Another Below Deck Podcast - March of the Penguins | Love is Blind S8 E2
Episode Date: February 18, 2025Dylan and Pat are back to break down monogamy, Taco Bell tattoos, faith, snakes, getting your groove back and more from Netflix's Love is Blind.Traitors at YouTube -... the sponsors! use code BADTV for 30%Â
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So Joey's favorite animals are penguins. They're so cool. And of course, okay, let me let me say they're monogamous.
Okay. All right. You basic you basic bitch. Yeah, you'd be monogamous too. If you had no arms. Okay.
They have no arms.
What? What Penguins they got these little flipper things. They don't have fucking fingers. No arms
You find somebody
Someone who loves you someone who understands you
You give them your you give them your all
Okay, that's a good me, but you're not really making a shit ton of sense right now out. How are you feeling? About what? This show. Okay. I don't want to be a Debbie downer. This is episode
This is that's bad TV it's love is blind go ahead welcome
I'm going to say something that doesn't make sense
This show is way too long
The episodes are way too bloated. It's very boring
That being said here's the conflict part, I'm emotionally invested.
I need to see where this story ends.
Freaking reminds me, getting to the end
of freaking Stormlight Archive, wind and truth.
I mean, it's like, you know, there's too much,
you know, it's called Summit Fever.
When you're climbing K2 and you get closer
and closer to the top
It's like the most extreme version of the sunk cost fallacy
You know what I mean? You get to the top you see the summit right there and the summit for us is
Episode 5 but it's not really applicable to us because we have to do it no matter what so there
We're just miserable the entire time with with glee though
That's right
Because we're so privileged and lucky that we get to do this. You get closer and closer and closer to the top. And you can't
make rational decisions. You know what I mean? You're so deprived of oxygen and lust for
fucking conquering something, you know, that you can't make rational decisions. And listen,
I don't really know why I'm talking about this, but it's not good. Let me jump in here. Yeah. OK, so a couple of seasons back, we're
on season eight now of the American version.
And I had said, the emotional connections are absurd.
They don't make any sense with these platitudes
these two people are saying to one another,
especially at the reveals.
And I said, why don't you extend the pod conversations
a little bit more so I can understand how
these bonds were actually formed.
Yeah, I can really get my freaking rocks off.
Now when I said that, I didn't mean make the episodes an hour and a half.
I meant make them 45 minutes.
Not good.
Not good.
There were repeats.
So when you're telling a story, whether it be reality TV,
because they're editing reality stuff that they film,
or you're concocting a script or a story
that an audience is going to watch,
you still have to remind yourself
that you're here to entertain the audience.
Oh yeah, big time.
I think they forgot that.
Yeah, maybe.
Or they fired their editors.
And listen, this is our blindfolds.
This is the segment where we really say what we're thinking.
But I'm going to say this at the top of every episode.
Here's what I will say.
There won't be any spoilers.
I think the best way Dylan and I should do this is we never
talk about the episode that is coming.
I haven't watched them.
OK, I have.
But one thing I will say, and it's not a spoiler because it
was in the first episode and it was in the teaser, and that is someone on this show had looked another cast member up on Instagram before
coming into these God damn bots. Yeah, Tara. What's Devin?
I do want me to tell you, I don't think they say it in the.
No, don't tell me. OK, so someone did do that.
And it's revealed the last five minutes of episode six.
And dare I say that was the only moment of any actual drama.
Everything else. Don't get me wrong.
There were some surprises that I won't talk about, but you thought some couples
got the barely in.
The what?
Barely in the barely in.
Oh, is that the stuffed animal?
That's a bear and an alien. I am creeped out by people in their late 20s holding on to those goddamn stuffies
I let those go when you're 12. You're talking about the practice of that's right
I'm enjoying the season
you know I accidentally lost my stuffy blue Bear in the back of a cab one time
and it was a seek driver. I asked him if he was a genie. I was a young boy. That's okay you get to
say things like that. I one time asked a guy, hey why'd you lose your arm? I was six and he said he
lost it. He was an old guy. Yeah. And my mother was looking at me like oh Jesus Christ. I love that that question is so amazing
because you know, obviously you listening heard the the point of
differentiation I can't is
Why did you lose your all I said, where's your arm?
