Kill James Bond! - Sea Rat Recap: Things Hidden in Lee's Room | Below Deck S1 E2 w/ Sam Orme

Episode Date: June 18, 2023

Pat and Dylan are joined by Sea Rat Sam to break down guests with cocaine, industrial engineering, the things they found in Lee's room, what the first season was like and more from Bravo's Below Deck....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yeah, you know what's great is as stews, we clean the whole boat. Well, that includes the captain's quarters. And we found, you know, there were some secrets hiding in his room. uh welcome aboard another brand spank new episode war with china war with china um of another below deck podcast today is a very very special day today is not only a c rat interview, but rather a, a kind of a companionship today. It's a C rat recap. Um, we haven't really done that. We've tried it.
Starting point is 00:00:52 I think we did it one time with Gabby who got absolutely shit face that I think the fans were really pissed off at it. But, um, as we're going back into the vault, we have been exploring season one of Below Deck OG. And joining us today is one of the cast members of the Maiden Voyage of Honor. None other than the engineer herself, Sam.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Hi, Sam. Thank you for joining us. Thank you. Thanks for doing joining us. Thank you. Thanks for doing this, Sam. Happy to be here. This is going to be fun because when you get to look back, and Sam, I don't know if you've kept track of this. This is the 10-year anniversary this month of the release of this season of Below Deck. Did you keep track of that, Sam?
Starting point is 00:01:41 It's been more than 10 years, hasn't it? Oh, look at that it starting off pretty adversarial there Sam that does not like to be corrected it debuted it debuted in June of 2013 she may be recollecting
Starting point is 00:01:59 that the filming was a year prior see there's a lot of tension already I don't think there's any lot of tension already this is going to get you i don't think there's any tension i think we got pat playing the role of adrian and sam is sam um but sam we're going to kind of ask how this was throughout the episode recap so i think we should just get into the first thing that happens because we have to ask you what it was like being aboard a vessel where the patrons were kicked off the boat for
Starting point is 00:02:33 cocaine so that is yeah you know i was i was kind of removed from that whole happening. I don't know where I was, like down in the laundry room probably. And Kat was up cleaning all the heads and found it. So, you know, I didn't really know what was going on until after the fact. And someone said, oh, the guests are leaving. Or the guests are getting kicked out. So, you know, I guess is what it is. All right, so you can be on record now
Starting point is 00:03:09 finally giving some clarity to the rumors over the years. Did you guys, in fact, collectively have a mutiny once the guests were kicked off the boat, saying basically your fears were that producers had created this drama, had planted the cocaine, and you guys refused to film. Is that true? Can you explain what that was like?
Starting point is 00:03:33 What? You lost me. No. There was no planting of any drugs that I'm aware of. You guys didn't refuse to film after that? So none of you refused to film after those guys were kicked off the boat?
Starting point is 00:03:52 No, absolutely not. In fact, it was a welcomed break because we didn't have to serve people for the next week. We just got some downtime. So it's nice. We can still play in the ocean.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Who comes up with these stupid fucking rumors? It's an article, if you can believe it. Yeah. All right, so let's dispel some rumors or bad info out on the internet about this season. Another rumor going around was that Adrienne was not supposed to be the chief stew. She was in fact hired on the show to be a chef. Can you speak to that? Oh man, you're making me, you're making my
Starting point is 00:04:35 memory really do some work here. Okay. I do recall something about that i think that so i believe adrian was underqualified to be a cheap stew i don't think she had held that position before and most of her previous work experience had been as a chef on board much much smaller charter vessels and so certainly hired me the chef or not um but i know she was underqualified to be the stew she or the chief stew and i also know that she was in not even the sizzle reel but like i guess in the production world like when they were pitching this long before it ever became a reality was they they put together these i don't know you guys would probably know what they're called like little mini cuts of like what it could look like presentation or sizzle reel you yeah yeah and so i think adrian was part of that and the intention was to only use her for that and then recast season one or the pilot season
Starting point is 00:05:46 so i don't know how or when they decided to bring her on as the chief stew it's the most below deck thing ever they're just like let's have somebody who has cooked on fishing boats be the uh chief stew of this super yacht it'll make for great tv um sam how are you and adrian doing today are you guys fast friends do you guys still talk oh besties yeah it's nice to know that a decade can't heal uh old wounds oh no no no no no no no, no, no, no. Definitely not. Full sarcasm. I have no idea how she is or where she is. No clue. Yeah, no. Nor do I.
