starting point is 00:01:17 And I asked the technician, and I go, hey, this sounds horrible. I know I sound like a horrible father. But I asked the technician. I was like, yeah, but it's just in there. It will probably change. And the technician looks at me and goes, you know what? My daughter looks exactly the way that she looked when I got my 3G.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Lie to me. Exactly? Nothing looks exactly. Oh my God. So yeah, it was absolutely crazy. But yeah, here we are man what's it like first time put the baby on your chest what are you thinking all right so labor was crazy emma water breaks water break is not like the movie i thought it was splash it's not splash
Starting point is 00:01:57 she thought she peed herself a little she was unsure i had paddle book the next day that i was mad excited about and yeah you didn't cancel that until way too late, by the way. Super late. Let the record show. Could be a false alarm in his defense. That's what I'm saying. I was like, it might be a P. We're on the way to the hospital.
Starting point is 00:02:12 I'm like, yo, that shit might be a P still. They might tell us to go home, and I got paddle locked. I didn't cancel paddle until the last minute. You're crazy, bro. We go. We fight. I mean, if it's a natural birth, it's going to take hours. I could go sneak an hour in for paddle. I was thinking that, but then here's the thing. I mean, if it's a natural birth, it's going to take hours. I could go sneak an hour in for a paddle.
Starting point is 00:02:26 So I was thinking that, but then here's the thing. I was thinking that. No, here's the thing. So every week before that, the gynecologist fingers my wife in front of me, right? Because they got to see if she's dilated at all. The uterus is dilated? The cervix? The cervix.
Starting point is 00:02:40 The cervix is dilated, right? So just fingers my wife right in front of me. No big fucking deal. Shout out to Dr. Gubala. Great job. Never moaned once. Come holler at me if you want to learn something. So great job, really?
Starting point is 00:02:53 Was it a great job? Exactly. You don't know how to finger. You know what I mean? If you want to talk to your boy. Being all mechanical about it. Right? With your gloves and shit on.
Starting point is 00:03:00 You need lube? What about that? What about saliva? You ever try that, anyway so uh uh she wasn't dilated literally we have a doctor's appointment next day that night we're about to get in bed gets out of bed oh i should think she peed herself a little bit goes to the bathroom more peas kind of come out peas then stands up a little bit more peas coming out and she's like oh shit is this it then you get hyped fuck then you're excited i'm high hearing that right you're like oh my god it's about to happen
Starting point is 00:03:28 like this is great it's like the movies are water breaking but it's little trickles you're not exactly sure we clean it up and there's like a little like pink in it we were calling alicia mark's wife is a midwife so she knows like everything about it she'd like work with my wife about like how she wants the birth to go my wife had this whole birth plan i got the birth plan memorized i got it written down i'm fucking ready to go. My wife had this whole birth plan. I got the birth plan memorized. I got it written down. I'm fucking ready to go. Okay. My wife was like,
Starting point is 00:03:48 I want to do it natural. Women, it's a big thing for them to do it natural, which is dumb, but they care about it. You know what I mean? I have no reason why. I think it probably makes,
Starting point is 00:03:58 they feel like more of a mom or a woman or whatever is nonsense, but yeah. Epidural. Immediately. It's not even a question. So she wanted to do it natural. She didn't want to take this thing called Pitocin.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Pitocin is used to get women to have contractions be more like regulated and then start to really dilate the cervix, right? So you can get it ready. It needs to be at 10 centimeters for the baby to come out. So she didn't want to do that. She wanted to do it natural, et cetera. So this is her birth plan. She's fucking ready to go.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Water break. Second water break, you got to go to the She wanted to do a natural, et cetera. So this is her birth plan. She's fucking ready to go. Water break. Second water break, you got to go to the hospital because there's a risk of infection. So you can't like what's called labor at home, like go through the beginning of the contractions and just sit at home. So we go to the hospital. On the way to the hospital, ready, hyped. How'd you get there? Did you drive? I'm wondering.
Starting point is 00:04:39 No, Uber. Uber. It's fine. Uber to the hospital. Uber black? Uber black. Come on. Come on. Come on, bro. Of's fine. Uber. Uber Black. Uber Black. Come on. Come on.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Come on, bro. Of all days. Come on. You're not going to spend an extra seven bucks on Uber Black, bro. Most important day of your life, bro.
Starting point is 00:04:55 It could be a false alarm. Could be a false alarm, bro. It could be a false... You know what's... You know what's crazy? She didn't just bring some old fucking Hyundai alarm for the 2001... You know what's crazy? That morning, I took an Uber Black to paddle. I knew that. It could be a point. She had this bag of fucking Hyundai 2001.
Starting point is 00:05:07 You know what's crazy? That morning, I took an Uber Black to paddle. I need to stretch out because my knees are tight. If I don't stretch my legs out in an Uber on the way, I'm going to have a tough time in my paddle lesson. She's fucking my paddle lesson. She probably wants a smaller car. She wants a smaller car. No, no, no. We probably did
Starting point is 00:05:24 Uber XL or some shit like that. Anyway, so we get to the hospital. Admitted to the hospital. Go in this little triage room or whatever like that they call it. They just kind of figure all the things out. Contractions start a little bit. You hear about these contractions. You're hyped.
Starting point is 00:05:42 We did all these lessons to learn about. We're like, okay, we're looking for 4-1-1. Every four minutes for one minute for an hour. That's how we know something's good. I don't know what it was, but I remember 4-1-1. So that's what I'm looking for. I'm timing out these fucking contractions. It's fucking great.
Starting point is 00:05:57 It's exciting. Go into another room. She's not dilated yet. They're like, oh, I think we should put you on Pitocin, that thing she didn't want to take, so we can get you to dilate. She's like, all right, it's the first thing I didn't want to do, but fine, we'll do the Pitocin. Problem with the Pitocin, starts those contractions. Contractions get really bad.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Up the Pitocin. They start at like 10. 20 hours later, we're at 30. Epidural. She was in labor for 24 hours. Fucking unbelievable. 24 hours.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Baby's heartbeat starts to drop. Oh, fuck. Now, keep in mind, I haven't told anybody. Anybody who's come out to the live show knows, but it was really difficult for Emma and I to get pregnant. You guys knew about it. I didn't talk about it publicly. I've said it at the stand-up shows.
Starting point is 00:06:41 For some reason, I felt more comfortable doing that. It's really what the hour is about but it's really fucking hard for us to get pregnant and the entire time you're just like thinking that it's not going to work out so basically for like almost two years I'm just like something's going to happen
Starting point is 00:06:58 because everything that did go wrong went wrong for us and so even up to this date I'm like fuck is this when it's going to go wrong? You're like waiting. Everything feels right. The water broke. It's like out of a movie. This is great. And then all of a sudden you're there and she's not contracted. The contractions aren't lining up and then she's not dialing. You're like, fuck. They put her on the Pitocin. They keep on upping it. She's still not dialing. Then baby's heartbeat drops. The nurses kind of run in.
Starting point is 00:07:24 They're like, hey, can you move to your side side we just want to make sure something's okay or move to your back move to her back heartbeat comes back again baby's heartbeat drops we're like what the fuck is going on doctor finally comes in and goes okay uh we're gonna we're gonna do a c-section you know and uh so emma's like heartbroken right because she's like i worked so fucking hard i wanted this birth to go this one specific way. And it didn't. She's like, I'm working out every single day. I was like preparing my body for this journey.
Starting point is 00:07:52 It was about to go on and then it didn't happen. And she's upset because she's like, I didn't want to take the Tocin. She's like, I didn't want to get an epidural. She didn't want to do all these things. Nothing is going according to plan. Nothing at all, right? For the most important day of her life. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:08:04 And in that moment, you're like, you want to get her, but listen, we're here for a baby. However we get the baby, that's the success. We're not here for the birth plan. The birth plan is a nice way to go about it, but that's not the success here. It's happy, healthy baby, lock in because we still got time. And this is 24 hours, no sleep. You try to sleep, contraction kicks in every five or six minutes. She wakes up. You wake up with her screaming. You're like, is everything okay? You know what I mean? You're just fucking terrified.
Starting point is 00:08:31 It's fast. Take you into this room. Surgery room is set up. There's like this makeshift bib curtain. It's not really a curtain. It's like a bib that kind of blocks her off from here. Now, keep in mind, Emma hasn't eaten anything for 24 hours because you can't eat when you're on the drugs. And now they're pumping her full of drugs so that she can be, you know, further numbed because they're about to do real surgery.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Right? Yeah. So she's on her back. She just starts yakking. So she's thinking for like a little throw up bowl. She's throwing up into this thing, trying to, you know, keep it all together. I'm kind of next to her. I'm talking to her. I'm terrified.
Starting point is 00:09:09 And all of a sudden, they start doing the cutting. What are you trying to say to her in this moment? I'll tell you exactly. Yeah, I was working material. I'll tell you exactly. Be great for the new hour. Get over to Payoff, baby.
Starting point is 00:09:23 MSG, just wait. So I was basically, I was going, I was just don't need a payoff maybe MSG just wait so I was basically I was going I was just telling her about great just times we had on vacation
Starting point is 00:09:33 like it was just just imagining those moments where we were really kind of in love and it was just things that we really enjoyed and you know
Starting point is 00:09:42 remember when we were doing this and I'm just saying keep in mind she's numb she can't feel anything she can just feel her body being were doing this? And I'm just saying, keep in mind, she's numb. She can't feel anything. She can just feel her body being pulled in different directions. And I'm next to her
Starting point is 00:09:49 and there's this bib right here and literally, I'm just talking to her as this is happening. Her body's going like this. Because they're just tearing away and then trying to pull the baby out. Now, keep in mind,
Starting point is 00:10:03 we were watching this show True Detective and in one of the baby out. Now, keep in mind, we were watching this show, True Detective. And in one of the episodes of True Detective, it's taking place in Alaska. I won't take too much time. But like there's these babies that are born stillborn. So the baby comes out and you're waiting for the baby to cry, but you don't hear the baby cry. So Emma and I just saw this episode and she's like, I can't watch the rest of this. It's too scary. Remember, everything that could go wrong has gone wrong for us.
Starting point is 00:10:25 So there's no reason for us to believe that anything's going to work out. Yeah. Okay? Fucking, I'm telling her this story, and all of a sudden she goes, and Emma's like, hey, I don't hear crying. Is everything okay? And I don't hear crying either. And I'm just waiting for crying. And you're just hearing the doctors go, and then you hear the doctors go, there's a lot of blood.
Starting point is 00:10:45 There's a lot of blood. And I'm like, oh, my God. Is Emma going to be like, it's not just the baby going to be OK. Is Emma going to be OK? She's been on this Pitocin, which induces hemorrhaging in a lot of women after the birth. So you're like, fuck it. I don't want to scare her about the blood. So I'm like, no, no, no. And then they go, yeah, we don't have the baby out yet.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Everything's going to be fine. We go, OK. I keep telling her stories. Hey, remember that time when we were in Kyoto? We're walking around Kyoto and we saw that. I mean, the whole process in that whole room is an hour. This moment is maybe like 10 minutes, five minutes. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:15 It's crazy. Hey, remember when we were in the pyramids? We were walking on the pyramids. She's like, yeah, I remember we were in the pyramids. And she keeps telling, yeah, tell me another story. Tell me something. And you're just like this. And all of a sudden, there's like a pretty violent pull on her.
Starting point is 00:11:28 And then she stops. And then we just hear, wah. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And you're like, it's like for the first time, this is going to sound exaggerated, but I genuinely feel this way. It's like for the first time in like almost two years, I feel like I could breathe. I don't know if the baby's good yet. Emma goes, hey, here's the plan. She told me this before.
Starting point is 00:11:52 If we have to do C-section, I want you to be with the baby immediately. And you do like chest on chest, like skin on skin contact, which apparently is good. Go be with the baby. Make sure everything's okay when they're measured. Do not leave the baby. I go, okay. Here's the thing. I don't know that baby. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like my connection is not, this is the wildest thing that you'll ever experience. It'll happen to all you guys. When the baby first comes out, they tell you the second you look at your kid,
Starting point is 00:12:19 it's the most, no, that's an alien. My wife has a hole in her stomach. Yeah. The size of a bowling ball. I'm looking back and I just see blood everywhere around his stomach because I walked around the curtain. So I'm with this baby and there's this beautiful moment. This like life has been brought in the world. But all I can think about is, is my wife going to bleed out? Is that life? Yes. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Fuck. Yeah. And I'm glad you didn't look around the curtain while they were taking it out because I saw that in nursing school. That shit is crazy. What does it look like? So it's like when they cut, they just aggressively pull the skin. That's what I'm saying. Like, you see her.
Starting point is 00:12:53 I'm like, this is too aggressive. This is not right. No, this is the way it happens. It's like just, like, that shit was nuts. Crazy. So I'm glad you didn't see it. Crazy. The Ben Carson C-section.
Starting point is 00:13:01 nut. Crazy. I'm glad you did. Crazy. The Ben Carson C-section. Yeah. Fucking. Get into sword. Fucking slice his head. Yeah, he talks about the magical hands. Magical motherfucking hands by him. Life Tour, Charlotte. Thank you
Starting point is 00:13:14 so much for selling out the show. We added a second show in Charlotte. Also, Nashville, we are coming. Austin, we are coming. Phoenix, we added a second show. San Francisco, you sold out all four shows. That's incredible. We'll see what we can do about that. But thank you guys so much. More cities are also available at Go there. If there are tickets left, go check them out.
Starting point is 00:13:36 And Philadelphia, you're up next. I will see you there soon. Peace. Yo, San Jose, thank you guys so much. That was crazy. They had just expanded the club. We still sold it out, and we had more people coming after. We filled up every standby ticket we could possibly fill. Other people still didn't get in. That was amazing.
Starting point is 00:13:52 One of the best weekends of my comedy life. Thank you so much. Also, February 23rd and 24th, Oklahoma City. We're not doing the 22nd anymore. I have to film a little something. You will see what it is soon. But Oklahoma City, February 23rd and 24th, and March 1st and 2nd,
Starting point is 00:14:06 Greensboro, North Carolina. I'm excited to be in a place that might not be so cold in March. So hurry up and buy your fucking tickets to that. And March 8th and 9th, Stanford, Connecticut, April 11th through 13th,
Starting point is 00:14:15 Tempe and April 18th through 20th, Denver, Colorado. We're doing another 420 show at Comedy Works, this time at the bigger location. Let's see what happens. Get those tickets and more at Now let's get back to the show. So I go over to the baby. They asked me, I'm like
Starting point is 00:14:31 in a state of shock. I'm worried about the, you know, love of my life is over here. Just went through this intense surgery. She's fucking vomiting. There's blood everywhere. I still hearing them saying there's a lot of blood. So I'm still worried about that. And then I'm seeing my daughter and it's this amazingly beautiful moment, but I'm still, that's where my love is right now. Right. And, uh, I mean, the daughter's there and I'm like, can I say the daughter holds my fucking hand? It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:14:52 You get an emotion. You're crying. You cry at the fucking, the second you hear her cry, cry, you start to cry. And, uh, they asked me if I want to cut the umbilical cord and, and I go, like i don't know that it's ceremonial you know what i mean it's already been cut but i'm like the the bilgacore is where she gets the blood and the oxygen and the food and all that shit i'm like no i never cut an umbilical cord before and then the lady goes no no it's already been cut it's like a ceremonial serum is that the term yeah ceremonial ceremonial thing whatever symbolic symbolic whatever mister i can do brain surgery
Starting point is 00:15:29 i cut that shit i got that little calamari bro it was yeah anyway and then uh fuck man and then uh i get the baby the baby's on my chest it's amazing I go back to check on Emma no no I'm sorry I go back and check on Emma she's like kind of delusional she's like go back and check on the baby again
Starting point is 00:15:50 I'm like okay get the baby and then immediately we bring the baby and we put it on Emma's chest it was really important to her that she had this like skin on skin time
Starting point is 00:15:58 immediately apparently it's important for the baby too so she hasn't eaten anything over a fucking day she's been on pumped up for drugs with empty stomach,
Starting point is 00:16:06 throwing up and everything. And she like, bro, this was awesome to see. Like it's awesome when you see somebody give everything they've got. Yeah. Like locks in.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Like primally. Primal? Like where the gas tank's empty and then there's a new gas tank. Yeah. And a lot of us don't even realize that gas tank even exists. then there's a new gas tank. Yeah. And a lot of us don't even realize that gas tank even exists.
Starting point is 00:16:27 It only exists for this one purpose in the entire universe. Locks in, baby here, kissing, hugging, blah, blah, blah. Then I take her, knocks out. Wow. They move her to a different room to have skin on skin.
Starting point is 00:16:40 Comes back, locks in, skin on skin, baby latches, gives the baby the first feed literally sucks the last bit of life out of emma knocks out emma goes before she passes out she's like hey i don't fall asleep i have to sleep don't fall asleep just keep an eye on the baby i go okay i i i go i could do that baby's in there. This is the weird thing that happens. Remember I said that you don't have the connection with the baby initially?
Starting point is 00:17:09 Yeah. That thing, it starts to seep into you. Okay, okay. I thought you were going to fall asleep. Okay. No. It like, it's the weird. I said it, I think I texted you, Mark, and it was just like, in the way that like, if you pour water over a cobblestone, you know how it will fill every space?
Starting point is 00:17:30 That's what the love for the kid feels like. It just starts to seep in and then this weird like protective instinct comes in. And like I kind of I didn't go at it with this doctor, but like a new doctor came in from another floor and was like, hey, I'm here to check on the baby. And I was like, can I see some ID or something? In my brain, I jumped to the conclusion that she was going to steal the baby. So I didn't let her in. And I went and I asked the guy who managed the floor. And I was like, do you know this bitch? That's valid.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Do you know this fucking bitch? He's up, dude. No, no, no. And I knew how irrational and insane I was being. Nah, do it. But it's weird how it kind of... Kev on stage said a thing that I think will apply in reference to this story.
Starting point is 00:18:18 He asked his dad, when do you stop worrying about your kid? And he goes, never. The worry's just changed. Yeah. So that's just a sign that you're going to be a great father and then this is just kind of the worry is the worry. Oh my God. But then, yeah, and then we
Starting point is 00:18:31 she did work there. And yeah. She could have not. She could have not. Was it awkward when she came in? Were you like, yeah, you know, not taking any chances? I was totally fine with it. I had nothing to explain to you. You get it. I felt zero. I was like, yeah, this is a good concern, father. You should like me.
Starting point is 00:18:46 You should want people checking you. Yeah, a thousand percent. Random women shouldn't be able to walk up to your baby wearing a different color uniform. I guess another floor got a different color. It's not a fucking MacBook
Starting point is 00:18:55 I'm watching. It's a child. It's a big deal. That makes sense. If it's a different color uniform, I thought it's like the same white coat as everybody else.
Starting point is 00:19:02 She has the name tag here and he's asking, do you work here? She has dark blue for it. That's the other thing. You could get these costumes anywhere. They're not like administered by the hospital. I'm looking at her shoes, right?
