Another Below Deck Podcast - Reba Couldn't Make It | RHOBH S14 E14
Episode Date: March 6, 2025Pat and Dylan are back to break down cat walks, Big 5 apparel, a mother's love, not being Brad Pitt and more form Bravo's RHOBH.VIIA - at YouTube -
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Well, we learned that Reba didn't make her flight.
Oh, yeah. Yeah. She gave it the old call. Let's try though, but
it didn't work out. I think Reba probably called in a bomb
threat at the airport. Yeah.
Anything to not get there to support it on her, I guess.
That's a really good point. Reba is not a big weed smoker, but
she did arrive to the airport with a half pound in her
Wow, she's lucky she didn't get arrested not only get on not
get on that plane.
Well, she leveled with TSA and the federal agents that came into the room.
She said, listen,
I hate my daughter. Y'all can take us. I hate my goddamn daughter.
So goddamn much. Hi and welcome to another Brands Make a New episode of Bad TV.
I'm Dylan, that is Pat.
Great to be here.
Ruby Rubes.
Yeah, what's going on with her? Drugs. No.
Yep. Yep. Happens to the best of us, you know. Yeah. Starts out with an accident at
work, your back hurts, you need a couple, I don't know, pills. Well Well it actually wasn't that I think it's actually um I think she's been doing bath salts. Oh yeah so it wasn't
really a slippery slope more of just kind of a head-on collision kind of
thing. She got into it hard and got into it hard. Well someone should talk to her
before she tries to eat someone's face. Oh she's already tried but no I think
that she was at some work dinner,
and it ran late.
We're doing a different night because I'm
going to the lovely city of Seattle this weekend
with my beautiful bride.
We're going to the hotel that we were at when
we were 20 years old.
Fell in love there.
I know.
And now she's pregnant.
Now she's pregnant. That's a great trip. It's gonna be a
great trip. I'm fairly certain that Seattle has been overrun
by the same kind of cordyceps like creatures we have roaming
around zombies. Yeah. Oh, I wonder what kind of zombies
maybe they have some new zombies. Well, I'll report back
and I will have my bifocals and binoculars ready to go because we do important research in that field. I know some
people say that it's unethical but we have jobs to do. And one of those jobs is
recapping Beverly Hills Housewives. Patrick. Now before we get there I want
to let the audience know we are wrapping up our coverage of Love is Blind season 8.
I think we're still firing on all cylinders despite it being an absolutely horrible season.
If you are listening to that coverage, we have a big surprise for you.
Don't even say it. Okay, because it might not happen. No, just because it's still a nice surprise. Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
I'll keep some guests that we enjoy mixing it up with maybe wrapping up the season with the final
episode, the wedding episode and the reunion all in one. Yeah,
that'll be fun. Yeah, no, we're firing in all cylinders with
that show. It's just, you know, there's a car, imagine a car,
but all of the wheels have been ripped off by vagrants. The you
could still fire on all the cylinders, it's just the car will kind of screech along
and be kind of boring.
I thought it was more like a dog took a huge dump on the sidewalk and someone expects you
to make a Picasso out of it.
Yeah and that's exactly what we've done.
And it stinks man.
Go to slash another podcast network.
For Traders, one more episode and a reunion. Oh, we're gonna miss that show so much.
Yeah, we might have to dive into a past episode. Yep. UK I think
is the next one we do.
Or is there a UK version coming up?
I don't know.
Because there could be they do love is blind all season all
year round. Yeah, love is blind Germany.
Have to have subtitles but I work with it. Wow.
Next show on Patreon is Summer House.
That's right.
Get ready for that.
Horrible episode.
You didn't like this episode?
Absolutely not.
I thought it was Patrick.
I thought it was Patrick.
I thought it was so bad.
Are we breaking up?
You never called me Patrick. I thought it was Patrick. I thought it was so bad. Are we breaking up? You never called me Patrick. No. I knew it wasn't going to work out with my ex-ex when
she used to call me Poopy and when she started going Patrick, I saw the writing on the wall.
I'm like, why'd you call me Patrick? My name is Poopy. Yeah, right, right, right. That
must have been hard. Yeah, it was. It's quite a plane shift going from Poopy. Yeah right right right. Yeah that must have been hard. Yeah it was. It's
quite a plane shift going from Poopy to Patrick. Yeah. Scary. So um yeah I did not like the episode
at all. Kathy Hilton is always the saving grace, always a silver lining. But I want I think the entire show recast. Yeah. Yeah, I think so.
