Another Below Deck Podcast - The Bitter End | Below Deck Sailing S5 Finale

Episode Date: January 29, 2025

Dylan and Pat are back to break down billy goats, head butting things, saving this franchise, sushi, love, homeless people fighting over glass and more from Bravo's Below Deck Sailing Yacht.Traitors a...t YouTube - the sponsors! use code BADTV for 30% off. 

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Starting point is 00:01:25 head butts a door and sits down to dinner. She's a drunk. So when you see bruises on people that you think they may be drinking on, like you're just out having dinner or they're a coworker, that's when you need to have the conversation. You're actively hurting yourself. Right, right, right, they're just ramming into shit.
Starting point is 00:01:42 They're like Billy goats. That's right. Right. ["Below Deck"] Hello children. It's time for another brand spanking new episode of another Below Deck podcast. I'm Dylan, that's Pat. Great to be here.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Permission to come aboard for the last time. Granted. Yeah. You seem like you're in a good mood right now. I am in a good mood. Oh my gosh. I am in the doldrums. You ever wake up and you're just like, I want to quit the day.
Starting point is 00:02:24 I just want to watch the last half of Severance which I've been falling asleep to read my book play Little Elden Ring maybe work out if I feel like it but definitely not do anything. Well you're your own boss can't you just call it a day? No we got this recording I got other recordings to do today I just I just can't do it you know the thing just hustles and it hustles and it grinds and I gotta say we're gonna be having a kid. I feel sleep-deprived. I know not the pain that I'm about to be in. I gotta buck it up. Yeah, you know, I will say this. Don't be stressing out about the kid. They are pretty easy the first year. They're just boring. They just, yeah, you just sit on the bed next to you. You can watch TV. I was thinking about developing a pretty responsible cocaine
Starting point is 00:03:07 addiction. Oh, there you go. Yeah. So listen, we have to talk about below deck. But before we do that, traders at Patreon, the best, it's the best people love it too. I think we had our biggest Patreon numbers ever. Because we're only doing it exclusively over there. Oh Oh a little teaser to boy Do we have a lot to talk about they're dropping a new seasonal love is blind on us in two weeks Oh my Dylan I are gonna talk about whether or not that's gonna be on bad TV or free or not
Starting point is 00:03:35 It might help us out to be free with Dylan. I discuss it. We usually put that a picture out, but I mean my gut Then after that speaking of below deck I think Dylan, Dill and I, we've discussed this. After we wrap up Traders and Love is Blind, I think we're going to do season two of the OG. Yeah, for free. For free. We'll be doubling up on the below decks for you guys, for anybody that wants to go back in the annals.
Starting point is 00:04:01 But for right now, we have to talk about below deck sailing up, which it's time in the annals. But for right now, we have to talk about below deck sailing up which you know, this is it's time for the moratorium the Requiem is playing. I know that you have a lot of thoughts. I do. I'm gonna speak in general terms about the entire let's not do our pots for the for this episode because obviously zero right? The final episode usually is a half of it is goodbyes and yeah nothing happened. Nothing happened. It was called the bitter end and there were some bitter
Starting point is 00:04:28 bitter bitter people. Right but okay all right zero pots from both of us for this episode the last episodes are always bad because they're truncated by goodbyes but what we got was so bad. I mean for for production, Danny, Deanna and Daisy have to sit down and talk to each other. They have to sit down and talk to each other. Can't let the season end without that conversation. It's just a failing grade the whole way through. I hated this season. You hated the season. Go ahead. Okay. You know what there's never a bad season of Below Deck. It's always fun. As Dylan used to coin it, the best part is thrusting incompetence on wealthy people, which is
Starting point is 00:05:13 no longer the thing. It's thrusting incompetence off seven friends that can scrape together 15 grand. Right. Right. Okay. So this show is pretty hard to screw up. You already have basically the structure of it. You have what I just said what Dylan did. That's the best part of the show. You have the yacht, you have the charter guests, and then you have the people that work on the boat, the Sea Rats. Now, I love the two casting people that did this. They do a fantastic job. It's a hard job. They got to cast four of these a year. Never do Daffodil again. They're running out of sea rats clearly, okay? Here's I don't think I don't think you could there is an endless supply of