Starting point is 00:19:15 She didn't have the same. They all wear these like calzeros or something like that. They're a version of a croc, but it's a different type. It's a fancier croc. This bitch coming in with new balance. I'm like, hold on. She's ready to run. Exactly. She's ready to run with my motherfucking baby.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Long distance. I'm like, not my baby. So this other dude who's looking over the floor, I told you this shit. Other dude looking over the floor. He's like, no, no, she works here. Everything's good. I'm like, alright, keep an eye on her. I gotta go get a coffee. I come back. That dude who runs the floor is also a nurse.
Starting point is 00:19:46 He has to pump out the blood from my wife's vagina, and he does that by pushing on her stomach. So my wife is vagina out. I told y'all this. Vagina out, and every 30 minutes, he got to push on her stomach and then shoot the blood out of her vagina. Fuck, dude. Right? Does that three times. Before we leave, looks at me, he goes, yo, bro, big fan of the pod.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Yo, son, been staring at my wife's pussy. You know what I mean? Pumping blood out of it. And it hits me with the big fan of the pod. We could have just gone our separate ways, fam.
Starting point is 00:20:17 Thank you for listening. But I don't need to know. You know what I mean? Did he snap a pic, be honest? No, I mean mental. You too? I think mental pic. He might have when I mean? Did he snap a pic, be honest? No, I mean mental. You too? I think mental pic.
Starting point is 00:20:26 He might have when I went to go get the coffee. That's crazy, right? You got to let bygones be bygones with that one staring straight down my wife's vagina. Yeah, as long as I'm in a vulnerable moment, I'm not a fan at that moment. You know what I mean? I'm just going to be like, yo, I'm going to move on. Yeah, you don't know me. I don't know you.
Starting point is 00:20:43 And you don't know what my wife's vagina looks like. Anyway. Yo, I'm going to move on. Yeah. You don't know me. I don't know you. And you don't know what my wife's vagina looks like. Anyway. He's like, yo, your wife was in a spin cycle. My son. Son, it was crazy. Son, it was crazy. It was too intimate.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Every nurse during the C-section was a fan of the pot. Male nurse, every single one. Wow. Every single single one shout out to all of y'all but they're listening right now bleeding so much you know what i mean the fuck yeah y'all gotta stop listening to podcasts while you're doing surgeries motherfuckers can't they use code words or something bleeding a lot is like yo my man said yeah it was like there's a lot of blood or there's hemorrhaging or something like that and that shit is terrifying yeah you like restaurants have code language and they don't even need it. Yeah, 86. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:27 86 on the mom. Give me. Can you just use restaurant language while we're in the surgery? I can hear you. Son. Oh, my God. So, yeah. And then the hard part starts where you just got to keep the baby alive and it's just whatever.
Starting point is 00:21:41 But now it's like. I'm surprised it was cool with all these male nurses. Son. be alive and it's just whatever but now it's like i'm surprised it was cool with all these male nurses son at a certain point like so many medical professionals done finger my wife in front of me bro you just gotta take the l do you know what i mean you just gotta take down oh the doctor came in and uh said this doctor comes in and uh she goes hey i just want to let you know you were never gonna have a natural uh vaginal birth and uh we're like, why? She goes, you're way too thin. Like, you're way too thin on the inside. I guess it's the cervix or whatever it is. She's like, there's no way to tell.
Starting point is 00:22:12 It's like a wall, I think it might be called, maybe. Basically, it's like a martini glass. I guess it opens up in there. But you can only feel, like, the stem, like, when you put your finger in to see how dilated it is. But, like, she's like, yeah, it would have never gone through. It would have never happened. it but like she's like yeah there it would never it would have never gone through would it never happen and um and yeah i always thought it was uh i always thought it was me you know what i mean like you know not to make it about me but you know i said i always thought your boy was
Starting point is 00:22:37 turns out you know what i mean turns out she a skinny mini Turns out You know Shit With all due respect With all due respect You know what I mean I thought You guys Crazy
Starting point is 00:22:54 You are crazy What What Nah y'all wanna know That your wife got the Venus fly track You know what I mean Got the Kung Fu You wanna know your wife got the Venus fly track. Do you know what I mean? Got the Kung Fu. You want to know your wife got the Kung Fu.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Doctor certified Kung Fu. All right. All right. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, I was talking about home. Move past this really quick, bro. Yes, and. This is improv.
Starting point is 00:23:21 My wife hates me, bro. That's how time at home is. Rightfully so. I'm just trying to help. I'm trying to help. My wife hates me, bro. That's how time at home is. Rightfully so. I'm just trying to help. I'm trying to help. My wife hates me, bro. You've done your job. And she should hate me.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Yeah, this is helping. This is going to happen. She's a hero. You see what she went through? You see what she went through? It was unbelievable what she went through. They're little tight pussies. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:23:44 No. That's crazy. That's crazy what mean? No. No, it's crazy. That's crazy what she went through. Oh, man. The whole time, I thought it was me. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:23:52 At least I know them noises was real. You know what I mean? Y'all don't. Y'all don't know if your wife's noises is real. I do.
Starting point is 00:23:59 I know. Doctor certified. A gyno came in and said my wife is tight. I'm just saying. That's a fact. Yeah, but it's not you. You can't date crap.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Yo, hey, hey, hey. It's like bowling with bumpers. Son. Hey, a strike is a strike. I'm taking my strikes however I gotta, bro. Another man coming in the room and telling you your wife's pussy. It was a woman doctor, son!
Starting point is 00:24:29 It was a woman doctor, son! It was a woman doctor! That would kill our company. Nah, as long as you don't make her laugh, I'm fine. Don't make her laugh. Don't be funny while you're doing surgery. I'll beat your ass. I'll beat you up, bitch.
Starting point is 00:24:44 You can't make my wife laugh during surgery. I'll fuck you up bitch You can make my wife laugh during surgery I'll fuck you up Son that was crazy But my wife ate me now So that's it It is what it is But she should I've heard that is the thing
Starting point is 00:24:57 What do you do? I mean they do everything There's nothing like Baby I love The baby wakes up It's Listen you've never done less And felt more productive In your life When you pick up a baby that's yours yeah and you're just looking at them
Starting point is 00:25:11 like everything else you look at your phone and scroll and you just feel like a piece of shit you're like i'm wasted i should be reading a book i should be learning something should be spending time my family this right here is the greatest five minutes, three minutes, whatever it is that you'll ever have in your life. It's incredible. Oh, dude, that video you posted where she smiles at the end. I mean, I didn't talk at the first time. I saw it in a comment. And I was like, oh, wow, that's so fucking, like, what a beautiful thing to have on camera.
Starting point is 00:25:40 It's unbelievable. Yeah, it's just unbelievable. Yeah. And you don't know, like they, do they recognize you or not? It doesn't even matter. It's just the coolest. Everything about them is cool. Like everything about when they sleep, it's the cutest thing you've ever seen. When they cry, it's adorable. When they burp, it's the funniest thing. Everything about them is the most that you've ever experienced. When they throw up, everyone dies laughing. When they fart, it's the funniest thing. Yeah, I remember when Luther had a kid, he took a shit and he was like, you want to come see this?
Starting point is 00:26:12 This is funny. It's the coolest shit. When they first shit, it's dark. It's a dark shit. It's an onyx. It's a dark onyx. It's the darkest shit you've ever seen in your life. And then it starts to lighten up.
Starting point is 00:26:23 But that first one, they've been plotting on it for a while. Yeah, that's true, dude. That's a long month cooker right there. They can't wait. Yeah, when she pees, her nostrils flare. So she was like, that's when she pees. I mean, when she farts just like me, constantly farting. Yeah, that's fire.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Does she imitate it, too? Oh, no, but I do. In about two months, you're going to just lift one cheek and fart. Yeah, it's just going to be, yeah, it's fire. And then how was it when your parents came? Oh, my, my, you get to, oh, the thing about babies months, you're going to just lift one cheek and fart. Yeah, it's fire. And then how was it when your parents came? Oh, my mind. The thing about babies is they literally bring out the best version of everybody. As long as they're not crying on a plane or something like that.
Starting point is 00:26:55 Even then, I find it cute. Because you're like a fucking good human. You know what I mean? This guy. Fucking asshole over here. Take a bus bro but uh but yeah like anybody that sees a baby they're on their best behavior they're their kindness they're their sweetest they treat you the best like all of a sudden you're qualified as like not an asshole you could be an asshole you could be a horrible parent but when you see somebody like pushing a baby you're like all
Starting point is 00:27:23 right they're probably not decent yeah they're like, all right, they're probably not. Decent. Yeah, they're probably a decent human being. They're taking care of a thing. Yeah. You know? And like seeing my mom weep.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Like my mom's like a tough, like Scottish woman. Yeah, I've never seen her. Immediately weep. Oh. Like adorable. Yeah. You know?
Starting point is 00:27:41 Dad is clocked out. Dad is, dad is, dad like multiple times just on the Dad is, dad is, dad like multiple times just on the couch like, who is that? That's your granddaughter. That's a reasonable.
Starting point is 00:27:54 That's a granddaughter. That's sort of cool. You should tell her to come out to Fire Island. Multiple invites. Multiple invites. That's the reason why she just got here though.
Starting point is 00:28:03 You know what I mean? She just got here. 100%. I mean what I mean? She just got here. 100%. I mean, yeah, it's just. No, but imagine getting that news multiple times. That's what I'm saying. Oh, the best day of your life? Every minute?
Starting point is 00:28:14 That's fucking awesome. You're a granddad immediately over and over again. Also, anytime you share that you have a kid with people who have kids, they get to relive the best moments of their kid's early childhood. So their eyes light up and they tell you about when their kid was just born and how magical it was or when their grandkid,
Starting point is 00:28:34 yeah, it was fucking awesome. Do you get the picture stereotype now? What? Every new parent's like, oh yeah, look. Yeah, picture. Oh, I find myself doing it. And I know what I'm sharing with people.
Starting point is 00:28:43 They don't give a fuck and I still do it. I don't give a fuck. Like I know when I shit sharing with people. They don't give a fuck. And I still do it. Like, I know when I shit. With you guys, you guys care. Maybe. But I know the average person doesn't, but I will still. And you should. You're most proud of creating that
Starting point is 00:28:57 over anything else in your life. Your mom's seen this scan of you. She's like, is the nose going to be that way? She was worried she was worried it's also weird when you look at them you see like I saw my mom immediately it was creepy
Starting point is 00:29:14 and I wonder if it's like a biological trick that you're supposed to see either yourself or your relatives in your kid so you don't assume that your wife's a bitch you know and then because i would be a bitch if she got that'd be a mean thing it's a cruel joke it's a prank it's a mean prank it is a fucking mean prank yeah um but uh yeah i don't know i feel like i'm rambling at this
Starting point is 00:29:37 point but it's just like it's great it was yeah it's just crazy it's amazing first one to have jason cuss i tell you guys this he goes goes, yeah, you got to hide the diapers. I go, why? He goes, we hide the diapers. And then your wife's like, we ran out of diapers. And you go, well, I'll go get some. That's good. That's good.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Free game. I hit up Uyeda. I hit up Uyeda. He's like, oh, dude. He goes, well, my baby mama, she liked this specific thing from Starbucks. He goes, those are the two best parts of my day. I go get her Starbucks in the morning. I get her Starbucks in the afternoon.
Starting point is 00:30:09 And I love those are the moments. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you're basically finding these moments to be of service. Yeah. But get the fuck out the house. Yeah, yeah, yeah. As well. Because while the baby's sleeping, you can't play with it.
Starting point is 00:30:19 They can stare at it for so long. It is. It's impossible to stare at without giving it a kiss. It's impossible. I can't even imagine. It's impossible to stare at without giving it a kiss. It's impossible. I can't even imagine. It is impossible. I can't even imagine. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:30:31 It's crazy. Also, you're not supposed to sleep with them on your body. Nothing makes you want to go to sleep. When they're asleep. It's like a little weighted blanket. TV's on. The heat comes on in the apartment.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Also, they don't bitch about anything. You can have full level conversations. Yeah. Babies don't care when you're scrolling. You know what I mean? They love it. Scroll on Instagram all day. I will say this though, and they're right. My wife is right. And women who just give birth and are doing all the things are right in this. But they don't realize they need something until you sit down and exhale at the moment of sit down and exhale is their brains go oh can i have uh the weight distributed in the apartment a little bit more with you over there the second you sit it makes complete sense of course because it's like, I'm doing everything.
Starting point is 00:31:26 This motherfucker exhaling. You ain't do shit, first of all. You got me sour gummies. I got her sour gummies. You had a 24-hour labor. You stayed up, drank coffee,
Starting point is 00:31:33 talked to me. That's it. So it was like day four. We were in the hospital for a while. Day four, I'm fucking exhausted. I'm going downstairs in the elevator to get a coffee.
Starting point is 00:31:41 And I remember thinking to myself, I go, oh, oh, this is the going out for some cigarettes. Like, I would never. I would never, but
Starting point is 00:31:55 this is when it happens. It's this time. The intrusive thought gets in there. Yeah, like, I'm in the elevator. I'm all by myself. Nobody would even know. Like, I'm all by myself, and I'm like, nobody would even know. Like, I'm just going to get off on the second floor and then go get some Starbucks. Because that's what I would do,
Starting point is 00:32:12 because I love my kid more than anything in the world, and it's amazing. I love my wife more than anything in the world. But someone who didn't would take this feeling, and they would go get some cigarettes. And then you'd never see them unless you made the NBA. That would be the only time oh my god so you just look at the car keys you're like bro i'm telling you not even the
Starting point is 00:32:34 car keys the uber app he's getting himself an uber black i need some comfort yeah anyway listen uh so yeah anyway um thank you guys everybody who came out to, there's a lot of people that came out to Life Tour, which is really about the whole process know, I'm not very religious guy, but for whatever reason really means a lot when people who are religious offer to pray. And we really needed everything, all the help that we could have gotten. That meant a lot. So I just want to say thank you to everybody who came out and everybody who's been supported through that process. And also people who kind of kept this a secret as I know it seems weird to talk about it on stage, but also not really want it to be out there. I think when we discussed it on the call, someone brought up a good point, which was like,
Starting point is 00:33:26 you were talking about something that you had gone through, but you hadn't had the baby yet. And you already said everything that could have gone wrong, has gone wrong. And you, I would be like, I don't want to jinx anything. I was so terrified of jinxing it.
Starting point is 00:33:36 But like, even on stage, like we had an agreement, my wife and I, like, we wouldn't talk about getting pregnant until the baby could survive a premature birth so i think after like maybe six months or something like that the baby can okay so i didn't confirm on stage up until then that she actually got pregnant it was like okay we've yeah you know we're trying and
Starting point is 00:34:01 hopefully everything will go well throughout this process. And so we were just so fucking scared. I mean, you get superstitious. The miracle of childbirth. As you get older, you realize that it is a fucking miracle. It's a miracle. Like so many things can happen. Bro, you know what happened?
Starting point is 00:34:22 I became a feminist and an anti-vaxxer day one. Day one. That's an interesting combo. Day one. I became an anti-vaxxer day one. Day one. That's an interesting combo. Day one. I became an anti-vaxxer day one. Why? They come into the room. They're like, hey, would you like, we'd like to give the baby the hepatitis B shot.
Starting point is 00:34:36 And I go, whoa, whoa, whoa. What'd she do that for? Who's she fucking? So I didn't know that. Literally, I didn't know that, right? So I go, hepatitis B. I'm like, what's hepatitis B? They're like, oh, it's just, I'm like, well, how do you get hepatitis B? And then they're like,
Starting point is 00:34:48 oh, well, it's a sexually transmitted disease. And I'm like. See what I mean? Suck my dick. Don't give me hepatitis B. You gotta get the full cocktail. You gotta get everything, man. I'm not saying you don't.
Starting point is 00:34:58 What I'm trying to say is, we don't need that day. Like, what's happening in the nursery that you're worried about this baby getting hepatitis? We can leave that one off the list. I'm not even saying leave it off. Like if we just made a baby day one, you're going to give her a vaccine for some shit
Starting point is 00:35:15 that it would be hopefully really hard for her to get. Yeah, it's kind of a diss, dude, because they give it if like you're if like either the parents have hep B. And so they're basically being like, yo, just to be safe. It's like, what? What are you saying about me? What are you saying? Do I look like I have fucking Hep B? I understand the rationalities. Could you ask if I have it?
Starting point is 00:35:34 Let's just figure out if I have it. No, thank you on that one. It should be like dim sum. I check off the ones I want, and then if we don't want it, we don't want it. Exactly. That's a great, yes. Dim sum with the vaccine. And I'll be't want it, we don't want it. Yeah. Exactly. That's a great, yes. Dim sum with the vaccine. And I'll be honest, some shit is changing about vaccines now.
Starting point is 00:35:49 What's changing? And this is the, it's like parents don't want to admit that they're skeptical. Because Emma started to research some shit. She was like, it's not the vaccine, but like, she's like, the chances of her getting hepatitis are like one in a million day one. She's like, the chances of her getting hepatitis are like one in a million day one. The chances of her having negative effects based on the aluminum that's in the vaccine are like one in 1,300. So it's like, you have a one in a million, I'll go with one in a million odds over one
Starting point is 00:36:20 in 1,300 odds. Yeah. In the beginning. And eventually when the baby's built up a little bit more, you can handle it. But I see why there is a skepticism around the vaccines when they're, like, coming around day one to shoot up your baby. And there's really no upside. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Or at least ask me if I got the help, like you said.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Yeah. Again, I think it's, dude, being completely anti-vax is crazy. But also, every vaccine I need to give them, I don't believe that either. We went to this pediatrician, because you've got to schedule, do your appointment and all that kind of shit. It was a really beautiful mom. And they were like, yeah, so we're wondering about the vaccines. And the pediatrician goes, she's like, we're wondering the timing of that. She's like, yeah, do you want to space them out a little bit?
Starting point is 00:37:01 They suggested it. That means, you know how many parents got to be in there asking it for it to be spaced out for even the doctor yeah to go and preemptively exactly and we're not talking about like some like goofy off the res appalachian mountain conspiracy kooks we're talking about some fucking finance bro yeah parents going what's? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm not saying we should be skeptical about all the vaccines. You just see why it exists. Is that fair?
Starting point is 00:37:31 On the day you meet a perfect baby and you're looking at this thing and you're like, this is perfect. And all of a sudden they come in and they're like, hey, we're going to fix some things. Well, we just got to make sure they don't get an STD in this. You know what I mean? It's like, no, I'm not doing that one. Now you're seeing. Now you're seeing.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Now you're seeing, dude. Come on. Now this is how it happens. You move to Florida, and then you fucking become my family. Welcome to the show, baby. One part of that I really love. One part of that I really love. I love that.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Exactly, dude. And Florida's not bad. You're going to like that, too. I'm telling you, bro. Pally you around, dude. Pally you around. He knows how to get us down there. Anyway, I'll let you out. So, dude. And Florida's not bad. You're going to like that, too. I'm telling you, bro. Pally you around, dude. Pally you around. He knows how to get us down there. Anyway, I'll let you out.