I it won't be no, this is me living in La La Land. But yeah,
whole thing recast. Let me ask you, do you care about
anything that happens to Dorit? Well, she wasn't on this
episode really a lot. No, I know. But do you care about what
happens to her?
I think she is being the most real that she's ever been. This is the real Dorit. This is
who has not been on this show for nine years.
And next year may be a big IRS season. So that'll be fun.
That's right.
Okay, Garcelle.
You can't squeeze blood out of a turd, though.
No, nocelle. You can't squeeze blood out of a turd of that. No, no, no.
Well, okay.
So if you're talking like what's going on in people's lives that we should be interested
in, I'm not interested in Garcelle's dump of a second home.
We love Garcelle.
I think Garcelle is a wonderful human being.
I do.
I also don't care about Jade's modeling career.
God, no.
What I care about Garcelle is what we're not seeing,
which is what's going on with your dating life.
But that's not on camera.
OK, well then let's get to Erika Jane, baby.
Erika Jane, baby.
This is just a dial-in season.
Her storyline is a renovation on her rental,
her being reborn like a phoenix, but not coming out
of the fire, coming out of a mansion that was paid on stolen people's money. Well, it's a little bit like a phoenix But not coming out of the fire coming out of a mansion that was paid on stolen people's money
well, it's a little bit like a fear and I don't want to disperse the
imagery of a phoenix which is you know among the most beautiful we have in I
Would say the global cannon, you know, even the East has a lot of Phoenix myths, but I think I'm talking on my ass
But so you're saying swamp rat having her
well it's a little 900 square foot rental yeah renovated is not like a
Phoenix flying out of the ashes well it's a little bit more like a Phoenix
rebirth thing and then catching on fire and immediately dying before even
getting to the skies getting to the heavens sounds like one of Tom's victims
he might try and get in there and steal some of their money yeah very cyclical so
don't give a fuck about what's going on with Erica Jane. Kyle's is
interesting but she you know the medium is the message and she is not the right
medium to deliver this message she's closed off and fake. Sutton I mean what?
Okay. You know it's just like no. Dylan what you're pointing out is that people
that are on reality TV for a number of years,
at some point, rig the game.
They understand that these are going to be my storylines,
and you're just going to have to deal with that.
The producers really can't twist their arms.
All they can do is threaten and say,
if you keep being disinteresting,
I am not going to film you next year.
You're going to be off the goddamn shelf.
Oh, yeah.
So to your point, perhaps there may need
to be a shake-up because people are getting a little too comfortable here. I
would say so. Now sometimes you can be Heather DeBrow, a absolute horrible
person. I enjoy hate watching her. When she opens her mouth, I think she's lying.
I think she's evil. There's no one to hate watch on this season except maybe
Kyle but she's it's it's it's about's about tedium you know Kyle's just very boring
so it's not like a great evil like uh Heather DeBrow. Now let me say this excuse me. Yeah.
I like this episode for one reason it harkened back to a time when they used to actually have
events and throw parties that didn't include people eating hot dogs in someone's backyard.
This was an actual event where good looking people were there. It was a night out. Other
people from different reality shows were showing up. She did. She I saw you. I liked it. I
actually thought they were lining this up to be the final episode of the season because
that's how they would generally end a season. Some party.
No, we haven't had our trip yet no no no I was excited to see that's the next
episode but um but Kathy Hilton just comes in at the tail end and she was so
Kathy Hilton I enjoyed the episode 19 babies I have four babies five four
babies just because of Kathy can I start us off? Yeah, of course.
All right.
Well, we bounce around the San Fernando Valley as is the usual.
A Coutre Monde.
Monde, sure.
And we catch up with everyone.
And it was nice to see that Jade got that modeling contract, but we didn't stop at DeReed's
house because I always enjoy seeing her hang out with her kids.
I also love watching her play basketball
basketball with Ringo and John Bonham. Yeah her little child was actually at the
Oscars this weekend. Oh is that right? Yeah he announced the award for best
original soul. Wow. And then that crazy woman got up there and started singing
for Amelia Perez which should be if we could go through a Men in Black or Ariana Grande
kind of memory erasure campaign and just pretend
like Amelia Perez never existed, I think that we might,
it could really be like a very divine experience
for everybody.
