Another Below Deck Podcast - Have You Had Sex Yet? | Love is Blind S8 E8
Episode Date: February 26, 2025Pat and Dylan are joined by Ruby to break down evil sisters, the Wild Thornberrys, paddleboarding, submarine bike thingies and more from Netflix's Love is Blind. Traitors at YouTube -
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Really, really, really pushy sister.
It is amazing that in the midst of this group of wild thornberries that just jump up and
start jamming out, Monica's sister sits among them this evil little black hole. Evil. There's so much joy in this family.
I see it in my soul
Hi, hello, welcome to Bad TV. It's Bad TV.
That's the name of the show.
It's short for Bad Television.
Pat is flying around the room right now,
setting the timer, that's a lighter.
That's clear now.
It's a lighter. I'm Dylan, that's a lighter. That's clear now. It's a lighter.
I'm Dylan, that's Pat.
And Poopy Pants is back from her Apres Skivay K.
She's living life, Del.
You know, we talked about you on, and say hi.
Hi, Del.
We talked about her on one of the episodes we did recently.
She just goes places. It's sickening.
And I envy it. Yeah, it's crazy.
I have living your best life.
I have no kids. Yeah.
And you have to and you're you have like point seven five of one.
So I can and you guys can't.
And I'm sorry. Yesterday.
No apology needed.
I don't want to get on those yucky, yucky planes.
They're all crashing now anyways.
I'm never flying again.
You know, Ruby, yesterday my wife and I,
we hadn't realized it was the first time
that her and I took a weekend day in like five years
where it was like, it was just us.
We went out, we got lunch and then we got massages, then we test
drove a Tesla. And then we went to a place called Boulevard Steak, which is an overrated steak joint
in Sherman Oaks. And you're embarrassed about the Tesla, right? Yeah, he said he's, he's,
doesn't seem he said that he's sorry. It was pretty neat when you turn it into the auto. He says that he is really sorry about it and he shouldn't be doing it.
But we need a third car.
Need a third car.
That being said, the point of me bringing this up is we had a wonderful day with each
other and we really connected and we were kind of like, we haven't done this. Because normally if it's her and I, we go on a trip, but then it's driving and we really connected. And we were kind of like, we haven't done this.
Because normally if it's her and I, we go on a trip,
but then it's driving and we're meeting other people.
This was going back to pre-kids
when we'd have the weekends to ourselves,
we'd just get in the car and have a wonderful day.
I felt like I reconnected with my wife.
Oh, that's so beautiful.
It's almost like you guys met with eyes
and you could see each other the whole time unlike the people on this show Netflix's eighth season of Love is
Blind. Great Sagoey. Thank you. Now we have not had Ruby this entire
Ventura. I'm curious. We're on episode eight are we doing eight nine and one?
Mm-hmm. Okay. We need the programatics, we need more ads.
More ads, more ads, more ads.
This is gonna be episode eight.
How have you been feeling about this entire season?
I don't want this to ever happen again.
These people are way too boring and normal and not troubled.
And the- It makes me sick. The ibuprofen addiction not turning into anything hard boring and normal and not troubled and the
it makes me sick.
Ibuprofen addiction not turning into anything hard is exactly who these people are.
I don't want to watch them anymore. I don't think I care about any of them.
Three pots.
That was your general thoughts on the first nine episodes.
I guess.
Well, nine hours but the eighth episode.
It hadn't occurred to me and Dylan forgive me
Sometimes you're way better at like articulating your thoughts. Oh, thanks things and I'm and I check out a little bit. Oh, okay a
Listener forgive me for not knowing this and Dylan I pointed that out because you probably brought this up
The fact that we spent seven hours and 45 minutes with the first six episodes following
two couples That didn't actually make it past the pods. But they, they probably spent of us watching them,
and I'm referring to Madison, Mason, Alex, and Meg, probably four hours watching them
talk. And the fact that the producers allowed this to happen
where we don't see their journey to continue
and essentially making it,
why did we have to watch that at all?
It's a little bit like Ned Stark, but really bad.
Oh no, that was wonderful.
No, no, no, I'm saying this is bad.
As good as that was, this is bad.
This is a dereliction of duty like they did to us with Leo and the girl.
Just kind of bring them up.
When we didn't follow them. Don't give us what we don't want.
You know?
I've been trying to think how they could have fixed this.
Dylan has suggested that we point a gun at their head or threaten to kill their families.
That's an extreme measure.
