ANMA - It’s a Mayonnaise Commercial

Episode Date: March 11, 2024

Good morning, Gus! Or afternoon because it's a burger episode. We take it to Mighty Fine burgers at the Arbor Walk for this week's episode. Gus and Geoff talk about Neural Net Guestbook Rudy’s, Lake... Fail, Uno, Dirty Martin’s, First Rated R movies, A second downtown, and Taco Bell. New ANMA coming your way. Check out and sign our guest book or grab a shirt. Sponsored by Fum and Henson Shaving and enter ANMA Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This year, score game-changing innovations with limited time deals on select next-gen Alienware Gaming Tech. Pair your impressive skills with our advanced gaming systems like the Alienware M18 laptop, powered by an Intel Core i9 processor featuring awe-inspiring visuals, liquid cooling, three-dimensional audio with Dolby Atmos, and impressive overclocking potential. Plus, build your dream setup with great deals on select gaming monitors, mice, and more must have electronics and accessories. When you shop online at slash deals, you'll have access to leading edge gaming technology to conquer the competition and free shipping on Everything amazing prices await you for a limited time only at
Starting point is 00:00:54 slash deals that's Alienware comm slash deals. All right. This is an Anna 77 77 is 77. Hello and welcome to another episode. I might have episodes misnumbered on the website We mean I think I posted last week's was seven. I need to check our archive the numbers might be wrong Okay, should we stop down right now? Big deal to him last time was episode 76 and that was Merrick coffee talked about paradise for gentlemen Oh, see it already says 77 in the archive I messed up. That's not right.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Oh gosh. I'm way off. Are you sure this is? Yeah. This is 77? Yeah the last episode that we did was the beginning is okay alright this is episode 76. Why did nobody in the guest book tell me? Well they're all banned.
Starting point is 00:01:39 They're all robots. Yeah nobody can get in. What a weird way to find out that all of our listeners are robots. Nobody can get in. Ha ha ha ha ha. What a weird way to find out that all of our listeners are robots. That is, stop, stop saying, yeah, it banned me for some reason. The reason is you're a robot. Yeah. That's, I mean, I don't know. It banned you because you're not human.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Yeah, I thought it was, it was pretty easy. And it's unfortunate too because I have nothing against robots. I'm fine with them. It's just Gus put the protections in Skynet style. Yeah, I gotta gotta keep the robots. Yeah, they can be in our house, but not on our website That's right. Is it a neural net guestbook? Okay, Kojima calm down The nanites in charge
Starting point is 00:02:20 Metal gear! Skynet's a neural net processor Neural net guestbook. That's the title. This is great. So last time we talked about Austin Music Hall City Expansion, Gus's Escro, Texas City Comparisons, and Murder in El Paso. So much happened. Attempted murder. Attempted murder in El Paso. It's fine, it's fine. That's all last time. But this time it's a burger episode. Take it away! I think somebody on the Rooster Teeth website left a comment on that episode that said,
Starting point is 00:02:48 the El Paso stories came out of nowhere. It was just like, oh yeah, someone tried to kill me. Anyway, yeah, we're here at Mighty Fine up at Arbor Walk. There's a, what, there's like three locations I can think of off the top of my head for Mighty Fine. There's this one, there's the One Sunset Valley, there's the one up in Round Rock by Kia. I feel like I'm missing one. Yeah, Mighty Fine is a local burger chain that is started by the people that run Rudy's Barbecue. It's very... once you... So it's in the Rudy's family.
Starting point is 00:03:19 It's very... it's very apparent. Look at the lines. Think about how the handwashing station... Clean hands, the fucking door kicks everything about this cup I just thought it was like a Texas thing. No, it's no it's Rudy's it It is Rudy's hamburger. This is it set up exactly like Rudy's it's a Rudy's that sells hamburgers The seating is exactly everything's the same hundred this cooler with the ice and the drinks everything. It's genius It's Rudy's.
Starting point is 00:03:45 They just make burgers too. Had no idea. So Rudy's an Austin thing or no? Yeah. No, no, no. Now is it a thing that we claim as an Austin thing? OK. I don't know where it actually is.
Starting point is 00:03:55 We talked about it last time. Yeah, I don't know where it actually is. Somewhere in the Hill Country where it actually started. I want to say Lano, but it's not Lano. Cooper's is Lano. But it's a town like that. But it's close enough where everyone associates it with Austin um, we were driving over here and uh, you know driving through the lot
Starting point is 00:04:12 at austin studios and you know, that's where they film Walker You know the the tv show chaos ranger. Yeah, I think I think they just call it walker now. Yeah, and uh We were talking about how whenever, well, I have an annoyance. Actually, I was talking about this. Like, every day, maybe multiple times a week, on the Austin subreddit, someone's asking, hey,
Starting point is 00:04:35 what's being filmed here? What's being filmed there? Like, they see the trucks and the cameras and everything. Like, what's going on? And inevitably, it's always Walker. Or it's like a whiskey commercial. But yeah, it's usually, Walker's the only production run in consistent. Right. 9 times out of 10, it's always Walker or it's like a whiskey commercial but yeah it's usually like Walker's the only production run in right nine times out of ten it's Walker unless it's some car commercial I think I saw like a
Starting point is 00:04:53 pharmaceutical commercial once I was filmed in Austin but at a bridge Walker is apparently an hour and a half or two hours a week and 60 episodes a season to cover all the filming they do. I mean, there are like seven locations filming at all times in the lesson it feels like. It really does. But there's a uniquely, well, there's a weird phenomenon in the Austin sub-writer.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Whenever someone makes a post asking, what's being filmed here? Like the knee-jerk reaction is, oh, it's a Manny's commercial. It's not just the sub-retin. Like you remember the documentary crew that used to that did like your your documentary those guys That's their bit too. Oh really? Yeah, I learned it from them. Oh See I learned it years ago. I used to live in a neighborhood that had like this how long ago it was
Starting point is 00:05:38 It had a neighborhood listserv or you could get emails and What you love that thing. It was awesome. And one time one of the neighbors asked about something that was filming in the neighborhood and someone responded, it was a Manny's commercial and I thought, oh, I wonder what kind of Manny's it is. Like, I bought it and now I realize, like, oh, it's just been an ongoing thing for years.
Starting point is 00:05:58 What we don't know and where our ignorance is, is we don't know if this is an industry-wide joke or an Austin industry joke right? So we would love it of you the audience knew the answer. Yeah. Yeah. Have you ever heard of a mani's commercial being filmed somewhere? Yeah, no on the guestbook or social media or something on the guestbook Yeah, but I assume every place has that I mean there's other tons of dumb like knee-jerk go-to jokes That like they're like almost like memes that exist even in the Austin subreddit like Trying to trick people right try to trick people to go to the chilies at 45th Lamar's like that's been around forever, too
Starting point is 00:06:34 But there's just like those those tropes that the people who spend a lot of time on these in these communities Use as like as a knee jerk reaction or knee jerk response to lots of inane questions Anyway, if you're wondering what's being filmed in Austin, it's Walker It's true. It's a lot of Walker This is I keep building sets. I have a lot of sets I used to live right by here where we are worth a mighty find at Arbor walk right across Mopak from here There's some apartment complexes. There's an apartment complex there a nice to live there and, um, I moved in.
