ANMA - Camping out for Star Wars

Episode Date: April 8, 2024

Good morning, Gus! We head down to the Metropolis, a movie theater from a long time ago but not so far, far away. They don't have coffee so we stop off at Cannon Coffee because our first choice is clo...sed. While sitting on benches outside where they saw Phantom Menace, Gus and Geoff talk about Closed on Monday, Geoff lived on William Cannon, Insurance scam, Glass in hand, Knee tattoos, Happy anniversary, Front row Joe, Circumspect, and Moving to Seattle? Follow us at for updates. We're taking a brief hiatus but we'll have more news for you as soon as we get it. We appreciate your support and want to continue part of your podcast lineup. Thank you so much for being patient with us while we get all the details sorted out. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, can I take your order please? Can I get a Big Mac McWrap, McFlurry and a McDouble? Keep it real, I need a Happy Meal McCrispy and 10 McNuggets Tasty garden fries, a cold drink with extra ice Junior chicken would be fire and a sweet hot apple pie Is that it? Let me get a quarter pound of a cheese, a flatfish, oh please McGriddas, a McMuffin and a large coffee
Starting point is 00:00:23 A hamburger, cheeseburger, hot brown, hotcakes Vanilla cone shake and hot bar sundae Ba-da-ba-ba-ba Alright, this is episode 81 Last time we were at Black Rock Coffee We thought we saw Gracie, we didn't Oh yeah, I forgot about that We talked about Ugly Dogs and Blue Bonnets
Starting point is 00:00:39 Talked about Galaxy Cafe, talked about conventions Talked about the troll And tech changes, in general But that was about the troll, and tech changes in general. But that was the last time, this is 81, the last episode in our little 8 episode run. So we can see Star Wars Episode 1 The Phantom Menace on Friday, May 3rd at the Regal Metropolitan at 11 45 a.m. There's reserved seating. You want to see, you want me to get a couple tickets? Yeah. How many? to get a couple tickets? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:05 How about one for each of us? Is that three? That's three. Okay, I'm looking here on a ticket sale website. Let's see. I hope it's not totally sold out. Ooh, there is, one person has bought a ticket. It's a man.
Starting point is 00:01:18 I don't know. We might have sit up front first row. It was, I feel like demand was higher last time. It might've been. You can only select up to 20 seats. So I'm gonna get 20 and you get 20 and we'll be okay. Then we should have room for all of our friends that we no longer have. Yeah, G7 and 9. Oh, it's only 12 bucks a person. It's less than I expected. What a steal. Maybe because it's the middle of the day, it's like noon on a Friday. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:40 So. Good morning Gus. Hey. So... Good morning Gus. I mentioned a few weeks ago that the Phantom Menace is coming back to theaters for its 25th anniversary. And 25 years ago, you and I camped outside behind a theater for a couple days. Two days. To get tickets when they went on sale, because back then you couldn't buy movie tickets online. And we camped out, and the reason I was looking at the Regal Metropolitan
Starting point is 00:02:09 on my phone to buy tickets was we camped out behind the Regal Metropolitan for those two days in order to buy tickets. And today we are sitting out in front of the Regal Metropolitan. I wanted to do an episode, I wanted to do this episode back there where we camped behind the theater
Starting point is 00:02:25 But there's like a couple of sketchy looking cars back there. Yeah, some people are there's some other people camping back there still I don't think they've been camping there since we did. Yeah, I don't think more permanent I don't think they're waiting for tickets because you can buy those on the internet now Yeah So we decided to come to the front of the theater and we're sitting out in front of the theater In the morning before they open I think the first show in two days at noon So that employees might be showing up soon. When we saw, and I think we've told that story,
Starting point is 00:02:50 like Bernie would come bring us food, and we brought our PlayStation and TV and Frank, and we camped out and we had them run electricity for us from the theater and they were so kind to do it, and we got all the free movies and all that. But when we went and saw, like, do you remember, actually, do you remember the moment we bought the tickets? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Do you remember we carried our cooler with us through the line and then we opened up and we cracked beers in front of the dude while he sold us the tickets? Yeah, he was right over there. He was like, whatever, weirdos. At what point in the Phantom Menace did you realize we had wasted our time?
Starting point is 00:03:22 I was really sleepy, I remember that because we hadn't gotten. I thought so. The podracing scene. Yeah, I think. I think it might have been during the talk of the trade embargo in the opening crawl. I think this is this is this is a choice.
Starting point is 00:03:38 I think I was with it until they slam underwater to the Gungan house or the Gungan headquarters. And I was just like, why does it look like that? Yeah. The opening, like when they're like attacked on the on the trade federation ship and they got to like melt the doors like, oh, that's pretty cool. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Then they get down to Naboo and they're swimming underwater.
Starting point is 00:03:58 There's always a bigger fish. Yeah, there's always a bigger fish. And then, yeah, then the podracing scene was when I was like, OK's a lot this is this I this was a mistake this is not what I thought it was it's not gonna it's not gonna recover I just take a little nap and I slept for a little bit yeah but we can experience it all again next month in at the same theater if we want to for only 12 bucks maybe with a 25 years more experience on our belts, we'll be able to appreciate it on a different level now.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Maybe. So I wanna say back then, when we camped out and bought those tickets, I wanna say they were eight bucks. Yeah, that's about right. That's the number that stands out in my head. That's why I was shocked that it's only 12 now, because I felt like it probably should have gone up more.
Starting point is 00:04:39 I'm also used to going to the draft house, and I think tickets are more expensive there. Yeah, for sure. But that plus once you buy food and everything. There was a time when I thought this was the nicest movie theater in Austin. Yeah. Right when they opened up. So this theater I want to say opened in either 97 or 98. It opened after I moved here. Okay. We were excited for it to open. It was probably brand new. It might have just opened when we saw the fan. It probably
Starting point is 00:05:02 opened early 99. This was you know when we told the fanmites, probably opened early 99. This was, you know, when we told the stories about going or waiting for tickets to see free movies and do all of that shit, like in the Chronicle, this was the theater we came to probably 80% of the time for those screenings. Yeah, I think we talked about how we saw Man on the Moon with Jim Carrey, that was here. This is where we saw the South Park movie.
Starting point is 00:05:22 This is where we saw Blair Witch Project here. I think we saw Bruce Almighty here too. Saw Bruce Almighty here. All those were free tickets. Oh, no We saw Blair Witch project at uh, oh Dobie. Dobie. Yeah, you're right about that. That was way creepier there. Yeah So I saw it again here. Yeah, this this theater has been here 25 years more or less and man I have not I can't remember the last movie I saw here It might have been Bruce Almighty. I came back to see a movie here once when Millie was a kid cause it just was playing here.
