Andrew Schulz's Flagrant with Akaash Singh - What Ayahuasca Does To Your Brain With Shaman Omar | Flagrant U with Andrew Schulz

Episode Date: April 22, 2021

This week for Flagrant U: Ayahuasca Shaman Omar joins Andrew to discuss the intricacies of Ayahuasca and his ceremonies....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up everybody and welcome to another episode of flagrant you we're here with my man Omar I don't know how to properly pronounce your last name Ahmad Zai the American way is Ahmad Zai but the traditional Afghan way is Ahmad Zai I think that was a good pronunciation you have to pronounce it yeah that was a good pronunciation pronounce it yeah that's a really good one you should take that right to kabul yeah because uh yeah if you mispronounce if you say ahmer ahmadzai here then it's like uh but if you would say you know mispronounce it if you were to say it the american way over there and it wouldn't work of course not now you were here for a very specific reason and i have a feeling as this conversation goes there'll be more reasons attached but i have a curiosity about
Starting point is 00:00:51 ayahuasca i had this curiosity i'll tell you where it comes from i don't want to try it i'm actually terrified of it and i have i think a decent reason why which i'll share with you that you've probably heard a million other people say you've done thousands thousands of these ceremonies. You're an ayahuasca shaman. And I want to learn about this plant medicine, this drug, whatever people call it. The reason I'm curious is because after I speak to people who have used it, they talk about the crazy trip and the things that they see. That doesn't interest me that much. The transformative process that happens in their life afterwards is very similar to what happened to me after going to Burning Man.
Starting point is 00:01:35 And I don't really even do drugs, but just like the experience there, for whatever reason, kind of like filled me up in a way. It was really exciting. And like, I don't know, I'm actually depleted. I want to go back. i crave it a little bit you didn't know you had inside of you until you experienced it plus the awareness of it then you realize what those levels are at like a gas tank 100 so before we dig in can you just explain to me what ayahuasca is yeah well i can say for sure that the reasons you just described that you are don't want to do it because you're petrified is like, because you're smart,
Starting point is 00:02:07 you should be. And that's the truth, you know? But, and then the reasons why you would want to experience because the aftermath, the transformations, that's the only reason to drink it. Right. So we should just go now. Just go now, do it, start at the end. There's a preparation part, but what is ayahuasca like so the way you mean like uh so the way i look at ayahuasca is what is it's a leaf yeah so there's a physical plant yeah right so there's a like what is andrew right so well andrew is a human right a male i'm hope we're not going to let male right late mid to Like mid thirties, right? Okay, cool. But then what is Andrew like inside, right?
Starting point is 00:02:48 Who is Andrew is like the personality. So we look at plant medicines the same way. What is ayahuasca? Ayahuasca ultimately is a two ingredient tea. So it's a vine known as ayahuasca and then a leaf called chacruna cooked like a tea. So it's a two-ingredient tea. So the question is, how come we drink this tea without regard, and then we're scared of this tea?
Starting point is 00:03:14 Ultimately, it's tea, so therefore it's a medicine. Like shamanism, plants are medicine, and chemicals are drugs. So drugs can be used medicinally, and plants can be used as drugs to loom. Right. Burning man. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know? Yeah. Shamans everywhere.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Yeah. So, you know, people running around just like, oh, you want to try it? You know, so that's the problem. But if you use things ceremonially, medicines, you're going to have every single time the results that you described, like the transformation. That's where the healing occurs. You know, because ultimately, if you want to say like, what is ayahuasca on the grants, the macro, if you look at, if you triangulate everything shamanically, we say mother earth, correct?
Starting point is 00:03:56 Mother earth. Yeah. Right. The earth mother, because it brings life on the earth. Yeah. But to the earth is the child of earth, father, son, mother moon. Everything is alchemically combined between masculine and feminine principles for it to exist. So the earth is comprised of
Starting point is 00:04:11 three kingdoms, the plant, mineral, and the animal kingdom. The mineral kingdom is father nature, the deserts, the mountains. The plant kingdom is mother nature. and then the children of earth, the animal kingdom. And so when we talk about the earth, the Amazon is the womb of the earth. It's 5% of the earth land mass, but produces 20% of all the ocean, all of the air over all the land and all the ocean. So inside the womb of mother nature grows a vine called ayahuasca and so ayahuasca is just the name for the spirit of mother nature in the language of shapibo from the amazon so in christian mysticism they refer to mother nature's spirit as gaia in islam they say so yeah they say ariana greeks called it sophia and so in the amazon they call it ayahuasca. The difference is you can meet her.
Starting point is 00:05:07 So you can meet mother nature through ayahuasca. It is the same thing. Oh, when you use it, that is the experience. That's mother nature. Mother nature is going to take you and take your baby soul and swaddle you again like this and start at the beginning. Okay. Okay. Now, I want to get into that. Can you break down chemically what it is?
Starting point is 00:05:28 Sure. What is this? Is it DMT? Is it like acid? Is it more extreme mushrooms? What is happening to me when I take this thing? So, ayahuasca itself has no DMT. DMT is added in a leaf called chacruna. The thing about DMT is, people say, oh, it's smoking DMT, smoking DMT. DMT is added in a leaf called chacruna.
Starting point is 00:05:45 The thing about DMT is people say, oh, smoking DMT, smoking DMT, you know, smoking DMT is one thing, but DMT is naturally found in every single plant that's green on the earth. Every single plant on the earth, your salad is all DMT.
Starting point is 00:06:01 We have DMT in our cerebral spinal fluid, our third eye, our pineal gland secretes DMT as well as absorbs DMT. So if you were to smoke DMT or drink ayahuasca, that's the first time that your third eye is going to be fed. So it's like, you want to know how you're supposed to operate? Feed the third eye and you'll see your full capacity and capabilities as a human, right? But DMT is not the point of ayahuasca.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Otherwise, the medicine would be called chacruna. It wouldn't be called ayahuasca. Ayahuasca has no DMT. DMT is added because, as humans, of our five-sensorial, three-dimensional reality, the perception that we rely on the most is the sense of sight. How do you know know because you saw something right yeah and so dmt is added so that way mother ayahuasca has a 10d you know screen to teach you through okay so you can learn in the jungle they don't put much chacruna leaves
Starting point is 00:07:00 there's not much dmt in their medicines it's because they're already naturally connected they live in the freaking amazon they're like living under trees you know here we grow up in like new york miami you know we're like real so we need to make sure for the medicine to work here that large amounts of dmt is added into the medicine oh so this is interesting so they can access the same connectivity with mother Nature through mainly just using the ayahuasca plant. 100%, yeah. And it's almost like how Chinese food is changed over here in the West to fit our palate.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Yes. Like there's a General Tso's version of ayahuasca that Westerners are using because we are so disconnected from Mother Nature that the chakruna has to create that connectivity visually for us because we don't trust that instinctual connection. We just have so many different walls, both in the chakra system, which is basically like energy fields within the body, like the temple body. We don't even believe in these things, a lot of Westerners. We have no idea.
Starting point is 00:08:02 We don't even know that we don't know. That's the problem with our society is we we are operating on an unconscious incompetent level but yet we think we have all the answers okay so so at your stage right now and i do want to get back into it but your stage right now could you take pure ayahuasca and access the same connectivity you mean just the ayahuasca vine yeah no water without any... Yeah, no chacruna. Yeah, 100%. And is that something that you'll do for more experienced ayahuasca practitioners? So the thing is people... No, actually, that would be for...
Starting point is 00:08:35 Yes. The more experienced you are, the more you have a familiarity with the presence and the energy and the spirit and then your own soul in the dimension. It would be like going into a specific type of pool with a specific type of wave, you know, like your familiar hot tub of the soul as opposed to some random one at the one hotel. You know, ain't trashy.
Starting point is 00:09:03 You know, going to a dirty bathtub. You know, this is like a clean, nice, you know ain't trashy uh you know go into a dirty bathtub you know this is like a clean nice you know uh private one but yeah the thing is is that with with ayahuasca is is um so the human body was created whether you think we were created by god from the garden of eden or the anunnaki doesn't matter but at the end of the day, the human body was created with all of the tools and all of the system completely open, but we were created with certain barriers. See, humans are the only animal that walks on this earth that cannot eat green leaves and digest and metabolize DMT.
