ANMA - Dead Technology

Episode Date: November 20, 2023

Good morning, Gus! We're at Double Trouble on North Loop, a newer spot with a cool vibe and a big backyard. Gus and Geoff talk about A packed house, We Luv Video, Vinyl is bigger, CD & cassette, Writing a check, Food influencers, Vegan controversy, and Gus’s raccoon jamboree. We have 2 supplemental episodes coming your way the next 2 weeks then we're back with a new batch of eps. Don't forget to grab a shirt from to let people know Early in the New Late. Sponsored by Better Help Fum and Beam Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Okay, this episode 65 nice it it all right, so you guys just made me laugh so fucking We we're talking about We're actually talking about my upcoming wedding and what people are gonna wear and then we got to talking about trucks Which if you don't look if you only listen to this podcast You don't listen to the F face podcast you wouldn't know that I'm obsessed with a game called snowrunner Then I play with some friends and Gus was asking me like where I'm obsessed with a game called SnowRunner. Then I played with some friends. And Gus was asking me where I'm hauling laws. Yeah, where are you?
Starting point is 00:00:27 Yeah, yeah. I was telling him I was in Tamir, Russia. That's the map run. And somehow you guys conflated it to be that I'm in an Inders game situation. Yeah, I think I'm playing a video game, but I'm really hoping the Russian military steals some from you.
Starting point is 00:00:40 You said you're taking grain out of Ukraine. And I think it really is. I mean, you're just really driving autonomous trucks. Yeah, it's either Ender's Game or Project X Was it there another movie recently like a movie about a party called Project X? Oh, yes Yeah, that was, and maybe 2010. Yeah. Recently. Yeah, more recently than the other project.
Starting point is 00:01:08 That's like Matthew Broderick and the monkey did it first. He didn't. Apple Virgil. It's recent. Anyway, welcome to Anmo. That was recent, right? Yeah, 13 years. I mean, the other one was pre-cold war.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Or during the cold war, I should say. Oh, man. It's a slightly different time. But this is episode 65. The monkeys were flying and dropping bombs on Russia. Great. Last time we were at coffee people. That's true.
Starting point is 00:01:33 The 80s were wild. We talked about eradicating deer, lands arm strong, how Jason knew everyone, a quaint ship bracelets, idea, ideaosity, sandwiches sandwiches and IMAX. So, but that was all last time. And now that's this time. Oh, man. We know someone who,
Starting point is 00:01:52 God, we're just like jumping all over. So we just recorded the other episode yesterday. Yeah. We're recording up to get ready for my wedding and stuff. So there's two things I wanted to, that I'm like flashing back to, that we didn't get around to yesterday. First of all, we know someone who applied at
Starting point is 00:02:07 Idiocity and didn't get hired. Remember, he made his resume to look like a playboy centerfold thing with like stats and everything and had his photo and it was like his likes, his dislikes. There's like a picture of a cat on it. You don't remember that? I thought it was the best resume ever. Somebody had to know very well.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Yeah, it is. Okay, yeah, I did remember that. That's such a good idea. Yeah, it was awesome. It was like a great idea. It was like very well. Yeah, it is. Okay. Yeah, I did remember that. That's such a good idea. Yeah, it was awesome. It was like a great idea. It was like a resume. Especially with that kind of company, right?
Starting point is 00:02:29 Yeah, right. It didn't work, but I thought it was a really cool resume. It was like turn off. It's turn off. That's the kind of, that's the kind of fucking inventiveness and creativity that a place like idea city needed. Hahaha.
Starting point is 00:02:42 The other thing I was going to mention that we never got around to yesterday was shortly after we started taping there was like another dude came and joined like he didn't join us but he sat like at the next table over. Oh he was like listen to music or something. He was listening to music along. He was singing along. I don't know if it came across in the recording at all.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Yeah I think I don't think it probably got picked up but boy he was listening to music on his phone and having a good time. You all couldn't see it, because the way we receded, your backs were kind of to him, and he was more in my line of view. After a while, as he was singing, he took his shoes and socks off,
Starting point is 00:03:13 started rubbing his feet. I was like, man, I don't know, if I keep doing his podcast right now, it was a, it was gnarly. When I saw him walk up, I thought I clocked him as potentially, like maybe homeless, but he had what looked like a lunch from Whole Foods and that's shedding cheap.
Starting point is 00:03:31 And then he was listening to music on an iPhone. So I think maybe he was just a old Austin dude. Yeah, he was just a foot massage at a park bench in front of people kind of guy. He didn't, I think he forgot to grab a fork to eat his food. Because he started, he like tore off a piece of the cardboard from the container and started scooping the food out as a container and eating it that way.
Starting point is 00:03:51 That guy was a whole fucking seed. It was, it was behind you. It was, I couldn't stop looking at it. It was only going on. You maintained excellent composure. Because we had no idea. There was a pause at one point. Well, I think when he took his shoes off
Starting point is 00:04:03 and I was just like, I was fixated. I couldn't, I couldn't bring myself back to the office. I feel like we met eyes about it one time and it was like, I don't know what this is. But today, double trouble. I don't want to make it jealous. You got to, you can't see it because behind you guys, I have great view of a woman who appears to be working on a spreadsheet
Starting point is 00:04:23 while drinking her coffee. That's a, that's a pretty, a four-month day be working on a spreadsheet while drinking her coffee. That's a pretty poor Monday. She gets her feet out, text Gavin. We're at Double Trouble, which is over on North Loop. It's not too far from Epic, which is one of our first, or epoch, which is one of our first episodes. This is a brand new spot. It's been around maybe three months.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Yeah. So, they, so even though it's a coffee shop called double trouble, they serve Barrett's beans, which Barrett is right down the road like Barrett's is Lauren your just close. Yeah. Yeah. St. John's St. John's St. John's St. John's. You can't see it from here, but where it says Leo's river back there, if you walk around there, there's a little like kids playground area that is so fucking cute and adorable. And it's all like locked in. So you can just like, this is one of those places.
Starting point is 00:05:06 If you see it from the street, it's on North Loop. It doesn't look like much. It's cool logo. It's like fists with double trouble, like tattooed on the knuckles. But then you come back and there's a huge courtyard. I came here for the first time on a Saturday. I've not been here.
Starting point is 00:05:18 This is I think my fourth time here. I came here on a Saturday and there were a bunch of stalls all around this back with these back walls and people were selling Jewelry and clothes and shit like a little Saturday fair market kind of thing. This is a big like outdoor seating area Yeah, and there's like bands that play over there. It's really nice. Oh Big weekend. I was in a spot and packed and you can tell that it's a really popular place Because there are three parking spots out front and then none anywhere else. So you know it's awesome. All the neighboring businesses say no coffee shop parking. And the people that have lived here probably for years
Starting point is 00:05:52 around the corner are going, fucking god damn. Yeah. So you know like I said we're right by what we did a previous episode but from here I can see the new we love video and War Course. This War Course bar right across the street, that used to be the parlor. Yeah, that was the original location of the parlor. And I think we mentioned the parlor in the episode we did over by where the draft house is.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Yeah, yeah, we did. So parlor used to be here. We had pizza bar. Yeah, We Love Video used to be a vintage store. We love video, used to be a movie store over on air, a bit closed. And I think this is like the revival. So we love video and that used to be a vintage store.
Starting point is 00:06:30 And I think that vintage store is over on Lamar and like 51st. You're right. You're right. There's like, there has been this little area of North Loop, if you're familiar with Austin or not from North Austin, has just been like a rotation of vintage shops of last like 15 to the entire time I've been here.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Because room service is right over here, which is like, I bought a sofa from your way. The side of the sofa in my house, I bought from room service. I was thinking about that the other day. Well, the best sofas I've ever owned. Across the street, next to workhorse is a place called, I think it's called Tigris, and then next to that, there was, I don't think it's there anymore.