Starting point is 00:06:29 All right. A few more questions, if you don't mind, before we get started and start getting into the episode. And then, of course, we'll pepper in questions from there. What was it like? Because this was, in my memory, an instant hit for Bravo. Did you experience, like now Bravo, you've seen what happened with the housewives and, you know, the Instagram followings and everybody's making hay out of
Starting point is 00:06:49 being on, you know, a couple seasons of whatever Bravo offering. What was it like at the time of the airing for you personally? Um, it was pretty wild. Yeah. I mean, we had no clue i don't even think when we were filming that it was that we were convinced it was going to be on bravo um because it was such a pilot season and they were like oh yeah we're pitching this to bravo or bravo's interested and then it wasn't until like the end of the episode they flew somebody out to st martin from bravo and then we were like oh maybe this is gonna be on bravo like i don't know it was bizarre so yeah when we when it started airing i guess a year later at that point i had moved to los angeles and you know would start to get recognized out and about. And it was just very surreal.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Where'd you live in Los Angeles? I lived in Encino for a while. Ventura Boulevard. Hey, I am so sorry because we've not asked the most important question ever. And I think that, you know what? I think that,
Starting point is 00:08:04 I think that it's hurt the podcast quite quite frankly because we didn't ask the question yeah because we didn't ask all right here it is Sam how'd you get on the show how'd you get on the show Sam um so I was working at an engineering office and my mom actually sent me a Facebook link that it was just a really basic little flyer that would pop up on the side of Facebook. This was like the whole Facebook interface doesn't even look like it does today. But it was a little flyer popped up and it just had like a picture of a Caribbean island and it said, want to work on a yacht? And my mom used to work on yachts and so she thought well let me just send this over to my daughter who's miserable in her engineering career career
Starting point is 00:08:54 and so i clicked the link seeing what it is and the initial application was super short it wanted like your name your experience and a paragraph about yourself in a touch of photo. And that was it. And so I had no idea that it was like for a reality show, that it was going to be on Bravo, none of that. I submitted it like it was just this basic application. And then like within a week, I had a producer or a casting agent calling me, wanting to set up like an interview,
Starting point is 00:09:24 a face-to an interview, a Zoom interview. Because now it's such a different process. People are actually going to Yachty School to then kind of jump onto this show. And I think that's kind of changed the show quite
Starting point is 00:09:41 a bit. Yeah, well, speaking of you, no, I want to pause on that question, but thank you for letting us know how you got on the show quite a bit. Yeah. Well, speaking of you, uh, no, I want to pause on that question, but thank you for letting us know how you got on the show. One last question. And I think it's, it's an important question because, all right, so Sam, I watched the show when it originally aired. I loved it instantly. My cousin Christy was visiting for the summer. That's what we watched every night that when it aired, we loved it. And I was absolutely confused when season two aired and basically it was completely recast.
Starting point is 00:10:12 Can you walk us through a little bit about how that happened? Because we're only on season, episode three of the season. I love this season. I'm just, it's just the way it's shot. It's beautiful. The casting was perfect. What was it like when you found out you wouldn't be returning or perhaps you didn't even want to return?
Starting point is 00:10:32 I probably would have returned for a second season. I just didn't get invited. I don't know. I think that it has a lot to do with storylines and character development and things like that. And if they feel that they got like, okay.
Starting point is 00:10:51 So I really feel like the reason they cast me initially is because they wanted like a newbie, a party girl, um, someone who was single. And when I shared the story about my sister that was like gold to them right they wanted to kind of exploit that unfortunately um and so they got all that out of me that's all i had to give you know what i mean i I am who I am. I, I showed all my cards in season one.
