Another Below Deck Podcast - Get to Mexico | Love is Blind S8 E5&6
Episode Date: February 20, 2025Pat and Dylan are back to break down Twin Flames, lies, incoherent rambling, thai food, rocks, incoherent rambling and more from Netflix's Love is Blind.Traitors at ...YouTube - the sponsors! use code BADTV for 30%Â
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We can't have people standing on principle on this show.
And thank God, Lauren is faced with exhibit A through Z
and back to A1 through Z1 of this guy being an absolute dick
and says, you know what?
I wanna go to Mexico.
And bravo to you, Lauren.
Bravo to you.
That's what I'm saying.
You'd think that people would have had enough of a silly love song. But I look around me and I see it isn't so. Hi, hello, welcome to another Brand Spangin' New episode of Bad D.D.
I'm Dylan Edspan.
Great to be here.
We are here to break down episodes five and six of Love is Blind.
The penultimate is the last episode of the show.
And we're going to be talking about the last episode of the show, which is the last episode
of the show.
And we're going to be talking about the last episode of the show, which is the last episode
of the show, which is the last episode of the show, which is the last episode of the
show, which is the last episode of the show, which is the last episode of the show, which
is the last episode of the show, which is the last episode of the show, which is the last
episode of the show, which is the last episode of the show, which is the last episode of the
show, which is the last episode of the show, which is the last episode of the show,
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last episode of the show, which is the last episode of the show, which is the last episode
of the show, which is the last episode of the show, which is the last episode of the show,
which is the last episode of the show, which is the last episode of the show, which is the
last episode of the show, which is the last episode of the show, which is the last episode
of the show, which is the last episode of the show, which is the last episode of the show, which is the last episode of the show, which is the last episode of the show, which is the last episode of the show out of Bad Key B, I'm Dylan Edspan. Great to be here. We are here to break down
episodes 5 and 6 of Love is Blind, the penultimate and ultimate season of the
first block of season 8 of Love is Blind. Netflix, fuck you. I haven't seen this
much incoherent rambling since I think what ended The Bachelor in Paradise
franchise. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, no, no, no. I'm gonna do it again. I'm gonna pull Stu finer. No, no, no.
Netflix? Fuck you. How dare you, Netflix? I thought the Bachelor in Paradise or
Bachelor, like the conversations they had, were stupid. This is next level. Yeah. Yeah.
Get me out of here. Get me next level. Yeah. Yeah.
Get me out of here.
Get me to the resorts and some good stuff better happen there or Dylan and I will jump ship.
We'll move on.
We've done it before.
We've left.
We've left seasons that we're supposed to recap like with two episodes left.
We just said, fuck it.
I hate it.
I mean, we still have to finish love is blind season three. I mean, no flavor of love hate it. Yeah. I mean we still have to finish love is blind season 3
I mean no flavor of love season 3. Yeah, and we were enjoying that
Yeah, we just got busy got busy
But what this show needs is more flavor of love slash another podcast network
Traders is there APS is there PMC is. We're going to do a fan meetup this month. I promise you all. Sorry we fail all the time. We're going
to do that. See you soon. Announcement coming soon. But listen, we're gonna get
into our blindfolds. Okay. I'm gonna give this episode zero blindfolds. Okay. Now,
it was actually, these two episodes had something. I'm gonna give it one blindfold. I
Told you last episode that I hate Alex and I do
Because Alec represents Alex represents what is so wrong about this show
The way flavor of love approached his seasons is the way that we need
contestants to approach this season. I'm a, you know, broken record here but let's
all remember that this is a meaningless fruitless endeavor meant to entertain us.
This is not about you pod rats finding love. For Alex to ivory tower white knight at the end of
episode 6 the way he does was get the spackle for drywall because I'm furious
okay. You're referring to him because I guess we could speak openly about this
he dumps Madison. Not only does he dump Madison, he dumps Madison
because he thinks they can't get over their, what's the term? It's like love language, but
but it's for conflict resolution. Her attachment style. Attachment style. Which she is avoiding.
Right. So and we've been talking about this for four episodes. That's right. Okay. This is a man
who's been talking about this for four episodes now.'s right. Okay. This is a man who's been talking about this for four episodes now. Hold on. Hold on, Dellen. Dellen, I'm going
to defend the man for a second. And I'll just, I'll smother your defense right after. Go ahead.
When they had the conversation about Mason, in which she shared with him her feelings about
what took place, she said he was basically kind of a dick and he screwed up
and he should have apologized to her because he had told her that she was his number one.
Yeah. And then he took it back. Right. And that's not fair.
