Another Below Deck Podcast - A Different Kind of House Call | RHOBH S14 E13
Episode Date: March 1, 2025Dylan and Pat are back to break down caviar, the morally corrupt Faye Resnick, talent, house calls and more from Bravo's Below Deck. Traitors at YouTube -
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Doreep is just on. She sees the water and she goes,
is that because I called you a filthy fucking drunk last week?
Ah, let the mouse go.
You know, now it's 73.
I know, but there's a scent to it now.
Oh, you can smell that.
Yeah, of course I can smell it.
What mode have you put it on?
What mode have you put it on?
Well, it is on warm, but it's 73, so it's blowing 73.
I don't know why you don't put it on cold and put it to 73, and then we won't have the
No, then I have cold air blowing on my back.
Oh my God.
It's bad TV.
We are here to talk about air conditioning, temperature control,
and the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.
How about Gene Hackman, man?
We'll talk about that at PMZ, which you can get at
slash another podcast network.
Also, you can get, was it like slash another podcast network. Also you can get
Was it like a suicide pact? I mean, how do they both like what in the fucking dog? You can't bring the dog in a suicide pack. He didn't sign up for that. What kind of freaking the dog died to the dog died, too
What was it some kind of?
Carbon monoxide issue. Yeah, you know, there's a story that this motel had a bunch of families
stopping by one night, kills an entire family, the hotel just opens up sells
that same room the next day, kills two more people. No way! Yeah. Oh wow that's
gross negligence. Yeah I think they got sued. Okay, okay. We're here to talk about our house, Beverly Hills, but
I mean, this is
you imagine you go, uh, g died at ninety five. How'd he go? Well,
clearly old age. No,
I mean, this is this is you're going to get hung up on the air
condition. I can't even work like this
You can't work like I can't work like this temperature in the room
I don't know but you are a fucking swamp lizard
Hmm you you you exist in a temperature that is not suitable for you for the sake of continuing the show
So the audience can enjoy enjoy our recap Beverly Hills. Yeah, I will
Given and put the cold air on.
Thank you.
I mean, my God, damn it, this guy. slash another podcast network.
Traders is going to be juicy this week.
OK, we've got Danielle stuff coming out,
NDAs being broken, swearing on grandmoms, grandchildren's
lives. I mean, there's
two traders is going to be, dare I say, lit. I believe Danielle did that. When
someone says they swear on their grandkids lives that they're not a
trader. Ugh. Ugh. So weird. I cannot stand her. slash another podcast network. Okay. Beverly Hills. Beverly Hills. Rock the
Casbah. What? Cas... We're talking about caviar tonight. We're talking about
caftans tonight. Mm-hmm. And I'm gonna go ahead and give my Yeah Babies right now.
Okay. I'm gonna give it 19 Yeah Babies. You didn't like it? No, I actually thought it was pretty good for this show. It'm gonna give it 19. Yeah, baby's you didn't like it
No, I actually thought it was pretty good for this show. It's pretty low score though. Well, it's hard for this show. Hmm. I
Don't have general thoughts I just have 19 babies I do okay Sutton good luck at the reunion defending this behavior
This is horrible behavior in on becoming of a person of your stature
Yeah, I saw a clip of Kyle on the after show and Kyle is right.
But she had a very good point.
She's like, I don't know why you're grandstanding on your money.
Like you didn't earn your money.
Like what are you talking about?
You got divorced and you're getting and I'm not judging anybody for how they get their money,
except for unethical corporatists, right?
But if you're gonna brag about it,
at least have a freaking Nobel Prize behind you or something.
And also just don't brag about it, period.
It's very unbecoming, like you said.
Yeah, it was pretty gross.
I have a feeling Sutton will say right out of the gate, I instantly when it came out of my
mouth regretted it. Oh my god I wish I could reel that back in. Except for all of the
things you said after doubling, tripling, quadrupling down on the grossness. She's
poor, what can I say? She is a disgusting poor. And listen listen you've brought it up many times before
She's not just poor
She's bankrupt. She's tested to that's right. Yeah, they're 900 grand in the hole to the IRS Well, yeah, maybe more now. I want to talk about someone else who's awful on the show because there's a few of them
Yeah, Kyle at the tail end of this show
I want the audience to know that old Patty does not follow
the social media. I do not follow the drama of Kyle and Mauricio when I'm not watching or recapping
the show. I had said just randomly three episodes ago when Mo had announced to Kyle that him and
Portia would be going to France and then they need to be doing a little self-help at
a resort.
