Andy Frasco's World Saving Podcast - EP 1: Marcus King

Episode Date: March 24, 2018

Marcus, American songwriter, sits down with Andy at Jam Cruise to talk about love, life, the road, and almost dying on the boat. For more information on Andy Frasco, tour dates, the band and the blog,... go to: To keep up with the podcast, follow us on Instagram @WorldSavingPodcast For more information on our guest Marcus King, visit: Produced by Andy Frasco Yeti Chris Lorentz Engineered by Chris Lorentz Featuring Arno Baaker Shawn Eckels & Andee Avila

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Nu een verslag van de UN. Oh liefhebber, wat zijn je voeten mooi. Twee prachtige voeten. Vijf tenen aan elke voet. Je grote tenen. Ik steek mijn tong tussen je tenen. Dat voelt lekker. Ik werk van je grote teen.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Tussen je tenen door zo naar je kleine teen. En nu begin ik aan die andere voet. Oh, oh. Waar heb je hier gestaan? This is the Andy Fresco World Saving Podcast. Ladies and gentlemen, this is not a test. This is us. Welcome to the World Saving Podcast. This is episode one.
Starting point is 00:01:11 We are your hosts. I am Andy Frasco, and I have a special, special man who's going to be my co-host for this podcast. He was an old Mormon. He was an old preacher. Now, he's cleaned his act. He's ready old Mormon. He was an old preacher. Now, he's cleaned. He cleaned his act. He's ready to roll. He's actually my life coach.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Please give it up for Yeti. Hello, Yeti. Welcome to the show, buddy. Hey, buddy. Andy, that was a hell of an intro. I don't know if I can live up to that. Oh, my God. We're going to be talking about life on this thing.
Starting point is 00:01:42 You're going to wake me up. You're going to get stuff out of me I never thought I'd talk publicly about. Wow, we're going to be talking about life on this thing you're going to wake me up you're going to get stuff out of me I never thought I'd talk publicly about wow we're going deep I want to go deep I want you to get into my scrotum area hernia check pulling out my prostate
Starting point is 00:01:57 wow tugging on my brain but yeah this podcast we're doing it it's really happening. We're showing the world what we know about living outside of our means, living outside of the corporate world and living in vans and living by announcing and living mountain to mountain like you do, Yeti. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:19 I went from Boise to Salt Lake. You were in Steamboat the other night, though. I was. I used to live in Steamboat the other night, though. I was. I used to live in Steamboat for three. It's in a ski town. Another hippie town. Yeah, it's a ski town. So you count seasons.
Starting point is 00:02:31 I was there for two seasons. I like it. Oh, fucking two seasons, dude. How was the plow? It was good. Was it tight? I had a dope job, actually. Yeah, what'd you do?
Starting point is 00:02:41 Well, I did a whole bunch of things. But one thing I did was I worked for this sports company company it's called sports 30 they're not around anymore anyway nobody wanted to work days because they didn't have night skiing there so i was the day salesman and i got like all the spiffs all the commission it was like one percent you're making money i was making money but what's great is that i got all the demos i wanted and i can go ski on the weekend when all my friends wanted to ski so it was a good good job. Perfect. It was good. I did that for a while. That's pretty cool. That was season two. Season two Yeti season two.
Starting point is 00:03:10 So here we are podcasting it up. We're going to have a lot of things to talk about. We're going to do some segments that we like that we think are fun. We're going to do Wook of the Week. What's Wook of the Week? Wook of the Week. This is where we highlight the best and usually worst.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Or somebody that's the most cringeworthy. At what, festivals and stuff? Fellow homo sapiens. Fellow humans that are just, you know, it's like, fuck Jerry. It's like- I can't wait for that. It's not though, because we don't want to copyright infringe or anything like that. I do a lot of these festivals and it's about though because we don't want to copyright infringe or anything like that I did
Starting point is 00:03:45 I do a lot of these festivals and it's about the festival season so this is going to be a fun festival season interview all these wooks that come out and see
Starting point is 00:03:52 that on day four of the festival where they haven't cleaned they haven't they're just waiting in line for bass nectar for the fourth show in a row
Starting point is 00:04:00 and just getting bass and I'm going to interview the fuck out of them we're going to see what happens we're going to interview the fuck out of them. See what comes up when thou hast not partaken of any restroom facilities in four days. Or
Starting point is 00:04:13 taken every drug imaginable for five days before they go back home to five days straight of Molly. Providence, Rhode Island. It's like how dads are weekend warriors. They got their fucking bikes
Starting point is 00:04:28 and stuff. You can see the different, the festy wooks. Yeah. The weekend wooks, they eat. This is why people are dying on these festivals
Starting point is 00:04:36 because they're like, they try to indulge a year of drugs. People die? Yes, man. Oh, man. Overdose. Like you see people,
Starting point is 00:04:44 I've never seen. You've been there. Like, you see people. I've never seen. You've been there. Yeah. I've seen. Some guy fed me ketamine. Uh-huh. And I thought it was just cocaine. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:53 And I didn't know. And I had to perform. It was at Electric Forest. You know what Electric Forest is? Yeah, it's in the Midwest. Yeah, it's like Michigan. Yeah. And it's a trippy, trippy, trippy.
Starting point is 00:05:01 You're playing again this year. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. So, people are tagging me as Mr. Human Cocaine and whatnot. So I don't know why because I'm hyper and stuff. So this guy fed me some… I thought it was going to be cocaine. I'm like, oh, sure.
Starting point is 00:05:12 I'll take a bump, whatever. I was young and my heart doesn't explode now. That's why I can't do cocaine anymore. Well, that's not the only reason you can't. Yeah, because I'd be… No, and because I'd become no and because I become a horny monster like a wild dog I do not have illegitimate children I don't know right I'm very lucky I knock on wood every day I'm thankful but yeah I just get super horny like uh so I was I was in Germany or
Starting point is 00:05:40 whatever too but I'll talk about that electric force later. But yeah, we'll talk about that. We're going to talk about that. So that cocaine slash ketamine, also known as a special K on the street. It's a horse tranquilizer. Is it? Hey, what's the first pop culture reference to ketamine that you can remember?
Starting point is 00:05:59 Special K. Mine is Armageddon, the movie. And we're talking about like, we found ketamine in some of these guys systems and like some of these guys are pretty big what's ketamine it's a horse tranquilizer like and that's i was too young to understand that yeah all the time you were too young when armageddon came out that makes me i was in college so you're in college i'm how old are you getting i'm 37 years 37. i just turned 30. you did. Happy birthday. Last week. Yeah, thanks, buddy.
Starting point is 00:06:27 So yeah, we're going to be interviewing people. We're going to be talking to all these different musicians, actors, comedians, just people who are doing things not following the line just because they decided to. They're not doing the status quo. They're not doing the ABC. They're not doing the status quo. They're not doing the, yeah, ABC. They're doing it their own way. Like old blue eyes. Old blue eyes. He did it his way, my way.
Starting point is 00:06:55 You can't ever talk about that song and not feel and talk about who you're talking about without talking about yourself. I did it my way. That song? Yeah, that narcissistic motherfucking song. I love it, dude.
Starting point is 00:07:10 It is. Frankie was a gangster. If I could interview anyone dead or alive, I think it'd be Frank Sinatra. Really? Yeah, for sure. That went fast.
Starting point is 00:07:19 I think so because he worked with the mob. He had to entertain the mob he was getting paid by the mob and then he also wanted to be an artist and like that that thing of like
Starting point is 00:07:31 being on line of making money just to make money like these pop artists are doing like not playing the music
Starting point is 00:07:39 they want to play they're just getting fed all these songs from Nashville and LA and New York or doing the Zappa or whatever. Because he was super talented. He could have done anything. It seems like you could get into the existential question of, was Frank that good because he
Starting point is 00:07:57 had to be that good or was he naturally that good? Where was the pressure coming from? That's true. That's a good thing. We'll write that down. We'll come back to that. Yeah. I want to talk about that because that's what I'm going through right now, this existential true. That's a good thing. We'll write that down. We'll come back to that. Yeah, I want to talk about that because that's what I'm going through right now, this existential crisis. That's where you're at. I'm at there at my point in my life right now where it's like I've seen my dreams.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Now I want to just keep getting better at whatever I'm doing. You're living your dream. Now I'm living my dream. How old was Andy Fresco when this dream came around? I was 13. 13. 13.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Dude. Motherfucking dude. That's awesome. But I didn't know how to play this. How did it manifest itself? How did you realize this was what you wanted to do? I was DJing a bar mitzvah. Shit.
