Andrew Schulz's Flagrant with Akaash Singh - What If Old People Are OK With Dying From Coronavirus

Episode Date: March 21, 2020

What up friends and enemies. Schulzy here with AlexxMedia and I have an important question to ask: what if old people would be ok dying from the Coronavirus? What if we are making decisions for them. ...Also, does the earth need this pandemic to recover? That and more on another episode on this unnamed show. Peace, Love & Yerrrr

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up people and welcome to another episode of this unnamed show. I think we're going to do a new name every single episode. So today's episode name goes, comes from my man Vidal out in Chicago. It's called Flagrant Flu. Nice little pun. I like that. Nice little flu pun based on, of course, Flagrant too. A lot of you guys know what that is and i listen if you
Starting point is 00:00:25 don't get on it my man akash saying alex media as well um let's take a sip let's start it up you know we're sipping on today bring it up raise it up don't be lazy i know you got nothing to do you quarantine show them that bottle oh shit you know we got that 1942 so we drink you know what i mean we drink it good out here there we go I just realized 1942 was not when Columbus sailed the ocean blue like 1942 is 1492 he sailed the ocean blue what happened in 1942
Starting point is 00:00:57 fucking dyslexic ass mother fucker I'm saying dude 1942 we're just coming out of the depression maybe that's what, uh-oh. Uh-oh. All right, let's take a sip. What's up, everybody at home? How are you?
Starting point is 00:01:14 How you feeling? How you coping? How you dealing with this? You doing okay? Life pretty good? You bored? Do you have things to do? Are you learning a new thing every single day?
Starting point is 00:01:24 We've been seeing people do that That's been pretty dope I hit my limit today, man What? I'm going to be honest I hit my limit today I need cardio exercise In order to keep my mentals right
Starting point is 00:01:37 Oh, okay I need that cardio, Al I need that cardio People at home And I hadn't done any type of cardio I don't really run I do like kickboxing or boxing Or I'll do some kind of Maybe I hit the treadmill a little bit yo, Al, I need that cardio people at home. And I hadn't done any type of cardio. I don't really run. I do like kickboxing or boxing or I'll do some kind of,
Starting point is 00:01:49 maybe I hit the treadmill a little bit, but it's usually I do some kind of exercise. There's a lot of like high heart rate stuff because I need to calm this shit up here down. And I hadn't done anything, dog. I hadn't done anything at all. And I just hit my limit, man. I hit my limit and I said, fuck it, we're going for a run. So me and my girl went for a run and it cleared my whole thing down.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Or at least calmed my whole head down or whatever and cleared my mind. And I also have another observation. and that is that New Yorkers do not give a fuck about the coronavirus, about quarantines, about social distancing at all. They were out there today. I mean, the running paths packed. The bike paths packed. Tennis courts had a line waiting to play doubles. I mean, if you're going to play tennis, I understand that.
Starting point is 00:02:45 But that's one-on-one. You've got a fence in between you. It's the perfect Corona sport. We've gone over that. But doubles, you're literally right next to someone who you're breathing and sweating and grunting around. I mean, people playing basketball, people playing soccer. Like, you could not believe the amount of people that were out today.
Starting point is 00:03:03 We out here looking like Florida, man. Bro, real talk, man. And that's the thing. It's hard to quarantine when the days are nice. When the sun's out, it's almost impossible to quarantine. Something happens in your body where it's like, well, the Rona can't survive sun. The Rona can't survive 65 and sunny, bro.
Starting point is 00:03:21 No cloudy skies, can't be any Rona. I think that's really our attitude towards it yeah bugging i listen i understand we're bugging i also understand if we're gonna do a hair check alex and i both came in with hats on today so you already know it's about to be hats for the rest of the month hey hey you see take one more look take one more look because I was looking crazy last podcast. Okay. But yeah, I just realized that there's something about New Yorkers that we don't give a fuck. I know Florida, et cetera. I get it.
