ANMA - Part Time Tacos

Episode Date: December 25, 2023

Good morning, Gus! It's a burger episode where we tackle 5280 burger bar up off Far West near secret HEB. Gus and Geoff talk about Gus’s license, Burger break in, Gordon Ramsey shows, Part time Mala...ysian restaurant, Ghost kitchens, Overall intelligence, Christmas banking, Waxing, and the end of E3. Fill it to the brim with ANMA Sponsored by Fum , FIRST and Katos Koffee Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What would you do if you had the freedom to be anyone or to go anywhere without limitations? Start your journey and experience for yourself the feeling of total freedom when you game with Alienware. Alienware is your portal to new worlds where limits don't exist and the only rules are the ones you decide to make. Defy boundaries and start gaming now at Next gen gaming is built with Intel Core i9 processors. Hey, welcome to episode 68. Nice. Anva. Nope, welcome to episode 68. Nice.
Starting point is 00:00:25 Anva. Nope. Nope. Getting there. It's almost nice. It's almost. I don't know what you're saying. Hey, hey, hey, 68, no, you won.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Yeah. Jeff's not piving me. Six years to pass. All right, I'll put my hand at you. Stop piving him. Jesus Christ. Give me a hug. Give me a hug.
Starting point is 00:00:43 You're doing it, Eric. The last time we were at Once Over Coffee, which was a lovely spot. I'm gonna buy five again. Jesus Christ. Give me one of the guts. Give me one of the air. You know what I'm doing? You know what I'm doing? You know what I'm doing? You know what I'm doing? You know what I'm doing? You know what I'm doing? You know what I'm doing? You know what I'm doing?
Starting point is 00:00:51 You know what I'm doing? You know what I'm doing? You know what I'm doing? You know what I'm doing? You know what I'm doing? You know what I'm doing? You know what I'm doing? You know what I'm doing?
Starting point is 00:00:59 You know what I'm doing? You know what I'm doing? You know what I'm doing? You know what I'm doing? You know what I'm doing? You know what I'm doing? You know what I'm doing? You know what I'm doing? You know what I'm doing? You know what I'm doing? They went CHI LL. Oh They said Home like he's like margin that episode We got to talk about use cars and license renewals. We saw Gus's picture for his license.
Starting point is 00:01:26 I, so a little peek behind the curtain. I pre, I was on a pre-tap episode of Rooster Teeth podcast that I think is coming out January 8th and I show the license on that podcast. So, this episode, that episode will come out a couple weeks after you're listening to this. So, So this episode that episode will come out a couple weeks after you're listening to this so go Obviously go watch RTP, but I'm on the January I believe it's the January 8th episode or 8th or 9th and I show the license You guys are definitely gonna want to see it. It was I mean Put it in your calendar January 8th whenever the fuck that thing comes out do not miss Jeff saw it and he just went you one Well, it's because I went, you won. Yeah. Well, it's because I've made a career.
Starting point is 00:02:06 I've made my entire life, I've tried to get bad or funny or silly driver's license photos. To the point where like, especially before, you know, like in my early days, or just a little bit more belligerent, I would be like, eh, and later go like, should you take the photo and should go, not good enough. And we would go, she'd be like,
Starting point is 00:02:21 sorry, you're gonna have to take a real photo sooner or later. And I'd be like, I am. And gonna have to take a real photo sooner or later. And I'd be like, I am. And I'd see how far I could push it. You remember that old internet video we used to watch? Oh, so good. There were these dudes on the, I don't say like South Carolina or somewhere. And they tried to outdo each other
Starting point is 00:02:38 with ridiculous drivers license photos and they would like shave the top of their head, they would give themselves a giant unibrow, like big buck tee. Like when he says give yourselves a giant unibrow, he means like with spray paint. Like with spray paint. Like what we did on Does it Do with my eyebrows.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Like increasingly hilarious stuff. Like paint their face, beat red, and be like, sorry, I just got a sunburn. And then they would come back, the whole video would be them showing it in the car. Yeah, like most ridiculous. They got approved and they're like showing the license with the fucked up photo. And I've always wanted to achieve their level of greatness. But you did it. Not I don't think you were trying. I was not trying. I was very happy when I saw it. I was very
Starting point is 00:03:18 happy. Gus, that's a bad photo. That is a bad photo. Yes, objectively bad. It's bad in a way where what you guys are talking about, where it's like, oh, I did this thing, and I shaved my head or whatever. It's bad in a way where someone would have that kind of photo, but not mean for it to be like, you didn't, you're like, ah, that's funny, whatever. Somebody in the world just has photos that are similar
Starting point is 00:03:48 to that and that's just how they look. And they're just like, yeah, that's how I look in pictures. What do you need to do? It's, I, I, I do not look like myself. It's so bad. You look like somebody else, I look like somebody else, it'd be somebody else. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Anyway, that made up for the two hours of waiting to get in between. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Hill, we've done Hillbirds. Hillbirds, pool burger, casino. Dance, dance. Oh, casino was the first one. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:29 So this is, I think this is five. This might be the fit. Perfect. We went to, we'll get into the specifics of the burger itself later, but went to, what was the place called? 5280. 5280 burger bar.
Starting point is 00:04:40 We went to a place we have never been to before. None of us. You had heard about this place. You suggested it. I heard about it on Reddit. It's up a far west. It's actually very close to the epoch we did with, I think we'll beck out.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Yeah, that episode. So it's like within, you know, spitting range of that. It's like in the parking lot of the HUB. A secret HUB. Yeah. I had read about it on, our saw it on Reddit because it got broken into again, I think. And they were like, if people,
Starting point is 00:05:10 there were people in the threads that were like, everybody should go out and support these guys. It's a sweet old man who owns the place. I might be making that up, but I remember something like that. And they're trying really hard, and it's really good. They have one of the best burgers in town, and I just don't think enough people know about it.
Starting point is 00:05:23 And so there was such positive commentary about them in the thread, about them being robbed that I thought we should go and support them and give it a shot. We'll get into the burgers and everything, but I was just curious. Like I intentionally not asked all of the details from you about it. Cause I wanted to find out. Yeah, it's, uh, it's, I like doing the burger episodes. We just do them a little later in the day and all that stuff, but early is the new late. So we got to start doing earlier stuff early is the new late. Yeah. I love that shirt. Go check it out store
Starting point is 00:05:49 at I was wearing that last episode. I forgot to bring it up. Yeah. The whole time we were at lunch, you guys were talking about the amount of hours Gordon Ramsay has been on TV. Because they were they were they were they had like a bunch of TVs in the in the restaurant. They're also at season seven of Hell's Kitchen. Yeah, it was like a young Gordon Ramsay was like shocking to see. Yeah, he looked like, I mean, he was probably 38 in that, but he looked like he's about 22. It was ridiculous. I think you're comparing to how he looks now.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Yeah, and then we were just discussing how many fucking shows, all right, let's see if we can run down. We're just gonna do the American shows that we know. I know that he has, for almost every show we mentioned, there's a British version that's better and happened first. I get that. But we got Hell's Kitchen, we got Kitchen Nightmares. We have MasterChef, we have MasterChef Jr.
Starting point is 00:06:30 We have top or next level chef. We have 24 hours to Hell and Back. We have, that's the hotel one. No, no, that's the hotel hell. Hotel Hell with the other one. The 24 hours to Hell and Back, or 24 hours. That's just your Hell and Back, yeah. To Hell and Back.
Starting point is 00:06:44 And then, I feel like I'm missing one. That's seven. And you're right. I don't know what the other one would be, but I feel like we are missing one. We're missing. Do we say kitchen? Do we say kitchen nightmares? Yeah. He also had like a national geographic traveling show. Yes. Gordon Ramsay's uncharted. Yeah. Or whatever that was. He's had other little like six episode runs on, yeah, like on other networks, but for his like 13 to 20
Starting point is 00:07:13 episode season shows, there's like at least I think I do think we're missing one. But that's seven. We just named the National Geographic. Eighth, if you count the National Geographic. And I think I'm watching the most recent season of Hell's Kitchen, it is, we were talking about this too.