Starting point is 00:38:07 So whatever. Thank you guys for letting me fucking get all that out. That was pretty awesome. And thank you guys for being so supportive throughout this whole process. I know that there's been times that have been high stress that I've definitely come into the pod. No, not at all. So I developed a breathing issue. It was crazy.
Starting point is 00:38:27 When you said, that's what I thought of when you're running, he goes, this is the first time I could breathe. Do you guys remember on Patreon? He was like, I just can't take like a deep breath. I haven't been able to. You need to have a baby. I was so like, I had thought about this the other day. Like imagine having my size nose and not getting enough air.
Starting point is 00:38:42 I have none of the benefits. I should have excess air at all points in time. I should be lighter than I am. You could be an air donor. Yes. If there was one of those, I should have that. But yeah, I looked it up, and there's this stress-induced, it's not asthma, it's hyperventilation. And yeah, I was just like, I would have.
Starting point is 00:39:02 And then on Brilliant Idiots, what happens, sometimes it happened, I would be yawning a lot, and people thought it was just guy i would and then i all in brilliant idiots would happen sometimes it happened i would be yawning a lot and people thought i was tired but it was a symptom of not being having enough oxygen so your body takes over and just induces a yawn so you can get enough your yawning's an anxiety thing i do it all the time when i'm anxious yo it was fucking crazy so that's crazy what it can do to your body it's's crazy. It was like, uh, I think you, one of you guys was saying this. It was like, um, your body eventually, what is it? There's a book called healing back pain. Basically the idea is like a lot of times your body creates pain or physical physiological issues to distract your mind from like the overwhelming stress and anxiety. It's like, look, you're not trying to deal with that right now, but I get it. So let's just have
Starting point is 00:39:43 some other shit pop up. you can focus on that. And that's kind of the idea. My wife had migraines, not to talk about this, like every day for like months. You guys knew that. And then we kind of dug and she was going through a lot
Starting point is 00:39:54 and it was a lot of stress stuff. And then once she started to understand that, the migraines have mostly gone away. Every day for months she had migraines, debilitating migraines. That's a similar thing.
Starting point is 00:40:03 It's just stress can have an insane impact on the body. I never in that shit i thought that shit was gay yeah like my whole life i'm like what do you mean you're stressed out whatever like that it's still gonna be gay it's probably and uh that's why you were yawning just trying to suck somebody's so but but yo low-key like i just couldn't get full breaths of air. It is the weirdest thing to explain, but basically what happens is I try to take a deep breath, and it just never feels like it gets to that satisfaction point. Yeah. Where you just feel like you got enough. It would always feel like at 80%.
Starting point is 00:40:39 Dude, I remember doing shows at the, weirdly enough, when I'm on stage, it wouldn't affect me. For whatever reason, I guess your brain snaps into like a different survival mode. Adrenaline mode and yeah. Or like this hyper focus and you know, you can't be stressed by these other things. But I remember I'd be doing shows at the cellar and then in between I would have to leave
Starting point is 00:40:57 and I would go to this little park off Sixth Avenue where they had these benches and I would do these box breathing techniques that they give like Navy SEALs and shit where it's like a six second breath in. Hold. Hold. Exhale.
Starting point is 00:41:11 12 second exhale or whatever. Yeah, six second. And then you just keep doing it. And I'm like, I just, anything I could do to find a way to be able to breathe. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:20 Yeah. And it was just crazy. Yeah, it sucks. And that was for over a year. It's just like. Yeah, you were in a little bit of denial about the stress I think I don't know
Starting point is 00:41:26 are you stressed you're like nah I'm not stressed and then you'd be like hang on one second my girl's calling me babe is everything okay I think it was a little stressed every phone call
Starting point is 00:41:37 you're like this is it every call if her name came up everything okay and then she'd be like yeah you're late where are you yeah we have to be together.
Starting point is 00:41:45 I forgot to bring it. I mean, it's just so crazy. Anyway, it's awesome. And thank you guys, everybody who came out and saw, and thank you guys for being so supportive. You guys are fucking awesome about the whole thing. And yeah, this is... We got a little baby
Starting point is 00:42:01 in the Flavor fam. Pretty cool. Pretty cool. Pretty cool. Do you feel like, was it fun being settled? I know whenever you have a week or two to do nothing, you get fucking antsy. This, you had two weeks of obviously doing stuff, but kind of just being in the crib.
Starting point is 00:42:18 No, not at all. Not at all fun. It hasn't changed your relationship with nothing to do? I felt like I was, yeah, no, I need things to do. I was like, can I breastfeed? Like, what? Do you want to put it in the bottle? Yo, the baby tried to latch on me.
Starting point is 00:42:32 When the baby first came out, I had to be like, yo, I had to curb my own daughter. That's a diss. Real talk. I got some titties, yo. Damn, bro. But, yeah, but no, no, like, I still still want to do things i want to keep my brain you know the idea of like yeah whatever was it the opposite were you like yo i want to get after it more like i got someone to fight for now no like everybody said that too they're like yo the second
Starting point is 00:42:58 this baby happens you're gonna want to go out there and work so hard i'm like i want to retire hang out with this baby all the fucking time. Play paddle and hang with my kids. That's the best day ever. Like, yeah, yeah, but yeah. But in terms of like, yeah, I want to do things. I want to, I like, I love that my wife has the ultimate purpose right now.
Starting point is 00:43:19 It's incredible. Like she's literally giving life to something. It's incredible. Like she's literally giving life to something. And I think that the dad really comes into play a little bit later. As I've talked to some of my friends, they're like, yeah, once they start kind of waking up and recognizing, then you're like teaching them things, showing them things, walking with them, like, you know, playing with everything that you do with them. They're just absorbing and taking in. But right now you're in the stage of like, keep this baby alive, fed, and growing.
Starting point is 00:43:50 And I'm trying to do everything I can to make that happen. But paternity leave is ridiculous, is basically what I'm trying to say. Like whatever fucking idiot invented that. Paternity leave? Like, for what? You know what i mean maternity leave is like it should be criminal if you don't automatically how long should it be because it's like six weeks for the rest of their life once a woman gives birth she should never have to go back to her i do believe it's beneath them
Starting point is 00:44:19 i have think i've said that before but i think it's beneath a woman to go. If it's her passion or whatever, do it. But like if it's just like a job working at like Target or something like that, it's beneath you. The husband should just take two jobs. Or the government should supply it. Do we want a country or not? Socialists. I'm a feminist, a socialist, an anti-vaxxer. We need a larger managerial class. Sorry, Vivek, you don't know what's going on.
Starting point is 00:44:47 But yeah, it's beneath them. They created a human being. You're going to go work the register now? Yeah. They call it leave. Like, oh, you're going to come back. It should be maternity start. Start.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Maternity beginning. That's it. And that's it. That's it. Six months in Europe. Four with a woman. Yeah. I thought it was like a year, right? Some go up even to a year. That's great. But months in Europe. Four with a woman. I thought it was like a year, right?
Starting point is 00:45:06 Some go up even to a year. That's great. But the paternity leave, whatever man argued for that, they then got it, and they were like, bad idea. What about the podcast last week? What'd I say? You said, hey, I'm not going to do the podcast. That's my wife. Come on, bro.
Starting point is 00:45:22 You kidding me? I would have gone out to get some diapers in a heartbeat. She saw you on an Instagram clip. It's like, when did you record this? It was old. It was scheduled. Yeah, we banged it way long ago. No, no.
Starting point is 00:45:35 I think paternity leave should be a week. You need a week so that they can mend up and everything is going to be okay. As long as the wife has help. If the wife has family, if you have a baby nurse, the wife needs help. You need something for the wife, 100%. But if I'm being home because I selfishly want to be around my kid. Like I just want to be near her every second of the fucking day. I want that.
Starting point is 00:45:55 Selfish. If my wife was smart, she would say, hey, you're useless right now. Go make us as much money as you possibly can so that she's safe and we're safe during this time period. Let's have you say that sentence again so we can keep it, but just don't say if my wife was smart. Let me just save you a fucking fight. All right. If my wife wasn't a bona fide smart. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:46:23 How do I say this? The ideal setup. The ideal setup. If my wife was even more genius than she is. She's already obviously a genius. Of course. You know what I mean? No big deal.
Starting point is 00:46:35 MBA from NYU. She's a businesswoman. You know what I mean? So if she wanted to treat this like a business, she would say, yo yo during this time period where you're a servant go out there and get after it
Starting point is 00:46:48 so that when you really need to kick up the daddy duty you can take some time off for that and then I'd be like nah bro that baby's too cute
Starting point is 00:46:56 I need to be around that baby and she's like that's selfish and you go I'm selfish I asked her what I'm getting for Valentine's I said
Starting point is 00:47:03 Valentine's coming up what am I getting for Valentine's. I said, Valentine's coming up. What am I getting for Valentine's slash your birthday? I said some shit I regretted the fuck out of that. She's on the C-section thing. I'm looking at this woman who's so fucking courageous and brave and it's amazing what she's doing. I said, there's a thing called a push present where you get them a present for doing what they're supposed to. you get them a present for doing what they're supposed to. And I guess we go, do I get to go to work and provide presents?
Starting point is 00:47:32 I don't know. Do I get one of that? No. Here's a push present. Her name is Shiloh Jean Joe. Exactly. So push present. Oh, yeah, so push present. And so I'm on the couch.
Starting point is 00:47:46 I'm, like, looking at this woman. I'm so, like, just enamored by this woman. And I look at her, and I go, let me tell you something, babe. I go, that push present is about to be crazy. That's about to be crazy. And I go, whatever you want. That baby came out, and I had to be like, yo, yo, yo. It was the Pitocin or something.
Starting point is 00:48:05 I don't know what it was. Your boy was acting up. We got to put that money in the college fund. We got to be a little bit more safe about this spending that we got going on. Did she bring it up? You're like, no, no. You were on drugs. She brought it up to me yesterday. Yesterday she brought it up. Who said that? Me?
Starting point is 00:48:22 She's doing group DMs with the fucking jewelry companies. That shit was in the away box. You know what I mean? The general. I put that shit in general real fast. Oh my God. Anyway, okay. I'm sure we got
Starting point is 00:48:40 other things to talk about, but thank you guys one more time. This is how I should have known he needed things to do is when he started texting about the Super Bowl, I was like, this motherfucker, he needs things to talk about, but thank you guys one more time. This is how I should have known he needed things to do, is when he started texting about the Super Bowl, I was like, this motherfucker, he needs things to do. When he's watching the Super Bowl fixated on football, this guy's bored out of his mind. That game was incredible. The game was incredible. It was a good game.
Starting point is 00:48:57 The best. One of the best games I've ever seen. It was funny to see you text him about it. I said, it's overtime. That baby need to wait. Oh, man. It's an incredible game. Everybody watched?
Starting point is 00:49:11 Yeah. You see what I'm saying about Patrick Mahomes? I was happy for you. I'll be honest. I was a little happy for you. There was a little part of me that was joyous because you just became a Chiefs fan and you were going to lose in overtime. I was going to come here. I was like, that's what you fucking get.
Starting point is 00:49:26 But there was a part of me that was like. I don't even know if I'll ever actually leave the Cowboys as a fan because I'm so gay and I just keep reading news and stuff. But the Chiefs have beaten the Cowboys' biggest rivals in every Super Bowl. The Eagles and the Niners are the two biggest Cowboys. So I don't care. I would have loved Patrick Mahomes regardless to keep them from three Super Bowls. But he's the best.
Starting point is 00:49:47 He might not be the greatest ever because Brady played for 18 years or whatever and won so much. And I don't know. That's a long career. But nobody's ever been better at quarterback than Patrick Mahomes is right now in this moment in time. And I don't even know if it's debatable. It's insane. That fucking overtime when they got the field goal in San Francisco, his defense had been just kind of dominating all game.
Starting point is 00:50:08 And he's like, what do we need to win? We need a touchdown. All right, let's just go get it. Did you say better than Brady? Brady, at his best, was never this good. Wow. Okay. Brady's longevity.
Starting point is 00:50:17 Can you back that up? Brady was incredible. But I think the reason Brady is the greatest is the longevity. Like, Brady didn't win an MVP for his first, first like 10 years in the league or some shit like that. The number's not right, but it took a long time to win his first MVP. Mahomes has already won three. Wow. In his first six years, I think.
Starting point is 00:50:35 Yeah. He's been to the NFC Championship game every season he started. Yo, you know what? I'm sorry, AFC Championship game. Every season he started. You always spoke about this when it comes to tennis. But like it's crazy that we just finished the career of the greatest football player in history,
Starting point is 00:50:48 which is Tom Brady. Yes. And immediately upon his retirement, there's already discussion about, is Patrick Mahomes better than the greatest football player in history? I mean, the guy does... Poor Brady.
Starting point is 00:51:02 There wasn't even a gap. With Jordan, there still isn't even. This generation might say LeBron, but they don't really know. Yeah. And it's not really there. With Kobe, nobody even really. There was admiration for Kobe, but it was never a real debate. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:17 Brady's still the GOAT, again, because longevity is. But what you're saying is he's not better as a player. He's not better. And here's one thing I also give Brady credit for. It's crazy to say, is he's not better as a player. He's not better. And here's one thing I also give Brady credit for. It's crazy to say, but he's not crazy, but it's crazy to say. Here's another thing you got to give Brady credit for that we forget. He had an insane ACL tear or something in like 2009. He had to get like three or four surgeries.
Starting point is 00:51:39 So to come back and then win more Super Bowls than you had before, insane. Insane. We just kind of forget about that. So again, longevity, you got to say this is the greatest maybe athlete ever, but just being so good in a moment in time. Patrick Mahomes is flawless. He has zero flaws. Brady was not athletic.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Brady's at home eating avocado ice cream right now. He's coming back. Mahomes got the dad body, whatever the fuck he wants to. Brady eating avocado ice cream, can't get a six-yard scramble. Pat Mahomes will get you 30 in overtime. I love that they put the ball in his hands. Fourth and one was so fucking incredible. They went out and got it.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Unbelievable. And the play was designed brilliantly in that Travis was there. If you really look at the play, it's these are the guys we trust the most on this team. Yes. And Travis is there to block, but he's also there for a little dump too. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like I guess if-
Starting point is 00:52:31 It's called a run pass option. Right. So based on what the 49ers lineman, Nick Bosa, who's fucking incredible. If Bosa goes for- If he comes down toward the running back, if he like hooks down like that, I think, then Mahomes runs.
Starting point is 00:52:43 And if Kelsey's open, there's an option for Kelsey pass for a first down. Or he just runs for it. Or he just runs for the first down. He decided to run. But all three options, based on what this lineman does, is just a great—I mean, Andy Reid is amazing. But it's a cool play in that, like, the other team knows the ball is staying in his hands.
Starting point is 00:53:00 Yes. Or it's going to Travis. Yeah. And they called the play and still executed it. Yeah. That's the thing. It's like, you can plan,
Starting point is 00:53:08 you can double team or whatever, but like great players are just going to make great plays. Yeah. And yeah, it was really awesome
Starting point is 00:53:14 to see, man. And give it up for Purdy too. Purdy played well, I thought. He played really well. He had some bad throws, I guess, but like that Chiefs defense
Starting point is 00:53:21 is fucking good, man. They made Lamar Jackson look like not himself. Josh Allen I think had a pretty good game, but not crazy. That kid is nice, bro. I think he's underrated. Yeah, he's good enough at least. Why didn't they give to McCaffrey every play? That is a thing that everybody, because the Chiefs' big
Starting point is 00:53:35 flaw defensively is run defense. You can run on them. Buffalo was running all over them. They just kind of stopped running. San Francisco apparently had two drives in a row in the third quarter. They went three and out, which means they didn't get a single first down. All passes, six straight passes. McCaffrey seems to get six yards every time he runs.
Starting point is 00:53:53 Why don't you just feed him on these drives? And just Kyle Shanahan is the coach of the 49ers, like this offensive genius. But the big knock on him in every Super Bowl that he's lost is that he should have run in certain moments when he did not. I don't know if you all remember, he was the offensive coordinator of Atlanta when they lost up 28-3. Like the second to last drive, they're up eight, Atlanta is. Matt Ryan throws this crazy completion, an insane catch to Julio Jones. If they run three times, they should be able to kick a field goal with like however much time is left. Oh, because they're going to keep the clock running.
Starting point is 00:54:25 Keep the clock running. And you're like at the 30-yard line, so this is a makeable field goal. Let's just run it three times, have a chip shot field goal. We go up 11. There's no way the Patriots win. Yeah. They decide to pass. This is on the quarterback, too.
Starting point is 00:54:37 The quarterback takes a sack. So now you're out of field goal range. You have to punt. And instead of an 11-point game that's two possessions, it's an 8-point game. Tom Brady obviously gets the ball, scores a touchdown. He's got the same Mahomes thing where it's like he's going to get the touchdown and the two-point and they lose the game.
Starting point is 00:54:53 Against the Chiefs, they're up 10 in the fourth quarter. There's a play where if they just run, the clock keeps going. You could probably get a first down. They try to pass Chris Jones, who's so underrated. The defensive tackle for the Chiefs. He knocks it down. They end up having a punt. Kansas City takes the lead on the next possession.
Starting point is 00:55:08 Then this time, every time, just fucking run the clock out or pick up yards on the ground, and there's just always a little pass happening. You know what's crazy is to see someone who is so much better than everybody else that at that point in a game, we're talking about overtime, potentially the last drive, still does whatever he wants.
Starting point is 00:55:30 It's unbelievable. You can't be just a little better than everybody else to do whatever you want. Think about it like tennis, paddle, basketball, whatever. If you're a little better than the team that you're playing against, you don't do whatever you want. You might get some buckets, but you don't do whatever you want. Still scrapping a little. You have to be
Starting point is 00:55:45 so much better. Jordan was so much better than the competition that on any given night, he puts up 40 if he wants it. Boys and men. And I think that's the Patrick Mahomes situation. Yeah, Doug. I was thinking about this. He was playing really poorly. He didn't even look nervous when he walked out there. Oh, not at all. Everybody,
Starting point is 00:56:01 and I'm a pessimistic guy. Everybody else, so I didn't know if they would score a touchdown, but everybody else that I'm listening to. And I don't think this is hindsight. I think this is real. If you're not rooting for Patrick Mahomes, you're like, oh, he's going to beat us. It's over. We fucked up not scoring that touchdown. It's over. Like the overtime rules, I guess, were a little bit different, where now even if you score a touchdown on the first drive, the other team can match. And San Francisco's head coach didn't tell any of the players. He was like, let's receive because if we score and then they match us, we get the ball back.
Starting point is 00:56:35 And then the Chiefs players were like, we met twice a week every week in the playoffs talking about this exact scenario, and we said we want the ball second. We were shocked they took it first because we figured if they score a touchdown, and this is having Patrick Mahomes, then we'll just go down and score a touchdown and we'll go for two and win the game. Now, here's the thing. I love that, but there is something I have to say about that.
Starting point is 00:56:55 How much accountability do we have to give the players to learn the rules of the game? Bare minimum, if you're a player, you should know the rules of the game. I love the fact that KC is so organized that they're going to basically work out every scenario and make sure the players know. But, bro, you're an NFL football player and you don't know the rules of overtime? Get a YouTube link in the group chat or something. What do you mean they don't know the rules?
