Another Below Deck Podcast - Let's Go to Church | Love is Blind S3 E11

Episode Date: March 5, 2025

Dylan and Pat are back to break down pink hair, going to church, why the producers should be punished somehow, love and more from Netflix's Love is Blind.VIIA - at YouTube -

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I have to say this, you know I go to church weekly. Yeah. I have to say I love the place because I've never left alone like that. No one can talk to me. I just listen to the music and no one bugs me. I can turn my brain off. I like that. I don't listen to anything anybody says either, but that's okay.
Starting point is 00:00:20 Yeah. You'd think that people would've had enough of a silly love song But I look around me and I see it isn't so Hi, hello. Some people wanna build a world And welcome to another brand spanking new episode of Bad TV. Why am I morose? Why am I down? You shouldn't be down.
Starting point is 00:00:47 You should be happy. We're almost through this horrible show. Sorry. Being negative out of the gate. No, I'm morose and I'm down because of what the producers of Love is Blind has done to me, Dylan, and Pat, Pat. Say hi.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Hi. Yeah. So we're here to break down Love is blind episode 11 I believe. Yeah. We're going to do 11. I just can't believe they did this. Okay. All right. So before we get into it, Traders at slash another podcast network. APS is there. We're going to break down the Oscars. Also when we wrap up Traders for Patreon, we're going to have three shows back there. PMZ, another podcast show. And Summer House.
Starting point is 00:01:28 And Summer House. We'll pick up where Summer House is. I think they're about three episodes in. Patty's got a good APS this week. Really? Well, get this, Del. We're planning Elliot's fifth birthday party. It's Barbie themed.
Starting point is 00:01:39 It's costing a small fortune. My wife is taking no short short notes with no expense spared on everything to make this perfect for a five-year-old who hey I have no memory of it. Can I tell you something? No judgment? That's that's fucking stupid. I agree. Now and then Dylan do you remember the series Big Little Lies about up in San Jose I think near Soda? Yeah the women murder the husband. Yeah yeah but it's like a lot of the centerpiece of that. He was a bad guy. He was a bad guy. Oh yeah. No, you need to be thrown off that wall. Yeah. Uh,
Starting point is 00:02:10 a lot of it takes place at a kindergarten where all the moms of the town all interact with one another and they showed how competitive is and how crazy it gets. Uh, why are we getting caught up in that? Well, I'm your, is what you're asking. Right. Right. So I learned this week that when my wife we put the invites out for kids, we basically just said, no siblings. Now, I don't care if the siblings come
Starting point is 00:02:34 but each kid leaves with a gift bag they get Lego sets. This is a fortune. So we have to have a head count and we want it to stay under 40 kids. And we had to tell the parent that has four kids, you can only bring two and boy did that start World War three. Can I tell you dude my it really really you know my mom got caught up in this too. My 13th birthday party all the guys all the little boys come
Starting point is 00:03:01 to come to the house. You take limos. I am embarrassed to even say this. I'm embarrassed to even say this. Take limos to the Paramount lot. And my mother loved me so much. It's just amazing what she did. But it's a little, it's very gaudy. Limos to the Paramount lot.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Screening of Schoolhouse Rock. Are you kidding me? Everybody gets their own gift bag with school of rock t-shirts. We used to wear them at soccer practice all the time. Our coaches used to call us school of cock. I mean, it was hilarious. And that was your birthday? That was my 13th birthday.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Wow, pretty cool. So yeah, yeah, there really is these kind of status wars with the kids. Yeah. The kids are proxies. Well, yeah, then it starts getting into like, well, last year we had Sugar Ray played for Alexis' seventh birthday. This year, though, we were going to hire Smash Mouth. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:58 But the singer died of an overdose. He did. He died of cirrhosis of the liver. But we're here to talk about Love is Blind. We'll get into that at slash another podcast network. also break down the Oscars. I thought Kona did a marvelous job I thought Adrian Brody. I love his acting. I love his performing, but my god was that annoying Did you see his speech a little bit? Whoo, you're getting the politics did he know not well vaguely so, you know the
