ANMA - It’s Burnet, durn it

Episode Date: January 9, 2023

Good morning, Gus! From Neighbor Coffee on Burnet, Gus and Geoff are back with another episode of ANMA. A lot to talk about including Carrots in Gus’s eyes, What happened to Sonic, Old Austin drag, ...Multiple street names, Hot spots on Burnet, Alamo memories, Barenaked Ladies, Spots we don’t love, Texas Chili Parlor & Dirty Martins. Head to and grab an ANMA shirt. Look better than your friends. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What would you do if you had the freedom to be anyone or to go anywhere without limitations? Start your journey and experience for yourself the feeling of total freedom when you game with Alienware. Alienware is your portal to new worlds where limits don't exist and the only rules are the ones you decide to make. Defy boundaries and start gaming now at Next-gen gaming is built with Intel Core i9 processors. This is a Ruestur-Teeth production. Last time we were at the mall for two episodes. Okay. I don't think there's really a need to differentiate them.
Starting point is 00:00:34 The mall. Yeah, we were at the mall. One was the dirty car. Uh-huh. And then the other one was the erotic bar. Yeah, it's good. Good morning, guys. First of all, that woman got a sausage, by the way.
Starting point is 00:00:43 She got a sausage biscuit. Oh, you fucking serious? Yeah, I just saw her leave with a little bag. She. She got a sausage biscuit. Oh you fucking serious. Yeah Yeah, I just saw her leave with a little bag. She must have called a head or something. She must have been a Order I'm gonna be annoyed. You know how bad I want a sausage biscuit right now. I don't know the biscuits I don't know for the sausage biscuit. It was a biscuit of some kind. She had in her bag. Maybe she got a scone Maybe it's hard to tell from here. Maybe she got a sausage scone So So we're at neighbor coffee neighbor coffee and friends. Yeah, it's a like a trailer park on Burnett between like 45th and 51st He's a Burnett or Burnett Burnett it's Burnett Burnett Burnett Burnett
Starting point is 00:01:16 What the fuck was that? That is that is that's that's how you know you've been an awesome for a while. Yeah, it's kind of an old colloquialism around here, as you say, it's Burnett, darn it. That's how you know how to say it. Because nobody knows how to pronounce it. Or new people don't know how to pronounce it. Yeah. Wow. Yeah, between 45th and 51st. It's like a little trailer park.
Starting point is 00:01:42 There's a few things here I've been to before. There's like a Thai place. It's pretty good. There's like a Sunara hot dog place. It's pretty good. There's a few things here I've been to before. There's like a Thai place, it's pretty good. There's like a sonar and a hot dog place, it's pretty good. There's a lot of places I have not tried here though. Easy to miss from the street. Like it's kind of a kind of hidden back here. Yeah, it's cool.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Like from the street, you can see like one or two trailers, but then you pull into like a parking lot and there's like a whole bunch of stuff nestled back here. There's a, you probably never been there, but there's a vegan restaurant right across the street. I've eaten it a few times. Is that the citizen place? It's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:02:03 My cousin recommended it to me a few times. I physicians of Austin? No, that's not the vegan place. Oh, that's just, sorry, those are just the biggest letters. I think I always thought that citizen place was a watch store. Well, it's confusing because there's a jewelry store right next to it with watches in the windows.
Starting point is 00:02:20 I could see why you'd think that. It's weird that the I physicians of Austin is there because this abandoned building to the right of it with the brick front, that used to be an ophthalmologist place. And that's why I went and if you remember years ago, Jeff, that brick building right there, I was just telling Eric, I bought a rug from there with the magic caravan. It used to be an eye doctor.
Starting point is 00:02:38 That's why I went years ago, remember I had a problem like in the year 2000 or so. And your stigmatism. Well, I had carotid. Carotid, that's what I had to do. You said I had carotid in my eyes. Carotid in your eyes. And that's whereism. Well, I had caratitis. Caratitis, that's what I had. I had caratitis in my eyes. Caratitis in your eyes. And that's where the doctor was
Starting point is 00:02:46 and I went to who diagnosed it. That's what a weird journey for that building. Because I would say like maybe four years ago, I bought like an antique rug there and the guy was really nice and he gave us like a free bowl with the rug. Yeah, I must say that I doctor think was probably in the year 2001, maybe 2002.
Starting point is 00:03:05 So it's been a little while. Well, I think the next thing that building is gonna be as a condo. I think so. It looks like a building in the Sonic or a marked for destruction. I feel like what happened to Sonic? That's not like an Austin thing, but they pulled out.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Like they're really, like they clicked closed a bunch of locations. So I had the answer, I think. You do. I do. I don't know about the rest of the sonic locations And I also don't know anybody who likes sonic other than my fiance who likes the diet cherry limeade Okay, 24 and she makes special trips to get it on hot days. Okay, and apparently Eric's a small wife likes the chili cheese tarts but
Starting point is 00:03:41 That sonic I think closed because there's another sonic two miles down the road and it has a drive through it. And this is where we're going to that one. And you can go into that one too. So I just think it's more convenient. I think just having two some, they're not Starbucks. I don't think that they can support having two locations that close. It's not a mattress store. There was a long period of time where Burnett, specifically a little north of here, like from North Loop heading north, I think you and I would refer to it as like one of the last bits of what was left of Old Austin. It was like that section and North Loop down over there,
Starting point is 00:04:14 Old Anderson that area over there. Yeah, and I feel like a lot of that is, is changing, you know, there's a, you know, all these condos that I built over here on the west side of Burnett, just north of North Loop and like all of that's really changing. Like over here, that's where, you know, little long horn is. Poodledog became the Aristocrat. You can be Aristocrat. And what was that?
Starting point is 00:04:32 Austin Diner slash the omeletry used to be there, but even that's getting remodeled into a voodoo. It became a Lucy's fried chicken. Yeah. And now it's becoming a voodoo doughnuts, I think. So like all of that's really changing. It's not as, for lack of a better word, it's not as run down as it used to be.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Lucy's, the Lucy's people got so much mileage out of pallets. They like built their pallets, like with like pallets for ship and stuff. Like they have two locations, or they had two locations, right? They had the one down on South Congress, which is the original. And it's like the facade is all like decorative palettes. And then that one, when they took over from the amatory,
Starting point is 00:05:12 actually used to be the Austin diner. Yeah, Austin diner. The amatory was somewhere else, but it moved. Yeah, the obeleteries on airport. It's on airport by the grand, by the pool place. Oh, yeah. The amatory, by the way, Austin institution. Fucking sucks. It's not very good.