Starting point is 00:07:06 I was, I think I was the first resident of that unit. It was a brand new apartment. And back then when I lived there, you can see, you can see my window, actually my old window from, uh, from OPEC. When I lived there, none of this was here. This used to be a golf driving range. What? This is also, this is a great shopping complex, but it's fucking hard to get in and out of. It's tough. And I've never played golf, but since I lived so close, I went to play it against sports and I just bought a driver and I
Starting point is 00:07:34 would come over here across the OPEC every now and then just to see if golf is for me. It wasn't. It was not. But yeah, that's like my memory of this. And then they closed down the driving range and now it's all of this It's like a shopping center. You never guess that that was here There's like a small lake back here slash retention pond Yeah, I don't know if it still list is this on Google Maps, but for a long time was listed as Lake fail What yeah, I don't know what I always thought that was really funny
Starting point is 00:08:02 Like fail yeah, FFA IL well they tried yeah, they tried. They tried to be a lake. Just a little lake. But yeah, I lived here for probably a year and a half or two years. Yeah. The thing I remember most about you living there is that we were playing. What's that fatal frame fatal frame? We're playing fatal frame a bunch and it was so fucking scary and then I'd have to leave at like three in the morning to drive home And it was like the scariest drive home after playing fatal frame all night long The game was scary. It was you afraid of being on the road or were you afraid of ghosts getting you and you didn't have a camera to defend yourself Ghost yeah, yeah, I was scared about driving
Starting point is 00:08:41 Yeah, what if they shut up, but now you have a camera phone you should be fine, right? I won't assume we need to update fatal frame now for a smartphone error I'm just driving. Just scared about the ghost. What if they shut up? But now you have a camera phone. You should be fine, right? I would assume. We need an update fatal frame now for a smartphone error. But you still got those batteries drained. You still got to replace the batteries a lot. It's like an old cell phone. Can I have an wake style too?
Starting point is 00:08:55 iPhone 11 and you're trying to fight off ghosts. Oh, no, a battery. It's right down to 80. Yeah, but you used to come over we'd play video games. I'd have I don't know if you ever came over for this But sometimes I played D&D with some of our I remember wider group of friends as well I wasn't in to playing D&D with some of the people in that group. I get you like we tried Yeah, yeah, yeah, we tried back at the first house that my first house I remember a couple times and then so I took a
Starting point is 00:09:26 About out of that group, but I would come over and drink sometimes while you all played. Yeah. Yeah, I just wasn't interested in playing with One or two people specifically Interesting You know not a shitty way. I just didn't like the way they played I get it Some people suck the fun out of stuff. Yeah, when you played D&D, how would you play it? Were you pretty straight or were you like this guy? I'm asking I? I like to have fun his goal. I'm creative. I like to be creative Is that how you would describe it outside the box his goals try to piss off the DM as much as possible as often as possible I don't know about that. I like to keep people thinking on their feet, you know? Make them a better DM.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Oh yeah? Definitely had to plan for the Jeff factor. Anyway, now nobody will play D&D with D&D. Burn Dog and Vanessa and Emily want to start playing D&D and I've been looking around and everybody I asked him, everybody's like, no, I don't want DM for you. I burned too many bridges. Make one of them DM. No way. They don't know how to play Yeah, that's the best way to learn learn by doing Playing with burn dog and if he was the DM, I think it would be like crazy Err, can you it's hard to play you know with yeah, that guy is nuts. He just he's he's out to have fun
Starting point is 00:10:44 Any rule no, no, I've played you know with him is nuts he just he's he's out to have fun that's not some real there's a retain any rules no no that sounds really familiar I've played you know with him 50 times and we'll be like we were literally playing you know you were there oh I was there and we're like maybe I don't know if you were there at this moment we're about two hours in and somebody puts a what like a
Starting point is 00:10:58 three on a three and he goes wait a minute you can do that oh my god numbers like you've been able to do that your entire life and every time we've played together. It's just... I think I learned that 40 years ago. Yeah, it's fine because when I got there,
Starting point is 00:11:13 they dealt me in a hand and then he went, just so you know, you can do going to believe this information I just got. I just told everybody. He was trying to see if they were fucking with him or not. It was pretty good. If he was, if you knew about this or not. Yeah, he was helping me learn. Yeah, I think that's great.
Starting point is 00:11:35 It's great. Do you see the license plate on that truck that said meet Rokita? Is that what it said? I was trying to see it. I couldn't see it from the angle here. It's his little truck. That's fun. Yeah, TROKITA.
Starting point is 00:11:45 Yep. I did something this weekend that I've never done before in Austin. What's that? I went to Dirty Martins, which is a hamburger... You've never been? No, no. I'm qualifying it. Dirty Martins I go to all the time.
Starting point is 00:11:58 I'd say probably Top Notch is my number one hamburger restaurant. Dirty Martins number two, because it's going to close down eventually. And so Emily and I just decided we're gonna eat there a bunch before it goes, eventually gets shut down. I usually go on Sundays, it's awesome. There'll be a bunch of old 70 year old dudes with the sports paper, figuring out their, like their March Madness or their football league or whatever.
Starting point is 00:12:20 And then you go in the back and it's just empty. And you just watch some sports on the TV and just fucking relax And it's awesome. We decided to go at 7 30 p.m. On a Saturday night. I thought all the college kids are out doing shit It'll be even emptier at 7 30 or 8 p.m. Saturday night. Why would dirty Martins be slammed and? We walked in and we ordered our food and we went to the back and in the back were 17,018 to 19 year old teenagers all eating at the same time.
Starting point is 00:12:52 What? Every person who, like half of UT was there. Why? And the kid who was working the counter was just like this fucking hippie punk long-haired kid. He was cool. He had a good vibe and he came over to bring us our food and he's like, hey man, I'm real sorry about this.
Starting point is 00:13:06 He goes, this isn't your vibe, I know, I can tell. And I'm like, yeah. And Emily's like, no, no, it's fun. I'm getting to learn so much about fashion because every girl there had leather pants on and then like a Madonna bra bustier thing. And the guy goes, ah, it's the fucking worst, man. It's just like copy and paste all day long.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Anyway, enjoy your burgers and I'm sorry about these assholes Awesome, I wanted to adopt that kid Dirty Martins got big on burger talk or something But I had no idea that at like 8 p.m. On a Saturday night College kids are hanging out in their finery at dirty Martins screaming by the way I'm screaming like just I don't know. They're just loud teenagers are loud I guess college teenagers are even worse. It was the loudest room. I've ever been in interesting So you're going back. No, anyway, so that's a he's got to go as much before it closed
Starting point is 00:13:53 That's my tip to y'all is to avoid dirty Martins on Saturday night unless that's what you want Unless you're looking for fashion tips I if you're 18 and you're listening to this podcast check out dirty martins on a Saturday night I also if you're 18 listening to this podcast why he want they want to know what it's like before they were born in Austin, Texas But when you lived on the street that we talked about earlier went 19 years ago. I was the cross street. Okay, I Did something way less fun this past weekend had had to go down to the emergency vet hospital. Had a little dog had a little boo boo. Had to go get him taken care of. That place is
Starting point is 00:14:32 sad and scary. Like I think like nobody there wakes up that morning planning on being there. Well it's much like a human hospital. Nobody goes there happy. Right. And you are probably not leaving happy a lot of times. It was like, oh, man, this is a, oh, this is a, like, man, I'm glad, like, leaving. I was like, man, I'm glad my dog's OK. I'm glad, like, he's coming home with me right now, with us, and that he's going to be fine.
