Another Below Deck Podcast - Perfectionalism | Below Deck Down Under S3 E2

Episode Date: February 11, 2025

Dylan and Pat are back to break down the sea rat sad scale, the Dumbo ride and the joy it offers, creating words, lobster on the plains and more from Bravo's Below Deck Down Under.Traitors at YouTube - the sponsors!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I wasn't sleeping or eating well. I just wasn't feeling myself. I was chatting to some friends and one of them suggested I check out VHI Women's Health Clinic. I saw their Women's Health GP who connected me with a health coach for my sleep and diet and a psychologist for support. I was so relieved to have all these services in arms reach. VHI. Because your health means everything. Got great ideas, but no idea how to build a website? Get Bluehost. Their AI design tool creates high quality WordPress sites super fast. Whether you're a blogger, influencer, or launching a side hustle,
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Starting point is 00:01:02 Fine. What about the lobster? I mean, it's a nice night on the plains if you have lobster. I don't know where you got it. But plenty of beans, though. I don't know where you get the lobster. This was the only critique of sous chef Anthony that I actually agreed with. He thought about all the things that he could have done. It was such a douchebag. I could have done a hot sauce bar if I had my way around
Starting point is 00:01:36 it comes from I could have done a hot sauce bar. That would have sucked too. Welcome aboard another brand spanking new episode of another below deck podcast. I'm Dylan. That's Pat. Great to be here. Permission to come aboard. Oh, sorry. Yes. Yep. Yeah. Granted. Um, let's do some housekeeping, housekeeping traders, slash another podcast network. Uh, feed this one will be changing soon. It will go to bad TV. You don't
Starting point is 00:02:21 need to do anything. It's just going to be called bad TV instead of another below deck podcast. It'll be the same music for the shows. Everything. Nothing changes. You don't need to do anything. It'll still be your same another below deck podcast. And they're probably asking why. Business decision. Our people told us you can't do two feeds where you're telling people to go listen to your very popular shows. Yeah. They're like, we're trying to sell pot stuff into your shows. We're trying to get you guys all smacked up on Viya and stuff like that and we need you guys to have one feed
Starting point is 00:02:48 So we said Okay Okay, so also, um, good luck to everybody out there. I want to say this as well Bad TV when this feed gets changed over we are welcoming you into that new essentially It's just new artwork bad, different name for the show. We're going to be doing love is blind. Yeah. For free on this feed. It's going to be our hub for all reality. That's right. If you
Starting point is 00:03:14 like below deck, stay. If you like other things, click them. Just press on them. That's it. Okay. Want to get in our thoughts. Yeah. How are you doing? I'm doing great. Yeah, you're doing a lot better, huh? Yeah, I'm doing a lot better. Yeah. Patty was having a great day yesterday and Eeyore day, but I saw a picture of myself when you haven't seen what you look
Starting point is 00:03:38 like for a while. And then you see you got a double chin kick in there and you look gross. I felt bad about myself. Well, you have body dysmorphia and lots of other psychological wounds and maladies, don't we all? But you got your units this morning. I got Botox. I lost seven pounds in five days. You're feeling fantastic. Some people say that's unhealthy.
Starting point is 00:03:59 I feel great. I've never felt better. Okay, so we're here to talk about below deck. The below deck we're talking about, that we're here to talk about, is below deck. Damn it on deck. I got to say, it is firing on all cylinders. I'm going to give my pots right now. Please do.
Starting point is 00:04:17 The sous chef, thank you so much. Thank you, Bravo, for hiring such a massive douchebag. We need a hate rag and he is here to be rung. Cannot fucking stand this kid. Chefs attract- I was gonna say he reminds me a little bit of you. Kitchens attract a lot of these type A pretty boys who like used to go in the military, but now they're like in kitchens, right?
Starting point is 00:04:53 Because they're trying to ride that rush of the line and then doing coke and having sex with women after, you know? So it's still like filled with scumbag pretty boys like this. He just fits that mold perfectly He's such a dick. He is Constantly talking about teamwork. Meanwhile, you remind you know what these two remind we have Danielle and Carolyn on the traders Oh, these two hate each other But Serena's trying to be nice to him. He's backstabbing her not a fan great
Starting point is 00:05:23 Just the cast is I'm excited to get to the first night out. But this first charter was really promising. I'm like I'm liking the show. I'm like that. I'm glad you're very positive about it. Oh, no, I am as well. Oh, you know, last season was such a disaster with sailing. Yeah, that I can't help but think possibly I'm loving this so much because that was so bad. Sure, sure, sure. It's like being let out into the yard if you're in prison. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:05:50 You're still arrested. I love this season. The casting is amazing. I feel like I'm watching a different show. Like something's been reinvigorated into like it's like gotten a second bolt of like like life to it. I did it feels like a regular season of Below Deck but with more of a production commitment. Yeah it's just really good I mean I love the cast they're all likable I'll even say sous chef Anthony I like him too even though he's a quite the weirdo the walls are definitely talking to him. You're getting a call. Oh it's my my wife. That's okay. Uh, he's going to be at, she wants to say, uh, cause I called her.