Starting point is 00:03:55 The warm weather, that's fine. California, everybody's already quarantined. It's easy to quarantine there. People don't go out and hang out. If you ever go to California, go to LA, people have their homes. They have a pool in their backyard. They have tons of land. land they have space they're not living on top of each other when you go to like an urban city like new york it's hard when you're in a shoebox to just stay in that bitch all the time especially when it's beautiful outside you're coming from a shitty actually our
Starting point is 00:04:18 winter has been pretty good don't get me wrong but like you're coming from cold weather and all of a sudden you wake up you see blue in the sky sun is out. You want to feel that a little bit on your skin. And it's a social city too. It's a social city as well. We got bars everywhere. We like to be around people. We like to talk. We like to say.
Starting point is 00:04:33 I mean, you know how Yerr came around? Is you saw someone you kind of knew. Kind of knew. In the distance. Sometimes you don't even really get to know. You might not know. He just got the same hat on that you got. Yo, you Yankee fan, Yerr. Boom. distance sometimes you don't even really know he just got the same hat on that you got oh you
Starting point is 00:04:45 yankee fan you're boom that like we need to connect that's what it is bro it i'm telling you it's there's something about it and and new yorkers we just don't we're fucking arrogant people and i bet there's people listening to this uh around the world or watching this around the world and they're probably relating in their urban cities or urban environments as well. But like, there's something about New Yorkers where I think New York is such a filthy city. It's such a dirty city that a little bit of us thinks we're immune.
Starting point is 00:05:16 A little bit. Like we're used to riding the subway, the New York City subway, also the home of many people who are homeless, stinking, dirty. Everybody's dirty. You're walking the streets. You're grabbing shit. And we're holding on to the metal poles of the New York City subway with our bare hands.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Matter of fact, our parents would tell us when we get on the subway, hold on to the pole. Right? I know what you're thinking. Well, if you're going to hold on to the pole, you would get the flu. That's true. But if you fall onto the floor, you're going to get AIDS. So we were taking flu over AIDS. AIDS is on the floor.
Starting point is 00:05:57 100% guaranteed. Oh, absolutely. I mean, there's AIDS all over that floor. I've never seen. This is how dirty the New York City subways are. Have you ever seen anybody clean the subway? No, never. The subway is 24-7. York City subways are. Have you ever seen anybody clean the subway? No, never. The subway's 24-7.
Starting point is 00:06:07 Keep this in mind. It's like an AIDS carpet. It's an AIDS carpet. I can show you the ICU unit. But for real, dude, it is, I've never seen a subway clean in my entire life. Yo, they did graffiti all over the subways. And then the MTA was just like, I guess we should just get new subways. We don't know how to clean them.
Starting point is 00:06:30 We don't know how to wipe the shit off. Let's just get some new ones. There's no time to clean the subways. Where are they putting them? It's a 24-hour service. I know some of you guys may be watching. You guys have your mass transit from 6 in the morning to 9 at night or 11 at night. No, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:06:47 24 hours, 7 days a week. It doesn't shut down. Okay? We're not afraid of filth. There's rats everywhere. There's piss everywhere. The garbage on the streets. You know how every other first world country has a container that all the people put the garbage from their apartments in on the street
Starting point is 00:07:04 and then a truck picks it up. Not in New York. You just put it on the street. It's 2020. It's 2020, and you just take your garbage and put it right on the street. So we're used to fucking filth, and I think we're immune, and that's why. And there's something about the coronavirus that I realized that, like, the second they were like, just stay six feet away from each other.