Starting point is 00:11:27 And so I don't know. I can't speak for the casting producer, the casting people and how they came about season two, but it is bizarre because I, I became pretty close friends with, um, you know, Mark Cronin and, and Lisa and, and the whole gang. And, um, you know, hung outronin and Lisa and the whole gang. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And we, you know, hung out together in Los Angeles. And so I was a little shocked, too, that I didn't get picked up for a season two.
Starting point is 00:11:53 It's a tough business, kid. You were never friends with them. They were using you. Yes, and also, by the way, your story nowadays, people just show up and the expectation is just get blackout drunk and bang your co-worker. Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. Well, okay, so let's jump in to the next part of the episode.
Starting point is 00:12:10 I don't know if you're watching below deck now or if you care, but right now the series is kind of gnawing at itself over this thruple. And it would seem as though in episode two of season one, the groundwork was laid for a thruple. Ah. Kat, CJ, and Sam. Now, you and CJ were fast friends. You were shaving his back within moments of knowing him. Why did you say yes to doing that?
Starting point is 00:12:46 And why did you do it? Oh, man. I don't know. I guess. A kind person. Yeah. Help out. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:12:58 You're a very sweet person because that is disgusting. So, Sam, you were sitting idly by while Kat, who seems like a great person, had quite a bit of a drinking problem at this stage in her life, was trying to fuck CJ in the bathroom. Now, CJ has a little convo with you after Kat, I think think falls over somewhere and he puts you at ease by saying sam don't worry i'm not into fake tits now were you uh how is what what's your your read on cj as a person having spent uh an entire season with him is he a bit of a gross coxman are you guys still friendly what what's his uh what's his beat oh man um i mean i said this in the reunion um i never had feelings for CJ. Yeah. I was never attracted to him.
Starting point is 00:14:06 I know that the season portrays me being into him. I know they said like, there were clips of me saying that CJ was hot, but if you notice, I didn't say CJ's hot. I just said he's hot. And so it was like this Franken clip of me talking about some, that they pieced together to make
Starting point is 00:14:28 it look like i was talking about cj yeah um i say a good dude um i would absolutely never be romantic now just to set the scene here this is your first night out which has now become a major trope of the show you guys work very hard and now it's time to make bad decisions and show up at tourist destinations where cruise ships drop off, uh, uh, people at these night spots that he might be there because they're sparklers and overpriced vodka.
Starting point is 00:14:59 Right? So you and cat, it is made to look like you guys are fighting over CJ. Uh, at some point cat goes and hangs out. I think she sits on deckhand Dave's dick and you cozy up next to him. And I think per Kat, she gives advice that you always need to have sex with the person that you're sharing quarters with.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Very much like a shop teacher would explain how to use a bandsaw. It's just matter of factly. Right. Yeah. Very much like a shop teacher would explain how to use a band saw. It's just matter of factly. Right. But, all right.
Starting point is 00:15:31 So, I love how that's established very out of the gate that she wasn't into CJ. I don't think, by the way, that they have different... Are they still doing different sexes in the same... I think it's rather frowned upon. Depending on the vessel, Captain Sandy Yon won't have a second of it. That's right. She just won't have a second of it. That is right. She just won't have a second of it. That is so odd that they did that back then. Well, we get back to the boat.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Kate's tits are out, and Kate's tits are out somehow. Cat. Yeah, Cat. Sorry, excuse me. I had helmet nachos last night, Sam. I'm a little ill right now. So we have our first issue the next morning
Starting point is 00:16:04 of the episode. We've already had 15 issues with sam and adrian but um this is where you two kind of flare up at one another for the first time this episode now kat mentions that it's just you two are oil and water you are not destined to work with one another well now adrian is an overcompensating monster, but I do have to say, Sam, and I know that you've likely grown, but you were a real piece of work back then too. I mean, you were quite the dick to her,
Starting point is 00:16:35 but she was quite the dick to you. So this was not ever going to be a thing. What are we not seeing on camera that caused the rub? You know, once you lose respect for somebody, it's just really hard to dig your way out of that, for her to dig her way out of that. You know what I mean? And so it had been like weeks of just,
Starting point is 00:17:01 I just couldn't with her. Yeah, Sam, I get where you're coming from because there's this slippery thing with that kind of management, especially if it's completely incompetent and underqualified. And cameras there. And cameras there. So what that person should be is humble, team-oriented, and not hierarchically focused. But when you have somebody who's hierarchically focused, it's not just that you need to do your job. It's that you need to pay respect to her position while going throughout the duty. It's like part of your job is to, you know, kind of kowtow to the fact that she is above you.