And I said, with his girlfriend.
I had no idea that he actually was doing that.
I knew he was.
But I hadn't read any news reports or TMZs that may have reported this.
But I knew he was going to meet his girlfriend because no dude's going to Europe to go to
a self-help massage place alone.
Now on to Kyle.
I am tired of Kyle.
And I'm tired of talking about how tired I am of Kyle.
Kyle is a phony.
A phony.
We have not seen anything that resembles anything real from her life for the last 10 years.
The last little bite of life we got was when her sister let her life for the last 10 years. The last little bite
of life we got was when her sister let her have it for stealing her house.
Yeah, that was fun.
But other than that, she's been very guarded and very protected and the walls are caving
in on her and she's no longer interesting because she's not going to be real. Your
husband has had multiple affairs on you over the last decade. You've never come clean on
that. Now TMZ come clean on that.
Now TMZ needs to report that he's out having a good time.
And he has indeed moved on.
Oh yeah, big time.
I mean, he is just cracking nuts off everywhere.
Well, he's separated.
So anyway, I am tired of Kyle.
I think she needs to take a season off.
Oh, did you hear the news?
Gretchen, I'm not sure if you're a big fan of Orange County,
Vicki Gundelson and Gretchen are returning.
Oh my god, that's such amazing news.
It's about time.
Now, I do want to make sure that Vicki's dating someone,
because that's always fun.
Yes, yes, yes.
So what are we doing?
We're getting rid of, uh,
Gina. Oh, I'd love for them to get rid of meatball.
I am so tired of her and that condo and the ex wife and the boy.
I just don't know what we're going to do with Travis.
Nobody cares where you're going to do it.
I don't give a fuck.
You're a boring, filthy, yucky normie that found themselves on the show. So we open up you.
We open it up with shots of Rodeo Drive,
which is, weirdly enough, it's not where the show was shot.
And yeah, we bounce around the San Fernando Valley
is what we do as the usual arrangement for a show called
Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.
Well, we see a little Tony Aiello in the back
playing hoops. Oh, no, no, no. Are you talking about Doritos' son? Yeah yeah yeah. His name's
Eric Clapton. Okay. Yeah that was Eric Clapton. Do you know I heard a joke the
other day what's the difference between a four-year-old and a bag of cocaine?
Eric Clapton would never let a bag of cocaine fall out a window. Oh my god.
Isn't that brutal? Brutal. Isn't that brutal? I don't know what I would do with the rest of my
life except possibly throw myself off a window. Now to be
fair to him, he wasn't home. It was the nanny. Yeah, I mean,
and I could be wrong. I did a PMC on cheating son of a bitch
rock stars that had children. This is when Dave growl. Yeah.
And Eric Clapton, good guy. This is when Dave Grohl. And Eric Clapton.
Good guy, great dad, Dave Grohl.
Eric Clapton, when he was married to his wife
for like 20 years, he came home one day
and said, I have some great news.
Me and my side piece are having a kid.
Yeah, well she was infertile or had fertility issues.
I think that's the issue.
And he went and had a child with someone
he wasn't married to and then that child
fell out of a window. And he went and had a child with someone he wasn't married to and then that child fell
out of a window.
So you know, it's been said that the only real story is good versus evil and at the
end of the day you will ask yourself was I good or was I evil?
And I don't know that Eric Kleptid is going to have a nice last moment.
Oh, you don't like Tears in Heaven?
It's a great song.
No, I just think he's kind of a bad person. Yeah him and uh it will move on. Yeah. George Harrison at some
point they traded wives. They traded wives. That is so 70s. He's kooky Brits man.
They're just kooky. So we sit down with legendary direct-to-video producer Sandy
Mandelberg with Garcelle.
They're talking about creative choices in the upcoming Black Woman in Danger.