I'm saying that you orchestrate the game in a more torturous manner so that their psyches
are fried and have to commit to one another.
If that doesn't take, then we can kind of crack open that book we have, like what to
do next, you know?
Load the weapon with blanks, of course,
it's just a fear that there's no actual threat.
Or we do this.
We make the episodes 36 minutes.
We cut out Madison, Mason, Meg, and Alex,
or we cut them down like they used to.
And then we go on and we move on.
Well, the problem with that is that the people
that they've selected for this are so goddamn boring.
Well, if we shrink it down to 37 minutes,
can I get my pots on this?
I want to say one last thing to what Ruby had said.
The filthy yucky normies that are boring,
it certainly does not help this at all.
I'm sad to say this, but I do want the narcissist fame chasing idiots on here. They
need to be sprinkled in because they add entertainment. Can you imagine if there was like a Corina
Olympias on this and we had, we actually saw a drunk blonde rich chick throw a flute of champagne at somebody's head.
You know?
Why is that not there?
Did you catch that little nugget where
Love is Blind producers chase down Daniel
to get him on the show?
Him on the show.
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, don't do this again.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And also, never do this again.
There's something to say if you're gonna do
Mads Meg and the others that are
the same.
Mads Meg, Mace and Alex.
Um, producers get in there and make them fucking go to Honduras.
You make them, you lie to them and you make them go.
I titled an episode, let's get to Mexico.
Cause I just thought they always went to Mexico.
That's okay.
Anyways, uh, blindfolds.
Uh, can I want to say, to say, last episode we did,
you literally had to drag me through.
I was so despondent and tapped.
I couldn't even talk.
That's what we do for each other.
Yeah, it's a little bit like the Marines.
Yeah, never leave a brother behind.
I dragged you to episode eight.
And along the way, you dragged me over multiple booby traps.
And I was like, please keep your eyes peeled,
because I was just getting blown to pieces.
I've discussed this with our father, who is, of course,
an NX Special Forces Marine.
And I've said it's such a good thing.
He wrote on a Post-It note, I survived two U-shaped ambushes.
Yes, you did.
It's a wonderful thing that we do, the US military,
no man left behind. But after a wonderful thing that we do, the US military, No Man Left Behind,
but after a point, when you're dead,
whoa, we have to bring you so far,
we have to risk so many lives, oh my God.
Yeah, it's like, so far.
You got no legs.
So far, you know?
What are you gonna do even if you make it, you know?
My Lord.
Thank you for your service.
Let's take a piece of the,
the clothing.
No, I'm kidding, it's a beautiful thing,
and war is not good.
The only scene I like in Forrest Gump is when Gary Sinise's character has no legs.
Yeah. And Forrest is dragging him through the battlefield and he says leave me here.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Did Jenny have AIDS in that movie? Yep. She did. She dies, right? Mm, so I have not really enjoyed the season thus far. But weirdly enough,
I really liked these two episodes. These two? Both of them. I really, really like
this one when we talk about Nine. That had some potential. I really like both of
them. I think that we have to get rid of,
and it seems like a very common archetype
that you couldn't get rid of,
but Netflix selects douchebags that are like very weird.
I'm not-
Are you referring to David?
Yes, I'm referring to David.
I'm not psychologically schooled enough to understand what's going on with him. I can explain it to David. Yes, I'm referring to David. I'm not psychologically schooled enough
to understand what's going on with him.
I can explain it to you.
I know you can explain it to me in like,
dude speak where he's trying to invent a reason
out of the relationship.
But that's all you need, Dill.
There's no psychological, there's nothing you want.
I feel like there's something weird
and there's something so the thing with his sister
he's there these douchebags that they get that are just so weird the sister is
the first line that's the first crutch like he's you if if this little nugget
of beauty that came along where she may have dated a guy and had sex with a dude
a week before God forbid God forbid it was going to be the sister has a problem with the
experiment and I can't get past it.
Like he's already creating barriers for why this doesn't
work, which is why a person that's trying to work through
issues with attachment style or attachment issues should not
come on to a reality show to work those things out.
I didn't know what attachment styles were before this.
Thank you.
And I'm not, I don't think we're dumb- no we're not dumb dumb and I'm very attached to many
things all the time so that's because you were brought up well and you didn't
have any crazy oh I was saying it to me me other like probably I probably have
all the styles yeah or none can you have all of them or yeah I don't know I'm not
an expert okay love language is gifts for pots.
OK, well, let's get into it.
