ANMA - Simping for Jovita’s OR Kevin Spacey’s Confusing

Episode Date: July 31, 2023

Good morning, Gus! We're at Fat Cats to grab a snack and some coffee but no actual cats. This week Gus and Geoff talk about The lock street, building out Lamar, Jim Spencer & mudpuppies, Crestview, It...alian and Mexican food, Tourism & families leaving, Movies & acting, Strokes to Vampire Weekend, and Star Wars Galaxies. You can follow us @ANMApodcast and send your Anarchy Me Anything questions there. Sponsored by Better Help Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What would you do if you had the freedom to be anyone or to go anywhere without limitations? Start your journey and experience for yourself the feeling of total freedom when you game with Alienware. Alienware is your portal to new worlds where limits don't exist and the only rules are the ones you decide to make. Defy boundaries and start gaming now at Next-gen gaming is built with Intel Core i9 processors. Hey, check! Gus is an audio engineer. I've been on a shoot some trouble in my day.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Welcome back. It's a new season, although this is the second episode of the new season because the first one was our RTX episode. Oh, right. So we are recording this a little bit earlier than what we typically would because this isn't going to come out for probably two weeks. Seven, one week. Because one of us has to go out of town.
Starting point is 00:00:44 That's me. I'm one of us. Uh huh. And uh, what if, because one of us has to go out of town. That's me, I'm one of us. Uh-huh. And uh, what if Jeff was one of us? But it's well earned. Jeff hasn't been out of town in a while. So, um, I know how much he wants to get away. He's just been cooped up in that house.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Um, so eager to leave. So we are recording a little bit early. Um, and we're not, we don't have our dial set to zero. No, that's like the worst set. Diales are all set to about five, between five and six. Okay, that's good. Last episode was the RTX episode. Yeah, yeah, we had questions from Thrasch Bandicoot,
Starting point is 00:01:15 from Ella, from Michael's Game Lab, from Cornflopper. A lot of different stuff, a really fun episode at RTX. It's always, it's so different to do it in front of an audience. Normally the audience we have here is people walk you by giving us like weird sideways glances, they're trying to figure out what we're doing. The guy who went into the shish kabab place, I thought he was going to come over here and start asking us what we were doing. We're here, we're back, a new season, new episode.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Still hasn't really happened in all these episodes. We're gonna try to sell us weed. Oh, they got cut out from the episode, right? Did they cut that out? I don't remember. I think that got cut from the final episode. We did have a guy try to sell us weed. That's right.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Yep. Yeah. But it's funny because the first, when you and I did, I don't know if it's the first of the second test we did. For every second. Second test, we had a homeless guy yelling at us like immediately. Yeah. And I thought, oh, that's going to be a wild podcast because we're just going to get tons of fucking passer by participation.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Not has not been the case. Maybe Eric is the equalizer. They see it. They go, this is a profession. Yeah. Better not disturb them. I think podcast is old hat at this point. I agree Where when you guys did tests maybe it was the first time coming out of quarantine and then
Starting point is 00:02:32 Podcasts new and fun podcast now old There are more than four million podcasts in the world. Yeah, and only like 10% of them make it to like episode 10 I don't know if it's even that high. I think it's a lower number. It's a lot lower. And only the ones we're associated with are any good. Yeah. That's only like what five or six. That's max. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:02:52 If that maybe. How many podcasts you got? It's slim down lately. I think I'm down to two right now. Yeah, you get to get your butt back up. Three. Yes. We're at, we got coffee from fat cats coffee,
Starting point is 00:03:03 which is like a Lamar and Airport. Never heard of this place. Really? I've been here a couple times. It's an interesting place because it's like, there's a huge apartment complex and like a little strip mall, I guess it's built to support it. And Fatcats is in that.
Starting point is 00:03:19 And I feel like this is all here only because the train station is right here. I think they built it for the train station and they built that little like, I'm gonna call it like a mini muleer behind it. Oh, that's where the lock street is. I was gonna tell you guys, that was gonna be my big reveal was that we are within driving,
Starting point is 00:03:35 very sweet, we're with a walking distance but we'll drive to it because we're old. To the little RIP, close seats, close seats. Yeah, right down there. Yeah, it's right. This is that neighborhood. It's a. Yeah, it's right. This is that neighborhood. It's a weird little, it's a weird place.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Not like weird good, not weird bad, I don't know. But here I ride my bike around here a lot. It's just like, it just doesn't feel like you're in Austin when you're riding around it. No, no, not at all. It's a bad way necessarily, just different. It's a great, it's a great location. Phenomenal.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Yeah, I remember when they started building out this subdivision and putting all the houses here, I was like, necessarily, just different. It's a great location. It's a great location. Phenomenal. Yeah. I remember when they started building out this subdivision and putting all the houses here, I was like, man, it's about time. Like, there was nothing here. And it was like such a prime location for a neighborhood and for houses. And that's been probably what, 10 years?
Starting point is 00:04:18 Yeah, there's been at least 10 years. Something like that. But the only reason I know this place exists is I would every now and then when I would go to Southby since parking is so bad downtown, I would sometimes park my car here and just take the train from here to go downtown. Yeah. Smart. And then just come back up here. There's like a beer place over here too, right? A brewery or something? Oh, the Black Star co-op. Oh, thank you. At the end right over here. There's a daqueries to go place right over here, which I've never oh shit understood.
Starting point is 00:04:46 That always been there. Like what you can just like what's there not to get? She's got to be clueless. You want a daquery, but you don't want to be there. Check it out. Get a daquery to go. Is it like, hey, you want a drink of drive? Stop by here first.
Starting point is 00:04:58 This is that kind of place. Yeah, and okay, I think they probably tell you not to drive and dream. They probably keep the paper on the straw to stop you from doing that. That's probably enough. That's a full proof method to stop you from doing that. Hey, I saw, we're gonna get a little inside baseball here. I saw a rumor.
Starting point is 00:05:19 It's unsubstantiated. I haven't seen it reporting to where else. That a local TV weather person was arrested for DUI a couple of days ago. I thought a rumor was in the news. Was it true? I hadn't seen it like officially reported in New York. It's not that we got a DUI. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Yeah, it's pretty crazy. It's like super beloved local weather man. Incredibly beloved. Really? Dog was like a little local celebrity named as dog Caxan. After Caxan. Caxan was the station. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:46 It's just the greatest dude. Yeah. Yeah, like the Austin subreddit, which is notoriously very snarky and kind of mean. It's a totally love system. Love's Jim Spencer. Everybody loves Jim Spencer. He like went into semi-retirement, so he's not really on TV as much as he used to be. And that's always the joke.
Starting point is 00:06:06 It's like when they're severe weather, they pull them out of retirement, put them back in front of camera to like make sure everyone knows what's going on and make sure everyone feels safe about what's happening. But yeah, so I guess it really happened. Like I saw it on some like website I'd never heard of. It didn't seem very reputable.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Oh really? I think it's true. His partner or husband, I'm not sure if they're married, but his partner is the person that owns mud puppies. Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah, where my, where my mud puppies is like a dog groomer and border. So like whenever we would go out of town,
Starting point is 00:06:37 we would take Henry and Arrow to mud puppies. They've got like four locations. Yeah, three, four. Great, if you ever, by the way, just free advertisement from Mudpuppies. If you're an Austin and you ever need dog grooming or you need to go out of town and you need somebody to board your dog, you cannot find it better than those guys. They're the best. We're three or four locations all around town.