Starting point is 00:05:51 broken dreamers That are crawling their way along docks in Florida Okay, there is no short supply of these people find them the hottest ones from the softest rooms and get them on this boat and make them talk to each other if they're angry. Okay, Dylan is correct. However, I will change one thing he said. They don't need to be hot. They need to be entertaining. Okay. So Deanna- Hot is a plus. Was hot. Deanna added no entertainment value because she didn't talk. She didn't interact
Starting point is 00:06:24 with others. I'd say the same for Davidll. Yes, he was a freaky deacon, a weirdo, and that had been interesting. But he was hiding most of the entire season. Wasn't on the show. So then who are we left with? Gary and Daisy. And Danny and Chase. Chase came in later. And the priest. And the priest. The priest, while he's nice, would have fit in probably had it been a more interesting cast around him. However, he was so boring and Deanna was so useless to this season. And Danny, while annoying, did add entertainment value. It left us with Daisy and Gary.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Gary, I'm done shitting on you. You're off the show. Consider this my farewell to you. You're off the show. Consider this my farewell to you. You're a drunk. You are the same person that showed up on episode one, season two. You are no longer interesting. There is no personal growth. There's nothing greater than your one dimensional personality that you put out there, which
Starting point is 00:07:20 is a drunk womanizing guy who's good at his job. Take a look at Samwise Gamgee, right? He loves food, drink, and R&R. By the end of the third book, he saves Middle Earth. Whoa. Gary King has not gone through any kind of transformation like that. They showed this at the tail end when
Starting point is 00:07:43 Captain Glenn had that thoughtful conversation with him. Being a drunk who's just hanging out with your subordinates and trying to have sex with them, that's not the way to, you know, elevate. Right, right, right. And Gary is stuck there. And I think him getting tossed off the show is probably the best thing professional for him. Yeah, we're going to bottom out a little bit more, I think. But, you know But bottoming out is defined as not being able to obtain any benefit from toxic behavior. So yeah, I think Gary's got a couple floors to fall. But then maybe we'll sort it out.
Starting point is 00:08:17 He'll hit his stride in his early 40s. Good for him. Yeah, yeah, yeah. OK. That's when I think I'm going to hit my stride. Exactly. That's when most dudes do. OK, last note on this. So I was looking at the cast of med and below deck
Starting point is 00:08:28 Oh gee, sometimes they have up to four stews in a season. I'm not talking about firings at Simultaneously, they'll be the chief stew and then three underlings, right? So we have a lot of casts I'm speaking specifically on how to not make this mistake with sailing again ditch the concept of the engineer I know you loved Colin on how to not make this mistake with sailing again. Ditch the concept of the engineer. I know you loved Colin, you thought you could replace him. Make him a fucking goblin person. Make him one of these Eastern block people we never see. Well, or because we have, there's less casting here,
Starting point is 00:08:57 which makes it less interesting, have that person be really someone who's probably like Eddie, an actual first mate or something, and then just integrate them in the show more. Don't have to pretend like he's fixing the engine, okay? Let's fix that. Then we need interesting people, you know, spend a little bit more time with him in casting to make sure they're actually gonna talk about other people. I think you're devaluing the importance of hot. Yeah. Yeah, I think you are. Okay. I mean look at a show like, I don don't want to say yeah, I mean, okay, so look at Southern
Starting point is 00:09:27 Charm. These people are some of the most boring people you could ever imagine. They're hot. Yes, you know. Other shows. You know, look at look at Southern hospitality. Look at love. Love is look at hot, wet fuck love. What is it called Love Island? Love Island? Sure. I mean that just Some of the dumbest people on planet earth and people tune in I think that show airs three times a day People are tuning my wife watched it every night. I'm telling you so hot is important Right. All right. So we gave we gave our casting notes our production notes. Let's see what you guys do next season. Of course, we'll watch the show
Starting point is 00:10:07 Zero nuts. All right, so we pick up with the bitter end Boy has it been bitter We pick things up with chase and Danny fighting about their relationship Which is two weeks old and is built on booze and coming on each other and they also share a common thread of being adults that sleep in bunk beds so I don't care well I'll say the drama between them what I glean from this is they are not on the same page and they're not even reading the same book yeah no no he's he's reading the game she's reading a self-help book. Well, I stepped on your joke.