Starting point is 00:15:01 It's where pet owners discover monetarily how much they love their pets. Like when it comes down to it, when it's like how much to save his life? It's $7,000? You're like, oh, oh, God, he was a great dog. You know? Speaking as a person who spent,
Starting point is 00:15:20 who was just like, here, take more money to keep Arrow and Henry alive. But you don't get the same vibe when you take your like your sick mom to the hospital And they're like it's gonna be like seven and to save your mom's life More than the living yeah, where the hell of a run mom There were no 18 19 year old kids screaming there Very different vibe There were no 18, 19 year old kids screaming there. Difficult guys screaming. Very different vibe going on there.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Peppers, no. Peppers. Peppers. That was actually one of my favorite things was listening to people say what the names of their pets were. Yeah. I was like, oh, like all of these have stories. I like these all make sense.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Like they have a history. There was one dude there who brought his dog and the dog was named Wolfie. I was like, man, that's a big Terminator 2 fan. Oh, that's exactly what that is. I was like, I don't know if I've ever heard of someone naming their dog Wolfie outside of Terminator 2 when Edward Furlong calls home to check in. How's Wolfie?
Starting point is 00:16:15 That part's awesome. Generationally, I think there's a thing where my first R-rated movie was Terminator 2. And it was when I was too young to be watching R rated movies but it felt like I was of a generation of dads who went, ah, my kid can watch this R rated movie. And it was Terminator 2 or like under siege. Like it was something like that.
Starting point is 00:16:36 What were your guys' first R rated movies? So you remember? So it's tough. Cause it's not like you, I mean, did you have VHS? I had to see if it's actually rated R. Yeah, that's the point I was actually gonna make is that it's not like you, I mean, did you have VHS? I just see if it's actually rated R. Yeah, that's the point I was actually going to make is that it's tough to remember because the rating system has changed so much since we were of that age.
Starting point is 00:16:52 You know, when we were younger, PG-13 didn't exist. Like I remember when PG-13 rolled out and even the things in a movie that would classify it as PG or R have changed so much. Like I grew up in a time when PG movies had nudity and profanity So it's it's it's hard for me to remember specifically What would have been my first rated R movie because there were so many so many that probably should have been but probably weren't like I probably saw porkies when I was eight hell. Yeah, I bet that's a PG movie No, I looked I just looked it up because that's my answer Okay, it is right at our
Starting point is 00:17:26 What's caddy check? I'm gonna look up cash. I don't know the answer to caddy check But the cuz the three that come to mind when I think of like the first like grown-up movies I saw are definitely porkies Hots do you remember that movie Hots? That sounds familiar? I don't know dot t dot s dot and it was like some titty movie about college or something I don't remember anything about other name and DOS boot. I don't remember anything about it in the name. And Doss Boot. I never saw Doss Boot.
Starting point is 00:17:48 I don't remember anything about it, other than it was nudity in that too. And I guess maybe I remember it. But like, I remember being a kid and that being on TV a lot and seeing it and seeing it was good. But I think this is the first three rated R movies I remember seeing at least. I remember going to my friend, Jason's house when I was,
Starting point is 00:18:02 oh man, it might have been like 11 or 12 and staying the night and his stepdad rented porkies for us. And he just went, this was like, this was like my movie when I was like, your guys's age. We're like, oh shit, really? And we watched it. We're like, this movie's awesome. This is the greatest movie we've all ever seen. Then we listened to the offspring. It was the greatest night of my life. Thanks, Jace. By the way, this movie, that movie's not awesome. If you watch it, it's not
Starting point is 00:18:28 No! I can't imagine it's aged well at all. But when I was 11 years old and I was dumb, my brain was smooth like a marble and I'm watching this and you don't know shit You're just like, I can't believe that they made this. I can't believe that this is a movie. You can do this? Caddyshack is also rated R. That's another one I saw probably way too young. Probably right around the same time I saw Porky's. And the other one I was thinking about was Revenge of the Nerds, which I looked up in is also R.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Is Meatballs rated R? I'm gonna say probably yes. I'll memorize that. I remember, that's an early one I remember seeing. Before Caddyshack, I think I saw Meatballs. Why is Revenge of the Nerds rated R? Revenge of the Nerds is a very problematic movie. I know, I remember it being a problematic movie,
Starting point is 00:19:08 but like at the time it came out to rate it R was like, I guess I've just seen the TV cut a lot. Meatballs is PG. Oh shit. Wow. Do you remember, you know the dude, the big muscular dumb guy in meatballs that goes, urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Even harder in that moment. It's one of the funniest things I've ever seen. It's awesome. I Feel like that's a like a classic image you see all the time that maybe people don't know the attribution for anymore Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know that and like a jumble issue or in the college shirt. Oh, yeah, man
Starting point is 00:19:57 I watched the most of Raising, Arizona yesterday. I'm really had to watch it for a school thing For her film class. What's the time you saw that movie? I probably was in that movie in 25 years. Yeah, it's wild. It's still pretty good, but man it's weirder than I remember. But then you look at it and you're like, I guess this is just, I guess we were weirder back then. I really think we're not weird anymore. I think in the 70s and 80s and 90s we were a little weirder. I think you had a lot more freedom for that stuff when you're making movies like smaller budget films or like Medium budget films that you don't really have anymore a lot more is done by like executive committee and playing the numbers and so you don't end up with
Starting point is 00:20:34 You know the Coen brothers Making having a career out of making quirky movies. It's it's also a wild thing in that film and it may just be I'm a fucking lunatic, right? But I've seen that movie a million times. It may just be I'm a fucking lunatic, right? But I've seen that movie a million times. It came out when I was a kid. Yeah, you must have been a kid. And early teens and I've seen it a bunch. I've seen it as an adult. Everybody obviously, it's a classic. Everybody loves the Coen brothers and it's definitely one of their seminal films, right? And I watched it and I remember loving it and I remember almost every scene from it. But there's a section. It's probably the most famous section of the movie when he's trying to get the diapers and
Starting point is 00:21:09 the the Other dudes are chasing him and the cops are chasing them and then Holly Hunter leaves and he's running through the yards and stuff But what I didn't remember is that that entire scene has cops shooting at him at Houses in a grocery store at like there literally he's running through a grocery store and every time he passes you know he's running by the end cap a cop shoots at him in the grocery store and there's like 50 other people and I was thinking did we just accept in the 80s that cops would just fire and willy-nilly like there if that had happened in real life
Starting point is 00:21:46 17 people would have gotten straight straight shot, right? And I was just like I'd never strike never I remember being cool When I was a kid and funny, but I don't remember it being like why would they be shooting hit at him? And like so dangerous like he runs through a house at some point and they're shooting at him into the house And there's like a family eating dinner and watching TV and stuff. And all he did was steal diapers. Yeah. You gotta get him. It starts with diapers.