You know, could you imagine just erasing a piece of artwork
that meaningless and bad and just pretending like it never happened
Now you saw that movie didn't you? Oh, yeah. Okay, you went to the movie theater to see it. No Netflix Netflix
Okay, and just to let you know on the big screen
This is not anything that is anti trans or homophobic or whatever. This is about a movie being
absolutely horrible.
Selena Gomez, I guess I should have
tried a little bit harder.
Open your mouth.
We'll talk about the Oscars on APS.
That's my fault.
Elton John or kind of like a cross between Hillary Clinton
and Elton John and kind of Hitler,
I think that she was like German,
gave the modeling photos to,
I thought you were gonna comment on her
because she looked like Elton John.
Oh, you thought she looked like Elton John?
Yeah, you know, the one that comes in,
like Elton John on Ozempic, kind of.
She comes in and she's like,
oh, Fakacha Faltos and Garcela's like, oh my God.
You know, I didn't catch that.
Oh, wow, really?
Yeah, I'm sorry.
What a failure on your part. Oh yeah, I guess so. You know, I didn't catch that. Oh, wow, really? Yeah, I'm sorry. What a failure on your part.
Yeah, I guess so.
So that, uh.
You know one thing that caught me?
Garcel reflects back on her first modeling gig.
And it was 1984.
Yeah, baby.
I think they might have gotten the date wrong.
It might have been 1994.
Maybe you care to say. I cared because I was doing the math. might have gotten the date wrong. It might have been 1994. Maybe it cares.
I cared because I was doing the math. I'm like, Wow, you've been
around that long.
Yeah. Long enough to get a beautiful home in Oxford,
California. Yeah. So the evil woman from Alabama or wherever
she's from is coming to California.
I know she's from Augusta.
Ooh, golf course and what else?
That's it?
I think.
Seems beautiful though.
We get to Kyle and Kathy finally.
How are you doing?
So, how are you doing?
Well, Kyle, literally, this is Kyle's response to Kathy Hilton, when she goes,
Simon, what's going on?
Honestly, I'm a little shocked, and I honestly don't even know.
I mean, what are you, what are you doing here? If that's gonna be your response?
Yeah, well at least she-
I'm not talking to the press.
Oh, I love that line. That's hilarious.
Kyle admits that she kind of understands what's going on with Mo.
Because technically it's okay to date other people, but she just wishes he was a little more discreet. Uh-huh. Just like she was when she globetrotted for two seasons, pretending to be a, a lesbian.
No, it's very, um, sorry about the ice.
That's okay.
You know, I'm so dehydrated.
The only way to quench my thirst is from the frozen form.
It's not right.
When we get start getting in later in the episode of who
called the paparazzi because who the fuck cares about this idiot
in Europe, right? He's not Brad Pitt, honey. Yeah, I love that
line. And then they said, well, maybe it's his girlfriend. And
then I thought, but what she put on that outfit that day, if she
alerted the paparazzi.
Did she look like a pig or look like she was in jammies?
She looked like she was just swimming in the ocean and then wrapped something around her
She was wearing a bathing suit.
Oh, a sarah?
Yeah, sarah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Petite sarah.
Okay, so let's get to the outhouse.
Martin Lawrence Beauregard comes in.
Lucas, it all cleans up and glorious, honey.
This man is such a snake oil salesman.
He's talking about spirits being lifted.
It's like, dude, you're not a fucking roomie.
You bought furniture for her and threw up wallpaper.
Horrible wallpaper, by the way.
So goddamn tacky.
Like Miami Vice called.
They brought their decor back.
Right, right, right.
Tony Montana called.
He's pissed.
And by the way, I appreciated how her mother
pointed out the imperfections in the wallpaper.
Your one job as a designer or overseeing it
is to look at certain details like this. I've
seen this. It's like a lot of people's houses that spend a lot of money and I'll like being
taking a leak in their bathroom like Jesus fucking Christ. They should be like, do they
when they're in here, they notice all the like the paint spatter on the fucking the
iron over there. Like, anyway, I know when you go to real rich people's houses
and they're like, everything is like really, like really nice.
Whoa, this is crazy.
You have a special machine in wall.
It's in the wall.
That's kind of crazy.
Got to save that counter space though, don't we, Pat?
Have we ever met Swamp Rat's mother?
Because she seemed like she had her shit together.? Have we ever met Swamp Rat's mother? Because she seemed like she understood together.
Yeah, we've met Swamp Rat's mother.