I'm six and he said the old guy goes, uh, my mommy told me to always look both ways on the street and
I was on my bicycle and that's how I lost it now my mother told me that he was in World War two I
Wish she hadn't told me that I'd like the bicycle story better. I
Don't know which one's worse to be quite frank. I mean
having an appendage ripped off by a
308 round the battlefields of the Great War
is brutal. But it gets you out of there. Well, yeah, I mean, but at what cost though? Well, I know the cost. It's an arm. Blindfolds. I give it two. Ah, God. I think I'm just going to give the same score for every single episode.
I'm going to go,
I can't give it a 50, 50 blindfolds.
No, don't.
Give it 47.
I'm going to give it, you know what, I'm going to give it a solid 25,
because I think that hurts.
25 blindfolds?
Yep, 25 blindfolds.
We're going to start with Taylor and Daniel.
That is who we're going to start with.
Sorry, I can't. I'm going to say this. If you blow out your voice on day one,
you're eliminated. She had that. Oh, I'm sorry. I lost my voice.
So annoying. I don't know. I'm not dating RFK. I'm not dating RFK. Right.
Right. Right.
Oh, you know, the aluminum, they put mercury in the vaccines.
Sounds like Luanne from, uh, that's why your kid is in a helmet.
Is that good? It's not bad. It hurts. Yeah, it does. I definitely don't want my date behind a wall talking like that.
Open hearts, open minds, can't lose.
The one thing that you notice
when you look at the library of these episodes,
it is as if you gave a fraternity brother
in his second year of college,
the reigns over
Titling these episodes. It's really really quite pathetic. Yes open hearts open minds Can't lose the net next one is Hunger Games of Love. It's like, yeah, can we figure it out? I
Went Canadian there when I get pissed off. I go a little Canadian
Let's get to Daniel and Taylor. She does sound like she's dying and speaking of dying let's get to more trauma. Okay her dad who's also named Daniel has cancer.
Yes he does. She's a nurse and she wants him to live long enough to walk her down
that goddamn mile. Yeah yeah well Daniel wants to get his wife flowers and write
notes every often. Here's what I want to say
about Daniel. It was interesting that right at the beginning of this episode
it's him and Taylor not to foreshadow some things that happen in the
future. You're not very good at not spoiling things. I'm sorry okay well anyway he is
extremely good at this game because he projects a future and he's also good at
not being a weirdo. There's
a couple characters in these pods that say, especially that David guy, who just
say things that are completely offensive or awkward and you can't be that guy
when you're in these pods. This show really excels at casting the meek psychos because ever you always get these
loud people and by the end of it, you still hate
them. They still suck, but they're not as psychotic as some of the meek contestants
of love is blind who always turn out to be so fucking weird. You're like, how could you
even have done this? Yeah. Well, that's what you're like case in point. He's coming off
really good, but she's going to be really upset when she meets him and finds out he can't get on most rides at Disneyland. So Sarah talks, they bond over fast food chains.
Oh, that's right. And she admits that she has a lip tattoo that says taco bell on it, to which
everyone should be asking, uh, how big was the trailer that she grew up in. That almost beats dying of a fetal overdose.
It doesn't. That's the trashiest thing you can do.
White trash department. Oh, gross.
You want to get to Sarah and, and Alison, uh, oh, sorry.
I was thinking that Sarah looks like
I just want to apologize all the filthy fucking pieces of trash we have in our
audience who were offended by what we've just said yeah you might be a redneck if you die of fentanyl.
It's like, well, not really around to hear that joke, so I don't really think it's predictive
in really any way.
But yeah, Sarah is talking to a barbecue person.
Now do you think-
I don't know what a 42 year old is doing on the show.
I don't want to be ageist, but that's a little-
Was that, she was talking to a 42-
Yeah, like that's a little much for Love is Blind. This is this
is a show for children.
Well, oh, yeah, this was a her and Alison chatting. She says she
doesn't have a type. She just likes a funny guy. And yeah,
that's it. And then her and Ben talk and she's a foodie, Dill.