Starting point is 00:08:41 I was Jewish. I was born to hustle. Thou shalt prosper. Thou shalt hustle. That's a legit book too. It's good. I'll check it out. I was Jewish. I was born to hustle. I was like... Thou shalt prosper. That's a legit book too. It's good. Yeah, I was 13. I was just like, I see there's a market in bar mitzvahs. Opportunist.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Yeah, I was in seventh grade. I was going like 15 or 20 bar mitzvahs every two months. I was like, screw it. I'm just going to be a DJ and just I'll play the playlist I'll make the fucking dance moves and then I realized like oh
Starting point is 00:09:11 I'm really entertaining people this is I could be an entertainer right and then you know one thing led to another and then I started managing bands
Starting point is 00:09:18 and then I and I started playing music at 19 and then I bought a van with my bar mitzvah savings I made in seventh grade. And cold called 2,000 venues. And just bullshitted my way.
Starting point is 00:09:34 Told them I was Drew Mitchell. And my name is Andrew Mitchell Frasco. But blah, blah, blah. 10 years later, I'm seeing my dreams. I'm playing in these big ass rooms, opening for a food fight. It's just crazy. So now I got seeing my dreams I'm playing these big ass rooms opening for a food fight it's just crazy now I'm not
Starting point is 00:09:46 so now I got here now I'm trying to maintain now you want to go you just want to go up I want to keep going up but I also don't want to be pulled
Starting point is 00:09:55 to having to do something just because it'd be a a move for my career I want to keep being honest and I want to keep career. I want to keep being honest and I want to keep being genuine.
Starting point is 00:10:06 I want to keep being focused. That's why I'm making this podcast. Being you is how you got here. Yeah. Hustling at bar mitzvahs. And I mean, that's the reality of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Yeah, it's funny, but it's, I mean, like when you were telling me that story, I'm like, oh, fuck, this guy's Gary Vee in the fuck out of me right now. I'm like sitting up. I'm like, yeah, tell me more. Tell me more. I'm like, I'll lean back. I'm
Starting point is 00:10:29 going to lean forward. But that's what it takes is when you know that's your dream, when that manifests itself as it did for you, suddenly you get to a point, you're crystal focused, right? And I hear this all the time and and and for me this is where I am getting to but you're everything you do is in line of do I get better is this awesome is this awesome what however you're going to say it yeah it's cool it's cool to see that man to see that because we're new friends like we barely know each other I think this is a crazy idea we had when we were drunk in Bend, Oregon on December 2nd. You had a fucking
Starting point is 00:11:08 neck brace on. I had a neck brace on, yeah. The Yeti faltered on his mountain. If you don't know, imagine a six foot eight man. How tall are you, Yeti? I'm 5'17", since you asked. I'm 6'5".
Starting point is 00:11:24 He's 6'5", and he had a huge-ass neck brace, and he was still rocking out, and he was announcing our show, and we kicked it off well, and so now we have a podcast. It was really cool. It was really cool. Let's talk about the world, Yeti.
Starting point is 00:11:41 What's going on this week? How are we doing? We're doing well, man. I don't want to say state of the world, but of course, the Winter Olympics What's going on this week? How we doing? We're doing well, man. I don't want to say state of the world, but of course, the Winter Olympics in Korea going on. 2018 Winter Olympics. How do you say it? I don't even know how to say it. Low-key,
Starting point is 00:11:53 Kim Jong-un's sister is kind of hot. Oh, wow. That wasn't low-key. This is on the podcast. It's coming out to millions of people. I mean, the family is, I mean, I would never like be like a Dennis Rodman act. She's kind of hot. Can you see her? Google her.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Kim… Joon… Is her name Kim? I don't know. I'm just going for that guy's name. Yeah. Kim Jong-un's sister's… She's low-key hot. Like low-key because of the way she has to dress or… No, like she's like… I'm starting to be into Asian women. Like… And she's kind of
Starting point is 00:12:25 has this like Kim Yo Jong do you see her? yeah let me see a picture is that her? oh she's not as hot as I thought she was
Starting point is 00:12:33 yeah I think I was a little wasted like damn she's hot she's pregnant with her second child dirty dirty
Starting point is 00:12:42 so that yeah so not to be upstaged by the Kardashians, Kim Jong-un's sister, Kim Yo-jong, announces her pregnancy at the Olympics. So you can take your motherfucking Super Bowl announcement and shove it because the South Koreans just attempted to mic drop the most popular family on the planet.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Sorry, you lost. Please don't bomb us. Please don't bomb us. My life is starting to get good. The Olympics are going on and the meme that is out there is the Winter Olympics look like the hunger games.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Oh yeah. That dude, Johnny where Johnny where Tara Lipinski, both former, uh, us figure skaters champions in their own rights. Uh, Olympic Olympians now commentating,
Starting point is 00:13:38 um, for, uh, NBC and the Olympics. He looks like the guy when, um, like when you go, like when you're younger in middle school and you go on a date with a girl
Starting point is 00:13:48 and she brings her best friend. He's that third wheel. He's always on social network or tweeting about something and he's just not happy about life.
Starting point is 00:14:04 He's the snippy gay friend. Yeah. He's like, he did not. Yeah. He made you buy popcorn. Exactly. That's so you've had a few dates like that.
Starting point is 00:14:16 I've had a couple of dates like that. Johnny. Johnny Ware and Tara Lipinski look like they're from the Hunger Games. This is hilarious. Let me see the picture. Olympics slash Hunger Games. This is hilarious. Let me see the picture. Olympics slash Hunger Games. Who can tell the difference?
Starting point is 00:14:30 That guy's got a big old forehead. Yeah, he does. He's a beautiful human being though. He really is. Is he a nice guy? I don't know. I've never met him. How's his...
Starting point is 00:14:38 I mean, but... Does he make money like being a skater? Can you make money being a skater? That's what we... That's what I've been trying to figure out. I mean, I think you do through sponsorships and everything, but usually it's,
Starting point is 00:14:47 do you remember? I don't, I don't know what the official rules are. Cause obviously like NBA basketball players play in the Olympics. Baseball players play in the Olympics. If they had football, they would play in the Olympics. In the Olympics.
Starting point is 00:14:59 It used to be that Olympic athletes had to be amateurs. And then the dream team came around. Remember dream, dream team round one, 96 Olympics, Atlanta. like that was when they had allowed yeah they allowed nba players professional players to um play for their national team and and we see it in soccer and everything right football football um so so it's more and more competitive it is so i don't know if figure skaters are amateurs or professionals. They got to make money.
Starting point is 00:15:26 They make money somewhere. I wish they were like NASCAR though. They had to wear it? They had to wear their sponsors on their like... Well, I mean, I think he's wearing Gucci. So who knows? Damn, they're getting sponsored like Gucci? No, man.
Starting point is 00:15:38 These guys are figure skaters. And I don't mean to... I'm going to crack on figure skaters right now. Crack on. These guys are figure skaters. They make their own outfits. That's true. That's true. These are really well-made outfits.
Starting point is 00:15:48 I know Johnny Ware does not make his own outfits, nor does Tara Lipinski. They've reached the top. They have an NBC wardrobe. The guy who made all the Hunger Games outfits. Yeah, exactly. You see the guy. It looks frightening, though.
Starting point is 00:16:02 See the network guy? He's in a suit. He's in a button-down. They're wearing sparkles. You see the guy that's like- It looks frightening though. See the network guy? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So he's in a suit. He's in a button down. They're wearing sparkle. Yeah, they are. It's like they never left the ice. Johnny Ware, Tara Lipinski, where are they now?
Starting point is 00:16:15 Did you see that eye, Tonya? No, I haven't. I want to see that. I do want to see that. I want to see it. It'd be interesting. Speaking of scandals. But yeah, we'll see.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Johnny Ware, Hunger Games. Yeah, I could see it. I think it's funny. It's why the memes exist. Yeah. To entertain us. The Olympics also, you know what? Your boy, Sean White.