Starting point is 00:06:58 We're three or four of them. Yeah, they got a lot of apartments. They got one on Riverside, over by where E-Moses, it's actually connected to E-Moses, which I always think like, how do the animals, they're gonna say fucking love heavy metal. What? Yo goblin cocks coming down, I better drop my dog on.
Starting point is 00:07:13 My dog's been begging to go for a month. I'm not buying tickets, I'm dropping my dog on. I like goblin cocks. So we're back with a new season. We're back in, let's say in area we haven't really been in a ton, but it's an area that I'm familiar with because Barrett's coffee is right over here. Yeah, I can probably see it from here. We almost went to today, but we're recording on a different day. And fat cats, he's usually closed on the day we record. So we want to come to fat cats. Yeah. Um, any thoughts on the whole parking lot in situation where
Starting point is 00:07:54 criss and all this stuff, all the 85 below bakery, all that stuff for whatever, any thoughts on that whole. Yeah, what do they call it? They call that a, is that called Crescue Commons? Is that the reason why I'm centering? Yeah. It was like, that? They call that, is that called Crestview Commons? Is that the new clientele center? Yeah. It was like, that's also a weird place because that shopping center has been there for forever.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Yeah. And it was, for a long time, it was like an empty dead shopping center. Yeah, it was dilapidating. I think there was like a Korean grocery store there. And I think that was about it. And I don't know what happened Who was a new ownership or they tried to attract new clientele
Starting point is 00:08:28 But they built a 99 ranch there, which is like a Chinese grocery store and then that whole shopping center has taken off Exploded Easily the worst parking lot in the city of Austin Because the rows are all really narrow, but they're not one way because the rows are all really narrow, but they're not one way. Like, you can, it's angled parking, but when you go in, you can approach it from either side. They need to repaint that entire parking lot to fix it.
Starting point is 00:08:52 And it's full of like, like I said, a grocery store like that. There's a Kino Premier bookstore. The bookstore's fucking awesome. There's like a little Ikea type store, do you know that store I'm talking about? Not Ikea, but it's like a little like, guy's self? Is that what it's called?
Starting point is 00:09:05 Like, Josh, you know, stuff like that. And then like a thousand restaurants. So there's just so much turn and burn traffic going through there. What's funny is there was for a long time, a little Mexican restaurant in the parking lot. I don't know if you recognized it. They just tore it down. Right, and it was there forever.
Starting point is 00:09:21 And I'd never been there. And the other day I was like, man, that place must be really good. If it's still there and like, you know, despite all this change going on, I was like, I'd never been there and the other day I was like man that place must be really good if it's still there and like you know despite all this change going on I was like I'm gonna go there and I went and the walls are gone well as the place called you I don't remember let's go something I want to say I just noticed that when we were driving here I could it's the first time I've seen that they tore it down yeah I hope it's more parking spaces and also they
Starting point is 00:09:43 repaint the entire parking lot while they're tearing that part down. Yeah. What a, what a, it's a half place to park. Yeah, it's, it's, it's really bad. But it's just a testament to how popular that shopping center is and how popular all of the stores there are. It's always kind of when Dyso opened, there would be a line to get in the store, which is fucking crazy to me. It's like a glorified, convening store.
Starting point is 00:10:08 It is such a glow up of such a previously unremarkable place. You know, they've really done an awesome job with it. It's designed well, I mean, except for Flo. aesthetically it's designed well. The stores are all great. It's where soup leaf is, which I go to all the time. That like my current hot pot looking at looking at all the places. They have BBQ chicken. I've been there. It's very good It's good. Sozin ramen that place is also really good. They do a python ramen, which is awesome snowball rice ball
Starting point is 00:10:38 Bun belly bun belly used to be further down here. Yeah, they moved over here Soup leaf Kura revolving sushi One bill used to be further down here. Yeah, we moved over here. Super leaf. Hot pot. Kora revolving sushi. A place called Fruit Alicious. Oh, I'm not seeing that one. You had me at Fruit. I think it might be inside the Ranch 99.
Starting point is 00:10:54 I'm sorry, 99 Ranch 99. That is Ranch 99 is a holdover from a long time ago for me. That 85 C Bakery, Milk and Tea, Bubble Tea tea, K BBQ place over there, and then yeah, the there's a hot dog place. Yeah, the okay dog. Texas, okay dog. You know who loved that place before he moved to Japan was cold.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Oh, really? Yeah, yeah. He thought that was so cool. He's like, it's a hot dog, but I'll see you going with cheese. That's a very cold thing. The world ran in French fries. I'm like, you're a maniac. But it's, so I guess the thing that I was driving at
Starting point is 00:11:28 is, is that something you are like in Austin, that kind of shopping center, in that spot, anything you would have expected, anticipated anything like that, years and years and years ago, like, what a hot spot little corner in the middle of no, like really in like a desert of other stuff for a while, this is on Lamar, an airport. it's not there's anything really going on.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Yeah I think that's all you know built out or renovated as a response to you know we're we're sitting right now this apartment complex and all of this stuff popping up I think this especially with the rail right here Lamar and their product this has become a very important intersection of very central intersection a lot of people pass through. And I think it was inevitable to see something grow there. I'm happy to see that. I feel like there's a lot of, before I moved to Austin when I went to college,
Starting point is 00:12:18 I lived in Houston. And there was a big Asian population, lots of different types of Asian food. You get 24 hours a day, that was awesome. And when I moved to Austin, I felt like that was like a big gap. Yeah, you had to drive all the way up north to that. What is it on? The Chinatown Center?