Another foodie. Wow, we got a lot of
apologize about the ice in my mouth. That's okay. She cooks with an air fryer
but doesn't cook steak. Ben says he's a religious. We're gonna remember this
because I saw in the trailer for the future episodes. This probably won't pan
out. All right, as I get older I'm starting to agree with Conan O'Brien
when he said cynicism is his least favorite quality, older, I'm starting to agree with Conan O'Brien when he said cynicism
is his least favorite quality, right?
I'm very, very cynical.
Me too.
I think I make money doing it.
And I'm starting to lose my cynicism a little bit, which is good.
But I can't not be cynical when these pod rats begin to talk about it's not even theology they're just talking
about the intersection between the faith and dogma faith and hate right right
hour and eight minutes this episode I don't need to hear the pod rats talk
about freaking what their definition of fake.
That's not what we're here for.
You know what made season one so amazing?
They didn't do this.
They gave them puzzles.
It was like Saw.
It was like the Jake Saw killer was conducting this experiment, not a Hallmark card.
Figure it out.
Now, I think I've given a spoiler here,
but I think this is important to show them
talking about this,
because this may play into the drama in the future.
Also, just spoil it.
You want me to spoil?
All right, scrub.
If you haven't watched episode six yet,
scrub the next 15 seconds.
Scrub the next minute. Ben and Sarah end up with each
other and they tease the episode where he sits down to meet her parents and he
says I go to church every Sunday and a point-blank look at him like he needs to
stand up from the table because they're atheists and they said this isn't gonna
work why did you pick him oh wow pretty crazy scene okay all right we're back
anyway okay so he says he hates the word religion despite the fact being Oh, wow. Pretty crazy scene. Oh, okay. All right, we're back. Anyway, okay.
So, he says he hates the word religion despite the fact being a Christian, and she believes
in a higher power and her sister's apparently gay, and she thinks religion is quite hypocritical.
So she asks, Ben, would you hang out with my sister if we get married?
Here's this quote. He goes, I can't wait to meet her.
I can't wait to celebrate holidays and do family trips.
And even though her soul will burn in internal hell fire
for being a Lesbo, you know?
I'm sure she's a nice person.
I would love to hang out with your sister.
We could do really, you name it.
would love to hang out with your sister. We could do really you name it. But in the back of my mind will be her screams. She will be in a colorless hellscape for a period of time
that we cannot even conceive of. That'll be distracting, but I'm going to bowl my heart
out and I'm going gonna have a good time.
No, I think these two are cool young Christians, you know, they listen to rock instead of hymns
and they don't think that the gays are gonna rot in hell for eternity.
Well, she's not Christian.
She believes in a higher power.
Well, but he's like liberal Christian, you know what I mean?
Okay, so let's get back to the women's quarters.
Lauren is sweating a bit because Molly,
that, Pat, it's episode two,
that, yeah, is starting to really annoy the shit out of her.
Yeah, I saw it in Sofie's.
It's annoying a lot of people.
But it's a tick, she can't help it.
So she's hitting it off with Dave, and I love this
because, and this is really interesting,
this is when Lauren
starts to have a low grade panic attack and that's nuts, right? Yeah. So that's good because
Lauren's not Lauren's nuts. And that's what we need. We need that to be more forward,
right? I mean, pick real psychos. We had wine hag in the first season.
I like Lauren.
This is gonna be interesting.
So we're speaking of David and Lauren talking.
Now she says, well, this is where he lays in a-
Can I interrupt you really, really quickly?
The two exhibits of Lauren being a little cuckoo.
Give it to me.
Her freaking out at just the suggestion
that this other person might be dating
the person she likes, which is a little crazy.
But two, the person that she's getting
a little panicked about is a guy who works in aesthetics,
who has openly said numerous rude things to her face
it where they're not a wall there so she's a little kooky she's a little
cookie she wants this bad I think that's what's it bad yeah yeah well she spends
a lot of time trying to feel out why he's connected to Molly and this is
where he jumps in and he lays out a bunch of meaningless platitudes.
He's like, I don't get you, but that's why I like you.