And he said, well, I think you, you both had a part to play that. And then that's when she got
really quiet. And when you get real quiet quiet when you're having a conversation with someone yeah
rather than have some good conflict resolution skills yeah it's called
avoidance and she was engaging in that yeah I think he was triggered by it and I
think he even used the word trigger well you can't passive aggressively trigger
the thing that you want to see so that you can break up with somebody which is
exactly what he does he gas littered a kingdom come you think so boy I have two
different takes well let's it's because I really say fuck the patriarchy and you
still are you you know you think Alex is part of the patriarchy oh yeah before we
get started you know Pat said to me I don't know what else white males are
gonna do anymore you know he's like I like, I was like, Pat, come on,
you're gonna be kidding.
He goes, he goes, he goes, Pat goes, where's our marches?
I did.
Where's our beanies?
I said, where's our day, you know?
Yeah, yeah.
Alex is a little piece of shit.
You're just, let me tell you something.
When you're trying, when you're dating somebody. You're just mad you don't get to see Madison in the resorts.
100%. 100%. Okay, he robbed us from that. Yes. But really blame the producers.
I'm not saying that they should fiddle with this. In the last episode, go listen to episode four recap.
We workshopped some production ideas, which I'm sure the producers of this show will still.
Gun barrels, cyanide, drip torture,
stuff like that.
Dylan has a wonderful name where we switched this up.
It's called Second Chances Pods,
which is when you come back from the resorts,
you can then rethink your first choice
and choose someone that you dumped,
if they're available.
I think it should be right after the pods,
because we need to get more people to the resorts.
This is the last thing I'll say on Alex.
When you're dating somebody,
you don't bro out and defend the guy
at the expense of the person you're dating.
You don't do that.
That's disgusting behavior. And you really don't do it
whether to
subconsciously or consciously pull out
The excuse for you to break up with somebody which is exactly what he did
He's a manipulative little bitch and there is no room for integrity in this game. No one cares about it
Integrity and love is Blind is a
little bit like an ibuprofen addiction, okay? It's pathetic, it's boring, and we don't
need it. One blindfold.
Alright, fair enough. Dylan?
Also, David sucks.
I feel like you're making two arguments here, but one doesn't make sense.
Alex was completely in the right to sniff out the fact that Madison is still a damaged
person and quite manipulative. He's correct there.
Why you're mad is what I had just said.
He should have just went with it and said, fuck it, she's hot and let's make some good
TV here.
That's why you're really mad.
Well, I, I, I want to see Meg, this whole trigger effect.
There's another one.
Meg should have been with Mason.
Madison should have been with Alex and Madison should have been with Alex,
and that would have been seven couples at that resort.
And we would have had the four stars
of the first round of episodes be on the show.
We don't have that right now.
So let me tell you, I do need to be transparent.
Madison's unbelievably attractive,
and I'd like to see her continue on the show and I apologize for that, you know, but you know
You know, that's how God made me I'm a pig well, you'll see at the barbecue and she's dyed her hair pink
Okay, great news one blindfold. Go ahead. Um
I'm just really upset at this season six episodes too long. I'm a broken record. I can't believe they did this
I don't understand why they did this. I have to be honest, I haven't heard other people complain
about the running time of these episodes. I have. Oh, you have? Okay. Oh, yeah. I just,
I don't know where people find the time. And again, I make the argument, this is supposed
to be entertaining, right? You're not supposed to create content in which 99% of the audience,
I would presume, are staring at their phones scrolling while this is on the background.
This is what season four of the Kardashians was. You vacuum and clean your apartment while
the Kardashians are on. This is supposed to be must-see TV. I can't wait to watch this.
This is one of the the things I'd
say that the net one of the great shows of Netflix, right? I mean, they have like 18 different
versions in 18 different countries and did with their purity. Zero, zero blindfolds.
God, just think about it. I wanted Molly so bad.
Molly would have been great.
Think about it.
We had Winehack.
We had Damien.
We had a tank mechanic who was $50,000 in debt.
He had to sell his house later on.
That's what we want. We had fucker.
We had Carlton who was sexually confused, deeply misogynistic man.
That's what we want.
Look in the box.
That's what we want. Damien, look in the box.
Oh my God.
You're gonna trauma dump on us
and not get those crazy lunatics to the resort?
You're kidding me?
I sat through 17 fucking hours of my parents picked me
or drugs over
me and then we don't get to see what happens once we're living
in affordable housing. You got to be kidding me. Shame on you.
Shame on you.
We pick things up with David and Lauren. He says that he and
she's like, Hey, what's going on? Yeah.
She wants kids at the bottom of that Molly drama. Well,
yeah, she says, Why, why would you make Molly feel like she's
your number one? And he says that he never told Molly that
she was his number one. And that is a lie. That's true. It is 100%
a lie. He can, he can, he's gonna do this at the reunion,
I would imagine so, which is dumb bro technicality, right? So he's gonna go, I never said that,
but hey, moron, when you say I'm going to break up with the person that's not you, that
kind of means that the person you're talking you're
talking with about those plans is the number one choice. Okay,
asshole, he's gonna get out of it. Like that idiot from last
season who went for sleep apnea and he was texting girl about
blasting on her face. Yeah. And then she saw it. He goes to the
reunion. They let him off the fucking hook. Yeah. Well, he does the thing that David does. He did the thing that David does, where he's
just going to play victim the entire time. David turns from telling girls they're gross,
telling girls there's something wrong with them, but just joking. That's just him keeping
it light too. I'm crying. And I don't cry.
