Another Below Deck Podcast - American Peace | RHOBH S14 E12

Episode Date: February 21, 2025

Dylan and Pat are back to break down hot dogs, snow cones, watermelon coconut coolers, vodka, Ving Rhames and more from Bravo's RHOBH. Traitors at YouTube - https:/.../ the sponsors! use code BADTV for 30% 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I wasn't sleeping or eating well. I just wasn't feeling myself. I was chatting to some friends and one of them suggested I check out VHI Women's Health Clinic. I saw their Women's Health GP who connected me with a health coach for my sleep and diet and a psychologist for support. I was so relieved to have all these services in arms reach. VHI. Because your health means everything. Us pigeons see everything when we're flapping around up here. Well, almost everything. See, burning certain fuels releases invisible toxic pollutants,
Starting point is 00:00:41 which can trigger asthma and lead to serious illness. So if you're going to light a fire in your home, make sure to use low smoke fuel. Oh, and never wing it burning rubbish. Choosing low smoke fuel is better for all of us. Let's clear the air for everyone and remember to clean chimneys and heating appliances at least once a year. Brought to you by the Government of Ireland. Maybe she's in a relationship.
Starting point is 00:01:03 No, she's not. Okay, then no one on this cast is actually in a relationship Kathy Hilton is They're so old they just I think their brother and sister at this point Kathy Hilton scaring children was a hundred percent the best part of this episode Whoo, that looks good. I'm gonna have one after you my Like she's turning into Caitlyn Jenner. She is She looked like the richest homeless person I've ever seen in my life. Hi hello, welcome to another Brand Spankingankin' New episode of Bad TV.
Starting point is 00:01:47 I'm Dylan, that's Pat. Great to be here. We're going to be here for 17 minutes. You think so? Yeah, probably 17. I think we can get a solid 31 and a half. You really cut off there. I didn't know.
Starting point is 00:02:00 I thought the mic went out. That was kind of like ventriloquist now this uh This how this episode was interesting because it took place in one location Yeah, it's like that Roman Polanski movie with Kate Winslet and John C Riley and Christoph Waltz Oh, is that the one that I for rooms or something Kate Winslet came out like three years later. I really regret doing that Yeah, yeah, is it this because of the sodomy and all that? Yeah, you know Kate. I knew that before though You completely knew that before. Yeah. Yeah, you knew he fucked a Fucking 12 year old girl. Yes before that right? Oh Jesus Christ. Oh, this is on the free feet. Well, that's what he did
Starting point is 00:02:41 Yes, you know I didn't do it That's what he did. Jack was like ramen., come on, man. What are you doing? It was at Jack's house. Unbelievable. Five stars kind words join us slash another podcast network for traders. Summerhouse. I don't know if you know this, but we get screeners. Oh, that's true. We'll talk about it. I have to say this, Del. The Patreon people really want us covering
Starting point is 00:03:13 Summer House. I have to tell you though, I've been passively watching it. It's not that good. I know there are two hotties, thotties on there this season. Oh my god. That new girl with the lips. there are two hotties thotties on there this season. God. That that new girl with the lips. Is anybody going to tell her that she looks like she's from who frame Roger Rabbit? And I must say Kyle, the drunken little leprechaun. Yeah, I
Starting point is 00:03:38 don't know what he's putting in lover boy. You love Kyle. No, I can't stand him. But I think he, I think he just got five years younger. Once he cut that white trash, whatever mullet that he had for the last two seasons. Handsome looking guy. Well, keep the party going. Yeah. But so we'll be a battle talk for right now. We have to talk about Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Patrick, do not call me a bitch in my own house. That's right.
Starting point is 00:04:14 That's crossing the line. Now you can tell them, someone to their face that they're a filthy fucking drunk and mock them for it. But call them a bitch but not a bitch not a bitch this episode I'm gonna give my babies can I ask you what do you think of the season so far horrible it's horrible right horrible I felt like right around now and I don't know what episode we're on I feel like we need a girls trip which I assume is right around the corner yeah we're on episode 13 next we need a girls trip, which I assume is right around the corner
Starting point is 00:04:45 Yeah, we're on episode 13 next week So and and let me point this out honestly if we need to bail in the reunions We'll bail in the reunion if we have to we will Because I mean what what are we gonna do have Kyle just? Run interference on our own life on the reunion and have Andy not press her at all like it seems Why didn't watch the Super Bowl? It's like I know what's gonna happen do you see the future or something well evidently and hey what do you think about these shoes I thought they were cool I caught them when you walked in I like
Starting point is 00:05:14 them okay okay no one on this cast well I guess you could say Bose is in a relationship everyone else no she's not say Boz is in a relationship. Everyone else. No, she's not. Fair enough. She's in a multi-layered market. What do you, what are those called? Pyramid.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Multi-level or multi-layered? I think multi-level because there's levels. Multi-level marketing, yeah. Yeah. Um, but well, maybe she's in a relationship. No, she's not. Okay. Then no one on this cast is actually in a relationship. No, she's not. Okay, then no one on this cast is actually in a relationship. Kathy Hilton is.