Starting point is 00:10:46 No, no, no. I think he's beating off to the bridges of Madison County and I don't know what, maybe she doesn't read. What is Bridges of Madison County? Okay, it's a ridiculous story. Clint Eastwood started it in the mid 90s with Meryl Streep. Was it a book though? It was a book.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Okay. I actually hate the premise of it. So this housewife, her husband goes off to work He's a wonderful man. They have children with each other the kids that are growing up and out of the house She's bored in the small town. This guy comes into town And he's there to paint the Madison Bridge or whatever Oh got it got it. They meet and they kind of have a little fling All right
Starting point is 00:11:22 And then her husband comes back and she is completely obsessed with Clint Eastwood. There's the final scene in the movie where she's in the truck with her husband who has no clue she's been fucking around on him. And Clint Eastwood is in his pickup truck, you know, because he's an artist and whatnot. And he grabs onto a necklace that she'd wore and then he drives off and she weeps. Spoiler alert. Children find a letter of her talking
Starting point is 00:11:46 about that specific weekend and that book is based on, how the hell do I know this? Oh, I don't know, man. I mean, it must've stuck with you, but it sounds like a beautiful- Well, I went on a date and I was so bored, I think. Yeah, it sounds like a beautiful movie. You know, I miss those kinds of movies.
Starting point is 00:11:59 That was 90s, huh? Yep. They made better movies then. They did, yeah, percent. Their entrance makes the Bingo Balls rumble in fear. The free space is free out of respect for them and their dabs are too fast for the naked eye. They're not just grandmas, they're grandmasters. Betty, Dolly, Martha, Queens of Delta Bingo, Hauler of the haul, and they're here to teach the next generation of players.
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Starting point is 00:13:10 Very. Denzel Washington was mad because he wasn't nominated for best actor. Dude, you had a Brooklyn accent. Go back and watch that movie. It's absurd. It suffers from the same thing that so many movies, too many bad guys. By the way, we had like four bad guys what what time are we living in they had a fight in the stadium or whatever and These wildcats come out. They look like CGI aliens. Like is this based?
Starting point is 00:13:37 Like or is this bad CGI? It looked like shit movies suck now So the primary speaks to Daisy about Diana being a danger to everyone on board. And another one, I think it's the same primary because she's drunk. She's talking to everybody now listing. Yeah. And she says that she got a salt enema for her nose. And she says it to Daffodil. And I swear to God God I thought Daffodil was gonna say something about being in Bulgaria.
Starting point is 00:14:08 Fuck it. You know one time I got it's like alright I've had enough. I've had enough. Now they both agree on I think they're gonna do plating and not family style because that will lessen the possibility of Cloyce killing someone. Who cares? Nobody dies. And if somebody did die, that would have been very, very sad, but I'll tell you what, the entertainment value would have gotten jacked up. I would have enjoyed it.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Yeah, I have to tell you. It would have helped this podcast so much. Absolutely. Imagine. We need things to talk about. I always tell my wife, because she's like, hey, this episode sucked. Why'd it take you an hour and a half to watch it?
Starting point is 00:14:47 I'm like, because the bad ones make my job more difficult. When it's a good episode, I watch it in an hour. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But imagine somebody dies on this show. All of the rags. I mean, we finally get away from Trump and the executive orders. And everyone's talking about how the first person ever to die on a reality television show died so dies. I need it. It would have been
Starting point is 00:15:06 amazing. Well, I thought Cloyce was going to pull that off because two of the guests are allergic to seafood and that will not stop him from serving seafood. Well, it's this is so let's get to this this dinner. Well, I want to say we see Gary in his black pants joyfully singing last time wearing black pants this season. Last time on the show buddy See you later. There's the fucking door. Yeah, so Cloyce has to make sushi for people that don't want to eat fish Which means that we're gonna do a rib-eye steak
Starting point is 00:15:36 Sushi we're gonna do chicken teriyaki and no shellfish. So the primary goes down Oh, don't sign one note. Yeah, you see how he keeps track of these notes of all these food allergies? No. Do you see those etchings like like a fourth grade? It looked like that like that scene in the garage in a beautiful mind. Yeah. Like how does he make sense of any of this? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And A Beautiful Mind is another one of those movies. It was pretty good. I don't know. I saw it on a. And hey, do you know that guy's dead? Yeah, car crash. Yep. Oh, CIA. Yeah, they took them out. Yeah. Yeah, they bide their time. Don't they got the brake brake pads. They cut them
Starting point is 00:16:15 right in half. He did. Yeah, we had to go. Yeah, he's getting too close to the truth. He does MLK files come out. truth. He does MLK files come out. He was an adulterer. Those are the files we're talking about? Come on. You know, I saw him speech or an interview and he openly admitted that. He said, I'm a flawed man. That doesn't mean that what comes out of your mouth isn't great. Who cares? All right, you fucked around your wife. Yeah, a lot of a lot of a lot of great men in the 1900s were we're doing that.