Starting point is 00:07:29 They're so long in the tooth, they have to do dumb themed seasons, like the most recent master chef was United Tastes of America. Absolutely, I flag. And this one is, this season's of Hell's Kitchen is the American dream. And so clearly somebody at Fox got the mandate, like pump America a little bit, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:50 and Gordon Ramsay's like, the like in British, it's British, but whatever. Gordon Ramsay has three video games. He does? Are you serious? Hell's Kitchen the game, Gordon Ramsay Dash and Gordon Ramsay Chef Boy.
Starting point is 00:08:04 Please tell me Gordon Ramsay Dash is a cart racer with Gordon Ramsey in it. Gordon Ramsey dash 2016 mobile app video game featuring voice work from celebrity chef Gordon Ramsey. What are is any are any of those console games? Are they all mobile? It looks like Gordon Ramsey dash and Gordon Ramsey Blast are mobile games, but Hell's Kitchen, the game is for Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, Microsoft Windows and Mac OS. We should do a let's play in that, our regulation game play in that.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Do you wanna, Gus, you wanna be on, would you wanna be a regulation guest on the regular? Regulators, Mount O. I love it. We got a post that game. Please, I'm all here. I'm here for the good. But they've all got like 10, 15, 20.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Some of the new in next level chefs only got two seasons, right? But hell's kitchen, kitchen nightmares, those have masher chef have dozens of seasons. Yeah, kitchen nightmares. I think this season, they just wrapped up the current season. I think it had been off the air for like eight or nine years. Like it's been a lot of time.
Starting point is 00:09:02 And they brought it back. You could see it been doing like 24 hours to hell and back, hotel hell. Like some of these other shows have popped up in the meantime. Like, it's been a lot of time. And they brought it back. You could see it been doing like 24 hours to hell and back hotel hell. Like some of these other shows have popped up in the meantime. They replaced it and then now that this season of Kitchen Atmors was all like in New Jersey in New York. I didn't see any of it.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Yeah, it was all like, within driving distance of each other. I tend to watch MasterChef and Hell's Kitchen and that's about it. That's not true. I watch Next Level Chef. I actually, I also don't really like any of them. It's one of those things that I don't know what
Starting point is 00:09:27 Hull Gordon Ramsay has over me. It's like me and the Squid Game reality show. Yeah, if he puts on, if he's on, like if I see him on Hulu, I tend to click on it. It's just like whether I want to watch it or not. It's like the most acceptable amount of background content I can put on in my house. I think I mentioned this months ago on RT podcast.
Starting point is 00:09:49 I don't think I've ever mentioned this podcast, but there's a whole series of commercials and a marketing push. I believe it's by adult swim. That's like, they have their block from like, I forgot what time it is, like 5 PM to 7 PM or something like that. Hey, you've had a long day at work, we don't need all your attention.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Just put this on, we're the perfect background program. We never be so presumptuous to take all your attention. You got stuff to do, you got laundry to fold, you got dishes to clean, just put us on. It's not new content, it's King of the Hill, it's, you know, Bob's burger, it's all old stuff. Like a family guy, it's like, whatever. You don't need to be watching it actively,
Starting point is 00:10:24 just put it on. We're there to comfort you, all I said, you don't need to be watching it actively. Just put it on. Yeah. We're there to comfort you while you do all the things you need to do in life. I was like, what a insane marketing campaign. That is genius. Yeah, but it's like, yeah, it's the comfort stuff. You don't, it's not new. It's like, yeah, I'm gonna put it on.
Starting point is 00:10:37 I'm gonna perk up when I know my favorite jokes coming up. Yeah. Yeah, we get back to like whatever, like mundane shit you have to do. So good. And you don't feel like you're missing anything if you don't, if you're not paying attention. That's brilliant. That is really smart.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Yeah, I know, I thought that was great. Is that what this show is? Backer in content? This is foreground content. Everybody who watches or listens to this show, I assume, is sitting in front of an old timey radio with a dial just staring at it with just fucking fully focused. Looking around the room smiling,
Starting point is 00:11:07 swinging an old-timey pipe, wearing a sweater, and then gesturing with the pipe, when you guys make a good point, they gesture with the pipe to the radio, looking back at their family. They puff excitedly. There's a lot of it. Every once in a while we'll make an incredibly dated
Starting point is 00:11:21 reference to something and they'll be like, I get it. Yeah. Podcasts a little Macormons. I watched a Joe. Brim. Brim. Brim. Brim.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Brim. Brim. I, uh, uh, so not speaking of old stuff, speaking of something new, I went to a restaurant I never been to the other day. There was an article in the New York Times a couple of months ago. I think it was something like 20 restaurants in the United States that we're excited about. And I was looking through it and there was a restaurant
Starting point is 00:11:52 in Austin. Didn't we have a couple on that list? There were a few. I think we had three. I believe you're right. But there was one on there that was like a Malaysian place. And I remember looking at it and thinking, I don't know if I've ever had Malaysian food.
Starting point is 00:12:05 And it's kind of like stuck around in the back of my head. Like I need to try that place out. And I knew it was probably gonna be crazy because of the article and everything. Yeah. So I let that die down and like last week of the week before. So I'm like, you know what? You know, let's order some food from that Malaysian place.
Starting point is 00:12:20 So you got it, you got it delivered. Well, so what is it about to happen? So I looked it up and they mentioned this in the New York Times article. The restaurant's in a gas station. So I was like, okay, I'm going to see if I can find their website and I'll order the food and go pick it up and take it home. Had trouble figuring out what their website was, had trouble figuring, like their internet
Starting point is 00:12:46 presence isn't very great. And this isn't just because you're older than a touch, you're pretty smart. Right. No, they don't have very much internet presence. I'm going to move because that's the funniest spot in the office. Yeah. So I drive down there. It's by campus. And so I go to the gas station by campus. By the way, I figured it was, I think it might have been like doing Thanksgiving break or something. Okay. And I thought it won't be so bad because schools out turned out there was a football game the day that I went. So it was pedestrian. So you say you said he said specifically the gas station by campus, which one is the gas station? So it's a shell station. It's if you're driving south on Guadalupe,
Starting point is 00:13:26 you take a ride at Sound Exchange, and you go down for a couple blocks, it's over by... Who's that? Who's been gone for 15 years, by the way? Yeah. The building's gone. The fucking high, how are you? Concrete wall is still there,
Starting point is 00:13:41 and they're building a building, they're building a hotel around them. It's gonna be in the lobby. I'm sure that I misspoke, not sound exchange further back up tower records. That's what I get. Take a ride. Take off for all 10 years, by the way. It's taking a, what a night.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Take a ride at tower. I go down a couple blocks. It's over there's a shell station over there. I think it's 24th. No, no, no, it can't be. No, it might be like 24th somewhere. Anyway, take a ride over there. It's a shell station. I don't think it's 24th.
Starting point is 00:14:10 God, yeah, you're right. I think 24th, whatever. It doesn't matter. It's somewhere over by the canvas. West of Guadalupe, it sounds like. I've lived in Austin a really long time, was born here. West Campus is like a black hole. Same. I didn't go to UT. Same. It's an area I normally avoid because of the traffic and the congestion.
Starting point is 00:14:28 It's also constantly under change. Yeah, so I don't go there. That's why even though I've lived here a long time, decades, I could not tell you what street it's on. I know more or less where it is, but I couldn't tell you what number it is. Anyway, walk in and like it was right after they opened in the afternoon, it was like right after four o'clock,
Starting point is 00:14:47 walk into the gas station, and look around, it's like, oh, it's off there to the left, that's where the restaurant is. And I walk up, and I start looking at the menu, and it's all tacos. What? And I'm like, this doesn't seem right.
