Andrew Schulz's Flagrant with Akaash Singh - Twitter Censoring Hunter Biden Story Explained with Saagar Enjeti

Episode Date: October 16, 2020

This week Andrew, Akaash, AlexxMedia, and Mark are joined by special guest, Saagar Enjeti to discuss Twitter censoring Hunter Biden story, Ice Cube helping Trump, the upcoming Khabib vs Gathje fight, ...if Trump has gone gay, Pokemon cards are the new flex, iPhone 12 and much more. INDULGE! Go to and use Promo Code FLAGRANT to get 20% off all products, including gum or lozenges! Want an extra episode a week? Join the Flagrant Army Flagrant 2 is a comedy podcast that delivers unfiltered, unapologetic, and unruly hot takes directly to your dome piece. In an era dictated by political correctness, hosts Andrew Schulz and Akaash Singh, along with AlexxMedia and Mark Gagnon, could care less about sensitivities. If it’s funny and flagrant it flies. If you are sensitive this podcast is not for you. But if you miss the days of comedians actually being funny instead of preaching to a choir then welcome to The Flagrancy.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What up people, Shultz here, and you guys are about to listen to a clip from our weekly Patreon episode. If you want to sign up to our Patreon, support the flagrancy, support what we are doing, completely uncensored, flagrant content, you go to slash flagrant2. With no more interruptions, here is the exclusive clip. Sagar, can you explain what's going on with this whole situation i mean what okay just break the whole thing down where is why is hunter working in the ukraine you don't have to go too far into it but he was working in the ukraine do they got that good crystal out there what's going on exactly let's start all the way at the beginning okay 2014 joe biden's vice president it's been vice
Starting point is 00:00:43 president for like six years. Hunter, he's had a crack problem for a long time. Decades, basically. Pause real quick. Has been real quick. Okay. Why is Biden not leaning into this? Is that not the most relatable quality of a president to have a kid who's an addict? Like half of America is probably addicted to something why hasn't biden leaned yes i have a crackhead kid it's a struggle this is how you get through it actual crack yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:01:13 no actual crack and look andrew i would agree with you except most people's crackhead sons don't get to trade off of their daddy's name and make millions of dollars to fund their crack addiction because they don't think that's the issue that we have here. Okay, that's another thing important to discuss. And I don't want to derail too much, but once you get rich, you move away from crack. Right? I mean, this guy- Decades long is blowing my mind.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Who's doing crack for decades? You're getting 83 grand a month from the Ukraine and you haven't started smoking Coke like an adult? Have you heard of Whitney Houston? What did Whitney Houston do? She's been on crack when she was rich. Really? Wow.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Hunter Biden's got an amazing run, though. Sorry? He's had an amazing crack run. Talk to us. He's been able to do crack for three decades. And he looks fine. Is crack like corona where it affects the black community disproportionately? Because this white guy is living a great life doing crack for decades.
Starting point is 00:02:04 I don't believe it affects the black community disproportionately. Hunter looks great. But does it really affect the black community disproportionately? I mean, not crack, Corona. Clearly, crack has affected disproportionately. But I don't see Black Lives Matter people getting
Starting point is 00:02:19 Corona at all, so it must not affect them. I think the stats would show different stats schmatz okay so back to what we're talking about so hunter's getting jobs because his daddy is wealthy which is or uh powerful vice president vice president his daddy's vice president which is quite normal i'm not that upset at that maybe it's unethical but it does happen okay sure that being said if he's put in positions of power and he has a drug addiction this man can be manipulated can't he yeah okay so okay all right so let's like i said 2014 biden is america's point person on ukraine policy and this matters a lot
Starting point is 00:03:04 because this is all during the Crimea thing. Russia takes over Crimea. Right. So Ukraine, there's a revolution going on. Everyone's like, oh, what's going to happen? Pro-Russia, all that. So U.S. is very invested. Obama's very invested.
