Andrew Schulz's Flagrant with Akaash Singh - The Best Venmo Commercial Ever

Episode Date: July 23, 2019

This week Andrew, Akaash, and Kaz discuss: Disney taking over streaming, Andrew feeling bad for Muslim women in the NYC heat, a comedy world controversy, a review of the Lion King reboot, Pacman VS Th...urman, Zebras aren’t real, the Flagrant thoughts of the week, and much more.  INDULGE!!!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What up, everybody? Shelty here. As many of you already know, we started a new YouTube channel for Flagrant 2. There's a link right here that you can click on. I believe it's right here. I was pointing here last week. I'm not really sure, but just click on the link and go subscribe, man. You guys got up to 10,000 viewers or subscribers in the first week.
Starting point is 00:00:18 That was unbelievable. Asshole Army is very strong. We're going to put extra clips up there, behind the scenes footage, a lot more stuff that we can do now that we have its own independent channel. So go subscribe to that right now. Tell your friends. That's where you can watch the clips, the full episode, everything.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Eventually, we're going to stop posting those videos on this channel right here. So if you don't want to miss out on anything whatsoever, go subscribe right now. What's up, everybody? Welcome to another episode of Flickr 2 No easy buckets, analysis by assholes, water cooler commentary for your sports needs
Starting point is 00:00:50 It's hot as fuck in New York for those of you that are not from New York Let me get through these intros bro Shut up man There's no windows in here motherfucker This is what we gotta do is turn everybody's mic off until I finish it Damn It's mind boggling. You're like a boyfriend the first time they're hooking up and a girl's on top and you're
Starting point is 00:01:10 just trying to curl your butt to slide the dick in a little bit because you're like, if I just get it in, then it begins, right? Well, the sex will happen. You don't jump in soft? Huh? You never jumped in soft before? No. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:22 No. So back to what we're saying. We should have to do like, we should do the cut microphone feature so we can get through the beginning section of this uh this podcast right so uh it is a very hot day here in new york city um 107 degrees they were saying it was outside with the weather wind heat factor. And we're in the studio right now. And, of course, the studio provided by Loudspeakers Network at Engine Room has no air conditioning. We've been complaining about the air conditioning for, I don't know how long.
Starting point is 00:02:01 I don't know. Since winter? No, since last summer. Since last summer. And they keep on saying that they're going to fix the air conditioning, but it's not fixed at all. But don't worry. Have no fear.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Soon these problems will be solved. We've got a very interesting show today, guys. I think we should start out with the flagrant thought of the week. I know that Kaz is itching to get something out, so I'm going to go to Kaz first. Kaz, what is your flagrant thought of the week, Kaz? The mouse fucking terrifies me, bro. The mouse? The mouse.
Starting point is 00:02:31 What's the mouse? Disney. Okay, talk to me. The fucking mouse terrifies me, dog. Talk to me. I was watching that shit. And mind you, if the mouse ever cut me a check, somebody please cut this from the airwaves. you if the mouse ever cut me a check i'll somebody please cut this from the airwaves but just watching that whole like comic-con shit with the with the mcu and then bringing out maher shala
Starting point is 00:02:50 ali like he's like committing to duke and putting on that blade yeah that was great that was great fucking like all these a-list superstar motherfuckers and this is not even like this it's a drop in the ocean to those motherfuckers right right like just think like it's just put into perspective how much shit that they own and i know you talked about you talked about how you know netflix was just you know it was on its last legs whatever what happened this week i mean bro disney plus you know i'm saying like outside of disney plus what happened on netflix this week did you hear no i don. It's the first time in the history of the company where they had a negative subscriber. They lost 130,000 US subscribers. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:03:32 TikTok. Well, you know, they're losing a lot of their big shows. You called it early. All of his friends. They're about to lose all the Disney Marvel fucking properties. Yeah, they lost Friends and The Office, which was the only thing people watched. They don't create enough good content. Every once in a while, they have a show. Every once in a while, yeah, yeah, they lost friends and the office which was the only thing people watch they don't create enough good content every once in a while they have a show every once in a while you and you they'll have a stranger things or a house of cards or that kind
Starting point is 00:03:50 Of shit, but like they don't have enough quality content what they were was first to the market You know what Netflix was Netflix was you know when like one of these little podunk towns opens a subway Right and like that subways poppin.'s popping because it's literally the only fast food in the whole town. It's the only food in the whole town in a lot of ways. You don't have to drive, whatever. So it's killing it.
Starting point is 00:04:13 And then all of a sudden, a Domino's opens up. You know what Netflix was? Blockbuster. Netflix became Blockbuster. Sure, sure, sure. The thing that it replaced. Well, that's where we're going, right?
Starting point is 00:04:25 But I'm trying to do like a non-movie analogy, right? So it's like we thought that it was doing so well because of how good it was. It wasn't doing so well because of how good it was. It was doing so well because of how convenient it was. The subway is down the block. If you want to go out to dinner, you got to go into the next town, right? Disney's moving into your neighborhood. And it's like to dinner you got to go into the next town right yeah disney's moving into your neighborhood and it's like now you got a mcdonald's bro you see like that that type of power is scary to me sometimes like it's terrifying dog like they're not even they're putting out like
Starting point is 00:04:59 c-level comic stars and it's like shutting down the internet they're not even like putting their dick on the table with the x-men final four spider-man fantastic who's the c-level wait what are you saying like blade oh okay uh uh what's what's the other one blade a spider-man in other words that's what i'm saying like they they put it they rolled out in humans or whatever the fuck was all the eternal is my fault yeah yeah the asian one like shangri-la i've never even heard of the motherfucker but people going nuts over it. I was like, yo, the power to, like,
Starting point is 00:05:27 just completely take out... Y'all don't know that fucking Asian superhero. I had no idea. Everybody freaking out on the internet. Y'all don't know it. Oh, it's Shang-Zoo. I'm like, I know I do.
Starting point is 00:05:35 It's Shang-Zoo. That's the sauce. Ain't no fucking Asian super. They just made that shit up, and you know Asians went wild. Like, I've been waiting my whole life for this. Yeah, which I get it.
Starting point is 00:05:44 It ain't Naruto it ain't fucking anime it ain't some shit I didn't even watch this Marvel rollout I heard about the Herschel and I was hype that's a great blade
Starting point is 00:05:53 that hat thing is a great reference it did look like he was tall he came out and they handed out all the black widow hats whatever
Starting point is 00:05:59 the Loki shit is gonna pop the Thor movie is gonna be fire Thor movie is gonna be fire and the Doctor Strange movie is going to be fire, too. But, like, it's just so crazy how they made this shit pop off with, like, their lesser talents.
Starting point is 00:06:14 But that's what they did at the beginning. The first Marvel movies, Thor, Iron Man. People weren't checking for Iron Man like that. I don't remember Iron Man being a big deal until the movie. It wasn't. It wasn't. They had, like, the little Fox cartoon or whatever. being a big deal until the movie. It wasn't. It wasn't. They had like the little Fox cartoon or whatever, but like, it wasn't like the X-Men cartoon. X-Men, Spider-Man, Batman, Superman.
Starting point is 00:06:31 These are the guys. I mean, I know it's different brands, but like those are the comics I knew growing up as a kid. And I knew about Avengers, but like Iron Man is this massive movie. And then Thor. Who gave a fuck about Thor? I remember our boy Case Rosso made us go see it. And then we walked out like, that was a good movie! But I did not
Starting point is 00:06:48 expect it to be good. And then, who the fuck else they came out with? The Guardians of the Galaxy? Exactly. Perfect example. Didn't give a single solitary fuck about those guys. Now I'm just like, feeding for the third movie and the cast and all this other shit. But it's crazy how
Starting point is 00:07:03 they really got to get like, they get Netflix the fuck out. They cast and all this other shit but it's crazy how like they really got to get like they get netflix the fuck out bro they've been playing this for years what's that what's that song uh i forget the the lyric to it but it's like you know bad bad boys move in silence real g's move in silence like yeah yeah no but there's a uh there's another one i'm saying bad guys move in silence and violence and violence yeah violence. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Whatever. Both of them work. Okay. Like, it's an example of how real Gs work, right? It's like a Netflix might drop a big tweet or like a big, you know, meme or something
Starting point is 00:07:37 that'd be like, we spent $10 billion last quarter on new content, whatever like that. Disney has been slowly acquiring shows right disney's like hey let's let's let's let's make this fox merger happen so we could bring everything like that it's just these are slow calculated moves hey if we're gonna really own the marvel space we got to make sure we have everything that's in the marvel world and we're like oh that means we're gonna get x X-Men in the Avengers movie. They're like, you stupid motherfuckers. You really think that?
Starting point is 00:08:11 No. Small potatoes. One movie, that's nothing. We're going to make sure we have the whole world locked. Then we're going to get our streaming service set. Then we're going to put out our streaming service. We're going to charge half the price for Netflix. We're going to let Netflix build up the shows on their network first. gonna put out our streaming service we're gonna charge half the price for netflix we're gonna let
Starting point is 00:08:25 netflix build up the shows on their network first you're gonna do all the heavy lifting and the sneaky good moves the sneaky good moves is the fox properties that they got to take off of everywhere else now like family guy the simpsons. Fucking all these massive Fox properties. You know what else they own? ESPN. ESPN, dog. What's the only thing people still watch live? Sports.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Yeah. They, I don't know if they've been plotting this for 10 years. Wait for it, wait for it, wait for it, wait for it. What I always said about Netflix is their salvation was tied up into one thing. They had to be the first streaming service to acquire the rights to live sports. That was the only way that they could make it because eventually everybody was going to get into the game and they don't have anything good.
Starting point is 00:09:14 And I was like, if I'm them, I'd pay every single penny to make sure I get the new NBA contract, to make sure I get the new NFL contract, the new NHL contract. That's what I would pay, every single penny. And lo and behold, Disney, way smarter than me, the people at fucking Disney, at the new NFL contract, new NHL contract. That's what I would pay every single penny. And lo and behold, Disney, way smarter than me,
Starting point is 00:09:29 the people at fucking Disney, are going, we already got it. Slowly. So we already got it. We already got it. I guarantee they release this, get everybody comfortable with the streaming, and then they go, do you want the sports package too? You want to watch UFC, ESPN+, NBA finals,
Starting point is 00:09:46 the Monday Night Football. So check it, right? Anything. So go back, go back, go back. We're just thinking about regular sports, right? We're just thinking about basketball, right? We're just thinking about football. Wait for it.
Starting point is 00:09:58 We're just thinking about football, right? They've already gotten you comfortable with purchasing pay-per-views through ESPN+. So now Disney offers the bundle pack. Remember? When you got your landline, your cell phone, your internet. Here's your bundle. Oh, you're a sports guy and you're a Marvel guy.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Like everyone at this table, more or less. I mean, to different extents, but we all enjoy these things. 13 to 20 or 30-something years old. Son, and this house stupid netflix is bro it's fucking idiots and this is what happens when you're first to market you don't see any other competition around you so you don't consider it but lo and behold they're slowly digging out from underneath you your foundation what were you saying now kush i don't remember but i i remember mark cuban talking about the nfl and there's a quote I remember. He said, pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Netflix became a hog. You know who's fine? Off of your point, Hulu's going to be fine. Hulu's fine. Hulu's an interesting thing. That's what I was about to mention. So Hulu tried to get in front of it by, if you notice, they've been paying every athlete so much money. Hulu has live sports.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Hulu has live sports. Hulu has live sports. every athlete so much money. Hulu has live sports. I'm afraid that now each sport like NBA, NFL is going to be on different things. So now it's like, fuck, we're going to
Starting point is 00:11:14 have to get Hulu to watch. So check it. Two things. One, Hulu's biggest problem is exactly what everybody listening right now is thinking, which is what the fuck is hulu now i kind of fuck with hulu you fuck with hulu you fuck with hulu but the majority of people
Starting point is 00:11:33 don't know what it really is yeah right they go oh they got that show where they fuck the girls in the nun outfits on that show right but like they have the good fire fest Fyre Fest documentary. Boom. So they have one Fyre Fest doc, right? So they're like, are they Netflix? And then you go on Hulu and it's like, hold on,
Starting point is 00:11:49 I could watch the episodes of the latest shows. I could watch The Simpsons. I think Hulu's biggest issue is branding. We don't know what they are so it's hard to buy some shit and you don't know what it is.
Starting point is 00:12:01 I think they know more than the public, right? Right, right, right. So they gotta decide what they are and then run with it but I agree. I think for a moment than the public right so like they gotta decide what they are and then run with it but I agree I think for a moment
Starting point is 00:12:07 in time I mean eventually we're gonna be back at square one right eventually it's gonna be all streaming services and then you pay for everything
Starting point is 00:12:13 one company's gonna go hey do you want all of them yeah and then we're gonna go yeah sure and I mean how much is Netflix 15
Starting point is 00:12:19 how much is the Disney shit it's gonna end up being like another 10 40 dollars for everything how much is ESPN plus how much is ESPN plus I think 15 a month or something like that something let's say it's 15 like a cable bill is a buck 20 yeah we already saving money yeah right so eventually we're gonna be back to where we were which is fine because all what's happening right now is us just becoming mobile with our content
Starting point is 00:12:39 that's literally the only shift is I used to watch tv on on the TV and now I'll have the ability to watch it No matter where I go with my phone. So what I'm wondering is why doesn't Time Warner or Comcast? Do they give mobile in your subscription? You can watch anything mobile? Yeah Well, they're launching their own streaming service too, right? So they have certain shows Warner Max or something time Time Warner or whatever spectrum got certain shows I think Gabby Union got a show on them. So I think they're trying to get into the content race, but I think they failed that race. You know who's going to win? YouTube.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Okay, 100%. But back to just the content creator angle, right? What I think Time Warner just focuses on, I think they just fall back and then they go, all we're doing is offering internet. Right now we're double dipping, right? Right now we're like, yo, can we get in a content race? Can we get into the TV race? But they got the Turner properties, though.
Starting point is 00:13:30 No, Turner got the Turner properties. Turner's owned by Time Warner. But no, no. Turner, which is, what's it called? TNT, TBS, TNT, TNT. TNT, TBS, HBO. HBO, True TV, has their own streaming thing coming out. Yeah. Which is a own streaming thing coming out Yeah
Starting point is 00:13:45 Which is a Turner streaming thing Not Time Warner It's called a Warner something I forgot what it's called Okay boom Then the Warner one Fine They're all folding in with the Warner one
Starting point is 00:13:53 That'll be another thing that we buy Yeah It'll just be another one of the things we buy And it'll have The HBO is really what's holding that whole thing together Yeah Maybe sports do TNT
Starting point is 00:14:02 Like you guys were saying But But imagine you get Your sports And you get your Game of Thrones prequels and that kind of shit. I want to watch basketball. Of course. I want to watch Euphoria or whatever that new joint is. Oh, that's my shit.
