Andrew Schulz's Flagrant with Akaash Singh - The IG Blackout Is A Trick

Episode Date: June 2, 2020

This week Andrew Schulz, Akaash Singh, AlexxMedia and Mark Gagnon discuss the protest, riots, looting, policing, police brutality, police reform, Elon Musk, the media, #blackouttuesday and much more. ...INDULGE! Want an extra episode a week? Join the Flagrant Army

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Starting point is 00:00:00 white liberals you've entered the conversation you've entered the chat you've officially done it you have found out how to do the least amount possible to fake like you give a fuck about what's going on i am scrolling instagram as I'm sure you guys are all scrolling Instagram today. We see a lot of black boxes, you know, and for the last week, some might say for the last 400 years, but for the last week, there's been a lot of talk about what we can all do, how we can all help. Right. And I'm sure a bunch of white people in executive offices got together and they're like, what can we do to help? How can we assist the black plight in America? How can we be most effective? You know, should we should we
Starting point is 00:00:59 start a campaign? We're all donating money to various charities. No, let's not do that. That'd be too much work and that would require too much money. Should we start a campaign where we raise awareness for like the local district attorneys because those are the people who end up deciding if people end up getting tried or not, especially cops that are out there
Starting point is 00:01:16 potentially killing black people. Should we do that? Should we raise awareness? Because you vote for those positions. You actually vote them in office. Should we do that? Oh gosh. I know, but it's just like you got to go out and like, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:01:27 There's COVID outside. And you might have to Google. You might have to Google. You have to research who those local district attorneys are. And then that would take too much time. You know what I mean? And so we can't do that. You can hire black people in administrative or executive positions within the music industry.
Starting point is 00:01:44 You absolutely could hire the black people in in administrative or executive positions within the music industry. You absolutely could hire the black people in administrative or executive positions. I don't have any black friends, and I like to hire my friends. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then they might get economically empowered, and then that would be a whole fucking rigmarole. You know what I mean? Is that a racial word? It sounds it. I think is that what they called Italians back in the day?
Starting point is 00:02:02 These fucking rigmaroles. Anyway, should we do that? Are there any other ways where we could help out in this situation? I mean, like just demand police reform, a lot of different things. All these other things. But you know what? All these probably came to the table during the discussion, and they were like, listen, that all sounds cute.
Starting point is 00:02:22 That's adorable and will probably help. I got a way better idea how we could look as if we're assisting but do absolutely fucking nothing yeah okay let's just post a black square on our instagram feed we'll just post a black square on the instagram feed because i know black people have been asking us for action right so what do we do tuesday we're gonna do nothing literally that's the campaign right hey why don't we on tuesday do nothing the exact opposite of what black people have been asking all week let's just do nothing hey black people how can we help you do anything please show that
Starting point is 00:02:57 you're with us support march say something say something how about we just do nothing is that good if we just post the color black on our Instagram? Is there anything less helpful than posting the color black? Than screenshotting nothing on your story and then taking that and cropping it into your feed? I just don't know what the end game is here. I know the end game. When you come back to work and everybody's back in the office and they go, well, what did you do? Oh, you must not see my black.
Starting point is 00:03:28 They, I think. Hey, bro, did you see my black feet? My shit was extra black, bro. My shit was country black. I put some shit in the background, you know what I mean? Oh, did you put like a fist? Oh, like a faint,
Starting point is 00:03:40 a faint little message in there? You scroll down, it says Black Lives Matter, and then it disappears. Hey, bro, that's how unique you are in your ability to do the bare minimum. Bro, you bare minimumed the maximum. Yo. Yo, you did. You maximumed the bare minimum, bro.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Yo, I'm a bare minimum maximist. Hey, dog. Hey, did you send like a donation that was like faded from the beginning and then came real clear at the end? I think you misunderstood. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. What I did was I posted on social media and Instagram, the most political of all apps. That's where change happens is Instagram. You're right, bro.
Starting point is 00:04:17 That's what overthrew governments, right? Yeah. I think it was Instagram that overthrew. It was Instagram that overthrew the government. Yeah, you're right. You're right. So that's how revolutions are started. Instagram is the new revolution and I posted
Starting point is 00:04:27 Schindler's factory was just Instagram right like that's that's what it was that's what it was he was just learning how to create filters and that kind of shit
Starting point is 00:04:34 yeah it's not owned by Facebook or anything absolutely you just you just you post a black square and what's more powerful tell me
Starting point is 00:04:41 than a black square a black rectangle a little bit larger than a square. You're right about it. I learned how to use all the space possible. Oh, finally. You know you really don't care about black people where you don't even crop out the little rectangle.
Starting point is 00:04:56 You know the one that's like that size. You didn't even give them the square. You went landscape on them. You went landscape, bro bro only mexicans allowed to go landscape it is astonishing to me like i really thought i really thought i was like you know what people are about this people are scared because i know white people are scared right because like the silence is violence uh ideology was out there i mean we even put it up
Starting point is 00:05:25 when we did our piece on saturday a big part of the piece was by the way thank you very much man uh a big part of our piece was hey you can't just be not racist that's not enough you gotta be anti-racist so what are you doing to be anti-racist like how are you assisting in that and i know that scared the shit out of white people. And I understand it is tricky because if you ask somebody what we can do right now, nobody really has an answer to that. Right? Like, what can we do? We got to arrest those cops. It's not like, all right, well, let me go get my arresting gear.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Like, what do we do in the moment? You have to do things around the issue. Right? Or you can go march and you can go support and that kind of stuff. And that stuff is great. It is tricky, man.
Starting point is 00:06:11 It is absolutely tricky. But I do not think that the square is the way. And I know a lot of people are like, we need to gain support and gain awareness. We aware. There's no sports. There's no television. We've watched everything on Netflix. We are abundantly aware of what's going on with George Floyd.
Starting point is 00:06:27 There's riots in multiple cities. The president is calling the military in to stop them. You don't think this catches our awareness at some point? You got fucking Black Hawk down helicopters flying through your neighborhood, and you're going to be like, what's this square stuff about? That's going to be what notifies you that there's some shit going down? Every time you walk out your apartment building, there's cars that are destroyed. But you learned about it from the black square on Instagram?
Starting point is 00:06:49 The fire outside wasn't enough. Real talk. No, I didn't mean this black square. Y'all just made Instagram boring. That's all it did. That's all this did is made Instagram boring. You know why people do it? Because people don't want to get asked what they did.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Because they don't want to have to have the conversation that I didn't really do anything. Yep. So when they ask what you, they won't ask what you did because they'll see the black square. All this guy's with us. Yeah. We all just want to, everybody just wants to not care as quickly as we can. That's why we do the least amount.
Starting point is 00:07:15 We compartmentalize. They can do the least and say, okay, I did that. I did my part. I don't have to care anymore. It's astonishing the amount of not like the, the least amount of effort. Like it's almost a competition bro it's i saw an nba 2k protests they were in nba 2k they were walking around as their characters in front of the staples center like marching but in the game is it possible like you didn't even put on
Starting point is 00:07:38 sneakers too much you couldn't even play gta and loot something so fuck y'all yes and also personally loot yeah i mean stop acting like gta hasn't taught us how to do all this shit right like where's the mission accomplished at the end of the looted it is it is a crazy it is a crazy time to exist and look i do empathize with people who don't know what to do and they might not have black friends or they're too terrified to ask people that are black what they can do because of the answer that might come at them like how could you not know yeah it's i get that al you're black i want you to know that thanks um what do you think people can do in the immediate future?
Starting point is 00:08:27 Or would you agree, first of all, on the square sentiment? I do think it's a little dumb, but I see the purpose for it is just showing solidarity. The intent in the best case scenario, the intent is I want to show I'm with this cause. And in the worst case scenario is i want a virtue signal and just show hey look how much i care do you have you guys noticed that i cared is that is everybody aware that i can't even in best case scenario if you see solidarity in the solidarity in the sense of like yo so many motherfuckers that i didn't know to be politically left or even thought were politically right or with this yeah the only way you're really going
Starting point is 00:09:02 to make a difference is if you vote a certain way like politicians aren't going to be like oh shit people are upset i should change my policies people you gotta speak with your vote so it's like you're supposed to disconnect from social and connect with your community and organize so like today you'll probably see bigger marches and protests and things of that nature post that post a screenshot of all the shit you did on an iphone note and like you're also supposed to one way you can help now is at least donate to um the causes that are helping to bail out people who have been protesting yo this is the funniest shit right here go on why is that funny because everybody's like all these people that are getting arrested at the protests are alt-right agitators so why are you bailing them out not all the people i'm just saying it's some interesting shit going down right it's like
Starting point is 00:09:51 everybody's so confused about what this is right this is the most confusing thing i've ever experienced actually i want you to tell more people what to do and then we're gonna get to the i mean in the you're talking about the immediate future like right now those are probably the two biggest things you can do because it's like there's no election today right and make yourself aware who your local district attorneys
Starting point is 00:10:13 are because those are the people who end up pressing these charges right like even with everybody's seen the Epstein doc you saw Acosta was that local district attorney he didn't want to press charges right or he gave that sweetheart deal to Epstein yeah you put that motherfucker in place and we're all guilty we're all ignorant none of us know who our local da's are but maybe this is a time where we go oh shit the local da is kind of important you know like let's learn about who that is and then there's obviously black lives matter as far
Starting point is 00:10:37 as like a place you can donate money um there's you know the the george floyd's family foundation you could donate money. Um, I'm sure Minneapolis has its own thing, but now you see this happening in cities all over the country and in Canada for some reason. Why the fuck Canada? Everywhere. Like even London has had protests. But protests, one thing, but looting.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Oh, looting. Oh, it's like, what are you doing, Canada? This is not for you. Do you understand? What are you angry about it's not your police department it's not your yeah the u.s government's not gonna be like yo they're looting canada we got to do something i mean like but it's just so odd like what do you like i i someone's got to explain we got to call some canadian preach and have them explain to us
Starting point is 00:11:20 because they were looting and breaking windows in can. It's like, why? Do they even like loot politely? It's like, excuse me, I'll take that one. Can we have some stuff? Hey, leave a little IOU. You guys were closed. I needed some underwear. We'll be back. But yeah, I wanted to go.
Starting point is 00:11:40 There was something before that. What was it? Oh, about the different things. This is one of the most unique protests in history where it feels to me, and correct me if I'm wrong, but everybody agrees. The way that they're acting about it is different. But everybody at the protest right there are for example you have the police every policeman i've spoken to and i asked them i talked them how are things going like what's going on and they're like yo the guy who did it is a piece
Starting point is 00:12:17 of shit he should be put away for murder it's fucked up it's messed up none of us like we all agree right everybody at the protests is agreeing. You have the right-wing guys who are agreeing. They're like, yo, you can't do that. That's a violation of civil rights. You have the left-wing, like, Antifa guys who are like, this is a disgusting violation of civil rights, right? It's like, and granted, and then, of course, you have just the regular people who are like, yo, this is messed up. It's a violation of civil rights.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Like, everybody agrees. Yet we're protesting. Because they're not doing anything. Yeah. The government's not doing anything. So it's a protest against authority. Yeah. It's not a protest against people.
Starting point is 00:12:55 And I think the media will do everything in their power to make this a divisive issue, right? It's going to be really interesting what happens in the next week or two, because I think what will happen is like, naturally there's going to be like these milit issue, right? It's going to be really interesting what happens in the next week or two because I think what will happen is like naturally there's going to be like these militias, right, that want to protect their own city, right? You're going to see small business owners start to stand outside of their small businesses with guns, right?
Starting point is 00:13:17 Which is natural. You're allowed to protect yours, right? You've seen that already, right? So now you're going to have these both sides. One side is, yo, let's organize and protect the city. And the other side is like, let's organize and fuck shit up because we need to gain awareness and fucking shit up is the only thing that seems to work. And the media will portray that as this one side, which is probably going to be predominantly white against this other side, which will be predominantly diverse. It seems to me you've
Starting point is 00:13:44 been a lot of the marches. They've been very diverse, right? Yeah. I think they'll pin those two sides together when even the people that are protecting their property agree with the protesters. They just don't agree with them destroying their personal property. The real issue here is people against authority.