Starting point is 00:12:33 Yeah. Yeah, Chinatown Center. Yeah, so it's, I feel like it's been a long time coming. Even when we're sitting now, there's a bamboo house right next right behind us, which is a restaurant that has a couple of locations in Houston and they just opened up this one. When they opened this one, it was fucking crazy. I came here, I came here, I think a month and a half
Starting point is 00:12:53 or two months after they opened, because I heard they have really good-paking duck, but I also heard it was really popular. So I came on a Saturday and I think they opened at 11 and I thought I gotta go there early to try to get a duck and try to, you know, try to see what this place is about. So my wife and I showed up at like 10.55, there was a line, they opened the doors, we were
Starting point is 00:13:12 the last people to get a table. Like the couple behind us, we like we sat down and they turned to the couple of hinders and said, okay, it's a one hour wait to get a table. Oh wow. Yeah, and then we sat down and we ordered the duck, the paking duck and they're like, all right, it'll be 45 minutes before it comes out. It's not like that anymore. Like, it's calm down, so you can actually show up
Starting point is 00:13:31 at a regular time and eat and not worry about that, but that just goes to show like how underserved that kind of cuisine and that kind of, there's a big appetite, no pun intended. It's a big appetite for that. And Austin's traditionally underserved that quite a bit. So yes, I'm happy to see all of them. What do you think are traditionally in your opinion,
Starting point is 00:13:54 it's just in your time here, the most underserved culinary avenues in Austin. It was definitely Chinese food. I would say Chinese in Italian. But we have no good Italian art and soul. It's 100% Italian. There's what Italian food is there? Yeah, we used to eat at Vinnie's,
Starting point is 00:14:10 but that place closed 12 or 20 years ago. You can go to what's it called? Uncle Nikki's. Vinnie's was owned by Emily's best friend. Really? Yeah, her parents. Yeah. They owned El Macata and Vinnie's.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Now they just owned El Macata. Wow. So there's not, why is there not a Lot of Italian food in Austin, but you go to San Antonio and there's quite a bit. It's gotten better We've got like Juliet. We've got Inoteca We still have a place called Treehouse Grill. It wasn't great. Do you remember that over on South Congress the inside was The inside was painted up like a Italian villa facade and there were like houses all around.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Where was that? I remember that place like every one of us. It's over by the exciting building kind of where that was South and other block and kind of behind a card dealership or something maybe. Yeah. But yeah, we had a place called Mezzelooner that I went to with you and your mom
Starting point is 00:15:05 Dude, I forgot about mezzaloo. Yeah, and And that closed down in the 90s probably Yeah, yeah, we don't we just got mandolus is okay. No, no, no, it's not it's terrible. It is the most it's It's it's it's all regard my it is my my wife one step up from all of garden. My wife likes it, but she's like she's like I just need something that is going to fit the niche of the words Italian food. It is the color that I need it to be and the texture that I need it to be. I it doesn't taste like anything. It's really a bummer. We've got robbers. We've got all of guard. We've got getting warehouse. We've got macaroni grill. Actually, we don't have any of those places Spani warehouse close down years ago macaroni grill. I think it's going on. I'm so but getty warehouse
Starting point is 00:15:51 Maybe the funniest name for a restaurant. Yeah, but getty warehouse Insane if you could name it Italian food place. What what would you name it? Fizzoli's Fizzoli's fucking terrible. Nathan Zell they used to eat a Fizzolis all the time. Remember that? Yeah. It took his wife when I date to Fizzolis when they were in the room. Wow. They're still like, they're married. I would always be like Nathan, man, why are you
Starting point is 00:16:18 like the worst food on earth? Why are you going to Fizzolis and you just smile at me? It's there. It is across the street. And I also say another underserved cuisine, shockingly for where we are as Mexican food. The Mexican food here is awful. It's like all Tex-Mex, garbage. So you mean like interior Mexican food?
Starting point is 00:16:38 Or anything that's not so tasty. Anything not, Tex-Mex, okay. Yeah, for sure. What is your favorite Mexican restaurant in Austin? Man, I don't know if I have one. I'll take what actually, square Yeah, for sure. What is your favorite next con restaurant in Austin? Man, I don't know if I won't, I'll take what actually, square taste really good. Okay, I'll eat square taste.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Square taste good. I talked about this a couple of episodes ago. I named it an NFT, Closena de Clinguello is really good over here. We're not too far from it, it's over on Vernet. Those places are solid. I'm simple, I just like pull those. Oh man, I went to pull those once They got the hottest
Starting point is 00:17:06 Inchaladas I've ever had in my life there didn't they get a lot didn't they get arrested? Wasn't there like a big the one thing running like drugs out of that restaurant pull those no, I don't think so They just open up a third location. I'm pretty sure they got rated like 15 years ago I think so for like it was like a big drug sting. No, I don't think so Google Google pull those drug scheme. Hey, how about this think so. I look real bad. Google, Google polvo's drug scheme. Hey, how about this? If they, that's a testament to polvos. If he's right, that's a testament to the food, right there.
Starting point is 00:17:31 They survive, that food was so good, it survived the drug sting. That doesn't happen. It doesn't happen. It doesn't. There's a, Nortonio, like, there's a place on like the way Eastside that does like chicken like pollo like so so so well it was a food truck and as a brick and mortar it's fucking awesome and pollo's Norteño
Starting point is 00:17:56 and it's really really good to go and you get a torta oh my god just it's so fucking big you're like there's no way I can eat the whole thing it tastes so good you can't stop I wasn't pobo is it was hovedas oh okay yeah I'm not I'm not simping for hovedas yeah they they would they would they they would they the simping for hovedas the owner was the center of a heroin ring I was selling drugs in the restaurant. Oh! Yeah. Is hovedas still around? No, no. Food wasn't good enough, see? That's the testament to hovedas.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Wow. Okay, so that's my bad. I'll take it back. Polvos, I'm sorry, your food just sucks. You don't do drugs in your restaurant. They have a good pepper bar. They have salsa bars, it's fucking amazing. That's good.
Starting point is 00:18:41 That's the best part of that restaurant. The best pickled vegetables there. Yeah, that's specifically what I remember. But yeah, it's weird. Like you mentioned San Antonio has good, if it's San Antonio also has really good Mexican food, I feel like it's because of the tourism industry in San Antonio. Like the tourists who go are very,
Starting point is 00:18:57 like San Antonio's primarily a tourist destination and they build the city up around that. And I think that the type of tourists that they attract is different than type of tourists who comes to Austin. So they're looking for Italian food or Mexican food. Also there's a way bigger Mexican population in San Antonio than Austin. So I think that might also play into that one at least.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Wendy, I was thinking about this the other day. When do you think, so cities have moments, right? When they're in Vogue, when they're in city, the place. So Austin, I think is coming out of that maybe. Like it was in it from like 2008 to, maybe 2010 to like 2021 or so. And now we're kind of on the, I feel, maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like we're on the other side.
Starting point is 00:19:43 I think you're on it. And I was thinking about San Diego. And I feel like San Diego, that must have been the 90s for San Diego, right? A lot. San Antonio was the 80s. I feel like San Antonio's a very 80s. When Cloak and Dagger came out, it was like the beginning. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Like mid-sit mid 80s. By the way, if you've never seen Cloak and Dagger, what a Dabney Coleman's performance. So good. One of the best fucking movies ever made. So good. Love Cloak and dagger, one of the Dabney Coleman's performance. So good. One of the best fucking movies ever made. So good. Love Cloak and dagger. When those old people turn out to be the bad guys, I've never been more freaked out in my entire life.
Starting point is 00:20:14 It was the first time I thought like, like, I am parent, I don't care, it's came up 40 years ago. People, why not, are listeners probably haven't seen it? All right, well, if you're listening to this now, when you're watching the movie and the old people show up, it's different old people.
Starting point is 00:20:25 You're so... No. I haven't seen that movie in years. Oh, it's great. A lot of Austin now reminds me of San Diego in the 90s, where it's tourism. No one's from here. Like, we were...
Starting point is 00:20:41 When I'm kind of out and about in Austin, and you meet someone and they're like, I'm a fan or I'll do this whatever, and you're like, where are you from? They're like, oh, I'm kind of out and about in Austin and you meet someone and they're like, I'm fan or do this whatever. And you're like, where are you from? They're like, oh, I'm from Austin. That doesn't happen very much anymore. That was San Diego in the 90s. Growing up there, it was like, where are you from? And it's like, I'm from San Diego. And it's like, oh, wow, really? Oh, yeah. And it's like, yeah, yeah, there's, yes. But now, there's been so much time of that, that this, like a younger generation,
Starting point is 00:21:05 there's so many people from San Diego, that will be Austin in 2030, 2030. I don't think it will. Really, you don't think so? No, because I don't think any of those people that have kids here stick around. Oh, I think a lot of people will stick around. Like I don't think people can afford to stay here.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Yeah, that's what I was saying. I think a lot of people, or less people, are having kids in Austin itself. Like, again, you've got pushed out to the suburbs. Oh, the suburbs, that's Austin. They're gonna claim it. Yes, like if you just look at all the babies that were born at Ruestra teeth,
Starting point is 00:21:33 unless like Millie's not gonna end up in Austin, Bernie's kids aren't ended up in Austin, and that's kids probably won't end up in Austin. Like I don't know, I don't know any, I just don't know, not even the kids that Millie went to preschool with that we maintain friendships with all Leave and all go and all the families are leaving that get the entire nucleus of like
Starting point is 00:21:53 Millie's childhood scene is all graduating high school and dispersing that not just to college But like parents are leaving Austin too. Yeah, you know, it's like I just don't know I don't know who's sticking around to see that. Right. Interesting. Well, it's all the suckers who are left holding the bag now that Austin's not the yet city anymore. No, we can't sell our houses.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Yep. Is that like that boom's done, right? Oh, absolutely. I think once interest rates go back down, it goes back up again. Yeah. I think it rebumes, but it won't be like it was. No, no, definitely not.