Blah, blah, blah, blah.
And then she goes on this diatribe about the possibilities of being hurt.
And then David brings up that he has a sex playlist.
Wouldn't it be funny if it was mariachi music? Because I'd argue you can't have an orgasm with a tuba and an accordion in the background
but just a thought.
Oh, I totally could.
Just fucking exploding. Uh, no, it's like, uh, I don't know.
It's probably like Givian or something like that.
Oh yeah.
Um, who gets brought up later in the episode, I believe, uh, Lauren brings up that she's
into seventies music and cat Stevens.
And he says, I don't know know the fuck that is But my sister might
She then says that she wants to open up a bookstore and he says could there be like a bar in it
This guy let's make it a live music video. This guy is a fucking idiot
Here is this woman describing a stars Hollow kind of utopia for her, just opening up a quaint bookstore,
and he wants to put a Buffalo Wild Wings in it.
Not okay, you guys are big.
Let's get to Molly.
She and David bond on doing things that are fun
and not overwhelming, and Molly asks him
how he recovered his integrity and what he did to lose it.
More on that at five.
Yeah, yeah.
But they quickly get into, did you kill anybody?
And he says that he can't tell her
because if he admits to it, he'll be arrested
and they can't pursue their love.
I wouldn't put it past him.
I think he might have, let's, David strikes me
as somebody
who could easily run over somebody while drunk driving.
Like an old person.
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And I can see her in the front seat
with a pistol shooting at the cops behind.
I think these two are perfect for one another.
I think somehow they'll find each other.
So this guy is...
David is quite the dumbass, okay? So he says that he wants to have five different businesses that he can be the boss of and he doesn't like people telling him what to do. Yeah. And then he tells
this really cool story that took about seven minutes, I think, wherein
he was supposed to read the scarlet letter on the EZAP class and he just read the back
and he got a six on the report.
A six.
That's an insult by a teacher.
It should just be a zero.
Right, right, right. It's like tipping 2%. You know, but the two of them joke about
how dumb they are and she asks him whether he has anything to tell her. And that is when
we get to the revelation. Ah, cheater. Yeah. He says, um, it's not really a big deal, but I did cheat on my girlfriend before I came here.
Also when he goes to bachelor parties, girls come up to him.
He's speaking on, he's talking about strippers, I think.
Yeah, he was.
Yeah. They're paid to do that because you are a boardwalk drawing
of a mark in Las Vegas.
Now, a couple people have done this because the rules are,
you're really not supposed to let people
know what you look like.
But a couple people hint at it.
I believe Virginia had said her occupation,
or former occupation, as an NBA dancer.
David said he was a white guy.
That's right, a basic white guy.
Madison says that when she gets stressed out, she can't eat.
Right, but she also had said like guys are, yes,
they've all kind of hinted at this.
One other thing that I'd noticed with this,
because we're about, I'd say during their experiment,
they're about probably 42 hours into talking
with one another.
And at some point he finds out that she owns her own home
and I'm like, this would be the first 30 minutes
of most people's first dates at dinner.
Oh, where do you live?
Oh, you own a home.
Like, what the fuck are you talking about in this box?
You know, cause I feel like I've seen every bit of footage
of you guys talking.
Yeah, you guys got to cheating before you got to,
where do you live?
Yeah, it's pretty wild.
Pretty wild.
But listen, after the cheating thing is unearthed,
she understands because she's been a home wrecker as well.
Well, kind of.
She slept with a dude that had a girlfriend.
That's the definition of a home wrerecker. That's a homewrecker
Yeah, yeah, that's what?
that's what
Who's that hot chick?
Angela Jolie did to Brad Pitt and Jeff Jennifer Aniston. Yeah home wrecker gave her a pass on that one. Yeah
Brad's the home wrecker too. I mean he's the real home. Oh, yeah, yeah, no, he pulled the trigger.
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BADTV. For 30% off your order again that's code bad tv loomy code bad tv can we talk about joey and monica
friends that she shows him her family's uh signature dance moves. Yeah walks him through the beats, you know, and they just have a filthy knucky
Yucky normie off. I mean these two Monica you are pretty amazing. I
Have had laughed like that it butts Monica
I don't want to be judgmental. Yeah. I'm so happy that people like this exist. Me too. It's beautiful. I mean the guy put his arm in front of it and put his other arm above him and he shook around for a sec.