Starting point is 00:14:15 I'm actually mad we record it right now. I want to watch that. And if you had it on your phone, you could watch it when we're done. Yeah. Right? So I think that's what we're seeing. We're just seeing the transition to mobile it'll happen netflix was first in a game and the thing that all these other companies do that netflix ain't doing especially disney and disney
Starting point is 00:14:33 is the one why it's so scary such a good conversation you brought up disney make money in other places yeah it's a drop in the bucket for them that's what scares me about it son they got the dolls they got merch they got right like you scares me about it son they got the dolls they got merch they got right like you're talking about a company they got the actual resorts city have you been to disney recently it's fucking fascinating disney world is a zoo unlike any zoo you've ever seen and that's a quarter of the park yeah yeah then it's a fucking princess amusement park then it's a hollywood park and my girl had a great idea they have like a hollywood section what they're gonna she said and what they're gonna eventually do is make all that a pixar park and then everybody's gonna want
Starting point is 00:15:11 to go to the toy story rise and the incredibles rise and it's fucking didn't they just do that that uh harry potter joint is that universal which is it that's not that's a different part that's universal studios but they don't own it? That shit is dope. I heard that shit is dope. I went to that Harry Potter show. You went to that shit? It's hot. It's good? I've seen the movies and it's hot. Yeah, it's well done.
Starting point is 00:15:29 And Disney's going to peep that. And they're going to be like, we have every movie the kids want to live through. Yeah, we have Despicable Me World. Yeah. Or whatever. Anything that gets big enough, you could do. I mean, look, I don't know if we would go because maybe it's a little bit older, but like Marvel World.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Oh, I would go. I'm going. I'm for sure going. People would go. I saw the fucking video games, I would go. I'm going. I'm for sure going. I would go. I saw the fucking video games that they're developing. I'm like, I'm copping all them shit. Imagine in Marvel World.
Starting point is 00:15:52 So I'm going to Japan and you could get a license in Japan and you could drive a fucking go-kart like you're dressed up as Luigi or Mario or Toad and drive around the streets of Tokyo as Mario Kart. That's the thing you could do, right? They already told me. You're doing a thing you could do, right? They already told us.
Starting point is 00:16:05 We're doing it. You're doing it. Gotta do it, right? Now, imagine we all go to fucking Marvel. I'm already getting geeked. That fashion video is going to be so fire. Check it, right? Imagine.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Now you got me thinking. That's good. Imagine we go to Marvel World, right? And imagine you get to pick your character that you get to operate in Marvel World as, right? So you go Spider-Man. Put on the Iron Man suit. They got this new thing coming out. But wait, but wait, but wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, right?
Starting point is 00:16:37 You get to pick your character. It's not just an outfit, right? There is shit curated to you in the Marvel World. For example, and this why this why it gets fire let's say you're spider-man right obviously you ain't gonna shoot a rope or something like that but maybe there's some way where you can hook on to a like there's parts of the marvel world where you where you get to hook on and then you actually get to like monkey bar only with ropes like on some tarzan shit whatever it is go from place
Starting point is 00:17:05 to place now you're operating as spider-man you went through the whole marvel world of spider-man but now you're like shit i need to go through the whole world as iron man so that's dropping they also vr thing so that's exactly i was gonna say i went to i think it was the animal and animal kingdom they have a pandora ride it's a virtual reality thing you sit in a chair yeah but like you're strapped in you put on goggles and then it legit feels like you're flying on that avatar pandora yeah but my i remember the thought i had was they really gives a fuck about avatar when they do this for movies people give a fuck about so imagine flying through the air as i they have an avengers ride all of us go pick a superhero then you are that guy you all fight a fucking villain or
Starting point is 00:17:43 whatever and then you could go you're gonna go wait in the three hour line again and switch because you got to be thor and i want to be thor and this time you be iron man and i be thor dude vr is fucking genius because there's no maintenance wait for it i was just gonna vr you could do a v that's true about the maintenance but you could do vr and break it up in a character So everybody who wants a VR Spider-Man, right? You do whole suit And literally Put yourself into The robot, and then the robot
Starting point is 00:18:12 Moves up as you Shoot your thing So you start really feeling You start really feeling like You're in a game The shit felt like flying, I'm not bullshitting The line was like three hours in the rain Motherfuckers were walking out like that was the craziest thing ever like and that has something you care about oh son i'm thinking about this right now you could even have
Starting point is 00:18:34 something that you hold on to right and they could suspend you slightly like your feet could go down if you need but if you actually want to try to like yeah you gotta go to the vr because vr is getting so crazy now and the harry potter rides it's like because of the vr the actual ride isn't that technical yeah it feels wild crazy but if you take the thing off and just look at it looks like one of those baby roller coasters yeah son but they got a vr racism like if you really want to know what it's like to be black in America you should be able to VR as a black dude and like
Starting point is 00:19:10 walk down the street try to get cab you know what I mean like be walking down the street like some white lady got her purse and she runs across the street to the other side she changed her purse like you could spend a day as a black dude and you might really feel the first thing that everybody's doing is looking down and pulling on the picture.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Hey, listen. You got to have a good marketing tool. You know what I mean? You got to have a cool strategy. You got to have something good to come out of that. Real talk, fat white bitches everywhere just walking up on you for no reason. Dude, this is going to be dope. We are black.
Starting point is 00:19:43 That's what's up. I think that's a great idea this actually kind of segues into my favorite take yeah so this came from a uh lady asshole so she's like so it's not your take i mean we collab so she's like if we all had to be gay, who in the room would you fuck? Oh, that ain't it, son. You had to pick.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Oh, that's your first pick. That is the most supple. You didn't even think. He do got, he do got. Really? And he's got some little body on him,
Starting point is 00:20:14 you know what I mean? He do got some curvy features on. You see, that's funny. And he got the most body, son. And he got the most body, My first pick,
Starting point is 00:20:21 my first pick was Akash. Definitely can't be you. It was off rip. Off rip. Have you seen his body, son? Son, but look at this. I'm my own first pick was Akash. It was off rip. Have you seen his body, son? But look at this. I'm my own first pick. Have you ever seen Akash come in with his hair not perfectly put together? Like, you know he's shaving down there.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Oh, wow. I'm going to watch whoever I fuck. That's not a question. I'm not going to fuck him straight out the gym, son. We've seen Kaz's thighs today. This is true. Kaz got thighs on him, though. I do have a lot of thigh meat.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Kaz out here like the single ladies video. A lot of thigh meat out here. As long as it's something to grease, man. I had to. I'm not fucking Kaz the Stallion, bro. I need something smaller, more petite. You know what I mean? Kaz the Stallion.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Big old freak. Shit. Also, Ed is Latin. He's going gonna make you food and bring you water afterwards you know like it's gonna be real adorable
Starting point is 00:21:09 I love that shit alright Kaz what's your pick beautiful thing about fucking Kaz he might not even show up no you can leave him he'll be okay with it
Starting point is 00:21:18 that's what it is I'm gonna come late though oh gosh that was good I'm gonna come late that's good alright go though all right go what do I have to pick one yeah you got pick one I already said editing these soft and curvy right so it'd be weird with you you know I mean your upper body is good you know but like if you're fucking you got a fuck lower body I don't got no ass. Yeah, like, if the question
Starting point is 00:21:47 was like, who are we, titty fuck or something like that? That's different. That's different. You just went too far with this. Who are we, lay in bed and just like, make eye contact with? Eye contact with the prettiest eyes. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You got the prettiest eyes. He's got those pretty eyes. Yo, yo, yo.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Yeah, yeah, yeah. You got the prettiest eyes, buddy. That's what I'm saying. So... Akash, you got my votes. Thank you, dog. I got you. We still here, bro.
Starting point is 00:22:17 We still here, bro. No, yeah. I said Akash, too. He mad pretty. I bet. He mad beautiful, yo. That's Latin. They love them fucking eyes.
Starting point is 00:22:24 I was trying to see at the end of the night, though. I'm just one-headed quarter. All right. My Flay Your Daughter week, or Flay, yeah, it was basically today, is like, it's hot enough where I care about Muslim women. Like, in the 80s? In the 80s and 90s? Like, when is 80 and 90? Right, I'm like, that's their culture.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Like, don't tell them what to wear, what not to wear. You got to let them handle them. Son, it was 107 when I got off the plane today. I was like, unwrap these bitches, bro. It's hot out here, son. 107 in the desert. This bitch got her eyebrows out barely. Let them hoes drive, dog. Come on, son. You7 in the desert. This bitch got her eyebrows out barely. Let them hoes drive,
Starting point is 00:23:08 dog. You ain't got to walk everywhere. God damn, man. Son, you can't. She on the bus right now. Son, come on now, bro. That hot ass subway station in the park? That's how hot it was, son. I got progressive, bro. It gets a certain time when you start thinking about women's rights,
Starting point is 00:23:24 bro. You know what I mean Like Real talk They need some freedom son Dead ass That was a good one That was a good one Anyway that was my favorite though
Starting point is 00:23:33 That was a good one Akash you got one I had one But it's something We're gonna talk about later So I'll see if I can think Of another one in the meantime Anything
Starting point is 00:23:39 Maybe any other Little flagrancy Any other little thing That we could Discuss Nah I thought I thought Netflix fucked up giving
Starting point is 00:23:46 Eddie Murphy that money oh they haven't y'all wanna know something I think I put that out there well I've said hold on no no
Starting point is 00:23:55 I think I put that rumor out there oh Eddie rumor yeah cause I just texted Charlemagne and Van
Starting point is 00:24:02 I was just talking to some folks I think I was up in Montreal at the comedy festival I think someone just mentioned it right so I just texted Charlemagne and Van. I was just talking to some folks. I think I was up in Montreal at the Comedy Festival. I think someone just mentioned it, right? So I just texted Charlamagne and Van and I was like, yo, I heard Netflix offering $70 million for Eddie to do the special, right? And the first story to drop
Starting point is 00:24:16 was on TMZ. Right? And then what happened was the comedians in cars getting coffee dropped. So it seemed confirmed or at least it seemed more likely. It seemed like they were testing the waters. Boom, I'll be back. Right?
Starting point is 00:24:32 Because I just made up that money. You know what's crazy? Why did you do that? You know what's crazy? I'm just fucking with them. No, it wasn't even a bunch of shit. So if Eddie comes out In a few weeks
Starting point is 00:24:46 And he's like That's not true We just put bad pressure On Eddie Damn Yo he deserves it He needs that He does need that pressure
Starting point is 00:24:52 I'm gonna be honest I heard though He's already He's performing And Kenya Barris is filming And putting some shit together For him So that might be real
Starting point is 00:24:59 Who's that Kenya Barris The blackish dude He did blackish And grownish And all the issues And he's prolific as fuck Yeah
Starting point is 00:25:06 But I actually said Like five years ago When they were throwing money At Rock and Chappelle And Seinfeld I said the ultimate flex For Netflix right now Is throw 70 million at Eddie
Starting point is 00:25:16 And then just own comedy Like we are the motherfuckers For comedy You said that amount? I said 70 million Isn't that crazy? Yeah really I said throw crazy
Starting point is 00:25:21 Because Seinfeld got 50 So I was like Throw 70 at Eddie To do one Oh Seinfeld got 50? So I was like, throw 70 at Eddie to do one. Oh, Seinfeld got 50? He got 50 for three plus comedians in cars.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Yeah. Oh, that's way different. Has Seinfeld got any? Yeah, yeah. He did one up at the comic strip
Starting point is 00:25:34 where they like renovated it and he did all his old jokes. Seinfeld sure was awesome. He did the greatest hustle in the history of hustles. Like, because he sold Netflix a special of his old material.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Like, he was like, how about i do those old jokes i used to do at this comedy club and they were like okay and he was like dummies genius right but yeah i mean that show was pretty much the same thing right it's just like what commuting car yeah just like show for my cars let's go eat and have breakfast with people i would hang out with anyway yeah but it was dope like did you watch it the new season i saw that shit was dope man i got to like i've been hearing not as great i always don't have time to watch it so the ricky gervais episode is the best one he's good it's the best one yeah seinfeld's a really interesting dude what sometimes is annoying is when he's talks to someone who's less interesting than him. He's not very good at making his guests interesting.
Starting point is 00:26:25 Yes. And I fuck with Jamie Foxx. But that was kind of the episode. So here's the thing. He doesn't care if he doesn't care. Yeah. Like you could tell. Like he did an episode with Tracy Morgan, right?
Starting point is 00:26:37 You just got to let Tracy go. Yeah. Like Tracy's just going to say funny, like non sequiturs. It's going to be funny. She had chlamydia. Right, right. Something, something, something. be funny. She had chlamydia. Right? Something, something, something. I took a barnacle off my dick. Right? He's basically
Starting point is 00:26:50 like a black Rodney Dangerfield. I don't get it. Regardless. He still gets love for being a bro man, but I don't get it. And we can get back to that, but like I think what happens is I think what happened with that episode is Seinfeld cut all of Tracy's funny lines and it was just kind of more about Seinfeld talking.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Yeah. And it was whatever. But then when Seinfeld talks to someone who's actually curious about, like the Jim Carrey episode was fascinating. Like, when he's really into you, you can fucking tell. So the episode, the Ricky Gervais episode, I think you guys should watch because it's super fucking interesting and it speaks to this shit, right? So they're talking in the car, right? And the episode's called China Maybe, right? So they're sitting there talking or whatever.
Starting point is 00:27:33 And Ricky Gervais asks Jerry Seinfeld, like, I guess he would say something about, oh, you know, if you have cousins, they may all look alike. So, oh, where would you go somewhere where everybody probably looks alike? And then Seinfeld, like, waits. There's, like, an awkward silence. And Seinfeld goes, China maybe? like say oh where would you go somewhere where everybody probably looks like and then so i felt like waits there's like an awkward silence and santa goes china maybe and then and then immediately gervais starts fucking die laughing because like are you gonna keep that in the special and the whole rest of the episode and the next episode the part two is literally a conversation about do we keep this joke in this series? Because, you know.
Starting point is 00:28:07 PC audience. And then it was all, like, the layers of, like, knowing it's fucked up and saying it. So, me knowing that it's fucked up and saying it. Of course, I know it's wrong. But, like, it's a joke and it's comedy license. And I think it's really interesting, like, if you guys, like, watch that shit. Because I was watching that shit and just seeing, like, the thoughts that comedians go through to get it was almost like inside joke it was almost like it was like it was like the thought the thought process of like going to an offensive joke and knowing you can get like seinfeld no like he said it and he knew he could get away with it yeah but the way he said
Starting point is 00:28:38 it and ricky gervais was almost like you expected him to say it and the reason why he thought it was so funny is because he was like, everybody expects me to say that shit. But Seinfeld's such a comedy, like fucking, you know, savant. Yeah, like he gets it. He loves comedy. That's his religion.