Starting point is 00:07:04 I think it's something else. There was a little golf, like clothing store or whatever. Yeah, bloody rows. Yeah, bloody rows. And I had a friend that was in town and we went there one time and it was a great place to buy leather bracelets or plasmatics to your hands. Get your Wendio William stuff. To do 100%.
Starting point is 00:07:22 So that place workhorse is a bar, I feel like I should say, because we've talked about it, but we didn't say what it is. And they have burgers and stuff. And it's pretty good. When I was doing some renovation in Gavin, and I lived a couple blocks from here for about a year. Or by the Will Ferrell mural. Oh, by the Will Ferrell mural.
Starting point is 00:07:36 That's right, I lived over there. I would walk on Sundays. I would get up, it was like my ritual I had, all by myself, without Millier, my ex-wire for Gavin or anybody, we all lived together in our firm Patricia. I would walk over here like 2 p.m. on a Sunday, and I would sit at workhorse, It was like my ritual I had all by myself without Millier, my ex-wife or Gavin or anybody, we all lived together in our friend Patricia. I would walk over here at like 2 p.m. on a Sunday
Starting point is 00:07:48 and I would sit at workhorse and they would always have football on in the fall and I would drink like three beers and watch whatever was on until I finished my third beer and then I would walk home and it was like the most peaceful. I still, I don't miss the alcohol part, but I still miss that little ritual I had because I did it for a long time. Mentally like when you say that, it seems far,
Starting point is 00:08:05 but now I think about it, it's only 10 blocks down the road. It's a 20 minute walk through a gorge, one of the prettiest neighborhoods in Austin in the fall, when football's on, it's just beautiful. It's like right now, right? This is the three weeks of fall that we get. I saw somebody said that we're at the end of fall and winter is coming up and I was like, no, that can't't be right and I looked and fall started at the end of September. Yeah, I was the high is 84 to the
Starting point is 00:08:30 Yeah, but we're in the morning in the shade. So it's great. It's awesome We as for as much as we bitched about the hundred degree days We should definitely enjoy these pleasant days while we can these are a reward Yeah for what we went through. I man, so I don't know if you all get this thing, but you know the local electricity providers Austin energy if you live here. Yeah, for what we went through. I, man, so I don't know if you all get this thing, but, you know, local electricity providers, Austin Energy, if you live here. Yeah, and they love sending these emails. I get them once a week.
Starting point is 00:08:52 That's like, you used X amount more, or less electricity every, you know, than last week. It's like, yeah, no shit. It's 100 degrees this week. It was 80 degrees last week. Of course, I used more. Stop trying to scare me. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Hey, how about you correlate this with the fucking temperature outside? It's so annoying. It's like, here you Stop trying to scare me. Yeah, I know. Hey, how about you correlate this with the fucking temperature outside. It's so annoying. It's like, here you are compared to your neighbors. You rank number, whatever. That's the part. I don't mind them telling me what I used. I hate when they rank me against my neighbors. I'm better than my neighbors. You don't have to put it in numbers. I know it. It's fine. It's clear. Look at me.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Should we talk about Wheel of Video? Yeah, we're there. It's right there. Because they. Should we talk about We Love video? So it's not really? It's right there. Because the people that run that place, they went to RTX. I met one of the DZRTX. And they're, I don't know if they're like, Ruse-Teef community members, but they're definitely Ruse-Teef aware.
Starting point is 00:09:36 And I think that they have a, it's just a video, a lending library, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. They have, like, they know us well enough to have a copy of the Tuxedo at the front. Yeah know us well enough to have a copy of the Tuxedo at the front. Yeah, it's like a view just copy the Tuxedo as a fuck by the register out front.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Which is so fucking cool. It's a cool place. I mean, I love video was, we think we've talked about it before, video store around for many, many years. I think it was, it suffered because of streaming and then I think the pandemic kind of put a nail in the coffin. I was, I was always over a Vulcan guy. I was, I was, I was more of a Vulcan guy myself. I think because of coffin. I was always over a vulcan guy.
Starting point is 00:10:05 I was always more of a vulcan guy myself. I think because of you, I was more of a vulcan guy too. But I mean, I went to a I love video every now and then. I did too. And now they're back here as we love video. But like they were in a spot that became so expensive. Yes, that that spot was Austin. Yeah, right, exactly.
Starting point is 00:10:19 I mean, on on airport, where they were, well, I used to live right over there. And it was like, what a cool thing to walk to. Yeah. With the big slacker mirror over there. And then immediately it was like, we're closing down. By the way, this new thing's getting built
Starting point is 00:10:33 and they put in like Lazarus brewing and it is huge and you're like, that's what this, that's got it. Okay, I get what they're doing here. I don't know if you've been the Lazarus brewing. I haven't been to that location. That's their second. There's one on E6 near the six street cool store get what they're doing here. I don't know if you've been the Lazarus Burring. I haven't been to that location. That's their second. I haven't been to that one.
Starting point is 00:10:45 There's one on E6 near the six street cool store or what used to be the six street cool store. Really, really good tacos. I went there with some friends a long time ago, got the tacos and some coffee and it was like, if I lived by it, I'd go all the time. When I was getting sober, that was my morning place. I would go there every morning and get two tacos
Starting point is 00:11:07 and ice coffee, or I don't think I was drinking ice coffee so I was drinking just black coffee, but yeah, that was my spot. Right in the back in years and years and years, but I probably went there 40 times in like two years. Have you been over to the, three of you know, going back? Have you been over to the New Wheeler video location?
Starting point is 00:11:24 No. I went a couple weeks ago. Oh really? How is it? Yeah, it's nice. They got a lot of stuff. It's weird. I can't remember the last time I walked into a video rental store. So it's kind of weird walking me like, oh right, this is how we used to do it. Yeah. And then like walking around me like, oh, here's like the sci-fi movies and they're all alphabetized. It's a or whatever, you know, genre. It's strange. I mean, I'm so conditioned now to like scrolling endlessly through whatever video streaming platform you're looking at,
Starting point is 00:11:54 whereas here it's just like, oh, here's the, I have an idea what I'm looking for. There it is, right there. It's super charming. It isn't it? Like I went to the last blockbuster in Bend, Oregon a couple of years ago. I think it's still open. I think it turned into like an air being beer, something. But I think it's still open. Anyway, Emily's parents used to live up there. So we went
Starting point is 00:12:15 in the pre-Mission Gandays. We went up there and it was such an odd nostalgia hit to walk in and there's like all the section with the candy and then you go back and yeah You can like in the span of two seconds with your eyes. You can scan Eight minutes worth of scrolling in that place. Yeah, like it's it's such a faster way to do it I mean, I understand that there's the the getting off your couch and getting in your car driving to a place and spending gas and time But it I really I would be long ago said I didn't bit. I mean, yeah, I mean, it's like, the stalls are also, right? Like, I think the thing that always sucked
Starting point is 00:12:49 for me the most was when you're done, like, oh, great, now I gotta take it back. It was always the taking it back that was like, the worst part, like, I gotta go out of my way. I'm not getting anything, I'm just not paying a lake fee now. It's true, I think I've just, as I've gotten older and I've slowed down a little bit,
Starting point is 00:13:04 I've learned to appreciate things that took a little more time, just in general. You know. So they have, you know, VHS, like you mentioned, they have the Tuxedo and VHS on display. And it got me really wondering, like, how many VCRs are left operational in the world? And like, nobody makes VCRs anymore, right? Like, they don't make new VHS tapes. So is that, like there's gonna be a point at which the last VCR breaks. And nobody's gonna fix it. Just kinda like your Tesla. Hehehe.
