Kill James Bond! - Charter Guest Interview: Todd and Grant

Episode Date: July 22, 2023

Charter Guests Todd and Grant join us to break down the horrors of the throuple, leaving feces in the toilet, WW2, using people as weights and more from their charter of Bravo's Below Deck.Ad Free at at at Group at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, everybody. Old Paddy here. Normally, Dill does the housekeeping. Oh, hey, Dill's here. We got a great interview for you. It's a little late. It's the last charter of Below Deck season four, the final episode, where the charter guests, I think the episode was titled Two Thrupples or Too Many Thrupples. There were technically only two thrupples on the boat. Anyway, we got Grant and Todd, the nice charter guests from that particular charter, who we get a whole breakdown on how they knew Randy slash Ray Stash.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Who was the... God, I already forgot the names of the people. But anyway, it's a great interview. It's just amazing. And lots of tea. Lots of tea. So much so we had to actually bleep some things out because we don't want to get anybody sued, you know? But anyway. Oh, thank you for that reminder.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Oh, right. We don't want that guy's name in there. Yeah. Anyway, you're about to hear a wonderful interview. Any interview that you got to bleep names out of lest someone be sued, you're on to something. That's going to be a juicy one. I have the same sentiment. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:05 So we're going to start the interview, and we asked Grant and Todd, who are so gracious to come and give us their time and give us all the tea, and you're going to love the episode, if they had any promos or plugs, and they did not. But then we talked to them later on, and Grant, the handsome guy who's got the rack of six-pack abs there, he actually has an OnlyFans, and he wanted you guys to go check it out. It's not porn. It's just him showing off his ass and his great abs. It's at Grant Foreman Fitness.
Starting point is 00:01:33 So if you're an OnlyFans person and you want to see Grant looking all hot, go support him over there at OnlyFans. Yeah, he's probably got a wax butthole. There's probably a lot of really cool stuff going on there. Of course he does. Yeah. Of course he does. And, and you know shouldn't we all i shave my ass all right well uh hopefully Joining us from all over the place, Berlin, the whale's vagina,
Starting point is 00:02:18 it's none other than Todd and Grant from the thruple charter of below god sailing yacht that goddamn thruple really overshadowed the two nice guys yeah yeah the people that paid for everything were very very nice but unfortunately they were not messy so um they even got the master suite out of it you know okay well let's get into all that we can't thank you guys enough for joining. I don't know. Say hi. I think before we start, we should clarify some things because I've noticed even in our Facebook group, which we call the members, the Barnacles, and we did a collab last week.
Starting point is 00:03:00 It's all over the place what they thought. Whose mom is Debra? Oh, yeah. Debra is my mom. I know all over the place. What they thought, whose mom is Debra? Oh yeah. Um, Debra is my mom. I know that. All right. So Debra was your mom. And then we had the throuple, which is made up of Nick and Randy slash Ray. That's the married couple. Correct. And then Bruce and Randy are married and Nico is the boyfriend. Nico is the boyfriend. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Okay. And by the way, thank you for doing this. Two barnacles. And this actually
Starting point is 00:03:28 kind of sets it up. Two of our listeners went to high school with Grant. That's right. Oh, wow. Ashley and Megan. And they kind of put this together for us. And Grant, they couldn't have said anything bad about you. Everything was what an amazing person you were,
Starting point is 00:03:44 how you were the life of the party everybody loved you which brings and begs the question why are you friends with demons great question really really okay i need to answer this he is not that was grant's first time meeting randy yeah so the backstory is uh i was single and i took my mom to Brad and Randy's wedding. And the funny part is that wedding night was spent with another boy. There was another Threeple member at that point. Right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:18 So there is the backstory. And when we got picked to be the end, our episodes are supposed to also be in pride month it was supposed to be like a back-to-back uh there so they really wanted to like tie in like okay the sexuality twist with an inclusion of family got it okay the puppet masters over at bravo i i do need a little bit more clarification what is your relationship okay well okay we're gonna get into all of it but we we theorize because we were doing a season finale recap with uh the reality gays which is another show we're happy we did it with them because they gave us an insight into the gay community uh bringing your mom on a vacation ultimate gay move i think um but also this this thruple has a very strange dynamic going on because it
Starting point is 00:05:09 would seem as though who was little brad little i had little brad okay little brad brad is little brad does brad make all the money and tell ray to keep his mouth shut? Is that what goes on? Brad is the doctor, and he found the message. Okay. All right. Got it. But Randy comes from a ranching family and actually works for one of my friends. And so it's just Texas people being bored.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Got it. Okay. Now, do you guys have a work relationship with them? Because it would seem as though we were theorizing that that was the connection between the two of you and the thrumple. So I've known little Brad for like 10 years and traveled and done a bunch of trips with him. He invited me to go to a wedding one time so just like he was a good and like he had like we recently contacted me before we did the blood deck thing it's like i want to go on a trip that's just not typical and i was like okay i think i've got something yeah yeah you're not and usually when you travel with people, you have fun with them. So you don't even get that side of like, that's why I was so surprised that,
Starting point is 00:06:29 I mean, when Randy showed up the two days prior to taping, he got off of that airplane in a mood. And I was like, oh, he's just kind of a cunt. Right. He's just, you know, whatever he's just being. Maybe it's jet lag. And I'm still just being my regular self. I'm like, I'm sure he'll wind down.