Starting point is 00:28:55 He's a real comic. And the whole rest of the episode, like they keep having awkward pauses for like five minutes, like eating breakfast. And then he goes, yeah, but do you think people get upset?'s good so dope you gotta watch that shit man yeah that's good the yeah yeah he really does love comedy Seinfeld it's the one
Starting point is 00:29:16 thing you get from them cuz you got all the money in the world he still wants to do it yeah there's a but we're saying about this it was a this was a Oh Eddie back to Eddie Right, right, right With the 70 mil So I tweeted something out That some people thought was crazy But I thought
Starting point is 00:29:30 It could very easily be possible I was like Eddie should self-produce Put it out on pay-per-view And all the like Make his own app Essentially Make it available
Starting point is 00:29:39 On all cell phones Etc Very easy Charge 25 bucks for it And then release it globally Anybody can buy it the old people buy pay-per-view on their tv the young people just download the app and do it right there you get to keep the special when you're done and i think you can make 500 million dollars
Starting point is 00:29:53 500 million all you need is 20 million people globally to buy your special individually though individually yeah and i think what happens is when you make it available on your phone or your TV there's less watch party and I think 25 is the price where you go
Starting point is 00:30:10 ah we don't need to watch this together 60 everybody come over let's watch Eddie son I'm so Indian I was like 25 we need at least 5 people
Starting point is 00:30:18 I was about to say 25 is a lot so check it you'll go I don't know if you ever go to like iPick you ever go to iPick that's a $25 ticket
Starting point is 00:30:24 I'd make some money with you you got food at your house unfortunately you're just thinking a little Check it. I don't know if you ever go to like iPick. You ever go to iPick? Yeah. That's a $25 ticket. Yeah, but they give you food. Yeah, you got food at your house. Unfortunately, you're just thinking a little, like you're showing your age. Anybody younger than us does not know Eddie. So here's the thing. Everybody knocked me on that. They were like- They only know him as Donkey.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Exactly. Young people know him as Donkey or Shrek, whatever, the Shrek shit. Like, they don't know him. Young people ain't got no money. They do. They got disposable income. Nah, young people don't got no money They do They got disposable income Nah young people Don't got no money
Starting point is 00:30:46 The young people are broke bro They saving up for Jordans Everybody 30 and up Check it check it Everybody from 30 years old To 77 Cause my dad's buying that
Starting point is 00:30:56 Everybody from 30 to 77 Has money Every 30 to 77 year old Even 80 Fuck Anybody alive 30 to alive Is gonna watch Eddie Just cause fuck, anybody alive, 30 to alive is going to watch Eddie. Just because you have the money doesn't mean you spend it. Kids spend money.
Starting point is 00:31:11 I don't know. That's why you market to kids all the time. They go, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy. You got a credit card so they can't even buy that shit. That's how all these apps are making mad money because they get Daddy's credit card and then they just spend them shit. So it's Xbox games where you have to buy bonuses and shit like that? What's it called? Play-in?
Starting point is 00:31:28 TLC? Yes. But here's what I'll say, though. We're all arguing the amount of money. I think he could make more than $70 million. Yes. I don't think so. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Yeah. But it's not worth it. And I've tried to calculate it. It ain't worth it. And the way that I put it together is this. I go, do more people know about eddie than know about floyd mayweather i think so i don't know i think more i think right now i think more people know who floyd is than eddie guys without a doubt more people know about eddie and floyd
Starting point is 00:31:57 man two do it's not even fucking close two but so? Two, globally. And he doesn't have a Twitter account. Let me ask you a question. Do you think 20-year-old kids are paying $70 for pay-per-view? No, but they know who he is. Careful, careful. So your guy's argument was based on the idea that only kids buy shit. No, I'm based on- Floyd Mayweather makes $300 million a fight, right? Who's buying those fights?
Starting point is 00:32:26 Adults. So if more people in my mind know adults, we're just talking about adults. If more adults know who Eddie is than Floyd, which I believe to be true, especially globally, I 100% think it's feasible that Eddie could make that type of money on a fight, on a special. I'm sorry. I don't think stand-up has that type of excitement of a draw. I think Eddie's different. Maybe it's in my bubble.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Fighting is like, oh my God, two people are going against each other. He's fought 50 times. Eddie's done this twice. We have a third one possible. That's exciting. All you need to do is build the fucking hype. Again, we're not even considering the hype build. We're not even putting some posters up.
Starting point is 00:33:03 Imagine Kevin Hart. This is tough to imagine. I love love him but he's fucking everywhere right now but imagine kevin hart just went away just suddenly stopped doing stand-up he's still in movies but like the kevin hart stand-up imagine it stopped after dangerously funny or seriously funny whatever it's called all of a sudden he just stopped peak of his game 20 years later he's like you know what i'm coming back out every person in this room isn't buying that special yes but we did it with Chappelle because Kevin is still active
Starting point is 00:33:29 and Chappelle proved himself by doing little spots like is Eddie just gonna pop up on a scene or are you gonna see him work in material cause we heard whispers
Starting point is 00:33:39 of Chappelle coming back yeah of course you gotta work it out okay I think it's different with Eddie though because like I don't think people talk to Kevin Hart or even to your point, your example of Floyd Mayweather. I don't think people hold them in that standard as far as people who came up under him.
Starting point is 00:33:56 You know what I'm saying? Eddie Murphy had all the goats came up out under Eddie. Martin, Chappelle. Rock. Chris Rock. Fucking everybody who popped off in the 80s and 90s came up under eddie murphy it's a great point and floyd mayweather doesn't necessarily have that but what floyd mayweather does have he's on tv way more than eddie is just because
Starting point is 00:34:15 he's an athlete and he's sort of younger than eddie well globally i was saying people watch eddie murphy movies globally they don't really. You know what I would do about this special? I'd have Chris Rock open and Chappelle open and whoever the other biggest comic in the world open. That's the undercard. Then you get your
Starting point is 00:34:37 $500 million. Now, they would do that. Let's say you paid each of them $5 million to open. They'd do five-minute sets, 10-minute sets, and they're included in the special. You telling me a comic wouldn't take $5 million for five minutes? I think they'd do it off the strength. They would definitely do it off the strength, but if Eddie make him $500 million,
Starting point is 00:34:58 then they're like, yo, give me five, give me 10. That's why they love Eddie, though, because he wouldn't let them do it off the strength. Oh, of course, of course. Yeah, he'd put them all on, yeah, 100%. So he wouldn't let them do it off the strength. Oh, of course. Of course. Yeah, he put them all on. Yeah, 100%. So it's like he got so much goodwill with these guys, right? So now you have the biggest comics in the world that are the most popular co-signing and on the fucking fight card with Eddie.
Starting point is 00:35:17 All I'm saying is you do not need the networks for this shit at all. Like Akash said, you can make more than 70 by yourself. I think the limit of it is 500 i think you can make 500 at 25 a pop i and and real talk if i was netflix what i would do is if i did release it i that would be the first pay thing so i would do if i'm netflix i go yeah you pay 15 a month to have this but this is a netflix-per-view, meaning if you want to watch this, it's $3. Don't charge a lot, but you can make $3 a pop. Now you make some of that $70 million money back.
Starting point is 00:35:53 I can see that. Interesting. See, now you can build it up more. Now it's not just Eddie Relati. Now you're getting major cosigns. In a way, that's how they brought Chappelle back. I hear you. That's how they brought Chappelle back.
Starting point is 00:36:04 When he was doing Radio City, before he would go on, he would have like Childish Gambino. Oh, yeah. Build a bus. All these like current guys. Hype it. So hyped to be on the bill with Dave Chappelle. I have a guy that steals jokes on his special. Who?
Starting point is 00:36:18 He stole a Patrice joke, Childish Gambino. Oh, he did? Yeah, about how he always needs receipts. Patrice did that in a special. Like, you've got to know enough comedy to know that that so do you think people have the mental capacity to actually spend you say compacity capacity okay that's okay uh but the mental capacity to actually spend an additional three dollars i think that you just build it into netflix and it's so easy yeah they just charge it to your bill they already got your credit card and then you want to purchase
Starting point is 00:36:44 and then they don't even think about it. They don't even think about it. And now, that's the future for Netflix because now what Netflix could do, but Netflix's problem is they don't make money outside of Netflix. But now what you could do
Starting point is 00:36:52 is you could say, Will Smith, we want to do a $300 movie with you. And you know what we're going to do? We're going to charge $5 to watch it on the Netflix platform. And we would. That's smart.
Starting point is 00:37:00 That's really smart. Because it's still cheaper than going to a movie. And guess what? You don't need to cut it with the movie theater. Yeah. The ticket price at the movie theater is cut.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Yeah. Right? You might charge $15, but the movie theater getting $7 or something. If that. They're getting less? Yeah. Maybe movie theaters make their money on popcorn and all that shit. Right.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Right. But they're going to get something. They're going to get something. Right? So maybe they're going to get $5, but Netflix is like, all right, boom. Why don't I just charge you before the cost of the movie theater yeah simple as that that's what all right so while we're talking about comedy this is an interesting story came out this week i think is is is very uh important for for us to talk about specifically because of flagrancy and and um
Starting point is 00:37:42 and the line that can be crossed in comedy or if there is a line that can be crossed in comedy, or if there is a line that's ever crossed in comedy. A lot of you guys probably heard about this story. There was a comic, her name was Dina Hashem, and she was on a show on Comedy Central called Live at the Comedy Cellar. And she told a joke about XXXTentacion. And the joke was essentially, she says, there was this rapper named XXXT tentacion and he was murdered um he was murdered while he was at a car dealership he brought fifty thousand
Starting point is 00:38:14 dollars in cash to a car dealership to buy a car and um i saw this story and i thought if that isn't the best commercial for venmo I don't know what it is I remember watching the story and going I need a Venmo account now this joke gets out there in the world I promise nobody watched it on Comedy Central that's a fact but this this joke gets out there on social media and XXXTentacion fans get uh pissed off about their furious. There's comedians calling for Comedy Central to take it down for their people out there in the world that some of us may know saying that whatever happens to this girl because of this joke, she deserves, etc. A lot of bad things essentially put out there in the world. A lot of bad things essentially put out there in the world. And you have a situation where it seems like an argument is being made to censor comedy.
Starting point is 00:39:24 And it's important to kind of like back up a little bit from this because I think what's really going on here is you have XXX Tentacion fans. And a lot of people don't realize this, but he was their Pac. He was more than a rapper to these people. He was like a spiritual guide. He was a lot of times their confidence. He was someone who made them believe in themselves. He became more than just an artist to these people. And then he was taken away from them very quickly. And they had a lot of anger about the way that he was taken away, and there's no place to put that anger. and they had a lot of anger about the way that he was taken away, and there's no place to put that anger. And then this joke came out, right?
Starting point is 00:39:51 And they're like, oh, finally, I have a place for this anger. I'm not over the fact that X is dead. I need to put this anger somewhere. This girl is a place where I can put it. And it seemed justifiable because it seems as if she's making fun of his death. She's actually drawing a bridge between two things, and that's how jokes work. You know, this is a joke that's paralleling these universes, not going, hey, look how funny it is that a rapper died.
Starting point is 00:40:13 But it doesn't matter. There's a lot of anger, and that's what, you know, the pressure was being put on her. Now you have this situation where people are calling out comedy, right? You have a lot of rappers and rap fans saying that this is disrespectful, this is distasteful, and this is disgusting. Incredibly ironic because these are adjectives used to describe rap for so long, right? used to describe rap for so long, right? The exact argument has been made about rap and especially gangster rap and which why you shouldn't be able to have that music as a genre because it is
Starting point is 00:40:52 distasteful, disrespectful, and wrong, right? So we get into this conversation of should a joke be allowed and is a joke allowed when it really has nothing to do with the joke. It just has this anger that didn't have a place and all of a sudden a convenient place popped up right i mean these fans started like releasing her address releasing her phone number she had to switch her phone number like i mean like sending death threats to this fucking girl she's a 411 iranian girl from jersey right like i'm not i didn't follow x's death that much but like i don't think the same smoke was going to the dude who killed him you know i mean like it's easy to you know put a 411 iranian girl's address out there it's not
Starting point is 00:41:36 easy to put a motherfucker who murders you outside the car dealership address out there you know um so it gets put out there and you have this and you have this situation where is the joke wrong is it not wrong this at the other listen obviously you know this podcast flagrant too obviously you guys are familiar with my comedy i think you can write a joke about absolutely anything the only thing that matters is if it's funny i 100 support her right to to do the joke i don't think she has to apologize about jack shit. Just like I don't think rappers have to apologize about anything. Why? Because there's always going to be somebody offended by everything.
Starting point is 00:42:11 And the second you start apologizing for jokes or not doing jokes because it's offensive, comedy dies. That is the death of comedy right there. You tell a joke about vegans, vegans will be offended. You tell a joke about pedophiles, pedophiles are going to be offended, right? People out here trying to justify the joke by going, were you familiar with X's past? X beat women in the past,
Starting point is 00:42:30 or he beat his pregnant girls. It has nothing to do with his past. That has nothing to do with why she's allowed to make that joke. She's allowed to make that joke because that's what comedians do and that's what we're allowed to do, okay? We just have to make the joke funny. And that joke was funny to that group of people.
Starting point is 00:42:43 The group of people that watched that joke in that room didn't know who she was. That was a completely neutral audience and they laughed. That's it. There are going to be people in audiences that do not find jokes funny. They don't find sexist jokes funny, racist jokes funny, homophobic jokes funny. That happens all the time. Just because you don't find something funny doesn't mean it shouldn't be done. Simple as that. And I think we have a lot of people out here that were virtue signaling a lot of people out here that saw this as a convenient time to uh get some like credibility and build up some goodwill right but in reality nothing really good happens from that it's like no joke is going to take away x and no joke is going to bring x back and no post defending x is going to bring him back or take him away regardless.
Starting point is 00:43:27 So we come to a time where it's like, are there certain topics you just shouldn't be allowed to joke about? Absolutely not. It's funny jokes and unfunny jokes. And you know what? Comedy subjective, comedy subjective. Now you have a situation where there are comedians that were calling out the
Starting point is 00:43:41 comics. Ape shall not kill ape, right? That's something that comics run by. It's like, maybe we don't like a joke. Maybe we think a joke is bad, but we're not publicly out here talking about it. You're not going to see me publicly out there talking about it. I'll handle that within the comics. Simple as that, you know? And the reason why you can't have comics publicly shaming other comics or publicly saying another comic shouldn't do a joke is because it's a perfect way for the the pc mob if you will to go see even comics agree it's bad it's like you need to be united right now especially at this time where like comics are these this hot button topic of you know people who are excuse me are pushing these like hateful agendas or this that the other
Starting point is 00:44:29 you can't have it happen but what we also can't do is this comic who came out and he maybe started this um he started this like a viral buzz about this clip What we also can't do is dog pile on him because just as Dina has become the figurehead for X's fans and their anger about X's death. We can't make this comic, this shit on Dina become the figurehead for our displeasure with PC culture. Right. Because it really ain't about him. We're all angry as comics that we can't say certain shit. And every time we do, we got to worry about being canceled. Right?
Starting point is 00:45:11 So it's like, for me, everybody was going, yo, why didn't you tweet something about this, this, that, the other? And it's like, I got to operate in a little bit different way with this type of thing. I feel like when the story first dropped, it's comics tweeting to other comics and then rap fans tweeting to other rap fans right there was really nothing done so i had to see like i had to make sure everybody behind the scenes was cool i called the first comic who tweeted the thing
Starting point is 00:45:36 and or instagram thing or whatever it was and told the comedy central to take it down and i had to you know let him know i was you know, you know, we can't knock each other. We can't take each other down. And I know you think that this is the right thing to do because you're probably hurt. You're a big X fan, but your brothers and sisters out there, your comedy brothers and sisters out there are going to feel away about this. And I don't want you to get the smoke. I think the best thing you do is reach out to Dina and just say, yo, my bad about this. You know, we're together as comics. I reached out to Dina. I made sure she was safe.