Starting point is 00:05:51 They're so old. I think they're brother and sister at this point. Kathy Hilton scaring children was 100% the best part of this episode. Ooh, that looks good. I'm going to have one after you. My wife. I like how she's turning into Caitlyn Jenner. She is. She looked like the richest homeless person I've ever seen in my life.
Starting point is 00:06:09 My wife thinks Kathy Hilton is putting it on for the cameras. She's not that dumb. That dumb? I don't think Cherie's right. Well, we've talked about the wealthy. That exorbitant amount of money, it fries your brain. It does fry your brain because you have a lot of time yourself and you're not being productive. And you don't have to do anything. This woman doesn't know how to do stuff. And then soon after that, you end up sleeping till noon.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Then you have a bathrobe around you at one in the afternoon and the housekeeper's around you. I don't know how to work this. Can somebody buckle me in? She's an idiot. It's pretty good, Captain. Well, this cast, because they're not fun, I could never expect them to go on a girls' trip and start ripping it up.
Starting point is 00:06:58 No. With some guys in the pool. New cast. Well, think about- Do it in New York, get New York, get a Persian girl in there who's a bitch to everybody. And let's just have a fun time. Okay, but this is why the early days of Real Housewives of Orange County, or of course, legacy or
Starting point is 00:07:16 New York Housewives. They all knew how to have fun. Yep. Oh, yes, I do dear God did she they I mean her and what's her face they double teamed a guy dressed as a pirate Sonia Morgan. Oh, I took it in the blood. Patrick she did. Can I tell you something? My wife brought this up and I'll make mention of it later. Maybe not because I don't want to be redundant. But Bose has more glam on than I've ever seen a real housewife have.
Starting point is 00:07:48 My wife went after her with that little blue swimsuit thing. Okay, Boz is at an award show. Every fucking scene. It's a little too much. It's crazy. But all of the women have so much glam now. It's ubiquitous with the show. Erika Jayne showed up in body paint.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Okay, it's a fucking backyard barbie. Well, I know, if I call that American slutty bitch. Come on, baby. OC had Vicki Gumbelson screaming at minorities and she was wearing flip-flops. Right? Glam... Let's whip it up! Glam makes the women feel like they're filming.
Starting point is 00:08:33 And that's antithetical to reality TV. It's like getting a rubber nose as you're playing a character in a film. Right. You become the character once the costume is on. You become a different person. It's essentially a bunch of Daniel Day-Lewis's nowadays. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:08:47 So like, can we, it's pointless to talk about because Pandora's Box is open, but it's like really hurting the show, the amount of switches that get flipped. You know, it feels very contrived. Yeah, this is kind of unique to this version of the franchise. Is it trite or contrived? Contrived.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Contrived. Why am I fixing you? I don't know how to talk it. Well, thank you. Well, it's really for babies. You know, we say that Kyle sucks because she actually never shares any real aspects of what's going on in her personal life.
Starting point is 00:09:24 She was sharing a little bit more tonight. Okay but in the in reality I I don't think any of these cast members really show. Do we know anything of what's happening in Sutton's real personal life? No because there is nothing going on. I think there probably is. She probably has a boyfriend on the side that doesn't want to film. Erika Jayne, you think she's just getting off with that reno of her rental? No. No. She's playing around at night. Those are the stories I want to follow. Right.
Starting point is 00:10:05 So this season in my opinion sucks big dicks. This is where we talked about it on APS. You can find it at Patreon. The tenants have too much power. You can't you can't let these people have negotiation power over you. You need to get rid of them and you need to get a younger cast on and you need to see if you can do New York, but well, because I think everyone is tired of this cast at this point. Yeah, I think so. I like the cuts they made last year. Or it's not even younger, it's just different.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Like we don't want to, it's not Vanderpump rules. We don't need fucking 30 year olds. We need 40 and 50 year olds who are entertaining. So here's one problem. So if you notice in the episode, they cut back to, I think we used to call her Vampira, Diane. I miss Vampira. Well, we hated her when she was on the show because once again, she was basically choosing when she'd film and-
Starting point is 00:10:53 Well, she was a human trafficker who decided to go on reality television. Right. That's hubris that you cannot teach. And I want whatever drugs she's taking because she looks amazing at 52. How many babies? Zero. So we pack Sutton's asses in Garcel's face, and we get ready for the reno with Erica Jane, baby.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Renovation, more like reinvention, baby. Before we jump back to LA, though, back in Augusta, Gar confesses to Sutton that they overheard her family therapy session with Reba. These whole walking in and overhearing things and like Reba overhear stuff, it all feels very cooked to me. It feels like bullshit.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Yeah, maybe. I do want to point out though, anybody that really watched with a keen eye, when Reba was listening to them talk about her, did she not look like one of those ghouls in the thriller video to you? She was hunched over. Like, you know, in most zombie movies,
Starting point is 00:11:45 when the person turns to the zombie, and now they're going to eat your blood, eat your brains? She looked like that. Reba looked terrifying. I can't wait to get the fuck out of here. And we get out of there. Reba says that she's sad that some of them are gone. Just complete.