Starting point is 00:06:45 And it never wound down. Okay. He, he started on 10 and he went through 10 all the way. He got up to 20, especially throwing up a goddamn sink. Well, he has no agency.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Brad is just completely controlling his life. But anyways, I, I, I don't want to put this, I hope this isn't in a fan's mouth and if it is in a fan's mouth please accredit it to them
Starting point is 00:07:07 what was going on at the dinner when Grant and Ray or Randy got into it there was something about little people wearing clothing that was too small they were disgusting to Randy
Starting point is 00:07:23 what was going on there so do you want to be the star you don't want to go grab well i mean so the you kind of saw it in the episode that todd brought up the day prior when we were out in sardinia to his mom i mean she had her couple glasses of wine and it was just basic like kind of bitchy girl talk and then kind of had a problem with like all right it was just basic like kind of bitchy girl talk and then kind of had a problem with like all right enough's enough you're kind of being a mean girl right and then that was that and then so todd brought that up at the dinner and i guess they had already talked about it because then brad chimed in he's like no the backstory is it's when fat people are
Starting point is 00:07:58 wearing clothes that are too small for them they need to have some respect for the rest of us because they're being offensive and then that's what i'm like enough is enough is enough right so we had started off at dinner talking about our like a lot of us have all had plastic surgery at that table we were like so there's a much bigger conversation and they chose exactly what they wanted to do and then they like ran and they didn't even show the real fight that happened because there was also arguing between them before
Starting point is 00:08:34 that Todd and I weren't even aware while we were getting ready they were on the upper deck having at it with each other which they didn't put in an episode which I was kind of surprised what was that fight over? That fight was, because we did a tender
Starting point is 00:08:49 start, they got us lit on land and didn't inform any of the crew how drunk we were. Right. Normally, it's like a hop off the phone.
Starting point is 00:09:04 We were four shots of tequila and two espresso martinis Okay. Normally it's like a hop off the phone. So it's like, we were four shots of tequila and two espresso martinis deep going on to that fucking dock of death. Okay, got it. Wow. Which makes for great television. They didn't need to warn anyone.
Starting point is 00:09:18 It's fun to watch. I get it. I have a question. So when you're watching it as a viewer and you didn't know kind of the breakdown of how everybody knew each other i assumed that grant and randy had a rapport with how comfortable randy felt with calling grant a bitch like or something like todd's mom came up and he's she's like so have you and randy had sex i'm like what she's like i just assumed you guys had had a previous sexual relationship and that's why he was being such a bitch to you i'm like i literally met
Starting point is 00:09:49 this man two days ago had been nothing but sugar to his salty ass yeah yeah yeah and then and then he decides to launch in on me like i'm he's got some acts to bear right he's like i haven't liked a single word that's come out of your mouth all goddamn fucking day. It's like, what word? How beautiful the water is? How amazing this boat is? How lovely this is? You know what I think it is? I think that he wants those Avatar tattoos that you're rocking, and he just can't pull them off like you.