Starting point is 00:09:39 So that's why we don't live symbiotically on earth. So in ancient Egypt, they said that the key to the soul lies in the liver and so ultimately what ayahuasca does chemically and biologically within us is that when we drink the ayahuasca the ayahuasca produces an maoi and so the maoi stops monounoxide inhibitors basically when we eat d, our liver produces an enzyme that stops us from digesting the DMT naturally, right? So whoever our creator was stopped us.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Wanted life to be a little more boring. Eat from the tree of life, never touch the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And if you do, we're gonna make sure that there's a barrier on top of that. We're gonna have two locks on the door in case you find one key you know so that's what we're dealing with ultimately and what would be the advantage of that for a species control wouldn't you want a slave race to stay asleep why do we wear masks after you have the vaccine yeah i gotta show the masks that you brought let's not get
Starting point is 00:10:46 political let's not get political i found them i didn't someone gave them to me as a gift for you yeah at the door there was a box that said your name on it yeah it was a mash shaman it was fauci fauci's on that it's all it's all it's all magic that's the thing it's all it's all a battle between good and evil light and dark and there's sheeps and wolves. 05.01 Right. Okay. 05.01 That's the ultimate truth. So in essence, when we drink the ayahuasca, chemically, the ayahuasca has an MAOI. So it puts a layer and stops the liver from basically disintegrating the DMT, allowing for the DMT
Starting point is 00:11:21 to metabolize, go into the bloodstream, and then feed the third eye. That's what we're dealing with here. And so then, you know, it's system. The real shit starts to happen. System go. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So can you break down like what starts to happen in that experience? And I imagine it's different for every person, but like, or maybe speak on your first time taking it, because I heard all these different things, like people, it almost feels as if, and please give me pushback if, if, if I'm wrong here, but like
Starting point is 00:11:57 that it's a form of like dealing with childhood trauma. A lot of people that i've heard take it or that have took it were kind of like went into it with a problem with their dad or they were you know maybe molested or something as a kid like maybe they had like maybe they aborted a child that they felt awful about aborting and then like they said that they were processing these things and working through these relationships in the trip and the trip did not seem fun at all yeah so this idea for for like the casual drug user is like yeah i'm gonna do acid one day i'm gonna do mushrooms one day i'm gonna do ayahuasca yeah i don't i don't know if i would place it in that same realm no no ayahuasca is in its own dimension of everything and everything you mentioned those are good reasons to drink ayahuasca is in its own dimension of everything. And everything you mentioned, those are good reasons to drink ayahuasca.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Or then, you know, like they have childhood trauma, and then they turn to drugs and alcohol as a way to fix that. So they have compounding things, and there's a source issue. But regardless of anything, ultimately the mind-blowing part of it is that you think you're going to drink ayahuasca for ABC. And then? But words have a lot of meaning right so there's like you know i'm coming here for this but there's like beneath the surface you know like if if we are if one thing that all religions and spiritualities teach
Starting point is 00:13:18 us is that the soul is eternal right so they say that at one point we were created by something and we've existed and will continue to exist forever that's why people are afraid of heaven and hell because they know they're going to continue to exist how you know the churches will tell you yeah you know for a fee everyone's got an answer for you everyone's got an answer for you right everyone will tell you what's going to happen to you next but no but yet everyone's living in fear right so the thing is is that that's why it's called getting to the root of the problem. Okay. So it's like there's the beginning of everything, right? And so ayahuasca has this way of, sure, dealing with childhood traumas, all these things,
Starting point is 00:13:56 getting to the source of things, but going deeper than, you know, into like the highest depths, like places that within yourself that you know to be real because you know inside they're real like you probably experienced in your burning man journey you just described right going to like senses of knowingness that you may not be able to even verbally describe but they are experiences that change you and create a wider platform on the on the on you know this being that you call andrew to have an experience from, right? Is it possible that some people can't handle that? No. Well, it's possible of course, but that's why you have a shaman. Otherwise you should just go get ayahuasca and drink it in your
Starting point is 00:14:35 condo. So what will you do with somebody while they're accessing those deeper levels of their personal being or emotional being, what are you doing in that process as the shaman? So it's a ceremony. Like the ceremony is, you know. Yeah, maybe break down the ceremony. The ceremony. But at the end of the day, like you hear these people talk about how they had this rough experience,
Starting point is 00:15:00 but they're telling you with a smile. It makes no sense, right? Like, and I threw up and it felt. And you're like, what? This sounds horrible, right? But then they're telling you with a smile it makes no sense right like and i threw up and it felt yeah and then and you're like what this sounds horrible right but then they're like smiling right but that's the thing like if you were like training to be like a professional bodybuilder like you're not gonna you're gonna be talking about the pain of the workout but the result is the key yeah you know who likes to train and kickboxing no one likes to have bleeding shins every day but when you don't get your ass kicked in front of an audience that's the best part yeah yeah you know so that's kind of how
Starting point is 00:15:29 that works but yeah people talk about it in reverence but the the ayahuasca ceremony is it's a ceremony you come you prepare yourself for multiple days at least three days vegan no alcohol like the first time that i went three days in my life without eating meat in my entire life was the three days before my first ayahuasca ceremony because my father's like oh mom and if you are a real man you have to eat meat yeah you know like you eat meat like this is what I was raised on you know and why do you have to limit the diet why do you need strict vegan diet well it's not even about vegan it's just about not having any animals alcohol especially alcohol drugs um a cheeses any because if you want to come into the ayahuasca ceremony you
Starting point is 00:16:11 want to come with all your good all your all your purity you don't want to come in with like the the energy of the cow on the hormones producing the artificial pregnancy milk that you put into your you know egg sandwich and then the turkey bacon yeah the death of the turkey and they roll into the ayahuasca ceremony right that's a lot of emotional trauma right yeah yeah i've had people like eat chicken go into the ayahuasca ceremony and experience like the the death of a chicken for like an hour and then they never touch chicken the rest of their life and they well i've had people i've had people listen i'm telling you okay i've had people that that ate meat yeah right yeah and they think they got it all figured
Starting point is 00:16:54 out right yeah it's just like with a girlfriend like you know you're like dinner and massages and then all of a sudden like after a while you start getting thinking you're comfortable yeah yeah right yeah and that's what people do with ayahuasca. We're talking about ayahuasca. We're saying mother ayahuasca, like the goddess. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You don't get comfy. You better keep getting a set of flowers, man.
Starting point is 00:17:14 Right? So you keep bowing your head in reverence. Or either you give the respect or she's going to take it. It's real simple. It's like a dragon. We're going to ride a dragon. Yeah, yeah like kalisi like the dragon is familiar with me but it's still a dragon yeah yeah she's allowing you to ride the dragon that's it yeah you're not controlling this that's the key you are you may know her favorite songs you may know her fate the way she likes to dance to the most right but you're not in control
Starting point is 00:17:46 in the situation you are a maestro a conductor as the shaman or as the person taking it no the shaman the person taking is just laying down you're just on for the ride you basically prepare yourself for at least three days with you know we have an intake process so it's like my organization but basically speaking in broad strokes three days minimum no alcohol no animal products no drugs you come into the ceremony you don't eat like four hours before you dress like you're going to a spiritual sleepover sleeping bag etc right and you lay down drink the medicine just lay down that's it you can do nothing you sit up you lay down nice then the the ayahuasca an ayahuasca is an ayahuasca shaman the ayahuasca you know there's songs like i sing in like five of the native languages from the amazon so it's
Starting point is 00:18:38 basically like four five six hours of the most dynamic shamanic concert experience imaginable. Because every little sound like... creating, you know, every note with the flute, you know, there's seven chakras, there's seven major notes in music and seven colors. And so everything is triangulated into this like you know five dimensional situation that are you painting this journey or are you awakening both mother mother nature okay both and it's painting itself and you're guiding it it would be like the lightning is energy but then you can move the energy and light up a whole neighborhood. Okay. You know?
Starting point is 00:19:25 Yeah. Tesla style, you know? Okay, okay, okay. So there's lots of ways. Plus, it's creating itself. But ultimately, like, it's good that you have the fear and the reservation. But quick, quick, quick. So you're creating, you're painting this picture,
Starting point is 00:19:37 you're creating their journey with them as the medicine is starting to take place. People will start to uh get high for lack of a better word uh what do you what word do you use for that deep people will start to go deep at different times i imagine somewhat is it not based on digestive speed no no fuck no that's how you know you're dealing with but i thought it has to hit the liver. I know. Okay, so all at the same time... All the logic out the door. Okay, so all at the same time, people are starting to have these experiences.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Pretty close to about the same time. Are they hearing one another? You're in a trance? For the most part, you're... No, no, not necessarily trance. Oh, dude, okay. Not necessarily trance. That's the thing like...
Starting point is 00:20:22 You're on your own journey. You're on your own journey. Yes. Okay, so journey, because it's not a trip. That's the thing like, you trip, own journey you're on your own yes okay so journey because it's not a trip that's the thing like you trip like someone's like oh that was the most amazing trip i'm like no you were tripping when you walked in the door that's why you came here you know what i mean like you trip when you're off balance yeah you trip when you're stuck trying to stumble upon the truth you stumbled in here tripping this is a journey you know a journey is something that's planned out for purpose okay you know how how much can you take into that journey and decide where you go
Starting point is 00:20:49 you are for the most see i don't want to for the most part people would describe overall that their experience is very interactive with mother ayahuasca. Like as if, she's not referred to as the abuelita. You're gonna end up making me do this shit, bro. We already knew that. You wanted that, but you wanted that. You wanted that. Okay, okay, go on, go on, go on. So your experience is personalized in a way
Starting point is 00:21:21 with mother ayahuasca. In every imaginable way possible because you you know you're basically talking about like the mother like we say mother earth right so then there's the earth component but the earth is in essence a star with life on it that's why it's a planet and that's connected to the universe so imagine like everything through the divine feminine is connected to a cosmic umbilical cord, just like you are connected to your mother through the umbilical cord in her stomach. But now we're in the womb of the Mother Earth, but then we're in the womb of the cosmic mother at the same time. And you are interacting and engaging on every level, not as, hi, my name is John.
Starting point is 00:22:00 I'm 25 years old. No, as an eternal being. James John, I'm 25 years old. No, as an eternal being. And so by default, when you come, then you're deep. At some point, you come back and you just have that whole experience that will begin to unravel itself. Because if you take someone so deep and they realize how deep they are while they're there, they're going to scream. The magic is in when they come back, they realize how deep they were and then they unpack that for weeks. Does life become boring when you come back out? That's my first question.
Starting point is 00:22:33 I have a follow-up to that. No. No, of course not. Do you resent certain things that exist in this reality that we're talking in right now, that you now know to be fake or fraudulent since you've existed within the connectivity of mother nature and the cosmic universe, et cetera. Assuming that that is a hundred percent real and assuming you really felt that. Now you go back into this world where you see people doing some things you're just like oh you're a fucking sheep how do you how do you deal with that resentment or like maybe anger yeah that depends on who you are like if what is your purpose here like people have goals right but if you say like someone has goals one year one month five year ten year goals financial goals acquisition of material possession goals but if you ask someone what their purpose is do you know your purpose
Starting point is 00:23:31 i know my purpose and i know my goals so it's like when you have the goals that are beyond crystal clear right and then purpose you're not really paying so much attention to anything else and that's really when you all your energy you know because every thought we have is like creating a web right creating like a thought entity which is like the thoughts and then you that rains back down on you that's karma means action so everything you draw your attention to you're opening a portal for that to exist and like rain back into your field you know and so when you narrow when you zoom that back in like a true sorcerer a whole lot less bullshit is coming yeah yeah but depending on your purpose like if you're like someone like me yes it's very difficult to watch people um you know walk into
Starting point is 00:24:21 the fire yeah i could sense that you get frustrated with them. Not with them. I, the system, like I can see. It's not their fault because they're blindly walking around. But yet at the same time it is, it's a tricky thing. That's why I stay in my house. Fair enough. So you're, so you're, that frustration exists. Now, now after I went to Burning Man the first time I, and I had this experience with a little help from Molly, I experienced what happened when I was emotionally filled and I had extra. So I'm a stand-up comic, right? I make people laugh. And that probably stems from the fact that there's a little void in me, and I'm trying to fill that void, right? So I'm like, oh, let me spread some joy. And they're laughing. And now I feel good as well. Right. Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe something else. But I experienced what it was like to have that void filled and then extra. And what I did with that extra was really cool. Yeah. I just want to give it to people. I want to call my friends and tell them I loved them. I want to call my parents and tell them how grateful I was with them. I really want to
Starting point is 00:25:22 like share love. Right. And I came out of that experience and for however many months afterwards, maybe I'd be in a conversation with someone and instead of seeing what I could get out of that conversation, I was paying attention to what they might've needed. And I'll be honest with you, that's been really depleted in me,
Starting point is 00:25:42 but it was so nice to sit down with someone and then go, oh, they really want me to listen to them. And then give them that gift instead of going, what can I take from you from this? Yeah, 100%. Now, I know it sounds silly to do like a party drug. Magnify them by 10,000.