Starting point is 00:04:23 Unsubstantial Lee so, you know, kind of just the we should all love each other. Oh, yeah. No, hey, a lot of pregnant pauses took forever. The music came up. He said, turn the music down. Oh, you can do that. Well, you can if you're Adrian Bodie, I guess. And I saw that perfectly. I saw one guy, poor guy, three guys. They won like best editing for a movie. The two guys thanked their wives and everyone else. I saw the third guy goes to get up they cut him off. Charles Barkley just boxed him out. You wait your whole life for this honor. I know. Oh that wasn't nice. But that's why I love watching the Oscars because there are so many of those little moments that are so fucking funny and
Starting point is 00:05:02 hilarious and interesting. I mean Adrian Brody throwing his gum to Harvey Weinstein's ex. I mean, what are we doing? It's such a crazy charade. We'll break it down to Patreon. What we're here to discuss right now is unfortunately love is blind. Um, I'm going to go ahead and give this episode zero pots. Go ahead. Wow. That was brief. Yep. Succinct. Thank you. Brevity. Soul of anger. Yeah. Um, okay. So we need to fire this season's producers. Yep.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Obviously there was a different vision for this season than past seasons. They need to work out their issues. One of those issues are these disgusting little pod rats. The second they get out of those goddamn pods and they get handed back their phone, they start turn, they start dancing their little fingers, tapping around there looking for who else was on the show. And then they reach out to them. Sometimes it's in an airport. Sometimes it's at a dumpy bar, maybe a hotel, but you know who's not there when they meet up?
Starting point is 00:06:08 Love is blind cameras. So the fun part of the show where we get the drama of seeing people seeing each other for the first time, that is completely taken away. That is no longer at the barbecue party. In this case, a ski resort. So Mason and Meg. I think it was a tubing resort. Tubing. Mason and Meg. He was a tubing resort. Tubing.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Mason and Meg, somehow they found each other. She forgave him for all the things that she hated him for in the pods and they're holding hands when they come in. Alex and Madison met. He turned into a different guy. He wanted, he thought Mason was a douchebag, he told her. Per her. He really liked her, but she was over it by that time
Starting point is 00:06:47 Yeah, he wanted her to hang out in the city for another day, but we didn't see any of that Because the pod rats all met up before the cameras were there so Love is blind producers camera people whatever. How are you going to combat this in the future? You've already delivered a horrible season old Patty and Dill were waiting for the fun part of the pod squad meetup, but it was completely gutted by the fact that these people have all met up multiple times at bars. I timed it again. What? Five minutes? Oh no, that's in the next episode. The Bachelor and Bachelorette Party? Five minutes. I can tell you the Bachelorette Party, they cut to the girls two scenes actively in the Mall of America.
Starting point is 00:07:34 One was them on carousels, the second one was on a roller coaster, and they were out of there. And why were they wearing old lady outfits? I have no clue. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I hate this season. It's hurting my marriage and my personal relationships with other people that live in the house. That would be my children. Because I get in a grumpy motherfucking mood
Starting point is 00:07:56 when I have to watch four hours of this garbage on a weekend. And I know I'm being compensated and I sound like a real asshole right now. But I hate, hate, hate. And I don't even hate watch this because it's not even possible to hate watch it. I just hate it. If they ever do this again, I'm never watching the show again.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Zero blindfolds. So here's the problem. If we're going to have them meet up and suck face and cheat and lie let's have the cameras on them if we're not gonna do that which we've seen incapable of doing right because this has happened season after season after season right let's put them in a mr. beast games kind of gauntlet. Let's deprive them of sleep. Let's deprive them of food. Maybe we. Cattle prod them, I'm not sure,
Starting point is 00:08:53 but we have to go one of a certain few roads to bring this show back. And I feel as though we must take extreme measures. You know, it's a little bit like what Steve Bannon wants to do with the American government. You know, we have to be a pit bull about this production, you know? Now I'm not saying that I agree with any of that,
Starting point is 00:09:19 but it certainly would be entertaining, don't you think? Well, here's what I think. If the producers did the, and I'm not talking about the, it was a bad, I'm not saying it would be entertaining, don't you think? Well, here's what I think. If the producers did the, and I'm not talking about the, it was a bad, I'm not saying it would be entertaining if Steve Bannon was the, that's not what I'm just saying, the producers. Here's what you do. The Bachelor does this.