Starting point is 00:10:16 So he got a chip on his shoulder. Two listeners, Leslie Hanlon and Liza Harper, have the same question. Are the thruple still a thruple? I can't honestly answer that. I don't know. Last time I stayed at their house, Brad sleeps downstairs and they sleep upstairs. Uh-oh, Brad.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Be careful when you're playing these kinds of games. You don't want to be the odd one out. I mean, the way that he met the throuple, Todd, explain the wedding night. Like he got married to Randy. That was a different person. That was a different. A different throuple person.
Starting point is 00:10:53 A different third. Yeah. Do tell. We got all the time in the world. Yeah, yeah. No, no. Like there had just been a different third name that had been around that Brad may or may not have known about and found out on the
Starting point is 00:11:07 wedding okay in the wedding bed the third joins in he's like well by the way you married me you also get this third she pulled so he's been like the shit out of the stick from the beginning yeah yeah yeah okay so he pulled a shiv roy should just, you get married to somebody and you go, I want to, I want to fuck other people too. Um, yeah, I, I would be a little upset. Uh,
Starting point is 00:11:29 okay. Listener question. Okay. Yeah. So we'll thank you for all that. That was, we'll get into throwing up in sinks and stuff like that. Maybe we'll wrap this up with that.
Starting point is 00:11:37 You guys should have flushed the toilets. Both of you. That was really disgusting. Now we, I'm kidding. I'm kidding. Just so you guys know, we interviewed Lucy,
Starting point is 00:11:45 who was a stew on that boat, and she confirmed that it was Little Brad that took a dump. And or... Oh, cool. Yeah, okay. All right. So...
Starting point is 00:11:56 Because of the size of the turd? How would she know what bubble that came out of? No, it was on the... It was a healthy stool on the Bristol stool chart. She said that it was one of the throuple. It wasn't for sure Little Brad, though. So going back, so Randy wakes up on the floor in the bathroom and is mad that no one helped him into bed.
Starting point is 00:12:20 But he was not savable. So they were having like a pre-dinner drink uh before the glamazon theme and they got into like that dispute over it so like uh that mic footage is from the deck ah now it makes interesting so they a little fun editing from bra, huh? You know, I love when the sea rats come in here and say, everything that you see is how it happened. Hey, lying sea rats.
Starting point is 00:12:50 You're sea rats. We know you're liars. All right. Yeah, we were. How many minutes were we shown and how many minutes were we on the boat? Let's correspond. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right, exactly. I mean, it happened.
Starting point is 00:13:01 I guess you can say that. I mean, sure. We did say it. You know what I mean? Just maybe not in that happened. I guess you can say that. I mean, sure, we did say it. You know what I mean? Just maybe not in that sequence. Wow. Right. All right, so some softball questions.
Starting point is 00:13:10 I guess we'll wrap up a little bit with Randy, though. Caroline Keegans wants to know, what did she think of the throuples behavior? Obviously, she was trying to be friendly with Bad Brad at night when he was basically crying that he didn't sign a prenup. What is her overall relationship or feeling when you guys left the boat of that their behavior uh she was like like because we behaved so well they on like the last day it was kind of like water under because
Starting point is 00:13:39 like also we went to bed that randy was actually going off because of the fight you didn't actually see wow there was more yeah there's more so it went like randy left the dinner and went up and had a cigarette when i was down in the cabin after i'd slammed the doors i went up during dessert and tried to talk to randy to see like what the heck was going on and the crew ended up having to pull us apart really yes wow I would love to have seen that yeah great I know you could have beaten the shit out of everyone there oh god that was some restraint you had yeah and not in television I'm like I'm a 41 year old man you were not getting me on tv this one moment my 10 minutes on television,
Starting point is 00:14:25 and you're going to see me thrown fist? No, no. Well, so what escalated? Was it just drunk bullshit you guys fighting, or did he say something? I was just like, who are you? You've never behaved like this on any of our trips that we've done.
Starting point is 00:14:38 What is going on? Well, Todd got really, like I was trying to calm down in the room. He was like, I feel like I just ruined this for everyone. Like this is someone that I thought was going to be a great addition. And now this is our chance to have this wonderful weekend. And it truly was. The amount of fun we had on the water toys that they didn't get to show,
Starting point is 00:14:57 which is great. There was more fun to, you know, obviously. Yeah, right, right, right. But those water toys were epic. We had like jellyfish everywhere that they had to clear away from the dock just for us to get on to the boards. We really had the best trip. Right, but Todd fucked it up because he invited Brad.