Starting point is 00:12:00 She's sad that some of them are going to be gone. Oh, good one. Complete bull moose. And then Kyle usually, this is where like, she usually can't wait to get home, but this time she's wanting to extend the trip. And I know that she shelters her life from the cameras, but like, she's being very real about how lonely
Starting point is 00:12:15 and sad her life is right now. Well, that's because at her home, she has to pass by an open door, which is Moe's office, in which there is a photo with Moe and the girl that he's currently banging. Yeah, and there are constant... Who would want to go there? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:28 So Reba says, I love you to Sutton and it's this big thing. Can I say something? I wasn't sleeping or eating well. I just wasn't feeling myself. I was chatting to some friends and one of them suggested I check out VHI Women's Health Clinic. I saw their women's health GP who connected me with a health coach for my sleep and diet and a psychologist for support. I was so relieved to have all these services in arms reach.
Starting point is 00:12:57 VHI. Because your health means everything. means everything. Who fucking gives a shit? In the fact, by the way, uh, you could jolt her into this. Like this was not genuine. But it's this thing where like, I recognize that this is a sweet moment. I just don't, I genuinely and get in the comments, let us know. I don't give a fuck. Let me say this though. In the early days of real housewives of orange county
Starting point is 00:13:27 I always loved when cast members would go visit family members I I loved when vicki gondolson would have her brother out her mother who famously she got a phone call had died and Vicki gondolson falls to the floor in a kitchen and of course, thankfully heather de bro was there one of the most disingenuous bitches on reality TV, comforted her, but probably chuckled to that demon she's married to later on in the episode. Terry, she fell. Like his fucking sinuses have been fucking crossed
Starting point is 00:14:01 16 different ways. That man, we don't need to get into it. I've talked about it too much. He's an evil son of a bitch. You know, we take for granted three little words and this is what made the trip. Gar says that? Yeah. What made the trip is Sutton's gay assistant fighting with Sutton's vile bitch of a mother. That's what made the trip. That nothing else made the trip. It was kind of fun seeing where that house that where someone had passed. No it wasn't. It was
Starting point is 00:14:32 really sad and haunting. Oh I gotta tell you I've been watching What Lies Beneath. The Harrison Ford Michelle Pfeiffer film? Every night may it cease to about 20-25 minutes and then I fall asleep. Did you figure out the end yet? No, not yet. What we know now is that the ghost is not the neighbor's dead wife. She's alive. I love that, how they had a little,
Starting point is 00:14:57 they tried to spin you into thinking, get you off the trail. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But is rather somebody who died in a car accident, I think. So we'll get there. I think we're going to do another 20 minutes tonight. Yeah. I love the scene.
Starting point is 00:15:11 By the way, I had this. I went to see that in the movie theater I mentioned when it came out. And Harrison Ford and Michelle Pfeiffer, when their daughter goes away to college, this is the first time they start deciding to have sex again. And they hear another couple pounding away at each other. And he goes, let's see if we can beat them. Yeah, this is the first time they start deciding to have sex again and they hear another couple pounding away at each other and he goes, let's see if we can beat them. Yeah. And I remember thinking like, Oh, old people don't have sex. Boy, very naive.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Well, the Harrison Ford and Michelle Pfeiffer are fucking torqued for each other in the beginning of that movie. And he's so loving and doting. And then all of a sudden, boom, he just turns into this like horrible person. Well, he's very stressed. He's got a conference. That's right. Okay, so we get to both she's got a friend named Tina. They've been cousin, cousin, cousin named Tina. I think you're wrong. Now I'm not because it's she's more important to her than her own actual biological sisters. She loves cousin Tina. Okay. I think you're wrong. But Bose is making cocktails with gold flakes in them
Starting point is 00:16:08 She's always trying to impress I love a hostess I hate this if you have a real Friend that's coming over. What are you doing putting gold flakes in the cocktails? It's like the Cringiest thing it's so weird to me. Yeah, I love pose. Well, it's for the cameras, but I know it's too for the cameras Yeah, so let's out. What's the acronym for that? for the cameras FTC's FTC's Too for the cameras. That's a FTC trademark that well, it's it's already trademarked. It's the Federal Trade Commission
Starting point is 00:16:43 Oh, well, they sit down and have some of those fancy drinks still. Yeah. And then Bo shares about her fertility journey. Oh my god. Before we get into the dark stuff, which we'll skip over. I'm going to probably get some shit for this, but I'm consistent. When old actors, I'm talking about Robert De Niro and Al Pacino, decide they're going to have kids at 80, I essentially call that a jizz off to see how old they can fucking