Starting point is 00:16:36 My boy. You love it. Sean, I think it's great. I don't know enough about the snowball world. You explain it. Well, we were talking about this. So first of all, for those of you who don't know enough about the snowboard world. Gene, explain it. Well, we were talking about this. So first of all, for those of you who don't know, Sean White captured another Olympic gold medal in snowboard this time.
Starting point is 00:16:51 That a boy. Making us 30 people look good out there. Yeah, exactly. 31, baby. 31 years old. He's the first American male to do that in three different Olympics. What's crazy is that he's been to four. So he's been doing this for half his life,
Starting point is 00:17:07 literally, at 31 years old. So it's pretty amazing. And I think that we were talking, 31, is it the prime? Is it the prime? Is it the prime for these athletes? Because I feel like I'm at my prime. And you see LeBron, LeBron's 34.
Starting point is 00:17:23 I think he's at his prime. He's at his prime. But this is different in what these guys are doing. And like, you see like LeBron, LeBron's 34. I think he's at his prime. He's at his prime. But this is different in what these guys are doing. I mean, think of like football players. And I mean, I really akin
Starting point is 00:17:31 what a lot of these guys, especially what Sean White does. I mean, he's throwing, he's going up 30 feet above the deck, which is, okay,
Starting point is 00:17:37 so it's 30 feet above the lip of the half pipe. It's another 15 to 20 feet to the bottom of the half pipe. So if you eat shit 20 feet to the bottom of the half pipe. So if you eat shit, you're 60 feet to concrete,
Starting point is 00:17:48 man. Like it's not, yeah. Like jump off a three story building and see if you can land. Like that's, that's what these guys are doing. And the, the times that they crash,
Starting point is 00:17:56 the times that there's unfortunately athletes that are seriously injured or even killed, like that's what's going on is, is that's the degree of this. Do a lot of people die? I don't know about a lot of people because that's just a numbers game, but there's a lot of people that get hurt.
Starting point is 00:18:11 That's the reason the ski patrol and everybody is always so busy. And I mean, I broke my neck in October mountain biking. I wasn't even doing anything extreme. I was just riding down the trail being stupid, got off trail, blah, blah, blah. Riding the gnar, dude. Exactly, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Shredding the gnar up, you know, just outside the city. Like it's not like, I mean, I was doing the most basic thing and broke my neck. So these orthopedic surgeons that I got to know though, over my recovery, they said, this is what we make a living off of. This is why there's so many of them here in Salt Lake.
Starting point is 00:18:40 You know, we've got seven resorts and blah, blah, blah. That's crazy. So Sean White, 31, do you think, and blah, blah, blah. That's crazy. Sean White, 31. And he's been beating up. He's probably been eating shit trying to do like five double backflips. He hurt himself.
Starting point is 00:18:51 He's had a couple seasons where he's had to sit out. You know, was this his glory run? I hope not. But let's just be honest. At 31 years old and you're throwing,
Starting point is 00:19:01 if you're 31 years old and you're throwing down, what is it, 1080s or 12 40s like i mean that's three full rev three four revolutions whatever it is like it's crazy like um so yeah those guys get beat the up you know those guys get hurt they get hurt and they party you know those guys party they do like yeah go to an x games and see what was that other guy who was he was like 16 years old he couldn't find his shirt. Yeah. And he's like, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Yeah, he just goes. That's America, baby. Yeah, right there. That's 2018 in America. We're just going to go right there. I don't care. Yeah, I'd like to thank all my fucking homies out there. My sponsor.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Thank you, Red Bull. Thank you, Monster. Yeah, it's crazy that Red Bull and Monster were sponsored by the same person. They gave me a nice handjob last night. Sorry, I'm late. Sorry, I'm you, Monster. Yeah. It's crazy that Red Bull and Monster were sponsored by the same person. My girlfriend gave me a nice handjob last night. Sorry I'm late. Sorry I'm late, Sweden. You mind going before me?
Starting point is 00:19:53 I think I want to see that interview. You know that Sal Masekela. You know he's talking to his homies. Sal has had those interviews. I mean, fuck, you've probably had those interviews. I just think that we, you know, we got to be careful. No fat checking. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:20:09 No fat checking. Good job, Sean White. Thank you very much for hooking it up for the USA. And thank you, Olympics, for entertaining us every four years, whether we want you to or not. I know, seriously. I like it because, you know, I'm a night owl. So I like watching sports at 3 or 4 a.m.
Starting point is 00:20:28 Yeah, which is live. It's live. So you're stoked. It's over in Korea. Yeah. Am I supposed to say South Korea? Yeah, probably. No, no.
Starting point is 00:20:37 No, just say Korea. Just say Korea. I mean, we're all for it. I mean, I'm for peace. Oh, yeah. And like when you separate someone between North and South, you're already making... When you draw a line. Yeah. I don't like
Starting point is 00:20:50 that. It's dumb. It's silly. But yeah, I guess South Korea, yeah. It's the world we live in, right? Yeah. Talk about it. I'm like trying to do hand signals over here. So, in 2018, we're still living in a world
Starting point is 00:21:05 where high school students and school students have to be afraid of going to school and gunmen coming in and taking their lives or the lives of their classmates and teachers. Isn't that insane? How did we get here? Yeah, I mean, yes, that's a loaded question, right? How did we get here?
Starting point is 00:21:22 There's a lot of reasons we got here. I think that um of course first of all everything uh positive energy and and condolences and and our heartfelt prayers and and have you seen those videos of the kids like ballsy ass kids yeah just filming yeah because just in case they died yeah that is heartbreaking 17 16 year old 15 year old kid these it breaks my heart because um you know i mean i went to high school when i was in high school when call i was out of high school when columbine happened which is kind of for a lot of people the tipping point in this in this topic of school shootings um i don't want to confuse it with gun control i i
Starting point is 00:22:04 have my opinions on control gun control and we can talk about it um but i think school shootings. I don't want to confuse it with gun control. I have my opinions on gun control and we can talk about it. But I think school shootings and safety are completely different issues. And I think we have to talk about both of them. And I think that the fact that those two worlds collide is absolutely fucking atrocious. And so no, Paul Ryan, you're wrong.
Starting point is 00:22:20 This is the right time to bring it up. Because this is awareness. This is consciousness. This is the universe saying, hey, up. Because this is awareness. This is consciousness. This is the universe saying, hey, are you going to fucking deal with this? Or are you just going to continue to deny it?
Starting point is 00:22:30 Anytime. Anytime that happens to anybody. I mean, so boss. You know, the NRA are so far up their fucking ass that that's why we're here
Starting point is 00:22:41 to change the world, guys. It's infuriating. And so I think we could, you and I could sit here and go on our left-leaning, far left-leaning rant, right? We could.
Starting point is 00:22:51 I want to interview some right-wings. Yeah. Like I want to really understand these people. Get in their heads. See what's going on. I really got to, because I'm very curious about this whole mind state they have
Starting point is 00:23:01 because they're fucking passionate about it, man. And it's crazy. It's not, I mean man. And it's crazy. I mean, I think it's crazy because I don't understand it. Let me just understand so I can make an observation. And that's where we want... They say that if you can be rational about it, if you can come to a consensus, and you can see the other person's view,
Starting point is 00:23:22 then you're really not that far apart. a consensus then and you can see the other person's view then you're really not that far apart and um i think that we as as a world just need to really kind of wake up um i think it's absolutely abhorrable that the rest of the world doesn't say to the u.s you have a problem and we're not going to interact with you and a lot of people say, well, that would cut them off. And I'm like, listen, like the US, if it got cut off from everybody. We finally understand. Yeah, might really, but I don't want that. I don't think that's going to do anything.
Starting point is 00:23:52 I think ultimately what it comes down to is that we have to decide moment to moment if we're going to be in that moment or if we're just going to be out of it, whether we're going to be present or not. From snorting ketamine to talking about school shootings. Talking about school shootings. This is 2018 and not to make light of it. And of course our condolences to everybody in Parkland
Starting point is 00:24:12 and everyone affected and anyone that's been affected by that. Because I mean, I guess the reality is that a lot of us, it's closer than we realize. Yeah, I'm sure we're here for you. Yeah, exactly. And so- But we're going to have it all on this podcast. We are.
Starting point is 00:24:23 I want to have some laughs. I want to get serious. I want to have some laughs. I want to get serious. I want to talk. I just want to, let's have an open conversation about things that make you nervous, things that make you happy. Let's just talk about it all. That's the goal of this podcast. And speaking of another goal of this podcast, we have an interview.