Starting point is 00:09:36 They actually sue contestants that leave the show and break the contract. You need to put in a contract for the Podrats. You cannot reach out to X person or we're not paying you and we're suing you. That should stop this nonsense. We have to reform love is blind. We have to fix it. We have to reform love is blind.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Let's get into it. Hmm. Gee, I wonder if David was going to break up with Lauren when he was already talking about their relationship and past heads. Yeah. So we're in an empty improv hall and we're on I think the eighth episode in a row of this guy droning on about her hooking up with somebody before she came on the show and the condescension. Yeah, go ahead. Well, I was going to say leaning heavily on other people in their opinions. What a weak pussy and a drunk too.
Starting point is 00:10:26 I think it was Rachel Griffith, one of our listeners, she pointed out how much he's slurring in this episode and what a drunk he is. She suspected he probably is a whiskey drinker. I agree. Yep, no, he's a disgusting human being. Hope you're listening. And I'm not saying that he can't grow,
Starting point is 00:10:40 but he's probably a little too old to grow too much. You can grow, but he's 32, right? Yeah, Yeah marginal improvement but not a big change. You got to start making a turn now. Yeah we really need a blossoming out of the cocoon from him and then I don't think we're gonna get that. I think what we're gonna get is probably just a miserable existence till death. Old habits die hard. Yep. Can't teach an old dog new tricks. Can't lead a horse to water. That's right Yep, so the condescension of the smugness of this guy in this moment. It's like a he is Spartacus and has won the day It's really embarrassing
Starting point is 00:11:15 He evidently said on Sunday that he didn't care about all this and then the reasoning for him bringing it up Is that her dad pressed him about it, which frames the whole thing as a punishment. You know what I mean? He is. We can even break that down. The hypocrisy of going after her for her dad, not wanting to be on the show, just like everyone that he knows personally. That blew my mind.
Starting point is 00:11:44 She says, I don't think that you're ready to be in a partnership. And this bozo actually says, what evidence do you have that would lead you to say that? Well, you've been slut shaming me for a week. Yeah, just pretty much everything. The slut shaming is the pole position, but everything else. Dale, I want to say this, and I mentioned this when
Starting point is 00:12:05 MP was on the show last week. OK, let's say all things are true. Thank you, MP, for coming on. We love MP. Let's say she banged the guy the night before. Yeah. OK. And then she doesn't call it off,
Starting point is 00:12:18 whatever goes on the show. But then when she meets Dave and they fall in love, she officially, and say they're official and this dude comes a calling like he was. She mentioned he was calling her like the week after she got back or wherever. And then she tells the dude, I met someone. I'm sorry. Is there a fucking law on a timeline or a span that we need from singlehood to coming
Starting point is 00:12:41 on a stupid reality show? Hey buddy, hey buddy, this is not Iran. It's fucking Minnesota. You know what I mean? I would argue that a lot of people rub right up against a hookup to maybe possibly be eating because you're out being single. You know, I actually, this is a long time ago. Personal story?
Starting point is 00:13:04 Yeah, I hooked up with a girl. Yeah. I think it was like, like around Valentine's Day. Sex? Oh yeah. Yep. And then two days later, I go out to a bar and I meet a girl and we kind of, you know, fall for each other.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Yeah. Sex? Yeah. Yeah, that night too. I was a player. Oh, okay. But she instantly becomes my girlfriend. Yeah. I didn't feel like I needed to tell her that you're a pig Well, don't what do you making me a pig? You make me sound like Lauren, right? No, no, no, no
Starting point is 00:13:33 No, we've discussed it before If men do that their pigs if we would do that their free spirits Oh, I would never condemn a free spirit. I would condemn a pig. That's right Okay Yeah spirits. Oh, I would never condemn a free spirit. I would condemn a pig. That's right. Okay. One more quick thing, because this is an example of someone being honest. I don't think I've ever told this story before. Okay. Lebanese Lana, people have heard me talk about her. She's the one who punched me while I was driving. Yeah. And threw a wine glass at my head while I wasn't looking. So obviously the relationship with sideways. Did it hit? But of course it did. But before it went
Starting point is 00:14:02 sideways, I was crazy about her. Right. I met her at a Christmas party. So it's like the first week of December and we're talking and I had recognized her because she was within a friend group that I knew and I'm like this girl is so gorgeous but she has a boyfriend. So I start making small talk with her at the party. Turns out she's single. So I go for it, right? And I go, you know, I gave her my number and I said, you know, she said she was going to be going to visit her family. And so she takes my number down. I don't think I got a shot. This girl is way out of like my league. She's so hot. So anyway, she leaves. I go to go into the bathroom. Some girl follows me in there. I end up making out with her.
