ANMA - A Burger Episode

Episode Date: March 3, 2025

Good morning, Gus! Chris stopped by and we're buzzing from his stories. We also dropped into Spinning Buns, a burger concept that's maybe a better idea than it is a food. Either way, we're full, we're... buying stuff at Best Buy, and we're walking around the outskirts of the Mueller area. Enjoy. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Alright Chris, we'll see you later. See you Chris. So at the start of this episode we're ditching Chris. Yeah, bye Chris. What a crazy story Chris just told us though. Keep Chrising. It was like being on the Rooster Teeth podcast. It really was.
Starting point is 00:00:18 Good morning, Jeff. Good morning, Gus. Man, that guy does a real service by being a Chris and nobody else has to do the Chris stuff. Where do you guys want to wander? It's a little spicy in the sun here. We're at Spinning Buns. So it's actually the afternoon. We're at Spinning Buns.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Let's go over to that trash can. Yeah. The bag's like not in. Here in Mueller, it's a new place. They sell UFO burgers? Yeah, yeah. It's a hamburger that they press and seal. There was like a big ravioli.
Starting point is 00:00:48 It blew Chris's mind. I think he asked five times if it was a sealed burger. It looks like a sealed burger. Yeah, Jeff is really pissed about it. Jeff doesn't like it, isn't happy that we did it. Look man, I care. I get eight of these. I get eight of these fucking experiences
Starting point is 00:01:05 with the two of you. I get a million experiences with you. I get eight of these with the combination of the three of us. They've all been fucking bangers so far. And there are so many delicious fucking hamburgers we could sample in Austin. And I was willing to go along for the gimmick.
Starting point is 00:01:27 And listen, I don't know, when do you want to get into how bad that fucking hamburger was? Let's preface it a little bit. It is a local place. I saw this place I was driving by here the other day and they had signs up and it, like all the signs and everything made me think it looked like a chain or something.
Starting point is 00:01:43 So I went to their website, looked it up, it's like, oh no, it's just this location. It used to be like a Capriotti sandwich shop. And I thought in the photo, the burger looked cool. I was like, oh, yeah, that seems like a novel idea. The bun looked cool. The stamp on the top of it with the logo was neat. I'll give you all that.
Starting point is 00:02:01 But once you take a bite, all that goes away. You don't care about that anymore because it was that great. It was a fast food hamburger. No, I wouldn't even give it that. Wow. And mine, I mean, yeah. I got a spicy one. Me too.
Starting point is 00:02:15 And it wasn't spicy. No, I didn't find any spice in mine. It had jalapenos. Yeah. It's a very mustardy sauce. It was, it's like what I picture if you run a restaurant, I guess we'll go run this way or this way. Yeah, yeah, let's just cut through here.
Starting point is 00:02:28 And you like, the Cisco delivery guy shows up and he's like, what patties do you want? And you're like, I want the cheapest ones you sell. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look, I feel like we're dumping on a local business. I'm not trying to do that. I just, now I feel bad. I just support them and give them a shot.
Starting point is 00:02:41 If you have a kid, your kid's gonna fucking love it. It's definitely. It's like, boo, boo, your kid's gonna fucking love it. It's definitely- Whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop. What is my favorite? It's very strange that it exists. You know what I mean? How so? It's like a Korean street food, right?
Starting point is 00:02:56 Oh, is it? I believe so. Yeah, I believe it's a Korean street food. And then it's just a spot in Mueller that's local, not a chain. and they just went, we gotta make these ravioli hamburgers. And really, I watched the process and everything before we went.
Starting point is 00:03:12 They make a hamburger, and then they put it in a device, and then they close the device, and it just seals. It's like you can buy a grilled cheese sandwich press thing. It's a panini maker. Yes, yeah, I think extensively that's what you would call it. It's a cool idea. And I appreciate people taking the swing. It's local, you want to support local businesses.
Starting point is 00:03:34 I think kids are gonna love it. Yeah. I think it's a fun hamburger for a 12 year old. It is. There's a fucking dumb ass cyber truck. Yeah, we've eaten a few different burgers. Yeah. This is in the ranking of the burgers we've eaten.
Starting point is 00:03:49 It is my least favorite of the ones we've eaten. I can see that. I definitely can see that. Do you guys want to go inside Best Buy? Yeah, kind of. I want to do that. I hope you need something, don't you? No, no, not anymore.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Oh, I do. You do need something. Oh, I can get, no fucking shot they're gonna have this cable. I will say they had curly fries. They did, you were pissed about those. Well, they were a little soggy. But the curly fries were way better than the onion rings I thought.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Oh, I can eat those onion rings. I love onion rings. I don't care if it's a sweet onion. I don't care what, just give me the onion rings. I just wish the onion rings had maybe been in the fryer 15, 30 more seconds. They're a little mush. Yeah, a little mush.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Like they weren't under. But I just want them a little crispier, a little more browning on it. I'm not a curly fry fan. Really? What? Do you like a waffle fry? Yeah, I love waffle fries. You just don't like it curly fries with the seasoning?
Starting point is 00:04:35 Maybe it's the seasoning. Does it remind you of a little pig's tail? It's like a pig tail, yeah. That's just anti-pig. Yeah. He's anti-swine. I understand. Man, I've been in, it's been a couple of weeks since we've done one of these. Yeah. He's anti-swine. I understand. Man, I've been in, it's been a couple of weeks
Starting point is 00:04:46 since we've done one of these. Yeah, we've been- How long has it been? A month or so? Yeah. About a month. So we've been in and out of the country, in and out of Austin,
Starting point is 00:04:56 just nothing lined up for any of us. Like, Eric and I have been on a race to see who can leave town the most during that period of time. Fuck, man, it sucks. Even if you guys were here, there's no way I would have had the time to do one of these. Oh, is that right?
Starting point is 00:05:07 We've been, now it's all ancient history by the time people are listening to us, but we had, you know, this deal with critical role for our content, for Stinky Dragon content. Congratulations, by the way. Oh yeah, that's really cool. And as part of that, so I don't know how nitty gritty to get into this.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Like this is like podcast production stuff. That's, I think people who are listening to this probably like that. This, we're so inside baseball right now. You know how at Rooster Teeth, we would distribute podcasts and for a long time, there were no ad free podcast feeds. Yes. Correct.
Starting point is 00:05:39 So every podcast, if you listen to it on a, on a whatever platform had ads, even if you're a first member, whatever. Yeah. So a lot of our early episodes, there were no ad free versions. Yeah. So as part of this delivery process, we had to deliver ad free versions of the podcast, not only audio, but the video as well. Oh, that's right. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:00 So we have to go back and also almost all. Well, yeah, pretty much almost all of our podcasts had at the beginning Christian saying, this is a Rooch-Chief production. It's not. It's not. Yeah. So we have to go back and edit like 150 episodes.