You cry constantly. You're in a constant flux of an identity
crisis. That's why you're on this show because you're a
damaged little puppy. Okay. And now you're pretending like you
never cry.
Now he does something with Lauren here after she's like
really stressed out about where this is going. He's like, just
do something for me. And I think I'm quoting this.
He's like, just keep trying.
Just keep trying.
Lauren gets back.
And here's the David told Molly he
wanted to break up with Lauren.
More on that at 5.
Now, Brittany breaks up with Devin.
He tries to break back up with her. She goes, yeah,
this isn't going to work out. And he goes, yeah, you know, I didn't think it was going
to work out either. Devin, shut up. Okay. She's breaking up with you because you're
a dork who legitimately and earnestly said you had an Advil addiction and you weren't
cool with her having lesbian experiences in the past. So no, she's breaking up with you dude. That being said, he says I'll always
appreciate you and he gives a big thumbs up for Virginia. Yeah. And this is one of
the nicer breakups I've seen on this show. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They go their own way.
And Virginia and here up next, they give gifts to one another. They're boring as fuck.
And I don't know where they get cooking boards,
but I don't really care about this segment.
We can move on.
Let's do it.
Sarah and Ben, he thinks that doing errands is sexy.
He said there's nothing sexier than grocery shopping
and folding the laundry.
Well, she says that and he says
there's nothing sexier than that.
Okay, there's a lot sexier than that.
She says that she met her twin flame even though he didn't read up on BLM.
Twin flame.
Okay, alright.
I don't like, I don't like Sarah.
I don't like Sarah.
Twin flames.
Twin flames.
So stupid.
Anyway, they lay on the floor and he tells her that he's starting to fall in love with
I think she says it back.
Now it's still an issue with her.
He's not read up on these social issues.
Is this in the women's quarters when she talks to I believe Lauren about it She says she wants to make sure he's on the same page with her causes
this where I harken back to another time where I felt like a
Couple could be together and maybe not think alike
Let's do this if you're going to be if these causes are going to be so important to you
then If you're going to be, if these causes are going to be so important to you, then, you
know, people used to actually put shit on the line.
Yeah, they'd hop on a ship and like they'd ram ships into Japanese whaling ships.
Go get arrested if these are really important to you, okay?
Don't just shout to a conservative guy
who goes to church every Sunday that he needs to change. I mean listen, it's
admirable. I think he should change, you know, he's probably on the wrong side of
a lot of this stuff, but I mean, god damn it, is this boring. Well, I think when
someone feels very strongly about things, Sarah, then she, then it's really
important to her that they are on the
same page. And I didn't hear any conversations in these pods that would affirm that they are on the
same page. No, God, no, he would just get quiet and go, Well, I want to think what you think.
And that's not how it should be. Because this clearly is very important to her and so she should have honest answers about what I think
So too if she is a bit of a slack tivist and that is important to her. Well, that's a word. Yeah. Yeah
If if these issues are important to her then she needs to find somebody who agrees with her that's everybody's right, you know
He goes to church every Sunday.
Well, regardless of what takes place.
Not saying that you can't, you know who you're dealing with
if you watch the show.
I can't believe these people talk this long
and they don't really get into.
Regardless, they get engaged after this wonderful
So David, David is crying about what his sister is going to say.
He has a very weird thing going on with his sister.
Actually, I think it's a, I don't know what the word would be for this, he's using that
as a way out.
Oh, kind of like Alex. Maybe. So he can tell Lauren
at any time if they get engaged that actually you guys saw the episode sorry, that at any
time my sister is really kind of doesn't feel good about this and he can use that as an
excuse to dump her ass.
Well so Molly and David are up next. David is being quite the little bitch as we mentioned. He's lying to these girls then crying about how emotionally confused he is. It's like dude
stand on business if you're going to lie to them you know just own it. and if you don't want to own it
Definitely don't cry and say you feel
Panicked emotionally because that's just a really
Really fucking pathetic thing to man up you was back to string two women along and lie out of your fucking mouth And then start crying about your emotions. It's just pathetic now
Let's talk about Molly in this moment because she is kind of playing the cool girl.
I really like Molly.
I do too and some people want to know what her little tick was that...
What is it?
How often does she do that?
All the time.
Can you give context of her talking?
Well say something to me.
Molly, what do you think? Where do you like dogs?
Can we get dogs?
Yeah, we can get dogs.