Because I was trying to understand how Swamp Rat
became Swamp Rat, right?
You're like, she moved out here, she worked at Chasen's.
That's where she met Tom, an aspiring actress,
but then turns into a gold digger, right?
Yeah, a little bit.
So, oh. And that would give me the assumption that perhaps there was a
Troubled childhood
But mom seems like she's got it together
Yeah, but we only see mom for a brief moment, right?
We didn't see how it was in the 60s when we have was a small child
Yeah, I mean she was throwing bottles at her head, but we haven't seen dad either, you know, that's good point. Dad might be dead. Um,
or left when she was two and moved to Florida. Let's take a tour kids. This is where he waved
goodbye to us. Do you see Gene Hackman? All right, being interviewed by James Lipton.
No. You get to the pearly gates. What's the first thing he'll say?
He asks him about his dad.
Your father left you at an early age.
How did that make you feel?
Gene Hackman starts breaking down into your get out of here.
He's crying.
He's like on the verge of tears.
Please tell me he was like acting and he said, I don't care.
I was no no, it is a very real vulnerable moment.
That's what James Lipton could do,
despite and beside the Garfield orange dyed facial hair
and really everything else.
He could really break through that facade,
that horrifying facade and see the person's soul
who was sitting across from him.
You know the saddest part?
So initially when the reports come out, this is why you should never believe the news,
whatever they report the first 24 hours, because they, it's generally bad. If you
don't have the information, don't say it. So initially they said they died of
carbon monoxide poisoning. Yeah. Then they get the toxicology report. And it
turns out they weren't all in the same room, because remember the one little
trick here is the dog died as well.
So you think, who takes out a dog with them?
I understand if you all want to.
It's like a little falcony.
So the reality is his little heart thing in there,
he starts having a heart attack.
Little pacemaker.
Wife runs into the bathroom probably
to get him some medication.
Slips, falls, hits her head.
Hits her head.
She has a fucking heart attack.
Oh my god, wow.
Why is the dog die?
He's trapped in a goddamn kennel cage,
and he's dehydrated over nine days
and dies because he doesn't have any water.
Oh my god.
You didn't know that?
Yeah, that's what happened.
That is tragic.
Yeah, so people, if you're that old and you could die,
don't lock your dog in a kettle, right?
I think that's what we should all learn from this. Come on guys
What are you doing?
All right dying. Yeah, I mean evidently so
Okay, let's do
Let's do this. Okay
Let's talk about the next thing that happens on the show, which is Kyle and Kathy heading in for another mammogram situation
We had one in OC. Yeah, just last season. Is this a thing now? Well, it's a it's good
It's an awareness thing. I guess so, you know people need to
You know mammograms routine, you know could save you from death, you know, we want our women
We want our women healthy and around.
That's what Kyle said.
Her mom would still be around.
What would happen if our wives passed away?
We would be rudderless.
We would be panhandling within weeks.
I wouldn't be.
But I told my wife what I would do.
She said, I give you permission to marry someone quick,
because kids are going to need a mom.
Oh, god.
I said, I'm not going to do that. I I'm gonna have grandpa Ruby, her dad, move in. We'll have to probably have
let him live in the studio here. Okay. And then he'll help me raise the kids.
All right. I don't want to be with anybody else. It's too much work.
You think you'll get big and fat? No, no. I'll keep my looks. You think? Yeah, it's
really important to me. What for? It's really important to me. What for?
It's really important to me, I don't know. I just don't like looking like a fat gray pig
with the skin that skin bleeds for no reason.
No, I'm not.
Kind of just trailed off there.
Yeah, now I've thought about it.
Yeah, you don't wanna get too close to that being not hypothetical.
My dad was morbidly obese and I always looked at that as like, I don't want to do that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I got to live for my kids.
No, morbid obesity is a tough thing.
And guys, I'm apologize, I'm apologize for us getting off track.
But if, you know, Patrick and I looked at the clock in the past couple of episodes,
you know, below deck and whatnot, and clock in the past couple of episodes, you know, below deck
and whatnot. And wow, we did 31 minutes on that. We got to keep
it a little less lean a little mess.
Yeah, or mean less more lean.
No, neither of it. Oh, we need this podcast to be fat and
bloated. Right? Yeah. Like you would be if your wife left you.
No, I won't.
Well, if your wife left you, you would get a six pack because then it would be vengeance time.
That's not her fault. Yeah, no, I just be able to watch TV in the shows that I want to watch.