Starting point is 00:06:12 But it was no complicated than that because it was, they were edited in a program none of you guys used, right? Correct. What was that program called? Logic Pro. Logic, yeah. So, that's so crazy.
Starting point is 00:06:22 How's it going? We had to have Micah re-export all of the Logic Pro stems, like WAV files, that we can then take into Adobe software. What? Re-edit it, make the audio, make the video, re-export it. Dude, that's crazy. And then re-deliver it. And it was like 150 episodes.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Wow. So you've been doing nothing but that all day, all night. Yeah, I did. You're just a little render farm. I did all of campaign two and like 19 episodes from. And then Ben did the rest, except for one or two that maybe Blaine did. I don't think Blaine or Chris did anything. I think Blaine and Chris each did one, and I think they were wrong.
Starting point is 00:06:58 It had to be redone. Chris has been incredibly busy running around to different Starbuck's.. I see right here. Yeah, so he's been going everywhere. So what is it you need again? I need a as weird as the sounds, I need a USB to micro USB or no. It's not a micro. I'm sorry. I've been I've been looking at cables all day today. Why what does that do?
Starting point is 00:07:20 It is for our camera for 100% heat. Oh. Only camera, on the only time I've ever seen a micro HDMI plug used is on camera. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's, they used to be standard for digital optical. If it's not here, we may want to go look
Starting point is 00:07:37 where the cameras are. We'll just keep looking. I'm not gonna rush. But it just, they used to be standard for like, you know, camera to, oh, transfer all your stuff, like firewire, like that shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's just what it used to be standard for like, you know, camera to transfer all your stuff like firewire. Yeah, it's just what it used to be. And it's not that anymore. So you're kind of hard pressed.
Starting point is 00:07:51 But we bought an old camera and it was just like, how can we do this on the cheap? Because we didn't know if it was anyone's going to give a shit. If we reviewed food. So anyway, on this show reviewing food. Hang on. I want to check out the razor products. OK, can't get away, huh? Yeah. Let me say I will say it's one of the interesting things I was thinking about the other day. Clicky. I was thinking about this out the razor products. OK, can't get away, huh? Yeah, let me say it's one of the interesting things
Starting point is 00:08:05 I was thinking about the other day. Clicky. I was thinking about this podcast the other day. Quiet and clicky how. I didn't anticipate I didn't anticipate us taking such a breath of time to film one season. Yeah. I assumed it'd go pretty quick. Quick. Yeah, maybe six weeks or five because we're doing two first. Yeah, but now we're going on probably three months This is like number seven number six number six
Starting point is 00:08:35 But the seventh we've recorded because we lost the audio on one. Yeah So we have two more to go after this and God knows when they'll do it's gonna be interesting because if you're listening to it From start to finish, we're going to be like it's like it's about to shut down. Really interesting. Oh, stinky dragon is about to launch. Oh, we just had our first merch launch that regulation like we're covering six or more months of our lives. Well, that's it's got at least it's going to be entertaining.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Yeah, it's funny. It doesn't feel entertaining. And I think the thing that is miserable today. Hopefully, the audience finds interesting. No, just browse them. Do you have micro HDMI cable? He is. Yes. I actually do think you do.
Starting point is 00:09:12 I think they're all the good doctors to like micro HDMI, like basic HDMI. That works, yeah. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Really appreciate it. Cool. Get the ones.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Oh, thank you. Oh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You've helped Eric's life out tremendously. Yeah, no I don't have to wait any longer. This is great. Dude, 8 foot. You should do it.
Starting point is 00:09:33 It's a lot of work, but it's worth it. And then you'll be looking for a Micro HDMI cable. Yeah, suddenly. Cool, thank you so much. Thank you so much. Oh, I could have come here. Oh yeah, they got the cable. Is it cheaper or is it the same price? No, it's twice the price.
Starting point is 00:09:47 This is twice? Yeah. Oh, all Texas cheap. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Buy local. Thin micro HDMI cable. It's just one of those ones where you go like, do you think it's going to work? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:57 It should. You can always return it if it doesn't work. I wonder if they have baseball cards here. Oh, let's look. Tell me about Echoes of the... So Echoes of Wisdom Home Recordings came out last week, last Friday I think, and I've been playing the baseball cards here. Oh, let's look. Tell me about Echoes of the... So Echoes of Wisdom home recordings came out last week, last Friday I think, and I've been playing it for a week now
Starting point is 00:10:10 and I don't know, maybe, I have no idea how far I'm in that game. I'm playing it off and on, but for the first time ever, like I'm sitting there playing the game and it's a fun game, but I realize it's a game for kids. Oh, is it? Is it pretty? I had that moment of realization where I'm like, oh, there's like the boss fight.
Starting point is 00:10:30 There's no real challenge. It's very like, hold your hand. And then some of the characters are a little too over the top. I don't want to listen to this one NPC play the saxophone while this other one plays the harp. And they have to settle their arguments so they can play music together in harmony.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Like, I was like, this is a fun game. But and I get it's Nintendo, right? Like, yeah, I'm not the target. But it was just frustrating to buy that game. Realize it has great reviews. Yeah. Yeah. None of the reviews have said this is a kid's game. Yeah. So I shouldn't play it.
Starting point is 00:10:56 You can play it. I was thinking about it being my first Zelda game in 30 years. It is. It is very much. I wouldn't play that at first. I play Breath of the Wild. Yeah. Oh, that's going to be. They don't have the cards I'm looking for. I'm very precise on my card buying. Yeah, Breath of the Wild and that sequel were just like.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Me and Michael were talking about Tears of the Kingdom with Jordan, who that's like is Jordan fucking loves that game. I didn't love Tears of the Kingdom because I wanted something. It felt like you're the same map. We did some different stuff with it. It's like, right. But I spent 150 hours. Is it really the same map? Yeah, you can go and then there's like the sky,
Starting point is 00:11:30 there's a sky level and like a subterranean thing. So it's more, but I spent so much time already in that place that like, I'm really hard pressed to find the joy that I already sunk that much time into. And there is there are like a lot of differences. Not enough for me to. When did you what was the time gap between the two games that you played? I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Yes, like I played Breath of the Wild at launch. I probably put I may have put 120 into it, but I didn't find that when I played Tears of the Kingdom. It was the differences were different enough. Like I didn't feel like I was, even though you're physically going back to the same place, I wasn't, I didn't feel like I was doing the same thing. It's still, it had all of the things that I didn't like about Breath of the Wild in it,
Starting point is 00:12:14 where it is a big, big open world thing that is empty for the most part. And this did not feel more full just because there's a new top and a new bottom. Got it. You are still... Okay, I gotta go over there. And call my horse. Yeah, but now I'm gonna make a plane.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Yeah, see? Yeah, that kind of stuff. I hate that shit. I loved it. I hate building. I hate mine crafting it. Some of the ones where it's like, I'm gonna build a bomber. I'm gonna fly over these people and just drop shit on them. Speaking of dropping, I'm going to build a bomber. I'm going to I just don't and just drop shit. I want to be in a drop and I got the terrible fart over there. I want to run around and like fight in the dungeons and they don't have that. Speaking of time passing, Robocop, the final point I was going to make is
Starting point is 00:12:59 ultimate Alex J. Murphy. It may take us six months to record this podcast. Eight to eight. But that is also the entirety of the time we spend together. Yeah, like that is we are not only capturing this podcast, we're capturing the entirety of our these are all our actions. Yeah. Elvira with boobs. Show us Adam. What? Yeah, you know, she's gay.