Starting point is 00:06:28 I was going to ask her if she still had that reservation for sushi. Who's who at five? Uh, he's going to be a thorn in Zarina's side. Um, the drama so far is all in the kit in the galley. And I love it. That's been a missing element of this show. We always have the chief stew fighting with the fucking douchebag chef. Yeah, that's been a trope for years. I think they're gonna find something after this season. I think so too. Chefs mandatory. Yes. Well, you need a bigger kitchen for that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:56 So this boat fits that. Yeah. What are you gonna get at sushi is a we always get this thing called the Uzu roll. And then we do miso soup and And then my wife always fights me when I want to get a California roll just cuz I'm that chuggy, but it's good there I think that's about it. What's in the Uzu roll? avocado Shrimp tuna and then mayonnaise thing. Yeah tuna and then mayonnaise thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:25 That's pretty good. Yeah, and then we also like the, what do you like those fried onions over a little bit of a? Albuquerque. Yeah, that's great. Wow, fantastic. All right, I love this season so far.
Starting point is 00:07:36 Thank you so much. I enjoy watching this show now. Yeah. I'm gonna give it 90, 90 knots. That's a great score, Patty. Can't find my... I'll tell ya, we start the show off with a bunch of mean-whiles.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Yeah, not a great episode though, right? Yeah, I thought it was a great episode. Oh, yeah. All right, so Anthony asked for more responsibility. Captain Hotpants still has that rat curl on the back of his fuckin' head. Lara continues to cry in the room. She's having an existential crisis.
Starting point is 00:08:06 And then the charter guests are talking about ramming one of those butt plugs into their assholes. Oh, and then Harry helps Brianna make beds. Can you be vulnerable with the audience? Yeah, I'll be vulnerable. Yeah, are any of you shat, shat up here? Well, I've shared it many times. Well, the finger, but if you ever like- Yeah, an acrylic nail, it many times. Well that finger but but yeah
Starting point is 00:08:26 acrylic nail it hurt me. Right right right but anything? No you know and this isn't I'm not being homophobic or anything I just personally I don't like it it hurts especially that acrylic nail that broke off in my yeah yeah yeah yeah I was like ow! Yeah no I got it's it's so weird. It's pretty commonplace I got a lot of friends that are like, yeah, just Throwing stuff up there all the time It's like wow. I guess I'm a little bit of a prude not me. I you know, I'm a simpleton I just it's the front of the body is fine with me. The fronts are the best
Starting point is 00:09:01 for us But you know, yeah to each own though to each is your best life I know you probably want to talk about the show I want to get to something very important that rat tail on Captain Hot Stuff Jason yeah I have a theory about it huh okay you know when hot girls do this thing where they're so friggin hot they sabotage themselves somehow. Oh, yeah. Remember the show Felicity, you're probably too young to watch it. I think it was JJ Abrams for a show he based it off a girl that he went to college with it. He was very
Starting point is 00:09:32 attracted to forget the actress's name. I think she's Russell, Carrie Russell, Carrie Russell, after the first season very popular show wife is up. You're seeing the Americans? Yeah, she's in that. Yeah, it's like, oh my god. It's about Russian spies living in America, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, anyway, first season, Felicity, very popular.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Couple million people watching it. Next season, she cuts her beautiful locks off. Oh, wow. So goddamn hot. OK. She had to take herself down. That's what Captain Hot Stuff Jason is doing here. He's a nine already, and he was dying to be be an eight and that's what that fucking ridiculous curl does. Jason
Starting point is 00:10:09 come on. You're very triggered. Triggered. Take it easy. Okay. So I pick up with the tension in the in the galley and Serena is it's a shame to see her getting ragdolled by the sous chef and she is getting getting rag dolled by the sous chef and she is getting rag dolled by the sous chef because when these kinds of like he has very he is corporate energy like he has the kind of energy that is boardroom shit you know he's that kind of alpha young guy. And you got to smack that shit down. You cannot have any kumbayas with that because that is not interested in kumbaya. It is interested in its own supremacy.
