Andrew Schulz's Flagrant with Akaash Singh - Westerbros: Game Of Thrones S08E03

Episode Date: April 29, 2019

In this episode of the Westerbros podcast, Andrew Schulz is joined by Hani, Alexx, Marco and Akaash Singh to review Game Of Thrones, Season 8 Episode 3. INDULGE!!!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What an absolute dog shit episode of Game of Thrones. That might have been the worst episode of Game of Thrones in the history of the show. I am so thoroughly disappointed. I walked in this room and Alex asked me if there was something wrong. Did you not ask Alex? I did. You were concerned. I'm still concerned.
Starting point is 00:00:23 I am so upset. I think they should check on I did. You were concerned. I'm still concerned. I am so upset. I think they should check on George R.R. Martin. I would not be surprised if he wakes up and he's dead. He doesn't wake up tomorrow. I would not be surprised if he killed himself after that massive flop of an episode. Just missed layup of an episode. Unbelievable. Just missed layup of an episode.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Unbelievable. I mean, let's spend $30 million on a fight scene and then have it be not visible the entire time. Spend $300 more on a fucking light bulb so we could see something that was happening the entire episode. You couldn't see shit. It was a fog. It was the mummy. We just watched the mummy. Right?
Starting point is 00:01:05 We watched the mummy without mummies or any big bad guy. We watched a horrible dragon fight. It was a dragon fight in a wind tunnel. You don't know which dragon lived, which one didn't. The blue one was retarded just spitting fire all over the place. It couldn't even... I don't know what John was doing. I got no clue what John was doing the whole time. At one point he just stands in front
Starting point is 00:01:22 of the dragon ready to die. Well, if you're ready to die, why the fuck are you hiding behind the bricks? What a useless, nobody important died. Dickless Theon died. Jorah, who is a nobody, died anyway. Okay, welcome. Come on, Marco. Have a seat. Just trashing this horrible episode. Theon, dead, useless. What, Jorah, dead, dead useless who else died? Oh, Malisandra, who's been dead. Bitch, cough out the fucking spell. How many times do you need to say the fucking spell?
Starting point is 00:01:52 You've been here for a thousand years. You said this stupid fire spell. You're the fire bitch. Just say the fucking fire spell and get the shit started. She's trembling like Reek trying to get this spell out. What in... If this wasn't the last season,
Starting point is 00:02:08 I'd stop watching the show. This is the episode that would make me go, fuck this. This is not worth it. This might be the tipping point for HBO. We might have witnessed the moment which HBO turns into dog shit as a channel. I am so fucking livid that you
Starting point is 00:02:24 made me wait and get excited and like geek out with people oh the batter of winter fell and then a stomach a gut stab from Arya off a drop blade is what takes out the Night King
Starting point is 00:02:41 the all seeing all powerful Night King really really that's it no more nothing and that that that what a fucking absolute debacle of an episode series ruiner i don't know how you recover i don't know how you i don't even know how you recover from it. How do you not kill anybody in Portland? Jamie's got one fucking hand, and he's taking out these walkers like it's nothing. One fucking hand. He can't fight the rest of the show, right?
Starting point is 00:03:18 The whole rest of the show, the guy's getting washed every single fight he's in. All of a sudden, he's Jorah of Mormont, or whatever the fuck his name, and he's just icing out white walkers, right? Clegane, afraid of fire the whole fucking time, and he sees Arya's ass on a roof by herself, looking fine. The bitch has been in way more trouble. Okay? This is not the most trouble Arya has been in, and immediately he's inspired.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Gotta go take him out. I mean, the slave dude really treated his army like a bunch of slaves when you think about it. I mean, like, the first second he got, the first second he's got, he's like, hey, sacrifice the blacks. Everybody in? Hey, is everybody in? Everybody safe? Just let him eat up the blacks.
Starting point is 00:03:59 If you didn't think Winterfell was racist before, if you didn't think Winterfell hated black people, they had no problem sacrificing the horse Mexicans and the blacks. The horse Mexicans. Right? All the whites inside? Hey, all the whites inside Winterfell? Hey, why don't you even let in some white walkers?
Starting point is 00:04:17 Let's let some whites and some white walkers, as long as those blacks are on the other side of the fire, I think everything's okay. What a dog shit. I'm rooting for Cersei. I hope Cersei takes them all out. I really do. I hope she takes them out one by one because she deserves it.
Starting point is 00:04:34 These fucking pieces of shit. I hope they start with the executive producers of the show. I hope she takes them out. I hope that's the first people to go. Those fucking idiots, Benoit or whatever his stupid French last name is. In this episode, we really thought Danny conjured a feeling of, shut the fuck up and kill somebody like you used to. Do you remember this show when they killed people?
Starting point is 00:04:57 How does Danny, John, who's 5'8", by the way. Did you know he's 5'8"? Have you read that enough? Have you read that enough have you read that enough he's being sarcastic I'm being sarcastic dude I don't know who John pissed off in Hollywood
Starting point is 00:05:13 I don't know who he pissed off in Hollywood but literally every story about John is he's 5'8 you cannot Pop Sugar is tweeting shit hey guess who had to wear heels on set at Game of Thrones which is weird because we've
Starting point is 00:05:25 been decades of this with like tom cruise and like short actors is not new he pissed off somebody in hollywood he fucked someone's wife for sure for sure guaranteed okay bro i am so livid man what a hey let's say this episode happened, right? Realistically, what really changed? How has the plot been pushed forward at all? Well, they resolved the existential threat that has been the entire time. Right? And we thought that was going to be the culminating. We thought that that was the ultimate test.
Starting point is 00:06:02 And they treated it like a check in the box. They treated it like a check in the box. Well, we knew that last week when this was the battle. And we said, it like a check in the box. They treat it like a check in the box. But we knew that last week when this was the battle. And we said, this is a battle against the White Walkers. And then the remaining will go Fisertown. By the way, this is Wester Bros. I'm Andrew Schultz. I'm here with Haney, Marco, Alex.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Akash is on the way. Continue. I forgot what I was going to say. I am so fucking livid. You ever walk to your boy's house and he's just getting reamed at by his parents as you show up? That's how I felt when I said that. What? I mean.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Andrew came in hot. Yo, I mean. I wouldn't even talk to anybody. Do the jacket off, sat down, and turn the mic off. I wouldn't even talk to anybody. I wouldn't talk to anybody. I cannot believe. I cannot believe that you would waste our fucking Sunday like that.
Starting point is 00:06:45 I cannot believe that somebody. It's not Sunday like that. I cannot believe that somebody— It's not just Sunday. It's eight years of this. Okay. I enjoyed the other eight years. I enjoyed the other eight years. But what I'm saying is you ruined that for us in a way. Listen, man.
Starting point is 00:06:56 And I guess you're putting it up against Avengers, and that was so satisfying in every possible way. So I was looking for double that this weekend. I cannot— Did double that this weekend. I cannot... Did DC make this episode? Is that who made it? Did the DC Universe sponsor the battle at Winterfell? Is that what they were trying to... Is that the point they were trying to make?
Starting point is 00:07:18 Because this episode fell so fucking flat. I mean, nothing happened. You got the white walkers out of there like they're like i like they're nothing like they were nothing just kill brand you don't need brand anymore right from what i understand now brand's out bye i mean like first of all what is brand doing having a little fly you're in the middle of the fucking- Where did he go? Logged into what? Those crows? Even Jack texted, like, you guys better talk about how Bran was.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Why was he just flying around the whole fucking episode? In the middle of the battle. All right. You needed a better view? Yeah, what was that? Just a better view. Hey, let's see what the dragons are up to. The All 22 film?
Starting point is 00:08:00 Dickless coward is fucking risking his life to keep you alive, right? And you are, eyes rolled in the back of your head, flying around with a bunch of crows. What's up out there? He's thinking to himself, who's back? Escalated. You done? You good? No, I'm not good. You got more to get out?
Starting point is 00:08:19 I'm not fucking good. I'm just so fucking pissed off. Let's start. What happened to John's dragon? Pussy-ass dragon? Bitch-ass dragon? He showed up. Was that the one who showed up at the end? No, that was Daenerys' dragon. No, Daenerys' dragon, Dunzo. No, Daenerys' dragon shaked off the White Walkers.
Starting point is 00:08:36 That was unclear to me. What happened? I thought Daenerys' dragon. That whole dragon shit is mad unclear. John's dragon then went to Daenerys. John's dragon limped off. Like a bitch. Like a little bitch. And Daenerys. John's dragon limped off. Like a bitch. Like a bitch. Like a little bitch. And Daenerys' dragon was dealing with the White Walkers, then they killed the Night King, and then all those White Walkers he was dealing with came over too.
Starting point is 00:08:55 So now he's straight. I thought he was going to get taken down. So wait a minute. So her dragon is definitely dead? No, she shook him off. But then where did that dragon go? What do you mean? Put this down and then theed him off. But then where did that dragon go? What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:09:07 Put this down, and then the mic up. Where did Daenerys' dragon go? Put the mic up. That's better. And then closer. Come in, come in. Where did Daenerys' dragon go after he flew away? Is he in the frame? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:17 The camera's right on me. You need to be closer to the mic so that you can hear. I don't need to deal with more things today. I've been doing this podcast three fucking years. This guy doesn't understand microphones. What's the fear of the mic? It's the fear of the mic. Huh?
Starting point is 00:09:32 No? Okay. All right. Let's start. Let's start. Biggest complaint. What was your biggest complaint? What was the first thing you screamed at?
Starting point is 00:09:38 The beginning to the end. The beginning to the end. Gotcha. The beginning to the end. First. The beginning to the end. Middle of 180. First of all, did I miss something where they figured out how to hide from the White Walkers in the crypt? Did I miss something?