Starting point is 00:03:16 So Hunter gets hired by this energy company called Burisma. All right. They're a Ukrainian natural gas company. Hunter doesn't know jack shit about natural gas he has never worked in the natural gas industry one time in his life feelings there's no reason this is according to him he even said he was interviewed by abc news they're like what were your qualifications he's like well you know i'm not an expert in natural gas but i was as qualified as everybody else on that board what does that mean this is a guy who sat on the amtrak board
Starting point is 00:03:42 and i this is a quote for when he was nominated, because he rides the trains a lot. So nominate me, nominate you. No, I'm going to be honest. I ride the Amtrak train a lot, and I could tell you how to fix all that shit. Me too, right? But I heard.
Starting point is 00:03:56 I mean, be on time. And I just want to clarify, Sagar, he doesn't ride it on top like an Indian. He's inside the train sitting in a seat. We in America now, baby. We made it, Sagar. It was really difficult the first time we. He's inside the train, sitting in a seat. We in America now, baby. We made it, sucker. It was really difficult the first time we had to go on a train. You know, I actually got to do that once in India.
Starting point is 00:04:10 I actually got to do that once in India. Train surf? That's another story. Yeah. You were train surfing. What happened? I went up on the top. It was awesome.
Starting point is 00:04:16 You just chucking rocks at Pakistanis? Like that arcade game Sunset Riders? No, that's a cruise, baby. That's a carnival cruise for us okay okay so so then take us to this new york post thing what's going on okay so all right so this new york post story is a wild ride all right so hunter isn't clearly in the middle of a drug binge during all this let's go he has a lot of problems um he some he loves apparently to take photos of himself with cigarettes in his mouth while doing crack that shit looks cool and so he has this photo or these this laptop which apparently damaged with water so he drops it off in a
Starting point is 00:04:54 delaware computer shop so this guy claims again he claims this that hunter dropped it off and that he forgot about it he just never came back for the laptop and he kept trying to contact hunter and couldn't get in contact with the guy, which might make sense because he did go to rehab around this time. So it's possible that that is what coincided. But eventually he's like, I need to get this laptop out of my shop. And he keeps trying to contact journalists. He's like, hey, I've got Hunter Biden's laptop.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Nobody's talking to him. Eventually he gets into contact with Rudy Giuliani. nobody's talking to him eventually gets into contact with rudy giuliani all right so he gets rudy's lawyer and the fbi asked for the laptop in december 2019 that's what we know we also know that this guy copies over the contents of the laptop to a hard drive in in december gives it to rudy as of sunday he rudy gave those that hard drive to the New York Post. So that's where we are currently. And on that hard drive are emails which show a couple of things. And this is the bombshell one the New York Times reported, which is that Hunter, at the very least, tried to arrange a meeting for a guy who was advising the Ukrainian Energy Company board with Joe Biden while his dad was vice president. That's number one. Number two, he was using his
Starting point is 00:06:10 family name being like, hey, because of the connections to my guy, that's how he refers to his dad, you guys should pay me 25k more per month. That's number two. Number three, which came out this morning, or the morning that you and i are taping this is that hunter was again using his family name being like me and my family would love to do business with the largest private chinese energy company now there's no such thing as private business in china zero okay all private business is controlled by the government so and and like i said i already mentioned the 1.5 billion dollar loan this is just i mean it just proves what we knew but it's like the the emails are damning so why why is this wrong what sorry say that again so why is this wrong why is it wrong that he's doing that why would it be wrong to set up a meeting between his father who is the sitting vice president
Starting point is 00:07:01 and this company what would be unethical about that well that's both nepotism and corruption right so once again joe biden's ukraine policy he's the head of ukraine policy for the u.s government at this time should only be determined about what is good for this country or at least what him the state department believes is good for this country it should have nothing to do with who the ukrainians are paying his son in order to set up meetings and look you said this and you're right this type of shit happens all the time i want to be really fair it's not like republicans are like the i actually just read a story this morning larry kudlow held a private briefing in late february for a bunch of conservative donors about coronavirus one of