Starting point is 00:13:23 She's married to a woman. She came out a few years ago. I didn't know that has been a long time relationship with some of them. I'm surprised she's still alive. Yeah, she's doing well. Yeah, she goes live and healthy. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:33 Just commissions conventions, right? Yeah, I don't know how old she is, but I felt she's been around for a long time. She has. Man, I've been in. I don't want to derail us from what we're what's at hand here, but I have been in Homeowner Hill. Oh yeah, you're gonna tell us about this.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Well, what happened? Was it maybe two or three weeks ago on a Friday? It's always on a Friday, like at 5pm, right? Yeah, like my teeth. Yeah. Oh, I have teeth. 5pm, Esther comes to me, she's like, there's like a weird stain on the ceiling
Starting point is 00:14:04 of one of the bathrooms. No. No, it's like, there's like a weird stain on the ceiling of one of the bathrooms. No. I was like, no, no, you're imagining that. No. So I went and I looked and I was like, no, yeah, you're right, you're not stupid. I mean, it's very clearly a water stain up there. Dude, no.
Starting point is 00:14:18 Gus is over here going, please let Esther be stupid. Please let her. It's never happened, it just doesn't happen. So I'm like, okay, well, it's not very big. It's the first thing I say, it's like, it's Friday, it's 5 p.m., I don't wanna call a plumber on like an emergency rate. Oh, of course not.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Let's- Wow. Oh, he's found some. Let's wait and see how it looks over the weekend. Yeah. And it didn't grow very much. So I called the plumber and I'm like, hey, can I just have some come out Monday morning to take a look at this?
Starting point is 00:14:43 Yeah, no problem. So guy comes out Monday morning and he's like, yeah, you know, that looks like a water leak. It's like we have to cut into the drywall to see where the leak is. I'm like, all right, fine. He cuts into the drywall and there's pipes right there. There's like two or three pipes. There's like two pipes that come together in a wide another pipe,
Starting point is 00:15:00 that smaller pipe in the area. And he's like, he starts reaching up and touching all of them. He goes, all these pipes are dry. I'm like, what does that mean? He goes, that means the water's traveling from somewhere. Wait, what do you, wait, hang on. Your pipes are dry right above it. Right.
Starting point is 00:15:15 So it's coming from? Somewhere. Yeah. Who knows? What the? And he's like, he starts reaching right, he's like, yeah, see, it's wet in this direction on the drywall. So you gotta chase the, and it's dry in this direction.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Thank you very much. Yeah, have a good one. And he's like, nine times out of 10, when I find a window, when I come out to take a look at a leak. Have a walk this way and just go this. Yeah. It's like the,
Starting point is 00:15:35 There's like a park or something we can go to over the back end of the fray. He's like, the water's coming from outside, nine times out of 10. So we go walk around the outside of the house. He's like, maybe, you know, on this side of the house, like there's some masonry work, maybe there's like a gap. And I said, well, I did have one of those windows replaced a couple of months ago. He's like, maybe they messed it up and it's not sealed right.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Water's getting in there. I was like, but it hasn't rained in like three weeks. Right. Dryest summers we've ever had. Yeah. And he's like, yeah. He's like, I don't know. He's like, the pipes are dry. It's like, I don't know what to tell you. I'm like, yeah. Okay. So then I call like a masonry guy and he comes out and he looks at it and he's like, you gotta call a masonry. Luckily, I've worked with one before. So
Starting point is 00:16:10 I called the same guy I've worked with before. Start that. I like, that's not luckily, I want masonry guy before came out that same day. And he's like, he's like, yeah, I mean, I guess you could touch some of this mortar up. He's like, we do a little base like, I don't think it's like, I don't think water's getting in there. Well, and I'm like, oh, I mean, I guess you could touch some of this mortar up. He's like, you want me to do a little base? Like, I don't think it's like, I don't think water is getting in there. And I'm like, oh, that's, that sucks. So I'm like, all right, well, I'm going to think about it. And he gives me a quote.
Starting point is 00:16:31 It's like four grand or something for work that you don't need. Right. And I'm like, some stuff I can do if you want. So I can burn some of your money, wake up the next morning, go into that bathroom and there's water again. What? And I'm like, fuck. And now, you know, and there's water again. What? And I'm like, what the fuck? And now, you know, it's-
Starting point is 00:16:47 When you say water again, where is it now? It's on like, now it's dripping onto the counter. Okay, so you can see the drip. Yeah, and I'm like, well, there's clearly water. I look up at the pipes, the pipes are dry. I get up there and I reach and I touch them all, they're all dry. I don't-
Starting point is 00:16:59 And they're like, where is this water coming from? And like, I start reaching around like a plumber did, and like, he's right, it went in that direction, but it didn't rain last night. There's no way there's still water in the wall yeah sure coming around coming out here so I'm pissed off and uh I'm just like stewing trying to think about what to do with it and I'm not you know I'm not gonna pay the masonry guy to fix something that might not even be the right of course thinking about thinking about it. And then like later that day, I go in there and look at it. It's not a bathroom we use often.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Uh-huh. I go in there again and I can see it's dripping. Like, oh shit, it's active. I get a bowl, set it up. It's active. And I look and one of the pipes is dripping. What? I'm like, why the fuck is this pipe dripping?
Starting point is 00:17:40 And like, you know, I take pictures of it. I call a plumber. He's like, yeah, I can come out tomorrow morning. We'll take a look at it. And he comes back out the next morning. Pipes are dry. I don't understand. And he's like, are you sure this pipe was dripping? And I show him the video. It's like where the there's like a Y intersection with two big pipes. He's like, yeah, yeah, it's coming out
Starting point is 00:18:00 from there, isn't it? And you can see it like starting to drip out. He's like, let's he's like, let's test the different things. He's trying to figure out what drain this is. Right. Like, let's turn on from there, isn't it? And you can see it like starting to drip out. He's like, let's test the different things. He's trying to figure out what drain this is. Right. Like, let's turn on all these different drains and try to figure it out. We turn on all of this shit.