Starting point is 00:10:57 That's true. I think she's trying to ride the balance of being a mentor. And she's also got those goddamn cameras around filming her because they weren't there she'd probably say fuck off. No I think she's she's she's too nice to him and she's letting him get the high ground Anakin and it's not I don't think it's going to turn out well. The sous chef didn't even know um I don't even know what his name is. Anthony. Anthony. She tells him extends an olive branch would you like to handle the beach picnic? And this guy goes from I don't have enough to do to you're giving me too much to do like that. And going about it in such a scumbag
Starting point is 00:11:35 way. Well, we know these walls in these galleys as a Sea Rat, they talk to you. I couldn't tell if those were the voices in the walls or the voices in his head, but he is Quite a character. Yeah also, um, I mean fucking American history acts can't you see him in that I could see him in that yeah He suggests they make sandwiches for that beach picnic and I was thinking thank God that was shot down I believe that came from top down from captain. No, he captain Jason. He was wondering about and listen, I don't want to defend the guy at all He was talking about focaccia sandwiches for the crew. Oh, okay. Yeah. Oh, that's fine Well hot captain Jason wants the crew eating clean. Okay, no breads. No breads. No bread. I'll make him sleepy
Starting point is 00:12:18 I guess yeah, that's like Normandy I one of the reasons why we got so beat up there was one, because it was a beach invasion at a ridge full of machine guns. Yeah, so it was tricky. But people go, it's a little bit like when Pat and Oswald told Norm MacDonald that the worst part about the Bill Cosby thing was the hypocrisy of it. And he said, no, I think it was the rape. It's when people talk about how the people at Normandy,
Starting point is 00:12:48 they were stuffed the night before. Oh, wow. You gotta feed those young men. Yeah, yeah, yeah. A lot of work that did you hear? Have you heard this? I have not. It makes sense to me from an American perspective. It's a fun little historical quirk. Not even that. They knew these boys were going to die last meal. So they gave him them a big big meal before they went out maybe it's just you know what's not you know what's not hearsay patten oswald killed his wife i wasn't sleeping or eating well i just wasn't feeling myself i was chatting to some
Starting point is 00:13:20 friends and one of them suggested i check out VHI Women's Health Clinic. I saw their women's health GP who connected me with a health coach for my sleep and diet and a psychologist for support. I was so relieved to have all these services in arms reach. VHI because your health means everything. because your health means everything. Watch that documentary. Watch the Texas Sage. No, allegedly, allegedly. She's a full on drug addict. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:13:52 And he's giving her pills from his mother's medicine. No, no, no, no. Patton Oswald, you're a piece of shit. Fuck off. I hate that guy so much. No, he didn't kill her. He didn't kill her. He didn't kill her. He didn't kill her. He didn't kill her.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Alright, meanwhile. Meanwhile. Laura is crying. Day one breakdown. Okay. There's something very big going on here. You think she's just crying because she's a perfectionist. She's actually crying because she's asking herself where did it all go wrong. One day she was a fresh-eyed 20-year- old with big dreams and now she sleeps in a closet. What were the dreams? What were the dreams? Well you know young people I don't think
Starting point is 00:14:34 they have a clear path of what they think but something big and beautiful is gonna happen in their life. Yeah. And then next thing you know you're working on a boat with an elevator that doesn't work and cleaning shit off a toilet for 12 years. And you're asking yourself, how did this happen? Right. But also there's another little wrinkle here and that gets us into Sea Rat History! Oh, I love it.