Starting point is 00:25:56 That's what I'm wondering if this is. Magnify by 10,000, deeper, wider. But do you see why I had that curiosity about people? Of course, because you're a good person. But it seems that the people that have tried this drug are experiencing somewhat similar things. Most people go into ayahuasca completely for selfish reasons.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Yes, I need purpose, and I'm a fucking Western American, and I want you to make my purpose happen now. Listen, can I tell you something funny real quick? So one time, I served medicine in like 14 countries. Yeah. Right? And so I was talking to this, you know, like a private client.
Starting point is 00:26:29 I never served them before. And he was Russian. He's like, hello, shaman. I want to know if mother ayahuasca will tell me if my business partner is fucking my wife. And I said, that's why you want to fly me to this country and serve the medicine? He's like, this is a good reason. And I said, why don't you just hire a private investigator? This is not the reason to drink the ayahuasca.
Starting point is 00:26:54 You're going to find out why you don't trust people. You're going to find out why you're rolling around with business partners that you have to worry about. And the key is... That's what you're saying the deeper level is. Yes have to worry about yeah you know and the key is that's what you're saying the deeper level is yes even on something that's so superficial yeah you know because what kind of business is he in like you know he's not doing non-profit yeah trust me you're not doing non-profit but that's the thing though like people are drawn to it like i serve medicine to like i'll have a ceremony in a location with like he's not doing it's nice the
Starting point is 00:27:27 tax-free but not non-profit you know tax-free and these guys are you know i attract them i guess but they feel safe you know the thing is like you serve medicine like 10 ptsd you know people in new york and then like you'll fly here and serve medicine on you know in like a you know 100 million dollar freaking mansion in monaco and the next serve medicine on you know in like a you know 100 million dollar freaking mansion in monaco and the next week you're serving medicine to like a bunch of yogi hippies in london and that and then you're serving medicine to like you know oligarchs and freaking politicians in foreign not in america yeah foreign countries and then like everyone imaginable because ultimately everyone's looking for the same thing man everyone wants to know it's gonna be okay yeah yeah you know what i mean yeah like peace you know yeah like peace
Starting point is 00:28:10 single thought like we're like oh i just need to be able to focus do you need to be able to focus or are you just thinking about too much bullshit yes and feeding too much like thoughts happen filter it out the thoughts happen like i can't control my, look, I have literally, I have over 1,200 ayahuasca ceremonies, right? I can tell you a few things for sure. Number one, I cannot control my thoughts. Yes. Okay? Cannot control my thoughts.
Starting point is 00:28:33 But at the same time, at least we know that ayahuasca doesn't make you, you can't fry yourself. Because if you could fry your, like I serve an average of 150 ceremonies a year. Yeah. Okay? For like nine years straight. So if ayahuasca could fry your brain or do something really bad to you, bro, I would be riddled with this problem.
Starting point is 00:28:54 Oh, do you use every time? Of course, that's a shaman. Yeah, a shaman. You never trust a shaman of any kind that doesn't work with the medicine that they serve in front of you in the ceremony why would you ever have a fat yoga teacher you know what i mean a cook that doesn't was fat right because he's because he bought his own shit that's the problem the yoga
Starting point is 00:29:18 teacher who becomes the yogi guru buys his own shit and stops doing yoga which got him there and the problem is that doesn't work with ayahuasca as soon as you stop if i i have certain abilities that have been unlocked within myself that we all have within us that's the best part about this because someone says wow that's amazing you can do it too here you want to find out drink this you know you want to find out your you know drink this the problem, is that with something like yoga or, you know, meditation teachers, they just buy their own shit real fast. Osho style, you know, like, you know, he had no he had nothing. You know, he was the man. So like now at this point, like everyone thinks you're the living God. towards Osho are probably similar in some regards to the people that gravitate towards
Starting point is 00:30:05 ayahuasca and gravitate towards any other spiritual healing that will give them purpose. Because these are often very wealthy people. Just because you make money doesn't mean that you're going to be happy. And I think a lot of those people who make millions are actually more unhappy because they thought the money was going to be happiness. Yeah, of course. And imagine getting there. Yeah. Like when you're poor poor you at least have the carrot in front of you going yeah well one day when i'm rich i'll be happy exactly yeah but when you're rich and it still isn't yeah
Starting point is 00:30:34 that's crippling oh yeah fuck oh you can meet people who yeah you meet people who have who have you know like look they're like like 12 billion, right? But it's double that. Double that, right? So like, what are you going to do with all that? The answer is, well, I have everything already, right? So then so why are we here now talking just like this? Yeah, you are searching for something that you know, you don't have and you can't buy. Yeah, that's peace, right? Peace, like, you know, the conversation, like someone says, says hey andrew you want to go out and drink tonight and your intuition goes no right you and but you speak yeah not tonight i'm really not that interested uh weakness right the and then they say oh come come come right you get off the phone right if you're lucky you walk around another in 10 minutes you've given yourself
Starting point is 00:31:23 five reasons of not only why you should go but why you deserve it right you go out and get fucked up and then the next day you regret it why didn't i just not go like i knew i shouldn't have that's the sixth sense that's that higher intuition right and the ping-pongy thoughts that people have i don't have those thoughts i haven't had a conversational like should i should i not in my head in over seven years and just from that alone that's priceless just that alone wait why is that what because i have only singular like yes no it's like you're not without getting too like foo-foo but like you know the chakras are seven chakras like six of them are in your body the sixth one is the third eye between the temples
Starting point is 00:32:04 lies the key the key is the third eye. Between the temples lies the key. The key is the third eye, the pineal gland, the sixth chakra, right? The seventh chakra's here, and that's your higher self, right? And that symbolizes your higher self always raining down on you. In modern Christianity, they say you're a guardian angel,
Starting point is 00:32:17 but one day you would find out that you are your guardian angel. That's your intuition, right? And so the intuition, when it turns on, when you activate that whether through ayahuasca and near-death experience something that turns it on and i don't mean when you get a glimpse of its existence i'm saying when it's on like the switch there right when that's on right the thought process of the ego of in the doubt and the fear and the delusions
Starting point is 00:32:43 and the illusions that voice the volume, that voice, the volume goes down by default by the intuition voice turning up. There's only a hundred decibels. So you're saying that you've keyed in through this, your experience with the medicine, you've keyed into your intuition in a way where you trust that instinct. Whereas a lot of people are unsure about their intuition and you will deal with the repercussions of your intuition meaning you make a decision based on intuition sometimes that decision may be wrong there's no way you can be right a hundred percent of the time no but you accept that that is the path that you want to lead in life yeah there's yes yeah for sure like you
Starting point is 00:33:24 could go no i don't want to go out to eat tonight and then an hour or two later you could be like you know maybe it would have been nice to be around those people but you just accept that that was the path and you trust your intuition yeah that through yes absolutely through the process of of the inner knowingness you know because it's impossibly right every single time in life that's not what you're saying true right true but as like there's a true. But there's a difference between, you know, just shooting out random goals and trying to push through the door and then having like a long-term strategy, like a long-term plan. But that's like been revealed to you. It's one thing if I think like, okay, I'm going to be a millionaire.
Starting point is 00:34:01 Okay, how much is that per month? Okay, it's $83,333 per month. Okay, how much is that per week? Okay, and that $83,333 per month. Okay, how much is that per week? Okay, and that's for eight hours a day. What if I work 16 hours? That's the way I backed into me becoming a millionaire when I decided I'm going to be a fucking millionaire at 29. And that's how I logically did it, right?
Starting point is 00:34:19 But then the funny part about making a million dollars is as soon as you spend one dollar, you don't have a million anymore, right? And so then you start- Back to work. Get your ass back to work. It's the game, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:30 But the difference is that when you're awake inside and you know yourself to inside out, people always talk about manifesting, right? Manifesting happens in the thought planes. When you sit down and you think, how am I going to get this special on netflix now you're manifesting this in there and when you open your eyes you materialize the manifestation there's a there's a we had a guy on here named jim quick a great episode he's like a brain efficiency guy and yeah i watched it yeah so jim was i don't know if he spoke about on the episode but he spoke about how the guy broke the four-minute mile. And he literally manifested it. And nobody had manifested it before him.
Starting point is 00:35:10 And once he broke it, everybody broke it because it was possible. So I think that the world record for holding your breath. Same thing, right? As soon as someone did 20 minutes, six people did it in a week. Yeah. It is amazing. Tony Hawk, when he did the, was it 900 miles 900 or 720 900 i'm i can't count doesn't matter so he does the 900 and then everybody does it so there is something interesting about the the power of tony hawk did
Starting point is 00:35:37 a 900 900 back in the day bro that was a 720 he's a legend dude wow uh but the power of manifesting something and believing something and seeing something. Now, to take that into the ayahuasca. But the trick is to materialize it. Yes. So my curiosity is, is there a time within the experience doing ayahuasca? How did you refer to it? Because you didn't say the trip, the journey the trip the journey journey the journey of ayahuasca where you start manifesting these things that can be and is that for the first time in a lot of people's lives where they see something and believe that it can be real like do people's own insecurities often limit their happiness because they don't even visualize what life could be
Starting point is 00:36:25 absolutely 100 100 that's like a very good ayahuasca clip like a world-class ayahuasca clip everyone who's about to drink ayahuasca needs to see that that was a good one that's the problem because you think about things and you're thinking like a you're thinking like like um like um like freaking the simpsons like i'm manifesting but it's like atari you know and then ayahuasca manifesting in 2d yeah now you're doing then ayahuasca goes and you're in it so it's not like oh i believe no no no you experienced you experience that's the next level past thinking about it there's no thought now as you it was as real as this is real let me give you an example i watched
Starting point is 00:37:13 i want my this yeah so here's what happened right i'm i'm like you know i'm a business consultant i'm living in miami i'm young i'm young now but i'm you know i'm you know i've got it all figured out i'm celebrating myself every day yeah you know i'm you know i've got it all figured out i'm celebrating myself every day yeah you know everything i'm touching turns to gold it appears you know and making all this money for all these like you know hedge fund guys and i'm getting like little bits thinking i'm the shit you know like a little baby and things go south right not under my control just the the system just like crumbled i didn't know what to do my expenses were crazy like i had you know i was spending like way too much per month like i had like everything i didn't
Starting point is 00:37:51 know what to do right so i found ayahuasca when i was making a big decision like what to do next with my life you know i'm going to stay here and try something out you know when you're like 32 years old and you need and you need to like basically clear like $550,000 a year just to like pay for the bills, you know? Like, yeah, with no college degree, like you can't just like go on Career Finder, you know? So I like one opportunity is to move to like Saudi Arabia and do, you know, but I was like, I'm gonna trade.