Starting point is 00:07:25 That's the worst thing that they could have done. Cause if you want to leave the house, you're like, I could stay six feet away from people. When am I closer than that? When you're out there in the world with people, you don't know when are you less than six feet from them? Matter of fact,
Starting point is 00:07:39 if you live in New York and I don't know about you guys watching, but if you live in New York and somebody is within six feet of you, there's usually a conversation, a head nod like, you good? Like if a guy's here, you good? That's part of the reason I stopped taking the train. It's too much you good. It's just too close. Like back up a little.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Is everyone not good here? Like, come on now. It's a crazy time, and I'm telling you, there's this drive for us to be social. Nothing stops social. Dude, I remember, distinctly remember, people went out to comedy clubs after 9-11, bro. What? They did. They went out to comedy, not, like, the same night, but I'm saying, like, the weekend after.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Oh. They were going to comedy clubs, man. People were going to party. Like, that didn't shut people down. Wow. Yeah, man. You were going to party. That didn't shut people down. Wow. Yeah, man. You know what I mean? I'm not talking about people partying out there and
Starting point is 00:08:29 you know, fucking the caves and shit where Bin Laden was. I'm talking about like... They were definitely partying. But I'm talking about New Yorkers were partying. So I think we think that we're immune to this shit or it can't fuck with us or it can't get us. I think they never should have told us that six feet will make you fine. If they said it's airborne and if you go out
Starting point is 00:08:48 you're gonna feel it i think we would have paid attention i think we would pay attention but i noticed a weird thing man when i was out today and i wonder if you guys feel this as well but there's something about the virus being airborne or on things that creates a claustrophobia even when you're outside like i leave my house because i feel like the walls are kind of caving a little bit you've been in it so long you're like i just need to break free from this right but when you go outside you're not breaking free you're actually breaking into the virus good point right like your apartment or your home is safe you've like saw wiped everything you and your girl don't got it you're good but the second you go out and you touch the elevator right you're doing this you touch an elevator with your
Starting point is 00:09:35 with your knuckle so my knuckles are worn down bro well i'm on chimp mode you know what i mean like it is it's crazy how you could go from from from thinking usually how we normally live our lives like i can't wait to get out there and breathe some fresh air and the second you're out there breathing fresh air you're like wait is this air fresh every store you go into you got the mask you got the gloves on you know you're seeing people in there like do they have it you're trying to judge based on the way they look. Do they have it? Right? I mean, it's like it's a different way of going through life, man. I remember running today, and if I would run by someone,
Starting point is 00:10:13 I would kind of like put my hand up to like block them. And it was no disrespect, but I was like, yo, don't breathe on me, family. Oh, yeah, that hand is blocking it. That hand is blocking it. What am I supposed to do, Roy Jones-ing? You about to box Corona? Come on. I'd give a shoulder roll Corona, dog.
Starting point is 00:10:24 I had that Floyd. Shouts out to Floyd. But I was like this. Bobbing and weaving. Okay? I'm not any better. I think I said it out here. The fucking elevator situation.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Oh, yeah. You didn't say this because. So, I live on the 37th floor. So, when I have to go out my building. 37th floor. See that light flex? When we go down, if one person gets on, I'm still looking at you a little crazy, but I'm going to the other side of the elevator. Yo, we over here. Second person gets on, I walk right out.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Right out. Right out. Right out. I stopped one person one time, but then I felt bad, so now I just get out when another person comes. Yeah, but you said when you stopped the man and his kid, the guy looked at you like, no, I get it. Oh, yeah. Everybody knows the rules now, right? He was fine with it, but then I felt bad doing that, so now it's like, all right, I'll just
Starting point is 00:11:06 leave the elevator. I don't want to stop people from getting on the elevator. I cannot explain to you guys at home how small my elevator is. Oh, my God. It's so small, there's no social distancing. My elevator feels like a water slide. Do you ever do those water slides when you go to the water park where you're encased in it?
Starting point is 00:11:20 Son. That's my elevator. Your elevator's like a coffin. It's like a state of the coffin. My elevator is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. That's the shit. That fat kid gotased in it Son That's my elevator Your elevator's like a coffin It's like a state of the coffin My elevator is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Yes That's the shit That fat kid got caught in
Starting point is 00:11:29 Remember that Augustus Glump Augustus Glump not fitting in my elevator Okay And that's what I gotta be in potential With other people bro Oh man It's just
Starting point is 00:11:39 It's a It's a different time But that outside situation You should've never told us We would've really stayed in But the fact that you gave us that six feet now i gotta stay six feet away from people but i'm still out there on my p's and q's it's like every neighborhood became the hood you know like when you're in the hood your senses are are like super heightened you know how they say like blind people can hear real well but like that's how we all are
Starting point is 00:12:05 when we're in the hood right we're just like is that a boombox you know you're just listening for shit that could be dangerous right is this guy following me what's going on like if you're in any kind of dangerous neighborhood as i say this i imagine some of you guys that hunt have probably felt the same way and realistically if you're living like a big city and you don't hunt, being in the hood is the closest to being prey. You ever see those deers that are drinking out of the lake? You know what I mean? And a lion runs up on it or an alligator runs up on it? That's how I am in the hood.
