Another Below Deck Podcast - A Love of Children w/ Pink Shade's MP | Love is Blind S8 E10
Episode Date: March 1, 2025Dylan and Pat are joined by Pink Shade's MP to break down tough chats, Uhauls, fiscal thinking, putt putt, God and more.Listen to MP here - at YouTube -
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ready for you well he's into 16 year olds what you didn't hear about this are
you kidding me Pat doesn't know You remember that man you were stripping up for?
Hold on a sec.
You were stripping up for him and I said,
no, no, no Patrick.
Does Love is Blind do any mother fucking background checks?
I know. Hi, welcome to Bad TV.
It's Dylan.
It's Pat.
And joining us, say hi.
And joining us today is our favorite.
I'm trying to remember the state. I'm trying to remember the
state and I think it's I'm gonna say Washington DC. No is it Virginia? Yes.
It's our favorite Virginian Mary Payne of the pink shade pod. What's up
girlfriend? Hey were you thinking that I'm from Mississippi,
but I live in Virginia.
Were you trying to get that?
Nope, I don't know why.
The Spanish Mosses of Georgia came into my head
and I was very close to saying it.
And then he jumped in and kind of saved the day,
I would say, because if we started off on that rocky foot,
I don't know what this podcast would have in store
for us. MP, you are covering everything all the time. Go listen to Pink Shade if you're not
already. Five stars, kind words. Tell them that we sent you. What are you covering right now,
girlfriend? Oh, geez. I love the girlfriend. It's better than bitch. So Mondays I'm doing
Love After Lockup right now.
That's crime story that's on,
which has actually been pretty good.
Tuesdays, whatever is the anchor.
Wait, what is it?
Wait, what?
Love After Lockup crime story?
The whole thing is a crime story.
But what they're doing is they're taking like a little break
and they're putting it together.
So we had Lindsay, my Mississippi girl, Lindsay,
we've had Garrett, we've had some people come back,
Kwey-lon, and they told how they did their crime
and how they got arrested and how it really wasn't worth it.
Oh wow.
It's pretty depressing.
Holy shit.
We had to let that one go.
Lindsay, famously, Dylan, is the one who was dating the guy
and like, you fucking broke my toilet, dating the guy like you fucking broke my toilet man
Well, you fucking broke my toilet
He got in a fight with Lindsay and he went out in the woods and started smashing some guys poor toilet that was out there
I don't even remember. I remember what who's her boyfriend's name? Well, it was blind blind. That's right
Oh, oh, that's right blind. Yeah, so she tells her story about being like a meth queen.
How'd she get put away?
She's telling you.
What do you mean?
She was moving weight.
Is that what that means?
I got to get hip to the lingo.
Yeah. The first time she got put away was for drug dealing.
And then when she got out and we saw her on the show
and then she carved into that
guy Scott with the lip, she carved into his desk. She didn't get arrested for that, but shortly
thereafter, she got arrested for like a gun in the car, drugs in the car. And that was a
probation violation. So she went back for like another two years. Now she's back on the show.
She's about to get her master's degree from Ole Miss, my alma mater. She's like in a very
well-knownknown business program.
I've always said she's the smartest person
to ever be on that show.
Like she's very smart.
If you're gonna deal drugs at a high level,
you gotta have some logistical wherewithal.
Street smarts too, you gotta be able
to kinda suss people out.
Mary, let's ask, MP, let's ask the all important question
because this is really connected with that show.
How many cast members have died this year?
In 2025, proper, I haven't heard of any.
But in 2024, we lost one or two.
There you go.
It's hard to keep track, and it's sad.
So we're not going to talk about those stories.
But they do happen.
People die pretty frequently on that show.
Yeah, I mean, listen. If. But they do happen. People die pretty frequently on that show. Because they're, yeah, yeah, I mean, listen.
If you're living that lifestyle, you know.
It's a flip of a coin.
Well, listen, we have wealth disparity problems
in this country.
A lot of people don't have a lot of opportunities.
So they die.
Anyways, we have Love is Blind to get into.
We'll get into it.
We'll take some time at the end of the show
to talk about all the other shows that you're watching,
because you are watching
75 of them, but love is blind
Give our blindfolds one out of a hundred for the episode but MP one out of a hundred blindfolds
How is this season been and why is it zero?
Well, I already know that you guys hate it. Yeah. I already know this.
I don't hate it because I'm an optimist and because I've watched ahead to the end of 12.
So I would say the season overall out of 100 blindfolds, I'll give it 80.
No way.
I give it a B.
This is her blindfolds, Dylan.
MP, is there some hope for some drama?
I've only watched episode 10, which we're recapping today.
I haven't seen 11 and 12.
Do we have some fun stuff down the line?
Yeah, in 11 is when they go to the bar
and all the other Pod Squad people come in.
And that's pretty juicy.
And Molly looks crazier than she did in the pods.
Now she's gone full Shirley Temple.
Oh good.
Oh yeah.
And not the correct clothing, you know,
and then she and Dave drunkly have a conversation
about why he's a dick.
A piece of shit.
There you go.
Yeah, yeah, and everybody hates him.
Well, 80 blindfolds.
Madison walks in and they all.
Oh, wow.
She's got like pink hair.
MP, my problem with the show is it would have been a fine season,
but these episodes were very bloated.