Starting point is 00:14:59 Now we've never yelled it before, but I think we should start yelling it. Okay. You know, I do the Sea Rat histories. We got a couple coming up here, Dale. Yeah. Well first off, Zarina comes in and attempts to comfort her and I thought that was really nice. Yes. And then she tells, Laura tells us that she's a perfectionist and then we get the Sea Rat history and it's with her dad who had another family. Yeah. Right? And he seems like he was more attentive to them, which was troubling to her. This is classic Sea Rat origin history. Right. Right. Right. It always has something to do with
Starting point is 00:15:33 the dad not being there. Sometimes because he was gunned down in the street while you were performing a play at school. Right. Or sometimes it's emotionally not right. You know what I mean? Regardless of what it is. Shout out to you, Toomey. sometimes it's emotionally not right you know I mean regardless of what it's you to me that's right yeah she's a wonderful person right right right no to me sucks and it's probably because of all that sad stuff right it's very difficult to overcome but that was mean I shouldn't have said that about to me. You want me to cut it? Oh God, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:09 No, no, no, we'll leave it. I just, I hate her so much. Yeah, I don't know. I wanted to hurt her. No, I get it, I get it, I get it. But yeah, not having a dad around is a little bit like the villain falling in the vat of nuclear waste.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Right, right, right. Or it doesn't even need to be the villain. I mean, how many people fell the vat of nuclear waste. Right. You know? Right. Or it doesn't even need to be the villain. I mean, how many people fell into vats of nuclear waste, and they became super powerful? Mm. You know, it's like Toxic Avenger. Yeah. Like Ninja Turtles.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Mm-hmm. Some toxic waste had to do with them, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yep. So where does it land on the? Whistle. Oh, I'm going to give this a 2. No, that's too high. You think so? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:48 Oh, I meant to say minus two. Sorry. Right. Cause try if you're going to score on the SeaRats ad scale, it's gotta be pretty sad. That's right. You know what? Leave it in. Yeah. Yeah. You know, in my mind, I hate her. I hate to me. She's an awful person. Am I going too hot here? Okay. Yeah. You know what? You need to take a chill pill. You know how you do that? Oh, via. Yeah, baby. That's right. Oh, via is the best. Hey, Dill, you know what? I'm gonna be better the rest of the show. I just took a via gummy already. Now
Starting point is 00:17:36 I feel better about myself and regret the horrible things that I said about that other horrible person. Yeah, I like the power of nature with Viya's organic vegan hemp extracts, extracts perfect for relaxation and rejuvenation. Viya is my favorite sponsor we've had in a while. I love Viya products. I am such a package queen. The packaging on this stuff. All right. Let me tell you about the package. I love VIA. It showed up at my house the other day and it said curated for Patrick. I opened up this beautiful box. I thought it was a science lab like testing kit. Yeah. It has all these
Starting point is 00:18:15 beautiful colors and jars. It wasn't that. It's Weed Man. Right, right. It's the power of nature. Their products range from zero MG to 100 milligrams of THC. So these guys have you covered, whether you're looking to microdose or enjoying more potent effects. You can get smacked on this stuff. Yeah, big time. And we're allowed to say that in this ad read,
Starting point is 00:18:40 you can get high as balls. If you're 21 and over, head to and use code below deck to get 15% off. And if you're new to Viya, get a free gift of your choice. That's and use code below deck at checkout. After your purchase, they're gonna ask you where you heard about them. Please show support for our show
Starting point is 00:19:03 and tell them we sent you. En you enhance your everyday with Viya. All right where do we go next? Well supplies go to the beach this is usually the boring part of the show this one I get to put my pencil down yeah they scout out a beautiful this is just next level vacation it really feels like the first couple seasons I think these charter guests might've actually paid for this vacation, which is why they were a little picky. I'm so tired of below deck subsidizing filthy yucky normies from Florida or other gross places in America.
Starting point is 00:19:37 We have had some real gutter folks come on this show. That's right. And I include the queen of Versailles, although I know they can pay for it, but I bet they got it subsidized. That was early on when we were doing this. She was on the show and I was like, I was an angry young man back then, you know, 30. And I think I told her to kill herself like over and over and over again.
Starting point is 00:19:59 That was pretty intense. She is a bad person though. And I firmly do believe in snuffing out the light of you know Negative like really mean pathological people. I'll tell you what I think she's a big dummy her husband is a monster Yeah, he's the one who said that only poor people eat chicken or something. Yeah Anyway, so the sous chef talks him up talks himself up While he's just crushing it with the Barbie and he commemorates himself on his meticulousness and his structure that Stems from the love of food. Oh, okay. All right. So Dill
Starting point is 00:20:33 I think you might have fast forward a little bit that was him doing his best version of I'm on an episode of chopped Right. You're you're so right. Oh, you're passionate about food and you like bold flavors. And he looks like he was fucking reading off a teleprompter. I have a real problem with this young man. I still like him. He's great television, though. But Dell, where I think we go to next, actually, is Mariana Marina. Is it Mariana Marina? Yeah. She chats with a charter guest and then she shares her life goals. Oh, that's right. That's right. She wants to be a chief steward. We get Sea Rat history