Starting point is 00:17:49 And when she is as incompetent and rude as she is, that adds to the yuckiness of this relationship. And I believe it was brought up in the episode, Adrian is always on. The upper management hierarchy is never, there's never an off button it's always there is would you agree with that yeah wholeheartedly so so yeah go ahead sam like i knew that after a few weeks of filming like the producers were eating it up right and and i knew that essentially she wasn't my boss
Starting point is 00:18:29 right like in the in the show sure she was my boss but in real life the production company was my boss they were the ones who were paying me to be there and keeping me there. Adrian couldn't actually fire me. So I didn't really have to report to Adrian. I was reporting to the production company and the production company was eating it up. Right, right, right, right. So yeah, there was plenty of job security and the nastiness between you two. Now you bring up the fact that you didn't get a degree in industrial engineering to be treated like this. Now, I want to talk about the degree in industrial engineering because this is just insane. You are talking about how you understand differential equations and this very, very complicated math, yet you found yourself in what sounded like an office space kind of nightmare, so soul crushing that your mother sent you a maybe take a whim on working in the Caribbean
Starting point is 00:19:35 somewhere. What is going on? Why so much sweat equity poured into academia to all to be shaving cj's back now i don't mean to to frame that as like a drop but it's quite a shift well she explains it in the show dylan when she'll explain it here she hated the mundane uh just right but were there no other pathways into engineering um why the switch i was young right i had only been like less than a year out of college so the job i was working was my first job out of college and i i took it based on you know what paid the most basically i hadn't explored my career yet i hadn't found my niche in engineering yeah so um you know i was i had a long commute to get to to my job at the time which didn't help anything and you know sometimes you just want to escape you want to be back to the Caribbean and so it was just an opportunity plus i had you know confidence that okay now i
Starting point is 00:20:40 have this degree under my belt that's not not going anywhere. So if I want to fuck off for a few months for the summer, I can always come back. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This was her version of, why don't I just get a train pass and go stay in Europe for three months with my friends? It's a good one because you get notoriety and you get paid.
Starting point is 00:21:00 Did you go back to that career path? I did. Yeah. I went back to that same company, actually. I worked with them for a few more months before I moved to LA. And then when I moved to LA, I started working for a solar company in the Valley.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Was it better than being on a yacht, wiping up piss and dealing with uh mean drunks yeah um it paid more yeah well it's an experience it's an experience um all right so we we get to cooler gate um this is we talked about it you guys feud over the cooler a bit uh cat wakes up believe it or not she's tired the next day um she is getting the shit beaten out of her by adrian who doesn't care because the guests are coming and i for one was hoping that they did not have cocaine on them. They didn't, but they arguably had something worse, which was a scam in their bones. The person that boards this vessel, the second charter guest of the first season,
Starting point is 00:22:20 is a hypnotist who charges people $45,000 a session. Who was this guy, Sam? This guy was a quack and a charlatan. I mean, we saw him perform hypnosis a couple of times and it did not work. I've lived in Los Angeles. Well, sorry, Sam. I've lived in Los Angeles for a number of years. This was a thing in that era my god and they were making lots of money and i i don't want to be cynical but i think a lot of them were car and artists yeah sam what were your thoughts i cannot confirm or deny that anyone has ever paid that man 45 grand to hypnotize them i think that's a line that someone said, Adrian, when she said that.