Starting point is 00:14:44 I end up going back to our apartment. We have sex. Yeah. Anyway, three days later Lana calls me says hey It was nice meeting at the party. I'd love to go on a date with you. We go see the green mile We have an amazing date. We hang out the next three days. I drive her to the airport I pick her up when she gets back from I forget what that little island was next to off the coast of Italy any Cyprus. I fucking fall in love with her. Six months we were dating. I am guilt ridden because I think I'm going to marry her.
Starting point is 00:15:12 One day we're at Hamburger Hamlet. I've been like thinking about this. Famous Van Nuys haunt. Yeah. Yeah. She's like, I don't know, a few bites into a cheeseburger. I said, I got to tell you this Lana, because, and I'm telling you this because I care about you.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Yeah. You always refer to the night we met at that Christmas party as are the relationship beginning yeah I am guilt-ridden Lana I hooked up with a girl that night and I felt so bad about yeah she almost throws up her cheeseburger yeah ruin the complete relationship I don't think she ever trusted me to get after that that's why why she tried to throw a wine glass in my head Lana Lana is David. The point is, I told my coworkers at North American Insurance the next day, they're like, you fool.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Yeah. Why did you admit that? Can I tell you something lovingly? Yeah. Two things about that story. One, too long. Sorry. I think the audience is going to like it.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Let us know the comments. One, too long. Two, makes you kind of sound like a pig. I've grown so much. I know you have, you have a beautiful family. All right. Let's talk about the show for 10 more minutes. All right. All right. So she ends by saying, I know, or he ends by saying, I know, you know that I love you.
Starting point is 00:16:22 It's amazing to me that this guy and I always I always couch this as I don't know why I have to put a buffer in front of this I should I should feel fine calling people stupid. I don't understand how the the the the deep deep depths of stupidity that is, and that have completely hijacked this man's brain to behave like this on national television. I mean, international television, it's streaming. And be so at ease with it. I can only think of one rationale for it,
Starting point is 00:17:01 and it's that he's unbelievably dumb. He's unbelievably dumb. And he also thinks he's smarter than he is. I do want to finish this quote though, Dill, because it wasn't you didn't make it sound as stupid as it actually really was. He said he loves her and he probably always will. Right, right. And then he says love is blind but marriage isn't. Okay Dave, and I felt really bad for Lauren because one moment you're eating stale nachos the next moment you're getting dumped in a local theater. Yeah. And then later on he's actually going to goat her into
Starting point is 00:17:38 dumping him. Yeah. Yeah, and it's actually a local empty improv theater. So really sad. He weirdly has a composure after the fact He says I couldn't get over the fact that she was with another guy. I let my ego get in the way. Yeah, you're a gigantic pussy. Mm-hmm. I mean It's an uncomfortable thing, you know My wife has slept with other men Does it does it sicken me? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Cause they're probably hotter and had bigger wings than I did. But she chose you, man. She chose me and she's choosing you. So you have to, and listen, I freaking tossed into plenty of people, you know, maybe not that many. You could count them on, on one or two hands. You know, it's not a lot or anything. You know, it not that many you could count them on on one or two hands, you know, it's not a lot or anything No, it's more than one. I
Starting point is 00:18:28 Fucking done my fucking okay, and that's something that my wife has to get over. Okay, this is love Yes, and also this is a very immature thing you obsess. This is like some high school stuff I'll even give you a college where you're like a guy can't handle the fact that some other dude bone the girl that he Quote-unquote right? Yeah, yeah, we're not at Sigma Chi. Okay, fuck face. I have a time a dude told me I he goes How's the flesh? Yeah, I go out we said I was a boy and I said I said they're great and then he paused He goes how do you think she got that good? Okay Let's get to the bar. Yeah, let's get to the barbecue First we nights led and we show this for kind of a long time