Starting point is 00:14:07 And I think that's going to get muddied really fucking quick man really fucking quick right what happened a little did you see in front of the uh there's a tobacco storm in uh minneapolis where they had like these big burly white dudes with guns out in front of it did you see this one yeah i think one of them was black though but they didn't highlight him yeah so the picture was crap that first. Went out that, oh, look at these big conservative guys with their guns. But if you actually heard what they said,
Starting point is 00:14:33 they were like, hey, man, go protest. No, no, but listen to what he's saying. No, when you see the full picture, it was white and black guys protecting that business. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:41 And then they interviewed him and they said, what'd you think? And they were like, yo, you guys have the right to go protest. Just don't loot. This is what we can protect. But they said what'd you think and they were like yo you guys have the right to go protest just don't loot this is what we could but they even denounced the murder they were like oh the murder of george floyd is like fucked it's disgusting they did to him was terrible but i don't want them to ruin the story that's one thing go go like you said this is the first time i hear everybody saying the cop was wrong that's the very first time the most alt-right conservative motherfuckers.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Rush Limbaugh. Rush Limbaugh on a breakfast club. On a breakfast club saying, yo, that was wrong. That cop's an asshole. He actually said that he should be charged with first degree murder, which I don't think you can prove that. But this is different. This is different when people agree on that.
Starting point is 00:15:19 So now let's see. Now that everybody has the same sentiment, are you going to actually charge a cop? And is the cop going to be charged like here's what i can't understand first of all charge all three of them son don't charge four four sorry all three the other ones so choven and then charge all three the other guys who haven't even been charged yet but go on and then i want to get back to this go what i can't understand is if you are the powers that be. Yeah, yeah. And you're interested. I thought you were going to talk about pleasing women. I thought that's what you came up with. I can't understand how pussy works.
Starting point is 00:15:53 I don't. You're talking about things I want to understand and things I don't want to understand. I mean, this is what I want to understand. Okay, go. If I'm the power that be, what would really calm everything down right now is just arrest this asshole cop or a few and asshole cops down the road that keeps so much of the unrest he's arrested down charge he's charged charge be found guilty don't let these guys go that's the problem so now one it's you have a case like every other case so they have to gather evidence they have to
Starting point is 00:16:30 do go through all the processes that you need to do before trial and now he has that constitutional right yeah he does have that yeah yep and here's why it's like super hard for cops to be charged with criminal actions because of reasonable fear go ahead they if they can prove with words that they felt fear for their lives any action that they did is justified that's the one thing are they prosecuted by a jury of like randomly selected human beings it depends in this situation because they were criminally charged yes this is going to be a regular trial and like it's going to be regular civilians but still it has to be guilty upon reasonable doubt and reasonable fear trumps reasonable doubt so again if we're assuming there's like powers at work that want to keep things moving in a certain direction however just to keep things calm
Starting point is 00:17:15 you fix this trial give this guy whatever trial he thinks he's gonna get that's fair we're not acting like people are above fixing a trial right throw the book at him lock him up for 15 years everybody 20 years whatever people are happy. People are calm. They're satiated. Everything stays calm. We are sacrificing one cop who we don't think is a good cop. Yeah, but that's a thing.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Or even if you're just like the powers be, that's just one human being. The way the laws are written, he will probably get off. I think it's tricky. I've heard both things. I think it's tricky with him specifically because at a certain point in time, you can't put all the value on the officer's fear, right? Because fear is part of the job, right? My buddy Marco, who was a Marine and was in Iraq for years, he said something very interesting to me he was like something happened in Iraq well
Starting point is 00:18:06 not something happened but basically the idea of how America was going to treat the Iraq war changed while he was there and basically the government said hey we're going to try to win over minds and hearts so that is going to affect the way that you police not police that is going to affect the way that you treat people in Iraq. And that's actually going to make your job way more dangerous. They said this to the Marines. So instead of, when you're trying to win a war, you bust open a door, shoot, whoever dies, that's casualties
Starting point is 00:18:34 of a dice game, right? Things changed where it was, hey, we want to win over minds and hearts. You can't go in guns blazing anymore. And they said to him, your job is going to be more dangerous, and that is the job now. And this is what you signed up for and that's what you got to do he said something interesting he goes why he has zero talents for police brutality is because if we could afford that luxury to people in a foreign country that we're technically at a war with or in conflict
Starting point is 00:18:58 with why can't we afford that luxury to people who are our own citizens right and i thought that was super profound right if you're busting in a door and you're not shooting we're not talking about osama bin laden we're talking about some other shit you're not shooting it might be a motherfucking terrorist you don't know what they're doing but you're not shooting you're holding on yeah putting your life at risk and we're talking about actual soldiers actual soldiers at what you can't do that to a random black guy that you see on the street our own citizens who are supposed to be innocent to proven guilty you know innocent to proven guilty of war right so he
Starting point is 00:19:28 was he has zero tolerance for the police brutality thing he said there is a cultural thing maybe you can speak to this because you've been a cop is do you refer to it as a cop or a law you've been part of law enforcement right is he goes the code or credence of law enforcement is no cop dies. That's number one. Never let a cop die. And he goes, that needs to be changed to protect the community. When protected community is number one, it puts cops at more danger. And you know what? We should pay them more for having a more dangerous job. But because of that, the way the policing will change. Now you're not willing to bust off no matter what, because your number one goal is protect
Starting point is 00:20:13 the community at a high risk. And I think once you become the protected community at a high risk, guys, you become heroes. And right now you're looked at as the police state you're looked at as the enemy yeah and i'm really curious of people in the uk like how they treat cops maybe they don't like cops as much but the fact that they don't got guns and they're walking around with billy cubs some lady with a billy club is trying to stop someone that's some brave shit i'll be honest if it's just me and a lady in a billy club yeah you like your odds
Starting point is 00:20:42 you might get mushed out of here i'll be coming through like adrian peterson but it's but it is a really interesting way of looking at it right yeah it's like if we could afford that luxury to a foreign country that we're at war with we got to be able to afford it to citizens of our own country yeah and to find i mean it's just crazy that we don't i understand everybody's scared they want to go home then we need to increase training and if you're afraid maybe you're not built for that position my buddy has been in a situation where they have trained fear out of people that's what you have to do when you're busting in a door of a compound you don't know what the fuck it is my buddy who's done this in real life he's been in those situations where he chose not to pull the trigger
Starting point is 00:21:27 so it's not like this can't happen and lives that some might say were less valuable when you're at war with another with another country that life is less valuable than an american life yeah people in america will also agree too when they say like how can we do this to our own people that's because you're saying we are the most, it's an American citizen. That's a more valuable life. Somebody we're at war with, casualties of a dice game, casualties of war.
Starting point is 00:21:49 There's no- Collateral damage. Collateral damage. The only people you don't, that are really tragic is friendly fire. That's the only innocent death that war cares about.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Yup. Innocent kids died, hey, cost of doing business. Friendly fire, that sucks. You'll get a nice honor when you get home,
Starting point is 00:22:04 but that's the only thing that's like a tragedy does it is a it is a fundamental change and look i understand how difficult it is to even sit here and say that you know i'm saying like i understand how difficult it is because it's not my life that's on the line you know like everybody who is justifying the looting it's easy to say that when it's not your place is being looted. The second your place is looted, all of a sudden it's like, nah, it's getting a little egregious. It's so easy to say these things when they're not personally affecting you, right? Just like it's so easy to tell black people, hey, relax when you're not black. Yeah. Because it ain't affecting you, right? right just like it's so easy to tell black people hey relax when you're not black yeah
Starting point is 00:22:45 because it ain't affecting you right it's like hey this isn't the way to protest and then black people like motherfucker what is yeah what is the way that ain't putting a square on instagram my view on looting is if i was black and people were like looting isn't the answer and i'd be like what is and they'd be like i don't know and before they could say but i'd be like all right cool i'm gonna get a louis louis bag so like for my trouble that's my answer that's my you know what's interesting about instagram is like the people's minds we need to change like the real like deep-rooted racists are all old right nah nah nah well if if you guys let me finish making a fucking point all right the real people whose minds you got to change are people in authority and
Starting point is 00:23:26 power and that are older, right? Like some 20 year old kid. Yeah. Maybe he don't care. Black people. He doesn't really have that much power authority over you. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Do you know what I'm saying? Like, yes, there's going to be races, but like if you're both working together at the job, it's not like he can do that much to oppress you. Right. What I'm saying is like these old motherfuckers ain't on Instagram like that.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Do you think all these district attorneys, do you think all these motherfuckers? No, they have a social media team that just posts whatever they tell them. They don't know what the fuck is going on. They're scrolling through and seeing all black and they're literally texting their social media team like, yo, what's going on? Is Instagram, is Instagram down? It's an unaffected protest. That's all I'm trying to say. Everybody understands breaking shit.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Yeah. So I would agree with you. It's probably an ineffective protest, but things that happen on social media do get back to the higher ups that aren't on social media. Yeah, you're right. You're right. A lot of times,
Starting point is 00:24:14 like people like Sean King, white or black man that he is, it will help affect change because he applies pressure to the higher ups. No doubt. We got to do something about this because everybody's complaining. No doubt. to the higher ups no doubt shit no doubt we got to do something about this because everybody's complaining and no doubt yeah there's no doubt there's no doubt about that you are it's uh what i think this is and this started within the music industry i think it's a lot of like white people in the music industry that felt guilty and they
Starting point is 00:24:37 didn't know what to do and they have no fucking clue what to do but they couldn't sit around making money off black people you also gotta look proactive well yeah because you're making money off black people so you're like i need to show Well, yeah, because you're making money off black people. So you're like, I need to show support, but how do I show support? I can't go break shit, right? Because all the shit that's being broken is mine. Yeah. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:24:54 Like, yo, if white people, you really want to support the looting, just break your own window. You know what I'm saying? Pretty, you know what I'm saying? Literally walk outside your door, bust your door in, and be like, I got y'all. You know what I'm saying? It's just, right?
Starting point is 00:25:08 Like, it's something to it. Solid idea. I don't know. I'm not saying go do that, but I under, how do I understand? It's like, nah, we all know the looting is wrong. Don't you think looting is wrong and breaking shit is wrong? I wouldn't personally do it, but I'm not knocking anybody who's doing it because I'm just as angry and frustrated that shit hasn't changed. I'm just not going to resort to looting to express that anger.
Starting point is 00:25:32 That's the thing. Sorry to interrupt, but like everybody even agrees on looting. Like if everybody agrees, everybody agrees on every aspect of this. All right, man, we we're gonna take a break for a second everybody's stressed out everybody trying to find a way to get through this times radix remedies bro best cbd on the planet you know excuse me i just had to burp right there i'm telling you the guys over at radix are partners with Flagrant 2, Asshole Army. This is what I'm going to tell you right now.
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Starting point is 00:26:46 There's been asshole army members that have went to the store in Austin and they've just given them free shit. They really support what we're doing here. They want to grow with us. And it's just so cool to see a brand really wrap themselves around us like that. We have a few that do it
Starting point is 00:27:00 and we like to deliver for them. So if you fuck with CBD and you fuck with the asshole army, you could support us by supporting them, but also support them. They're good fucking people. They got hand sanitizers as well. And they're donating the same bottle you buy to people in need to essential workers for everyone you purchase.
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Starting point is 00:27:53 Experience CBD in the most natural option available with the plant itself. I mean, this is how I take it. I like to smoke it. It's a casual thing for me. It's the best. It's the best version. It's the best. In my opinion, right? Akash likes it a lot, but you also like the gummies to make you go night night oh the
Starting point is 00:28:08 go cbd gummies yeah melatonin joints basically it's a great way to try some of the new flowers without having to worry about rolling them up yourself you can quickly and easily find something that works well for you each pack contains five one gram pre-rolls from the full menu each month the can a cannabis connoisseur's club box will contain mystery goodies inside as well so go get that subscription if you want to just deliver to your place remember the promo code is flagrant you get 10 off with that promo code but for real we're supporting companies that support us and companies that do the right thing so if you fuck with cbd and you fuck with us then you fucking with radix remedy cbd simple as that that's gang all right we support in them big time let's get back to the show all right we've never been so
Starting point is 00:28:50 unified in the most divisive time in our country outside of civil war we have never been so unified on one issue and so destructive how is that possible it's so unique right because peaceful protests and i'm i'm never gonna loot i'm a bitch but peaceful protests weren't doing anything so at a certain point you just have to make noise to get the other side to be like okay this is too much let's do something because there has been peaceful protests and nobody gave a fuck yeah no it's interesting trayvon everybody took the picture with their hoodie up i am trayvon okay all right well there will be another yeah i mean sometimes you gotta fuck shit up it's like a kid pitching a fit i see parents always been
Starting point is 00:29:29 bend to the whim of their kid when they're pitching a fit and i'm like well why don't you ignore that because that's what gets attention yeah it's like it's like when you come home you haven't walked your dog and the whole house is fucked up yeah what's the first thing you say you're like man i need to make sure I walk my dog. You know what I'm saying? Now, this is not to equate dogs to black people, obviously. But because it's not black people, only ones looting or like fucking shit up.
Starting point is 00:29:53 But what I'm saying is like, you look at that situation and you're like, oh, I need to rectify the way I'm treating that person. Or I need to rectify the way I'm treating that entity because shit is getting fucked up. We're going to do a piece about this this week on Saturday. That theory that Marco gave you, that was...
