Andrew Schulz's Flagrant with Akaash Singh - Schulz Reacts: AOC’s Met Gala HYPOCRISY!

Episode Date: September 17, 2021

AOC rocks a “tax the rich” dress at the richest event of the year. What do you think about it? Comment below Flagrant 2 is a comedy podcast that delivers unfiltered, unapologetic, and unruly hot... takes directly to your dome piece. In an era dictated by political correctness, hosts Andrew Schulz and Akaash Singh, along with AlexxMedia and Mark Gagnon, could care less about sensitivities. If it’s funny and flagrant it flies. If you are sensitive this podcast is not for you. But if you miss the days of comedians actually being funny instead of preaching to a quire then welcome to The Flagrancy.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What up people, Shultz here and you guys are about to listen to a clip from our weekly Patreon episode. If you want to sign up to our Patreon, support the flagrancy, support what we are doing, completely uncensored, flagrant content, you go to slash flagrant2. With no more interruptions, here is the exclusive clip. You want to talk about AOC talking about activism so this is pretty obvious hypocrisy though it it the intended purpose uh you know of this was to gain awareness and that definitely happened people are talking about she basically went to the met gala which is this um stupid dinner that the food isn't even good. Hater. You get to see this exhibit.
Starting point is 00:00:48 We're going to get to me being a hater in a second. We get to see this exhibit as well. But basically it's every year. It's basically like a Halloween for famous people, and they all dress up in these stupid outfits. And being invited is like a status symbol. It means that you're affecting culture. And essentially what they do is they match designers with celebs. And then the designer, Anna Wintour is the person who runs Vogue.
Starting point is 00:01:10 And basically what she does is she'll get all these designers and then she'll be like, we think that you would be dressed really well or you would dress these people really well. Match those people. They'll make outfits for them. And boom, everybody goes there. them and boom everybody goes there and um aoc ends up going and she's wearing a dress that says tax the rich on the back a lot of people have said that it looks like chick-fil-a writing and she's going to this event which costs thirty thousand dollars per person to go to she's literally hanging around with the people that cheat the tax code all the time so some people might say it's kind of brave it's like you a crip walking into a blood party. Like, what's up?
Starting point is 00:01:45 This is what I believe in. I'm out here. I think all y'all should be taxed. But she's not there like checking motherfuckers and going, where are your taxes? Where are your taxes?
Starting point is 00:01:54 She's kind of going there cheesing it up and enjoying the limelight with all these people smiling in pictures, etc. So it looks as if her messaging could be a little confusing.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Do you hate people who avoid taxes? Because guaranteed everybody there avoids taxes. There's no way. 100%. 100%. Or do you hate those people or do you fraternize with them and do you enjoy them? And are those your colleagues and are those your friends? And are you going to continue to build with those people?
Starting point is 00:02:21 And what I think is really interesting about the tax laws that she would like to implement, especially in New York, is rich people are never going to pay taxes. We just have to accept this. I don't know how we don't understand this. Because here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:02:32 In order to tax people in a normal way, there are other ways you could do it, but in a normal way, you have to show income. Rich people are rich enough to just not make money.
Starting point is 00:02:40 What they'll do is they'll just put their money back into the business itself. They'll hide their money in stock. They'll hide their money in stock. They'll hide their money in charities. There's so many other ways to hide your money to make it look like you're not making money. So who gets punished by these tax laws? Let me just get this point.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Who gets punished by these tax laws? Here's who gets punished. Us. Yes. The people who come from either middle amounts of money or no money and are starting to make money. Do you know how much harder it is for us to ascend to wealth, for us to achieve the quote-unquote American dream, which is going from nothing to something, right? Obviously, I didn't come from nothing. I came from something.