Starting point is 00:13:34 He's saying. Hehehe. Yeah, I mean, are they making, is there not one place that's making a, yeah, you're probably right. They're done making, they don't make VHS. The new movies don't release on VHS anymore. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:49 So it's like, it is a dying issue. It's something that was like, you bick with us, it was everywhere, and it's just gonna go away. I wonder if it's one of those things that will come in vogue again, like how they're making Polaroid film again, you know? Or like cassette tapes are popular. I don't know if you know this, but like my friend, Bat Dog, he, the guy I truck with,
Starting point is 00:14:08 he collects cassette tapes and it's a huge market and he does album covers for bands and stuff. He's an artist and he's doing an album cover right now that album is only coming out on cassette. But that is niche, right? I mean, that's not like mainstream. You're not gonna go. It's niche, but I mean, so's Rooster Teeth.
Starting point is 00:14:24 I mean, it's niche in the way that vinyl was niche. Yeah, I remember when no one was doing anything with vinyl and then all of a sudden it did back back. Dude, if you go to Target right now, the vinyl section is bigger than the CD section. So, it's cassette is niche in that way. Like the beginnings of vinyl coming back. I mean, you say also suck shit,
Starting point is 00:14:39 cassette's fucking suck. Yeah, say cassettes sound like shit. Yeah, vinyl sells more than CD. It's kind of, I just said sells more. I'm just saying like if you go to it. It's you got a target. You're gonna see more what their records and CDs I think they have more is what I'm saying They're Jesus Christ That's the argument we're trying to make
Starting point is 00:15:03 I'm just saying of course it's gonna take more space! That's not... Not... Not enclosed on anybody's save. But it's true! Why are you being... And then think about it, Cosette's even smaller.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Yeah, so it would be... It would be crazy if that took more space. Unless they used the big packaging like they used to have, or it's all huge. This is the dumbest fucking episode of the show. I'm just saying, you gotta fix about it. Speaking of packaging, I watched defending your life the other day for the first time ever. Have you ever seen that movie?
Starting point is 00:15:37 No. It's a Meryl Streep Albrebrook's film. Okay. Came out in, I guess, the late 80s in the height of the Albrebrook's fame. And it's basically a dude goes to heaven. Well, he thinks he gets hit by a car and he thinks he's going to heaven. But what he really does is he goes to a place called Judgment City. And Judgment City is kind of like purgatory, but you, it basically what happens is you get
Starting point is 00:15:56 a lawyer and then there's a lawyer for the universe and then they have a case where they go over your life to determine if you're, uh, where you're going. Worthy to move forward. Got you. There's no having to hell on this. It's like you move further into the universe. If you're too dumb, you have to go back and be reincarnated
Starting point is 00:16:12 and live a life again until you get enough shit right. Got you. And it's just a very funny movie of Albert Brooks trying to defend his life and his decisions. But early on, he buys like a BMW and it's got a CD player in it. So this is when it's a big deal to have a CD player in a BMW and it's got a CD player in it. So this is when it's a big deal to have a CD player in a car and it's like a kind of a joke.
Starting point is 00:16:28 And the guy gives him a bunch of CDs. And I had forgotten that CDs used to come in these long, forward-package, they were a little bit wider than a CD, but like three times the length of a CD. Yeah, yeah. And it was like, it was like, basically, if you folded a record up around a CD like a record cover Yeah, it was so much cardboard. Yeah, you know why they did that theft right? Oh cuz records are bigger than CDs
Starting point is 00:16:52 They wanted you to make sure you saw it. You were used to looking at a big package to buy you sit Can you kill him? This is your co-hosts. This is your friend man You're gonna make it be hamburgers. This is gonna be the whole thing They only did that for like a year, or like the first couple of your CDs were out. I think they needed to get people's attention to like try to buy this new kind of music or this new format for a music distribution.
Starting point is 00:17:13 I remember watching that slowly go away, or actually pretty quickly go away. But like I remember I think L7 was the last album I bought, or the last CD I bought that had the packaging on it. Oh really? Yeah, I remember seeing it and thinking it was that had the packaging on it. Oh really? Yeah. I remember seeing it and thinking it was weird that it still had it. I don't think I ever bought a CD, I didn't have a CD player when that was still going on. I don't think I ever bought a CD that had the big packaging.
Starting point is 00:17:34 I remember seeing it in the store. Well, we didn't have those big city CD players out in the border. We'll put some pictures on the Instagram for those of you that are under 45. So you guys understand what we're talking about. It sounds like that. Packaging was just stupid. Yeah. for those of you that are under 45. So you're gonna see what we're talking about. It sounds. Packaging was stupid. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:48 It was just, you even did it, like I mentioned, it even did it with cassettes for a while. Cassettes had like that, and they all sat that big plastic thing for theft. I think that's what you're thinking about. I'm like, you couldn't just stick it in your pocket and you'd have to like take the giant plastic thing to the register and they take it out.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Remember you'd walk around in the record store with holding the oven and swinging it? It was like 12 inches long with the tape at the end of it. Remember you'd walk around in the record store with holding the oven and swinging it? It was like 12 inches long with the tape at the end of it. Do you remember also, they would have that thing where they would put, you know, if the tapes weren't in that giant plastic thing, they would put them like all lined up on a wall,
Starting point is 00:18:16 like alphabetically, and it was plastic, like hard plastic over it. And it was like a small hole, you could stick your hand in. Grab a cassette, look at it and see if it's the one you want. Like fill it over, see what the tracks were, put it back, and then when you're finally ready to buy one, you'd call them over, they'd have the key, they don't lock it, and take you to the register.
Starting point is 00:18:31 What a stupid system. What a pain in the ass. I sound like my grandfather complaining about something. Dude, I went to a fiesta the other day, and they do that with tide there Really? Yeah, it's all like now all the tide was like locked behind plastic and yeah They like get somebody to come out and lock it for you. I guess it must be a high-theft item Tied yeah weird. I don't know huh. It's expensive. I like pretty expensive tide pods
Starting point is 00:19:01 Yeah, it was pods delicious. Yeah, he fucking eaten them. Yeah, yummy, yummy. Um, cheaper than snacks. Yeah. Yeah. Um, we should talk about this spot a little bit. We can talk about the coffee and everything, too, but like, I mean, we're like 20 minutes in, but really, I'm so interested in this area. We're talking about North Loop being kind of like a high turnover place or whatever.
Starting point is 00:19:22 What other places were around here? Like, is this an old... old, you guys came to, I mean, I assume you didn't come to a lot because we were making fun of a friend that lived over by where home slice is now. And you'd be like, well, I don't wanna drive all the way up there. Like, here's a go.
Starting point is 00:19:34 Er, Er, early, after a while. I started coming over here a little more. If it went to parlor was here, we would come here. Came here at time. Very regularly. I used to go, I went to workhorse a lot. I went to the parlor a lot. I've been to room service one million times.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Like I have a sofa in my bedroom from room service. There's another bar right over there that's kind of nice. Oh, drink well? Drink well. Yeah. Went to there. That's a little bit. I mean, in the grand scheme of things, that's newer than the other stuff.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Yes. A little newer. There's a place across the street called Big Burthas, which I think is the worst name for a clothing antique store. I've never been there. Go in there, you will be blown away. You think it's just like an old vintage shop where you're gonna get like a fucking gigam shirt
Starting point is 00:20:18 for $30 or a Willie Nelson t-shirt. Everything in there is like vintage Louis Vuitton. Oh, weird. V vintage like Gucci Chanel. It's very expensive in that place. Really? The name of the store does no justice to what they have inside. It is incredible.
Starting point is 00:20:32 I do like a whatever. Now very expensive in there. Really nice stuff. Bertha's got an expensive taste. She does. Jesus. Big dollar. Big dollar Bertha.