And I'd love to talk to somebody over at Netflix and ask,
why was the average running time of each episode an hour and 10 minutes
when you could have made it more interesting
by just making it lean and mean.
Did you have any issue with that?
I totally agree.
Because you when you sit down to write notes and like for me, I did like all six, you know,
the first six all together, you know, took two weeks to do that.
You sit down and you're on five of six and you're like, Oh, God, I just do more to God,
I got to write these notes to these people.
And you see it's an hour and nine minutes.
You just want to Harry Carrey yourself.
It's like that.
I can't do enough.
I can't.
Yeah, and when MP's talking about Harry Carrey,
she's talking about driving a sword through your abdomen
and then slashing across your intestines.
Yes, yes, yes.
It's a very grisly death.
Yes, it is.
All I know is it's a way to get rid of yourself.
Here is what I felt.
And clearly it was a conscious
decision by Netflix to do this.
I will say if
the way that this season was
presented to the audience, had
this been the first season
of Love is Blind, there wouldn't
have been a season two.
It was the fact that season one
was so lean and mean, average
running time, 38 minutes, whatever,
you could just binge through it.
And it was a real slap in the face
to spend that much time in the pods
and then to have what would have been
the juicier storylines, and I'm speaking of Meg,
Mason, Madison, Alex, not make it to the resort
or beyond the pods.
Having spent so much time with them,
that felt like that was that was not the right
thing to do.
They are at least two other couples that got engaged that
they didn't follow. I heard that. Yeah. One of them was
Is that right? So she met a nice guy in there. Who's Brittany?
The pretty black girl. Okay. The basketball player slash
Yeah, yeah, I think that's why Devin said it wasn't going to work out.
I'll keep him there.
Pass the.
All right.
So let's get into our blindfolds for this episode.
Speaking of Devin, these two are the Snorson's of the season.
I can't remember.
You branded somebody.
The Snorson's.
The Snorson's just just milked us freaking Z's scrolling across the screen.
He sounds like Patrick Mahomes to me.
He's froggy and boring.
And these manufacturers, I mean, we're laying in bed,
and they're literally, Virginia is literally saying,
we should talk, almost as though they're speaking to us.
Like, we've got to give them something, right?
And they start to get into politics.
And even that is boring. You know,
I want to get MPs thoughts on this. First off, you guys were talking at a wall for 10 days straight, politics never came out. These seems like, like, all right, this is why I want to get MPs take on.
I have dated, I've been off the market for about 12 years. Sorry, ladies. But prior to that,
sorry, I had at least three other relationships
that went past two years.
I have no memory of ever discussing anything political
with any of my ex-girlfriends or my current wife.
And we got along just fine.
I understand these are important things.
We live in a different time now.
But I thought about this quite a bit,
because I don't like watching it on television.
I don't know.
Maybe it makes me feel uncomfortable for some reason.
I don't.
But hearing them talk about it, I
weigh how much importance you should
put on not being on the same page with everything politically.
What are your thoughts on that?
Well, Sarah and Ben seem to have a similar situation going, right? They seem to be,
and Sarah, you know, God bless, she just, I mean, there's the horse, you beat it,
it's dead, let's bury it, now let's don't dig it back up and beat it some more,
like I've never in my life, and it just keeps going, 10, 11, 12, just keeps going.
So it's the same situation. Now, I do understand we're in trying times.
Devin seemed to be a little bit like Ben
and he was like, don't ask, don't tell,
I really don't care, you know?
Whereas Virginia and Sarah are both like,
it kind of matters because we're women
and I liked how Virginia was like,
well, I mean, we're black, so we vote Democrat.
And then he kind of looked to the side and goes,
well, my dad's black.
Like he just remembered that.
Like he's, oh yeah, that black people in my family too.
And yeah, I think that in these times,
yes, this generation talks about it more.
And I'm of a totally different generation.
I never discussed politics with anybody ever.
I was thrilled to find out that my husband was very, very Democrat, because I'm very
I'm the only person in my family.
I'm from Mississippi, go figure.
So I'm the only Democrat in my family.
I was very happy that when I found out, like my husband and his family, they're all Democrat.
I was like, oh, well, these are my people.
But we never sat down at the dinner table and had discussions about it.
We certainly never laid in bed and discussed abortion
rights, you know? When we get to Kelsey, who's Sarah's sister later on, a lovely
person. But one thing I, and this is where I was kind of thinking about it
after I watched the episode, she obviously has a lot of influence on Sarah
and it feels like, and maybe I'm just grafting a lot onto Kelsey, but
it's extremely important for her to have people align with how she sees the world and
In my opinion as I watch all my friends on both sides of the aisle fight on Facebook
And I know that they're lovely people on both sides.
I just, I wonder like zeroing people in on their political views as then looking at how you see them as people and whether or not you'd like to spend time with them.
I think that goes too far and I think Kelsey.
Yeah, we could use a little bit less of that in life.
But the the U-Haul, Lesbo versus Ben interaction was fantastic.
I'm gonna give it one pop because of that. Pat, how many pots?
All right for the episode, I actually enjoyed this episode. David is a world-class asshole in a glass gas lighter.
I fucking hate his guts.
Ben, I'm curious to see if anything comes out of this TikToker person.
I guess we'll see. Is there more to that, MP, in future episodes?