Right. And not be judged. Right, right, right. Yeah.
I'll tell you what though, you used to have a lot of fun with a big bowl of cereal.
Oh, I did like that. Oh, you remember? I've told you that about that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Well, that would be a Sunday after I'd partied Friday and Saturday.
I'd have this habit where I'd go, I'm going to be a gluttonous pig all day.
Right, right, right.
I used to eat those six dollar burgers from Carl's Jr.
Sometimes I'd stop by twice. Right. I'd eat an entire box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Right, right, right. I used to eat those six dollar burgers from Carl's Jr. Sure. Sometimes I'd stop by twice.
Right. I eat an entire box of cinnamon toast crunch.
Then I'd head over to Subway and I'd eat a foot long meatball sandwich.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Every Sunday for multiple years.
Yeah, that's good. But I'm past that now.
Yeah, no, that's good.
God, I haven't had a.
What is it? What was my favorite cereal?
Get in the comments on let us know your favorite
cereals. It was Captain Crunch Berry. Oops.
Oh yeah.
But it was oops, all Crunch Berry.
Ha ha.
I don't want any of the Captain Crunch in there. It tears my mouth.
That's what I was going to say. That cereal rips the inside of your mouth apart.
Yeah, it feels like a burn after you've eaten it.
It does. It actually, sometimes there's like pieces of like, like the ceiling is falling apart in your mouth apart. Yeah it feels like a burn after you've eaten it. It does it actually sometimes there's like pieces of like like your the ceiling is falling
apart. Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's like it turns your mouth into a popcorn
ceiling. Yeah. Yeah it's really bad. Oh frosted flakes. I miss a good solid bowl
of frosted flakes. You gotta eat it quick though. It's got to maintain the crunch.
Can't get sog. Oh no. No. I love the no. That's what we pilots. I love the sog. Oh, you love the sog, huh?
So Kyle and Kathy are getting mammograms.
And I feel like we're getting a little gas
lit by this entire situation.
Because Kyle's now like, well, yeah, he was free to go out.
It's like, hang on a second.
I thought we were doing this whole thing where you guys were
like, hopefully going to get back together.
And it was this like,
doesn't make any sense at all. He's spending time with his his daughters. And now this picture
comes out and Kyle's like, Well, you know, I was under no false pretense that he wasn't doing it's
like, and by the way, hang on a second, this is where she jumps on her Instagram for some reason.
Yeah, to take the word wife out of her bio.
And then we learn later in the episode,
he did that like four fucking months ago.
That's him saying, fuck it.
Well, I love that Cathy Hilton's like,
sorry about the ice.
It's okay.
I'm so sorry about the ice.
I mean, it's hard to listen to.
I can't even imagine.
Just the repositioning I just did.
You know what?
If I didn't sleep next to a wife cruncher every night,
my wife loves chewing on ice.
Oh, it's one of the great joys.
Is it?
If it's good ice, if it's pebble ice, if it is pebble ice,
and you can get pebble ice from a couple of different places.
Carnies, Sonic.
Those are those little balls.
I mean, what's better than chewing on some pebble ice?
My wife likes the little gnocchi like tubes.
Yeah, yeah.
I like a tube.
I need a tube to set in and lose a little bit of its tens-tai.
Is that the right word? I mean, it's a little bit too crystal.
I need to be chewy.
But anyways, we can't tell you how insane my life is.
She will have me go.
We will have diet Coke cans in here.
We have a $10,000 refrigerator that makes us ice.
And she'll go, I'll be out and she'll go.
You shouldn't boast about your money like that. I'm not
boasting about it. I will go out like, do you need anything,
honey? Okay, stop by McDonald's and get me a medium diet coke.
Well, she knows that McDonald's reigns supreme with their coke
and diet coke solutions. There is no better diet coke you can
get on planet Earth than from a McDonald's and it's just scientific fact
Wow, yeah, you agree with this insanity a million percent
If you had if we did one of those tests and you had a Diet Coke from a bottle
You had a Diet Coke from a can you had a Diet Coke from McDonald's you would prefer the Diet Coke from McDonald's
If I had more time on my hands, I'd test that.
I think we should test it one time.
Okay, so Kyle accuses Mauricio of being too poor to hire the paparazzi.
Kyle didn't do that.
Kathy did.
Yeah, this was great. Throw some motherfucking shade.
She says two things.