Starting point is 00:05:28 We should get a cup of coffee there and do an episode around in like that area, but I used to live right by it. And I, we wouldn't go. Yeah. It's just like, oh, this is not hot. I don't like it. The old location of the Omelatres
Starting point is 00:05:41 where they filmed the diner scene of death proof where they're like sitting, yeah, that was the Omelatry where they filmed the diner scene of death proof where they're like sitting. Yeah, that was the Omelatris. Oh, wasn't. Yeah, about the God that was a long time ago. Yeah, billion years ago. Then Austin, you were saying Lucy's diner. Oh, Austin diner moved that way.
Starting point is 00:05:55 It moved down the road a little bit, over by like 49th. They're in a strip mall. Yeah, it's in a strip mall. It's that way. Yeah, I actually do eat an Austin diner sometimes, and I don't know why, because it's not any better than the Almatory. Totally disagree.
Starting point is 00:06:09 I think Austin diner is so much better than the Almatory. I think you're out of your mind. Well, I eat there, so clearly I like it. It is so much better than Almatory, it's crazy. I really don't eat it either. I just had a motor breakfast person. I had a bad experience at the Almatory. It's one of those Austin Java things,
Starting point is 00:06:22 but I don't quite remember. But anyway, Voodoo Donuts is taking over over and they're just keeping the pallets and painting them pink, which I thought was kind of clever. Those are some well fucking used pallets. That's right next to Little Woodrow's and Little Longhorn, right? Yeah, across from Little Woodrow, but yeah, like kind of right kind of next to Little Longhorn. I think we talked about Little Longhorn in an episode several episodes ago. It's a chicken chicken deal. Chicken chicken deal.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Yeah, yeah. This whole stretch to me, because I've only lived here since 2018 or whatever, this to me is what old Austin, like when you go up and down Burnett, this is like one of my favorite drags in Austin when you get around like top notch and like kind of going up and down like that area, I think that's, I think it's so fucking cool.
Starting point is 00:07:07 It is just like how do any of these businesses stay in business? I could stop and get a hamburger. Like I love it. They won't for much longer. I think as you can see, like every other block is torn down with condos going up. But you're right in that this feels, like the growth in Austin kind of radiated
Starting point is 00:07:23 from downtown out in every direction, right? And it's like, bird, it's pretty far north and it's just, it's taken its time to get up here. I don't know if that's even really that far north, it's just really, in, I don't know, like entrenched itself, it kind of held out against any development for a long time. It's my favorite part, Austin now.
Starting point is 00:07:38 And it was, it's probably the part I went to, I mean, we were just south of the river kind of people for a long time. Are they trying to give it a stupid name? Likeko? Isn't it like no boo now or something? I don't know. Does it really north burn it? I think I've seen some people I hope not yeah, it's pretty it's pretty disgusting. That's gross Imagine having to describe where top notches and telling people you're gonna top notch no boo I wonder how long top notch will be able to hang on I mean, no. I want a hamburger like that. You feel like the sushi. Top notch nobu.
Starting point is 00:08:05 What the fuck? I wonder how long top notch will be able to hang on. It's still kicking. I was there the other day. I thought their days were numbered after the original owner passed away several years ago, but they're still, I mean, they're still really going for it. I feel like they have classic card meets.
Starting point is 00:08:21 It seems like every weekend out there. And I think there's a strong group of people who still really support it and still really go there. A lot of fried shrimp sales. Right? I think they show movies on the wall. Really? Yeah, I went and got a burger on New Year's.
Starting point is 00:08:35 I just wanted a top notch. And they have painted squares on the walls that have TVs, painted TVs around it. And they're like, hey, watch movies movies with us and there's spots for like Projectors to be set and you can like watch movie. I really think they're doing that. That's crazy. That's awesome I think that's great. There's a lot a lot of days confused Probably the only thing they show there and they fast forward to the parts where it's at top That's us. That's us look
Starting point is 00:09:03 Right there. That's us, that's us, look. Look, are you okay? Right there, that's where you are. But this whole, we were talking about it on the way in. There's a lot happening with Burnett, kind of up and down or whatever. But you were saying like this drag is just a big blind spot for you, right? Like this particular part. For like 45th to Hancock.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Yeah, I just like forget it exists. I don't know why. For my head Burnett starts at like Hancock North Loop. Yeah. And I always get forget it exists. I don't know why. In my head, Burnett starts at like hand-cock North Loop. Yeah. And I always get surprised by shit. And I shouldn't because there's a coffee shop, well it's closed now, but there's a coffee shop that I used to go to all the time called Pachas.
Starting point is 00:09:34 That was about it. I just didn't go to Pachas right now. Maybe that's what it is. Maybe after they closed, I just... But they moved, right? There's somewhere else now, I think. Oh, that'd be lovely. I think I passed by their location,
Starting point is 00:09:43 like I was driving around the other day and I was like, oh, Pacha's here. Like I thought they closed. We should go there because it's a coffee shop and because they have great, great breakfast. Is it Pacha Organic Cafe? Yeah, it's on Guad. Oh.
Starting point is 00:09:57 It looks like it's Guad and, what is that? 29th. Oh, by campus. Yeah, it is. It is right. Oh boy. It is right. Yep, that is. Yeah, it is right. Oh boy. It is right. Yep, that's exactly what that's like right by dirty Martins.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Yeah, speaking of Austin colloquialisms, Guad is not one. No, no, no, no, no. Okay, so. So weird. Yeah, he says like, oh, sorry. Because I say Guad because the way people pronounce that street here I loop got a loop. Yeah, it offense me on a core level, but that's why I say guad yeah, I'm not I can't I'm not a Guadaloupe guy
Starting point is 00:10:36 People people get stuck on burn it Guadaloupe and manchak sand Jack How about sand Jack because of people people can't say sannyosin to Are you kidding me? No, I don't talk about San Jack. No, boo, dude. Fuckin', what a mess. Everything's something else. It's also really confusing, because I don't know if we've talked about that before,
Starting point is 00:10:57 but some streets have multiple names, depending on where you are. Like right over here, Alondale is Canig, which is also 22-22. It becomes Alondale west of Burnett, but it's K-Nig east of Burnett and it's 22-22 the whole way. Selenely.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Or like Ben White 71-290. West of 35, it's 290. East of 35, it's 71 and Ben White. And 290 goes up 35. Everything you just said activated a sleeper agent somewhere. So where? Some of the road here just is just like so confusing. It can be referred to in multiple ways.
Starting point is 00:11:31 I fucking hate it. It's awful. It is awful. Yeah, I don't remember if we mentioned this in an old episode, but maybe we did. One of the first, I think with the, like one of the early memories I have moving Austin, what's your date?