Starting point is 00:46:11 You know, people were threatening her, you know? So I just wanted to make sure she had security. I was going to provide security for her. Thank God Corinne Fisher from Guys We Fuck, the girl, she was like on Comedy Central's ass immediately. She got them to provide security for Shorty. So like her and her family are safe. But it's one of those things like we got a,
Starting point is 00:46:32 we got a responsibility as comics to protect comics when they go through this kind of shit. Because if we don't, then we're all done. Simple as that. If you are comics getting death threats over a joke and other comics aren't there supporting her, it's a wrap. If that means making sure that we,
Starting point is 00:46:44 you know, pay for her security. If she gets kicked off Comedy Central for this, then tell her she could open for you. Take her on the road. There are comics listening to this shit. If you got a show, put her on the fucking show. Show a sign that you're not afraid of this, you're not afraid of cancel culture.
Starting point is 00:47:00 It's easy to tweet about it. Do something about it. You know what I mean? Tweet out a video that she got. See she gets some followers out of it it's very easy to be active on social but it's hard to be active in real life and if you have any ability to do that go for it 100 because it means it sends a message to the world you know if you try to cancel us we're just going to get bigger off it i dare you to you know you cancel Akash, boom, the community comes and helps out. There was a comic in Canada who got convicted of a lawsuit for $40,000 because he made fun of some cripple in the audience.
Starting point is 00:47:38 And he had to pay $40,000. That's crazy. Right? $40,000. And you know what the comedy community did? Paid it. Paid that shit. Did some benefit. Right? $40,000. And you know what the comedy community did? Paid it. Paid that shit. Did some benefit shows.
Starting point is 00:47:47 His name was Mike Ward. I'm trying to get him on Inside Jokes this weekend, matter of fact. You're lucky you don't live in Canada. Fact. You'll be great. Game over. So it's like, but what we need to do is come out. We need to do it in 100% support.
Starting point is 00:48:00 You got to get behind Dina as a comic, as a fan of the flagrancy. You got to get behind Dina as a comic, as a fan of the flagrancy. You got to get behind Dina for what we stand for. Now, I totally understand how it hurts you if you're a huge fan of X. I was a fan of X. You know what I mean? I spoke to X a little bit on Instagram. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:48:15 He was a fan of yours. Yeah, he was a fan of mine. It was a fucking, I thought he was a wildly talented, brilliant dude. This doesn't take away from that. Everybody could get these jokes. And our philosophy has always been if i don't joke about you i don't respect you bro i pity you yeah and that's why we
Starting point is 00:48:29 joke about everybody and that's why we knock it a lot of times jokes they just reflect the things that are most difficult for us to deal with that's how we cope that's how we cope so it's like and i try to tell people who do this like pc type of humor i say you know i'm like that won't last i was in this interview up in montreal and they're like what do you think about the little bit more you know safe you know friendly humor i was like it won't last like what do you mean is it won't be there throughout time they go what are you talking about i go if you if you look at the jokes that have existed for hundreds of years let's say street jokes you know a jew a christian and a muslim walk into a bar right the core common denominator in those jokes are always either racism homophobia pedophilia murder sexism yeah it's the hardest shit for us to deal with morally
Starting point is 00:49:15 right we joke around because like you said we want to cope yeah right because she saw this thing that was probably devastating she probably saw the picture of X slumped. And she was like, fuck, that's fucked up. That makes me feel uncomfortable. And what do comics do when we're uncomfortable? We fucking joke about it. That's our way of coping with it. It really is.
Starting point is 00:49:37 So I want to open this up for discussion, but I just wanted to get that out there. And thoughts, guys. I'm not a comedian. I'm not a rapper. But I'm a big fan of comedy i'm a big fan of hip-hop so like for both sides i thought it was a good joke yeah he could have went she could have went so many different ways like i'm i like x's music i also know x had some fucked up shit that he went through and done and was convicted of and all this other shit. She could have went
Starting point is 00:50:06 so many different ways with that joke. And the way that she was, she wasn't making fun of the fact that he was dead. Like, he didn't make fun of, he didn't make light
Starting point is 00:50:14 of the shit that he did, which she could have done as a woman and the PC mob would have been all gung-ho about it, probably. But,
Starting point is 00:50:23 I just thought it was, you know, I thought it was a good joke thought it was a good joke this is a good joke i didn't feel structures away about it like you know it was to me comedy is when because you know as soon as she said because she started a joke like uh so are you guys still mourning xx xx and you hear the ooh in the crowd right and that's my favorite type of joke because i'm like where are you gonna go with this yeah right because it's like the same with like 9-11 jokes holocaust jokes shit the most terrible things in the history of life always starts with a oh yeah and then where you take it is always what lets me know if you're an actual good comedian or
Starting point is 00:51:04 you're just saying shit to get shock value. Totally. Are you an actually funny person? Like you always say, could you find the humor in some super dark shit? And she found it. I thought it was a good joke. And I fuck with X. And I fuck with, you know, like I was really close with.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Exactly. You can do both. You can really love X. Respect him. I like his music. I like his music. Look, you can really like his Exactly. You can do both. You can really love X, respect him. I like his music. I like his music. You can really like his music, respect him, and also like a joke and think it's funny. You can really hate 9-11 and appreciate that joke that Jeff Ross said to Pete Davidson
Starting point is 00:51:37 at the roast. Yeah. Those things can both happen. You're not shitting on X's grave by laughing at it. And you can also not like the joke. Guess what? You're allowed to do that. That's totally fine.
Starting point is 00:51:48 What were you saying, Akash? I just think this is actually an even better Venmo commercial than X's death. Because they're getting wild publicity right now for free. Ain't they the big winners of this whole thing? Cash App is freaking out right now, son. I was like, damn, do I got to switch over to Venmo? Bro. Cash App's so convenient.
Starting point is 00:52:08 That's funny, dude. Yo, Dina, that is funny. They need to cut her to check. Now, Dina needs to open with that. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like, I thought of a good Venmo commercial. But look, see, that's a brilliant joke, Akash.
Starting point is 00:52:25 And it's about a really fucking difficult situation. You're joking about a girl whose family and her are getting death threats. But you know what? It's funny. Yeah. That is comedy. Comedy comes from tension, scientifically, psychologically. If there's no tension, it's not funny.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Animals that don't feel don't laugh. Yeah. Like dogs feel. So sometimes you could see a dog laughing. i've never seen a crocodile giggle right like you never see a crocodile like bite a deer's head off and then the deer's still moving a little bit and be like this just doesn't happen right so it is a way that we cope with this fucking difficult world i'm sure you're looking at this story you're being like man this bitch is probably really going through it. She's having a tough time.
Starting point is 00:53:08 And then you're going, oh, man, actually, that's the best. This is the best Venmo commercial. And it's got to come from that. I also think we're not going to name the comic. We did this. But like whatever dragon he takes from other comics, I don't. I feel like an example is kind of being set. And that's not the worst thing.
Starting point is 00:53:24 Because that is to me the cardinal sin of any family and we talk about our community comedy community comedy family you don't talk shit about your family publicly i got beef with my family member we've had blow-ups on this podcast we're family we talk about that shit all fair yeah for you to say anything about another comics jokes jokes, especially like you said, empowering, this is not okay. Right. Who gives a fuck about okay and not okay? Is it funny or not? This is not called okay.
Starting point is 00:53:52 It's called comedy. It's not called acceptable. Yeah. It's called comedy. Be funny or don't. On a binary, funny, unfunny, this is funny. Yeah. The degree to which you find it funny or you laugh at it varies. But generally speaking, it's a funny joke.
Starting point is 00:54:06 And you keep it in-house like you're saying. It's like there's a reason why we didn't name. We're not going to name his name right now because we got to handle shit inside. We got to handle shit as part of the community. And that's what it is. Don't play by the rules. Listen, that's G-code to be honest. It's going to be very rare where you even see me
Starting point is 00:54:25 where you even see me criticize the only time i'll criticize a comic is is theft that i'm sure they're doing yes if i just if it's not 100 confirmed i won't even say it because i'll go to them first yeah that's the cardinal sin stealing jokes that's the cause it's like bad you get dragged and to be honest like when i you know when we had that little situation with my inside joke show, I didn't name those comics. I did. Yeah. We got it for you.
Starting point is 00:54:52 I don't need it. I don't need to follow. Hold on. I don't need to follow the comedy. Real quick, real quick, real quick. We did it.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Okay. No, we did something on Patreon. We didn't do anything, but I didn't do anything. I don't remember if I said that. And you didn't do anything here. Okay. You know, I'm pretty sure I have to comment on Patreon. We didn't do anything. But I didn't do anything. I don't remember if I said their name or not. And you didn't do anything here. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:05 You know, I'm pretty sure. I left a comment on their shit. Could you explain outrage to me? Because I think something's wrong in my brain. Like, nothing outrages me. Okay, so here's the thing. You're more secure. I'm going to break this whole shit down to you.
Starting point is 00:55:17 And this is, all right, you ready for it? Yeah. You ready for it? Here we go. We got to go back a little bit. You ready for it? Yeah. You ready for it?
Starting point is 00:55:22 Here we go. We got to go back a little bit. America and the first world, the West, if you will, loses religion. Okay? Religion stops becoming part of our lives. Right? When you don't have religion and nothing to replace it, you lose purpose in a lot of times. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:44 You and I have purpose. We've created it in our career okay okay we we want to take on the biggest fucking networks in the world just me you and a couple other people out here creating content daily changing the fucking game we've created purpose but not everybody is like that some people just have a shitty job that they go to and you know a life that's kind of boring and ain't no heaven at the end of it because they don't have religion right so what you have to do is you have to find another outlet to create purpose so what religion gets transferred is into outrage culture right like and this is what i was talking to tim dillon about kurt metzger and they both were talking about this as well so i have have to credit them for this idea.
Starting point is 00:56:26 But Tim and I were talking, and I think Metzger brought this up. So, vegans are religious about veganism. The woke community is religious about their wokeness. Cat people are religious about cat. Animal rights people are religious
Starting point is 00:56:43 about animal rights. Son, that just clicked. Wait for it. Now I'm going to blow your mind. This is Metzger's point, right? Here's the problem. So all these people have become religious about their, the Antifa, you know, the people that are protesting. Feminists have become religious about feminism.
Starting point is 00:56:58 Here's where you get to blow your mind, right? Problem is they only took the bad parts of religion. They only took the shame. They only took the bad parts of religion They only took the shame They only took the hate They only took the anger They only took the Us against them mentality They didn't take any of the forgiveness The love
Starting point is 00:57:17 The kindness Right That religion said Hey you don't agree with me Hey you've done something wrong In Christianity I forgive you I'm gonna turn the other cheek I don't wanna fight you Ain't agree with me. Hey, you've done something wrong. And Christianity, I forgive you.
Starting point is 00:57:26 I'm going to turn the other cheek. I don't want to fight you. Ain't no turn the other cheek with Antifa in Portland. They're going to throw a milkshake at you. They're going to swing at you. So they're basically just Muslims. Hey. That joke came from thousands of years of hatred. Not by me, but conflict, you know?
Starting point is 00:57:43 Dark places. That joke was brought to you by 107 degrees Fahrenheit so so so you see what I'm saying so what happens is these people create you like y'all ever wondered like y'all like like why motherfuckers care so much like I was up in Canada like and I and I was and I mentioned Trump uh and even at the Toronto show where we had, we mentioned Trump and people started booing. It's like, he ain't even your president. Stop it. What the fuck you care? Stop it.
Starting point is 00:58:10 What the fuck you care? Nothing he does affects you at all. Why do you? If somebody told me the Thai president said something disrespectful about women, I'd be like, okay. Like, my thing is like, when I see stuff That even real fucked up shit I was just like Yo that's fucked up That person's a piece of shit
Starting point is 00:58:27 But like You just gotta move on You got purpose bro When you got no purpose And something triggers Your purpose You feel like you have to Defend it with all your might
Starting point is 00:58:36 Right Another thing Tim said That was interesting Is like these people Think they're at war Right They think they're at war Now when you're at war
Starting point is 00:58:44 Anything goes Right right they think they're at war now when you're at war anything goes right you're at war and a little kid walks down the street he got a grenade in his hand adios junior yeah because the mentality in the war you gotta go bigger than me it's me i'm willing to give everything so why is it that these motherfuckers that love animals so much walk up to some 90 pound ukrainian model as she's on the runway and chuck a bottle of paint on her and shit it's like sending death threats to dina we're at war i'll take your life this is war that's interesting i always thought there was a uh emotional kind of high you got or like feeling of you get to run away from your own feeling of shittiness if you get to say this guy's worse than me. Everybody look at this guy.
Starting point is 00:59:30 It's like Glass House. A hundred percent. Glass House, bro. I mean, that's, yo, that's the beauty. That's the thing about religion. Listen, this is perspective that I have on religion. And y'all know I was raised with no religion. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:41 I understand the value of it because most people do not have purpose in their life so you need to give them something to distract them in a positive way before they die i mean it is a beautiful fucking thing because we fall apart without it so to what you were just saying right now what was the example it was i'm gonna make this i don't feel good about myself so i'm gonna point out everything is bad about this guy so that takes me away from that guilt and look how genius religion is right it goes all right i know humans feel like that that ain't even a fucking unique thought we all have that thought and then christianity judaism islam like i'm sure uh hinduism has its version of that is it goes uh hey um don't judge can i tell you another thing like it just You know what I'm saying? It just cuts it off. It's like, all right, we know people do this judging shit.
Starting point is 01:00:27 Let's cut that shit off because you'll be happier if you don't judge. You know another thing it does to get to the root of it? Not only does God love you, God is within you. You are God. How can you not be not good enough? How can you not be bad? And guess what? What do you have to be insecure about?
Starting point is 01:00:42 Hey, you are God. God is in you, et cetera, right? But I keep fucking up. Oh, yeah, yeah. yeah we forgot to tell you you're born to fuck up everyone i'm born to fuck it yeah you just gotta try your best i just gotta try my best and what happens if i fuck up i forgive you how could you not join that's the like motherfucker imagine there's no religion, and then a dude comes up with all this shit and starts telling you. It's like, that's the Costco. That's Sam's Club.
Starting point is 01:01:11 That's BJ's. You're telling me I could get a jar this big of mayonnaise so I don't got to keep going back and getting mayonnaise? You would pick mayonnaise. Damn right. You know what's interesting about religion? Because I used to always say the South is so much more friendly. Just don't talk about God and your good.
Starting point is 01:01:28 And then in the North, in the Northeast, it's more difficult because everybody got their own version of God. And that's the thing that they get offended by. That goes exactly to what we say. It's like, and that's why motherfuckers. You can apply that to everything that's not religion too. Yeah. You can apply that to my favorite. I can apply that to everything that's not religion, too. Yeah. Keep going. You can apply that to my favorite basket. I can apply that to the fucking Knicks, dog.
Starting point is 01:01:48 100%. Anything that you feel strongly about. Politics. Politics. Politics is religious for so many people. Think about it. And motherfuckers are willing to die for politics. I'm a great guy.
Starting point is 01:01:57 They're willing to die. As soon as you start talking about the Knicks, I'm like, I turn unreasonable. Obviously. People come unreasonable. So I get it. Think about how stupid people are People are willing to die for politics And shit change
Starting point is 01:02:10 For 50 years You know what the politician gonna do? Send you to war So you could die for him That's it You don't give a fuck about you Might get a mention in the tweet That's it
Starting point is 01:02:20 We barely be sending motherfuckers anymore We send the drones And people don't want that That shit is crazy Why are we sending drones?ers anymore. We send the drones and people don't want that. That shit is crazy to me. Why are we sending drones? So we don't send you. You stupid motherfucker. Send the drones.