Starting point is 00:19:11 Yeah, I mean Even the new love is blind music couldn't save the fact that these producers have The confidence to put this stuff on television for as long as they do is so mind blowing to me. You know, in storytelling, people often say cut the fat, cut the fat, cut the fat, cut the fat. Writing is rewriting. Storytelling is re-torting. You have to keep it moving the fact that they are I Mean this season has essentially been like that Willem Dafoe movie about van Gogh where he's just walking in fields of tulips for two And a half hours, you're like this is a movie. Well Dylan. I said they had some budgetary moves this season they
Starting point is 00:20:00 Hired a music executive to put more music in here and they used that money in the budget and then eliminated all editors. There's no editing. We are literally just watching the scenes play out. It's so crazy. Horrible. So we rip a shots, can we get to the party? I don't have a fucking thing to say
Starting point is 00:20:19 until we sit down with Lauren and Molly. Yeah, that's about where a good place to start. It's Lauren, Molly and Molly. Yeah, that's about where a good place started. It's Lauren, Molly, and Molly's cans. You know, you're being real gross tonight. Forgive me. They were on display though. Okay. It's cold out there.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Freezing. So Molly gives her a heads up that there was a girl that was draped all over him the night that they went out. I bet there was and she didn't see it she just heard from a friend. It was lovely to see the ladies freeze in their camaraderie and hatred of Dave but that's about all we got out of that they both hate him and was Sarah and Ben broke the bed frame okay and then we get to Devin and Brittany my least favorite couple of Okay. And then we get to Devon and Brittany, my least favorite couple of the entire season. And we'll talk about Devon and Brittany a lot in the next episode. I'll go
Starting point is 00:21:12 ahead and say this one time and then regurgitate it a couple more times if you'll please forgive me audience. This is how every interaction with Devon and Brittany looks like. Things are good. A question about conflict is raised. There is a very long pause, a very long boring pause. And there's a decision that that conflict is actually not a conflict at all and then we move on. That has happened. And I mean carbon copy, press on the pen, the receipt will come all the way through 15 fucking times with these two. And I mean carbon copy press on the pen the receipt will come all the way through
Starting point is 00:21:49 15 fucking times with these two yeah, and it's not their fault It's the producers fault these two are boring as fuck my least favorite company You know I'll say this talk about this more in episode 12 My only hope is I hope some of these relationships implode on that altar that is my only hope hope but I don't think any of them are. It's Devin and Virginia. I hope I said that. No you said Devin and Brittany. Well yeah Devin and Brittany sit down here I'm talking about Devin. But I do want to say the reason I was going along with that is because she immediately hits him with something that he did. Yeah he's a fucking homophobe. Oh, was that it? Well, I mean, listen, and we'll get to this with Sarah and Ben. People are allowed to have the preferences that they
Starting point is 00:22:30 want in their partners, right? If Devin wants to be weird and say, if you've gone down on a woman, you're completely off my radar. That's his prerogative.'s his well within his rights and his prerogatives. It's kind of pathetic, but that's his call, you know? I don't want to say it's pathetic. It's his choice. Look, I, Sarah has, we'll get to her, very strong opinions. And she, if those are her opinions, she should get those. I don't think Ben's a good part of her.
Starting point is 00:23:10 God, no. But, and he's allowed to have his. And if you decide to be with each other, you can't, either you align with how I feel about my values or the highway, or you have to be like, I have some wiggle room here. Yours, yours, mine is mine. That's right. Yeah. So Brittany, yes, as it was, I don't want to say pathetic. It's a little immature. Okay. To say if you've hooked up with a woman, then you're not
Starting point is 00:23:39 for me. But well within is right. Now Now Dave heads over, Madison arrives as well, Megan Mason head in as well, and turns out they went to the Bahamas together. Now, last year we had Leo and that woman. Yeah. This year we have Megan Mason. To not put a camera on them is criminal. And I think that you should be sued or at least jail
Starting point is 00:24:07 time for, I'm not saying anything that crazy, but maybe like 48 hours. I mean, think about what these producers have done. We've talked about it before. They've sucked away hours and hours of people's lives that they're never going to get back. I actually think to me, I think that's worthy of a couple couple nights in jail. Here's the thing, Dill. Love is Blind, you won this time. Because we all got sucked in. Now that we're here, we will watch the weddings.