Starting point is 00:11:44 There's a fifth. Almost 25 ago, to the day, actually. I went and I bought a map, like a foldable street map that I like pinned to my bedroom wall. So I could like keep track of where I'd been in town and like learn the city, because obviously it's before GPS, before smartphones. And I wanted to like get a layout of where everything was in relation to everything else.
Starting point is 00:12:02 And I can't imagine even in Austin, go anywhere anymore without GPS, like traveling or even getting around here, having all that information real time available. That makes me feel fucking old. That makes me feel fucking old. Man, I remember cross country road trips where you'd have to stop in states to get new maps.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Yeah. Sometimes. They have like an atlas in your side. Can you pull out? Goddamn it, the world has changed a lot in our lifetimes, Gus. So we're talking about this area or we're in this area, a burn it. When we were in the car on the way over here, we were talking, we were having kind of a different conversation, which was about things that used to be good that aren't good anymore.
Starting point is 00:12:39 So we can go into that if you want, because I think there's, I mean, I think like seven places have come to mind just when we've been talking in this conversation. You got some pretty interesting stuff. Like theometry, for instance. Talk shit on theometry. I don't know if I ever really went there. But what are some of the, let's be positive first.
Starting point is 00:12:56 What are some of the hot spots on Burnett? Like let's say, most of the people who listen to this podcast have never, don't live in Austin, right? Or if they do live in Austin, like most Austin, so they've been here for less than four months. So, like if you were to come to Austin, or you've moved here recently, like what do you, like LaLas?
Starting point is 00:13:14 I would say. Oh, right there on the old Anderson, which is, I don't know if we've talked about it on this podcast, but I feel we probably have. Yeah, it's the Christmas themed car. Yeah, I think we talked about it. It's like walking through a time warp. It's fucking wild.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Clearly top notch is a very old Austin burger institution. Feels very much like, I don't know, like happy days kind of vibe. Yeah, well, it's also it's like a place where you can order, almost like a Sonic, we talked about Sonic, you can order from your car and like don't bring your food down and stuff and eat there, which you know, I guess is a, which maybe why you think it's like happy days, like talked about Sonic. You can order from your car, and don't bring your food down and stuff, and eat there, which, you know, I guess is a, which maybe why you think it's like happy days.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Like it's an old style of restaurant, you don't see anymore. Yeah, I was trying to think of that movie, the last picture show. Okay. That kind of reminded me of that, but, or no, American graffiti, is what I was trying to get to.
Starting point is 00:13:58 Okay, sorry, that was all jumbled up on my head. Has a very American graffiti vibes, maybe is a better way to put it than happy days. Pfft. Dip, dip, dip. Dip, dip, dip. Yeah, if you've never been to dip, dip, you gotta go. It's like a hot pot kind of thing,
Starting point is 00:14:14 you get like you're an individual thing. But it's like elevated hot pot, it's different. It's definitely elevated, everyone that works there looks like they live in Austin. Yeah, it's, you pay like you live in Austin. Yes, yeah, it's pretty expensive. It's been a fucking expensive. Boy, I really liked it.
Starting point is 00:14:28 It was nice. And then right there by Dip Dip Dip is a Tumble 22, which is really excellent. One of two locations in Austin now, they're more of... There's a few out in Cedar Park as well. The old Magnolia Cafe is turning to Lake Austin. That's a Tumble 22, but that's really, really good. Yeah, we just got that the other day.
Starting point is 00:14:46 And Jeff got the hottest. You did? The fire in the hole? Dang hot. Was it every day? Stupid hot. Stupid hot. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:14:54 It's fucking hot. It's what I get every time. He's got indigestion thinking about it. Yeah. It is hot. Yeah, I don't know. It's like too hot to eat, but I can't stop eating it. And so it's like a love, hate, hate, love relationship.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Get that. They're so fucking good though. There's a place over there by, off of Burnett, right by Anderson, where North Cross Mall used to be, called High Wings. And if you ever been there, it's a fried chicken place. That place is fucking good, right? It's Korean, right? Yeah, Korean fried chicken.
Starting point is 00:15:22 It is probably the best fried chicken I've ever had. Oh, really? Yeah, and like they have this thing. I tried, I is probably the best fried chicken I've ever had. Oh really? Yeah, and like they have this thing, I tried, I got some the other day and on their menu they have one of the sides they have is like garlic parmesan fries and it says like we're just going to get straight to it. These are the best garlic parmesan fries you ever had. I was like, yeah, yeah, whatever, you know, everyone says that. I ordered them.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Those are the best garlic parmesan fries in the world. Wow, okay, I'm going to get some. Everything about that place is so good. And it's just like tucked away in a Non-descript strip mall like I said poor North Cross used to be right by that Get the wall martis Yeah, I In that same complex is a breakfast place called first watch. Yeah, which is very fucking good. I think they closed
Starting point is 00:15:57 No, I think no, I still yeah, yeah first watch is still there. Okay There's one up north on the off-plates I pulled into the high wings like I I said, just this past weekend, and I looked over there, and I thought it was a Chinese restaurant now. Oh, really? No, I was there like a week ago. Okay, there has been some turn,
Starting point is 00:16:12 or something else must have become the Chinese restaurant there. I do like that place. If you go on a Saturday or a Sunday, boy, you're gonna be waiting for a while to get a table. It is, that place is big, and boy, is it fucking Yeah. You have one of the Alamo draft houses in that area too. That was the second draft house, the Alamo Village.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Yep. It was, it's so funny that the Alamo Village was my least favorite draft house in the old days. And now it is by far the best draft. Yeah. It is. If you want to, like, there are enough Alamo draft houses around the country that. Yeah. Yeah. It is. If you want to, like, there are enough Alamo draft houses around the country that most people have probably been to them, and I'm sure they're all unique and fantastic in their own way.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Yeah. And all of the new in South Lamar is fucking awesome, and I love it here in Austin. But if you want to get a vibe for what the Alamo draft house was like in the early 2000s in Austin, when it was like becoming that
Starting point is 00:17:04 cultural thing, the village is the closest you know, Austin, when it was like becoming that cultural thing, the village is the closest you're gonna get to that. Absolutely, yeah. It's a great spot. Even the South Lamar, was that South Lamar a couple of weeks ago, I saw the whale there. And, no. It was well acted.
Starting point is 00:17:18 I thought the story in script was maybe a little thin. I was walking through South Lamar, it's funny because you bring this up because I was standing there in that hallway and I stopped for a second as I was walking into the theater and I looked around and I was like, I was trying to remember what it was like before the remodel and I was like, oh, this is the wall right here,
Starting point is 00:17:36 where all of this is new, like only that part is the, like I was trying to place it all in my head. Only that part was the original. All of this got added and I was just trying to remember that shopping center, like where the vintage guitar place and the thunder cloud that was out there. Ali and scooters.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Right, like trying to like place how it all laid out. Where the high ball was even higher. Do you remember what the, what was that the album before it was the album? It was a HB down there. It was a HB. Yeah, and that entire complex, unrecognizable after they did the construction.