Starting point is 00:18:11 It never leaks. It's all dry when he's there. He's like, I don't know what to tell you. He's like, there's no leak. Is it what? And so I'm like, fine. All right. I was like, I'm going to keep watching it.
Starting point is 00:18:24 I'm going to keep looking at this thing. Uh-huh. And then later that afternoon, I'm like, fine, all right. I was like, I'm gonna keep watching it. I'm gonna keep looking at this thing. Uh-huh. And then later that afternoon, I'm like, I'm gonna go check on it. It's dripping. And Esther's there with me, and she's like, it's not that pipe that's dripping, it's the one above it. No shit.
Starting point is 00:18:37 I'm like, what? And since she's a different height than me, she sees it at a different angle. No way. Yeah. She's like, it's that other pipe above it that's dripping down and making it look like this pipe is dripping. And I'm like, oh. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:18:50 So then I was like, how did the plumber not tell you that? Well, then he saw the video, and it looks like it's coming out of the bigger pipe on the bottom. So then I'm like. Yeah, but there's like eight different things than it could be, right? Oh my god, that's crazy. So then we're like, why is it not
Starting point is 00:19:01 dripping in the morning when the plumber's here? Oh, it's the air conditioner. It's the air conditioner. As soon as you said, like, you were running everything and it wasn't going, I'm like, why is it not dripping in the morning when the plumber's here? Oh, it's the air conditioner. It's the air conditioner. As soon as you said, like you were running everything and it wasn't going, I'm like, it's the AC. It has to be your drip line. The AC condensate line was leaking and dripping down, making it look like that.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Which is why anytime I call a plumber, he'd come out in the morning. Never happened. It was always in the afternoon when he wasn't there. I had the same issue. With the Fizz loyalty program, you get rewarded just for having a mobile plan. You know, for texting and stuff.
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Starting point is 00:20:03 We'd love to talk business. So then, Clumber comes back out. He's like, yep, it's the AC line. We're gonna start cutting open your walls to find out where the hole is. And then we're like, okay, you know, we go, we, this is on, you know, there's a floor above it, above where the leak is.
Starting point is 00:20:23 So we go up there and we're like, kind of measure it out. He's like, yeah, it's right about here. We're gonna start cutting open this wall. He's like, you want to cut low on the wall first or do you want to cut high on the wall? But he's like, well, cause if you cut low and you find it a leak or you find water, you know the leak is higher.
Starting point is 00:20:37 If you cut high and there's no leak, you cut that hole unnecessarily and you got to cut low. Like either way we're cutting two holes. So we start high. Finds the pipe. He's like, huh, no leak up here. Great to cut low. Like either way we're cutting two holes. So we start high. Finds the pipe. He's like, huh, no leak up here. Great. Cut low.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Yep. Water's down here. So it starts to like, just start cutting in the middle. Cut my shit up, man. God damn. And he cuts in the middle. He's like, oh yeah, here. This is where it is. And I take a look in there
Starting point is 00:21:01 and I had renovated that house six years ago or so. And as part of it, on the, so we're cutting open the wall on the other side of that wall, there's a bathroom and there had been a new mirror installed on the wall. And there were screws that came through into the interior of the wall. It didn't puncture that pipe, but it was touching it. And over time, just the vibration of the pipe,
Starting point is 00:21:24 just a tiny little bit toward had this little hole and Now I've got fucking holes in my wall and so if you don't drywall if you don't mind me asking Is it all repaired yet? It is yesterday. How long did it take to get? Fent repaired all told from the time we discovered so we discovered that that Wet spot two weeks ago, uh two weeks ago and it finally got painted yet. No, it took about a week and a half. No, it took two weeks.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Two weeks. Yeah, so we discovered it three weeks ago and it just got repaired yesterday. So almost two, 13 days. And how much money are you out? If you don't know what I'm asking. All told, I totaled it up because I was really mad. Yeah. I thought it was going to be way worse.
Starting point is 00:22:01 It was about $2,200. Yeah. $2,200 because of a 30 cent screw. Yeah, that over the course of six years, slowly vibrated. Just vibrate now. And just touched it enough. This is why I'm so happy not to own a house.
Starting point is 00:22:16 Yeah, this is why, yeah. I mean, I totally get it. Jesus Christ. I've never been down to that. Yeah, that's it. And it's like, it's not even that you have to go through it. It's that there's never an easy answer. No. It's that you have to that. Yeah, that's it. And it's like, it's not even that you have to go through it. It's that there's never an easy answer. It's that you have to be a fucking, you have to pay, you have to be fucking Sherlock Holmes
Starting point is 00:22:31 of your own house to figure stuff out. The people that you hire to help are going to put in, no offense to the people that you hire to help, the bare minimum of figuring out how to solve the problem 90% of the time. So you have to do your extra due diligence and you're just taking years off your life in stress. Yeah, at one point, you know, when we had the hole at the top and the hole at the bottom, guy was like, you know, if we cut the hole here in the middle,
Starting point is 00:22:54 and I forgot, there was like a weird scenario where we were in a position where if we don't find water on this cut, then that means the leak is in between the floors, which means we have to start cutting the floor up. And I was like, okay, at that point, can we just replumb it and move the drain to go into this sink?
Starting point is 00:23:09 Cause I said there was a bathroom. They're like, just go out there. And like, yeah, like you were trying to figure out all these solutions. Then you cut it and look, he's like, oh yeah, there's the, there's the water. Jesus, like you said, playing detective and engineer trying to figure this shit out.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Days of trying to like, writing down the time of day it starts to leak so you can figure out what's different about your house. That's just, that's just, that's the shitty part of homeownership. And I show you one of the photos I took actually feel so much like emotionally conflicted because so much joy that it's not my experience. But I'd so it's like a circle. What do you like?
Starting point is 00:23:41 That's where it is genuinely bummed for you guys every time someone this happens. It's so annoying. Anyway, don't buy a house. I mean, did we talk about it on the show or I told you guys about all like I had like the same condensation line issue and everything. Yeah. Where I think you didn't get into detail about it. But now I had to get my AC looked at and repaired and the guys like this condensation lot like you're like the coil and everything is fucked up. You paint recently?
Starting point is 00:24:08 I'm like, not recently, recently. He's like, yeah, there's paint that came in. It's all in this coil. So now it's not catching and releasing the water, essentially. And so I'm like, fuck, all right. So replace that. But because that happened,
Starting point is 00:24:22 now the amount of water that is coming down my drip line was more than what my pipes were used to handling. Yeah. And they had essentially like, they got lazy. Yeah. And then when it started again, it was like, nope. And so that sink started dripping. So I had a plumber come out and plumb the whole thing because I didn't want to fucking snake it. I've already snaked it one time a long time ago. I don't want to snake it again.