Starting point is 00:38:21 I knew I'm trading the hamster wheel for the golden wheel. But it's still a wheel. Yeah, but I don't wanna play the game. I'm going to trade. I knew I'm trading the hamster wheel for the golden wheel. But it's still a wheel. Yeah, but I don't want to play the game. I'm not a rat. I'm not a lab mouse. You know, I was never, in my life, I was never asleep. Like I studied like mysticism, religion in fifth grade. I've read 10 books in my life.
Starting point is 00:38:39 They're religion to mysticism to ancient history. My whole life, the only thing I could ever study and read, only thing I ever cared about was like the history of the world, spiritual paths, religion, psychology, philosophy, that's all I ever cared about, right? Just because I personally cared about it, right? Why do you think that was?
Starting point is 00:38:57 Well, ayahuasca showed me, that's the best part. Okay. So, yeah, I just thought it was just what I like. Like some people like to paint, some people like this, right? I was always in business and communication, like the process of, you know, the art of decision making, you know, like this. So I applied this into business. And so when I drank ayahuasca, ayahuasca goes, oh, so you think you've just been studying religion and all the history of the world for no reason?
Starting point is 00:39:29 Hmm. I was like like you know what and ayahuasca showed me two visions like as in like a blink blink blink of an eye right like right one was I was going in front of a very large audience like in like a like an arena stadium because of some book I wrote. I'm holding this book, and I'm walking out because of this book. The second vision was I'm standing over, I'm dressed in a ceremonial outfit that I pretty much wear now, and I'm in the jungle in some temple shaking leaves on people when they're laying down on top of a mountain overlooking an ocean like in the jungle i had no idea what the hell that is because i drank i was in miami yeah i was in a
Starting point is 00:40:12 in a high-rise condominium in the continuum i never even i never that was your spiritual awakening that's the truth it's the truth yeah i because i know i was gonna save your ass mother nature was like let me pluck this motherfucker out of here let me let me i i'm from the nature but i the thing the truth though i never was plugged in though that's the thing i was never i never had like an initial awakening i was never really asleep like that's the thing i never bought i saw, controls like religions and stuff. Yeah. But I never,
Starting point is 00:40:46 I never subscribed. I never gave my power away. Okay. But I learned it all. I never understood why I learned it all. It was just because I like people and I want to understand, you know,
Starting point is 00:40:55 things. And I still am that way. But, um, I want to show me these two visions. Now, this made no sense to me. People were like,
Starting point is 00:41:03 Oh, how was your Sam? Like, yeah, I don't really know. Like, it makes no sense. Right sense right so so this is really cool you came out of it without this immediate knowing your purpose and immediate change in your life like it took a little bit because i think a lot of people think they're going to take it and the second they walk out they're like i know what
Starting point is 00:41:19 my dream job is and then i go do it that happens that. That's very, that's actually, that's the, okay, fair enough, fair enough. I just want to set expectations. That can happen. It's not a guarantee. Gotcha. Maybe you throw up, maybe you don't. 50-50.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Gotcha, okay. Anything that someone sells is 50%, maybe 50%, maybe not. Okay, okay. So you have these two visions. You walk out of your,
Starting point is 00:41:40 and real quick, when you say ayahuasca showed me, I may be being juvenile about this, but it's not like there's a woman walking with you hand in hand and taking you through this experience, right? No. These are two flashing images you see and then maybe some other stuff and then you're out of there. Yeah. We're talking about communication without words but with words at the same time. But as someone's talking, it's like, do you have like a girlfriend someone you're in love
Starting point is 00:42:08 with fiance okay so when you're like in love with someone and you're having sex yeah right and you're having a communication it's deeper than imaginable right yeah even if you're not talking in just the breath right that that times a million inside your soul. So there's communication. You know what I mean? There's understandings that don't necessarily need. Although at the same time, she does speak. She may materialize herself in a vision, in a personification that is exactly what you need.
Starting point is 00:42:37 They say that ayahuasca has a perfect prescription for each person. It will speak your language. Yeah. You're going to get exactly what you need. She's the maestra curandera the master healer yeah okay like you know uh she's got the perfect prescription for you in this case it made no sense people like ayahuasca could have showed me a vision of being the president of the united states that would have made more sense yeah than any of this shit first of all i don't how am i going to write a book? I don't read books.
Starting point is 00:43:06 I'm dyslexic. I can't even read. How am I going to write something? And then this shaking leaves situation in the jungle made no sense because I've never been to the jungle. But then I would go home and I would lay down.
Starting point is 00:43:21 At night, you have those moments where you wake up in the morning, you look at yourself in the eye. It doesn't matter if you're a billionaire or homeless, like that's that real moment, you know, laying down. And I would just be breathing and I would breathe and I would revisit the vision again. And after a few nights of it just right back to me, I realized something. I realized that it doesn't matter what the vision is.
Starting point is 00:43:46 It could have been mechanic, shaman. It could have been helping kids. Whatever that is, the feeling inside of satisfaction, of contentment, of, you know what I mean? The emotional reward. Yeah. That was more important than any of the other bullshit that i that i could create in this wasn't the job it was the feeling associated with it 100 and that was your purpose and that's how you knew it was your purpose because the feeling was right that you and only you know that's what
Starting point is 00:44:19 i mean like that moment it would before you die when you're laying in your hot when you're laying in your bed hopefully at home in your castle and all and your kids and everyone that you love is in front of you and you say, thank you for this journey. You know, and you gracefully bow out that last breath. You know, that's what you want when you go. But imagine having that breath every fucking day. Yeah. Every second. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:48 every fucking day yeah every second yeah there is a um there's there's a if you look at you know some successful people or whatever they say a lot of like uh billionaires whatever do this they start their day with gratitude but in a weird way they're trying to like trick themselves into this experience right like they're going what am i for? Because they're not waking up feeling grateful. So they're going, how can I manipulate myself into realizing all I have to be grateful for? Absolutely. You're saying that if you live through the thing you're supposed to do, that will organically happen. Absolutely. And when you're on your right path. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:45:20 If you close your eyes, right? And you say, and you take it. Gratitude as medication as medication yeah that's what they're doing instead of yeah okay yeah but we make it we make it too linear like yeah yeah if you if if you close your eyes and you inhale through the nose and you just let go of your frustration ah right yeah but then you close your eyes and you inhale and exhale gratitude peace inside of you is the result of just attaching the the idea of gratitude we have to i'm grateful for my wife i'm grateful that i don't have i'm grateful for my new iphone 12 thank you thank you apple fuck you you know what i mean you're you're like a children it's
Starting point is 00:46:03 like children like you have these adults and these like very powerful people, but they're children, like I make my gratitude list every single day. And I'm like, that's nice, what else do you do with your crayons? You know what I mean? Like you don't need to associate what your-
Starting point is 00:46:16 You can exist within your gratitude. That's what I'm saying. The word spirit comes from the Greek word spiritus, which means to breathe. So like people say meditation, like they say, Omar, do you meditate? No, I don't meditate. They go, why don't you meditate?
Starting point is 00:46:30 They're like, I'm surprised with all their judgment sprinkling through trying to pass my force field, right? The thing is, it's not gonna work. So I'm gonna get a little bit. The thing is, is that meditation is a practice, but why do you practice something? Why do you practice a jab? Yeah, yeah. So then you operate at an unconscious, competent level.
Starting point is 00:46:47 The muscle memory plus the physical, right? And that's the whole point. The point of meditative practice is to stay in a meditative state. A cobra doesn't need to practice vibrating. It fucking vibrates. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. A tiger doesn't wake up and do, and have, like, I mean.
Starting point is 00:47:04 20 push-ups. Yeah, let me. Practice. You know what i mean a tiger doesn't wake up and do and have like i mean you know what i mean the lion's like fuck i gotta you know i gotta prepare myself so everyone knows i'm a lion when i step out this cave every day you know what i mean like i don't need to like you know you can exist within that meditative state that's the point that's that's where we need to get so keep taking us on this journey because it was fascinating so you go and you have these visions and then they keep popping back up in your life these two images pretty much when i would be laying down i had this like breath meditation like i would lay down in my bed and i would breathe through each chakra before ayahuasca before ayahuasca you know and when i would do that then it was as soon as i would get like to the heart wow i would shoot back in those visions but when an ayahuasca vision as i described was just
Starting point is 00:47:50 the blink of an eye blink of an eye right but when you go inside of it it's now and how long is now now is eternity there's nothing other than the now yeah you know and so when you're in that now then i could feel like not only like my own power my clarity my purpose my satisfaction fulfillment and all those other amazing things and then i made a declaration i was like this makes absolutely no sense but i'm gonna go deeper down this rabbit hole and see see what the hell this means you know so and that's that's that's kind of how you know i went down that path. Now, I usually don't tell these things
Starting point is 00:48:27 because I don't want to inspire all these people to like, oh, I'm going to drink ayahuasca and convince myself that I'm supposed to be a, you know. Because it might not happen for you. Yeah, but people will tell themselves they're supposed to everything. Like you get these musicians, they've been playing music their whole life. The big dream didn't happen.
Starting point is 00:48:42 They come to an ayahuasca ceremony. They go, wow, it's only music. And then they become a shaman in like four days. I don't want to inspire that. Yes. Yeah. That's job insecurity. You're going to have people coming for you.
Starting point is 00:48:55 No, but you're right. They are tricking themselves into thinking they're supposed to be a shaman when in reality it's just something that is more enjoyable than their musical retreat they want validation they want to feel good like i get it i understand like i understand all that stuff but at the same time like when you said you went down that journey more you're saying that you did more ayahuasca yeah i went to another ceremony and then it was like even more and then like my journey you know it just look put it this way i drink more clear brother i drank ayahuasca one time almost a decade ago yeah and i'm still on that path from that same trip or journey i'm on whole different levels of visions now everything
Starting point is 00:49:36 that i was talking about has already that's already happened i was in the jungle for two and a half years yeah take me to the jungle experience we go it's no no no like i mean like when do you go i'm leaving civilization or western civilization and i'm going to the fucking jungle for two and a half years yeah man i was in an ayahuasca ceremony and ayahuasca like showed me i said how does this make any sense and then she's and then the consciousness of mother ayahuasca goes do you trust and i'm like that's a big question because the answer is no we don't trust anything that's the problem we don't even trust ourselves you know it's like people get into these arguments with their like you know wife girlfriend boyfriend
Starting point is 00:50:17 you say like how are you mad how can you get mad at someone who doesn't even know who they are you're judging someone who you know you're complaining that they don't know who themselves, they're too indecisive, but then you're judging someone who you're saying doesn't know themselves. And that's the problem. Like, how are we supposed to know what we're supposed to do when we don't really know ourself? You know what I mean? On the depths. That's how people go to war and they know each other better.