Starting point is 00:24:42 We do. Yes. Our first one. I interviewed Marcus King. You know who Marcus King is? This guy. I didn't until you introduced him to me recently. Marcus King is the homie. My new homie. He's 22 years old and he
Starting point is 00:24:53 sounds like a 40-year-old black man from the Delta and he plays the guitar like Stevie Ray Vaughan and he's going to be the next biggest thing. I just have this feeling. I got to meet him on Jam Cruise. And we had a great conversation about life and how it was for him growing up in the church
Starting point is 00:25:11 and being surrounded by music his whole life. And also, he almost died on Jam Cruise that he talks about. Yeah, you got to hear it. So check out the interview, Marcus King. Enjoy, guys. It would be that effective actually. It was pretty effective. You guys killed it with us. Thanks for sitting in, dude. Thanks for having me. Dude, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the What the Fuck Happened Last Night podcast. We are with the man, the guy who's going to take over this guitar scene,
Starting point is 00:25:46 Marcus King. How we doing, Marcus? What's up, dude? We're doing good. We're doing good. How we doing? Man, you've been blowing the fuck up, dude. And I'm proud of that, dude. Man, everyone's been talking about you and it's sick. Like all my musician friends, everyone's like like Marcus King. He's the truth. We've been trying, man. We've been working real hard.
Starting point is 00:26:10 And we've just been staying busy, you know. We're starting to see some rewards from that. What's your fucking story, man? How old are you? Tell the people who don't know. Everyone knows you now with this scene. But all the other people at the cougars and stuff don't know you yet tell them what how old are you where are you from i want a fucking
Starting point is 00:26:30 resume right now but resume i am 21 years old 21 from greenville south carolina i grew up uh in a family of musicians my dad and my granddad, my great-grandfather. Everybody played, and my great-aunts all sang gospel music, and it was a really great environment to grow up in. How is that? Is there pressure to be a musician because everyone else is a musician? Well, no. Well, no, it was like, the thing is, what's funny about my family is like, they all saw music as like something to do to like relieve stress, but they'd never call it that.
Starting point is 00:27:21 They'd never call it a stress reliever because they're all, you know, very godly people, which is great. But they would never accept it to be a form of like meditation yeah i mean yeah because they don't do that shit but so it's strictly for religion so they were just like we just play music because we play music yeah but i started realizing that it was a way for me to like escape from everything else that was going on around me. And as the years went on, more and more folks passed away in my family. And then it was just me and my dad really left just playing. Who was the person that's like, Marcus, this is it. This is what you should do. That was my dad.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Was it? What's his name? Marvin King. Marvin King. The man. Wow. He's still living in South Carolina? Oh, yeah. He's still killing it. What's he playing? What's his name? Marvin King. Marvin King. The man. Wow. Yeah. He's still living in South Carolina? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:08 He's still killing it. Oh. What's he playing? What's he doing? He's playing. He's got his SG. He's rocking it. Y'all love those Gibsons, huh?
Starting point is 00:28:17 Oh, man. We love Gibson. You sponsored it by Gibson? I am sponsored by Gibson. Yeah, that a boy. Good. You fucking look good on Gibson, man. That's good. And Gibson's good to me.
Starting point is 00:28:26 They are. I saw an old boy from Krasno's band in your band now. Yeah. Keyboard player? What's his name again? D-Vibe. Yeah, he's been getting fucked up all weekend. I love that boy.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Dude, he's been partying, dude. He goes hard, dude. And he's like, he keeps his shit together, which is cool. Like, he's like, he's partying. He's composed. He's super composed. Is he Denver cat? Yeah, he is. Denver cat. Yeah. So how'd you meet the rest of your boys? They've been your band forever or? Oh, my drummer, like five years ago, I went into this bar in Greenville called Got Rocks. And I walked in there and we were playing this 420 gig it was like a very heady event yeah
Starting point is 00:29:08 what what was the best about about as heady as greenville south carolina could get yeah which is not very much oh yeah no that does not be hippo hippie scene and it's not not very much nah greenville south carolina not a big one. Um, they did. I saw, uh, I hate it. I hate it. I wasn't there, but they just had the women's March. Oh, it took over the whole town. It was man.
Starting point is 00:29:32 How many? Oh man. I bet you, I grew up in LA. It was, it was huge. I'm so glad it's happening, man. I was really happy to see that Greenville Greenville was doing it. Greenville had their like first pride festival. Um, oh, respect. Yeah. A few months Festival. Oh, respect dude.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Yeah, a few months ago. It was pretty awesome. Was it cool? Yeah. Oh man. You've been on the road though. How many days? Yeah, we've been on the road. We did like 150 shows last year. Yeah. That's not counting the, you know, the travel. All the other travel and energy stuff.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Especially doing a van, you know. Yeah. Or radio stuff. It's just… What are you rolling? A Sprinter? E350? What? Oh, you know, the E350, baby! That's my boy! Ford, where you at? Stay humble!
Starting point is 00:30:11 I live in Humboldt County. Dude, I fucking love it, man. So what… So tell me about Warren. What happened there? How did he meet you? I want to know about that. That's interesting. That was… I mean, it's a cool story. It's… I had a lot of friends up in the Asheville, North Carolina area. We're still friends, you know?
Starting point is 00:30:29 Yeah. And I was going up there to play like twice a week. When I was like 15 in Asheville. Yeah, we're at the music hall. I was always playing at Mo Daddy's. And what is not anymore? But now what's the other place to stop in? Hole in the wall? Hole in the wall. I used to play there. It's gone there anymore. No. What's the other place? The stop in? Hole in the wall. Hole in the wall. I used to play there. It's gone. Really? It got shut down.
Starting point is 00:30:48 What happened? So much sketchy shit happened. Tell me about it. I was like 15 playing there. They're shut down, so I guess it's not a problem to talk about it now. But I was 15 and I was partying there. And they had a Jamaican restaurant downstairs downstairs the middle floor sounds sketchy is that yeah you start with yeah they got the jamaican restaurant downstairs the middle floor is like uh
Starting point is 00:31:14 the club where we played with stripper poles oh and then as soon as we got down at 12 they brought in a dj and like a titty ball just like going you know really just like boom asphalt parties like that huh yeah and then the third floor was where the owner lived oh gee and like that was nonstop god only knows what he was doing up there he had he had zebra carpeting yeah zebra carpet zebra carpeting you know what's happening if you have zebra carpeting titties and vaseline dude carpeting titties and vaseline dude you ain't making an honest living if you got zebra carpeting bro yo um uh designer i i need uh you know zebra carpeting for my uh for my bachelor pad that's crazy you built your career you started your career doing that and then warren saw you play there or what well uh i guess uh i made some friends like my buddy rocky lindsay and then
Starting point is 00:32:08 they all went to high school in warren and they all kept saying man we gotta show you music to our friend warren i didn't know yeah i never thought in a million years it was warren haynes holy because he grew up there you know yeah just an hour from me so so those you've been playing with those cats, though? All those local guys who are still in Greenville? I was, I had been hanging out
Starting point is 00:32:29 with them and then they introduced Warren to my music and then we went down to Athens, Georgia was the first place to play with Warren.
Starting point is 00:32:38 What venue? At the Georgia Theater. Oh, what? How old were you when you played Georgia Theater? I was, 17 or 18.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Fuck, you've been grinding, man. Seven years? Six years? Just going, yeah. So did you quit? Did you give up high school? I did. When? What year? It was an unfortunate thing in my 11th grade year, my junior year. What happened? Did you give up or did you just say, peace out?
Starting point is 00:33:02 I peaced out for sure because it was a whole thing man there was a where people this is what the buzz was starting to hit and you're like it let's just do this well it was anderson district and i went to a a fine arts center uh and studied like some really hip uh some jazz theory for two years how old were you i was in 10th and 11th grade i did that it was great so those two years and like my instructor was like from the brekker brothers he was a bad dude so he was just a really good guitar player a really phenomenal instructor steve watson and he uh helped me with a lot of stuff so i wish i had stayed there another year but my high school was on the other end
Starting point is 00:33:45 of the spectrum. Because Greenville, like we've said before, is kind of the hippest part happening in that whole region. You know, the upstate. Oh, so Greenville's upstate. So where's Charleston?