One, we all knew the rumors for years,
which is essentially saying without saying it, he's been a
cheating son of a bitch for a decade. Yep. That's where it's like, hey Kyle, Kyle
come on. I told you why she doesn't do it. Business. That's right. And then she
says he actually doesn't have any money. Yeah. To pay anybody off. Yeah and then she says one
ringy dingy and we can find out who orchestrated this entire
One ringy dingy.
All right, let's get to Sutton Brands.
Everyone's knockout press cancer, by the way.
Great news.
So big fashion show.
We get a flashback from a couple weeks earlier where Sutton has one of those marketing meetings
for her company.
Yeah, we've seen this scene twice now.
Yeah, she says, I have an idea to help the brand.
I think we should do a runway show.
I don't know if the employee, if it's a brand manager
or a partner or whatever, he says, and I quote,
that's a genius idea.
I have a better idea.
Let's get a couple drums of kerosene
and then take the money that we would need to spend
and just douse it, right?
Because it's the same thing, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's lighting money.
And we'll get to the fashion show.
The ladies rip on the fashion and rightly so.
It looks like it came-
I love the pool boy outfit.
I hope one of the buyers from Dress for Less was there.
I think they might buy her entire collection.
A lot of the clothing looked like it came off
the racks of a big five sporting goods.
It was not high fashion, certainly,
but I don't know if that's what Sutton's going for.
So Erica and Mom, things used to be dark, but now they're not.
She's reinvented herself
baby but Tom's got a trial coming up so she may get grabbed back into that well
they drink in that cabana and there's that gigantic self-portrait sitting
there from another time did you see the Erica Jane baby yeah a happier time when
Erica and Mikey were jet-setting around the world with 12 dancers and paying to perform at
festivals. Yeah
Memories. Yeah, it's expensive to be here
But she says there's a lot to be proud of and and you know to drop this the cynical kind of hat for a second
You know, I guess there's a lot to be proud of. You could have gone about it in a much more disgusting way, or a much less disgusting
What with trouncing around in million dollar earrings and what not.
Well, people were filing class action lawsuits for familial death and burns.
So, yeah.
She's a swap rat.
By the way, I love loyalty too.
You were married to this fucking scumbag.
He didn't steal money from you, right?
I mean, as a wife, like no support.
The second that he's going down, which he should,
abandon ship with this asshole.
I don't need to align with him.
Well, I think she's got to, because to show any loyalty
would, it would one, be really a bad look.
It's a PR look, but I'm.
But two, I think that it would, if she leaves him
in the lurches or the lurch, there's like,
I think there's plausible deniability about the whole,
because she can be.
It was a calculated PR move, but Swamp Rat this this fucker bankrolled you for 20 years and the way that she got out of it
I don't know if you remember she basically said she saw
Screen which she did screenshots of him trying to fuck another judge like four years ago
So he was cheating on her so that allows her to close that door. I see what you're doing Swamp Rat
Yeah, we see it allows her to close that door. I see what you do in Swamp, right?
Yeah, we see it. Let's get to lunch with DeRite and Garcelle,
Belvedere Three Lemons and things are good.
We talk about Kyle and Kyle is...
Talk about Kyle but more Mo.
Well, we returned fire.
Kyle was spotted at a Morgan show.
I don't know what her name is Morgan something more I'm gonna love you I know a lot of people hate country music I can tell you
on the ladder of where she sits is like D-list level oh really good how she
found her no no she's probably good huh? No.
No. Do you see that music video that she was in? It looked like a first-year college student,
like film student did it. Let's watch it. Okay. I love you. Kyle Richards Morgan music video. Yeah
yeah I'm sure it's there. Alright you probably have probably have to like scrub to have 3.8 million views
Well, yeah, I mean Kyle's on this show. Yeah
See okay starting off very Jason Mraz Alright, the sexual overtones and undertones and just nature of this music video is hard
to miss and yeah, Kyle, let's move to bullshit. I mean you're literally in a music video
where the woman across the street is
Taking off her athleisure to show you her hot little tattooed body
pouring water all over herself and you're leaning against the wall just
Completely overtaken by your crush on this person
So if I was Mauricio, I'd be like,
what the fuck's going on too?
But the problem is Mauricio was just balls deep
in people for half a decade before that.
That's right.
She was within her rights to do what she did.
What is her last name?
Is it Wade?
Don't know.
Yeah, Morgan Wade.
Good for them.
I think it's a great music video.
Great song.