Starting point is 00:07:42 those guys is a hedge fund guy sold a bunch of stocks based on that information. Right. Okay. So look, this happens all over. This is the whole government, but like, I don't, Biden doesn't get a pass just because he's Democrat. Right. Okay. Gotcha. So this is, everybody's doing this kind of pay to play situation. A lot of people criticize the Clinton foundation for this very reason, right? It was kind of pay to play access. Now it goes to this new york post write-up so the new york post what they write they write an article about this and they write a story they write a story about this and then for whatever reason big tech censors the sharing of the story yes so this is where it gets really fucking crazy okay so the story gets
Starting point is 00:08:22 published it's a legit story biden campaign comes out. They don't even deny the email. They don't say the emails are fake, which means that they're real. You know, if they're fake, they would say it. If they're a fake hunter would come out and say it, but they're not. So that means it's real. Um, they also won't even rule out that such a meeting took place. They're just like, it's not on the official schedule immediately. And I'm really talking here within a matter of hours communications officer facebook his name is andy stone he broke the first mold he comes out and he goes i'm not linking to this story this story is eligible for fact checks whatever that means and in the meantime facebook
Starting point is 00:08:57 will be slowing down its distribution on all our platforms we all know what that means that means instagram whatsapp facebook they're going to start slowing that down they're not going to be four out on all our platforms. We all know what that means. That means Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, they're going to start slowing that down. They're not going to be four out of 10 Americans, Andrew, get news from Facebook, primary news, four out of 10, that's 40%. All right. So they're slowing down a story there, but it actually gets crazier because they're at least not banning the piece from Facebook. Then Twitter comes out and they just ban it. You can't tweet a link. You couldn't DM it. And for those of us, people like me who had already tweeted it, if you tried to clink on my tweet linking to it, it would not let you go to that story. The greatest act of censorship in modern American history.
Starting point is 00:09:38 It's not a joke. It really is crazy because we're talking about hundreds of millions of users between facebook and twitter and i want to get to the justification of this yeah yeah what is what is their justification this is the part that scares me so twitter says this is in accordance quote with their hacked materials policy in other words material that's hacked should not be distributed well we have a big problem okay i'm a journalist yeah yep um so does that mean edward snowden's account is going to get hacked and every link to everything he's ever published is going to get hacked does that mean we would not be able
Starting point is 00:10:16 to publish the pentagon papers today does that mean that fbi's co-intel pro program which was through leaked documents does that mean we wouldn't learn through that? Does that mean the Trump tax return story, which the last time I was on here to talk about with you guys, which those were clearly illegally gotten by the New York Times. I don't give a shit. That's journalism. Actually, it's the law's job to go and find out who that is. But journalism means we should be able to publish whatever we want as long as it's in
Starting point is 00:10:43 the public interest. That's all. Twitter just set a standard as it's in the public interest that's all twitter just set a standard that's all yeah that's all good yeah very scary interesting so you're saying that the standard they're setting is if things are hacked they are not allowed to be shared yes so that there's a way where people could use that to protect themselves and they just claim any story that got out was due let me give you an example yeah i want to give you the worst case scenario of this also what about celeb nudes how are we going to see cardi b's areolas cardi would probably show us but there are other
Starting point is 00:11:15 celebs that aren't as willing to show us and we'd still love to see them yeah i mean i i want the any dem because look a lot of dems are like fuck rud fuck Rudy Giuliani and fuck the New York Post and fuck all the story. It's not even important. That ain't me. Well, think about this. Let's say one day you have a Democratic primary challenger going up against another Democrat and emails get leaked showing him coordinating with corporate lobbyists his message. his message and then you want to fundraise off that information under this standard that guy could come and say kill that story and kill that fundraising link meaning that you this always protects power this is the point i want to make about censorship and about all this you want to empower the u.s government and people who are in power from not having their stuff leaked i want to live in a world where all of my Epstein reporting would not be possible without leaked information.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Zero. I couldn't be able to do any of it. All of the stuff that the Panama Papers on how oligarchs conduct financial transactions, not possible. The FinCEN files,