Well, there's not too, yes,
and they do discuss it a little bit more,
but it's just when you hear the term TikTok girl
in our day and age, you know?
It's like, how much stock can we put in this?
TikTok girl, you're like, uh-oh, uh-oh,
so mine's out there exposing things.
I have to correct you.
Sarah's lesbian sister is Lisa and her
partner is Kelsey. Forgive I thought I thought I saw on the
screen that she had two sisters. It was interesting
though, because Lisa dominated that conversation and she was
not the sister. So it's interesting. Now you've got it
backwards. Kelsey, the brown hair dominated the conversation.
That's why I meant to say. Yeah, that's what I meant to say. That's what I meant to say.
Yeah, totally.
Oh, forgive me.
Lisa hardly spoke.
Forgive me, when I saw the chyrons,
I thought it said both they were her sisters.
You would think that it was Kelsey that was the sister
because she was talking so much.
But it wasn't.
It was Lisa.
But yeah.
All right, 50 blindfolds.
Forgive me for too much head on the episode.
OK, and MP, we don't even want your blindfolds.
There's been too much head on this episode. Okay, okay
But blindfolds is for traders
No shoulder their taps is for traders. Oh, okay blindfolds is love is blind. Yeah, it's blah. You're blind
I thought you said how many pods well he
Don't don't don't get don't worry about you. don't worry about it.
Don't worry about it.
All right.
So we pick up with, I don't even know what the etymology
of the origin of pots is.
It's for the kitchen.
You used to give a rating for dinners on below deck
with pots.
I thought you said pods, like the pods.
What do you do to people?
Hell, let's not.
Okay. Yeah, you gotta keep it tight and right,
because I don't know what you're talking about.
All right.
So we'll get into Lord of the Rings in a bit.
We pick up with Dave and Lauren.
Dave texted Lauren at 3 AM saying something dumb.
I'll hit you later.
I'm going to stay in my apartment.
Then he walks in with breakfast burritos or something.
And he asks her how she slept.
This question made me, we haven't even gotten to like
the I'm a fuck, I hate this guy so goddamn much but he does a lot of awful stuff. The how did you
sleep question was I, it's called an icebreaker and it was stupid. I agree with it. I know, but it feels more pointed than just a normal icebreaker or, um,
I don't think he's intelligent and this, this man is a very stupid human being.
So I want to unbelievably stupid.
All right. So I want to put us where we are. You did a great job setting it up.
However, he had decided not to,
to forgo sleeping in the same dwelling and leaving her confused. And,
and the reason that she's confused is because he's talking out of both sides of his goddamn mouth
Uh, he should be honest and say that he's basically not into this anymore. He's too much of a pussy to admit it
Yeah, he has two assholes. He's talking out of both of them and they're both on his face. Okay, so so yeah
Ark is sometimes co-host ruby Wren thinks that David may be gay.
What do you think about that?
I disagree.
Yeah, I do too.
No, I don't think so.
It was just a theory because he works in cosmetics.
And she presented a very, very good case.
If this was a roundtable, I might put
Dave is gay on a chalkboard.
I don't know.
I don't think he, he doesn't work in
cosmetics. He, he, I pro I think he probably sells like facial lasers. He sells medical equipment.
So he sells like lasers or he sells Brazilian butt implants. I don't know. Yeah. He's one of
those hot guys that walks into doctor's offices and sells them a bell of goods and gives out free
lunch for all the workers. It's not that hot. So how, she goes, how is it already two o'clock?
And he rattles off some infantile 19 year old
binge drinker shit, but he's 32.
So it's like really, really pathetic.
He left his car at a bar.
He was so drunk.
Which bar?
He was so drunk that he had to Uber home.
He woke up at nine o'clock, went back to bed,
his phone died.
This is a 32 year old man behaving like this.
This is an example of the show being bloated.
We didn't need any of that.
We didn't need any of that bullshit
because we all know he's lying.
All we needed was, yeah, I went to the bar,
went to Nino's and then, you know, that's it.
Molly was out.
And then when he gets done at the end of the story,
she goes, where'd you go again?
And you know that she already knew the fucking answer
when she asked that, which is girl 101.
Yeah, and he goes, what do you mean?
Like he's trying to get defensive.
She goes, where'd you go?
He goes, oh, I went to Neos and then I went to blah, blah,
And I had to put my closed captions on
to figure out what he said.
But what he said was, I went to don't know some basement bar some basement bar
So we happened to forget he went to a basement bar where the whole pod squad was there including Molly and some girl was
Hanging all over him. We find out later. Oh and oh because he only said about going to Nino's
Mm-hmm, and then we and then we walked around she goes where else did you go?
And he goes, what do you mean? She already knew already knew the answer yes she did mark somebody had already texted MP this is
why her eight intelligence officers that were female found Osama bin Laden okay
be careful with women yeah yeah they're very dangerous okay he's all right so he
is a POS I guarantee he never would have admitted that he'd met and then he by
the way he argues or not argues but he makes the case that I look I wasn't gonna cross that line I don't
want to piss off production by talking to Bolly so that didn't happen. Well
here's the interesting thing Lauren. You made it sound like he did it for Lauren
like I wouldn't do that to you. Yeah. I wouldn't go and talk to her with you not
there that would just be wrong. Well the confusing thing about this whole thing
is that Lauren seems like she's nice even though
I think that there was a moment of glee when she
Saw Molly's tears in the pods that kind of was a big red flag for me, but she seems nice
I didn't I didn't like Lauren
Listen we got a lot of shit about like you're not a girl's girl. You don't like Lauren. I go no
I find her to be manipulative. I did too
I was like, now this guy
is making me like Lauren because he's treating her so terribly
and trying to slut shame her for something that
is completely ridiculous.