Starting point is 00:20:41 They had to abbreviate it. Big money Bertha. Yeah, on the sign. But this place specifically we're at double trouble. There's not this area. Yeah, this used to be a Mediterranean place called Ferras, which I never went to. No, I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:20:52 I was never open. Yeah, I think it was like a nighttime dinner. It was always open to weird hours. Yeah, but it was here for a long time. Supposedly very good. Yeah, never got a chance to check it out. I don't know why, but I guess it's weird hours. Just never over here. Then of course out. I don't know why, but I guess it's weird hours.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Just never over here. Then of course, E-Pock down the road been there many times. It's also vintage stores over there too, next to E-Pock. You mentioned a bar Tigris, right across the street. Tigris is where I took Emily on her first date. Oh, is that right? Yeah, even though I was sober at that point. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:21:21 So she could have a cocktail. If you ever get a chance, if you're ever in Austin, you wanna have an awesome experience at a quiet tucked away, very well curated bar. There's a lady that works in there. There's like maybe eight seats in all of Tigris. I haven't been there in six years, so it could have changed. But there's like maybe eight to 10 seats in all of Tigris. It's very small and they make like two cocktails a day.
Starting point is 00:21:43 And she's like, this is what we're serving today. And it's the lady just makes them very meticulously in front of you. She's like a genius. She's like an alcohol wizard. And she makes these wonderful drinks. And then you just sit in there and just soak up the vibe. It's an awesome, awesome place.
Starting point is 00:21:58 It was one of the first bars I ever went to when I was here. I stayed with Jordan Swearz and him and his now wife were like, oh, we want to take you to this oh, let's check this place out. Let's go to Tigris. And it's like, okay, and it was so, I'd never been to this part of Austin, driving through all this stuff or whatever, and then going to that place and I was just like,
Starting point is 00:22:16 what the, where the fuck am I? I'd only ever been downtown, you know what I mean? If you're ever wondering, like if you're not from Austin, you're trying to get a handle on what this area is. It is very much like a corridor that goes east to west that begins, I would say like the vintage antique zone of Austin, and you go through North Loop and there's a ton, and then you,
Starting point is 00:22:37 North Loop runs into Burnett, and then you can go south or north on Burnett, and there'll be another 20 antique stores or vintage stores up and down those road. That roads. Come right on down, drive by the cemetery, grab a cool shirt, a cup of coffee and a cocktail. It's just, there's very like...
Starting point is 00:22:50 Oh, monkey wrench books. Oh yeah, it's right over there. I should say, it's like an anarchist, anti-establishment bookstore. They have like a zine library. If you wanna go get like stock up on Howard's Inn, that's the place to go. It's a really interesting place. We have friends that used to work there.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Yeah. For bin fruits right over there. For bin fruits right over there, if you want to get a legally purchased dildo. Psh. What? It used to be illegal in Texas for a while. It was a weird thing.
Starting point is 00:23:17 A bunch of fucking weird assets. Calls still does. Well, luckily, they really got their act together here in Texas. I got it. I'll figure it out. This episode of Anima is sponsored by BetterHelp. Luckily, they really got their act together here in Texas. I got it. I'll figure it out. This episode of ANMA is sponsored by BetterHelp. This time of year can be a lot. It's only natural to feel some sadness or anxiety as we near the end of the year and of course the holiday season.
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Starting point is 00:24:27 but there's a better way to break your bad habits. We're not talking about some dark magic from your eccentric neighbor. We're talking about our sponsor FUME, and they look at the problem in a different way. Not everything in a bad habit is wrong, so instead of a drastic uncomfortable change, why not just remove the bad from your habit?
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Starting point is 00:26:55 anima. The discount is auto applied on checkout no code necessary. That's slash anima for up to 50% off. I tried to renew my driver's license yesterday. How'd it go? Not well. Why? What do you mean not well?
Starting point is 00:27:13 So I tried to do it online and they were like, is it expired? No, it expired in February. But they can't do it online and I know everyone always bitches that it takes forever to get an appointment so I'm going to take care of this early. Why couldn't you do it online? They just told me I couldn't do it online. Okay. You always bitches that it takes forever to get an appointment. So I was like, I'm gonna take care of this early. Why couldn't you do it online? They just told me I couldn't do it online. Okay. You're in a new picture?
Starting point is 00:27:28 I guess so. I think everyone's all they wanna see in person. Yeah, so like. Just check up on you. See how you're looking. Month and a half ago I got the alert. So I made an appointment and appointment was yesterday. Okay, fine, whatever.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Show up at my appointment. They have, you know, you walk in, pull a number, fill out little paperwork. Wait, like even though you have an appointment, wait half an hour, they call me up and they're like, okay, I'm like, here's my form. There's the woman's like, where's your license, here's my license. She's like, okay, where's your proof of legal status? Like what? She goes, oh, you know, like your anniversary typical to your passport or something? It's like, well, I don't have that. It's like, oh yeah, since 2019,
Starting point is 00:28:06 if you're renewing your license in person, we need to see your like proof of legal status in the United States. Like, well, I was born here in Austin. You have it, it's my gyro's life. Yeah, that's one of this. And she's like, yeah, that doesn't count. It's like, don't worry, we'll just reschedule
Starting point is 00:28:19 you can come back, I'll get to the next available appointments. That's very cool, no big deal. She's like, how does December 8th work for you? I was like, all right, it's fine. Like I said, it doesn't expire to February. That's why I'm getting ahead of it. I was like, all right, that's fine. A month, next appointment, a month away.
Starting point is 00:28:33 Yeah, it's cool, no big deal. So I gotta get my fucking birth certificate or passport or some shit to renew my driver's license for some reason. Do you think that's why they want to see you in person? Just have a look and go. That's probably why. Let me see that documentage. Gustavo a look and go. That's probably why. Let me see that document.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Yeah, Gustavo, a little lift, next time I'm there. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. This is me, little. Did they put you in the soror look? Yeah, they're like, that sounds pretty fucking shitty, dude. Yeah, so this is a cautionary tale for you guys. If you need to, when you need to renew your license, Jeff with a G is a little ethnic sounding too, so just giving your heads up.
Starting point is 00:29:05 I guess anyone listening in the state of Texas, you may have to do that at some point. I'm good until 2031. Oh, you're set. Yeah. You'll be dead by then. Yeah. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Yeah. That is a one nice thing. The licenses are good for a long time. It'll be hopefully good for a lot longer than I live in Austin, so. We'll see. But, man, what a pain in the ass, that whole process is. And I only mention that because that is Austin related.
Starting point is 00:29:31 I just had to renew my registration. Same kind of thing. I couldn't renew it online. The current registration. Couldn't renew it online. There used to be a drive-through over on airport, where you can just drive through. That's closed down. You can only do it by going in person on Cameron Road.
Starting point is 00:29:44 So I had to go do the, like it was 1997 again. I was trying to pay my cable bill. It was fucking annoying. That's crazy. That's funny, you say, I have memories like of being a kid going my mom to pay, like the cable bill, I had a drive through at the cable building downtown.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Like, what a fucking stupid way to do things. Today's the day we're going to drive around town and go to all the places at Pay Our Bills. I'm so happy that ended right as I became an adult. I had probably three years of it. Like when I lived in clean in the army, there was a day every month I'd go and I'd pay the gas bill and then I would go drive to pay the electric bill and then you would pay your car insurance and you just fucking go around town going to buildings and standing in line just to give people money.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Yeah, but I will say it's so normal. I, I, there is something I hate about being playing our builds online now, specifically the gas bill here in Austin. Okay. Anytime you pay your fucking gas bill, they're like, oh, that's a 3.95 convenience fee on top of it. So convenient.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Like, I mean, I'm glad I don't have to drive and go do this in person, but 3.95 really? Also, it's like, even if you don't use any gas, all the service charges everyone, you're paying a minimum of $25. Go, go pay it in person. Say I'm keeping the 395. Yeah, I should.