Starting point is 00:50:43 Two people can train in Muay Thai or Jiu JJitsu and you know that person real well, better than your other friends. You see this with… You fight someone one time, you know each other well. Fighters, you see it with presidents. Like presidents who have battled each other, said horrible things about each other. All of a sudden afterwards, I guess they share the battle scars of going through that. all of a sudden afterwards i guess they share the battle scars of going through that and the only other person that they can relate to is the other guy who did the same surfing across the real talk you know what i mean like who else are you going to talk about yeah who else are you going to sit
Starting point is 00:51:17 down and be like man it was tough blowing up all those people like you can't have that regular dinner scorpions don't hang out with each other but they recognize the pain of the scorpion across the hall like a scorpion and the frog you know the story no no no so the it's the frogs hopping along it starts to rain um oh he lets the he lets the uh go on his back he bites him and says i you gave me your word that you weren't going to kill me he says what do you expect i'm a scorpion yeah like what do you expect from a politician yeah you know the lawyers that you didn't hire yeah a lawyer only works for the person they hired yeah and then when they get in the position now only big corporations hire them yeah why do you think you know yeah i don't know anyway that's you have your frustrations with uh you have your frustrations with the
Starting point is 00:52:03 civilization i'm just on team humanity yeah Yeah, yeah, I hear you. I'm on team humanity. Yeah. Like, you know, people, souls, like collective goals. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like, everything is just like one step away. It's like you walk around and you see everyone's like stuck in a maze.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Yeah. It's like, but they don't realize that it's like, what's the difference between a maze and a labyrinth? Yeah. I don't know. Well, a maze is a multi-cursual puzzle that everything changes at all times, except for the way in and the way out is always changing. A labyrinth is a multi-cursual puzzle that everything changes
Starting point is 00:52:38 except the way in and the way out always remains the same. Ten steps forward, two steps left, and that's the human mind. The human mind is not a maze, it's a labyrinth, as always remains the same. 10 steps forward, two steps left, right? And that's the human mind. The human mind is not a maze. It's a labyrinth, as well as the soul. The soul is also a labyrinth. You can dive in. Once you decide to enter the door, you can't control it.
Starting point is 00:52:57 You don't know anything that's going to happen each time. But at the same time, you know that the way in is safe and the way out is safe no matter what that's why you have a shaman because the shaman makes sure that that field is going to always be protected safe and clean have you had an experience where someone was having a very bad trip and then how do not trip journey and then how do you manage that experience how do you help them through it you just fix it like real fast like with songs breath someone's having a bad time about it like a rough experience that thing's going to be transmuted in less than one minute really yeah without question like surgical precision really i've been doing this way too
Starting point is 00:53:43 long and how how do you do it or would it make it depends on it depends on what's going on like if i open my eyes and i see i see you know a few people in the room right and so but if you close your eyes then we're inside of ether right where the substance that we're inside of is ether okay right ether is the they call it black matter or antimatter right so that's the substance in the whole cosmos that if it didn't exist the whole everything would implode or explode in a millisecond a fish doesn't know it's what water is yeah yeah you know what i mean and so we don't know what ether is yeah but when we go into these dimensions through whatever drug or medicine or
Starting point is 00:54:21 breath meditation near-death experiences, the substance in between is like a blank canvas to work within. And so you can paint notes within the ether. So if I'm singing something and everyone is receiving... Each person is a planet, right? And so this ceremony is a solar system, and each of you are a different planet in the solar system. And I would be, the medicine is like the sun,
Starting point is 00:54:52 and everything's flowing in its own beautiful orbit, right? You don't know what the orbit's gonna be until it happens. Well, one is kind of like static, right? So you can feel that static, because that static is like on a web, and it's creating the vibration. So if I go over to that person and i open my eyes i just see a person right but if you close your eyes then you just see chaos and so you can sing and fix in essence blow the chaos away this is unbelievable blow the chaos away you know how unbelievable this must sound to a person that
Starting point is 00:55:25 hasn't experienced this realm right it kind i'm too deep into i know you're too deep in it and like i'm i'm i'm one of these people that like i get very excited by these things and i and i like going on the journey with that person right like i don't like to take my cynicism or skepticism into a story i can say i can have it before afterwards but i like to take everything you're saying at face value that's a skill by itself fair enough but i also am thinking about the people who go like this is so out there for me i don't even know how i can it's so it's so tricky to like yeah bring to bring them to understanding like even with me right like how i've been trying to explain to myself like do you notice how literal it was? Like I was like, so Mother Nature walks you there?
Starting point is 00:56:06 And you're like, eh, you're not really walking. Like you're just existing within it. And now I'm like, okay, I'm trying to think what it would be like to exist within it. So I'm just saying for anybody listening or watching, I can understand how confusing this would be because the first leap you need to make is removing your understanding of physics. No, no, that's the best part that's going to happen regardless yeah whether you
Starting point is 00:56:30 like it or not shit is going down yeah period like like like for example i i tell people like someone goes you know what if i don't believe i don't believe what you shouldn't believe everything and they say oh what if i don't believe in ayahuasca like it will it work and i'm like listen there's a few things i can guarantee i can introduce you to one is death two is gravity and three is ayahuasca that's it how deep do you want to learn gravity you want a little lesson i can trip you big gravity lesson i can push you off a building there you go throw you off a plane yeah parachute or no parachute right right that's the that's where the shaman comes in parachute or no parachute the parachute how do you how do you pack to for the journey to the moon what's hot what's cold yeah you know yes yes yes to you hell may be hot but to me hell's cold
Starting point is 00:57:23 right and so these unknown things right right right right are the are energies and thoughts To you, hell may be hot, but to me, hell's cold, right? And so these unknown things are energies and thoughts that pop up, and they may as well be this, thrown up into there, and they're like, okay, that's 100, that's a 20. But it's based off of just the depth of fear in the vibration that they're omitting. I need to tell you, go, go, go. Well, these things sound crazy, but if you think about it, right? If I tell you I can sit here like this, right, because it looks spiritual, and send a message to someone.
Starting point is 00:57:52 You name someone in the world in a different country, and I can send a message to them telepathically. That sounds crazy. Yes. Well, what the fuck is a text message? We have created a device to do the unthinkable. Yes. Right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:58:03 Well, why is it unthinkable regarding mother nature has created these types of devices for us to experience spiritual experiences yes just to clarify are you saying you can send a message to somebody else on the planet no okay i have a phone just making sure you'll just text okay i have two things that i need to uh ask you about or share. First, well, first is my one and only experience with mushrooms. I had a really difficult journey with mushrooms. And I was at Burning Man, and maybe there's something that you could give me some kind of advice, and this has probably made me feel uncomfortable with psychedelics. And then there's a bigger thing that I'll say afterwards. But I was, I was at Burning Man. I did some mushrooms and it was starting to be really cool. And the way I describe it is it was like taking the condom off of colors, you know, like all of a
Starting point is 00:58:54 sudden, like purple was this like amazing purple and like these, and I would look at the moon and the moon was like following me and not literally chasing me, but no matter where I looked, it almost looked like there was this weird connectivity and it was kind of funky but it wasn't as crazy as i had imagined like the sky dripping like you hear some people say and um well then i i randomly got cell phone service in the middle of the desert and i was just on twitter and you know there's a bunch of like you know negative comments and shit like that that's what that's what you did you with the phone we have one phone call you went to twitter of course i'm like a fucking high drunkum idiot right so i i know it's so stupid so uh and and then after that i had this like really tough time man where it felt like i was meeting each one of
Starting point is 00:59:41 my insecurities and they were like these stone soldiers similar to like that Bruce Lee enter the dragon movie and like every time I close up my eyes that would be what I saw so I'd keep my eyes open but I was like I just want to go to sleep and wear this off and it was it was really heavy for me the next day I got out and I was and I was okay but it was really fucking heavy um how how close are they cousins mushrooms and ayahuasca and and what would you say that experience was and yeah like what do you have to say about that i guess i'm looking for some kind of wisdom and so symbolism is important right but mushrooms are known as uh ninos ninos are the brothers the brothers like the little brothers of the forest, you know, the sprites, the elves, the gnomes of the forest.
Starting point is 01:00:25 Madre Ayahuasca is known as la madre, the mother of all the medicines, right? Or like the abuelita, like the elder. You know, so mushrooms, mushrooms are very powerful, obviously, and there's many kinds of mushrooms. But the set and the setting is an important thing. You know, you're running around, you take mushrooms for the first time in Burning Man, you know, at nighttime, you know. Maybe not the best idea. I mean, a lot of people seem to have a great time, you know.
Starting point is 01:00:54 You would never get me there, but you couldn't. I mean, five years straight, people were trying to like pay me to come. Like, oh, we're friends. Come with us. I'm like, no. You want me to come so that way you can get extra fucked up. Yes. And when you go too far, I'll bring you back. Yes.
Starting point is 01:01:07 And then I'm like, I'm not coming. It's not going to be like working in an emergency room. Yes. But you should go for yourself. I think that it would give you faith in humanity. I think it would give you some faith in humanity that you may have lost. I haven't lost any of it, brother. A little bit.
Starting point is 01:01:25 No, come on. Here's the thing. You don't take a cobra and put it in the middle of a concert. That's fair. That's fair. But again, you've experienced this level of spirituality that I haven't touched 100%. But from a guy from New York who's pretty cynical about stuff and skeptical, I went and think it was going to be the dumbest thing in the world. And then I saw people actually trying to be nice, kind and helpful to other human beings for a week. And there was
Starting point is 01:01:54 help with a lot of drugs and alcohol, but their first intuition was how can I be nice and kind and helpful to you? And it was super transformative for me man because i thought human beings were pieces of shit yeah at our core new york style bro it's tough out there everybody's trying to take advantage of you my whole life growing up you know you want to help the environment give me your money yeah everything is give me your money so it was it was cool and maybe maybe you like it maybe you don't but that's that's up to you yeah i i've heard i've heard i have some of my closest friends have been going to burnaby for like 10 years. But not being the doctor.