Starting point is 00:57:18 They just changed the rules this playoffs. I didn't know. I had no idea. But you don't get paid to play football. It only applies in the playoffs. Regular season is the same rules. This is the first year that the playoffs were this way. Also, I like the rule change.
Starting point is 00:57:32 I think it makes more sense. And it wouldn't have impacted this Super Bowl because the old rules, like the five-year-old rule is if you kick a field goal first, the other team has a chance to match. And if you score a touchdown, it's over. It technically isn't different, but it was different this year. I think what happened is that it takes away the time component. So let's say you're on a long drive on the way down and you eat up nine minutes
Starting point is 00:57:53 a clock. The other team, yeah, they have a chance to score, but they would only have three minutes left or however long the overtime period was left in order for them to score. And also, if they score a touchdown, I don't get the ball at all. It's just over. It saves that golden goal scenario where it's just first one to get it actually scores. Yeah.
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Starting point is 00:58:45 I hope she would. You didn't think? I don't think so. Everything is so calculated that she would know? I'm assuming. Like, maybe in the back of your head, you're like, oh, is it going to be a double blind, whatever, whatever. But, like. You know, second Travis Kelsey grabbed that mic.
Starting point is 00:58:59 And he's good on the mic. I ain't going front. Like, he got me hyped. Yeah, he was nice. But the second he grabbed it, I was like, we not getting a proposal today. He was singing fucking Beastie Boys. I was like, Taylor is not getting a ring today, baby. This is about Travis.
Starting point is 00:59:14 She was chilling on the side. As it should have been. Like, it's his day. Like, if he would have proposed, it would have been all about Taylor. And it was already about Taylor too much. Yo, you know, this poor girl can't win, bro. I think we was already about Taylor too much. You know, this poor girl can't win, bro. I think we've talked about this maybe before, but
Starting point is 00:59:29 literally, she has four sold-out shows in Tokyo, hops on a jet to be at her boyfriend's, not even her husband's, her boyfriend's her boyfriend's game, or whatever, Super Bowl, obviously, big game. She comes to every single one of the
Starting point is 00:59:46 fucking games. She has to organize how many people's lives have to move so she can go to this game. All the security guards, all of her traveling people, maybe some of her management because she probably still has to do work in between. She's probably traveling 10, 15 people. Think how exhausted you are
Starting point is 01:00:02 too. Four sold out shows. Everybody talks about how much she puts into her show. From fucking Japan, I got to go to Vegas. And they're hating on her because the NFL is using her. Yes. Not even she's using it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:18 The NFL. Hate on the NFL. Yeah. Say fuck the NFL. Yeah, but she can ask the NFL, yo, hey, don't cut to me that much. Can she? Yes. And you think they would honor it? They NFL, yo, hey, don't cut to me that much. Can she? Yes. And they would listen to her. And you think they would honor it?
Starting point is 01:00:26 They would listen to her. I don't think so. I heard there's a rumor that she got Kanye kicked out of the Super Bowl. Did he get kicked out? I mean, there's a rumor. There's a rumor. That he bought the seats right in front of Taylor. And Taylor was like, NFL, if he's there, I'm out.
Starting point is 01:00:42 I have a history of hating on Taylor. We all know this. This is crazy the way she's getting hated on for this. Son, she's watching her boyfriend. And then early on, people were like, why she? Nobody gets more hate, bro. Nobody gets more hate that's probably a good person. There are people that get hate.
Starting point is 01:00:58 I could agree with that. But nobody gets more hate that's probably a good human being. I don't even know about probably a good human. But she definitely likes the attention. Yo, she's a star. They're all addicted to the attention. They need it. But in order to be that much of a superstar, you probably
Starting point is 01:01:14 have to be into, okay, so she gets it. But the reality is, she's showing up for her man. All these people online complain, your girlfriend don't even go to your fucking rec league games. They never once supported you. So what the fuck are you crying about her for? the fact that she's at every single do you think she's flying to this game for nfl cameras to be on her as if she doesn't have enough attention like what do you think is her purpose i'm saying is that these people yeah sorry yeah that was at
Starting point is 01:01:38 you but you're defending them so i'm just saying at them do you guys think taylor swift is flying from japan to the super bowl because she's like, I need more attention. She just sold four stadium shows in Japan. Tabloids talk about her all the time. She's not like, hey, let me fly 20 hours overnight after four sold-out shows so I can get a little more character.
Starting point is 01:01:57 That's a great point. The argument that she's doing it for attention. Are you fucking crazy, dude? She's the most famous musician on the planet. One of the most famous human beings on planet Earth. Fucking billionaire. She doesn't need more attention. She's the most famous musician on the planet. One of the most famous human beings on planet Earth. Fucking billionaire. She doesn't need more attention. She needs less attention. She sold out of Legion twice.
Starting point is 01:02:10 Travis only did once. No, no. She sold out of Legion. Oh, sorry, sorry. Legion is Vegas. Yeah, Vegas. In LA, it was four or five. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:02:17 Travis did it, and this is a Derek Poston line when it comes to this. But whenever we do an arena, Derek always goes, yo, you know what's crazy? It took two basketball teams to sell this out. Yeah, that's fire. So she sold out Allegiant. It took two football teams, right? And the fucking Super Bowl to sell that shit. And I don't even think the Chargers
Starting point is 01:02:37 sell out Allegiant. And if they do it, it's eight times. She did it five. On her own. Do you think she's like, hey, let's fly cross-continent so I can get less than 60 seconds of airtime on the Super Bowl? If she wanted to do the halftime show, do you think they're going to be like, well, no, we got to line up for a few years set. Next year, she could say today, I want to do the halftime show. If she really wants attention, I want to do the halftime show. And the NFL would be fucking giddy.
Starting point is 01:03:05 Yeah. But she should wait a couple couple years because you don't want to follow Usher. I don't think anybody wants to follow Usher, bro. Yesterday, I believed in racism. Finally. It took me watching Usher, going on Twitter. Feminist. What a liberal fuck you're about.
Starting point is 01:03:21 Have a kid. It's going to change your life. It's amazing. I go on Twitter. I go Usher. I go Usher period. Unbelievable period. King period. Something like that.
Starting point is 01:03:32 Immediate reactions are like, you thought that was good? That shit sucked. That was one of the worst. I'm like, oh, I thought I was crazy. Racism exists.
Starting point is 01:03:40 Yeah. Racism exists. The only way that you could not think that was great is if you're smart. Yeah. Racism exists. The only way that you could not think that was great is if you're smart. No. No, no, no. I don't know if it's not racism, but the fact that there are people so ready to fucking hate.
Starting point is 01:03:57 Yeah, dude. You decided to hate that before Usher went up there. They would have been like, yo, Morgan Whalen would have destroyed that shit. And again, I don't know if it's racism, but there is something else. There's another cultural phenomenon happening here that they decided that they were going to hate on that performance before he even did it.
Starting point is 01:04:14 I don't know what it is, but I understand why I feel such a pressure to be a perfectionist because we watched it, and I was sitting there watching, and Usher's just killing it with the fucking roller skates, having an amazing time. He ends. I'm standing up in the living room. I'm like, yo, this guy's the fucking best. Look at the family group chat.
Starting point is 01:04:28 My uncle just goes, horrible. So it is racism. Yeah, it is. People don't like black people. It turns out people don't like black people. I mean, it is crazy. I bet they liked them when they were playing really good for the fucking Chiefs. Reba McIntyre was amazing.
Starting point is 01:04:47 That's the thing. I was like... Son, racism is real? You telling me racism is real? After all this time? Reverse racism is real, too. Talk to me. It's going to be controversial. These black girls hating on Taylor, bro. Hating on Taylor, bro.
Starting point is 01:05:02 Actually, it's racism. It is racism. Did we just find out? Did Taylor just convince us racism exists? Yeah, bro. Usher just convinced us racism exists. This is what MLK wanted, bro. The Super Bowl really brought us together. They divided us at the same time.
Starting point is 01:05:18 What a great sporting event. None of y'all soccer shit could do that. What Usher did... Can I just say one thing about the other shit? The dude I've got. What Usher did, I'm fucking believable. Can I just say one thing about the Usher? The first thing I noticed, this is the first thing I picked up with Usher. He, some people, and you are rightfully so,
Starting point is 01:05:36 are nervous to perform on that stage. That is probably the biggest stage you can perform on in the world, right? When he was on that stage, the first time you saw him, and I'm wondering if you guys felt this too, I've never seen somebody that looks so confident,
Starting point is 01:05:53 and not fake confident, so confident to the point where he's like, you guys are gonna pour into me. I'm not gonna pour you. Hey, like he even got, he approached the mic, he even kind of like had a little smirk, not a fake pour you a, hey, like he even got to be approached to Mike and even kind of like had a little smirk. Not a fake, cocky, arrogant singer smirk. An actual, I've done this a million times.
Starting point is 01:06:14 I am the greatest at doing this. And you are all about to witness an absolutely amazing performance. He did that knowing he had to sing and dance. No fucking track. He sang and danced. Am I making this up or did you guys also get that feeling too? I felt like he was like, you guys think this is big for me.
Starting point is 01:06:35 It's not. It felt like an open mic. It felt like the energy when you see a Chris Rock at the cellar or something like that. Trying shit out. We're going to have some fun. This is going to be fun for us. Does he do the roller skates at the cellar or something like that. Where it's just like, hey, we're going to have some fun. Like, this is going to be fun for us. Does he do the roller skates at the Vegas show?
Starting point is 01:06:49 Yeah. He must, right? There's part of me that thinks that they knew he was going to get the Super Bowl early. And they were like, let's do the Vegas run so that your cardio is good. You know the songs. He's having the most amazing probably year or two years. I love seeing the research. Since we were kids.
Starting point is 01:07:05 This is crazy. I forget often how much usher dominated our childhood yeah like my way was a bonkers album hit after hit then a701 then confession was even crazier like this guy dominated our entire childhood and to see him have this resurgence i'm glad everybody's remembering and new people are fine my wife was confused she was like's like why did I think usher? Do people like him? She literally said that and I was like, oh, this is a generational thing. I don't know the drugs that level of confidence where he's just going up to everybody's woman and just like that is a level of confidence where it's crazy she saw that my wife saw the performance afterwards and she was like that was the greatest halftime performance i've ever seen. It built. She went in there going,
Starting point is 01:08:05 who is this guy? Why is Usher doing it? Do people like his music like that? Like literally. Yeah. She starts singing some of the songs and at the end she goes, that was the greatest halftime show
Starting point is 01:08:14 I've ever seen. Yeah. And it built. It just got better and better and better, which is crazy. Like the one knock. And there are people that hate it on it. I wish she sang more of the songs.
Starting point is 01:08:23 I wish she sang longer. Yeah. That's the one knock. And I thought she did great, truly. But Rihanna's hal the songs. I wish she sang longer. That's a one-knock. And I thought she did great, truly. But Rihanna's halftime performance, I was like, yo, this feels kind of long. Usher, I was like, did they give him the proper time? That didn't feel long enough. But he got extra time.
Starting point is 01:08:34 He's got a lot of good songs. But it moves so fast, you're like, what the fuck, dude? People are going to hate, bro. That's the reality. Incredible. Singing live the whole time. No fucking tracks. Unbelievable, man. Incredible. You know how I time. No fucking tracks. Unbelievable, man.
Starting point is 01:08:45 You know how I knew he was singing live pretty quickly, actually? His first few dance moves, right? Yeah. I thought usually when they start the Super Bowl show, especially if there's someone who can dance, the beginning dance number is like, I'm going to prove to you guys I got it. I'm going to run out of energy. But in the beginning, it's going to go crazy. In the beginning, he was doing stuff, but it was kind of like...
Starting point is 01:09:07 Yeah, yeah, that's a good point. It was a little subtle, and I was like, oh, this motherfucker's singing. Oh, he can't get out of breath, because he's got to sing ten more songs. Yeah. The balls to have that confidence in your voice. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. His confidence. This is a random story, but we... Because he's the real...
Starting point is 01:09:23 Sorry to interrupt you. He's the real deal, bro. Like, he can sing. He can dance. It's not manufactured to make it look that way. When he's on the biggest stage in the world, he knows that he could do it because he is that dude. And he reminded us. I think he was like, I'm going to remind you. And some people ain't.
Starting point is 01:09:40 They don't got like that. And their whole career is kind of manufactured. Then they go on the Super Bowl, and we got to actually see them fill that spotlight and fill that space. And they can't really do that shit. Every element. The way he introduced Lil Jon in the fucking, just like crowd surfing or whatever. Turn down for what? Crazy.
Starting point is 01:09:58 And that's not even an upstrip. He just thought through every element of who he brings out, what they do. Unbelievable. No, it's fine. He did jack us a little bit, bro. Talk to me. Remember we did the fashion on the roller skates and I went through your legs? They be dick riding, bro.
Starting point is 01:10:12 I swear these motherfuckers be dick riding, bro. You're welcome, Masha. You're welcome, all right? Son. We gave him that move. That made us sick. We really are the Tesseract, bro. We are the source. We are the source. You gotta find his regimen, though. 45 years old, still with a six-pack
Starting point is 01:10:26 and the V-Lines. That's incredible. That's natty? Or like... Is that what it is? That is natty. We gotta look into that. We gotta look into that.
Starting point is 01:10:35 It's unbelievable. Yo, fuck black people. I get it, bro. How could you not? I get it. That must be his 45 skin, flawless teeth, amazing body, great.
Starting point is 01:10:45 His voice hasn't changed. Not at all. Yeah. And we've known it. He's had that voice since he's 15. What the fuck? He's been performing for, what, 30 years of live performing. Just still hasn't lost an ounce.
Starting point is 01:10:57 It's insane. It's done. Mahomes already got y'all taking away y'all white hype. He's like, we winning. We taking everything. Sunday. Come on, now. Mahomes is white, too, though. Nah, Mahomes is white. Nah, he's white. He's like, we winning. We taking everything. Sunday. Come on now. Mahomes white too though.
Starting point is 01:11:07 Nah, Mahomes white. Nah, he's white. He's more white than black. Until he won, y'all called him black. Somebody. That don't change the fact. Look, we used to be racist, but he's still white. He's still white.
Starting point is 01:11:19 The fan had a tweet. Somebody. All of a sudden, Drake Jewish, Obama's white. We did that with Italians. We're even white for years. All of a sudden, Drake Jewish, Obama's white. We did that with Italians. We're even white for years. Hundreds of years. Hispanic is about to be white. Hey, one day, bro. You're going to be white.
Starting point is 01:11:33 One day, we got you, bro. You keep working, bro. You'll get there. Somebody said something about Patrick Mahomes. Mahomes, over my group. What are he say? Van, actually, somebody said Patrick Mahomes wasn't black,
Starting point is 01:11:47 he's half white or something like that. And then Van goes, actual question, is your dad blacker than Patrick Mahomes' dad? And I thought that was so funny. What a perfect way to put it.
Starting point is 01:11:56 What a great response, dude. No, Patrick Mahomes' dad is black, man. Yeah. He's smoking a cigar with a fucking logo. Yeah, there's a story. It's random, but the story we laughed at for years with Usher back in the day.
Starting point is 01:12:10 Do you remember Confessions again? He's having this crazy run. He's doing the VMAs. Diddy's doing something, presenting some award. Diddy. We all know how afraid of everyone Diddy is now. Diddy's got some voter die shirt on. It's like 2004 or whatever.
Starting point is 01:12:23 Usher gets up to the podium and he goes, yeah, that's right, y'all. Vote or die. Vote or die. And then Diddy's kind of hanging around and then Usher puts his hand on his shoulder, doesn't even look at him. He's like, he goes, that's it. And that just goes on and on. I swear, he goes, that's it. Vote or die, y'all. That's real talk.
Starting point is 01:12:35 Vote or die. That's it. This guy's swag has been on a trillion for decades. It's insane. To Diddy. Think about'm afraid everyone has a Diddy And he gives them that's it Also because he could possibly expose him There was a couple sleepovers
Starting point is 01:12:53 That was a little weird Maybe that's just what he meant Never again Fighting over cornflakes What was it? It was Diddy What's Diddy's thing with food? Go to Brooklyn and get me a cheese kit.
Starting point is 01:13:09 It was Diddy, Usher, and I think Kevin Hart. Diddy's just talking about, oh, yeah, you know, I had Usher in my crib early. You know, there was times we would be in the bed wrestling, fighting over cornflakes. And Kevin Hart's like, what the fuck did you just say? And he wouldn't let it die so Diddy comes over to him and puts him in like a headlock and you can tell he like really put some pressure on it to like yo shut the fuck up
Starting point is 01:13:34 what is this this is old old old old this is like Kevin Hart it's over for Diddy that shit is hilarious. You see him like apply low pressure, trust the fuck up. I mean,
Starting point is 01:13:50 I believe it. First off, goddamn plane. That's just... That's my brother right here from day one. We used to wake up and, I mean, damn, pause, but like, just like, I mean, back in the days when he was like 10 and I was damn pause but like just that I mean I mean back in the days when
Starting point is 01:14:06 he was like 10 and I was a little bit older his older brother we used to fight over the over the frosted flakes you know what I'm saying before pause was invented but it's my brother for real we used to actually wrestle off of the frosted flakes because he used to always get up early with me. Now he's one of the richest guys in the world. Yo, what the fuck did that just say? Damn, I wish he shoved the end of it. Because you see how did he just like, yo, don't be making fun of me. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:14:36 Oh, God, what a legend Kevin is, dude. That's fire. Oh, that's great. That's fire. You see Biden lean into the Super Bowl conspiracy shit? Yeah, I saw that. What'd you think? He don't know what he's doing. That's just the Twitter account. But into the Super Bowl conspiracy shit? Yeah, I saw that. What'd you think? He don't know what he's doing.
Starting point is 01:14:46 That's just the Twitter account. But I like that they've done that. It seems like every candidate is genuinely concerned about Taylor's endorsement. Yeah, I think he can swing the arm. They are genuinely concerned. That's how much power she has as an individual. Oh, because Trump was begging for it. Trump's beefing with her now.
Starting point is 01:15:02 No, no, they're beefing. I thought he came out begging. That's a bad move. He's begging, but her now. No, no, they're beefing. I thought he came out begging. That's a bad move. He's begging, but like, he's taking shots at him. Taking shots at him. No, he didn't even, that's not a Trump shot. That's a Trump compliment. So he goes, you got the quote?