Starting point is 00:15:01 And I'm like, looking around, and there's people, starting to get their food, and it's like, they're not getting tacos. So I'm like, there's like one of the cooks is like this dude. And I'm like, I walk up to him and I'm like, hey, how do I order? Do I have to order online or something? He's like, oh no, hold on. Go talk to her.
Starting point is 00:15:17 He points at some woman. She smiles at me. She's like, hold on. And then she opens up a cardboard box and pulls out like an iPad cash register and like starts hooking it up. And I'm like, do I order from you? She was like, what was that? Did she open, like, did she have to cut the cardboard box open
Starting point is 00:15:36 or was it like, was it sealed? No, it was just open. It was like, okay, you got it in with her. Gotcha, gotcha. And I'm like, so I ordered from you. She was, yeah, yeah, we, you know, we just opened and I realized that they share the space with a taco restaurant.
Starting point is 00:15:48 The taco restaurant is open from like 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Then at 4 p.m. it becomes a Malaysian restaurant. It's a Malaysian restaurant from like 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Yeah. That's kind of like the old sliders place. Yeah. Yeah, okay. It's like like a kitchen in a gas station that in the morning and for lunch, you can get tacos, then, yeah, okay. It was like a kitchen in a gas station that in the morning and for lunch,
Starting point is 00:16:06 you can get tacos, then they close, and then you can get Malaysian food. Yeah, that's awesome. There was like a, there was a, was it it was it it the old, the place on Lamar, what's it called? GMM stay counts. The old GMM stay counts, right?
Starting point is 00:16:19 It was like that. It was closed down and it had become a slider place for like three hours. Yeah, okay, cool. Very similar. What the fuck? Yeah, so there cool. Very similar. What the fuck? Yeah, so there was like, it was confusing, to say the least.
Starting point is 00:16:28 So then like, you know, I knew what I'd want because I found a menu online like on a Yelp review or something, like someone had posted what the menu was. I knew what I wanted, and I, you know, I order, and then, you know, I placed an order for myself and for my wife, and then she asked me like, do you want a croissant too? And I was like, what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:16:44 What's a croissant? What, you asked what's a croissant? No, because she, like, do you want a croissant too? And I was like, what's a croissant? You asked, what's a croissant? No, because she, it was like, it was a very specific, I don't remember what she called it. It was like a croissant something. It was like, what is that? And like, she walks around the counter and there's like a photo on the glass wall
Starting point is 00:16:59 that separates where the kitchen is. She's like this. She points at it, it's like this croissant with like some kind of green paste in it. And she was like, it's a dessert. It's like, sure, hook me up. Let's do it. Why not?
Starting point is 00:17:11 I like how Gus is so for, I'm listening to this. Gus, by the way, I'm hearing this, and I'm hearing Gus being like, yeah, sure, I'll take it. I know what Gus is like. When he talks, and of course I'm Gus's public, Gus talking to other people, Gus talking to a stranger, Gus ordering and Navigating an uncomfortable situation and a place he's unfamiliar with. The guy he's describing is not the man who did any of this. Listen, any of this. I was super cool. He sat in the car. He never went inside. He sat in the car and this is all just how he imagined he would have done it.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Or like, this one, this one, as I told him. I wish I had to get it. So she rings up, she starts ringing up my food, the cash register which she had just plugged in, right? The iPad finally finished booting. And she looks at me and she goes, are you Malaysian lady. It's her place. And I'm like, no, no, I laugh.
Starting point is 00:18:07 And I'm like, no, a lot of people ask if I'm Asian, I'm not. Dude, you were like the ethnic Swiss army, nice. I swear to God, you can fit in anywhere. Whatever you imagine. It really is like a superpower for you. It is. It's useful. And then she starts talking.
Starting point is 00:18:24 She's like super friendly. She's like, yeah, you know, she's like, if you've been here before, it's like, no, that's my first time. I saw the article in the New York Times and I just finally got around to come. And she's like, yeah, after they pointed that art, after they posted that article,
Starting point is 00:18:35 the line went outside the gas station and down the street. I worked here by myself with that article, came out. Whoa. Yeah, she's like, she was like, I was cooking non-stop the entire time. We were open. And now she had like that dude I found was cooking for her. She had like two cooks helping her out.
Starting point is 00:18:53 I was like, that must have been really tough. She goes, yeah, it was good. Anyway, the plate's sucked. Anyway, I gotta go pick up my new lectures. So, I heard it in order. The place to call a wee's cozy kitchen. How do you spell wee? W-E-E. Okay, wee's cozy. a writer. The place to call a Wee's cozy kitchen. How do you spell Wee? W-E-E.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Okay, Wee's cozy kitchen. Wee upstairs, you're fiasco. Okay, cozy kitchen. Okay, so how was the food? It was really good. It's a, like I said, I'd never had Malaysian food before. What did I get? Got something called like beef redang or something like that?
Starting point is 00:19:21 It was like a curried beef. It was really, really very flavorful. I really want to go back. I bring it up because I highly recommend it. You all should definitely check it out. We use cousin kitchen. Yeah. Okay, but how was the croissant? Oh, the croissant. So the croissant had pandan in it. Let's pan then. Pandan. I had to look it up. I guess an herb from Southeast Asia that's used in desserts a lot. It's kind of sweet, very fragrant. There's nothing I can really compare it to.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Okay. But it was like a pandan paste that they put it in there. So it's like a croissant that they like cut open, smear pandan in the middle. Is it sweet? Like you said it's sweet. It's mild sweet. It's not like super sugary.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Yeah, it was awesome. It might have been my favorite thing. It might have been better. I might have liked it more than the beef. The way you described it did not make it sound like it was your favorite part of the meal. It looks unappetizing because it just looks like a croissant that's cut open with a bunch of green stuff smeared in it. It's like you take a bite.
Starting point is 00:20:23 It's like, oh, that's fucking good. What did E-town get? I don't remember. It was like, you take a bite, it's like, oh, that's fucking good. What did, what did E-town get? I don't remember. It was a noodle dish of some kind of, can't remember what it was though. Did she like it? Oh yeah, liked it a lot. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:33 So, I highly recommend it. Definitely look at the menu before you go because it was all dish, it was no dish I'd ever heard of before. Yeah, and also go after four. Go after four. Otherwise, it's just a different shot in top. Otherwise, it's just a different shot in top. I want there before four. Otherwise, I don't know what.
Starting point is 00:20:46 You get a tortilla and then you put green paste in it. And it's kind of sweet. They have pandan tacos. Do you feel like you're like a food influencer? Like you're on the cutting edge? Are you going to start a you started TikTok channel where you show me what it's like going into order these things? On the cutting edge of a New York Times article, it came out three months ago.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Oh, no, no, no, not at all. Anyway, when you go in the gas station, turn left. Okay, all right. Go ahead then you'll see it. I'm going to the tower records. I like you, you're going to be disappointed. What's in there now? I think it's like a university store, right?
Starting point is 00:21:19 Like they, if you had like the varsity store where you go get like a UT hoodie or like a fucking your books or whatever. I don't know. I'm saying with you, dude, I'll ride my bike through there sometimes, but not very often anymore, because I have a better route to go now. It's once I stopped going to Dobie Theater in 1999, I, my knowledge of that area
Starting point is 00:21:39 were completely jettisoned. I don't know, fucking anything about campus. Yeah. Yeah, it's a, the parking is so tough, even if there's a place you want to go to down there, like a restaurant or whatever, parking is such. Well, it's a lot of things down there. The old, the old job had a call center there in the Dobie Mall. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:56 But right after we quit. Yeah. So we never got to experience it. There's that parking garage right across from Dobie, but then you got to pay to park in there. Yeah. It's like street parking. I mean, the tough part, I think, is like on the main drag
Starting point is 00:22:05 right there is your, you can't like turn or turn around for like so long. You just go, oh, there's where I wanted to go. Okay, I'm just gonna keep, I'll just keep cruising. I figure it out, I guess. If you ever go to Dobie Mall and you park in that multi-level parking lot, take a small car. It is so fucking tiny.