Starting point is 00:09:52 What do you mean? The crypt's big. That was my impression of it. They just hid behind a- A tomb. A tomb. Is this Scooby-Doo? Is that what they're doing?
Starting point is 00:09:58 The White Walkers are like smart. We know the whites don't have any peripherals. Yeah. They're not like smart. They just go forward. What do they have? I actually like that scene, but that's a different thing. The one with Aria when she was kind of tap dancing around them.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Aria? Oh, no. That scene was fine. It was a great scene. That scene was fine. If we want to really break down the episode and go into each person's storyline, I'm with you. I'm just talking about Crypt.
Starting point is 00:10:17 I'm talking about Crypt with the midget and Sansa. Midget and Sansa have a cool moment. I'm cool with that. I even liked their moment earlier where it was like, you were my favorite husband. You know what I mean? It would have never worked out.
Starting point is 00:10:31 It's a little piece of dialogue. Love it. Great. Okay. The zombies are everywhere in the crypt. Everywhere. Hey, the zombies are coming out of the tombs. Hey, I got a good idea
Starting point is 00:10:42 because I'm the wittiest guy in all of Westeros. Where should we hide? Behind the tomb. But there were no bodies behind that. How do we know there's nothing in it? Sansa knows.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Sansa knows nothing. This girl knows nothing. All she does is get raped the whole show. What do you mean she knows? Ned's tomb? Yeah, I thought it was Ned's tomb.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Well, why didn't Ned come out? I mean, that would have been some real shit. Ned's got no head. What are you... Okay, Ned's got no head. Do they need a head? I don't know if they need feet.
Starting point is 00:11:08 They don't need ankles. Unclear. Right? Unclear. My point is, you had so many things you could have executed in that fucking crypt. You have Ilana Stark or whatever it is come out and kill her own daughter, right? Or have to fight your own mother, have to fight your own father. Like, let's do some real cool shit in the crypt.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Not just a couple bones come out, chase after some meaningless characters, nobody gets killed because nobody ever dies in Game of Thrones. What show is this? What show are we watching? It's a different show. It's a different fucking show. It's a different show. It's a hero show.
Starting point is 00:11:38 It's a traditional hero show now. Son, it's a hero show. Is that what you just said? Yeah. A hero show. It's a traditional hero show. What a dog shit fucking show. George R.R. Martin, if he wrote this episode.
Starting point is 00:11:48 He didn't. I know he didn't. First of all, the White Walkers would have titties. You didn't see no titties the whole fucking episode, right? You have no, nobody important dies the whole episode, right? No sexual misconduct whatsoever the whole episode. Well, it's a battle. Every episode's a battle.
Starting point is 00:12:07 You don't think there's a little fuck time? No, not in this one. I'm okay with the lexicon. A week pregnant. Not in this one. This bitch jumping like she's not with child. All right. She just fucked the night before.
Starting point is 00:12:22 How is she not sore? That's another thing. She's a virgin. Hyman bus by Big Dick Gendry. Parathian. Adrenaline. A motherfucking Parathian, bro. And she's not a little bit sore?
Starting point is 00:12:33 No wincing, nothing? Walking a little ginger. A little? You know? She's not jumping 16 feet into the sky to take down a fucking white walker. Bro. The scene in the library was cool. It was a cool scene.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Why was that cool? I thought that was stupid. It was like building... Why do you think it was stupid? What was the point? Why are they walking around? Because they're dumb. They're looking for her.
Starting point is 00:12:57 They need to see it and then they acknowledge it and then they all come in to attack on it. Yeah, but they didn't know she was in there. They didn't. So she had to hide from them. Yes. So why are they in
Starting point is 00:13:08 there, period? They were looking for anything. Yeah, they were looking for anything at that point. They were already breached everything. Where'd they come from? Because it seemed like one was in the room and then all of a sudden six are in the room. As they were getting more and more through Winterfell, I think they were just gradually adding them on
Starting point is 00:13:24 like that would be a natural course of action. I think it was dumb. And then the moment she's outside of the room, none of them are there in the hallway. No, but then they bust through. Yeah, but if they're slowly walking in the library, would they be in the hallway?
Starting point is 00:13:40 It's still a show. It was just so stupid. Listen, the whole show is horrible. Just kill somebody Kill somebody of importance Let me feel that Let me feel like There's some stakes here Okay
Starting point is 00:13:50 How do you kill Nobody How do you kill nobody There was even some Like Easy deaths That they could've got away Go
Starting point is 00:13:57 Sam didn't have to make it Where is Sam Fat Sam Probably eating a Fucking turkey leg Somewhere You assume He's alive He's definitely alive They leg somewhere. You assume he's alive.
Starting point is 00:14:05 No, he's definitely alive. They would have showed him die. He's alive. He should have died. Why is he still beating these things? He's not good at fighting. He's good at everything. Well, that's more along the Jamie Moore handle.
Starting point is 00:14:22 I didn't hate the episode. A lot of people did not hate the episode. Are you kidding me? I didn't hate the episode. A lot of people did not hate the episode. Are you kidding me? I didn't hate the episode. What were you expecting? I didn't think it met expectations. Did you watch Avengers this weekend? I did not.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Did you? Not yet. First of all, that's why you didn't hate it. There you go. Avengers was everything. This wasn't. I'm not going to say anything that happens in Avengers. Okay?
Starting point is 00:14:42 I know the power I have over you. So, your first complaint, you couldn't see shit. 100% agree with you on that. Yeah. For the first 40 minutes, it was dark.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Yeah, dusty. If you want to do that fast motion battle scene, you can have it in dark, snowy, fucking...
Starting point is 00:15:02 There's no way this costs $30 million. I'd do this whole battle scene for $ dollars no i think the dragon the dragon fighting 10 was probably 28 of that budget 28 guaranteed dragon fight is expensive i could do that with two cartoons i could do that with two fucking toy dolls there was not there was in a mechanical bull that's it one mechanical bull two toy dolls a little wind give me a fucking blow dryer. A blow dryer. What a horrible fucking scene. Continue though.
Starting point is 00:15:29 Please tell me what you liked about it because I would like to feel better right now. I'm going to go through the critiques. Let's go through the critiques. No, no, no. Can we start with what you liked? Can we go in chronological order? Okay, let's go in chronological order.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Sure. Can you just tell me what you liked, please? Anything about it. It was suspenseful, right and music was good the music was good you know watching like you want to know some real shit i didn't think the music was that good i thought it was fucking garage band i thought anybody could have put those things together okay go go you don't want you want to know why it was suspenseful Haney Because for the last 8 years we know anybody could get it
Starting point is 00:16:07 We know anybody could get it Right And we were waiting for someone to get it And then when they didn't satisfy that suspense I'll agree with that critique as well No one of substance died The only good thing was that little girl You knew Fionn was going to die
Starting point is 00:16:22 And I thought they spent too much time The camera focused on looking at her Yeah because it because it was expensive you knew he was gonna die the little mormont bitch that's always got an attitude about everything yeah her dying was satisfying just because i've been hoping that happened for a few seasons now but the way that she died i mean like so fucking pointless the giant brings you up to his eyeball so you can get a good look at him. And you have now been crushed by a giant, have the strength to pull out a dagger and stab him in the eye? Yeah. Right?
Starting point is 00:16:54 I mean, like. Haney gives me a bear hug, I'm out of breath. That's it. Bro. How? Just tell me how she made it through How? You can hear her bones cracking
Starting point is 00:17:08 Crack She's built like a Cornish hen Okay She should be destroyed How can a This giant has to treat her with baby gloves Just to not destroy her See I thought we were gonna get like that
Starting point is 00:17:20 Oberyn Martell Like gruesome death scene in that spot I was like oh her head's gonna explode And then she got like I was waiting for oh, her head's going to explode. And then she got like a little hero's moment. Yeah, straight to the eyeball. Come on, dude. You got a broken rib.
Starting point is 00:17:34 You came and threw a football. My biggest problem with the whole thing is that now it telegraphs where this is going. And it's going to be tied up. There's nothing suspenseful about the Xerxes stuff. Eventually, Jon's going to end up on the throne. Okay, let's get there in a second. It's going to be very simple and tidy. We'll do predictions in a second. I also like the cat and mouse game with the Night King and Jon and Daenerys on the dragons.
Starting point is 00:17:56 I was enjoying that. I was enjoying that as well. What? Where he hops up out of the clouds and then goes back in the clouds? I was into it. I was into that too. I was into it. A little dog fighting on dragons. You're trashing the episode. I was into it. I was into that too. I was into it. Little dog fighting on dragon.
Starting point is 00:18:05 You're trashing the episode. What? I thought it was good. Yeah, like, you're letting the bad stuff influence the few good parts, but like, that was a good scene.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Like, in the context of everything else went differently, like, those would have been good scenes. You want to know why I couldn't appreciate it? Because it dawned on me,
Starting point is 00:18:23 maybe halfway through, No one was going to die. No one is dying. Yeah through no one's gonna die no one's dying yeah and the second i knew no one was dying i was like you fucking sons of bitches yo man they did they turned it into entourage it was fucking castle entourage that's all it is and and once you know no one's gonna, all of a sudden those dragon scenes mean nothing. All of a sudden, Dany by herself in the middle of the White Walker. I thought that she was going to go. No. I knew that they wouldn't take her out like that because they didn't make her brave enough before they did it.
Starting point is 00:18:58 They didn't set it up. They set no one up to die. Like last episode. They set Sion up to die. It seemed like last episode set a lot of people up to die. This is why it was so frustrating to me. Last episode was the oop, right? They threw that shit.