And he's just grasping at reasons.
And he's making the world think he wants to fuck his sister.
Or if she exists.
A million percent.
By the way, at this point in the show,
we've met at least some friends and family members
from every other cast member except for this asshole.
I think he killed his entire family.
They don't exist.
But here's the thing about Lauren that's so interesting.
She saw her parents, and they wanted to see her.
She said that she was prioritizing David's friends who were about to come over
and interrogate her about being a whore. Right? Right. So why? My question is why is Lauren
still? So I mean, how many danger signs do you need to have along this road of heartbreak
before you go? You know what? I'm out. MP, I want to speak to you. Like this is how guys think he's completely in
conflict with what his issues are. If his real issue was that she had hooked up
with some dude that he kind of may know by other friends or whatever it is, or
may have met the guy. Normally a guy, if he's into a girl, he'll be bothered by it, but
he'll want to spend more time with her. It's not the exact opposite. Like he's jealous
and bothered by it. It clearly he's not into her and his behavior is showing that because
he, but he's trying to use it as an excuse for why this isn't going to work out. Anyway, he should just be honest.
Dude, Vanessa Lachey is going to have such a fierce moment at that reunion just dressing
him down.
You think so? She's pretty horrible at reunions.
Well, not when it comes to like, you know, standing on business with other women, but
it's true. He is slut shaming this girl into oblivion. And it's disgusting.
Like Ruby mentioned last episode,
just because you're pathetic, have no game, and are a loser,
and got rejected for a year straight
doesn't mean you get to go and slut
shame people who are actually charismatic and attractive
and have a hope in a chance with other people.
He's repulsive.
Here's the other thing with this.
If you're into somebody, this is the phase where you can't,
you wanna crawl up in their body
and be with them every single night.
You don't wanna stay out till three in the morning
with a bunch of friends or strangers.
You wanna, anyway, he's not into it.
Let's get to Joey and Monica and Monica's evil sister.
Now Monica's evil sister apologizes
and says that Joey's energy
was a lot because she's a napper and the entire family are nappers. Now Cassie
David, Larry David's daughter crystallized this for me in a subway
takes video I saw recently. Napping is psychopathic. Napping is
psychopathic. I do not get how people do it.
It was my favorite thing to do before I had Elliot,
before I was a father.
I can't.
MP, are you a napper?
Oh, if there's an opportunity for a nap,
I will send the family a group text and say,
I'm taking a nap.
Yeah, you're a psychopath.
And everybody knows. You know what, Dylan? back in the day, my favorite thing to do, we'd wake up in the morning, my
wife and I, before we had kids, we'd go out for breakfast and I'd be like, ooh I'm tired after eating.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then you get back. A weekend nap. Oh Saturday you, maybe you watch a show,
you know I like the Food Network, like Diner's Driver sometimes, and then you
have a little mimosa and then you take a nap.
That's one of the best things about being a human being.
It's psychopathic, I don't understand how you do it.
You wake up all foggy, it's just crazy to me.
But get in the comments let us know.
Not me, I wake up ready to go.
Thank you.
Okay so.
And by the way, today instead of doing this, you know what I was gonna do?
A nap.
Sorry, MP. But you know what, I'm doing this instead you know what I was gonna do? A nap. Sorry, MP.
But you know what, I'm doing this instead.
Sorry, thank you for your sacrifice.
I'm gonna have an espresso martini later.
How much of Nicole's hatred of Joey
is really about Trevor probably having had sex with?
Here's the thing, me and Nicole are very similar people.
When, you know, just negative
Nancy's and photographers, you know what I mean? Yeah. When
people have golden doodle energy, and they're just in your
face about it. I've met multiple people like this. It's usually
not an act. But it is an assault. It's an energetic assault.
So when I meet people like this, I'm like,
slow it down, we're not on stage, we're just at dinner.
You need to bring it down a couple.
But you get to know these people and it does,
there's this flip where you go, oh, they're not on,
that's just who they are and it's actually
kind of a lovely thing.
So I think that she was-
Because she's the same way, right?
Didn't you feel she's the same way?
She's loud, yeah.
The two of them are constantly screaming
and I'm waiting for somebody to roll an ankle.
They are just like jumping and screaming
and high fiving and woo!
It's just like Darcy and Stacey or something.
It's like nuts.
They had a fucking drum circle in their house.
That's true, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Where did the nap?
Where did the Eeyore thing come from with Monica's evil sister?
I think she was pointing out that the family's kind of mellow
and just kind of enjoy peace.
And he seems like he's, you know, a little loud.
They have a drum circle. That's not mellow.
You've been to Venice.
These people are on fucking PCP.
All right. So Ben and Sarah, we talk about the tick tock a little bit more. Listen, tick tock, I want to
say, and I understand that I'm shirking humility here. I am an
exquisite judge of character. I'm usually right about pretty
much everybody. Okay, Patrick, I am I'm not disagreeing. Well,
you went and you looked away as though you were disagreeing. I
was not I'm going to shirk humility for a second.