Starting point is 00:18:05 It's gone. I don't think there's a single belt. Of concrete that is. I, that's what I was looking for. I think there's like a tiny little section of the current South La Mar, that I'm like, this, that's where our status like, this is all that's left from that.
Starting point is 00:18:17 Really? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because when you walk into the South La Mar, you know, you walk past like the bar to your right, you turn left, you go to the left, and you know, there's they project like the stuff on the wall to the right. Yeah turn left. You go to the left and they project
Starting point is 00:18:25 like the stuff on the wall to the right. Right around there, there's like double doors that are always open. Everything before the double doors, those little walls to the left and right, that's still what was there before. And I think everything beyond those double doors was all what was new.
Starting point is 00:18:39 I'll have to check that out when I go next. Yeah, it's an interesting part of turnover. An interesting example of cool turnover, I guess, because I loved that shopping center. Yeah. There was on the right side when you'd go in to the right of the ThunderCottles like in the middle,
Starting point is 00:18:53 Yeah, it's like in the parking lot. Yeah, like in the parking lot. Like a short stop kind of thing. Kind of like a short stop, yeah. And on the right side was a long row of businesses and they were all antique stores and vintage clothing shops. And it used to be so fun to just start at one end
Starting point is 00:19:06 and walk all the way down. You could easily spend like two, three hours there. I used to do it all the time. And now it's a five guys. No, not five guys. It's a Shake Shack and a bunch of other restaurants and a coffee shop over there. There's a cafe in Medici over there.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Yeah, and it's really cool. And there's con, like I guess apartments above it. And it's a gorgeous development, but it's like an's an entirely different place. Well, they also got that parking garage now. I remember back before they built all that. It was just a giant parking lot in the front and the secret was always like,
Starting point is 00:19:32 you could go around behind the Alamo and park behind it. And people didn't know to park back there. They would just park in the big lot out front. So you get a decent spot in the back because nobody ever really drove around over there. I will say one thing I don't miss is how hot that parking lot would get in the summer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:45 Texas has, at least Austin has this reputation for building giant concrete parking lots with little businesses around the edges of it and the sun just fucking bakes them. Yeah. Even at night, like you'd get out of a movie and it would just feel that trapped heat radiating off of the parking lot was enough to sober you up real quick.
Starting point is 00:20:04 What is the first thing you think of when you think of that Alma Drafthouse? he'd radiating off of the parking lot. It was enough to sober you up real quick. What is the first thing you think of when you think of that album address? I think of South by Southwest. Even though I didn't attend any South by Southwest film showings, I remember South by Southwest because I remember they would have showings there and going to see any other movie was always a nightmare
Starting point is 00:20:20 because the lines were so long and the parking lot would get so packed. I remember just being like upset about it and grumbling under my breath that I just wanted to go see a movie. I have a vague memory that pops into my head every time that is Tim League dressed up as Iron Man in like a jet pack.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Trying to fly around the parking lot. I don't remember that. So it's like, I do remember that, right? That did happen to am I making it up in my head, but I'm pretty sure we did it for like Iron Man 2 or something. Yeah, we did a bunch of screenings back in the day there at the old Alamo and at the new Alamo after the renovation. So it's definitely a place that stands out in my mind,
Starting point is 00:20:54 like somewhere that I've spent a lot of time over the years when it was there. Yeah, we used to do back in the old achievement 100 days, we did, I wanna say a couple times we did Theodermod Live there. It's great than you. What would you do if you had the freedom to be anyone or to go anywhere without limitations?
Starting point is 00:21:12 Start your journey and experience for yourself the feeling of total freedom when you game with Alienware. Alienware is your portal to new worlds where limits don't exist and the only rules are the ones you decide to make. Defy boundaries and start gaming now at, next gen gaming is built with Intel Core i9 processors. I saw, I don't want to turn, you know, what we're reminiscing here, I don't want to turn
Starting point is 00:21:35 this into like a Q&A podcast or anything, but I saw someone who listens to Adma make a post on, I think I've read a met a bit on Ruestri Teeth, asking for clarification on how exactly we met the bear naked ladies. Oh. That's something I don't think we've ever talked about. I think that's a great thing to answer. I think you could probably tell the story better than me.
Starting point is 00:21:57 I think you have a better memory. So that was a long time ago. That would have been. Season two. Yeah, like 2004, if memory serves correctly, this was before we had, it was right before we had the social website. We were still operating like the blog style website with PHP BB forums.
Starting point is 00:22:14 I believe Ed was just like a sponsor on the forums and he sent Bernie a message through the PHP BB forums. I was like, hey, Ed Robertson from the Bearnake at Ladies, you know, really like what you guys are doing. We're gonna go out on a tour. Would you all be interested in making some interstitial videos for us? I think that came a little later.
Starting point is 00:22:34 I think he just like, that was like an initial. Oh yeah, you said yeah, hey. A big fan. A big fan. A big fan. There was some vetting to determine like, are you really Ed Robertson? And then I think he and Bernie kind of struck up
Starting point is 00:22:44 a bit of a friendship. And then as that grew, he asked us to do those videos, which is wild. Yeah, we did, we would make videos that they would play like between sets or, you know, while they were rearranging the stage or whatever. Like I will never be able to thank them enough for that. It was such an awesome opportunity
Starting point is 00:23:02 and it was fucking wild to be at like the backyard, the old backyard back in the day, wherever it was we saw them play. And that between songs when they're doing like guitar changes or whatever, to have fucking red versus blue come up and have halo characters talking about the Bernic ladies and a bunch of like 50-year-old housewives just laughing their asses off. And it was like, this is so not our market. This is so not our, this is so not our audience, but they would, they would just eat it up. And I was, it was an awesome feeling. I just felt so like at a place and in place at the same time at, like getting to go to those shows and see that. I remember people would like make posts on the forums, talking about how they went to like a bear naked lady show at Red Rocks. Yeah. And they were like, oh, and you know, red versus Blue popped up between, you know,
Starting point is 00:23:46 while they were doing a set change. Do you remember, I don't know, did you go to that first show? That show that we, where our stuff aired? No, no, no. At that show, after it, we met up with the Ed. And we were just like, thank you so much. And we were just kind of becoming friends of them.