You are going to be hosting these.
You want me to host? Yes.
OK, I do that. So we start off the show.
We bounce around the resort and check on all the couples.
Now, Dylan, it's about to mention Monica's sister.
Amazing television.
Yeah, we love a nightmare.
She is. Oh, oh, my God. And I want to say to the boyfriend right now, we love. What a nightmare she is. Oh my god.
And I want to say to the boyfriend right now, get out.
Get out. Get out. Get out. Uh no, I'm kidding. I I don't
think I don't think Joey needs to get out. No, no, not Joey.
Her sister's boyfriend. Oh. Get out. Play the flute. Okay.
Flute player. Go play flute elsewhere. Yeah. Yeah. It's
not crazy. They're Eskimo sisters?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
They did not date, they chatted.
That was weird.
All right, we bounce around the resort
and Dylan, once again, sorry to backtrack.
You had pointed out that you had fast forwarded
and it broke my heart when you say we spent 22 minutes and I didn't believe you and we spent 22
minutes. This is the worst resort.
Isn't that a weird thing where I started to draw yarn on a corkboard at the end of that
episode to see the length of that port? Like why would I even feel compelled to investigate that?
I'll tell you why. You wanted to see if this was still something that you wanted to watch. the length of that port? Like, why would I even feel compelled to investigate that?
You wanted to see if this was still something
that you wanted to watch.
Maybe there was some hope there.
Ruby, I always think the resort is...
Oh, I was like, what is she drinking?
It's a tiny bottle of water.
The resort part is always my favorite part
next to meeting the other pod squad,
AKA barbecue people.
And this was such a letdown.
It broke my heart.
But anyway, my favorite part was probably when that tank mechanic tried to choke wine
That's my favorite part.
But there's been so many examples of wonderful times at the resort.
No, it's a great show.
All right.
So we bounce around the resort.
We check in on the couples participating in various activities.
Taylor and Daniel draw letters in the sand.
Devon and Virginia paddleboard.
Dave and Lauren do those submarine thing bikes.
Those were cool.
And then Monica and Joey touch hassles.
And then we cut to Ben and Sarah.
Now, this is the couple that I am so excited for them
to implode.
God, I don't know that they are.
Too perfect.
He's being too perfect.
And of course, I loved the end of episode nine.
It was so cooked, but we'll get there.
We'll get there.
OK, so he tells her.
I'm going to get in so much hot water.
He tells her he can't find a single bad thing about her.
And then I was thinking, well, wait till you meet her parents,
and they tell you God is
a creation of the patriarchy
His yeah, yeah
And then they talk about how often he washes his hair kill me now
And how often he washes his bedsheets the honest answer for a single male on how often they watched or wash their bed
bedsheets is never can I tell you something I
Just learned wash their bed sheets is never. Can I tell you something? I just learned.
I'm upping my routine.
I'm very nervous for what you're going to say.
I'm upping my routine, OK?
The other day, I went to CBS.
I pushed the button, right?
And I waited for them to come unlock the Olay Regenerist.
There he goes.
Our father has been on this regimen for how long? 30 years? Actually, I think 30
years. Is this skincare? It's skincare. But the other day, I
found out really how to wash my hair for the first time in 34
years. I spent a really long time I was like replicate what
they do at the haircut place. And then I realized that we
have one of those handheld power things like there's the head
but then there's also the thing I took that off have one of those hand-held power things, like there's the head, but then there's also the thing.
I took that off and I washed all my hair.
My hair feels amazing.
Yeah, yeah, it looks good.
Yeah, my hair feels so silky.
Can I tell you something that's different because it's not
personal hygiene, but it's cooking-related?
Recently, for the first time, I followed the directions
and I washed
Like I rinsed and dried chickpeas before putting them into a recipe because the fuck is doing that. That's ridiculous. It's a waste of my time
Never not doing it again. Oh my god. It's your hair. Yeah, Patrick you don't understand that the chickpea from the can contains a
Film a film a slime and it must be removed it must be removed less it add that very
same slime to your meal you know so anyways let's get out of the show well
I was gonna say bedsheets men wait till there's blood stains on there like you
killed a wild animal or they fall apart and then you throw them out my apartment
when I was 19 years old was what ahazard. It was one of the most disgusting places in Los Angeles. I almost cut my thumb off,
blood splattered all over the walls in the shower. It remained there for months.
That is vile. What I will say is if you do laundry once a month and you like clean sheets,
you don't, you don't, you're lying're lying. Yeah. Watch the fucking sheep often.