And they didn't seem to have a word for what they needed production-wise for the beginning
of the film.
I believe the industry refers to it as B-roll.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Right, right, right.
Yeah, you can get it at, $20 a month.
So Swamp Rat talks to Queen Rat about coming over
to see a gay nightmare that is her back house.
Yeah, her $37,000 rental renovation.
Yeah, and reinvention.
I didn't know Swamp Rat's mom was still around.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Good for her.
They're kind of a, I don't want to go there.
Jennifer Tilly's Caviar Casper party will be happening.
She says, think Talatha Getty, who is this person?
I'm not sure I caught-
Talatha Getty?
Maybe she was referring to the Getty Empire?
Yeah, the Getty Empire.
People think that there are children
being stuffed underneath that museum. I don't think that I just think it's a nice museum. You do. I think it's cold
and uninspired. That's why I've always said if I was a rich enough man, I would take over
the property and make it inaccessible to the public. That's just where I would live. Yeah,
I like that. Yeah. Well, anyway, she says something, I've seen this.
But what about all the artwork we want?
Go see it somewhere else.
It's my house, actually.
It's not really that impressive.
It doesn't have any known artists that you would know.
Yeah, every once in a while they get like Van Goghs and stuff,
but it's like the B sides.
Go to Louvre.
You know?
Well, don't go to Louvre, either, right?
Because the Louvre is, I mean, it'll take seven hours
to get in, and the Mona Lisa is like the size of a post-it note so that's true I have a
picture of me standing in front of it it's about the size of a piece of paper
yeah okay well she admits something that I do a peace sign right no I didn't do
the peace side okay till he admits she knows nothing about caviar but like most
dumb rich people if it's expensive then it must be fucking cool. I think Jennifer Tilly is not dumb. I think she's intelligent in like a cerebral kind of way. I
think she's a kook but I think that she's... I forgive me the way I frame that I was saying
that she was dumb. I do not think she's dumb and I also didn't know she was nominated for an Oscar
nor was her sister. What what was she nominated for?
I'll have to look. Yeah, I'll look. I'll look it up.
Oh my God, what just happened there?
What do you mean? The volume just spiked.
Yeah, I'm really loud in my ears.
Really? Yeah, that didn't happen to you? No, that didn't happen to me.
I'm telling you what this kid comes in here and starts flipping
with tasks.
I'm probably not supposed to say this, but he had the director of his dad's new movie
coming here.
It's the same dude that did King Kong versus Godzilla, whatever piece of shit that was
on Netflix last year.
And he fucked with our sounds in here.
Jesus fucking Christ.
I mean, it's not okay.
Oh my God.
I just literally, it went up like 10 dBs for people that don't know audio. That's a lot. Yeah, okay. It was so funny
I was laughing so hard because our ex-producer Caitlin he quit
Was he's in here from time to time and Pat goes, you know, it's unbelievable
Caitlin takes poops in the toilet and leaves marks behind
can you believe that And it really was kind
of a, I know this is defamation of character, but not if it's true. That is horrifying.
You know, if I ever need to go in public and I mean in a fucking mall and I leave something
like that behind, I will, I will take care of it. I'm I'm not well not in a mall who cares oh hundred percent in a mall it's about the other man it's about the next person
it is about a social agreement it's fucking humanism I mean it's just
decency you know as long as we're talking about that and I don't know how
long this episode will be probably 65 minutes at this rate at 7-eleven today
yeah once again and there must be a big like lotto. I'm at 7-eleven today. Yeah. Once again and there must be a big
like lotto whatever. I'm standing behind two losers. Yeah. They're getting lotto
tickets. I want to talk to them and how much the GDP they suck out of a
population by holding everybody up. It cuts down productivity. I'm standing in
line for like 10 minutes while two idiots. You're just trying to get a
cheese stick with salami right around the right. I want to get an energy drink and a Clif Bar.
Right, right.
So I'm standing there, and I'm questioning at some point,
do I just put this back on the rack
and get the hell out of there?
Well, you could just steal it.
That's true.
We do live in that city.
What kind of energy drink?
What kind of Clif Bar?
Zero calories.