Starting point is 00:17:11 be while they sire a child. It is so selfish. And you're selfish because when your kids graduate college, where will you be? Dead. That's right. That's selfish. I mean, when Al Pacino's kid graduates pre-k, he'll be dead. He may be dead. Yeah. And it would be nice if a kid... My daughter put a Shrek
Starting point is 00:17:33 cover on my phone. Ah! Ugh, God. It's so crazy to see him, Sire, a child at that age because I have so much reverence and love for him as an artist You can have that and then you can also say as a person You're you're troubled godfather one to dog day afternoon heat the man is in She's just Carlito's way Never seen it. Oh Patty puts his I I Oh, Patty puts his, I'm putting my stamp of approval on it.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Watch Carlitos way. What's the one where he's blind? Oh God, why I would have said that and. In the comments, let us know one of the worst, one of the most bizarre. Scent of a woman. Scent of a woman. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:18:23 That was bad Al Pacino. That was like. Well that's when he started yelling for no reason. I mean my god. In here. Yeah, that was horrible. That was Chris O'Donnell that had to sit next to him in that performance. So thank god for Tina. She says to Bo's, are you starting to rethink this? And you need soft seed planting from friends like this,
Starting point is 00:18:53 because this is a horrible idea. Well, because, and she says, the way that she framed it, I think she was like, are you, is there a voice in your head that's saying that this isn't a good idea? No, it's actually a podcaster in North Hollywood Yeah, it's a bad idea. Yeah, it's a knucklehead horrible idea. So Bose tells a horrific story about pre-clamps. Yeah, and I It's so crazy that
Starting point is 00:19:18 Bose has Bose is a badass. Yeah, like especially at the tail end of the episode I'm starting to fall in love with Bose on their show. I, again, I've mentioned this a couple of times. I thought she was going to suck the first seven episodes and now the character is coming out. To go through this and know that you want to be a mother is like such a powerful, strong thing.
Starting point is 00:19:45 And she has battled so much. She's lost a husband. She's climbed corporate ladders. It is mind blowing to me that she is having earnest conversations about having a child with Keely. That's right. They're in direct conflict with one another. They don't make sense. I think she does say that kind of she hints at that. You haven't even said, I love you with this idiot. They talked about it last week.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Okay. So you cannot have a kid with this guy. You cannot. And that would be selfish. In the sake It will be insane. And insane. So maybe we should end this as a storyline. Let's get ready for July 4th. Erica and Kyle have a FaceTime. Erica Jane, baby, is such a rat. She tells Kyle that Bo said that she's cold, but... I feel like I could now produce this show now seeing how all these things get mapped out. Alright, so uh, 2 o'clock I think we'll film for two
Starting point is 00:20:40 hours at Doreed's house. We got to get that phone call with her, or Swamp Rat, calling to back channel that she said she's cold, because of course we need to touch on that at the barbecue party. And then, okay, yeah, we'll see you there. We're not recording. You know what, fuck you.
Starting point is 00:20:56 I am so surprised that like, I haven't done that in a while, and you did not fall for it. Well first off, I know who you are and you're not that other person. Oh, okay. So we get to quite an ornate July 4th party for a family with less than no money. These parties, we roll back a carousel on their costumes and their parties and I'm just
Starting point is 00:21:19 thinking, you know, I think one of the reasons why PK is in the position that he's in is because you can't write everything off, right? You can't attempt to write off a July 4th party and the snow cone machine, the IRS comes and knock and they go, hey, I mean, listen, was the snow cone really advancing your your booking business? I'm going to throw out something that's even more diabolical. All this stuff was on trade for branding. You got a little shot of the the blow-up house. Yeah. You got the snow cone machine that poor guy cooking fucking burnt hot dogs. I'll never eat out. By the way I'm going on year two of not eating a fucking hot dog. You got like 40 more to go 40 more years But I will never eat a hot dog again ever
Starting point is 00:22:14 I'll never eat a hot dog. I don't care if like I get like a Costed by kidnappers if they say we'll let you out of here if you eat a hot dog. I won't go I Don't like hot dogs. Let's say you're in a black site, right? You're in Guantanamo Bay They're fucking shoving shit so deep in your ass that you're really not in good shape I'll go is that a Dodger dog? She'll go. Yeah, I'll go no bueno Bring on the waterboarding keep it coming. Mm-hmm. Yeah, that is crazy to me disgusting Yeah, I mean, it what? Erica Jane goes and gets a hot dog. She goes, what is this relish? It's not relish. She