Starting point is 00:03:19 But to go to something amazing, something insane, it's so much harder when you're taking 50, 60% of our money every single day. So what it does is it just increases the gap between the super wealthy and the people trying to ascend to wealth. You're making it harder for middle class people to be super wealthy. You're making it harder for poor people to ascend to wealthy or even just rich. You're fucking the people that you say you're trying to help and it's not even touching the people on top in order to switch the tax code you're gonna have to do something that's based on consumption it's not gonna be based on how much money you make it's gonna have to be based on how much you consume and i think there maybe are some countries
Starting point is 00:03:59 have done this or they're suggesting it so basically you get taxed on everything you buy in that fiscal year. Right? And this is, it's similar to the way that I think that they tax alcohol at restaurants and stuff like that. The tax gets placed
Starting point is 00:04:11 when you purchase the alcohol. Okay. Not how much you're selling it for. So essentially a giant sales tax instead of an income tax. This way they can't avoid taxes by just spending all the money they make.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Right. Or buying assets. Yeah. Right? Because they're like, oh, I'll just buy that asset and then it depreciates and then I can write off the depreciation and I find a way not to pay any taxes.
Starting point is 00:04:28 These smart people are smarter than you, AOC. Yeah. And they hire people that are way smarter than any fucking politician. They're smarter than you. They will figure out a way around whatever rules you create and the people that you hire to create the rules are the dumb people. The smart people were hired by the rich people to create the rules to get around that. That's the point I was going to make.
Starting point is 00:04:45 The IRS can pay an accountant $60,000 a year or whatever. You're going to get a $60,000 a year tax guy. A fucking billionaire can pay a tax accountant $450,000 a year, no problem. That motherfucker is going to be qualified for that money, and your government motherfucker is going to be qualified for that money. So any law that the government guy implements, this rich accountant is smart enough to figure out a way around it.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Yeah. You will never tax the rich. Yeah. A sales tax could be a solution. I don't know what it is, but I know all your tax laws, they're going to find a way around. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:15 They just are. They'll hide their income. They'll figure out everything. They'll figure it out. So it is a tricky thing, but don't punish the people that are trying to ascend to wealth. Right?
Starting point is 00:05:24 Don't punish them and save the people that you actually are trying to tax in the first place. Do you feel that's her intention? Because I don't think that statement is like, let's pass something where only people in... I'm referring to the new tax bill that the House is trying to pass and she's in the House, which would tax New Yorkers like the highest up to 60 percent. And she's part of the House.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Yeah. So so it's like that's the bill that she's supporting. Yes. And I do think when coming up with that bill, they're not saying, oh, well, we know the riches of the rich are going to be able to avoid it. We're hoping that we can start getting the rich. But it is the reality of the situation. So it's like she's either dumb or dumb. She's either dumb for not thinking that these rich people will find a way out of it and just not informed.
Starting point is 00:06:13 She's just kind of ignorant to how they avoid the tax laws, which I don't think because she's a pretty fucking smart girl. And she's like shrewd. She goes into those Senate meetings where she got those senators on the fucking stand. She's grilling their asses with facts nonstop. So I don't think that she's too stupid to understand how they avoid taxes. I think she's smart enough to have the research and know.
Starting point is 00:06:31 So she's either so I don't think she's dumb in that regard. And then this way she's dumb thinking that the proposed tax bill will actually find a way to get any taxes from those rich people. That they won't find a way around it. So it's like either way.