Starting point is 01:02:32 So it's like perfect example of how people go crazy and why you're less outraged. And if you notice, it's like it's the reason why ugly bitch is always upset. Beehive. It's an ugly Oh stop Yo Nah I'm telling you If you
Starting point is 01:02:47 Real talk I mean this 100% I know right Come on I mean this 100% I mean this I know y'all won't be talking About the Beehive
Starting point is 01:02:57 I know I know y'all won't be talking About the Beehive The album is fire Can we be honest yo Can we be honest yo Some afro beats I love that shit
Starting point is 01:03:04 Great album bro Can we be honest yo We're talking about Beyonce We love Beyonce Yo But can we be honest, yo? Can we be honest, yo? Some Afro beats. I love that shit. Great album, bro. Can we be honest, yo? We're talking about Beyonce. We love Beyonce. Yo, but can we be honest? No, let's not. Ain't nobody talk about the Beehive until I brought up the Beehive, man. What do you mean?
Starting point is 01:03:13 Nobody publicly was shitting on Beehive. Now people are? Now, hell yeah. I haven't seen it. You haven't seen it on Twitter? I haven't seen it. I'm going to be on social media like that. I haven't seen it, bro.
Starting point is 01:03:21 Y'all afraid. Yeah, a little bit. I don't know what you're talking about. I've caught the sting before, i've caught this thing oh really yeah tried to defend the warrior's wife who was like getting beyonce a drink and everybody was like how could you touch her this is what you got it literally the key to happiness in life is stop caring what short-haired fat bitches think promise you, your life will be happier and better if the second a girl with short hair who's overweight says anything at all, you just block it out. If they tweet, you should have your hair length and weight on your Twitter.
Starting point is 01:03:56 And then you should be able to mute based on hair length and weight. I don't know what's so funny. And you will be so fucking happy in your life if you stop thinking. Because that's the opinions that drive you crazy. Why would you say that? How could you have that opinion? Your opinion is problematic. You get my haircut.
Starting point is 01:04:16 If we got the same haircut you don't need to say nothing to me. Problematic is your blood sugar, bitch. Real talk. Real talk Real talk The pinky toe problematic That's problematic Wear some sandals
Starting point is 01:04:28 That shit gonna fall off While you walking down the street Got one big ass purple foot I chopped that shit off Like Big Mama and Soul Food You almost Oscar Pistorius bitches Need to shut your mouth Okay
Starting point is 01:04:45 When I mean shut your mouth Not only from saying shit From eating There's multiple things That shutting your mouth Can help you with Oscar pissed half a foot Real talk
Starting point is 01:04:55 Oh man Shout out to the women man Shout out to the women Yo Here's the thing This is where we get confused And this is why Girls
Starting point is 01:05:02 The president is female That's why he's less fun Than he used to be Yo 100% Just clean it after Yo Shit ought to be cleaned after
Starting point is 01:05:10 But the Nah but this This where you fuck up This where you fuck up That's the most offensive shit What you said When you go shout to the women You think
Starting point is 01:05:19 Pretty bitches Wanna be put in the same Fucking Oh my god You think they wanna be Spoken to it In the same fucking building. Oh my God. You think they want to be spoken to in the same way as these fucking short-haired, fire-tuck-built bitches?
Starting point is 01:05:32 Fire-tuck? You got a bunch of offensive line coach-looking bitches out here with mad opinions. George Costanza-looking ass bitches. You humpty-dumpty-looking ass. They got better shit to do. You got high waisted jeans because your low waisted fall off.
Starting point is 01:05:48 You got high waisted because you don't got waist. Right? So pretty girls want nothing to do with these girls. Old Pixar looking ass bitches. Real talk. Your waist is the biggest part of your body. That's why. You built like it.
Starting point is 01:05:59 Fuck. It's crazy. I'm going to shut up. Yeah. So what I'm saying is when you start going shots of women all the pretty women out here like yo you don't put me in the same how dare you because realistically speaking yo those girls right there they're always complaining they're actively trying to ruin the life of pretty women oh for, for sure. Right? Like, everything they complain about, right? He goes, you got to be independent. Pretty women are like, why?
Starting point is 01:06:30 For what? You got to be independent, you short-haired fat bitch. You know what I'm saying? I don't got to be a fat bitch. I can be dependent. My life is really good being dependent. I like dependent. And Cold Stone hiring. Fat ass bitch.
Starting point is 01:06:45 Get all the free ice cream you want with your fat ass. Listen, fat bitches can sing. Get your ass over Cold Stone. Tip tip hooray. Tip tip hooray. I know you'd be sweating too. It'll be nice and cool in there. Horrible endocrine system having ass bitch.
Starting point is 01:07:02 Oh my God, yo. All I'm saying is fuck we listening to bitches that are built like footballs why would I care about that how do we how are we still on the
Starting point is 01:07:14 beehive bro it's not even beehive it's all of them yo if you gotta tell your your barber to cut your hair
Starting point is 01:07:22 with a two on the side or one if you describe your haircut with numbers you don got to have an opinion to me about anything. Why you got an opinion? You're a girl. You're talking about give me a three, fade it to a zero, and then cut my sideburns down. I would rather fuck the model on the poster you pointed at than you did.
Starting point is 01:07:43 I would rather fuck the model on the poster you pointed at than you, bitch. This bitch got all the people in Instinct's haircut at the same time. Come on, yo. I'm tired. Oh, my God. I'm not listening to them. I'm not listening to no girl that got a voice like the fat kid from Stranger Things. I'm not going to listen to it. Yeah, I love the fat kid from Stranger Things. Yeah, but I'm not going to listen to it. Yeah, I love the fat kid from Stranger Things.
Starting point is 01:08:05 Yeah, but I'm not going to listen to it. We used to be at the limits, Mark. We used to be at the limits, Mark. We used to be at the limits, Mark. Yo, guys, the room is really hot. I think we're a little delirious. My modello is room temperature. This room is hot.
Starting point is 01:08:21 The room is hot. That's all I'm saying, yo. Shout out to all the pretty girls, man. Honestly, we're talking- You know who's not hot? These hoes complaining about everything. Yo, you show me one. Show me one attractive feminist.
Starting point is 01:08:33 It's not like- At a certain point in time, we got to talk about it. What's her name? Pretends to be one from the Blurred Lines video. Who? Emily Radikowski? Radikowski? What's her name?
Starting point is 01:08:46 Emily Radikowski Radjikowski What's her name? Emily Radjikowski Radjikowski Radjikowski Radjikowski I don't know This is Polish bitch Spell feminist You know who it is
Starting point is 01:08:54 Come on yo Real talk Come on yo She fine as hell She fine as shit She fine as shit She fine as hell bro Now she fine as hell she fine as shit she fine as hell bro yeah no that's paid opposition son that's what that is you need paid opposition guaranteed that's paid opposition she got it she's bad
Starting point is 01:09:18 she bad that's what feminists look like yeah nah they gotta be paying her fam she's a ringer it's controlled you know what it is it's controlled opposition right you know how they let certain motherfuckers be out there talking shit who like for a little while what's that insta? Like, yeah. It's not that hard to look up, fam. What you asking? You couldn't even
Starting point is 01:09:50 say her name. How the fuck am I spelling? Emily Ratt. There ain't no other bitches that last name. See, I told you she's
Starting point is 01:09:55 fucking paid opposition, bro. What? Ratt. She's snitching. That's good. Yo, you know what they should be,
Starting point is 01:10:02 you know what she should do? She should get everybody on her side get all the short hair girls to come out to support her and shit like that and then when it's at like
Starting point is 01:10:09 a fever pitch be like hey fuck with none of y'all bitches get the fuck out of here here's the thing like you can't talk about how like you think it's wrong to objectify women
Starting point is 01:10:18 and be a model that's a good ass point your body is objectifying women you're being an object for a living oh wow I guess that's her Instagram Your body is objectifying women. You're being an object for a living. Oh, wow. I guess that's her Instagram. I saw her the other day.
Starting point is 01:10:32 Where? On 4th Street. Her and her man. When I was at Mark. Oh, that's the girl you was talking about. She's undeniably a stunningly beautiful person. Even in real life? There's no question. Even in real life.
Starting point is 01:10:44 She's tiny, but she's beautiful. What's her man look like? Underbite. Look at the hate back quick. Underbite. Yo, you know what? I'm teasing. I played ball with this kid once. He used to be
Starting point is 01:10:59 on my boy's team. Yeah, he was cool. Nice guy. He was on my team. But he was a nice kid. Good was on my team oh yeah yeah but he was nice kid good for you bro yo she's stunning good for you yo but outside of her that's the boyfriend right there scroll yeah the lights yeah uh oh looks like seth curry he looks like grown-up uh steph curry son he looks like seth curry did you say? Yeah. Son, he looks like Down Syndrome Timberlake. I think you meant Seth Rogen. Nah.
Starting point is 01:11:29 You meant Seth Curry? Nah, yeah. I don't look like Seth Rogen. You don't see it? No. You don't see it from there? Nah. But if he didn't have the hair?
Starting point is 01:11:37 Kind of and not really, man. All right, all right, all right. I'm done. Dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad. All right. Y'all killed a perfectly good point that I made, man. Well, you still have it. I mean, bad bitches.
Starting point is 01:11:47 Say what? A bad bitch will do that. But outside of her, is there a super hot... And I don't know if feminism is real feminism. That's what I was hoping you would jump on. Yeah, I just don't understand. We just went through her Instagram. I didn't see any feminist posts.
Starting point is 01:11:59 That's what I was looking for. I was like, all right, is there any... She got arrested. She got arrested in D.C. Futurist female She got arrested. She got arrested in D.C. She got arrested in D.C. With Amy Schumer, yeah. That might be publicity. Yeah, PR for both of them.
Starting point is 01:12:13 I saw some pictures that were close to freedom. It's funny they call you activists, but most of you fat bitches are sedentary as fuck. Yo, real talk, you can't call it activism anymore. You gotta call it like... Factivism.
Starting point is 01:12:33 Factivist. You should be... Real talk, you should have to get under a certain weight to have an opinion. I think that... I mean this...
Starting point is 01:12:44 No, no, no. Blood pressure. Okay, blood pressure. Some people build different. Some people build different. I think that, I mean this. No, no, no, no. Blood pressure. Okay, blood pressure. Because you got important things to worry about. Some people build different. Yeah, that's a good point. And like, for example, DC is an amazing athlete. He's a UFC champion.
Starting point is 01:12:54 He built a little fatter. He built like one of y'all. But he's a little bit, but he's an unbelievable athlete. So I bet his blood pressure is probably amazing. That shit. In America, your blood pressure should have to be under a certain thing for you to have an opinion. Because otherwise, why are you saying anything? Yo, you can't have an opinion about nothing.
Starting point is 01:13:18 What about food? Nah. Not even the food. Clearly, you eating enough. Clearly, you can't discern what is good or not. You just eating everything. If, you can't discern what is good or not. You're just eating everything. If that blood pressure up there. I mean, yo, we found a simple solution to all the bitching in the middle.
Starting point is 01:13:34 How much y'all really want to bitch if you're going to have to eat salad? Why should I have to listen to you if I know you're not going to be around long enough to matter? That's hilarious. Why should I listen to you if you're not going to be in a moment? Like, all these fat chicks worried about the environment. You dead. I got worried about the environment. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:13:55 That's my life. You don't want to eat all the waste. Alex is begging for us to move on. Global warming has happened. Bitch, you warm. What about the methane you emit when you fart, you cow ass bitch? I'm going to hear, bitch. Why don't you take your hoops on somewhere else and take a walk?
Starting point is 01:14:17 Listen. Say what? It's 110 degrees. That's all I can think about, to be honest. It's a sauna. Some of you are fat, but you should be sitting in here right now, bro. It is a fucking sauna in this room. That's all I can think about, to be honest. It's so hot. It's the heat. Some of you fat bitches should be sitting in here right now, bro. It's the heat. It is a fucking sauna in here, bro. It's so hot in here.
Starting point is 01:14:30 Holy shit. The views and opinions of this podcast are basically the heat. Hey, nah, for real. A couple of you fat hoes sat in this room for 30 minutes. You probably lose a half a pound. Yo, here's the thing. We ain't got no problem with fat bitches, bro. There we go.
Starting point is 01:14:43 There we go. Here comes the save. We just got the... We're probably the opinionated fat bitches, there we go there we go we just got the we're probably opinionated fat bitches bro it's a different thing you know when like opinionated is there like a venn diagram you can draw for that like yeah and you know what if you draw it Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, fuck. Is there any sports to talk about today?
Starting point is 01:15:24 No, man. Oh, fat bitches. Oh, man. Is there any sports to talk about today? No, man. Oh, fat bitches, man. Oh, man. Sorry. All right, all right, all right, all right, all right. You know how the podcast gets crazy when a sports season is not in full effect. You know what's funny? The other two stories I have are Tyreek Hill and a Zeke story,
Starting point is 01:15:40 and both of them be beating up women. So we all really want to go. You know what I mean? Yeah, you know what? I'm going to try to stay on the fat what I'm trying to stay on the fat girls Let's just stay on the fat girls Yo I got an idea And then we should pay some bills
Starting point is 01:15:52 But I got an idea that I want to That I want to get going I wonder if it's probably more functional On the Patreon But I want I want everybody that listens to the podcast religiously. I want to make everybody 10% more money at the end of the year.
Starting point is 01:16:14 Now, that's not necessarily we make you 10% extra, but I want you to have 10% more savings than you would normally have at the end of the year. Now, I'm talking to some people and we're trying to figure it out but i think it'd be a cool thing that we all do together okay now i don't care if you make 500 000 or 50 000 or 25 000 10 is different you know what i mean like you make 50 000 a year at the end of the year you got five thousand dollars more saved that's a vacation for you and your boo You know Take your fat bitch on a fucking cruise
Starting point is 01:16:47 Or you can just put that bitch in the water And ride her ass out somewhere Nah nah But real talk So it's like I think I think there's a way where we could do it And the way I've broken it down is
Starting point is 01:17:03 Well I haven't broken down the actual savings Exactly just yet maybe we get like a financial expert here to like tell us some things that we actually waste money on that we don't need to waste money on little shit that we could actually save to like raise but i think what we do is we do it monthly i think we all do it together because after a week you don't see enough savings but after a month there's a difference and you see it and i would love it at the end of every month and then for some of y'all at the end of the year you save you had 10 more savings you had before and then imagine we as a podcast could provide that for you i think that's such a cool opportunity and i know that the reason i say patreon because i know
Starting point is 01:17:40 how fucking tight-knit we are on the patreon and how we can move shit. And I hope that that extends to everybody listening to the podcast as well. But how many people do you think that we could take from what they have now to 10% more at the end of the year? And you do that for fucking 20 years straight, bro. You just got your retirement. Yeah, that's exactly what retirement is. I was going to say that $5,000, don't put it toward a vacation. Put it in a Roth IRA.
Starting point is 01:18:04 There you go. That money will be so much more tax-free at the end of your life. Imagine if Flavor 2 took care of you as a retired person. Damn, son. That's a beautiful thought. I swear to God. It's going to be tough for some of you fat hoes, though, because you won't be around that long. You've been having these prolific ass statements, or you think they're prolific.