Starting point is 00:22:53 had pickle coins dotted all over the dog. I mean, it was disgusting. She's an idiot. And also, I don't like a hot dog that's way too thick. I don't like a girthy dog. Oh yeah, that's got to be it. It's too mushy to get through, you know. It's really... I wasn't sleeping or eating well. I just wasn't feeling myself. I was chatting to some friends, and one of them suggested I check out
Starting point is 00:23:20 VHI Women's Health Clinic. I saw their women's health GP who connected me with a health coach for my sleep and diet and a psychologist for support. I was so relieved to have all these services in arms reach. VHI, because your health means everything. It's really, what's the, it's the kosher, what is the kosher dog? The kosher dog.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Kosher hot dogs. Yeah, that's a brand. It's Hebrew national or bust. That is it. When you're doing backyard, I mean if I go to Carnie's they source good dogs. You won't even have a dog at Carnie's? I was going to take Ellie to Carnie's. You. You won't even have a dog at Carney's I was gonna take Ellie to Carney's you recommend that you never had a dog at Carney's Well, I don't mean hot dogs anymore. They have good hot dogs. Well, I was I'd eat like a vegetarian sandwich or something
Starting point is 00:24:14 I don't know there you wouldn't get a burger. No, I don't like I'm Getting out of that. I'm not judging. I just what do you mean? You're getting out of I? Don't feel good when I eat meat anymore and not because I wouldn't kill not gonna eat any meat Well, I'm trying to minimize I've been on this journey for like two years. I'm calling it a journey Now yeah, it's a journey. I eat like five percent of my diet is probably meat and it's turkey sandwiches That's probably why you were in a low-grade depression because you're completely My wife said that to me. Yeah So imagine you can't just eat processed foods and turkey sandwiches, Pat.
Starting point is 00:24:49 I know. And, okay, what are you going to eat? A veggie patty? Have some fucking meat. I know it's bad. We're completely detached from the process of what it looks like to take an animal's life. Thank God.
Starting point is 00:25:00 I know, right? Yeah. God. I was talking to, there's a guy at the office Gay mark. He's gay nice Massive Trump guy. I love him so much. He's the gay He's gay as a goose and he constantly how do you know he's a trumper cuz he can you mean him talk about politics all The time he constantly ridicules for being me being a Democrat and he's the gayest man
Starting point is 00:25:21 But he's he's an ex He's a vet. So he takes people on hunting trips, ex-military people, to help them with PTSD. He's telling me about going on a hunting trip in San Inez, up there in the Central Coast. Of course, that's where I drink all that good wine. Yeah. So he goes, he took, oh my god. I go, it's so brutal. I mean, he's showing me these pictures
Starting point is 00:25:46 of just fucking absolute, you know, just. What animal did he take a head off of? Rams. Okay. Rams, a lot of rams out there. So he goes, I take this person up there. Misses the shot, we gotta go out there. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:25:59 And it's just, he goes, the sound, I mean, you wouldn't believe it. Wailing. Just the wailing. Yeah. Oh my god I can't do it man. You know what I'm gonna join you on that. No, you don't have no no, no, it's disgusting All right, so Sutton arrives and no one is there. She's disgusted. Dorit was looking for her body chain What is a body chain, let me tell you something I think Dorit didn't want to come down and film with Sutton. I think so too.
Starting point is 00:26:26 And also Sutton, there are people there in the backyard. They're just too poor. And they're not reality TV people. So well, Kyle arrives and she points out something that is really fucking bizarre. There is a shrine to her and PK in the foyer. Oh yeah. Right, right, right. Yeah. And she probably has that there because if they disappeared it might upset her kids Which is a reasonable explanation which she didn't give but Patty did it for her for her
Starting point is 00:26:53 But once again Kyle your husband has a picture with his girlfriend that he's currently banging Seven feet from your front door. Shut the fuck up. I'm sick of you. Get the fuck off my television It is very weird, but Sutton says that she came Here in American peace like Harry S Truman Which I don't know if that was a joke or not because Harry S Truman dropped two nuclear weapons on Japan So I don't know that he's the picture of American peace, but no I mean, I guess I guess there was peace after that, you know Yeah, but not a peaceful act
Starting point is 00:27:27 Definitely not You know, I listen to all these podcasts about it and I I feel like you know at my end You weren't there You weren't there Pat. How could you possibly millions of people could have died? Okay, if that war went on and I always say this and it seems like a pretty reasonable thing. We had the atomic power, right? So what you do is you call Japan. Yeah, cuz at that point we had air Support superiority you go. Um, I want you to see what we can do to one of your cities, right in 10 minutes Look up at the sky and you drop that fucking bomb on an island where a bunch of