Starting point is 00:19:11 It was the alley, right? They threw it up on everybody. Jaime, ready to go. Theon, obviously, ready to go. Jorah, ready to go. Tyrion, ready to go. All these people. Brienne, ready to go.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Brienne got knighted. Brienne got knighted, ready to go. It was so many people ready to go. So the alley is right there. All you got knighted, ready to go. It was so many people ready to go. So the alley is right there. All you got to do is dunk it. That's it. A brave death.
Starting point is 00:19:32 It's not even that hard. Like Jorah's death, it wasn't even that good. Not good. It was like this motherfucker rode so hard for Danny. This cuck. While everybody fucked the girl he loved. He protected the door. Listening to some dude banging fucked the girl he loved he protected the door listening to some dude banging out the chick
Starting point is 00:19:48 he loved for season after season and then you barely even give him the hero's getaway how did he get there
Starting point is 00:19:55 too I don't know right like there was a lot of reaches he probably saw the dragon go down so many reaches oh my god
Starting point is 00:20:03 there was a lot of reaches what a dog shit episode I like the aria twist at the end A lot of reaches. So many reaches. Oh, my God. A lot of reaches. What a dog shit episode. I like the Arya twist at the end. I screamed when Arya killed him. You did? Like, I... And I'll tell you what. When she ran off, when Melisandre said...
Starting point is 00:20:19 The blue eyes thing. That was kind of a cool comment she was talking about. Yes. Yeah. And she ran off. I said, go find the Night King. Yeah. Right?
Starting point is 00:20:28 And then throughout the course of the episode, I completely forgot that she was there. So the whole time that Night King's doing his super slow stroll to Bran, which that was another bad part. Right? The guy's on the one-yard line and then decides to just stop and just walk across the end, the goal line, before putting it in, right? So I'm like, there was like a good few minutes where- And what is the walk? All of a sudden he's walking like fucking-
Starting point is 00:20:53 But he had a strut. Willie Dean. He had a strut. No, no, no, no, no. The shoulders are moving this time. My man was feeling himself, bro. They should have played swag surf. Yeah, he had a strut.
Starting point is 00:21:02 That makes sense to me. Dude, this close of ending humanity. You got to get that off at some point there's no feeling these guys have no feeling yeah it's not a dynamic character he wasn't tight he wasn't excited it was like boom time to go i'm gonna get my sword mad slow so when the when as he's doing the slow strut i'm like oh this is enough time for john to sprint out of nowhere and i completely forgot about aria to for john to come out and do his thing and then the camera goes back to John and John's about to you know he's eye to eye with the dragon not doing shit yeah I know his mouth I know I wouldn't just
Starting point is 00:21:34 fucking stab it right there oh shit like I enjoyed that moment I enjoyed the moment of Aria coming out and doing it yeah it was whether how she did it was cheesy or not I enjoyed that twist of Arya being the hero. You want to know how that would be dope? If you killed everyone she loved prior to that. That would be dope. Something would have a death around her that sets her off. Sets her off.
Starting point is 00:21:56 And then the Red Witch says, It's on, son. And then she goes for it. And then all of us would go, Let's fucking go, Arya. This was just rock music. Yeah, let's go. This was just, word. Rocking music, yeah, let's go. This was the reaction I had to that. It was, whoa, word.
Starting point is 00:22:10 I was shocked because it happened out of nowhere, and then I was like, really, bro, that's it? That's it? Game over for the White Walker? What a trash way to end it. I also enjoyed it because I looked at the clock, and I'm like, is this shit really about to end with just Bran and the Night King staring at each other? I'm like, is this shit really about to end with just Bran
Starting point is 00:22:25 and the Night King staring at each other? I would have liked that, to be honest with you. If that would have been a cliffhanger, I wanted resolution on that chapter in this episode. So if that would have ended with just them two staring, that was a cliffhanger, I would have been a little annoyed. Also,
Starting point is 00:22:41 another thing I liked... So now it's hot? So now the weather's good? The winter is gone That's it Winter is gone That's it So now it's peaches and cream Now we're just fighting in the sun
Starting point is 00:22:50 Yeah Now we're going to Now we're getting some sun Oh it's San Diego Yeah What a piece of shit Way to finish out the season With 85 and sunny
Starting point is 00:22:59 We're only halfway through the season But there's only three more Eppies left Yeah halfway Also this did not need to be An hour and 22 minutes. You knocked this shit out in 30 minutes. No one died.
Starting point is 00:23:08 30-minute episode. I also enjoyed when she tried to burn the Night King down, when Dany tried to burn the Night King down, and the motherfucker just kind of... Yo, but you didn't know that that wasn't going to happen? When she was... When the flame was on him for a good five seconds... As soon as she got dragged and opened its mouth,
Starting point is 00:23:22 I was like, that motherfucker was not going out like that. Yeah. I knew it before because it was like, this would be too easy. This would be way too easy. Everything about the episode was too easy. No, but isn't that what a lot of people want? Oh, the dragon's going to burn the Night King down. Like, they've been building that up for a while, and then they gave it to you, and it was like, nah.
Starting point is 00:23:39 And you knew at that moment he wasn't going to die, but the fact that they brought it and did it at that moment, I don't know. I felt kind of fulfilled. I felt kind of rewarded that you've been waiting for that scene for eight years, and then you got it. The problem, too, is that we never got to really know the White Walkers either. It's been this big character of the show that we know nothing about, and we still kind of don't really know anything about. No character development. How is it supposed to be satisfying at all? Because from what they were season one is what they ended up being.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Right? Nothing. Like the interesting thing about the White Walkers was what that episode at Hardhome when they sneak attacked him and as he's going away, he raises the dead. And then you learn a little bit of something about them. We've gotten nothing else since that. No emotional attachment to this bad guy whatsoever. He's gone and it's meaningless. I thought
Starting point is 00:24:25 him and Bran would have said something to each other, maybe. Mm-hmm. Unless, listen. Give a little backstory on him? If they find a way. Didn't they get the backstory? Didn't they tell the people at the tree? Yeah, and then they got those people at the tree out of the way. Or maybe they just wanted to get
Starting point is 00:24:41 all the supernatural elements out of the way before they go fuck with Cersei. Maybe that's it. My feeling is Or maybe they just want to get all the supernatural elements out of the way before they go fuck with Cersei. Yeah. Maybe that's it. But my feeling is, this is what I was hoping this episode was. I was hoping that they pulled a little switcheroo. They sent a few dudes at Winterfell. They thought the people in Winterfell fight them, think that they defeat the dead. And Jon is like, no, the Night King isn't here.
Starting point is 00:25:06 And then the last scene, you see the dragon, that same shadow that you saw earlier in the season, or earlier in the series, go over King's Landing. You see that dragon shadow again over King's Landing. Boom! It's on! We get another White Walker fight. We have the decision where the people of Winterfell have to decide, hey, do we go help this woman that wasn't willing to help us? Or do we let her have the exact same fate that she let us have? But that wouldn't be sustainable. Because they were going to lose that battle eventually. Who was they?
Starting point is 00:25:39 Everybody in Winterfell. They were so overrun, like that was going to end. Unless... No, I'm saying they wouldn't bring all the White Walkers to them, and there'd be nobody to raise the dead after they were killed the first time. But you feel like he could do that from anywhere. I don't know, because if he could, he would. That was kind of awkward how that happened too. I think he needs to be around it. I need at least proximity.
Starting point is 00:25:59 But my point is, the way that you – what you do is you essentially make the people of Winterfell Cersei. You give them the option to be as evil as Cersei is. What's up, son? Come on in. Akash is here. So you – right? So in that hypothetical situation, they get to decide what they would do in that moment. And a bunch of them are going to end up going, nah, leave her john has to come and go if we leave her we're just as bad as
Starting point is 00:26:29 she was to us and john has to be the hero in the moment and do what is right yeah that's how you tell a fucking story right it's like you have to make the greatest thing about marvel is they make the villains rational and reasonable the worst thing about about DC is the villains are just like, I want to destroy. Why do you want to destroy? I don't know. Right. Right. And right now you have this White Walker.
Starting point is 00:26:51 They tried to make it rational. They were like, he wants to end mankind. And you end Bran. You end the history of mankind. It was interesting. There was something going on here. And then what a fucking flop of an episode. We just were talking about how dog shit it was so i
Starting point is 00:27:05 got you caught up andrew came in super hot went on a however long tirade just about how awful the episode was i didn't hate the episode i loved it i thought it was i thought the ending was a little i just felt like i wanted john snow and the night king i wanted that so yeah so that scene mano y mano right there there. I wanted that. And he just kind of lifts it all up and says, fight these guys. I'm out. I'm going to keep my eye on the prize, which I thought also was fitting because later on, John sees Sam getting crushed, and old John would have turned around and got Sam,
Starting point is 00:27:39 but John was like, I got to keep my eye on the prize. I got to get the brand. Oh, I missed that. Yeah. John's fighting through. Maybe because it was pitch black, and you can't see a single fucking thing the entire episode. John was like, I got to keep my eye on the prize. I got to get the brand. Oh, I missed that. Yeah. John's fighting through. Maybe because it was pitch black and you can't see a single fucking thing the entire episode. And then we got to get to why our cars like this episode because I'm very curious.
Starting point is 00:27:53 Yeah. Say Jamie died. Please. Brianne died. Yes. If we got a couple deaths that really hurt us, would that change your whole perspective on the episode? Completely. So just that.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Danny got to go. You're just mad that the gang is still intact. I'm mad that you just wasted an hour and a half of my life. It was a complete waste of my life. You wasted an hour and a half of my life. Nothing has happened. Nothing has changed. I'm with you on the gripe, but it didn't ruin the episode.