Starting point is 00:06:48 So they do nothing? Don't punish the middle class. Don't punish. Don't make the middle class foot the bill or the upper middle class foot the bill for those rich people that you actually want to punish. Because you keep saying tax the rich, right? But like who are you really talking about? Are you about jeff bezos not paying taxes you're talking about the guy who makes 125 000 a year net worth and real quick and that's a good point but like
Starting point is 00:07:13 if we talk about the top one percent i think it's people who make over 250 000 a year which sounds like an exorbitant money absolutely exorbitant amount of money absolutely 250 000 if jeff bezos woke up tomorrow making 250 000 he would fucking shoot himself in the head he'd kill his whole family yeah 250 000 are not the people the irs are going after matter of fact they don't even audit you like they don't actually do like real audits on you i think unless you're making like in the millions that's not saying people can't get audited everybody can get audited 100 but they're not really looking. They're going to spend hours and hours of an accountant's time and money to get 40 grand from you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Or do you think they're going to spend hours and hours to get 100 million from that guy who's hiding money in the Bahamas, hiding money in Switzerland? I guess you can't do that in Switzerland anymore. But hiding money in Panama. When they expose the Panama Papers and all that shit, what was the guy who leaked the stuff? Assange, maybe, or whatever like that. Like, those things, that's worth their fucking time. To her credit, I think Elizabeth Warren's tax plan was like, I only want to tax people making above, maybe it was $10 million a year
Starting point is 00:08:15 or $50 million a year, something crazy. But, yeah, this idea of $450,000 a year, yeah, you're rich, but you're not, the people that are really avoiding taxes are worth eight nine figures and look at how stupid they are i want to tax people making over 10 million dollars a year okay i'll just make sure i don't make over 10 million dollars a year yeah i i will pay this i will pay oh i made 30 million this year well 20 million of those things i'd put in my charity right that my son happens to be the ceo of and he gets paid 19 million dollars a year to be seen do you know what i'm saying like there's
Starting point is 00:08:48 so many and i'm not even any fucking tax expert or three charities where all my kids get paid eight million a year now here's here's where i'm thinking i'm sure they'll still find a way around it but if you taxed net worth yeah the competition at least where they say hey jeff bezos is the richest person in the world then elon musk and there's this kind of dick swinging that goes on between these rich people it's not as public because now they got to hide their net worth so billionaire tax do you tax your shares in the company yeah you can't tax assets there's no way to tax net worth once you sell yeah but that network is fluctuating like when are you taxing it at its high like when are you taxing is it at the end of the year what you get and you're not getting it because they exist within the asset you could tax it even quarterly at its at its three month low yeah and then i guess they
Starting point is 00:09:34 could fucking tank their net worth but then that's gonna i assume fuck with stock prices and all that and that's not gonna be worth that's what i'm saying it's like listen they're smart people that have probably tried to solve this problem i'm'm not saying you shouldn't do anything. We should do something, right? And there's probably a smart person that knows how to solve it. But we're just going to keep bumping up the taxes, and it's going to affect the same people that they're not trying to affect. It doesn't work. It just pisses people off.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Yeah. And just for clarity, they're saying this tax proposal won't affect anyone making less than $400,000. Right. And I know, yes, like you said, they can keep moving the goalposts, but it's... And most people make less than that. And that's why most people will support it, right? But if you are somebody right now making, let's say, $75,000,
Starting point is 00:10:18 or you're somebody making $150,000, you aspire to be making $400,000, right? And in order for you to go from $400,000 to a million, they're basically taking away your investment savings. So let's say you like to take 15% of your money, right? And you like to invest that every single year. Once you hit $400,000, bye-bye investment. Bye-bye the money that you're going to put away for your kids. Bye-bye the money that you're going to put for your kids buy buy the money You're gonna put away for your college or your kids college that investment money just goes to the government for them fucking waste it because they Can't find a way to get money from Jeff Bezos
Starting point is 00:10:50 So I'm just like why are you punishing the guy who worked his whole fucking life to get to 400? He might be able to see a million right or she might be able to see a million and you taking away that investment chunk He's been putting away. He might be putting in crypto. He might be putting in whatever these things right you're taking away to send to the same fucking people gonna waste the money every single year anyway the government right not the best spending not like they do all bad spending i'm not one of those people i like the fucking roads i like the police i like the firemen like i like the things that we have we have a lot of great things don't get me wrong but like i'm just saying the real money that you want is the billions that jeff bezos has the real boogeyman is not the guy making 400 000 a year that's it's the guy making 400 million a
Starting point is 00:11:29 year and hiding and saying he makes zero hey guys we're gonna take a break from this exclusive patreon clip because i gotta tell you guys about the best bongs in the business and they are brought to you by freeze pipe okay there's two types of cannabis smokers out there those who suffer from burning scratchy throats and those who smoke a freeze pipe. With freeze pipes, freezable glycerin coils, you'll enjoy the colder, bigger hits without the throat burning or intense coughing. Freeze pipe just upgraded their entire bong line for an experience you've got to smoke to believe. In my hands is their new bong XL featuring an upgraded base for more filtration and colder hits. No burning throat or lungs.