Starting point is 00:22:23 And I watched a guy in a pickup truck do the thing that Gus and I talked about in front of the metropolis where he wrapped his car around the pole trying to get in the gate. I watched a guy do that around the left edge, like trying to make the corner with his pickup truck and just annihilated the driver side of his car just trying to get out of the parking lot. It's fucking it's tight. Yeah You eat anywhere cool or what? out of the park a little bit. It's fucking, it's tight. Fuck. Yeah. Damn. You eat anywhere cool or what? I had a new place last night I ordered from called Mrs. Bees maybe.
Starting point is 00:22:56 I'd never heard of it before and I thought it was a ghost kitchen even but I looked it up and I had a store front. What? That's the thing that always gets me. It's like I'll see ads replace me. Like, ooh, that sounds good. Like, oh, it's the ghost kitchen right by work.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Like when I'm looking for new places to eat lunch here sometimes, I'm like, ooh, this out. Oh, it's good. Any time I don't recognize, I just look at the address. And it's always on I-35. 5610 North I-35. I know what you are. Yeah, let me pull this up and see if I can see my order
Starting point is 00:23:18 from last night. I think it was pretty good. We talked about it on FaceGerman stuff. Michael got tricked by pizza from Chuck E. Cheese and wings from Hooters during the pandemic. Doc Bees fresh kitchen. You ever heard of that place? Doc Bees? Yeah, it was fucking pricey, but it was pretty good.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Well, was it? It was like steak and shit. Like, Millie got a steak. I got a, I like a chop salad and Emily. She got chicken skewers. Well, chicken kebabs. It was good, but I'd never heard of it. It sounds like a ghost kitchen. It does, right? I don't think it is.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Weird. Huh? Doc Bees. You don't, you sound like an agastation. It's not a different restaurant at a different time. Do you have to go to a tower records? I think it might be like a domain, like kind of place. Or not, or it could be a ghost kitchen.
Starting point is 00:24:02 I really don't know. It's when you said Doc Bees and like, my mind Immediately goes to like docs that used to be over there on South Con through it. It's like a restaurant slash bar. Mostly a bar tons of outside outdoor seating. It's there's a Like a Nike store there or something now, I think yeah It's on the east side of South Congress over there, they built that strip mall. The whole complex.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Yeah, it's where, like, over where, there's like an Hermes store. Like that, it's insane. It was like a tiny little building with tons of outdoor seating. You would go get a drink and sit outside. I think it exists somewhere else. I think that they may have like a Fluegerville
Starting point is 00:24:41 or a North Austin location somewhere. I can be wrong about that, but I don't think that was their only spot. Yeah, that whole area, we've talked about many times, undergone such transformation, it was, I think it was right next to that dry cleaner. Oh, that became stag after that woman died. After the lady died?
Starting point is 00:24:59 Oh, dude, you ever hear about that, Eric? There was a dry cleaner there on South Congress. Like that's just like how, how much that area's changed, right? It was like, I was hear about that, Eric? There was a dry cleaner there on South Congress. Like that's just like how much that area's changed, right? It was like, I was running out of your bar and there was a dry cleaner right there on South Congress, which sounds insane. Everybody's stinted at Vincent de Pol. Yeah, which is God's.
Starting point is 00:25:15 I guess one, it's gone too. I think so. I think it's been gone for a while. One morning, this woman was working at the dry cleaner and... Older lady. Her hair got caught in one of the machines one of the rollers and Yeah, what she got pulled into the machine. No like like bugs bunny getting run over in the street kind of oh my god
Starting point is 00:25:33 Yeah, and flat under that was like it was terrible Wow, and I think I think the dry cleaner closed down shortly after I don't know it was related to that, but it's Yeah, I wasn't around much longer. Oh, yeah. That must have been 2006. Yeah, 2006, so seven maybe, somewhere on there. Yeah, because then they closed the dry cleaner and then that clothing store stag, I think,
Starting point is 00:25:57 opened up there and now stag moved in. I believe it's over by home slice. Stag is by home slice. Yeah, I think that's there for a very long time. I think it initially was, if I remember, it was initially where that dry cleaner was and then they bulldozed that building and they moved. Wow.
Starting point is 00:26:10 That's crazy. Well, I'm a lot of dead people out there. Yeah, I'm afraid of escalators now because of the, what you told me about escalators. Yeah, and there's some fucked up escalator videos you can see online. I don't want to see them. Yeah, I don't want to see fucked up escalators.
Starting point is 00:26:23 I don't want that lady's kids falling in and she like saves them and she just disappears. She disappears. Yeah. And that's it. She's dead. I just don't, I didn't want to know any escalator knowledge and then you gave me all this escalator knowledge and it's terrible. I don't want to get ground by gears. No. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:37 That's a bad way to go. Which way do you want to go though? Quietly. Oh. In my sleep, like Norman Lear. At 101. Actually, I would much rather live old. I'd like to hit 150 if I could.
Starting point is 00:26:48 You'd like to hit 150. I think so. I think that we're gonna be far enough along in my lifetime that we're solving for age, right? For mortality. Okay, Steve Jobs. I think that's the thing he kept saying. Yeah, but he also was like,
Starting point is 00:27:01 oh, do I have cancer? No problem. I'll just eat an apple. Like, I'm not that guy. I'm like, oh, I have cancer. I No problem, I'll just eat an apple. Like, I'm not that guy. I'm like, oh, I have cancer, I'll go to the doctor and get cancer treatment. Yeah. This is what it's like to hang out with Garrett.
Starting point is 00:27:10 I'm not gonna eat for a big, 60-foot. She's gonna eat so many stuff for me. He's like, like, synchronicity is like right around the corner and I'm like, where do you think the corner is? Yeah. I don't think it's our lifetime. I don't think it's gonna happen anytime soon, but I could see, I mean, I'm 48.
Starting point is 00:27:27 I'll live to without help, right, without the help of technology. Just as we are in 23, I'll live to 100. Every man and my family lives into their late 90s early 100s. Is that right? I didn't know that. Yeah, I have a long, all my family, actually, my great grandma, I knew my great grandma until I was like 12. My family was pretty, like I've been around a lot of them.
Starting point is 00:27:46 They've been around a long time. I knew my great grandma and I was like 12 also. Yeah, she was like 100. Yeah, yeah, they all lived to, they're like Mississippi farmers, man. You can't kill them, they live forever. And so- One of the more dying people.
Starting point is 00:27:59 So that means I got another 50 years before I have to worry about kicking naturally. So I think in 50 years, think about the advances we've had in 50 years. Okay. We had the fucking internet 50 years ago. Yeah. Or, that's all helped our life spans. I'm not saying that part.
Starting point is 00:28:14 It's saying the world has changed dramatically in the last 50 years. And I can only imagine it's going to change at least that much in the next 50. This episode of ANMA is brought to you by Rooster Teeth First. I don't know how much you know about Rooster Teeth First, but first is a service at Rooster Teeth that helps support shows and directly allows fans to help us keep making content that we all love. It's because of fans and patronage like this that we are able to exist. And watching programming on the receipt site allows your support to go straight to content creators and watching content in general, whether with ads or with first on Rooster Teeth is the best way
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Starting point is 00:31:45 That's And again, use code ANMA-10, that's ANMA-10, at checkout for 10% off of your entire order. Did it...was it you who talked about the overall decline in people's intelligence worldwide? Yes, yeah, you're talking about that. So, all right. All right. Yeah, that's true. It's called the Flynn Effect.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Well, the reverse Flynn Effect. Since the 1990s, IQs have globally been falling. So you think a generation of dumb dumb is gonna help you live forever? Well, I'm not so, luckily, the previous generation created AI and AI is gonna help us live forever. The dumb dumb's, I'm not so, luckily, the previous generation created AI and AI is going to help us slip forever. The dumb dumb's, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:32:29 I don't have a lot of faith in. But the shit that the people that built on the way out is going to help us. I think we'll see. I mean, AI is already better at like, every day I read an article, it's like, oh, now we've started using AI to look at X-rays And it's way better than human eyes looking at X-rays and it's able to detect all kinds of shit that humans can't and so now X-rays are more valuable than they used to be It's like just little ways like that the shit improves That's good. I'm off for that. I I guess I hope you're right. I don't know how I feel about it, right?