Starting point is 00:22:24 I mean, this is what the third time this has happened when you guys have been here, right? It's been like, it's the dot-com boom and then that was in like the late 90s. Whoa, the ice cubes are coffee. Oh, coffee ice cubes in there. This place, this fucking drink has coffee ice cubes. Wow.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Yeah, there was the dot-com boom, the housing or the financial crash in 2008, 2009 and then this one. And then this one, right right I will say this one has seems to have been more extreme than the 2008 2009 financial crisis that was a mine for Austin and specifically Austin real estate that was like a minor blip the dot com boom I don't remember because I was I was here but I was too young to buy a house. So like that didn't really affect me. So I don't have any insight as to that. Uh, you talking about like 98? No, we're between 98 and 2000, 2001 maybe. You bought a house at a time.
Starting point is 00:23:15 I did, but I used to V.A. home loan. I was gonna say you had military discounts. Yeah, it's the only thing I got out of the army other than, you know, a little bit of discipline. And I work as a, I got a decent home loan at the time. The way you salute the flag during the national anthem is really impressive. Like you really, I don't think I've ever seen
Starting point is 00:23:32 you stand up straighter. I know it's funny at all, but I do have a, I do, I am possessed of a tremendous amount of pride for serving in the military and being an American. As shitty as things are right now, you still got, I still fucking military and being an American as shitty as things are right now. You still got it. I still fucking absolutely love being an American. Hey man, save it for veterans day. I'm not fucking. I'm not fucking getting into this. Did you see me? Did I salute or something at the game?
Starting point is 00:23:55 Yeah, the national anthem started and I was with Gavin and he went, oh, oh, and I just kind of said I'm forgot to take off my hat my hat. And as a whatever, you made your way to the stairs to find the flag to stand as rigid as a two by four and view it. And I just, being Gavin just looking at each other going, okay. It really was, it is not a, it's not a conscious thing I do. It is like the third time I think,
Starting point is 00:24:22 third or fourth time I've seen you do that. Like going to like a game or something. And you go like, I don't, thing I do. It is like the third time, I think, third or fourth time I've seen you do that. Like going to like a game or something. And you go like, I don't, if I smoked, that's when I would like, during the national anthem is when I would go have a cigarette. It's just been so many times of seeing this thing and it doesn't grab me the way it's supposed to and it just makes me kind of go, ugh.
Starting point is 00:24:43 But then watching Jeff, I go, it's really meaningful to some people. I feel of go, uh, but then watching Jeff, I go, this is really meaningful. I, uh, I feel like it grabs me more the older I get. I understand that. I, I, I don't specifically remember the moment, but I, I bet you there's like an 85% chance that if you had, uh, come up to, weren't behind me, but if you'd come up to me, I probably would have had tears in my eyes. Wow.
Starting point is 00:25:01 Yeah. Wow. I tear up sometimes. Yeah. Yeah. I just start to think about, well, the totality of my time in the military, but also every single person that I met in the military and how just like, how wonderful the human engine that runs the United States military is, a flawed, of course, but like, I don't know, there's something about so many people rowing about in the same direction for something that just, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:25:28 You could feel it, people, people online at home revving up their fingers. I have something to say about a military. Take this, Jeff. That's fine. Yeah, who, hey, honestly, if you're about to type something up, fucking save it. I fucking, look, why is, Why is war is so angry? America is a deeply flawed country and the United States military is a deeply flawed machine of war. But end of fence, but it's still okay to love it.
Starting point is 00:25:56 It's still okay to be proud of where you're from. Yeah, it's still okay to be proud of what you did. It's just how you love and you're proud of Kevin Spacey still to this day. I mean, If you caught us for telling us that man, you have to stop. Really, you really need to calm it down. They're not doing more seasons, relax.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Why Kevin Spacey? That's so interesting. I feel like it was someone who was very much rejected and who's trying to make his way back. He's trying hard to make his way back. I feel like he was also a very beloved actor for people of many generation. And then all of this stuff came out.
Starting point is 00:26:32 And it was like, oh man, this is bad. And then he started making YouTube videos of like in character. And it's like, oh, this is insane. This is like delusion insane. It's like, yeah, I don't know. It's weird. He, Kevin Spacey's confusing.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Because he played. That's a title of this episode. So, Kevin Spacey could be. Almost every movie I've seen with Kevin Spacey and where he plays a good character, he's a kind of a prick. Yes, all of that. And so, it doesn't surprise me that he's a prick in real life, right? Well, like, Capehack's huge prick. I never saw, it doesn't surprise me that he's a prick in real life, right?
Starting point is 00:27:05 Well, like, K-Packs, huge prick. I never saw K-Packs. I hate that movie. I've never saw it. I've never saw it. I remember watching it, read my mom renting it when I was a kid, watching it at home and going,
Starting point is 00:27:16 this fucking sucks. And then in high school, watching it on some like substitute teacher day, it's like we're gonna watch K-Packs and I just went, no! We watched, I hated it. I hated it. When I was in second or third grade,
Starting point is 00:27:30 I don't remember why, but it was like one of those half days where it's like you don't really do much at school and so that they put us all into one classroom and they played a movie. And the movie they picked was some shitty 80s movie called The Heavenly Kid. I don't know if you've ever heard of it or if you've ever seen it.
Starting point is 00:27:48 You've seen it. So you might know where this is going. I don't remember what the movie was about specifically. It's about some high school kid who dies and comes back as an angel to help other people out. Something very Disney-esque. Yeah, something dumb like that. However, there is a scene in that movie where a bunch of the teenagers like sit around and start smoking pot
Starting point is 00:28:07 and they start floating in the air and the teachers had to scramble to find poster board to cover up the screen from all... Really? Yeah, that's fun. All of the way to the second. They're graders learning about smoking pot and being cool.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Being cool. It's a really weird scene in that movie. I remember that. So I remember that, and I remember watching Romeo and Juliet in ninth grade, and the teacher getting the wrong version. The Newty, the Newty version. Yeah. We watched it too.
Starting point is 00:28:36 We did also, in my teacher before it started, was like, look, yeah, I'm going to trust you all to be adults for 14. I'm going to trust you all to be adults about this. Yep. And when this happens, I don't want to hear it. I don't want no snickering. And then it happens and it was everyone going, oh, dude. Oh my God. Do you see that the dude that played Romeo and the lady that played Juliet, they sued the movie. The studio recently, and it just got dismissed. For exploitation, I think, because they were underage.