Starting point is 00:12:37 I know I'm a deer. If I'm walking in a bad neighborhood, I ain't no fucking lion, bro. I'm out there like, these big old ears start moving on their own. Their ears start turning in the direction of where the sound's coming from. So it's like, that's how I feel with the rona, man. I'm listening for sneezes, listening for coughs, you know. And Instagram Live, you can see this later tonight. Just go to slash flavor2. We'll continue this this talk man but um the claustrophobia is real out there
Starting point is 00:13:09 and you know who doesn't seem scared old people have you you would think a virus that specifically kills them will put fear in them right well you see old people outside old people outside tons of them some of them no gloves nothing yo that's some yolo shit right there yo yo but here's the thing and i've thought about it we assume they're not done living we assume they're afraid to die because we're putting our feelings about life onto them all right right that little 42 came up right there a little burpitzko here another cheers cheers everybody at home we'll double up so it's the same thing like you know how like when we call girls crazy we are any girls listen right now we are judging you based on our definition of crazy right so which is crazy which is crazy to us right but like crazy is a cultural thing too and a gender thing
Starting point is 00:14:17 right you know like we think it's crazy maybe to like you know make women walk around and like you know fully covered up all the time. Right? That's crazy to us. But another culture would be like, that's respectful. And that culture might look at us and be like, yo, that's crazy that you let women walk out of here in bikinis and all that kind of shit. So the same thing goes with crazy with women, right? We're like, oh, you've texted us 100 times in a row.
Starting point is 00:14:42 That's crazy, right? Or if you're angry at us for something to happen in your dream i didn't whisper shit into your ear so you dream that that was specific i'm saying it quiet my girl in the other room it is what it is you know what i mean but this bitch be dreaming to us like how we turn them up who are you martin luther king calm that shit down i have a dream do you have a nightmare every once in a while. What's up with these dreams? Honestly, if Martin Luther King knew how much my girl dreamed, bro, he would be like, listen,
Starting point is 00:15:15 you dream enough for both of us. It's just so much goddamn dream. He's like, you didn't hear that. I said, I had a dream. Bro, I get nervous when she blinks. Hey, if you blink too long, you might end up dreaming where I cheated again. She had a quick flashback every time she blinked. She would blink like, bing. This is my girl.
Starting point is 00:15:41 This is my girl. Why would you say that? Why would you look at her like that? Right? So I'm starting to think we're judging their fear based on us. Like we're afraid of losing them because we love them. We're afraid of them dying because we love them. We don't want to lose our parents or grandparents, right?
Starting point is 00:15:57 But I'm starting to think like if you ever talk to old people, old people, 80 and up, the ones that could get killed by this shit, they're not afraid of death. Regular old people old people 80 and up the ones that could get killed by the they're not afraid of death regular old people i think every time i've spoken to them are comfortable with that they feel like they've lived a life they feel like they've accomplished tons they feel like they've you know experienced what the world has to offer. They're not saying I want to die, but they're like, if I do, I'm okay with that. I accept that. And it's an interesting thing because we made all these decisions before asking old people.
Starting point is 00:16:44 We made all these decisions what to do with the economy and what to do and how to handle this thing. What if we were able to just go to old people and be like, yo, some of y'all are going to die from this shit. We're going to do the best we can. What do you think we should do? Should we shut everything down, potentially fuck up the economy, make people, you know, lose their jobs, lose their livelihood? Or, would you guys like to quarantine yourselves until this shit is over you guys quarantine yourselves and we give you a stimulus package just you old folks we send some money to you guys we get helpers to deliver you food which would be way less people like instead of sending the national guard out to shut down every bridge and keep everybody in their house
Starting point is 00:17:24 we could send the national guard to just drop over just drop off some food to the old people, right? Everybody keeps going on. Life keeps going on. People still working. Everything's good. But let's not send that message out because I just heard a story. A friend of mine, his coworker, 33 years old, tested positive for it and is now in ICU on a ventilator. So, look. Listen, there are going to be those cases, right?