Starting point is 00:16:50 JFK, why don't you read some of the women that worked at that White House? Yeah, I've been watching this great podcast by Finn Taylor. He was like, I don't think that JFK got got shot. I think his head exploded because he had to be around his wife on camera for six hours. So he couldn't fuck anybody else. Because he had to be around his wife on camera for six hours so he couldn't fuck anybody else And he had syphilis and he was addicted to painkillers Yeah, yeah, it's a lot flood flood people but the mlk files kind of read like j. Edgar hoover's like
Starting point is 00:17:23 Deepest darkest fantasies, you know, like he's he's wearing lipstick at his mom's house and he's writing down what he thinks. He's like, I'm Martin Luther King. He was. Should I see that one starring Leonardo DiCaprio? No, you shouldn't. It seems like that was more casting. Clint Eastwood has had dementia for a long time, but he's still allowed to make movies somehow. That La Matcha thing, or whatever the fuck that was.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Oh my God. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He was gonna have a threesome in that movie. I thought that's where they're going. I had to turn it off after 30 minutes My god, yeah. All right, so the primary goes down How old is that guy? He's in his 90s get in the comments. Let us know if you've seen juror number two. Sorry to be so macabre His younger girlfriend of 30 years just cashed out. Oh, wow He had a girlfriend that was 30 years younger than him and she died before him. It's amazing
Starting point is 00:18:14 You know what keeps him alive keeps him young work. Yes, that's true Blue zones they showed that Blue zones they showed that. Okay. What a bad roll of the dice huh? What do you mean? Well there are certain blue zones where people just relax. Right. And they live forever. They just drink red wine and like eat good wheat. Oh yeah or maybe there's a special papaya that they it's 90% of their fucking diet. Right and the other blue zones are people like working till they die. That's right. And they both do live a long time, but I would rather the red wine one.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Yeah, I want a mixture of both. OK, so the primary goes down. Speaking of red wine, ML's a drunk, right? So the one with the deep voice starts talking shit on the primary. While she is drunk. While she is a. Why is she so slow? You gotta clear your throat? No, I'm fine. It's so funny. Yeah, I was talking about it earlier. I don't care if she looked like Megan Fox. I could not have sex with her. We gotta talk about...
Starting point is 00:19:20 What did it mean? Oh no. Thank you for that Patrick. Pig. We gotta work on voice therapy because you know everybody makes fun of RFK's voice. He chose that one. That was the best one. You know what I mean? Yeah. And his sister chose that one too. Is he still with that wife of his or did she hate him? The Kennedys are just the Kennedys are a lot like this show. It's it's like just a car crash of a family. I'm a cousin to the Kennedys. Look at what a fuck up I am.