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Starting point is 00:12:46 your first order. Now let's get back to this exclusive Patreon clip. The full episode can be found at slash flagrant to join the asshole arm. And can he afford it? The guy making 400? Yeah, he can afford it more than the guy making 50. I don't want it to come from the guy making 50. I want the guy making 50 to have the opportunity to grow wealth too. Leave the money in their hands because the guy making 50 is probably going to spend all of his 50 because he needs to. The guy making 400 is going to have more savings. You know who's just going to have money sit there and do nothing with it? Jeff fucking Bezos, Elon Musk. Elon Musk is like, I don't even want to buy a house. Oh, you don't want to buy things? You don't want to keep the
Starting point is 00:13:24 economy churning? You know how economy works, right? You want to buy a house oh you don't want to buy things? you don't want to keep the economy churning? you know how economy works right? you need to buy fucking shit buddy you know what I mean? oh you don't want material goods? isn't that adorable? Scrooge yeah
Starting point is 00:13:33 you know what I mean? but it's this point that why which is why I'm not that impressed with AOC's thing at the Met Gala but like she's sticking it to people like Lil Nas X who like is a recent millionaire like grew up not that wealthy. That's not the guy that when people say tax the rich, they're talking about. They're talking about
Starting point is 00:13:49 corporate billionaires and generational wealth that are using all the accounts to hide their money. It's like the billions of dollars. Whereas these people might pay their taxes or they might pay some of it. I'm pretty sure she's talking about those people. I don't think she's focusing on them. Bernie's proposal is always like Amazon's not paying any taxes. Even herself, she's like she's talking about those people. I don't think she's focusing on them. Bernie's proposal is always like, Amazon's not
Starting point is 00:14:05 paying any taxes. Even herself, she's like, Amazon's not paying any taxes. So like, it's those giant accounts that aren't pulling away. That's what she's saying. The message is for them. But people are saying, oh, it's so brave that she's going into the den of wealth. Yeah, she's not going into the
Starting point is 00:14:21 den of the people she wants to tax. I don't think you're ever brave if you're in a beautiful dress walking on a red carpet. I just don't find that the spot for bravery. Beautiful. The actual carpet of a fucking king and queen. Like actual royalty. Kings and queens and the fucking plebeians are nowhere to be found. And you're the brave one.
Starting point is 00:14:39 There's not brave. And I've been trying to figure out. I don't know if I got this example perfect. But I was thinking why in concrete terms is this so hypocritical to me so this dinner cost thirty thousand dollars for her to go to yeah but she went there because it could benefit her for a dinner she ran amazon out of long island city because it would hurt mom and pop businesses unscrupulous business tactics whatever yeah but a lot of people would have taken those jobs at amazon because i need to make a living yeah aoc is willing to forego her morality for a dinner yeah and an instagram post and a
Starting point is 00:15:11 dress that makes no impact on anything yeah and she's gonna have a problem with regular guys who want amazon there because like yo i need a job yeah so i that's where i find the disconnect and i i don't know if that works but i'm trying to figure out in concrete terms what is the hypocrisy because we know there's hypocrisy to it. You just feel it. You just know. Yeah, it's like
Starting point is 00:15:28 you could be selfish with other people's livelihood but you... When it's your opportunity because I guarantee whoever funded her $30,000 ticket does not have
Starting point is 00:15:39 scrupulous business tactics, hurts a lot of mom and pop stores, probably doesn't pay their share of taxes but you're cool with that so I can go to the Met G med gala yeah i'm assuming she got invited and they're like yeah we'll sponsor you to go and she was like i really want to go how can i justify me going and that's why she had her post before she went yeah i can't i can't just show up i gotta do some before she went she tweeted before the haters get upset which automatically reeks of guilt
Starting point is 00:16:01 yes you already know what you fucking up. I just think it's like, she doesn't have a way to cut through to pop culture. Like, she's on all the news cycles. She's been on Desus and Mero. Yeah, and that didn't cut through. Like, who cares? What are you talking about? Unless the heavies are on display, like, nobody's paying attention to her. Do you know any other House of Representatives? But this is the most that everyone
Starting point is 00:16:20 is paying. Like, every single news cycle is covering this. TMZ's covering this. CNN's covering this. Everything's covering this. I think I i agree with you 100 that a lot of people are covering it but she is a lightning rod especially for right-wing media like no matter what she does yeah fox is covering it all these other ones are covering it they're calling her a communist and to get the left on board yeah i guess but like the left loves her like if she does anything the left is promoting her oh my god do you see AOC rip this senator in this court hearing? So I think that she is someone who gets a lot of buzz.