Molly, what's your favorite type of food?
I'd say probably Thai.
See, there's a role reversal.
You took on the role of Molly, but that's because
I really wasn't, I wasn't feeling like you were committed to the scene. That's why I
was a little, I thought, I thought you said you were Molly. Yeah, no, I was, I was, but
you shouldn't you go, yeah. Well, you didn't pull it out of me. I felt like you weren't
committed to the scene. I needed you to be, but her tick is yeah. She says yeah. Yeah. All the time. And
she's a little weirdo, but he breaks it off with her and I am, I feel protective
of her heart because I think that she's great. I think that she's a sweetheart. I
think at this point if you're David He should have just flipped a goddamn coin because I don't think it mattered. No, of course, it doesn't matter
Molly walks in and this is where I get really bad vibes from Lauren. All right, so this is the women's quarters
Yes, so Lauren the whole season has been this very fragile. I
Need to get away from this energy, I can't handle it for
the for the entire season. Sorry, I'm not speaking very well. Molly walks in and Lauren
sees that she is emotionally distressed. And she is so comfortable. She's instantaneously
in the pocket. Because she realized she won. Wow.
I understand that that's a natural emotional response to things.
You know, something's making you unhappy, you go away.
But there was some kind of glimmer in her that was really, really gross when she saw Molly walk in.
Well, let's continue this then.
She approaches her, gets her to talk about
what was happening, and then she says,
you know, it's kind of David's fault.
He's an asshole.
He tried pitting us against each other.
Now, I'm thinking, if Lauren has any integrity,
she'll go in and she'll break it off with him.
And she does press him, she heads into the pods
and asks the right questions, in and she'll break it off with him. And she does press him, she heads into the pods and
asks the right questions, but buys all of the bullshit, hook line and sinker.
Buys it or wants to be good TV.
Now this is where I don't hate Lauren the way I cannot stand Alex. This is what we need. I think with Lauren,
I don't think that it matters to her
because I think that there's,
I think she realizes that he's kind of dumb.
It's dumb and he's a jerk.
But I think that she can use that.
But Lauren definitely wants to be on TV, okay?
Now you're not fooling anybody with the,
oh, I'm the fifth grade teacher,
I'm an education supplies consultant. You're a nicey Midwestern girl. You want
to be on TV, but we need that, right? We can't have people standing on principle
on this show. And thank God, Lauren is faced with exhibit a through Z and back to a one through Z one of this
guy being an absolute dick and says you know what I want to go to Mexico and
Bravo to you Lauren. That's what I'm saying. So he should we run through their
conversation briefly he shares that he can change. Wait, she shares that if he can change
his mind drastically during a single Oh, sorry. Yeah, no, I know. It's a lot.
Sorry. It's a cat's cradle.
She's basically confused how he can bounce back and forth between the two of
them. Yeah.
Yeah. And then he shares that he's concerned about his sister being pissed
once again, referring back to her and then he reads notes from his journal and tells her he can see them getting engaged.
Yeah, okay, great. David's sister seems to think that there is no woman that is good
enough for her brother. That's a tell. Everyone is good enough for your brother. I saw a homeless
woman throwing rocks at cars on Hollywood Boulevard today. She is good enough for your brother. I saw a homeless woman throwing rocks at cars on Hollywood Boulevard today. She is good
enough for your brother. Okay, your brother is not a diamond in
the rough. Your brother is a fucking smushed penny with gum
on it. Okay. He is a typical douchebag. All right. We get to
today. Am I being too harsh? No, no, no, I think in this case
He is definitely a douchebag. He hides benign behind the veneer that he is a
Former douchebag or attempting to get out of the douchery. Yeah
Yeah, I don't yeah, no he's not so let's get to Taylor and Daniel
So let's get to Taylor and Daniel.
This is the moment where I'm like, oh, I think this is the psycho that Pat's talking about because he gives her a
Christmas stocking and
She already has that Christmas stocking now listen
You know a lot of people have Christmas stockings with initials on them, right? But this
kind of Peaked me a little bit and I was like, is this the sociopath that Pat was talking about? And they talk about Instagram
here. Oh yeah, that was an odd conversation. That was an odd conversation knowing what we know.
Well, I wouldn't even know what your handle is. This is why I like spoilies because if you know then these conversations
have more meaning. If you don't know they just seem like two idiots talking about Instagram.
Yes that's true. So we move on. Where are we? Well he mentions he used to be smaller until he grew.
And then she should ask, well no, he should ask her,
hey are you attracted to Tom Cruise?
You know?
Or Peter Dinklage.
Then she says her insecurity is her body
and she doesn't weigh herself.
And then he talks about not
looking let's move on okay so Sarah and Ben two hotties meet this is very boring
they're both very attractive they kiss they will who knows well he ran to her
like it's one of those $30 a TV at Walmart deals yeah yeah yeah almost
people get killed all that stuff no No, she's very attractive.
