ANMA - Vomiting About Music

Episode Date: July 10, 2023

Geoff and Eric are back for another supplemental (read non-canon) episode. In what was supposed to be a Q&A, this ANMA turns into a half hour of music recommendations. You been listening to Pink Linco...lns? Anyways check this one out if you're looking for some new tunes. Sponsored by BetterHelp, Shady Rays and use code ANMA, and Henson Shaving and enter ANMA Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So we're back with another supplemental episode, a non-canon affair here, I guess is what Gus would call it. I'm here with you. Wherever he is. Yeah, I mean, he could do this. He's not doing anything. He's in Austin, right? Yeah, yeah, no, I mean, he could do, I was talking to him earlier. He could do this. He's probably not even, let's be honest. Yeah, he doesn't work much or hard.
Starting point is 00:00:24 No, no, no, no, no. So it's not like he's not, like let's be honest. Yeah, he doesn't work much or hard. No, no, no, no. So it's not like he's not, like he's watching, fuck dude, he's watching Netflix right now. Yeah, guaranteed. It's 2.30 in the afternoon. He won't stop talking to us about Black Mirror. It's like stop talking to us about Black Mirror, dude. Like we don't wanna hear about Black Mirror.
Starting point is 00:00:39 We get it, we get it, phones are bad anyway. Yeah, we've had five or six seasons to discover this. Take that Gus. See, but that's why you have to be here, because you'll get buried otherwise. Oh, by the way, good morning, afternoon Gus, wherever you are, not working. Wherever you are.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Yeah. We're doing a supplemental episode. This is some Q and A, but I am also sort of squirreling away those questions because we're doing our RTX episode coming up. And I will say, I put the ask out for questions. There are like two really good ones that I'm like, ooh, I might actually save this for our actual RTX episode
Starting point is 00:01:23 is something that we can like get to on the show floor and doing our episode. I think it would be a lot of fun to answer some of these things. But in the meantime, me and you half an hour get together. What have you, what have you been up to? Well, I was just out of town. I just went on vacation, Eric. Quick little four day trip. However, this comes out before anything
Starting point is 00:01:51 I would have done on that trip, so I don't know how to talk about it. I was very much a vacation. It was like 75% vacation, 25% content and fit. But the content and bit stuff's gonna supersede any vacation talks. Let me just say I did some ocean jet skiing. Wow.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Never done that before. Let me tell you something, Eric. Let me tell you something. It's a whole different world on the ocean. Yeah, well, yeah, there's waves. Oh my God, it is, it is a whole, I thought I knew jet skiing. I had no clue.
Starting point is 00:02:26 You I am now and I'm now an open seas jet skier. That's the way I like it. I mean, like you've never, you've never done that in like the ocean or like a bay or anything, right? It's just been like lakes. Just lakes. Yeah. Never never hit the open water before.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Woo. It's, it's thrilling. There's something. There's definitely something to it, right? It's definitely thrilling. And it's, it's a whole, yeah whole, yeah, it's also scary as shit. The waves, the waves are on a different level. Like, there are waves on the lake, not like this.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Oh my God. And it's like, you know, when the lake is like choppy, you're like, oh, you know, like the water's a little bit choppy. When the ocean is choppy, it's relentless. And that's just what the ocean is. There are sometimes when you would, I would come down from a wave, like a ride-a-wave come down. Ocean is choppy, it's relentless, and that's just what the ocean is. There are sometimes when you and I would come down from a wave, like a ride a wave come down,
Starting point is 00:03:09 and there's another wave impossibly soon, and there's nothing to be done, but the way just the entire jet ski just gets hit by a wall away, and you're underwater in a jet ski for like 0.2 seconds. You're like, well, what the hell? We're fine. How was it getting tossed off
Starting point is 00:03:23 and having to swim back to it? I would know I never the only time I got off the jet ski was when I had to pee. I had to go pee in the water. Then I got back on the jet. Were you guys writing tandem? Nah, now we, uh, uh, uh, uh, tannins for it's okay, but we, we want to, you know, we both want to be in control. Experience your own skis. Exactly. Exactly. Okay. Well, that sounds like what you've been up to. That's exciting and fun.