All right.
Where are we?
Oh, the Golden Goblin.
She's are the worst to wash.
I mean imagine if you have a duvet cover.
I wouldn't deal with that crazy.
I can't believe how many girls I had sex with on that.
They never complain.
I know.
I know.
It's amazing.
All right.
The couples meet for the very first time.
David is very very creepy on this occasion.
I think I assume you guys
notice that... This is where I'm talking about the weirdness. Like there's something... How do you go
around with a blank face and ask everybody if they've had sex? Have you guys had sex?
Females, not the dudes. Oh yeah. I'm gonna get in trouble because I keep saying everybody's gay.
Okay. David? You think? Give me a minute.
Yeah. All right, go ahead. And I don't even need a minute. I want you two to take a minute.
Yeah. I struggle because I'm starting to see it. He uses to validate his confusion or his
questioning of this is like, very like, I played baseball at this school. I go on dates
and I flirt with girls, but I don't they come up to me about sure I participate. I don't talk to them. It's like very weird.
Like I don't, it's
It works in cosmetics.
Also best friends with a sister.
Yeah, there's, there's kind of a trail of breadcrumbs there that might end up at, you
know, a gay witch's house.
Yeah. Well, wouldn't be the first time. The girls discuss how they hide the fact that they poop in front of men.
They could be like, oh, I thought.
Ivar is a great player or he could be a lot of potential.
Did you guys cry?
When what's her face? Yeah, not like Danielle.
Ten. Sorry, continue.
And I do. I will talk about it next traders. I spoiled. Oh, I saw
that you changed that title real quick. Oh my gosh. I felt so bad. People love the show,
Dale. All right. They talk about pooping in front of men and they, I guess the, the age
old practice of turning on the faucet while you're on the throne is it's both sexes because
I'd been utilizing that for years.
Is he bringing up stuff that isn't important?
No, but that's also just a comfort thing. I turn the faucet on when I go poop. I've been I've been together the whole time years.
What the fuck?
Yeah, but but not for like an extended like no, you don't you know,
Jesus Christ.
Yeah, I, my buddies, he knows like evolution and why human beings do something
He told me one time women have been pooping near a waterfall for 10,000 years. Wow true story Wow
True fact women don't want to poop in front of men. They just know that men don't want to know about that. Shut up
True fact. All right. Where are we? Meanwhile, David shares Lauren's sleeping habits.
Who cares?
David then wants to know who had sex.
We already covered that.
David does talk to every single girl here and I cannot believe he did not get pushed
back for how inappropriate this was.
Who do we say can say things to women and get away with it when it's very inappropriate.
Like, uh, oh, oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
I thought you were talking about some kind of celebrity. I was like, who's she talking about?
I, can I tell you, I had a different take though, Ruby's,
when he was doing this,
I felt like he was feeling the girls out for how attached they were to their
guys. Cause a true pig would do that.
I think he's like, you guys seem to be grafting this,
like he just wants to get out of the relationship
and he's a player and or a gay.
I think he's just like really, really weird.
Like I think he's unbelievably like pathologically insecure.
I think that also, it could be it.
I think him needing to could be it. I think
Him needing to know who is having sex is very weird very so we we we we would but also
Like if he were to find out that all the other dudes were fucking their girls He would be like he would have flipped he would have lost his mind. There's a
Lipped I believe there's a scene that will come in episode 10 where he's losing his mind.
Yeah, but over her being a filthy hussy.
I think he's the guy in the scene like why is everybody else had sex with their wife
but I have it.
I cannot.
Poor Lauren.
I think Lauren might have a mean streak in her, but I think that she needs to maybe kill
Maybe we'll talk about this more in episode nine.
I don't care if she banged a guy the day before she showed up
at them processing her to be on the show.
I don't care.
No, because this isn't a gauntlet for hearts.
It's a gauntlet for our entertainment.
Even if it was.
Who fucking gives a shit?
Even if it was, you get like, there
used to be this thing where, well.
If it really was like a
Heart got land spiritual like something heavy
Maybe you would want to just compose yourself and spend some time with yourself before you went into that. Yeah
Space little little space but it's not that and to hold a woman
To that standard when you yourself would have no reference for that standard
You went out to bars, right? Yeah. Did you talk to girls? Yeah
Yeah, okay
The reason you didn't fuck them is because they didn't want to fuck you right because you're weird
We weird really weird. Well, well, Well, we wrapped that barbecue pretty quickly.