He's very handsome. They're going to do great. Let's get to Lauren and David.
David says, if I could dream up the most perfect woman,
she wouldn't compare to you. Vomit.
Okay. He then says, I'm crying over here again.
Vomit. All right. I think they get engaged. He then says I'm crying over here again vomit
All right, I think they get engaged. Yeah, this was hilarious cuz he he proposes he says Lauren
I think he was searching for a last name, but he hadn't bothered ask
No, that is I know what it is
But it's who gives a shit because Cole plays the music bed for this amazing celebration of enduring love. Mm-hmm
Yep, enduring love. All right, let's get to the guts of the episode. Mason and
Madison. We see a barbecue guy named Brad. There's, you know, those quarters, I like,
I would need to know more about these future pod squad barbecue people? Yeah. We have second chance hallway, right? Mm hmm. And then
maybe we have barbecue hallway, right? Where I like that you go.
Now I know you saw the person you're into, but let's just give
you one last look at a barbecue person, right? And then the
doorway opens up. And then there's the person they're
flipping patties, right?
Oh, it's gonna say imagine if you had a button you could close the door you do right? Oh and
you see him flipping patties and then
You just hit that button right there and you close the door and that could be a fun little little moment for the audience
You know what I mean? And then you like of course mouth. I'm sorry as the doors closing shut. Yeah. Yeah, we're
kind of do a
one of those
Yeah, no poor Brad so um
Now Brad's handsome it's just he's a barbecue person. I don't want to comment of people's looks it's revolting
And who am I once again?
Look at me Don't do that. vain bitch. Alright, so Alex Daps Mason up and wishes him good luck. That was very
sweet. Very sweet. I don't know why you like this guy.
He turned down being on TV and getting a free vacation.
Who cares?
Who cares?
I think they all know what each other looks like.
Minnesota's a small place.
It's not a small place.
It's a small place population wise.
I don't think so. Hey Siri, what's the
population of Minnesota? I bet it's under 3 million. 5.7 million. Okay and then how
many people are in the dating pool of 27 to 35? Hey Siri, how many people are in the dating pool? What was the age?
27 to 35 in Minnesota.
27 to 35 in Minnesota.
Small number.
Let's see, relationship status, trans according.
Hey Siri?
They really gotta work on Siri. She sucks. Is that AI still technically? I don't even know.
It's kind of. It's supposed to be grabbing information from the internet. Yeah, like watch this. I'll go to chat. I'll go to my British or Australian lady.
Ask the same question. 27 to 35. Hey, how many people 27 to 35 are dating in Minnesota?
See that.
It's analyzing, it's gonna take a little bit.
I'm not sure of the exact number, but many people in that age range in Minnesota are dating.
Would you like any advice on dating or anything else? Yeah sure give me some advice on dating. Sure the
key is to be yourself and stay genuine. Focus on finding common interests and
listen well. Also try to keep things light and have fun. So yeah yeah so
specific question if I thought what happened to George Floyd was wrong, oh well would that be
Like a common like it would that be a good thing to kind of you want to get arrested or something
What do you mean? I don't know man. What do you think that me thinking that what happened to George Floyd was wrong?
It would be something that I would get arrested for no
I wasn't sure if they thought you were being cynical or something about no way
I mean, what do you keep going back to this word all the time? It's just so ridiculous. All right
Mason goes in and
He leaves you gift. She really reads in the riot act. Okay. Well, he left a gift first though. It's very romantic
What's the good reference to blasting in a woman with no protection? He left her a cream pie. Oh, that's right
Yeah, how romantic? Yeah, so she reads in the riot act and she is right on the money with everything that she said I I
started to feel bad for him because
There's no rule book to this game right and and he really does kind of
book to this game right and and he really does kind of honorably say at the end I made a mistake and I got to live with it okay so I'm not too upset with
Mason but he did try to keep both things going as long as he could.
You know we've just we're learning people that watch the show that then go
on it are learning there is strategy to this I heard multiple people cast members say oh never say you're my
for my first choice or something right because that will go back into the
quarters and then that will ruin things exhibit a B and C as it happened here
well you know you're you're frustrated with Madison for telling Meg but Mason
goes in and he tells Alex that Madison
ruined his chances.
That's right. That's what I'm saying. But where did it start?
Who cares where it started? I think that's very important.
Well, Megan Mason get into the pods and this takes us into
Episode six. And he tells Meg that she was his number one the
entire time except for yesterday when he told Madison that she was his number one. And I think it was the cream pie conversation. Yeah, definitely.
Yeah, it was the cream pie comp. If it wasn't, I'd be shocked. So good on Madison for that.