Starting point is 00:03:52 What have the thing that people always want to know about is what have you been listening to? What have I been listening to? You know, I've been listening to my playlist. I have this one playlist that I update almost daily on Spotify and I just take stuff off and put stuff on constantly. And right now, I'm trying to pull it up. I'm trying to, this is me vamping.
Starting point is 00:04:21 I like it. No, you're doing great. You're just a little peek behind the curtain here on what you do when you're just trying to say something without thinking and trying to do an activity as I'm doing the same thing bringing up my notes. You know, mostly what I listen to is podcasts these days. But right now, let's see on my, on my podcast, on my playlist right now in no order and
Starting point is 00:04:41 in no preference, Draco the ruler, unwound, red veil, I've been listening a little bit of REM, Chicago, Tera Wack, Polo G of course, always in the Polo G, a lot of, O-China, you know her snail mail. Ooh, let's go down the bottom of the new stuff is, uh, have you ever, uh, I didn't put that on my playlist today. Well, it's like there's a bunch of Jimmy Buffett on my playlist somehow. I definitely didn't add Jimmy Buffett to my, how the fuck did I add Jimmy? No. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Why is, were you trying to get the change in your attitude to match the change in your attitude or what? I guess I must have been. Have you heard of Orville Peck? I like him a lot. Yeah, yeah. Orville Peck plays around Austin quite a bit. Oh, does he really?
Starting point is 00:05:37 Yeah, I think he did Willie's fourth of July thing last year. And then he also has done, I had some friends that went out and saw him at like Willie's ranch. No shit. Yeah, oral pecs pretty cool. All right. Yeah. Definitely a kind of a throwback, like figured out that people want old country, but you got to have a gimmick and his gimmick is wearing a mask. It's pretty, it's pretty clever. Smart guy. I've been listening to, have you ever heard And that's what he's doing. I've been listening to, have you ever heard of Wayne Newton?
Starting point is 00:06:09 I, you know what? I have, I had heard of Wayne Newton. Is there a Wayne Newton thing specifically that you're listening to? I've been listening to this Wayne Newton song called Heart I Hear You Beating. It's fucking awesome. I've been listening to it every day.
Starting point is 00:06:22 I was jamming to it in the car in the way at home to record this with you actually. I think, I think do it every day. I was jamming to it in the car in the way at home to record this with you, actually. I think, I think Donkishane is my favorite Wayne Newton song. Yeah, well, that's like the go-to Wayne Newton hit. Yeah, I kind of wanted to go for some, I was thinking about it the other day, and I was like, man, I don't really know much about Wayne Newton other than that, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:43 then Vegas and that. I saw him in like, then Vegas and that. I saw him in like, I watched a, I watched Vegas vacation. The other day. Okay. Okay. Which is not a great movie, but he was in it. Yeah. And so I thought, I'm gonna go listen a little bit. And yeah, turns out he has other music and it's quite the deep cuts are pretty, pretty solid. He has a song called Red Roses for a blue lady that I think is pretty good. Oh, yeah. That's not funny. I don't know if you wanna add one, but I like it. I don't know, it's not super, not like a real like upbeat,
Starting point is 00:07:08 upbeat way Newton song, but I think it's a good song. Things very good. I definitely will. I got a bunch of, well listen to a lot of Pat the bunny. I don't know if you know him. Okay. And then the clams, I'm gonna stop naming bands now.
Starting point is 00:07:20 No, no, no, this is good. This is what people want, because they're gonna be people who want this stuff. They're people who are gonna like listen to a bunch of this stuff and you're really, you're opening the minds to people of people who are listening to this. Well, in that case, let me say, you know, I'm started a new podcast on the side that's just me.
Starting point is 00:07:39 People are gonna say, where can I listen to that? Where can I download it? I don't know, it's not out yet. I assume it'll be in the face, it'll be in the larger face universe, right? It will be, we have, yeah, once we get it set up, we'll let you guys know where that URL is and everything. But it's called so all right.
Starting point is 00:07:55 And a lot of the episodes so far deal pretty heavily with music. So the first episode is all about, well, it's all about this guy named David McQuilliams. Okay. And then there's an episode coming up that's about, here's all about this guy named David McWilliams. And then there's an episode coming up that's about here. I heard this band called Penny and the quarters. No. Oh, dude. So there was this fucking soul.