Starting point is 00:33:58 South? Yeah. Is that where the scene is? South Carolina? Yeah. Greenville's cool. It's one of the more progressive towns. People tell me I need to play there.
Starting point is 00:34:07 Yeah, Charleston. You should come to Greenville. I mean, the bummer about it is there's not many spots to play. Yeah. Well, that's all these. Got Rocks is 250 seats, and then you got the Peace Center, which is 3,000 seats. Have you done Peace Center yet? Not yet.
Starting point is 00:34:23 You will. But there's no in-between. Yeah. We're just giving it time. Yeah, give it time. You will. But there's no in between. Yeah, oh fuck. So we're just giving it time. Yeah, give it time. You'll sell it out. Without a doubt, dude. We'll see.
Starting point is 00:34:31 It's blowing up. Thanks, man. Well, that's great, man. So what else is going on? Do you have a new record coming out? Have you been working on stuff or what? Yeah. We were down in Memphis at Royal.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Oh, with Krasnow. Yeah, with Krasnow. Yeah, dude. Krasnow for this one. I saw Instagram photos of that, dude. I was almost about to work with Krasnow and then our schedules got
Starting point is 00:34:51 screwed up. How was it like working with another guitar player as your producer? That's pretty sick. I mean, even just hearing that question, I'm just like, oh yeah, he's a guitar player. I love Kras as everything he is. As a musician, as a person, even just hearing that question i'm just like oh yeah he's a guitar player like i love i love craz as everything he is you know as a musician as a person and just really genuine guy yeah i
Starting point is 00:35:12 never had brothers growing up and him and people like derek trucks and nigel hall you can those are your homies too they feel like brothers to me and yeah they've embraced me in that fashion I saw you talk with Nigel I was creeping you like low key just like what's this guy doing
Starting point is 00:35:30 you were talking to Nigel all serious like you guys were both like Icon like this is his homie just drunk I was just like
Starting point is 00:35:37 you're like this is the most important thing I've ever heard in my life I'm like alright I gotta I was gonna like bombard the conversation
Starting point is 00:35:42 but Nigel is not down with that shit so I was like I'm peacing out of this. Nigel's a very serious man sometimes. That's great, man. Yeah, so Krasnow, tell me about it. So how was it? Oh, it was great.
Starting point is 00:35:55 He's a songwriter too. He's great. He's a phenomenal songwriter. He wrote a couple of the tunes that we cut and we co-wrote a couple of them. Which ones? There's one called So Cold that we cut that he co-wrote a couple of them. Which ones? There's one called So Cold that we cut that he wrote in the entirety
Starting point is 00:36:07 and another one called Carry My Name. Yeah, that's what it's called. Shit, the songs that I didn't write I have a hard time remembering. But we co-wrote a couple together. The tune Good Man that shit came out.
Starting point is 00:36:23 Fire? Fire, yeah. And we had a couple extra horn players come down with us. What boys? What part of town? From Asheville, North Carolina
Starting point is 00:36:30 actually. What band? Alex Bradley and Kyle Snuffer from Empire Strikes Brass. Dude, I done played with those guys. Those guys are my boys.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Aren't they cool? Yeah. Dude, they're the best. Yeah, they're so tight. And they're so tight. They're like simpatico about the horn line. Oh, tight're so tight and they're so tight. They're like simpatico about the horn line is Tight dude. Yeah. Do you feel that too? They feel like they talk together like that. I know it's like
Starting point is 00:36:52 Or the same room together. Yeah, we put all the horns So my trumpet player Justin Johnson and my tenor player Dean Mitchell and then Kyle snuffer on trombone and then Alex Bradley playing the high trouble words and and Kyle Snuffer on trombone, and then Alex Bradley playing the high trombone parts. And cut them all in the same row, right where all the Memphis horns did all the Let's Stay Together, Al Green stuff. Wow.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Is that why you picked Memphis to record the record? Man, yeah. Me and Kraz, we cut some stuff. Ben Jernigan, who's actually on the boat, we cut some stuff at him and Jake Peavy's studio in Mobile. And the whole time, we were just tuning down snare drums and doing so much shit to try to get the Al Green sound. And everything, that was our mantra.
Starting point is 00:37:36 It was just like, you know, the Al Green thing. You know? Give me the Al Green thing. And we couldn't find it. And then we were just like, let's go to Memphis. Yeah. So we went to Al Green's studio. What kind of board was it, Neve?
Starting point is 00:37:53 I don't know. I mean, they were running Pro Tools, but they were running through like an old console. Yeah. Like the original console that was there. And like the vibe in that place is intense. How big is, can everyone record together yeah we yeah we did a lot of stuff where we cut together yeah but like the rhythm section was cut together yeah and then you guys like vocals later yeah but their whole sense where al green's uh
Starting point is 00:38:18 whole thing like in the vocal booth is just like they have stage lights like it's a fucking show and I was like singing on Al's mic and I was just like what mic can you use I don't even know I was just like it just says Al Green
Starting point is 00:38:32 what it doesn't actually that'd be sick this is Al Green's fucking microphone yeah that's what it's called they sell them now telefunken
Starting point is 00:38:43 as the this is the Al fucking green mic. That's sick, man. So how many days? Eight days? We did. I mean, we did.
Starting point is 00:38:51 Yeah, eight altogether. Four. And then. How many tracks? Six or seven. Yeah, that's good. Wasn't a lot. Nigel Hall actually played on the first set of tracks.
Starting point is 00:39:04 Oh, nice. He came down and played on it. So he flew out? Where's Nigel live? He lives in NOLA. Oh really? He just drove up. Easy.
Starting point is 00:39:10 Him and his son just drove up, made a day of it. That's sick. Yeah. So the other guys, that's great man. I'm really proud of what you're doing man. Because I've been doing this for 10 years now. And you know, I see the bands that, know it's like a wave a fluctuation and you just keep every year more and more people are talking about you and i just think it's
Starting point is 00:39:30 killer like where'd you learn how to sing church dude uh i did gain a lot of inspiration from singers in church when i was growing up and then then black man, I swear, dude, you're like, you're like, yeah, black don't cry, man. You, you, you, you were the man, dude. I grew up, you know, and I used to play like, I was the only like white kid playing in a lot of the churches I was playing in. And a lot of that inspiration and like that spirit, like that energy was very, you know, inspirational to me. Musically, it was just like, it's like the anointing. I was just like, wow.
Starting point is 00:40:14 Like, that's not bullshit. They're really feeling that right there. You know, and I always respected that. And that music always really spoke to me. And I started singing because I always listened to like Janis Joplin and Otis Redding and James Brown. And listened to them just from a guitar standpoint because I wanted to stop listening to guitar players altogether. When I was about 12, I was like, I just quit listening to guitar players. When were you 12?
Starting point is 00:40:47 So when did you start playing guitar? Like three or four. What the fuck, dude? God. Yeah, you're... But I didn't want to be another Stevie Ray Vaughan clone. Is that like the vibe that was going around the South? Like if you're a guitar player,
Starting point is 00:41:00 you're like stereotyped as like a Stevie Ray Vaughan. Well, every guitar player was like, yeah, they're good, but they sound like so-and-so i was like i don't want to sound like that whoever you know i want there to be nuances of like who i respect as guitar players but i started listening to sonny rollins and coltrane and vocalists mainly like even george jones like everybody like anything any vocalists that had you know the way to turn their their voice around that was uh wilson pickett wilson pickett nice shit to just apply to guitar yeah and then you know just from listening to those singers i just when i was about 13 years old i had a really close friend of mine pass away. What happened with him?
Starting point is 00:41:49 She was, this was like the first girl that I was like into. And it was a. Oh, it was love interest? It was a really rough thing. I was 13. Oh, so hold on. You were dating this girl and she passed away? Or were you just like hooking up?
Starting point is 00:42:03 No, we weren't dating. But I was, i was just too chicken and say anything you know really and that's one of the harder parts about it you know i never said anything and she passed away in a car accident and it's crazy she was 13. and then after that i was just like i can't express myself as much as i want to just playing guitar that's when i started singing so 13 that moment when you had that, she had that accident, that was the moment. Man, I mean, it's a fucked up situation,
Starting point is 00:42:33 but it's a blessing as well. Yeah, right. Now you have this voice and you have this power, you know? It's like gospel music is all about having that free, that freedom. It's not by the click like a lot of these guys are. I really hear that. I watched your show a couple days ago and you're feeling it, man. You're in it. You get it.