He's disgusting. But good on Meg for not being a second choice. Yeah. She could have just easily have said, you know,
I'm fine with Meg. Meg seems more genuine when she's like, I couldn't do
the whole default thing. It would just chew away at me. Her integrity seems
more valid than Alex's integrity. Yeah. Well, I love Meg. Me too. She's a goofy nut
job, right? She's available. Maybe she'll, you know,
Marry an alien. She's maybe she'll marry an alien.
She's actually a flight attendant, so she'll actually probably perish pretty soon because these planes are going up in fucking flames.
I am not flying. I gotta go to Seattle in a couple weeks.
It used to be, this is a horrible thing to say, but you'd be like, I don't want to fly.
Oh, a plane crashed last week?
I'm all good, five years at least.
What's the chance of two planes going down in the same week?
Yeah, I know, they used to say it's safer than driving to the airport, right?
No, not really. I don't get into car accidents because I'm not an idiot
You know the conspiracy theorists are like they don't want you flying and when you're flying well, it's working I
Do not want to fly
All right, let's get to Taylor and Daniel. Oh, is that where we start?
Yeah Taylor and Daniel. Oh, is that where we start? Yeah.
Meg ends it with Mason.
That's right.
The episode title, Dill, and I only bring this up
because you mentioned it last episode,
is called Do I Know You?
Answer, no.
Got it.
So we get to Taylor and Daniel.
This guy is the meek psychopath, I think.
They read notes to one another
and then propose to one another
and Jason Mraz plays or something.
We get to another reveal, David and Lauren, my least favorite couple I think.
Like I mentioned.
Oh, Dill, I'm sorry.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I do have to mention this.
Okay, so back to Taylor and Daniel for a second.
They read each other those stupid letters.
And then, okay, so they haven't seen each other yet.
I do want to talk about Taylor and Daniel when they see
each other. I have thoughts on that. Okay, give me back to
Dave and Lauren.
All right, Dave and Lauren.
He doesn't put a ring on her finger at first. And they talk
about they haven't really talked about moving in or anything
like that. Because they've been so embroiled in this conflict right between him and Molly and her
But yeah, they're they're gonna make it to the resorts. We're gonna see them soon
They have zero chance of I'd say getting engaged at this point though. They agree
It's going to be fun and I say to that we'll see we'll see
Virginia and Devon proposed first he reads the love letter of I have the
letter the trend yeah go ahead the letter reads dear Virginia as in ibuprofen
survivor I'm so happy to meet you and oh then it gets pretty boring after yeah
but she says yes yeah it got pretty boring at the D Right, right. Yeah, so that's when it got boring
Madison and Alex kick things off with a little trauma. She says I got you a rock for my dead brother
well, and this was special because
He's dead
Well her brother used to collect rocks and the ones he collected he'd smoke
Right. Yeah
And rocks and the ones he collected he'd smoke. Right. Yeah. Yeah.
And then he would collect other rocks when he was smacked out of his mind on amphetamines. Right. So and then her nuts that
the next because there's two gifts. The next one is a
hypodermic needle. kidding. It's paintbrush. Yeah, it's a
Then they get into some deep shit they do and and she says
He got her a book of his grandmother's paintings and his grandmother seemed to be very impressive person, which is weird
I don't know why the art wouldn't have landed harder with him
Knowing the reverence that he has for his grandmother
Right now dill this is where you and I bump heads, but I'll let you take the lead here knowing the reverence that he has for his grandmother. Right.
Now Dill, this is where you and I bump heads, but I'll let you take the lead here.
They start arguing over the Meg Mason drama.
And I think she did interfere.
That's his case that he makes.
Well we get to Mason and Alex decides to pick a fight with Madison in a very passive aggressive pussy way
his girlfriend is telling him that
Mason hurt her and
That Mason was being
Manipulative towards her. Mm-hmm now
That's not the full story, right because she was talking about cream pies. That's not the full story, right? Because she was talking about creme pies. That's
right. Okay. But his response is that he understands his side of the story. Now, if
you have ever cared about somebody and they tell you that somebody else hurt
them, that's not the opportunity to go
well I understand where they're coming from he did say that I know that's not
this is not the place to say that right we're trying to get to Mexico so when
she gets pissed at this deservedly so right because if you were arguing with
your wife and you said you know that, that woman is, you know, an asshole. And she
was like, Well, I understand where she's coming from. You
would be pretty pissed off. Yeah, I get that. So she's
pissed off because Mason strung her along and lied to her. And
when Alex says I hear where he is coming from, she kind of gets a little quiet. Now this
isn't a nuclear detonation or anything, this is just her being a little quiet because she's
pissed off at somebody. And he turns this mole hill into a mountain and goes, this is the avoidance thing that I'm talking about.
He put this Bunsen burner on this little solution and watched it bubble up and then said, see,
this is what I'm talking about.
So why did he come on the show, Dill, for tracking people's reasoning for their motivations.
I'm not sure.