And then oatmeal raisin.
Clif Bar. Dude, your
cellular health must be fucking through the floor. You kidding
me? I look amazing right now. I'm talking about your cellular
health. What's that? Well, it's like the kind of like the
building blocks of your health. You're drinking, you know, I
don't mind if somebody drinks a Celsius. I mean, it's not good
for you, but a blue monster. Yeah, Jesus, you know, I don't mind if somebody drinks a Celsius. I mean, it's not good for you, but a blue monster
Yeah, she's you know, don't leave me in your car when you're done with them because they make your car smell weird I heard they put like I don't call testicle cow balls something in there
I don't know. Anyway, that's your go-to the blue monster. Yeah. Yeah, Jesus fucking crap. I gotta tell you something though, Dale
I look around Facebook. I'm the best-looking person in my class that I graduated with so I'm doing something right well
That's your genetics and you're trying to my dad died of diabetes. He's a big fat pig
Well, that's that's again. He made those decisions
Okay, I don't know where you're laughing
Well, it's true. We really big congrats to the wife right big congrats to the wife
We were very concerned that CZ had contracted gestational diabetes, but got the got the results back
We're in the clear good very nerve-racking. Thank God. I know
It's so like, you know, you know, we always talk about the most white trash thing
You can do is die of a fat all over those. I think in the top three is give your baby diabetes. You know,
ooh, or drug addiction.
Well, that's the fentanyl. That's course. But no, I'm
kidding. It's it's kind of a roll of the dice. It's not
really about how much food you eat. It's just kind of a kind
of a roll of the dice. So yeah, being pregnant is so hard. Hey,
I am so glad we don't have to do it. Me too. I don't think I could.
I don't think I could either.
So Jennifer Tilly gets a lot of camera time.
And it's to kind of speak where you wouldn't be surprised
if two attendants just walked in and took her away
because she escaped from somewhere.
She is so crazy.
And I love her.
I bet if I got in the conscious of some of the housewives, I bet they'd despise how much camera time she's getting.
Oh, really?
Yes, because she's super rich.
She never has to worry about money again.
She can just have a fun time.
I think it's probably Cathy, Tilly, Sutton, Kyle, Boz Garcelle, DeRee.
You don't even include her in there.
Negative assets don't count.
She's in the poorhouse.
DeRee, or maybe Erica Jane and then DeRee.
Oh, Erica Jane, baby.
I got no money except for the pile in my backyard.
I think that's pretty much correct.
Let us know in the comments.
All right, so Sutton arrives.
We've got to speed up.
Gets her a little cheap thing from Sardinia
Till he does it probably cost her $700 and then we get to the horrific encounter from the American Independence Day party
We're in DeRite perpetrated a myth that Sutton was a filthy drunk and Sutton understands
DeRite's insinuation when she said are you asking if there's alcohol in her drink? And I was thinking I would hope you understand's insinuation when she said, are you asking if there's alcohol in her drink?
And I was thinking, I would hope you understand the insinuation.
Fucking Helen Keller could understand that insinuation.
A pile of shit could understand.
I mean, she's calling you a drunk.
And doesn't appreciate it because she's perpetuating a salacious lie.
So let's get to the therapist and life coach. Wearing a Gucci polo.
How do you feel about a life coach and therapist wearing a Gucci polo?
Well, he's on camera and he'd like to advertise himself with this free advertising on Real House Website.
I don't think that's good advertising.
I agree. I actually don't think it's good advertising going on a television show with your client and filming
You know there was this I get in the comments. Let us know what it's called, but it was this
It came out when
Succession was very popular and it's the kind of clothing that the wealth true wealthy wear. There's no branding
It's just very clean casual clothing clothing that's very, very well
made and expensive. Wear that. You don't need to wear a Gucci polo.
Well, that's how tacky they are. And I think some of the audience would go like, don't
be so judgy. But for me, it is tacky. It's like, hey, look how much I paid for this dumb
thing. So oops, I forgot, but didn't we see last week that the tabloids had hit, that Mauricio
was with somebody?
I'm thinking that this session is going to be about that.
But then I realized, no.
Now it's the tail end of this episode.