Starting point is 00:24:45 So I did that and it was just like, dude, like how is this fucking chain of shit? Just it just rolls downhill. Yeah, like that's so yeah. And then we were painting last night. Like you said, one thing leads to another. Yeah, like, yeah, you know, when we did this renovation, we said that the, you know, this bathroom ceilings are going to have the satin finish painter, whatever it was. Yeah. By the satin finish paint, start painting it, let it dry a bit. We're like,
Starting point is 00:25:09 those motherfuckers, they painted it with the flat paint. So it's like, now you clearly tell it's not matching up. It's like, now we got to paint the whole ceiling. That sucks. What the fuck? This park on the right, this little like kids park, jungle gym kind of thing. Yeah. This is the first one they built in Mueller when they very first built Mueller back when there wasn't much here. And so this is like 2007, 2008 probably. And this is the park I used to take Millie to all the time because it was empty. And so I just got super nostalgic because I spent a lot of Millie's childhood.
Starting point is 00:25:40 We're on the back. We're on the backside of all like the children's hospital, hospital, where they receive healing garden. Yeah. And so we're on the backside of all like the Children's Hospital, Children's Hospital, where the ceiling garden. Yeah. And so we're on the backside of all that, just kind of walking through this park and everything, because I got my cable from Best Buy now. But we were talking about
Starting point is 00:25:56 they've redone the park since it was here. What didn't look like this? It's been a few years. Yeah. We talked about spinning buns and it used to be Capriotti sandwich. Yeah. And then you guys were talking about that shopping center and like other stuff there now.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Like I think we're talking about Capitol Plaza. That's okay. Oh, so it was stabbing Capitol Plaza this morning. That's what it was. Yeah. A lot of people get killed in Austin these days. Yeah. Still relatively speaking, low compared to most cities. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's just more than Austin's used to as we grow. For sure.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Growing pains. Growing pains. Country's out of control. Still undecided? Still undecided. I saw there was a- Both sides are making a lot of good points right now. There was a metal music festival in Orlando.
Starting point is 00:26:48 I saw. Oh, my God. I had there one that is weird decisions. Evergreen Terrace backed out of. Yeah. Weird decisions. Evergreen Terrace, a band I used to listen to. I've never heard of them. Yeah. I assume is that a Simpson's reference? Yes.
Starting point is 00:27:03 It's got to be. Yeah, it is. But it doesn't have anything to do with their music Yes. It's gotta be. Yeah, it is, but it doesn't have anything to do with their music. It's like Fallout Boy. Yeah, exactly. So it's just that. Simpsons did it. But they were just like, we're not going to this,
Starting point is 00:27:13 fuck this, it's a cow written house, he can fuck himself, we're not doing this. And then they're like, don't worry, we have a new headliner, a Slipknot cover band. It's like, oh, okay. That's awesome. What's that thing? What?
Starting point is 00:27:30 Oh, that's art. Do you want to look at the art? Let's look at art. Yeah, it's been there. Let's go appreciate art. It's been there for a long time. It looks like, it makes me think of a geode. I think it's like bee related
Starting point is 00:27:41 or hive related or something maybe. What's got hexagons? Yeah. I feel like, yeah, I don't know. Oh dude, when we were in England, there were so many people taking pictures of squirrels. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:51 It's like a lot of like tourists, I think, that like don't have squirrels. Very weird. I saw a girl be afraid of a squirrel. It was pretty cool. That's insane. Yeah. They're everywhere.
Starting point is 00:28:02 They're like cute rats. That's what I said. Insects love art. Hunter Cross Geode. Oh, it is a geode. Yeah, you're right. It's cement steel glass program. Way to go, man.
Starting point is 00:28:14 LED light 2014. A geode is a hollow stone with crystals lying on the inside walls. The crystals, which take thousands of years to form, are tangible reminder of the many imperceptible and gradual forces the shapes the earth surface. With this large sculpture, the artist encourages the viewer to examine his or her relationship with nature and geological time also bees. And in all capitals, please do not time on the artwork.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Okay, yeah. Look at this and tell me how that's not for sitting. Yeah, I know, right? That's for sitting. I'm gonna lean against it. Oh, you leaning? got a good lean going The shade on this shade is appreciated. Yeah. Yeah hard to believe this been here for ten years already I can't believe you break little pieces of shit off. Yeah, people suck
Starting point is 00:28:57 You look turds What's like when we got that that fucking troll at a peace park and like yeah Everyone's climbing on just like kids breaking pieces of it off and chasing each other with them Yeah, what kind of worm does that? I think that's a mud gobbler wasp. Yeah, those are what yeah. Yeah, that's not a worm But what if I keep imagining it's a worm? I don't have to worry about a wasp then you're gonna be fucking terrified the worm flies They don't they don't sting though. Oh good. You don't have to worry about that. They're one of the cool wasps.
Starting point is 00:29:29 The worm starts flying at you. Where did this worm come from? I've got a couple of those around my house. Little fucking mud dauber wasps. I wonder how many Rooster Teeth employees have lived in Mueller throughout the, well, is that the run of Rooster Teeth, I guess. Just a lot of people, I feel like.
Starting point is 00:29:50 Like these apartments went up and then it was like a race to get into it. I feel like it was everybody's first apartment in Austin. Yeah, definitely. Let's. It's been interesting. Take a left. You want to start looping around and back towards it? It's been interesting reading some of the news stories, not even just Austin specific,
Starting point is 00:30:06 but like national news talking about how Austin has been really trying to tackle this affordability crisis from a rental perspective by like building lots of units and trying to make more friendly code to make it more amenable to continue to build more units and how average rent prices have actually were past the peak. They've actually started moderating going down. Part of it, you know, I think might be city decisions, city management. I wonder also how much of it is city Boston isn't as hip as it used to be. Oh, it's definitely not as hot as it was a couple years ago. The bubble bursting a little bit on the fucking. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Yeah. Third time in 20 years. Burst that bubble. Easy. It's yeah, it's cool down. I feel what the term of it is. But Austin was it's like a swing city, but it has like a 20 to 30 year popularity cycle. And it was like before us, it was Seattle. And before Seattle was, I want to say San Diego.
Starting point is 00:30:57 Interesting. And then like, and then I think Austin is due to come out of it. Yeah. And then I don't know what's next, but there'll be some other city in America that everybody fucking. People try to talk about like Boise. And then I don't know what's next, but there'll be some other city in America that everybody fucking- People try to talk about like Boise. Oh, I hear that too. I think it's gonna be like Milwaukee. I think it's gonna be- Interesting.