Starting point is 00:17:48 There's always a case where a guy was 40 years old. He had a heart attack and died or some shit like that. And it's tragic. Don't get me wrong. But the majority, we can say, of cases, right? So a little part of me is like, maybe we should have asked these people. Because I wonder if these old people would have just been like, God, we don't want to burden you guys like that we've lived an amazing life and and if we can
Starting point is 00:18:11 self-quarantine and and if we can i mean how much old people even go out anyway you know what i mean they play that game where they throw the the the the round silver ball and then they throw the little balls at it what's that shit called fuck you talking i don't know banaca or something i'm not sure what the name is but it's something back out of back game and they're just playing their little games but like i just i truly wonder if they were like if they'd go hey now we don't want to we don't want to disrupt what you guys got going on and we don't want to hurt what you guys got going on why don't you guys keep doing that we'll self quarantine you guys look after us and make
Starting point is 00:18:45 sure that the ventilators are ready. Make sure all those things are ready. And then if we call you, come get us. But let's not shut up, shut down the global economy over people who potentially, and I don't know for certain, over who potentially don't fear death in the way young people do. Because we fear it because we love living this life we can run around jump around play video games you know what i mean go out to the bar drink this that the other old people can't do that shit they gotta nap after every one of those activities you know i i just be really curious we should actually call into an old person or like if you guys are living with your parents that are super old just ask them ask them if if they would want, if they would want what's going on, and we always
Starting point is 00:19:26 make decisions for people without fucking asking them, man, we always decide what people will want, decide what people will benefit from, etc., and I don't know, maybe it's different, maybe it's fucking different, man, who knows, I've been thinking about, I'm thinking about other corona hacks, because apparently one of the hacks we gave them, Al, really worked out. I told you guys to hit up those restaurants that don't normally deliver or have takeaway. But now they're delivering to stay open. Carbone was one of them. And my girl and I were trying to order from there.
Starting point is 00:19:56 She said they put her on hold for 15 minutes and then just hung up. Oh, wow. So that's how many of you motherfuckers were out there trying to get some shit from carbone and i respect it go do it so here's the other hack remember i was telling you how valuable uh working out is right at least for me for my mental health and i need good mental health so that i can be quarantined with another human being no matter how much you love your significant other right we both become a different version of ourselves when we're not, you know, treating our bodies and treating our minds the way they're supposed to be. You know, everybody can go a little crazy if they're not giving their system what it needs to function at a high level and exercise one of those things, at least for me.
Starting point is 00:20:40 And so here's a dope corona hack. Mark was telling me, you know how all these gyms are closed, right? So Mark said that, and you guys know Mark, Mark said that these gyms are renting out equipment, which is fire. So let's say you got a spot, you got your house,
Starting point is 00:20:58 you got your apartment, and you can move around some furniture and put that little treadmill up there. Boom, there's cardio. Get that couple miles in every single day. You could even bring some weights over, but there's a way where you could work out for almost nothing. Guaranteed, you get, offer them a few bucks. They're making zero off of it. You might as well offer them a few bucks. They're literally making zero. You offer a few, now you got a treadmill in the place,
Starting point is 00:21:23 right? Exercise, done, weights exercise done weights done everything done ready to go getting your best shape of your life during the quarantine it's literally like being in prison right usually when people go to prison they come out looking jack diesel we just can't do that because we don't have the workout thing in the crib we'll get the workout thing put it in the crib now we got no excuse it's literally probably close to free matter of fact maybe you just say yo i'll sign up as a membership can you just give me some shit everything's negotiable everything's on the table right now i've been thinking i'm really gonna try that yo we should when i get home today because are you what are you gonna get
Starting point is 00:21:59 though i don't know maybe a couple sets of dumbbells or whatever. Luckily, my gym's in my building, but they closed down. So that's the other thing that happened. They closed all the building gyms, right? Yeah. So it's like I could just go downstairs and be like, yo, let me just get a couple sets of dumbbells or something. I need something. Can you get in there?
Starting point is 00:22:17 Have they locked it? They locked it, but I mean, everything is electronic in my building, so they could just hit a switch. Done. I would do that, man. I would ask for a treadmill or I or ask for some sort of cardio. You don't love the cardio shit. Not really, but, I mean, if I had it in the apartment, I would fuck with it.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Yeah. Because I used to run. Yeah, no. So it's an interesting thing, man. I think, I don't know. If you guys have any other corona hacks, tell us, man. But we're just trying to do some things to guide you through this. Another thing I was thinking is a lot of businesses are being destroyed by this,
Starting point is 00:22:46 but what people don't realize, I think as much or what's not given as much attention are the staff of those businesses, man. And certain countries are doing really interesting things, like the U.K. things like the uk i don't know if you guys read this but the uk is is gonna pay 80 percent of the salary of people who are employed uh for the next three months whoa and i think that's fucking awesome i don't know how the hell they're gonna do it how the fuck are they gonna do that who knows maybe they do the thing we were talking about last episode by selling the bonds or maybe maybe they're gonna just start printing money. That's another thing that people could do is just start printing money. Obviously, you start printing money, and money can lose value, right?