They've gone to this well twice and they've used this kind of tilde at the end.
What even is this narrative choice from Bravo production? I don't understand it.
So we drop this in, we have FaceTimes about it,
and then we don't discuss it.
And then we drop it in and we have FaceTimes about it,
and then we don't discuss it.
It's quite frankly a crime.
I mean, Kyle doesn't have a storyline,
so she's leaning heavily into the, she does have a storyline. I mean Kyle doesn't have a storyline so she's leaning heavily into the
she does have a storyline. I'm in pain. She's going through a divorce. Right and she's doing
it the way that Kyle would do it which is not really be open about it. Right. I mean she does
say in this little uh exchange here that she uh that she uh hasn't moved on yet. She's kind of
waiting for her next second life
or whatever it would be.
And he's on vacation with his new girlfriend.
It was crazy to me.
I don't think this therapist is that great.
He goes, well, why can't you live your happy life?
And it's like, she's heartbroken right now.
I felt really bad because Kyle doesn't want to live a new life.
She wants her family back. She wants her husband back. And it's, it's so hard to sever that
that connection to him because that means that it's over and she doesn't want it to
be over.
I don't know if she says it here or the tail end of the episode. Let me look. She should.
Ah, yes, it is here. Okay.
She says, so clearly he was when she brought up the idea of separation because
he couldn't stop cheating on her.
She thought he'd probably go out and get it out of his system and then come back
and be like, all right, I'm 58.
I want my family.
I I've got it out of my system.
Because for men, sometimes it's,
I don't know if women understand men,
it's that disgusting.
They need to midlife crisis,
clearly what he's going through,
need to sow your oats a little more,
they got married young.
And so she's thinking he's coming back,
and yet he's not.
And then she says, and this is she did share here, she said,
I just wanted him to, I think it was quote, fight for me. Yeah. Okay. This triggered something in a
memory of mine. And can I tell you something? Yeah. It's a little chilly. It's getting cold in
here. It's a little chilly. You should sit right behind it like I am, Mr. Co-host.
Can I tell you? Yeah. It's a little bit chilly. All right, why don't you want to turn it off?
I'm gonna share a story. Okay, you share a story. Okay. Because it's a little, I mean, it's ridiculous how cold it is.
It is freezing in here. I don't know why it needs to be this cold. Creativity doesn't need this much freshness.
Well, I mean, I mean most like, you know, comedy rooms are like late night, like, pretty cold.
It's to keep the comedy fresh, but right now, I don't even think I can feel my right shoulder
blade. It's that for us.
Well, I got to tell you, it's a little cold in here.
Okay, why don't you do that? I'm going to share a story. Okay. So when Kyle said, I
wish he'd fight for me, because he didn't say that, he said, you want to separate? Cool.
When I dumped my girlfriend, who I've talked about quite a bit on this show,
this was 15 years ago and we were still living together and I,
this has always stuck with me at some point,
I'm coming back from work or whatever and she's like,
she decided that she was going to move out of our shitty apartment.
Although I said I'd leave, but she said I'm leaving.
One day she caught me and she said,
don't you wanna fight for me?
Just like Kyle had said.
And that always stuck for me because I didn't.
All I wanted to do was start my new life
as a single guy and rebuild.
I did not wanna be in that relationship anymore.
Well, it was so sad to hear
her say that Mauricio's search throughout this whole process was to find out if he could be okay
without her. He was trying to, he wasn't trying to make them work.
He was scared that he couldn't do it without her.
And he found out that, oh no, no, no, he absolutely,
he's folding bitches over in Europe.
That's right.
I mean, he's having a blast.
Let's not even talk about the ones in West Hollywood.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And sorry for the crassness there.
I mean, I didn't need to say it like that.
No, no, no, that's okay.
Okay, so. We gotta go to Bo's house? Well, the other thingness there. I mean, I didn't need to say it like that. No, no, no, that's okay. Okay, so.
We gotta go to Bose's house?
Well, the other thing is like, you know,
Kyle's being open about this,
but it's also like still kind of cagey.
The way that they're talking,
it's clearly like there was an ultimatum that he gave her.
Like it sounds like he was like, I need to go fuck.