Oh yeah.
All right.
So let's see here.
I just want to bounce around for a couple of seconds.
So meanwhile, Joey tells Boran Lauren David is awesome.
That's stupid.
David asks Taylor if they banged.
Oh, sorry.
That's Sarah.
He asked Sarah if they banged.
Oh, my God.
He thinks they're the strongest couple. And then, where's this thing where Sarah and Daniel talk? Oh, I'm sorry. They talk about that, her accusing him of stalking and being possibly manipulative and, but it brought them closer is where he ends with that. Sorry.
Hey, can you not talk about any of that stuff?
Just don't even talk about it.
Where should I go?
Should I move?
Well, Virginia, can we talk about Virginia and Devin really quickly?
Oh, yeah.
They get back to the units, right?
And they start talking about, you know, we usually have these breakdowns.
And a lot of the times they're really interesting because there's strife, there's people say,
I mean, we've had seasons in the past
where guys are like, I thought she looked really odd.
Can I tell you why there was no fucking strife?
Dumb, stupid, dumb.
When you hired, when you increased your music budget,
they were like, other people don't,
we can't afford for you guys to come.
Isn't this the episode where everybody that,
it's not just the couples, don't the people that are,
don't the barbecue people come to the resort or no?
But there are, they're saying now
that there were two more couples that were on this.
No way.
Okay, so they had to re-edit it or something?
Every fucking time.
We actually liked the Love is Blind music before.
You didn't need to increase the budget because Dil,
Ruby and I made fun of you.
We were fine with those songs, OK?
It's what made the show.
And what hurt is that you increase the music budget
and you fired editors and also budget
to house some of these other idiots.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
They were like, OK, we can get Birds of a Feather, but we have to
make the show horrible in order to do so.
We have to go to Honduras.
Let's go with Birds of a Feather.
But Devin and Virginia get back to that room.
Oh yeah.
They are, there's stuff that kind of like, there's funny things about their conversation, especially when you know, listen a
dream big but their conversation about
becoming millionaires through the very lucrative
pathways of varsity basketball coach and
Whatever the fuck she does. Hey funny stuff, right? They are
They give me at least
nothing when I'm watching. I think they're without a doubt
the most boring couple. I they've just been a snoozefest
the entire way through.
You don't think Ben and Sarah have been a snoozefest or Joey
Monica, I think that
the power rankings until the sister Yes, but now
I think it's Devin in Virginia most boring Ben and Sarah and then we get Joey Monica and David Taylor and Daniel are pretty boring.
Taylor and Daniel are pretty boring. I left them off. They actually, weirdly, they're our surefire couple this season. Yeah, I love it. They might be married for a very, very long time.
Yeah, it's really weird.
That one might that that's gonna be eternal love.
The only moment of turmoil aside from the Instagram
and her being very humbled by all the people
that had unfollowed her, which was very funny,
was their parents throwing those little jabs of,
we're gonna get them for Christmas.
And they're like, fuck you right off, motherfucker. No, you're not. That was very, very, it was good. It was jovial. Yeah of we're gonna get them for Christmas and they're like fuck you right off motherfucker no you're not that was very very it was
good it was jovial yeah they're gonna last um Devon in Virginia I just think
they might just fizzle very slowly yeah it'll be like that giant that that guy
that how do I describe him without being too offensive? You know, the guy that was just texting all the time?
He couldn't get off his phone.
And she was like, I think we're done.
And he's like, All right.
Yeah, we're good.
He was a principal at a school, right?
Yeah, he was so busy.
He's gonna work out.
Yeah, it just worked 24 seven, you know, being a principal.
Yeah. Yeah. Anyways, it just worked 24 7, you know, being a principal. Yeah. Yeah. Anyways, moving
on. Oh, all right. So I'm wondering, I think that should we just get to the next day when
they all realize they have to go back to Hoth?
Many happy, many happily many. Yeah, Minneapolis.
What is half what is halfoth? Oh in Star Wars. It's that frozen Tundra. Right, with the Imperial
Walkers. You know they don't, it doesn't look that bad there when they're filming there. Like I'd
expect there be a bunch of snowers. What time of year is it? It's close to Christmas I think because they keep talking about it.
No, no remember when he was like where should we put my stocking because Christmas is nowhere near. I think it's very far maybe from the time people don't like talking about it. No, no. Remember when he was like, where should we put my stocking? Because Christmas is nowhere near.