Starting point is 00:33:02 It's like if you live I feel like if you live that long of a life and you go that far, that makes it difficult to plan for. When you're the age we are right now. How do you approach retirement? How do you think about, you know, when you can no longer work or when you are no longer working,
Starting point is 00:33:19 how do you budget that out? You know, if you're gonna live to be a hundred, that's very different than planning to live till you're 80. Yeah, no, that's totally true. But I also think as those, as life spans, hopefully will increase through technology and automation continues to change the way we live. I mean, I really do think we're on the Wally path, right?
Starting point is 00:33:44 As far as fucking this planet up, I'll agree. As far as fucking this planet up, but also as far as humans just allowing robots to do everything for them and just getting fat and sitting on lawn chairs, I think that's the direction we're headed. I just worry that the planet will accelerate its attempts to get rid of us. Well, we will help the planet accelerate its attempts to get rid of us. I totally agree with that. Yeah, but if we invent- Completely agree with that.
Starting point is 00:34:05 But if we invent Wally, he'll save us. So- I think we're supposed to leave. He fixes it and then we come back. Aw, man. I forgot about that. I thought maybe we just invented Wally. No, no.
Starting point is 00:34:15 No. He's got to find a little roach. Yeah. A little hijinks. Just- Get in there. That's the thing that I forgot. I thought we invented Wally and then he saves us.
Starting point is 00:34:24 I forgot about his hijinks. Yeah. there's the the secret Fred Willard video We're gearing up towards sort of like the holidays and everything so we're pre-recording these What we're doing and everything. You just have anything holiday-wise that you're looking forward to or excited about or just holidays in general that you're like pumped for? I'm just going to sound like such a dickhead answer, but I'm so looking forward to not working. Yeah. Because I got double, I got double whammyd in that. I got married a couple, like a month ago now,
Starting point is 00:35:05 or a couple weeks ago. And so leading up to the wedding and the honeymoon, I had to front load a ton of contents while I did film a ton of them. Well, you guys were there, you had to, yeah, you had to suffer through it because I did this to us, I'm sorry. I was there for all of it.
Starting point is 00:35:18 But yeah, guess you were there for some of the air, a key got really rammed. But so we had to record up anmas, record up so all right. It's record up, f**k faces, record up supplemental content, record up all that dumb shit. And then you go and you have your break or whatever and then you come back and you should just ease into everyday work again, you know?
Starting point is 00:35:36 But I got back and I walked off the plane from the honeymoon and went, okay, Christmas crunch, and do it again. And so I've been in hell for the last two weeks. And once this week is over, I think we have one anma to record next week and one face. And the idea that I'll only record the stuff I'm supposed to record
Starting point is 00:35:54 in that we feel like a vacation. Yes. So I'm just looking forward to being past that. I'm looking forward to being at the day that we don't have to front load stuff anymore. We kinda got into a very similar situation with stinky dragon, because we had to bank a bunch of stuff
Starting point is 00:36:10 so that some of the casks go off and film the puppet videos. Yeah. So we were like, I remember at the beginning, it was like, man, we're so far ahead. We crunched so hard, we worked so hard, but man, we got, we're like so many weeks ahead and then as production kept going on,
Starting point is 00:36:25 I was like, oh, that buffer's going down. Uh-oh, and then we reached the end of puppet production. It's like, oh shit, we're behind, record, record, record. So we're at the tail end of that now. Just like trying to recreate that bank, because we had nothing built up, and now we have the holidays coming up. So we've been scrambling, trying to get back in front of it again. And then we're gonna go on the other side of the holidays and it's gonna be gone again.
Starting point is 00:36:47 We're gonna have to like, hustle all over again. Yep. It's Gavin trying to blow through all of our supplemental content. Yeah, just just put it all up and it's like, we can spread it out and then we don't have to blow through all of it. Now let's do two. All right, thank you. Just so you're aware in this as an, I don't think it's come out yet on face by the time this is out maybe Jeff got his ass wax yesterday. Oh, it happened finally got my ass all wax
Starting point is 00:37:10 Yeah, so we don't have to go into it here because you have my ball. You can listen on face I wish I could have seen my face when you told me that no one else did that part Yeah, that was He was on the table and said yes. I would listen. I had already suffered the indignity. I'm in a room with my, my buckets. I'm in a room with my asshole face in the sky
Starting point is 00:37:33 with a woman I've never met before with my balls in her hand. Just slathering hot wax up into my colon. I'm looking at it. I'm just showing him what it looked like to have you. I had the pain of getting my asshole waxed. I look up, all I can see are Gavin, Eric, Nick, and Gracie's faces looking at me. I would already reach supreme indignation and embarrassment. So, why not go ahead and do the balls in the moment too?
Starting point is 00:38:03 I didn't know that after I did it, and then it was Gavin's turn, he would not acquiesce into the balls as well, it would be a little bitch. Although I guess I could have guessed. I think we all, Gavin was talking, Gavin was trying to see if the windows opened so he could escape. He was, I'm a team fucking player.
Starting point is 00:38:20 It was very good. My balls play for the team. For the first time ever, I'm not jealous to not be part of that. I'm glad I'm glad I'm on this side of that show. I'm gonna say this. It sucked and it wasn't worth it, but I had had the most amazing poops. It's so smooth down there. Dude, so I I'm curious to talk to you in a couple of days or a week.
Starting point is 00:38:43 Uh-huh. When the itch and starts. Yeah, that's what I've read on Reddit. Where can I were talking about it? If it gets bad enough, I'll probably just re, I'll, it's probably one of those things where I'll get to it. It'll get so annoying. I'll just get waxed again.
Starting point is 00:38:53 And now I'm just stuck in a waxing loop. Yeah. Can you get like some kind of laser treatment to like, maybe a little laser treatment? Yeah, you can probably get laser treatment. You can probably get laser treatment. You can probably get laser treatment. You can probably get laser treatment.
Starting point is 00:39:03 You can probably get laser treatment. You can probably get laser treatment. You can probably get laser treatment. You can probably get laser treatment. You can probably get laser treatment. You can probably waxed also. You want, you think that shooting a laser at your balls is the move? Well, I was saying, no, I think the itching will be worse in the, um, anal region. I think I, I think it's because you're gonna have both gonna suck cheeks rubbing together with a stubble. I think it's going to be that, but I think that you can find a comfortable way to sit where it's not going to rub and I don't think you're gonna find a comfortable way to sit where it's not going to rub, and I don't think you're gonna find a comfortable way
Starting point is 00:39:25 to sit where your sack is not gonna sit. I don't think you're gonna find a comfortable way for your sack to sit where it's not gonna be a cheat. My balls are everywhere in my pants, so they're all over the place. Good to cross go buy a giant tub of gasoline. Yeah. I know what you're gonna say.
Starting point is 00:39:36 She gave us a bunch of recommendations. She gave us a bunch of recommendations of like witch hazel and like different things to it. There's a whole, it was honestly, it was like getting a fucking medical procedure with the aftercare. She was pretty serious about it, so that's a whole bunch of shit I different things to it. There's a whole, it was honestly, it was like getting a fucking medical procedure with the aftercare. She was pretty serious about it. So there's a whole bunch of shit I'm supposed to do.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Do you think you could get, there's a pair of, there's like underwear that has like the like the dick and ball separate thing? I have them, I have them, yeah. Oh wow, you can separate into it. Yeah. And then maybe you don't have to worry about like your legs sticking.