Starting point is 00:24:00 And he was like, hey, you guys wanna come to the tour bus? And we were like, yeah, we wanna go on a bear naked lady's tour bus. And he was like, cool, I got Halo in the back. We just went and played Halo in tour bus for a little while. That's awesome. And then that friendship continued to grow over time. And then we had Ed come and play a character in a very popular series we did, a sponsored series
Starting point is 00:24:22 called Captain Dynamic. Captain Dynamic. And I think we all just fell in love with them. series we did, a sponsored series called Captain Dynamic. And I think we all just fell in love with them. And then I took it to Barton Springs for the first time. I remember that was really cool. And then it would just kept in touch for years. And then eventually Matt directed two or three Bernic and Lidious videos, I wanna say.
Starting point is 00:24:37 And there you go. Amazing. And I remember that was interesting to me, when all that was happening, it was like, wow, like celebrities like stuff too. Yeah, I was happening, it was like, wow, like celebrities like stuff too. Yeah. Yeah. It's like, well, famous people watch things
Starting point is 00:24:49 and like, there's things that they like. It was, it was weird to me. Like, like, you always see them as like, people that you only exist on screen or like in on a CD or something. And you always, and you always hear, like, I remember for a while, people kept telling me that the, the lady from Evan S is like red versus blue,
Starting point is 00:25:06 back in that day, but we never corroborated that. But it's always so weird when you hear those things and you're like, I guess, yeah, I guess. I was just on the way over here, I was listening to, I listened to this serious XM channel called Michael Smerkohnish, it's called POTUS, but Michael Smerkohnish does like a morning political talk show. And he was playing a preview of Charles Barkley
Starting point is 00:25:25 talking about what a fan he was of that show. And I was thinking like, that's so weird that why would Charles Barkley be a fan of a political talk show? Yeah, yeah. And that's eight, yeah. And these are on top of everything you know about them. They're people. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:37 They have interests. There's things that they do. And you know, definitely in some cases not a role model. It's an old reference. Old reference. which I think he has since recanted many times Yeah, but you were I'm sorry. I think I do rail deer you were talking we we had started talking about Businesses that you wanted to visit like a celebration of things on this stretch of Burnett I think you wanted to continue the conversation. I don't know. I was just talking about. So shit out there. Talk about things that we don't love anymore. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:07 This was a very positive first half hour. Yeah. We wanted to get the celebration out. Positive. So torches. I don't say this to be mean and I don't say this to be negative. But if you are excited about coming to Austin and visiting Austin, there's probably a bunch of restaurants you've heard of. Torches being pretty far up there. Like Rudy's, I'm sure a lot of people hear about,
Starting point is 00:26:29 not who will help, but let's see, the Mexican restaurant. Shoees, which is nationwide now. Torchies, Ad , its inception was a phenomenal restaurant. Trailer, series of trailers in the restaurants. Torchies is not the same as it was. And I just want people to be
Starting point is 00:26:45 aware that when they come and they eat, they eat a place like tortillas, if they have an experience, they're like, well, this is not what the, what the russians guys hyped up to be. It's time to change. Yeah, that was 10 years ago. And so did we use, we don't eat there anymore because I've had so many bad experiences. You know, we've talked about it before our Our studio used to be downtown like at seventh in Congress and we would walk over to a torches trailer that was on Sixth and like west over there kind of like by little wood rows and star bar. Yeah. Was that the first torches? Or do you know or were there others? I think that was the first. I think it was the first very first. I don't remember if that was a case or not
Starting point is 00:27:20 But I mean, that's just part of that kind of growth right like when they have one trailer It's like you can manage your distribution and your suppliers in a certain manner. But you know, once you grow and have tons of locations, it's like, then you need different distributors, different quality control becomes a real issue. Yeah. The consistency between locations. It's a it's a very different type of business that you're dealing with at that point. Yeah. But that being said, there are other instances like I think Rudy's manages to keep a very consistent experience, no matter what. Absolutely. Location you go to. Like, if you, no matter where you are, I felt like the one over here that opened on Lamar
Starting point is 00:27:52 was a little iffy at first. It was a little rocky when they opened, but they've sensed quash those bugs, and now it's like, it's on par with all the other Rudy's. And it's not like, it's the best barbecue in the world, but it's good barbecue. Dude, it is an A-minus in a city that has a couple of A plus pluses, but they're hard to fucking go to. And it's much, much easier to go to the A-minus. And it's also, you're talking about consistency. I don't know who runs the Rudy's corporation, but Rudy's and then mighty fine.
Starting point is 00:28:19 And they're hamburger restaurants. I've never had a bad experience at either of those places in the 20 something years I live here. They have maintained quality to a phenomenal degree because even like there's even days when you go to lock heart and you go to like smitties and you have an off day. And you're like, oh man, that was a fucking 30 minute drive for that. But Rudy's never bad. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Never. It's it's a me. I don't know how they do that. That level of consistency. I mean, that's the same people who run mighty fine how they do that, that level of consistency. I mean, that's the same people who run mighty fine. Chewies, not good anymore. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:49 It's, I went to the original location a couple weeks ago. It's not great. I haven't even been to Chewies in decades. It's been a long time. I used to go, I lived in Houston. I used to go to the one in Houston all the time. Then when I first moved to Austin, I would go to the one down here in Barnes, Springs all the time. But it's been a long time, so I've been down there. Yeah, there's just, I used to go to the one in Houston all the time. When I first moved to Austin, I would go to the one down here in Barnes,
Starting point is 00:29:05 Springs all the time. But it's been a long time, so I've been down there. I don't know, there's just down there, that whole area gets very crowded and very difficult to navigate with cars and people and everything. It's like, whenever possible, I try to avoid going down there, especially certain times that you're like when ACL is going on and whatnot. That's some beautiful audio texture. Dude, it tastes like fish. Oh, what the fish?
Starting point is 00:29:27 Yeah, so I don't, you know, I don't like fish very much, but I've been, Emily's got me taken a bunch of pills and medicines and stuff, and I've been taking like fish oils. And now anytime I burp, it just, I taste fish. It's fucking sucks. It really sucks, but I guess I live longer. Will you, will, but what's my brain will be better or some shit?
Starting point is 00:29:44 What's the quality of life though? my brain will be better or some shit Awesome, I'll still I'll be sharp enough to recognize how gross my burps are for much longer into my life Are there any other places you want to you know, I'll do a redemption Okay, I used to hate Taco Deli. Oh, yeah, and I have been going to Taco Deli a lot lately Like I've replaced torches with Taco Deli. I feel like they get a bad rap because they supply a lot of breakfast to other coffee shops. And I think that's most people's experience is picking up a breakfast taco. Yeah, if you go to the actual location, it's much better.