Starting point is 00:30:11 That's profound, right? Yeah, I never looked at it that way. Yeah, I'm going to take that shit from you, Marco. We're going to edit your name out of this shit. No, but go on. What are you saying? Because I just... Yesterday, I was just trying to figure out why the system... Because everybody says, oh, it's the system, it's the system, it's the system. And then people don't really identify the things in the system that prevent it from
Starting point is 00:30:30 being changes. I took notes down. It's a little lengthy. I don't know if you want me to go over it. Sure. Yeah, please. Just like five things that I noticed. Ain't nobody doing shit today, bro.
Starting point is 00:30:40 It's lockdown Tuesday or whatever. So it's like five things that I noticed why it's hard for police reform. So the first one is like police are policing themselves with internal affairs. These are also cops. So it's like your sister asked to give you as a brother punishment. It's like she's not going to say death penalty because she loves you. So they can't effectively police themselves. Even if she don't like you, she got to see you every fucking day.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Yeah, exactly. And if she's too harsh on you, the rest of the family is going to be like, what the fuck are you doing? Yeah, whose side are you on? What are you doing to family? Yeah, whose side are you on? Okay, keep going. Um, so as a public employee, you're allowed to appeal any, um, decision, every, any reprimand reprimand that has, you've been guilty of. So for example, if you did something, you get fired, you're allowed to appeal it.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Yep. Um, out of those appeals, almost 50% result in rehiring. Wow. Yeah. And is that because of the strength of the police union yes so one is the strength of the police union also there's another thing that they'll result so this is the third one is a citizen's review so if after um the police try to reprimand you and that doesn't work i'll go to a citizen's review which is supposed to be non-police people look over the evidence and then they recommend what they deem should be the punishment but the
Starting point is 00:32:11 it's such bullshit because it's just a recommendation and they can they don't even have to take the recommendation they don't have to do anything with it but it's just the way to like the public feels like oh look this is going to a civilian, so it's not police, police, and police. Bare minimum, like you want to find out what you could do, learn about how the system is structured.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Like this right here, if this is what you did today to help black people is just learn about the flaws in the setup of the police system in America, that is massive.
Starting point is 00:32:44 People act like it's not massive it's massive understanding the issue and understanding the issues is the first step to changing them you can't just go we gotta change policing and then someone goes how you go honestly i don't even know how policing works honestly and that's why i did it because it's like i don't know how to change the system so i'm like let me learn about the system so once you learn about the system you see where it's like, oh, step one,
Starting point is 00:33:06 you could just have an independent review board. That's it. An outside company does the review. I don't care if it's government paid for or whatever. That might not be ideal or perfect. It's better than cops policing cops. Because why the fuck would you punish cops? If you did some shit wrong and they were like,
Starting point is 00:33:21 Akash, you get to sentence Al, I'd be like, eh. Yeah. Hey man, don't do that again. And I know, go on, Akash, you get to sentence Al, I'd be like, eh. Yeah. Hey man, don't do that again. And I know,
Starting point is 00:33:26 go on, go on. So for the citizen reviews, I just saw this stat in Minneapolis. There were 2,600 public complaints
Starting point is 00:33:36 and only 12 of them resulted in punishment. Out of 2,600. That's crazy, dude. Like, retarded. Police unions, like you mentioned,
Starting point is 00:33:46 their personal power is to make sure cops are paid and make sure they keep their job. So they try everything in their power to make sure they keep their job and make sure they're paid. And then the reasonable fear is why they can't be charged with criminal
Starting point is 00:34:01 charges because all they have to do is just justify that they were afraid for their lives and that justifies. That's enough to get them off any criminal charge. Yeah. That would also be tricky to what I said earlier. If you had an outsider view board, every cop would just be like, how the fuck do you know you've never been a cop? Yeah. And if they have been a cop, they're much more likely to be like, nah, you're good.
Starting point is 00:34:21 You know what I mean? I'm still going to protect my own. So it's tough. Yeah. It's really fucking tough man we got to talk to other public servants and see how they handle the risk of life you know part because it is massive and it's incredibly brave and like i know there's a lot of people out here right now they're like they're saying you know we don't want to hear about how you know uh there are good cops and it's just a few bad cops that ruin it for everybody else and that's a fair argument and that's just a few bad cops that ruin it for everybody
Starting point is 00:34:45 else and that's a fair argument and that's fair argument but i don't want to hear it but at the same time you hear a lot of people making the argument like you know everybody at the protests the majority of the people are peaceful it's just a few looters that are fucking it up for everybody it's like yeah it's a few bad apples that spoiled a bunch that's usually how things work and it's fucked up when people like there are just a few black people committing crimes the vast vast vast majority are great right you can't it's fucked up when somebody's like no all black people do this this and this right same thing to do that to cops you just got to keep it consistent you got to keep it consistent the thing that we can do is look at like the types of policing structures that allow these situations to happen and see if you can switch them so that
Starting point is 00:35:22 they don't yes and you have to you have to look at the amount of risk that you're asking a human being to take. If it's too much risk, they just won't do it. Yeah. It's plain and simple. It's like, I imagine, and I want to speak to firemen about this. I think firemen, it's your job to go in the building, dog, even if it's burning or not. I don't know if firemen can be like, well, I thought my life was a danger, so I didn't go in.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Yeah. They were firemen running up, and I'm sure policemen running up the twin towers and some shits was coming down yeah so it's like i wonder if that is a reasonable excuse for a fireman not going in like i felt fear for my life so i didn't go in i i don't know if it is i don't know if it isn't yeah right i don't think so i think they're supposed to go as long as like they determine the building's not about to collapse at this very moment. Right. I'm sure it's different, right?
Starting point is 00:36:09 Yeah, yeah, yeah. But we just have to talk to these other public servants that put their life on the line. Obviously, we know the process with the military, but we got to talk to these people and see what it is and see what is expected of them because there's nothing wrong with asking cops to be held to the same standard as another public servant i don't think that's wrong i mean poke holes an argument if you guys can i just they'll just say it's like most other public servants their life isn't on the line in the manner that ours is that's true because every time a cop goes out it could be it could it could be some serious routine traffic stop you could die and i would imagine there's not as many fires as there are potentially violent situations with a
Starting point is 00:36:53 cop like i think a cop probably has way more violent interactions than the average fireman goes into like burning buildings i would imagine i'm not entirely i would assume so you think so yeah because every arrest something's on, you get the fuck out. So the fireman only really has to go inside if there's somebody trapped inside. Okay. They stand outside and pour some water on the shit. Sure. They have to go into a burning building but not deal with a burning building.
Starting point is 00:37:18 I've heard cops say, I don't know if this is true or not, but routine traffic stop is how most officers are killed. Think of how many routine traffic stops you make in a day or in a month. That's a lot. Now, it's funny because there's the same fear on both sides is a routine traffic stop could kill me if you're black or you're a cop. The difference black people feel is like, if I get killed, if a cop gets killed, we can be fairly certain as tragic as it is,
Starting point is 00:37:39 justice will be served and whoever killed him will be prosecuted. Black people are feeling like if I get killed, most likely nothing's going to happen to this guy. This this is a great point every correction is an overcorrection i realized this about the me too movement when i was watching the epstein documentary okay this documentary is a is like a fluff piece to put all the blame on epstein and absolve all the other characters around him of any guilt we understand what it is is. It's made by one of Bill Clinton's friends. It's obviously going to be bullshit. But there's one great redeeming thing about the documentary is you get to hear all the girls that they raped and he sent around the world for other people to rape.
Starting point is 00:38:16 You get to hear their stories. And I didn't even know who these people were. It's astonishing how low key that they were all kept, right? And when I'm watching these girls speak for the first time and tell their stories about how horrific these people were, I completely understood the Me Too movement because these girls for years talked to the FBI. FBI just turned the other cheek. They're like, ah, it doesn't matter. Talk to police. They talked to everybody trying to get their stories heard and trying to get some justice. And they were ignored.
Starting point is 00:38:44 And these girls are not the only girls that got raped right this has been happening to women probably for hundreds of years right throughout history so now for the first time in history where when you say something not only is it heard but that motherfucker gets justice of course you're gonna speak up now granted did a lot of people who were innocent of not like major crimes like whistling on a girl on a street you should not get fucking fired for there's a difference between like assaulting women and inconveniencing a woman everybody has to deal with inconveniences in life that being said you i understand why the overcorrection went there in the same way where i understand the overcorrection with what's happening with george floyd right yeah maybe all
Starting point is 00:39:23 this violence is looting and these protests and all these things that are going down maybe this is destroying your city maybe that is an overcorrection but this is what happens when nobody fucking listens and now you finally get the world's attention yeah you keep on doing what is going to keep that attention like imagine you broke one store and everybody's like we hear you now are. Are you done? And they're like, okay, we're hurt. No, it's like, I'm going to keep on doing this shit until I'm hurt. Yeah. What I'm concerned about is how that they're going to spin this. And I guarantee the media will spin this into a race war, not a war of the people versus
Starting point is 00:40:00 authority. And the way they'll spin it to the race war is these militias will go start to protect the property. And they will create them as one gang. And then they will create the protesters as another gang. And they'll only highlight the black and brown people in those protests. They'll leave the white people out of those protests. They'll make it look way less diverse.
Starting point is 00:40:19 And they'll have these fucking gangs. It's going to look like some shit out of gangs in New York or something like that. And that's how they're going to drive the fucking wedge in, man. I know it. I feel it. That's what you think. I'm thinking that they want the rioting to continue and even get worse possibly, so then they can declare martial law.
Starting point is 00:40:36 What would be the benefit of martial law? Trump can do whatever the fuck he wants to do and probably postpone the election if he felt like it ooh postponing the election is interesting because what i was thinking is he wants four more years yeah and right now with corona and with his tweets it's not looking good for him that's interesting mark what is what are the conspiracy theorists saying what is your theory uh i don't necessarily have like a nailed down theory but i've heard people say like resonate that statement like people even pointed to on i think yesterday or two days ago the guardhouse
Starting point is 00:41:12 outside the white house like they have like a guard building where like people have to come in and out they're going to the white house got burned down like the whole thing got like torched whoa and some people are like wow these protesters really going crazy you know they're burning down the guardhouse and other people are like how did, these protesters are really going crazy. You know, they're burning down the guardhouse. And other people are like, how did they get close enough to burn down the guardhouse? And then people are drawing connections to like when the Reichstag burned down in Germany before Hitler, like you start power. So now like there's like this weird like power thing where it's like basically the Reichstag burned down and Hitler was like, oh, it's these, you know, it's these crazy crazy fringe groups that are trying to destroy our country and burn down our capital. So he's like, you need someone that's going to take over and take control.
Starting point is 00:41:53 And then he slowly gained power that way. So you think Trump could use this as a potential way of maintaining power outside of the democratic process? I don't know if he's got the juice. I don't know if he's got the juice, buticans are some crazy motherfuckers talking like it though i don't know if he's got the juice but he's like oh i can't deal with it then i'll send the military in there who can there has been a historical precedent for that some people even say hitler burned down the reichstag himself he probably did like he sent like the ssn to burn it down he was like look at these crazy people burning down the yeah i thought that's what you were saying this whole time yeah but like that's not official
Starting point is 00:42:28 record right some people say it's a false flag some people say it's not but regardless he got power from do we feel okay that's that's the most extreme version of it do we feel like it is in the best interest of some group i don't know which fucking group that these protests continue like i feel like they're doing everything they can to drag these protests out i mean there's a situation where all sides can benefit from it okay go so like if trump's able to enact a martial law thing and he's able to like have more control over the government and sort of suppress the democratic process by enacting like non uh like by taking sort of like extra extraordinary powers and as as president then like he would benefit from the protest and then like the democrats would benefit
Starting point is 00:43:12 from the protest because it shows that trump's in complete disarray he can't control himself and he they know that he's going to keep on fucking up so then when it's election time he's going to be out like the anarchists are loving it because they just like chaos they like chaos like the grungy white kids that like go to warp tour and shit like they want to just destroy shit yeah there's an interesting thing we were having this conversation about um this could let's say the democrats are the ones stretching this out let's just say hypothetically speaking right why would they do it we're talking about this yesterday like here's the thing trump was on the verge to i think on the verge to really get a lot of the black vote biden had just fucked up on the breakfast club big time and he wasn't really remorseful or accountable for fucking up he was
Starting point is 00:43:59 kind of like blaming charlemagne like in interviews he was going he was being a wise guy and I was returning in kind Charlemagne wasn't really being a wise guy he halfway apologized and also tried to put it on Charlemagne so it was like a little both so what I was told is that Trump and his
Starting point is 00:44:20 the people that are ahead of his black initiative were putting together an economic empowerment plan for black people. And that was the time to drop it, right? Literally last week. Democrats are in this position where black people are not very happy with Democrats, don't feel like Democrats have done that much to further the progress of black people. They have a huge fuck up from Biden. Biden hasn't said anything eloquent in three years. Huge fuck up from Biden. Trump has the possibility to jump in and snag some of
Starting point is 00:44:53 that black vote. I'm not saying Democrats started this. I'm not saying they amplified or took advantage of. Hypothetically speaking, if they did, it would be a brilliant move because trump's policy is he has to appeal to the base on all national stories if it's not a national story if it's prison reform as long as prison reform isn't a national story have kim kardashian come to the white house free some black people from jail it's not a national story it doesn't matter his base doesn't care but the second something becomes a national story. He's not the leader for everyone. He's the leader for his base.