Starting point is 00:16:50 I don't think there's anybody in the Democratic Party that gets more attention than AOC. Can you all think of anybody? Maybe Biden. He's the president. She probably gets more news than Biden. Yeah, but I'm just saying in politics, she gets the most attention. But there are some people that don't pay attention to politics at all. So now she's tapping into another sphere.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Yeah, and that's what I think. Yeah, okay. I feel she does a lot of over-performative bullshit and some things I just don't like how she goes about it. But if your focus is, hey, I want to try to get this message out, where's the biggest billboard? Yeah. This thing that everybody's paying attention to, what you have on, and you're going to take a picture of it. You know, what is the message? Tax the rich? I don't see that.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Yeah, I don't necessarily agree with it. I don't necessarily agree with it, but if you get the conversation started, now people are talking about it. I think what you were saying is correct. She's a girl who grew up in New York City. She's romanced by this idea of going to the fucking Met Gala. How can I go to the met
Starting point is 00:17:45 gala without getting all the internet hate yes okay uh and she found a way to do it that makes her look brave that makes her look hip etc the reality of the matter is and i'll tell you a story very quickly afterwards but like the met gala I've always thought was the stupidest fucking thing. Yes. Before I learned what it is, and now it's even stupider, right? But it's basically value off exclusion. And I'm a complete hypocrite because I buy sneakers because of value off exclusion, right? I'll buy a watch, value off exclusion.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Fashion is value off exclusion. Fashion is value off exclusion. And so much of life is value off exclusion. Bitcoin, to a certain extent, there's a limited amount. Limited amount, yeah. So, hey, let's get it. So my only issue is when there's value off exclusion and then there's nothing it provides at all, right, besides the exclusion, now we have an issue. So it's basically like if you go to a nightclub, they're not letting people in.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Okay, fine. But you might get some pussy that night, right? You might drink with the boys, party. so it's basically like if you go to a nightclub they're not letting people in okay fine but you might get some pussy that night right you might drink with the boys party you might talk to a girl go out on a date there's something that you can obtain from that experience right you might have a great fucking dj it might be a great uh band playing or something like that right the met gala is this dinner where the food is not good. There's an exhibit that you look at that everybody can look at after you at the Met. So there isn't really anything exclusionary, right? The food is not worth the experience.