Starting point is 01:02:26 You have to go for you. Yeah, that's the problem. I need to go with people I don't know so they can't try to make flyers and promote it to all the people so they attract a lot of people to sell them tickets to their camp next year. They were just gonna use me. Yeah, that is the most unburning fan experience
Starting point is 01:02:42 because what they're doing is taking from you and the whole idea of it, at least what I saw there, is give. People spending $1.6 million on their camp but then telling me that I want to pay my weekly rate. I'm like, really? You just brag to me. Is this where we get a skim?
Starting point is 01:02:54 You just brag to me about what Diddy's doing, what you're doing, and then you're going to tell me you have no money for me. That makes no sense. But that experience, I think, overall, probably one of the best things that could have happened to you is you had your solo experience rolling through there. The moon connection, Mother Moon.
Starting point is 01:03:12 Mother Moon is following you around, almost like putting light in the darkness on you. The symbolism of the statues. Those statues were always buried with the emperors to protect them on this journey into the next you know so so that so in essence these were these were features within yourself that you were using as a protection mechanism a defense mechanism and they had no life in them they only had the life in them that you put when you're on the mushrooms you see them separate from you and you recognize these characteristics that were not you, they were only you
Starting point is 01:03:48 as long as you feed them. Just like a bad thought. Yes, they were bad thoughts. That you internalize. And they existed as these bad thoughts. Well, the ultimate virus is fear. Because you can live your whole life, not know you have it. It's systemic and you can give it to your children
Starting point is 01:04:02 and everyone around you and no one notices it. There's no vaccine for fear. And that's ultimately how in the reptilian brain right when they were saying like reptiles you know that the our cortex is the reptilian brain that's fight or flight yeah some people are hardwired something happens attack other people run but it's both uncontrolled emotions both uncontrolled emotions so you face that and you of course you you probably even though you say the reservoir drained or you don't have a lot of the the the flow that you had right but certain things characteristics changed forever right 100 and through perspectives the way you see the world knowing that it exists it's the four minute
Starting point is 01:04:42 mile bro knowing that it can be done. There we go. Yeah, it was super transformative and it was great. That's amazing. Here's my second thing. My brother went on a journey with psychedelics and is now schizophrenic. Now, he might've been predestined to that and then that might've happened already,
Starting point is 01:05:03 but it felt as if like he was really chasing something with maybe lsd and mushrooms and stuff like that now i'm not equating lsd to ayahuasca but i think a lot of people out there may see them as similar things 100 so my fear is that i have this thing in my DNA that I could unearth. Sure. And I'm terrified of unearthing it when I'm generally like a very happy and grateful person. Don't get me wrong. I have my fucking down days, et cetera. We're frustrated, whatever.
Starting point is 01:05:37 But like I almost, I'm going, am I being greedy chasing after? No. Do you know what I'm saying? A hundred percent. Like I feel so grateful for what i have crystal clear what am i what am i gonna be punished no with fucking schizophrenia well maybe if it was psychedelic with psychedelics yeah that could happen so you so tell me that distinction for possibility for anybody yeah what is cancer before it's cancer it's just a cell it's a cell yeah it's
Starting point is 01:06:01 just a cell right and so we're all predetermined for any of these things. The problem, so science, science today, they have psychedelics. A psychedelic means that you're consuming a substance that the main ingredient that's active in the brain is foreign to the brain. So mushrooms are organic, right? But still psilocybin is a psychedelic because it's foreign to the brain. Simultaneously,sd is chemical man-made and it's foreign to the brain they classify uh ayahuasca in something called entheogenics right and entheogen means that the active ingredient is inside of the system already so but that doesn't mean you can't have a problem right smoke too much deep look here's the problem with psychedelics right you see people so i said i do an average of like 150 ayahuasca ceremonies a year right so if
Starting point is 01:06:52 you took mushrooms try taking mushrooms 150 times in a year right you're not going to make it you know what i mean you're going to be you know naked with the trees you're a burning man year round we'll be chasing burning man all year You're a burning man year round. We're going to be chasing burning man all year, right? Like a dog with a fire hydrant looking for the next hippie festival. You take mushrooms 150 times in a year. I mean, take an LSD. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:16 You're fried. You're done. Okay? You can't unfry a steak. That's the brain. That's why you can't pay me to take a drug you can't pay me to take lsd because it's not like oh but omar it's the purest i mean i know a lot of people man and then omar it's the purest lsd like you don't understand i don't want to understand i don't need to understand because i have no purpose why would i take this what am this? What is LSD going to give me that I have not?
Starting point is 01:07:48 Already experienced. Or do not have the possibility of experiencing with, like there's no such, that's why it's the problem with our world today as you're going into it. It's great. I'm glad you opened this up. There's no such thing as an LSD shaman.
Starting point is 01:08:03 Right? Like there's no, there's no no you're on your journey yourself there's no dm yeah there's no dmt shaman yes yes regardless of what shaman and tulum tells you regardless of what popular people say yes it's bullshit a shaman is somebody who utilizes vibration tools whether the voice whether flutes drums they use tools to bombard the five sensorial three-dimensional reality in the fourth dimension of vibration, right? Vibration to awaken the sixth sense, to take you outside of your own thoughts into your own sixth sense, right?
Starting point is 01:08:39 That's that spiritual journey. Now, people consume psychedelics and medicines of different kinds to go into those spaces but a shaman is someone who works with spirit and there's no such thing as lsd spirit what's the spirit of lsd it's literally a mind fuck right and so like what's the goal to trip out of your mind that's the fear so what's the point you know i mean it's like the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. But at the same time, the point of a trip is to get out of your mind.
Starting point is 01:09:12 But that's the fear. That's the ultimate fear, to fry your brain and never be able to come back. Schizophrenia is someone who's stuck in between multiple dimensions. I would serve medicine to that person and fix them. There's another medicine, by the way, that I don't work with called Toe. And I'm not promoting this, any of this stuff. I'm saying look into this stuff. This medicine is known for fixing bipolar disorder, schizophrenia. It's a leaf. Remember in Alice in Wonderland where she's going down the rabbit hole, right? She's following the white rabbit. And all
Starting point is 01:09:45 she had to do was just turn around and stop chasing the rabbit. And at one point when she goes in with the flowers and the one's like, Alice, stop, you're going the wrong way. They go, what? I am? Like, don't listen to her. That's Brugmansia. She's always fibbing. That flower, that beauty, that's Toei, right? And I would never serve someone this because it's serious it's even worse it's like the most psychoactive like plant flower on the earth but i know like grand maestros like two like you know 50 years all there would bring bring it in you know watch the brain surgeon get to work but yeah and there's i know i have seen at least a dozen, and I know of dozens of people who have had certain situations
Starting point is 01:10:28 that they get fixed to that. So anything that can be created through, we create drugs to fix problems, but those problems were created by drugs. We're going further and further away from nature and finding more drugs to fix the problem right but mother nature can fix anything that for the children on the earth so it's like the idea that there's not a plant yeah to fix fill in the blank is crazy so so how do i balance my
Starting point is 01:10:58 desperation to find some sort of cure for my brother who I love more than anything in the world. And kind of like fact checking and understanding this experience that he could potentially go through. I mean, I guess at this point there's little to lose, right? Because we've tried these different drugs and it doesn't really help him. But like I'm only willing to go down this path because of my desperation. But the drugs that they're using are to trying to make him normal and be able to operate in society as- Try to make you operate.
Starting point is 01:11:29 Make him a lemming. The goal is let him try to live a normal life, right? And the problem is that the program in the mind is scrambled, right? And so they're trying to give him pills to unscramble that, right? But that's not going to necessarily work because the soul, like when there's a will, there's a way. Yes. Right? And so they're trying to give him pills to unscramble that. Yes. Right? But that's not gonna necessarily work because the soul, like when there's a will there's a way, right?
Starting point is 01:11:50 Like it's gonna have to fix from within. That's the problem with psychedelic, especially with like LSD. The problem with people smoking D, well if I smoke DMT it's a quicker way than drinking ayahuasca. The notion is all the tech people oh it's 15 minutes why would you need this experience yeah and it's like there is not it's not the same thing like there is a if you think fucking is fucking sure but there is a difference between having like tantric sex with the victoria's secret model for four hours and having sex with a prostitute
Starting point is 01:12:23 in bogota for 15 minutes yes okay but if if it's just fucking then it's the same thing and that's the difference between ayahuasca and dmt there's there's a difference in that and the thing is when people start chasing the dragon they're gonna get burned he was chasing it man that's the problem and he was fucking that's the problem because you're taking the idea of taking something what is it the people chase what is it that they're going after that's what i'm trying to understand it depends there's great look there are people who are crazy yeah crazy exists too that's crazy you know like what's the point of playing russian roulette what's the best thing that happens you don't die what's the worst
Starting point is 01:13:00 thing that happens you die yeah like sign don't sign me up for that. But there are people who like, you know, there's a bunch of crazy motherfuckers that'll get together and be like, let's play Russian roulette. And maybe seven people are like, fuck no. But two guys are like, I'll do it. And then those two crazy people. And that's the problem, like chasing the dragon,
Starting point is 01:13:18 then you're gonna wonder what happens when you get burned. But when you're burned, you can't, you're gonna have the scar. Yeah, you can't unburn. You know, and so LSD, like like imagine you're gonna take something that's gonna scramble up your brain that costs five dollars that's that sounds crazy man yeah it's like five dollars man like that's nuts you know and if you watch these old hippies that were you know growing up like oh man they're gone you know you see this mushroom like the guys.
Starting point is 01:13:46 But you haven't experienced that with ayahuasca. You haven't had that. It's not going to happen. I've become sharper. Because I was reading a little bit. But I don't fuck around, brother. Yeah, yeah. I don't take mushrooms for fun, serve ayahuasca on the weekend.
Starting point is 01:14:01 I don't drink alcohol. No, you live this life. Yeah, man. Yeah, I'm 100%. All in.'m yeah i'm 100 going this way the um i read i was listening to a podcast actually and one of the guys on the podcast said that ayahuasca is different from most drugs, medicines, in that the more you take it, the stronger it becomes. Why?
Starting point is 01:14:34 Well, I almost know my answer, but... Yeah, I was gonna say, I saw you figure it out. Yeah, your body... Let me see if this is the answer. Your body gets desensitized to things it's not supposed to consume. So in other words, says who? Well, no, no. Like, I mean, like, like, for example, if I drink alcohol, my body knows that it's not that good. So my body starts to go, okay, we got to build up some tolerance to this shit. You shouldn't be doing this.