Oh, yeah? You like it? Yeah. Yeah, it for them. That's I think it's a great music video great song. Oh, yeah
Yeah, yeah, it's really good. All right, let's get to the fashion show. Oh
Let's see here. Are we there? Oh, yeah, you always hate when the
The girls get glammed up. I guess you say you're not a fan of that. No, I
Mean, what did we glean from it? I?
Don't know. I just like it. There's some b roll that I really enjoyed. You're a gay little boy.
All right.
Oh, well, we learned that Reba didn't make her flight. Oh, yeah.
She gave it the old college try though, but it didn't work out.
I think Reba probably called it a bomb threat at the airport.
Anything to not get there to support it on her, I guess.
That's a really good point. Reba is not a big weed smoker, but
she did arrive to the airport with a half pound in her luggage.
Wow, she's lucky she didn't get arrested not only get on not get
on that plane.
Well, she leveled with TSA and the federal agents that came
into the room. She said, Listen,
I hate my daughter, y'all can take us I hate my goddamn
daughter so goddamn much.
I wouldn't believe and they kind of took pity on her and felt bad for her. And they let her out.
That was nice. Okay let's get to the fashion show. Quite the bellhop. Florence in the machine a little bit.
Avi is screaming and we get to rehearsal. Jennifer Tilly is very upset that she has to rehearse and I'm just wondering
what this is because Sutton is orchestrating the show and it's strange
to me because like if you're gonna or it would be like me stepping up to a I
guess she's not orchestrating anything that's the person that bankrolled
everything and the person that she hired to be the event coordinator is just standing by and can't
fucking say shit. Well yeah I guess but she does step up and start telling
people to walk certain ways. I'm like you don't have any standing in this realm.
You've never you've done this maybe. Doesn't matter whoever's bankrolling it
gets to come in and say there's give their two fucking dumb sense. Okay, so let's get to the show
What I'm saying is
orchestrators and directors of fashion shows are very
experienced a
Dare I say artistic and creative people. Well, we met the event coordinator
He was that handsome guy who was trying to get in every single goddamn shot. Did you see that guy Florence the machine?
Oh that his name is well, no, no that long-haired guy. Yeah to get in every single goddamn shot. Did you see that guy? Florence of the Machine. Oh, that is Davis.
Well, no, no, no.
The long-haired guy?
He was part of that team, but the short-haired,
better-looking guy was the actual event quarter.
He was the one asking if the ladies needed any drinks.
Oh, that's right.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
No, his skin looked great.
All right.
Let's get to the show.
So did Halle Berry at the Oscars.
Are we going to talk about her?
She's 56 years old. We'll talk at the Oscars. Are we gonna talk about her? She's 56 years old talk about the okay
Kyle's not talking to the press and even no press no press
Okay, who cares
Talk to the press, you know the funny part don't talk to the press the funny
But alright, so there are gonna be people there, but it's not the type of press that gives a shit about mo
She had said vote she mentioned some publications that would be there like vogue. I don't know why vogue is there
But they're there because they cover fashion shows
and real
Publications, I don't know websites like reality blurb or reality reality bites. They don't have any money to send anybody out there
Those are the people that cover your shit life. Well, they just do it for free those those journalists just like being there
Well, here's how most of the stuff that gets covered by Bravo works. There's no actual reporters
They just cover all these people on Instagram posting and then they kind of put pieces together
I think there are journalists there, but they're from like yeah
They're from page six and they're you know, they're they're
There are people that just want to expense their night at Barney's Beannery
But I think what you're pointing out by her saying no reporters is the level of self-importance
Yeah, what are you the Clintons? Like are you talking about?
and and to know that like I
I think one of the reasons why she's like
I'm I can't talk to the press because I deep down I don't think that she really
gives a fuck either I mean she knows that to talk to the press would be to
act mm-hmm because she knows that he's been fucking doing this for a long time Long time this is their dynamic so to be outraged in the press would be this
Thing that you have to like commit to
Maybe I'm getting too deep now before we move on because I think we're gonna wrap this up a little bit
When Kathy had essentially said that
Mauricio couldn't float
a girlfriend or what.
It makes me concerned that maybe their lifestyle
is a little inflated and that could be fascinating.
Because divorce is happening, this is shot in Freud,
this is, all the kids are out of the house,
actually I don't give a fuck if Kyle has to live
in a condo next to Erica Jane.