Starting point is 00:29:10 They were like 16 when I shot that. Yeah, she was underage and they were told that, like it wasn't gonna be released, like we could have cut around, and it was released like that anyway. Yeah, I mean, really, really, a fucked up story. Like now that I'm an adult, and I hear all this, like, oh shit, I didn't, you know,
Starting point is 00:29:24 like a 14 year old and you're watching, you're just like, oh my God, boobs, that's all you can think. Whole thing got dismissed, a fucked up story. Like now that I'm an adult, and I hear all this, like, oh shit, I didn't, you know. You're like a 14 year old and you watch it. You're just like, oh my God, boobs, that's all you can think. Whole thing got dismissed, I think, though. Oh really? That's a similar, I've just been recently listening to, you know, I listened to a different podcast than this one. Sometimes you. I know, I know.
Starting point is 00:29:37 And they were talking about, it's a lot of it's about like, eroticism in the 90s. And they were talking about Sharon Stone's basic instinct scene and I guess I didn't know this but she had no idea. What? She had no idea they were showing her a crotch. What? Yeah. And then she like toed the party line when it came out and kind of felt like she had to
Starting point is 00:30:00 to support the movie but like years later in her autobiography she was like yeah they totally totally fucked her over on that. Just completely. I thought I was gonna be darkened or that it wasn't visible and all this stuff, they fed her a bunch of lies and suppose I couldn't hurt, you know, but I don't know how many of you guys know how many of you. I mean, you've been on sets where like,
Starting point is 00:30:18 you, when you're, you know, you're, because people may be like, that's bullshit, you know what she was doing. You've been on sets for, I don't think she, I, where, you don't know what the camera's looking at. Absolutely, you don't know, you don't know, what, you don't know what's in frame. You have to, you trust, because people may be like, that's bullshit, you know what she was doing. You've been on set for- I don't think she, I am. You don't know what the camera's looking at. Absolutely, you don't know- No idea. You don't know what's in frame.
Starting point is 00:30:27 You have to, you trust whoever's behind the camera and be like, yeah, we're looking at this. Or this is how it's gonna- And by the way, these are people you've known for a month, maybe at this point in your life, like how do you, like how do you really trust them? Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Man. That's crazy. That's crazy. This show is sponsored by BetterHelp. Sometimes in life we're faced with tough choices. The path forward isn't always clear. Life doesn't come within instruction book. I know we've all been there, whether it's personal life or work.
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Starting point is 00:32:00 That movie really stuck with me when I was younger for some reason. And that's why the movie was the biggest dickhead. Uh, of course, I'd be remiss not to, of course, mention it. And it's a quick second place might be Glengarry Glinn Ross. Just because that, it's not even his scene really. It's the Alec Baldwin scene at the beginning. He's there, but you know, Ken Spacey's there.
Starting point is 00:32:20 It's just so iconic. I have a such an iconic scene. Well, the best scenes in history, I filmed. Yeah. I'm assuming you talk about coffees for closers. Yeah, oh, 100%. ABC. Yeah, fuck you, that's my name.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Baldwin's had a few controversies lately too. Yeah. Not even, it's not even like lately. It's just been over his whole career. And I didn't know that until like the mid 2000s. I didn't know that he was like a guy plagued with. He was a fucking paparazzi puncture. I'd know. Yeah. Just no concept of it. I had no idea. And then I also didn't realize that he was in beetle juice. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The same guy who's in 30 rock. Because if you put them next to each other, they're not the same.
Starting point is 00:33:06 You're physically different human beings. Both gorgeous human beings but look totally different. There's a transition from Beetlejuice Alec Baldwin to Hunfere, October Baldwin to like 30 rock Alec Baldwin. I think I gotta say Alec Baldwin might be one of the most attractive men I've ever seen. From just like through the course of his career as he's age, he just continues to age well. That dog's not happy. Too many fat cats around here. God, I watched this.
Starting point is 00:33:29 I watched this. Alex Baldwin movie recently called Miami Blues. I want to say it was called and he's got a bit. It's been the 80s and he's got to be like 28 in it. And he's just shirtless the whole time. And he plays like a con artist like Who ends up it goes very badly for him, but man that dude you just like I just stared at him the whole fucking movie going I There's a reason he's in front of the camera. Yeah, I'd say he's yeah
Starting point is 00:33:57 The dude pops He's a movie star. I think Tom Cruise is the last Movie star. I think I Thought it was gonna be George Clooney and the George Clooney stop being in stuff and now it's Tom Cruise How about how about the fact that dude who by the way? I don't think any of us probably would like on a personal level. Uh-huh is Single handedly saving Hollywood or keeping it afloat if it's like I Saw a tweet or somebody said
Starting point is 00:34:21 He's gonna Save the movie industry. I don't know how, but he's gonna jump out of plane to do it, or go to space. Yeah, he's gonna fucking be like, here's Tom Cruise jumping from the international space station back to Earth. I think if Tom Cruise died doing his stunt, it would be the happiest he's ever been.
Starting point is 00:34:39 It'd be like, it'd be like if you're a musician and you die in state, right? Yeah, it's just like, that's it. That's what I wanted. And as long as he completed the stunt before he died, yeah, you die in state. Yeah, yeah, it's just like that's it. That's what I wanted. As long as he completed the stunt before he died. Yeah, you love it. You know, we're talking about like, Kevin Spacey, Alex Baldwin,
Starting point is 00:34:50 like potentially problematic people who, you know, go away, you know, some of them come back, some of them don't. I've been rewatching the Mission Impossible series, all the movies from one through six before I watched Dead Recton Inc, which I, it's out now, I haven't seen it yet. I saw it. It was good.
Starting point is 00:35:10 You let me know what you think. I saw your tweet about it. I have complicated feelings about mission possible movies. So last night I actually rewatched three. It's the best one. Which I think is the best one. But it's the one that did the worst at the box office. It also, I was just reading a rankings,
Starting point is 00:35:25 like a popular rankings online of best to worst. And they listed as the second worst movie. No way, I'm bunching it. And all people in the comments were agreeing and I'm like, I'm like, I'm not fucking crazy. Or was that the best? That movie is so good. I have been waiting for another mission
Starting point is 00:35:36 that possible to be half as good as three. I think Fallout was, I think. I think Fallout's good. Fallout needed a rogue nation in order to really work well. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But that's why standalone I think three is the best. And it was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good.
Starting point is 00:35:47 I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good.
Starting point is 00:35:55 I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good.
Starting point is 00:36:03 I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. I was good. stuff and I think he very smartly shied away from the public eye after and kept his mouth shut Which is it what allows him now for people to say like Tom Cruise is gonna save Hollywood? This is why he's the last movie star. Yeah, because he doesn't have a Twitter where he posts this stuff He has Tom Cruise dot com if you want your Tom news from Tom Cruise Like that's it and he films a thing at the beginning of the movie with the director like the writer director who I didn't know writes like everything he does now the guy who directed this newest mission possible he just he writes and
Starting point is 00:36:34 directs like everything that Tom Cruise does and it's just them going hi we made this movie thank you for coming and watching this movie we love you we love you we love you we love you and then the movie starts his I rewatched two the other day, which is, that's easily the worst one. It's not right. It's, like I remember not liking it, and I rewatched it for probably the first time
Starting point is 00:36:53 in 20 years, the couple of days ago, I was like, it's, which worse than I remember. We sat in the theater together. We did, yeah. That's the last time I saw it. Oh wow. And I didn't realize at the time that Tom Cruise's cousin is in it,
Starting point is 00:37:04 the actor who plays Ethan Rom in Lost, he's one of the time that Tom Cruise's cousin is in it the actor who plays Ethan Rom in Lost. He's one of the agents on the plane at the beginning of the movie and he's like sprinkled in throughout the movie. You see him. He's like the tall guy. He looks like Tom Cruise if they stretched him from his height to like six three. Yeah, that's him.