Starting point is 00:05:52 It would've been like Bolt or something like that maybe. So it would've been that long ago, maybe 13 years ago. Okay. It was weird to me cause they opened up this theater and right across 35, like this theater's right off 35 on the west side, just east of 35 on the other side, there was a giant Tinseltown theater that opened. I think that Tinseltown opened maybe a year before this one.
Starting point is 00:06:14 So it was like two brand new- Yeah, they were like competing theaters. Giant movie theaters, yeah. And that Tinseltown's gone. I think that building's been bulldozed. Like that's just not here anymore, but the Metropolitan is still here. I thought it was so fancy because at the top they have three concrete dudes, like statues, holding a giant ball up on their back of their necks.
Starting point is 00:06:36 And I thought like, wow, that's very, very imposing. Well, it's because it's an unnecessary aesthetic addition, right? Yes. They went out of their way to pay for that and to add that yeah, and it adds nothing nothing We're going to experience you like oh there this must be the fancy place because they're willing to put money into that Was it didn't build it in the fancy part of town though? No well when they built it here They really what they didn't stay fancy long There really wasn't anything here like Like this little Texas lane had just, like they just built the road over here
Starting point is 00:07:06 to the side when that opened. In fact, it didn't go all the way back to Congress. It stopped right back behind the theater here. And I think all of these restaurants and you see in like the shopping center, I heard none of this was here. That hotel over there wasn't here. Used to be a Trudy South over here somewhere.
Starting point is 00:07:20 My cousin worked there. Was there? Yeah. Oh, it was over there like we're in that area, I think. Yeah, I think you're right, right up there. While part of town, when was the last time you hung out down here? Probably when I saw Bruce Almighty.
Starting point is 00:07:32 I was, we were driving around. Can we talk about coffee, getting coffee this morning? We were, initially Eric had suggested a different coffee shop up closer, like Central Austin. I said, hey, you know, this is our, maybe our last ANMA, question mark, like central Austin. I said, hey, you know, what this is our, maybe our last Anma question mark, last canonical one. So I was like, we should go down to the Metropolitan, you know, where we camped out
Starting point is 00:07:50 for movie theater tickets 25 years ago. So Eric found a coffee shop near here called, I think it was called Ovenbird. Yeah. Off of South Congress. Like, yeah, we'll go there. Ovenbird's closed on Monday. I, look, there's a common thing in Austin
Starting point is 00:08:04 where restaurants are closed on Mondays or Tuesdays. I get it It's cool. I don't the Tuesday wouldn't always weirds me out You know, huh? You know like if you if it's open on Monday, and it's open on Wednesday you in your head You expect to be open on Tuesday. There's not it's not open on Monday. I can roll with that. I Don't understand why a fucking coffee shop isn't open on the biggest day That's like the Super Bowl of coffee Monday morning. It happens 52 times a year It's when everybody is like least excited to go to work. They're the most exhausted and hungover from the weekend It's when coffee is most important to you is I would say like 8 a.m.
Starting point is 00:08:39 On a Monday when you're struggling you're looking at the week ahead of you And you're like God help me just get through it Uh-huh give me some coffee or something just so I can survive till 5.01 p.m. on Friday. So I have a two and a half days where I don't have to think about the following Monday and doing this all over again. That's when you need coffee the most. You're at your weakest. You're at your lowest.
Starting point is 00:08:59 It's your lowest point. I don't understand why you would deny your customers the thing they need the most when they need it. So we did a search for the next closest coffee shop and it was like two miles down William Cannon. It was by William Cannon and Menchaca. It was a place called Cannon Coffee. And I thought, we'll drive in that direction
Starting point is 00:09:15 and I'm sure we'll see another coffee shop along the way and we'll just duck in there, you know, we'll be flexible. There was a McDonald's and they have coffee but there was not another coffee shop on the way there. So we ended up going to Cannon Coffee all the way out there at like William Cannon and Machaca. A lot of memories for me though. Yeah, you'd lived here. Yeah, I went to William Cannon a long time ago. So my first apartment was on William Cannon. It was called Cooper's Hill. It's not anymore. I don't know what it's called now, but it's right there at like first and
Starting point is 00:09:41 William Cannon, I think. Okay. Yeah, I think we drove by it, right? Yeah. And I pointed out we drove by it and I had a flood of memories. And I feel like we've talked about this area before. And I feel like I've talked about how I moved to Austin before. Yeah. Right. Just showed up, went to the apartment complex and said, can I move in today? And they were like, do you have first last month's rent? And I was like, yeah. And they were like, OK, yeah, OK.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Well, here's your keys. What the average time people what the average lead time is for a move-in? By any way, sorry. I don't know, man. It's like, I can't imagine doing that now. I was 23 years old and I packed up everything I owned on December 15th of 1998 into one U-Haul truck, pulled my pickup truck behind it, and just drove from New Jersey to Austin, and just figured, I just before cell phones. Yeah. I used an Atlas.
Starting point is 00:10:28 I used an Atlas to get here. And I just thought like, I'll figure it out when I get there. And we instantly figured it out and it wasn't hard. I was living in my new apartment the day I got to Austin. Why did, I'm just curious, like do you remember what your thought process was to end up there because I feel like
Starting point is 00:10:46 Coming from Jersey you would be coming from like the Northeast or maybe even I or maybe you can I 10 or something You came up from the south well You know I'd spent like three years at forehood so I had a little bit of knowledge of Austin I had remembered the William Cannon area a little bit because we used to go Stay at the Air Force base. Which would have been like east of here. East of here. Yeah, and so I just I kind of remembered that eaten at restaurants and stuff over here.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Okay. And I remembered it being okay. And so I think I just I had a computer. And so I think I looked on the internet and I found like three places that said they had availability and I printed them out. And I think honestly this was the first one I found. Okay. And if they had said no I would have just gone to the second printout. You would have asked them where's this place? Yeah yeah and I think they just like immediately
Starting point is 00:11:34 said yes and I don't even remember where the other places were. Great improv collaborators. They really yes-handed your move. They really thank god man I don't know if yeah if they just said no I would have just had to turn around and drive back to New Jersey. Can I move in now? Yes, and here are the keys. Here you go. Yes, I am. So you lived right around here. We drove by it, like I said, a little while ago. Driving down here brought back memories then. Well, I was remembering that old styrofoam cup that used to follow me around. It's still there. There it is. I never thought I'd see you again, old foe.