Starting point is 00:45:29 That's interesting. And he's done it every single time, right? Charlottesville, national story. Before, right? It was like, oh, there's actually good people on both sides. Some people say that taking out of contact doesn't really matter. Whatever it is. Hordes of Mexicans coming through in a caravan.
Starting point is 00:45:43 They're going to kill everybody, blah, blah, blah. National news story leans into the base. He's not leader for everybody he's the leader for his base so let's say the democrats made this as crazy as possible let's say they're leaving piles of bricks just around these protests for no reason mark was walking in williamsburg you just saw a pile of bricks in front of a building who the fuck is just leaving bricks in front of buildings let's i was out there with like a group of kids that were looted cops are peacefully following them letting them not interrupting them at all they i was and i just lost track of time i was probably with them for like two hours they were just going around the city breaking glass knocking over garbage cans burning some garbage and then
Starting point is 00:46:21 they move on to the next spot and cops are just following them making sure probably building didn't get burned but just letting them be nothing i mean no on jake paul s so so so what's interesting is let's say the democrats strategically made trump play his card they go if we make a national news story out of this especially the looting trump's gonna going to have to appeal to his base on this. How is he going to appeal to his base? What does his base want?
Starting point is 00:46:50 Oh, they want- Order. Yeah, bring the hammer down. Bring the hammer down. Order. Bring the hammer down can be positioned as if he doesn't have
Starting point is 00:46:57 any empathy for George Floyd and the black plight in America. You can't serve as black people if you're essentially punishing them for protesting for their own rights yeah if you loot and we shoot if you loot and we shoot and he came out they tried to appeal blacks with a rhyme but i don't know if that shit worked all of a sudden black people gravitate back to the democratic party because they're like i can't call some thugs
Starting point is 00:47:20 i can't i can't support that dude i'm gonna have to ride with these democrats even though biden is incoherent it is it is a little conspiratorial but it's is it reasonable yeah i think so and additionally reading through like there's all these articles specific like specifically in 2020 why like the black vote is so important like all this stuff was published in like february march like people are suggesting that's more important this election than ever. Why is that? Because it's more up for grabs? More for grabs. It's like not as locked in. Like the two parties are struggling
Starting point is 00:47:50 to like lock in black and Latino voters just in general ever since. Wait, what? You just said more up for grabs three times, but yeah, that's fine. Yeah. Oh yeah, I'm blacking out. No, it's more up for grabs.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Like there's more votes to be had. You know what I mean? Like people aren't sure who to vote for. Well, that way every person has a different version that they can understand. But yeah, it's a, yeah,
Starting point is 00:48:12 I think it's just like less locked in. I would honestly, I respect if that's a chess move by the Democrats, that's the first good chess move Democrats have played in fucking. It's just so hard with Biden, yo. I mean, his fucking advice to cops.
Starting point is 00:48:24 Did you see this yesterday i haven't said don't shoot unarmed people in the heart shoot them in the leg or arm unarmed unarmed he said that yes oh shit this guy don't shoot them in the heart shoot them in the arm or leg if you are the democrats and you're doing this brilliant chess move, you also got to get a vice president that you want to take over for this motherfucker. You can get him out of there somehow. It's funny. I was telling Mark yesterday. I'm like, this is Biden's time to be out in front of every camera speaking up.
Starting point is 00:48:59 And now it's like, matter of fact, maybe you just need to shut the fuck up. Was it you we were talking about? Who were we talking about this yesterday? We were talking about Trump's power is in his live performances, in his- Oh, yeah. In the rallies. In the rallies. Was that you?
Starting point is 00:49:15 No, we were talking to Raul. Yeah, Raul. Spring, there's a good point. Shouts for Raul. Our homie from Mexico, man. And he was like, they've been quarantined from America forever. Stay home. Shel shelter in place no but uh but he was like trump's power on the campaign trail is the rally yeah and if you let's say you're the democrats if you try to exaggerate the severity of corona for as long as possible and make it so people cannot
Starting point is 00:49:49 come together he cannot hold a fucking rally and if he cannot hold a rally that severely affects his electability because mark was saying this yesterday it sounds crazy to us but motherfuckers go to a trump rally on some i don't know if i'm for him or not and then leave there convince yeah i'm watching this pbs documentary a lot of people were going they're like yeah i just want to see what happens it's gonna be crazy and then they walk out this guy's crazy and then they're like yo you spit facts in there like interesting and i i saw this i don't know how accurate it is. The Republican National Convention, they were going to limit the amount of people inside so they can socially distance. And Trump's like, if you don't pack this place out, we're moving it to another city.
Starting point is 00:50:33 Hell, let's go. That's the other thing. That's how I feel about my shows. Who's opening up? Who's opening up? You probably want to have a rally. You're going to have Andrew fans outside of fucking yuck yucks with guns. I'm going to open it up.
Starting point is 00:50:48 Make comedy great again, bro. Let's do it. We're going to the chocolate. Go, go. What you about to say, though? Trump supporters don't give a fuck about Corona, yo. They think that shit is made up. They think it's fake.
Starting point is 00:51:02 And to be honest, if there's not a crazy spike in two weeks, I believe them. They were lying to us, yo. I believe them. No, they're not. They were lying to us, yo. The numbers in Florida are going up. The numbers in Atlanta. The numbers in New York, Dallas, Chicago, everywhere they've been protesting,
Starting point is 00:51:19 numbers should skyrocket in the next two weeks. And I've been all about social distancing, but I'm watching these numbers. I wouldn't say skyrocket because there's two weeks. And I've been all about like social distancing, but I'm about, I'm watching these numbers. I wouldn't say skyrocket because there's still some people that are afraid to go back out. So even though the town or the place opened the fuck up,
Starting point is 00:51:33 but there are some people that hundreds of thousands of people are hanging out. It's a football game in every city right now on Saturday. If the curve don't start doing this, I'm going to be like,
Starting point is 00:51:42 hey, this shit is over. I believe this, now it's over. All right. I believe this. Now it's over. But the numbers is already going up. How you know it's going up? They're reporting it. Where are they reporting it? Can you show us the numbers?
Starting point is 00:51:51 Corona Daily. I'll pull it up. Yeah, find it. And Texas, too, because Texas isn't. I thought Texas was going to go crazy. Texas, Arizona, all these states that has opened it up, not giving a fuck. Arizona even more so than Texas. I was like, yo, it's about to get bad.
Starting point is 00:52:06 Bust it wide open, bro. Bust it wide open. Florida had like the highest number of new cases. It like equaled the amount back in early April. So here's the here's the let me say this. Like now the high number of new cases, which is the bad number. That's the number you want to try to level out. That's starting to go back up. This is like a month month and a half ago i'm listening to tiki wiki
Starting point is 00:52:28 they're talking about texas right yeah and they say that you pull out my dicky wiki when you say that shit that's sexy bro hey i'll take you after the show but they said they expected the peak to happen around may 6th and then texas opened it up yeah so you would think if we're already peaking and you open shit up it should get crazy this was a natural thing that thought was gonna happen like the way the virus is moving even if we did social isolation it'll peak around may 5th may 6th whatever it's so it peaked there and then they opened it up it should go fucking crazy yeah it's not i don't even know why i'm arguing this point because I'm all for the open it up right now. Bustin' wide open, bro. I've been like, yo, chill,
Starting point is 00:53:08 but I'm watching these motherfucking numbers in New York, in LA, in everywhere they've had protests in mass. Yeah. Riots. Ain't nobody wearing a fucking mask in a riot, are they? Nah, everybody's wearing a mask in a riot. If you're going to loot, you're going to wear a mask.
Starting point is 00:53:21 They created the best situation for us to loot. They told us to protect your face, cover your face, your face cover everything wear goggles wear a whole face mask and then they had just open windows of shit for us to just break yeah isn't that crazy we were talking about this before the the podcast and maybe we include this in the piece but like low-key it's arrogant to have a window yeah Yeah. During quarantine? Wait, what? All right, we're going to take a break for a second. We got to pay some bills.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Let me tell you guys something. This is important, okay? There's a million things for me to read on this Mack Weldon advertisement. We could go through everything, the gold label, the silver label, all this other kind of stuff. Let me make this very simple for you.
Starting point is 00:54:03 Do you like comfortable underwear? Yes yes do you like high quality underwear that doesn't have that fucking waffle effect after you've worn it three times yes do you like the same thing for your shirts your hoodies all your essentials do you want socks do you want these things where you you're not flexing with them by the way but when you take them off and a girl you let you want things where you're not flexing with them, by the way, but when you take them off and a girl, you want to see you're in some nice underwear, not some bullshit ass fucking Hanes or some Joe Boxers wrinkled as hell, waffled out. You want something nice quality that's going to take care of your package. You want to look presentable when you take them off and you're letting people know, hey, this is about to go down. Ladies, you want your boyfriend to look presentable, right? You want your boyfriend to look good.
Starting point is 00:54:44 You want his essentials to fit him well. Not some shitty ill-fitting undershirt, okay? Some trash material hoodie. Ladies, if you are wearing your boyfriend's hoodie when you're lounging around a crib, and there's a lot of lounging around the crib, you want it to be a nice quality material, do you not? Not some raggedy-ass fucking hoodie
Starting point is 00:55:04 that he bought at his college. You want a nice quality material. Men you not? Not some raggedy ass fucking hoodie that he bought at his college. You want a nice quality material. Men's Essentials Mack Weldon. Simple as that. That's what you're doing. Mack Weldon. Men's Essentials. That's where you're going to get the best. You can get it at and you can get 20% off. Use the promo code flagrant. Mack Weldon. M-A-C-K-W-E-L-D-O-N. We're just making it easier. Stop getting your socks on one fucking website, your underwear on another fucking website, your casual hanging around hoodies on one, your undershirts on another.
Starting point is 00:55:31 It's fucking stupid. It's too much work. You go to one place, You get all the essentials. Flex your fit around it, okay? Obviously, you're gonna cover up the undershirt with some jacket that you really like. That's not what they're selling. They're not selling you your fly shit that you're flexing
Starting point is 00:55:48 all over they're selling you the finest quality essentials and you deserve good quality essentials for yourself you probably need new essentials because you've been wearing them this whole fucking quarantine son order now stop wasting time what are you doing you're gonna get your shit at cvs you're really gonna get new socks at cvs new underwear at cvs that's where you're gonna get it simple as that you're getting 20 off promo code flagrant go do that right now let's get back to the show what like windows are mad arrogant like like we live in such a safe society that we assume people aren't gonna break in and steal shit they're like if you go down Broadway, right, or Fifth Avenue,
Starting point is 00:56:25 there are giant glass windows. Glass is that thick. You could knock on that shit and it breaks. And there are thousands of dollars worth of merchandise just right on the other side of the window. And after they close, you know what the places do sometimes? They leave the lights on. They're almost like, you won't steal it, fuck boy.
Starting point is 00:56:42 You won't dare, you fuck boy. You know what I'm saying? Pussy. Yo, I'm. You out there, you fuck boy. Shit is mad defiant, yo. Pussy. Yo, I'm going to leave the lights on, pussy. You're not going to steal nothing, pussy. It's mad defiant. It's arrogant, bro. Like, low key, we should have been broken down these fucking windows.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Put a gate down. Shops always have had windows. I'm saying there's always been arrogance. That's always been arrogance. Son, son, son. Do banks got windows, son? That's a great point. Yeah's a great point yeah yeah they do but it's just a little thicker no no banks don't got windows they do not to get to the bank bank not to get to the banking part they got a little window in the front oh they get to the bank you
Starting point is 00:57:18 talk about bank bank the bank you got the little part With the ATM Right That's man windows For the ATM And it's glass doors For the bank You ain't never seen No wooden door at the bank You ain't never You ain't never slid
Starting point is 00:57:31 Some shit over like that No but not the bank Bank No the bank Bank Son of a shit This is a circle That you go in
Starting point is 00:57:36 You know that shit The vault The vault That's what I'm talking about Yeah you gotta hold your ear to With the little thing Click click click Right
Starting point is 00:57:43 That shit right there Never got away you never seen a fucking movie where they break into the bank and they look in the window of the vault and they see what oh they got money in their eyes going that one right because they know this shit is worth it you ain't never seen one movie where they did that right hey which vault should we break into well look at all the windows and let's see what's in there first. Bro, in Storage Wars, the whole idea is you got to choose it
Starting point is 00:58:08 before you look. They ain't got anything. They ain't even got windows in Storage Wars. Don't look at me, bro. They ain't even got windows in Storage Wars. They don't have windows
Starting point is 00:58:21 in Storage Wars. Yeah. I know, but you know the point of windows, right? What's the point of windows? For Storage Wars. Yeah. I know, but you know the point of windows, right? What's the point of windows? For window shopping. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Exactly. So that's why they got to have windows where you might buy some shit. Storage Wars, anybody walking by a storage unit like, yo, let me buy that. It's not for sale. First floor window. It's arrogant.