He went, Monica!
It was wild, yeah, but their love is quite infectious.
They're puppy dogs, golden retrievers, and she's crying a lot and blowing her nose, but
they're very moved.
Also, I think her grandmother has Alzheimer's.
She doesn't have a job.
Yeah, she doesn't have a job. Yeah, she's she's unemployed. That's because she's taken care
of Grammy. And it sounds like she's living out the notebook
in real life. You know, her and grandpa, they have no memories
of loving each other. So anyway,
Oh, my God, dude, to throw that into that movie,
that's what does it, right?
Oh yes.
I mean, listen, we could watch a Jane Austen movie
any day of the week.
That's what, you know, the notebook is, right?
But when you throw the Alzheimer's head at the end,
I mean, what, you expect me not to cry?
You know what's funny funny just to quote a movie that dealt with
similar kind of
Story, yeah
They didn't they didn't go out full all cyborgs, you know
I don't know they kind of break through and remember their love, you know
which is I
Think it's theoretically impossible
when you're at that stage no no no it's you you absolutely can't I gotta tell
you you know I've been watching a lot of social media videos of the jacket
potato man in England right I stumbled across one of the other day where they
had two baked potatoes left to sell and he saw two people walking. He said,
I just like to free baked baked potatoes. And they come on over to the to the truck. And he gets the order from one and he begins
shouting at the woman. She's an elderly woman. And she doesn't
respond to him. She's not saying anything. She's just kind of
looking at him and it's pretty scary. And then her husband leans
in and says, He's got Alzheimer Simon's. Oh, and uh, it's, it's like the notebook. It's
really beautiful. It's really beautiful. God, that is such a
harrowing disease. Yeah. Shouldn't be laughing at it. No,
no, no. Hopefully they cure it before I get that age. What's my name again? God, it's so sad.
I feel crummy right now.
Me too.
Because all we can do is laugh in the horror of what a gnarly disease that is.
It is.
It's horrible.
If you're suffering from it, thanks for listening.
I hope you remember how funny this all was so let's
Let's get to
Madison and Alex, oh yeah Madison bed
No, I'm wrong
I'm just sitting in the pocket all that Alzheimer's stuff. I feel bad. All right, let's get to them
They're big cuddlers and they're both furnaces
she's been cutting cuddling with the barely in and
When she says this is how this seed goes right back
Yeah, she goes I'm cuddling with something at night because I usually have my dog, it's a bear and an alien and one
it's called the barely. And he says, Oh my god. That's genius.
I don't want to hear these people talking about fucking
Or this. Madison has narrowed it down to two
boyfriends Mason and Alex Mason and Alex Mason has got a lot going on he
doesn't read he's a big reader he says that his favorite movie as is her and
this to me is a giant red flag. Okay he uses this shtick for two
separate pod meetings if you'll notice he's like I just hear your voice I feel
like I feel like the movie her now Madison doesn't know this movie but later
on is the other girl she's like Meg, Meg. She's like, Oh my God. It sounds like the movie Her.
And he's like,
Wait a minute.
Did you just say the movie Her?
Okay. Okay.
All right.
She's like,
This is why coming in here and saying that,
I think he put it in his top 10.
Her can be in your top 10,
but it's just not a top 10 movie.
It's good.
Her's good hers good but
you bring that in here because you're in here you don't just say her is in your
top ten or your favorite movie okay because it's no one's ever ever ever Ever. Ever. But anyways,
I'm right. So after this her stick,
I'm writing him off completely.
I'm writing him off.
I'm with you.
Well, he also one thing that was very
choo-gees like, hey, what's your Halloween
sexy costume thing?
Halloween thing.
She's like, I went as a sexy ninja once.
And that turns him on, I guess.
Yeah. And then she gets quite sexual with him and says that she'll wear a teacher's outfit.
I think he's the main catalyst of all this role play talk, but I'm watching the show and I'm
wondering, I'm not trying to kink shame anybody. I just couldn't role play.