Starting point is 00:12:07 It'll be here for another 50,000 years. Don't worry. I just remembered, the first thing I remembered was we drove by my old insurance agency, car insurance agency, and it was next to, it was in a little shopping center, gas station shopping center right next to my apartment so I could walk to it to get my insurance check. And one day I was paying a bill, back in the old days, guys, we'd have to drive there and give them a check. Don't say that, man, you sound so old right now. I was paying the bill there one day,
Starting point is 00:12:30 and as I was pulling out, I apparently tapped the car next to me with my car. Allegedly. Allegedly, like I never, I didn't know, I didn't feel it, I didn't hear it, I thought I had plenty of room. I still wasn't out of the parking space when a guy was in front of me screaming at me like this.
Starting point is 00:12:49 I was like, stop, yeah. And I get out of my pickup truck and I go, what's up, can I help you? And he goes, you just hit my car! And I go, oh my God, I did, when, who, me? I think you have the wrong person. He's like, I saw it, you just hit my car, it was at my desk, and I watched it,
Starting point is 00:13:00 and you just hit my car backing out. And I went, oh my God, I'm so sorry. Where, let's look. And I'm looking at the side of his car to try to find the damage where my car rubbed His and I'm like are you sure we hit me goes my car went? Oh, but it moved the second you hit it. I saw my car shake, and I'm like okay. He's like give me your insurance I'm like I'm 23. He's probably 40s or 50s scary old guy You know everybody in authority scary when you're 20
Starting point is 00:13:23 Yeah, and I'm like oh like oh okay and I run on my government and I give him my insurance and he looks at it and he goes I don't think we have a problem here mr. Fink you have a good day there's no damage and I go what the fuck and I realized he was my insurance agent he was my insurance agent I did I gave the check
Starting point is 00:13:41 to the secretary he was gonna fucking rip me a new asshole and then he saw that he was the agent and he was like that We're fun. Yeah, just walk away. I Bet it was it sounds like a scam to me. It sounds like a scam. I fucking changed insurance agencies after that that was State Farm It was a local State Farm dealer, and I changed after that I was like okay, and then that guy's running a scam Yeah, it was fucking a scam. I was I was like you'd be fucking kidding me Then I remembered another story. I'm sorry. I'm sorry to interrupt For a second, but while you were telling your story when you were starting it kind of a creepy silver Dodge Ram pulled up into
Starting point is 00:14:16 Four handicapped parking spaces uh-huh here next to us and just kind of sat there and then left They're behind you now Eric. They're over there Like just park. They're over there. Like, just park. I don't know what they're doing, but I'm sure they're up to no good. So, if we need to hide, if you start shooting, hide behind that pillar right there. Anyway, I'm sorry, go ahead, Jeff. Well, you'll love this next story. One night I was chilling in my apartment, an upstairs apartment, back to the place, and I heard a bunch of glass break. And I was like, what the fuck? And screaming. And so, I got out of bed and I put my clothes on and ran downstairs and there was a couple that lived below me they had a it was a like a young married
Starting point is 00:14:50 couple they had a baby the baby was like 18 months old okay and the guy was kind of a redneck dude I think he was a mechanic or something nice guy I don't remember his name but he was always like he was always out front just getting drunk with like the other people in the apartment complex and there was some beers with us you know and I was like, I'm OK, I'm going to go play Crash Bandicoot. I was on my PlayStation 2 back then. So PlayStation 1, PlayStation 1.
Starting point is 00:15:12 You're right. That's all I care about. And. And so I heard all this commotion and I ran out to see what it was. And he and the dude who lived like a couple of houses over had gotten into some kind of a fight. And the guy pushed him so hard and he was drunk, he fell into his picture window, like for his apartment complex, through it. So that was shattered, the whole window was shattered out.
Starting point is 00:15:35 He was covered in cuts. There was blood everywhere. Was it your neighbor who was covered in cuts or the other guy? Yeah, yeah. And when I got down the stairs and I'm surveying all this, he's coming out of the, he's coming out of the he's coming out He's like crawling out of the window And he's got a giant shard of glass in his hand and he's trying to swing it
Starting point is 00:15:52 Oh my god to kill him and I it's that you think about like how dumb you are when you're young right I? Got between those two guys. Oh my god. I was like whoa stop stop stop hold on and, stop, hold on. And the guy's like, I don't know what's going on, man. He's crazy. He started swinging shit. And I just pushed him off of me. And the next thing I know is fucking blood everywhere. And he's like, I said, motherfucker, I'm going to kill. And I'm just like, holy shit.
Starting point is 00:16:12 And I'm like, dude, you got a kid like eight feet away. You've got a baby. Stop this. You've got glass all over your house. And I had to like, I had to get him to drop the jagged thing of glass. And he had fucking cuddle over his hand. I'm surprised I didn't slice his hand up.
Starting point is 00:16:25 The cops didn't come but they called an ambulance and it was a whole fucking thing. Yeah, and I went upstairs and went back to bed and then we bought a house not too long after that and got out of there. What do you think I got? That guy's still out there somewhere right now. What do you think he's doing? Still walking around. Same shit. Walking the streets with a shard of glass in his hand. His kids, his kids in college now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:42 So he didn't have to worry about that. Truck's repositioning itself over by the hotel now. It's funny. Yeah, I definitely am. One other story I remember, and this is the last one I'll tell you from this area. When we I talked about that U-Haul, we rented. Yeah, yeah, we rented that U-Haul. And and I was like so excited and nervous.
Starting point is 00:17:03 We move everything in and and then I'm like, let's go turn this U-Haul in and get our money back or whatever. And so we found the closest U-Haul, it was up on Congress, I believe. And we drove in, and the inside of the U-Haul was covered in plants. Like there were like a thousand billion plants everywhere.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Okay. And there was just one dude in there with like long hair, kind of a hippie dude, maybe like 35, and he was so fucking nice. And he was just sitting dude in there with like long hair kind of a hippie dude maybe like 35 And he was so fucking nice, and he was just sitting there like aggressively nice I was just like just chilling out and we got to talking to him And he's like so what brings y'all to Austin and I was telling them I you know used to station of Fort Hood and the whole thing and we just like well It's just like the way Austin
Starting point is 00:17:39 And I don't mean this in a bad way But the way Austin like I'm not lamenting it But I don't we also used to be where you would strike up conversations with strangers It was a lot more like almost like a small town feel it really was and everybody was just genuinely nice and interesting And we got you know some of those things were probably like felt like a half hour by seven minutes I just sitting there and talking to him Uh-huh, and he was like talking about his air plants and then all these other plants that he had and he was like You guys want some clippings and we're like
Starting point is 00:18:03 Really? And he's like yeah, I'll give you some of these clippings. You guys can grow them out of a jar in your apartment complex. And we're like, yeah, that'd be awesome. And so he stood up from his desk and he was wearing shorts and he had swastika tattoos on his knees. Oh, yeah, okay. And I went, I don't know, I think we'll probably just go.