Starting point is 00:08:15 There was this record label in Ohio, like in the 1670s that made a lot of soul and like Motown and blues kind of music. And they just like a lot of local acts and stuff and regional acts, and a tape was discovered at a yard sale. I'm not gonna get too into it with you. Okay. It's like the whole podcast that I have worked out.
Starting point is 00:08:35 But a tape was discovered in like 2011, 2012 at a yard sale from this band called Penny and the Quarters. It was a demo tape and it's fantastic. And nobody had ever heard of them. Nobody knew who Penny and the Quarters. It was a demo tape and it's fantastic. And nobody had ever heard of them. Nobody knew who Penny and the Quarters were. Okay. The guy who recorded it died. And so it ended up being this kind of like search
Starting point is 00:08:55 amongst music fans to figure it out. The movie, the song, one of the songs ended up being, the song called You and Me, ended up being on this popular movie called Blue Valentine, I think. Okay, yeah, yeah. I don't know what that movie is, but it had a head bait, the driver guy in it. What is his name?
Starting point is 00:09:14 Ryan Gosling. Ryan Gosling in it. Have you not seen, you haven't seen this movie? No, I don't know anything about it. I've never heard of it. It's pretty, uh, pretty gut wrench. Like it's hurt, right? Yeah, it's not really.
Starting point is 00:09:24 It's a, yeah, it's a, it's a big, it's a sad one. Yeah, it's one you put on and you just go like, fuck man. Well, I saw him in the other guys, is it anything like that? It's not. In fact, it's quite the opposite. Oh, okay. Yeah, the other guy's straight though, right? It's fucking awesome movie.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Isn't that a great, isn't that a great fucking movie? It's a fun movie from start to finish. I guess one of the few movies I'll watch over. I'll watch over them. The guys, the nice guys, by the way, the Ryan Gosling, the other guys is a little fair on movie. A little fair on movie.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Yeah, we're talking about the nice guys. The nice guys. Both good movies. They are. I think they're good in different ways. And I think nice guys is fucking great because it's, you know, it's direct, it's Shane Black. It's the guy from, the guy who did lethal weapon
Starting point is 00:10:05 and he was in predator like Shane Black. He's great. Yeah, and it's, it's a pretty fucking solid Russell Crowe acting in it too. Yeah, right. Anyway, it's cool. So that song ended up being on the soundtrack for that movie and I guess it was in a poignant moment
Starting point is 00:10:19 and it became really popular and still nobody knew who they were and so there was this like, eventually it was found out and it was discovered and there was, but even the way it was knew who they were. And so there was this like, eventually it was found out and it was discovered and there was, but even the way it was discovered who they were was really interesting. And so I've been listening to a lot of opinion in the quarters. And if you want to know more about their history and you don't want to do the searching yourself,
Starting point is 00:10:38 I'll have a podcast about it in a month or two. Cool. See, there you go. See, that's exciting. People don't know about this stuff. Word, this is the stuff that Gus won't let you talk about. Cool. See, there you go. See, that's exciting. People don't know about this stuff. This is the stuff that Gus won't let you talk about. No. Dude, I recently discovered a band with a really stupid name,
Starting point is 00:10:53 but it's so fucking good. There's this band called Cancer Slug. Oh, fuck. What a name. I think the name is dumb, but it's kind of like, it's a little bit like Danziggy misfits kind of punk and he's got kind of a crooner voice. It's pretty fucking good.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Interesting. Pretty fucking good. There was a band that I was listening to a while ago. This is probably, I was like a few years ago and they're just called shit bats and I thought that was a great name. Their album was called Guano and I just thought shit bats is a cool name for a band. Shit bats is a really good name for a band. That's funny.
Starting point is 00:11:34 I actually had a segment I wanted to do on face. That it's in my like revolving notes that if we ever like in case of a boring episode break out, which was like about Snoopy. Yeah. ever like in case of a boring episode breakout, which was like, talk about Snoopy, yeah. Yeah, that's what was what everybody thinks the best names for bands are. If we do like a search, that's like some sort of like maybe even like we could do like a best band name draft or something. That's a really good one.