Starting point is 00:37:20 They just look like they grabbed by the top of the head. Yeah, yeah. He just, they have like the same kind of hair. They have like that, shh, hair. Yeah, it's really something. Let me know what you think of Dead Rackening. I'm really curious about what you think. My wife pointed out, I left and I was bummed
Starting point is 00:37:36 because I didn't really love it. And my wife went, I went in with no expectations because I don't remember what happened in any of these movies and I've seen, I think all of them. And I was, I was was pretty good looking to live. That's pretty exciting. It's funny because it's been so long that one was so quaint.
Starting point is 00:37:52 It was like watching a movie. I felt like I was watching way out of the 60s or something. I was like, oh man, this is so dated and like. Well, it feels so, like one feels so akin to Mission Impossible, the TV show, right? It really feels like a spiritual successor to it and then it's a little cartoonish and a little hokey. The masks are so bad.
Starting point is 00:38:13 The masks are so bad, it's real kitschy and then they really, they took it in a much more serious action way from two on, I guess. He's like a sexless James Bond. It's really interesting. Yeah, and then they over-sex him in two. Like two is like, woman, we're gone.
Starting point is 00:38:28 We don't need all the- And then after that to make up for the next five, he doesn't kiss a woman once. It's pretty thrilling. He side hugs someone and that's it. He gets married in three. They have an implied sex scene in a closet at the hospital. There are three scenes in three that make it,
Starting point is 00:38:46 by far the best Mission Impossible movie. There's the scene where he and Vingrains are meeting in the Vatican. And he opens up the hatch and he goes, so with you and Vingrains goes, nothing. So with you. That's such a funny moment of like brevity. And then there's the scene,
Starting point is 00:39:02 which I still think about. I thought it was so clever of everyone's to do this. When they have to go into that, is it the Burj Khalifa or whatever that big building that's in Shanghai? It's in Shanghai. And he goes, and they're like going over the plan and you don't know what's in there,
Starting point is 00:39:14 you don't know what's gonna happen. You just know he goes in and then it cuts to him screaming, I'm not gonna make the extraction. I'm not in here. To this day have no idea when on that building. I love that they show what happened in there. You don't show you just have to see him jump out the window. It's so fucking cool. I spent so much time after that movie just like in my head imagining him.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Yeah. Fucking going through gun fights and stuff in there. And then at the end when he's like after he's done all the running and stuff and he's talking to his love interest and he's like if you don't kill me right now I'm going to die. That's such a great line. It's such a like they set that up so well throughout the entire movie and it's so good. What a payoff.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Ving Rames is in, I mean, it's everyone's in the new one. But Ving Rames is in it and you don't see him stand or walk or move. It's really. I just looked it up. He's like 64, I think. And I thought he was older. They really show him sitting with the whole time.
Starting point is 00:40:07 He's like the computer guy, he's the hacker. He is. Yeah, but there are scenes where he's like handing someone something and no, he's not. You know what, it's, it's, you know, Steven Seagull. It's, it's somebody else's hand walking on or handing people stuff.
Starting point is 00:40:21 I'll give you another example of that. And if you go, you may have never noticed that, but if you go back and watch it now, it will freak you out. Watch Dumb and Dumber. Terry Gars character. I don't know if you know who you remember Terry Gars or a huge actress in the 80s. Had the flirtation with David Letterman all the time.
Starting point is 00:40:35 I had a huge crush on Terry Gars when I was a kid. She doesn't stand or walk or move in that entire film. What? And it's odd. Once you can't do it and you watch her, I don't know if she was having mobility issues or whatever, but they frame and shoot that entire movie around her having to move. It's really interesting. I mean, she's not in it a lot. No.
Starting point is 00:40:53 She's just in all the like the Tahoe scenes or whatever, but uh, but yeah, it's really, I noticed it because I loved her so much and then I got to see her on screen when that movie came out and I thought, oh, fuck, I get Terry Gar, I love it. I love Terry Gar. I'm great to see her working. And uh, and then I was like why is she? It's not moving something going on there. Yeah, there was a there's a great show in Netflix that I like I don't know if you've watched it Called dead to me. It's got a christine apple game. I think it was only like three seasons. I have not seen it But I know of it. It's excellent. I highly recommend highly recommend it, but
Starting point is 00:41:24 It's it's it's kind of tragic because between season two and three is when Christian and Applegate started having like a lot of health issues. She had breast cancer. Right, but like in season three, it's kind of like that. It was very apparent that she's having difficulty standing and really doing a lot.
Starting point is 00:41:45 So like the other actors have to do a lot more to try to help her get through the scenes. And it's just so sad to see someone who's still so young and so talented, like begin starting to have problems like that, still trying to work. I think they had to cut that series down quite a bit. I think season three was not what they wanted to do. I think it was like, oh, we need to wrap this show up
Starting point is 00:42:09 and forgot all these listens. Yeah, a great show. Highly recommend it. Really, really phenomenal performances. Great story. She's one of those people that's just been famous and an actress in Hollywood my entire life. And then I just, we're probably very close in age,
Starting point is 00:42:27 but I always seemed like, like she was like Kelly on, on Mary the Children. And it always felt like a generation older than me, but I don't think she is. I think she's probably five years older than me. And it's just been like, it's weird, you see those people you just take for granted that they're always gonna be around
Starting point is 00:42:42 and always gonna be acting. Tom Cruise is another one. You know, I saw risky business in the theater when I was a kid. And it's like, here I am at 48 about to go see Tom Cruise in another movie. You just, you hate to see age affect people that in your head are... I don't know. Timeless? Timeless. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:58 Yeah. Yeah. Um, we're about 40 minutes, so I do want to talk about fat cats, but I just want to get a quick take from you Gus So are you officially on strike As a sag after member or how are you dealing with this? Can you be in this podcast? Yes, podcasts are fine because we're not doing promotion for any major studio Benefit so we're not crossing the American what is it television producers guild or whatever wait, yeah is Gus in the guild or is Gustavo in the guild
Starting point is 00:43:32 And who are we talking to one way or another I don't think it matters Yeah, I mean, it's it's it's real. It's a thing right? I mean mean, when that line's drawn, you gotta buy it. Yep, absolutely. We're not crossing the picket line. Yeah. I spent a lot of time looking into podcasts and how they fall. And I've been looking into it as well
Starting point is 00:43:57 to make sure that we're not getting into even any gray area. It is, like, Saga's been very clear about what you're able to do and what you're not. And this is going to be the best comic by the time this is out, Comic-Con's over, it's going to be the best comic-Con of all time. No one's there. It's going to be awesome. I'm going to feel like the Comic-Con's of your childhood. Summer of 98.
Starting point is 00:44:19 I'm so stoked. I was talking to Sean from Mega 64 and he's like, I'm so excited. I don't know what this is gonna be Everyone's pissed. It's gonna be people selling comic are they just gonna be like the way you start You're 10. He's gonna show up even they will but it's not gonna be the same numbers guaranteed producers will be there You know what I mean? Yeah, but no one's showing up for producers to be the studios will still show a sneak peek and all this stuff or whatever, but like no actors, no writers, no one. I'm so excited.