Starting point is 00:31:13 I think it's gonna be- That's like a real throwback. Yeah, I think it's gonna be a smaller sort of like, it's gonna be like a smaller blue collar town that could also be like voting blue pretty easy and a lot of like breweries. You think that has to be like voting blue pretty easy. And a lot of like breweries. You think that has to be it? Like it has it's a blue city.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Well, I think I think it's a city that can easily go blue. Interesting. It doesn't necessarily have to be because San Diego is not. San Diego is red. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. San Diego has its Navy presence. There's so much military. I never drew a political correlation to what the city is. Yeah, no, it's, it's definitely more left leaning and progressive things start happening faster.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Everyone moves here. And then it becomes sort of like a parody of itself. And then everyone sort of ski daddles. And the city's bigger, but I would definitely say it's better for it. Like the growth is necessary. I would say it could have been Nashville, but I think that ship sailed.
Starting point is 00:32:03 I agree. I think it's not gonna be Nashville. I think that Nashville's too- It's already too corporate. I say it could have been Nashville, but I think that ship sailed. I think it's not going to be Nashville. I think that Nashville's already too corporate. I think Nashville could have been it if it hadn't instantly become the number one destination for Bachelorette parties. Yeah. It's too tourist based for that. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:32:19 I've been there once and that was insane. It's crazy. I've never seen anything like it. It was similar to Vegas, but the volume was like, you know, Vegas has other stuff. Nashville only had that. It could be fucking Vegas. Oh, that'd be interesting. It could be Vegas.
Starting point is 00:32:35 I feel like Vegas already had its moment. Like before 2008, I think it like it's doing a thing with sports right now. Basic is basically Saudi Arabia right now in America, where they're just acquiring pro teams and making a big deal out of it. The Oakland A's are in Sacramento now or something? No, not anymore. They're about to be in Vegas.
Starting point is 00:32:52 No, they're in Sacramento now. They're in Sacramento for two years or whatever. They're gonna be in Vegas. Yeah, yeah. The, I think they're trying to get, look, it's a lot of tourists, obviously. That's what Vegas is. It's you fly in for your friend's birthday and then let's get drunk and watch the Raiders play, whatever.
Starting point is 00:33:06 So you're always going to try to draw that. But I can see them with baseball, especially trying to draw a local crowd and get a grassroots thing where it's like the Golden Knights, I feel like we're like the first thing where it's, hey, we're going to have a thing. It wasn't a transfer. Like it wasn't like the Raiders. Yeah. On top of that, too, they have the selling point of like,
Starting point is 00:33:26 you want to see your favorite sports team? Yes. You want to go see the Boston Celtics? Why go to Boston? Come to Vegas, you'll have way more fun. You can bet. Yeah. You can drink.
Starting point is 00:33:37 You can do it all. You can buy weed. Okay, there's no NBA team in Vegas, but you know what I'm saying. No, but that's where they do the summer league stuff. Yeah. And all that. NW NBABA. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:45 There was years ago, you know, RT has been adjacent to a lot of businesses over its life cycle. You know across the street and you're walking in the shade here? Yeah, let's do that. And for a while, you know, we were talking to a lot of e-sports leagues.
Starting point is 00:33:57 I remember there were a couple that were like, yeah, we're gonna do it. We're gonna base out of Vegas. Yeah. Like it's gonna be the thing. And it's like, man, I think they had the right idea, but I think it's not it's not it's not right. Wasn't the right time.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Wasn't the wrong demographic. Yeah, it's like, yeah, we're doing this big event at the Cosmopolitan. Like, yeah, I don't see it. No, or that big eSports arena in the Luxor. Yeah, there's that eSports arena that's out in Dallas and it does really well. Like it does really well.
Starting point is 00:34:23 They rent it out for other stuff. It's like, it's just like a small arena. Yeah. They did like Overwatch League there. Totally unintentional, but here we are walking by the Rooster Teeth Healing Garden. Yup. Are they going to rename it the Warner Brothers Discovery? Healing Garden.
Starting point is 00:34:37 Shout out to Jack and Katie and everybody involved in Extra Life. Yeah. Who raised a tremendous amount of money for this hospital. It is very cool. This Ascension Hospital, unfortunately. Yeah. That fired my daughter's entire care team. Oh yeah, that's right. Yeah. Which was 17 and a half years old. Crazy. It's a real fucking bummer. Great state. When I was in South Korea, there were numerous e-sports arenas like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:06 It's like you'd be walking by like, oh, look, there's one right there. Go check it out. It's like this huge arena just specifically built to house like e-sports events. It's crazy. It's just it's different in different countries, right? Like in Korea and Japan and stuff like that, it's just more around. But at the same time, I went to the Overwatch League when I worked at Razor. I went to the Overwatch League, which was in Burbank at the studios where they film like TV shows.
Starting point is 00:35:34 They repurposed one of the studios. So the audience is all up. It's a live studio. It's a live studio audience. And then they have like lasers and lights and smoke. And the guys come out and like they're What was this for? The Overwatch League? Oh, I went to that the one in Burbank?
Starting point is 00:35:48 Yeah, yeah, yeah, and it's like they come out in their moisture check tech Sweat wicking jerseys or whatever and you go well this certainly shouldn't be what they're wearing. This isn't right Well, I could go for some of that right now. Oh, man. I will say though that was a fun experience being there and doing that thing live. It was really cool to see one time. Yeah. You get there once and you're like, oh, there's something here. There is, but then there's no, but I don't know what that thing is.
Starting point is 00:36:15 I don't know what it is. It's fucking gone now, right? Yes. Overwatch League has been gone for a while, hasn't it? Yes. They tried and then it petered out because it's so, you have a really fickle fan base for a video game. Yeah, it's so game dependent, right? Like traditional sports, like football, baseball,
Starting point is 00:36:32 minor changes throughout the year, there's not a new engine, there's not an upgrade, there's not a new app playing football, 2024. Yeah, well, that's what they try to do. They try to have it like, oh, it's like the Madden League and it's like the new game every year. But like, meanwhile, Worlds is like the League of Legends tournament thing is massive. Yeah. It's and it's the same game that you can download for free or whatever.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Well, it's because it's because the sport's not changing. Exactly. Soccer doesn't change from year to year. For minor changes with penalties and stuff. But baseball is the same fucking sport year to year. And that's League of Legends. That's League of Legends. That's what's the same fucking sport year to year. And that's League of Legends. You're rooting for a team. That's League of Legends. That's, what's the fucking? Dota?