Starting point is 00:24:34 I'm sure everyone's going to get married. You'll try and put together a fake teaser that makes it look otherwise. But that's fine. But next season, when it's season nine comes around, people will go, excuse me, been there, done that, got tricked, not letting it happen again. We're not watching that season unless we get screeners
Starting point is 00:24:56 and or talk to people who have seen it and say, they changed it. That's my point. But we're not watching it. You hurt the brand. Yep. This is Fast and Furious 9, and they're going in space now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Good luck with 10 motherfuckers. Yeah. So to not get a camera on Megan Mason, to not demand that they go to Honduras with everybody else in the cast, and then to have them show back up, brazenly saying, we've been hanging out and no one's been filming.
Starting point is 00:25:29 And we actually filmed our own reveal, which I'd argue is not a reveal because you saw what each other looked at your Instagrams. Yeah. So Madison and Alex, evidently after Madison and Alex broke up, you know, before we get to this, I saw how hot I was. Yeah. And yeah, probably. get to this, I- You know, saw how hot I was. Yeah. And yeah, probably, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:48 So, but listen, I'm a little peeved right now. But before we get there, I- I need to calm down. I gotta chill out a little bit. Yeah, yeah. Okay. And how do we chill out? Viya.
Starting point is 00:25:57 We chill out with Viya. Oh, why didn't I, why wasn't I taking some of these while I was watching this horrible show? I probably would have had a better attitude listen If you haven't tried via yet, you're seriously missing out Whether you need to unwind refocus or boost your mind Via is here to enhance your everyday and night
Starting point is 00:26:29 speaking of night, I sleep magnificently on on Vaya's FlowState and Dream gummies. Oh I was gonna say, do you smoke the the J's? No, I take the Dream gummies. They have two milligrams of THC. You're not gonna get one, because I've tried these these gummies before. You take 15 milligrams of THC. If you fall asleep before they hit you'll have some a lovely night's sleep if you do not fall asleep by the time they're going on a ride boy oh boy 313 and you are watching the witches in the ghost dance around you okay that sounds cool no it is a nightmare you will not get that with via via is trusted by over half a million happy customers Via is changing the game in natural wellness Sleep better have better libido. I
Starting point is 00:27:14 Love why that was good improve focus recover or simply relax Via has everything you need to feel well everything you need to feel well. If you're 21 and over, check out the link to Viya in our description and use the code bad TV to receive 15% off free shipping on orders over $100. And if you're new to Viya, get a free gift of your choice. Sounds pretty good. Sounds like a steal after you purchase. They'll ask you where you heard about them please support our show and tell them we sent you. Enhance your everyday with Viya. So we tell them bad TV right? Yep bad TV. Alright so evidently after Madison and
Starting point is 00:27:57 Alex broke up he saw her and was ruining the day he ended things with her because of their conflicting attachment styles. Yeah he regrets that but now he's back in cuz she points out he saw well you know he saw me so I'm hot so you know with her because of their conflicting attachment styles. Yeah, he regrets that, but now he's back in because she points out, oh well, he saw me, so I'm hot. So you know how that goes. Now, I can't keep track of the parallelogram of Alex and Megan Mason in Madison Post show. She has a cadence that kind of short circuits
Starting point is 00:28:17 my brain a little bit. But evidently, big takeaway, Alex actually fucking hates Mason. Bro. Whoa. Well, why didn't he say it in the pods when he's on television? Dude.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Because he didn't realize how hot you were. Yeah. And now he'll say anything to get you naked. Yeah. Yeah. A million percent. So Dave sits down with Molly. Oh, you forgot one other thing. She alleges that he tried to pit Madison
Starting point is 00:28:42 Meg against each other. Yeah, that's where I was getting a little short circuited. Yeah, he was like saying, oh, she's saying this about you. And he was also going like, hey, Meg's kind of into me too. She hit me in the DMs. Oh, wow, wow, wow. He's playing them against each other. No, he's a fucking scumbag, that guy. Wow.