Starting point is 00:44:50 I can't wait. I've had to do, you know, for some of the different podcasts we do, I've had to do AdREEDs for, you know, movie, what not. And I remember there was one in particular where it was like, this ad, it was like, I won't get in a specific set. And there's this ad that was like, all producer names. Oh, I remember. And I was like, what the fuck is, specific sense. And here's this Andy that was like all producer names. Oh, I remember.
Starting point is 00:45:05 And I was like, what the fuck is, no one gives a shit about this. No one, I don't know, no one knows any, I know about movies, I don't know any of these names. Yep. Yep. Yep. It's like the only people who care
Starting point is 00:45:15 are the people whose names are in this list. When I was in film school, they told one of the, one of my professors told me the difference between somebody who works in movies, like in film, and somebody who watches movies is the person who works in movies, knows who these producers are. The person who watches movies does not know who these producers are. And I went, that's a great, that makes total sense.
Starting point is 00:45:38 Networking and knowing who to work with and all this stuff and going, oh yeah, they were like the third producer listed on this title card on this thing. Super important, if you work in it, if you are just a film watcher, you don't give a fuck, get me through, show, stop showing me these vanity cards, let's go. Yeah, from the producers of Insidious means nothing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:58 I like when it's one of the producers from one movie. Yeah, it's like, oh, that's not, like a producer of loss and a producer of high school musical. It's the best. It's so cool. Okay, we're officially on strike.
Starting point is 00:46:11 So let's talk about fat cats. Jeff, I felt like you had something to say about fat cats while we were in there. Yeah, you had your coffee. Early, I saw often, early on, I was disappointed by the, this place called Fat Cat. Fat Cat, and they have fat cats. Fat cats. Fat cat apostrophe S.rophe s no no no no no apostrophe no many multiple
Starting point is 00:46:30 cats I saw the apostrophe no no on the window there's no apostrophe I'm telling you on the board there was on the board there was because I think that's a mistake anyway so I was looking at all the cats and I was disappointed in the amount of cats that were actually fat yes like if you're gonna call yourself fat cat, I would think you would try to find comically fat, put your cats in shit, not very supple, like, supplying, like, thin cats. Are you gonna call them supple cats?
Starting point is 00:46:55 No. No. Do you take picture of the supple cats? It's a supple. Chatted. Jeff was reading us the source this morning. Yeah. It is in an area that I don't come to a lot, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to get your deck here. Jeff was reading us the source this morning.
Starting point is 00:47:09 It is in an area that I don't come to a lot, but I have been before. There's a board game bar at the end of this thing. Then black star coops on the other side. And it gets your deck reased to go here. Yeah, absolutely. And here, this is a bakery as well as a coffee shop. What did Jeff did not get a snack?
Starting point is 00:47:30 That's some great audio texture. They also didn't get all the trash a bunch of it. Not even. Most of... Woo! It's all on the ground. There's so much trash on the ground. It's so much trash on the ground.
Starting point is 00:47:41 More falling. Gus and I both got snacks. I got a lemon blueberry scone. I got a Mexican chocolate cookie. What did you think of your cookie? It was very chewy. OK. It was good.
Starting point is 00:47:53 It had like a little bit of spice to it, a little bit of heat, which I really like. It was a good cookie. Just a little chewier than I was expecting. Would you say it was a little caliente? No. It was more... Yeah, it was a little Kellient day? No. It was more of a... Yeah, it was not temperature hot.
Starting point is 00:48:07 We're going to go so. We're going to go so. The lemon scone was not very lemon. It had a lot of blueberries. I liked it a lot. I'm not a big scone guy, but I wanted to try it. It was a soft scone. Typically you get a scone that's like crumbly and like hard
Starting point is 00:48:20 and you just gotta go, yeah. This was a very good scone. I'm not a big scone guy either, but we worked with a dude who loved scones. Do you remember that? Mooshy. He would go to Central Market and get scones. I don't remember that about it.
Starting point is 00:48:29 Oh yeah, I love to scones. I liked it a lot. I got the cold brew coffee. You got the iced Americano, and then you also got the cold brew coffee. Yes I did. Thoughts on the coffee, anything in general? My coffee had what appears to be coffee ice cubes in it?
Starting point is 00:48:42 Yes. Which I thought was clever. Yeah. It was, okay, like a seven and a half. And now it's like a seven. Okay, 7.1. Mine had no ice. I mean, it did at the beginning, but it all melted. There was not enough ice.
Starting point is 00:48:55 It did at the beginning. Can you get melted at the beginning and the hottest summer in the history of Texas? Oh, what I'm getting at is there should have been more ice in there. Yeah. It's also a little burn, a little, that's not my, not my preferred coffee. That you're cup of coffee.
Starting point is 00:49:09 No, I could give maybe a six, I don't know, six and a half. Yeah, I'm right there. I think seven is fine. It's, it's cold, like this is cold brew, but it's also, it's got too much of the, at the end. Yeah, that's exactly right. I don't know what that is, but you're right, it has it. It has, it's not like, you know, like with like a red wine
Starting point is 00:49:27 It has like the tannins where it makes like your mouth dry and it makes you kind of go It has some of that it just didn't get rid of the right amount of It's probably a darker risk coffee. It just has some of those like burn notes that just kind of hung out at the end And now it's the aftertaste that you get on this coffee. It's just a little disappointing. So like six, seven, I think that's fair. Speaking of burn notes, do you ever watch that TV show burn notice? No.
Starting point is 00:49:52 No, I did, because, you know, Ashton Mabel Dead was in it. And I loved it. I thought it was a great show. I tried to go back and rewatch it recently. Huh, couldn't get through it in episode, really. It's so weird how that happens. 15 years ago, it was totally fine. Now, unwatchable.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Todd Woomack used to be a producer here. It's telling me, burn notices. The last great American spy show about burn notices. And it's great. That's a great description of burn notice. So let's fat cats. I would recommend coming here and getting a little nibble. They also have a lot of colachis.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Yeah, they did. They had enchilada empanada. Yeah. They had a cheese enchilada, or chicken enchilada empanada, which we had a lot of fun say. Yeah, me and me. Well, you were in the bathroom, me and Jeff,
Starting point is 00:50:35 just kept looking at each other saying enchilada empanada. Like over and over. They played good music. Yeah. We had a weird inception moment. Yeah. Where in the last thing we recorded was the RTX Supplementals.
Starting point is 00:50:47 And well actually it wasn't there. It was the previous to that you and I had a, we recorded a supplemental, we just traded playlists and talked about music. And then one of the big moments of you and I agreeing about something, we just talked about the strokes and then Vampire Weekend and how they were like a, I don't know, felt like a successor to the strokes in some ways. Yeah, sort of book endings a little bit of the thing, yeah. And that scene in New York.
Starting point is 00:51:09 And then we came in here and they were playing a stroke song off the album we were talking about. And then they followed it up with a Vampire Weekend song off the album we were talking about. Yeah, it was really crazy. It was weird. Maybe they listened to your episode. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:51:19 Yeah, there are big fans in here, in fact, cats. People put together playlist based on what we talked about. Did you see that? Oh, did they? We've ret retweeted. It's also on our slash anima podcast. If you want to go check it out, um, our, and ran, uh, ran, uh, podcasts. Yeah. Thank you. Um, the playlist that we talked about, like the music that we just talked about, somebody put it together in a playlist and people were like, this is insane. Right. Because we didn't say you should listen to these songs back to back. Yeah, they don't think they're meant to go together. We're listening.