I think that he wanted to be famous, but is one of these weirdos with integrity that wants
to be famous, but he wants to be famous.
Those two are in conflict with one another.
I think that's why I'm...
You think that he came on the show to find love.
I think he came on as it used to be with people coming on The Bachelor which is someone signed you up
and you're like this could be crazy and I think he got weirded out by Madison
yeah and because clearly hearing him talk I don't think that's his background
like look I'm not judging I'm just saying Madison and Alex have dramatic
never worked yeah it would have never worked. And I
think he was troubled by that. And all right, this where you
and I can find a common ground.
Will you get the comments? Let us know who's in the what do you
think? You know,
he used that argument to basically allow himself to get
the fuck up. Yes, yes. And that's not. There's no integrity
in that to me. Right. But it's hard to say on television if for talking about it go your family's fucked up. Yeah, I can't imagine myself
Spending Christmas right with your mother right right and this is too much for me. That's real integrity right there
Yeah, you're too damaged from yeah, and I'm sorry. Hey
There you be Madison. Oh, I'm Madison. Yeah, okay. Hey Madison Madison, I'll be Alex. Oh, I'm Madison?
Yeah, you be Madison.
Hey, Madison.
Do you remember when you told me that pretty much everybody
in your family is dead from drugs?
Do you remember when you told me that your brother died
from drugs?
Yeah, I remember that.
And like, I think it was your dad or something like that?
Well, he overdosed first on my birthday.
And it was on your birthday, right?
You remember when you told me that? Yeah, that stuff is freaking me out. So I don't think
it's gonna work. That's integrity right there. That's integrity. That's being honest. Yeah. Yeah.
And again, we frown on that in this culture. This show has no room for integrity. Um, what a fucking idiot this
guy is. He deprived us of him. He deprived us more importantly of Madison and her wicked cool tattoos.
How would she have possibly faked being into Mason or Alex in this on this show? No she she's she's she may be evil she may be
evil I think that she's you know we talk about this all the time you can have
sympathy for people's backgrounds but when you're staring down at where you're staring really up at her
and she's holding a pocket knife and she's trying to stab you in the eye it's
not really the time to sympathize right we've we're dealing with a nutjob and
she's a nutjob because she had a very very you know destructive child. I feel very bad about that.
But yeah no she was not gonna work with anybody I don't think. No no no no.
But it would have been great to see her. All right, so I want to talk about this.
We do the reveal for Virginia and Devon X.
He proposes.
Their conversation was very sweet.
Well, can we really quickly say, and I know Dead Horse,
but this is where production has got to step in.
They have to get these people back.
Because I understand that these conversations can't be... we need to
develop a new trope in the new seasons where we're not sure if the end actually
is the end. Well Dylan we've seen it not be the end a couple times with Jackie
and that MMA fighter we saw it with Zack and Blaise. But I mean I mean if they break
up with one another we need to get them back in the pods, or we
need to go back to the men's quarters, we need to see them looking despondent.
We need to cut the tallies, cut the mics, and we need to have a conversation with production.
We need to get them back in the pods and have one last go.
Production needs to force those people to do that.
I think they could find a different way. We'll workshop at Dylan, but I want to see Meg and I want to see Madison on the beach at the same resort. I don't know how these idiots that are
running this show don't recognize that you need to leave with the crazy. You can't leave with the boring
Can you imagine Vanessa and Nick? I mean they're wasted as they're doing production meetings and this is probably the problem
They're like no we want this to be keep this like us not fiddling with it guys
You're still creating you're supposed to create entertainment entertaining
I really would love to talk to a producer of this show I would be I would be a great interview well do you remember they did
that season where two couples went to the resort it was the worst one of the
guys he didn't even have a credit card remember that I mean the if you the
Bachelor is the worst production in reality TV. It's 100% the worst, right? A fellow podcaster asked if we could go on their show today
and I was like, we're never watching The Bachelor again.
No, no, no, no.
So The Bachelor is the worst.
But this show, if you think about it,
again, Dead Horse, we talked about it last episode,
the majority of these seasons aren't just bad,
they're really horrible.
But they have done things where they can't keep the pod rats under, um, NDAs.
These people rat, right?
Um, they have to edit around people.
This is a film that they film.
This has happened more than once.
This is not a tightly run ship.
They're bad at their jobs.
I like that you're calling them out, Till.
I'm normally the one that leads that charge.
OK, so we.
Sorry, so let's get to Devin and Virginia.
They leave the cameras on them talking.
Don't get me wrong, it was very sweet.
They had like one of the, I think, one of the more real conversations about what their
future would look like, yada, yada, yada.
But my God, 10 minutes of them talking.
This is ridiculous.
So we are going to leave the pods with Joey and Monica. Boring. Maybe not though, who knows?
Mm-hmm. Ben and Sarah, kind of boring. I think they're gonna be the most boring.