Starting point is 00:19:58 They've got this this this little twink Kennedy who's going on Instagram just blowing up. He's like, hey my uncle's a piece of shit. If anybody wants to talk to me, it's like, can you guys hold a quorum and talk to each other for a little bit when they're not killing themselves with alcohol, they're going skiing and breaking their fucking necks, hitting trees or flying planes that they shouldn't be. Well, that was Hillary. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh my God. Yeah. Wow. Put that on the pile.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Okay. So the primary goes down. She's a drug and They had to plan to start the meal without her and this is a very insane meal It's it's sushi. It's steak. It's nonsense. Yes, and Glenn says that parcifal means night of the roundtable says that Parsifal means night of the roundtable. It could mean bag of trash for all I care because you mean what are we doing? ML finally wakes up she orders two Coronas head butts a door and sits down to dinner. She's a drunk. That's alright so when you see bruises on people that you think they may be drinking like you're just out having dinner or they're a-worker. That's when you need to have the conversation. Yeah actively hurting yourself, right? Right, right? They're just ramming into shit
Starting point is 00:21:11 They're like billy goats. That's right So we fucking go on the jacuzzi and talk about kiss I mean this is like oh to end the season like when you're producing the show get the to end the season like when you're producing the show get the order the guests in like crazy to not crazy put the craziest one in the middle of the season uh-huh put the second craziest one on the first episode and then you got to end with some kind of crazy we can't have just one drunk and a woman with a deep voice at the end of the season. Maybe they were banking on ML falling off the break in her neck or
Starting point is 00:21:49 something. Well it was a good bet but unfortunately it lost. There is something to this they buried this season remember for a year and a half yeah probably thinking can we save this yeah and they worked diligently to at least get it to air. Yeah well they did it. Danny and Chase argued about their little red schoolhouse relationship again. Fantastic stuff. And we get to the next morning unless you have any notes that you want to get to. Well, I just want to say that Glenn was very impressed with Chloe. Sounds like you did not share that. And yeah, I think the next morning next morning. Well before we get to the next morning Let's take a quick break to talk about a wonderful sponsor Lumi
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Starting point is 00:22:55 You know these fires we had out here nearly killed us all. Yeah, yeah. Took down my gosh darn fence. Right, right, right. Yeah, I'm getting better. And I had to repair the thing. I got two kids running around, so what do I do? I take it, I get de-stressed. Right. And I had to repair the thing. I got two kids running around. So what do I do? I take it. I get de-stressed. Right. And I worked in the yard that day.
Starting point is 00:23:10 The wife looked after the kids and it just made the day a lot better. We do Christian ads now. Are you struggling with gosh darn traffic? Do you need a gosh darn de-stressor while you're stuck on the 101 or whatever highway you're on and the highways and byways of this wonderful world? Pop a little loomie. Hey Dale let me tell you something else too I love their flavors they had a strawberry like little cheesecake thing or something. Definitely not that but no it was. Oh really? Yeah really good and I also had a cookies and cream one no this is this is really good. Okay yeah the the flavors are fantastic and the sensation is even better
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Starting point is 00:24:19 Sometimes you need a break and you need to talk to somebody. Okay, and that's why today is brought to you by Rula. Rula. Rula! Rula! I used them. I did. I had the worst Christmas break of my life. Yeah, I had the winter blues. This company came to us as an advertiser and basically I said, all right, I'll try it. Why not? Called within about 20 minutes. I got to talk to a person and get this it
Starting point is 00:24:48 cost under $20. It's crazy because I'm paying $250 for my therapist. And you have to walk into someone's office. Yeah. Those are the things why people say you know what even though you should talk to someone and get you know feel better they go I don't want to walk down some smelly hallway in some old office building, right? With some person that I probably don't even connect with. Right. And then I got to drop $200. Right. Right, right, right. You don't have to do that with Rula. Rula solves the problem of the mental health problem in America.
Starting point is 00:25:17 If you're insured, if you're not insured, it's always a headache to go, oh, it's going to be a month before you can see somebody. You're going to have to drive to Culver City. You're going to have to pop a loomy on the way because there's going to be a month before you can see somebody, you're going to have to drive to Culver City, you're going to have to pop a loomy on the way because there's going to be so much traffic. RULA solves that for you. They have a network of over 10,000 therapists and psychiatrists nationwide enabling you to find your personalized solution and the right therapist for you based on your needs,
Starting point is 00:25:40 preferences and state requirements. Pay as little as $15 a session with dedication to quality care and therapy progress. Okay, head over to slash below deck. That's slash below deck because better mental health should be accessible, affordable and easy. Thank you, RULA. Thank you, RULA. All right. All right. Are we here? We are at the next morning. Okay, next morning. So Danny is sharing with Deanna her future fans plans with Chase.