Starting point is 00:28:18 For me, it ruined it because I don't watch this for sword fights. I watch this for character development and story development. And right now the story is the same cersei's on the throne we got to fight cersei it's no different right you literally just wasted an hour and a half of our life and 30 million dollars hbo subscriptions are going to go up by two dollars because this episode you took money out of my pocket for a waste of an episode i thought thought Brienne died. No. Did you not? Nobody died. I thought Brienne died. Everyone that died, you saw like they had like the dramatic, you know.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Jorah died. Jorah died. Jorah Mormont. Dion. Dion died. And then the little bitch died. And then Melisandre died. The one with the long hair.
Starting point is 00:29:00 The one with the long hair. His name, Ed? Whatever. I saw Brienne screaming up against that wall. Right. And I thought she died. And it does hurt a little bit that nobody died. I was thinking Yeah, yeah, yeah. His name, Ed? Whatever. I saw Brienne screaming up against that wall, and I thought she died. And it does hurt a little bit that nobody died. I was thinking somebody got to die. Kill Tormund.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Tormund had to die. Kill Tormund. Tormund's still around. Greyworm didn't die, which we all thought was like one of the obvious ones. So she just up against a wall screaming and doesn't get killed? Yes. She screams a lot. That's the first time in her life she's been up in a wall screaming. She's the only woman in this episode that hasn't been pushed up against a wall screaming and doesn't get killed? Yes. She screams a lot. That's the first time in her life she's been up in a wall screaming.
Starting point is 00:29:25 She's the only woman in this episode that hasn't been pushed up against a wall screaming. I think we can assume they didn't die. Yeah, I just assumed that was too much madness. Didn't die. Nobody died. That's upsetting a little bit. That's my only issue. If you kill Danny, if you kill Danny up top, I'm like
Starting point is 00:29:42 boom, okay. Let's go White Walkers cook. If you kill John, top I'm like boom okay let's go White Walkers cook if you kill John cool just kill somebody you needed a major death I needed you know what I needed John or Danny for how dog shit the episode was and how like the lack of visible you know
Starting point is 00:29:57 you made this you made this battle a big thing right they market the fuck out of this battle this is the most expensive battle the longest battle how many seconds of this battle. This is the most expensive battle, the longest battle. How many seconds of the battle do you think were visible? I think we're getting wrapped up when they were in the
Starting point is 00:30:13 field and that shit was completely not visible. But when they moved within the walls of Winterfell, it seemed to be a little bit more visible. Guys, it's Braveheart at night. It's no different. Braveheart, dope as fuck. Yeah, that is kind of dope.
Starting point is 00:30:27 Also, William Wallace dies, which is a valid point of yours. Spoiler alert. If you haven't seen the movie in the last 20 years. My point is, once you've seen Braveheart, now we're not seeing something crazy new. Do you know what I mean? For me, I thought this was going to be dynamic in some way. I've seen the zombie horde thing We've seen Walking Dead
Starting point is 00:30:47 Like Everything we saw here We've seen The dragon ship Wasn't even that Cool I get It was
Starting point is 00:30:54 I don't know I enjoyed the dragon ship I thought it was alright Like if you've seen Godzilla You've seen that Do you know like Yo man I liked it Like
Starting point is 00:31:01 I liked all of it I agree with you People should have died It would have had more of an impact. Who would you have die? Any one of these guys. I said last week I thought either John or Danny would die. So one of them, Jamie, the obvious guy, Grey Worm, either Brienne or Tormund.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Bare minimum Grey Worm. Little Sam. Bare minimum. I thought Jamie was a lock to die. That was it. Great point. Little Sam. Bare minimum. I thought Jamie was a lock to die. Like, that was it. Great point. Little Sam. Kill Sam's kid.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Kill Gilly. I thought Gilly died, too. Was that not the bitch dying? Nope. Gilly didn't die? Okay. So it was just another ugly bitch. No one of importance in the crypt died.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Son, how does nobody in the crypt die? Sansa. Kill Sansa. Kill Tyrion. Tyrion and Sansa should have died. Together. No one in the crypt dies? They didn't need toa. Kill Tyrion. Tyrion and Sansa should have died. Together. No one in the crypt dies? They didn't even die together.
Starting point is 00:31:48 They didn't even love each other ever. Sansa could have got it. Tyrion needs to stay. Oh my god. Nobody in the crypt dies? A couple people die. There's no one in points. Who?
Starting point is 00:31:56 Can we name a name? No, we can't name a name. I mean, this is mind-boggling. What show are we watching? You build up the crypt. You even say once in the beginning of the episode. Did you hear that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Somebody goes, something, something, the crypt. Like, they were really targeting the crypt. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay? And then nothing happens in the crypt? Nothing, bro. You don't bring back Liana Stark. You don't bring back Ned Stark.
Starting point is 00:32:21 You don't bring back any of the old Starks. And you don't kill any of the live ones. Why the fuck? Hey, guess what, guys? Going to the crypt was the right idea. Yeah, you're right. You're ruining the episode for me. I'm going in for everybody that's listening right now.
Starting point is 00:32:38 Oh, you missed the beginning about how racist Winterfell is. I'm glad I was late. I'm glad I pulled a cast. Look, I remember we went to go see, you and me, we went to go see Hangover 2 opening weekend and just because everybody else was laughing, we thought it was funny.
Starting point is 00:32:52 And then other people who saw it later were like, yeah, that movie sucks. And then I think both of us, I know I collected, I was like, oh, that movie did suck. That's what's happening with it. I was real hype. I came in, you start bringing up points
Starting point is 00:33:03 and now I'm like, fuck, did I not like that episode Akash I thought people got I thought Gilly died and I was happy oh and if you look at that fucking Gilly is indestructible diabetes is the only thing that's gonna take out Gilly and her fucking calzone throat yeah okay it was like it didn't it was out of all the battle episodes it was it was definitely wasn't, it was, out of all the battle episodes, it was, yes, the worst one. Definitely wasn't as good as Battle of the Bastards. Wasn't as good as Battle of Blackwater.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Wasn't as good as, what are the other battles? Hard Home. Hard Home. Right. I'll agree with you on that. It did not meet expectations. Red Wedding. But it wasn't.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Take out everyone. Let's go. But it wasn't. The Red Wedding is the crypt. It was still like an entertaining episode. Guys, it was fun. I thought it was fun. Guys, the Red Wedding is the crypt. Right? You like an entertaining episode. It was fun. I thought it was fun. Guys, the Red Wedding is the Crypt, right?
Starting point is 00:33:47 You got everybody locked in a room. All you got to do is take them out. Hey, everybody else could make it. And you know what they should be trying to do? Like, Vera should have died. Like, what purpose is Vera serving right now? Look, look, here's a beautiful way to do the episode. Here's the way to do the episode.
Starting point is 00:34:03 You have all those people in the crypt and then you have Snow Daenerys all these other people on the outside trying to get in
Starting point is 00:34:11 to save them but they can't get in and one by one Sansa goes Tyrion goes Gilly goes and they're banging on the outside
Starting point is 00:34:18 trying to get in and they can't episode ends ah Game of Thrones that is a Game of Thrones episode you know what's interesting I was thinking about this you know we say anybody can get Episode ends. Oh, Game of Thrones. That is a Game of Thrones episode. You know what's interesting?
Starting point is 00:34:26 I was thinking about this. You know we say anybody can get got in Game of Thrones? Yeah. Who has really gotten got since we stopped following the books? Specifically since we stopped going on the books. No one does it. Just Littlefinger. That's it.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Yeah, but like. But he's a bad guy. Nobody knew. There's no Red Wedding heartache. Pussy. Maybe that's. Pussy. HBO's pussy. That's why. Maybe Nobody knew. There's no wedding heartache. Pussy. Maybe that's. Pussy. HBO's pussy.
Starting point is 00:34:46 That's why. Maybe George Martin. That's his thing. Get everybody. And then the TV people are like, nah, this TV is not going to do that. Yeah, they're pussy. That's what it is. That is interesting.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Because I also thought there'd be more between the Night King and Bran. A little something. There was nothing. Nothing. I thought there'd be something. When they were looking at each other, I thought you'd be like, oh shit, he's a Stark. Everybody was right. Then nothing happened. Give him a head tilt. I was. I thought you'd be like oh shit he's a Stark Everybody was right Then nothing happened
Starting point is 00:35:06 I think I was No you know what the head tilt was No the head tilt was Bran saying to him You're about to die And the Night King going what do you mean Oh is that what it was I was going to say I know there was
Starting point is 00:35:24 Some sort of you know silent dialogue there but i didn't pick up on because they can both see what's happening right and like brand i guess the idea is he can see a little bit in the future but it's not clear that's i was doing a little research about that and i think that's essentially what happens is is my man hits him with like uh you know just a thought that guy's like what are you talking about and that's why homeboy knows when Arya comes at him because Arya sneaks up on anybody, right?
Starting point is 00:35:46 That's her shit. Right. Yeah. And so he catches her on the sneak and then the thing drops. Boom. Got some prison shit. Didn't Bran give Arya a weapon?
Starting point is 00:35:56 He gave her that dagger. That's like, so he, so Arya killed him with a dagger Bran gave him. That was the dagger that, last season, that Littlefinger gave to him.
Starting point is 00:36:03 The one that was supposed to have, they tried to kill Bran with, that's kicked off the whole show. Ah. Right? You remember that? Yes. Still dagger. Yes. Oh.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. I forgot that Melisandre ever met Arya. Yeah, I remember that either. I still don't remember when Melisandre met Arya. I still do not remember that. When they looked at each other, I was like, why are they looking at each other? And then when they spoke, I was like, I still don't...
Starting point is 00:36:31 Yo, when they captured Gendry, she was there. Right? Remember they put the leeches on Gendry? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Right? She got him. He got King's blood. She went up to the...