Starting point is 00:21:07 again and we get a second Sea Rat history in the episode. And there appears to be a theme in her Sea Rat history. She came from a poor family. Grammy had a bum leg, which led her to be in a wheelchair and her dad took off. She mentions that that's quickly glossed over but Grammy had to work three jobs in that wheelchair. I don't know what kind of work she found but yeah running theme here. I saw a video the other day of a pickup basketball game and there was a man in a wheelchair and somebody passes in the ball and he starts rolling and this guy turns to camera and he goes like this. He traveled he didn't dribble once. It's like I'm fine if he plays. Come on. So we get to this beach picnic and the meat
Starting point is 00:22:01 looks great and this is... It does? looks great. And this is does. Yeah, I'm asking you. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. It was lamb, huh? Yeah. You know what? As I get older, I don't need duck. I don't need lamb. I these things are these little like, mistletoes around a menu. And it it's like I'm not gonna get sucked into that I don't want it. Duck? Duck. Get out of here with that. You know what I noticed
Starting point is 00:22:33 about this? Am I the queen of Versailles? I'm not even duck. It's for poor people. Um actually not. No. You know do you remember chef excuse me, sue chef Anthony Pitching about how much work he be given for this beach picnic when you look at the scope of work that had not a lot of work That's right. It was a little salad. I think there's a pit potatoes. It cooks mistakes had to season a steak. Yeah So meanwhile meanwhile chef hot-ass has a little cat I has a little chat with Serena and we go back in history a bit with her. And it's been a bit, I forgot that Serena had a couple flip outs last season. Well, I mean, come on, an onion tower, you're expected to figure that out. I know cooking is your job, but that seems like that's out of the scope of, she balked
Starting point is 00:23:22 at that. I think we talked about it when we went out to dinner with her. Yeah. It was more like a panic attack over it than a balking. Right. But that kitchen was so small. Yes. Tiny. Do you remember that season? Margot? That was a great season. I love Margot.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Love Margot. She's a bit of a drunk, but. Big mistake. It happens at the end of the episode. I don'tgot. Love Margot. She's a bit of a drunk but. Big mistake it happens at the end of the episode. I don't think that chef, sous chef Anthony understood that the bonding had taken place between Zarina and Harry so to share that, talk a little shit, clearly that's gonna happen. No, he's an idiot. He thinks that he's the king of the world so he's just gonna do that stuff. We have to get ready for dinner. Now, Oh, I thought we get ready for the submarine. I wasn't sleeping or eating well. I just wasn't feeling myself. I was chatting to some friends
Starting point is 00:24:14 and one of them suggested I check out VHI Women's Health Clinic. I saw their women's health GP who connected me with a health coach for my sleep and diet and a psychologist for support. I was so relieved to have all these services in arms reach. VHI. Because your health means everything. Well, after lunch. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Dinner, we get ready for dinner pretty much every episode at the 25 minute mark and then we don't see dinner until the 40 minute mark. That's correct. So anyways, we talk about dinner, it's going to be cowboys and cowgirls and surf and turf. So naturally, we're going to do chili and lobster. Yeah, I listen. Because that's what I think about when I think about cowboys.
Starting point is 00:25:09 There is a lot of chili around cowboys. Fine. What about the lobster? I mean, it's a nice night on the plains if you have lobster. I don't know where you got it. But plenty of beans though. I don't know where you get the lobster. This was the only critique of sous chef Anthony that I actually agreed with. He thought about all the things that he could have done. It was such a douchebag. I could have done
Starting point is 00:25:41 a hot sauce bar if if if I if I had my way around the council, I could have done a hot sauce bar if if if I if I have my way around council, I could've done a hot sauce bar. Shut up. That would have sucked too. That would have sucked 100%. Nobody wants your homemade hot sauce. Okay, it's gonna taste like shit. Now one important point. Marina, who had gone on that sub excursion fell asleep. She did. She's a hard worker. She's got a great add. Yeah. But the charter primary had said at that point, I want the food at the table at eight o'clock. Eight o'clock. I do not blame her later in the episode when Laura completely had an issue with
Starting point is 00:26:17 this. Yeah. Hey, do you remember when those guys went down there in that machine to look at the Titanic and died? I feel so bad that a father and son did that. Really? Yeah, because the father should have been like, eh, I don't know how many times they've done this. Let's not do it. Yeah. I didn't really mind it.
Starting point is 00:26:39 What are you doing? I mean, it's like, you got so much goddamn money that you're like, you know, let's look at the Titanic. It's like, that's not a, you can't see it. You can't, it's too far down. Two miles. I don't care how much money you have. You know, these people think that the things
Starting point is 00:26:59 that are for them are not for them. I mean, you can't go look at it. Well, they didn't deserve to be evaporated, eviscerated, you know what I mean? In a't go look at it. Well, they didn't deserve to be evaporated. This right? You know what I mean? And I single evaporate. Yeah. The good news is it happened so fast. It was quicker than your brain's pain threshold. I, I don't know. I bet they knew for a second.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Scary probably down there, but there wasn't any pain. I would know. You know, I'm scared of the water. Me too. I wouldn't get in this submarine. Well, you probably have at Disneyland because that's what it was a version of. I know. And, but, but now I used to do that when I was younger and I liked it, but now I'm much too scared of the world.