Starting point is 00:22:09 And it just makes me wonder like, is that just, did we just accept that the world was the Wild West back then or was that ludicrous? I think it was, I think that's just what movies had. Which is accepted, right? Yeah. Well, I think it's probably part of the ludicrous.
Starting point is 00:22:22 A lot of that movie is super ludicrous. Super surreal. I mean, the whole point of it is, part of the ludicrous a lot of that movie is super super surreal Yeah, the whole point of it is right right, but I know but I don't feel like that part was out of school No, no that part was like that's what movies were like I mean at that time or whatever the language of film and like what's acceptable or whatever's changed a lot Just in our lifetime and when you're talking about oh, this movie getting made versus, you know, something like it not getting made anymore, I think that it's a thing where everyone's so film school
Starting point is 00:22:51 brained that you have to make the most, like acceptable, palatable, no questions asked, no plot holes, cinema sins, bullshit type movies now, that you can't do a thing where he's running from stealing diapers and this is getting like wacky or whatever, because then people go like, well, look at all this stuff. This is, look at how unbelievable this is. Oh, the movie?
Starting point is 00:23:13 Yeah, the movie's unbelievable. Yeah, the movie? Yeah, it's crazy. Speaking of which, I just read something the other day. I couldn't believe it. I can't believe I didn't know it. I just read something that I didn't, Peter Farrelly directed Green Book of the Farrelly Brothers. Yeah, really? Yeah
Starting point is 00:23:27 I had no idea. No that yeah, I was like, oh, I always think of them as making like those really Stupid borderline offensive films right as opposed to like Oscar contending like serious film, you know, I read something the other day that I after it was actually before I watched Prisoner's on I didn't realize the Cullen Brothers don't make movies together anymore. Oh really? They make movies apart now. Oh yeah. Yeah, I think that they're coming back together to make their first movie back together in a while, but they've been apart for years. Yeah, I just don't pay attention to film anymore. So I guess I I guess I don't either. Yeah. So you're saying we cannot pivot this to a film podcast? I think we'd be behind the curve. Committing the ultimate cinema sin.
Starting point is 00:24:09 Not knowing the directors, not knowing what's going on. So we're up north. Gus talked about living over here a while. If this overpass wasn't here, you could probably see my older partner. So this isn't the domain. This is Arbor Walk technically, which is right across the isn't the domain. This is Arbor walk Technically, which is right across the street from the domain across your from my old apartment
Starting point is 00:24:36 It's but it's like a good apartment before the domain. I mean, this is where I exit for it I'd get off here and then shoot over the yeah, you shoot up over there and This area Was really foreign to me when I first moved here. We would come over here, because I got Mighty Fine with you Gus, like pretty early at me, like moving here. And this was like, oh, I didn't know this stuff was up here.
Starting point is 00:24:56 And now all you hear about is like, oh yeah, this is we're gonna try to build like a second downtown over here. And we've talked about it on the show and everything, but like, what do you guys think about like, this whole area now? It's funny. If you, if you, you know, if you ever watched the movie Office Space, that was, you know, filmed here in Austin and early in the movie, there's a scene where I believe it's the Michael Bolton character stuck in traffic. Yes. And that
Starting point is 00:25:17 was right up over here on breaker. Like just like the next street over from where we are. I remember at the time thinking that that was so funny because there was nothing up here Why the hell would there be traffic on that stretch of breaker? That's so stupid. Well now we got a David Buster's cross street But now it's like there is so much out here, you know People like you said people talk about second downtown and you know, I think it's it's good, you know having more more stuff For people to do I feel like a lot of the stuff out here is very They we talked this sounds very familiar now that I'm about to say it But it's a place for all of those chain stores to go to contain them and keep them from going other places
Starting point is 00:25:53 Yeah in the city that's what I was saying. I feel like I've said that before though. I think it's fine It's whatever it's a place to shop, you know, there's not a lot of personality here But there's not a lot of personality in most shopping centers The only like the only annoyance is it's hard to get in and out of there's one entrance to this place I think this place the only time I'll ever come up here is to this mighty fine or to the Southside Market barbecue Which is right? Then this Southside Market, it's like another like Central Texas chain I used to go to the one out and Which is a pretty quick drive east of Austin, but they opened up this one and it's just good.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Ever try to break a bad habit and feel like you're climbing Everest and flip flops? Yeah, I know. We've all been there. But here's a breath of fresh air. Fume. It's not about giving up, it's about switching up. Fume takes your habit and simply makes it better, healthier, and a whole lot more enjoyable. Fume is an innovative, award-winning flavored air device that does just that.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Instead of vapor, Fume uses flavored air. Instead of electronics, Fume is completely natural. And instead of harmful chemicals, Fume uses delicious flavors. You get it. Instead of bad, Fume is good. It's a habit you're free to enjoy and makes replacing your bad habit easy. Your Fume comes with an adjustable airflow dial and is designed with movable parts and magnets for fidgeting, giving your fingers a lot to do which is helpful for de-stressing and
Starting point is 00:27:10 anxiety while breaking your habit. Plus fumes just released a magnetic stand for your fume so there's no more losing it around the house. It's built with fidgeting in mind. You can spin your fume around on it. Start the year off right with the good habit by going to slash anma and getting the journey pack today. Fume is giving listeners of the show 10% off when they use code ANMA to help make starting the good habit that much easier. Again that's trifume that's slash anma. Shaving can be a hassle sometimes. I mean if I I'm being honest, especially when using a cheap razor, one of those disposable ones, I cannot use those.
Starting point is 00:27:48 My beard is so thick and coarse. Inevitably, if I use a cheap razor, one of those disposable ones, I end up nicking myself or cutting myself or I'm left with really red irritated skin. I hate it. That's why I think you got to meet Henson Shaving. Henson Shaving is a family- owned aerospace parts manufacturer that has made parts for the ISS, the International Space Station, and Mars Rover and now they're bringing precision engineering to your shaving experience.