I think it's very far maybe from the time
that people don't like it for.
All right.
I was blown away.
I talked to a friend that moved to Minnesota recently.
I was like, are you getting used to the weather?
And he goes, there's no getting used to the weather.
It's completely inhospitable.
You can't even, there's no acclimating to it at all. You just stay away.
Yep. You just go away.
Here's my memories. That's pretty brutal. Yeah,
Massachusetts it was like, so suddenly you can go outside and
it's pleasant in May. And then June is a delight. July is too
hot. August is too hot. September it starts getting
cold and depressing
and then the time change happens in October
and then it's really dreary.
Freer and dreary.
Yeah, and then snow comes
and it's there for like four months and it's freezing.
It's really depressing.
And then spring happens, it lasts a month,
it's called March and then summer happens.
I had to get out of there, I was gonna kill myself.
Me and Cece are going to Seattle for our vacation,
our baby moon, and she showed me the weather forecast,
and you romanticize Seattle, right,
because Seattle's got a lot of coffee shops.
Coffee shops and books, and it's very charming,
and stuff like that.
She showed me the weather forecast.
I can't imagine just waking up to another Monday and it's just rained the entire way
I cannot imagine how miserable that would be.
I will live in Los Angeles till I die and fight zombies trying to eat my skin because
it's sunny here every day and 82 degrees and I need that.
And you will die from that.
You'll die from a bite or something like that.
I'd rather die that way than depression.
From a bite, it would be good because you could turn, you know, depending on what bite.
That's true.
So you could really, actually that could be the beginning of the life.
That's actually a really, really good point.
It's kind of like a reverse cocooning. But the caterpillar doesn't know
that the caterpillars are caterpillar they can't fly like a beautiful monarch. I mean,
these zombies are doing five on five games of fucking pickup basketball under freeway
passes. Yeah, they got a basketball court now. I drove by one the other day, there was an industrial fryer
fueled by propane. And you know, so I'm saying when you do die,
you will be reborn. I think that's kind of like Hinduism or something.
All right, let's go. Yeah.
All right. As the couples moving in the apartment building, boy
ban and tipsy do one more horrible stand up.
I want...
I want new hosts.
I want the audience to watch their stand up.
Did you, Ruby, did you catch them talking
to the cameras at this point?
Like when they're, the drone cameras moving around.
Well, they were overly reliant on a cue card.
They were staring off, they didn't know where to stare.
What new hosts?
Look at the scene where they set up Minnesota
as the couples come back, it is so bizarre.
Okay, get David Spade to be the host.
Yes, or at least someone that can like,
maybe show up in the pods and go like,
how's it going, mix it up with the guys.
I want Werner Herzog.
Stop playing with your water bottle.
Or Jessica Simpson's father.
I think he hates Nick.
Hey, y'all.
It'd be a lot of fun.
I miss Frosted Tips.
All right, Joey and Monica have a hilarious conversation
about knickknacks.
I thought I was watching an episode of Friends.
Then we get a fascinating story about a horrifying consequence of not folding your laundry.
Apparently there's a spider or something.
That was vile.
At this point, I've been pretty nice about,
Dylan's been the negative person about the show so far,
but a five minute conversation about folding laundry.
And that's when I lost my mind.
You know, I remember when I was in college, I was talking to somebody and he said, there
really aren't negotiables that become non negotiables.
If you really love somebody and you move in with them.
And I said, well, that's not true.
If I moved in with somebody and I found out that they lived in a disgusting and dirty
way, that would be a very, yeah, no, so it would be negotiated
to end our lease and I would move out because you're,
also, I wouldn't be attracted to you.
I don't know, if you have spiders growing
in the crotch of your jeans,
we probably aren't having any more sex.
There's no reason for me to be here.
Get out or I'll get out.
Yeah, I think there are lots of non-negotiables.
A lot.
Oh my God. That was a pretty gross story. I don't think I of non-negotiables. A lot. Oh my god.
That was a pretty gross story. I don't think I could have sex with her either.
Could you imagine if you ever, in any part of your home, not even because you left something
unattended, an attended part of your home, had a spider's nest in it? What that would make you feel?
I dated a girl, I went into her bathroom and there was a bunch of mold
everywhere and that was what I'd call an indicator. I was like no boy no. Girls in
their 20s who live together I will say similar to boys like every boys are
discussing. Oh my god those apartments if you don't have one person that has a
little bit of an aggressive OCD and gets mad at people if they don't clean, it'll be biohazardous. It will.