Starting point is 00:11:57 I just want you to know that while we're doing this right now, I got a text from Gus. Did you really? What did he say? Oh, it's just it's a group text with me and Jordan. So it's just him sending like a picture or whatever, but like, Is it a picture of him watching Netflix? No, but it's definitely him watching like a YouTube video.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Hmm. Yeah. So like, you know, he could be doing this. That's all I'm saying. I think that's the important thing to note is that like he could be, he's choosing not to do this for you guys. Oh, dude, while I'm fucking still, while I'm just vomiting about music,
Starting point is 00:12:29 I'm absolutely going for a minute. There is a new rancid album out, or at least a new rancid song that's really fucking good. Really? Yeah, I haven't listened to rancid in years and years and years, but I saw that it came out. Yeah. Yeah. And I listened to it. And it's very, it's very, it's called tomorrow never comes. And I really like it. And on Yeah, and I listed to it and it's very, it's very, it's called Tomorrow Never Comes. And I really like it. And on top of that, if you're a fan of Rancid or we're a fan of Operation Ivy or Classics
Starting point is 00:12:53 of Love or Common Rider or any of Jesse Michaels other bands, Jesse Michaels and what's his face from Rancid, Tim Armstrong, got back together and they started a new band called Doom Regulator. Wow, cool. And it's kind of got like a little dub, a little punk, a drill mellow, and they have a song called Raid that I know. Is Joey Castillo the drummer for this band? Yeah, I believe he is. Wow.
Starting point is 00:13:25 That's fucking cool. I was like a super, it's like a super band. Yeah. Oh, that's so cool. I was a Queens of the Stone Age came out with a new album. Uh, and I was wondering the other day what Joey Castillo has been up to. I did not know he was doing doom regulator and I'm going to put that in. I'm going to grab that.
Starting point is 00:13:40 So that way, I remember to listen to this later. A lot of, I've been see a lot of people online. Shit on the name. Oh, I don't know why I remember to listen to this later. A lot of, I've didn't see a lot of people online shit on the name. Oh, I don't know why I think Doom regulators are great name. Doom regulators are fucking sick name. That's an awesome fucking name. Yeah, anyway, so if you like like Reggae,
Starting point is 00:13:54 punky kind of Reggae, not like Scott, but like punky kind of like dubstepy Reggae, that song Raid is, I think is, I've been listening to that like constantly. Oh, that's very cool. Damn man, what the fuck, that's awesome. Yeah. Uh, I, you just, I, you got to that constantly. Oh, that's very cool. Damn man, what the fuck, that's awesome. Yeah. Uh, you just, you got me, man.
Starting point is 00:14:08 I added it to a list. I'm gonna listen to that like right as soon as I've done here. Wow. Speaking of, I'll keep going. Have you ever heard of a band called Which Finder General? Which Finder General? Holy shit, they're fucking good.
Starting point is 00:14:23 I've never heard of them before. It's like a heavy metal band from the 70s. And I asked, I have a friend, my friend named Bernie, not Rupert Heath, Bernie, but a different Bernie, who's really, really, really well versed in metal, on all kinds of metal. And I was asking him about him. And he was like, oh yeah, they're like a,
Starting point is 00:14:40 he was like, they're one of those Sabbath clones from the 70s. And I didn't realize that there were a bunch of bands that basically cloned Black Sabbath and the 70s, which makes sense now. But I've been listening to them and they're fucking great. They have a song called Life on Smack that I really like. That's sick. You listen to their old stuff or their newer stuff.
Starting point is 00:14:57 If they have new stuff, I'm not aware. All right, they had stuff in, I'm looking at their timeline. They were in the end from 79 until like it looks like 84 and then again from 2007 to 2000. I have not aware of the 2007 to 2009 era. So far most of the songs are about like doing LSD and mushrooms and shit. It's pretty awesome. It's pretty fun. It's pretty viby. Take on the sun with Gear, built to last. Our friends at Shadyrace have you covered for the warm weather ahead with premium polarized
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Starting point is 00:19:41 slash Anima. There's a lot of that kind of music. There's a band called Leafhound that I really like. If you haven't listened to Leafhound, I have them. Adam, I'm gonna add it to my playlist right now. They have a song called Growers of Mushrooms. And it's a, it's just a very cool, it's the album,'s just a very cool,
Starting point is 00:20:09 it's the album, the song, Sada Caesar is fucking sick. Freelance Fiend is like the first song on that album, the album Groves of Mushrooms. It's good shit. It's just very like, oh, this is what it sounds like in a movie to smoke weed at somebody's house where they have like that pastiche on the wall and a black light poster, but no black. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like this is what it must, this is what I think about which finder general.