Starting point is 00:26:12 And then Daisy really interrupts the conversation to ask Danny to make some juice for paying customers. Yeah. Yeah. How dare Daisy? I know she's right in the middle of a conversation. Deanna or Danny is talking to Deanna about boys. And then this bitch comes in and tells her to make fucking juice. I couldn't believe it. How rude.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Right in the middle of a conversation. I was blown away that Danny had the temerity and the wherewithal to not completely lash out. What a mature young woman. So breakfast is a lovely French prep of eggs, Gary is given the parking job, and Glenn comments on the fact that Gary can be a great captain, but he has to stop being a drunk. Yes, and having sex with his coworkers and underlings.
Starting point is 00:26:57 Now I do want to say this. I think this was his way to finish off the season and a way to say goodbye to Gary having to park. I think this was his way to finish off the season and a way to say goodbye to Gary having I think so too that it was like a it was way to finish it out yeah yeah it's a little bit like what George did to Lenny what it oh you know he snuffed his life out well but before that they take a nice walk together you know what I mean and then he's's like, look at that horizon. And then he, you know, pops them in the back of the hat.
Starting point is 00:27:27 That's right. God, it's been ages since I watched that. You know, in corporate America, I used to watch this. I didn't get fired from my North American insurance job, but I know you quit. They, they, they brought this up in the film office space. They always wait till Friday to give you the ax. And then they, if you're in one of these secure office buildings, they have you put all your crap in a cardboard box. Yeah, and they walk you out and take your key card away. This was so much more nicer. Yeah, it's so much more nicer. He gives him the parking job and we get to the
Starting point is 00:27:56 departure of these guests and the tip meeting. Everyone gets high marks except for Cloyce who gets high marks coupled with a I thought I was gonna have to shit Kenya. Um, the tip is $21,000 and we end the season with I don't know a smattering of tip money and uh, fucking and sucking. Well let's get and that's the show. The ladies look beautiful and then they head out to dinner.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Oh, good for you. Daisy sells Keith on her, her amazing flat in London. She was on watch what happens live after turns out they dated for to dinner. Oh, good for you. Daisy sells Keith on her amazing flat in London. She was on Watch What Happens live after turns out they dated for a year. Oh, they're not together. Not together. Oh, what do you know? And it turns out our friend of the show, Chase, he dated Danny for they made it look with the little chiron, they made it look like it was shorter. She was actually there. She If you go to his Instagram while he was building that amazing boat that he now works on, she was basically there a lot of the time taking the videos
Starting point is 00:28:51 and you can like hear a voice in it. So anyway, Danny answers the question that no one asked at dinner, which is, are you ready for a relationship? Then proceeds to talk about Chase like he's not there, if you remember that scene. And then minutes later, Danny and Chase are able to let bygones be bygones
Starting point is 00:29:08 and start throwing into each other in the bathroom. When you were talking about Danny and Chase and her filming the videos, I was thinking about bringing up the fact that you can fire regulators within government, but you have to give them 30 days notice in order to fire them. And the point to bringing that up was who gives a shit. You know what I mean? I hear you. I hear you. We got to stretch this. Oh yeah. It has only been 26 minutes.