I think I'm an exquisite judge of character.
I hated Alex.
He's a pedophile.
Oh boy.
I came out, he's a pedophile.
I don't think so.
Well, he's into 16 year olds.
Alex who?
You didn't hear about this?
Are you kidding me?
Oh, Pat doesn't know. Ooh. Ooh. You remember that man you were stepping up for? You were stepping up for him. And
I said, no, no, no, Patrick. Put a pen in this. Does Love is Blind do any motherfucking
background checks? I know. Well, he hasn't been arrested for it. He just apparently,
allegedly, according to the internet, not from personal knowledge from pink shade LLC. What I'm
saying is he apparently according to the internet and several of my listeners wrote me in and not
pink shade LLC. No, just listeners wrote me in and I'm just telling you what they said
that allegedly he would have underage girls over to his place and give them music lessons. He
teaches guitar or something for in exchange for favors and people that them music lessons. He teaches guitar or something in exchange for favors.
And people that lived with him,
he like lived with a bunch of guys
and they were like, yeah, this is not right.
Like we don't want these young girls
coming into the house, it's not cool.
This is alleged.
Well, there's a couple of different.
I mean, I believe this is illegal.
This is a crime. This is a statutory
rape. That's right. Yeah. Is is anything else besides tick tock or allegations? I'm not
defending the man. I just wanted some clarity on where we are with just allegations. But there have
been a couple of them. But anyway, so pretty concrete is the greatest guy. Let me tell you something.
If this is true, then I have finally
been a person that is completely unaware
of picking up on people.
I used to have great instincts.
I thought he was a lovely guy.
Me too.
Me too.
I didn't.
Me too.
And I always liked him.
And I really like Mason, too.
So God knows.
I hope nothing comes out about that guy
Well, I hated Alex from the get-go and why though why why?
because he was a
Grandstanding on this fucking bullshit moralism and trying to make himself seem like a hero
It disgusted Dylan was mad that he didn't choose Madison and get out of those pods with her
That's why he because Madison is hot.
Yeah, I'm very attracted to Madison and I'm not saying that Madison isn't a broken,
toxic human being too.
Oh, she's a full demon.
Yeah. Yeah. But you know, it'd be cool.
Anyways, Ben, have you seen her Instagram?
Who knows?
You would know what you had.
Ben, Ben.
Can we talk about Ben, please?
Come on, guys.
Off with this interrogation, okay?
Okay, wow.
You asked him a question.
No, cut it out, guys.
Tell me you're guilty without telling me you're guilty.
No, it's just really cool to have a tattoo of a fan
in between your boobs.
I think it's cool.
I think it's aesthetically wonderful.
Listen, we had three nipple rings on this season, three.
Yeah, no.
Madison had the two, and then Molly had the one.
My nipples are pierced.
Yeah, right.
OK, so Ben, weirdly a lot of people including our dear Ruby Rubes and garbage tits
and a lot of people have said that Ben is the scariest person. With me being such an exquisite
judge of character, I would say Ben strikes me as a L.L. Bean douchebag, right?
But I don't get the same like run for the hills
that I do with Alex and Madison who I can bury that
because I think she's hot.
Ben, here's some scoop.
My producer's, okay, follow me. My producer's daughter, so Ingrid's daughter,
lives with a girl whose sister went to that wedding.
Which wedding?
Sarah and Ben.
Okay, well I think that Ben may say no on the altar and
if that's the case, he's a douchebag. Yeah, I was gonna say why would he say no on the altar and if that's the case he's a douchebag.
Which I'd say.
I was gonna say why would he say no?
He's a douchebag.
But yeah this whole TikTok thing I don't know.
It sounds like he's a douchebag and treated a girl like shit but that's not inviting 16
year olds for guitar lessons and BJs.
Guys are dicks in their 20s. I have a guy question for you guys. So Ben and also Dave were both University of Minnesota baseball players.
They're college baseball players. Does that give you insight into their character? A million percent. A million percent. I don't know about that but I'll say any guy that's good looking in his mid 20s is a dick with women. College baseball players have, they fall into a,
I don't know what this archetype is,
but a lot of them are kind of, yeah.
Hmm, okay.
It's the-
I thought that would flavor your opinion.
It's the pine tar.
I think they just, they get fucked up on the pine tar.
Well, I'm gonna be Sarah like she is for this-
Exquisite judge of character. Yeah, I'm going to be Sarah like she is for this exquisite
judge of character.
Yeah, I don't want to discredit all college-aged baseball
players, male baseball players.
Well, you should.
OK, let's get to the Snorsons, Virginia and Devon.
I like mom.
You know, she sits down and says people who like kids and dogs
are OK.
But was she prepared for this scene?
Well, I was going to say, it depends on how much
you like kids and dogs.
Like Alex, for example, like really likes kids, you know?
So, you know, it's okay to like kids, but not that much.
Dad, dad, dad.
Okay, but I love.
She was prepared.
She was very prepared, love.
This is someone who's serious about this, I guess, process.
Like come in, let's talk about things.
There's no way to be serious about this process.
Well, if you were to be serious.
It's like being serious about-
I loved mom.