Starting point is 00:51:46 Here's the pink linkins. Okay, here's phone boy. What the fuck? I'm enjoying phone boy. Oh, yeah, I am. I've got like three songs on my playlist. It's a pretty good, they're a pretty cool band. But then I also shared my, my yacht rock playlist, which we're very into, which is very,
Starting point is 00:52:03 very cool. But we should get to an anarchy question, because it's what we're here for. Anarchy me anything, you can tweet at us your anarchy question at Anima Podcast, or go to our slash Anima Podcast and leave, there's a weekly discussion, leave your question there, that's where I pull from, Day of. This is one I don't know if we're going to get an answer to. Oh, great question. Good question.
Starting point is 00:52:23 This is from Corbin, 21. Hi Corbin. We just passed the 20th anniversary of the release of Star Wars galaxies. Oh, Gus has mentioned it a couple of times in the podcast about how the gang played together. I wonder if Gus or Jeff have any specific memories or fun things they did in that game that stands out. Thanks. It wasn't necessarily the whole gang. It was me and Jeff and Was it a gameplay? Yeah, I did. I also played with us. Let's hold on a second. Well, you don't like this? He's getting out It's so loud
Starting point is 00:53:00 Do we really have to wait the guy left he's not even in there anymore? That truck lives there. It sounds like it's about to take off. What? Should we be worried? He took off running. Oh, he's gone. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Is he coming back? Uh, he's shippin' into a lower sound.
Starting point is 00:53:21 It's quieter. I don't know how it did that. There's nobody in there. Okay. I think for... Do you think that there's nobody in there. Okay, I Think for you just wanting wigs. I thought I was gonna blow I think playing galaxies was interesting because it was like At a time it was like the first time you could really explore like the Star Wars universe Yes, and I think the thing we always did and the thing we were always keen about was trying to find locations from the movie and see them like and walk around in them. Yeah, to play the game the right way
Starting point is 00:53:54 was to sit in a cave with 300 other people and wait for holocrons to spawn. You'd wait for like a rank or to try to kill it, to get a holocron or whatever. And that was worthless. And so Gus and I, it was when you were living in Puerto Rico Mostly, and that is how we hung out a lot we would just walk the deserts of Tatooine looking for like Obi-Wan's house and looking for
Starting point is 00:54:14 Like the rank or pit and stuff like that and I like that. Sorry. I had so much fun doing that with you Yeah, that was great like because it was it like, we're just walking around and be like, all right, we're going to walk for 20 minutes in this direction. It's just like shooting the ship talking while you... And then you're like, oh, that's the big ship that the Jawas operate where they stole RTD2. Holy shit, it's just out here in the middle of the desert. That was cool.
Starting point is 00:54:37 Yeah, I think it was just sightseeing. It was like, yeah, sight tourism. Yeah, it was fun from a tourism standpoint. Oh, that's fun. That's a great way. That's kind of like a really good way to put that. Yeah. What year did that game came out 20 years ago?
Starting point is 00:54:48 Oh, three. So that was really. Oh, three. Oh, three. So that was really before we were getting an abundance of Star Wars in a way where you are, you can quickly become sick of it. Right.
Starting point is 00:54:59 That was the first thing where it's like holy shit, you're going to the world. This is fucking awesome. I remember that. Yeah, it was really, really cool. We were super psyched for that game when it came out. Yeah, we played quite a bit of it. Boy, the current, I guess media landscape,
Starting point is 00:55:17 the way the world works now with streaming and the explosion of content of which we are a part of, obviously, has really changed anticipation, hasn't it? Mm-hmm. Like, have you anticipated a Star Wars anything since episode one came out and we stood in line? No. I haven't either.
Starting point is 00:55:33 I guess not, no. No. I haven't either. And now it's like, even if I wanted to, which I do not, I wouldn't be able to keep up. Even though. If you're watching a Star Wars thing or a Marvel thing every day of your life,
Starting point is 00:55:43 just to maintain your... Even the way you consume is different now. Like, now you can buy tickets online, you can stream shit at home pretty quickly after release. Like, it's not, oh my god, I have to go wait in line at the theater to get a ticket to see what's in there. Or watch an illegal handicap version of Death Blow. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Oh, yeah. Yeah. But that's something that doesn't happen anymore. Yeah. Now, I'm just filming from the sheet and the movie theater and then putting up I was thinking about this the other day. Yeah, yeah, yeah the only time I see it now is when people are making memes or making fun of that thing Yeah, when spider-man they're like all look Here's like a leak of spite like the newest spider-man that I come out with like weeks before it came out and it was somebody handy Can't filming the screen.
Starting point is 00:56:25 And then they Photoshopped. They just edited in Toby McGuire and he just is looking. It's, he's dead middle of the screen and it's a face and he goes, I'm Spider-Man. A funny, as fucking thing in the world. It's great. That's a moment that's lost, right?
Starting point is 00:56:45 Like we'll never have that again. And like, like if you were to go back and watch that sign filled episode, the death blow episode, I referenced, and you watch like Kramer getting going crazy with the handicaps trying to have multi cam shoot inside the movie theater, you'd be like, what are they even talking? Is you like a Jin Zier?
Starting point is 00:56:58 Be like, what the fuck are they even talking about? I see, you don't walk down the streets in New York anymore and there's not like just a table with bootlegs. Oh, I bet, I bet there's still a lot. I bet there are, but I bet they're higher quality. Oh, right, yeah, I bet there's a big talk York anymore and there's not like just table with bootlegs Oh, I bet I bet there's still I bet there are but I bet they're higher quality Because everything's I mean if they're all they're all delivered digitally, you know I mean like it's not like here's the real the real film unless you're seeing you know a 70 millimeter print of something But that's so rare everything's digital. So it's way easier to just Pirate take put online and then you go. I just watch it at my house. Yeah
Starting point is 00:57:23 Oh, well, I mean that is it's the way that it is. Let's wrap this up. All right. What okay fine. Well Thanks for listening. We're back for another season eight incredible episodes now down to six incredible episodes This is the second one. Where will we go next? I don't know. Hopefully keep them guessing. Hopefully we have a guest. We'll see You can follow us at and my podcast on Twitter and on Instagram. You go to our slash Anima Podcast. Ask us the NRK questions. Let us know what you want us to discuss. Oh, he said it in the last few minutes. It's always good.
Starting point is 00:57:51 Always fun to discuss what you guys are throwing out there. Keep you listening. Mm-hmm. That's right. Engagement, baby. You can see photos from this episode. You can see photos from every previous episode. You can see a fat cat.
Starting point is 00:58:03 You can see the fat cats. Gus Jeff, thank you very much. Any final thoughts? Thanks for- They need to have a cat in there. 100%. Yeah, well, then it becomes a cat cat, but I guess it's called, I guess they're leaning in there.
Starting point is 00:58:17 They need to go all the way. Yeah, they need supple cats inside of this establishment. Now. Can I agree? inside of this establishment. Now. Can I agree? I agree. So, I don't have enough podcasts,
Starting point is 00:58:32 not enough places for me to spew nonsense. So I started a new one. It's about things that are interesting to me. Who shot J.R., Irish folk music? What happened to Acapulco? Hopefully you will listen to it, and you'll find out the answers to these and other in-name questions. All right.

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