And she was like, okay. But they can't need to go fuck and she was like okay but
they can't even just come out and say it. Can I tell you what prohibits this is
the fact that he has a business that was at some point successful. Right. You start
talking about what a cheating manipulative son of a bitch he's been
for the last 10 years that the bottom drops out on the business it really does
because he's the figurehead so I think she has to walk this line where she protects that business while kind of hinting
at that he wasn't the best husband ever. Yeah. And that's just a dumb place to be. I don't think
they talk to each other. Probably not. So let's get to Bo's and her and Kelly's future babies. Dr. Cindy Duke, fertility specialist that makes house calls.
Now Bo's talks about how many people
she gets to make house calls.
Getting a fertility specialist to come to your house is,
I love Bo's, I think she's fantastic.
This is psychopathic.
It is so weird to me to have a fucking OB GYN professional come
to your home. It's just bizarre to me.
I want to say this too, from what I remember when we were
checking for an egg count, maybe it does happen. And we did see
the areas to get the full check. I remember them looming something up and
going to my wife's hoohaw. That's what I was like. We've been down this road many times before.
These are very sterile environments. These are... it's so weird. It was weird. Now I have to say
this in the audience is I've already been pretty offensive this episode, but who cares? I have to be me. I
Find this storyline very compelling for one reason it's gonna end badly. No how ridiculous it is. It's stupid
It's dumb. It's not going to happen
This is not going to happen and the fact that she thinks it's going to happen with a guy
Who not only she does not live with they have not even said I love you to one another. They are not married, which you don't need to be married,
but I think the two things that I just said before that
are mandatory.
The crazy thing about this is that
they're having this appointment
and they haven't said I love you to each other.
Why are you having this appointment?
What are you doing having this appointment?
But good news for her. It looks like she is fairly fertile for
somebody her age. She has four egg houses, she would usually
see something like zero to six. But the fact that they were
even talking about natural or unassisted conception, it was
like, are you two in a ball pit right now? Like what reality are you guys in?
Well, sometimes reality comes in data or statistics.
And I believe the statistics that she laid out for Bose
is she has a 2% chance of getting pregnant.
I had to rewind it back three times for my wife
because I said 2%.
I'm going to write that down.
She said, no, no, no, it's more than 2%.
No, it was less than 2%. That's what. yeah, so we get ready for the caviar party. I know I'm not a woman
So who cares but I cannot stand the glam. I hate this glam. It's so boring
Mentioned it last week
Guess it's like Pandora's box is open. They're not gonna do away with it
But I feel like if Andy hates women, why doesn't he just go no glam?
Are you talking about when they're getting glam fryer?
When they're getting glam, the fact that there is glam,
the fact that it turns them on and makes them film
film, where they're not like, it's just,
I can't stand it as like one of the tropes of the show.
I think it's bad for the show.
I'm not as bothered by you. Sometimes I like it, especially when there's a big fight that's
anticipated. It's almost like you're getting to go into the boxer's private room as they're
warming up. You know what I mean? Anyway, what were they wearing to this thing? What's the
word for that?
Kaftans. Okay. I love Doritos. She probably had one. She's like,
no darling, I don't look hot in this. I'm not wearing it.
No, Doritos can't read. Oh, maybe.
So Sutton fires off some more, ooh, your poor lines.
It's getting gross here and we haven't even gotten to the guts of it, but let's get to
Caviar Casper casp caspera casper of
Casper casp caviar caspa caviar casper caviar caviar caspera I think that's
it's fine yeah okay couture jewels couture couture
kaftan Jennifer Tilly reminds me of me and Ruby Zantlin.
She's just so sweet and so crazy.
The morally corrupt Faye Resnick arrived.
I can't believe she's still around.
I did the math.
She's coming in and out of this franchise for 15 years.
What is she famous for?
Doing a little blow with Nicole.
Know what I mean?
Was she on the stand?
Yeah, they had her on the stand.
Because they were trying to assert that the Colombian cartel put a hit on her, and they were actually trying to kill Faye.
Oh, really?
Yeah, that was a great one.
You know, OJ is kind of underrated.