Starting point is 00:23:34 That's maybe a longer conversation. But basically the problem is sometimes you have too much money and not enough things to buy, and when you have more money than you have things to buy, the money itself loses value. And those things to buy gain value, right? Because those are the real commodities. But maybe we should have, you know, maybe an economist on to just explain exactly
Starting point is 00:23:59 how made up the concept of money is, right? It's really just this thing that doesn't really have any value, but we buy into the value of it. We decide that it is worth something. It's like Ariana Grande. Where are you going with this?
Starting point is 00:24:19 She's probably talented. I don't know. I'm just trying to think of a Disney star that we've just been told is the next hot thing. So we're like, okay, I guess you're the thing. But in reality, they're just not. This used to happen a lot more before the internet and we had like freedom to decide who the stars were. But there were times where like, you know, Hollywood would just go, here's your next action star.
Starting point is 00:24:37 And we'd be like, okay, Channing Tatum, you know. And then now maybe there's a little bit more, you know, freedom of the market. And we get to decide who has a career, who doesn't shit. You guys decided that I should have one. So, you know, I'm grateful for that, but, um, but yeah, man, it's just a, it's just a weird time. You know, I know a lot of people are anxious. Matter of fact, I'm curious and Alex, maybe we should ask people at home. Like, I'm curious what you guys want to know about what your anxieties are what what what things that um you want more clarity on and then we could guide you through that so if there's something that you're curious about man there's something that you don't fully understand and it could literally be the coronavirus itself if there's just something out there that you need some clarity on, let us know.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Send us, you know, write in the YouTube comments or send us a DM or something like that. And then we'll try to address some of those things, you know. I just like this kind of conversation. You know, it gives some structure to our day. We're grateful to do it. And also get some feelings off our chest. I mean, you're just sitting in your fucking apartment all day and you just want to have a conversation or you just want to feel like understood i assume you know and then hopefully we can provide that for you you know i saw i saw
Starting point is 00:25:57 a wild thing today man i need my phone in order to do it you think you could throw me my phone out but uh you know how uh yeah i got this But you know how... Yeah, I got this. Boom. You know how the... You know how they always say, oh, the Simpsons, you know, the Simpsons out there predicting the future or something. Right?
Starting point is 00:26:15 Yeah. So do you remember the writer Dean Kuntz? Sounds familiar, but I don't know what he wrote. Does it sound familiar because of the word Kuntz? Fuck that. So Dean Kutz wrote this New York Times bestselling book. He's one of these thriller writers. He'd write tons of these books.
Starting point is 00:26:35 And in 1981, The Eyes of Darkness. Now, I got sent this on Twitter. It could be complete bullshit. We'll look it up after the show. I'm assuming someone wouldn't want to misrepresent this. But in one of the pages of this book and you guys can look it up oh this is like where he like basically predicts what's going on now but it calls the year and everything you ready this is in the book in around 2020 a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread through the globe, attacking the lungs and bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments. Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quick as it arrived,
Starting point is 00:27:15 attack again 10 years later, and then disappear completely. Li Chen defected to the United States carrying a diskette record of China's most important dangerous new biological weapons of the decade. They call the stuff Wuhan 400 because it was developed at their RDNA labs outside the city of Wuhan. And it was the 400th viable strain of man-made microorganisms created at that research center. Wuhan 400 is a perfect weapon. It afflicts only human beings. No other living creature can carry it. And like syphilis, Wuhan can't survive outside a living human. Now, a couple things here are interesting one the idea of someone predicting it like you always say yo what do the simpsons say about the coronavirus how are
Starting point is 00:28:12 we going to handle because the simpsons have predicted i guess so much i don't think the simpsons are predicting so much but i think they just had so many fucking episodes that eventually you start to hit on some shit yeah exactly right like they've been doing the show for what 20 years five days a week like clock is twice at least two times a day yeah broke right two times exactly so what's crazy is that there are enough of you nerds out there to remember every single fucking simpsons episodes you can dial back and find the exact time that they predicted something that happened 15 years later that's that's impressive but something very interesting about this came up and i've been thinking about this a lot with coronavirus.