Starting point is 00:28:12 If you're like 88% of men who experience irritation from shaving, you might be expecting the worst with each shave, yet Henson users have seen dramatic improvements including the disappearance of ingrown hairs and razor bumps, and no, it has very little to do with a sharper blade. Henson's shaving's innovation comes from an interesting analogy. Think of razor blades as diving boards. The longer the board, the more wobbles, the micro-wobbles are what lead to more nicks and
Starting point is 00:28:34 cuts. Henson solves this by minimizing blade extension, addressing the root cause of bad shapes, not the blade itself but the extension. But if the problem is so simple, why don't brands fix it? It's a manufacturing issue. Henson's aerospace background has enabled the creation of razors with unmatched precision. Using aerospace-grade CNC machines,
Starting point is 00:28:51 they achieve a blade extension of just 0.0013 inches, less than a human hair's thickness. This incredibly precise control over the blade's position ensures a vibration-free and incredibly close shave. It gets better. The razor has built-in channels to evacuate hair and cream which make clogging virtually impossible. The Henson razor works with standard dual edge blades
Starting point is 00:29:11 to give you that old school shave with the benefits of new school tech. Once you own Henson razor, it's only about $3 to $5 per year to replace the blades. I love my Henson razor. I look forward to using it. In the past, I would try to avoid shaving using a blade and actually shaving.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Now I look forward to it. I really treat myself and don't feel guilty about it because it's so affordable. And it's such a good, closed shave. It don't have nicks or irritation when I'm done. It's time to say no to subscriptions and yes to a razor that'll last your lifetime. Visit to pick the razor for you.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Use code ANMA. You'll get two years worth of blades Free with your razor. Just make sure you add them to your cart. That's 100 free blades when you head to H E N S O N S H A V I N G comm slash and ma and use code and ma I come to this home depot sometimes if I don't find what I need at Lowe's which is probably about half the time Yeah, but there's there's never many Lowe's in Austin. No, there's like the one in central Austin by the draft hospital And there's the one down in Sunset Valley. Yeah, does one like two I can think of I I've made an effort to try to shop at Lowe's because of Would I get into it with some Home Depot political contribution stuff.
Starting point is 00:30:25 But it's just fucking hard because Home Depot has like, Lowe's only has like 70% of what you need. And you always end up going to Home Depot anyway. Yeah. I go to this giant fabric a lot. Yeah. Oh yeah, it's a good one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:37 But yeah, I think that's really all I come up here for. You go grocery store, right? Swallowed? Or natural grocery over here? Yeah, it's a natural grocery over there. I would go to that liquor store right now and then when I used to drink. But I haven't been there in a while. Oh yeah, how is your vegan burger? Hey, guess what? It turns out they don't have a veggie burger here.
Starting point is 00:30:53 But other than like the stuff in like this strip, it's, again, it's right next to the domain, and it's in a weird spot to me where it's easy to pass just this strip mall in particular to get anywhere else you need to go because boy it's easy to shoot up north past it it's easy to shoot what over on one past it here even you know to Jeff's point like when you exit off moped to come here you have to like cut across all the lanes on the access road very quickly possible and you know it know, it's a little dangerous, a little tough. You gotta be on your toes to make that turn over. And then even when you leave,
Starting point is 00:31:30 you either go out that way, or I guess you go out on the other side and end up on breaker, but I don't think anyone goes over there. But that's a pretty clueless way to leave that way. It is, you can go over there, but then it puts you, I mean, you're over by Q2 Stadium, you go that way.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Right, yeah, you have to go eat some breaker at that point. Yeah. And then you're just like, okay, well, I guess I'm gonna burn it There's Q2 Okay, if there's no soccer game you're screwed It's it's crazy that they built the soccer stadium so far north up here. I thought I think it's really close Oh, I I love it I'm just talking about in relation to like downtown and where everything else is and how there's nothing else near it
Starting point is 00:32:06 Which is something I feel like I can say right now, but in five years. I won't be yeah But I think that's why they did it right like that the land was available and it's still very centrally located It's also if they didn't build a here they invariably would have built it out by Kota. Yep, and that would have fucking said I wouldn't have gone it would even fuck it. I wouldn't have gone to soccer games. I'm gonna be Kota or Maynor. Yeah I feel like I Or maybe even Taylor. I feel like Taylor's seen a lot of growth lately now It could be a place, but I don't think back to the yeah true, but like they built it. It's there There's a team. There's not really anything to do
Starting point is 00:32:36 I mean there's a real stop now there is which is great because we park right there and then walk over the real stop Which also by the way met some fans of like animaima and Face Jam and everything leaving the game last week. So that was cool. So that's awesome. Yo, shouts out. But like they're trying to build it up over here, but I just don't know. Keep skyscrapers. Is that the plan?
Starting point is 00:32:56 I think it's going to be tough, right? Because they think they can build taller buildings here now, but then they're also talking about doing that on a riverside over where the ballpark is slash was was statesmen The statesmen area that's definitely gonna be like a second downtown. They're going across the river and then also down way down south by like Lamar and 290 right like where that hobby lobby and Toys R Us was I think they're gonna they want to redevelop that too with the high rises I'll be honest. I don't understand. I
Starting point is 00:33:24 Don't understand how the growth is gonna, how it can continue. And it seems like it's going to, right? Like they're not slowing down over there. If you go over to the domain right now, there's a ton of shit under construction. They are about to break ground in the next year or two on that Riverside stuff. They're about to bury I-35. Like they're doing a tremendous amount of development in Austin, continued and sustained. I keep waiting for it to slow down. And it doesn't seem to be, but like half of the buildings downtown are empty.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Not residential, but commercial spaces are empty. And I don't understand who's gonna move in to all these commercial spaces that we're still building. Well, I think, you know, they started building a lot of these. And I think now in the last six or 12 months, you've seen, you know, a lot of, even though unemployment super low, you've seen a lot of uncertainty in the job market.
Starting point is 00:34:09 I think that that's affecting a lot of that commercial property growth. It'll be interesting to see how that continues to play out this year and next year. I think they're trying to see where the future is going to be and trying to have it ready for any future growth. Austin has been wildly insulated from market conditions, but I just, I can't imagine it's going to, it can't continue indefinitely. Is this not mirroring what happened in like 99, where it was all boom and then bust? Well, it's different. Like Austin has been through a few boom and bust cycles. I think in the, if you even go back before that in the 80s, like when the savings alone scandals collapsed, like Austin was really hit hard with that
Starting point is 00:34:48 stuff in the 90s with dot com boom like late 90s or 2000s. It happened again. I don't know that we've seen that really happen. Even the financial crisis in 08 didn't really seriously affect Austin. Maybe more like round rock and Flugerville. I think it was, I think I remember seeing on news that it was like the most protected city in America during that time. So it'll be interesting. I mean, it's been a hoax.
Starting point is 00:35:11 There's been like a severe correction in Austin's growth. Obviously before our time, but apparently the 80s savings loans was really bad here. Do you foresee that happening then? Do you think that like there's going to be a correction? It happens everywhere, right? I mean, I can't imagine it doesn't.