No. I'm not trying to kink shame anybody. I just couldn't role play. No, me neither. That is ridiculous to me.
What am I, I'm going to act?
I'm going to, we're going to do a Dungeons and Dragons game
right now in this bedroom?
I mean, it's ridiculous.
Who are the people doing this?
I one time had a girl like, she was like,
just put your hands around my neck and tell me I'm a whore.
I'm like, no. Well, that's not really role playing. That's
I didn't feel comfortable. You're someone's daughter. I can't do that.
Did you have the rockin tattoo?
No, this was a little bit before that. Okay. And I was, yeah, I was much younger. This stuff weirded me out.
I'm like, no, you're not tying my hands up either.
Get out of here with that.
That was the last time I saw her.
She bought us a, she called me trying to lure me back in.
She's like, hey, I got us real big fish concert tickets.
I was like, yeah, no thanks.
That is so mean.
She really went out of her way.
She got real big fish tickets.
Yeah, I told her I was busy.
It's you're doing a thing right now.
That's so gross.
I'm I'm like, get out of here with that.
If you're not into it If you're not into it you're not into it yeah, but apparently he is
Again it's different kind of role-playing
Thing is he likes Meg though, which is crazy because Meg is nuts. She likes making forts
She's like 33 years old. Maybe
this is the cynic in me, but I mean do we need to recapture our youth by
like are we missing out or is she just nuts? You know, everyone needs a Meg in
their life I think as a friend or something like that. They keep you young.
Listen, I'm happy that Meg exists. Meg's got amazing life force so you mentioned the the fort thing is did she
bring that up or did he oh no she brought up I like forts and he's like he
jumps he's like hey maybe we can add some Christmas lights yeah wow way to
play along with this space cadet yeah and then she's well I feel like an asshole
asking this question and I ironically stumble over this
whenever I make this accusation.
Is this the dumbest cast we've ever had?
These people are fucking dumb.
All right, so the running time of the first six episodes
is well over seven hours.
And we're not even at the resort yet.
Which is pretty disappointing. But the fact fact that I'm gonna say something very it's first off inflammatory. I'm disgusting. I'm not attractive. That's fine
I would know I would make this we are watching a
Bunch of like mediocre looking people know I'm sorry
I think there I think a lot of them are per we've had some seasons in the past where people have have really
Good have been dragged through the butt a little bit, but there are some handsome and beautiful people on the okay. Yeah
But that's okay, it's interesting
But that's okay. It's interesting. It does help to have good looking people to stare at a little while. I think this dull moments. I think this show is different. I think this
show should really embrace how disgusting the people from these the learning channel television programs take them face tattoos
obesity and all and slam them on the other side of this goddamn fucking partition it
would be amazing is it too much to ask for is it too idealistic perhaps but I can dream
too yeah can you imagine this show but it's it's the who's the guy that can never take his hat off? Oh
Know his girlfriend's Jasmine
Can you imagine Jasmine and Gino developing a connection through a wall
a Gino developing a connection through a wall
It'd be way better than freaking Megan Mason I'll say this and some people have I thought I saw a meme today with this
All the girls kind of look alike and all the guys kind of look alike too. Yeah, Daniel
Yeah, Daniel and Alex are the same person Daniel Alex Ben Alex, Ben, Mason. They look exactly alike.
The only thing that separates Joey is that ridiculous hair.
That's what I'm saying.
If we're going to talk about trauma,
let's get puppy in there, and let's have her smoking.
Wow, we're spanning the white trash universe.
We got locked up. Love that for the lockup. Wow. I'm so happy we won't have to watch those shows anymore. Wow, we're spanning the white trash universe.
We got locked up, love that for the lock up.
I'm so happy we don't have to watch those shows anymore.
Oh, me too, man.
Let's get to Virginia and Devon.
These are the two that went to the same high school, I believe the high school she wore
heels to every day.
That is maybe the single weirdest thing I've ever heard anyone say on this show.
And we've heard a lot of weird stuff.
To think of somebody, and listen, want to play pretend, you know, you're still a young
child, but like high heels to high school every day, that is, that's weird.