Starting point is 00:18:20 And he's like, you know what the clippings are? And I was like, no, no, I think we're okay. You don't want Nazi plants? Yeah, and I never and I just left them never went back to that area I just remember thinking like how how confused I was by how that conversation and then those tattoos that Turn I wasn't expecting for me to for me to I mean too and I was thinking like what is it? Cuz I had such a good vibe of Austin in that moment I'm like this is what my life's gonna be like yeah, and then I was like oh Is this what my life's gonna be like I'm willing to I think I'm gonna go out in a limb here I don't think that guy would have offered me plants
Starting point is 00:18:52 Just a wild wild guess here. I'm gonna say he can get plants you can get out. Yeah You've played this game before I see oh Man that's wild. It's, yeah. It's so... Do you miss living down here at all? No. What? No. No, no. No offense to people living in South Austin, but I could be in any... This is suburban sprawl. I could be anywhere in America right now.
Starting point is 00:19:24 We talked about this when we were over on the west side the other day it's a it looks like anything anywhere it's pretty ish you know there's trees and where a lot of restaurants need at where we are right now it's amazing to me how loud I 35 is I don't yeah I don't know if that's gonna get picked up by the mics at all but it is like a non-stop hum and roar as cars go by. And on the bright side, hey, they're expanding it. They're gonna make it even bigger. So... Is that that truck over there? With the doors open? Yeah, that's the truck. Yeah, I don't know what he's doing now.
Starting point is 00:19:53 He's probably shooting up over here before he calls it a day? Or he wanted to...desperately wanted to record his podcast over here and then we fucking snaked his spot. He's like, shit, I gotta go to the Staybridge... Gotta go to the Backbridge gotta go the backup hotel We've been there. We've all we've all been there with our podcasts um So today April 1st happy anniversary Jeff happy anniversary guess 21 years of roosterteeth and no other news to report you and I had an idea 21 years ago
Starting point is 00:20:22 And then we drug a couple of less talented people And look at where we all are! Top of the world! Same parking lot, same movie theater. That's what I thought it was. Same part of town! That's what I thought it was good for this episode. Good location for this episode. To come back to someplace 25 years later.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Someplace that has not changed. It's a little dirtier. Yeah, I could use a power wash. The sun has hit it a bit. It's much the same. There's a, yeah, I mean this is exactly how I picture mine. This is exactly the same thing. The regal sign is different. That's the only change. Yeah. Yeah. It's still here. The Metropolitan. It was the Metropolitan 14. Was that it? Did it have 14 screens? I want to say that. That's what I remember. was a Metropolitan 14. Was that it that 14 screens? I want to say that that's what I remember I'll trust you all I know about the screens is You could sneak in through some of these doors and go see movies for free in the back
Starting point is 00:21:13 Yeah, and plug in a PlayStation we got a Tour as we pulled in and it was just gust pulling over going This is where this was and this is the door they got propped open Yeah, this is where we plugged in the PlayStation. Yeah, it was so funny. I snuck in there and watch go I don't waste it fucking two hours good movie. Um, just love that movie. There's a good movie. I like no, it's good Go see it. Hey, that was Doug Liman's follow-up, right? Yeah, it was Doug Liman's follow-up to swingers. Yeah, you and Bernie hated that movie I thought it was good So I'm gonna agree agree with Bernie, but every once in a while. When I was texting with, you know, we were all texting last night, you know, when Eric was proposing where to go.
Starting point is 00:21:51 I was like, hey, we should go to the Metropolitan. Eric asked where it is. I said, oh yeah, you know, down there on Little Texan 35. And Eric just asked, the Regal? The Regal. I said, I don't know, yeah. Is that what it's called? You guys just kept going like, oh yeah, like the Metropolis. And I'm like, what the fuck is that? It's not called the Metropolitan anymore. I don't think, yeah, is that what it's called? It's the- it's- you guys just kept going like, oh yeah, like the metropolis, and I'm like, what the fuck is that? It's not called the Metropolitan anymore, I don't think it has been. It's Regal- it's Regal Metropolitan.
Starting point is 00:22:12 Oh. But like, when you- I don't know this is- It didn't used to be. No, I would just go like, oh yeah, the Regal that's down there. I would never assign like, another name to it. I don't think it was a Regal initially. Oh, I- I doubt it. I don't think so. Yeah. I don't think it was a regal initially. Oh, I doubt it. I don't think so yeah, I doubt it was
Starting point is 00:22:26 Julie So which was the which was the theater chain that had the pre-roll with like the cool cat? What do you remember that yes? It was like a cat and his girlfriend going to the movies? What legal it wasn't really it might have been regal, uh, was it regal? It wasn't regal? It might have been regal, dude. It might have been regal. He had it and she had. She had like a, he had like that jacket on, like a high school later jacket.
Starting point is 00:22:51 She had like a pink collar. Yeah. And she was kind of dainty. Yeah. What was that? I think it was this. I think it was regal. I think it was regal.
Starting point is 00:23:00 And then they replaced it with like the roller coaster popcorn thing. That, that, yes, that was regal. Yeah. The roller coaster. I saw that on TikTok the other day. There was like, I got on like old movie intro Yes, that was Regal. Yeah, the roller coaster. I saw that on TikTok the other day. I got on like old movie intro TikTok. It was fucking wild. I'm looking for the cat thing. I don't see it.