Starting point is 00:36:44 Arya and Gendry were in like the cage wagon? Correct. Uh-huh. When they were with the firemen. Still drawing a plan. The had King's blood. She went up to them. When Arya and Gendry were in the cage wagon? Correct. When they were with the firemen. Still drawing a blank. The Lord of Light people. Beric. Beric was like, no, I got to give them up to her. And then they had a little moment, and she walked up to Arya and said that thing about
Starting point is 00:36:56 like, you know, many people are going to die from you. Question. Shoot. Shorty says, or somebody says to the Sully, what's his name? Grey Worm. Says to Grey Worm, Vala Margulis. And then he says. Something different.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Vala. Yeah. Vahars. Yeah, Vahars. I don't know. That's like. Is that like As-Salaam-Alaikum? I think that's the same.
Starting point is 00:37:23 I literally just Had to say that That is the That's how it goes Okay It wasn't like Because it was a shorty That said it to him It was Melisandre right
Starting point is 00:37:32 I thought she was like All men must die And he was like All women must die No There is a second part To that To the all men must die
Starting point is 00:37:41 I don't know Well Apparently nobody was dying Maybe that was What the interaction was really about. He said that tonight. All the Dothraki, though. Gone.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Extinction. And the blacks. Bro, they really sent the Dothraki out like... They put them on the kick coverage deal, right? What's up? What's up? They're fucking running out there with a guy who's a war guy in Middle Tennessee State. He's kind of fucked up.
Starting point is 00:38:01 The best warriors in the kingdom. He's kind of fucked up. Son. Kind of fucked up. And Ghost, too. Ghost is on the coverage team. We're out there. What happened to him? up. The best warriors in the fucking world. Son. Kind of fucked up. And Ghost, too. Ghost is on the coverage team. What happened to him? Oh, yeah, Ghost is going to live.
Starting point is 00:38:09 They don't kill dogs. I know. They couldn't do that on TV. None of them do that. Oh, that's right. Ghost, at least kill the dog. I'd be okay if you... Well, no, you can't kill the dog because John's still alive, right?
Starting point is 00:38:18 Isn't that the thing? I don't think so. My understanding was if the dog dies, then they're tied together. All right. So here's what I did enjoy about the episode. Everybody's predictions were all wrong. Yes. I'm sure people are going to be like, no, I knew Aria was going to...
Starting point is 00:38:31 Nobody. Everybody's predictions were dog shit. I like that. And I like that. And I like that we all saw two episodes and we forgot everything that we saw for eight years. And I was like, this is what's going to happen based on two episodes. Right. And knowing that dagger thing about the Aria thing is cool that it all came full circle.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Yeah. So I think those are both cool. And my initial thing was this was fun. It wasn't as good as Battle of the Bastards but I had fun at the battle and then I didn't see
Starting point is 00:38:52 the ending come true. And all week we kick around these conspiracy theories and none of them are true. Knowing nobody died does bother me. But we did see the ending coming kind of.
Starting point is 00:39:01 Admit that we saw them beating the Night King in Winterfell. Correct. Sure. And like, I guess- Well, some people thought they were going to King's Landing. That became the big thing.
Starting point is 00:39:10 That's what I thought. That became a theory. You're right. But it didn't happen. It didn't happen. But don't you want to have something else happen than what you were expecting to happen? Yeah. That's what happened.
Starting point is 00:39:20 That's why I started thinking that. Listen, the episode wasn't bad, but no one died. That's it. I started thinking that because I was like, there's no way they would be so simple as to just let them beat the White Walkers this week. Please let something else happen. No, because that's it.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Now we're moving on to the real battle, the battle of what the show's called Game of Thrones. Now we're going on to the battle for the throne. So as interesting as I thought, I always thought for the last couple years it was going to be flipped. Everybody thinks this bullshit throne matters, and then we're all going to have to realize at some point, yo, this is what matters, is the White Walkers.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Right. So I did not see it happening. But that's what it was for the past, from last season to this season. The attention kind of diverted from the throne to the White Walkers. Right. And then we got that conclusion today, and now we're throne to the White Walkers. Right. And then we got that conclusion today. Now we're back to the throne. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:09 Yeah. I do wish people had died. I thought Brienne got it. I thought that was great. She's a knight. She dies like a knight. Be out. And I thought, what's her name?
Starting point is 00:40:19 Gilly Fish, what's her name? Gilly. Gilly. I thought she died. Bro, I just can't.'t okay let's talk about predictions isn't it funny she got gills in her name and her fucking flaps out like that let's talk about predictions um next next week the north is severely depleted yeah they dragon. One dragon. They have one dragon and they have. Wait, you guys said two dragons.
Starting point is 00:40:47 You guys said the other dragon didn't die. Potentially two dragons. You think that dragon died? We don't know for sure. We had all the White Walkers on a stabbing it and shit. I assumed it died and came back and that was the one that was. That's what I thought. That's what I thought.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Hey. I didn't want to say it because you guys were not even close to that. So I just kind of was like, maybe I'm an idiot. Ew. But that's what I thought. No, why? Because- Because the first ice dragon I thought died.
Starting point is 00:41:11 When? When they were fighting. Yeah, I thought they killed him, the two of them. I don't know how they killed an ice dragon. Whatever the other one is, I thought killed him, Drogo, whoever. Yeah. Killed the bad dragon. Huh?
Starting point is 00:41:22 How do you kill an ice dragon? They didn't dragon glass it. But look, you got dragon teeth. If you got two dragons, that's just a wrap. You're not killing two dragons. So, that big ass crossbow is going to take a while. They have a crossbow and they have a harpoon
Starting point is 00:41:39 on the crossbow. Okay, so, let's just get back into what the predictions are. So we have severely depleted. You literally only have the main characters left in the north. Right. That's really it. You have a handful of people, and they're the main characters.
Starting point is 00:41:51 You'd rather have the Dothraki. Way rather have the Dothraki. We have a lot of the Uncelli, the Grey Worm, and a lot of the Uncelli. No, the Uncelli are dead. They left them out there. Grey Worm, put the fucking switch. Guy got a little bit of pussy. And that's it.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Done. We're back on the time zone. He's got a pussy And that's it Done He's got beach plans For when he shows up Sell out Yo man We are going to Greek islands Sell out Sell out My man wasn't friends
Starting point is 00:42:14 With any of them ever Yeah Unsullied Done Right Dothraki Done They got 30
Starting point is 00:42:22 Northerners tops Now they do have The Iron Fleet Right Because done. They got 30 Northerners tops. Now they do have the Iron Fleet. Right? Because Yara went back to the Iron Islands. Let's say she took that back. So boom. She's got the... She would do that. Potentially, right? And then you got
Starting point is 00:42:38 they'd have to flip Dorne. I think the Dornish... Is Dorne still in play? I think Dorne would still be in play. Dorn got to be. They got to have a fucking. I thought those bitches that killed. But they got an army. That's a country.
Starting point is 00:42:51 I didn't even consider Dorn. Yeah. What about the Brothers of the Harpy or something like that? Remember that, those motherfuckers that were at the original slave bay, Slaver's bay. She can gather around. She can gather up. Well, the Knights of the Vale there,
Starting point is 00:43:11 because I did not see the true prince that was promised, Robin, sometime. So Knights of the Vale potentially are on the board. Yep. Okay, so she needs a couple armies, right? Because she's going up against the Golden Company. Right. The Golden Company and whatever Cersei has,
Starting point is 00:43:27 they're wildly depleted, and they're about to march for the throne. And we know that because in the preview, Dany says, okay, we've won the battle, now we have to take the throne or whatever that nonsense is. Is it even smart to go right away oh she's she's not gonna wait but why like you got good weather there's no time winter's not here summer's here why even this is why the story starts to suck it's like what's the impetus for going now heal up chill
Starting point is 00:44:01 matter of fact let cersei pull up on you. Exactly. Procreate. Create some more people. You have no urgency to get this throne. Let Cersei come to you. Why would you go after it depleted when she just got the full army? She got a dragon. One to two dragons is the thing that they think. That's it.
Starting point is 00:44:22 That's all you need. Yeah. Sure. But do you understand what I'm saying? I know what you're saying. Yeah. Fall back, recover, heal up, go at it. Okay, so that's the logical thing.
Starting point is 00:44:33 What do you think is... But maybe that's what the next two episodes are. Three episodes left, right? Three episodes. Say the last episode's another battle. Maybe the next two episodes is them gathering up an army again. Going, getting the Night of the Veil, getting Dorne, getting wherever, building up the army again.
Starting point is 00:44:51 It is weird to do this in episode three. Am I the only one who feels like this is weird to have this giant battle and then two episodes and nothing? They closed that chapter. Yeah, sure. Couldn't you close that out in chapter five? Nah, because then you need the time to rebuild. It's just a little odd. I think it should have been Cersei and blah.
Starting point is 00:45:10 I think the whole thing should have been, hey, it's real, like you said earlier, the throne is meaningless when we got these White Walkers. And that's a metaphor for life. Yeah. Right? Like all your hobbies and passions are meaningless when you have death on your doorstep.
Starting point is 00:45:24 Right? But it really is shitting on that concept. It's basically like, no, your hobbies are passions are meaningless when you have death on your doorstep. Right. But it really is shitting on that concept. It's basically like, no, your hobbies are really important. Don't worry about death at all. Hey, don't worry about it.