Starting point is 00:29:45 I'm so sorry. I'm really disappointed in Below Deck. I'm very disappointed in that. We let them have it at the top of the show. They know. Okay. Now I want to say this about bathrooms and having sex in bathrooms. Quite the spectrum.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Your home bathroom, it's a wonderful place. You have that counter. I don't know what the height is on it. The heights of counters are extremely prohibitive to a lot of lovemaking. You think so? Yeah, I'm a tall guy. I know. Perfect for me. Well, but there are a lot of low countertops. But you know, it's it's it's very frustrating to have to you either have to
Starting point is 00:30:22 crouch or you have to tiptoe. I've not found a counter yet that really, really is conducive to it. Well, I apologize for you. Yeah. Worked out for me great. Yeah. Yeah. But public restrooms on the other hand.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Right. No bueno. No, no, no. It's disgusting. No, no, no. I'll be brief. Girl followed me into a bathroom at a gross bar one time and tried to mix it up with me. I'll be brief girl followed me into a bathroom at a gross bar one time and
Starting point is 00:30:51 Tried to mix it up with me. I was flattered, but I was so disgusted by the is a guy's bathroom Yeah, so yeah, of course. It's pretty raunchy and gross and dingy. Yeah, they were feces in my eye line Yeah, yeah, just for the women listening if you walk into a guy's bathroom There will be, and I'm not joking, unless it's like a nice one. Yeah, like a nice restaurant that's new. Right, that's new. Before a guy got to it and scraped a gang tattoo marking into the toilets, which I've seen.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Oh, it's somebody scratched K-mark into this, don't know what that means, but I'm glad he left it But there will be shit and feces pretty much everywhere with piss smattered all over the floor and are disgusting Yeah, men are disgusting. So So yeah, we're so we're at this dinner priest and Danny talk about love Danny and Gary talk about her love for chase in front of chase And that's when they go to the bathroom to bang it out and we rip Shots of Bailey's and talk about being better better versions of ourselves ripping a shot of Bailey's is It's disgusting. Yes
Starting point is 00:31:58 Yeah in coffee at the end of a nice meal lovely. But ripping shots of Bailey's is trash. What's more trash, Bailey's or Jaegermeister? Tie? Yeah, I think it's a tie. So we head to the club, Danny says, I don't want to be around Daisy and kicks Deanna in the head. Then Deanna and Daisy talk about,
Starting point is 00:32:24 or Deanna and Danny talk about how they bonded over the trauma of working underneath Daisy. This is where we have to you know we're in an era where we don't want to you can offend someone in it really any turn right? Very easy these days. It's very easy to offend people you know we talk about, for example, I was reading this fantasy book, and there are sensitivity readers. And there are sensitivity readers,
Starting point is 00:32:54 because let's say if somebody gets their leg cut off, you don't want to offend the paraplegic community, or you want to be sensitive to them. When Dani says she experienced trauma working under Daisy, that's one of those things that I've never experienced any real trauma in my life. I've been pretty privileged and I'm extremely offended. So I can't even imagine people who have experienced trauma.
Starting point is 00:33:21 You know what I wish they do, like for that book that you were just talking about there? Yeah, I wish they do that for TV. One thing that really bums me out is if I'm eating in front of the television and suddenly like there's a scene in the television show or movie where they're doing like open-heart surgery it's like hey yeah I could have used a warning that you're watching a lot of Law and Order or ER those hospital shows yeah oh my Oh my God. All right. So they talk shit in the vans and Gary, do your best ice tea impression. I used to. Yeah. I don't think I should. No, no, no, dude. Do ice
Starting point is 00:33:56 tea founded a dead body on the side of the road. It's covered. Man, it's covered in semen. I talked to Waxie. He says dead bodies over around the corner. Full of stab wounds. Opened her up. I have never watched that show. I feel like I need to. When you get old, you'll have the 8,000 episodes
Starting point is 00:34:19 will be there for you to fall asleep. Literally 8,000. Yeah. Yeah. All right, so. All right, so anyway, there was a part that we I think we skipped over, which is they had this conversation with Gary in the van. When they arrive at the club, Gary will then will use this as a way of showing how much he respects and cares for
Starting point is 00:34:38 his allegiance to Daisy. Yes, I have the I have the scene. This is him talking to Daisy mentioning that he defended her during the staff and how he wants their life to be a fairy tale I'm over you too. Get the fuck off my TV enough of this now that was a YouTube clip of I think a warthog Snoring. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't want to watch the scene cuz I'd still warthog sleeping. Snoring, snoring, yeah. Yeah, yeah, I didn't want to watch the scene because I fell asleep. Yeah, it's still going.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Oh, shit. No, it's okay. But what is this? There's ads everywhere. Yeah, Pat doesn't have a YouTube premium so he gets ads for allergy medicine when he's pulling up sound effects. Keith and Daisy have a little smoochie
Starting point is 00:35:21 and they have a smoochie in front of Gary. He's not happy. And we get to another one of these days of our Sea Rat lives moments like you mentioned it is a complete snore fest and I love that Daisy gets so emotional about this. Why? It honestly you know how we're surrounded by filthy bums. Yeah, the zombies. It would be like if two zombies were in a really like heartsick fight over, I don't know, the last piece of sharp glass they could use for something.