Starting point is 01:15:15 He basically was like, he said something about Taylor or whatever, and then he goes, and I really like her boyfriend, Travis, even though he probably hates me because he's a liberal. But he's saying, I really like you. He's begging for that vote. He's begging for that endorsement. There's no way she endorses either one. Well, in the past, she is. She has kind of leaned left. Yeah, she endorsed Biden
Starting point is 01:15:34 in 2020, I think. Yeah. Yeah, I think so. Yeah, Swifty. And I think they're genuinely concerned about it. I was reading some shit kind of like it seems like conservative pundits are trying to smearear taylor and basically be like look the nfl is rigged this whole thing is a setup that's what that was a part of the conspiracy like look this is what a lot of people were saying again i don't know if it's true or if this is like left disinformation i don't
Starting point is 01:15:56 know what the fuck's going on but apparently it was like yeah we don't want them to win because taylor's gonna get on the mic or she's gonna tweet after the super bowl with travis she's gonna endorse biden publicly and that's what the whole nfl wants that's what the liberal establishment because Taylor's going to get on the mic or she's going to tweet after the Super Bowl with Travis. She's going to endorse Biden publicly. And that's what the whole NFL wants. That's what the liberal establishment wants. So they're trying to make her radioactive? And try to like smear her, try to like intimidate her and get her to shut up because they don't want her to be endorsing Biden.
Starting point is 01:16:17 Don't go against Taylor. Don't go against Taylor. But that does make sense because I'm seeing all these right-wing Twitter accounts hate Taylor now and I'm like, shouldn't that be y'all's queen? Like, can you imagine a bunch of, like, black whatever going at Beyonce? Yeah. Which has never happened. And Taylor is,
Starting point is 01:16:34 she's white Beyonce, so it's like, seeing y'all go at her don't make no sense to me, but it makes sense you think she might vote left. I think Beyonce is black Taylor, but yeah, we don't have to, we don't have to, uh, split hairs. We don't have to split. Maybe next have to. Split hairs. Black history month. We don't have to split.
Starting point is 01:16:47 Maybe next year. Split good hairs about this. But yeah, I think that makes sense why they would suddenly start hating on it because it made no sense. Yeah. They better chill out. I think they're all trying to get the endorsement, which is crazy. She's in a position where she is influencing global politics. I saw a thing that said like 10% of people said their vote would be swayed by Taylor.
Starting point is 01:17:07 She got 35,000 people to register last fall to become a voter with one Instagram story, I think. Oh, shit. I mean, a real post might do 10 times. And if you're talking about an election as close as the last one, it's like... 35K. That's a lot of people. Yeah, dude. Yeah.
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Starting point is 01:20:13 Again, that's 484-373-6753. Now let's get back to the show. Did y'all see Putin out there begging? I tried. Did y'all see Putin begging? Fucking boring, dude. Let me tell you a 30-second history lesson eight minutes later. Are we still doing this? 45 minutes.
Starting point is 01:20:29 Dave, did you guys watch the whole thing? I watched the whole thing. I didn't watch it. Listen, he's a obviously a shrewd operator and like a masterful at controlling an interview. And there's really no way to kind of shake him.
Starting point is 01:20:45 I thought Tucker asked him some good questions. And I thought he no way to kind of shake him. I thought that, I thought Tucker asked him some good questions. And I thought he did a good job trying to steer it. And he really did. How is this relevant? And Putin was like, you're going to see. You're going to see. Give me 30 minutes.
Starting point is 01:20:54 Exactly. Anyway, Genghis Khan. But also, he would like, Putin would take shots too. It wasn't like he was ignoring. He would kind of clip him a couple times. Yeah, he sent some brushback pitches. 100%. 100%. Yeah, who did some brushback pitches. A hundred percent.
Starting point is 01:21:06 A hundred percent. Yeah, who did the coup d'etat? Like the CIA. Isn't that the three-letter agency you tried to work for? He goes, it's a good thing they didn't accept you. I was like, damn. Oh, wow. Yo, it was like shit.
Starting point is 01:21:16 In a different language. He was prepped. A translator had to tell him, yo, you just got roasted. Yeah. A translator just got crushed. He said it, stared at his face, and then it came in in zip-zappy language. That's bold. He was also telling jokes, too, which I thought was kind of funny.
Starting point is 01:21:33 Son, there was a couple moments. Now, here's the thing, though. Underneath it all, there was some desperation. I felt, yeah. That's what I picked up on. Why would you do this? Yes. He's bragging about like oh We have hypersonic technology better than everybody else and oh we have the number one economy in Europe and all that
Starting point is 01:21:52 If everything's going so great In your country and geopolitically for you and the relationships that you've built are just flourishing you don't do an interview with a incredibly popular American journalist that you know is going to be put on over here. You're doing this, I presume, because you're trying to influence the American public to put Trump back in the election because you think Trump will stop the war. And I mean, Uyeda said something interesting. He goes, listen, the war between Russia and Ukraine is in triple overtime,
Starting point is 01:22:29 and Russia is supposed to be a superpower, and Ukraine is basically just getting weapons from us. Yeah, this should have been mercy ruled. Exactly. So it's like, why is this in triple overtime? So I think Putin, if you notice, he said he hasn't spoken to Biden in a couple years. It could be that the Americans are just not communicating. He's like, yes, our organizations talk to one another. Okay, maybe they do,
Starting point is 01:22:47 maybe they don't. But it seemed to me as more of a desperate move. You want to influence the election. You hope that Trump wins. But if he doesn't, you want to leave that conversation open to potentially ending this conflict. Because he kept saying, we had an agreement. We wanted to stop. We're being reasonable people. We want peace. And then he brought up a couple things that I thought were kind of goofy that he undermined his whole argument with.
Starting point is 01:23:12 Like what? Using the, I mean, Canada's just a bunch of fucking retards for bringing the Ukrainian Nazi in there. But he used it as if it was done on purpose because the guy was a Nazi. Right. Yeah. Like as if he was done on purpose because the guy was a Nazi. Right. Yeah. Like as if he was brought there for his Nazi behavior.
Starting point is 01:23:30 I think what is a miscalculation by a bunch of dumb idiots in office in Canada. Yeah. Where they should have looked at the most basic thing, which is like what side was fighting against Russia during World War II. Yeah. Clearly Germany, right? Absolute retards. And the guy is getting up there. The fucking Ukrainian Nazi guy was up there going,
Starting point is 01:23:52 thank you, finally, you see what we... I've been waiting for this moment. We got George Santos. We have our line. Yeah, yeah. So it's like, I don't know. But to me, it just had this like. There is a wise philosopher once said, if you're explaining, you're losing.
Starting point is 01:24:10 Tom Brady. For real. And he did a lot of explaining. Number two of all time. So he goes, this is why Ukraine should actually be. These are Russian people and there's a Russian soul. There's all this explaining. He's going through the history and all this stuff. He's like, listen, the history
Starting point is 01:24:28 of America is that we were part of England. Does that mean that that's his argument? It's like, these are ethnically the same people. Yeah, who gives a fuck if you're ethnically the same? You go out to the Balkans, outside of the Albanians, they're ethnically all the same people. Does that mean that they should all be the same country? No, they've been fighting to be
Starting point is 01:24:44 separate countries for the last few hundred years. Can Mexico annex like Southern Texas or some shit? Because Mexicans live there. Yeah, he's very educated. And when people are speaking about things that we don't know, we have a tendency to believe them because we can't exactly refute. I can't refute Russian history. I don't really know enough about it. Just frankly, I don't. But it did seem that he really desired something. And if things are going so well, your desires from foreign nations are not as high as they are if you're doing a Tucker Carlson interview. No, he's stepping into an information war. He's attempting to control his narrative and the narrative of his country to try to sway public opinion, specifically in America. And he historically hasn't really done that in the West because he didn't really need to. narrative and the narrative of his country to try to sway public opinion, specifically in America.
Starting point is 01:25:28 Historically, he hasn't really done that in the West because he didn't really need to. Obviously, if you don't include political interference through ads and shit through the elections and stuff. To have a public information war is very out of character, so I agree with you. I think it is symptomatic of we kind of just need to
Starting point is 01:25:43 get some support a little bit. And he's like a strong enough leader that I think he knows like, oh, we can kind of like pull some people. And Americans are falling for it. Yeah. Like I've seen a lot of people go like, oh, this is what a strong leader looks like. And they're trying to justify his positions. And he is elegant in his approach to things. There's a strength, but also an elegance.
Starting point is 01:26:08 I'm not going to be one of these guys who goes, oh, look at this fucking idiot. He's not a baboon at all. This guy's managed to maintain control of a country of over 150 million people for decades. That's fucking hard. With staggering support amongst the population, people love him there. It's not like he's this hated leader. There are detractors for sure, but I think the majority of the population is very happy with Putin from things that have happened. Yeah, legitimately happy or?
Starting point is 01:26:37 Again, we don't know. Again, we don't know. But from what I understand. But yeah, it just feels like he's praying that trump gets in there because he wants a end to this now here's the thing that's interesting when they say we're giving aid to ukraine i didn't realize what it really meant we're not giving them any money yeah did you guys know that we're giving weapons? We're giving us money. What do you mean?
Starting point is 01:27:09 So Congress agrees on the aid package. Let's call it $5 billion or $10 billion. That $10 billion is not deployed to Ukraine. It's deployed to Raytheon. It's deployed to Boston Dynamics or whatever. It's deployed to Boeing. It's deployed to what we would commonly call like the military industrial complex in America. So the money isn't going there.
Starting point is 01:27:33 It's going to American companies that hire Americans, that are employing Americans. Like it continues to filter in our economy, not their economy. And one thing we always read is war is good for the American economy. So I wonder if there's an argument to be made. And maybe they would never, as Vivek would put it, the managerial class would never come out and say it. But I wonder if they would say, like, hey, the managerial class, I wonder if their conversations are basically going, well, these Americans shut the fuck up. This is why we're coming out of COVID better than anybody else. manufactured a war to keep the economy pumping. Because when these weapons companies are building stuff, they still need steel from wherever the steel plants are buying from. We need things shipped. We need screws.
Starting point is 01:28:12 We need paper. We need employees to build it all. Yeah, we need secretaries to push the paper. We need everything. These are massive companies. Now, I'm not saying that we should go to war for this reason. But I think that the way that it's being positioned by a lot of people is very central. It's a drain on our economy.
Starting point is 01:28:27 Yeah, here's the money in America. Instead of helping out Americans, we just give it to the Ukrainians, and now they buy soup with it. It's like an organic stimulus check. So the criticism would be like, well, it's just helping these wealthy companies. Those wealthy companies have people. They buy pools, right? They buy houses.
Starting point is 01:28:46 They rent apartments. Which you can argue with, but then you're just arguing the economic policy of like trickle down or whatever. Exactly. Which is fine. You can argue that if you want to. You might be right. But it isn't money that's hemorrhaging from the U.S. economy and going to the U.S. Are you sure we're not just giving them direct money as well?
Starting point is 01:28:58 I thought it's both. I imagine that like there's a certain amount of it that needs to go there to utilize these weapons. Maybe there's getting the weapons over there is another thing. But still, we're probably not hiring Ukrainian companies to bring the weapons over there. Right. Or even food support and rations and shit for troops, all that stuff. Okay, so maybe there's some food and that kind of stuff. But where is the food made?
Starting point is 01:29:22 Exactly. No, to your point, it might not only be weapons. It's like a stimulus, like you were saying, I think, for the American economy. I'm not saying we should do it, and I'm not saying we should be involved in these foreign wars. I would prefer that—listen, I would love there to be some sort of agreement that stopped it completely. That being said, the way that it's being positioned by people who are opposed to it is as if the money is just leaving America and going there. And it is being funneled through American companies. It still could look like, what is it called, like a money something scheme.
Starting point is 01:29:54 A Ponzi scheme? Pyramid scheme? Yeah. I don't know if it's a Ponzi scheme or a pyramid scheme, but it's one of those situations where it's basically like they're laundering money. They're using Ukraine to launder money to themselves. Like, they're laundering money. They're using Ukraine to launder money to themselves.
Starting point is 01:30:09 But that would be the case if real weapons weren't going there. But real weapons are going there. And it takes real humans to make those real weapons. And it takes real materials to make the real weapons, right? I guess I might be pro-war in Ukraine. I don't know. Again, I don't know. This is one of those things where we should talk to, like, a Vivek.
Starting point is 01:30:23 You talk to, like, a Robert Kennedy Jr. So what do we got here? So you got 4% is going to be, I mean, out of 75 billion, 4% is like humanitarian, emergency food, refugee support, et cetera. Financial, this is, you know, economic support funds, loans, and then security. So that is a big, let's go, can we go up? That is a big percentage. 35% is economic support, but it's economic support funds, loans, and other financial support. If it's a loan, you're going to owe me that money with interest. Well, here's the thing about that, which is very interesting. I saw this clip. I think it was RFK talking about it, but he'd be really good to talk
Starting point is 01:30:51 about this thing. So in order to support Ukraine in this war, what I think Ukraine had to do is relinquish their rights to their natural resources. One of those resources being all these grain fields. I think they call Ukraine like the breadbasket of Europe. I think they provide more grain to the world than any other country and are the greatest grain producer in all of Europe. So they provide food and that's a really valuable fucking thing. If you have 8 billion people on the planet, there's a lot of mouths to feed.
Starting point is 01:31:26 You need places that can grow a lot of food. And Ukraine is one of them. So they would have to relinquish. I think they've already relinquished 30 percent of the rights to that. And I think they would have to relinquish all of it because we're going to have to go reap by we. I think BlackRock has to go rebuild. I think they were given the right to rebuild ukraine once the war is over right now i like giving the right it wasn't a responsibility this is the opportunity
Starting point is 01:31:52 yeah yeah right and how are they going to pay for that they're going to pay for that but giving up the rights to their grain yeah giving up the right if they can't pay for it which we know which we know they can't pay for because how would they fucking pay for it so that's the other thing it's like in the most evil way of looking at this do we push them into a war we know that they cannot win without our support hinder them with tons of debt and then the only way that they can get out of this debt is to relinquish the only natural resources that they have that would present them with any economic viability in the future. And now we own the bread by weed, BlackRock or whatever it is, owns the bread basket of Europe and controls food supply. The alternative is you give up those lands to Russia before. Exactly. So basically Ukraine is like, okay, do we give it up to America or do
Starting point is 01:32:43 we give it to Russia? I mean- And do we maintain sovereignty and- And then hope this gets forgiven at some point, we can get the rights back. Yeah, no, I'm not saying that they necessarily made the worst decision, but it is, I think Americans are kind of uninformed. Myself, I know 2% of what's really going on over here. But even with what I learned recently, okay, so the money isn't really going over there. There are people potentially benefiting from here. Maybe too many wealthy companies are benefiting than average Americans, but those companies need to be serviced by average Americans. So maybe it's beneficial to us. Who knows? That's the trickle-down thing
Starting point is 01:33:16 you're saying. And then also long-term, like, is America getting all them resources? I mean, it seems like BlackRock is getting a lot of them, which is, you know, not the best, but it's not draining from America. There's a lot of politicians making money on it, too. I'm sure. Like, you've seen... BlackRock won the right somehow. Go, go, go, go, go.
Starting point is 01:33:33 There's politicians that are, like, buying stock in, like, Lockheed or, you know, Raytheon or whatever. Yeah, I mean, this is... Like, days before then the contracts go through. Speak on this. This is actually great. I mean, there's just, like, a bunch of, like, known politicians, like, and congressmen that are basically just like, as like days before it's announced
Starting point is 01:33:49 that these things are going through where like they're getting these billion dollar contracts through these military industrial companies, they're buying huge amounts of their stock portfolio into these things. So there's like, and this is basically, I'm working on a piece for this. We'll put it out one of these days,
Starting point is 01:34:00 but like how politicians get rich. And like one of the ways that they get rich is that they essentially do insider trading. You know, they're privy to, they're on these different committees. So they're privy to information about like government deals that are going to go through. And oftentimes those government deals are using private entities, right? So if you know that a massive deal is going to go through, if the government is going to commit to deploy a hundred million dollars towards Microsoft or something like that, well, you can buy Microsoft the day before. Yeah. and now you get all those gains and that's how a nancy pelosi thanks can like you know her husband can beat the stock market so a lot of them know that we're going to be putting these big aid packages together and they're going to
Starting point is 01:34:38 put some money in that defense sector for sure and it doesn't just happen like that. It happens with, if you're gonna put fucking speeding cameras on every single light post in America, there might be one company that the federal government gives the right to do it. Well, guess who's heavily invested in that company? The senator that is the one pushing that bill through. And the tricky thing about it is like, it's so blatantly obvious how these politicians make money. And it's kind of fucked up because when we do it as like Samaritans, we go to jail for it. Martha Stewart is in jail for less than Nancy Pelosi has done, 100% guaranteed. So it is fucked up in that regard. But here's the thing, and this is gonna sound unethical as hell, don't get me wrong.
Starting point is 01:35:25 And I think that we're in the worst case scenario. But if we don't let politicians leverage their power to make money, will we ever get the smartest people to be in those positions of power? Now we're in the worst case scenario where we have idiots that are making the money. But you want the brilliant people to be in those positions of power. And the way you incentivize most people is by money. It's like, our smart people now
Starting point is 01:35:58 are fucking working at hedge funds instead of making, I don't know, rockets. They're definitely not making policy. Yeah, but they have the ability now to make money, and we still don't have the smartest people, so we might as well take away that advantage. Yeah, that's a good point. Or somehow compensate them more to where they're making decisions
Starting point is 01:36:17 based off of what's in the best interest of the people and their constituency and not for themselves. If you have the ability to make money, you're going to do it. And so now it's like, oh, I'm going to, instead of doing what's best for the people, I'm going to try to push this thing that's going to help me the most.
Starting point is 01:36:30 Yeah. And so. Yeah, it's like, dude, it's so, all this stuff is like, I feel like especially when it's around election time, the truth to all these issues is way more like boring than the headlines will make it seem.
Starting point is 01:36:46 And I was even looking up this immigration thing because never in my life has immigration been an issue in New York, like illegal immigration. Have you seen a lot of this popping up in headlines? Yeah, the migrant workers beat up the cop or whatever. Yeah, but this was – in your life, do you remember this ever being – There was one time I forgot what started, but I remember when MS- 13, yeah, in Long Island. Yeah, you're right. That was becoming an issue.
Starting point is 01:37:09 And then like, there were motherfuckers like just knocking down doors and what's the, ICE, sorry. And they're just going. ICE, I know. That's sketchy. ICE, yeah, yeah. No, you're right.
Starting point is 01:37:19 I was hearing stories where they would just go to people's houses, knock, take everybody out, ship them back. And that was more of like a gang thing that was indicative of, I guess, immigrants coming from a place. But it was started as like a gang problem. And now it's like there's an immigration issue
Starting point is 01:37:37 where they're like overwhelming our systems for people in New York. And I'm like, what is going on? Why are there so many- The Southern states that usually had to deal with the majority of that, they're like, fuck this. I'm gonna put them on a plane. I'm gonna put them on a bus. And I'm just sending them to- I looked that up. They did send some, but it's not to the point, which is an issue for sure, but it's not to the point where it would
Starting point is 01:37:58 overwhelm our system in the way it has been overwhelmed. And I looked into it. And this is why America is a really interesting country. I didn't realize this. We are like an asylum-seeking country, meaning if you're going through some sort of political issue in your country or any sort of issue that's putting your life on the line, you can seek asylum in America and we'll take you in. We have an open-door policy. Sanctuary laws and stuff like that where it's like we have to provide you.