Starting point is 00:12:18 something I'm recently obsessed with, same thing. This is bad. This is bad for journalism. But worse, it's fucking partisan because we all know Snowden's account's never going to get hacked or it's never going to get locked right they're only going to lock it when it appears that it'd be bad for joe biden so look in my view this is an in-kind donation from facebook and twitter to the biden campaign
Starting point is 00:12:41 now hundreds of millions of dollars here's hundreds of millions here's a question i have about that does this help trump does this hurt trump does this help by does it hurt biden or is this just you know the flavor of the week and nobody cares andrew i don't think anybody gives a shit a lot of people are voting on one thing corona and you know i don't blame them it rules our whole life corona the economy stimulus has way more to do with it this ain't 2016 which is again the great irony the if the tech people had just left it alone it would probably be dead by now well here's what i keep i can't fully form the thought i can't complete the thought but i'm thinking this whole time 2016 what a big thing that seems to get trump elected is a lack of censorship and it could be very ironic if in 2020 over censorship also helps trump get elected right what was the lack
Starting point is 00:13:24 of censorship like from what i understand a lot of the actual fake news and i think robbie said this the vast majority of facebook news where you said 40 people get their news is far right wing not exactly valid extreme right wing bright mark etc and that's right oh come on man i don't know this is bull this is left-wing bullshit okay call call robbie on it he's out there i can't really go ahead so why do you think it's that's bullshit because okay look i mean just because something is on the right first of all i come from conservative media and a lot of our stuff was way more accurate than the new york times okay number one but number two like the idea that look does does misinformation go viral on facebook yes does conservative stuff also go viral on Facebook? Yes. Does conservative stuff also go viral on Facebook?
Starting point is 00:14:07 Yes. But do you know why? And Andrew, you'll understand this. Why does conservative stuff go viral on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter? It's the only- Because they don't have any other place to go. Yeah. There's no mainstream media.
Starting point is 00:14:17 There's no corporate media. So of course, the Daily Weiler and the Daily Caller go more viral on Facebook. I don't argue with that. And I don't want to waste a ton of time on this, but I will say I don't believe extreme left thing. I just sent them a, what's it called, Daily Beast article, and I was like, this is probably bullshit, right? I know they're bullshit.
Starting point is 00:14:32 But because, like you said, there's only one outlet for right-wing news, and it's these fucking WhatsApp threads where our mom and dads are sending any Indian news story, regardless of how true it is. That ends up influencing a lot more people than extreme left news because the left-wing moderates have a news source which is every other news source you see what i'm saying well they have something it's at least somewhat viable i can't i can't let this stand because again man left-wing moderate like msnbc will have you believe that trump peed on russian hookers in moscow i fully believe that does it make it better i fully believe that and
Starting point is 00:15:03 i fully support it yeah and you have to that and I fully support it. Yeah. And you have to understand, you have to understand it is freezing in Moscow and they will do anything for heat in a cold winter. Yes. And urine is warm. I don't know about your Pakistani urine saga, but my warm-blooded American urine will heat up a hooker in a heartbeat. Also, everybody keeps saying he's like a, you know, he's a Russian no he's not if he's pissing on russian women exactly he's not
Starting point is 00:15:29 got russia yo exactly he got him honestly i don't know why we why do we criticize him he's pissing on him but also that's progress like why are we pee shaming maybe girls like to get peed on no dude no definitely some girls like getting peed on no girls like to get peed on none last time you're like what makes you conservative chicks should not be getting to you hey listen all right we'll leave it on that saga thank you so much bro we appreciate you make sure you check out the realignment podcast i just did an episode with saga i had a great time. And your boy,
Starting point is 00:16:05 Marshall, your black Jewish friend, Marshall. And that's right. Yeah. It's so funny. Cause when you just hear him, he's so white.