Starting point is 00:20:31 This is what it must have been like to smoke a lot of weed and drink bud in 1978. Yeah, oh, yeah, that's the feeling it must have been. Now we're talking. All right, cool. I'm gonna add which finder general to growers of mushroom. Yeah, yeah, yeah, grows Mushroom is the the album leaf-hound love on smack. Okay, cool. I'm gonna add a friends of hell to My listen to list. That's fucking sick hell. Yeah, dude. I got some good shit to listen to. I'm excited and then what is what is this thing called I'm good shit to listen to, I'm excited. And then what is this thing called, what was it called again, shit that's my ad. Shit bats, yeah, their album is called Gwano.
Starting point is 00:21:10 I don't know if you like it, you might like it. It's a little, it's a little janky, a little noisy, a little noisier than what I usually listen to. So, I recommend that. I like anything that's raw or raw. Okay. Then let me recommend a friends band from a few years ago called Cult Fiction.
Starting point is 00:21:33 And this album is called I Will Kill You. Hahaha. Buddy was drumming for it for a while. They did a cover of Sweet Leaf that if you want raw, this's about as raw as it gets. It's fucking, it's weird. It's not the kind of music I usually listen to and I put it on. I went, oh, this might be fucking crazy. You said cult fiction?
Starting point is 00:21:54 Yeah, cult fiction, CULT fiction. Okay, check it out. Uh, brain debris, meth monster. God, fucking. The animal kingdom of heaven's gate. That's the F. Kima therapist. I'm a little some of that one.
Starting point is 00:22:08 That shit sick. That's so cool. That's awesome. Have you ever heard, do you like a lot of hip hop? Not a lot a lot, but some. There's a, I think Jason Saldanya, who was the first guest we ever had on this podcast. I think he gave me this recommendation, but there's this hip hop artist named Draco, the ruler. I mentioned it very first thing I mentioned.
Starting point is 00:22:28 He's got a song called Flufflamming that I think you might like. It's a lot of fun. Okay, okay, I'll check it out. Draco, the ruler. This is just about stealing. Why not? I think that's cool.
Starting point is 00:22:40 It's weird how there's so much different music that is still coming out. And then you go like, yeah, I found this thing called Witchfinder General from the 70s and then you go drink of the ruler. And it's like 2021. And it's not even like these things are not closely connected in any way, shape or form.
Starting point is 00:22:58 It's just like somehow found my way to this. I think that's great. It's the best, I think about this a lot. I think about it a whole lot, because I'm a consumer of entertainment, right? Whether it be video games or podcasts or movies or music or books or whatever. And I think music has gotta be the ultimate form
Starting point is 00:23:16 of entertainment, because it doesn't matter if a song came out in 1975 or 2023, like it's just as good today. Yeah, you know what I mean? Like so much other media, there's a degradation in quality based on distance from what it was recorded, whether it be socially or technologically or whatever. And, but music is still like just as powerful
Starting point is 00:23:35 and just as interesting and just as relevant. No matter, well, I mean a lot of books are just as relevant too, of course. I just find like music stands the test of time way better than other stuff. I think it also has a lot to do with youth. I think a lot of it has to do with, like, in order to make a movie, there's so much, like, film language you need to know
Starting point is 00:23:55 and so much you like you're trying to do. Same with writing a book, right? You're trying to write a certain way and dictate a pace, and it's difficult to do. With a song, it's a three-minute long long thing and even if you only write one good one that's so many more that's one more song than most people have ever written Yeah, and you it can be anything it can go anywhere It could be whatever and you never know who to land on or like when people find it like you're talking about what up Penny in the quarters or whatever they recorded this shit
Starting point is 00:24:24 No one ever heard it before. Somebody found it years and years and years and years later and went like, what the fuck? This is incredible. And you, that's it. I think there's like something really special about that. It's such a, it's a time capsule, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:38 Like especially that penny in the quarters band, it blows me away because it's a time capsule of this beautiful music that this girl and her brothers made, that honestly, if you go down the story, they didn't know they were being recorded. So they didn't actually know that this recording ever happened.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Not like, you know, they were fucked over way. They were just like practicing around. And then it's a sat untouched for 40 years, and then it was given to the world. And it's just, like you were saying, it's like Easter egg, it's a sat untouched for 40 years, and then it was given to the world. And it's just, like you were saying, it's like Easter egg. It's so fucking cool. That's crazy. That's so like, what do you think?