You okay? You okay little cough coffer?
I should probably move this on a little quicker. Okay. All right. Ben and Sarah,
they've shared the news with their families and then they talk about
how it doesn't matter what their families
think because they're so in love. And then they discuss wedding dresses strapless or straps. Wow.
Can I ask two of you? Did you ever picture anybody that you dated in wedding dresses?
No, no.
Okay. So that's kind of like, what do you say? Pretty normal?
Yeah. And I love that he was like, you know, I've never.
Thanks for the assist there. Robs. I was like, he
goes, I've never thought like about any of the people that
I've dated in wedding dresses, but nothing you're talking
about wedding dresses. I'm actually thinking about you at a
wedding dress. It's like, Wow, I wonder what the fuck happened
there. Flip that on its head. Imagine if it was like, you
know, it's so funny is every girl I've ever dated, I've
actually thought of in a wedding dress,
and I've never thought of anybody wearing a strapless one.
It's crazy.
You think he's gay too?
No, I don't, I actually don't.
I think he's the biggest phony,
I can't wait to talk about the tail end of that.
I would, yeah.
All right, let's blaze through this.
Let's blaze through this.
All right, David and Lauren,
I think they talk about plants he shares.
He's told everyone and his phone is blowing up.
That's Minnesota for you.
And then Lauren suggests he ignore all of it.
She, there's this weird thing where she, she goes into this very emotional defense of the way he's experiencing this process
as though something's been taken from him.
It is one of the most fucking insane, this is where the sister stuff gets really weird.
He keeps talking about his sister. And I think this is where they talk about her dad
and them living together, right?
And she says, I don't know if he knows.
He freaks out.
I mean, it's so, so crazy.
He like has a calm panic attack.
The guy weirds me out so much.
He's so weird.
Well, then we find out that he,
after he interrogates everybody if they've had sex
and what she mentions,
because you've been living somewhere else for the last week.
So of course we're not having any sex
because why would I?
You weird man.
We're not connected.
So why would we ever do this?
I also think that when you come out of that,
regardless of if you're being a dirty little whore and you're having a bunch of sex the day before you leave, which I think is when you come out of that, regardless of if you're being a dirty little whore
and you're having a bunch of sex the day before you leave,
which I think is completely fine.
Or if you're just a normal person
that's had like ex hookup situations before,
people are going to come out of the woodworks
and make these dumb TikToks and do their shit.
You have to kind of have a little bit of like
benefit of the doubtiness
more than maybe you would if you were normal.
This, she's a turf. What's a turf. What's that mean? Uh, she doesn't,
she doesn't believe all women. Oh, that's Ruby's problem.
She doesn't believe all. I have to say this.
I was shocked at how many people come out of the woodwork to be tick tock famous
to talk, blow up people's lives that went on. Love is blind.
We'll talk about that.
We're gonna talk about that in the next episode.
That was not what I was talking about.
I was talking about how his friends.
I was just kidding.
Well, fuck off.
His friends saying like, well, no, we know this dude.
Like I'm talking about the guy in this place.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
Like no, we were dating the day before she left, you know?
I don't really know who to believe in.
Who are these people, by the way?
It's just crazy.
All right, we got to get to the juice.
Like do that them setting up some like peeling off
like hummus containers because his douchebag friends are
going to come over so that she can confront that.
That's on the next.
All right, then we got to get to that.
OK, all right.
Come on.
So Devin in Virginia.
This is amazing.
He shows up.
I think he shows his apartment.
He's a sneaker head.
I thought his house looked pretty cool.
And then we go to her place and I have to admit,
I love that she didn't have the motivational wall decor.
Dream big, be positive, work hard.
She didn't have that.
I thought she would.
I don't know why.
What a low bar we've set for these people.
Then they discuss finances and buying a home.
This was a pretty crazy conversation.
I'd say let's slow it down.
Let's check his rug munching skills for us.
You know what I mean?
Oh, wow.
Yeah, maybe.
Yeah, for sure.
But also, this is important. And also, this was a crazy conversation. It, maybe. Yeah, for sure. But also this is important.
And also this was a crazy
conversation. It was crazy.
OK, so we get into a prenup.
We we talk about prenups.
This is the second time
we've had.
Not a rich person, right?
Talking about getting a prenup on
this show. All right, I want to help these. But why are right talking about getting a predub on this show all right
I want to help these but why are you talking about that as someone who had a
prenup with my wife yeah okay when you have nothing you're literally
negotiating nothing right right right right and then you might get something
but then you're married. Yeah.