Starting point is 00:30:17 Yeah, then picking it up elsewhere. Yeah, just like it just they they travel and they sit there versus going. Well, you know, they were made at like three in the morning and it's simply lying and then they get wrapped up and they're just on a then a heat warmer for six hours before you get to it yeah but yeah you go and get like the fun dito tacos or whatever at at like actually sit down and go at that place is fucking awesome yeah best tacos in Austin you think so no I'm asking oh oh oh
Starting point is 00:30:41 Veracruz yes now there's no there's no question about that tell you agree I know there's a coffee podcast but we should oh oh Veracruz yes now there's no there's no question about that tell you agree I know there's a coffee podcast, but we should go to Veracruz. Yeah, there's a coffee shop that has a Veracruz Yeah, there's probably a few actually there's one not too far from here. There's one by the studio is well over in Mueller There's like that little trailer park There's a coffee trailer there Sometimes if you try to order from there online on the weekend, they just turn their online ordering off because it's so popular. Oh, wow. One time I ordered online, then I showed up to pick up my food
Starting point is 00:31:09 and they're like, yeah, it guess, still like Austin restaurant institutions. Or I guess maybe would be considered that. Texas chili parlor is that a thing that you guys give a fuck about? Was that like, uh, Texas chili parlor might be my most beloved place in Austin. Are you serious? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Oh, wow. I go there once a month probably, and I have since I moved here in 98. Speaking of death proof, they also filmed. They have a lot of death proofing. I mean, that's what I think about that. I was the other, where I was, I think was the other spot. That was like the outside or whatever.
Starting point is 00:31:52 But Texas chili parlor, is that, would you say that's worth, because it's downtown, it's like not really super hard to get to if you're like staying in Austin, whatever, is that a spot that people should hit up? Yeah, I think that's worth thinking about. Yeah, it's absolutely, if you want to feel like, like it's like a, like old Texasy U.T. kind of vibe. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Like you go in there, there's going to be a ton of football shit that's all like faded from the sun, hanging on the walls, and they have some truly awesome chili and other, they have really good tamales actually. Like what? Yeah, the tamales are great. But that is a fantastic place to go. If you're looking to visit Austin,
Starting point is 00:32:26 if you want to like get a flavor of Old Austin, I don't think you could do better than Chili Parlor. At this point, maybe Dirty Martins or... We could end the great thing about Tix Chili Parlor is it's not too difficult to park there, because even though it's close to downtown, it's far too far away from the core downtown where there's like no one really there,
Starting point is 00:32:44 it's kind of by the capital. Yeah. Dirty Martin is interesting because that might be going away soon. Yeah. It's like on the list to potentially get demolished to build like mass transit down Guadalupe there. And that place has been there for over a hundred years at this point. 1926.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Yeah. Oh, close to 100. I want to say Jack told me his grandmother worked there. Jesus. Or his great grandmother or somebody worked there at some point in their life. I want to say Jack told me his grandmother worked there. Jesus or his great grandmother Somebody worked there at some point in their life. I can be wrong about that. I've never been an urban Oh really? It's like a Burger guy, but like it's a great if you go on the weekends. Yeah, like I recommend going on a Saturday or a Sunday Kind of around like 11 a.m
Starting point is 00:33:18 It'll be full of old bald dudes with sheets and sheets of paper going over their fantasy football stuff. And there's a bunch of TVs everywhere and it's just old dudes doing fantasy drafts and shit. And like, yeah. That's awesome. Old dudes that internet, they're using papers. Yeah, I'd definitely highly recommend going, especially because it might not be around
Starting point is 00:33:37 for too much longer. Okay. You know, that whole area might get and get the corn, my critters, things they have. Yeah, it might get demolished. I feel like it's such a like you went to school here. That's the place you go to like it. I mean, it's right on that edge of campus.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Yeah, but it's still really good. Yeah. Okay. It is still really good. And it's got a really cool. It's got the, I don't know, it's like it reminds me of Y-Phone with Austin saying this Texas chili parlor. It still has that feeling to it, you know, I really dig.
Starting point is 00:34:02 I saw a couple, speaking of that area, a couple days ago, I saw on the Austin subreddit, someone posted a picture of the Scientology building down there on Guadaloupe, and they were like, I just saw this walking by North Campus, and everyone's like, yeah, it's only been there for like 40 years, what's he up to? That's not new.
Starting point is 00:34:20 Yeah, that's been there forever. They're like, oh, they're like, did you just move? He's like, no, I've lived here for 15 or 20 years. I've never known what it was. How are you not noticing it? It's been there forever. Clearly, don't spend a lot of time on the drag, I guess.
Starting point is 00:34:31 It's a long old when I moved here. It was on this go. Doesn't it say? Yeah. Like, church of Scientology on it? I think they've been doing some renovations the past couple of months, so they took a side note. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:34:42 They've been doing renovations for like a decade. That might be part of the problem. Because there's like a satellite, Scientology place over like a, a hand cop, and like a strip mall. And that's where they've been operating for a couple of years because they've been undergoing renovations on that fucking,
Starting point is 00:34:59 that location forever. But it's funny to me that someone could live here for, while whatever, a lot of period of time they said, one, not notice it, two, call that North Campus. Let me ask you a question. How long do you think Scientology survives? Do you think it dies in your lifetime? No. No. They have, like, they have all the, it's a weird religion because they have tons and tons of money through property. They have so many mega rich. They own like most of Hollywood, the city. Really?
Starting point is 00:35:31 Yeah, I think they own like so much property in Hollywood. Everything I've read is that they're like, they cannot sign up new members. Like it's like an empty, it's like an empty cult. Right, but I don't think that means it ends in our lifetime. I just think I think there's a revitalization. I mean, you could say that for like, Catholicism and stuff too.
Starting point is 00:35:45 It's like numbers aren't high right now, but there's still also like, people's kids. Like you're born into it. You're more likely to stay into it. It's supposed to attract new outside. But if you're not attracting new outsiders, at some point, people die out. And I mean, people lose enthusiasm.
Starting point is 00:36:00 I just, I don't think, I think religions can die. And I think that one that was created in the 60s, 70s. The one that's like 65 years old, the one that died. Yeah, especially now that it's become like, you're not getting new celebrities. I will say, they are, I feel like they're in a big PR push right now. They're launching like their own cable network.
Starting point is 00:36:22 Yeah, like to really, to quote unquote set the record straight. Well, that's great because all those, we'll watch it. All those kids watching cable TV, they're really gonna jump on the Scientology bandwagon. But I could see this being like step one, right? Like doing this and then, you know, trying to, like this is them, in my,
Starting point is 00:36:39 it seems like it's them trying to clean up their reputation and spin their side of the narrative. And then from here, it's like you continue that push online and you're trying to meet people where they are. What do you think is another good or another property that used to be good that now you don't frequent anymore? You feel like the clock. It could be a bar, it could be a coffee shop restaurant, it could be a store.