Starting point is 00:25:12 Like, it doesn't really happen with film. It happens, you know? It's very rarely, but yeah. Right, but like, music, they make like movies about shit happening like that. You know what I mean? Like, really crazy, really, really crazy stuff. What else, anything else that you've been listening to,
Starting point is 00:25:29 anything else that you wanna... Uh, dude, I've been listening to a shitload of Steely Dan. Yeah, fucking fine, welcome, welcome to my side. I can send you a, if you want some more Yarr Rock, I can just send you a Spotify playlist of everything that I ever, I want, and that's everything I listen to. It's great. So that's the great dude.
Starting point is 00:25:46 I don't know what it is about. Steely Dan's been working for me lately. It's great. There's this band called Fivalus Gloke. Okay. I don't know if you, they're interesting. They're, I don't know if you'd like them. They are interesting.
Starting point is 00:25:59 What is it? And I don't know how to describe it. It's kind of like indie dance music, but it's just weird, man. I don't know, it's it. It's kind of like in the dance music. But it's just weird, man. I don't know, it's interesting. Fival is gloke. And then glocus bell G-L-A-U-Q-U-E, I believe. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:13 I've been going back and I decided to, I'm like, oh, I want to listen to, I've been on a big kick of like, a lot of like 70s country and stuff like that and going back to that and then listening to like a lot of Nortonios. Like that's just sort of stuff that I bounce around on or whatever. But I was listening to like mid 2000s Indie Rock. Like stuff that I was never super into but was just sort of like permeating like my sphere in general, like what I look highly. And like I was never like a death cab guy or anything
Starting point is 00:26:49 or LCD sound system, like that kind of stuff, but I just went back and I'm like, I wanna see if there's anything here. There's a lot, there's a lot of music that came out and like that mid 2000s into like the 2010s where I just went, wow, this was like a happen in like, like this whole scene with like the yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, and everything was like so big.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Absolutely. Fucking crazy. The strokes? Wild. Dude, the strokes are a fucking good band, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, I really love their first album. I think most of their albums are really good.
Starting point is 00:27:19 I think they're a good band. They are maybe the most successful industry plant band of all time. Good for them. And it really good for them. As you listen to more of their albums, they learned how to play their instruments. So way to go guys, but man, that first,
Starting point is 00:27:36 you know, to talk about like raw and just sort of like, we're recording some music. That's how that first album sounds. And it is so fucking fun to listen to. Everything is short, I think it's 32 minutes long. Great, fun. That great, go back. That album, that's one of those things,
Starting point is 00:27:54 I'm similar to you and that I had a blind spot to all that shit when it was going on. I was just into what I was into and only into that, very passionately into that. So I missed a lot of that. And I've been similarly going through a lot of older indie bands and really enjoying them. Oh, by the way, have you ever heard of a band called Say Hi?
Starting point is 00:28:15 Say Hi. Say Hi. They were kind of a, look at the song called Let's Talk About Spaceships. It's kind of a, it's a great song. Okay. Yeah, and kind of similar. Fuck, dude, I forgot what we were even just talking about. Like that early, like that mid 2000, yeah. A band that sort of led me down that path was a Littie Gray.