I loved mom.
I feel like she had her phone on notes, like, down in her lap.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
She was rapid-fire.
And they're like, we have one hour of filming in this place.
And she's like, I'm going to get it all done.
I love when she mentioned her daughter
can be a real pain in the ass.
That's what my mother-in-law did to me
when I was dating my wife.
Mother-in-law was like, don't do this.
Oh really?
It turned out all right.
Well, listen, they're putting God first
and he was vulnerable with Virginia
about his ibuprofen addiction and let's move on.
We meet Lauren's mom with Dave and Lauren.
And Dave starts by saying, I want to have kids.
It looks fun.
Here's the issue with Midwesterners.
This woman, I know the dad just decided
I don't want to be on camera.
This mom is too nice to David, I think.
There's some pressing here, but there's just too much nicety in that culture in that region of America.
I want... How fun was it to see that woman with the tongue ring who...
Are you talking about last season?
Last season, yeah.
Oh my God.
You know who we're talking about? The mother who had, it was last season.
She was like a sassy Latina.
Three different men, three different children.
We're going to sign a prenup, yeah.
Yeah, right.
The girl that was in the military.
Marissa's mom.
All the teeth, all the time.
Right. Yes, she's with a new guy. Good for her. Yeah, Marissa's mom. All the teeth, all the time. Right.
Yes, she's with a new guy.
Good for her.
Yeah, oh, that mom, I was terrified.
I was terrified of that mom.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, but she was great TV.
Yeah, she was.
Midwesterners, not great TV.
So Dave isn't sure if he's going to make it to,
he's not sure if his dad's going to make it to the wedding,
because he's such an avid golfer.
Yeah, he's an avid golfer.
And I love how his sister, he uses her as such a crutch,
like this is why he's having a hard time with this,
because it's what his sister thinks.
Because his sister thought that he'd
come out of the pods with some thirst bucket,
some Instagram model.
And Lauren's mother, I thought this was some good advice,
she suggested he just tell her, no, just, you know,
my daughter's boring and very uninteresting.
Tell her that.
Well, another thing that mom did that I loved was,
well, it's not about your friends, right?
You fucking teenager, it's not about your friends.
So who cares?
I loved mom because she was kind of saying,
well, I just want you to know, like whatever happens, we're here for you.
And we trust Lauren. Basically, like your family sucks and your friends suck, but we don't.
By the way, the sister, I wish that she would come out with a statement to be like, I don't know why this guy's throwing me under the bus.
I mean, whatever. It's a weird project. But I didn't say, you can never get engaged, you can never get married,
the girl's gonna be a whore.
I mean, I think the sister has only said, has said nothing.
I need a spoiler.
We find out as it goes along,
that maybe he took what she said a little too literally.
Well, I don't think that she can really say anything
because she's-
Doesn't exist.
Dead, yeah.
I know, well, I have photos of her.
Okay, so we go to
pop up with Daniel and Lauren cut this scene out cut the scene out cut the scene
totally 15 minutes we didn't need it no why is this in there cut it out Jesus
Christ Wow Virginia and Devin laying in bed is there if if there is any time where you're not being valued,
Devin says, I want you to tell me.
And she says, can.
And then he says, am I doing anything
where you don't feel valued?
And she says, no.
And then he says, okay.
Here's what I want to know.
Have these two boinked?
They have.
I think they boinked in Honduras.
I don't think that she's happy with the physicality
right now. Disagree?
Because he asks, are you okay with the hugging and the kissing and the...
What is she supposed to say?
She wants more.
She wants more.
I don't know.
I think she's a busy doctor and is just fine with this basketball coach.
I think it's fine.
Now, he...
All right. Hmm Now he alright so I do think if we were if we're gonna get the get her some truth serum
I think she was hoping that her mate might be a little bit more successful
Hmm. Well, she knew what he did. That's true. So she didn't have to pick him. Thank God for that prenup, right?
Which I don't know I live in California
Which I don't know, I live in California. Thank God for the prenup.
MP, have you ever had a violent addiction to ibuprofen?
No, but we've talked about how he came clean about his Advil addiction and how he shared his Advil addiction.
And once again, he's talked about his Advil addiction.
And I'm like, is it because like he was going to go into like kidney failure?
Because it's really bad if you take so much Advil, your doctor will tell you don't take out your tummy will hurt
your stomach or um
Because you know he had to take two for his knee pain
Yeah, and then four and then that led to 20
Yeah, and then it was 40 and before you know what you're walking into a target and you're stealing all the razors
You know what I mean addiction is?
Yeah, I know it's a real big problem. I'm wondering if you
Go on national television and cry about an Advil addiction. I'm just wondering like are you
This like what are you?
Are you just really dumb like what what's going on?
Or is why or is Advil kind of a placeholder for Oxy?
He was in Trump.
Some other people think that in the Facebook group and stuff, they're like, yeah, I think
that he was just trying to say Advil tests the waters.
What if it's not Advil?
What if it's not the same?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You know what I mean?
You know, it's so funny. Addiction is a nightmare. I've told the story before.
The first and only time I've ever free-based drugs. Chasing the dragon. You put a pill of
oxy on aluminum foil and then you chase the trail of the melting. Oh my God. Yeah, I know. It's crazy.