Starting point is 01:18:19 And all you just said is, yo, we should save, son. Yeah. You didn't tell us how to do it or nothing. All you just said is, yo, we should save, son. Yeah. That's all you said. You didn't tell us how to do it. No, nothing. All you just said is like, I was waiting for it. I was like, we should save, son. That's amazing. I'm putting it out there, bro.
Starting point is 01:18:33 It's like, I tell you, the first thing you got to do is the how. I thought we was going somewhere. I was like, all right. Now we're going to do it. Listen, listen, listen. You just told niggas to save. Hey, do you not want to know how? I do. Where's the how? That's all. Hey, do you not want to know how? I do.
Starting point is 01:18:45 Where's the how? That's all. Done. That's it. That's it. First step, hey. First step is planting the seed. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:18:53 A motherfucker had to come up with the idea of heaven before you figure out how to get there. He had to pull up and be like, yo, heaven is bitches everywhere. They're skinny. Nobody got opinion. It's annoying. It's the shit. We got to go there.
Starting point is 01:19:04 And then people are like, how? He's like, well, on next week's Flagrant 2, you're going to find out how to get there. All right. Our next week's episode. All right. Now, first, Roth IRA. Everybody get money on Roth IRA. That's step one.
Starting point is 01:19:17 I think, well, that's good for retirement. But I think that we could talk to a financial expert, and I think that we could talk to a financial expert and I think that we could break down certain spending patterns that are shitty. And I think we could all isolate these spending patterns. For example, I have two cups of coffee a day or some bullshit. If I'm having them at Starbucks every single day, if you just bring your own cup, they just charge you for a refill. Right? Like little shit like that, that if you're doing it by yourself you're like ah who cares but if you know you got a squad of people doing it with you very similar to your workout thing yeah if you got a
Starting point is 01:19:54 squad of people dude there's like a little pressure and there's support behind it you know i mean i'm not talking about using single ply toilet paper but i'm talking about little shit where you know that you're gonna spend money the places you know it's already happened like literally looking at all we should all look at our credit card bill at the end of the month and go what am i paying for that i don't use i'm still paying for hulu why am i paying for this shit i'm still paying for this lighting bill from a past apartment that i it's three dollars i don't even care i'm still paying for this app that's two 2.99 i think we and when you get all of your people
Starting point is 01:20:25 do it together. There's apps that do that shit now. Boom, there we go. Trim. I use Trim. Like, basically, like, they go through your, and this is not even
Starting point is 01:20:32 a mineral or anything. I just legitimately use this. They go through your bills and they go through all your subscriptions and, like, if you don't use something for, like, three or four months,
Starting point is 01:20:41 they'll be like, hey, you haven't used this thing in, like, four, you haven't went to LA Fitness in like four or five months you still want this and then like they negotiate with you like if you have verizon you put in your phone number you put whatever they literally call verizon for you and negotiate lower bills for you genius so all that shit like saves a little bit you just download it like you just put you just like attach like uh
Starting point is 01:21:01 you're oh okay they get paid because they get access to everything of you. Good. Probably, but- I mean, whatever. We did the same thing with FaceApp, and we got nothing out of that. Until the robots come and kill us all. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. No, no, this is worth it.
Starting point is 01:21:15 Definitely. Look, point is, there's ways where we could all save money, and imagine just the good karma. Imagine how good that makes you feel if you know that you have a hundred thousand people out there in the world like saving some fucking money nobody else try to save people money say that all right yeah i mean fucking hating ass alex i hope you go broke you know what you're gonna ask me for a raise i'm there you shouldn't be saving your money all right yo um if you listen
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Starting point is 01:22:21 But there's so much content out there, it needs to be curated. And the game is won by the curators, and Audio Mac has great curation, okay? They have these libraries of curated playlists. There's one for every single mood that you're in. Let's be honest, there's a few moods. You need some to fuck to, some to ride to, some to work out to.
Starting point is 01:22:38 Simple as that, okay? And if your favorite songs and podcasts are offline, you can save them, okay? Your data and you can listen wherever you are. Remember that. You can take your favorite songs and podcasts offline to save your data and listen wherever you are. Think about that shit. If you know you're going to be listening to something, you don't got to waste your data.
Starting point is 01:23:02 You don't like getting that email halfway through the month saying, oh, you're almost out of data on your plan that should have unlimited data. You got some balls telling me I'm almost out of some shit that's unlimited. Anyway, Audio Mac is here to move music forward. It's available now on the App Store and Google Play. Go get that ish. All right. Let's get back to the show. Akash, talk to us, man. What are we talking? Deportes. We got to get some ish. All right? Let's get back to the show. Akash, talk to us, man. What are we talking? Deportes. We got to get some deportes.
Starting point is 01:23:29 So I only got a few stories that I found online. One is Tyree Kill. It's not going to be suspended. Do we want to talk about that? Now, what exactly did he do? He made threats to his pregnant baby mom that was released, like calling her, you know, you dumb bitch. You should be afraid of me, bitch.
Starting point is 01:23:49 Hold on, are we talking about XXXTentacion or are we talking about... We're not talking about him. Yeah, so basically they're saying, you know, I forgot who got suspended last year for mental abuse, like emotional abuse. Emotional abuse to somebody's baby mom.
Starting point is 01:24:08 I forgot the name of the fucking football player. But they're trying to say like, you know, if they're not going to find anything from Tyreek Hill, they should at least did it for the mental abuse, the emotional abuse that they put through this woman. Jimmy Smith. Jimmy Smith. That's his name. Okay. So no suspension. No suspension.
Starting point is 01:24:25 So the NFL is saying you can mentally abuse your wife, but you can't physically abuse her. You can emotionally abuse her, but I guess you can't physically abuse her, yeah. What is emotional abuse?
Starting point is 01:24:36 Yelling at her, calling her names. What we do to each other on this podcast is emotional abuse, right? Yeah. If you're not a willing participant, I know what I get myself into when I walk into this room. Emotional abuse. yeah if you're not a willing participant i know what i get
Starting point is 01:24:45 yo you want to know some crazy shit uh this is more there's one thing i gotta say for the there's one thing i gotta say for the patreon there's one thing it's a little while i gotta say i got and only because you never know motherfucker you know listen it's flagrant to asshole army all day don't get me wrong. But you could have some spies listening. Oh, there's definitely spies listening. You could have some spies listening. You know what I mean? So we got to be a little tight-knit about certain shit.
Starting point is 01:25:14 There's one thing I got to say for Friday. I can probably tell you guys off air. But the other thing that's interesting about some Louis C.K. shit, the more I keep hearing about, like about these girls that called out Louis, I'm talking to girls that knew them at the time when it was happening, all laughing about this at the time, telling stories about this at the time like it was goofy and silly, like they were completely unaffected,
Starting point is 01:25:40 not like they were victims of this power struggle. Very interesting. Very interesting. Very interesting. I'm not touching that. They didn't either. It's a great thing. You don't have to, Kaz. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:54 Oh, yeah. Anyway, so the more that maybe, and then there's a little something else that we can discuss, but that has to be tight-knit. But go on. Yeah, I think about- Tyree Kill, what is your thought on it
Starting point is 01:26:05 what is your i you know i think they're not suspending anybody right now like ezekiel ellie didn't get suspended uh and i think a lot of it has to do with roger goodell not wanting to suspend bob craft because you can't suspend i mean tyree kill might be different but like you can't suspend zeke and then let rob craft slide for going to a whorehouse and getting hand jobs. You know what I mean? Is that that bad? Is that worse?
Starting point is 01:26:30 And it's like they're probably human. They're like slaves basically. Okay. That's where it gets bad is the human trafficking. Yeah. Because he's supporting human trafficking. Yeah. Do we know for a fact that they were trafficked?
Starting point is 01:26:41 I think a lot of these massage parlor girls are. So we don't know for a fact that these people were. Because I don't know if they were women in undercover sting whatever i don't know can we acknowledge that it is the best way to get trafficked what all right guys let's take a break for a second pay some bills here uh great opportunity you know we've been working with this sponsor for a while and we're at a point in time where everybody's going to have some earbuds okay don't overpay for earbuds you have all these people they're charging you hundreds of dollars for these earbuds and they're honestly not that good they're honestly not that good raycon has put out an earbud that i use. It is excellent and it is affordable.
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Starting point is 01:28:43 You get 20% off Raycon wireless earbuds. Now, if you've been eyeing a pair, the time to get them is right now because you get that 20% off. That's slash flagrant. Let's get back to the show. Would you rather do construction or whack off guys? Or whack off Robert Kraft. You're just whacking off Robert Kraft. If I could make – what do you think Robert Kraft You're just whacking off Robert Kraft If I could make
Starting point is 01:29:06 What do you think Robert Kraft tips? Pretty well Hopefully well He looks like a bad tipper Why? Because he's Jewish I mean the good thing And the good thing about it
Starting point is 01:29:15 Damn Alex Yo you really became a bigoted racist Misogynist That was ageism Because back in his day Tipping was like You know 2%
Starting point is 01:29:25 You saying all Jews are old son Is that what you Trying to say Yo son You are disgusting bro This guy's a fucking Animal dog
Starting point is 01:29:34 You would speak For your people Yo that's my people man Shout out to the J's squad J's squad That's how we throw it up We out here with the J's You gotta own up For your man son That's how we throw it up. We out here with the J. I was about to say,
Starting point is 01:29:50 you got to own up for your man, son. Ooh, the Epstein. The J's, right? What did Epstein do? Am I not saying it right? Weinstein? No, Epstein. Epstein is the Trump guy. What did Epstein do?
Starting point is 01:30:01 He did something. Oh, you don't know? You don't know what your man did? Oh, you don't know what your man did? See, he's the one Allegedly, allegedly He's like the fucking You're good No I don't know what he did
Starting point is 01:30:12 Nah, nevermind I don't know what he did Nevermind, I don't know what you're talking about What did Epstein do? I don't know what you're talking about Come on, man Nah, for real Who's Epstein?
Starting point is 01:30:20 He sound like a choreographer I really don't know The guy I know he did some Trump shit Billionaire Who was Oh, I know that guy Epstein, he sounded like a choreologist. I really don't know. The guy, billionaire who was... Oh, I know that guy. Yes, that guy.
Starting point is 01:30:30 Didn't we talk about him already? I think we did. I don't know. Probably not. We didn't talk about him? Not really. All right, let me ask you this. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 01:30:40 Epstein's the wildest boy, son. They told Epstein, they said, for those of y'all who don't know, he was fucking teenage girls, right? In America. He was like motherfucking traffic. That motherfucker was traffic king. He was traffic king. But the disgusting way y'all thought about it.
Starting point is 01:30:52 He was the traffic king. Wholesome way we thought about it. Yeah, he was the traffic king. My bad. Sorry. I was thinking about the wholesome human traffic king. And Tim Dillon got a hilarious video he put on Instagram and Twitter about Epstein. Go check it, right?
Starting point is 01:31:04 So what Epstein did was, right? He was like, alright, you can't have sex with teenage girls here in America, right? He, I think, bought an island where the rules were you could. Word?
Starting point is 01:31:21 Are y'all serious? Yeah. That's what I heard. Get the fuck out of here. That's next level shit, son. That is elite level horny, bro. That's elite level horny, bro. Why?
Starting point is 01:31:36 Is he going to get off because of that? I think he got off a lot. Yeah. He has the face like, I did that shit. Wow. Yeah. What a bum. He has the face like, I did that shit. Wow. The irony is it's called St. James Island. Little St. James.
Starting point is 01:32:00 He put, bro, the jokes right themselves. Wow. Jesus Christ. Son, that Jesus Christ. That's crazy. That's crazy. But then who owns the island? I don't get that. So if somebody buys an island, is that island connected to a country, continent, or whatever?
Starting point is 01:32:17 Listen, bro, you don't believe in savings, so this will never have to worry about it. You never have to worry about buying islands. I wouldn't want an island. But I'm just saying, no. If somebody buys an island, I would love a fucking island. But I'm just saying, no. If somebody buys an island. I would love a fucking island. You crazy dog.
Starting point is 01:32:27 I would love an island. Everyone away from me. That's too much upkeep. So if you own an island. If you can afford an island, you can afford the upkeep. Yeah, bro. If you own an island. Like, oh, we're going to buy an island.
Starting point is 01:32:37 We're not going to spring for the extra fucking tree hedge clippings or whatever. I think it'll be all right. You can hire a few items. But is it part of a country? What did he say? He said it'll be alright. You can hire a few Eddies. Alright, so
Starting point is 01:32:54 is it part of a country? It's in the U.S. Virgin Islands, so I guess it is part of the U.S. But maybe they got different rules for consent out there. That's next level pedophilia shit. Anyway. Hundreds of out there that's next level pedophilia shit anyway it's got like hundreds of like hundreds of hundreds of blow girls probably passed through this motherfucker yo but they do need to make prostitution legal just do it 100 yeah 100 you don't think we should make it legal i think pretty
Starting point is 01:33:18 much everything should be legal why cas go no cas you could have a good argument about it tax it why not tax it credit card How you gonna tax it Credit card How you gonna tax pussy Credit card Ain't nobody fucking Walking around with that cash It's a service So wait
Starting point is 01:33:30 I don't know Can you Yeah you Make money So at the end of the year Like It's a service charge So should
Starting point is 01:33:36 So should barbers be illegal Because most of their money Is cash And you can't tax it No Honestly If they cut In these fat bitches
Starting point is 01:33:43 Hair shorts Fantastic call back Holy fuck can't tax it honestly if they cut in these fat bitches hair shorts holy fuck that was good i have forgotten we talked about these hoes oh my god oh man all right so do you think um so i'll i'll rephrase it for you guys so do you think like making prostitution legal will like help stop yeah hold on let's stop let's stop let's stop i want i want to pay one bill and then i want to get back to this okay akash you got that yeah oh yo we talked about this last week let them uh this is the athletic guys it is uh a website that i've had you kaz you're a member too right yes sir i read every day you can follow whatever if your favorite sports teams are you can just follow them and then every story about that team will get populated to you on their website it's paid premium content subscription-based publisher uh it's smarter sports coverage for
Starting point is 01:34:30 diehard fans is what they say and that's really how i feel like my favorite writers for the cowboys are bob stern he's there that's my number one guy another guy marcus motion's really good i follow that guy i've brought stories onto this podcast from The Athletic. It's like most of these insider accounts, they'll charge you a lot more money than this, and they won't be as good or as in-depth. There's no ads. There's no pop-ups. There's no videos that pop up and start playing
Starting point is 01:34:55 every time you click on a fucking article. They go beyond game recaps and provide smarter analysis and deeper perspectives. And if you go to TheAthlet. or sorry slash flagrant2 you get 40 off a yearly subscription that comes out to 2.99 a month that's less than i pay and what i pay is still worth it so i definitely uh suggest you guys check it out kaz you have anything to say about the athletic um not this week man not a lot of not a lot of sports news so i didn't really read it i read a great article from that guy bob
Starting point is 01:35:24 about michael irvin like they just sat down with him and talked to him and it was just like Not a lot of sports news, so I didn't really read anything. I read a great article from that guy Bob Stern about Michael Irvin. Like, they just sat down with him and talked to him. And it was just like, yo, this is a guy I grew up loving. I love Michael Irvin. I love every time he did the first down, he did the wild ass. You know what I mean? And it's just a great interview with him about, like, a route that he ran and how much work he put into it. And why, like, he knew he was going to get—he told an ill story about how troy acheman as a rookie it's
Starting point is 01:35:45 his second year troy acheman as a rookie he wanted to build that camaraderie with troy and he told him in a preseason game means nothing you throw a ball i'll go get it and then mike had to run the slant and back in the day when you're running the slant over the middle there's no rule protecting so troy throws a bad pass that he shouldn't have thrown. And Michael Irvin knows if I go up and get this, I'm getting a concussion. I'm getting rocked. But he was like, I promised Troy that I was going to go up and get anything he said. So I cannot pull back now and have alligator arms and let this be a pick. So he goes up and grabs the ball and then he gets rocked.