Starting point is 00:23:12 And didn't you have like a fat beaver friend or something? Like a real short fat beaver? I think you're making shit up now, but I definitely remember. I remember the two cats. I don't remember the cat. I think there were some ancillary characters too, and I think there was like a little fat beaver,
Starting point is 00:23:22 but I could be remembering that wrong. I remember when I moved to New Jersey I was so fucking pissed off because Whatever movie chain we had up there because I had been living here forever, right? At Fort Hood and whatever movie chain we had up there had the Muppets There was like a Muppet intro they did and I was thinking like I had this fucking fake-ass cats They did and I was thinking like I have this fucking fake ass cats Like wanting to be like DJ scat cat from the fucking video and they get like
Starting point is 00:23:53 Licensed Muppets, huh? Which Muppets was it was it like the big ones? No They couldn't they didn't have that Kermit or piggy money, I don't think her is oh and was definitely that shrimp guy Sam the eagle was there one at Statler, but not Walt or one of the two headed monsters from Sesame Street Is a good idea I can't find this fucking cat intro I'm looking so hard maybe it was Santico's What the fuck I don't know what the fuck said what is it? It is. It was like a regional theater in I think central in south Texas. It wasn't that bad front of a movie theater googling cat intro
Starting point is 00:24:45 movie cat goes with girlfriend fat beaver friend maybe maybe fat beaver friend oh man I'm gonna have to find first my first result for me is I made my cat a movie theater found it what really it was cinnamark cinnamark front It was Front Row Joe. Front Row Joe! See? Front Row Joe. Oh. Is that a beaver? I don't know. Other characters. This is the most 1992 ass-fucking light blue orange cat. Starstruck Penny was the girlfriend. Clyde is a dark gray cat. Elton is a short chubby brown cat with a red nose. I bet that's what you were thinking. That must be what I was thinking of. Infant orange cat. Yeah, that's probably it. It'd be weird if it was four cats and a beaver. Yeah, this is the most fucking 90's Ghostbusters
Starting point is 00:25:31 the cartoon looking ass cartoon. He appeared, so I guess they used him from 1988 and then was retired in 1998. That's way too long for something that looks like this. That's what people said about Rooster Teeth and they were right. And who am I to argue? Front Row Joe, man.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Alright, we can wrap Rooster Teeth up. I found Front Row Joe who I haven't thought about in 25 years. Oh my god. Oh my god. So this is the last episode of our eight episode run and we were talking about what exactly we want to do if there's going to be an in between or if we're going to take a very brief hiatus on this show. I think it's probably going to have to be a hiatus. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:27 Just a brief one. And again, this is- There's a lot of unknowns. We gotta figure stuff out. Yeah, we're trying to get all the information that we can get, so that way we can get this podcast going again for you as soon as possible. We just don't have any information.
Starting point is 00:26:41 For the latest news, check But we'll keep you guys updated on, I mean, honestly, it might be a thing where we do a quick recording and put it Out when we have more information. Yeah after this episode just to let everyone know You know what what exactly is gonna be going on and what we're gonna be doing, but I think the idea is to Continue this podcast in some form or fashion But probably not exactly in this format, maybe. I like the form...
Starting point is 00:27:08 Well, yeah, we got a lot to work out. But the thing is, is that come hell or high water, whatever this is, continue. Yeah. We'll figure it out. It just may be called something differently, but don't unsubscribe from this channel or this RSS feed. There will be more information communicated
Starting point is 00:27:24 in the coming month, I would say. I was gonna say months, but I think month or sooner. Yeah, I mean, it would probably be in like, by the time this comes out, probably, I would hope that within two or three weeks, we'll have all the info that we need on exactly what we're doing and how. And we can share it.
Starting point is 00:27:41 Yeah, and then we can let you know. And I mean, like, and if you're done with this podcast That's totally fine. But if you want to continue to support us greatly appreciate it. Yeah, cuz I now more than ever I Do you think it'll still be what this is where we're? Just shooting the shit and getting coffee and hanging out and everything. Why not? I mean mostly what this podcast is has turned in new to me is an excuse to spend time with y'all Yeah, and I love the reminiscence of it. I'll say this Now that roosterteeth is over. I don't feel the need
Starting point is 00:28:14 I mean, I don't I don't think I'm gonna feel the need to speak around shit as much as no No, not no not at all. You know what I mean? I feel like we can be a little bit more direct on some things not Gus Gus will always be veiled I'm very circumspect. That's my word of the day. I thought you were gonna say circumcised. 100% No, you're not 100% thought he was gonna say that and I was gonna go whoa this Circumspect I'm not gonna use that word my wife yelled at me My wife yelled at me the other day. I don't know. I was thinking words. My wife yelled at me the other day cause she was like, I said something and I said,
Starting point is 00:28:49 well, I think I have a more egalitarian view of that. And she goes, what did you just say? And I was like, egalitarian. And she goes, who the fuck do you think you are? What am I supposed to speak with? Use normal words. And I was like, she's like, what are you trying to say? And I was like, I just think everything should be equal.
Starting point is 00:29:04 And she's like, just say that. Who are you trying to impress right now? And I was like, she's like, what are you trying to say? And I was like, I just think everything should be equal. And she's like, just say that. Who are you trying to impress right now? And I was like, I'm sorry. It's a perfectly cromulent word. You have- I think I thought it in big in the conversation. You have a deceptively deep vocabulary. I don't think people know that about you.
Starting point is 00:29:21 You are, I feel, what I've learned about you is that you're a relatively avid reader and you know, it's something that Andrew said the other day, you've probably seen more words than the rest of us just by volume, and then by nature, it's probably just like a wider breadth of like, your knowledge to that, and I think it's fantastic. And your wife needs to figure it out
Starting point is 00:29:44 because she has a podcast where two people Read and she doesn't fucking read She doesn't read on that Has been making fun of that's like a week ago. She has been making fun of me every day since about using the word egalitarian You got to use circumspect. Yeah, that's a new one drop drop circumspect. It's the new word. Yeah There was a I'm gonna talk about a competing podcast There was a an episode of are you garbage that we were listening to where there was a dude Who it was like the most interesting episode?
Starting point is 00:30:14 I don't remember what the guy's name was but he was a comedian who grew up kind of in Alabama trailer He kind of said me dusty Yeah, he was talking about how there was one smart guy in their family Uh-huh, and every time he'd open her mouths everybody was telling me was stupid and to shut up and he thought he was dumb Because no everybody around him was too dumb to understand that he was smart It was it was a guy who was like dating his sister or whatever And he was like he like went to college and all this stuff Yeah, yeah, so every time he would say something that was I mean like
Starting point is 00:30:46 that a ten cent word it would just be hammering them and they had him convinced by the other he was a fucking idiot it was making stuff up that's gotta be awful I feel employees have started showing up got a couple here well do you think they're gonna go they're gonna let us see dune to sneak in the back I don't know what the first showing of the day is I looked last night I remember it's gotta be Dune I'll wait till it's on max mm-hmm it's I understand why people like it yeah it has no levity whatsoever mm-hmm that's hard yeah really long time Blaine
Starting point is 00:31:22 hates that I haven't seen it yeah so that's making me not want to see it more that seems like a movie that blaine is gonna Go out of his way to make his favorite thing in the world. Did you see dude one? Yeah, what did he get? I thought it was boring. Yeah, it's it it but yeah, I read the book and I saw the David Lynch movie I don't need anything like it's a Very well made movie like sure Technically incredibly beautiful well, it looks incredible. I don't have a knock on the film. Other than it is so dry and so,
Starting point is 00:31:55 it really is very boring. And there's moments where you go, oh, I think this is about to go off. And it does for about 35 seconds. And then it's back to- Boring. Yeah. When the Dune, I haven't seen it by the way? Yeah, and I didn't see the point when that movie was announced I Tried to reread dune. I thought oh, let me get back into it. I'll try I was like I remember like in the book I mean I couldn't get through 80 pages
Starting point is 00:32:19 You have to read all the way to at least God Emperor of dune. I've read a weird bit of trivia I had no idea about regarding the Dune books the other day. I'm sure it was like some viral marketing thing for the movie and I'm, fell sucker for it and here I am repeating it. I guess when Dune was originally published, no publisher wanted to touch it.