Not for his swinging skills. Wow. You know, OJ is kind of underrated.
Not for his swinging skills.
I mean, he was phenomenal in the naked guns.
That was great, but he had a small part in those.
I know, but he was still so fantastic.
And he was also a phenomenal athlete.
Oh my god, watch some of those runbacks with USC.
He was so good.
It's a little bit like
Chris Brown. It's like there was so much there, you know, why
did you have to decapitate her? And the other guy, still bad
for him, Ron. So Kathy Hilton is there as well. And we get in
the car with the gang Sutton is on a fucking warpath. She makes
fun of Dureed's 14 year old friends and then says that there
is a life that many women
have that Duret would like. And I'm going, okay, well, she's super, she's like, so much hotter than
you. So if we're measuring fulfillment based on things that don't give you fulfillment, you guys
are even. So what are we doing?
It's interesting that Sutton starts taking this angle
very early.
And I think it's presented at least three times
throughout the episode.
Something triggered her to go, I'm
just going to keep calling her poor over and over again.
Yeah, I think she got so mad.
And she worked herself up.
And she was ideating and landed on I'm gonna
make fun of her for being poor and just mirror mirror on the wall let's write a
diss track together and she did. So Sutton arrives and orders a water this is a
pathetic move that you order a fucking you order order a drink. That's what you do.
You don't order a water.
And I love Dorit so much.
Dorit this season is still like a 6 out of 10.
But in seasons past, she's been like a 2.
So Dorit is just on.
She sees the water and she goes, is that because I called you
a filthy fucking drunk last week?
Let the mouse go.
I like when they call back, like, quote unquote famous lines
from four years ago.
Thank god they showed that scene from four years ago,
because I'd have no idea of the reference.
Apparently it must have been a real hit with the Instagram
four years ago.
So we get to the table and are reminded of that asshole that
was on the show.
Do you remember that Marcellus Wiley's wife?
Was that Anne?
Oh, yeah, yeah.
Anne Marie, I think.
Anne Marie.
You know, I was just asking my wife about her.
She was awful.
You know, looking back, I don't think
I think they should have given her a full season she didn't get a full season
she got a half a seat I'll tell you what she would have been she was like too toxic it was it's kind
of like watching Tamra on TV she's nowhere near Tamra but like it's it's kind of it gets tired
yeah so Jennifer Tilly has had in terms of like envy and the life women want to live.
The life men want to live nominated for an Academy Award.
Rich as fuck.
Her sister and her were nominated for an Academy Award.
The only two pairs of sisters.
Yeah, exactly.
And we find out that Jennifer Tilly is half Chinese very cool and
Then we find out that though. This really kicks off quite a bit of insanity
First Erica Jane says that she is Native American baby. Mm-hmm baby and says the chair is not Native American
She's a fucking she's a poser. She's really an Armenian from Van Nuys
And there are a lot of Armenians in Van Nuys Cher is one of them
Except she's not in Van Nuys anymore. Okay, so this is when they bring up that song half-breed
Yes, they bring it up who brings this up the morally corrupt fares neck
She's like, oh Cher saying that song half-breed
that was like a hit song in like 1978.
And we were kind of obsessed,
it's interesting all these cultural like things
that we go through.
Native Americans, we were kind of obsessed with them
in the play.
There was a bunch of movies in the late seventies,
Billy Jack.
Marlon Brando was nominated for something in like-
The Godfather. was a Godfather and he had a
Woman go up and accept the award for him. Yeah, who was Native American?
Except for she was yeah, that's not at all. Yeah
I think
Pre-internet, I think her siblings were up at arms about I can't believe she's saying her name is Pocot
You know, yeah, and and I she grew up in Van Nuys with us. I want to take a
moment to do a land acknowledgement here on this podcast. Patrick and I are on
stolen land right now and we are sorry. Mm-hmm. All right so then we get to
Deree versus Sutton and it begins with Sutton asking Bose which personality is
coming out today
and I love Boz's response, she's like,
I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, Lunatic.
I'm me.
We then reverse engineer the July 4th party
and Sutton describes the horror that she endured
in DeRee's lobby.
Well she didn't like being called a drunk
or having her bag stolen.