It would be interesting if we start getting in the finances actually I don't give a fuck if Kyle has to live in a condo next to Erica Jane. Yeah. Uh,
it would be interesting if we start getting in the finances because I can tell you the real estate market has not been doing well for a number of years.
I think that, uh, it would be really cool to see if,
if to read downsizes and Kyle downsizes, that'll be fun.
I'd love for them to live together like Laverne and Shirley.
Yeah, I think so too.
And then Lenny and Squiggy come over.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
That would be really good.
And I don't really get those references.
So Sheena Shay is here.
She's here.
It's nice to be on television again, because I don't know
when we're going to see you again.
We'll see you on the valley.
Oh my god.
How could we forget?
In Breaking Not Rocking News, Jax Taylor God, how could we forget? In breaking not tracking news,
jacks Taylor has admitted that he has a cocaine addiction
problem. Oh, he does. Okay, because we've been saying that
the entire season.
Well, it's entire career. Yeah. Yeah. Because we've been saying that you know it would be like you know what we're
saying it because he's gacked out of his mind every single time he's on camera so
it's not like too much investigative work like we're not gum shoes or
anything we're just like calling the sky blue you know that's it there are some
scenes in that season one when we covered that. Yeah. Where it sounds like this because
your nasal congested because you've been doing fucking lines. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, Jack allergy
problems. Oh, one thing you triggered. So the reason this season sucks. I don't hate
it as much as you do. There's something wonderful about new cast members. And by that, I mean
a new reality show.
The Valley was amazing.
To be fair it was only six episodes.
How do you fuck that up?
It was depressing.
But all those people, those new people.
It was more than six episodes.
Maybe it was eight.
It was a very, very short season Dylan.
You usually call me Poopy.
Oh, Poopy Pets.
Oh yeah, that's me.
You know. It was a call back. Yeah, you used to call me poopy. Oh, put the pets. Oh, yeah, that's me. You know, it was a callback
I used to call me poopy is that you know
We had a number of marriages imploding on television and that's I mean you don't get that all the time in reality TV
No, I was really that was particularly toxic. So I'm hoping that we don't have a sophomore slump, but we'll see anyway moving on
Okay fashion. So at the fashion show Kathy's on Xanax. I can tell you that right? Yeah. Yeah
So we're at the fashion show. So we're at the fashion show. Cathy's on Xanax, I can tell you that right now. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So we do the show. Cathy hurts her knee and then slow rolls out and walks to her seat in front of the first model.
This is quintessential Cathy, and we love her for it.
quintessential Cathy and we love her for it. The model checked Cathy a little bit. She bumped her with a very tall mama. Now first on that was purposeful if I was
Cathy I would sue don't touch Cathy Hilton like that you bitch. So Cathy
goes backstage to offer Sutton Duret's voiceover for the event. Did you catch that?
No. She said, you know, Duret can come out and start announcing the models or
because she knows fashion and Sutton goes this is a professional operation
don't worry we got it covered. Yeah, don't worry. And then Kathy walks out. Right.
And then doesn't... Well she also hurt her knee she had to get medical attention
That's right as well, but the show ends the fashion is
ripples of and
We get Sutton
grabbing the mic and saying
My mom is not here
But if she was I hope she'd be proud of me
Talk about, God, not severing the umbilical cord
when you're that old.
God damn, I mean.
Who's the guy that created all those shows
from Archie Bunker's house?
Who's that famous writer?
Do you know who I'm talking about?
Yeah. He just died last'm talking about? Yeah.
He just died like last year at 95.
He was doing podcasts five years before his death
in his 90s talking about his mother,
never giving him any praise and how much it bothered him.
We take that to the motherfucking grave.
What is his name?
Norm Norman,
norm norm something.
All right, we'll get in the comments. Let us know what you
thought about the episode. We love you guys very much. We'll
be back next week with a girls trip. I don't know. Let us know
what you think about this season. It's it's I
Lear, I, I.
Norman Lear.
And by the way, Norman Lear needed a mom like Garcelle
who congratulated her son like he'd just gotten
into the Olympics.
He'd put on someone else's clothes and walked in a circle.
Well, I think we need, we can strike a balance, right?
We'll see you next week.
I'm Dylan saying goodbye.
Pat, say goodbye.
Bye guys. I'm still walking fast but still, in Beverly Hills
I can walk on the stone, I can walk on the glass, I'm walking all over this earth
I can walk on the fire, I can walk on the air, I'm walking all over this earth