Starting point is 00:32:37 So the first publisher for that book was Chilton, the auto parts manual, publisher, yeah. So Dune was published by the same company that publishes like automotive repair manuals. That's awesome. That's so cool. Well guess what? It's just about as dry.
Starting point is 00:32:52 I was gonna say, it's about how it reads. That Dennis Villeneuve, right? Yeah. Is he the one that did the remake of Blade Runner? Wasn't a remake, a sequel. Oh the sequel. Yeah, it was a sequel. That was a very good movie.
Starting point is 00:33:03 Yeah, he made that, he made Prisoners. I feel like I was a very good movie. Yeah, he made that. He made Prisoners. I feel like I saw the... Sicario. Yeah, I saw... You know, he's like one of my favorite filmmakers, and I'm glad he's having a good time making these movies. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:16 You know in the sequel to Blade Runner where he goes to Vegas and it's all desert and stuff? Yeah. You know what I'm talking about? What? In the sequel to Blade Runner, you go to Vegas... That's where he finds that's where we find Harrison Ford and the I see I thought okay yeah got it yes I feel like I got enough dune there yeah yeah I bet he shot at the same way yeah I probably saw dune then I think Eric thought it was like a wacky side he thought dune he thought the sequel was a remake and so
Starting point is 00:33:42 when he started calling it a remake I thought maybe he didn't know what he was talking about. Gotcha, gotcha. No, no, no. No, it's on me on that one. Do you think maybe it's the same situation that happened when the original Blade Runner was getting made and then he filmed all like the horses and everything and he's like this is for a dream sequence and definitely not for the next movie I'm working on. Denny Bellenue went, you gotta keep keep modest baby, I'm doing the same thing. Well that's right, we're out here in the desert for Blade Runner. You know, the
Starting point is 00:34:12 classic Blade Runner setting. The thing I'm working on next. I will say my biggest knock on Dune 2 is that the mouse is only in the second one for like 10 seconds. Is there, there's no Duncan Idaho either, is there? No. Is Sting in it? No. Speaking of Sting. Is that a Wasp? Yeah, it's a Wasp. Oh wow, crazy. Get the fuck away from me. I'm gonna stand up.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Let's uh, let's, oh this fucking bench. Let's talk a little bit about Canon Coffee. A place that we found suddenly. A place that we found out of necessity. Very hole in the wall wall very feels like a 90s coffee shop 90s early 2000s coffee shop. Oh, you can see some of the statues here that Jeff was talking about like the oh all the way up there Yeah, I think there's other ones on top. That's what it was up front
Starting point is 00:34:59 But those are reminiscent of it. Um yeah, this is fine. There's a good cup of coffee Yeah, this is better than black star whatever whatever that place was we went last week. Black Rock Coffee is I think pretty low. I mean it's open, so it was way better than that other place. Yeah, automatically. Like Ovenbird or whatever it was. This is like a, I don't know, 7.75? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:16 7.5. Uh, I think this is probably right around this, 6 or 7, for like the Black Coffee it's fine. It was great going to the little hole in the wall place that was between a bar and a Mexican restaurant that also was a bar. Yeah. That had mariachis. It did have.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Not at the time we went by, but apparently, maybe during a more popular time. That's all I saw was the word mariachis, and I thought that was the name of the place. So I said, what's mariachis? And guys went, it's Mexican folk singers. This is fucking bullshit. But that's what it was. Stupid. So we go into this little hole in
Starting point is 00:35:50 the wall spot and oh you finally stopped it. Yeah. You finally stopped the cup. We went to like this little hole in the wall spot. No one was really there. A couple people out front. Someone else who worked there who was just kind of like hanging out like off to the side I think. Seem to be on a call or something. Yeah. And then the two women that were working there,
Starting point is 00:36:07 and one asked, oh yeah, what can I get you? I'll get a large black coffee. And she went, okay, she started pouring it. And I went, yeah, and I'll get a large hot Americano. And she went, well, hang on. Hold on, whoa, whoa, whoa. And it was like, whoa. One drink at a time, please.
Starting point is 00:36:22 You're pouring a large black coffee. The other one is a one you don't have to make. The other one makes it. The other woman's working the machine, so she can get started on that. So we got that, and then I'm like, and an iced coffee or cold brew, whatever you have. They got it all rung up,
Starting point is 00:36:38 and then I went to insert my card. Didn't work. Okay. Went to insert my card again. Didn't work. Went to insert my card again. Didn't work. And they went, hmm. Yeah, I think like the internet is like weird right now. What does that mean? What does that mean? Because it's the late 90s. It's not defendable yet. And she was like, the internet, the internet's taking away all the options again.
Starting point is 00:37:02 They can't do it. And then, so they swipe the card. There all the options again. Yeah. You can't do it. And then so they swipe the card. There's that truck again. They swipe the card, and then it worked. So was it the internet? I bet. Yeah, I don't know. I bet it didn't actually run it.
Starting point is 00:37:16 I bet it's just going to batch process it later once it comes back up. You guys also had tacos from Taco Deli. Once again, they're everywhere. Just the same as every other place. Disappointing. Unless it's a Taco Deli. Once again, they're everywhere. Yeah. Just the same as every other place. Disappointing. Unless it's a Taco Deli. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:28 It's so weird. It's so weird the difference between eating a Taco Deli elsewhere and going to a Taco Deli. Yeah. I mean, like, which ones did you guys get? What tacos? I got bean and cheese.
Starting point is 00:37:39 I got a poppies, egg and cheese. Bean and cheese is what I usually get, but I like the poppies. Actually, I really like the Taco deli Pop us so I got that So that's a she it's like it's like a mashed potato taco. Yeah, I mean can and coffee is kind of your only option for coffee If it's a Monday, there's not many coffee places down there it which is very it's a lot of right Well, there's a lot of houses a lot of apartments. It's a lot of urban sprawl and you would expect well Here's a Starbucks. Here's a Dunkin or or here's a, dude there wasn't even that.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Yeah. It was a huge opportunity. Yeah. Right now in South Austin. Hey, are you doing anything? You guys. I think my calendar freed up. In a month we might be pretty free.