Starting point is 00:15:13 So he felt guilty. He wanted to go up there, and he was kind of like, you're screwing this up. Todd, when Randy walked into your room, sorry, we're back to Randy. That was after. I don't know whether that clip was there but so we had like a little like steve when we're getting our clothes ready for steams uh they a grandy like accused uh and by means i had to charge their credit they couldn't
Starting point is 00:15:38 wire the money for this charter he kept bringing up money yeah like how did grant pay for this yeah he's like how are you here you didn't have to pay for this trip I'm like what I contributed in cash and they had to put it all on a charge card like one I mean where is this coming from what are you talking about money plot thickens
Starting point is 00:15:58 by the way I'm sorry I thought I wasn't sure if you said this in passing as a joke Todd is bad Brad a physician. Uh, not right now. He does a advisory. He's still a medical doctor. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:13 I gotcha. He got it. Cause the whole Purdue pharmaceutical thing. Gotcha. Yeah. Well, to answer your question, your viewers question, your barnacles, uh, like dad was switched into lawyer mode big time with him and really started talking about exit strategies because he is a good guy like he talked
Starting point is 00:16:31 to me a lot after like i really didn't intend that conversation to go that way i really that's i had no idea it was going to blow up that way um and then she was trying to get him away out of that marriage and i think you heard the clip on the show. He's like, he's going to take me further than I can. Like, I can't get out. So her lawyer sidekicks in trying to help. Can I say this? Be certain when you marry people, everybody. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Yeah. It's going to last forever. As certain as you can. What we've noticed, guys, because we've been covering this for a number of years, it's basically the discourse with co- co guests is pretty common on these vessels. And I think the money that people are laying down has a lot to do with it in this pressure to have it all be worth it. And that puts people in a mood.
Starting point is 00:17:15 Just my theory. Um, we're going to do an episode this week of, uh, uh, of down under and it's primaries. I mean, I'm sorry,
Starting point is 00:17:23 uh, rather guests going at it. So it's pretty common. Yeah, with that money, like when it got to the end, we thought we were given a pretty good tip because Todd and I were giving the tip. They weren't contributing to that part of the tip. And then when Todd tried to come in.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Thank you for that clarity. I don't think it was a bad tip. It was another Bravo moment. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It wasn't a bad tip, but it's a good tip. No, no, yeah. It wasn't a bad tip. It's a good tip. No, no. There's more money. They just cut it differently. Because we didn't have enough in cash and Todd wanted to
Starting point is 00:17:52 wire. They wanted us to wire. Sorry. So, anything but clothes, Alicia didn't come out in anything. I had brought extra euros with me to leave them a better tip not knowing that they would allow me to do it so i saran wrapped in the galley uh before she
Starting point is 00:18:12 brought dessert out went down to 800 euros and made her a bra oh so she had a whole really cute fun outfit to wear eventually that was made made all of extra tip because really her food was next level. Yeah, no, no, no. She did such an amazing job. She's incredible. I wish she was a worse chef because it would be more entertaining, but it'd be a worse vacation for you guys.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Were you pissed at Daisy for not participating in the anything but clothing? I mean, Lucy's asshole sweating and Daisy is just having to fuck. She's just in normal clothing i was like this is fucking bullshit i honestly didn't even notice there was so much else to look at you know yeah no and just like heavy camera roll time yeah it looks like that but daisy knows what she is doing yeah yeah. It's like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:05 When the guys holding the camera are on the boat, every other people are trying to get more and more time. Got it. She's just been there, done that. She's like, whatever. I'm going to keep surfing. Yeah, she's a pro at this point. Okay, we have to let these gentlemen go.