Starting point is 00:36:59 This isn't necessarily anything bad about them. I think this speaks more to me and how I've changed. I don't go to Amy's ice cream, like I used to. I feel like when I was younger, I would go there all the time. I don't know if it's just one, I eat less ice cream or two, I'm picky or about it. Whenever I'm sitting at home and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:37:18 I'm gonna get to my ice cream. I don't default to Amy's ice cream. Do you go to like lick or one of those other places? I would say lick is probably, in my opinion, lick is probably better. I would probably go to lick before I go to Amy's I used to like lick or one of those other places or I would say lick is probably in my Pinda lick is probably better. Yeah, I would probably go to lick before I go to Amy's I went to a place I went to a place on South Congress recently. I don't know the name of it, but it was fucking good South Congress new I don't think it was lick it was like I'd never heard of it. Is it Jenny's I don't think so Jenny's is pretty good to
Starting point is 00:37:42 But that's not a local place. Those mingos? I have to look it up. It was a while back with my cousin and Emily would probably remember. But I remember thinking, oh, fucking, because Amy's was like across the street, but we went to that place instead and it was really good. That Amy's on South Congress, that was the first Schlottskies, I think. I think we talked about that this on Sermiller. We might have talked about that.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Yeah. Another weird local chain. I think that I think we did we talk about that the salsa mellum we might have talked about this yeah another Weird little chain Yeah, Amy I would go with Amy's ice cream But again not a damn nation on them anytime. I do go there I feel like it's still the same as it always was I think that's me and that I've changed their ice cream place There are two ice cream places equidistant across this street from Amy's on South Kong Chris What is it?
Starting point is 00:38:20 Gendi a Jenny's Jenny's and Gelato paradise so and must have been Jenny's yeah, yeah, it's fucking good You just don't eat Jalato. I Just I just I know I didn't have Jalato that night, so must have been Jenny's yeah Jenny's good Are there any others for you South Congress? Well that that whole area change is not I mean the streets the same name, but there's really nothing on there That's the same at this point Allen's really nothing on there that's the same at this point.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Allen's boots is still there. Allen's boots is still there, yeah. Especially at Lucy's, he's gone now. Yeah, I mean, there's really a lot of the buildings have been torn down, especially on the east side of that street and rebuilt. There's really not much that's still arid down there.
Starting point is 00:38:58 I will say, the restaurant where El Soyla Luna used to be, it's called Joans now. It was snack bar for a couple of years. Now it's Joans, that place is fucking great. Yeah, it's really good. I just realized snack bar moved over there on airport. I was driving by the other day. I was like, oh shit, snack bar's out over here.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Yeah, it's in an old florist. Yes. So you're positive at the beginning, and then now it's sort of here, the things we don't really like. Are there, I'm trying to be negative, not like, I understand, let's be honest about it. You're positive at the beginning and then now it's sort of here the things we don't really like are there I'm trying to be negative not like I understand it let's be honest about it If you've been listening to us talk about restaurants in Austin for 20 years. Yep
Starting point is 00:39:33 Something's changed things change. Okay, so let me ask this are there ones that back then you would have recommended that you still do now And is it home slice? Oh, absolutely home slice. Yeah, what? V313 is probably my favorite pizza in Austin. I like Via, I like it. I like pint house a lot. I love pint house pizza. I can get so-and-ass, just fucking pizza. I like going there and having a drink and getting the pizza
Starting point is 00:39:56 and then going, have half pizza left, let's go home. It is great. The home, I want to pivot back to the home slice. There's one over here by the studio off a North Loop. And they have, home slice has, I think everything they make is phenomenal. They've got wings at this one. They've got a cheesecake that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:40:10 They've got sandwiches that are really, really good. I get the meatball sub. I like the Italian assorted. But right after Eric moved here, I took him to that home slice. Fuck. For lunch. Do you know how he does fucking lunch? You get an appetizer, you get a meal, there's dessert.
Starting point is 00:40:26 Like it was red, I was like, have you had the wings here? He's like, no, it's like, okay, let's get some wings. And then we got pizza. And then we ate all the wings, we ate all the pizza. I was like, oh, we gotta get the cheesecake. The cheesecake's really good. We heard it. It was like 130 in the afternoon.
Starting point is 00:40:39 And it's like, we have to go back to work. We had so much fun. I know we've talked about that building in specific before we talked about like, he used to be a dentist officer, a doctor's officer, what pediatrician I think. But every time I eat at that home slice, all I think of as man, Nick, I already moved
Starting point is 00:40:55 a couple of years to see him. Yeah, yeah, that parking lot is awful there for that home slice. It's got two entrances and it's not clearly marked, which is an entrance marked which is an end up which is an exit terrible and part way through the parking lot is the biggest pothole followed by the biggest hill insane. I ever say it's like no matter what you're driving you're gonna scrape your foot. I just don't even pull in there. I just go high
Starting point is 00:41:16 park on the street. I'll give a fuck. Yeah, I just cannot. But then you can't park on the street for 6 p.m. Yep. And then on the other side of the fight. What's such a fight. It's awful a fight. How about this? What are some old Austin places that went under the eating care about? Oh, that's good. That's hard to remember,
Starting point is 00:41:30 because if I didn't care about them, I don't know if they would have really even registered. I can give you two off top of my head. Hills Cafe couldn't have cared less when it came to this. Yeah, I wasn't big enough. Arts rib house couldn't have cared less when it came to this.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Oh, I got one. Third gills. Third gills couldn't, yeah. I'm right there with you. People were a huge fan of that. I just never got it. I was never. Thatread gills. Couldn't get, yeah, I'm right there with you. People were a huge fan of that. I just never got it. I was never. That's a big fantasy.
Starting point is 00:41:47 I'm kind of touching you now. I was very indifferent to those plays. I ate it a few times. I don't think I ever ate it. Arts rib house. I'm not a big ribs fan because I like it in my hands dirty. I'm with you. I hate when my fingers get dirty.
Starting point is 00:41:57 I hate I don't like being messy. Yeah, so I like. No, that I also hate that, but I love ribs. Yeah. So it's like, it's, I won't stop eating ribs, but I am miserable. Fucking ribs are great, man. I hit a point where, like if you live in Texas long enough, I think at some point you hit a wall with brisket.
Starting point is 00:42:18 No matter how good it is, no matter how much you love it, at some point you're just like, you know what, maybe I'm not gonna order brisket this time. And ribs has become my new thing when I'm not feeling brisket. You know what, it's me circling back to Rooties. I've recently started ordering their baked potatoes.