Starting point is 00:58:39 Windows is a slutty girl wearing no clothes. Hey. That's what a window is. Hey, bro, I'm not trying to victim blame right now, but Low-key? Windows is a girl with a low-cut shirt and she goes like, oh yeah, you probably want this. That's what they do and they walking around asking why we look at them titties, bro. And I'm not saying we're supposed to
Starting point is 00:58:53 grab them. But when Saks Fifth Avenue was out here winking at me, you know what I'm saying? Like you literally you have blinking lights in the window. You have some blinking lights going, look at this shit that's mad expensive. And nobody's around.
Starting point is 00:59:11 It says closed on the door. It's like, yo, we're not here. Hey, it's closed. But we left some light on in case you want to take this fire shit. Pussy. Pussy. You know what I'm saying? Bro. Yo. Low key. fire shit pussy yo low-key low-key they deserve that shit low-key bro i mean hey man you make a compelling case arrogant is it not arrogant like in your apartment if you live on the first floor right you put some
Starting point is 00:59:42 bars on your fucking window don't you because you're like yo i live on the first floor motherfucker could break right in i'm not gonna allow that shit i have a neighbor when i was growing up famous person his windows had blackout curtains so you couldn't even see what was inside nah it was yeah but i mean blackout curtains is so you can have the room dark inside no no um i'm crazy solidarity for black lives i'm phrasing it wrong there's no black square i'm phrasing it wrong they they had a specific type of curtain that they could see out and get all the light out but you it was like a mirror thing you know when they do like a two-way mirror yeah it was like a two-way mirror essentially but a curtain okay gotcha gotcha so it was like but of course it's like yo it's arrogant it's arrogant bro hey they're just saying
Starting point is 01:00:34 i don't think people are going to go around breaking laws like that's arrogant all right that's how arrogant we got is we thought that you just get to keep your stuff yeah i remember when i was in middle school i learned that i had a north face that i was wearing and then someone's like give me that and i was like it's mine and he goes i want it and i was like all right and i realized how quick shit that you thought was yours could not be he was like well you ain't have no glass around you i guess you ain't want it that bad yeah if you was wearing glasses then maybe i would real talk like if i was walking around
Starting point is 01:01:11 with some fucking glass then it would have been mine to keep yeah man should have been bubble boy man i'm sitting there is there is some arrogance yo and people boarding up their fucking doors like you should have been boarded it up. Yeah. There are some smart businesses that boarded early. These motherfuckers saw that shit coming. Because the reason for it. Sunglass Hut. Surprise.
Starting point is 01:01:33 Motherfuckers stole glasses. Sunglass Hut. All they sell is glass, bro. Bro, that's all they sell, dog. Wait, what? So they just go under the sunglass hut, break in, and then break all the sunglasses? Yeah. Just fuck it?
Starting point is 01:01:51 Man, come on. Sunglass hut? They boarded up all their glasses. Son. It's a hut. What's huts made out of? Straw. Wood.
Starting point is 01:02:02 I guess. Live up to your name all right all right for real for real though for real though let's get into some of these topics should we start should we talk about some topics yeah should we talk about the worst ways that people have uh showed their solidarity you know we got to play that David Guetta shit. Yo. I don't care if we get flagged. I don't care. I'm going to send this to him. It's so funny. I don't care if we get flagged, and it's so delusional,
Starting point is 01:02:32 and these people are out of their fucking minds. Yeah. We're going to get to a point of success and fame where we should be delusional and no one should listen to us. I hope we never get there, dog. Yeah. I truly hope we never get to the point where like what we think is helpful is
Starting point is 01:02:53 the absolute most idiotic shit ever thought of. Yeah. How do we avoid getting there? You can't get too famous or you got to have some no people around you. Like Kevin Hart says, you got to have some no people around you. Like Kevin Hart says, you got to have some no people. Kevin Hart, the funniest motherfucker I ever heard. Remember when Bill Burr, when we were in that car? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:14 We're in the car, Bill Burr going. Because Kevin Hart had his little special. Documentary. His documentary. He's like, I cheated because I didn't have my boys with me, man. If I had my boys, man, we didn't cheat. And Bill Burr's like, because you didn't have your boys with me, man. If I had my boys with me, I wouldn't cheat. And Bill Burr's like, because you didn't have your boys with you.
Starting point is 01:03:31 You couldn't not fuck a girl? You need your boys to grab your dick? Come on, Gav, don't put that in there. That's the worst excuse. Imagine your girl going, yeah, you're right, you got to keep your boys with you. That's probably the reason why you cheated on me. Yeah, that's actually brilliant.
Starting point is 01:03:43 Seems valid. Seems valid, son. My boys ain't there, son. It's also a perfect way to hang out with your boys all the time. Hey baby, you want me to cheat? You're always hanging out with your boys. She's insisting. He's like, I'm going out.
Starting point is 01:03:55 She's like, are your boys with you? You better take care, you better take Mike. Okay, so what we're gonna see right now is the absolute most delusional way to react to racism. I didn't think it was possible to top Madonna's kid. I don't know if you saw Madonna's kid dancing to show support. That was the worst to me. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:17 Yeah. That was pretty bad. I don't know if it's as bad. Here's the thing. Madonna's kid is black. It's the adopted kid. Right? I don't care. it's as bad. Here's the thing. Madonna's kid is black. It's the adopted kid. Right? I don't care.
Starting point is 01:04:27 She looted that motherfucker. She went to Africa like, gotcha. Here's what I'm saying. If Michael Jackson himself couldn't end racism, you dancing like Michael Jackson is going to end racism?
Starting point is 01:04:41 That's funny. He had black or white. Anybody give a fuck? He was black and white. He tried a fuck? He was black and white. He tried his hardest, and he was the illest dancer alive and knew nothing. Bro, only raped white kids.
Starting point is 01:04:51 Yo, right? My man was about that life. Yeah. Yeah. Ready? All right, hold up. So David Guetta is a DJ. He's French.
Starting point is 01:05:02 I don't know what's going on. So he wants to do his part to combat racism and again you know famous people a little bit delusional they really don't understand the plight of normal folks and this is maybe the perfect example of it he is on top of a building in New York City
Starting point is 01:05:18 Empire State Building right behind him Empire State Building right behind him incredible view here he is on top of it this is what he's doing to support George Floyd. Okay, go. So this record is in honor of George
Starting point is 01:05:34 Floyd. And I really hope we can see more unity and more peace when already things are so difficult. So, shout out to his family so shout out to his family, son. You got a shout out from David Guetta, bro. Wow.
Starting point is 01:06:10 Can we be honest, though? Yeah. If you listen to that beat, that shit is kind of building. Does it go in? It's kind of building or something. Are we going to get flagged for this shit? Yeah. That'll be our contribution. That'll be our contribution to davidguetta. com slash donate i want to hear that first okay
Starting point is 01:06:27 we gotta go back all the time yeah feel that beat though is in honor of george floyd judge floyd yeah this guy could barely speak and i really hope we can see more unity and more peace when already things are so difficult. He prepared this for weeks. So, shout out to his family. Bro, the drone shot? Okay. It's hot, yo. So even though we face the difficulties
Starting point is 01:07:02 of today and tomorrow. Yo, if he flags us for sharing this, he don't care. If they flag us for sharing this and spreading the word and showing the donate to charity shit, they don't care. Oh, man. That family. Yo, shout out to his family, bro. That shit goes hard.
Starting point is 01:07:21 Yeah. They got to feel better right now. Paul, yeah. Yo, they were going through it, and it was like a really Finish record. They got to feel better right now. Pause. Yeah. Yo, they were going through it, and it was like a really tragic event. I think they were having a really tough day, and then all of a sudden, you just heard, dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun. They're like, thank you, David. Can we go to the website and see how much money he raised?
Starting point is 01:07:39 Yeah. Yo, I sent you one more, by the way. All right. Will it be more money than Virgil donated? Oh, my gosh. Yo, shout out to Virgil, bro. I'm going to keep it to Virgil's. I think more, by the way. Will it be more money than Virgil donated? Oh, my gosh. Yo, shout out to Virgil, bro. I'm going to keep it to Virgil's. I think his shit was the worst.
Starting point is 01:07:49 I think he had the worst. Even worse than Madonna's kid. Do we now know why his company is called Off-White? Are we 100% familiar with it? What's this right here? Hold on, hold on, hold on. We got another one? This is some chick from Glee.
Starting point is 01:08:03 She's like a Glee dancer. Okay. She's like one of the stars of Glee. She's like a Glee dancer. Okay. And she's like one of the stars of Glee. Okay. And what does the tweet say? Why the fuck is Brittany from Glee dancing in honor of George Floyd?
Starting point is 01:08:12 So they're dancing in honor of George Floyd. Okay. Have white women not done enough? Okay, hold on. This is how she ended racism. Let's see it, let's see it. Is she having a hard time breathing holy shit oh she hit that wall
Starting point is 01:08:32 oh she's on her neck she's trying to fight somebody off she did not make a gun finger she did not make a gun finger. She did not make a gun finger. Oh my God. Oh man. This is. All right.
Starting point is 01:08:52 Pause for a second. Pause for a second. I want to say this as a kid who has come from a dance family. Dance has provided my entire lifestyle. It's provided all the opportunities that I've had. It provided the privilege. Brought your mom to this country. It brought my mother to this country.
Starting point is 01:09:05 I mean, dance has been absolutely phenomenal. It is useless. Dance could be the most useless thing in the entire world in terms of actually expressing how you feel. This is so fucking stupid. Dance is fun. It's exciting. Go with the music.
Starting point is 01:09:22 Bounce around. It is not how you share a fucking message you know nobody's watching this and they're going oh my god i get it now black people have a tough time you know the most disrespectful part of this is she couldn't even give this motherfucker a real room in the house to dance in she dancing in the spare room look at that sloping ass down that shit is the attic that you made half a bedroom. Yeah. George Floyd can get a whole room, yo. Yeah, dude. It's disrespectful, dude. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:09:48 This is fucking pathetic. Okay, do we have some other ones? We don't have a full room. That's what I'm saying. Do we have some other horrible examples? We got Virgil. Oh, yeah. Let's go to Virgil.
Starting point is 01:09:56 So apparently Virgil donated $50 to the charity. What was it? He put on Instagram. Can you read the thing? Is it? Yeah yeah here it is he put on instagram that he matched somebody's donation or he donated 50 to this thing and he said the miami community is crazy inspired for kids in the streets that need a bail fund for george floyd protests and then it has the the screenshot it says sent 50 will be deposited once fem power completes the payment gay first of all then he said the the screenshot it says sent 50 will be deposited once fem power completes the
Starting point is 01:10:25 payment gay first of all then he said matching the local energy and he added a bunch of people and that's got to be the worst of all of it right to say matching the local energy motherfucker that's all the energy the locals are giving you 50 dollars bro son that's wild and he kept it up too that That's the one thing I respect. I respect that shit. He was getting roasted and he kept that shit up for the full 24 hours. Yeah, I would have yanked my donation. I'd be like, all right, fuck it then.
Starting point is 01:10:53 Y'all don't want $50? No, you don't get that $50. I'll take that shit right back. Apparently, in fairness to him, this was like one instance where he donated and matched someone else's donation. And then he later revealed after getting a bunch of backlash,'s like well i actually donated 20 000 to other different places and bail funds and other shit bullshit where's show that receipt you got no problem showing this receipt where are the other receipts they don't have receipts though all these other things now you probably already randomly give money to these things and now you're trying to attribute to this
Starting point is 01:11:23 yeah fuck out actually i'm okay with the giving money things, and now you're trying to attribute it to this. Tax break or something. Yeah, fuck that. Actually, I'm okay with the giving money tax break, but if you're showing your receipt, bro. Also, there's nothing in this deal that says you have to give the amount the last person gave. I think if you're successful and you publicize how much you donate, there's got to be a comma in that number. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:41 Facts. Kevin on stage gave $1,000. I'll publish that. i give a thousand to somebody you better fucking believe as a screenshot of that i didn't do that i was telling you earlier i mean i won't say where where i did but you know i've donated money in the thousands and um i don't ever post it well hey man i would i leave i leave my name on that go fund me shit when you scroll down you see how much people are giving i'm not anonymous you know i'm out you i'll leave my name anonymous on the girl fund me because that's like a small amount
Starting point is 01:12:11 of money like i don't need no credit for no fucking hundred dollars whatever yeah thousand bruh bitch when you add a comma you gotta you know i mean flex on him you got flex on these hoes all right next all right what else we got man um so we're talking about madonna bet founder calls for 14 trillion in reparations robert johnson founder bet yep i'm down for that he said the number would go a long way to help and restore like or just basically for white people to be like hey we get it we fucked up we up. How'd you come up with that? 14 trillion. But I think I did the math and I think it's like $467,000 a person,
Starting point is 01:12:50 essentially, per black person. Because I assume they're 10% of the population. Population is 300 million. So I did 14 trillion about 30 million. That's just rough numbers.