Starting point is 00:38:18 Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. You know how easy it would be to make a coffee podcast if we owned a coffee shop? You just do it there. Oh my God. We could build a little stage and then a coffee shop? You just do it there. Oh my god We could build a little stage and then everyone would come and watch you do the podcast billionaires welcome. That's what we'll call it Billionaire beans This is good we're ideating we're coming up with the ideas. We're gonna be rich. Hey guys, I got some news for you
Starting point is 00:38:42 Canning coffee pretty pretty okay. Yeah, I think it's middle of the road. I think if I lived by it, I don't know that I'd go to it all too often, but it's a place where you could go in a pinch. Yeah. It felt really nice. Just two young women there going like, just kinda like fucking around.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Just a bunch of people on their laptops. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Shrinking against the wall. It just felt very, yeah. Just felt like a, it felt like a nice coffee shop. Very comfortable. Yeah, a nice coffee shop very comfortable Yeah, very comfortable coffee shop But that's that place so now we should get into an anarchy question all right
Starting point is 00:39:13 And if you want to send us an anarchy question, we're not gonna read it because we're gonna take a hiatus You can batch it like you like he's batching the credit card processing he's throwing the cups away We're gonna be done like in five minutes. Yeah, he really doesn't want that Styrofoam cup out anymore. Yeah. We can't take a cup manager. Put it in cup jail. If you want to send us an anarchy question, you can. At Anima Podcast on Instagram and on Twitter,
Starting point is 00:39:37 or r slash Anima Podcast, which is the subreddit, we do not run. You can send your question. We're not going to answer them, I don't think. There may be no answers. But, but, but, you know, we can always hang on to them. Because you never know. This is from Tomly Omly.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Good name. I'm in Houston, Texas, so it doesn't count. Sorry, Gus. Aww. What? They posted a picture of their dog in the blue bonnet. That's a cute dog. See, that's a picture I want to see. He's got like a puggle kind of situation. That's a 10 out of 10 dog in Bluebonnet. That's a cute dog. See, that's a picture I want to see. He's got like a puggle kind of situation.
Starting point is 00:40:05 That's a 10 out of 10 dog. But that's a, you know, the Bluebonnet thing, I think if you go to and go back to this week's episode, this last week's episode, Gus, I think put a link to the... I did a search, it was a link to a search on the Austin subreddit for all posts in the past month
Starting point is 00:40:24 that contained the word Bluebonnet as one word or Bluebonnet as two words. Jesus Christ. There's a link to a search on the Austin subreddit for all posts in the past month that contain the word bluebonnet as one word or bluebonnet as two words. Jesus Christ. And I think from the time we're recording this, the last eight days there's a hundred of them. God damn. So just to put it in perspective. That's too many.
Starting point is 00:40:37 It's too many. And that doesn't even count the ones that post pictures without using the word bluebonnet in the title. Which is a lot of them. Right. They'll post one where it's like, Is this over yet? Yeah. Am I doing this right?
Starting point is 00:40:49 Right. Great. Hilarious. Blue bonnets, I am in you. Yeah. Ha ha ha. I feel like that joke has gone away. It's gone.
Starting point is 00:40:55 And that was fun. Years and years ago, I would go on Twitter and I would just search in quotes that I am in you. And then I would just find six of them and just retweet them. It was great. Especially during PAXs. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:41:09 The worst. Boston, I am in you. Seattle, I am in you. Ugh. This is from C Organizer 837. Heard you guys talking about Kirtland, about Kirkland, the keg and burger master in the last episode.
Starting point is 00:41:21 As a Kirkland native, I'm happy to say that burger master is still going strong. I linked them on the website yeah they would recommend that for a Seattle or Kirkland NFT which is not for tourist spot that's very cool you're not gonna get it you're just gonna make it angry please don't do that to our cables he ground the wasp to a pulp using the XLR cable but they're gonna fucking those are Roosty's cables. Uh yeah, Burger Master, great spot. I mean that place is so good. Highly recommended if you're ever in that area, definitely check it out. I'm glad to hear it's an NFT. I don't know how we discovered it. I think it was just right by a hotel we were staying at. Probably just being up there, right?
Starting point is 00:41:57 Convenience, yeah. So here's their question. I actually really like this, I'm curious too. Did you guys ever consider moving out to Seattle with all the work you were doing with Microsoft for both RVB and individual projects that weren't RVB related? Were there discussions in some way? No. Allow me to answer that question by insulting Seattle. Get them. The most boring place I've ever been.
Starting point is 00:42:22 It's beautiful. It looks like a postcard, but the postcard goes to bed at 5.45pm. What is that? Why does everything, I mean, especially like downtown, everything's closed by 8? It's crazy. It's crazy. Yeah, and it's so extra dark there at night, it just feels oppressive. Yeah, I never had any, we had a really good friend who moved from Austin to Seattle, Laurie, who we would go visit sometimes. Oh yeah, right. And she couldn't understand why we stayed in Austin, and we couldn't understand why she Austin to Seattle? Lori who we would go visit some time. Oh, yeah, right. I'm sure she couldn't understand why we stayed in Austin
Starting point is 00:42:47 We couldn't understand like she moved to see yeah, there's a I mean I Just I've lived in Texas most of my life I can't get over that hump of moving to a state that has a state income tax. Yeah Oh is that is that like man? I'm not gonna give away another Ten percent of my money on top of everything else. I mean that's a It's pretty I mean it's pretty ready you man. That's pretty good. I like that Yeah, I mean it works out you can fucked way But I think other states you know there are some states that have like high property tax and high sales tax and high state income
Starting point is 00:43:21 It's true. It's absolutely beautiful, Seattle. I've never... I even went there with Emily a couple years ago for a convention, just the two of us. We had a weekend there, and I was bored by Sunday and ready to go. Is that right? Yeah. Where did you guys stay? I don't know, somewhere downtown.
Starting point is 00:43:36 It was fine. It's great. I've been there a million times. Pike Street's... It's all cool. We even rented bikes and did a 40-mile bike ride around these beautiful lakes and stuff around there. It's just just I think not for me. I think it's just one of those places. We're like, you know Oh you if you get out of downtown, it's so cool
Starting point is 00:43:51 It's like going to England and going like well if you have to get if you get out of London England's really great And it's like I I don't know it sucked. I hated it. I don't know. I it's just not everything's for everyone I guess but it's also it's like if you get people come to Austin they're like if you get out of Austin it sucks Yeah, yeah guess. But it's also it's like if you get people come to Austin, they're like, if you get out of Austin, it sucks. Stay in Austin. The rest of it sucks. Yeah. I always said that, like before I moved here,
Starting point is 00:44:10 I always said I can move to Austin for five years and Seattle for like five years. And I'm coming up to six on Austin. So that's a bit longer than I thought. I think I'd much rather live in Portland than Seattle. Really? More my speed. Was there a other?