Starting point is 00:27:36 So I wouldn't get on that Disneyland ride. You know, I am sick of going to Disneyland in Anaheim and half the rides being worked on, you know, they've been working on so first off It was the submarine ride at Disneyland. Yeah, and then they changed it to Nemo. Yeah, and then they got rid of that fucking thing. Yeah, and now they're doing something else there. Yeah It's like ridiculous and that you know what even though I wouldn't go on it, even though it's kind of stupid. That's a great ride That's a great ride. You know what the best ride is? Dumbo. Indiana Jones. No. Yes. No. The last ten minutes.
Starting point is 00:28:12 It's too jerky and the line's too long. And I also don't like that town over there. That town once you get in that town people start acting real funky. People start getting really rude and there's too many It's like a bottleneck. And then you go into New Orleans town, and you're just like, I'm not having a good time. I don't like that place one bit. Yeah, I disagree with you. I don't like the Dumbo ride.
Starting point is 00:28:36 It makes me sad. What do you mean it makes you sad? How could it make you sad? It's the most joyous thing you could possibly do. Not at all. Last time I was there, I saw like 35 year old women sitting by themselves on the ride trying to recapture what it was like when they were six and their dad was still alive really sad maybe I grafted a
Starting point is 00:28:52 lot of other stuff on top of that I don't think any of that was going on were they fat just old okay well 35 is not old oh to me it is. You're so much older than that. It's like, I think what happened there is you weren't really in control of what you're saying. And then you tried to figure out a way for it to make sense. And you ran into a wall. Not today. The jumbo ride is, I'll say it again, the most joy you can possibly experience, I think. And people go, I climb
Starting point is 00:29:30 Mount Everest and I held my daughter for the first time. It's like, okay. You know that you can go up and down on the jumbo ride, right? It's like what you're saying is so stupid. All right, we get back to the boat. Harry is still macking it up with Big Red. The Brazilian lets the galley know they want food on the table at eight. But who cares? We get back to the kitchen and I am back into my bowel of hatred
Starting point is 00:29:57 for sushi. Serena says, they're going to love the dinner. And he says, I hope so. And he doesn't say I hope so in a affirmative or affirming or Enthusiastic way very negative person. He's a very negative person She says do you want to come up and he says no and when she says she'll tell them what he made He says don't do that we're a team. Those two things you not wanting to go up with her. And you not wanting
Starting point is 00:30:31 your name on the dishes because we're a team they're at odds with one another. Then he admits to us right what the real motivation is he's not co signing on this fucking dog shit, right? Which they loved by the way, they loved. They loved. And it's like, dude, you're not in a Michelin star restaurant in London, you're on a boat, we're serving pig shit to chuggy. That's right. It's like figure
Starting point is 00:30:59 it out, man. That's why I didn't mind pizza rat from that first season because the first three charters he pulled it off He was giving the Chewgee people exactly what they deserved Was fucking Vegas Fair. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah cotton candy. We're not here for you to do freaking You're you're not Thomas Keller. Yeah, we're not here to do that shit, dude it's like get over it and, it just broke my heart because Serena is conceding power to him. And you can't give these guys an inch.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Hey, Dylan, is perfectionism a word? No. I just created it. Cool. Well, I don't know that it's that cool. Perfectionism? Because next up, while they're having dinner, Brianna says she appreciates Laura's professionalism.
Starting point is 00:31:56 OK. That's a word. Oh, then she. I want credit for it. Well, you don't get the credit. You didn't make it up. You understand that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:09 I created a word. No, no, no. Okay. So the guests want food on the table at 8 p.m. sharp. Now when Laura said, Lada, I know better than the guests, I wanted to throw something. But she was a hundred percent right. These people they're drunk. They're like we want it at eight o'clock and then they go and they take a three hour nap and they have makeup to do. It's like we're not putting the food out until you guys are sitting down.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Now we choreograph a little dance and while the guests discuss getting ozone shot up their ass we reveal the talent. It is Harry and the gang. And I gotta say, I thought it was very cute it's cute thought it was very very pop-along Harry food I'm sorry I didn't really clock it my bad I know dereliction of duty it was chili and steak and lamb and or chili and steak and oh corn ribs, my least favorite. It's like it's not changing it at all. I don't want the, I don't want, do you like corn on the cob? No I hate it. I don't like it. It gets stuck in my teeth. It gets stuck in your teeth and corn ribs don't solve that problem. It just, it just makes it a little thing that you have to do, but a bunch of times.