Starting point is 00:42:57 I've been just lately, man. What are you focused on? What's your drive right now? Man, it's been like I've been, I'm not going to say completely, but almost sober. Yeah? Good for you. I always have a drink of whiskey before the set. But there was just such a long time touring where I was just like, I can't get on stage unless I'm like, you know, about four or five drinks in. The motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Yeah. So that was your vibe. You were drinking. I feel like that's cultural in the South and stuff. Jack Daniels is like, yeah, in a baby bottle. You know?
Starting point is 00:43:35 Do you experiment with any like hallucinatory drugs like to write music on or anything? I don't actually. I get really bad panic attacks. So I don't trip on anything. I think it's a beautiful thing
Starting point is 00:43:48 and I see what comes of it. I see a lot of people creating really beautiful things from it. But me personally, I just don't dig on it, which is to each his own. To each his own, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:00 I've been microdosing mushrooms for the last four months. But I did it because I was going through depression. Like, I've been on the road for 10 years straight doing 250 shows a year. You know, just like, I'm not blessed with the old soul like you. Like, my parents are real estate brokers. So, like, I had to, like, learn from just living in a van and feeling the blues. from just living in a van and feeling the blues.
Starting point is 00:44:25 You know, California, the West Coast, is not enriched with like the blues and the gospel like the South. So it's like you having that and then seeing what you've gone from. You don't want to be that. And you want to be your individual voice is super important. And now you're 21 and you're clean and you're clean and what's the next step in what do you want your progression to be what's your goal for this
Starting point is 00:44:53 well the goal I guess is like because clean is a very bad term I would not use that term yeah what would be the term you use I would like to strive to be recreational with any kind of intake that I do. You know, I like to get really, really high, which is nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:17 You smoke weed. I smoke a lot. How much weed do you smoke a day? About as much as I can. Yeah. But I really only like I can. Yeah. But I only, I really only like, like,
Starting point is 00:45:27 Indica. Yeah. Because, because Sativa just like, you know, spins me out of control, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:35 My mind's already just like, Yeah, it'll speed you out. fucked up. And then the Sativa, because the THC is more like a, almost like a hallucinogen kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Yeah, it's great. And it's almost like a trip and I a hallucinogen kind of thing. It's great. And it's almost like a trip. And I don't dig on it. With the CBD… Oh, THC you don't like? No. But the CBD brings you down.
Starting point is 00:45:52 It's just a body… Have you ever tried just CBD weed? No non-psychoactive? I've smoked like super, super CBD heavy. But not like just complete CBD. Yeah, only 5% THC. This is what I've been smoking. Because I've been getting panic attacks from weed.
Starting point is 00:46:09 Like I can't do the Indica. But if you smoke, yeah, smoke that, it just calms you down. Yeah, I do this. I've been eating oil and I've been doing the CBD weed. And it's been helping me out because I still need that calmness because my brain's, you know, running a million miles a minute too. I just think it's being a musician or just being an artist is makes you anxious because we're not doing the normal thing, you know? It's not, you can't find any kind of schedule to adhere to because once you've
Starting point is 00:46:47 you can't find any kind of schedule to adhere to because once you've set yourself to one you know biological clock then it changes you know once you get home and then you just it's so it's never ending you know you never find this is what i do yeah and i really respect the hell out of people like george porter and like colonel bruce Hampton woke up at 11, 11 a.m. every day. Went to bed at 11, 11 p.m. He always went to bed at 11 p.m.? That was the thing. He got 12 hours of sleep every day? I don't think he could.
Starting point is 00:47:17 I don't know about that. I remember seeing Bruce out past 12, like 1. But I know he woke up at 11, 11 a.m. Were you at that gig too? I wasn't at that one. I was in Germany. Where'd you play? Shit, where'd we play?
Starting point is 00:47:33 It was this place in Cologne, Germany. Cologne. The Yard Club, I think. Yeah, he was playing Cologne. Wow, Germany's fun. They love the blues out there, dude. Germany's hype. It's fucking insane, dude. Yeah. So you did a German tour?
Starting point is 00:47:48 Did you do Netherlands as well? Yeah, we did. Netherlands. Netherlands, yeah. So you just did Western Europe or did you go like deep? We ended up going way east. Really? Like hitting Poland.
Starting point is 00:47:59 I never played Poland. How's that? It was intense. They barely speak English over there. Yeah, no. They don't. It's like really intense. They're very like… It was like, you know… You like the food out there?
Starting point is 00:48:10 It's really meaty and like… I don't eat meat. So, I'm just always just like… You don't eat meat? You veg? I'm pescatarian. I eat like good fish. But I don't eat any other meat.
Starting point is 00:48:22 Which is difficult in the South. Oh, damn. And in Germany. Yeah, it's like all those- In Germany, every sausage- Soundcheck is like fucking meat dishes. Yeah. It's crazy. Like, oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:48:33 Exactly. I'm a total fish guy too. Yeah. That's crazy. Okay. So tell me about this relationship thing. How's it working? Is it hard? Well, it's great. Is it living on the road? And like, is it, tell me about it. It's tough, but I found someone, luckily I found someone that her job is,
Starting point is 00:48:53 six months out of the year, she's a crab fisherman. What? She's a badass. What the fuck? She catches crabs and just like sells them wholesale. You met her in your hometown? I met her in Virginia Beach. She's from Fredericksburg.
Starting point is 00:49:07 No shit. we just like really hit it off and like the first night I met her she was like, oh yeah, I'm going to Indonesia
Starting point is 00:49:15 for three months. And then I didn't see her for three months. What was she doing in Indonesia? She's a, she surfs and teaches English. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:49:24 She's a badass. She's all over the place, man. She's just killing it. Her name English. What the fuck? She's a badass. She's all over the place, man. She's just killing it. Her name's Haley and she just kills it, man. Is she younger than you, same age or what?
Starting point is 00:49:31 Same age as me, 21. Nice, man. And, she is just really grounded and, you know,
Starting point is 00:49:39 very, like, certain of herself and just, like, confident. Yeah. Which is, like, the opposite of me. So it's something that I need around, you know?
Starting point is 00:49:49 You take on the road with you? She comes to a lot of shows because she's, like I said, she's just not working six months out of the year because the first six months of the year during the crabbing season, she, you know, saves up some money and then she's able to come out to shows. But you know how it is on the road.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Like, you can't really bring an outside force in the van, on the bus, whatever. Especially in the E350, man. Yeah. It's a big cube.
Starting point is 00:50:20 It's a strange and it's difficult to explain, really. It's just you spend so much time with these people. Yeah. And, like, we've moved from sharing beds with each other to, you know, now we have our own rooms. But, you know, still, like, that connection, like, nobody else really gets that.
Starting point is 00:50:40 Yeah. We all love bringing our ladies out to like really really special shows like we're playing in bumfuck Arkansas that's something that we should yeah cause they're not
Starting point is 00:50:51 gonna have fun you know it's like I don't even wanna put you through this I don't wanna go through this honestly but we go through
Starting point is 00:50:59 it together as a band and it you know is a building moment yeah is it hard you know cause you're a building moment yeah is it hard you know because you're you're on the scene now is it hard to like it I mean it's hard to say
Starting point is 00:51:11 that a lot of women fucking flocking at you and stuff and you know for you to be you know straight and like completely committed is is fucking honorable man and that's super killer man and it probably makes you a better person. And it makes you a better songwriter because you know what love is. Well, you know what hurt is. I think that's the thing about love is just you never really get hurt until you actually love something. Yeah. You know?
Starting point is 00:51:40 And that's what's great about it and what's terrible about it. Ugh. That's what I've been afraid about, falling in love, getting hurt. Yeah, man. That's the whole thing. You ever been hurt in love before? Oh, man. Yeah?
Starting point is 00:51:54 Yeah. A lot? A lot. Yeah? What was the worst one? A lot of horror stories. Tell me just one. If you don't want to talk about it.
Starting point is 00:52:04 Yeah, I guess my ex-girlfriend. How many years? We were together for three years. Fuck. And I was like 18 and she was like 28. Oh, yeah. So she was like getting her shit together. She was in her prime.