Starting point is 01:15:02 And if you drink too much, your body says, get rid of it now. So you don't be doing this and if you drink too much your body says get rid of it now so you don't die right um whereas maybe with ayahuasca assuming that it is something that we're supposed to ingest or it is natural your body doesn't build up that tolerance because it doesn't want to you become more sensitive yeah so it's almost allowing you or you're allowing or you built up trust and you're allowing it yeah so is are there anything is there anything else like that can you think of another substance like it doesn't even have to be something that takes you on a journey like water or something no no we build tolerances to everything we we build uh tolerances everything caffeine water well why do you drink more you drink more, you need more, yeah. So pretty much everything else except for ayahuasca
Starting point is 01:15:48 because of what we're talking about ultimately. Like we're talking about the spiritual journey. The more we get in tune, look, the more you get in tune with your body through working out, right? The one mile doesn't go as far right now let's say you start running like look i'm gonna start running and so you start off with a mile after hopefully just a couple weeks one mile is not you know breaking a sweat now you're two now you're five right yeah but it's not that you need to do more miles it's that you're able you've conditioned your body to go deeper in the journey of running okay
Starting point is 01:16:25 are there people that you say or that you believe should not try it like will you ever say to somebody no i don't want to do this for you because either your intentions aren't good or i don't think you're in a place where this is right. The intention is a huge thing. So for you, it's intentions less like emotional state or mental state. That's the thing. Everyone, if you go, I want to drink ayahuasca when I get into a better state, I'm going to a lot of stuff right now. Exactly. That's why you need it.
Starting point is 01:17:00 Or I'm in a really good place. I just, I don't see why. I would rather the person who thinks they're in a really good place right now to not work you know do that because everyone's always like you're the way you approach it is the right way like fear you're supposed to be afraid terrified you're supposed to be absolutely because fear makes you humble and humble is exactly how you enter the ceremony when you're, you're received humbly. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:28 When you're a kid and you go to the dentist for the first time, the dentist doesn't have the fucking injection in his hand when he comes to see you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He has a sticker, you know? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And that's ayahuasca. Like, we're all petrified children. But foolish children are the one I have to watch out.
Starting point is 01:17:48 Someone's like, oh, yeah, you know, I've taken LSD 42 times. I microdosed with the Bitcoin guys in San Francisco. Like, we know what we're doing. And I'm just like, that person, I put the fear of God in them. I'm going to make sure they're afraid. Because I'm doing you a favor to make to humble you before you before you get humbled not because of me i'm not gonna do it i'm on your team yeah yeah but ayahuasca yeah ayahuasca don't play that shit fuck no yeah yeah yeah like you're
Starting point is 01:18:16 talking about a different level of lay down if somebody who has listened to this or watch this um is curious and i going to say right now, I'm still terrified. And maybe I'm not at a point in my life where I'm ready. And maybe I'll get to a point where I'm ready. I just want to be honest with everybody listening. I don't want them all to think that we're going to go do some retreat and then everybody's like, it's for me, blah, blah, blah. If you're scared, I'm scared. It's okay yeah and this is not a function of like to be honest i think it's a function of you being honest with me like if you were trying to sell me i think that you could sell me but it doesn't seem like you're trying to sell me it doesn't need to be sold yeah
Starting point is 01:18:58 yeah yeah but you understand what i'm saying yeah i do i'm trying to like credit you here in terms of like i appreciate that your your experience here like you're i'm like i'm scared you're like you should be scared instead of some people going nothing bad can happen oh i got you don't worry it's natural whatever the fuck yeah so what i what i'm curious is like not everybody that listens that might be curious will be able to do it with you i met you but you're a very busy guy you have these clients around the world maybe some of them will these clients around the world. Maybe some of them will get that experience one day. The world's shut down. I'm in America now.
Starting point is 01:19:28 Well, you're chilling for right now. But how do they avoid the fake shamans? That's the trick. I mean, that's, I would say. What are the things that they can look for, et cetera? Because that is a concern of mine. If they listen to this and then they go after it and then they end up in the hands
Starting point is 01:19:45 of some fucking douchebag in Tulum. Yeah, that's the problem. There's no real shamans in Tulum. So don't do it in Tulum. Don't do ayahuasca in Tulum. Ayahuasca is not natural in Tulum. It's not, there's not a, there's no, you know, people say, oh, my shaman's been learned
Starting point is 01:20:01 with the shamans in Tulum. But Tulum is peyote like peyote like grandfather medicines you know not ayahuasca ayahuasca comes from the rainforest right so the thing is the tricky part like I can't name someone who was serving medicine five years ago in America that's because they ayahuasca you know what happens is is they start trying to cheat the system right so like okay I'm not gonna drink it they tell me, I've just drank enough ayahuasca. I'm already connected.
Starting point is 01:20:27 So then they don't drink the medicine. They servitize people. Ayahuasca, oh, really? And now you don't know what's going to happen. So they, like all of a sudden, it's like, ah. And so then if someone has a really bad experience, anyone else who's in that room is never going to drink medicine with that person again and tell everyone not to.
Starting point is 01:20:44 So by default, karma fixes that how are you going to be a shaman with no no one to serve yep it's like being a chef when no one wants to eat your food yeah yeah pick something else okay and so i say trust your intuition how long has someone been doing it but a lot of people you know there are good mechanics and there are bad mechanics this bad mechanic's been mechanic for 26 years right you know so it's really fucking tricky man so in other words like make sure they're highly recommended by somebody that you know and trust and it's had that experience that's the most important thing yeah don't worry about you know anyone who's promoting like you know like my like instagram says i'm an ayahuasca because i am an ayahuasca
Starting point is 01:21:21 but i'm not like putting posts on my story like ceremony in Los Angeles. You know like, watch out for that. You know, for me, I would say 99.99% of the people I serve medicine to are coming because someone they know. Was like, you gotta do it. With him. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:40 That's the goal. I've served medicine to over 8,000 people, man. Yeah. You know, and there's never been a promotional post with it. Ayahuasca, my job as an ayahuasquero is to plant seed and to build bridges. My job is not to serve ayahuasca to the whole world. It's impossible. You know, so if I plant the seed, like you had the seed planted by someone. Emily, thank you, Emily, so much for making this happen.
Starting point is 01:22:07 Emily at Ampersand Studios. And yeah, you were very sweet to make this connection. And thank you for coming here, man. Thank you. Yeah, I mean, I've been watching your stuff for a while. I saw you in Rogan. Respect. Those monologues are the monologues.
Starting point is 01:22:21 I didn't realize that was part of a Netflix special. I was catching those monologues. I was like, thank God someone's dropping it but you can you can say it because you're a comedian right exactly shaman how dare you how dare you have a belief how dare you not agree with everything
Starting point is 01:22:36 the narrative but the yeah man it's just tricky you have to like word of mouth someone you know number one but at the end of the day it's's preparation and intention, like good reasons to, you know, to experience the medicine. But at the end of the day, I can tell you one thing for sure that I've never, ever heard anyone ever tell me, ever, that they wish they didn't do it. I don't care if you have stage five pancreatic cancer and you were literally purging for three and a half hours. I don't care if you're coming with the only intention
Starting point is 01:23:10 of healing child molestation, right? I don't care if you thought you were a really good person, that's the best. The people that think they're really good people and then ayahuasca is like, really? Because they're so delusional that they think they're really good but they're just thieves you know those are the people that get right because then they're like no it's not true you know it's like no it's true and here's a million examples you know those people get like you know but everyone comes out better everyone's always better more connected you're going to get exactly what you need, especially in the right setting
Starting point is 01:23:47 and with someone who knows what they're doing. Do you do these ceremonies in America? Yes. And then how do you get the ayahuasca to America or is that an illegal question? I mean, the detail, no. Because it is an illegal substance, right? No, actually, ayahuasca is legal.
Starting point is 01:24:05 The thing is, there's no DMT. DMT is illegal. And the DMT is in the chacruna. The chacruna. Chacruna. Yeah, which is added. How do you get that? So the thing is that I have an organization that is headquartered in Costa Rica,
Starting point is 01:24:22 registered in five other countries, being the United States. And so when we're dealing with the matrix, we're dealing with law and legalities, right? So the case law regarding medicinal, the using of drugs as medicinal or religious purposes has already been argued. 2006 Supreme Court case with this guy James Mooney from the UDV Native American Church with
Starting point is 01:24:45 payouts in marijuana and then there's 2008 precedents for ayahuasca in the Supreme Court in 2010 so all the precedents in the statutory law is put in place on the Supreme Court down to state Supreme Court level regarding usage of ayahuasca so I think that ayahuasca should stay exactly the way it is I think that if you're selling ayahuasca to people, you should be prosecuted. There's a big difference between distributing a banned substance and someone sending a donation to an organization for a seat in a ceremony.
Starting point is 01:25:16 You know, if you come to the ceremony and you drink two and a half cups, then I don't charge you $150 per cup. That's distributing an banned substance, and that's illegal. You're paying for a ceremony that happens to have... You're sending a donation into an organization for a seat in a ceremony,
Starting point is 01:25:33 which is up to 20 people, at which the sacrament is ayahuasca. Whether you drink a half a cup, two cups, one cup, irrelevant. That's how we we operate got you that's that's the legal way for any religious organization to distribute wine to a minor yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah got you okay now so in other words you are getting the actual ayahuasca and the tracruna from the rainforest you're not like 100 yeah i've made so fresh i serve more i serve hundreds like
Starting point is 01:26:05 i i serve a lot of ayahuasca yeah okay and so um so it's always being made and it's always being sent to wherever i'm going i have a whole organization i don't even it's just all taken care of yeah i basically like just deal with myself i love it i serve medicine yes you know what i mean it gets there it's gonna be. I just want to make sure I'm there. Right, right, right. And everything is going to be taken care of, you know? Thank you so much. I don't want to take up any more of your time.
Starting point is 01:26:32 Alex has a question. Oh, Alex is curious about your opinion on Dr. Sebi. Are you familiar with Dr. Sebi? The vegan guy? Yeah, yeah. He's no longer with us. Dr. Sebi, he had the revolution running. What's my opinion?