Starting point is 00:33:25 Not a fan. If you could make the whole thing edible, then I'd be down. I'll tell you what you do. You grind up corn. It should be slurped through a straw. That's how I enjoy it. Oh, good. Corn chowder.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Corn chowder. Yeah, yeah. You know, I talked about it on an APS, just the state of the restaurant world out in this city. It's awful right now. We got into it, Patreon. But if what a plug. I mean, you gotta go pay to hear that. What are you gonna walk around with this hole in your heart? You know? Very important.
Starting point is 00:34:03 walk around with this hole in your heart, you know? Yeah. Very important episode. Important. We're at this restaurant. And this woman gives us aguaciles, shrimp. And then these fried shrimp heads. She goes, please, you're meant to eat the shrimp heads and I go listen I don't want to eat the shrimp heads no no I don't even care if they're fried to a
Starting point is 00:34:38 point where I can eat them all of the little fucking whiskers are hanging out. No. Shit, it's like, I don't want to. I did. And I didn't enjoy it. So we head down for bed. The fish tank is disgusting. Yeah. Once again. He's naming the fish now.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Which is, by the way, in the art of the fish world, once you name them, they'll die within like a year. You don't name them. Bad juju. like a year. You don't name them. Bad juju. God name them. You don't name them. What God do they? You don't name fish.
Starting point is 00:35:13 I'm telling you. All right. You'll get them killed. Okay. Sous chef is venting the hair bear about Serena being a pig. This is what, yeah, when they go to bed. Yep.
Starting point is 00:35:22 And then we get to the next day. Next day. Adara has some tips for Laura. Laura. Yeah, I was confused about this part. I was, too. I didn't know what they were talking about. Get in the comments.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Let us know what the fuck was going on. Adair wanted that. There's two hours left on charter. She didn't want to do something. I think she wanted to just strip the sheets. And Laura was like, no, you make the bed again, because if they have to go in. And she's like, but they're leaving.
Starting point is 00:35:44 She's like, this isn't a motel site. I think that's what it was. I think you actually nailed that again because if they have to go in and she's like but they're leaving she's like this isn't a motel say I Think I think what it was I think you actually nailed that because and then her case is she Points out that this is not a hotel chain. That's predominantly used for prostitution. I believe she was referring to Motel 6. Yeah Yeah You know, I was looking at flying out a videographer for the Super Bowl. I looked at hotel rooms in New Orleans and my God, the thought of, you know, we're trying to cut costs and the thought of putting this kid up at one of these places. I was like, I can't do it.
Starting point is 00:36:19 And not sleep at night in your comfy bed. God, no. Absolutely not. So we had a lovely breakfast truffle frittata and we head to our docking. The fenders really worked overtime on this one. Wow. It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:36:32 Whoever invented those, good job. Yeah, they saved that 15,000 ton boat from getting damaged. Right. Jason loves running shit into shit. Yeah, he's good at it. Yeah. Yeah, but I have to say this team appears greener than a leprechaun's balls. That's a greatest hit
Starting point is 00:36:49 from Captain Lee. Good job Captain Lee. I hope you're doing well. Staring at a wall. Yeah. Oh fuck. Why? You really don't like that guy. No. I need therapy. Please do not waste expensive Minutes at therapy talking about cat. I will you imagine and I'm doing his voice in the therapy. Yeah so what brings you in here well, I I My world is not intact in color right now. I'm seeing a lot of muted things. I'm lacking inspiration, but before we get to any of that Do you watch show what yeah take these pills right right yeah what are we going to talk through that
Starting point is 00:37:41 you're making i don't know what you're doing. I would recommend a lobotomy, but they're out of fashion. We don't do them anymore. You're the perfect candidate for it, though. All right, so the guest apart, the primary says, the food was exquisite and the sue is pissed off. That's like, fuck off. Why are you pissed?
Starting point is 00:38:03 Why are you mad at that? He's just, fuck off. Why are you pissed? Why are you mad at that? He's just a young asshole. So, evidently, it just went great. I mean, it was just a great, great charter. These are people actually not, they did something great this season. They didn't cast a, what do you call that? One of those like
Starting point is 00:38:31 incompetent, like intentionally idiots. Yeah. Yes. They did not do that. Great job. Yeah. Everyone's good at what they do for the most part. Yeah. I think if you like, I think you want to lean there's a balancing act with the show because you want chaos, but you also have to know that they're Sea Rats. Stunt casting was the word I was searching for. Stunt casting. You have to know that they're Sea Rats. Stunt casting was the word I was searching for. Stunt casting, you gotta know they're Sea Rats. Even if they're good at their job, there's gonna be drama there. That's what I'm saying, just let the real stuff play out.