Starting point is 00:52:20 She was ready to roll. She was like, I was like, I'm like 19 at this point. I'm like, I can't, I can't like. Oh, she want kids and shit? I don't know if she was trying. No, I mean, that's what it felt like. It was one of those things. And I was just like, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:52:35 I can't really like commit to something this serious, you know, 19 years old. And that was hard. And it was a difficult situation. situation but she we ended up having an argument and she used all my insecurities against me in a in an argument which is very low brow low and especially for a woman who's 10 years older than you yeah so i was just getting you by that that's not cool man by those short and short and curly. I got very angry. And she felt bad about it. And, you know, we ended up making up after that.
Starting point is 00:53:13 But she told me that she hated herself for what she did. And I was like, well, I've hated myself for a long time. So at least she knows how you feel. And then I wrote a song, Self-Hatred. That was it? That song's about that? Yeah. Oh Jesus Christ. Man. How is that…
Starting point is 00:53:31 Do those songs when you sing those everyday, like especially maybe in a time when she's in the crowd or something, she shows up to the town, it's like… You still end up playing that tune? Oh yeah. Fuck yeah. That's my boy right there. It's like a point still end up playing that tune? Oh, yeah. Fuck yeah. That's my boy right there. It's like a point and nod. Listen.
Starting point is 00:53:47 It's always just like a, it's never like a fuck you thing. It's just like a thank you. Yeah. Honestly. I mean, you wrote a great song. That's a great fucking song. I wrote a tune. Thank you for the inspirato.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Yeah. I mean, it's amazing where you get inspiration from, you know. It is. Being a songwriter as well. It's just like, you never know what's gonna really impact your life and trigger the next song you know and as a songwriter and as a storyteller as you as well you know we're striving for that next story and you know when we're looking for it doesn't come but when it's when we stop looking for it and we
Starting point is 00:54:22 just let life happen those that's when the best songs come the natural thing yeah natural it is halftime at the end me fresco interview our his quick message from the UN Well, I've been from Tucson to Tukum, Cary To Hatch, to Peter, to Tonopah Driven every kind of rig that's ever been made Driven the back row so I wouldn't give way And if you give me Wheat, white, sand, wine And you show me your side I'll be willing
Starting point is 00:55:20 To be moving Smuggled some smokes and folks from Mexico Baked by the sun Every time I go to Mexico And I'm willing Kicked by the wind, robbed by the sea Had my head stomped in but I'm still on my feet And I'm willing, oh I'm willing
Starting point is 00:55:53 Cause I've been from Tucson to Tucumcari To Hatchipede to Tonopah Driven every kind of rig that's ever been made Drivin' the back road so I wouldn't get weighed And if you give me With whites and white And you show me a sign I'll be willing To be moving Hey!
Starting point is 00:56:41 Nice work, guys. Yeah! Alright, one last thing before. I heard you almost died yesterday. Yeah. Yeah, we did. What happened, dude? I just heard this today.
Starting point is 00:56:55 What were you snorkeling? Okay, so by the way, for everyone who doesn't know, we're on Jam Cruise right now. And you know, it's all… I'm just getting to meet all these musicians and stuff and… Marcus sat in with my set last night and… I didn't hear anything about this.
Starting point is 00:57:11 You're fucking calm, cool, collective, fucking mojo-grojo. And then this morning, like my guitarist was like, dude, Marcus only almost fucking died last night. I'm like, dude, this guy was so cool. He's like living it up. So tell me about it. I was definitely living it up this guy was so cool. He's like living it up. So tell me about it. I was definitely living it up because I was
Starting point is 00:57:27 happy to be alive. What happened? Me and Eric Coombs, Jesus, we, Oh, Jesus. You be king with that fool?
Starting point is 00:57:34 Yeah. He's a wild man. Been hanging with Jesus for a minute. He's wild. All the latest guys, dude. So him and Zordas and Benny Bloom,
Starting point is 00:57:41 all of us and our ladies, we all went on. They all wifed up too? They are situated. Yeah, those guys are pissed, dude. So I was like, oh shit, yeah, I'll go hang with you. And truth be told, I told them later, I was like,
Starting point is 00:57:58 I didn't know what a catamaran was at all. Oh, with the rope in the middle? Yeah, I didn't know what a catamaran was and these orders were laughing because i was like we could have got in an air vessel a land vessel or a sea vessel wouldn't have made a difference to me i didn't know what a catamaran was and i accept that it's fine i know now and then we got on this boat and uh the waves were just rocking like you were there yeah the weather was not nice it was raining and the waves were just rocking like you were there. The weather was not nice. It was raining.
Starting point is 00:58:28 And we were supposed to go snorkeling. And there was like four people on board that were going to go scuba diving. And the instructors took us out there. And like the more and more shit that happened, I was like, this is not like a designated excursion. And I was like, this is not like a designated excursion. This is like some like, yo, my buddy's got a friend that's got a boat out here in the campus. You know what I mean? It was like the more and more I was just like, this is
Starting point is 00:58:55 this is getting more kind of sketch. And then and then we me and Jesus and Hales all jumped off the same side of the boat to go snorkeling. And we were just looking down it was actually pretty at that point and the waves had calmed down so they stopped we jumped out and started snorkeling and it was lovely for about five minutes and then we like looked back up and when we came back up this shit was like eight foot swells above our head the boat was a mile away you're snorkeling not anymore we took that shit out of your mouth we took it out we just came up just like what and we were a mile
Starting point is 00:59:32 from the boat it was crazy craziest shit ever we couldn't and we started swimming me and jesus and hayley my girlfriend just the three of us out there and like she's a surfer so she's a good swimmer he he did junior lifeguard so he's a good swimmer i miss marcus king i can swim not like that it was like eight foot swells like way above swells yeah dude it was that bad it was bad and they were why wasn't the boat just like watching you guys? I don't… Because the shit was sketchy as hell. Jeez.
Starting point is 01:00:10 It was just the Lettuce Boys crew. Yeah, we… Yeah, they loved the party, dude. Thank God our friend Erica… I'll never forget her name. She saw us like… Because they were calming me down. Because like most important thing… important yeah hyperventilating
Starting point is 01:00:26 when you're drowning because the water was deep we were in the middle of the ocean we didn't stop with like a reef we were just you're deep in it so we were drowning yeah and the most important thing is you know when you freak out like your air your air leaves lungs, and then you sink from that. But if you can stay breathing, then your lungs are like balloons, and then you can float. So they were trying to calm me down. But in between them, it was like, yo, it's cool. Was the boat slowly coming? No. It looked like it was going away because we were drifting.
Starting point is 01:01:00 We kept drifting away because the current got us, and we just swam with all our might for like 20 minutes and couldn't get to the boat for 20 minutes yeah we were just going and we couldn't get anywhere we were just swimming in place you know and i was just like this is fucking it we're we're dead you really felt that yeah and then a wave crashed on me and like water filled my whole body and i was just like, I'm gone, man. You really? What was going in your mind? Like, were you having like flashbacks? What happened? Like, was it, you really feel it? You're dying? Yeah, I was like, this is it. What about everyone else? Was Jesus like laughing about it or he was nervous or getting scared too?
Starting point is 01:01:40 I could hear the nervous laughs and I could hear like oh it's gonna be fine everything's cool then like in between that they're just like hey help you know like waving because they were trying to calm me down but i was like they understood the you know severity of the situation and then finally somebody saw us one of our friends were like yo they're waving like something's going on so the dude like comes out like like, lifeguard mode with a life vest. Comes out, like, grabs me up. Were you wearing a lifeguard or what? A lifecoat or?
Starting point is 01:02:14 What do you call it? A life jacket. Life jacket. Yeah, okay. He brought one out. You weren't wearing one in the snorkeling? No. So, we were out there just, likeading water for like 20, 30 minutes.
Starting point is 01:02:27 Just like trying not to die. And eight foot swells crashing over us. It was terrifying. The scariest moment of your life? Like deadliest catch. Like jump off the boat. Like that's where we were. How'd that happen?
Starting point is 01:02:41 It was terrifying. Was he apologetic? No. He was just like laughing apologetic or what? No. He was just like laughing about it or what? Well, they were mad at us. He was like, cause I didn't put on flippers on my feet.