Starting point is 00:23:07 I don't know. Yeah, he seemed like a normal dude to me. I don't know. He seemed like the voice on meditation apps, but just before meditation apps and before recording. In your memory, Sam, I had trouble understanding who actually was paying for this particular charter. Was it the hypnotist or his ensemble of, I think, customers? Do you remember the makeup of who actually were you answering to when you were working for this charter?
Starting point is 00:23:45 I have no idea. So the thing with these people is the green juice. Now, we'll get to the green juice in a second. CJ has a moment, though, where he pops his shirt off, right? Oh, I love that. CJ has got to pop that top off because Sam's been shaving his back. He's looking good. He's feeling good.
Starting point is 00:24:07 And we get this hilarious thread this episode where CJ is like, you know, this is fucking way out of line. People telling me to be clothed while I work. Can you imagine if he worked at as a, like a door greeter at Walmart? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:24 Yeah. He'd be taste, right? It's like, I work here. I? Yeah, yeah, yeah. He'd be tased. He's like, I work here. Okay, Todd, but you have your shirt off. Right, your nipples are out. It's completely inappropriate. Who is this guy? What is his vibe, Sam?
Starting point is 00:24:36 Is he just like a beach bum? I don't know how he didn't know that it was not appropriate to be half nude. I, again, think that like much of much of the cast myself included we're all underqualified to be there and i think that dj had worked maybe on like you know a 30-foot sailboat as like a deckhand that wasn't really getting paid. He was doing a, I don't even know, some kind of barter system. Day charters.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Oh, sure. Yeah. He was getting paid in weed. Exactly. Yeah, he's used to shirtless and I don't know. Yeah, not a real upstart. So the green juice thing comes up next yes and the green juice is really throwing a wrench into things um breakfast is not served for an hour
Starting point is 00:25:35 and a half or two hours as the juices are taking up too much time um sam this was a point of this was an uh-oh moment for you and a point of contention between you and Adrian. Now, Adrian seems to be belittling you in this moment, telling you that you know not how to cut oranges properly and seems to think that you are incapable of making green juice. What was this? It sounds like you had been on the boat for a while before you guys started actually filming these episodes but what was this a straw that broke a camel's back or was the camel had had the camel already been mutilated on the ground at this point i think the camel was a bag of bones really right right yeah no just classic case of micromanaging.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Yeah. You know what I mean? Right. You're going to tell me that the orange that I'm putting into a juicer, I mean, it's getting juiced. Yeah, yeah. The beauty of juicers
Starting point is 00:26:41 is that your knife skills don't need to be that great because it's going to be turning to pulp soon. So not a big deal. Now I deem something. Go ahead. I deem something interesting out of this, which has been very early on kind of taking almost like a labor union head
Starting point is 00:26:58 line in the sand. Right. Right. I don't touch anything. That's not solid. Yeah. If it's a liquid darling, I'm not making it, darling.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Right. Yeah. One question. So, Captain Lee, I know you don't follow the series, I think just briefly talking to you that you're no longer kind of in the below deck world.
Starting point is 00:27:18 You've moved on with your life. You've moved on. Good for you. Captain Lee was handed his walking papers this past year after a decade of service yeah do you remember hey sam pat hates yes do you remember filming with captain lee and can you give a little insight because i've always thought that he was very heavily involved with
Starting point is 00:27:38 production and very cared very much about how he was perceived on camera. Can you give us any insights to your experience watching Captain Lee film? Yeah. So that last statement you made, I can confirm that, but I don't think he was as, um, involved in the production until some of the subsequent seasons and season one, he was kind of just as confused and skeptical as the rest of us oh wow as like what was going to come of this right right um he always knew he was a star but he didn't know that he was going to i don't know boots on watch what happens i think that in season one he was kind of he wasn't ready to be a star or he didn't know he was going to be a star.
Starting point is 00:28:27 He was just kind of being the just curmudgeon that he is. So I don't know. I think a star was born on season one. Yeah. Before you know it, Bradley Cooper's hanging in the garage. Yeah. Yeah, before you know it, Bradley Cooper's hanging in the garage. I think I used to, at the start of the season, like Captain Lee, I was in his corner, and by the end, I had a pretty strong distaste for him.