I was a young kid. The guy that offered that to us, he turned out to be violently addicted to this stuff, right?
He was very generous with us, but he robbed a CVS and a motorcycle helmet and he's in jail right now.
Oh, okay.
Actually, I think prison.
Yeah, so be careful everybody.
Only thing you should be addicted to is...
God. Yeah, yeah, or work.
Okay, so they go around and around. Work. God. Yeah. Or work. Okay.
So they go around and around.
This was a long scene too to get to the Jews here, which I guess we're going to talk about
positions on abortion rights.
I don't want to.
Do you want this MP in your love is blind TV watching?
I do not.
Yeah, me neither.
I don't even want it from traditional media streams.
If Trump and JD Vance and Zelensky are going to scream at each other, then okay, maybe
I'll tune into that.
That's pretty fun.
But I definitely don't want Devin and Virginia discussing the nuances of un-nuanced political
You think reality TV would learn from other bad moves on
reality TV. One of the things that I think hurt the bachelor franchise is it
started talking a lot about these issues should be discussed about race and
racism, but it became a big part for like three seasons straight of bachelor and I
think people didn't want that in their mindless entertainment viewing
of a dating show at eight o'clock on Monday nights.
Yeah, I agree with that. I think that the only thing that was sort of important that we heard
with this situation with Sarah and Ben, not Virginia and Devin was when she said,
yeah, you know, like, I'm, you know, I'm very into, you know, politics and causes and, you know,
Black Lives Matter. Well, you know, what, just for into, you know, politics and causes and, you know, Black Lives Matter.
Well, you know, just for example,
like what's your opinion on Black Lives Matter?
Well, there's only one right answer to that question.
And the answer is not,
ah, I just keep myself out of it.
He should have just said, obviously it's a great cause.
I'm not a super political person.
Obviously it was a terrible thing
that happened to George Floyd.
I followed it on the news
I'm so glad that there has been a shit drawn to this matter. That's the only answer for him
Just be like I stick my head in the sand who gives a shit. Well, it's definitely the only answer for Sarah
That's right. But MP the other answer could also be I disagree with it and they burn cities down that I'm saying
Possibly his opinion and that is his opinion and that's a
hundred percent his opinion and I disagree and this is probably not a good match for us and just
be open with your opinion of it as opposed to going along to get along because this seems like
this is what I was talking about at the top of the show with people being on Facebook and giving their opinions. She clearly cares about these causes
and this is very important to her.
So if you are kind of pushing, rubbing against this,
then it's not a match.
Maybe I'm not an exquisite judge of character.
He might be not a great guy because then we get,
this is where we get to the face off
between Kelsey and Lisa and Ben.
And I loved seeing Ben go up against two people
who are very politically informed
and very invested in what happens with the country
because they are part of a community
that has been underserved and underserviced in this country.
Now, when they ask him about politics and he says that
he's socially liberal and fiscally conservative, there's a great point
that they make. One, the I don't like the word accepted was a fun jag from
Kelsey, loved that, but also when someone says that and they're talking to two very progressive lesbians.
You can kind of infer that the fiscal part of their ideology is going to lead them to vote a certain way, right?
If they're concerned, if they're socially liberal,
that's cool, I mean, most people are,
but if they're fiscally conservative,
you're essentially talking to somebody who is voting
in a
way that you do not like. So when he gets up and leaves the table, that's when they
go, oh yeah, it's great that he's socially liberal, but I have a feeling he votes a
way that is different. And he has not been transparent about that at all. He's
just been like... He doesn't vote at all. He said he doesn't vote at all.
In the pods. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. No, no. Kelsey, when he got up is when Lisa really
started talking to sister once he got up because she was like, what are you doing?
What are you doing? Kelsey had been leading the charge the whole way because I think sister wasn't drunk enough
or wasn't mentally prepared for what was happening because her sister is still like, he's so
amazing, he's so generous, he's so kind, he's so da-da-da-da-da.
Her sister's like, wow, this guy, this baseball player?
It was like a kind of under duress defense for this guy who's like again, like Anne,
like her.
What like Sarah needs to be with somebody that works at Nike in Oregon.
And that's that.
Yeah, I think I think she needs to definitely because this is as I pointed out, something
that these are causes that are extremely important to her.
She's not a passive, like casual person in politics.
She has, you know, opinions and, and yes, this is not going to work out.
It's not going to work with a wasp.
He is 1 million percent a wasp.
And it's not going to work.
His family is very religious, very.
I hope this show doesn't mess with us like they did.
Again, I'm asking for a little spoiler here, MP.
They had teased that he sits down
with her parents at some point.
Does that drama play out?
Because at some point we see a scene
where the dad says this isn't gonna work,
but we've been fooled before
by their teases on Love is Blind. The only time I've seen a teaser of a dad saying this isn't going to
work is Virginia's dad. Oh, we'll see. And that's a teaser. I don't know what happens. That's in
2012. It's a teaser for 13, which I haven't gotten yet. No, there is no sit down on camera with Sarah's parents
or Ben's parents. The only full family situation we got was Taylor and Daniel's family and
Taylor's mom hated everybody. She had a great chair. We were Taylor's mom and her golden
doodle chair. I loved it.
Yeah, droopy dog.