Starting point is 00:30:56 That would be chill. Yeah, give them a check. You'll go to Texas gas service and they'll go, what are you doing? You're like, I'm here to pay my bills. I don't want to pay an opinions fee. And then like, we haven't taken money in person in 15 years. We don't have a right to check.
Starting point is 00:31:07 That's a great idea. I don't want to check book. No, either you have a check book. Absolutely. No. Yeah, I do too. I was wondering where the cutoff was. I don't.
Starting point is 00:31:16 I used to. I think what if you have to write a check? When do I do that? I had to write a check recently. What I have to write a check for? I go to the bank and I say, hey, I need a check for this amount and they go, okay, and then I've done that once this year.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Don't think it all last year. The year before I had to go to the bank, I think two times. I bet I write five checks a year probably. Really? I write about 15 to 20. Really? Yeah. I definitely write a few. What are you writing for? Oh, it's your use. Yeah. I had to write a check for I think I had to write a check for my windows. Well, I got my windows fixed. Pay the guy cash, they get it done a little bit faster. Cash in hand. A little bit of cash. A 3,300, 2600.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Well, a little faster. I had to pay some wedding stuff in check. Really? No, I think about it. I think when I feel like just dealing with government stuff it had to be checked, but no, even that, I had to do it. You don't, it's card.
Starting point is 00:32:17 You don't write a check to the IRS. I have a guy. He writes it for you. Don't worry about where my money goes 3300 2600 Don't worry about what I say department of treasury. Let's talk here. I got some cash you need some cash Let's work it out. Yeah, it's I I'm glad to see it going away Do you remember in did you have to take check writing in school?
Starting point is 00:32:46 No. Like it was a part of general math one year. We had to learn how to write checks and balance a budget. I was in like maybe eighth grade or ninth grade. That actually sounds useful. I wish they were teaching. I didn't like that. That's how I learned how to balance my checkbook.
Starting point is 00:32:57 I did that in like sixth grade. Yeah. I want to say I did it in ninth grade like, idiot math. My parents taught me how to do it. I figured that's how everyone learned. Well, not everybody get to grow up with such a healthy, you know, just dad together.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Just like I got to learn about the birds and the bees. That's why your mom is dead showing you. Yeah. Hey son, get a load of this. Oh no. We're about to make your sister. Yeah. It's the thing you see now, you're talking about, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:26 the check books going away, whatever. It's the same when people go like, yeah, these kids don't even know how to write a letter. And it's like, we're like mail a letter. And it's like, how often do you fucking mail a letter? The thing I've been seeing online is Taylor Swift to do out and came out, it's on a CD. And it's these girls who are probably like 11,
Starting point is 00:33:43 trying to figure out how to play it, opening the case and how to get it out and the thing to put it in and how it works and which side is up and down. And then it's people like, it's like their parents like filming, they're like, they don't know how to use a CD and I guess that's the novelty of this thing that was so,
Starting point is 00:33:59 everywhere for me, they don't know how to do it. It's like, right, I think you didn't teach them, they don't know how to do, that's crazy. But that's just technology. Give them a cassette, they don't wanna how to do it. It's like, right, I think you didn't teach them. They don't know how to do. That's crazy. But that's just technology. Yeah. Like give them a cassette. They don't want to fucking use that either. But like you shouldn't.
Starting point is 00:34:09 It's not, these are dead mediums. It's not useful information. The people recording their daughters going, they don't know how you use a CD. Put an ink ribbon in a typewriter. You dipshit. Yeah, no kidding. Like this is how this thing works.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Or it's like, okay, navigate Snapchat, you don't have to do it. Yeah. You fucking dumbass. I think you're all high in mind, because you know how to use a fucking cassette. Yeah, because you figured it, because your kid taught you how to film something on TikTok. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:34 You didn't figure that out on your own. I filmed, I probably helped you post this. Yeah, I was, I filmed this of you. How do I post it? Yeah, what, make it popular. Hey, can we add a viral to that? How do you, we want this video to go viral. I'm thinking about making probably about five viral videos.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Yeah, make sure we get a cool bear first. That'll be our first appearance after this gets posted. Now how do I make people see this? Awesome. Is the president gonna see it? Is your grandma gonna see it? But in that order, make sure the president sees it and then your grandma sees it.
Starting point is 00:35:08 But there are like, you know, thinking back about old technologies, like you mentioned cassettes and for some reason, maybe think about this, like there were a lot of little like stupid tricks and hacks you needed to know with some of that stuff. Like VHS tapes and cassettes shared that little notch at the back for like record protection.
Starting point is 00:35:24 So you wouldn't record over it, but it's like you could, if you had like a piece of tape, you could put it over that we could be able to record on it again. We're just like, I can't remember the last time I had to do that. I was probably like, it was probably 30 years ago the last time I had to do something like that. Uh-oh. And by default, every movie you bought had the little notch out. Yeah, that you would not have been recorded over. But then sometimes you'd be like, now this movie sucks. It's worth more as a blank pit for me. And by default, every movie you bought had the little notch out so that you would not be recording. But then sometimes you'd be like, now this movie sucks.
Starting point is 00:35:46 It's worth more as a blank pit for me. Didn't the dead Kennedys have a blank side to one of their cassettes? I think so. It was just like, like steal all the people's music, like this side intentional, a blank killed a recording industry. Yeah, yeah. That sounds right, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:59 I'm pretty sure that's right. Yeah. I remember doing that when I was a kid, like making mixtapes off the radio for songs that I liked. People are age gotta be so fucking careful not to be such dipshit about that stuff. I remember when we were at the textbook, I took a call early on, I was probably just about, just about hidden level two.
Starting point is 00:36:18 I took a call from a guy who was probably in the 70s or 80s, who was an older gentleman, and he was having trouble typing in this password and I helped him do it and he was just really nice guy. And this one is memories that imprints on you for the rest of your life and the guy was talking to me about it
Starting point is 00:36:34 and he was like, you know, it probably seems pretty silly to you that I'm having trouble with something so simple as a password error and I have to agree with you, but I wanna give you a caution here, I wanna give you a bit of warning so I'm the one that I was like, okay, he's like, how old are you?
Starting point is 00:36:46 I'm like, I'm 23 and he's like, all right, I was in 1965, one of the 50 smartest people in America on computers. I helped design the punch card system. I knew computers backwards and forwards. I was on the bleeding edge of technology. And here I am just 50 years later or 40 years later, and I can't type in a password because I didn't understand the caps lock key.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Be careful, this is your future. He was like, just don't ever lose sight of that. You're so smart right now, you understand this technology, there will be a point in your life when technology passes you by, and you're in the same boat as I am. And I just want to thank you for treating me with respect and being gentle with me and kind with me because a lot of kids your age aren't.
Starting point is 00:37:32 And you guys are all in for the Sunday. Everybody thinks that they're on top of the ball, but at some point it's going to flip and you're going to be me. And I just hope that the people that you have to talk to are as nice to you as you were to me, which I thought was a really sweet call from the guy, but I still think about that all the time. And I can feel it happening. I've been feeling it happened for about 10 years.
Starting point is 00:37:51 At first it's joke, at first like, that's funny, or that's stupid. And then it's like, oh wait, it's just happening more and more and more and more. It gets away from you very quickly. That's crazy, but the march of time, right? Time marches on. It is what it is.
Starting point is 00:38:05 I mean, it's what you just said about like, I don't know, I navigate Snapchat, you tip shit. That's exactly what it is. Yeah, man, this is a busy street. This is like a van parked out there. There was a UPS going into the living. There's a semi out there now. A lot of antiques got unloaded.