Yeah, and then we get to the line that Sutton
has been working on for days at this point, you should pick on
someone with it's very convoluted. Give it to me, give
it to you should pick on somebody whose wallet is your
own size. Oh, that was right. That didn't make any sense. She
needs new writers. I mean, I probably butchered it. But like,
you know, pick on somebody your own
size and then you insert wallet into it and then it becomes this kind of
linguistic mess convoluted didn't make sense I was confused when I heard it
just say you're poor your husband's a con man you're nine hundred thousand
dollars in debt to the IRS so it really escalates and Sutton says I should have
called you a fucking bitch at your house because Dorit is still just appalled and
Crestfallen that she used the b-word and when Sutton says I should have called you a fucking bitch the table recoils and
We cut to Jennifer Tilly. She gets a chiron says Jennifer Tilly which which was absolutely
Bonkers. Yeah, we're not watching episode four of Love is Blind.
We don't need reminders.
No, no, no.
We can see that she's Jennifer Tilly.
I do want to say she was nominated for Bullets
over Broadway in 1995.
Would you like to know who directed that?
Woody Allen.
He was on quite the roll in the 90s.
Every other year, he got nominated for, like,
Best Picture.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Good for him, huh?
He didn't win any though.
Yeah, I think he won a couple now.
I could look that up.
Let me see where her sister is.
I'm curious about that one.
Oh God.
I hope she's not dead.
No, I hope not either.
Oh my God.
Sister is Meg.
Meg Tilley.
She was nominated for the Big Chill.
Oh, OK.
Is she dead?
Let's see here.
Let me see if Meg Tilley dead.
Yeah, a lot of dead hair.
A lot of dead hair.
That's OK.
I love to live in that.
You know, I always heard like stand up comedians, they go,
best part of doing stand up is that uncomfortable silence.
Yeah, no, it's the money, but.
Nope, still alive.
Okay, great.
65 years old.
The morally corrupt Fay Resnick aids
in the conflict resolution.
She says, listen, I'm a drunk.
Sutton's a drunk.
We just wanna be drunks and not be judged for it, right?
And that's when the thousand dollar
potatoes arrived Jennifer Tilley says poor to read and to read walks off now
Kyle goes over to talk to to read and understands fundamentally why the booze
comments affect Sutton the way that they do and I'm just staring at the TV going
you know kind of like John Claude Van Damme at the end of Bloodsport. Say it!
Say it!
Kumatai. But what I want Kyle to say
Is hey listen, we just took a fucking a nice little
Open house tour of where her dad blew his brains out
So calling him or her a drunk is a little triggering
Let to read know what's going on
But she does not do that and coming up we get back to the more Ricio well again
And the women accused Mauricio and Kyle of a paparazzi cold war essentially now
I thought about this quite a bit. Yeah.
First off, I thought it was stupid when someone said
that Moe may have staged this.
Now, hear Patty out on this theory.
Because they are in Europe.
I know it's a semi-popular show here in America.
And certainly, if Moe was meeting his girlfriend at LAX,
there's always TMZ parked out there.
They have people that will call TMZ
and the other publications. Yeah. Totally. that could be random right right I don't
think Moe called I think the girlfriend called oh mm-hmm
bum bum bum cuz most and most stands to lose a lot of them most stands to lose a lot
Yeah, but Mo's a caddy bitch. So
Who knows and the better question who cares?
our audience doing
No, I don't think so no they like that we hate yeah, I don't think so I don't think that's true
Get in the comments. Let us know what your favorite flavor is.
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And join us at slash another podcast network
for a rousing multiple cult death Gene Hackman special.
We're talking about that, right?
Traders and more. We love you guys very much. Oh, Summer House coming to Patreon soon.
Also our episode 10 of Love is Blind, we're going to be doing with Mary Payne.
Very exciting. Good to see you. I'm excited to see MP and love you guys very much. Have a great weekend. I'm Dylan saying goodbye. Pat, say goodbye. Later dudes.
Still working barefoot.
In never the end.
I'm still working barefoot still.
In never the end.
I could walk on the stone. I could walk on the glass, I'm walking all over myself.