Starting point is 00:35:27 I think it would be foolhardy to say it's never gonna happen. It has to happen at some point. Maybe we're there, who knows, right? Like I think there's a lot of money or a lot of hope pinned on the Tesla and Samsung expansion here and I think we'll have to see how that plays out. And I realized I'm like facing away from everyone
Starting point is 00:35:45 It's cuz this under this picnic table. There's like a a post or something. I can't I just thought you wanted it I'll be honest. I think he's got a striking profile. I think he knows that I thought maybe he was mad I turned I turned to face everyone. I realized I was like facing away. That's being very rude You're being like wistfully looking at the DSW shoes shoes Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's nice of them. What is DSW? No, whatever. I know the answer to that it is I know what SAS shoes are. I don't know what DSW shoes are Emily told me what it does stand for something. Well, it's got to dealer I can't remember. Yeah. I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:36:26 But it has a name. Yeah, just double. Designer Brands Inc. has designer shoe warehouse. Designer shoe warehouse, that's it. The designer shoe warehouse shoes. Designer brand incorporated is very interesting. Oh, what's the name of your brand? Oh, we're designer.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Right, the name. No, we're designer The brand designer designer brand genius genius move. I love it. My favorite is a yum corporation owners of a Pepsi pizza hut Taco Bell, yeah, yum. Yeah, yum The reason that you have to get a oh, I do Baja blasted a Taco Bell. I'm fucking done with Taco Bell. I don't think Yum is a word I would use to describe Why you don't want Taco Bell? It just fucking sucks and it's disappointing every time I eat there and
Starting point is 00:37:12 There's this whole idea that we just had a bad Taco Bell, but anytime we branch out and go to a different Taco Bell It still sucks. I was done I was talking the other day with Esther about Taco Bell and we were reminiscing about I don't remember the old 59 79 about Taco Bell and we were reminiscing about, I don't remember the old 59, 79, 99 menu. Hell yeah, hell yeah. Back in like the early, mid 90s. Like they had a whole menu dedicated to items that were 59 cents, 79 cents and 99 cents.
Starting point is 00:37:32 And now it's like you can't get anything anywhere near that cheap in there. Now nothing makes sense. It's all confusing and weird. I hate that menu. I get so lost in the menu trying to understand what to fucking buy. We used to go to that Taco Bell there off of Riverside
Starting point is 00:37:46 and order things that were not on the menu, technically, but they would still make them for you. Interesting. Yeah, they still knew what you were talking about. The thing that I see a lot now is a meme of never forget what they took from you and you had to be there. And it's the dollar menu for McDonald's Oh, yeah, double as a dollar and the parfait was a dollar and the small fries was a dollar and two pies for a dollar
Starting point is 00:38:09 It's like you remember the extra value meal came out of this 290. It was like revolutionary best I think in their most recent earnings report McDonald's was talking about how like they're facing challenges because like the food at McDonald's become about how they're facing challenges because the food at McDonald's has become expensive, right? Like it's out of the price range of the average consumer. Like things have just gone so far out of whack with wages haven't kept up that it's a tough nut to crack. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Yeah, I don't know what they're gonna do about that. But yeah, I'm gonna butcher this, but I saw someone posted a tweet last week that talked about, I want to say it was like the seven layer burrito. It was a menu item at Taco Bell. It mentioned how when it came out in, whenever it came out 20 years ago or something, it was 89 cents. And now that same menu item costs 359. And in that timeframe, minimum wage has not gone out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:13 It's nuts. Even this, like, my define is it's a pricey place to eat. My burger of the month burger was 1099 and that's before fries Dude in a drink. I went to Emily and I went to Uncle Mickey's a couple weeks ago. I see where is that like the little Like Italian place. It's got like it's across from Kuras. Yeah on 34th or 43rd. Yeah, yeah 43rd. It used to be Dolce Vita. Yeah, it was like ice cream Ice cream place in a bar a gelato gelato re in a bar
Starting point is 00:39:50 Anyway, we went there the other day just to have us just have lunch and Spaghetti lunch we had it was in spaghetti lunch. It was sandwich lunch I had a sandwich she had a sandwich and we split a like a little side salad and we each had diet coaks Which came cans which is my least favorite thing at a restaurant. 12 ounce diet coke. 12 ounce diet coke and a can. And after tip, our lunch was $80. What?
Starting point is 00:40:12 What happened? What the fuck? Hang on. I zoned out for a minute, but it sounded like you said your lunch was $80. Yeah, it was like... Slow down, shut up. Yeah, it was like... What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:40:22 Yeah, it was like $68 plus tip or something. And all we had was two sandwiches, two two sodas and a salad that we split That's insane. Yeah, it's fucking expensive out there. That's crazy. I mean What the fuck I Mean that's that's I like I love watching movies in the theater But it's one of the things that like holds me back from going more to like the Alamo It's like man if I go watch this movie it's gonna be like it's gonna be like a hundred bucks I once got the ticket and the food and everything's like I
Starting point is 00:40:50 My I've got a big TV at home Do you want to see this movie a hundred and eight dollars worth probably not? I'll Rent it, you know when it comes up when it comes out at home like Blaine was getting mad at me See he was asking me if I'd seen Dune 2 yet. I was like I'll watch it when it comes out at home like Blaine was getting mad at me because he was asking me if I'd seen Dune 2 yet I was like I'll watch it when it comes out on max. Yeah, and he's like what now could you like? I don't know It's not my thing. I thought the first one was boring. I didn't watch it. I didn't bother I already saw I saw the David Lynch version. It's fun. Oh The perfect version it had stinging it did have stinging it it did have stinging he made that instead of
Starting point is 00:41:23 He made that instead of He made that instead of Jedi oh Right, right. He got offered Jedi and he turned it down to make doon Everybody wonder like what would that have been like what would Ewoks have been like if David Lynch would directly They would have been gross. Yeah, they would have just been gross and terrifying. Yeah. Yeah Very different movie cool gross not my Paula treaties Yeah. They're very different movie. Very different movie.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Cool. Gross. Not my Paula Trades. That's right. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Watch it. I don't I decided I'm mad at Blaine for liking it. I don't want a hundred dollars watch it I don't want to see anything. Yeah, and that's fine iron claw was good. And that's about it Yeah, I'm cloud is good and I cried for fucking two hours straight. Yes I had about a hundred bucks to take million I guess the iron claw so that I could cry and feel like shit. I Rather go home and watch dumb people date at the beach We go some puts on YouTube searches cool vids and then
Starting point is 00:42:24 searches football in the crotch cool vids is football in the crash. I'm up to season 33 of the Simpsons. It's it's just like while I mose engaged. Is he a new person. Maya. I remember he has like a he's engaged to Maya. He had a girl. There was an episode where we had a girlfriend five seasons ago maybe in the like like 20s that was a little person then they end up breaking up at the end of the episode I guess she comes back and now they're engaged like is Mogan to get married? That's kind of like this whole stick is
Starting point is 00:42:55 being totally entirely unlikable. We've got stories for years. Mose got probably my favorite moments in The Simpsons like the one where he and Lisa become friends and he's like, I'm not dirt, I'm better than dirt. Well, not that fancy store bought dirt. I can't compete with that. Oh, Jesus. Like, he's such a great guy.
Starting point is 00:43:13 I thought you were gonna say the series like, I don't like you, you don't like me. I don't like you, you don't like me. I don't like you, and you don't like me. I like you. I like you. Oh, really, sweetie? Well, I like you too.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Yeah, so that's the line that I think of when I think of Moe. I think that's so fun. What a perfect line. I like you. First I was kid gorgeous, and then I was kid presentable, and then I was kid gruesome, and then I was kid Moe.
Starting point is 00:43:38 So good. That's another great one. Oh man. We should talk about Mighty Fine a little bit. What is there to say? We already said it, it's fucking bit. What is there to say? We already said it. It's fucking great. So this is a burger episode, because it's not a coffee one today, just for some scheduling.
Starting point is 00:43:51 So we're like, oh, let's go get a burger. Immediately hit with Mighty Fine. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that was a quick reaction. I've been waiting to do it. It's a... Looking for an excuse.