Starting point is 00:29:01 I almost want to go back, Till, to one of our best episodes ever. We did a live recap of I listened to the funny part the other day. You did. Yep I want to see who was on that dais that we were so grossed out by I'm pretty sure Alex was one of them No, it wasn't Alex. So we've gone over this. All right, help me. No more times. It was not Alex It was the normal looking woman next to him. Oh But Alex was there. You know what, I'm just going to pull it up. Okay, but I don't say who it is when, when I didn't say who it was that's on the dais
Starting point is 00:29:37 because I didn't know their names yet. Yeah, no, I know. But it was when Vanessa and Nick said, Oh, we got something really exciting because this reunion has been so lame. We have some of the cast members for season eight, Minnesota. And you and I weren't expecting that Dylan. Yeah. So when it came up, it really took us by a surprise. And old Patty was, you know, normally I like to keep my really, um,
Starting point is 00:30:03 inappropriate judgment of others to myself, but at this point I couldn't help myself. So I guess I just I let it I let my feet fly. Love is blind and it is going to be the launch of season eight which takes place in Minneapolis. Oh my god that's amazing. It's coming out in February. Well, it does every year. No, it doesn't. Yeah. Now, just in case you're not understanding the inception of what's going on.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Dylan is playing a clip. We're listening to us. That's right. It's odd. Yeah, but really? It's September. Look, there's our cast. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Oh, oh, really? Wow. They're showing a bit. Now you can hear in our voices that we both think that it's the person who's next to Alex. Now there's nothing wrong with this person. She just looks normal. So we're a little taken aback. We're hanging out in February. Well it does every year. No, it doesn't. Yeah. Really? It's September. Oh, look, there's our cast. Oh no. Oh, oh, really?
Starting point is 00:31:10 Wow. They're showing a... Oh no. No thanks. Yuck. Oof. legs. Yuck. We're back to the now. This is why that show was behind a pay. Yeah, that's right. I'm going to hell for that in my judgment of others
Starting point is 00:31:45 because I'm gross looking. Disgusting. You bleed out of your head. Yeah. Where do I get off judging others like that? But I was 100% right. Well. I was 100% right. Yes, I was.
Starting point is 00:31:54 Yes, I was. We want to look at good looking people make poor decisions, not mediocre. Normal people. That's right. And I'm disgusting at all. And no one wants to F me anymore. So yeah God
Starting point is 00:32:07 So Dave sits down with my She owns him more weird stuff from him though His sister This guy okay. He says that his sister gave him permission to come on the show But said he couldn't get married on the show gave him permission to come on the show, but said he couldn't get married on the show. Who is this vile creature and have they had sex with each other?
Starting point is 00:32:32 I mean, this is like a, this is a really, really fucked up relationship between these two. A couple of our listeners, I trust their opinions, they basically had said, I trust their opinions, they basically had said I bet his sister wants to fucking strangle him for making her look like this on this show. Well, you know, there's probably some truth in it and she didn't want that unearthed, but regardless this is a, this is not a good
Starting point is 00:33:00 family dynamic. I think that the parents are a little wonky. I think they've raised two really wonky children. And yeah, I don't think therapy's in the cards for them. But not that it would do anything. It's really, really kind of a little shop of fucking horrors. And also, buyer beware. Any future girls that date Dave, you got to deal with this. If, in fact, this is the nature of
Starting point is 00:33:26 their relationship. Yeah, definitely don't have had sex with anybody before you meet this guy. Let's do more stupid shit. I was just going to say props to Molly for just slicing and dicing him and making him look like the huge hypocrite that he is. Yeah. She asks great questions and basically corners him and he just deferred just he just flops over. Yeah. So forgive me. He seems to have really turned a corner. He tells her that he tells Lauren that he just wanted to text her and see if she was
Starting point is 00:33:57 okay and Lauren says, but you didn't. And he says, you didn't either. And when she says she's given enough, I don't know why I need to be the one to text you, he says, you don't need to be. I do. Does Monty Python sketch or Monty Python sketch? He's pretty trashed at this point.