Starting point is 00:28:59 He just kind of... Wow, okay. Because he was my boss, or he was too too strict running the ship or anything like that, I just think he lacked some integrity. He had some personal things going on that he covered up and hid from the cameras while everybody else was burying it all. Should we press was it about was it was it about it now no yeah i i i think everybody if they can
Starting point is 00:29:34 will be on a reality show and attempt to hide things right he was no different than that sure but yes i well i hate his guts After some conflict resolution between the interior, we move to the beach as we do, and there is a storm coming. Now, they do edit in lightning. That was pathetic. But there is a bit of a sitch. There is going to be rain coming down. And as is customary with Below Deck, they're just like, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:30:02 And everyone drinks their green juice and they eat in torrential downstorm. Yeah, a lot of rain, a lot of rain. $60,000 a day. Yeah, I know, but I love how I think it was the primary who said, how much can we pay? I know, I hope it was a joke. How much can we pay to make the rain go away?
Starting point is 00:30:22 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, there is a price on that. So we get back to the boat and we've got you, Sam, doing spinach. You're on spinach duty. And this is when Adrian comes in with another kind of haymaker off the top rope. She is telling you to drop spinach duty
Starting point is 00:30:41 and that you need to go do something else. Now you guys get into a little bit of a tiff, but the thing I want to highlight here is CJ's confessional. He compares Adrian to Adolf Hitler. Yeah, he compares her to Adolf Hitler. That's a comparison that's made quite often. You know, he's one of the more famous baddies of human history. But then CJ goes ahead.
Starting point is 00:31:03 He does the zig-hile, tooattie, he does the Zig Kyle too. He throws a Zig Kyle down. I was like, God damn CJ. Sam called me before we recorded this. She was seeking out an episode. Certain episodes of this season have been pulled off. What format was it that you were looking for?
Starting point is 00:31:18 Hulu? Because all of them, it's not available on prime either. Hulu and prime and all of them. You can't get the dude, it's a dude, dude episode, which was former episode three. You cannot find it. Wow. Because I think you had surmised that there were too many slur, phobic slurs in the episode.
Starting point is 00:31:41 There were, yeah, the entire episode was a transgender one big transgender slur yeah it was about um it was about us going to a bar and one of the guys bringing home uh a transgender woman and um didn't didn't know that it was a transgender woman and so it was yeah oh that's right i saw that in the coming up. I hope we can find that on Peacock because that's going to be quite a time capsule down there. So right before dinner, Sam and Adrian get into a little, another little, oh, another one, another little tiff. Sam goes quite nuts on her here. I can't remember specifically what happened. What was this nighttime where basically she wasn't allowing sam to understand her schedule to basically when can i
Starting point is 00:32:29 eat oh yeah sam can you break down the game film on that oh my gosh i just wanted to be able to shower like i mean i'm not kidding like we were working like working. Like we had to be on like 20 hours a day. Yeah. And like you'd have a few hours to sleep and God forbid you wanted to maintain a little personal hygiene. You had to, that had to cut into your sleep schedule. Right. In case you were out of the shower. It was absurd.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is one of the drawbacks of corporate uh the corporate machine is uh they're mandated by labor laws to give you certain break times right not out at sea no you get to see the sun and there's water and beautiful people uh oh i'm sorry you threw up blood this morning all i'm saying is like if i was no longer serving the guests i could have gone below deck down to the crew mess which is also where the laundry room was and like kicked off my shoes theoretically or you know hypothetically because we didn't have shoes on right um taking a shower and kind of turned off and then i still still could have done laundry and stuff. I still could have been working.