Starting point is 00:44:01 It's a fantastic burger. I mean, it is like, it might be fine if Hillbirts are like top tier for me. Like the kind of burger I want. It's like scratchers at burger, it's so perfectly. They've got the system down, just run like a Rudy's. Everything's like super efficient. They've got the great hand washing station.
Starting point is 00:44:18 Love that clean hands machine. Yeah, but they don't have a picture of you. So they have pictures all over some of the windows. And I used to be on one of these pictures. They took me down I mean if you say so man, I who am I just have an iPad set up right over there when they first open you could like take a selfie with it And I guess that's where they got all these photos from I feel like I came here with some Rooster Teeth people and a few of us Were up there by the door over here. I think it was by the door here. Fuck. I haven't been so long But we used to be there that we're gone now If you say so, I mean who are you if? If you're a listener and you go to mighty fine. Look at the pictures. Tell me if I'm there.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Good luck. He looked for 30 minutes straight and couldn't find it. It was a really long time. We were waiting for our food and you got up and went, I'm gonna go try to find myself and Jeff just went, I'm just gonna wait for our food. And he's like, well, it's not over here on this wall. It was on the other wall. I gotta go over there. I can't remember. I took some pictures of you searching.
Starting point is 00:45:10 It's fine. Okay, good. It's like a cryptid. You can post the pictures. It really was. I'll look how much you'll be like, wow, Gus is wearing shorts. It is warm. I'll get a shirt.
Starting point is 00:45:19 Thanks. It's a Simmons color. Yeah, it's nice. Oh, that's fine. Yeah. I have another one that's griff color. I don't wear it as much. The red versus blue thing. I'm Simmons, it's nice. Oh, that's fun. Yeah. I have another one that's griff color. I don't wear it as much. Red versus blue fun.
Starting point is 00:45:28 OK, I'm Simmons. You're griff. I understand. So what'd you guys get? I normally get the classic half pound burger. Today I got the junior quarter pound burger, just because it's a little later in the day. Like my eating, I feel like my eating schedule's a little off.
Starting point is 00:45:40 I hadn't eaten today. I usually get the junior too, because the classic's fucking big. But I hadn't eaten eaten today. I usually get the junior to give the classics fucking big, but I hadn't eaten yet today. So I got the classic with cheese Bacon and jalapeños. I try to get the same burger everywhere we go So basically just like all the trim trims no man is of course because I'm not fucking disgusting So that's what I got bacon cheeseburger with jalapenos. I got cheese and jalapenos. No bacon. That's good. I got Look, you're getting the you're in the vegan burger. I was going to but they were sold out They were sold out the vegan burger was just a hot ticket. So it was gone
Starting point is 00:46:11 It wasn't even on listed on the menu anymore. It was so gone. It was a burger the month last month. I think yeah Yeah, that's what it was. I got the burger of the month this month You probably just stick to the regular work. Yeah, there's a reason the main menu is the main menu. I really like mighty fine. I Just felt like rolling the dice I gotta stop doing that. Yeah, don't do that. Yeah, they have a crinkle fries Oh, and at the table to have that lorry seasoning salt, which I never use otherwise But here it's like it goes so well on the crinkle fries. It's like perfect I can't hear lry's seasoning salt.
Starting point is 00:46:45 I'm thinking Mike Lowry. I think it's every time. Yeah, I mean, it's phenomenal. It's a fantastic burger. It's like, if you're ever in town, you've got to go there if you want a hamburger. Because I think there's three locations. I feel like I'm forgetting one, though.
Starting point is 00:47:02 I'll look it up. That's not a need. it. I don't need. Yeah, I don't think it's a big deal either way. No, no. We have to see if Gus is right. Because I can only think of three, but I feel like I've seen one somewhere else. Do you think there's any outside of Texas? Holy moly. There's five.
Starting point is 00:47:16 There's five. There's one down south. That's the Sunset Valley one right on Brody. Yeah, there's one here. There's one north on around Cedar Park Round Rock, that's probably the one by IKEA and then one at 130 and 79. Oh That's like on Hutto almost. Yeah way out there. Oh That's where the second top much is speaking which I did something
Starting point is 00:47:43 Those of this past weekend or the last the something... Those are this past weekend? The last weekend before? Those are this past weekend. I did something I've never done before. Okay. The very relevant to this podcast. I went to downtown Round Rock. How was it? Huh.
Starting point is 00:47:55 And that's very, like, idealic, cute. Yeah. And when I was there, I was having dinner out there with my wife. And I thought, I wonder how far we are from the round rock. And my wife was like, you're fucking with me, right? There is no round rock. I was like, no, there is a round rock. I was like, oh, we're right by it.
Starting point is 00:48:17 Let's, like, look, I looked on the map, like there's a park or something, like let's drive over there and look at the round rock. There is no park. It's a, the entire thing's ripped up. I think they're is no park. It's a, the entire thing's ripped up. I think they're rebuilding the park. It's all like excavation machines. And you can drive over a bridge and like look out
Starting point is 00:48:31 one of the windows and see the round rock because it's like in the middle of a river. It's so underwhelming. You have to stop calling it the round rock. Is it round? No. Well, that's the name. That's how you find it on Google Maps. You type the round rock.
Starting point is 00:48:46 It's bullshit. The people who settled round rock are fucking dumb. Period. Listen, this was back in the 1800s. They didn't know what round was. They didn't have round technology yet. Lower polygon count. All they thought round was was sometimes tree grow up and in circle and they go, it's close enough. Jeff, I have to show you a this. Well, I'd love to see it. I've never been so you've never you've lived here a long Time you've never seen no, I've been downtown around rock, too I've just never thought to see the right. I can't believe I didn't show you They have a replica of the round rock replica at Dell Diamond why it dead center in Centerfield past centerfield they have a replica of the Round Rock
Starting point is 00:49:28 Yeah, it's um art incredibly remember They named a city after this they saw this and they went that's what it's called. That's a city. Oh That's it you can see it in the river You can drive over the bridge and look out and be like, there it is. There's 800 of those on the hiking bike trip as you get on the Barton Springs. That's what the fuck I'm saying. When I found out what the round rock is, I got so... I'm still mad. I think that's bullshit. That's pretty bullshit.
Starting point is 00:50:01 Here's another picture. It's not round. Yeah. It's rock. It's not round. Yeah. It's rock. Yeah. If the city was called rock. But let's look at it from the top. Can we see it from the top? It looks like it could be round. It's like a disc.
Starting point is 00:50:15 Why don't they call it disc rock then? See it's got a plaque. What are you complaining about? Okay, that's... Stupid. I told you. I told you. It's... That's the thing. told you! I told you! That's the thing. She was, I think her reaction is very similar to the answer right now.