You know, being a dad, it's weird when you have four-year-olds
and I have four-year-old girls here all the time.
All they want to do is wear high heels.
It's something.
It's almost like it makes me think
it's something with evolution.
Yeah, but when you're in high school and you've got like,
you know, period G through E and you wear freaking tennis shoes.
No one wears heels in high school.
Good Lord. I really like these two. I think this is
kind of fun. I think this... See, I don't buy this at all. He says that he's teetering between
Brittany and Virginia, but you brought it up last episode. I think it's a great point. There's no
way he doesn't know exactly who she is. Well, when you say I'm a former NBA dancer, oh, and also she graduated from your high school,
we're talking about Minnesota here.
Also, I guarantee some of these people
know who came on this show.
I think it's a small state.
And imagine this pool of all these people
are still going out, 28 to 35.
And you must be in a circle where you're here people say
So-and-so is on this. Oh really and then you look it up, but um, it's a small town Let me tell you I was talking to somebody over the weekend who gets her haircut
They're out in the Midwest gets her haircut
By the hairdresser who cuts a bunch of hair for these love is blind people really? Yeah, there you go
She said there was a guy that came in there. He was freaking out. He said they're probably gonna give me a really bad at it. I don't know who was.
Hmm. There was a young man in there getting his haircut. He was freaked out. I think I know who
it might be. Let's see. So, um, we get some issues, some some other issues with her and Devon Virginia and Devon. She hasn't told her father
So that's gonna be a problem, but we smooth over that because their dads and names are the same and they love gospel
Derek brings up giving who is I didn't catch that one of the only men that I'd go gay for we did a segment
You remember that video I played? Yeah, I love it. He's sitting
performing in front of like a hundred thousand people. He's got a glass of Shampson singing his
ass off. Oh my gosh. Do you remember how that made you feel? Yeah, that video was great. Then I listened
to his entire catalog and he's got like three songs. Yeah, he's kind of terrible. So Joey's favorite animals are penguins.
They're so cool.
And of course, okay, let me say they're monogamous.
All right.
You basic, you basic bitch.
Yeah, you'd be monogamous too if you had no arms.
They have no arms.
What? They have no arms
What The penguins they got these little flipper things. They don't have fucking fingers. No arms
You find somebody
Someone who loves you someone who understands you
You give them your you give them your all
Okay, that's a good me, but you're not really making a shit ton of sense right now.
Penguins have no arms. Which means
they're more predisposed to
monogamy. That's right. They don't have a
lot to give. Well, what about can't live
things, they can't grip things. You know
what I mean? What about they can't make
things? So you're like, I like you. I have
nothing to give
Maybe I can catch this fish in my mouth and hand it off to you. Oh, okay So you're basically saying that like, you know how like um
Hmm do I want to say this?
Hmm. I don't think so. I
Don't really want to say I don't say tell all fair. I'll probably laugh my ass off.
But what about snakes then?
I'd have to ponder that for a while.
Yeah I guess because they have no arms.
Yeah you're basically saying that something with no arms is more predisposed to...
Well they're reptiles.
All right.
No, I'll give a better example.
Look old Patty, two weeks ago, I was down in the gunner, but I got some Botox lost a few pounds
Patty's got his groove back
So I was like with no arms and now I'm patty
Okay, so you're gonna go cheat on your wife no just saying Patty's got a screw back
Okay Okay, so you're gonna go cheat on your wife? No, just saying Patty's got a screw back. Okay.
All right, let's get to Joey and Monica, by the way, so they decide they're going to be
a couple one couple down.
That's great hosting.
Let's get to Alex and Madison.
She's getting a little spicy with them, right?
Well, they're going to go deep today.
Yeah, and I don't know what's deeper than telling a
dude your family is comprised of a bunch of riffraff. Yeah. She's
already admitted that. Holy smoke. Some of these stories are
real tough. Jesus Christ. I wrote my parents a note asking them to
choose between me and drugs and they did not choose me. My god. He's like yeah well
it's sounds like you're not really in line with the way that I'm going to
resolve conflict. This is a this is a cogent question from the young man.