Starting point is 01:13:01 That's about $460,000 per person. I mean, it sounds about right. But not all black people. It's a rough numbers. That's about $460,000 per person. I mean, it sounds about right. But not all black people get reparations. If you just came here from Nigeria last week, you don't get reparations. It has to just be descendants of slaves. Yeah. And that, I think you can trace back. Yeah, you can.
Starting point is 01:13:25 That's a lot of work. Say can. That's a lot of work. Say again? That's a lot of work. Like, we can't even get people corona tested, yo. It's only 200 years you got to trace back, too? But I'm saying, like, I got to run genetic testing on every black person? That's a lot. That's a lot of steps.
Starting point is 01:13:39 How many of us have had a corona antibody test in this room? Zero out of four. Pandemic. How long before motherfuckers are just like, yo, we let you steal some Burberry, bro. Call it even. How long before you think that happens? I would love to see the reparations negotiations
Starting point is 01:13:57 and how all white people try to start the negotiation. We'll give you a five-minute shopping spree anywhere you want. Who? All black people, one five minute period. Oh, I saw there was a Mercedes dealership that got looted. But you can't loot it. You just gotta fuck it up.
Starting point is 01:14:14 I mean, they were just driving away with cars. You gotta know how to steal it. How do you know how to steal it? Because they have the keys inside. No, you don't. It's laser cut. I just watched Gone in 60 Seconds recently. It's laser cut. Yeah, but how do you think they give the car the keys inside oh they don't it's the laser cut i just watched going 60 seconds recently it's laser cut yeah but how do you think they give the test drives yeah they gotta have something there motherfuckers just driving g wagons that's beast that's a beast fire now
Starting point is 01:14:36 all them shits are probably like chipped so they could find that car and i've had enough time to figure out how to get away with it yeah you, you could sell that shit off. They'll ship it overseas real quick. That's what they did in Gone in 60 Seconds. That movie was so good. So none of us in this room would loot. But if somebody looted and then tried to... Who? I'll just say, all right.
Starting point is 01:14:57 Who wouldn't loot? We haven't yet. But if somebody looted and then tried to sell you something of the looted shit, would you buy it? Say that again? I'm not looting from any American company. I'll loot from fucking Louis Vuitton. No, no, no. I'll loot all that shit.
Starting point is 01:15:11 Would you try to buy looted? Anything non-American could get got. Chipotle. You're going in yourself? Anything non-American. What? You're going in yourself? I'm not going to be first.
Starting point is 01:15:22 All right. But I'm just saying. Taco Bell is good, though, right? Chipotle could get it. Taco Bell is good. Chipotle could get it. I'll walk in saying. Taco Bell is good, though, right? Chipotle could get it. Taco Bell is good. Chipotle could get it. I'll walk in there. I'll be like, hey, what's going on here?
Starting point is 01:15:30 Hey. Hey, what's going on here? Everybody relax. Something like that. I'll walk in like that. Mercedes Benz, though, man. Fuck. They could get got, huh?
Starting point is 01:15:41 That's some German shit. Anything not American could get got. And it's German. Fuck, what's American? I can't do an American thing. All right, boom, boom, boom. Fuck. They could get got, huh? That's some German shit. Anything not American could get got. And it's German. Fuck. What's American? I can't do an American thing. Boom, boom, boom. Tesla, American company.
Starting point is 01:15:51 But you want one. Am I looting a Tesla? No. If somebody comes to you who has looted and stole this Tesla, it's like, yo, I can scratch off the VIN. Boom. This is yours. Are you buying it from that person who looted?
Starting point is 01:16:03 Word? No. I don't want to refurbish tesla it's not refurbished refurbished how it's brand new because he drove it it's refurbished it's refurbished i'm not doing it i'm not buying that but i'm buying the fuck out of that there we go i think i'm not you want to refurbish yeah of course it got all son yeah you want to refurbish i don't give a fuck but you don't think think Elon can shut down your shit in a fucking heartbeat? He's saying he can't know in this hypothetical situation.
Starting point is 01:16:29 Yeah, in this hypothetical. In this hypothetical, you get away with it. It's your car. No problem. Yeah, of course, everybody would do it, but that's not the reality of the matter. It's Elon Musk. But you know it's looted. Why do you think he's going to let me get away with it?
Starting point is 01:16:41 South Africa apartheid? It feels bad. Yo, son. Let's go. You on musk, yo. I need to have a talk with that motherfucker, bro. Why? Let's talk about it.
Starting point is 01:16:53 Say what? Because he's the greatest? You killed it this week, son. That guy's the fucking greatest, yo. He's the genius of our time. Fuck Steve Jobs. You ain't shit. You wasn't shit.
Starting point is 01:17:03 Who's that? Jeff Bezos. What he did, bro. What he really did. Jeff Bezos is more he did, bro. What he really did. Jeff Bezos is more like Jeff Bozo. Come on. Fucking idiot. Stupid fuck.
Starting point is 01:17:09 Nothing compared to Elon Musk. When you really think about it, the most genius people of our time, right? He's so tight, bro. One of them is Delivery Boy. Wow. That's Jeff Bezos. Wow. I'm with that.
Starting point is 01:17:24 Jeff Bezos sucks. Elon Musk is a guy. Jeffos sucks found a way to hire more mexicans and he's a genius because of it elon musk what'd he do drilled into the ground what what's he talking about just sent motherfuckers to outer space we've been doing that since the 80s out where have you been he's not he hasn't done it since the 80s actually we haven't done it since the 80s out where have you been he's not he haven't done it since the 80s actually we haven't done it since the 80s when we went when we went for the first time y'all hey when we went for the first time we did that shit before the 80s bro you say we went we did that shit before the 80s bro hold up when did we go for the first time? We did that shit before color TV. 61, wasn't it? 61.
Starting point is 01:18:07 It's 61. Nice with it. We went to space in the 60s, dog. Come on, Todd. What? Yeah. Shocking, I know. There's no way.
Starting point is 01:18:20 Yeah. 1960s, bro. Bro, get out of here, bro. So what did he do? Moon landing was 1969. That's crazy, dog. Ain 1969 that's crazy we went to space in the 60s black people got rights wow black people have rights 68 or 63 or some shit like that okay so civil rights bill 67 one of them shit and the moon is 61 that's what i'm 69 you said 69 was the moon 69 was the moon 61 69 was the moon. 61 was outer space. Yeah, we gave him rights once.
Starting point is 01:18:46 We were like, we get the fuck out of here in case this shit goes wrong. You give someone something you're done using, you're like, yeah, you can have it. If that's the case, the South African space program should be the best, yo. Yo, that's what I'm saying. Like, I don't know what they really did.
Starting point is 01:19:02 So he just made a rocket that comes back? To the exact same place. Yo, speaking of refurbished. He made the refurbished rocket. Son, it's fire. I'm not going on no refurbished rocket, dude. You think you, are you going on a refurbished rocket? Yeah, I trust you more.
Starting point is 01:19:19 Anything, anything. Some new shit that hadn't taken off yet? Come on, yo. But once you use it a little bit, the screws come out. You think I give a fuck about the depreciation of the rocket? That's the only thing I'm giving a fuck about.
Starting point is 01:19:30 Right. No, no. I need to know that shit is going. You don't even buy vintage clothes. Like, there's no way I'm going to go on a vintage rocket. Yeah, you're going to buy... You buy vintage clothes,
Starting point is 01:19:38 you fucking loser. Look how you dress. Oh, I thought you were saying I do buy vintage clothes. I'm saying you. I'm saying you don't even buy vintage clothes Oh I thought you were like I'm about that vintage life
Starting point is 01:19:47 Cause this is about trust This is about trusting I know this rocket Has successfully gone I don't want no fucking age rocket It's not whiskey You know what I'm saying I don't want no fucking
Starting point is 01:19:58 Five years It's gently used Say what Gently used Nah I need my shit mint condition I don't do refurbish Alright bro
Starting point is 01:20:07 Fly fucking virgin air You cuck Yeah I'm going virgin air I'm gonna wave As your shit blows up I'm gonna see your shit come apart Imagine when you get sneakers
Starting point is 01:20:15 Like they're not good Until you break them in A little bit Nah It's just a broken in rocket I don't like broken in I don't want creases On my fucking rocket
Starting point is 01:20:21 No No You don't want it nice and snug. Comfortable. Comfy. At the end of the day, what is Elon making? I got to have a sit down with Elon. What did he make?
Starting point is 01:20:31 He made a rocket that comes back. Yes. Yeah. He's the first private company that sent people to outer space. The electric car. He's going to make solar accessible for everybody. Electric car been made. Don't give that credit to him.
Starting point is 01:20:39 He made the best one. Okay. He made the best version of some shit already exists. He made a rocket that comes back. Boom. Okay. What did he do? He low-key made PayPal, didn't he? He made the best one. Okay, he made the best version of some shit already exists. He made a rocket that comes back. Boom. Okay, whoop-dee-doo. He low-key made PayPal, didn't he? He made PayPal.
Starting point is 01:20:50 What's PayPal? That's how you pay for everything online when your girl buys you things. No, no, I know what it is, but really, what is it? It's just credit card, but on the internet. Right? What's so crazy? Why are we acting like this is the most crazy thing, bro? It's fucking crazy. It's we acting like this is the most crazy thing bro like it's fucking crazy it's not that and outer space y'all can never have thought of that y'all can never
Starting point is 01:21:10 have thought of that i thought it was all one way y'all never tried to pay your friend back like man i wish i could do this on internet bro all crazy we couldn't yeah we couldn't yes we could no we couldn't before paypal you couldn't you couldn't. All crazy shit is dumb. Name one person that's actually an innovator, that actually has done something for you. Son, you put clips on the internet. You subtitle them shit, see what I'm saying? That's innovation.
Starting point is 01:21:38 That's change. Turn your phone to the side. Let me show you something. Son, Elon Musk is the side. Let me show you something. Son, Elon Musk is the goat, yo. Elon, turn your phone inside. Do you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:21:54 Elon Musk gave people auto drive so they can watch your YouTube clips more. They was watching while we was driving. We were already watching it. Yo,
Starting point is 01:22:01 every person that invented shit, Albert Einstein, what did he do? E equals MC squared. He just says some stuff's relative sometimes. Yo, every person that invented shit, Albert Einstein, what did he do? E equals MC squared. He just says some stuff's relative sometimes. Yeah, that's a fact. First of all, he would know what relatives are fucking his cousin and shit like that. That's all he did.
Starting point is 01:22:16 He's trying to justify relatives. This pussy's relative. This pussy's real relative. I know all about relatives. Hey, everything is relative, yo. We all related at some point. Yo, son, that's all he was. He was genius enough to justify incest.
Starting point is 01:22:30 So who's a genius then? Who's a genius? Yeah. All right. Y'all want to know who real genius is this? Yeah. Someone that really changed the game. Someone who literally changed the game and was never the same before?
Starting point is 01:22:44 Innovator. Innovator. Innovator. You ready for it? Yeah. Gandhi, bruh. Are you ready about that? Yeah, that's a good-ass point. That's a good-ass point. Nobody slept with kids the way that Gandhi did. The way that Gandhi slept with kids, bruh, there is no Epstein without
Starting point is 01:22:59 Gandhi. Do you know what I'm saying? That's a good-ass point. There is no Weinstein without Gandhi. Nah, but for real, bro. Genius? Martin, bro. Martin Luther King. He's a bit Gandhi shit.
Starting point is 01:23:19 Malcolm X, bro. Malcolm is a real one. Malcolm Martin. Jesus Christ. What did all of them do? Son, Jesus Christ, what'd he do? What did Jesus Christ do? Water and wine.