Starting point is 00:37:09 Yeah, what's that shooter? The fucking shooter game. Dota's defensively ancient. CSGO. CSGO. Counter-strike is huge. Counter-strike is huge. I wonder if we'll ever reach a point where,
Starting point is 00:37:21 for like Olympic play or competitive play, where there's just like a standard video game? Yes, well there has to be. This is esports the game. Yes. It's like oh we're going to play the FPS version, we'll play the RTF, whatever you know. There has to be something like that where they can't but then it doesn't. Everyone wants it to be their thing so they have the money and they control it. But then at at the same time, you don't benefit from not releasing. Madden could have been it if they stopped releasing new versions and just updated the core. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:37:54 Other graphics are better and like the rosters are updated, but the physics, the game engine, all of like you add new plays maybe. Yeah, but like you don't have to. It's also excellent. They read they redo all of like the tweaks and everything year to year. And people have to buy it. And then it's not the same game it was four years ago.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Yeah, it's really different. It's like servicing the consumer market or you're trying to convince them to spend 60, 70 bucks every year versus it has to be one or the other. And right now, everyone wants both. And so it's so no one's going to happen. Because League of Legends is free. Look at the care and the effort that MLB put into making substantial changes to the game. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Substantive change to the game. They tested it out in college sports for a handful of years. Yeah. They they took a lot. I will say they took a lot of advice from a lot of different people. They talked about it extensively. I feel like they were pretty smart with the way they released it. And then when they did it work. Yeah. Oh, they're still making changes.
Starting point is 00:38:49 The when we went to that baseball game, if a call that the player at bat or the catcher doesn't like, they tap their hat twice and they review the pitch. It's instant. It's super fast. And you're like, I do. I think I want this. I'm going to be honest. Uh huh. I in the past when I was younger, I was a huge baseball fan. Uh huh. striking 94 kind of like, I think so many people.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Yeah, it killed a lot of fans. The changes to MLB have been so they've been so transformative. Yeah, that for the first time, I actually paid for MLB TV. Oh, yeah. I pick. I watched games like, oh, there's a game on. I get the alert on my Apple TV. I switch whatever. It's been so long I'm not attached to any TV. Like, oh. I get the alert on my Apple TV.
Starting point is 00:39:36 It's like this game's going to an extra inning. It's like, ooh, yeah, hell yeah. I've watched every wild card game and every one has been awesome. They're so good. The Padres ones are so good. The time we're recording this, we have, the Padres are about to play the Dodgers tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Tomorrow. For the first game for the NLDS. And it is like, I'm so fucking pumped. That's like a Pete Alonzo home run last night. Oh my God. Insane. In the ninth, after he didn't catch the ball in foul territory and what a redemption.
Starting point is 00:40:04 You like that audio texture? I was so pulling, I was so pulling. I was so pulling for Milwaukee there. Oh, I wanted Milwaukee all the way. Bob Euker sounded so sad. Yeah, that's such a bummer. Bees dungy. Do you see the image of, they had all the,
Starting point is 00:40:14 they wheeled out all the fucking giant coolers of beer right outside their, outside their dugout. They had to, they were like willing it to Milwaukee and then all of a sudden the Mets won and they went to the other side. Yeah. We, it's funny, man. Esther and I were just talking about Bob Uecker last night. Like reminiscing and it's funny how like Bob Uecker
Starting point is 00:40:34 was obviously huge when Jeff and I were young. Maybe a little before your time, Eric. But we were sitting there, being like, what sitcom did he used to be on? Oh, Mr. Builder. We could not remember. We both watched Mr. Builder and like, what was it? I had to look it up, we were like, what sitcom did he used to be on? Oh, Mr. Belvedere. We could not remember. We both watched Mr. Belvedere and like, what was it? I had to look it up and I was like,
Starting point is 00:40:49 oh yeah, Mr. Belvedere. I made them watch an episode of Mr. Belvedere for fuck face. The one where Wesley's friend has AIDS. Yeah, that was a real turn. When it was like, oh, what's this? What the fuck? Imagine being the kid with AIDS. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:41:04 But Bob Uygur, I mean, when I grew up, when I grew up, it was, I knew him from Major League. Major League, yeah. And then found out that I was like, oh, this is like a real guy. Yeah, he's like a baseball player. He's had this crazy career. A crazy career. And then my dad's like, oh yeah, he's off the beer commercials. And I went, I'm 10. I don't know what that is. Best, if you've never seen it, Gus, gosh you gotta look it up on YouTube after this. The best Bob Uecker thing ever is Artie Lang's story
Starting point is 00:41:29 about meeting Bob Uecker on Howard Stern. Oh, I gotta look that up. It is, I won't spoil anything about it, other than it'll make you love Bob Uecker 10 times more. It's really great. We're winding down on time. We are making our way back to the car. This was not a coffee episode.
Starting point is 00:41:44 No. This was a hamburger episode, which, you know, they can't all be hits. It is what it is. What's up? I forgot to tell you guys, let me let you wrap up the whole thing. No, no, I was gonna try to get to a point here, but go for it.
Starting point is 00:41:56 I forgot to tell you guys, at some point in the past, I can't remember what it was now, we went to Rudy's and we had a baked potato. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, hell yeah. Was that, I don't know what number that was. It was like number two or three?
Starting point is 00:42:07 Three, two or three? Yeah. That awakened something in me. I know I've been very publicly in a hot dog era with our other content, but since that day I have eaten a baked potato almost every day of my life. Almost every weekday of my life.
Starting point is 00:42:20 Wow. That's too much. I had so much fun eating that baked potato. I went out and I bought a bag, a five pound bag. And then I just ate a baked potato every day, Monday to Friday. And then- Your BYOP bring your own potato.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Yeah, I ran through them all. So I got a Costco membership. I got a giant bag, 10 pounds for five bucks. Do you just like throw it in the microwave or what do you do? No, I do. I preheat the oven to 425. I, you know, I stick the shit out of it with a fork.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Then I cover it in olive oil and sea salt then I bake it for about an hour and ten minutes then I open it up and you know I don't like sour cream yeah which is the main ingredient for most people so I fill it with butter and cheese and I cut up some chives and then bacon bits and I'm good and that's my lunch I've had probably 20 of them since the last time you should look it up I don't think you actually need to puncture the potato. Really?
Starting point is 00:43:07 I always thought you did. Me too. And then I saw something not too long ago where people went like, that's a thing that like we were all told and you don't actually have to do this. Oh, well. So check it out.
Starting point is 00:43:15 I might be wrong, but I'm not. Eric's trying to get you to blow a potato in your microwave. I'm trying. The potato episode was just so good. The potatoes there are just so good. The potatoes there are just so good. I didn't, like I want you guys to know it left such an impact on me. We can hop in, we're good.
Starting point is 00:43:34 I was not expecting to have it alter the course of my lunches. I love that it did. I really, really love that it did. I think that's so cool. Today is the day I'm not eating a baked potato because I had a burger with y'all. Wow, that's a good, that's fun. This is a good burger episode. I actually had a really baked potato the day I'm not eating a baked potato because I had a burger with y'all. Wow. That's a good, that's fun. That's a good burger episode.
Starting point is 00:43:46 I actually had a Rudy's baked potato day before yesterday. Did you really? Yeah. Yeah. Thanks, dude. So. We're in the car now. We're in the car. We're back. Not the best burger I've ever had. No, they tried. They did.