Starting point is 01:26:49 I mean, I think he, I think that anything that becomes too indoctrinated, like there's no one solution, right? So for example, like humans are humans, right? But if you go one step down, the human is the animal wherewith the soul within, right? But if you look at this, the animal of of man there's many kinds of man right so whereas like no one should be eating red meat only but at the same time not every person will benefit from never having that in their system some humans might be able to digest it better than others there isn't one way yeah so like the religion like veganism for example has become a religion you know like the new virtue signal is like i'm a vegan so they have like vegan friends like oh half my friends like
Starting point is 01:27:29 we're gonna go to like you why go to a steakhouse and then bitch that they don't have good vegan options yeah you don't see steak eaters going to the vegan place and bitching it's disrespectful you know yeah so it's like i made this post one one time, I said, Hitler was a vegetarian and Jesus ate meat. Your diet doesn't define your spirituality. Right. And people went crazy. Like, how dare you compare Hitler and Jesus?
Starting point is 01:27:52 I'm like, how dare I compare the eating habits of two well-known historical figures? Yeah, yeah. So I think Dr. Sebi was amazing from the perspective of he really embodied one aspect, but I look at the whole thing of taking care of the human body and or the spirit as like hinduism like they have many gods and goddesses and you may be drawn to one thing you may be a devotion of krishna but that doesn't mean that the other paths don't exist you know like when after my first ayahuasca ceremony i didn't eat any meat or any animal product for like two and a half years i went from like 216 to like 165 right whoa yeah i'm like 202 right now right then i went and visited a friend he has like this farm he's
Starting point is 01:28:32 like has like this most amazing lamb i was like a lamb i'm like afghan so i'm like lamb dna is like dna is like you know what i mean the dna activate yeah and i ate that man i took the first bite and i felt my body just come alive like saying thank god right and i after i ate it i felt like completely rejuvenated right so i feel the goal with anything is to find your path like i do green juice and celery juice like three days a week preparing for ceremony but on monday i may order lamb if my body says yeah for the most part i stay vegan but i if but i know what i need and that's the key yeah not ask someone what i need you know i think going in you mean what i think of him as a person or what his system philosophy yeah i think it's his fault yeah i think his philosophy is
Starting point is 01:29:26 is important uh to exist on the earth just as like a as like a buddha or any of these you know like we needed an osho we needed all these different personas to come and that embody one specific thing for us to see as a guiding light and maybe we go down that path for a month maybe you go down that path for five years right but the point is you'll be you'll have another tool in the in the surgery of life to be able to implement with precision you know but i would never just like this is the only way it's absolutely not true there's no you know there's no way but i think but but him as a person like let's look at him no you know there's no way but I think but him as a person like
Starting point is 01:30:06 just look at him like you know he's a living Buddha you know what I mean plus like Jamaican you know like the whole the whole
Starting point is 01:30:13 the whole vibe the whole vibe yeah well dude thank you so much for being here thank you so much for your time
Starting point is 01:30:20 tell people where they can find you if you're an Instagram obviously also the organization like we're gonna put it you know in the in the in the video oh i appreciate that but uh yeah i would leave the organization out okay the instagram what's the best place to contact you shaman omar yeah on instagram and um yeah i'm just super grateful for the conversation man
Starting point is 01:30:40 this has been awesome yeah i mean i'm excited for you when you you know all you guys decide to yeah yeah we'll have part two how much does it cost a ceremony can you share that depends yeah like um like for yeah i mean it just depends on on where what yeah can you give me like a can you give me like the gambit so if you're going if you're joining like a public a public ceremony 20 people let's say yeah but some people have public centers with like 70 like yeah yeah that's what i'm saying it's a little crazy personally like here's the thing that you have like five or six musicians right maybe they have a little bit of skill or not they're like nurses you know right they're nurses so nurses may be able to have a good ceremony but one day someone's gonna
Starting point is 01:31:25 need a doctor okay someone needs doctor the nurses are looking around to see where the doctor is right so they need a doctor right but then there's doctors and then there are fucking surgeons you know I'm saying it's like a maestro ayahuasquero is a surgeon yeah okay and a surgeon is only gonna set up certain amount of surgeries potential surgeries that's right time you can't do too much yeah because quality is the key you have ayahuasca is so perfect in so many ways that your job my my the way i look at the art of shamanic arts my job is to make sure that I'm not the reason this was the most amazing, unbelievable experience
Starting point is 01:32:07 of someone's life. Ayahuasca is the reason. If you're looking for the most powerful spiritual experience of your entire life, that's exactly why I'm serving you ayahuasca. Anything other than that, go to the hippies. Go to Malibu. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:32:21 Drink a little ayahuasca and dance. If you're able to dance, you're not deep. You're not doing it. You know what I mean? You should be thinking ayahuasca and dance like if you're able to dance you're not you're not doing it you know what i mean you should be thinking like how am i going to go to the bathroom you know how am i going to stand up yeah yeah that's an ayahuasca ceremony you're not you're not gonna be thinking like going to the bathroom you're gonna just be in the experience right okay but but um a group ceremony ranges in the matter of a few hundred dollars yeah um and then person per person to equal a certain amount for a minimum to cover flights and everything and then the private
Starting point is 01:32:51 ceremony is uh is that same amount but it doesn't matter if it's one person three people six people yes so on you know then there's retreats like i do retreats in costa rica actually um we were going to open a retreat center in Costa Rica. Again, I had one for a few years, but with the whole vaccine passports. So now we're actually going to open one in Homestead here in Florida. Oh, really? Yeah, so we do seven-day retreats. So in essence, you come.
Starting point is 01:33:19 You come on a Monday. You leave on a Sunday. It's three ayahuasca ceremonies. There's yoga. There's meditation. The vegan food's already prepared. There's three ayahuasca ceremonies. There's yoga, there's meditation. The vegan food's already prepared. There's talking, there's consultations, there's breath. There's meditative practices.
Starting point is 01:33:34 Prepare you for the experience. That's the immersion. My goal with creating the shamanic center in the US is to bring back the mystery schools of Egypt that once existed. So it's not just about me building an ayahuasca center no it's about bringing like hopi indian from sedona to to give you the rite of passage with their medicine bringing in the mandian tribes you know the tribe of john the baptist to come in and baptize your ass with their medicines oh that's you know what i mean to bring in what once existed that we have heard stories of, but do not know of the existence of.
Starting point is 01:34:06 But these tribes still live. That's really cool. Yeah. So you can have all these different experiences that have been tied to either religion or belief systems or philosophy throughout history. And there's a reason why I was thinking about this when I was doing my research on ayahuasca. And then I'll let you go after this. You've been more than generous with your time. I appreciate this. This is good. The free market decides the fate of things. If something has been around for thousands of years,
Starting point is 01:34:38 it's either here by force or here by utility. And that is what made me super curious about ayahuasca because if there wasn't utility, it wouldn't be here, right? There's no government body that's forcing the people to consume it, you know? Like spam might be around for as long as the US is around because the government's like, we're gonna keep printing this shit.
Starting point is 01:35:02 But ayahuasca is like, you gotta go into a forest to get this shit. you got to try to get it it's not easy and the fact that it's still around made me go okay there's there's definitely this is choice this is utility like yeah man yeah that's an amazing it's interesting way of looking at it but you know we say like philosophy like philosophy as we know it was created in greece and the most famous philosophers would be like plato aristotle and socrates plato aristotle and socrates lived for between 26 and 28 years in the mystery schools in alexandria egypt oh you know so like so when you so when
Starting point is 01:35:37 they learn alchemy like then egypt is egypt after you know yeah ancient egypt's name was Al-Kemet. Al-Kemet means the black lands. So they looked at the Nile River as the spine of Mother Kemet. And the soil was so rich, dark, dark brown, there's called, so that's where magic, black magic is magic from the lands of Al-Kemet. And the science of this is called alchemy. And so these Greeks sent their brightest and their smartest to the mystery schools to learn from the repository of history from Sumerian, from the Indus Valley, and work with all the medicines. When they learned and experienced alchemy, they realized that everyone in Greece is asleep.
Starting point is 01:36:19 And so instead of trying to become shamans, they started to teach people how to turn the maze of of the mind start tearing down walls and that's how they created philosophy philosophy was a way to take the understandings in the macro and to bring it down into the mind like when you see like Carl Jung created the archetypes but the archetypes are based off his study of the Sumerian tablets with the archons which is the you know carriers. So ultimately, when you look at what you're saying about utility or by force, but then there's also the force to remove utility from our hands. So if you look at the proverbial Garden of Eden, we all look at it from the perspective,
Starting point is 01:36:58 we as in modern world, 82% of the world looks at this story in some reverence and everyone understands it. And so we say, God said, eat from the fruit from the tree of life, but do not touch the fruit from the tree of wisdom. And they're associating right and wrong based off of this and original sin and down the rabbit hole, right? But if you take away what they tell you, God said right and and wrong and you look at the story the supreme the creator of man said through the fruits from the tree from the fruits from mother nature you can learn everything about eternal life and good and evil you're here to decide what you want to learn and
Starting point is 01:37:38 what you don't want to learn but through your decision you choose to stay asleep ayahuasca is like doesn't matter which pill you take red or blue purple or green you're gonna go yeah to the place love it you know and uh and and you'll have the story you know and more than the story like the more you start to have those experiences the more you start to see in other people and like you know so i'm not i'm very optimistic of of humanity by the way i love it yeah yeah don't let all black fool you like yeah i fly places and i hear people tell me the worst things i have i hear people tell me let me tell you my story here's my problems right here's
Starting point is 01:38:23 my perception and but the problem is is that they're they're holding on to the story you know you create they're casting the spell on their own life right you create the spell with with the words and then they're and then you hear everything like really dark shit and then sometimes things that people think are dark you know a trust fund baby is like and my mommy and daddy they were never around it's like yeah because they're making all that fucking money and celebrating their life but but to them that pain yes is at 85 just like the kid who never met their parents yeah so pain is pain and 85 of reality of pain is that yeah so who are we to judge that you know what i mean like we everyone has their their their story right and they feed that story. But I fly somewhere,
Starting point is 01:39:05 I meet people and I hear the worst things and confusion and like chickens, like the sky is falling. And then we have a ceremony and after that ceremony, without question
Starting point is 01:39:17 and with millimetric precision, afterwards, hope, the world is reborn, it's a new day, you know, hallelujah. So every week i see the dark and the confusion and then i see the light through the perspective of other people's
Starting point is 01:39:34 projections of reality onto into my field you know so i just stay the shaman is is the line in between the yin yang right you know yeah oh my god no the the line in between the yin yang. Right. You know? Yeah, yeah. Oh my God. No, the line in between the yin yang. Even when you go into the dark, you're still balanced between the light. When you go into the light, you don't scream for joy either. You just stay on. Right.
Starting point is 01:39:55 You know what I mean? Shaman Omar, you're a legend. Thank you so much, my man. My man. Shaman Omar, go check him out. Thank you guys for listening. We'll see you next week

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