Starting point is 00:38:20 This is not a very big street. It's like, no, one lane in the direction and a turn lane in the middle and kind of curving. But don't worry, when you try to park and you can't park there, you have to back out into where you can't see. So that way you can park in another spot where you're not allowed to park.
Starting point is 00:38:31 So you can back out where you can't see. Yeah, it's great. So just park around the corner. And there's a used appliance store. You can pick up a washing machine. I almost bought a washing machine there. Yeah, but I went like, I think my wife's gonna go, not gonna feel good about me buying a used washing machine.
Starting point is 00:38:45 You can solve what I used to do when I was younger and I wanted to buy a washing machine, is I would go to like, maybe not a used washing machine place, but like a place that sold dinged up washing machines. These to be a place over here on Lamar, I was like, this old new washing machines that nobody wanted, is like, oh, in shipment, this one got a huge dent in the side.
Starting point is 00:39:03 So now it's like half price, like it's a perfectly fine washing machine. I get, I know, but he wants to pay the full price for it. It's like, I'll pay half price for a dendro washing machine. That's the same thing. Yeah, grew up across the street from, this is a San Diego thing.
Starting point is 00:39:15 I think there were two or three locations that's a store called GTM. And it had, you waved it at people? Someone weaved to me. It just had stuff that essentially, stuff that like, oh, this Captain Crunchbox got beat up. And then it's just a store full of the stuff
Starting point is 00:39:30 they couldn't sell at Kroger or Vons or whatever. And growing up across the street from that, we go all the time and that's where we got much food and they had that stuff. They had Xbox 360 controllers. I don't know why. Like the brand Xbox 360 actual controllers for like 15 bucks.
Starting point is 00:39:48 And it was like, crazy. I met the guy who started it. And I'm like, man, I grew up here. And I never knew GTM. I don't know what it stands for. He's like, I don't know if it's San for anything. It is just letters that we were like, no, it is what it is, but he's like,
Starting point is 00:40:02 but I'll let you know. I always say get the money. And I'm like, this is my kind of place. Those places are so few and far between now. Yeah, I'll really? They were, they were so infrequent. I think in like the 90s and like early 2000s, there aren't a lot of like those, this thing fell off the truck, kind of places.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Yeah, yeah. I don't know why. Around the corner from here on Lamar, it's like a couch place now. That used to be a big warehouse. That's where I bought like my dented washing machine like that It was just a giant warehouse. I was like these are all brand new washing machines. They're all a little fucked up But you can get one here Emily's parents have had the same washer and dryer her entire life really yeah It's got there. It's going on like 40 years old They're just old ugly metal, metal, like washer and dryer
Starting point is 00:40:45 that just, I think the roll pull or whatever, but there is no circuit board on them. And so they just work. And anytime it breaks, they can be repaired. It's very mechanical. Yeah, it's just, and her mom swears by them, and they fucking, they've had them, I saw them hump them from Oregon to Michigan.
Starting point is 00:40:59 They're still going strong. Buy a for life, I guess. Yeah, pretty much. That's crazy. I just think it's from new ones, but why? If it still works, it cares. I have ones that, I guess. Yeah, pretty much. That's crazy. I just think it gets me new ones, but why, if it still works, it cares. I have ones that I bought four years ago that suck shit.
Starting point is 00:41:09 Yeah, mine. That I've already had to have repaired ones. Yeah, and that's the way it's not built to last Samsung. There, there, there, there, sometimes there are nice things about it. Like, I will say, the washing machine I have now, connects to my Wi-Fi, so it it's done, it lets me know. Like I get an alert on my phone, like,
Starting point is 00:41:26 hey, washing machine's done. So if you don't hear it, it's time. Mine goes, ding dong! And I go, oh, I can hear it, it's done. We have. R is plays a little song, we call it the washing machine song. And that's how you know it's done. Weird.
Starting point is 00:41:42 What a weird podcast. Hey, I actually want to give an update on something and then we should talk about podcast. Hey, we should, I actually wanna give an update on something and then we should talk about this. Oh yes. Pause for dramatic effect. Yeah. You can't see the stuff he's doing with his hands. All gimmicks is closed.
Starting point is 00:41:54 What? So, at the end of October, all gimmicks close down because they're finding a brick and mortar shop to open up a new area. You scared me. Lead with their moving. So are they?
Starting point is 00:42:10 Are they? No, remember fools. Because all gimmicks just operates outside of their brewery. Is the brewery still around? Yeah, cider or whatever. Yeah, so I think that place is still there. I seem to just want to expand and reclaim that space. And I think that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:42:23 And so all gimmicks is finding on they on their Instagram, they said, hey, October 29th is our last day. I wish we would have gone. I didn't know about it till after. But it's our last day and we're, hopefully it'll be a quick move as we move into a brick and mortar store. When they do that, we should go.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Oh my God, absolutely. It doesn't say, I don't have any information. So I keep it pretty close to the vessel, we'll have to see. Oh, speaking of, there's another coffee shop, Emily's friend owns Figure 8 coffee. Yeah. That place over there. Yeah, and she just opened up a new location
Starting point is 00:42:50 over on Airport by the grand, and they just had their grand opening. I went to their grand opening, actually. Oh. The grand opening. The grand is already open. The grand is already open, though. But anyway, we should go to the new figure
Starting point is 00:43:01 area, either at some point. It's so close to here. Yeah, so like airport in 35. Yeah, we'll have to the new figure. I got there at some point. It's so close to here. Yeah, so run it like airport in 35. Yeah, we'll have to record it at the office because unless we're gonna just not part of it. Yeah, I used to. There's nothing to record.
Starting point is 00:43:11 I used to live like right behind the grand, which was cool. But boy, they ain't fucking nothing there. Why aren't you trapped in your house once because there was a form of bees going on the street? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And it was just like, don't come out.
Starting point is 00:43:21 Do not come out. And then the bees have taken over. Yeah, the bees were flying everywhere and then the parents landed in my front yard and Bernie said come out, do not come out. And then the bees have taken over. The bees were flying everywhere and then the parents landed in my front yard and Bernie said, oh, that's good luck. And I went, that's made up. That's stupid.
Starting point is 00:43:32 The only other thing over there, it's the grand, there's a toy joy over there, I think. And then the omelterie, which is gotta be the most overrated restaurant. The suit peddler's there. The suit peddler, yeah. There's to be a today's style there. I don't know if it's this is. Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 00:43:45 So fucking bummed. Go living there, going to the military and going. Suck. This sucks. Suck. Because that would have been the spot every day to go over and get a cup of coffee and a waffle or whatever. And you just go, this sucks.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Most canned as tomatoes. Yeah, how the fuck? How? How? And it's one of those beloved places. Like they moved and it was a big deal. It used to be over on Burn It a little more. I think it was Burn It.
Starting point is 00:44:08 And it was a big deal when they moved to that spot and everything. And I ate it both and I just, I never got it. I never understood what people loved it so much. So they were over kind of by where that top drawer place is across the street, I think. Which moved? Oh, top drawer moved. That's right. And I think Austin's diner used to be where
Starting point is 00:44:25 Voodoo Donut is now, which used to be Lucy's fried chicken. And then Austin's diner moved down. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Like over by, that's in the Choo Sando place. It's over where that H-Mart is gonna be, right? Yeah, yeah. That seems small for an H-Mart, doesn't it?
Starting point is 00:44:39 It seems really small. Small parking lot for an H-Mart. It was a savers before. Yeah. And so it's decent size, but for an H-Wire, it seems like it's really tiny. But I go to that Austin Diner all the time. I really like Austin Diner, right?