Starting point is 00:28:38 Just was so, you talk about like raw and ugly and weird and janky and like that is such a cool band for that kind of thing. And it just started me rolling from there like that late 90s into like mid 2000s sound so cool. There's a run there. I've, you know, I'm a big fan of the punk band Bikini Kill, which was, uh, Littie Gray was the band that Kathleen Hanna started after. Oh, I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Oh, fuck. I have singer. I think two members are the same. Yeah. Wow. It was when, uh, it was when, yeah, anyway, it was when they started to branch out and do more interesting stuff. But there's a run there where the last Bikini Kill album, which is very different from
Starting point is 00:29:21 the, the first stuff and like my, my ringtone and everything. Um, the last Bikini Kill album and the first L and like my ring tone and everything. The last Bikini Kill album and the first La Tigre album together are like just perfect, just absolutely perfect. And they flow together. They're very different, but they flow together in a way. That's what I was gonna say. That's Strokes album, that first Strokes album,
Starting point is 00:29:38 which I discovered way too late. You turn that album on and it just grabs you and you're just on a ride. Yeah. Until the album's over. It's wild. I don't know how, you know, I don't want to just like ride the strokes and be like incredible, incredible.
Starting point is 00:29:55 Music didn't sound like that at that time anymore. It stopped sounding like that and then last night came out and it was like, oh, fuck. Music can be fun, that's great. Do you ever listen to what I would consider like this? There's no, I don't think there's any ties between bands, but what I would consider to the industry, to the industries like spiritual
Starting point is 00:30:17 and like the scene spiritual successor to that band, I think would be Vampire Weekend. Have you ever listened to them? Oh, yeah, I think Vampire Weekend, I've talked to Jesslun at about this, who works in our sales department because she and she and I are the same age. And I think vampire weekend's first album is so good when you're 21 and you haven't really listened to a lot of other music. And you put on that first album and you go,
Starting point is 00:30:45 what is this? And then years later, you listen to Graceland by Paul Simon and you go, that's what that was. And I think that it's such a cool, it's such a great, that first album I really love. I really, really, really, really love that first vampire weekend album so, so much. I really recommend it to everyone.
Starting point is 00:31:06 It's a lot of fun. I like what you're saying about spiritual successor, the successor to like, the strokes. They kind of occupied that space after the strokes moved on. Yeah, because the strokes, they became like the biggest rock band on the planet. The strokes, white stripes. I was always really holding out,
Starting point is 00:31:21 I'm like, oh, do black keys. I really love the black keys, like first two albums, first two, three albums. Really fuzzy, like, intentionally fuzzy, recorded in like an old rubber factory, which is a great album, rubber factory. And then, they got a danger mouse,
Starting point is 00:31:37 and it's so like, over-produced, I can't listen to it. And then, I think Jack White punched out Dan Arbok, but I don't remember. He's like, this guy's a fucking rip off of the white stripes, and then he punched him or something. It was so bad. I think speaking of really good, buzzy sounds, have you ever heard of a punk band called The Pink Lincons?
Starting point is 00:31:57 Pink, not on. Dude, look them up. The first song will be I've got my tie on. That's a great, great fucking song. Dude, that's fucking cool. Alright, great, great, great. This is like, this is fucking cool. All right, great, great, great, great, great. This is a good episode because, I mean, really, truly, we're just talking about music that we like
Starting point is 00:32:11 and want to listen to, and I think that's cool. Yeah, just trade in songs. I think, I don't know that this is gonna be your speed, but it's what I've been listening to a lot of. This band called Phone Boy, it is one word, phone boy. They have two albums that I really like, one's called Phone Boy and the other one's called Moving Out. It's very indie rock from this year and like two years ago, and it is not music that I typically gravitate toward.
Starting point is 00:32:39 For some reason I heard this album and I just went, what the fuck, I love this. Which song, shall I listen? I'm looking at Phone Boy right went, what the fuck? I love this. Which song? Should I listen? I'm looking at a phone boy right now, the phone boy album. A phone boy had a song called Never Mind that I really liked, but that whole album, like one thing goes to like the next hated. And then moving out is really good as an out there, both pretty short, which is great.
Starting point is 00:33:05 There are fun little albums that I went like, oh, this is great, but I've also been listening to 50 cents get richer die trying because I forgot. Great album. It may be the best debut album for a rapper of all time. It is truly like him. Three features, one is Eminem. Another one is Nate Dogg, and then some G unit guys.