Starting point is 01:23:37 Big deal. He turned one into the other. I know. Boom. That's osmosis, bro. He didn't create it? Not osmosis. What's that other one? Alch's that other one alchemy that's
Starting point is 01:23:46 making gold yeah fermentation you turn some shit into gold right isn't alchemy like you turn coal into gold yeah what so water into wine that's alchemy yeah but it's wine not gold not i think it's just changing the form of things alchemy i don't think it's just turning things into gold makes alchemy so that's alchemy yeah but it's wine not gold not i think it's just changing the form of things alchemy i don't think it's just turning things into gold makes alchemy so that's what jesus was to you an alchemist motherfucker was the ultimate alchemist turned jews into christians bro that motherfucker that motherfucker tranny it up son jesus out here trannying bro long hair real talk long hair poking holes in his body that weren't supposed to be there when you really think about it yo you really think about it
Starting point is 01:24:34 he was out here transitioning jewish to christian water to wine one loaf of bread to mad bread one loaf of bread to mad bread. One loaf of bread to mad bread. You know what I'm saying? Disposition. Dead to alive. All right, so Elon Musk is the biggest genius since Gandhi and Jesus.
Starting point is 01:25:02 Say what? Elon Musk is the biggest genius since Gandhi and Jesus. Nah, nah, Musk is the biggest genius since Gandhi and Jesus. Nah, nah, nah, nah. Back it up, back it up, back it up, dog. Because here's the thing. You guys give all this credit to motherfuckers who invent shit that already exists. Okay.
Starting point is 01:25:19 Okay. Name somebody. Yo, yo, yo. I know that you think we're going down this thing where I say science is stupid or whatever, this, that, the other. We're going somewhere. Listen. And it ain't up. Okay.
Starting point is 01:25:30 Just say one fire thing that a scientist invented. Steve Jobs. iPhone. Steve Jobs. Yeah. iPhone. That's genius. Steve Jobs whack, yo.
Starting point is 01:25:40 What? Steve Jobs the wackest. All he did, take his little fucking computer that was already made make it smaller and then he made it smaller again with the iPhone what type of dog you got? multi-poo is that a small dog? I don't think the motherfucker that made multi-poos is a genius
Starting point is 01:25:55 but is it a small dog? it's a small dog did someone find a way to put a big dog that's sick into a smaller body? yeah they're a genius that's sick into a smaller body? Yeah. They ain't a genius. That's what I'm saying. Steve Jobs ain't nothing but a phone breeder.
Starting point is 01:26:08 That's what I'm saying, bro. He ain't nothing but a phone breeder. He's a computer breeder. But did you do it? No. Did you do it? Everybody going to do it. He ain't no genius.
Starting point is 01:26:17 Exactly. What kind of car do you want? Say again? What kind of car do you want? I want a sports car. I want a sports car. What sport? Say what?
Starting point is 01:26:24 What sport? Drive-in. Or not drive-in. you want i want a sports car i want a sports car sport say what what sport drive in or not driving i want to drive him there's only one motherfucker that drives for you who's that tesla that's not true what's the other self-driving car uber that should be driving, bro. I'm tired of you acting like brown people aren't people. We are fucking human beings, yo. I can't do this shit all the time. Disrespected, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:26:54 Brown lives matter. They do, bro. They do. But all right, real spit. I think Elon Musk's genius. This is what I think he's a genius for this what i think making the shit anybody can make it i think anybody can make it dead ass anybody can make it make what a hole in the ground bro i've
Starting point is 01:27:21 been digging holes in the ground since i'm a child all right keep going this is bullshit okay just go i must have fucking goat yo this is why he's a genius his ability to manage all those companies and like put people in position to get shit done in all those different companies at the same fucking time, that to me is genius. The ideas... Rag, bro. What? Rags. Scott Weiland, yo.
Starting point is 01:27:54 Scott Weiland. What's so crazy about electric car? What was your car when you were a kid? You had the RC. What did that use? It was a toy. But what did it use? Batteries.
Starting point is 01:28:06 Electricity, didn't it that's a genius hey that little shit that was mad fun that we used as a kid why don't we make it bigger so what's genius genius yeah that's that's actually genius dog it's like making a flying car and then be like whatever dog we already got a flying car. It's called a plane, you fucking retards. We don't got to invent a flying car. It exists. How many of us got private jets? Only one that can do that shit is Duval. That I know. Okay.
Starting point is 01:28:32 What's your point? He making it accessible to everybody. Can I be honest with you? Yeah, go ahead. The Wright brothers. You know who they are? I know who they are. Invented the plane?
Starting point is 01:28:45 Yeah. They looked over some birds and said, all right. Yeah, big deal. We got fucking birds. Birds already exist. Not genius. Son.
Starting point is 01:28:58 Not genius, dude. I really thought we had them, bro. No. I thought we had them. We should have let them finish. If we let them finish, we got them. Not genius. Think about it. The birds are already flying. it's not like they invented flying they saw flying all
Starting point is 01:29:09 the time they're like how do we do that genius though son how do we do that the birds are wings like this let's do wings i'm with you done i'm with you okay genius though elon genius okay first person to ever name his kid after a microchip no yes you ready you can't even pronounce it what's his kidney i can't even speak the language okay okay genius named after microchip i got you ready what is steph curry's dad's name i don't know. Mike. Del. Microchips. Come on, son. Got him. Get the fuck out of here. Got him. Come on, boy.
Starting point is 01:29:52 Come on, boy. Let's go. Come on. Yo, you can't fuck with it, bro. Nah, son. Come on. Mike is short for microchip. Mike is short for microchip.
Starting point is 01:30:04 Hewlett Packard. You can say all these names. You can't say his daughter's name. Yes, I can. Jim Carrey named his daughter Apple. Boom. Say his daughter's name. What's his daughter's name?
Starting point is 01:30:16 Like all the protesters, say his name. Say his daughter's name. That's just for Elon, yo. I don't know. Ash Archangel 12, I think. Yeah, that's a little too crazy. That's a little too crazy. That being said, not genius.
Starting point is 01:30:32 Running the business is genius. Ideas, kind of basic if you ask me. I don't understand how they're that difficult. I don't. He's going to get a Tesla. He's going to be the first motherfucker on the Hyperloop. He's going to go on the plane that comes, on the spaceship that comes back. He's going to be the first motherfucker on the Hyperloop. He's going to go on the plane that comes, on the spaceship that comes back. He's going to be the first comedian in space.
Starting point is 01:30:48 Watch. 100%. And then he's going to be like, motherfuckers don't respect how genius I am, yo. I'm doing comedy in outer space. Nobody go in there. His glasses are endless. It's your big ass head, stupid. Your eyes all big. What you need to see?
Starting point is 01:31:04 Nothing out here. Dude. Hell yeah. You know what I mean? These laughs are endless vacuum. Just go on forever. Bitch ass aliens can't fly for shit. Crashing into earth all the time.
Starting point is 01:31:21 Yeah, son. Learn how to land, stupid. Elon got that down stop getting cows dummy oh shit jason whitlock got fired yeah you didn't know that yeah i did when i read the just notes before that's how not black jason whitlock is black people found out last that's how much y'all him out what do you get fired for actually it was just a contract negotiation that i was on twitter he's fired everybody's celebrating yeah and then i looked he just couldn't come to terms with fs1 and he wants to start his own direct-to-consumer platform like you're not the ringer dog yeah he wants to be the ringer he's he's good no he is the ringer
Starting point is 01:31:59 he's the shitty fill-in that you get when you don't have the real stars i thought the ringer is i thought a ringer now ringers is better right yeah i think it's like oh i'm down a player and then you bring in jordan as a replacement that what a ringer is yeah pretty sure yeah yeah yeah i ain't shit yeah what are you gonna do i don't know i was having fun saying how we all musking shit we weren't it's not that i don't think he ain't shit i'm gonna still get his toys bro he made good toys the best toys not the best the best no nobody touching elon fucking jeff bezos get out of here yo delivery boy that's what you gotta call yeah come on yo what's the delivery boy up to? Come on, yo.
Starting point is 01:32:47 Fucking Bezos. I call him Garcon. That's how I call him. Why? Because he's bringing you shit? He's just a little boy. Come here. Same day.
Starting point is 01:32:54 All right. He's going to be the first trillionaire delivery boy. Yo. That's fine. What are these delivery boys doing, bro? Get with it. What you mean? I'm just saying, like, the real delivery boy is actually doing this like
Starting point is 01:33:06 you couldn't have figured out that we need this you're gonna bring me the shit i need took y'all so long like y'all know how important delivery it is why don't you just like figure out a way to make it better like how did y'all innovate you put fucking mittens on your bicycle so your fingers don't get cold when you're riding that shit that's that's your innovation i figured it out my hands are so warm now that is some mexican ass innovation huh i got some mexican ass innovation hey give me duct tape i'll figure it out how can we improve business with my finger getting pretty cold when I'm driving in February. Why don't I put some mittens on the bicycle? Oh, God.
Starting point is 01:33:57 Wait, why do they duct tape it on the bike? Oh, no. Yeah, like, why don't they just wear mittens? That's a good-ass point. Maybe so they don't got to, like, put their mitten on and off every single time they're in and out of the apartment. Like they got to call the, they got to call your apartment sometimes if your buzzer ain't working.
Starting point is 01:34:13 So instead of doing this fucking thing every time, you just slide in. That makes sense. Or stupid, whatever. What else? That's pretty genius when you think about it. It might be genius. That's pretty innovative i think it's brilliant all right guys we'll take a break for a second pay some bills uh blue chew you guys
Starting point is 01:34:32 already know what it is but there might be new listeners here who don't know you should you have the right fellas to deliver hard dick and ladies you have the right to to receive hard dick okay and the hardest dick that exists on this planet comes from blue chew same active ingredient that's in viagra cialis etc we out here and we partying with that blue chew we out here delivering the best birthday present you can possibly give your girl with that blue chew and ladies i'm telling you deserve it why would you not every once in a while as a nice little treat serve your girl up something absolutely memorable, okay? Give her the time of her fucking life. Chew her out. Blue Chew works twice as fast as
Starting point is 01:35:14 the opposition. That's right. We're going to call them the ops. Works twice as fast as the opposition because you're chewing that shit up. So you're not waiting around for an hour for your dick to get hard. That's right, 20 minutes, good to go. Make love with the chew. Every one of us in here has done it. It is unbelievable. Alex says his dick grew when that happened, okay? Facts. Dick grew.
Starting point is 01:35:40 You can't, for me, it helped me control the orgasm. My dick was hard as hell. I feel it it felt amazing but i controlled when i busted on it you can't compare it to anything else it's undeniable and i'm giving it to you for free blue chew is all you gotta do is use the promo code flagrant and then you get uh what's where you pay five dollars shipping or something like that it's coming to you. Try it for free. This is for free., $5 shipping. Why would you not do it for free?
Starting point is 01:36:13 You're already tired, bored, alone at home. Been banging your girlfriend. You guys are tired of each other. Switch it up a little bit. That's right. Reach deep in them guts., promo code flagrant. Let's get back to the show.
Starting point is 01:36:24 What else we got going? So Jake Paul was looting. Why is he looting? You saw the video? Nah, he was just around it, right? Jake Paul was just around the looting. And everybody hates Jake Paul, so they said he was looting. I don't even understand why people hate him.
Starting point is 01:36:35 I don't know. I just know he's Logan's brother. Yeah, wasn't Logan the one that filmed the people killing themselves or whatever? Yeah, he filmed someone when they committed suicide in Japan. Which I don't understand why that's bad. You can film people dying that's crazy what is that society can't function like that yeah i mean what good could come from such a thing yeah maybe there'll be some awareness for people committing suicide in japan oh shit he's a hero bro he could be if we let him wow i mean he's the dark knight he's not the hero. He could be if we let him. Wow. I mean, he's the Dark Knight. He's not the hero we want, but the hero we deserve.
Starting point is 01:37:07 He's the hero we deserve. Oh, fuck, man. I don't know. Anything else? Not much. There was JR. JR Smith fucking up that mic. Oh, yeah, he fucked up that dude that busts up his car.