Starting point is 00:19:13 The value is the cachet of being at the Met Gala. It's diamonds. It's fraud. There's nothing there. And the fact that these people buy in so much, I'm like, this is the stupidest fucking thing. So I asked my girl. I was like, my girl who was in fashion for a while, um, on the corporate side, I was like, would you want to go to the Met Gala? And then I go, uh, she's like, she's like, she's like, no, nah, no interest in that. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:19:36 oh, okay, good. She's like, why? I was like, no, they asked me if I wanted to go this year. And I was just like, whatever. And she's like, they what? And I go, yeah, they just asked me if I want to go. She's like, well, why didn't we go? Good. That's good. That's good. I go,
Starting point is 00:19:53 I go, well, you said you wouldn't want to go, so I don't want to go to these fucking things. She's like, well, yeah,
Starting point is 00:19:56 it'd be cool to know what it's like. Son, every, every, because when you said that, I was like,
Starting point is 00:20:03 I do think, I think if you get the invitation, I think you go bullshitting i do think i think if you get trashed the invitation i think you i trashed the thing last yesterday on brilliant idiots and i'm leaving brilliant idiots and i'm like i shouldn't have done that not because i want to go i do not want to go i have no interest in going and i think the whole thing is fucking stupid and you're corralled into the space and everybody in the space is like ooh everybody here must be cool it was like the early days of Soho House
Starting point is 00:20:30 I don't know if you remember going to Soho House but the early days of Soho House I vaguely remember never going to Soho House so it's like everybody was in there it was like well who's who here this must be really cool and you could like walk up to anybody talk to anybody because everybody there was kind of like qualified well you must be accepted in here so it must have been something right but
Starting point is 00:20:47 it was all bullshit it's all fake right but at least there was like good food or something in there right the comfy environment etc but once i found out i was like fuck man my girl's gonna want to go to this and they're gonna ask me to go to this fucking thing one of these days yeah and i have said on a podcast that it's the stupidest fucking thing in the world and i cannot go without being a hypocrite yes right i was gonna say it's funny your girl says she didn't want to go because i got the exact opposite response yeah stupid but you go you just go my girl basically said like i want to at least know it's you know what i'm saying it's one of those things where it's like nobody's allowed in she's like yeah the food's not gonna be good all
Starting point is 00:21:24 these things but i want to know the food's not good. I want to know it's a dumb experience. And tying together all the points I think we've made, AOC is our girls. She knows it's stupid, but she wanted to go. So she was like, let's figure out. Hey, let's have this dress. Let's have this tweet before we go in. That's what you got to do.
Starting point is 00:21:40 And now I can go enjoy the Met Gala. I already thought about my outfit. In two years, you're going to have to go. Hypocrite. Just all over my suit. Hypocrite all over the suit. But I'm saying it right now so everybody knows. I will never want to go to this fucking thing.
Starting point is 00:21:53 I would never want to go to this thing. How many men want to go? I feel like every woman is like, we're going. And the guy's like, fucking fuck. Al wants to go. Al loves this fucking shit. That shit is fucking Halloween, son. Go Halloween, bro.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Yeah, but Halloween with famous people. I like to go to the halloween parties that have famous people at them it's the same shit i was a cuck a little bit like he likes the scene like if there's like every once in a while i'll put this way every once in a while charlemagne reminds me that he's from monks quarter south carolina yes every once in a while like i always look at charlemagne i'm like you're the biggest guy on the fucking planet you could do whatever the fuck you want to do etc and every once in a while like i always look at charlotte man i'm like you're the biggest guy on the fucking planet you could do whatever the fuck you want to do etc and every once in a while he he's when he says greets no no no no meaning like he's romanced by these things like that he's
Starting point is 00:22:35 heard of yeah oh the met gal that must mean you made it i'm like charlotte man you've got more money than almost everybody at this fucking party you've got more success than almost anybody at this party like you don't need to go to this party. You're the coolest person sitting at any table at the Met Gala, in my opinion. It's just a bunch of people who are dressed and wearing crazy shit, but they might not be fucking interesting to talk to. You're the fucking man. But there's a little
Starting point is 00:22:55 part of them that's like, I get to be around famous people? I'm like, you're famous! You're successful. You're brilliant. You're fucking genius. You've been to fucking Kanye's Wyoming ranch, haven't you? It was like when we did the private jet. We were doing the private jet and Dove was getting all fucking anxious because we weren't behaving right. And I'm like, Dove, you don't have to fake it.
Starting point is 00:23:16 It's ours. We paid for it. We could dress however the fuck we want. You made it here. You know what I mean? Like I know the past times you've been on jets, you were a guest. So you're like, don't fuck we want. You made it here. You know what I mean? Like, I know the past times you've been on Jets, you were a guest. So you're like, don't fuck this up.