Starting point is 01:02:52 Oh, fuck. He was like, why didn't you put on flippers? I was like, fuck out of here. Yeah, no. Get me back to the boat. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:59 No, don't give that excuse. Why aren't you right next to us? Yeah, right. So they ended up bringing the boat back around. And the dude's just like dragging me. And I'm just in the water. And then the boat comes around, almost hits us. And they're just like, move.
Starting point is 01:03:16 And we get around. And then I look up and Zoetis is there. I'm just like, my man. And he pulls us out of the water. And then after that just chillin Oh my god, dude, that is fucking insane. Like were you like just like Dehydrated exhausted like what was what was that like that near-death experience? Well, the adrenaline was Up there, you know, the adrenaline was keeping you alive. Yeah, And I think that's a big part of it.
Starting point is 01:03:46 Dude, this happened yesterday? Never been in a situation. Yeah, yesterday. I've never been in a situation that close to like death. What do you think about that? What do you think about today? I feel very good about today. That you're alive, right?
Starting point is 01:03:58 Happy to be here, man. But I didn't react to it the way that I thought I would in a near-death experience. It was more of an acceptance kind of thing. You're accepting death. Which is strange. You're accepting it. I always thought I would fight right till the end, but at that point I was just like, all right, here we go.
Starting point is 01:04:21 Really? You're accepting death. That's the scariest moment, I think, in my life. In retrospect, it's the scariest part. Dude, you got to write about this. I think I do. 100%. You need to 100% write about this. That is...
Starting point is 01:04:34 I almost died with Jesus, which is... Which is great. The funkiest Jesus of all. Well, fuck. What did Jesus say about this? What was he like? We got back on the boat And they were just like
Starting point is 01:04:45 He's a jokester Didn't want to tell you anything man But that shit got real Oh good He's He's And we laughed it off For a sec
Starting point is 01:04:55 But we were all still just like What'd your chick say about this? She was She was mad Cause like Yeah she's a surfer Yeah And like
Starting point is 01:05:03 Did like lifeguard stuff And she's just like, that was not cool. Like this is definitely illegal. Like this whole excursion is not documented. Like if we died and like nothing would happen, you know what I mean? It was sketchy, you know? I'm glad you're alive, man. That's fucking scary, dude.
Starting point is 01:05:21 I didn't know it was that. Because you know what happened to Vince Herman that same day he crashed his fucking he crashed his bike I talked to him last night yeah there's two people dude
Starting point is 01:05:30 that would have been the worst thing for 2018 fuck Marcus King and Vince Herman fuck that dude fuck that
Starting point is 01:05:38 seriously I agree well I'm thankful you're alive man me too man dude write about it fucking live life like you know like you, like you just experienced it.
Starting point is 01:05:49 You got to live in the moment all the time. Like you accepting death is fucking crazy, dude. And you're ready. And you need to write about that because a lot of people aren't ready. Yeah. Marcus King, thanks, man. Thanks for having me, man. Thanks for sitting in with me last night, man.
Starting point is 01:06:05 What the fuck happened last night? That was fucking insane, dude. Man, honestly, Sean Eccles, my guitar player, is a really big fan of you. And to see you, too. Like, he's like, he's 40, so he could be your dad and shit. I love that guy. Love him. He's a good guy.
Starting point is 01:06:20 Him and his brother. Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah. Oh, you're a record company. Yeah. Joel. Yeah, I've been friends with Joel for a long time, yeah. He's a good guy. And he's a killer guitar. Oh, yeah. The record company. Yeah. Joel. Yeah. I've been friends with Joel for a long time.
Starting point is 01:06:26 He's a good guy. And he's a killer guitar player, songwriter too, man. Is he? Oh, my God. He's an amazing songwriter. I mean, those, the Echo Brothers, like, I grew up listening to Echo Brothers. Those are the guys. But we got to hook up.
Starting point is 01:06:37 Let's do a tour together or something. Let's go. Yeah, man. There you go. Check out Marcus King's record. Check out Marcus King's. Whatever he does, just do it because he almost fucking died yesterday. And you need to see this boy.
Starting point is 01:06:50 He's unbelievable. Marcus, thanks, man. Thanks for having me. Good luck, man. You're going to kill it. I'm really proud of you, dude. Thanks, man. Thanks, Marcus.
Starting point is 01:06:57 Cheers. Thanks, bud. Andy, this's your manager. What is going on out there? I'm getting calls about an exorcism, and I'm confused. Whatever it is you're doing, please stop. Thank you. Call me back.
Starting point is 01:07:23 That was a good interview, right? First one. Thank you, Marcus King. Thank you, Call me back. That was a good interview, right? First one. Thank you, Marcus King. Thank you, Marcus King. Your young 21-year-old soul that is beyond its years. 21. I wish I thought like that, 21. Right.
Starting point is 01:07:40 I was thinking about just getting laid and taking drugs. I was not thinking about those things. What were you thinking about at 21? I was thinking about just getting laid and taking drugs. I was not thinking about those things. What were you thinking about at 21? I was thinking about getting married. Really? Yeah. Tell me about that. I was just freaked Andy out.
Starting point is 01:07:52 Married? For those of you following along at home, Andy Frasco just freaked out. I saw his hair grow an X range. At 20? I don't get... Tell me about... See, I grew up in the city.
Starting point is 01:08:01 Yeah. So you... And I should have said this earlier. You categorized me as Mormon, which is fine because it's the same thing. No, I wasn't, but it's the same thing. Sorry. No, I love you.
Starting point is 01:08:14 I don't care. I could have stopped the podcast and been like, what the fuck are you talking about? But no, I don't care. I'm like, yeah, it's basically the same thing. You don't drink, smoke, or chew, or go out with girls who do. That's everything.
Starting point is 01:08:24 But I mean, your whole world is about like, first it's like a sex negative environment. And, um, so there's three, three things, sex negative environment, which shames you into thinking that you like your penis, um, for liking your penis. And how old are you? I mean, like sex shaming you. Oh man. It starts from the age, like, I mean, onset. Like this is just how it goes. And it's a sex negative environment,
Starting point is 01:08:52 which can't, and then there's things that happen within that. So anyway, long story short, I'm coming out of this, you know, basically, and then they're like, oh, and you can't have sex until you're married. You're a virgin, right? So like everything that this, that the hormone ridden teenage boy wants, and then they're like, oh, and you can't have sex until you're married. You're a virgin, right? So,
Starting point is 01:09:05 like, everything that this, that the hormone-ridden teenage boy wants, he can't have, not supposed to masturbate, not, definitely not supposed
Starting point is 01:09:13 to do anything like with a girl or anything like that. I started being off at like 12. Right? 11. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:09:18 I think I was like 13. Like, but that's my point is like, so then, 10 maybe. Your only goal is to get married
Starting point is 01:09:24 so you can have legal booty. And then when- Oh! So all these fucking- Blame it on the pussy, right? Like, that's exactly what it is. And so, and then that's why you see like in here in Salt Lake and the area you see this big time with the LDS church.
Starting point is 01:09:40 Like, it's the same. These guys go on a mission at 19 for two years. They come back 21. They get married. They return missionary. Do these relationships last? The marriage success rate is 50%.
Starting point is 01:09:55 The marriage failure rate is 50%. It doesn't matter. We hate each other. That's what it goes. Well, my man, God bless you. I hope you are having fun in Korea. Stay safe. Thank you guys for listening to episode one.
Starting point is 01:10:14 Yeah. Of the Andy Frasco. What are we calling it? This is Andy Frasco's world-saving podcast with the Yeti. Thanks, guys. Subscribe to our iTunes. Subscribe to our iTunes. Subscribe to our Spotify. Spread the word.
Starting point is 01:10:30 Let's make this fun. Love you guys. Thanks for the support. Tour dates at And if I don't hear from you from this podcast, I'll see you at the town you live in. We'll probably be playing there. Love you guys.
Starting point is 01:10:43 Peace. So what I'm strung out once again the town you live in because we'll probably be playing there love you guys peace well thank you for listening to episode one of the Andy Fresco world saving podcast please subscribe and comment
Starting point is 01:10:56 on iTunes or Spotify to make this a worldwide phenomenon for more information on Andy Fresco tour dates the band
Starting point is 01:11:03 and the blog go to for more information on Andy Fresco, tour dates, the band and the blog, go to For more information on the guest Marcus King, please go to Produced by Andy Fresco, Yeti, engineered by Chris Lawrence, featuring Arno Bakker and Sean Ackers. See you next week.

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