Starting point is 00:44:50 I did too. I did too. You did so good. I didn't even know. I went there, we went with Blaine and his girlfriend. We went to Austin Diner and then as we were leaving, there was no one in like two and Blaine. Do you know about this place?
Starting point is 00:45:04 And he went, no, I'm like, Gus likes it. And he went, oh, I gotta get something. The other day I went, my wife and I went, and we're like, let's just pick it something early. Like, let's go when they first open, that we just get it, because it doesn't need to be hot necessarily. We showed up like right when they opened
Starting point is 00:45:16 like a 10 or whatever, there was a line. No way. Going down the shopping center. We waited in line, maybe half an hour or so. Like I'll tell you before we got our food and we're able to leave. It was fucking, I don't know if someone posted something online or like people are like onto that place now, it is busy. It's fucking hopping. Wow. So order ahead. Hmm. It's crazy how, and this is gonna date this, but this is, this is a coming out for like a couple of weeks.
Starting point is 00:45:40 When you have influencers who are big in like a food space or whatever and they give a stamp of approval to like a really small place and all of a sudden it blows up. It's happening in Atlanta. Just like, oh my god. It's a big thing right? Yeah. Yeah. Keith Lee and he went to go eat it like these brunch spots in Atlanta and like they wouldn't
Starting point is 00:46:00 like see him and his like his family and all this stuff. But it was like they were trying to give him preferential treatment and all this stuff, but it was like, they were trying to give him preferential treatment and he's like, I'm just a regular guy there, people waiting for like an hour and a half to come eat with the service as fucking terrible all this stuff and he's just like, it's not like he's fucking railing against them,
Starting point is 00:46:16 it's just a lot of people holding him up and go like everything he's saying of what people know about what's happening in Atlanta, but he seems like a really cool guy. Also, he's like an MMA fighter. So like, really fucking crazy. But when he gives like a place, like a stamp of approval, all of a sudden,
Starting point is 00:46:31 it's people going like, we had this restaurant for like nine months and we were really struggling. He came, he ate here, and he just said, hey, I like this place. Come if you live in like the area, and it's aligned out the corner around the corner, and it's like the nicest thing.
Starting point is 00:46:42 It's so cool. Just spreading that because I don't think people have the awareness of what's going on in their area, in their town, just in a word of mouth. So when someone like that does something, it really pops it off, and it's very cool. Franklin barbecue, when it opened up, it was a trailer. Kind of in an area town that I was,
Starting point is 00:47:00 it was kind of close to where I lived, so I could go there fairly easily. And I eat there, I don't know, a dozen times in the first like eight months they were open and it was always empty. He was always just standing. You could talk to Aaron forever because he was lonely and bored. And then Anthony Bourdain ate there. And it was like somebody flipped a switch. And instantly there was a line down the block and you could never eat there again. And it was really just like that one moment
Starting point is 00:47:28 and it everything changed. Yeah, I used to go there all the time too and like I remember one time like I wore a dismemberment plan shirt and I was like getting some food. And he was like, oh, you know, dismembered plan, did you see them? Like we just started talking about times
Starting point is 00:47:38 we see them in Austin, like shows we'd been to because there was no line. Like there was nobody there. It's like, we just shot the shit for like 15 minutes while the dismembered plan is like, all right, let me get your food, you know, yeah, puts together and they're like, all right, I'm going to take this and go eat.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Easy. Yeah, then now it's like, now people like line up at dawn, wait three or four hours to get in that place. Fucking wild. We should talk about double trouble. Well, what do you guys think of double trouble as a as a spot in the coffee and everything? It's like rolls.
Starting point is 00:48:00 I love it. Coffee's so good. I love it. I've been here, like I said. Yeah, I've been here four times in the last two weeks now. I've written some of the porno here. That's for another show. Don't worry about it.
Starting point is 00:48:13 We're so close to the studio, man. I feel like I should just come work out of here. You'll see me. I sit in the window facing the street. You got my phone? Yeah, they got my phone. Okay, take my meetings here. Yeah. Absolutely. I've been working Yeah, they got my wife on. Okay, take my meetings here. Yeah. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:48:25 No, seriously. I've been working here and at Bartlett's lately. There's the two spots. You got a coffee and a taco. Yeah. So like I mentioned last episode, daylight savings just happened. So I'm a little, a little hungier, a little earlier.
Starting point is 00:48:40 Uh huh. I decided to try a vegan taco. It's like a tempi bacon, tofu scramble taco. And I make tofu scramble myself sometimes. This is not how I make it typically, but this is still really good. It was excellent, vegan taco. And I got a hot American.
Starting point is 00:48:54 The taco, we're not here to talk about that. Right. The taco's just there. So should we mention that the food controversy for this place? Are you familiar with it? Oh, I forgot about that. So it's a vegan place.
Starting point is 00:49:06 What? It was a vegan place. And when it opened up, they had a partnership with, I guess the vegan nom was running the kitchen. The local kitchen. Yeah, and I guess they decided they wanted to also serve eggs in the morning, but prepare them on a different grill and stuff.
Starting point is 00:49:20 And the vegan nom was like, that is not what we're about. So they pulled out and they had like this Instagram like argument between the two establishments. And I guess now their vegan stuff is run by zucchini kill, which we mentioned, right down the street, which we mentioned in the last episode. Yeah. So it's still largely vegan.
Starting point is 00:49:36 I think they just have some eggs in their breakfast tacos. That's it. What it looked like to me, I forgot, so I didn't pay attention to the meat very much. It looked like the menu was split down in half. The left side was all the vegan stuff and the right side had like, had egg. That a lot of vegan stuff.
Starting point is 00:49:48 Yeah, it was a lot of vegan talk. I picked the first one on the list. I think they're pretty, the way more vegan than egg in this place. That's what it seems like for sure. Everyone's really nice also. Yeah, they're lovely. They're really friendly.
Starting point is 00:50:00 They're really cool. It's best really rules. We came right at like what, 10, and it was like not crowded inside. Few people working inside. Few people in like the back. We found a quite spot in the back. Just middle of the day or whatever.
Starting point is 00:50:10 And it's really nice. What do you think? What do you rate the coffee? This coffee's like, man, I don't know, a 9.5 somewhere. It's so good. I'm gonna give, I guess Barrett's coffee, right? I'm gonna give it like a 9.2. I've loved every cup of coffee I've had here.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Yeah, I was at 10. This is the beans are so good. The beans are, like as we leave, they have Barrett's coffee here, and now I can just grab some on the way out, and I don't have to drive down a Barrett's and fight for parking since we're in park here. Yeah, I do love Barrett's isn't far from here.
Starting point is 00:50:41 No, it's great to go there, but the parking is just... That's it. We mentioned parking stuff here too, but we're already parked. We had a little grouse fest in the car on the way here. I was talking about how I'm considering not going to Barrett's anymore, because I'm just sick of trying to park there. And even here, you can go park in the neighborhood. It's not a far walk.
Starting point is 00:50:56 When I had to park in the neighborhood of Barrett's, it's a bit of a hole. Yeah, back there. I don't know if you noticed, the neighborhood parking here is really packed. Like, both sides of the street have tons of cars on it. There's a lot of people who walk out here to this area. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:06 Do what we did. Yep. It's great. Also, if you have a family, there is a like protected little like kids playground off kind of tucked away. I say protected and it's like there's only one entrance and exit so your kids can't get lost.
Starting point is 00:51:19 And it's really cute and adorable and a great little. Look kind of like the play spot. I can't see it very well from here, but it looks kind of like the play spot over at a home spot. It's very similar, very similar. Yeah, it's great. I mean, it's, it's a, we've never been here, during Biden million times.
Starting point is 00:51:34 Can I come here more often? Yeah, sure. Especially with Barrett's beans. Check this place out, if you're in town. I mean, especially if you want to see some different part of Austin. This is definitely a different part. Also, this a bit of a time capsule spot.