Starting point is 01:36:18 And then I don't know if it was after that or just in general, he would tell cornerbacks or like people, safeties who were going to come hit him over the middle. I'm willing to get the concussion. Are you? Because you know whatever damage you inflict on me you getting it right back like it. You're gonna get hurt, too I'm willing to get the concussion are you? It's just a dope They got some great long grease on the athletic man, so if you into that type of shit Man, there was a couple articles that I was seeing one the the article about how the warriors couldn't give kd what he wanted oh yeah pretty interesting yeah um and then the other
Starting point is 01:36:50 one which uh obviously it now seems like common knowledge but the nets are set up to dominate basketball in new york and it was a little bit heartbreaking to go through but in reality it is the truth they're they're very well set up for it so it's just cool to see um to be able to like promote content that we care about you know we've been careful with curating the people that sponsor this podcast we want to make sure we believe in a brand and it's cool to see that you guys go and sign up for the athletic and then you know come back and hit us up and see that you enjoyed it uh because that's what's most important to us if you guys don't like the brands that we've that we uh fuck with on this podcast then we got to know too simple as that man um but yeah let's get let's
Starting point is 01:37:28 get back to the show uh did you watch the pac-man fight at all i did what did you think i watched rounds i think about like 5 through 12 and um pacquiao is i mean like, over the hill in so many ways. Right. How old is he exactly? He's 40. Okay. And he's a long 40. He's got 62 wins, 7 losses, 2 draws.
Starting point is 01:37:56 71 fights. 71 professional boxing matches. That takes a toll on your body. Here's the thing. I thought he did enough to win i thought it was the right decision i was shocked that they let him win a decision i thought for boxing you would let keith thurman win the young guy who's you know handsome and like well-spoken and interesting and backed by who was he backed by rock nation sports or something like that i don't know but um i don't
Starting point is 01:38:23 watch the fight but dude they they made the right move. I like the split decision loss or loss for Thurman, but win for Pacquiao. And Pacquiao still got a little left in the tank. I've never seen Pacquiao that tired. Pacquiao's one of these guys that had like an unlimited gas tank, and it looked like he got tired in the sixth.
Starting point is 01:38:41 That punch makes it look like he fucked him up. Jeez, yeah. Oh, he dropped him in the first round. Wow. So he dropped him in the first round. There were flashes of old Pacquiao. Pacquiao, this is the problem. Ready? Here's the problem. When dominant fighters get older, they're forced
Starting point is 01:38:57 to brawl. Yeah. And it is exciting for the viewer. Right. But that's what gives them the cte yeah it's the end of your career when you have to take more shots to give one that the cte really happens right these fighters that have you know 20 fights or 15 fights and they knock out most of their opponents so they maybe have one tough fight and then they're out the game. They're not the ones that get CTE. It's the guys who fight too long,
Starting point is 01:39:32 and every one of those fights over 37 is compounded 10 times. If you look at Ali late in his career, it's too much punishment. Yeah, rumble in the jungle. Ooh, Frazier. Frazier broke his jaw. It was just constant, and what happens? They slow down. If you look at Roy Jones Jr., he slowed down.
Starting point is 01:39:45 He started getting knocked out. He didn't have a Jr., he slowed down. He started getting knocked out. He didn't have a chin. Ali slowed down. He could take it. And when you can take it. I remember your dad saying that. Having a grounded chin is a double-edged sword. So question, right?
Starting point is 01:40:01 So Pacquiao, he went through that little slump after the Mayweather loss and the knockouts and all this type of shit. If him getting this win and fighting at this age and still being able to win is that like a belt yeah i was about yeah world champion does that help his legacy does that kind of like erase that kind of slump that he was in for a while because i almost felt like after a while he went from this yo this guy could be one of the best ever he's better than floyd all this other shit that he took the first l L, then he took a couple more Ls, and like now he's starting to build himself back up a little more. Does that work in boxing?
Starting point is 01:40:32 It will work in his country. I don't think that he has the media connections to curate that narrative in America. In the Philippines, they'll treat this like some rocky shit. He came back in front of adversity, all this stuff. In America, they just don't care enough.
Starting point is 01:40:47 He'll just be a guy who's a champion. He'll fight somebody again, and hopefully he does not fight Errol Spence. If he walks Errol, we'll fuck him up. Oh, my God. I mean, and also, if this was Pacquiao 10 years ago, he would have knocked Thurman out in the first round, and it would have been done. It would have been a one-round fight. Thurman, to me, is wildly regular. He is a good fighter.
Starting point is 01:41:05 He is not a great fighter. He is good. And they carefully curated the people that he fought. He won some close ones. He's like an American Anthony Joshua. Yeah. That's a great, yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:15 In a lot of ways, yeah, sure. And only he doesn't have the great difference maker, which is power. Okay. Like Anthony Joshua can get away with lack of skills because if he hits you,
Starting point is 01:41:23 it's down. Right. Keith gotta outbox you. And he good he's just not great so what's the probability uh because I know he wants that that Floyd fight again who uh Pac if I'm Floyd I'm I'm watching and I'm going this is this will be even easier than the first one why is that he just looked Pacquiao looks slow He looked tired after the six. You know, Floyd has got unlimited battery and he's just, he's a better boxer.
Starting point is 01:41:49 He's taken way less punishment. And like, I don't think that Pacquiao now has the power to hurt Floyd earlier in his career. Yeah, when he was on the juice. Yeah, but I don't think he has it. But I also don't think there's enough excitement. If Pacquiao finished Keith Thurman in the first round yeah then there'd be a little buzz okay but it was a decision and he got lumped up by thurman a bunch too it was like a good hard fought fight okay but
Starting point is 01:42:15 to what you were saying about like his legacy there's an argument to be made that pacquiao is is the best ever make it I was about to say elaborate. Eight division champion. Nobody in history has done it. What he did in boxing is... This is his eighth division right here? Yeah, yeah. But he had already won this one prior, right?
Starting point is 01:42:38 So I think he started at like 106 or 108 pounds. Super small. Now, he's gone all the way up to, and we can find out every division, 147 pounds. That's insane. I mean, it is unreal. So it's like nobody in boxing history has done that.
Starting point is 01:42:54 When you're talking about the best pound for pound fighter. Yeah. He's up there. You gotta, we're not talking about the most dominant in his division. We're talking about the best pound for pound. You kind of got to put him up there. You got to. You know what I mean? We're not talking about the most dominant in his division. We're talking about the best pound for pound. You kind of got to put him up there because he fought people in all these different pounds. Right.
Starting point is 01:43:11 And won. Like, we don't. Exactly. When you talk about pound for pound, you're like, well, if they were in the same division, then who would win that fight? Meaning, if Floyd was in the same division as Tyson skill-wise, you don't even need to know. So, let's go back.
Starting point is 01:43:25 So go up, go up. Let's put an asterisk next to his name. Say again? The asterisk goes next to his name because of the juice. Yes, but to be fair, you could put an asterisk next to Floyd's name. Floyd's on the juice? There's some people that say, listen, there's a rumor out there that, do you remember when Floyd Mayweather, every fight would be announced?
Starting point is 01:43:50 It was like six weeks before the fight. Yeah. Testing can't happen until the fight is signed. So what the rumor was, was that, you know, everybody who was involved in juicing, this was everybody in the sport, instead of signing the fight six months out and promoting it, we'll start promoting it, but officially sign it six weeks out so that we can get you clean.
Starting point is 01:44:15 That's a rumor. I'm not going to give that, I'm not going to substantiate that too much. Did Pac get busted? No, but Pac, yeah, it's undeniable, in my opinion. Flyweight, super bandswain bad but it's hard to put the asterisk by if he wasn't actually caught and also it's hard to put the asterisk by if if
Starting point is 01:44:30 everyone else is right it's like with that cycling shit it's like okay lance armstrong you're gonna dock him but he was also yeah beating everybody who was on it yeah so it's like that's not an asterisk it's actually what it is it's if there's a common denominator you could you know eliminate then we're all the same right so it's like um okay so we got 112 122 126 130 135 140 147 holy shit he won a fucking belt at 154 he started at 112 you. And he's my height. Can you imagine me 48 pounds heavier? But also think about percentage of weight. It's insane. If a guy goes from 200 to 250.
Starting point is 01:45:13 That's one and a half times. Yeah. So it's like, I think there is an argument. That's you going to 300. Yeah. Literally that. That's crazy. So it's like, I think there's an argument to make him best pound for pound at
Starting point is 01:45:26 least he's in the discussion well you got to you got to have him in the discussion because of what he did you can't talk you can't even talk about this era of boxing without him so you got to put him in a discussion i just wanted to know like for sure how it is yeah and i think the reason why is you go okay so he fought way above his weight. Right. How dominant would he have been if, like a Floyd or like these guys, he just stayed at the weight he was most comfortable? I mean, yeah. What if he stayed at 130 his whole career? Would he have ever lost?
Starting point is 01:45:56 That's a good point. Right, and then if he would have never lost, is he the greatest ever? It's food for thought. You think he managed his money well? No, and I think that's why. He's fighting and he's got advertisements all over his shorts. Something's off. You got fucking robbed.
Starting point is 01:46:13 Or you gotta pay people off in the Philippines. He's so cheap. He would be a god in the Philippines with making this type of money. And he's a congressman, so he should be able to just... He's a senator, Yeah. And he's a congressman so he should be able to just... I'm a congressman, senator.
Starting point is 01:46:26 He's a senator, yeah. And it's like... And I think... But I think what happens is when you're a guy like this, no formal education whatsoever, you have to trust a lot of people. You have a lot of people
Starting point is 01:46:36 on the payroll. And when you have people on a payroll, they don't make you money, they just cost. Yes. So when you stop making money, you're just losing. It's really hard to find somebody that make you money. They just cost. Yes. So when you stop making money, you're just losing.
Starting point is 01:46:47 It's really hard to find somebody that makes you money as much money as he costs you. Yes. And that is the difference between having a successful business and one that fails. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:58 It's like, I have no problem paying you if I can make a little money. Yeah. Yeah. It's like, I'm the least cheap person in the world do you know i just need to know if i'm paying if i'm taking the risk of guaranteeing you this amount of money that i can have more i can make more than that yeah you know and it's like
Starting point is 01:47:15 but but apache i think what happens is there's a guy there's a house in la someone looks over the house there's a cleaning lady and you get so detached from all these things you have that they're just, little money sucks. Yeah. Everything. In reality, you know who should be part
Starting point is 01:47:33 of our saving program. Who's back here. We found your replacement, Alex. That will complete like the nationality cipher here. We just need like one like. We do need an Asian. Because I know we have Akash, but it's not We just need one- We do need an Asian.
Starting point is 01:47:48 Because I know we have Akash, but it's not really Asian. Yeah, it's like diet Asian. You're not Asian, bro. Yeah, thank God for that. You're a good diet Asian. Come on. Fucking nerds. Get out of here. You'll say that to Pac's face, though.
Starting point is 01:47:58 I know. Pac is dope. I used to move to Pacquiao just because he was closer to India than all the other fighters. That was my rule. It was proximity. I remember that. That was my rule. We were living in the apartment.
Starting point is 01:48:09 I thought about why Asians look the same. This is not your flagrant thought. This is not my flagrant thought. Okay. Yeah. I think the reason why we think Asians look the same, not Akash Asians, but Asians,
Starting point is 01:48:21 really Asians, right? The disgusting ones. Yes. Oh, my God. I didn't even know you said that uh but we're being flavored today shouts at dina so i think the reason why we all think asians look the same is because they look the most different from everyone else oh valid right and and i look there's like this research study that said that like you you think that people that you don't see often look similar because you're not as familiar
Starting point is 01:48:54 right so like white people think black people look the same because they don't see anybody unless you're a white guy that lives in a black neighborhood yeah right then you're like oh no i see the differences between you know ty Jamal, whatever. Black people. You could just name Kaz and Alex. Yeah, but those are white names. So you are black people think white people all look the same. My mentions are full of random goalies in Europe because they think I look like every soccer goalie. You do look like JFK Jr., though. I used to get that all the time.
Starting point is 01:49:26 Yeah. Used to get it all the time. So because just not seeing that many white people to discern no difference. Right? Now, Asians happen to be the most different looking than everyone else. Therefore, we're like, oh, you all look different from everyone else you guys look the same you don't even look the same you just look the most different it's like they're the zebras of the horse world do you know i mean like zebras like horses look at zebras like yo they are they
Starting point is 01:50:00 look the same bro yo which one is that? You know what I mean? The one with the stripes? Yeah, he look like the other one with the stripes You know what I mean? But zebras look at each other like Nah, your stripes go like that And mine go straight, blah blah blah That's all I'm saying, Asians You're a zebra
Starting point is 01:50:18 It's gonna be like that Shing-Lu movie The Marvel joint Awkwafina's in it Shouts to Awkwafina, in it shouts to aquafina she can't lose right now she on fire yo are zebras real yes like 100 real you're thinking of unicorns those aren't real no i know that's not real but here's my thing with zebras right it's like how many white bitches you gotta fuck to call the zebra son holy shit so here's the thing about
Starting point is 01:50:49 zebras right it's like i understand certain animals they got they got fur and patterns so they could fit in with the environment yeah what what does that go with Beetlejuice is that where you from what the fuck could that possibly do for you what advantage could you possibly have with the stripes right that's why I don't think it's real
Starting point is 01:51:17 we are looking at pictures of them though we're looking at it but I don't think it's real I'm never seen I've never seen one. Nobody's seen a zebra. Here we go. Zebras probably are real if you think about it. Son,
Starting point is 01:51:33 where though? Look how different they look though. Look at this one on the top right. Look at the back stripes, how they're made horizontal. And then click on another one and the shit is all vertical. Right. But to the untrained eye. They just all Asian About the human traffic that No, but can we can we acknowledge this at all with the zebra shit like it's it's
Starting point is 01:52:06 it is weird evolutionarily how they survived yeah where were they from that it was only black and white son they look like just horses that were designed it's like somebody was just like fuck it just started paying off like white horses like this virgil yeah virgil made him but you understand what where giraffes come from because a lot of them are in the desert. Boom. Camels. Desert. Boom.
Starting point is 01:52:28 Right? What? What? Like most animals. Most animals take the color of the environment. Oh, that's a nice little one right there. That's an albino. That makes more sense.
Starting point is 01:52:41 I was trying to fuck that zebra right now. I take that one. Down. Go to that one Go next door Go next door No no down down down Down down down Neck there it is
Starting point is 01:52:51 What is Oh What is that fam Say it What is that What is it She got the fatty It's a member of the beehive
Starting point is 01:53:01 Come on That shit is in way too good shape To be a member of the Beehive, bro. That shit looks swole as hell, bro. That shit look like wax. That's like the final boss in the Beehive. You got to fight that one. After you defeat all the cows in the Beehive. That can't be real.