Starting point is 00:28:47 I'm curious on your take on this, Al, too. It's like, what has happened right now? Industry has stopped, right? Human beings have gone inside. And we're no longer operating in the world as we usually do. Now, what is the biggest criticism of human beings when we're in the world selfish uh we're destroyed dirty oh yeah destroying the world all right right for the last couple weeks we haven't been able to destroy the world at the pace we usually destroy it okay haven't been able to chop down the trees in the Amazon, haven't been able to, you know, pollute the waters, pollute the skies.
Starting point is 00:29:28 You know, maybe this isn't a manmade virus. Right. But let's assume we're in a simulation. You guys have heard of the simulation theory probably before. If you haven't, some people say that, you know, we we could be essentially a video game. You know how you play, you know know call of duty or you play these other games right where you're uh interacting with different people well maybe a really sophisticated you know alien life form has created us as a video game so we're a kind of simulation where we have the ability to do these things but every once in a while they step in and they shake shit up to make sure everything either progresses or moves to a different level at their uh at their
Starting point is 00:30:04 will right maybe they came down and gave us electricity maybe they came down and gave us the wheel maybe they came down and were like yo rub these sticks together boom fire who knows again who knows it doesn't matter like it could be complete bullshit but you cannot deny that the biggest criticism of humanity has been the way that we've been treating the environment and in the last couple weeks the environment has got to take a nice needed breath like you see these pictures of venice italy i'm sure yeah and al told me because you've been to venice before right yeah and the last time you were in venice the canals were just filthy filthy and it smelled and smelled like shit and if you go right now you can Google images of Venice. The water's clear again.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Not even a week of having Italians be quarantined. Not even a week of tourists not to be there. Maybe two weeks. And the water's crystal clear. It really puts shit in perspective. And what if this was the simulators basically going, yo, these motherfuckers will not stop. We keep reminding them we keep putting information out but they're destroying the fucking world maybe we have to do something
Starting point is 00:31:10 we maybe we have to insert something in the system that forces them into their homes so we could let the earth regenerate a little bit that's number one two it shows you how fast the earth regenerates. And I'm thinking, yo, maybe, just maybe, we got to take a month off every year. Maybe the Muslims are right. Maybe we need a Ramadan, bro. Like maybe the world just needs to, maybe human beings need to chill for one month a year. And that one month of chill, maybe that would let mother nature regenerate enough maybe not everything but regenerate enough of the things that we're destroying what if we really took a month off we worked hard 11 months got everything out did everything we needed to do and then one month we fucking
Starting point is 00:32:01 quarantined and by quarantine i don't mean stay in your home. But I mean stay off of work. We shut everything down for a month. Some countries got it down. Like I know Spain, they kind of do that. I believe either July or August. August. I think it's August.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Apparently, yeah. Basically, everything is just like, we don't work. You try to go to a restaurant, be like, ah. We might open today. We're good. It's the mom and pop shit. We're good. I think Nate Bargatze had a joke where mom and pop shops, he goes, sometimes they'll be closed. You're like, why? He's like, we're good. It's the mom and pop shit. We're good. I think Nate Bargatze had a joke where mom and pop shops,
Starting point is 00:32:27 he goes, sometimes they'll be closed. You'll be like, why? They'll be like, we're sleepy. We're sad. But yeah, maybe there's something to that, man. Maybe things happen organically and maybe things – and look, I know a lot of you are watching this. You're like, what about child cancer?