Starting point is 00:19:21 A few more listener questions if they don't mind. All right, Brianna, Karen wants to know, what's your dream theme party slash dinner? It took us so much time to come up with those. Don't say party. We had a lot of time with anything but clothes. That was fun because we had a huge interaction with the cast, helping them get dressed, making things. And that's why there was so much mess after that because like we were going for it and it was just time right uh but i don't know that but what i do know is what new iteration of blow deck is coming out with
Starting point is 00:20:02 and it might describe some of these why people's behavior is this way. Hmm. What? Dude, Todd, what is why so cryptic? You're like a... Yeah. You're like a... I'm not going to be cryptic,
Starting point is 00:20:14 but there's kind of an all-star thing coming. Oh. Or not so star. Oh, so someone might have tipped you off while you were on charter about this. Perhaps some talent on the charter, eh? Interesting. All right.
Starting point is 00:20:30 That's a fun little tidbit. I love when Todd speaks like a bog witch or like a shaman. Just like very, very kind of, you know, only, only cryptic. And then he sips his water after. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. All right. A couple other quick other quick hits guys thanks for doing this again um uh stewart gunyon who happens to be our overlord
Starting point is 00:20:51 of the facebook group he wants to know have you guys chartered before uh i've turned into catamaran and that's about it i've done a lot of luxury cruises. And so it's just where we're headed. And once you've charted, you do not want to go back. Got it. But I mean, the amount that Bravo picks up, like what that would have cost us if we did it on our own, I don't think we'll ever be able to approach that level of, you know, $175,000 to take that thing out on our own.
Starting point is 00:21:27 We had to pay a good chunk and it was a good chunk yeah but it ain't nothing to what it would be like if we weren't on a show well never say never you keep using human beings as weights you might start an entire new breed of fitness you'll be a fucking multi-millionaire also a question by jeremy vago do you uh typically uh use uh human beings as weights? Yeah, honestly, I do boot camps in the park. So I'm a mobile personal trainer. And half of those are free boot camp workouts in San Diego in the
Starting point is 00:21:55 park before I moved to Berlin. And so there's no equipment necessary. So you can use a partner as a plank because the person's planking the whole time. So both people are getting active. I was a CrossFit instructor before that. plank because the person's planking the whole time. So both people are getting active. Dude, I was a CrossFit instructor before that. How long was Mads planking for? These were like 30-second intervals.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Oh, okay. All right. I was like, if she could do a five-minute plank, I'm just fucking blown away by her core strength. No, it really did add up to some legit planking though on her part. That's why I was like, good job. Nice core, man. Alana Callis wants to know, would you go on the show again? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Okay, better question. That was the best vacation of our life. Even with Randy there? Hang on, hang on. Would you do it again with the throuple? Why not? Okay. Hell no,? Hell no.
Starting point is 00:22:46 No, no. That's some toxic, gnarly crap. We think so, too. We have other dramatic friends that are a lot of fun. Well, we hope to see you guys back on the show. You guys were a really, really good time. Really fun. We hope you can do it again and have a better time, though.
Starting point is 00:23:03 We do thank you for Todd fucking the entire vacation up by inviting the thrumbo is great television uh anything you guys need to plug please uh let the audience know uh yeah i mean mine's just grant forman um so i'm a massage therapist i've been since i was 25 my mom was one my dad was one. So I do that in person obviously and then I do mobile personal training which means online programs and I travel to people's houses so I can train people through Skype. Check them out.
Starting point is 00:23:34 And you guys are both going to move to Berlin or how long? You're in San Diego? We're there. We're there. Okay. Yeah, I'm just visiting home for a week. Are the Steins not too... It's too much beer, right? It's just way too much fucking beer.
Starting point is 00:23:49 How about their beer? Nobody doesn't mess up your gut. It's just fucking ridiculous. It's so much beer. But it actually goes down, and you're not getting this, I don't know, weird gluten giant bubblegum out of it. And 10-year-olds are drinking Radler's, like half lemonade, half beer.
Starting point is 00:24:06 So there's something better about it. Beautiful, beautiful culture. I don't know. Beer is so nuts. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's just so much slower of a lifestyle over here. Yeah. Well, enjoy it and just keep reminding them of World War II.
Starting point is 00:24:24 All right. Everybody, jump in iTunes, Ranger, Newsleaf, Five Stars, Kind Words. Go follow these guys everywhere. Thank you, gentlemen, so much for joining us. We really appreciate it. Thank you, guys. Thank you, guys. Thank you.

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