Starting point is 01:38:24 You don't even sneak in. There are people sneaking into America, idiots. Walk in and say, hey, I'm seeking asylum. And then they'll look into your case. And that could take up to a year or two years. And then in the meantime, you can't legally work. It takes about six months to get a visa. But they basically be like, all right, well, when we get up to your case, you'll be good. So you can kind of kick it. So then never go back and see your case. You either live illegally by sneaking in or live illegally by coming in. They're like, all right, well, when we get up to your case, you'll be good. So you can kind of kick it. So then never go back and see your case. You either live illegally by sneaking in or live illegally by coming in. By asylum.
Starting point is 01:38:52 Yeah, it's like, to me, it's just a no-brainer. Anyway. Yeah, sorry. New York. But the reason why they have to sneak in is because it's hard to get on a flight if you don't have the correct paperwork. Oh, I'm saying walk across the border. This is happening a lot. But that's sneaky. No, no.
Starting point is 01:39:08 You can go to border ports. In TJ. Yeah, you just walk straight across. There's plenty of them. And a lot of people do it in this way. And again, I didn't know that either. Because everybody, every Mexican dude that I worked with had told me their story of crossing the border when I work in restaurants. It's like these amazing.
Starting point is 01:39:23 Wild. Like that should be the podcast. but they don't speak English. Their stories are unbelievable. I met a dude who crossed. Nobody was there to pick him up. Walk back. Holy fuck. Because he's like, I don't know anybody here. I don't have a cell phone. I was supposed to meet a family member. I don't know where I am. The only thing I do know is that Mexico is right there. Yeah. And that's the only place I feel safe. Like, think about it.
Starting point is 01:39:46 It's wild. I talked to a guy on my pod that was working with a cartel to, like, smuggle people through the border of checkpoints. Yeah, Coyotes. Yeah. But he was going through the checkpoint. So, like, the actual place, like, he lived in TJ but went to school in America. So every morning at 6 in the morning, he would cross the border, go to school, and then go back. Wow.
Starting point is 01:40:02 That was his life. That's nuts. It was insane. And then he started getting in with a cartel and like sneaking people through the checkpoints with the border patrol. They would look at like fake documents
Starting point is 01:40:10 and be like, all right, go. Yeah. It's crazy. I mean, it's just these incredible stories. My boy did it. He did it just with a family. His family gave him to another family and he's a Nicaraguan kid, Edmundo.
Starting point is 01:40:24 And he has blue eyes or green eyes, so they just gave him to a white family, and the white family just brought him across, and they just had to hope he didn't cry. Like, this is fucking insane shit, right? Like, every one of these stories- I smuggled my mom over the border, bro. Yeah, exactly. You're not worried about it.
Starting point is 01:40:41 We got border pressure. Anyway, New York, the only big city in the country that has a right to shelter policy. Yeah. This is very important. This policy was developed for our homeless. This is a liberal city. We want to make sure that everybody's taken care of. It's got more money than any city in the world.
Starting point is 01:41:02 We can't have homeless people on the streets that don't have a place to live. Also, homelessness is not a permanent thing in a lot of ways. I think we see homeless as like our local homeless guy. He's always homeless. People cycle in and out of homelessness. So basically what happens is that there is this system that we have that have shelters all around the city, and then people have that right. If they are from this, we deploy money and we make sure that they have a right to shelter. If you are here and you are homeless, we will get you a place to stay. That is a New York policy.
Starting point is 01:41:30 The only big city in the country has it. There are people that are seeking asylum or there are people who are coming here illegally that are taking advantage of that right to shelter policy. It's not for illegal immigrants. It's for New Yorkers and people who live here that are going through tough times and they become homeless. So basically, like what happens is when they have like a free fucking heroin district in San Francisco or Vancouver or one of these super liberal cities that like their way of making sure nobody spreads AIDS is by giving you the heroin or giving you the needles. giving you the heroin or giving you the needles. If you're a junkie, you go, oh, they're giving free shit? Let's do it. Instead of struggling on the border here in Texas, let's try to find a way to get up to New York. They're gonna put us up in a Roosevelt Hotel right across from Madison Square Garden for a few months. We're living good. So they're basically taking advantage of
Starting point is 01:42:19 a policy that wasn't for them, and now they're incentivized to come here. And then when you add the politicians into it, they're all, like Mayor Adams is a shrewd politician. He's using it to get more funds from the federal government and from his state government. He's like, look what's happening. What's going on over here? I can't have a new recruiting class for the police. The library's got to close. All these things have got to close.
Starting point is 01:42:43 He gets more money. He's like, yeah, I guess we don't need to close those things. But that's what politicians are supposed to do. And then on the border, they're trying to pass a bill and there's issue with their ability to pass this bill. But one of the crazy things that's happened on the border is the Republicans, you could make the arguments, do not want a bill to get passed because they want Trump to be able to use the border as an issue for the election.
Starting point is 01:43:11 Well, they did want it. They asked for it. They put up a fight against another bill. They got what they wanted and then Trump said go against what you wanted. But for that same reason. Right. Yeah. So now there are there's some gray area here as well, because both sides have different philosophies about how you stop this issue. I think the Democrats are a little bit more like, why don't we make it one easier to just
Starting point is 01:43:37 shut down the border, like stop people from even seeking asylum? Like Biden wants that, apparently. I think Biden's also kicked out way more people than Trump and did, percentage-wise, but way more people are coming over. Yeah, that's what I'm wondering. So there's a lot of weird stuff. Basically, there's a lot of gray, but the headlines seem crazy. Crazy, yeah. But philosophically, there's different issues on the border.
Starting point is 01:43:58 The Dems are a little bit more like, hey, why don't we get them their ability to work quicker? So at least if they're here, they're not working illegally, they're working legally. And of course, conservatives go, well, now you're having all these extra people here that could potentially be taking jobs. You're not looking out for Americans who are looking for jobs. And both of them are right about that. Those are two fair sides. To your old joke, though, I don't think they're taking jobs that, they're like stealing jobs that we're like really wanting. That's the argument that a lot of people make up. And then there's part of me that like hesitates to to like to to support it because I don't know the situation of some dude that like doesn't have an education.
Starting point is 01:44:38 And maybe that's the only thing he can do. Yeah, I guess I'm just basing it and maybe it was stimulus related. But like, do you remember after COVID ended, restaurants were still staying closed? Because they were just like, we don't have staff. Yeah. A Mexican would be staffed. Yeah. And illegal will be staffed.
Starting point is 01:44:53 You will not be understaffed if there's enough illegal Mexicans in particular. I promise they'll work. Yeah. I don't think I've ever met an unemployed Mexican in my life, now that I think about it. Got four jobs. Yeah. Met a lot of unemployed and everything else. They want people to come steal their jobs. I have too many jobs. I got
Starting point is 01:45:07 seven. I'll donate you two jobs if you want them. So wait, why do the Dems care now though about this issue? It seems like only in the past couple of months. Which one, the border? Yeah, the border specifically. Obviously, conservatives have been on the border thing forever. Well, the argument that an Elon Musk has put out, because he basically was like, oh, it's Biden, the Democrats' goal is to keep the borders as open as possible so that those people can then become Democrats and they'll maintain a majority. And while there's some logic to support what he's saying, it's kind of a manipulative take, I think, because like, one, it takes a while to get citizenship to vote. Yeah. So it's not like they come over and it's like, oh, here, you can vote in the election.
Starting point is 01:45:48 So maybe their kids would vote, or maybe they do, but that's not in this election. It's going to take a year to see all their cases. And even once you get your asylum, it doesn't mean you get citizenship to vote. So it's not exactly... It takes years to get citizenship. Yeah. So I don't think
Starting point is 01:46:04 it's a fair argument, but— His mom's been here for 30 years. But that was on her. To get citizenship. That was on her. But, like, it's like—yeah, I feel like—I don't know. I feel like the Dem—so you're saying why the Dems upset at it? Yeah, like, only now.
Starting point is 01:46:18 Is it just because it's affecting liberal cities that they care? Oh, by care, you mean, like, Mayor Adams. Yeah, I've just seen— Mayor Adams is not a Democrat. He's the chief of police. He's what we call a New York Democrat. I feel like I've just seen it more in the forefront of Democrat politicians talking about it now, whereas before I felt like it was just ignored.
Starting point is 01:46:37 So I'm curious if it's just because it's affecting New York, or if there's something that's happening, is there an inflection point where border politics are changing, where things are getting more aggressive at the border? I don't know. I mean, this is a total like coastal elite thing, which is like, you know, not in my backyard or whatever. The NIMBY shit was completely like now that illegal immigrants are potentially interrupting affairs here in New York. All of a sudden, New Yorkers are like, we got to do something about the border.
Starting point is 01:47:06 Where before it was like, oh, be kind to the, what are you, a racist? Why do you not want these people in? So I think there is some of that, for sure. And then you see headlines where it's like, oh, Eric Adams is gonna give every migrant, like, a credit card for, what was it, like, $10,000 or some shit like that?
Starting point is 01:47:22 I think a total of $53 million total was gonna be given to them. And then everybody poor here in the state is like, the fuck? Give us money. That's valid. So it's like, it's very. There's another one of those stimulus things where it's like, remember to keep the economy going? They gave the stimulus? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:38 Like, giving the illegal immigrants here money to spend here, right? Like, if they give them a car, maybe this is why they do it. They're fucking smart. If they give them a card, they can't take the money and send it back to where they're from. They have to spend it here. If they work jobs that they make cash, they could essentially take the money out of the New York economy. And often do, and then send it back home.
Starting point is 01:48:06 As they should. So maybe it's a way of maintaining the liquidity in the city where the asylum seekers are. Maybe, I don't know. We need like a guy who's way smarter about economics and fiscal policy to figure that shit out. But it seems to me like a lot of these things are boiling down to the same issue. Hey, we need some money to be spent. All right, let's get, what is it?
Starting point is 01:48:31 Let's create aid packages that aren't really going to the average person. It was quick to give us all money when the economy needed a little boost. That's very interesting. So do you think this affects the election directly? Like, do you think it gets resolved by election time? No, I think it will be a talking point. Yeah, I think they always do the same. It's all immigration. Abortion will pop up like abortion is really the last thing Democrats have to stand on in terms of public perception, I think. What do you mean? I think the reason they did much better than everyone thought in the midterms
Starting point is 01:49:02 was the constitutional ruling about abortion i think a lot of people were more motivated to vote because they were like oh we need to codify roe versus wade or whatever this is fucked up well how do we let this happen we got to go vote that's really the only pr thing the democrats have to hang on to is they took away your right to have an abortion your right to choose blah blah blah they they damn near need another abortion ruling if they think if they wanna do well in 2024. But the economy's kinda heading back in a good path. Inflation is still high, but at least the economy, job numbers are better.
Starting point is 01:49:37 So it's like Trump is seeing this, he's like, yo, he can't have wins. Yeah. He can't have wins coming close to the election. Cuz that's the thing that conservatives probably don't want to admit and everybody with a brain doesn't want to admit, which is like the country's doing pretty
Starting point is 01:49:53 good under Biden. It is doing pretty good under at least the economy. Shout out to the managerial class. I was talking to someone about this yesterday. It's like we have this criticism for the managerial class. I was talking to someone about this. No, we ate about this yesterday. It's like, we have this criticism for the managerial class, right? And we have this criticism
Starting point is 01:50:09 for the military industrial complex, et cetera. But the discussion was like, fuck, what was the metaphor that he used? It was like, we're the best economy in the world.
Starting point is 01:50:21 We're the strongest economy in the world. You see what's happening right now with China. Their stock market is really struggling. They might have to do a stimulus package to buy in. Apparently, they really cracked down on the tech billionaires.
Starting point is 01:50:32 They basically didn't let the Elon Musks and the Mark Zuckerbergs and the Jeff Bezos just run free like America did. Let the billionaires play. They took Jack Ma and they put him in a basement and they said, you're going to be making fucking dumplings if you don't get your act together and then people got a little skittish about investing into tech sectors i guess so they lost a little bit of that this is what ben is telling me right and he's japanese so i believe him and so so but like and and i and i and whereas america is like we've come out of covid of COVID really well, like way better than most countries. Like we've gotten that inflation that was running the fuck away to a point where I feel like it's not to say there aren't people suffering. It's not to say that they're, but comparative suffering.
Starting point is 01:51:19 Like are eggs cheaper here than they are in Canada? Yes. Are groceries cheaper here than they were in England or Norway? Yes. So you can't go, is it as good as it was before because there was a catastrophic event that happened. You have to compare what's going on to what other people or other countries are doing. And if we're doing better, do we fucking pat on the back the managerial class? Like, do we pat Janet Yellen or whoever that woman is who runs the money and be like, yo, keep running the money good.
Starting point is 01:51:49 Like, are we bitching about, I think the metaphor he uses, like, playing time? Like, we're on the championship team, but we're like, yo, I need more minutes, coach. All right, guys, you see the blue lights. You know what that means. It means this is your daily reminder that your dick game sucks. And, you know, I don't mean sucks in a good way with dicks. I mean, your shit is trash, probably. At least mine is.
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Starting point is 01:54:26 visit or call 888-851-1172 for more information. Let's get back to the show. Yeah, it's tricky. I was thinking about this with even the Putin interview. I was like, if you're the managerial class, do you have an obligation to control the flow of information? Because obviously, the free speech absolutist and even myself included to an extent, I'm like, no, we should be able to hear what other national leaders are saying. But we're the only major superpower that basically is able to do that.
Starting point is 01:54:53 You know what I mean? I don't think Chinese media is going to be broadcasting any U.S. president's idea of what American imperialism is or any Russian dictator and vice versa. So I don't think- They do. They just dub it, and then-
Starting point is 01:55:07 Say whatever we want. They don't even need to dub Biden's problem. They're like, no, listen to this shit right here. But isn't that amazing? Keep going. This is a great point.
Starting point is 01:55:15 What an amazing thing. So it's cool that we have that, and we're able to get all the information, and we're able to hear what other countries' leaders are saying, but at the same time,
Starting point is 01:55:22 it's like there are Americans that are getting swayed by it. Is that against our interest if this guy is just lying? And if he's just talking out of his ass to gain sentiment, is that bad for us? And should we be controlling
Starting point is 01:55:34 what information can't get in? Because every other country does. I'm sure the Manjaro class would be like, yes, we should, because these idiots, the people, don't know what's good for them, and we have to make sure that they're not getting information
Starting point is 01:55:44 they're being manipulated by, which clearly was the goal of that interview. The goal of that interview was to manipulate based on truth or based on falsehoods. It doesn't matter. The goal was to manipulate into a direction, right? Fair enough. But maybe it's on us to be intelligent enough to combat that information. Which is the argument against having a managerial class. It's on us to be intelligent enough to govern ourselves. Oh, I meant the managerial class. Like, instead of squashing that interview, you put out something saying why Tucker, or not saying why Tucker shouldn't have done it, but saying
Starting point is 01:56:25 why Putin was lying or not being completely truthful. This is indicative of his weakness. But that's why they're coming so hard at tech companies, because it'd be like, yo, y'all are letting all this misinformation in, making our kids stupid, you're swaying elections. It's like, you guys have a bigger responsibility to not let this shit run. I do subscribe to that idea, which is like, you bare minimum have a bigger responsibility to not let this shit. I do. I do subscribe to that idea, which is like you bare minimum have a responsibility to tell us if, if,
Starting point is 01:56:50 if information is true or false, or there maybe is another term for like when it's completely opinion based, like it could be by like saying, like if somebody is out there going to my, the Miami dolphins are the greatest football team. We all know that that's just someone's opinion. But maybe there's a version of that. But I do think that they should have the responsibility to at least inform, which they're doing now, I think.
Starting point is 01:57:17 The free speech absolutists are just like, nah. You should be able to say whatever the fuck you want. Yeah, but I mean lying is just like, yeah, I think lying is its own thing as information. Yeah, especially when a smart person is lying and you can't discern what's true or not. And like other countries are getting information. This is a funny story. A friend of mine works with a bunch of different factories in China and is doing clothing and shit. And he'll get a text like randomly, like once a week from like this Chinese lady that he's in contact with that'll just be like, are you okay, all caps.
Starting point is 01:57:46 And he'll be like, yeah, what's up? And then she'll be like, oh my goodness, I was so worried about you. And then we'll send a link to a train that got derailed in Portland. And he'll be like, what? And she's like, yeah, this is big news here. Things don't seem good over there.
Starting point is 01:57:59 Hope you're okay. And he's like, what is going on? And basically, when some bad shit happens here, I was actually talking to Des Bishop. He says like chinese media will do this where like the opening thing will be like here's why china's amazing that's like segment one on the news yeah segment two is here's why the west is falling apart yeah and then segment three will be some shit about like gg pang or something i can't remember yeah but there's always a segment about like all right here's why america's getting fucked up yeah and they just control it to make the point i was
Starting point is 01:58:25 arguing this earlier free speech absolutist would be like that's why you need both sides so you know what's coming from every angle and then you should be smart enough to discern what's true and what's not i just i don't know it seems like if there's if there's a blatant lie a little disclaimer this has been proven to not be true would be nice the only tricky thing with that system is who gets to decide what is true or false and we have to at least acknowledge that that's frustrating. And I get why the free speech absolutist is concerned because they're like, yo, I could be saying something that we believe is true. We've researched it. It is true.
Starting point is 01:58:55 And then someone out of nowhere who's part of the managerial class that doesn't like my opinion or thinks that my opinion could bias people in a certain, could say it's false and then completely discredit what I say. That's too much power to give them. I get that argument, too. This is the problem with nation-building. Yo, this shit is tricky, bro. I think people should be empathetic to the nation-building and be like, yo, this shit is hard as fuck. Maybe that.
Starting point is 01:59:14 Yeah, go, go, go. Because if you listen to Putin, you're like, wait, did we blow up the Nord pipeline? We need SimCity but for geopolitics so people can really just get a sense of how hard that is. Yeah. I mean, yeah. Who blew up the pipeline? for geopolitics so people can really just get a sense of how hard that is yeah it's like who blew up the pipeline like he's saying the cia did it and like there's probably like there's there's conclusive evidence or i guess uh what do you call it like circumstantial evidence to say like maybe who could do it and who would want to i mean there's probably a few countries on the
Starting point is 01:59:38 planet that can do it that could and then you just have to line up the interests so it's like yeah and then do we want to know that about ourselves? It's like, okay, we're getting true shit and we're finding out about our fuck shit. And then it's like, okay, as a managerial class, do you just propagandize your own country? And then all the people are like, no. That's what I'm saying. Nature's building is fucking hard. Which pill you want to take, my boy?
Starting point is 01:59:57 Yeah, type shit. Because that's really what it is. And I genuinely believe. And let's have an honest conversation with ourselves right now. Blue pill. Which one is the bluest? That's the. Yeah, the live in the false reality.
Starting point is 02:00:09 Live in the false reality. Right? And it's like. Red pill is when you hate bitches. When you take that one, then you beat the shit out of your wife. That's the one I would take. It really is. It's just misery.