Starting point is 00:40:02 That's a good idea. Yeah. I started when I went through the jacket shell, I started getting this. I'm like, for God's sake. I'm like, for God's sake. I'm like, for God's sake. I'm like, for God's sake.
Starting point is 00:40:10 I'm like, for God's sake. Oh, you're gonna be fine. Yeah, for God's sake. I forgot something. Yeah. I totally forgot about your jacket shell. Yeah. You're gonna be fine with the itching.
Starting point is 00:40:18 This is, it's gonna be nothing. It's not gonna be as bad as that. It's not gonna be that as that eight months. No, no, no, no, no, no, But yeah, you did that right before the Christmas season. So, it's a holiday tradition. You have anything going on for the holidays? I'm not waxing my ass, hold on. That's not happening.
Starting point is 00:40:32 You have anything for the holidays that you're looking forward to, to certainly or anything? I think, you're just having a little bit of time off will be good. We've talked about the past couple, because it's always a hectic time of year, for Jeff W. So, I think being able to unwind for a little while
Starting point is 00:40:47 is gonna be nice, step into the new year. I ruined Andrew Roses' day yesterday by reminding him that next year's an election year though. Oh yeah, he slipped his mind. I don't know if we want to talk about this for free to stop me if you think that we shouldn't. But while we were eating lunch, we were talking about possible future ideas for this show.
Starting point is 00:41:10 Oh yeah, that's right. Yeah. And Jeff, you kind of mentioned maybe leaning a little more into the early riser aspect of the show. Yes. And then like springboarding off of that, I kind of threw out there. The idea of maybe
Starting point is 00:41:27 like an inverse of David Tell's Insomniac show where every now and then we get up and we do a podcast super early and like we go to a bakery when they open and like the first donut that day that they have like at 5 a.m. or something. Like we get there when Mrs. Johnson gets there. Right. Yeah. that they have like at 5 a.m. or something. Like we get there when Mrs. Johnson gets there. Right. Yeah. Just like exploring the things you can do early in the day by starting the day early.
Starting point is 00:41:50 The advantages that you get from an early day. I like that. I think that'll be fun. Maybe that's something we can give a shot at everything. Yeah, I'm throwing it. I'm just curious to hear also, you know, maybe what the audience thinks about it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Yeah, just trying to not really like mix it up, but just see like, I don't know what else can we do. Some new ideas. Yeah. One of those new ideas. New year new ideas. Yeah. We're almost at the nice episode.
Starting point is 00:42:12 So we got to like, you know, it's been a while that we've been doing this. Mix it up a little bit. We're pros. Yeah, absolutely. We're getting on to 40 minutes. So I do want to talk about the burgers. I'm in lunch.
Starting point is 00:42:20 Can you believe that? Yeah, it's a good one. So 5280 burger bar. What did you think over? We got there right at 11 when it opened. Why is it So 5280, Burger Bar. What did you think over? We got that right at 11 when it opened. Why is it called 5280? I don't know, is that the address? I wouldn't think so.
Starting point is 00:42:31 It's too far north to be 5280. No, maybe it's like west. Maybe it's like 5280 far west. Maybe that would be about right for like an east west address. I just think of it as not being on far west because it's down on that other street. Yeah, it probably has some completely different meaning. I don't know. Whenever I see numbers, I always assume it's an address. I just think of it as not being on far West because it's down on that other street. Yeah, it probably has some completely different meaning. I don't know. I just whenever
Starting point is 00:42:47 I see numbers, I always assume it's an address. Yeah, okay. I think 52. It's a it's a Colorado based place that has one location in Austin, but everything else is in Colorado. Oh, so it's a chain. Yep, but it's it's a very small chain. Oh, in 5280 might be the elevation. That would make it. That would say it's a look like,
Starting point is 00:43:08 so it's locally owned in Denver, but there are like four locations. It's elevation. Yeah, it's elevation. So the people in Denver fucking love. They love it. They love that. They put it on their fucking jerseys and stuff, man.
Starting point is 00:43:20 It's there everything's bigger in Texas. Yeah, definitely. You know, I, sorry, I'm going to side. No, no, please. Years ago, everything's bigger in Texas. Yeah, definitely. You know, I, uh, sorry, I'm going to side. No, no, please. I, uh, years ago I was down in Australia, hanging out with, uh, some people I know down there. And one of them, like a big guy bragging about having friends, boo. One of them was, I just had some friends on the other side of the world. You know, no, they're, they're very cool,
Starting point is 00:43:38 though. One of them was talking about how cool he thought it was that Texas had a slogan like, don't mess with Texas. They just sounded so tough and so cool. And I was like, you know, that's an anti-littering campaign, right? Right. And he was like, what? I was like, yeah, it's like they put it on the trash cans. Like don't don't litter.
Starting point is 00:43:54 Don't mess with Texas. You put your trash in the trash can. And he seems so deflated. He's like, oh, that's not nearly as cool as I thought it was. Like, oh, you think littering is cool that that's all? That and DQ, that's what I like about Texas, and it's not a Texas. Texas stops on.
Starting point is 00:44:09 But it's not a Texas restaurant or play, it's at like Minneapolis. So what the fuck? All the Texas stuff is a dumb thing when you stop and go, what's this from? What the fuck? Yeah. It's like, myself included, everybody moves to Texas,
Starting point is 00:44:21 and then just fucking assumes the Texas identity. Yeah. Yeah, you know, we're just what fucking assumes the Texas identity. Yeah. Yeah, you know, we're I'm big Texas guy. Yeah, stuff I'm known for California Texas. Yeah, you know, yeah, it's a lot of stuff. Unified finally. Anyway, 5280, uh, the second we stepped in, I was like, oh, this place is cool. I like this place.
Starting point is 00:44:37 It had a very like, it reminded me, uh, kind of, uh, of the keg up in like the theory. Interesting, interesting. Yeah. I can see that. Like brick, um, a lot of, the theory of interesting. Yeah, I can see that like brick. A lot of wood. Yeah. A big bar kind of reminded me a little bit of black sheep lodge vibe, not maybe the layout, but down on South La Mar, you know, some kind of vibe. But it was a had some TV's we were in the bar area because apparently there was a group of 20 people over in the dining area. And if you would have asked us how many other people
Starting point is 00:45:06 do you think are in this restaurant, I would have said maybe four other workers. I thought it was just us and the employees. I don't know if there was anyone else, but they were very quiet for everybody. They were. Yeah. She said it was free big party day,
Starting point is 00:45:16 and so they had a 30 person breakfast, a 20 person lunch, or about to have another 11 people come in, and they had a 40 top come in later, she said. Crazy. Crazy. Crazy. You know, I think just two years point earlier about supporting the business. another 11 people come in and they had a 40 top coming in later. She said crazy crazy good. You know, they just two year point earlier about supporting the business. Yeah, and it's it was good.
Starting point is 00:45:32 I thought that the like the food we got for rings. Any place that offers rings is a winner in my It would have to be on the and a little too light on the rings. Yeah, I agree. There were only three onion rings. Yeah, I think so we just got one. Um, I agree. I agree. There were only three onion rings in the whole thing. I think so we each got one. I really like their fries.
Starting point is 00:45:48 I like their fries a lot. They're onion rings were really good. I liked their burger menu. I was a little intimidated by them because... There's a lot. Well, they had a whole other menu too. When you looked at the burgers, I don't want to say they were like 10 or 12 burgers.
Starting point is 00:45:59 But I did appreciate the final burger on the left column on the left side was the A-hole. Yeah. I think the description on it was something like, we put a lot of time and effort into designing the burgers on this menu. If you think you can do it better, this is the option for you.