Starting point is 00:50:29 When I found out about it, I was so mad. I could not believe that that's what the fuck it was. It didn't take much to impress people back in the age of 18. No, that's what I'm saying. It was a long time ago. Somebody got kicked in the head by a donkey and they went, this is the round rock. You know it was like a marketing thing, right? Like pre-internet, pre-mass communication. It was like, yeah, you wanna move to a town
Starting point is 00:50:51 that has like a round rock? Wow, that sounds cool. I saw, I heard my neighbor once saw a pineapple, I'll one up them by going to look at a round rock. I think the thing that gets me to is the AAA baseball team that's there the Round Rock Express That Why did they name themselves after a train because it's affiliated with Nolan Ryan
Starting point is 00:51:14 What that was his nickname the Express the Ryan Express right, but it's named after but it's not the Express It's not called the Round Rock trains. It's the Round Rock Express But the train is is the train named after Nolan Ryan. Nolan Ryan was named after the train. Nolan Ryan's named after a train? Yeah, the Nolan Ryan Express. I get that. It was his nickname, because he threw it so fast.
Starting point is 00:51:38 You wanna talk about 80s and 90s baseball, I'm in, okay? See, I don't follow it anymore. I don't, it would be fine if they didn't theme themselves and go like, there it is, the train, and do all the train stuff with it. If they were just like, I don't know, it was about throwing the ball fast. That would be a different thing. They have this stupid fucking dog dressed up like a train conductor. I hate him so much.
Starting point is 00:51:58 I'm gonna kill that dog. I got- I got put on- They like banned me on Twitter for a little bit for saying I was gonna kill the dog. Oh my god I was gonna beat him up Dress him like a drink It round rock express everything about it bothers me be named after the rocks then I don't know I hate it Well, there you go. Anyway, what do you think about mighty fine? What do you rate it?
Starting point is 00:52:20 My defines a 10. It's solid. It is It's if I didn't Hilbert should have got a 10. I don't know if I gave find a 10. It's solid. It is. It's if I didn't Hilbert should have got a 10 I don't know if I gave it a 10 it should Hilbert's and my partner the only 10s in my opinion Wow I get a 9 5. Okay, I do think there's a better burger in town, but it's damn damn near there I like it. I like the simplicity of the menu. There's not a million different things you got the burger of the month, which is like the one Not an encore burger thing. I think they might have a hot dog too. They've got a crispy chicken sandwich, but it's not like a crazy big menu. No. It's like, do you want a half pound burger or a quarter pound burger? That's essentially it. Fries or onion rings. Oh, or you can get rings. They have a hat.
Starting point is 00:52:56 This is friends. Oh, they do have rings. Yeah. They have a friends hat. They also have a hat that says MF for Mighty Fine, which I really kind of like. That's pretty cool. Yeah. Oh, it's the MF right there. Hell. Yeah, I'm into it All right. There you go. That's mighty fine It's getting to anarchy question or two. This is from elated Dorito third wave coffee. How about fourth wave? Oh They found some future. They found some fucking fourth wave coffee that came from space. Yep Yep, the sat scientists picked it up on how long do you think till you eat to weak? experience fourth wave coffee It's got to be close. It has to be soon. I think we're looking at 2030. Yeah, I don't feel like I'm anywhere near close to yeah
Starting point is 00:53:36 We're out of ways to go. It's 20 30 is they receive signal of it at the Odyssey will observatory in Puerto Rico and it broke the dish That's it was that was our first contact with Fourth Wave Coffee. It came from outer space. This is from user Justin Tylin... Ty- Ty-Loran Allen. Sorry, your name's too long. He's Parasitamolin, the UK. There you go.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Gonna be in Austin for a few hours. Was gonna try a little deli for lunch, but they're closed on Sundays. They ended up going to Hilbert's. They gave it an 8.5, very simple burger, but they find a way to make it very tasty, very cheap to lovely people working. Yeah, they're so awesome.
Starting point is 00:54:15 And you're there for the atmosphere, baby. Yeah, a five, I think this person needs to recalibrate their burger sensors. Whoa, whoa. You're pissing Gus off, dude, come on. I'm getting heated here. I'm getting hot. And not because it's 80 degrees right now.
Starting point is 00:54:28 Yeah, yeah, we gotta pack this thing up. We'll end on this one from at Andy Zolkifi7. Hey, it's Andy Zach. You guys mentioned the Texas Chili Parlor. Has it been more crowded after it was featured in Death Proof, Love the I I I assume that that's The reason I don't It's always been kind of a hot I think it's just always been an Austin staple. Yeah, I don't get it
Starting point is 00:54:55 Maybe some tourism that way for a while, but also let's be honest death proof wasn't a huge movie. Yeah, that's true I bet death proof didn't move the needle at all for them interesting I bet it was a bigger movie in Austin than anywhere else. Yeah, yeah, you. I bet Death Proof didn't move the needle at all for them. Interesting. I bet it was a bigger movie in Austin than anywhere else. Yeah, yeah. You never hear people like pining for it. Yeah. Yeah. It probably did more midnight Death Proof showings. Yeah. Yeah. Probably did more for feet than it did for Texas Chili Parlor. They're more featured like feet featured. Featured. Featured. F E E T both times in that movie than Texas Chili Parlor But her wrestling the nachos and I have a friend who went there and he got the nachos He wanted you want to be where they called where the ice cold because that's kind of my experience It takes to the pot chili parlor here 15 more years
Starting point is 00:55:35 What's cooler than being cool? Yeah, she got the special dummy That'll do it for ANMA. We're getting cooked in the sun. If you want to, if you want to send us a question you can at ANMA Podcasts on Twitter and on Instagram, r slash ANMA Podcasts, the subreddit, we do not run, but let us know if you stop in for us
Starting point is 00:55:57 and you try any of our NFTs. And that sounds like if your friend is hearing it, like we're selling something, we're not. It's not for tourists. Selling information. I do like hearing from the people who come and visit. I think it's great. I do like hearing their feedback on the place we've been to.
Starting point is 00:56:08 Yeah. How's do I? Yep. But if you want to get some more information on this episode 77 or it might be listed as 78. I need to renumber all of them. Yeah, you check it out at Sign the guest book unless you're a robot. And then when you go, well, I'm not a robot.
Starting point is 00:56:22 I did this. I'm really reevaluate where you are in life and if you're a robot because you're robot we were we were telling at least about the website the other day It's just like is that what animals dance for oh, yeah. Yeah Like it's just incredible. It's so disappointed Join the club. Yeah, she just went what the fuck I mean, she's right But you know, you know, there's no glass ketchup containers anymore You never have to beat on a ketchup container anymore What was the last time you had to beat on a ketchup container at a restaurant?
Starting point is 00:56:47 I don't know my wife I like the thing where she'll like spin it around in a circle three times and then she's like perfect catch every time She don't have to she can't even do that anymore because there's nowhere to do it because they don't have these there was like a whole ad campaign Like you would hit your not they would tell you like to hit your nice Yeah, I'm the catcher bottle get it to come out. Mm come out. Well, if you have any ketchup memories, let us know. But I think that'll do it for Anma this week. Again, Go get his shirt and all kinds of good stuff.
Starting point is 00:57:12 Any wise words or fine thoughts for the people at home. Life is short, eat a burger. Thanks for listening to the podcast. Yeah. We appreciate it. Friendos. We'll see you next time. This might be the end of Jeff.
Starting point is 00:57:26 Is this the end of Jeff as we know him? His last recorded words. OK, bye.

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