Starting point is 02:00:21 It really is. But the blue pill, you say you would take because you've seen the movie. Yeah. So you don't have the curiosity about what the truth is and what it does to you, right? Because I've thought about that as well. It's like after seeing the movie, you're like, I don't want to live in no fucking spaceship underground. Food is fucking sludge. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:40 Literally, it's just the food. Yeah. That's the only, like if the food was fire, if they had P.F. Changs in that bitch, we'd be good. Do you know what I mean? Fucking giant hole in the back of your head. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's crazy. Some of that food, that was kind of, you know, we had at the wedding.
Starting point is 02:00:52 You know what I mean? Like, it's not, like, it's, no disrespect, but it is similar. It is more similar. Seasoning, at least. Seasoning. It might have been seasoned. I don't know. That's y'all with the no seasoning.
Starting point is 02:01:02 That's fair. That is fair. And the fits of fire when they're in the Matrix. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I'm doing it for the clothes, bro. They look good every time. Is that Yeezy?
Starting point is 02:01:11 I think it's Yeezy. You only look good when you're in the blue pill world. Yeah. So it's like. Blue pill me. So you're telling me I'm in the red pill world, but the only fun I ever have is when I'm in the blue pill world and I could have just been in that world? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:24 So. It's rough. It's, so here's the question. Let's say, let's say we're, we're doing okay. Let's say you're doing okay. Your family's okay. And things are going okay. Right. Let's say we're blessed.
Starting point is 02:01:33 Things are going okay. Right. Yep. Mike. Oh, sorry. Um, things, things are going okay. We're blessed. You have the curiosity of the red pill, right? Or in this circumstance,
Starting point is 02:01:48 you have the curiosity of what would it be like if we didn't have a managerial class? Or what would it be like if we didn't have the military industrial complex, etc.? But is it possible the people that are making those complaints are not satisfied enough with life that they don't want to. Yeah, their reality is not the best. I imagine if your reality is good and you enjoy your reality, do you really want to look into- Why rock the boat? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:02:21 And I think that that's the masses, and I think maybe that's the- What is it not? Happy people complaining at home online looking into conspiracies about whatever there's something that you need to understand like and then yeah i don't know i i look at that a little bit and i wonder if that is the the they talk about this all the time like they keep us fighting against each other and that's why we never do anything it's like like, I don't know if that's it. I think what they do is the opiate that they give us
Starting point is 02:02:50 is that incredible Super Bowl experience where the whole day is you and your friends watching this amazing game and even the commercials are really good. The opiate isn't constant racism and hatred. The opiate is like... You need both though. You add a little racism, it gets
Starting point is 02:03:06 hot. Everybody likes drama. Don't get me wrong. The drama's fire, but we still need rec league basketball that's awesome, that has a trophy at the end. We still need a great TV show to watch. The opiate, to make our lives fun and enjoyable, it's not that much.
Starting point is 02:03:22 Do you know what I mean? It's all blue pill stuff. Yeah, so i wonder if that's it it's like maybe life and this there's tons of people who don't have this privilege but for the people who are living in good lives and their families are safe how much do they really want the fed taken down do you know what i mean like i watch one fed thing you know me i'm prisoner of the moment so the last thing i watched that's how I feel. So I'm like, we got to take down the Fed. I don't think in that moment, like, shit, the Fed's been doing all right for me. It's only 3%.
Starting point is 02:03:52 Inflation, it's only 3%. Do you know what I mean? Like, am I making sense or am I being like a complete? No, I do think people kind of look at their lives and they think like the little things that are bugging them. They don't think how it could be worse. They just think like, oh, it could be because they haven't seen the matrix. They don't know what America looks like when we take that pill. Also, we don't.
Starting point is 02:04:16 If you haven't left America, you don't know how great America is economically. Like there's people who are struggling here for sure. I've seen levels of poverty leaving America that I'm like, I, this ain't anywhere in America. This ain't anywhere in America. We would talk about the 1%. Most Americans are the 1%. You know, the world, you're saying Wall Street, take down Wall Street, take down the 1%. If you are American for large percentage of America, you are in the 1% globally speaking.
Starting point is 02:04:43 So what do we do, man? You know what you want? You want to be able to just peek in. You want to know what happened with Epstein. Yeah. This is what probably most, I don't know about most people, but this is what I think a lot of people want. They want to just know, and then they want shit to stay the same.
Starting point is 02:05:02 They don't want to deal with the repercussions of the change. Yeah. Because the repercussions of the change could drastically affect your life, affect your kids. Well, it depends. If you're already feeling frustrated and life isn't going well, then you're like, fuck it, what do I got to lose? That's where you're on some drain to swamp time, where you're like, flip the whole shit upside down, because how much worse could it get?
Starting point is 02:05:19 Exactly. My life sucks. Everything's horrible over here. Who gives a fuck if these people are pretty happy watching the Super Bowl and enjoying their friends? Fuck them. I'm miserable. So let's flip this whole shit. That's kind of selfish in a way. Yeah, but also selfish. That's nation building.
Starting point is 02:05:34 It's selfish of us to be like, well, let's keep things the same. Things are good for me. I guess that's the point I'm trying to make. Everybody's being selfish. The person who's living good, got their mortgage, their family's fucking great, and they see all this money going to fight a war that could seem absolutely pointless, but they're not saying stop it because they're just worried about their small nuclear family.
Starting point is 02:05:56 Selfish. The unselfish thing to do would be willing to take that sacrifice to stop those people from dying. And that's why you've got to convince your nation that what's best for you is what's best for the country. And that's where you got to propagandize that. Into being like, yo, we need a monoculture where we're all the same shit and squash all the rest of it, no more religion, and then you're China. And you're like, fuck. They done did it!
Starting point is 02:06:16 Yeah. Yeah, it's tricky. It's tricky. I mean, what a ballsy thing to do as America, to just let all these different people come here. Different beliefs, different languages. Crazy. Crazy. Right about reincarnation.
Starting point is 02:06:33 Yo, Miles is telling you Mark's whole foundation is rocked by the fact that he believes in reincarnation now. He's like texting Miles like, so you missed this. Mark watched some Cat P and then we talked about this. Fucking righty. He's a lefty. But then he got a little bit better. But, yeah, it just. My what is this?
Starting point is 02:06:57 Oh, no. Son. Son. You had a growl. Good job. You got it. Son, we knew you Was lying about your
Starting point is 02:07:06 Fucking Son You know how you said You got a Fear of Bears Real bears Not a fucking black guy
Starting point is 02:07:13 In a jacket What are you doing You're in the camp Yeah I'm scared of Actual bears bro No you said a bear mask Yeah when I was 11 Oh he's talking about
Starting point is 02:07:23 Gays That's what it's I'm scared of gays I'd be afraid. Oh, he's talking about gays. That's what it's about. If I'm scared of gays, I'd be afraid right now. What are you talking about? Oh, my God, dude. I respect that you went for it. I did. I do.
Starting point is 02:07:33 The crawl. Yeah. I'll be honest. I'm more scared of black guys. If you just walked up to them, you'd be like, oh, my God. Jeez, you fucking. Oh, my God. Asshole.
Starting point is 02:07:45 Turn the music down. I was like, all right. That's funny. Wait, where did that come from? So it's not scary at all to you? I mean, not. You told me that there was a mask that was. Yes, I can show you a picture of this mask.
Starting point is 02:07:56 I was like seven years old and my sister would come in with the mask. And I'd be like, oh fuck, I'm scared. I'm sick, sleeping in bed. Yeah, that was scary. What? He's going to lose his shit. fuck, I'm scared. I'm sick, sleeping in bed. Yeah, that was scary. What? He's a hothead. He's going to lose his shit. Yeah, we really thought.
Starting point is 02:08:08 Bro, he wasn't even the slightest bit scared. This was 20 years ago. That's annoying. Dude, you don't know. They've been plotting this for years. A dead ass before you were even on the pod. And you're talking about pranking you and showing up in a bear mask at the airport. Now I feel bad.
Starting point is 02:08:24 Do it again. Do it again. Don't feel bad the airport. Now I feel bad. Do it again. Don't feel bad. You didn't let us down. Do it again. A friend sent me that. A friend works for them and sent me that. And then we saw it and we're like, oh, perfect. Now we have the bear.
Starting point is 02:08:35 I mean, did you think I would go into a museum and see a bear taxidermy and be like, oh, my God. Yeah. Yeah, dude. We thought it was a phobia. A phobia is a phobia is a fear. I was more afraid of someone yelling at me as a child. I thought you were like the fat guy with the balloons. Yeah, dude. We thought it was a phobia. A phobia is a fear. I was more afraid of someone yelling at me. I thought you were like the fat guy with the balloons. Yeah, my bad.
Starting point is 02:08:50 No, bro. Maybe I oversold it. My bad. You've been talking about this on the pod. Yeah, when I was a kid. Anyway, what else we got, Mark? Mark Rogan, my friend. We gotta talk about Rogan.
Starting point is 02:09:05 Rogan. got, Mark. Mark Rogan, my friend. We got to talk about Rogan. Oh, yeah. Yo, Rogan. Unbelievable, bro. Back on the tube. Now he's back on. He's on Apple Podcasts. He's everywhere. I think he's going to be on YouTube, too. So, yeah, just the GOAT.
Starting point is 02:09:17 Yeah. Just the GOAT. I was saying this to you, and this is before the deal even got announced, but this is when I knew Spotify was smart to sign me to the first deal. My sister-in-law is talking to me about a podcast. She's recommending it. She's like, you should check it out. You would like it. You know where I go to look up the podcast, didn't even think about it? I went to Spotify. I never would have done that pre-Rogan. Another podcast, an asshole army member told me about called The Knowledge Project. Yeah, you got to listen to this. Listen to this episode. Shouts to you. I forgot your name. I'm sorry,
Starting point is 02:09:43 but I remember now I looked it up on Spotify. That's why you throw the crazy bag at Rogan. Because they made Spotify the place to go to. Yeah, you're paying for market share. You are paying for market share. And he did it. It would have been Apple Podcasts before that, right? It would absolutely have been Apple Podcasts.
Starting point is 02:10:00 I don't even go to the podcast app. Podcasts were created. I don't even go to them. I don't go to it. I used to go to Apple. I had one called Overcast that I would go to I don't even go to them. I don't go to it. I used to go to Apple. I had one called Overcast that I would go to. I had all these different apps. I would never go to Spotify. I don't even listen to music on Apple no more. That's
Starting point is 02:10:12 how crazy it is. To me, I listen to music still on Apple and then I would listen to pods on Spotify. Now it's shifted my music consumption. They're making money off of not just podcasts. They're making money like you said, it's not just his
Starting point is 02:10:27 podcast, it's everybody who listens to podcasts on Spotify. I'm sure the same thing, Alex Cooper's doing the same thing for girls, I'm sure. But not to that same level. Yeah, and they kept Rogan for a reason. I thought they signed her too. I thought they let that go.
Starting point is 02:10:42 I think Rogan's number one, Alex Cooper's number two in terms of all the deals they signed panning out. Rogan dissed it, number one. And then I give Alex Cooper her credit. She's a beast. But, like, Rogan is the reason any dude is listening to podcasts. I got to ask Rogan how he got the bag. I don't know if it's—I mean, it seems like it's bigger than the first bag.
Starting point is 02:11:00 Plus, he got the freedom to put it wherever. From what I've read, Spotify's like, we don't need, I think again, they're not dumb, dude. I think they threw the bag at Rogan to be exclusive because they knew changing behavior is the single hardest thing to do. Changing behavior of someone instinctively going to Apple podcasts to Spotify. I need you to be exclusive. I'm going to throw crazy bag at you. And now they're like, we don't need exclusivity anymore because we won. The war is over. Now let's just do a revenue share on ads. And the best way to get revenue share on ads is let them have it
Starting point is 02:11:31 everywhere. So you take the piece of YouTube. I don't know if that's how it's structured. So it's worth $250 million to get a percentage of Rogan's ads. Isn't that crazy? Oh, I didn't know that. That makes sense. Yeah, they're getting a percentage of the ads.
Starting point is 02:11:46 I also figured there was another angle where it's like, you've gotten the market share, but you also know how he can move market share. So you have to pay him to not go. To not leave. To not leave. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because he could easily just be like, I'm not putting it on Spotify anymore. I'll go exclusive to Apple.
Starting point is 02:11:59 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Or I won't put it on Spotify. He don't even have to go exclusive somewhere else. Everywhere else, bus Spotify. I won't go to you. I'm sure that factors in too. This guy moves the fucking landscape of entertainment. It is what it is.
Starting point is 02:12:13 But I also think they aren't going to do exclusive deals anymore. They're like, we'll still do it. Well, they got the market share. The whole idea with the deals was to get people to consume podcasts on the Spotify app or Spotify platform. It's like you've achieved it. You don't have to spend any more money. And I think that's why they slashed so many people in that department.
Starting point is 02:12:30 It's like, it's been done. We've got all the people. I think people might even miss how hard that was because at least even for me, I feel like I was on like the edge of it. Had I not been like involved in podcasting at the time, I don't even know if I would have noticed, but like every, all audio was consumed on,
Starting point is 02:12:43 you know, YouTube and like Apple apple like going from all the way back to like itunes days and like they just held that like lineage all the way up and dude you know what's crazy before the rogan deal they were handing out other deals i think before other podcasts that i would listen to on my other apps i just when they went exclusive to spotify i stopped listening spotify became my primary app and i just fell out of it with that podcast and i don't even want to make anybody feel bad or whatever so no names but like don't even think about them anymore yeah rogan got me to switch my entire behavioral habits keep listening to that it's like a fucking crazy thing yeah huge risk but it paid off massively yeah that's awesome yeah i mean
Starting point is 02:13:17 shouts dude that's insane and i also think they learned that the uh spotify exclusive pods weren't working especially if they don't have the if they don't come in with the built-in audience like they launched so many um spotify originals yeah and it's just there's like big names thinking that it will come and it's like nah you they have to have the built-in audience we have to trust you you also had to overpay you had to they i think they did this knowing we're gonna overpay we're gonna lose on a lot of these guys like russ was talking about with the uh the advances you give like four of these won't pan out one of them will yeah four of these podcast deals won't pan out one of them happened to be rogan and the guy moves fucking
Starting point is 02:13:52 mountains we got the right guy yeah it's weird it's like podcasting isn't like uh going to see someone at a nightclub where like if the person's famous enough even though that they got nothing to do with dancing or djing you might just show up you know you're gonna be like oh shit fucking jay-z's gonna be hanging out at 11 in vegas for the super bowl after party i'll go watch jay-z 100 podcasting it's like you gotta specifically want to enjoy listening to those people so that's why i knew charlamagne with the brilliant nads knew it was going to kill us because people were already in a listening pattern with Charlamagne. But if random
Starting point is 02:14:29 actor just starts a podcast, it might work, it might not. Smartless ended up working. Those three guys were great. Those three guys were great, they ended up killing. How many famous people have started podcasts that no one gives a flying fuck about? It also takes time and you've got to be committed to it.
Starting point is 02:14:46 Even Dax, Dax Shepard's show is one of my favorites, but he's been doing it for five years, six years, seven years? Yeah, it feels like an overnight success because we all found out about it late. Yeah, years in, we found out about it. But he's already independently wealthy, successful actor, producer, whatever, married to literally Frozen, and just doubles down and works super hard on this one pod for dumb long before he gets a bag from Spotify. Is he going to keep doing it with Spotify?
Starting point is 02:15:11 I don't know. They're not exclusive anymore, I don't think. They're not. Got it. But yeah, I think they cut a lot of their exclusivity deals because they're like, hey, I think we got market share. Let's go. Let's go blow the show up.
Starting point is 02:15:21 And now you see the guys who they made money, who the deal was like, this was the winner. It's him and maybe Alex Cooper. That's the other's go blow the show up and now you see the guys who they made money who the deal was like this was the winner and that's him and maybe alex cooper that's the other thing to think about when you take a deal like that like if you take a deal that could significantly with rogan he was great enough where it didn't reduce his market share his show probably just grew and he had to bust his ass to do that shit he never let up he he did not he could have gone three a week probably and been you know totally fine yeah but he kept doing banger after banger after back four weeks five a week yeah i don't even think he gets enough credit
Starting point is 02:15:53 for that like he went behind a paywall pretty much yeah and the show grew can you imagine going exclusively to patreon and then your numbers go up go overall yeah so kept the work ethic unreal but um fuck what was i just saying uh what brought us to that oh you that's why you got to be careful when you take a bag for an exclusivity thing like you better hope that that bag is all the money you're gonna make for the rest of your time podcasting. Sustainable, yeah. Because what you're potentially doing is significantly decreasing your audience size for a two-year window. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:33 You don't know if that audience is going to be there when you come back to the open market, and you don't know if the podcast company is going to re-sign you because they might have gotten your market share. Yeah. Right? I remember Netflix had this strategy where they would add an extra season onto popular shows. So there was a popular show called The Killing on AMC. And Netflix was like, we're going to do an extra season on Netflix. And it was a great way
Starting point is 02:16:56 to grab market share. There was all these fans of this show. And they weren't necessarily the biggest shows, but they were devout viewership. And they would do an extra season on Netflix. So this is early on. You're like, I'll buy Netflix to watch my favorite shows. They did with Arrested Development as well. And they're never doing another season after that because they don't have to. They got you. They got you
Starting point is 02:17:18 in the door. They gave you the little taste, whatever it was. Once you get the $10.99 on your monthly bill, can you see all the other shit that's on netflix yeah good to go so i think that there were some people that saw the bag and they were like wow that all those all that money that's fucking crazy i'm definitely gonna do that but they might not realize that that was the last bag that they're gonna get yeah and this is where we'll see if they're good enough to continue to build but like it's a it's a harder thing yeah
Starting point is 02:17:45 when your audience size significantly shrinks then to go back out there in the world and then just hope they all find it again so if your pay isn't tied to performance it kind of just goes down to like almost like character like personal philosophy of like what you do if your pay is not tied to performance and are you someone that's going to like still show up every day and work as hard as you were before are you going to kind of coast? Especially if it's not some shit that you even like. A lot of these people
Starting point is 02:18:08 that were doing podcasts, they just did it because their agent presented them with a bag and they're like, I just got to talk for an hour a week and I get this amount of money,
Starting point is 02:18:15 I'll do it. Those people, once they get their guaranteed money, they're not giving a flying fuck about it. I think like Meghan Markle, I don't even think
Starting point is 02:18:22 she finished. She wasn't doing it regularly. It's not for some people and they just kind of bounce. But yeah, no, it's really cool that he did that. Just like kept the work ethic and kept the character and just be like, I'm going to go even harder and have bigger episodes
Starting point is 02:18:37 even though it's not necessarily directly going to performance bonuses or whatever. So that's really cool. I don't know if that's part of his deal, but I think it's cool. Podcasting isn't hard, but it is something that you have to want to do. You know what I mean? If it's not something that you enjoy doing,
Starting point is 02:18:55 you will make really horrible podcasts. I was saying to Charlamagne when we were doing Brilliant 80, it's like the hardest thing about podcasting is chemistry. Getting chemistry with the people you do it with, that's the impossible thing to get. Like the people that have great natural chemistry, they can do a podcast. It could be fun. It could be easy.