Starting point is 00:45:34 You like crochet. Keep it up. Don't worry about that cancer. It's a horrible message. The message should have been like, Hey, this thing that we thought was so, so valuable and so important is
Starting point is 00:45:45 actually menace when your whole body sorry, when your whole family is going to be ripped to shreds by zombies. Which is why last episode I was like, I can't see them doing the fucking whole battle. There's no way episode three is just the White Walkers. It has to carry over. I was shocked. I do agree. That's an odd choice. I enjoyed the episode. I
Starting point is 00:46:01 had fun. I'm not looking for deep meaning or art from it necessarily. I had fun. I'm not looking for deep meaning or art from it necessarily. I had fun. Ending was cool because I didn't see it coming. I do wish Jon Snow and that makes me feel a little unfulfilled because it's like, yo, isn't that what we were building toward for years and years? Is this? But
Starting point is 00:46:18 I had fun. What did Jon even do? What did he even fucking do this episode? Yo, he didn't do anything really. Dude, way to bum it up, bro Way to bum it up They killed a bunch of White Walkers What did Daenerys do? Jon was short enough to fit underneath rubble
Starting point is 00:46:35 That's what he did That's what he accomplished this episode To fit underneath rubble What did Daenerys do? She at least had She saved had Jorah's six. They all saved someone. Sure. But she had Jorah's six the whole time.
Starting point is 00:46:52 She was stabbing motherfuckers. She was taking people out. You never saw her fight with a sword before. Yeah, that was interesting. I'm actually more impressed with Dany. She also said, fuck. She was like, we need to go now. Oh, word.
Starting point is 00:47:04 She pulled up. She put the dragons in the mix. She said, fuck the we need to go now. Oh word. She pulled up She put the dragons in the mix. She said fuck the throne. Let's go. Yo, John was all about letting them Dothraki die Yeah, right. You know what it was. He was like, oh all their cousins He fucked you which one which one of them the sons of Cal that fucked you. Okay That's why she's just trying to go John's like hey John You see next week John being like Hey let's relax
Starting point is 00:47:27 And she's just like Oh he was the one That taught you all those moves Alright Alright Look at his sword That shit is out isn't it Yeah
Starting point is 00:47:35 Yeah I thought it was funny She was still giving him A little attitude At the top of the episode And it's like Bitch it's zombies But you still You still fighting
Starting point is 00:47:40 Oh my god Is that just like a woman No matter what the fuck Is going on They don't listen to nothing bro you chilling you trying to say listen these meaningless characters that don't even got names speak a goofy ass language just let them die bitch she's like no i gotta risk my life okay auntie that's what he's upset that's what he's upset that's what he calls her auntie can we just talk about this stop calling
Starting point is 00:48:02 you that it's uncomfortable. So in the scenes from the next episode, it was Dany who's kind of holding court, addressing everyone. She's still the queen. Right. Jon hasn't been like. He's not pushing the issue. Yes.
Starting point is 00:48:20 He's still PTSD-ed a little bit. He don't give a fuck, man. He won his battle. Well, Sam's still alive. But no, he gave he went to her and was like i need you to beat them they're gone now yeah now we gotta have that talk so now let's have that talk now now let's talk about and sam's still alive and brand's still alive right and those are the only people that can confirm it that'd be another dope thing they
Starting point is 00:48:38 should have killed sam and brand and now there's nobody that can confirm that john is the rightful heir to the throne. But of course they leave both of them up there. You know what I'm saying? Make some shit interesting. Make some shit cool. Now you got to walk around with it. I felt like, yo, that's my aunt.
Starting point is 00:48:53 And people are like, aren't you fucking... Yeah, but it's... It's a good thing. It's a thing. Aren't you the king? Yeah, but... Why are you even telling people this? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:02 So she got it. I let the bitch have it I don't fight about it I'm still hitting it We sleep in the same bed And she just gets the chair Who wanna sit in that chair? She sleeps on my spank too You got the swords bro
Starting point is 00:49:16 That's funny he's trying to justify it The throne ain't nothing but a word It's overrated the throne It's cold It's a cold thing. It's stressful. Yeah, it's like everybody looking at you like, don't you want to just kick it some days? You got to be on the throne.
Starting point is 00:49:31 It's just like a wedding. It's like, look, the bitch really wants it. Let her have it. Son, you know. Yeah, do whatever you got to do. I just saved 10 Gs on the ring. That's it. I'm going to do nothing.
Starting point is 00:49:40 He's making the financial decisions. Johnny's smart. You don't want to do the fucking... That's office hours. He's like, listen, I'm not trying to be on that throne Monday through Wednesday. That's it. I'm the king of the north. Let this bitch be the king of whatever.
Starting point is 00:49:55 It's fine. I'm the king of this bitch. Listen, and she got a dragon. What y'all gonna do, really? When I had a dragon, I was popping off. I was like, nah, I'm the rightful heir. Now she's the only one. It's like, you know, compromise.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Compromise is important in all relationships. Do you think it meant anything that the dragon, because that was Jon's dragon that went to her. That was the dragon Jon was riding, right? It's very unclear. Son, it's three-card money with the dragons. I got no clue which dragon is alive. We? Thank you, it's not the dragons. We have no clue which dragon is which.
Starting point is 00:50:28 All I know is Dracarys, if you say that motherfucker's name, it's a smoke show. Smoke show. Okay? Nobody else seemed to got the fire like that. I thought that meant fire. Dracarys. No, that's his name. No, that's not his name.
Starting point is 00:50:38 Dracarys is fire. Oh, we're? Yeah. It's named, the three dragons are named after her brothers. Rhaegar? Rhaegar, Viseryn, or whatever, which-in or whatever which and then draw draw girl which I assume is for Khal Drogo his name isn't draconian jacarys that's just really that's the command that means that's like yeah good thing we have this podcast show that
Starting point is 00:51:01 would've been dope right before police went down on him He was like yo Jakari is here Let me get that fire bitch Okay predictions then The next episode is just a building of So it's useless Back to that. Long-term prediction? I have no fucking idea because I can't believe all these people are still alive.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Whatever it's going to be, John's going to end up on the throne somehow. Okay. Because this telegraphed the way these guys are writing the show now. Yes. It's predictable. We've identified John as the guy. Yeah. He's going to be the guy.
Starting point is 00:51:45 I don't exactly know how he's going to get there, but I bet. Do we get the debts that we're looking for? So wait, why do you, I'm sorry. Probably not. Why do you think this qualified to telegraph John as the guy? Because they basically told this story with all the heroes. Before you got here, we said they've turned this into a traditional hero story. They said it's-
Starting point is 00:52:03 All the good guys- He said it's entourage now. It's entourage. The good guys that we all like now are always going to win. And it feels like the easy answer is, oh John, he's the guy we followed around, he's the purest of heart, and he
Starting point is 00:52:17 actually has the birth right now. Yeah, we're going to put him on the iron throne. I kind of think he won't. Chew fits, right? Checks a lot of boxes. It is a complete talentless exec move. Correct. And it's a coward exec move. And execs, they operate based on how can I keep paying my mortgage. And if I fumble this by doing something brave, I might not be able to pay my mortgage.
Starting point is 00:52:41 They were chasing Sopranos. We saw what they did to him. Exactly. Right? Exactly. Yeah. Right? Exactly. Yeah. Right? They fucking crippled that man.
Starting point is 00:52:48 Do you know? And it's just because they go, well, I don't want to kill off the wrong person and then I get fired. Right. Right? So hopefully you get someone, a writer of a show, and maybe to his detriment, David Simon has so much power. David Simon is the wire.
Starting point is 00:53:02 He has so much power that they just let him make horrible shows now. But sometimes you have so much power where you can actually make, you can actually be brave in your storytelling. But it's clear that these motherfuckers at HBO are not going to be brave. I mean, yeah, I guess you're fucking right. Unfortunately, it's going to be John on the fucking phone. I think he won't want it. I think he's going to give it to... I can see that.
Starting point is 00:53:26 I also think there's some feminist shit going on, like Arya killing the Night King. I think that's one of the progressive type moves. You know what I mean? Like a liberal progressive. Hey, the woman is going to do it. So I could see Jon being like, no, she's the queen. She deserves to be the queen.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Is the last... I can see that. Is the last scene them kind of like lowering the throne so John can't go? Or they just get rid of the throne? Putting a step stool up to the throne so John can hop up there? Little baby mini throne? Oh, no. That's what they're going to do. They're going to end up getting rid of the throne.
Starting point is 00:53:56 They're going to turn this into a parliament, right? And they're going to have all the main characters now. That's what they're going to do. I did. Crack the code. Wrap it up. Last episode of this podcast. Boo!
Starting point is 00:54:07 In all seriousness, question. What if they switch it all up and then they... Xerxes wins. What if they do that? You get all the deaths you want and then you don't get a happy ending of Jon or Dany on the throne. Okay, ready? Would that redeem it for you?
Starting point is 00:54:24 Would that redeem tonight? You ready? The only way they can pull us out is if Cersei ends up on the throne. That is the only way. And then this whole episode was an okie doke. This whole episode was the, hey, you think it's going to go as planned and you think all these guys are going to end up making it. And then Cersei clips one motherfucker after
Starting point is 00:54:46 another one and the last one is Sansa and you know she's just looking right at her and she's like you will never defeat me bitch and then boom sits on that fucking throne game over I am standing up fucking applauding let's go
Starting point is 00:55:01 if they have the balls to do it they don't they don't I, I'm not going to front. I like a happy ending. I would have taken everyone dying except them two. I would have taken everyone dying except John and Danny. Everybody else get it. That's fine. Everyone else dying is cool with me. Just keep the
Starting point is 00:55:17 two. You know in the movie with the happy ending where the best friend dies? I want one of them. One of them dying is fine. Danny could go. Yo, so here's the thing that annoyed me, right? Danny, they were building Danny up to be irrational and they were building Danny up
Starting point is 00:55:31 to be power hungry. Right. But we might see that in the next two episodes. And we might. But I would like to see a little more of that. I'd like to see that continue
Starting point is 00:55:39 in this episode. But this episode, she was just heroic. So it was like, all right, now are you making me like her again? Now does she have a know storyline that we want to root for her i thought we were rooting against her so i thought a lot of what they were doing i real quick real quick also
Starting point is 00:55:53 to that measure there's a moment in the crypt where sansa seems petty talking about danny yeah right so now they're flipping us on sansa So where Sansa was rational before and she was like protecting her family and skeptical of this power hungry. No, I think they were just trying to show that there's still beef there. But there's the moment where Grey Worm shorty goes, you're right, because we'd all be dead if it wasn't for her. Yeah. And that's like a subliminal, yo, we got to show some love.