Starting point is 00:35:57 You know, it's like, it's completely ridiculous. It's like, it's not interesting. Well, I saw two bums fight. This was many years ago on Hollywood Boulevard. And I knew the bums because they stole some stuff. Anyway, they're fighting like ready with knives. And I'm like, I don't know who to root for because I kind of want both of you to lose.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Right. They call that a bad tie. Yeah. Yeah. So Gary and Glenn, well, we go, OK, so this is the season. I think this- We go home on the last night, and we have couples that aren't couples.
Starting point is 00:36:36 That's right. Keith sleeps in his own bunk after doing a little smoochy smoochin'. Yeah, just the worst. Just the worst way to end a season. And then, but you know, Jason, Danny, they hit that guest habit again, presumably, presumably, you know, we need a Gary, we need to go back to season one, Gary,
Starting point is 00:36:54 but we just need a new version of him because season one Gary was a toxic human being, but made the environment more entertaining and very toxic, right? He was banging the girl from Florida, throwing her aside, banging the Aussie, right? And I'm not saying that that's all we need in the show, right? We had more. We had Daisy's punitive opinions of that. We had Colin trying to smoke cigarettes and gas people up. It was the salad days of the show.
Starting point is 00:37:26 We don't have that. We have the priest kissing Danny and going to bed. Well, Dylan, and even in just like scripted television, there's a point where characters run out of their emotional point of being on the narrative. Right, right, right. Gary has reached that point. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:44 It's a little bit like a movie being seven hours long. Well, or a television series like True Blood, which started out amazing for the first two seasons. They kept adding characters and at some point, season seven, there's 30 main cast members and you're like, why are these people still here? Right. You hate it. You hate it the way True Blood ended. I really did. Because you loved True Blood. We used to do Sunday TV nights. People would come over to our shitty apartment and we'd watch an episode. And then at some point we'd all be on our phones by season five and asking ourselves why are we doing this? Yeah, yeah, yeah. They ruin the tradition. Yeah, that's
Starting point is 00:38:19 right. Bad writing. Ripple effects of bad writing. Now Gary and Glenn have a chat again about him not being a drunk and Daisy and Keith have a Chat about being a couple Gary comes in and shits himself and leaves Daffodil heads out great guy horrible casting Cloyce leaves next great guy great casting he wraps I think he's gonna be back for next season. Who's this Cloyce Cloyce? I think so, too Oh, by the way, look side note Dylan upon Daffodil upon exiting said he's gonna hit a nightclub and marry an alien For him. Yeah, that's really exciting stuff. So chase pulls fuckboy moves on Danny. He's like I like you but I'm gonna circumnavigate the world Deanna and Danny leave and this is where they have no confrontation with Danny at all there or Daisy at all
Starting point is 00:39:01 There's no goodbye even really. Yeah, this is such a whimper Keith departs. He will be back as Boson next season I don't know how I feel about that because it's gonna be very boring Daisy leaves next Gary still loves her and Gary leaves as well. Daisy gives a kind of What do you call it it's kind of like like a... She reflects on her and Gary? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Two lost people finding each other. It's a carousel of memories between the two of them.
Starting point is 00:39:30 And it is the... You know, you have to remember that this show does not have any real reverence for its cast. You'll remember that Hannah was on this show for 15 seasons. Oh, that sword got driven through her. Got caught with a little bit of f Ike it in, and all of a sudden, you are banished to the dock, smoking a cigarette, and we roll a couple clips of you, and that's the end, right?
Starting point is 00:39:53 So that's what happened to Gary. Evidently, Keith and Daisy are dating and are now broken up. Chase and Dani have docked their romantic relationship. Don't know what that means. But listen, let's clean the slate. We're going to be back next week with hot ass Captain Jason. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:40:14 And a new slate of Sea Rats. I can only hope that below deck, Dan Under is better than what this season offered us. But you know me and Patty, we'll be here. We'll be here no matter what. We'll be here with our hands firmly on the stern or the wheel or whatever part makes it go. And Gavin and Giffin about it, get in the comments,
Starting point is 00:40:37 let us know your favorite thing. We love you very much. I'm Dylan saying goodbye. Pat, say goodbye. Later news! Thank you.

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