And that's not how a prenup sees it.
You will, anything after the prenup, you guys start a business or whatever, or he starts,
she starts a business, whatever, it's all equal.
None of it matters.
Don't waste your fucking money.
Unless you're a billionaire and you're marrying a 22 year old prostitute that you met at a
strip club.
Like. Oh, Anora. Exactly. Right. You you met at a strip club. Yeah. Like, exactly. Right.
You don't need a prenup.
This is a ridiculous conversation.
Yeah, it's a ridiculous conversation.
But listen, he is hopefully going to take over as the CEO of this company.
That he started, he said.
He started with another guy, the current CEO.
So he has to kill him, I think, to take the position.
But yeah, I wish them well.
I think they're nice, but they're very boring.
So I don't want to go too hard on them.
You can't.
There's nothing really bad to say.
They're just boring.
That's all.
They're lovely.
Yeah, OK.
They're great.
David and Boar and Lauren, they check out his apartment.
Everyone's dwellings look the same. Yeah. Yeah
She pitches they get a new apartment then they discuss his fucking sister again can't wait to meet this judgy bitch
There's a world where we don't meet her so you should be very prepared for that. Yeah
Yeah, I would say that the likelihood of us meeting
Her is probably 25%.
Oh, wow.
Less than a step of a coin.
Yeah, I would say so.
Well, then Dave talks about the guy
that she dated before the show, and his sister and friends
are very aware of this drama.
Can you imagine being this involved?
I'd be like, who cares?
I really would.
Yeah, no.
I believe you.
Most people would, because also the other thing to remember is,
he's 32, right?
Yep, and I'm blown away,
because he looks 42.
Yeah, I don't know what the issue is with this guy.
I think his, maybe, I don't know,
his mom passed away, maybe he has like,
maybe his sister stepped into that role or something,
so he values her opinion more than me
thinking he should or something of that nature.
But this was very strange.
And also what you fail to realize is that,
like this girl still has to like introduce you
to her people.
I love how he never cares about how that.
Not once.
Such a good point.
Not once.
Such a good point.
He's a jackass.
All right, Joey and Monica visit her family.
We meet mom, dad and Nicole,
that really, really, really
pushy sister.
It is amazing that in the midst of this group of wild
thornberries that just jump up and start jamming out,
Monica's sister sits among them, this evil little black hole.
There's so much joy in this family.
I think Joey fits in perfectly. Me too.
Well, she asked right out of the gate, why are you single Tarzan? I think he has
trouble answering that question. No, he actually does a pretty good job. Yeah. He says like I had some shit I had to address and he says Monica knows all about it, you know,'t you know punch anyone in the face yeah I wouldn't say I would say I'm
single now and then they mentioned tradition which is a drum circle now
pick up an instrument just play it now if this is the first scene in a horror
movie where they end up eating him. No, no, no, no.
I think you have to be more Scandinavian.
The family would have to be more Scandinavian than it would be a horror movie.
It takes place in Norway.
Oh yeah.
But it's a scene where we always pick up an instrument.
And then we have Trevor.
He blows the flute.
If they're Norwegians, you're going to die.
Yeah. It's really scary. Well, then we learned Lauren and her you're gonna die. Yeah, it's really scary.
Well, then we learned Lauren and her sister, Eskimo sisters, they both had
Trevor. Monica. Sorry. Monica. Sorry. And then we get to see that infamous sock
drawer. That disgusting sock drawer where they all share socks. I want to say
something and I only want to say it once. This is disgusting and really weird.
I agree.
A tradition.
A tradition.
It seems so fun, but I wouldn't want to be part of it
if I was like coming into the family.
Then Monica and Nicole chat.
Nicole mentions he's not her type.
She pushes back and questions of choices. And then Nicole thinks that he might be a good
bullshit artist and divorce is in the future. And we end there.
That's it.
So at the end of the episode, that's it.
Wow. What a journey we've been on. I got all simmered down for
the next episode. Got way too high.
Me too.
I mean, it's just crazy.
Are you high? No I'm drunk. Oh good episode 9 is gonna be great. Love you
guys very much. Jump in the comments let us know what you thought of the episode.
Follow Ruby at papaya dog girl on blue sky. Pat are you on blue Sky? No, what is that? Some people wanna build a world with silly love songs
And what's wrong with that?