Starting point is 00:32:41 What about these? Look, I don't have all the answers. I understand that seems incredibly um maybe uh disrespectful or unempathetic to to take that approach to it but at the same time you can't deny that this has created a sort of refresher for the environment at least in some places like i bet you go to china right all these motherfuckers is complete smog everywhere from all the pollution pollution i bet you go to china right all these motherfuckers is complete smog everywhere from all the pollution i bet you they're looking up at the sky they're like that sky is blue you know what i mean i bet you you see a decrease in smog i bet you see a decrease in pollution all these things and maybe that's something we could take away from this and not just the earth even uh humans so many people
Starting point is 00:33:22 all the messages i'm getting like you know all these things I've been wanting to do, and now I have the opportunity to do it. It's like, you're going to, this is like a reset for everybody, pretty much. You want to see the people who really want it, people going after it, the thing you wanted to learn all this time? It is. It's like a reset on life. It's a reset on life, man.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Because you know what we do so much is like we're trying to play catch up and it seems like our whole life is trying to play catch up like oh we got to get this shit done we got to get it done and the reality is is that we don't shit can stop for a little bit we could smell the roses or whatever that term is you know and and maybe that's the reminder maybe we got to sit down and like be like oh man you know what i actually really do like hanging out with my girl or actually i really do like spending time with my son or actually i really didn't know these amazing things about my daughter because i was so busy working right it's like we're constantly running on that treadmill and then we just turn the treadmill off
Starting point is 00:34:21 and we realize holy shit i was missing a lot you know and it's it's like when you're it's like you ever been on a bike ride and you're just looking straight forward right and then you take a second to kind of like stop and you look to the side you're like whoa that's a view every time i go over this bridge i look to the side and i see like amazing manhattan you see brooklyn queens you're like oh my god i would have missed that if i was just running straight so maybe maybe that's what this is. Maybe that's the takeaway. And I'm not saying some divine power put it there, but without a doubt, regardless of how bad the situation is, there's going to be some positive that we've taken from it. And maybe we rekindle our creative spirit. Maybe you grind it so hard at your work, at your job that fucking sucks. You forgot you were creative and now you're in the house making TikToks and
Starting point is 00:35:06 you're like, Oh shit, I'm dope. I forgot how dope I am when I have a couple of minutes to fucking, to reconnect with that creative part of my body. Who knows? Maybe we'll find out on another episode, but yo,
Starting point is 00:35:17 send us the things that you're curious about. Send us some thoughts that you had about this, man. You know, anything that you need some sort of guidance through, we want to be there for you guys with that. I was thinking
Starting point is 00:35:27 before we wrap this up is I was thinking maybe we could do something for the staff of some of these comedy clubs. I don't know how we're going to do it, man, but we've been doing really well
Starting point is 00:35:39 with these videos, man. We've been getting over 100,000 people watching these things, not to mention the people listening at home and audio shows. I like i was like what can we fucking do and maybe we can do some sort of gofundme and maybe we could choose one business a week you know or one business who knows a month who knows what it is and we can choose one comic we could like pay their staff
Starting point is 00:36:01 right just give them a nice little cushion because they're not working anytime like maybe this is our way to give back um our way to support these places that have been really amazing for me and you know let me you know grow and and and seeing my material um you know go from just horribly offensive ideas into like crafted you know jokes and pieces of like art at least i like to look at like that so maybe we can do that i want to extend that to you guys and think about you know if you would support that and what that would look like and uh what do you think about that out i like it but let's also i think every week hit a different industry because like shout out to firefighters and emt workers like they they still have to show up.
Starting point is 00:36:45 Like, they can't stay home. And every time you call 911, they have to show up at your house. 100%, man. Like, they're on the front line. 100%. No, no, you're 100% right, man. And it's one of those things where it's, like, sometimes there's so many people to help, it becomes overwhelming, and you don't help anyone. Yeah. You ever have, like, so many things to do that you becomes overwhelming, and you don't help anyone. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:05 You ever have so many things to do that you just take a nap instead? Mm-hmm. Right? It just becomes overwhelming. So maybe what we got to do is direct our response to specific groups and go, we're not saying these groups are more important than any other. But if we don't start somewhere, how are we going to end up helping anybody? We can end up helping no one. And I extend that to you guys because I'm sure that you're thoughtful.
Starting point is 00:37:32 You've been thinking about ways to help as well. And maybe we can do that. I mean, I would love to help each club that has helped me develop this career. I would really love to help that. And, yeah, let's make this happen, man. Let's make this happen. This has been another episode Of
Starting point is 00:37:46 Today we're calling it Flagrant Flu We'll see what we call it tomorrow But we appreciate y'all We love y'all Anything you want to tell the people Al? No I'm good Alright well
Starting point is 00:37:54 As always Peace love and Yerrr

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