Starting point is 00:38:54 I crave that and I feel like I'm being fed it, thank God. Because we've had seasons of your, like that girl who needed to color code everything. I was just thinking about that. Towards the end of the season, I was like, I am so tired of this girl losing laundry. Let's please, Jesus Christ. You're right, man.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Way to go. So we get to the docking, the meeting, tip meeting. No, first it's a docking meeting. We need to clean up the radio. Johnny talked too much. That was bad. Serena and Anthony talk and Serena says that they're bonding, which they're not. It could slap is not a thing. No, no, no slaps. That's not. I mean, you can use it
Starting point is 00:39:38 ironically, but it is quite chuggy. But then bonding is a little bit like waking up in the middle of the night and your pet snake is measuring you to kill you Do not trust this man. He wants to fucking kill you sir. He wants to get you fired eventually. Yeah, also, I think we glossed over it Brianna walks by we an yeah, I said yeah and does a full-on toddler jump and leg wrap around really I miss that. Oh my god. I know she's a model and whatnot. Typically not my taste. I like darker girls. You know the modeling industry is very racist. Of course. Yeah. But I do I oddly find her
Starting point is 00:40:15 attractive in an odd way. You love Indians with massive noses. That's right. That's right. Right. So that's you don't see that in the modeling world. You looking at my porn searches? No, no, no. I had a friend the other day say that his thing was Sam actually said that his girlfriend found his favorites on porno. And he blamed it on Russian hackers. I mean, we're all to you're going to go with it. Yeah. Right. He's a Russian. This is not 31 flavors. This is to pick one. Who has you know who I was thinking who has favorites on
Starting point is 00:41:00 who takes the time to rate a porn right 21,000 rankings it's wild anyways let's get to the tip meeting and let us know your favorites in the comments yeah tip me Pat say it you know I didn't write I know how many thousand 20 grand 1540 each it's good hall it's a good hall Lara is gonna put it towards her barn that she's renovating. That's great. That's great.
Starting point is 00:41:27 That's what you should do. You're sacrificing the quality of your life for a decade to enjoy the other decade. That is called compounding interest. I think that, I think that's, yeah. How could we forget? I forgot completely. The disco helmet. The disco helmet. Yeah, I actually, could we forget? I forgot completely. The disco helmet?
Starting point is 00:41:46 The disco helmet. Yeah, I actually, I hated it the first two seasons. Now I still hate it. I think it's really dumb. It's a passive aggressive way of saying that you fucked up and you better do better. It's a summer camp fun time thing, but we're all broken adults and sea rats here,
Starting point is 00:42:00 so this isn't really going to take. But they have a fun time with it, and Wien gets it for Johnny's mistake this is a show of Jason saying it doesn't matter if we make mistakes it's about leadership here right so we un-gets the disco ball and we head out for a night out big red is a hot commodity oh yes Harry she looked amazing I mean whatever the hell she was wearing, that was super hot. OK. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Come on. You know what I was about to do? What? I was going to say, not my type. Who gives a fuck what my type is and whether or not she fits into it I I I am freaking my leaning back into the patriarchy. Yes disgusting me too I've been eating ice cream like it's my job with my wife and I have a fucking rat mustache right now Who fucking gives a shit if she's my dad. So everything that I've said in the last
Starting point is 00:43:03 40 minutes right now, I want you to completely disregard. Throw it out, and we'll start again next week. And I'm talking about everything that I said horrible. Cast members, everything. Nothing that I said is meaningful to anything. Jim Downey moment, here we go. And may God have mercy on my soul. We sit down to dinner, and we end the episode
Starting point is 00:43:23 with gossips of sous chef and Serena. I hate this kid. Mmm. But he is good TV for now. Let's hope that we sort this out at about five six episodes in or somebody gets fucking fired. I think we saw a trailer where someone's punching a wall getting fired. Oh was that Johnny or him? I think it was him. I could look back but I don't want to. I like the surprise. He reminds me of Tex, that guy Tex or whatever the fuck. Oh, that idiot. Yeah, I have to say Johnny wasn't even mentioned a single time during this episode. He's kind of in the back. Yeah, yeah, seems more likeable than the first. He does the first episode was awful. Get in the comments. Let us know what you thought about the episode. Let's let's have a great week and go Chiefs or go congrats Chiefs or congrats Eagles. We don't know who won because we are Mariah Carey again. I'm in a bathtub, I got rose. Oh my God, I forgot to do reviews.
Starting point is 00:44:21 We'll do it next week. See you then. I'm Dylan saying goodbye. Pat, say goodbye. Later dudes. Love

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