Starting point is 00:46:14 Make your own burger. It was pretty awesome. It's like, okay, yeah, I take it. So because normally I would have been very picky like I wanted it this way, I want that. I was like, no, if they're gonna say that, I'm gonna order one of those, so I got the ultimate cheeseburger.
Starting point is 00:46:25 And I got the 5280 burger. What did you get? I got the ring of fire. Which I wanted to get. It was very good. Like every spicy thing you get at a restaurant, it's not really spicy, but at a little bit of heat. Is that the one that was supposed to have serrano's
Starting point is 00:46:39 and jalapeno? And in a hobbin yearos. And a hobbin yearos had sliced hobbin yearos and I think serrano's on it. But they weren were hot. I mean, it's hot in the way that if you take a bite of the flesh of a hobbin yearo without any of the seeds is hot,
Starting point is 00:46:53 they had a ring of fire sauce on it also that was like a Chipotle mayo. And I thought that was nice. I'll eat anything that has a pepper jack cheese with some kind of peppers and like creamy sauce thing that's also hot on it. Like that's, I'm fucking, that's my wheelhouse right there. So I thought that was good. So what a, so what are, we've talked around it.
Starting point is 00:47:15 How did you like your burger? Yeah. I really liked it a lot. I think it's, for me, it's not in the same category as like a casino or a little bird's, but those are like pinnacle perfect burger. Different burger, totally different. It was really good. I appreciate it that it was simple.
Starting point is 00:47:32 I don't like overcomplicated burgers. I think I mentioned that in a burger episode. The ultimate cheeseburger was just like a regular cheeseburger and one thing I really appreciate that we'll give them kudos for. The ultimate cheeseburger by default does not come with tomato. Oh wow! Tomato has no place being on that burger. I really appreciate that we'll give them kudos for. The ultimate cheeseburger by default does not come with tomato. Tomato. Tomato has no place being on that burger. Tomato normally is too wet in a burger application
Starting point is 00:47:53 and just kind of like soggy's the whole thing up. I appreciate that they did not have tomato on the ultimate cheeseburger bonus points there. Love tomato on a cheeseburger. Yeah, me too, I'm way into it. I got the thing. No, no, no, they did it right. But, you know, obviously it's better than, you know,
Starting point is 00:48:08 most of the other burgers you're gonna get. I think if I was grading this on a scale of 1 to 10, this is like an eight. Yeah, I put it right around there too, seven, eight. Yeah, though, I got the 5280, which is basically like the cheeseburger with all the dressing. It was lettuce tomato, onions, pickles, cheese, and a fried bacon to it.
Starting point is 00:48:26 Bun was phenomenal. I pay a lot of attention to buns. It's a really good bun. We know. You just talked about it. Really good bun. Crispy bacon, fantastic bacon, perfectly melted cheese, great onion ratio. Burger was the meat of the burger was okay.
Starting point is 00:48:44 I give it an eight and a half. So when you ordered your burger, you brought something to light. That's an annoyance of mine. In general, this isn't about burger places. It's just annoyance at restaurants in general. Your burger on the menu said it came with 5280 sauce as if we all know what that is. Yeah, I don't like when restaurants put
Starting point is 00:49:04 and the blank sauce without giving an explanation without know what that is. Yeah, I don't like when restaurants put and the blank sauce. Without giving an explanation, without saying what is it? What is it? Is it? So you asked the waitress, what is 50 to 80 sauce?
Starting point is 00:49:12 And she explained what it was. And that's fine. Tell us, don't act like we know what the sauce is. And like I said, don't presuppose that we know your secret. This isn't just that. This is in general at restaurants. I'm like, what is y'all's a sauce?
Starting point is 00:49:24 Right, right, right. What's horsey sauce at RB's? I still don't know. I think it's horse radish. Hi, Gracie. Oh my God. What's RB's sauce? Barbecue sauce, I guess?
Starting point is 00:49:33 Come on in. Yeah, you're fine. We're just good. No, you're good. We're wrapping up anama. No, this is your office too. It's fine. Yeah, you have to be honest.
Starting point is 00:49:41 Gus is encroaching on your space. Is this your chair? No, I thought this was Gavin's chair. Well, Gavin doesn't know that it's his chair. There's couch space if you want to just hang out. So I think the burger was good. I think it's a place that's worth going to. I think if you're in that area,
Starting point is 00:49:54 you go to secret HEB and then you go get lunch, like that's the move. That's a place that if I live closer to it, I would go to all the time. Oh, you go there and then after you're done, go get a cup of coffee over at the E-Pock down there. Also, just as much of a bar as it is a restaurant, I'm just talking to me a pub.
Starting point is 00:50:09 So if you want to go watch sports, there's a thousand in the Italy too. A lot of that stuff is football, fucking that guy up on a pub again. They had a pretty extensive menu of boozy milkshakes, which is not the move for me. No, that's your thing. Booz and Derry did not go together.
Starting point is 00:50:23 It's just such a fun idea and then you have it in practice and you go, ah, this sucks shit. You just keep taking steps and you go, ah, it tastes like bourbon. We did not have their boozy milkshakes. I bet their non-alcoholic milkshakes are pretty fucking bad. Oh, I bet their regular milkshakes are good. Why did I, I'm such an idiot. I should have ordered one. Yeah, I eat shake.
Starting point is 00:50:41 Yeah. Oh, did you think that they only had alcohol in them? I just know it shakes a connection. I saw the boozy milkshakes and I thought, well, I'm not gonna drink though. Oh, man, this sucks if they don't have regular milkshakes. I'm gonna go, after this, a green street back there, I get a milkshake.
Starting point is 00:50:52 So Gus gives it an A to 10, an enthusiasm to that. I give it an enthusiasm to that and a half out of 10. What do you give it? It's like a, like a, I'll bring it down just a hair, so we're at an even eight. I'll say a seven five. Okay. We're gonna seven, five, 10. I think it's right there.
Starting point is 00:51:07 Next question. Do you realistically think you'll ever eat there again in your life? If I'm over in that area, I would eat there again. Gus? Probably not. Just because when given burger selection, I'm going to go with Hilbert's. And it's not your part of town. Right.
Starting point is 00:51:22 Like, you're not going to find yourself over there. If I'm in that part of town, I might check it out. I would definitely, we work right by Hilbert's head. Yeah. Yeah. It not your part of town. You're not gonna find yourself over there. If I'm in that part of town, I might check out that. I would definitely, we work right by Hillbirds. That's why I'm here in a place. And it's right down the road. It's a little bit closer to convenient to me. And so I envision eating there again. I think I will definitely frequent that place.
Starting point is 00:51:36 Mm-hmm. Yeah, a cool spot. A big fan. Oh, check it out, 5280. Very unassuming kind of hidden away. Yeah, we weren't sure. We were driving to the parking lot like is it here? What is this? Is it open? It's closed. Oh, it's kind of hidden the way. Yeah, we weren't sure like we were driving to the parking lot like you said here. What is this is it open? It's close. Oh, it's like it's a right kind of kind of hard to find. Yeah, but that was that was all that and now check this out.
Starting point is 00:51:52 We got an anarchy question. Oh, yeah, for out and you can send us an anarchy question at Anima podcast. Drop a fart bombs over here. Come on. I have to be in here for like a meeting. I love the fucking I'm not on purpose. I'm not going on purpose. At Animal Podcasts on Instagram and on Twitter, our slash Animal Podcasts the place on Reddit that we don't run, but you can leave a question there. This is the only one I want to ask and just see what you guys think.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Okay, there. This is from I ate too many eggs. It's pretty good. How are y'all feeling about E3 being canceled permanently? Oh, that's a fresh question. Yes. That just happened. At the time of this recording, it's happened yesterday.
Starting point is 00:52:27 Yeah. I think the writing's been on the wall for a little while. I thought, and it already been canceled. It was canceled a couple times. Yeah, it's been bad. It's been bad. But now it is, it's done so. Yeah, they said no more.