Starting point is 00:16:13 No, no, no. He sounds super Jewish, but he's black. Was he adopted? Obviously he was, he was adopted.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Yeah. Or somebody's lying in that family. But, but check it out and make sure you check out the rising with Sagar and crystal on YouTube. You check it out, man. Thank check out the rising with saga and crystal on youtube you check it out man thank you so much saga appreciate you thanks guys guys i'm interrupting this clip to save your life okay you gotta stop smoking i don't care if it's cigarettes vape any of that other stuff you gotta cut it out obviously we know corona out here anybody with shitty lungs
Starting point is 00:16:41 is just gonna get bodied real quick. We can't keep adding to this body count because we got enough already dead and we're never going to open a country or the world up again. So this is what we're going to do. We're going to get back to the gum. We're going to get back to the lozenges. That's right. Lucy has put out the best new gum. I'm telling you, it's gum. It's got the nicotine you need. It's going to give you that fix, but it's not going to kill you. It's not going to keep the rest of us in this crazy pandemic with everything locked down. So you're going with the gum. You're going to get the lozenges. They got honestly the best flavors. Cut out all the other stuff. Cut out the vape. Cut out the cigarettes.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Go with the lozenges. Go with the gum. Treat yourself right. Don't end up in the hospital. Okay. And you know what you're going to do? You're going to use the promo code FLAKER, and you're going to get 20% off. 20% off to save your life, have you smelling better, have everyone happier, and make sure that the country cracks open again. That's an incredible deal.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Listen, I got to give you this disclaimer, okay? This product contains nicotine. Obviously, that's what you want, all right? And it's derived from tobacco Nicotine is an addictive chemical And that's why I use it In the first place Now let's get back to the clip
Starting point is 00:17:51 Alright man Always great talking to Sagar I love that motherfucker man He's great Mark Tell us what the conspiracy world What is Reddit talking Mark is our Reddit expert yo
Starting point is 00:18:00 Mark really You understand Reddit man It's unbelievable It's unbelievable Your ability to understand Reddit It's unbelievable We so unbelievable. It's unbelievable your ability to understand Reddit. What's unbelievable? We're so old, yo. It's how you don't understand Reddit.
Starting point is 00:18:09 I don't understand. It's like our parents be like, man, that kid just gets the internet. Son, that's how I feel, bro. The internet whiz kid over here. I get the links, but it doesn't make sense. I go to it. I try to click it. Sometimes you got to click on the picture.
Starting point is 00:18:19 Sometimes you got to click on the links. And then all these things start opening up. It's too confusing for me. I don't need to know about it. But you can tell me about it yeah so what is reddit saying so basically he gets this waterlogged laptop doesn't know i think he says in the article that he has some condition where he didn't know or he wasn't able to tell who dropped off the laptop but then he was able to deduce it from a sticker that was on the last laptop like for the beau biden like a foundation
Starting point is 00:18:46 or some shit and then from there starts going through seeing all this crazy shit seeing pictures of uh say what you really think bro i don't know what you really think bro i know what i'm thinking right now what are you thinking you know how trump was talking about how obama tapped his phones oh What are you thinking? You know how Trump was talking about how Obama tapped his phones? Oh. We. I think the administration tapped Biden's laptop.
Starting point is 00:19:13 I think the administration knows that Biden's a crackhead. I mean, if I was in that position, right? That's what you do. That's who you go after, the crackhead. You go after the crackhead. That's the first thing you do. So you go tap that laptop. You go tap those phones. I bet they tapped everybody's phones.
Starting point is 00:19:24 100% you could do it with the crack head. The crack head, bro, you could probably tell him. It's a whatever. Be like, hey, here's $10. Buy yourself some crack. You could tap your laptop. Not to mention, have you seen the pictures of him asleep with a crack pipe in his mouth? I mean, that would suck.