Starting point is 00:28:05 fucking geese live and then watch the bloom of smoke go nine miles in the air and go you want to fuck with us anymore. Instead they chose to kill. Right no dress rehearsal just fucking straight to show. Yeah I wonder if anybody thought about that I get it was a different time. Well, Harry S. Truman was peaceful. Right. At one point, we get a little neurodivergent with with Dorit. Oh, this was crazy. Dorit is mentally unwell. She is like somebody who got out of a Stanford experiment, but like got brainwashed or something. It's so bizarre. This, I'm taking your purse thing. Okay, so this was fascinating and so she grabs her purse. I didn't understand what this was about. No one understood. I started making a note, Ruby what is this about? And then it occurred to me. Ruby's skiing in Veil or something. Dorit was trying to rob Sutton's purse from her, but it was all pretend and fake
Starting point is 00:29:05 because Dureet knows what it's like to rob something in pretend. Yeah, yeah. Right? They staged it. So Dureet says that she's doing this because she was interrupted when Sutton was, or when, by Sutton, when she was pouring her heart out
Starting point is 00:29:23 about Ving Rhames or whatever her kids are. No, no, no no yeah, she's pissed because She was talking to her son Steve Perry She interrupted her yeah, I thought his name was Ving Rames No, that's a that's a black actor Steve Perry's the singer of Journey which they named their son after and What what did we say the daughter's name was? Sheila E? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:52 All right, so Garcelle arrives almost false. Hard. And we sit down for some drinks. I hate floors like that. Oh, those big slats for the sliding doors? Well, no, no, no. When you walk onto that kind of polished polished floor you can slip on it if you have nothing on the end of your heels. Okay I think we need to fix it. Okay so
Starting point is 00:30:16 Garcelle Sutton Kyle and Dorit I'll sit down. Garcelle says what are you drinking and Sutton says I don't know the watermelon something which was shade I'll sit down. Garcell says, What are you drinking? And Sutton says, I don't know the watermelon something which was shade. She's mocking the she's mocking the drinking the tailored cocktail. And Garcell is there out it says is there alcohol in it? And the read says, Are you asking if there's alcohol and Sutton's drink? Now Sutton flips, DeRite flips, because Sutton says don't be a bitch, okay? Now the two of them both need to calm down. I know you should never tell a woman to calm down, but in this situation you've got to recognize
Starting point is 00:31:01 what DeRite did, not a big deal. What Sutton did, not a big deal what Sutton did not a big deal Mm-hmm. What are we doing making a mountain out of this molehill? I mean, it's just crazy to me I know that we need to we need to make reality television But well, I think it's a mixture of two things one is they probably really hate each other They never know what one of them thinks the other be is being paid a little too much. Yeah But also I think one of them wants to get the hell out of there and call it a day early and that would be Sud. Well, she heads out, she goes, I was drinking that nasty watermelon drink.
Starting point is 00:31:35 And Garcelle really has an MVP moment here. She goes, oh, it's not good. And then Sutton throws her headband on the ground and Garcelle goes, oh, a kid could get hurt by that, but I'll pick it up. Incredible stuff from her. Now, Kyle's made Dorit aware that Dorit is leaving her party. And Dorit, like the worst Keith Morrison ever or something, she was like, there might be something underneath the surface.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Have you heard that TikTok of him saying, oh my God? No, you won't play it. Then. It was a cold town in a river. A lot of blue collar workers in that town. A website, one that you had to pay money to see. It's described as tastefully erotic death scenes. Mr. Russo had chosen the subcategory of asphyxiation.
Starting point is 00:32:41 I love that dude. I'm so sad that he is Matthew Perry's stepdad. I can't watch that show. I can't be reminded that we live in a society with fucking murderers all over the place. I mean, it's crazy. People kill each other all the fucking time. Let me tell you something though, dude. I've gone to college watching Dateline 2020 and 48 hours for the last 30 years. I know what out what to look out for. You know, what do you mainly look out for? Like what's the like? Well,
Starting point is 00:33:15 I'll be looking out for Elliott's boyfriend. So I'll tell you that. Oh, really? What do you see in them though? That's like the red flag control trying to be controlling. Yeah, it's mainly the boyfriends that do like the red flag? Uh control trying to be controlling. Yeah it's mainly the boyfriends that do all the killing. Yeah okay oh yeah 90 percent of murders are like dudes. Well yeah but dudes on girlfriends. Yeah. Oh wow. Gabby Patino. Case in point. So Erica Jane arrives. OMG. OMG. Erica Jane arrives in body makeup and...
Starting point is 00:33:48 Slutty American, baby. I wasn't sleeping or eating well. I just wasn't feeling myself. I was chatting to some friends and one of them suggested I check out VHI Women's Health Clinic. Um, I saw their women's health GP who connected me with a health coach for my sleep and diet and a psychologist for support. I was so relieved to have all these services in arms reach. VHI because your health means everything. Cathy Hilton as I mentioned looks like the richest homeless person of all time.