Boy, love is blind. I don't like how like so what I'm referring to about like kind of manipulating with teases is
After we watched the first six episodes, they tease what would be an episode 9 10 and 11. I'm sorry and rather
7 8 9 and yeah, they showed David saying something really misogynist about
David saying something really misogynist about Lauren's hair. And then when you watch the episode,
it just passed right through like it didn't matter.
They do it.
But you should have the drama where you don't need to fake a tease.
And what's weird is that they did have the drama.
So let's get to the pinnacle of this episode.
I hesitate to say, David and Lauren Bowling.
The, okay.
I know it's a little icky when I call people stupid
and I probably harp on it way too much.
This guy is like low IQ, like seriously dumb,
chauvinistic piece.
Like he's just one of the most unimpressive, annoying,
boring, awful people I think we've ever had on this show.
The fact that he is still trying to put her before a forum
of people questioning her about who she may have had sex
with 10 minutes before she came on the show.
Who gets, look, MP, I made the case. I don't care if she had sex with 10 minutes before she came on the show. Who gets, look, Embi, I made the case.
I don't care if she had sex with a dude
the night before she came on the show.
I don't either, cause guess what?
She didn't know Dave, she hadn't met him yet.
If she went out to a bar on a Friday night,
banged some dude, maybe she'd been banging him
for two months and it's like last call
and you're like, all right, I'll go home with you.
I mean, who amongst in her 30s, like whatever.
Who cares?
And she bangs this guy on a Friday Sunday. She leaves for love is blind.
Who cares? Who cares? Same as it's the same as a Friday.
She went to the bar and hooked up with some guy and she knew Sunday night,
her best friend, etc. Up on a blind date.
She knew she was going on that blind date Sunday,
but she never met that guy.
It turns out that blind date is the most amazing guy at works. They get married.
Is he mad about somebody she banged two days before?
That's not your story.
That's not your story, you piece of shit.
That's not yours.
He's the worst.
I can't wait to meet the sister.
I don't know.
We're never meeting the sister.
So we don't meet the sister?
But I do have her Instagram if you want to look her up.
Oh yeah.
So he goes, you know the conversation with, he talked to her father and he tells her,
the conversation with your dad put a lot of stress on me. Now I don't want to get into like
into like gender norms or roles.
To me, a man doing this to an already frayed woman, he does this thing where he puts so much
of his emotional burden on her and then blames her for it.
He does it over and over and over again.
And it's such a gross thing to do.
I'm not saying that men can't be emotional
or that they can't lean on their partners
for emotional support, but this is a sick thing
that he does, constantly throwing this emotional weight
in her lap and then going, deal with it.
What are you gonna do with it?
And I like how she's like, finally she says,
what's going on here?
And he's like, look, I don't want
to dump you over a bowl of stale nachos.
Let's go hit another joint.
Yeah, let's go to a empty black box theater.
Was that part of the bowling alley?
Did they just happen to have Nextdoor ridded out just
in case?
So bizarre.
Here's the thing.
Unfortunately, David is probably going
to have a bunch of girls crawl into his DMs.
And they will be there for the next five years.
So we can continue to be an immature.
Next eight months.
People re-watch these things.
Because we do Below Deck.
And I always hear from the cast, like, they'll do the reruns on a Saturday ten years after their season and it start the
roller coaster starts all over again for them. Who the fuck would rewatch Love is
Blind? Or see it for the first time. It's like Seinfeld. Not a rewatch it's a it's a
I've gotten to the end of Netflix so I'll watch this. Yeah well he breaks it
off with Lauren and says that he cannot get past this thing
that is not an issue.
And then does this thing where-
Did I miss this?
I think that's in 11.
Oh, my bad.
They go into the theater at the beginning of 11.
My bad.
That's okay.
My bad.
I knew he was gonna break up with with her. He said, he said,
I don't want to do this here. Right. She's like, dude, the 11 we'll get to it. But this, he's like,
I got you. He ratchets up the douchebag so much. She's like, I think you went here and went in here
and didn't think you were going to get, Oh my God. This guy could not get off our screens faster.
Get in the comments. Let us know what you thought of the episode. MP, where do people go? Pink shade?
Uh, pink shade is just wherever you get your podcast, obviously. And then pink shade pod
is the Instagram and covering Lalu currently currently Crime Story, which Afro mentioned.
The main 90 day on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Pop and Bravo.
I talk about pop culture, talk about Bravo.
On The Prime, I'm covering 90 day last resort.
Love is Blind.
Coming up soon will be Temptation Island
with your neighbor, Mark L. Wahlberg.
Oh yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Guess what? Guess what? What?
Already, we're already pre-recording for it and woo! It's got the Netflix treatment.
They don't have the Netflix music budget yet. They've got the Love is Blind season
one music budget. Good. Are you referring to Temptation Island? Temptation Island is
incredible. I'm excited. On Netflix. I'm excited. I can't. Get ready to hate some people.
Get ready.
You're already watching these episodes?
Yeah, you just have to ask.
Netflix will send them to you.
All right, well, we want the Mariah Carey treatment.
We have it with NBC.
We need to get it for Netflix.
Anyways, go support MP.
We love MP so much.
She is one of the great eggs in this world
Enjoy the espresso martinis tonight girlfriend But I look around me and I see it isn't so
Some people wanna build a world with silly love songs
And what's wrong with that?
I'd like to know
Believe I know