Starting point is 00:51:46 If you want to experience the feeling of what Austin was like in the 96 when us and I were falling in love with it, it feels very much still like Old Austin. Yeah, for sure. There's not many spots like this. There was a section of Burnett that I felt like held on for a long time and that's really starting to slip away as well.
Starting point is 00:52:03 I would say here and over where in Crestview where Little Delias, that little shopping center, that's about it, there's really not much left. Well, come on down to double trouble, but we should get into an air geek question. You can send a question at Anima Podcast, Twitter and on Instagram, our Sashima Podcast, a subreddit we don't run,
Starting point is 00:52:20 but you can leave your questions there also, before we get to it, this is the last episode in our run. So the next two will be me and Jeff doing supplemental episodes, shorter pieces and stuff. And then we'll be back with more episodes for our next run. Winter, everything. Yeah, hey, winter is coming. We work for Warner, so we have to contractually obligated
Starting point is 00:52:40 to say that. Oh, no. This is a question from Brendan Tate on Twitter. Jeff, do you remember writing bikes with Gavin about 10 years ago? No. All right. Good question. No.
Starting point is 00:52:55 I mean, I'm assuming we must have, but no. Okay. That's the whole question? Yeah. No. Okay. Yeah, I'm afraid I don't. They go, okay. Yeah, I'm afraid I don't they go Brenda next question is from
Starting point is 00:53:07 Mary gold monkey Are there any you really don't remember? I know okay, all right. I wish I did I if we did ride bikes nothing of consequence happened Okay, I mean if you say so that's fine Mary gold monkey asking this question on the subreddit, are there any local urban legends in Austin that you have witnessed firsthand? Austin urban legends.
Starting point is 00:53:32 Are there any Austin urban legends? Other than Bernie telling me the parents are good luck. I have witnessed the parents firsthand. We do have the... The Monk paracates. The Monk paracates. I guess the serial killer is an urban legend, but I haven't experienced it yet. Not yet, give it time. We're in a street color. The monkey parakeets. I guess the serial killer is an urban legend, but I haven't experienced it yet.
Starting point is 00:53:46 Not yet. Give it time for any street killer. Yeah. That's not. The race street killer is drunk. Tech bros falling over the edge of a bridge into the water and going, which way is up? That's all it is. Yeah, that's definitely urban legend.
Starting point is 00:54:00 Urban legend. I know. I think the close you get to urban legend was back then or in the past would be like running into a public access personality in person. Like it would be like, oh did you know Alex Jones is here. It's a girl from Raw Time. Raw Time. Yeah, I can't really think of. I guess Leslie was kind of a legend when he was around.
Starting point is 00:54:26 But he was like a real tangible person. It's not like a, he's not like a wear bat or whatever they're looking for here. I feel like, you know, that mythos and the stories about him have changed over time. I feel like in, now that he's no longer around, he's larger than life. A lot more fondly than he,
Starting point is 00:54:44 than he they experienced in person. He was a bit life. A lot more fondly than you, they experienced him in person. He was a bit of a prick. I mean, the closest that we have for something, here's like, Marfell lights and everything like that, right? That's not Austin, but that's the closest I can think. I just don't know of any that are like, ask Redweb. I don't know of any Austin urban legends.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Yeah, I don't either. I think maybe like one I can think of, they say that there's that one of those tall buildings downtown, the Norwood building. It's like on Congress in eighth or ninth, it's like a tall white building. Yeah. That like there's like a mansion on top of it.
Starting point is 00:55:17 I've never noticed it. I guess like the guy who built it wanted to build his wife a palace in the sky. So he put like a big house on top of what was the tallest building at the time in downtown Austin. I don't know if it's true or not. It's like one of those things you hear word of mouth. There are like three single family homes over there,
Starting point is 00:55:32 like on Congress, he wouldn't know about. We're like one on six, and then like, yeah, yeah. Like one of you has a pool, really? Yeah. Follow up question from the same user. You have any squirrel updates in your backyard? So no, not squirrel updates, but raccoons.
Starting point is 00:55:48 Raccoons are the new squirrels. Early is the new late and raccoons is the new squirrels. So I've got a dog, Oswald. And you know, whenever he goes out and he, you know, takes a dump, I pick it up, little baggies, and I used to have like a bucket. I would just sit on them in the backyard. And then when it crashed, I'd empty the bucket into the trash can.
Starting point is 00:56:07 Raccoon started coming around, rooting around in the bucket. Like, okay, I can't do this anymore. So I had to get a trash can with a lid. Like a little one that you like, I got it from my kids, like a little one. You step on a button and then it opens up and you put the baggies in there. It's time you eat the raccoons for about a year. They've learned to tip it over. The past three or four nights in a row, they've tipped it over and they take the baggies out and
Starting point is 00:56:30 they rip them up and they eat whatever they can find in there. So last night, yesterday I decided to fill the little trash can with cinnamon because raccoons don't like cinnamon. They didn't tip it over last night. They had tipped it over like three nights in a row. They didn't tip it over last night. So I think I'm back on top again. Cinnamon. They brought a toy for my dog. To distract it. I was out of town for a while. I told you I was.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Fucking TV is raccoon and shit. I was overseas for a week or two. And when I came back, there was like one of those ball dog toys were like little spikes on it that they grabbed, and it was just like right in the middle of my backyard. I was like, that's weird. The raccoons, I saw my security camera, they brought it and left it there.
Starting point is 00:57:15 We were back for like a day or two, and I was like, what the hell is this thing? So I kicked it off the grass, put it onto like off of my property, and the raccoons came that night, they brought it back, put it back in the middle of my lawn again. So I kicked it off again, and then they took it away. Like I don't know where it went.
Starting point is 00:57:30 They came back in the middle of the night, I saw it in my security camera. They took their ball and went home. I don't know what they're doing. They're up to something. You get it. There's a raccoon jamboree in my backyard every night. There's like eight of them that come around.
Starting point is 00:57:41 Dude, you're gonna lay down in your pillow one night in like three months, and you're gonna feel something hard, and you're gonna move your pillow and that ball is gonna be the The pillow is just gonna be a raccoon So no no real squirrel updates, but a raccoon's man. They are they're all up in my business lately That is insane. They want to fight me. I think they they they they started to make peace Yeah, they were trying and then peace was not an option. Interesting. Um, got shot as violence. Yeah, no kidding.
Starting point is 00:58:08 Well, get a, give a little eight episode run. Some up and down coffee, but good one to end on. I'm happy we had some down coffee. We had too many ups for a while. Yeah, the coffee was too good. Don't you hate that? Yeah, that's the worst. But then it's like, you can enjoy the good
Starting point is 00:58:24 if you don't have some bad to compare contrasting with. I can enjoy the good. Do you want to go to that coffee shop at Congress in Ulterf again then have a cup of coffee there? No, we had coffee people yesterday, I'm good. Well, thanks for listening, we'll be back in a couple of weeks, but don't forget the sub-melanels that me and Jeff will be on the next two weeks.
Starting point is 00:58:41 And check out, we got two new shirts. That's right. Early is the new late and the Anima Brim logo. Or 70s coffee decaffeinated. Decaffeinated Anima. Check it out. But that's short. Yep. At Anima Podcast, Twitter and Instagram, where you can see pictures from this and every other episode of the show, our Sleshi Anima Podcast is the subreddit as well. If you want to drop an anarchy question, we'll start sourcing those again when we get recording, but Gus, Jeff, any parting words as people will hear from you for a couple of weeks?
Starting point is 00:59:09 Come to double trouble, this place rules. You know parting words from me, you'll hear from me for the next couple of weeks. Oh, that's right, okay. Well, talk to you soon, bye. you

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