Starting point is 00:34:27 I thought we were going swimming. My aspect said it was ridiculous. So I wore this bag. She is the best. We get to Bo's verse the rest of the team. She says, let's go outside and Garcelle pops off. Here's my wife said, good joke. When she shows up in that outfit, this is Shuri.
Starting point is 00:34:51 She said, I think she has Mariah Carey stylist. Yeah, great joke, Shuri. She says, stop being, I turned my phone off, do not disturb. She says, what does she say? What does she say? Well, Bo suggests everyone go in the pool and Gar gets mad because Bo's is trying to defend Dureed. Yeah, and then I guess Bo's goes over to Dureed
Starting point is 00:35:22 or something, or maybe it's an OTF, but Dureed says, don't be a bitch, don't be a vile human, don't be a douche. Now she didn't, she said it with a lot of pauses in between and it was, it looked like she was like starting an old fucking engine. She is trying way too hard this episode. It's really off putting. I think she felt like she had a sense of control because everyone was on her turf, but I think she felt like she had a sense of control because everyone was on her turf, but lost it.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Sutton heads out and lays down some bonkers reunion stuff. I mean, she just eviscerates her. Sorry, your divorce didn't go as well as mine. Sorry, you don't have as much money as me. So it just, foof. All Dorit needs to say is I'm hot. That's it needs to say is, I'm hot. That's it. And she is.
Starting point is 00:36:07 I'm hotter than you. I think they know that. I know, but Dureet could really be mean with it. Cause Sutton was, that's unbelievably mean to say. It doesn't matter because she's saying it to Dureet, but we get back to it. Kathy Hilton is scaring the children, as I mentioned, and we sit down.
Starting point is 00:36:23 I do want to mention, it's odd to have the children walking around. There were at least five kids under 15 years old and you have these knuckleheads. That's what I was thinking. When you're a kid you think back on like all of the toxic environments you were in and how tuned into it you were. Like I don't know what these these kids are probably just ignorance is bliss. I don't even know whose fucking kids they were I know Keith Richards was there, but And Joan Jett, yeah, that's their daughter. Yeah, who's saying? Hit me with your best shot Pat Benatar Pat Benatar what Pat Benatar. What a voice.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Oh my gosh. She's such a talent. So Erica finally gets a hot dog. Like I said, it's littered with pickle corns. It was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. It's like ants on a log with fucking two meat and pickles. So gross. So we cut back to a carousel of
Starting point is 00:37:23 Garcelle standing for Sutton. And I completely forgot about Vampira. It was great to see her. It was great to see. So Judge Bose feels calling someone a pathetic drunk versus a bitch is not equivalent. They are. If you call somebody a pathetic drunk,
Starting point is 00:37:42 that's obviously way worse than calling someone a bitch, but joking about it the way that she did. Can I say something? Watermelon coconut cooler or whatever the fuck it is? That does sound disgusting. It's disgusting. Don't put coconut in my water-forward fruit stuff. I really don't want coconut in anything except for a pina colada. Personally I don't like watermelon as a flavor. I don't like it. You are. How could you not like watermelon as a flavor? Don't like it. What are you a cherry person? It's like, no I don't like that either but it's
Starting point is 00:38:17 melony in... It is yeah. No. Watermelon is the best Sour Patch, the best Jolly Rancher, the best that. Have you ever, in Los Angeles. Watermelon is the best. Some warmer cities, there are usually people with cutting up fruit on corners. Love them. One of the great joys of being in LA are the fresh fruit
Starting point is 00:38:41 stands. I think they're all human trafficking operations. Well, they all work with some like gang territory. You get that bag of cut strawberries, mango, I don't know what else. Pineapple. Pineapple. And then they put a little lime juice in there. Don't put that on my fruit.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Don't put tahini on my fruit. No tahini? No. I'm not a spicy guy. I even like the tahini. No. Throw that in there, shake it up, put it in a bowl. Oh my God. I don't want your boy. I don't want to heen. I don't want lime. I don't salt on any of it It's it's good fruit. Why are you fucking it up with fucking chum? Well, you're enhancing it with flavors. It's disgusting
Starting point is 00:39:17 Where are we? Oh Bo's reminds everyone we're on a path to sisterhood here. What they get in the comments Let us know. Do you like to heen your fruit? Or do you like it just naked? It's a very divisive issue. Yeah. We have tahini in the house. You're a tahini guy. The wife. So crazy.
Starting point is 00:39:34 I don't know what it is. Everybody loves it. I can't deal with it. It's like this. It's the spicy and sour at the same time. It's not a. I'm shocked to hear you say that. OK. So Kyle thinks that her and Bo's have
Starting point is 00:39:47 made a very strong connection. And this is where we kind of turn over a page of the drama away from DeRitte and Sutton, and we get into Bo's and Kyle. Now, this is a very convoluted argument, because I almost don't even want to break it down. Because Kyle and Boz are arguing about nothing well and then Dorit is interjecting and trying to siphon it away about her. It's just nonsense.