Starting point is 00:56:23 She was the first one to jump in with the dragon and the fire. I don't know. Don't understand what I'm saying, right? The thought crossed my mind after we left this. It was like Tuesday. I was like, oh, we all sat here and made predictions
Starting point is 00:56:35 based on three episodes of this season or two episodes and forgot everything from eight seasons. So it does seem weird that Dani is just this like bad bitch and noble when she needs to be and selfish when she needs to be and selfless when she needs to be. And then all of a sudden in the last half of season seven or whatever, she gets power hungry. I ought to look back on that and be like, y'all jammed that in mad late.
Starting point is 00:56:55 So I thought a lot of this shit was going to be from the first episode. There were little things. It was like Mr. Rex. When she smoked homeboys. Yeah. That's the idea with her character is you're not going to see her go crazy until she has the power, and the power is what makes her go crazy.
Starting point is 00:57:09 They spent so much time talking about the Mad King that you're probably going to see her become the Mad King. That's what I hoped would happen. Maybe. That was my brother's prediction, that she would be just like the Mad King, and then I think Jon... Jon would have to murk her, or Jorah.
Starting point is 00:57:23 So here was the beautiful thing. I don't even know if we spoke about this one. Last week. Remember when Sam gives Jorah the sword from his family? Yeah, we talked about this. This was last week. We spoke on this last week? We thought Jorah would kill.
Starting point is 00:57:34 No, we texted about this. Okay, so this is how much they keep fucking shit up, fam. You guys are just going to leave me off that text forever, huh? You're on it, but you don't show up on your phone. I don't know why you have to know those texts. It's not the right number. All right, we're going to get the right number. So basically, this is how much they me off that text forever, huh? You're on it, but you don't show up on your phone. I don't want you to know those texts. It's not the right number. All right, we're going to get the right number. So basically, this is how much they'd be fucking up the story, right?
Starting point is 00:57:50 Sam gives Jorah the sword from his family, which was Sam's father's sword, Nightsbane, right? Now, we know that Dany murked Sam's dad, who was the guy who held Nightsbane, right? I'm hoping in some beautiful poetic ending, Nightsbane's going to be up in the air. Jorah mercs Dany with Nightsbane because Dany has gone power hungry. She's turned into the Mad King, or the Mad Queen, if you will.
Starting point is 00:58:19 And the person that loved her the most, more than Jon, is Jorah uses the very sword. You wouldn't have liked that. There's no scenario where Jorah would have ever turned on Dany, though. They made that absolutely clear. But that would have shown how extreme she's gotten. Yes.
Starting point is 00:58:35 He's the one guy that wouldn't turn on her. The one. Dude, I would love it. I would love it. And he'd be crying while he did it. It would be the most emotional fucking scene. Do you really want Jorah to have that kind of moment though it's over jordan's done yes i want him at that moment not this little i'm okay for jordan to die yeah jordan had to die
Starting point is 00:58:53 but he was meaningless yeah i'm just saying then you would give his character arc something then then he actually loved her so much that he was willing to take her out so that she didn't become this person that you know uh she was never supposed to be. Remember, he fell in love with her because he truly thought that she was the rightful queen, right? Yeah. So him killing her was... Because he used to spy. Poetic! Originally he was a spy.
Starting point is 00:59:16 He was there to spy on her and then he came full circle on her. That'd be full, full circle. That'd be 360 as if he ended up killing her. But that's a wrap. That's right. 180. right No you say you go You look yeah, if there's a scene in the last episode that's Grey Worm and Missandei
Starting point is 00:59:47 on a beach somewhere, I might be with you. Oh, that'd be brutal. That would be, that would be really, like, come on. It's gonna be fucking Andy Dufresne
Starting point is 00:59:58 and whatever the guy's name is. Red. Red, yeah, yeah. Morgan Freeman. Yeah, Morgan Freeman, Andy Dufresne, just walking on a beach in Dorne. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:07 No, that would be- That's going to be it. That's going to be the last step. That would be too much happiness. That'd be bad. Grey Worm should have gotten marked. He really should have. But now they're really running that love story, so now they're going to end up making it.
Starting point is 01:00:19 Yeah. Ugh. It's a possibility a lot of these dudes get marked in the last episode. Maybe this was the okkey-doke. And they do all die. Just not tonight. Doesn't feel that way. Because it's been on a downward slope since the book stuff ended.
Starting point is 01:00:34 And culminating with the episode last season where they tried to kidnap the White. That whole storyline has set this Game of Thrones off into a spiral, I think. Which one? They try to kidnap who? The White Walker. And they take him back. That plan was half-baked. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:51 And it didn't even accomplish anything. Nothing. Cersei was like, I don't give a fuck. I'm not going to go. Y'all up there. Yeah. How happy are the writers? They're like, we don't got to follow that sadistic fucking George R.R. Martin shit.
Starting point is 01:01:02 They probably wish that he... They're probably begging for him right now. Yeah. Well, he gave him the ending, right? Right. It's going to end how he wants it to end. Is that right? I heard he told him what he wants the ending.
Starting point is 01:01:12 And they've been filling in the blanks. They've talked about it. Yeah, that's true. You've read that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Wait, explain, Akash. Go. I think it's kind of a loose, like, look, this is what I want the ending to be.
Starting point is 01:01:21 And then you guys get there however you want to get there. This is what I want the ending to be. And then you guys write, you guys get there however you want to get there. This is what I want the ending to be. Yeah. Okay. Because I was low-key hoping that they carried out the season as it was or carried out the rest of the seasons as it was and finished the show how they saw it.
Starting point is 01:01:36 And then George would put out the books. And the books would be just everybody. Wait for it, wait for it. I'm cashing these motherfucking checks. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You get it. Get all your money. Cash those checks with the books no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You get it. Get all your money. Cash those checks with the books.
Starting point is 01:01:47 And then HBO goes, let's run it back. Let's do it the way that George wanted it done. And then they do the exact same thing. And you know all of us would sit there for the last fucking two seasons. Because the whole thing where that first part was like a vision from Bran. Boom, that's it. Right? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:02 And then you roll it back and then all of a sudden he's like. Wrong crow. Sitting in front of the White Walker with his eyes again. All right, we'll start from here. Boom, that's it. Right? Yeah, you roll it back and then all of a sudden he's like sitting in front of the White Walker with his eyes again. Alright, we'll start from here. Boom, done. Yeah. And we would all watch and you'd make double the fucking money. It'd be beautiful. Yeah, two things. One, real quick, what was Brand doing the whole episode?
Starting point is 01:02:15 We don't know. He was just flying around. Just flying, bro. You don't ever take a flight in the middle of water? As I think about it, he was kind of just watching everything and seeing what he wanted to know everything that was going on the battle. Okay. Fair enough. Just people like where the White Walk is at, where's Night King at, where's John at.
Starting point is 01:02:30 Second thing, what if George R.R. Martin had writer's block, but then at a certain point he was like, let me just see, let these motherfuckers finish. See what everybody likes and dislikes. And when I write the books, I can just make sure everybody likes better. True. Hot. Hot. I mean, like, oh, they thought too many people lived in this scene is a good one apparently also I heard this like before the shows got ahead of the books but he
Starting point is 01:02:54 knew the ending to the point that apparently he said some people online have predicted it this is years ago so he has an ending in mind I mean yeah but that's you know you just predict every single outcome. Sure, yeah. But you can say, my point is he had an ending in mind. And I'm sure some fucking jackass threw out a thousand and one of them was the one that George R.R. Martin is. Right. But my point is he had an ending.
Starting point is 01:03:14 And he was like, oh, somebody did get it right. Cersei. You got to root for Cersei. Tear it all down, bro. Tear it all down. She flies away on a dragon at the end. I invested ten years in this fucking show. I'm not letting this bitch
Starting point is 01:03:25 Yo She's taking over dog You gotta be team Cersei now You really want these Happy go lucky I'm more into it now Than I was a week ago I am more into it
Starting point is 01:03:34 I say kill everybody Except Jon and Dragon bitch And I'm good I called it Cersei's the smartest one I called Arya Was gonna kill the Night King
Starting point is 01:03:43 You did say that? Yeah On the episode? The only thing I got wrong called Arya was gonna kill the Night King you did say that yeah on the episode the only thing I got wrong I thought she was gonna oh shit have the face of a white
Starting point is 01:03:51 oh shit that's right and I called that Cersei's gonna end up on the throne damn Al Al you might be right
Starting point is 01:04:00 I wrote this shit I wrote this shit any other predictions? I think, no, I think Jon is gonna give the throne to Dany.
Starting point is 01:04:11 That's it. That's what I think is gonna happen. Do we think everyone's still living? I hope not. In three weeks? I hope in that battle.
Starting point is 01:04:18 I pray to God that they are not. It can't be that foolish. Look, Dany and Jon gotta make it to the last step. Right?
Starting point is 01:04:25 Do we still think if Cersei goes, it's Arya with one of the faces of Tyrion or Jaime? We know for a fact that Danny and John make it to the last step. That's pretty clear. Right? Yeah. I think we're all on the same page there. Yeah. Unfortunately.
Starting point is 01:04:39 So if it's Danny and John, it's going to be Danny, John, Cersei. So now we know the three of them are making it to the last ep without a doubt. So everybody else can go in the meantime. Yeah. Right? No one else really has to be there. Are they going to kill anybody else though based on – They missed their opportunity.