David and Lauren, excited to see that. That's a toxic waste, right? Mm-hmm.
Daniel and Taylor. We'll see.
We'll see.
And Devin in Virginia.
And Devin in Virginia.
So five couples, which I like if they all make it to the resort, I
I don't think Daniel and Taylor are making it there.
I don't think so either. So we've got
we skipped over their reveal deal. And this is why I want to talk
about. She clearly saw him and gave an expression watch it back. She was not in him
No, I don't think she recognized him. I think that she just thought that he was unattractive and then immediately went into
How I get out of yeah, I well and also I think that she then was like I think I've seen this guy before
But I don't think the first thing was this guy looks familiar. I think it was
No, but harken back to that conversation about them talking about Instagram. I
Think she knew then
Maybe maybe but Virginia and Devon meet
The craziest thing about this meeting is that her tits are just out. This dress is
It's just insane. Yeah, it's so crazy and she's been wearing very low-cut
Dresses throughout the entire season. I'm not telling anybody how to dress. I dress horribly, but it's like I
Feel like I'm in a Jim Carrey movie, like with some of these,
it's just ridiculous, these dresses.
So they get married or engaged.
She gets very pouty at some point,
and I'm really not that excited to see these two.
Well, can we say, what's our power ranking
of interest for the couples?
Like who are you looking forward to seeing?
Well, you always want the ones that you're hoping for and you thought the guy was a good guy
It completely implodes because in reality, he's a douchebag like david is going to be david. I think yeah
I'd love it if joey actually turns out to be a fucking pig
Yeah, me too because he's the golden retriever of the show. Yep, me too.
And then the couples that you think
are going to match, like Devin and Virginia,
imagine if that completely implodes.
Joey's got a very nice body, which is a good sign.
That may mean that he's an asshole.
I'm not saying that people with nice bodies are all ass assholes but they're... He works out a lot.
So, Dill, are we gonna go back to the 24 hours later?
24 hours later, break it down. Okay, Taylor's in a hotel room. She explains
she recognized Daniel. I mean, it was hard to see she had to look down but
she recognized his face and a couple
months before she went on the show, she had a friend request, someone requesting to follow
her and then she's pretty sure it was Daniel.
So she needs to talk to him and she's really upset at this point.
And then he comes over immediately.
She nails him against the wall, reads him the riot act and he makes the worst mistake ever
Which is he should have just copped to it and said I did and then I realized it was bad
To do that. So I quickly unfollowed you and i'm sorry about that. That was dishonest of me. Can you forgive me?
Yeah, and said he's like, uh christmas
Yeah Can you forgive me? Yeah. And so he's like, Christmas? Yeah, Christmas.
I have a photo.
Not in front of a fireplace.
Not in front of a, I think it's more of a tree or something
like that.
I don't really remember why you told me that exactly.
And I don't think it was holding a goblet.
I think it was holding, it might have been a glassware.
Kind of like a tumbler. So I don't think it was it wasn't me
Yeah, but anyways, we'll see what happens next week in the comments
It better be better these next three episodes they drop this guys
I know that the audience doesn't want to listen to my droning negativity, but
These episodes were not good. Not good. Not good.
I'd give them a D minus.
I'd give them a D minus.
Yeah, I'd give them a D minus.
One blindfold.
D minus.
Here's what I would have done.
And by the way, I guarantee Netflix
is able to kind of track this.
I want to see how much, what do you call it?
Is it scrubbing when you're just blasting to get to reveals? Yeah, I guarantee that is a
huge part of what people viewing this show are doing. Like I'm
not listening to people talking about like pancakes. I'm fast
forwarding past the moments. Like honestly, what are the
moments that are like the tick tock a bowl moment? Zero? What
the fuck are they?
You know what, like, we had that guy who was like,
you know, he had that steroid acne all over the place,
talking to that one, the black girl, where he's like,
you thought that I was going to be the love of your life.
And you remember that?
We made fun of it.
And you play the Jim Downey quote at the end of it,
where he, you know that? Yeah fun of it and you play the Jim Downey quote at the end of it where he
Yeah, that guy. Yeah, like what we usually have these moments of insanity throughout the scene. This was just a
Vanilla wafer the entire way through so crazy so bad. Well, let's hope it gets better
Let me know or let us know how many blindfolds you would give the first episode
Let me know what you let us know what you're thinking
about the show.
iTunes, Razor Reviews, Five Stars, Kind Words,, session of the Podcast Network for Traders.
We love you.
Hopefully I'm gonna stop being poopy pants.
No, that's okay, be yourself.
Love you guys very much.
I'm Dylan, saying goodbye.
Pat, say goodbye.
Later dudes.
You'd think that people would have had
enough of silly love songs
But I look around me and I see it isn't so
Some people want to build a world with silly love songs
And what's wrong with that I'd like to know
cause here I go