Starting point is 01:53:20 That got to be photoshopped, bro. That got to be photoshopped. I mean, they pump up cows with steroids all the time. I guess you're right, man. Anyway, that's just the thought of the week, this zebra joint. Yeah, I got to see Lion King. Is it slap?
Starting point is 01:53:34 Son, that was good. Really? I really think it was better than the first. I heard it's the exact same. It is, but it was funnier. And the fact that the animals look real, but it's all CGI that shit is dope
Starting point is 01:53:46 you ain't just saying that because Beyonce get the fuck out of here I know what you're doing I love Beyonce but I'm just saying the movie was good it was funny
Starting point is 01:53:53 I mean I'm watching it was funny like I had moments where I was like cracking up really yeah who's Timon and Pumbaa
Starting point is 01:53:58 Seth Rogen and Keegan Michael Key no Billy on the street yeah Billy Eichner Billy Yeah, Billy Eichner. Billy Eichner. Eichner.
Starting point is 01:54:07 What was that? He killed that shit. Which one is the fat one? I'm assuming Seth Rogen is the fat one. No, no, no. Seth is the fat one. And he did good, too. He just couldn't sing for shit, but he did good, too.
Starting point is 01:54:18 All right. What about who's Simba's? Donald Glover, right? Oh, Donald Glover, Simba. It was good. Check it out. Who's Scar? I? Donald Glover, right? Oh, Donald Glover, Simba. It was good. Check it out. Who's Scar? I almost cried like three times.
Starting point is 01:54:28 The dude from God. Oh, but the best part was that. Was when Mufasa died? No, Mufasa is the same Mufasa. Yeah, James Earl Jones. He's on his last legs, bro. I don't care. That was just so great.
Starting point is 01:54:40 No, good for him. I mean, he didn't do any fucking. What's this guy's name? Son, this shit was good. Was the scene where Mufasa died, was that gut-wrenching? You know, it was worse in the cartoon. Yeah, this one, they didn't really show anything, like him getting pummeled and shit.
Starting point is 01:54:54 They just showed him full. Because it was hard to do the pummel. Yeah, probably. But, son, this shit is good. I ain't bullshitting. This shit was good. Oh, Eric Andre is one of the hyenas yeah
Starting point is 01:55:05 oh that's good son check it out I'm gonna go check it out I'll try I wanna check it out this weekend who's Rafiki
Starting point is 01:55:13 I'm too hot to do anything I don't know who the fuck is Rafiki oh fucking Benson what what y'all remember that show
Starting point is 01:55:23 about the black butler Benson what yeah hold on nah huh What? What? Y'all remember that show about the black butler, Benson? What? Yeah. Hold on. No. Huh?
Starting point is 01:55:31 Did they just make every character- He was in Lean Army, too. He was the guy that gave Crazy Joe his job in Lean Army. It's cool. Y'all don't know about black shit, but it's fine. But they just made every character black in it? They're in Africa. No, you got the John Oliver. Yeah, but okay.
Starting point is 01:55:47 Zazu. Is Zazu good or bad? He's good. He's the bird. He's the snitch. He was pretty good too. He's the snitch. Everybody did a good job.
Starting point is 01:55:56 Oh, man. This should have been my favorite take. The worst performance was Beyonce. Yeah, I heard that. I heard that. I heard that too. I heard a lot of- I was like, yo, you're not convincing at all like
Starting point is 01:56:06 really just of your voice you don't i think it's because of her voice i think everybody says she sounds like you can tell she's just reading a script like who's she playing she can't have it all i'm not gonna say what i heard of a performer she plays nala she's like just too good does she play nala as a kid? You can't have her Adult one The adult one Somebody said It sounds like she was reading
Starting point is 01:56:29 With her fingers Oh damn Wow Damn No way Yeah I was disappointed That was the worst She reads like
Starting point is 01:56:39 Soundtrack fire though That's what I meant Soundtrack is fire son Soundtrack flames though She dropped her separate album I meant. Soundtrack is fire, son. Soundtrack flames, though. She dropped her separate album. So there's a soundtrack album for the movie, and then she dropped her own shit. Wait, wait. It's called Lion King, The Gift.
Starting point is 01:56:53 Yeah. There's just songs about the jungle? No, no, no. It's like part of the movie and just her album. I'm confused. So it's two albums or no? No. So there's the soundtrack for the movie
Starting point is 01:57:05 where there's like two songs that she's on and then she just dropped a solo project that's Afro beat based and it has some like little interludes from the movie. Y'all seen the picture where Beyonce's facing the lion and underneath the Jay-Z's facing a camel? Yeah. Yo, that shit was so good.
Starting point is 01:57:25 That was really fun. So good. Yo. Fucking Jay-Z, man. I mean, I guess you can't have it all. Yeah, you can't. I don't think you'll get any smoke from the Beehive. You're like, hey, maybe you're just not the best actress.
Starting point is 01:57:38 Yeah. Even a voice actress. Son, can't have it all. But the album slaps. The album's great. It's good. Listen to the album all the way back. But, yeah, no. Can the way back but yeah no can't
Starting point is 01:57:46 she can't act for shit you seen Carmen the hip hopper we should've known then oh shit it was terrible it was bad you never seen
Starting point is 01:57:54 a hip hopper the macabre Pfeiffer oh Othello Mos Def yeah Othello I never saw it
Starting point is 01:58:01 it was like a rap version of Othello and like fucking Mos Def and like Macabre Pfeiffer all like rapping and Carmen's like Beyonce and it was like a rap version of Othello and like fucking Mos Def and like Macabre Piper all like rapping and Carmen's like Beyonce and it's like
Starting point is 01:58:08 it's Beyonce she can't act bro R. Kelly trapped in a closet was better yeah you seen Goldmember son yeah
Starting point is 01:58:17 she's can't have can't have everything bro can't have everything Beyonce is one of the greatest entertainers of all time what about the one where she beats up her husband or some shit
Starting point is 01:58:28 technically she didn't do it with her sister no no not that movie I thought you were talking about that one that's a home video dog I'm talking about the movie no she beat up her it It was like... She had a jealous husband. She had a jealous husband or something. Right. It was like one word.
Starting point is 01:58:48 It was called obsession or something. Beyonce with Idris Elba. Boom. There you go. IMDb. There it is. What's the movie? Obsessed.
Starting point is 01:58:56 There we go. She was getting Cadillac records. That was like her J-Lo movie where she like... A tiny girl can beat up a big-ass dude no she beats up the white bitch oh I should see this no I support that yeah I should see you feel the love all right let's take it home with some singing ready we're gonna take us to get to the lyrics up and we're gonna take it out like a fan we got one more. Trutopia.
Starting point is 01:59:26 Oh, fuck. You know what you write, man. All right. Before we get out of here, and this is perfect to leave on Can You Feel the Love Tonight? Because before you feel the love tonight, I would say approximately 15 to 20 minutes before you feel the love tonight. Oh, yeah. You got to pop that blue chew, bro. That's what Rafiki was mixing up in that bowl. He was gotta pop that blue chew bro that's what rafiki
Starting point is 01:59:45 was mixing up in that bowl he was just putting that shit on simba's head he just crushed up some chew he put that shit in his head he's like yo 20 years from now this boner is gonna ravage beyonce you're gonna come out of the sticks with a fucking ferret and a pig and she's still gonna want to fuck with you dog you already know okay code is flagrant like it always is if you guys haven't heard of you're brand new to this podcast we got hard dicks on this podcast okay we got hard dicks straight up straight up not playing around them just don't go forward they don't hang a little bit down because it's heavy at the top they go straight to the motherfucking belly button okay why blue chew okay same active ingredient that's in viagra cialis all that kind
Starting point is 02:00:40 of stuff only difference is you chew this it hits you faster it hits you better you know i mean alex said it made his dick even grow they did so promo code is flagrant you go get that okay you join the army we're not playing around give your girlfriend a weekend of her life okay give your the new girl that you just want to sleep with the night of her life set that expectation you'll never be able to live up to again. Do what you got to do to bring the thunder. It's your girl's birthday? Do it. Ladies, get chewed out by your man. You deserve it.
Starting point is 02:01:11 You order it for him. And you know what? It's free. All you got to do is pay $5 shipping. So basically, guys, we're not playing around, all right? We out here delivering, okay? And you deliver that D, you chew him up, and then you chew it out. Simple as that.
Starting point is 02:01:24 Ladies, you deserve it. Fellas, you deserve it. This is about male optimization right here. Okay. Ladies, optimize those orgasms. Get your man to chew up that blue chew. Do what he got to do. Once again, once again, the promo code is flagrant and it's, promo code flagrant. Try that shit right now. Now, I think for us to take it out, we got to bring on the song. This is presented by Blue Chew, of course. We got the lyrics up?
Starting point is 02:01:59 Yeah, I don't know none of this shit. All right. No, no, no, no. We got it. We got it. Ready? I can see what's happening. What?
Starting point is 02:02:07 And they don't have a clue. Who? They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line. A trio's down to two. Oh. The sweet caress of twilight. There's magic everywhere and with all this romantic atmosphere disasters in the air
Starting point is 02:02:35 can you feel the love tonight. Tonight. The peace the evening brings. I know that was hilarious. Now we fucked that one up. The world for once in perfect harmony. With all its living things. So many things to tell her,
Starting point is 02:03:09 but how to make her see the truth about my past? Impossible. She turned away from me. He's holding back, he's hiding,
Starting point is 02:03:28 but what I can't decide Why won't he be the king I know he is The king I see inside Can you feel the love tonight? Tonight. The peace of evening brings. The world for once has perfect harmony. With all its living things. Beehive, why'd y'all kill Mufasa? Y'all didn't have to run over Mufasa like that.
Starting point is 02:04:15 What's his name, Manala? This is another episode of Flickering 2. No easy buckets. Analysis by assholes. Watercooler and commentator for your sports meetings. Thank y'all so much for fucking with us. You already know where the dates are. akash you got a new tour yeah yo we are on the i'm going on tour i'm headlining y'all been asking i'm going it's the bde tour
Starting point is 02:04:35 hashtag bde big desi energy uh um got my boy danish makbul featuring for me on some unity shit even though I don't really mean it. You know that I love him. Here's the dates. September 6th, we're in Houston at the Secret Group at 8 p.m. We're going to add a second show, hopefully. Just make sure you cop tickets. We'll sell it out.
Starting point is 02:04:54 We'll have two shows. September 7th in Austin, Fallout Theater, 7 p.m. Back there again at 8.30 p.m. on September 8th. September 13th, San Francisco, Piano Fight, two shows, 8 and 10.30. September 19th in Los Angeles,
Starting point is 02:05:08 we're at the Comedy Store in the Belly Room at 8pm. Portland, Curious Comedy on September 20th, and Minneapolis, The Sisyphus Brewing, two shows on October 11th come through. Tickets available on my website for all the clubs that got their shit together.
Starting point is 02:05:23 and i'm sure the ticket links will uh be available for each club in the near future some available right now go get them get on it right now kaz yes sir nothing man go go support akash's tour akash get them tickets bro yo i might have some news well i definitely have some news in the few about if you're a wrestling fan and see me around doing stuff but we'll talk about that later okay you don't want to mention now uh in a future episode okay we'll do a future episode uh madrid tour uh uh still going still popping still chugging around we're doing the uh now here come the theaters guys
Starting point is 02:06:05 it's not chugging it's doing more than chugging it's building steam yeah man no it's been pretty fucking exciting man uh i've been up in montreal doing the nasty show it's been unbelievable i mean it's just fucking incredible venue m tell us and it's just i don't even know how big this shit is man it's like over a thousand people easy and And we just do, you know, I think we're doing 11 total shows there. We got the inside joke show in Montreal that sold out the unsafe set show in Montreal that sold out. I'm excited for it. Um, but then, uh, the Andrew, I think we're going to go to DC. Well, actually no, we got, um, Russia. That's going to be hot. Then we got Australia. That's fire. Those tickets are moving quick, man. Get on that.
Starting point is 02:06:45 If you're Australian, get on that. You know you don't get to see me. So get on that now. And then we got when we come. What else do we got when we come back from that? Oh, yeah. Then we got D.C., Chicago. And go to
Starting point is 02:06:58 We keep on adding more and more dates, man. And get on it quick, man. Now we're doing these theaters. It's an exciting thing. Montreal, D.C., Chicago, then Russia. Ah, gotcha. Then Australia. Then Australia.
Starting point is 02:07:08 My bad. So that's the order. So make sure you go get them shits immediately, man. Keep spreading the word. Thank you all so much for all the support. Sharing the clips. Building the army, man. It's fucking great.
Starting point is 02:07:17 Oh, shit, man. And shout out to everybody this past weekend in Detroit. This is by far the most fucking assholes. Oh, this is so sick. That came out for Ducey Palooza, man. Because, I mean, honestly, I didn't know what kind of crowd we were going to attract. As soon as I walked out, Matt, yo, throwing up. I was like, oh, man, that shit is fucking dope.
Starting point is 02:07:33 Shout out to everybody in Detroit showing that love. Keep building the army, man. I heard you were saucy early, cat. Bro, big sauce. Big sauce. I appreciate these parties so much more now when I get to go. I had DMs. I was like, yo, look at this asshole.
Starting point is 02:07:49 He's already sauced. He needed that shit, bro. Daddy duties rock, son. Let the man enjoy Detroit. We got to get the fuck out of here, man. We will see you all on the Patreon this Friday. Pull up. Remember, it's slash flagrant2 if you want to continue your experience with us and keep building with us, man,
Starting point is 02:08:09 I got to link up with Bash, who runs our Discord. You want access to the Discord, obviously, you get that through the Patreon, and that shit is wild out there. I linked up with him when I was in Montreal, man. They've been doing some great stuff on the Discord. Can I read a joke that I saw on the Discord? I hopped in there for a minute. Alex came through, apparently.
Starting point is 02:08:26 Yeah, I jumped in. And then when you left early, apparently you left a little early, and then a lot of jokes came because that's, you know, you do tend to be aborting things. They had a video of Alex on the Raisin Bran box, and, you know, it's two scoops. Yeah, they started roasting the shit. Can I read one? I love that roasting shit. and you know it's two scoops but uh yo come through the patreon man come uh come on over check out what we're doing getting involved that discord it's so
Starting point is 02:09:04 crazy to see man bash was really breaking down a discord for me you know i've been i've been out but i'm gonna get involved i did a little video for the discord oh yeah oh really yeah oh shit what's this what's up did you see the video of it no i'm gonna check it out because in the discord yeah put the video in the discord i'm mad back i don't want to tease what it y'all could go check out the discord and then see it three lady assholes that are in the Discord. Yo, run in the Discord, too. Nah, dog. Real talk, a relationship.
Starting point is 02:09:31 I'm not going to put any information out there, but I'm saying a relationship I know of might be popping off via Discord. There we go. Really? And it was kind of cool, man. The fellas are respectful out there, man. Bash was asking the girls if they've ever been harassed or anything like that like that and they're like nah not at all everything's been good so that's the thing which often you know equates to the rest of the world is like we out here talking a lot of times people talking the most shit are the people that make sure everybody's taking care of it safe so
Starting point is 02:09:57 y'all can come join in fuck around joke around and we will see you guys friday and if we don't see you friday we'll see you guys next week peace god bless

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