Starting point is 01:04:59 There's got to be another battle. Maybe – here's a question. Maybe they want to build up Cersei's villain character, so Cersei will take out several of the characters that we love on the good guy team. I thought maybe that battle would lose. That's what I was thinking. Maybe not a battle.
Starting point is 01:05:18 Maybe like a strategic move. What's that P word? Like the second to last episode? Penultimate. Penultimate, yeah. So is that the episode where everyone dies? Is that the next battle? So next week is setting up that battle.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Then episode five is the battle. Someone got to go next week, bro. Someone got to go next week. No one's dying next week. Somebody got to go, bro. Next week is all just filler set up. Is Brom still going to kill Jamie? That's his name, right?
Starting point is 01:05:42 Bram? Brom? Brom. No, not. Yeah, Brom. Brom. Brom. Is he going to still kill Jamie? No's his name, right? Bram? Braum? No, not. Yeah, Braum. Is he going to still kill Jamie? No. Can't do it. Can't stop, won't stop. But he won't do it.
Starting point is 01:05:52 I don't think Arya's going to do anything of super significance again. She's going to have a child. You think that's it? She's going to have a child. She's pregnant. She's going to have a child, fine. But she's not going to kill anybody. She did her shit. She got to let her head heal. But she's not going to kill anybody. No, she did her shit. She got to let her head heal. Right.
Starting point is 01:06:06 And she's just going to be pregnant. I guarantee she's pregnant. Guarantee she's pregnant. And that's a Baratheon star kid. Yeah. I had a hypothetical. Are you guys happy or upset if this whole shit ends like the Red Wedding? Like a form of that where it's like they're all celebrating
Starting point is 01:06:25 and just like everybody just gets murked. I would respect the gangster of it. Andrew would love it. I'd be sad but I would respect the gangster of it.
Starting point is 01:06:32 I think Cersei's on. I'm attached to nobody now. I think Cersei and it's going to be another form because the Red Wedding is the episode everybody talks about.
Starting point is 01:06:41 Yep. Why not end it just like that? Oh! Everybody. The wedding of Kendrian's Arya. Or Dany and Jon. Dany and Jon would be the one where it would happen.
Starting point is 01:06:53 How do we get rid of the mountain? That's going to be Cleganebowl. That's going to be the two of them. Okay. So this is good. Before we get out of here, how long are we with? 107. Okay, so before we get out of here, how long have we been? 1.07. Okay, so before we get out of here, real quick, let's think about, let's just go through a couple of the majors and how they get out of here.
Starting point is 01:07:15 So the Mountain, Clegane Ball. He's going to die, though, during that fight. Clegane as well? It feels like that's going to be an Aria-Hound tag team match, and they take out the Mountain. Now, did the Mountain do anything to anybody else? Wait a minute. Dorne.
Starting point is 01:07:34 If Dorne gets involved. Who's left cool on Dorne? There's no one who can do that. What about those chicks? One's dying or dead, assumedly. She took the poison. There were two other ones. The mom's there. I guess the mom's still alive,
Starting point is 01:07:45 theoretically. I'm a fan of that mom. And a mom don't play. Like a tractor. Yeah. Interesting. So, okay, so boom.
Starting point is 01:07:53 So there's a couple people that could potentially take out the mountain. We see that. Cersei. You could have Jaime. I think Jaime got through it. Jaime, Tyrion,
Starting point is 01:08:01 or Arya. What about Sansa? Could be Sansa. I think Sansa is the one I would put on that. That's the hit. I never understood the Arya-Cersei thing. Why that would be Arya. She's the last name on our list.
Starting point is 01:08:14 They never had an interaction. I think Cersei takes out Arya. I think that's going to be a painful one for all of us. And then Sansa's like, I'm going to need that vengeance Now there was some There was a line in this episode Right where Shorty gives Sansa the thing Put the pointy end in and you know where that pointy end is
Starting point is 01:08:34 Going to end up going in In fucking Cersei's abdomen Or jugular Yo when was that line said before Cause that line was said before It was said to Arya by Jon when he gave her the needle. When he gave her the needle. In the first, second episode, first episode of the show.
Starting point is 01:08:51 And then said last episode from Arya to Gendry, you know. Oh, I saw this on. Just put the pointy in it. Y'all are slight. I had no idea what you were talking about. I thought you got the names wrong. I saw this on Instagram when Alessandra said to Aria, you will kill many people with brown eyes, green eyes.
Starting point is 01:09:14 Blue eyes. Blue eyes. So she killed blue eyes. Brown eyes is Cersei. Green eyes is Dany. No. Oh, no, no, no, no. Go, go.
Starting point is 01:09:28 Keep going. Keep going. I'd have to find the meme. Blue Eyes is? Night King. Night King. Brown Eyes is? Cersei.
Starting point is 01:09:34 There's a lot of brown eyes. That's true. A lot of brown eyes. Green Eyes is? Danny. And she's the only person with green eyes? I mean, the only important person I can think of. The Mountain also blue eyes.
Starting point is 01:09:48 Mountain blue eyes. Does he? It's like purple. I don't really know what they are now. I think it's purple. I thought it was just brown eyes, green eyes. Are we ever going to see under his fucking helmet? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:57 Probably. We're going to see. It's probably not good. It's going to go down. Yeah. There's going to be the... Shock and awe thing? Star Wars scene.
Starting point is 01:10:04 Yeah. That's going to be the – Shock and awe thing. Star Wars scene. Yeah. That's going to look real dumb. I thought it was brown eyes, green eyes. Like most people have brown eyes, green eyes, and then blue eyes. That's all I took it, but that's a good theory also. Okay. So, okay, Cersei, we have the potential Cersei. And then the dragon.
Starting point is 01:10:22 Does the dragon make it? Yeah, at this point, why wouldn't it? Nah, they built up that fucking... I think by the end of the series, all the dragons are gone. Yeah. Because they built up that thing that shoots it too much. The catapult thing. Yeah, but they did that, and they kind of realized how stupid it was.
Starting point is 01:10:38 No, it started, right? It knocked it. Yeah, but then he was fine after. He pulled it out of his side, and that was it. I mean, that's your first jumper. It's not wet. I would be upset if they went backwards. They tried that defense.
Starting point is 01:10:50 It didn't work. That's my theory. Then they made adjustments. Halftime adjustments. That's it. They could have made an adjustment. That's it. When the Night King threw that spear at the dragon,
Starting point is 01:10:58 were you waiting for it to come back to him like the Thor had? I was really waiting for it to just kind of go past. He's thrown that spear before. And then come back around. He almost connects. Yeah, but they never. He missed once. Did he?
Starting point is 01:11:10 Yeah. Well, they missed in this episode, but they never show the scene of him like walking really far to go get that spear. Yeah, yeah. Wouldn't he just raise a dead guy? Yeah, bring that back for me.
Starting point is 01:11:18 Nice play catch with that guy. Paul gets away from him like, oh, fuck. Any other potential deaths before we wrap it up? Paul gets away from him like oh fuck any other any other potential deaths before we wrap it up I think I mean
Starting point is 01:11:31 I still think everyone's in play whether they actually have the balls to go through with it is the real question everyone's in play Tyrion how
Starting point is 01:11:39 I think Tyrion lives how I don't know maybe Bron but I don't know he's too much of a favorite and I think after tonight I'm more leaning towards they're not getting rid of the super famous Bron can't kill Tyrion lives. How? I don't know. Maybe Bronn, but I don't know. He's too much of a fan favorite, and I think after tonight, I'm more leaning towards them not getting rid of the super fan favorites.
Starting point is 01:11:48 Bronn can't kill Tyrion. Bronn can't kill Tyrion. If they didn't kill any of these guys tonight, why would they just die in a battle to the gold company? See, I don't think it's going to be a battle they die in. I think it will be strategic death. How are you going to kill Tormund? Tormund is meaningless.
Starting point is 01:12:03 I think that's the kind of fan favorite they can live. He'll die in the last battle. They don't need him no more. I think Tormund will protect Brienne. And then Brienne will end up with Jaime. Or something of that nature. You'll have that love triangle play out into one of their deaths.
Starting point is 01:12:21 It's not a love triangle. Brienne ain't gonna fuck about Tormund. Nah, Brienne's starting to feel Tormund. Bri't give a fuck About Tormund Nah Bran Started to feel Tormund Bran started to feel Tormund Remember she only a knight
Starting point is 01:12:29 Because Tormund put him down Yeah you right I would make you a knight Ten times over I love that part Is the big woman Still here That was my favorite
Starting point is 01:12:41 That was my favorite meme 3am at the bar Is the big woman Still here Oh the one that came out Tonight's good They put Arya's face On Daymullin's body That was my favorite meme. 3 a.m. at the bar. Is the big woman still here? The one that came out tonight is good. They put Arya's face on Daymuller's body. It's good. The Daymuller meme after the game.
Starting point is 01:12:52 That's good. That's good. All right, man. Well, that's been another episode of Wes and Bros. Thank you all for tuning in. Let's hope this shit picks up next week. Let's really hope this shit picks up next fucking week because we're not playing any games.
Starting point is 01:13:09 Let's let Alex get home early so he can get some sleep and get this up bright and early tomorrow. But thank you guys for spreading the word about this, man. This shit has been growing like crazy, dude. Last episode blew up. First it blew up, man. I mean, this one, I think we're going to hit over 100K, so I'm pretty excited.
Starting point is 01:13:22 Wow, that's crazy. Yeah, man, so I'm very excited. So keep spreading the word. And if you want to hear just angry rants about how dog shit this episode was, then this is the podcast for you. Peace, man. This has been Wes Brooks. We'll see you next week. Peace.

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