Starting point is 00:33:46 But she wasn't allowing that time to just exhale. One of the trickier things about being in higher up positions is managing people. Adrienne couldn't... It doesn't sound like Adrienne could do the regular job, let alone the managing of people. That's where she really did not excel at. And to be fair to her, if you are not experienced in that, that can go south with a lot of people. Give them a little power and most people can't handle it. Yeah. And you do have to remind yourself, part of my responsibility is
Starting point is 00:34:23 taking care of the people who are working for me because no people cannot just go days without bathing um and you know you guys are you're you're all drinking so much i mean it's just the the vodka coming off of cat i mean you have to wash that shit off so let's see what this 45000 is worth. I believe they hypnotize. He hypnotizes his entire group. Flock. Yeah, his entire flock. Now, my favorite hypnotism moment was when he hypnotizes Adrian later in the episode.
Starting point is 00:35:01 We'll skip past it just for the sake of talking about it right now. That was an odd sentence, but when he hypnotizes Adrian, he does this great, and obviously spoiler alert, Sam, you can confirm or deny this, but did the hypnotism take? Oh, are you kidding?
Starting point is 00:35:21 Get down! He does this amazing thing which is kind of like it's like signing a waiver before you get on like a really unsafe carnival ride he goes he he wakes adrian up and he says now the tools i've given you you can choose to use them or not. Thanks, Obi-Wan. So, if this hypnotism didn't work, it's your fault because I am
Starting point is 00:35:52 a hypnotist. So, I've done my job here. This guy disgusts me. He's just, he's such a fucking fraud. Yeah. So, I also want to say He's such a fucking fraud. Yeah. So. So.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Yeah. I also want to say that scene, only because I just rewatched this episode. In that scene, they show me like sitting on the floor in a rain jacket as if I was in the room watching it all happen. Right. I was not there.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Of course. We've been recapping reality tv for some time that is an obvious like i was watching the episode i was like okay well she definitely was not in the room um yeah because adrian would have been freaking out if you were in the room it would have just it just didn't happen wow right uh all right so the crew heads to bed after a lovely dinner of crispy artichoke with filet. It was dinner. Kinda.
Starting point is 00:36:48 It was back when they didn't understand. They loved chef Ben clearly from a production standpoint, giving him all the one liners and no one going after him yet. They don't feature his food very early on. No, they do not. Um, but we go to bed and,
Starting point is 00:37:03 um, Adrian goes to get a little advice from porcupine um who finally got go ahead sam sonic sonic the hedgehog yeah sonic the hedgehog he dated we cover a show called vanderpump rules at the time of uh airing he was dating Kristen Doty yeah yeah wow wow well he had beautiful eyebrows but he he just tells the cameras and not her that she's kind of a bitch and I think that's why it's not working out but we get to the next day there's an issue with running out of veggies and this is where Lee Lee isms pretty hard hard and is like, you know, this is just completely unacceptable.
Starting point is 00:37:47 And it's one of those things where you're like, Lee, these people are eating the amount of vegetation of a silverback gorilla. I was going to say a gigantic omnivore dinosaur. Right. So please fucking lay off. And would you like to know what's inappropriate, inappropriately?
Starting point is 00:38:04 You walking around in your underwear with a female staff member in your room, you fucking pig. Okay. Well, Sam, Pat does not like Lee. He reminded me of a football coach that beat me up when I was 14. And so it triggers those memories. I hate Lee. He's a jerk. You said Pat doesn't like him?
Starting point is 00:38:26 Pat does not like him. Yeah, me. I don't like him pat does not oh yeah no um yeah yeah you know what's great is as um stews we clean the whole boat well that includes the captain's quarters and um we found you know there were there were some secrets hiding in his in. I'll leave it at that. Yeah, we don't want to get you in trouble, but that's a nice tease because I think we can think about what might be in there. I think it's a double-sided dildo. Well, it has something to do with smut, right? Something to do with what?