Starting point is 00:23:29 You're the person now. Yeah. Fuck it up. If we walk off that jet and we don't feel embarrassed about how filthy it is, I'm probably fucking it up for all the companies. Oh, my God. We didn't do it right, Don.
Starting point is 00:23:42 There better be some rappers on that fucking thing. What is this guy doing? What? Pretzels everywhere. You know what I mean? Sunday's tequila spilt. Come on. They don't know this was an infamous tour jet.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Next people after we on that jet, shit. This is the most loser fucking trash left in the jet. All those Oreos. Oreo wrappers. Dom P. Chris. Gondoms everywhere. Nah.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Jesus. Thatondoms everywhere. Nah. Jesus. All I'm saying is sometimes we gotta do shit for our girls. But I have no idea. Do you have interest in going to the fucking Met? I do not want to at all.
Starting point is 00:24:16 At all. I still don't really understand completely what it is. Dinner. You just show up and take pictures? Dinner and exhibit.
Starting point is 00:24:23 You walk on stairs. That's what it is. And then there is an exhibit there that you can check out the Met afterwards. And there's a dinner that you guys had there. And it's also a fundraiser. And the donations go to the people who make the costumes at the museum. Because that's the only... It's not funded.
Starting point is 00:24:40 So they have to fund themselves. So it is an actual fundraiser. Yeah, sure. Why do we... Dude, fundraising is so stupid. not funded. So they have to fund themselves. So it is an actual fundraising. Yeah, sure. Put that on the activists. AOC should win this season on the activists. She got all the social media attention. Can we do that for the activists? Can we do that? Can we stop making people run? Can we
Starting point is 00:24:55 stop making people go to events? Can we stop making people do things? It's like, do you care about leukemia? Yeah. Are you willing to run for it? Do you care about leukemia? Yeah. Are you willing to run for it? Do you know what I mean? Do you care about cancer research? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Yeah, I do care about cancer. Would you like to donate some money? Would you like to dress up in a Halloween costume and walk up some stairs in front of people? Because that's how I'll give you some money. It's like, why are we making people jump through hoops in order to be activists or donate money to causes? Do you care about the cause? Yes. Then give me your fucking money. Because the fundraiser
Starting point is 00:25:26 has become a networking opportunity. Say again? A fundraiser has become a networking opportunity. That's really what it is. You're not going there for the charity. You're going there for the connection that you might make. Or it's like, if you're already going to donate money, why not have a little fun while doing it? That's what the people look at the runs and shit like that. It's like,
Starting point is 00:25:42 hey, we're having a little competition along with you donating money. You know what's fun to me? like that. It's like, Hey, we're having a little competition along with you. Don't run to me. Not running. Yeah. Okay. So you would just donate and not run, but other people like enjoy that activity. And it was like,
Starting point is 00:25:51 Oh shit, I can, I can do this activity. I enjoy. And with a good cause attached to it, like why not just run? Hey, how about this?
Starting point is 00:26:00 You don't ever have to run for me to give you money for leukemia. If you came to me and you're like hey bro can you my my grandma has leukemia we're trying to raise some money here you go here's my money you don't have to run for it you don't have to jump you don't have to swim you don't have to do a triathlon you don't have to bike you don't gotta do nothing you're already going through enough with your grandma having leukemia yeah here's the money. Here you go. Here's my donation. If you want to do some running afterwards, please exercise. It's great for your body, great for your mind.
Starting point is 00:26:30 But you don't have to do it. I'm not going, at the finish line, there you go. That's what we should do for those races. We should stand at the finish line and let them collect. You don't get anything until you cross the finish line. Put a time limit. Yeah. 25-minute 5K, otherwise.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Whatever that Mario Kart is. to cross the finish line. Put a time limit. Yeah. You got it. 25 minute 5K. Otherwise. Whatever that Mario Kart is.

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