Starting point is 00:40:13 I'll break down the game film. So Boz basically gets caught because she had said that Kyle was cold and she says Kyle hasn't been deep or had any real moments since she's been around. And I said, no, no, no, that's exactly who Kyle is. You there is the surface level that she just puts out there. There's nothing that she's allowing you to go deeper than that, which we've been complaining about for seasons. And then Kyle thinks she's biased. And then Kyle accuses to read of being up Bose's ass and Then Dorit wants to know when they made up. Oh Dorit wants to note with Kyle when they made up on that beach that Faithful day like as multiple oil refineries pumps seven trillion gallons of co2 in the air
Starting point is 00:40:58 Yeah, did she really mean it? You know, that was a lovely day. Yeah. Well, Kathy Hilton gets a confessional She's a cat. I can't believe we're turning a mountain into a mole. Is that the same? And then we get a little healing between Kyle and Dorit. Wherein, Dorit brings Kyle up and Kyle is able to heal with Dureet because she can see in plain view that Dureet is losing her mind. Or becoming a hoarder. Right.
Starting point is 00:41:30 So the worst thing about Dureet's living quarters is not the mess. It is the four by six picture of her in Piquet. What are these pictures that people take? I can't, maybe I'm a little too cynical, but I could not sit there and take these photos. Okay, so living in Los Angeles for over 20 years now, I've been in people's houses, and sometimes there's a portrait.
Starting point is 00:41:59 And I'm like, what the fuck? I don't mind a cute family portrait, but these like Blue steel black and white smoky pictures. All right, so, you know, you go to home goods and you buy those plaques that say be kind Home is where the heart is all those like messages. I think these pictures are remind them that like hey, we're a couple, right? I think these pictures are remind them that like hey, we're a couple right? Look how good these times were we should stay together in PK despite the fact that we owe the government nine million dollars
Starting point is 00:42:36 This was a good night. This was a good night. It was a good day. That might be what it represents Oh god, so we asked about Kyle and Mo she says that they've been in denial That is the wrong word. He is not says that they've been in denial. That is the wrong word. He is not denied. He is not he has moved the fuck on. He's stringing her along so he doesn't lose half of his money. That's what's going on. He's he is trying to keep it going is he doesn't want to have to be in meetings where he's dividing up assets.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Well, he's and he's I think they're doing a little financial, you know, with the agency not making any money in eight years doing a fire drill right now with his finances. Well, before Kyle comes in, right, takes the buying himself a little time. Yeah. Um, but then we get, sorry, Dylan, just a sticking point with me. I hate that she's unable to say that on air.
Starting point is 00:43:21 What like, I don't know what he's up to. Like the fact that she's pretending like, I think we're just both in denial. Fuck. No, you're not. Like I would love to see the private messages you're sending each other. Yeah. So this is why she needs to go. Yeah. And perhaps someone that is more willing to let their lives play out. Let it out. Just break the seal. Cry baby. But we watch him. Yeah, well another thing that he's doing, and it's weird because Mo seems like he's a good guy. He seems like he's very family oriented. He has this charisma and he seems, he's a good dad and stuff, except from spoiling his kids rotten and not teaching them anything about life really. What is particularly insidious,
Starting point is 00:44:12 listen, you can expect the worst in men, particularly in divorce and women, but a lot of times men are the biggest pieces of shit. I think that he's one, one biting his time so he can rearrange some shit. Two, I think that he's going to make her do it. So that maybe not so that he can tell the kids that she's the one that did it, but he'll definitely tell the kids that this isn't what he wanted. Hopefully they're smart enough. They're all girls. So they're smart enough to see that their dad is a dick who's making
Starting point is 00:44:45 out with people at LAX. Bum, bum, bum. If I'm Kyle and I really want to, basically I think at her age, my age, you start like wrapping up what you think your itinerary for your last 15 years of gainful employment are. I think she's 55. I would go, I'd love to do another 10 years of this. Here's how I get another five.
Starting point is 00:45:07 I take a season off. Me and Mo, we work out whatever we're gonna do. It's not gonna be like in the public. And then I come back in 2027, a single woman ready to fucking rock it. Yeah, I think so too. If I'm her agent or whatever. Well, we'll see what happens next week
Starting point is 00:45:25 We get the reveal that he is in the tabloids now We'll see what the fallout is from that next week until then get in the comments iTunes ratings reviews five stars kind words Traders at patreon radars slash another podcast network. We love you guys very much. I am Dylan saying goodbye Pat say goodbye later Say goodbye. Later dudes. I can walk on the stone, I can walk on the glass, I'm walking all over this earth. I can walk on the fire, I can walk on the air, I'm walking all over this earth. I can walk on wood, I can walk on wire, I'm walking all over this earth. And I can walk on grass, I can walk on grass, I can walk on...

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