Starting point is 00:34:18 I can tell you his motive and what he's attempting here did not stick the landing. He wants her to think he's a good guy that was just kind of conflicted and torn and complicated. Yeah. And he was overwhelmed with his own jealousies that he's going to work on. No, complicated.
Starting point is 00:34:38 But he loves her. Yeah. That's what he wants on the face of us to all buy into. In reality, he's a fucking drunk, like does not want to commit, still wants to be a fuck boy player. And he's trying to play nice guy here and you don't get to do it both ways. Yeah. Complicated is, you know, hot rock and roll guy lost his mother when he was younger, has dealt with addictions, but is brilliant and went to... Is that guy in a star is born. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:35:13 That's complicated. This is just a drunk Midwest douchebag. Yeah, there's nothing complicated about that. You know what? I think she may have, maybe she'll say this at the reunion. And don't be surprised if they don't say that he came back and he wanted to give it a second shot. Because you'll hear them say that because that's what a scumbag, but she felt if she did, she fell
Starting point is 00:35:34 for it. I wish she just told him to go fuck himself. Listening to this guy talk is like slamming two by fours against your head. It's really tough. But that's the end of the barbecue. We get to church. I don't think that Sarah liked it. No. And sometimes you get a bad at it. They had that camera right on her. I think she was picking her nose. Yeah. And I also don't like a lively like new age like pastor like that. Hey, I was talking to my wife today and yeah. We're going electric. It's annoying. I have to say this. You know, I go to church weekly.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Yeah. I have to say I love the place because I'm never left alone like that. No one can talk to me. I just listen to the music and no one bugs me. I can turn my brain off. I like that. I don't listen to anything anybody says either, but that's okay.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Yeah, yeah. So we get a scene of Virginia and Devin dancing. Who cares? We get a scene of Joey and Monica playing paddle ball. And I listen, I'm not a fashionista, but the Hawaiian shirt and the hat, I mean this guy dresses like he has Let's say a Jim Carrey character from the early 2000s. Yeah
Starting point is 00:37:00 This is the only couple that when we get to those weddings, I'm kind of on the fence. Me too. Me too. I think he's gonna break it off with her. Danielle and Taylor take Christmas pictures and we get to dress and shoot suit shopping. Alright, so nothing happens. Nothing happens. Alright, so this is where let's just blast through this. Okay, a couple notable things. Joey decides on his shoes. Jesus fucking Christ. And he says he's taking it day by day and I believe that is his way of saying he might say no.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Monica loves the side leg. Ooh, I have to say this. Vanessa, and forgive me for being a man, commenting on a woman's looks, Vanessa, maybe she's laid off the sauce or whatever, got some good work done. She looks fantastic. Yeah. You agree?
Starting point is 00:37:46 I think it's OK to be complimentary of a woman, maybe saying that she stopped drinking and that's why she looks great is a little more complicated. But yeah. Right. Then we get to Virginia. Her dress looks beautiful. She talks about what a great guy Devin is.
Starting point is 00:38:02 It's just too bad that he's a goddamn evil fucking Republican. Yeah. Or his dad is or something. Yeah. She talks about what a great guy Devin is. It's just too bad that he's a goddamn evil fucking Republican. Yeah. Or his dad is or something. Yeah. And then we bounce around to all the couples making dinner. Devin and Virginia talk about relaxing.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Yuck. Oof. Now that I've gotten to meet these people, though, I don't feel the same way about them. Yeah. This is when they discuss about that prenup. And it's the timeless conversation. Why prenup?
Starting point is 00:38:37 Because this is supposed to be forever, right? It's really weird to sit down with somebody you're going to marry and go, OK, let me let my legal team look over it. Really weird, and especially when you don't have any money. These people are insane. I agree, that's where we end with this. Get in the comments, let us know what you think about the season, what you think about the episode,
Starting point is 00:38:54 what you think about life, what your favorite things are, what your favorite movie was, what your favorite foods are, what your favorite soft drinks are. Let us know whatever you want to let us know. Should Arizona tea make dark hands bigger? Let us know. I want to know. Love you much. I'm Dylan saying goodbye. Pat say goodbye. Later dudes. But I look around me and I see it isn't so Some people want to build a world with silly love songs
Starting point is 00:39:36 And what's wrong with that? I'd like to know

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