Uh, attachment style.
We talk about attachment styles, which I didn't even know existed.
Um, yes, you did.
No, I, I've never heard the term attachment style once.
What is it?
Well, it's a bunch of different descriptions about love language.
I think it's like a second cousin to that.
It's a second cousin to love language. I think it's like a second cousin to that. It's a second cousin to love language.
I don't think so.
Love language is like what warms your heart.
Uh, attachment style is like how you deal with like conflict resolution when you're
fighting with your partner and hers is avoidance.
Well, it's a, uh, it's smart for him to ask about this.
Very smart. I think he's sniffing it out after she mentioned her dad almost took,
took a dirt nap after he overdosed on her birthday. These are some really sad
stories. You know, I'm going to say this, and this is Patty being serious. I feel bad for her story. It seems like
she's done some work on trying to make sure that that cycle, or I think maybe she says this in a
different conversation, she doesn't repeat the horrible cycle. I feel terrible for her.
That being said, this isn't for everybody, as far as a partner. It's okay if, and I wouldn't even call it judgmental,
if he can't work with this.
This is a bit much.
This little birdie's got a broken wing,
you know what I mean?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You know, you're well within your rights
to hear a story of trying to keep your father alive
on your birthday and go you know what I think that you are an amazing person I just don't want to
marry you with that being said I think I'm a little biased because I kind of
want it she's so she's so. I just want to keep her on
Yes, she's very like a pig like some fucking pig, but it is his choice
I gotta say he's a little bit of a bitch about it
I mean this extends to so many episodes and he keeps bringing it up over and over and over again
I don't have he kept bring it up. There was there's definitely something that happens on their final date
He's definitely the most emotionally intelligent person in this cast in my opinion. Mm-hmm. Well, it's because he got shoved in a locker
You know that'll really sharpen this come on nerd. Okay
Mason is up next with Madison this This guy, I cannot stand him. Every question I write goes back to you, Lye.
The poor girl has two fucking dicks before her, I think. They play a question game, which movie character would I be?
He says that she would be a villain from a fucked up family.
Darth Vader, I think he was comparing her to. Really cool answer.
And they listen to a little of his blind music.
And he says, I don't know if you caught this.
Do you catch this?
Is this the mini skirt thing?
He says, I like you, Megs.
Oh, he did.
He screwed up the names.
He screwed up the names.
Come on, you got that little notebook.
You're taking notes all day.
He's talking to Mads and Meg. And calls her Meg's and she catches it. She goes what'd you say?
Hey, and he recovers pretty well
She tells him that her nipples are pierced and we head back to the women's this is a attempt by her
To capture that caveman part of men's brains. Ooh, that sounds pretty hot.
You know?
What are you doing with those?
What are you doing with those?
Here's the thing, intellectually, she overpowers him.
Like she would be bored with him if she was with him.
Absolutely, absolutely.
So we get back to the women's quarters.
Meg says, upon hearing that Mason is
Czech that it's like a gut punch I didn't really understand what was going
on well Meg finds out that Mason has another girlfriend in the women's
quarters okay so Madison keeps asking the girls what their best or Mason keeps
asking these girls what their best Halloween costume is yes like the most
bizarre thing dumb but she was a her hottest that she ever looked was as Gwen Stefani. She never looked hotter. She makes a big
point to get that across there. Yeah, that the shit was bananas.
He says that he has a fear that people are going to utilize this process for the wrong reasons.
I would say that he's probably a poster child for that. And then things shift a
bit because they may have the same movie preferences and are
great for each other. But Madison has pierced nipples.
That's true. But she believes in reincarnation. Of course she
does. She wants to come back as a mushroom or a butterfly and he
wants to come back as a dolphin. And I was asking myself,
did this episode need to be 45 minutes?
Get in the comments, let us know what you thought
about this episode.
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Five stars kind words.
I'm Dylan, say goodbye.
Pat, say goodbye.
Later dudes.
Five stars kind words. I'm Dylan, say goodbye. Pat, say goodbye. Later dudes! Some people want to build a world with silly love songs And what's wrong with that?
I'd like to know