Starting point is 00:33:29 And it is fuck. What, what an album. What? Incredible. That song, you talk about Eminem, that patiently waiting song on that. Oh yeah. It's got to be one of my like, top 10 favorite rap songs of all time. Yep.
Starting point is 00:33:44 I feel that way about many men. There was a pro wrestling entrance that just happened. These guys were, it came out as like a tag team. The lights went out. This is on TV. And many men started playing in the arena. And the lights came on just spotlight on them. And I went, this is the greatest thing I've ever fucking seen.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Many men is, that song fucking rules. Yeah, that's a great song. He is the greatest beat of all time. It is a gun cocking and then firing and then he 50s wraps over it. Have you ever heard while we're talking about popular rap? Have you ever heard the Lil Wayne Eminem song drop the world? Boy, that sounds so familiar. I don't know why that song wasn't bigger.
Starting point is 00:34:29 I thought it was a phenomenal song. Huh, okay. You just look that up if you get a chance. Lil Wayne and Eminem dropped the world. Such a good song. I went to the Coachella where they did hologram 2-pock. Oh, dude, that's right. I can't believe you get to see that.
Starting point is 00:34:44 It was, it sucked. So much. It fucking sucked. And if you were impressed by it, you're a moron. Like really, truly, if that was impressive to you, you're fucking brain dead. It was, Jeff, it looked like a PS3 game that they just projected onto a screen on stage. Oh, that's so bad. It fucking like, look it up now. Just look up hologram, Tupac, go to Google Images and go, that looks like Def Jam, Vendetta. Like, it just looks like a fucking video game.
Starting point is 00:35:18 It's if you were impressed by that, even in 2012. Oh yeah. Idiot. Dude, it looks like it looks like it. like it looks like it looks like pit fighter. Do you know the game pit? Yes, absolutely. It looks like shit. It looks so bad.
Starting point is 00:35:34 We were there. It was being my buddy Derek from megast64. We were there and we watched it and just went. Get fuck it. No, come on. That's brutal. Yeah. That's what it was.
Starting point is 00:35:44 It was, they like they did like a tribute to. Yeah, that's what part was. That's what it was. They did like a tribute to Nate Dogg, and that was really sad, because I fucking love Nate Dogg. Yeah, of course, man. Nate Dogg's fucking awesome. Rest piece, Nate Dogg. Big of a shit. And much shout out to Nate Dogg.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Jeff, we spent the whole episode talking about music. That's awesome. Yeah, hopefully people weren't bored to death. Maybe make a playlist audience based on all the stuff we talked about. Yeah, I'm gonna send you my yacht rock playlist on Spotify and you don't have to listen to it. But I will say if you put it on shuffle and then just have it playing in your house while you're doing other things, you'll be like, Man, these are, there's some fucking hits here. I will definitely listen to it. There you go. Well, we have another Anima Supplemental next week. I think that'll be me and you,
Starting point is 00:36:26 probably on the show floor at RTX, just finding a spot and recording something. Who knows if we have people on or not? Gus won't be there, but. Well, we can guarantee that. So you know what, it'll be a good episode. It'll be a good fucking episode, but the other thing that we'll have is,
Starting point is 00:36:42 we'll be recording the episode of Anma there and that might, if I can work it out right, that might be our first episode back. Say, that'd be cool. I think it would be really great. We have some great questions sent in by you guys who we ended up not getting to on this at all. I'm very sorry.
Starting point is 00:36:59 But when you listen to the episode in a couple of weeks, then I'll be fine. Oh, there's your picture. I didn't even see it. I wasn't even looking on that screen. There you are. I'm a camera on the whole time, man. I know.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Great work. All right. Well, Jeff, any final thoughts, any parting words for any of the folks here? Yeah. Hey, maybe if you're bored, try some of the bands or artists and musicians that Eric or I mentioned.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Music is awesome. And you should always, always explore outside of your comfort zone. You will very rarely regret it. There you have it. Good stuff, you guys wanna follow us at and a podcast on Twitter and on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:37:34 I think the images for this episode will probably just be album covers. I would think, probably. Listen to us very soon, we'll be back with regular episodes. Thank you guys so much for listening, and we'll see you again soon. Bye! Describe the show to a newcomer in a more familiar way.
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