Starting point is 02:19:18 The people who don't but they just have names that they bring it together, it's going to suck. People are going to hate it. They're not going to want it. I think consistency. Yeah. Are you willing to just do it every week to suck. People are going to hate it. They're not going to want it. I think consistency. Yeah. Are you willing to just do it every week for the next three years or whatever? Yeah. In obscurity.
Starting point is 02:19:31 Yeah. All right. What else we got, Mark? Did you see, just to add on to that, podcast has also added audio books to all premium memberships. Oh, yeah. What does that mean? Spotify?
Starting point is 02:19:41 Yeah, Spotify. Sorry, Spotify. So like you can go on Spotify now if you just have the music one. You can also listen to 150,000 books. You get 15 hours a month to listen to books. Pretty fire, right? That's what it seems like. The next acquisition.
Starting point is 02:19:55 They had a couple different audiobooks on there before. I think those were independent. The acquisition they're doing is crazy. They're trying to be the audiobook player. Anything that you listen to. I'll be honest, Audible's a pain in the fucking ass. I quit. I bought 23
Starting point is 02:20:10 credits. I didn't know how to access them. You can't get more. You can only buy so many books a month. Why can I not just buy a book when I want to buy a fucking book? It's because they don't want to lose money to Apple. So you buy the token and then you buy the book. It's their way around Apple because if you're buying things through the Apple store, Apple gets that piece. Let them buy the token and then you buy the book. So it's their way around Apple because
Starting point is 02:20:25 if you're buying things through the Apple store, Apple gets that piece. Let them get the piece because you lost me, you fucking idiots. I don't know. I think what they do is genius because they give you all those credits, but then if you try to cancel, you lose all the credits. So it's like, it forces you to kind of, it's like, damn, I have like 10 credits
Starting point is 02:20:41 sitting here. If I cancel, I lose them all. So I'm going to just hold on to this. It's good fast money. It's really. It's a one-time blick. I've tried canceling a few times. I was like, damn. I'm canceling.
Starting point is 02:20:52 I ain't using these credits. Ease of act. Once Spotify comes in and just offers me books, and I realize, oh, shit, I like audiobooks. And if they got the reading component as well, oh, should I enjoy this? No, that's going to be crazy. And you know what's going to come with that? A couple more dollars a month on the cost. And you're going to be like, ah, I'm getting something else. That's what they get you.
Starting point is 02:21:07 Five dollars to have my favorite books. That's what they get you. To have a library. It's 15 hours a month, and then you can pay for 10 more. Yeah. Because 15 hours is a pretty good book. I read big books, but 15 hours is still— Oh, do you read something?
Starting point is 02:21:18 Yeah. How big of a book are you reading? 27 hours. 27 hours. But yeah, 15 hours will get you through most books. I read big books. Yo, what's a big book? Not the books you dumbed up.
Starting point is 02:21:31 The Power Broker. The Power Broker. Power Broker. Two times speed also. I'm fucking smart. You can go 2X? I retain nothing at 2X. I retain nothing at 1X.
Starting point is 02:21:40 I realize my retention is 1 and 1.25. You go over 1.25 in this year, out that. My brain is not 1 and 1.25. You go over 1.25 in this year, out there. My brain is not faster than 1.25. That's crazy. If I listen to it on one, you lost me after 30 seconds. Oh, I'm going to fall asleep at one. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. So it's got to be two because now it's I'm working.
Starting point is 02:21:58 I'm kind of like the A. If I don't got to work to listen, nah, you lost me. There's too much to think about. No, two is too fast because I pretend that I'm listening. And then I'll try to explain to listen, nah, you lost me. There's too much to think about. No, two is too fast. Because I pretend that I'm listening, and then I'll try to explain to someone after and they'll ask one question. I'll be like, you listen to it, bro. I don't fucking remember. I don't know how any of this shit works.
Starting point is 02:22:12 I'm 0.5. Damn. 0.5. I listened to Putin on 1.25. I had to. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The history lesson? Come on, bro.
Starting point is 02:22:20 Oh, dude, Mark, reincarnation. Yeah, you didn't know this. He watched some TV show about past lives and kids who remember their past lives and it really affected him to the point that he's like texting miles like miles i need you to watch this and miles is skeptical he's like i need you to watch this and tell me why it's bullshit okay because if mark has to believe in reincarnation what is his life what is all these years i mean he does believe in i mean catholicism is the greatest example of reincarnation jesus dies and comes back. And only Jesus dies and comes back.
Starting point is 02:22:46 Well, you didn't say that reincarnation applies to everybody. But apparently it does. Oh, does it? I don't know if it applies to everybody. It applies to these six kids. That's six Jesuses. That's more Jesus than Catholicism I've ever talked about. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:22:58 These kids knew some shit. I don't know how they knew it, bro. There is a possibility that I'm like, I don't know, are the parents kind of like feeding it? You don't want to believe, bro. What'd they know? You can't. You don't want to believe. This motherfucker believed everything.
Starting point is 02:23:09 That is crazy, bro. But you don't want to believe. Is there anything you don't believe in? Why don't you watch and see what you think? I haven't seen his past lives. Yep. Mine, I don't know. It's tricky.
Starting point is 02:23:17 But that's my question. There was an influence. There was someone talking about it. What did they hear about in their past lives? What were they saying? The names of ships that they claimed to have been on in World War II and the names of people that they were friends with on the ship.
Starting point is 02:23:29 How did they know they were ships? He was like a five-year-old kid. He was like, I was on a big boat. I had an airplane. They shot me. Who shot you? The people with the red flag? The red dot? I mean, they could have watched any movie where a plane was shot. I don't know. That's my point.
Starting point is 02:23:45 That's why I'm skeptical in general. I'm going to watch it, but it's time. The other one? Watch it on 1.25. What was the other one where it was an actor or something? A Hollywood guy. It was a Hollywood guy where he was like, and apparently none of this information was public on the internet,
Starting point is 02:24:01 but he was like, look, this Hollywood guy, I used to be him and that was my friend friend, and he was a cowboy, and I had this color car, and apparently the super niche details weren't on there, and they verified it with the family. He knew his death certificate was wrong. He knew his death certificate was wrong. He said, like, when did you die? He was like,
Starting point is 02:24:17 oh, I was 61. They were like, actually, you were 59, and then they checked the death certificate. He was actually 61. The family had it wrong. It's little things like that where you're just like, what is happening? Can memory be passed down through DNA? It depends if you believe in epigenetics, yeah. Like epigenetic research is basically like,
Starting point is 02:24:31 can you inherit trauma or feelings that your ancestors might have inflicted that's not genetically encoded in them, but something that they experienced. Yeah, so it's that. Done, I solved your stupid riddle. But it's not the same family. No one in the family was involved in World War II.
Starting point is 02:24:44 What else can show salt today? It doesn't need the DNA. No, it doesn't need to be from the family. They could have just consumed that content, and that content is baked into them and then passed through their genetic material. Maybe. I don't, yeah, I don't think,
Starting point is 02:24:55 I think if you watched it, it would still seem like it. What else can you solve today? You can watch it. I heard your whole breakdown. You did a whole 20-minute breakdown on Patreon. Listen, I solved your problem. What else? Do we have any other problems?
Starting point is 02:25:03 Yeah, what else can you solve today? I mean, you converted me to not be a Catholic. You're a great breakdown. Listen, I solved your problem. What else? Do we have any other problems? Yeah, what else can you solve today? What else did I get to do? You converted me to not be a Catholic. You did a great job. Nice. I'm killing it. I'm killing it. I mean, we can talk about Shane.
Starting point is 02:25:12 We got to talk about Shane, son. And getting the Bud Light. Oh, yeah. Well, first of all, Bud Light bag, huge. But that's obvious. The amount of promo that Bud Light has been getting from Shane already. They owe him millions just for drinking all those Bud Lights on Rogan every time they go on.
Starting point is 02:25:29 Every time they do the protected parks. The fact that Bud Light's been getting that for free and they haven't called up Shane and been like, hey, here's a million dollars. Thank you so much. The most influential man on the planet is drinking our beer because of you. I'm bummed that he wasn't in the Super Bowl commercial.
Starting point is 02:25:45 I was watching it, waiting for him to pop up. They must have filmed that before the deal was signed or something like that. He would have blown up. If you had Post and Shane, it would have been crazy. Yeah, insanity. Miles had a great idea for the Super Bowl, and then Bud Light messed up. Okay. Well, I think that they should have started with the Dilly Dilly
Starting point is 02:26:02 opening that was popular six, seven years ago before the whole controversy same exact open and then when they go to the night in the all blue he peels his head off peels the helmet off and then it's Shane Gillis Gilly Gilly fire right? Gilly Gilly
Starting point is 02:26:17 and then him in like post and everyone's just partying like same commercial just on the second half I mean they could have easily put him in that fucking commercial that's what kind of annoyed me about it. It must have been a timing thing, but, like, they were at a place that had a stage already. Yeah. So he could have been on stage or doing something.
Starting point is 02:26:34 Eh, whatever. But the SNL thing. I mean, what a fucking win. Crazy, right? What a win. We were trying to think about, like, other, like, in entertainment entertainment when does this happen chapelle getting the rights back to his show i mean norm norm oh yeah norm got off snl
Starting point is 02:26:50 and comes back and hosts awesome but like and that's fire because that's like one of shane's yeah like heroes yeah no it's sick because i mean yeah to like get banished from the city and then return as king is like always it's like biblical cool like this is what like all of us in our minds are thinking when we're in the shower replaying events replaying things we would have said show them i'll show you he's gonna get to show them yeah and they're gonna fucking knock it out of the park yeah i already know is he gonna have mckeever do a couple sketches he had be so far i would imagine that you would bring your guys working yeah yeah like i would imagine snl if they're smart they they're like,
Starting point is 02:27:25 hey, you know how, like, you make the best sketches online? Like, why don't you do that for us? That'd be great. He's got to do Trump. Like, that's, like, no question. I'm curious if he brings back
Starting point is 02:27:35 other sketches. Like, if he brings back, like, the Guy Fieri guy. Like, the PTSD dude. Or, like, if he brings back some of those characters. Yeah. Because I think it would be smart,
Starting point is 02:27:44 like, if he has this show online already and you have this huge platform especially if we're familiar with them yeah because it's less legwork of creating a new character
Starting point is 02:27:52 yeah that's actually and the audience that's not familiar with it would be like oh this character's so funny and you're like yeah I have another sketch with him already on YouTube
Starting point is 02:27:58 I'm like I wonder if you can double dip like that there's an interesting thing like some there's some people like hit me up for like comment on it and they're like doesn't this that uh cancel culture isn't real no and uh and yeah it's
Starting point is 02:28:10 like i i already feel it kind of like percolating a little bit i know that we had spoken about this a little bit but like it i don't like that angle yes i feel like cancel culture is different than it used to be and i'm like annoyed even as a comedian to like talk about cancel culture like every time i get hit up by these fucking talk shows and like, would you like to come talk to us about cancel culture? Like the last thing I want to talk about is cancel culture. But what I will say is I do think it's unfair to Shane if you're using this to go cancel culture never existed because you basically are removing his comeback. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:28:48 Like he was so determined and then he kept working that he was able to get the opportunity despite being canceled. Yeah. Yeah. When you go, see, cancel culture never existed. All right. So then he never went through anything. He never lost anything.
Starting point is 02:29:01 He diminished what he went through. Exactly. It's like a guy that's wrongfully in prison for 10 years and he gets out. And it's like the justice what he went through. Exactly. There's a guy that's wrongfully in prison for 10 years, and he gets out. And it's like, the justice system works. Yeah, yeah. So I already know that that's going to be a conversation that kind of comes. They're going to use it to kind of almost discredit it. But what he did, and the internet hated this guy.
Starting point is 02:29:17 Yeah. They shit all over him. Trending on Twitter. Even comedians were attacking another comedian for jokes, trying to be funny. Yeah. And- TMZ showing up at his shows being like, oh, here's the cancel comedian. So I don't think that's fair to him. And I already know that that narrative is kind of percolating a little bit.
Starting point is 02:29:35 And people don't even realize it because I think a lot of times the articles are like celebrating. They're like, see, we're done with cancel culture. And it's like, things are different, sure. But don't discredit what the guy had to go through to get this opportunity yeah and on the fringes there are some kind of like talentless hacks for lack of a nicer way to say it who mobilize cancel culture and act like they're getting canceled they're not and that's fucking annoying yeah but not even aside from all the that shit the chain had to go through imagine the internet calling you and believing and thinking this is a
Starting point is 02:30:06 racist person. Like, even that in and of itself. Which they're right. Look, you can be right. You know what I'm saying? You can be right and wrong. But like, if the whole internet's like, this guy's... I gave him the pass. Oh, he's been using it. But yeah, it's like that. You're even kind of marginalizing that that's fucking miserable, man.
Starting point is 02:30:24 The whole world thinks I'm this guy. I'm making some jokes that didn't land. OK, we all fail as comics. Comics know that. But now I'm just a racist for the rest of my life. Yeah. Like as far as I can tell conceivably, unless I flip it and he flipped it. I really hope he does an Asian accent.
Starting point is 02:30:40 Oh, you got it. You got to open up. That would be fucking like from New York. I think that's Joe. oh you gotta he gotta open on bro that would be fucking right from new york saturday night i think that's joe list made that comment right from new york what happened on his ig when shane announced he said right from new york but how fire would that be if shane's just like right from new york i mean yeah he's gotta do i don't think he should shit on the show though i don't think he will no like i saw some people being like oh he's gonna get his revenge he's gonna he's gonna call them
Starting point is 02:31:02 all like he's gonna fucking put the swords son you got to give lauren credit and remember shane after he got fired we had him on the pot early yeah we just started of course yeah and he was uh like dude lauren is the fucking man yeah and lauren was like trying to get him to keep his job he was like pitching it and i'm sure someone over lauren was like we can't do it but i think lauren had to go to bed and be like now this kid needs to host yeah so you gotta give give Lauren his credit to give him his like props for it. Yeah. I think it's like, yeah,
Starting point is 02:31:28 it's a, I think it's a cool moment. Yeah. I don't, I wouldn't shit on the show because in a way him doing the show, I think, and it looks like he's passed this and I think he's good no matter what. And I don't,
Starting point is 02:31:42 obviously brands aren't concerned, but there is a moment like after you get canceled for something like racism where brands are scared to mess with you. And then you go have the successful Netflix specials and you have the Bud Light and now you're, you're fine. But going back on the show that canceled you completely wipes the slate clean. You could go do a Pixar movie now. You could voice whatever.
Starting point is 02:32:07 And I think that, I don't know if SNL is aware of it. If they are aware that they're doing that, that's cool. And that's worth not shitting on. It's basically, yeah, we fucked up and we kind of messed up your life
Starting point is 02:32:20 and you had to work really hard to get where you're at. And this benefits us by having you, the super famous comedian, on our show. But at the same time, we're going to wipe the slate because we fucked up. This is them going, yo, we fucked up. We're going to tell everyone, hey, we're good.
Starting point is 02:32:36 Because it's not like the things that they canceled him for aren't still on the internet. It's not like, yo. That's why I think it's part of the reason why Bud Light didn't put him in the commercial. It's like, his slate might be completely clean yet. So it's like, hey, we're going to test this out. February 25th, we got an ad locked and loaded.
Starting point is 02:32:53 Son, I guarantee if SNL came out before the Super Bowl, he's in that commercial. That's an interesting point. So yeah, yeah. It's going to be, I mean. They did the thing with the trans person and it was like that backfired on him. So it's like, hey, let's going to be They did the thing with the trans person And it was like that backfired on them So it's like, hey, let's just get a feel
Starting point is 02:33:08 Let him announce it and see what people say about it Yo, the victory is killing If he goes on there and kills He doesn't even need to shoot on SNL Everybody watching would be like See, y'all fucked up Y'all could have had this every week So that's the win, is just killing
Starting point is 02:33:23 Maybe there's a funny way to acknowledge it I truly don't remember the last time I was this every week. Yeah. So that's the win, is just killing. Maybe there's a funny way to acknowledge it. I don't know. I got to hit him. I truly don't remember the last time I was this excited for SNL that I'm like, I want to watch the premiere. Yeah. I want to watch it live. Maybe Chappelle. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:33:35 Yeah. That's it. Chappelle was crazy. And it is so dumb that you even still now have, like, news agencies and shit being like, oh, here's the racist jokes that comedian St. Gillis said. It's a click, man. And, like, they run it right back. And it's like, how do you's the racist jokes that comedian St. Gillis says. They got it in and they run it right back. And it's like, how do you not understand
Starting point is 02:33:48 this is helping? If your goal is to try to hurt this guy's career, you're doing the exact opposite. They're probably not even trying. They probably just want some clicks. They just want the clicks, man. They're willing to take
Starting point is 02:33:55 some damage if it comes. If it works out for them, great. Yeah. Shall we, guys? Is that the end of an episode? I think so. You guys go see your kid, dude. Yeah, I have responsibilities, dude.
Starting point is 02:34:04 Why did you do such a long pod today? Yeah. Why are you cooking so long, dude? Is that the end of an episode? I think so. You got to go see your kid, dude. Yeah, I have responsibilities, dude. Why did you do such a long pod today? Why are you cooking so long, dude? I don't know. You need to go home right now. Diapers. Everybody was out of diapers, babe. I kept looking. Every single Dwayne Reed.
Starting point is 02:34:17 No, I got to get out. But anyway, guys, thank you guys so much, and I appreciate you. And a lot of people reached out. And thank you very much for the kind words, and thank you very much for the support when we were uh going through uh our our situation and uh i hope everybody who's who is going through that um yeah i wish you the best of luck and i hope you have you know a similar outcome and uh that shit is tough i know but it it is awesome at the end of the tunnel the light the end of the tunnel is fucking, it is absolutely worth it. So I hope you all can get there as well.
Starting point is 02:34:48 So thank you guys so much. Might be time for you to run it back, dude. Run it back, baby. I'll be ready, bro. You know me. Run it back, bro. Let's get it. Don't even waste my girl getting back in shape.
Starting point is 02:35:00 You know what I mean? Stay fat for three in a row and then get it back. That's it. That's funny. Shout out to that guy, Jelly. Oh, shout out to Jelly, y'all. Fucking fire. Shout out to Jelly Roll, man.
Starting point is 02:35:15 On fire. He was in a commercial. That was sick. Super Bowl commercials are great. Obviously, that's my favorite, but also good commercials this year. Everything about the Super Bowl was great this year.
Starting point is 02:35:23 Yo, Jelly killed it, man. Shout out to Jelly. Just crushing it. He's fire. Love you, year. Yeah Jelly killed it man shout out to Jelly just crushing it. He's far. I love you brother. Yeah he's got to go see his kid he's for real he's got to go. Yeah I have a child I have to go see. He's got to go. Nah he's getting cigarettes bro.
Starting point is 02:35:32 He'll be back in about 18 years. Yeah come on. Peace. Bro you saw Larry David fight Elmo? How crazy.

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