Starting point is 00:38:59 Smut. Smut? Sex. Sex. It's probably porn or or lotion he's beaten up it wasn't it wasn't oh my gosh is it a nice is a fucking crack pipe what are you talking about we don't want to get you all right we don't want to get you in trouble so um we'll we'll ask you off air so um she okay so adrian's
Starting point is 00:39:27 off the boat but it turns out that she might have needed to be there for the coffee machine because sam and cat uh do not do the hottest job making lattes the good hang on don't throw in there it was cat making the lattes i I knew that espresso machine like the back of my hand. What happened with the espresso machine? Did she put the beans where the water is supposed to go? Yes, she did. Okay. Well, now, because you have to
Starting point is 00:39:55 remember, Adrian was put in charge. I'm sorry. Adrian put Sam in charge of the Catalina wine mixer. Right. Kind of. She tells her she's entrusted her to blend vegetables. The coffee machine's a whole different animal. The coffee machine is Kat's responsibility. So, Adrian gets back.
Starting point is 00:40:12 She gets the hypnosis that doesn't work. And then we get to CJ taking off his shirt again. Now, he is told by an engineer, dude, you have to stop taking your shirt off. And CJ is like, you know what? I can't fucking do this shit, man. This is fucking ridiculous. And this is when we move on to you and Adrian having a little sit down. Now, this seems like half measures from both of you it's a it's a chicken or the egg thing i i think she comes she sits down with you and immediately presents this air of like i have to do this it seems very disingenuous and it seems like you're picking up
Starting point is 00:41:01 on it instantaneously but do you recall how this went? I think that conversation was one of those production, you know, they coordinated it. They were like, this needs to come to a head. We need like some development on this. We can't just go, you you know the full season with youtube being condescending to each other why don't we sit down and talk about it and try to get a little more content out of it so that's i think where that conversation i love talking i love talking
Starting point is 00:41:33 to people from past seasons because they're not shackled by bravo no you know speak openly yeah they current cast members are always like no there is no meddling there is no meddling at all it's just they capture what they capture and it's like you're lying how could you possibly say this i have a note here uh attempt to squash the beef between adrian and sam and that's clearly production intervention trying to do that um this was you trying to get clarity on your breaks by the way i think it was the uh at the heart of this conversation. Yeah, and just the fallout of her being awful to you for some time. But we move on to the guest departing the boat,
Starting point is 00:42:15 and we're wrapping up here. The charter guest says that he had a great time and that he wants to express his gratitude in a physical way, which is just a bizarre sentence just a bizarre fucking thing to say well we've seen when we watch nexium that guy who just gonna do like 300 years in jail we walk him talk in circles and say things right right that are confusing but most dumb people will fall into the trap of like oh i think he's smarter than me because I don't understand what he just said. Well, most of us didn't either.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Well, we wrap up the episode with a pretty sizable tip, Pat. 15 grand, which is now a lot more than that, than 15K. I thought that was a pretty good tip. Oh, for one day. It was only a one-day charter, right, Sam? No, three days. Oh, that's a little light.
Starting point is 00:43:04 That's a little light. That's a little light. But a little light that's a little light but 10 years ago i don't know adjusted for inflation i don't know i mean it's still not not the greatest tip but we end the episode with lee well cj on the boat hitting on sam this is where they're trying to create that romance between the two of them and then we cut to lee calling porcupine up and adrian to basically give a little feedback yeah Yeah, so Lee calls Porcupine and Adrian up and says, you guys are doing a shit job, but obviously I think you're doing excellently. And this is the kind
Starting point is 00:43:32 of management under Lee that gets a little confusing. Do we have any final questions for Sam? Well, I don't think we need to have any final questions because Sam, we got like nine episodes left. We'd love to have you back. This was the
Starting point is 00:43:47 funnest time I've had podcasting in a while. Would you come back and recap some episodes with us? We have more questions for you. They're going to crop up as the season goes. Sure. Amazing. That sounded like a no. Yeah, it did sound like a no. I would be tickled to come back.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Okay, great. Well, thank you for joining us. We really, really appreciate it. Anything to plug? Do you want people to donate to anything, find you anywhere, let the people know? Well, not exactly. I'm on Instagram. That's about it. All right.
Starting point is 00:44:19 What's your handle? Sammy Orme. S-A-M-M-I-O-m-e go find her go find her on instagram and stalk her photos thank you very much for joining us we'll talk to you again soon thank you gentlemen thanks sam this was really fun sure have a good weekend happy father's day you

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