Starting point is 00:42:37 I've never had them before. Have Rooties? I didn't know they had baked potatoes. They're smoked baked potatoes. They are so good and you get them topped with whatever meat you want. So like get a brisket, brisket baked potato, it brings all new life into brisket. Oh my God. I know what I would get on it because I've fallen in love recently with a spicy chop.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Have you had that? Oh yeah, I have that. It is so fucking good. What is the spicy chop? It's just chop beef but it's spicy. I didn't know what it was. I saw it in the menu once. I was like, give me some of that.
Starting point is 00:43:04 I was gonna try it. It's kind of new, I think. You're kind of like in a cup. Ooh, I want it. Yeah, it's really fun. Like, Millie loves the pulled pork. And so she always gets that. And I always kind of assumed it was kind of the same. But I got it one time on a whim.
Starting point is 00:43:13 And yeah, I order it every time though. They also just recently here at the Green Chilly Pork Stew. I remember one time I was driving down to Houston and I had to stop to charge my car. And there was a Rudy's there. So I was like, I'm just gonna run into Rudy's and they had Green Chilly Porks do on the menu down there and I got it, I was like, this is so good.
Starting point is 00:43:28 I've never seen the one in Austin and then like six months to a year later it finally showed up on the menu here as well. It's really good. I gotta try that because I've only ever had Green Chilly Porks do at Roaring Fork and I would fucking, I'd cut off Eric's arm and have some of that.
Starting point is 00:43:43 It's so good. It's so good. So good. Well, the one of Rudy's is really good as well. Really? I'll check it out. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:51 My recommendation on Burnett if you haven't been yet. Yard bar is an outdoor bar where there's dogs. And you can take your dogs. There is a slider restaurant. That city. Yes. Yeah, that place good. Fucking great.
Starting point is 00:44:03 Yeah. I really recommend it. Yeah. I think like I think that they're, it's really plays good fucking great. I really recommend it. I really recommend it. I think like I think that they're, it's really nice to get something and then hang out and then there's dogs in the dog park, but you cannot bring the food into the dog park. And if you try, they go, what are you doing? There's dogs there.
Starting point is 00:44:17 Whoops. I've never gone there because of the dog park aspect or all my dogs are dead, but I order a fat city all the time. It's just price. Well, that's true. They both but I order a fat city all the time. It's price. Well, it's true. They both fucking died last year. I got another one.
Starting point is 00:44:28 It's just off of Burnett, but it's like a blocky stuff, Canig. The Bird Bird biscuit up here. It's all y'all getting fantastic. We got fan- Get through a busy. It does, but it's really good. We're coming up to time.
Starting point is 00:44:41 Do you wanna talk about a neighbor coffee? What do you think? We didn't even talk about it, yeah. No, we didn't talk about it at all. I mentioned at the very beginning because I was gonna talk about it and then we just immediately got distracted. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Oh, that was fine. Well, let me take another sip. It's good, but not like the best. I'd give this seven, eight, somewhere around there. Seven and a half. This is a nine point two. This is a nine for the coffee. This is really good.
Starting point is 00:45:04 This is like the, I've been here like a half dozen times and every time I get a cup of just the drip coffee, I leave going. That's a good cup of coffee. Solid. Really enjoyed it. Way to go, neighbor coffee. I'm going to add it toward list.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Add it to list, yeah. I'm going to come. If you come into Austin, go to neighbor coffee, go to Veracruz Tacos, skip the lines at La Barbeque and Franklin and all those places and just go to Rudy's. There you go. And then you'll still have four hours left in your native to do other shit. I felt like speaking of Franklin, Michael waits right down the road from Franklin. And I used to always just like drive by Franklin and see that long line.
Starting point is 00:45:40 I'm like, it's gonna make it look awesome. But now Michael, it's kind of the point where it's super out of there very limited hours. You have to go like right when they open, but boy, is it fucking good when you get it? Does batch still have those, Michael Wait, brisket, collaches? I don't know if they're Michael Wait, brisket. They might just be, we got some brisket collaches. So yeah, check out neighbor coffee, good stuff. Some name guesses. Yeah, Colotchies. So yeah, check out neighbor coffee good stuff. Uh, some name guesses. Oh,
Starting point is 00:46:07 Dismal Purple says angry man. I'm so tired. I am Jeff. Let me watch a secret. I am too. Yeah, angry man. No answer my ask No, that's from glasses McDorkface way to go. That's a great name. That's a great name Man analyzing my arts. No. That's from Ray, different Ray. Hey, Ray. Nope, different Ray. Another morning again from Liam. No.
Starting point is 00:46:31 A new meta from Jono. A new meta. No, but I'm thinking about it. No. Askins, me, anything from Courtney. Can we say that again? Askins. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:41 You can't see you on laughing. That's, that's, that's from really funny. No, no, no, no, that's good good job Courtney Call Paul says annoying mystery. It is an annoying mystery. It's absolutely an annoying mystery No, it's that'd be enemy wouldn't it? Yeah, how about annoying me again? Yeah, no another memory again from Craig no god damn it I don't know I hate this fucking. I do too. So I love the show. I hate this part of it. I'll just say it. We'll end this fuck I wonder if the audience would be okay with that Let us know let us know yeah treat at us at Animal Podcast you go to the subreddit slash it was it our slash animal podcast You can go to please just say your Instagram
Starting point is 00:47:20 At animal podcast on Instagram. Maybe you own a Tesla. Maybe we can get Elon Musk to do a Twitter poll. Oh God. Jesus Christ. Yeah, but then we don't have to hold ourselves to it. So it's fine. Um, uh, any parting words, final thoughts for the folks listening, uh, right now, this is a good episode, by the way.
Starting point is 00:47:38 This was like, uh, off to the races. What if it was because we took that week off or whatever, but it really was off to the races, different part of town, and we just like hit it. Good coffee, a nice cool breeze. Yeah, it's like the weather's not bad. Yeah. And as inna to me is a celebration, not only of our friendship, but of Austin,
Starting point is 00:47:56 I hope I didn't come across too negative. Well, I don't think you were negative at all. No, it's all places that I don't dig anymore. I want to go, I want to show 2008 Jeff this episode. No, I know. I don't know you were negative at all. Places that I don't dig anymore. I want to go. I want to show 2008 Jeff this episode. No, I know. I know. I know. I can.
Starting point is 00:48:11 Yeah, but that guy. I still got to live with who he was. It's tough. It doesn't stop. You can go back and fix it. Sorry, but Gus, anything in any parting words? No. That lost that last for words? I-I didn't know what to say.
Starting point is 00:48:33 Describe the show to a newcomer in a more familiar way. Do you like apples? Alright, example. Together in Treppet House, Characombs, Characombs are free to deal as I've nothing to do with this podcast. Analyze various unsolved, rooster teeth's cryptic podcast. F**k face. Call to action. Feel free to add something show premise specific, but short.
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