Starting point is 00:44:22 No state income tax in Oregon either. OK, cool. So that's a move. Was there a spot outside of like Austin Really more my speed was there no state income tax in Oregon either Was there a spot outside of like Austin that you guys were thinking about early on we talked about Detroit like an oh Is that right? I didn't know about this. We talked to international a lot Really? Yeah, what like Mexico Australia? Scotland Yeah, we'd looked at really cheap houses like buying a neighborhood in Detroit back then Like houses that are like five thousand dollars or ten thousand dollars or whatever and just buying a bunch of them having like our own commune
Starting point is 00:44:54 Cool yeah, I don't think I don't think LA was ever a consideration New York it's really disappointing that so much content creation could be anywhere and it's all Gravitated back towards those hubs. I feel I feel the same way I think whenever you hear from people and this happens with mega 64 where people like, oh, yeah You guys like you move into like LA it's like no you can kind of do what we're doing anywhere Yeah, and I'm not sure why the need to be in LA feels like it's strong for people Mm-hmm. I think it's access because there's a gravity to it. I agree, and there is access in a way,
Starting point is 00:45:30 but you're missing out or losing out on so many other things to get what you might potentially get access to there. Yeah. You know, I think that's also part of why those conversations never went very far and didn't last very long. Those conversations were over by season three, probably. Yeah, you know I think that's also part of and why those conversations never went very far and didn't last very very long They were they were those conversations were over by season three, but for sure Um is that like we one of things that we always really appreciated was that we figured out how to do it here Yeah, right like that was like I was a part of our early message was fuck LA fuck those major
Starting point is 00:46:02 Areas you can do this the internet enables you to do whatever you want to do, wherever you want to do it. So when we talked about moving, it was to move to like, we want to see the world, what would be fun to explore? Not like, oh cool, let's pick up and move to be a small fish in a big pond. Yeah. Right? Yeah. I just don't, you know, that's the benefit of
Starting point is 00:46:23 having a spot where you can kind of stretch out and everything, it's why so many streamers and stuff live in the middle of nowhere, they have these giant houses and they're like, oh yeah, this wing of my home is where I do my streaming. You know, it's like, oh yeah, you can't do that in Calabasas. I've got a giant piece of land,
Starting point is 00:46:38 that over there, that's my streaming house. Yeah, yeah, it's that. It's one I never understood back in the day when we signed the creatures to the Let's play network and then our family and then they It pretty much disintegrated immediately like while they were starting the contract and so we had cow chop And then we helped those guys move to LA more information on that in a month. They were so That's not my drama, but that's theirs, but there was so much They had so much desire to move to LA and it was such a big part of them.
Starting point is 00:47:05 We helped them do like this, like, get us to LA kind of thing and it worked and they got there and I guess they were happy there but I just never understood that they had so much space for so cheap in Denver where they were and they were so desperate to get away from it. But then again, I think Denver's a pretty boring city too so I just wouldn't have gone to LA. Yeah, my brother lives out that that way they do have a big airport It's not fucking near god damn anything you get to that airport. You just go alright. You've been flying for about three hours It's getting a car for another hour. Yeah, yeah almost there
Starting point is 00:47:43 Any other spots that you guys were thinking about? Yeah, it pretty much covers it. Yeah? Yeah. And like nothing seriously. You know, not honestly. No, just, it's talk, right? Just spitballing, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Yeah. I like that. I don't know about y'all, but I was just so fucking happy. I just loved Austin so much. Yeah. That's why we do this podcast, and that's why we're hanging out at a movie theater. We went to 25 years ago. I want to say we watched The Phantom Menace over there in one of those screens that was on that side. No memory of that.
Starting point is 00:48:10 Beautiful. Yeah. Well, I think that'll do it for ANMA. I think that'll do it for ANMA. I think that'll do it for ANMA. When we have more information, we'll let you know. We'll put some stuff up. We'll clue you guys in.
Starting point is 00:48:23 We're not going to keep you in the dark. We're not trying to be cagey. And we're not trying to be like, ha ha, we'll make them wait. Yeah, why would we make you wait? This is how we're gonna earn our living. This is how we're gonna pay our bills. I want you to have all the information right away
Starting point is 00:48:36 so you can let people know what we're doing. I saw someone in the Rusty subreddit post a thread like, hey, is there a mega thread? Chronically what everyone's gonna be doing after RISD shuts down like man if you let me know yeah I want to know what I'm gonna be doing. I don't think anyone knows anything No, and we don't and it's not again this no one on either side like None of the situation that we're in is us Okay, yeah, no, we're just gonna like okay. We got to just gonna like okay we got to wait for like the right time to strike there's nothing we can do right there's no strategy yeah
Starting point is 00:49:10 and there's similarly or conversely rather there's no contention either no no not like there's not at all friction we're trying to work stuff out Warner Brothers no we just going through the process everybody's being very fucking cool yeah and chill and, but shit takes time. Yeah, and we just don't want to put our feet in our mouths or create unrealistic expectations. It's been, I mean, it's just been a lot of like, any news? Here's a breadcrumb. Okay, and then we wait and that's just the way this goes. We'll get there.
Starting point is 00:49:37 Yeah, yeah, we'll get there and as soon as we're there, we'll let you know. We need you to know as soon as we know. Yeah, come through. We have some ideas on what we want to do and how we want to do it, but we just can't do any of it yet. So I think that'll do it for ANMA. Let's get out of here. People are showing up.
Starting point is 00:49:55 r slash ANMA podcast, the subreddit we don't run. Go follow us there. At ANMA podcast on Twitter, on Instagram. Go we'll have some information there as well. Whenever we do. Hopefully we put something out. You can listen. Any, uh, any parting thoughts on this RSS feed? Let's go buy a car from that car vending machine over there.
Starting point is 00:50:13 No way. I want to go find the silver truck. He's over there. The silver truck's over there now. He keeps moving. Yeah. There's someone parked next to our car who's just sitting in his car. I'm curious if we're going to encounter anything when we leave here. Maybe. I think he just probably works here. Let's go find out. Well, why isn't he inside then? His shift doesn't start for another 15 minutes. There's other workers inside.
Starting point is 00:50:28 You can't smoke pot inside. That's true. Well, his shift, it's 11.27. He starts at 11.30. Oh, gotcha. That's probably it. All right, well, thanks for listening and we'll see you guys soon.
Starting point is 00:50:38 We will. Bye.

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