Starting point is 00:52:39 I think, you know, the, how do I, okay, how do I feel about it? Yes. It's fine. I think E3 was a product of its time. I think that before the internet and easy access to disseminate information, it was the kind of thing you needed. I think at this point in the age we live in now, something like that is kind of a relic. As is evidenced by the fact that major publishers really were holding, kind of
Starting point is 00:53:02 holding their own events. Yeah. And not really fully engaging in that event. I have a lot of great E3 memories. I think that- Tell them a bad E3 memories today. Do you have a lot of it? I'm happy that it exists. I'm happy that it persisted for so long. But I just think that the changing landscape evolved.
Starting point is 00:53:20 Everything else evolved. And it's just a victim of that. I was talking about this with Bernie Burns yesterday actually because he texted me about it and he loves to see he loves to be like hey look look at who else we outlived you know which I I must admit I enjoy this I enjoy that too but I think it's interesting to be in a place where you we're we've been doing this our entire lives, everybody does. But where you're witnessing cultural shifts and generationally cultural shifts, and being able to recognize that for what it is.
Starting point is 00:53:55 Like, we did that when we were younger, we just didn't know what we were looking at. Yeah. You don't have perspective. You don't have perspective, but it's interesting. It's like, what is happening is a part of the way legacy media work is dying in front of us. And I'm just interested to see what's next, right? The idea of a bunch of people coming from all over the world
Starting point is 00:54:15 to cram into an E3 or a gamescom or wherever it is in their part of the world to preview video games and to stand in line for three hours to play five minutes of a demo, to then go do it again. I just don't think the world is ever going to work that way again. Yeah, and it's just it's outlived its use and it's time to move on. It's fucking sad. It's sad to watch these things die, especially behemoths. Like E3 was it dominated the games industry for the majority of the time. I've been a part of the games industry and now it's just like you flip a switch and it's not we just don't have it anymore but clearly developers were no longer
Starting point is 00:54:49 seeing any value in it at all and which is why they all started to hold their own events and stopped going to E3 and so it's it's just interesting to be able to to recognize it for what it is which is the world changing it's not just an event closing or ending. Yeah. I wonder if that will help the development cycle because developers don't have an arbitrary date on the calendar that they have to have a vertical slice built for. That arbitrary date will just move to wherever they're present. It's moved to the video game awards,
Starting point is 00:55:20 or it's moved to Sony's Day of Play or whatever. But if they miss it, they miss it. It's not like E3. It's not like, oh, if we miss this thing, we've got a way to hold it the year. That's true. That's true. I guess it's just by virtue of the way information
Starting point is 00:55:32 gets out and everything now. You're right. You're right about that. So hopefully it makes things better on that side. But do you think it's been that way for the last couple of years anyway? Like, I feel like that's already been the case. Oh, yeah, it has been, and that's why there's no more E3. Like think it's been that way for the last couple of years anyway? Like I feel like that's already been the case. Oh yeah, it has been, and that's why there's no more E3.
Starting point is 00:55:47 Yeah. It's been the case in E3 was hanging on. And now it's been the case in E3's gone. I've seen a lot of people wax poetic about what they loved about E3 and it's gone and they're like, oh, I remember this and going and I loved it and whatever. I have such like medium memories about E3
Starting point is 00:56:04 because I had to work it for like razor, whoever. And it's just like show up, shoot, go, go, go. Go, we have a Imagine Dragon is gonna be here, go, ha, ha. And I'm just go, go, go, go, go, go. Like I have fun memories of Rocco on stage with you and Bernie. The fucking funniest thing I've ever seen. But like buy and large, my memories of Rocco on stage with you and Bernie. The fucking funniest thing I've ever seen, but like buy and large, my memories of E3 are showing up in Los Angeles and just going,
Starting point is 00:56:31 okay, get all the equipment, pay $50 for parking that I have to get reimburse later, like that kind of shit. Like that's most of my memories. It was a lot of work. Yeah, but there was also a lot of fun to be had there too. I mean, do you remember the year there was a giant half pipe and fucking like Tony Hawk was doing seven twos And there was that Ryan Sikler was it Ryan Ryan what's that kid?
Starting point is 00:56:50 What was that kid's name? He was like 10 at the time. Yeah, yeah, and we watched him He couldn't land the 720 and he cried and his mom had to hug him He ended up becoming like an amazing. I think Ryan Sikler is a comedian I don't know it was one of those like child progies skate stars who's now probably old and on the other side of their career. But yes, you know, I'm out of that loop. So.
Starting point is 00:57:12 Well, Rest in Peace, E3. Rest in Peace, E3. I remember when we did that, when we were on stage with Rocco and he was doing the bit. No, that was real. I had an earpiece in. And the directors of the people backstage.
Starting point is 00:57:28 Was it one of them playing? I don't remember. It's been so long, but there were also like contract people out there working. And they were like in my ear constantly like, we're playing the right video. This is the video he told us to play this video. I don't know why he's getting so upset.
Starting point is 00:57:41 It's like, please, we're doing our job, okay? This is what he wanted because everyone on stage kept getting acting, you know, like they were super annoyed and upset. It was. It was so nervous. Nobody, nobody clued the crew into the joke. Yeah, I felt so bad. It says, it's just what I was talking about.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Guess about it where it's like, this is a prime time YouTube slot to show off your E3 presentation. And it's Rocco in a fucking tea like a hat from League of Legends saying that his name is Andrew from Project Windwistler and he's explaining that he's making a JRPG or translating or something and the whole time, guess it's going, okay, uh-huh, uh-huh, and Bernie's going, no, you're not. No, you're not. That's not what you're doing here. That is not what this is.
Starting point is 00:58:29 I'm wrong, who just is laying down. Not for you, dude. He's like sitting on the ground, but it's spraught out. He shows the video and he goes, that's not the video that I brought. And Bernie goes, yes it is. You brought that.
Starting point is 00:58:41 You said to play it. That is what you brought. It is so, it's the funniest thing I've ever seen live. It's like legitimately the funniest thing I've ever seen live. His perfect. So, rest of PC3. It was all worth it. One of my favorite things was always historically watching Bernie have to be on stage and deal with somebody else's joke.
Starting point is 00:59:00 He doesn't want to, that's what else is bit. And I used to love to get the opportunity that I had to be that guy. Anytime I got to be on stage with that guy, it was like, how do I ruin the next 30 minutes of his life? Fucking great. It is the best.
Starting point is 00:59:12 Because he gets, he gets, like, he gets, it gets him fast. You can feel it. Do you guys have a password written out on your whiteboard? Yeah. I've been, I've been very trying not to take pictures of it and stuff. Yeah. It helps every time I have to log into this computer.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Yeah, filming here has been difficult. I'm going to use it here and about an hour and about 20 minutes to look up that driver's license. If you were over it, then you could lift it whenever you need it. You could go back down and cover it. Oh, god. Hey, that's Anima. Thank you guys so much for listening to this episode.
Starting point is 00:59:45 If you wanna reach us at Anima Podcast, Instagram and on Twitter, see pictures from this episode, all the other episodes, our Sleshing Anima Podcast, subreddit we don't run. We'll be back next week with coffee. I think we know, I think we know we're going. Yummers.
Starting point is 00:59:57 Yeah, we drove by a place today. Yeah, it was exciting. Yeah, yummers. Any final thoughts for the folks now? When does it come out? Like two weeks. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas.
Starting point is 01:00:09 Oh, I think this might come out on Christmas day. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Hopefully you're having a wonderful Christmas day spending it with or without the people that you wanna spend it with or without. I'm gonna one up you and say happy holidays. Oh.
Starting point is 01:00:21 I hope you're rocking around the Christmas night. I'm not trying to cancel Christmas over here in this side of the room, buddy. The animal goes, whoa? Question mark? It's that thumbnail me point. Oh! Go to the collective.
Starting point is 01:00:37 Make Christmas legal again. All right, bye. Bye!

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