Starting point is 01:37:22 Loved it. And he went on Instagram first. He was like, yo, y'all about to see a video come out oh this is interesting did you hear the tmz reported this that the did we talk about this already the the coroner that wasn't hired by the family that was hired by the state yeah said that um george floyd had fentanyl on his system and some other shit and he died from a heart attack that was induced maybe by like this sitting on him now the private coroner that did the autopsy the one hired by george floyd's family said that he died from asphyxiation yeah now it's possible both those things could be true but the way that the public coroner the state's coroner is is leaning on the fact that it was exposition induced by the fentanyl
Starting point is 01:38:09 system and the drugs in the system rather than the knee on his neck i think that this is them trying to cover it up yeah yeah but like so blatantly yeah thoughts no they were banking on this from the beginning though when they first put out the minneapolis police first put out the statement they said he died of a medical incident and then they hoped that the coroner was just going to find anything to justify a medical incident so i'm normally when they do this like in uh the eric garner case they were like oh it was asthma and diabetes that killed him and not him getting choked out on the street and then they had to bring in another person that was like nah he got choked out like so they do this all the time where they make it super ambiguous and then they try to find things retroactively to justify what happened
Starting point is 01:38:47 oh my god that's brilliant if you say medical condition it can be anything right and the coroner's in your pocket because the corner like you were saying earlier al yeah um all these people work together they talk to each other every single week they are in not in cahoots isn't the right thing but they are on the same team so of course they're going to continue being our personal corner person like hey do a good job yep so it's interesting so so chauvin or however you pronounce his name he's locked up yeah we never hear from chauvin again and you were bringing up an interesting correlation with the fire fest documentary break that down i'm i'm not sure which part remember when you
Starting point is 01:39:25 were saying like when the fire fest documentary came out oh yeah yeah when the fire fest documentary the netflix one comes out you saw that you saw that all these people are involved with putting on this event that was like awful that eventually like stranded a bunch of people and that was bad the whole thing was a flop and like fuck jerry was involved all these influencers were involved and they interview all these people and there's only one person that all the responsibility falls on in the documentary and that's billy mcfarland the guy that created the whole thing who's also in jail already that they never interviewed that they never speak to yeah so and we're tying it back to the epstein thing like that documentary the guy that's dead is the person that takes the
Starting point is 01:40:03 whole blame all whole blame so you need what do you call it, a patsy? Yeah, just like a patsy or like a scapegoat. So when you are writing the story of what happened and placing all the blame, it's important that you have the person that you're placing all the blame either dead or in a position where they can never refute any of the evidence that you're putting out.
Starting point is 01:40:21 Epstein's dead, so they can put all the blame on him and Wexner and all these guys just go off scoffery. Real quick anecdote. If you guys see the documentary, the Epstein thing, the last episode, there's a woman that's painting
Starting point is 01:40:33 who are the problematic figures and she's doing a painting of each of the girls. Did you see it? No. Okay. So she does this really interesting painting. It basically,
Starting point is 01:40:42 she's like, oh, this is for the FBI so they can see what's really going on. This is how I'm expressing myself, whatever. By the way, paintings in terms of expressing yourself only slightly better than dancing. I just want to point that out. But what's interesting about the painting is Jeffrey Epstein, who's supposedly the criminal mastermind behind all this, is in a UFO on the side of the painting. Ghislaine Maxwell is actually in the middle.
Starting point is 01:41:04 She's in this pill and then below gillane maxwell i believe the head of the snake or basically the centerpiece of this painting is less wexner who's the owner of victoria's secret abercrime fish and all these other companies this billionaire who was the only client of epstein he managed epstein's money etc why is he in the center and epstein's over on the right on UFO? If this documentary is to prove that Epstein. Seems like this painting was pretty effective at letting you know who the problem was. My feeling is this.
Starting point is 01:41:36 Like, this girl was getting raped by all of them for fucking years. Her sister was getting raped by all of them for years. The bitch knows what's up. She on the inside. She knows what's going on. Epstein's the fucking patsy. And I guess that's what we're trying to say. And this could tie back to George Floyd,
Starting point is 01:41:52 where there's a lot of people to blame for systemic police injustice. Where it's the DA who failed to prosecute Derek Chauvin, what, two years ago or three years ago when he did another excessive force? Chloe Wichar. Yeah, you have the chief of police that does nothing all this time. Like, you have all these issues. And if you're able just to get Chauvin to take the fall for all of that, then you don't have to change anything else.
Starting point is 01:42:11 But that's what I also can't understand is then... You got it? Oh, Al, sorry, real quick. Showcase it. Yeah, I see it. Now, if you look at this, Ghislaine is- Dead center coming out of the earth like a demon.
Starting point is 01:42:29 No, that's Wexner. Ghislaine is the lizard or the dinosaur or that thing. She just has, right? And then the top right, Epstein, is over to the right on a UFO. He's almost not even part of it. All the major bad figures are right there in the middle and you see Wexner is the head of the fucking snake, right? Is Bill Clinton in this shit?
Starting point is 01:42:51 I imagine. Maybe. I don't know. Yeah. On TV. Oh, wow. Yeah, he's on TV. So, anyway, but keep on making the point you were making, Mark. No, just that if you're able to have a fall guy or a patsy, you're able to put the entire blame of this systemic issue on one person. But this what i can't understand to satiate the masses
Starting point is 01:43:08 you need to sacrifice the patsy yeah and this wasn't enough for the masses so that's the issue well they don't typically sacrifice the officer typically the officer gets off and the officer usually gets another job pretty quickly right if you are this, and we need a patsy just to calm everybody down, you sacrifice the pawn. Right. That's where the disconnect comes in for me. So they thought just the arrest was going to be enough. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:35 And we want the other three guys arrested as well. Yeah. We want prosecution. And we want prosecution. And all that. But what they're doing is setting the table so that they could get him potentially off by saying he actually had all these drugs in the system and blah blah blah and if you see the video he kind of looks a little on something like what
Starting point is 01:43:54 what i'm making the argument that they're gonna make oh okay like when you see him getting arrested he's kind of like walking a little sluggish and stuff like that. They're going to turn that into, oh, he was drunk. He was on his other shit. He was doing whatever. Like, this is decided beforehand. $20, you go through all this shit for a $20 fake bill? The first thing the prosecutor said is like, I can't jump to conclusions. I have to look through every possibility before I decide.
Starting point is 01:44:21 As horrific as it was, if he's guilty. Right away, you knew. Oh, they're working on it. I wouldn't be surprised. I mean, this is like made bad to say. I wouldn't be surprised if they put the fentanyl in that motherfucker's system. Like, I would not be shocked. Like, come on, bro.
Starting point is 01:44:35 How easy is that? Injection. Boom. I mean, they literally picked up the dead guy, put him in the van. They put him in the ambulance real quick. Shipped him off. Like, no resuscitation on the street nothing going on real talk the second they find out that that guy's dead he's
Starting point is 01:44:48 not coming back a phone call goes to the chief yeah i guarantee there's conversation going around like oh shit how do what's going on how do we cover this shit up cover our bases say it was medical induced boom like how expensive is fentanyl like is that like a really popular drug within like a poor black community i don't know anything about it it's a prescription drug cheap i think it's like a cheap version of heroin right yeah heroin yeah like oxy isn't it in that opioid family yeah yeah but it's like a cheap version of it anyway look we're not gonna say too long but i think it is interesting that you've seen these times where like a story is created to put sole blame on somebody. They already have to be locked up where they can't say anything.
Starting point is 01:45:29 And then you can make them the only sole actor that has created all this drama. And it's honestly, if you are trying to control everybody, it's exactly what you're supposed to do. You give them, you sacrifice upon, and then you keep doing what you want to do. You give them Epstein and they keep doing what you want to do. You give them whoever the other Patsy was and then you give the only thing. Billy. The only thing I can't understand is with the cop cases to this point, they have never given them the pawn.
Starting point is 01:45:53 They've never been like, all right, here you go. Everything comes down. I don't think there's been enough outcry. Yeah. I think, too, there's been a lot of outcries. You could have easily prosecuted George Zimmerman. Who the fuck is he? You could have easily prosecuted any one of these cops.
Starting point is 01:46:08 Zimmerman ain't a cop, right? Zimmerman's just a regular guy. And then i said the cops after because i don't remember any of the cops names but like the cop who killed eric garner all right let's just calm everybody down she's a little wild let's just give them the cop that's just then we keep doing everything we want to do we keep getting away with everything we want let's just give them this guy they're terrified of the police unions because essentially the police unions will say we're just all gonna boycott. Now you won't have any police. And then what's going to, you think these protests and that kind of shit is bad now. Well, what do you think is going to happen when there's no police?
Starting point is 01:46:32 Yep. Civil society will erode if you do not have police. We actually need, especially in a place like America where there's such a huge wealth gap. The only thing police are here to do is maintain the wealth gap. Right? If there's no police, we'll just go to billionaires and billionaires' houses, and then we'll just take all their shit. The only thing stopping us is police.
Starting point is 01:46:51 And you think millionaires and billionaires are going to stop us? It's just like you need police to maintain the wealth gap. In countries with a big wealth gap, tons of police. In countries with a small wealth gap, no police. Go to fucking Scandinavia. You don't see a policeman the entire time you're in a country. I saw one. Say what?
Starting point is 01:47:10 I barely saw one, son. It was five different people that tackled him before the police even showed up. Yeah. The police showed up and they were the chillest motherfuckers, low key. Yeah, they were more chill. They were on his side. The police were arguing with the fucking, what is it called the bouncers like pseudo the bounce and then the the guy the da their version of the uh the prosecution or whatever anyway yeah just um a message to black people have a glam photo ready a glam photo yeah what do you mean because the picture that every
Starting point is 01:47:49 the picture everyone's using for george floyd yeah it looks like the picture like a girl acts for a selfie real quick oh send me something and he's just like looking all intently into the photo it's not the most flattering picture of them. Just have a glam photo in your social media just for the one that people go to. And then also, people who paint murals, if you're not good, don't paint the murals, son.
Starting point is 01:48:15 I've seen some horrible-ass murals. And then you can't knock it because then you're like... It's like calling a baby ugly. Yeah. You can't do it. That's true. it's like it's like calling a baby ugly yeah you can't do it true yeah what's worse painting an ugly mural or having one of these stupid ass dances because the dance will die pretty quickly we'll forget about that pretty quickly that mural motherfuckers gonna be looking at you can knock you can knock the dance but when you see george floyd looking
Starting point is 01:48:39 all crazy on a mural and you look you feel bad being the guy that paints over the mural to make a new mural yeah so people are gonna walk by that for a long time that's hilarious like like someone's gotta decide when it's enough morning you gotta paint another george floyd i mean like that's the only thing you can replace it with yeah is another george floyd or another black guy gotta die and then you pick you put him next to George Floyd oh my god that's so true wow bro
Starting point is 01:49:10 somehow you make another one where they're both angels or some shit like that but it's gotta be another it goes back to our cemetery conversation
Starting point is 01:49:18 what's that when people stop visiting the grave it's like we can just dig that shit scoop it up people stop taking pictures
Starting point is 01:49:25 and stopping for it it's like that's probably a time you could paint over and people won't be upset unfortunately y'all well anyway man we love y'all man we hope you uh we hope we had uh some interesting uh thought-provoking conversation today we know it's a tough time and we know everybody is is incredibly consumed by this so we hope uh hopefully shed some light on what's going on and had a couple laughs and uh to all the new listeners man welcome welcome to the family asshole army gang in the fucking building um oh maybe we should save for patreon akash had a run-in with uh america's white supremacists oh yeah yeah well i just talk about on the death threats yeah they fucking release his address and shit his brother's address his family it's the craziest shit that he went through mother i mean like off of some shit
Starting point is 01:50:17 that he was being sarcastic like they don't know what he's joking yeah they just see a brown guy saying some shit against white people like oh he's coming for us so anyway whatever we'll talk about the patreon um and also all the new patrons man welcome man it's been crazy to see the patreon grow um yeah so come on over we'll talk about that talk about other bunch of wild shit maybe share some of the memes that are too crazy to share uh on a regular podcast you think that's just group chat shit. You think that's just group chat? There's got to be a Patreon level where
Starting point is 01:50:47 it's like $1,000 a month and you welcome to the group text. It's just the group because that's And then that's flagrant. Yeah, so maybe we
Starting point is 01:50:54 have a little couple of wild things that Al wants to say. No, and on Twitch, we're about to start dabbling in Twitch. Oh, yeah. Look for Flagrant 2
Starting point is 01:51:02 on Twitch. Subscribe because maybe we'll do like just show our pre-productions or things of that nature we're still figuring it out but find us on twitch and subscribe yeah 100 you'll see behind the scenes you got amazon yo shout out to jeff bezos yo yo yo shout out to delivery boy bezos man uh it oh yeah explain that to him yeah so it's like if you have you're allowed yeah if you have amazon prime you have one free subscription to somewhere twitch on twitch on twitch yeah so fucking use it for us man
Starting point is 01:51:29 yeah you know i mean let's go we're gonna do some cool shit on there we're gonna figure it out if you got ideas and stuff like that we're just dabbling but we realize that there is an audience out there so we want to you know get to those people and spread this and uh but yeah patreon uh flagrant too man it's crazy to see that shit growing and i'm so stoked that you guys are enjoying all this content and spreading the word telling your friends i mean it's awesome to see the way y'all share the clips and and just these episodes see we're growing like we've doubled man it's like we're over 200 000 people listening to this shit man i'm so fucking proud man so thank you for spreading it
Starting point is 01:52:02 and uh we hope you put some Chuckles on your face During this time Where there's a lot of frowns Love y'all And we'll speak to you soon Friday Peace

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