Starting point is 00:19:40 What kind of crack makes you go to sleep, bro? You're getting horrible crack. What kind of devil wear crack is this? Crack keeps you up. Crack does not make you go to sleep bro You getting horrible crack What kind of Delaware crack Is this Crack keeps you up Crack does not make you Go to sleep This is a crack head You know how much Of a crack head
Starting point is 00:19:52 You gotta be Like Indians love chai I know some Indians That drink so much They sleep because of it Okay Like I need this caffeine To go to sleep
Starting point is 00:19:59 Right I need this crack To get my eight hours That's how much I'd be absolutely furious If I smoked some crack And I just fell asleep The entire goddamn time know you smoke enough of it you ain't really even getting high no more right probably it's probably comforting it's comforting at this point
Starting point is 00:20:12 this shit is 30 years of crack but who took a picture of this guy's sleep with crack pipe in his mouth oh the whores hookers probably that's actually what but why would they put on his laptop and then they upload to his laptop why is he keeping pictures of him compromised on his laptop? Yeah, it's a setup, huh? Yeah, it's a setup. It's a little bit of a setup. It's a setup. But the thing is this.
Starting point is 00:20:32 The thing is this. It's a setup, but Biden and them can't say it's a setup because they know. It's true. He needs a crackhead. He is a crackhead, but this is a little bit too serendipitous. You don't have sleeping pictures with a crack pipe between your is a little bit Too serendipitous You don't have Sleeping pictures With a crack pipe
Starting point is 00:20:46 Between your lips There's no way You could say that You could be like Yo he just fell asleep Somebody took a picture of him This is a prank And they do the exact same thing
Starting point is 00:20:54 Who falls asleep with crack He was just asleep Somebody took this prank picture If you took a picture Of yourself on your phone Would it upload To the same cloud? And then you can access those pictures from the cloud.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Yes. From your laptop. So maybe these pictures are not on the laptop. They're from the cloud. And you can access the cloud via the laptop. That could be true, yep. Yeah, he says that he has a medical condition that prevented him from actually seeing
Starting point is 00:21:21 who dropped off the laptop. What does that even mean? He believed it to be Hunter Biden's because of a sticker related to the Beau Biden Foundation was on it. Oh, this is bullshit. So the guy himself is like super weird. He's not weird, bro. He's mad right wing.
Starting point is 00:21:35 And that's what a left wing person would do. So I'm not knocking him, but like, that's what he's doing. What are you saying now? I think he got paid off. Keep going. I think if Biden came to the actual shop to drop off the laptop dude knew like oh shit this could get me a lot of money so he starts who calls around to the news trying to get rid of a laptop no you're calling around to the news like yo i got a
Starting point is 00:21:55 laptop how much you gonna pay also yeah i'm never dropping my laptop at your stupid shop anymore you gotta pay him enough that it don't matter Exactly Like think about it If you are giving away The stuff that you're supposed to One keep safe And two fix Why would I ever drop my laptop Off at your office At your shop
Starting point is 00:22:12 You have to get your laptop fixed You don't drop it off At the guy who just calls up The news organizations And shares all your shit with them And makes a backup hard drive That's like a therapist Calling up the cops
Starting point is 00:22:22 And being like Yo this guy's abusing his wife Or something Well you probably should. I think that's a bad thing. They're legally obligated to do that. Not the best example, but yeah. Yeah, I was running out of examples.
Starting point is 00:22:31 This guy's a kleptomaniac. Yeah, maybe kleptomaniac is better. He loves petty theft. That's his thing. Be ready for him. Yeah. No, you don't do that. The takeaway from this is that crack is back, baby.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Crack is back. Crack is back. New York is back. Yo, 2020 is going to be the 80s over again let's go all right guys you just listened to a clip from our weekly patreon episode if you want to continue to listen to that episode subscribe join the asshole army patreon keep it tight and keep it flagrant with us you can do that at flagrant to indulge

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