Starting point is 00:44:02 God bless them. But, you know, sometimes, sometimes I think, sometimes I think it's fine to give it a shot. And I would say it's worth it for that, but also it is what it is. I think there is, sorry, I'm gonna go a little tangent. No, please. There's this, for lack of a better word, there's this problem I feel like nowadays
Starting point is 00:44:22 where nobody wants to try something or nobody wants to form their own opinion about something until someone else tells them what it is. I agree, yeah. Like you gotta see a review or you gotta hear what someone else thinks before either one, you try it or two, you state what your opinion about something is because I guess people don't want to be wrong in their opinion. And you know, what we said, for every coffee, coffee for every burger for everything is just our opinion Yeah, we're just a couple of dickheads. We don't know we don't know shit Case in point you all clearly like twisters for some reason and Eric and I think that's okay It's fine. We're allowed to have different opinions. Yeah, um, I get people Messaging me though or whatever is like, oh, thanks for desnudo
Starting point is 00:45:03 I never would have known about this place or whatever. And I think that's great. I love that we can expand horizons, even if it's not with something that maybe you're super into. Yeah. And I think that's why it's important to go to, hey, I got like a weird hair to go try this burger thing
Starting point is 00:45:20 that maybe isn't gonna be very good, but I wanna give it a shot. Same here, and that's why I'm glad, like I didn't, I've been wanting to go, but I'm kind of holding off hoping we would do it in this format, and I'm glad I waited. Yeah, me too. Because I wanted, if nothing else,
Starting point is 00:45:31 it's sharing that experience. Well, it's fun to eventize the thing too, right? Yeah, definitely. Make it something more than it would've been. Yeah, and seeing Chris for a little while was very interesting. Dude, he primed us with that fucking story about getting lost in Chicago.
Starting point is 00:45:42 He's nuts. Jesus Christ. He's nuts. Anyway, listen to Tales from the Stinky Dragon. You worked with him? What the fuck? Dude, you're crazy. Well, this is probably gonna wrap up this episode. It's episode six.
Starting point is 00:45:56 We only have two more until we actually release these in the end of the season. But that also means that it's two more before we have to make a decision. That's true. Oh yeah, the clock's ticking. The clock is ticking. Episode seven before we have to make a decision. That's true. The clock's ticking. The clock is ticking. Episode seven, we don't make the decision. End of episode eight, we have to decide if we're going to continue making the show
Starting point is 00:46:12 or if we're just done. One of us says we're done, that's it. It takes one no and that's it. It's over. There's no arguing. There's no convincing. It's just a no and that's the end of it. It's a real moonlighting situation.
Starting point is 00:46:21 Will they, won't they? Will they? And that's us. Ask your parents. Yeah. I started re-watching Moonlighting like a couple months ago. What? I'm halfway through season one.
Starting point is 00:46:30 Is it any good still? It's so good. Why is it? Emily wanted to watch it or you just like- No, me, man. I grew up in Moonlighting. Are you kidding? Well, that's why I was asking you. I love- That's weird.
Starting point is 00:46:38 My favorite format of all time is mystery solving. And so private investigators, like Rockford Files, Moonlighting, Remington Steel, Rock so private investigators like Rockford Files, Moonlighting, Remington Steel, Rockford, I said Rockford Files, Magnum PI, Matt Houston, Heart Castle and McCormick, Scarecrow and Mrs. King, Heart to Heart. I think he made up half of these. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:46:58 No, no, no. I made up all of these. The one about the two, Simon and Simon. Like those are all shows that I grew up with that I fucking love dearly. I think there's only a season. Did you ever watch Riptide? I've never seen Riptide, but I saw the I saw a commercial the trailer for it on tik-tok and I want to watch it It's only I think it was only one season maybe two
Starting point is 00:47:15 Yeah, but I remember I remember like a Riptide too in that in the vein of that thing. Yeah. Yeah There's a there's a dude I watch on tik-tok who he just goes it's Wednesday night in 1985 And here's what you're watching on ABC. And then he just shows you previews of the show. So cool. That's neat. I watched an episode of Magnum. Wait, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:47:31 I watched an episode of Magnum PI recently. It was just on. What season? I don't know. It was like Magnum PI was at a military base and they were trying to track a computer down. Like who logged into a computer and did some shit. And I was like, man, this is terrible.
Starting point is 00:47:43 Who logged into a computer? Magnum did way more was like, man, this is terrible. He logged into a computer. Magnum did way more shit with the military than you remember. Yeah, yeah. Weird. Because he's ex-Navy. Yeah, anyway. What a strange thing to watch. You guys are watching strange stuff.
Starting point is 00:47:55 Watch Moonlighting, it's good. And you get to see Bruce Willis at the top of his game. Yeah. And Cybill Shepherd. I love Moonlighting. It was stunning, by the way. Thank you, Jeff, so much for buying us lunch. Yeah, my pleasure.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Yeah, it's pretty cool. Oh, you can expense it. I don't know how to do that. Gone. Done. Yeah. And I'll never learn. So thank you so much for that.
Starting point is 00:48:16 Spinning burgers, I think it's worth checking out if you got a throwaway meal where you're just like, we're gonna try it. Let's try it. Kid is gonna love it. Yeah, it's definitely just a thing to it's a TikTok food. Yeah, it's definitely a TikTok food. Yeah, for sure. More than it is a food that you want to eat. That's okay. It's funny that it's a tick. You described as a TikTok. It used to be like it's an Instagram food. It is. Yes, it definitely does. And now it's TikTok. Find this show on TikTok. I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:48:46 We're not putting anything on this. We're talking about Riptide, dude. What the fuck are you talking about? TikTok. Yeah, but you watched some Riptide stuff on TikTok, baby. I don't wanna take that. I got like 18 episodes. I did it.
Starting point is 00:48:55 Yeah. That's how I watch Mad Men, baby. One clip at a time. Have you, so the old trend on TikTok for clips of Mad Men and stuff was Asian guy in the corner pointing up and then they just the clip just shows. Did you ever see that? No, I don't use TikTok. Oh, there you go. That was the format. So it used to be regular clips and then it was Asian guy in the corner pointing up and going watch this clip and then it was just
Starting point is 00:49:22 the clip. That's it. And then he just stays in the corner. The new format is plays all the way through. And then the end is a cap cut edit of everyone looking tough as fuck. They've been going, bow, bow, bow, bow, bow. And then it's like Don Draper, Peggy. But it was so it's a Roger. It's so fucking weird. And you're like, I don't know why this is how it ends, but that's fun.
Starting point is 00:49:48 Cool. I think that's it. Any, any final thoughts for the folks at home listening to the end of episode six? Give a baked potato a spin if you haven't had one in a while. Oh, look up if you can put it in the oven without poking it.
Starting point is 00:50:00 Oh yeah. Yeah. Also don't look it up. Just try it. Coward. Yeah. All right. We'll see you guys later

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