Another Below Deck Podcast - The Pods Are Open | Love is Blind S8 E1

Episode Date: February 18, 2025

Patty and Dylan are back to break down aliens, deceased family members, Love is Blind music and more from Netflix's Love is Blind. Traitors at YouTube - the sponsors! use code BADTV for 30% 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Looking for a weekend that blends adventure, wellness and nature? Explore, engage and recharge at the Wonder Wild Festival in Killarney from April 4th to 6th. Paddle, hike and stretch by day. Unwind, connect, stargaze by night. This is Ireland's premier outdoor and wellness festival. Enjoy over 100 day and night time events, themed around the mountains, lakes, park and mind. Sponsored by Nature Valley. See She's very vivacious and she's full of energy and beautiful.
Starting point is 00:00:35 All the all the all the boxes. I'll do the heavy lifting here, buddy. OK, let's just say it. And this is going to get us in trouble. I don't care. I miss when the show is behind a paywall. Yeah, I bet you do. We can really, really let it rip.
Starting point is 00:00:47 But I'm just gonna say it because you all know it's true. Meg's crazy, which means Meg's amazing and bad. Okay, here's the thing. If you are an adult human being and you are talking to me And you are talking to me about Bob Lazar, Aliens, the Joe Rogan podcast. I'm going to run the other way. You'd think that people would have had enough of a silly love song. But I look around me and I see it isn't so. Hi, hello and welcome to the eighth season of Netflix's Love is Blind. I'm Dylan, that's Pat. Great to be here.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Okay, a lot of housekeeping to get out of the way. This is the last episode that we're going to be posting on the old bad TV feed. If you're listening to this on the bad TV feed, this is the last episode that we're gonna be posting on the old bad TV feed if you're listening to this on the bad TV feed This is the last time you'll ever come to this feed. Okay Everything will be on the new below deck feed. It'll be the new bad TV feed We'll put the link for the show that you need to go to the feed that you need to go to in the comments Or in the show description wherever it is. We, just find us if you want to find us. It's not going to be that hard.
Starting point is 00:02:07 It's not that hard. It's not that hard. Don't make it that hard. If you're already listening to another Belodac podcast, just the logo or the artwork is going to change. The name and the logo is going to change. And now there's going to be three shows there in one place. I'm so sick of freaking talking about it.
Starting point is 00:02:21 I know. We had to do it though. We had to do it. Listen, we are here to break down the eighth season of love is blind. You are getting it for free. You fucking cheapos. We usually put this behind the paywall, but this time we are not. Traders is behind the paywall at slash another podcast network and another podcast show is behind the paywall, which is people they say that's their favorite show that we do. It's the best. And
Starting point is 00:02:46 also PMC. Yeah, it's the best. It's the best. I mean, everything's the best over there. If you'd like to support the show, give a little or a little more slash another podcast network. Okay. Season eight. The question on my mind is, well, should we do the game first? Or sprinkle it in later? People love the game. Let's start the season off with the game.
Starting point is 00:03:11 All right, and for the cheapos, people who are getting this for free, they love us, but not enough to sign up for $5 a month. So they may have never played the game before. And I thought about that. So the game is called, Is thought about that. So the game is called Is It Love is Blind Music or Is It Not Love is Blind
Starting point is 00:03:28 Music? Because the music is an integral part of the emotional journey that we all go on. Yeah, this show is a pile of dog shit. And the music is even worse is part of the quilt that is so smothered in fucking shit from Nick and Vanessa Lachey, who we refer to as Puffy and Tipsy. Because Vanessa has a drinking problem,
Starting point is 00:03:50 and Nick has a Botox problem. Okay, so the way this game is work is this. I will play a song, and then Patrick and you at home will guess whether or not it is Love is Blind music or it is not Love is Blind music. That's right. Now, there's a couple things typically that will give you a hint that it is Love is Blind, which is they are very on the nose lyrically. 100%. So if you watched a scene where someone just said, I love you, but I don't know if this is going to happen. Two seconds later, a song will show up that says, I think I love you.
Starting point is 00:04:27 But I'm not sure if this is gonna happen. That's right. They're very on the nose. Well, let's start with an example, okay? This is not part of the actual game. This is a practice round. This is a practice round just to show people what the game is like, okay?
Starting point is 00:04:40 Oh my God, this is so Love Is Why music. It's not even funny. Right? Okay. I can see just the transition from the women's quarters to one of the right cast members walking in and sitting down. This is love is blind music. Oh, Patty knows that. Am I right or not? You're 100% right. It's love is blind music. That's love is blind music. That's a very easy one just to give you an idea of what the game is like. Now we'll get into the guts of the game and it gets a little trickier when we're actually in the game. Dylan, I have to tell you, I don't know if they got a music budget this season. It did seem, at least in this first episode, that the music was a little bit better. Well let's see, you know, we're pulling from, we're pulling from seasons of yore. This is not a game specifically attached to this season. Fair enough. Okay, so now we will begin the game and just a three-round game. Is it Love is Blind music or is it not Love is Blind music? Now a bad game for me is you getting all of them right. A good game for me is you not getting a
Starting point is 00:05:41 single one right. Now Dylan, last time we played I believe I went five for five. You went four for five, it was my worst game ever. OK, so we're going to play. I want you to be honest, OK? Yeah, be honest. Because this is also going to be on the Patreon feed. Patreon listeners, put in the comments, score, give your real score.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Yeah, real score, no cheating. OK, ready? Is it Love is Blind music or is it not Love is Blind? Play it, play it, real score. No cheating. Okay, ready? Is it Love is Blind music or is it not Love is Blind music? Play it, play it, play it. Okay, this is, there's horrible music out there, Del. This, okay, you can stop it. No, I can't. Oh, we gotta do it for the listeners.
Starting point is 00:06:20 Yeah, you gotta give them a little bit of time. Oh boy, Dill. Now that second, the pre-chorus, that kind of got me in, because that sounded like Love is My Music. Yeah. Okay, this song is one of those songs that if you had a friend of a friend that said, I'm getting into the music industry. And then can I play you a song because I heard you.
Starting point is 00:06:54 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then they play it and then you have to pretend that they have a shot at a career, which they don't because it's so horrible. Depending on how much you've drank that evening, you'd go, is this for a dog commercial? Is this for a dog food commercial? Did you make a song specifically for a dog food commercial? And then they would be offended by that. I think this song is so horrible that I don't even think it would make the cut
Starting point is 00:07:16 For love is blind. That's a really interesting route you took there. So officially Final answer my final answer reach this is not love is blind music are you sure should I call a friend read you're gonna fuck me over yeah I'm sure it's not love that song was not oh no no sorry hang on ooh whoa what's going on? Whoa, what's going on? Is it Love is Blind music or not? That's Love is Blind music. Oh, damn it! I know. That's pretty crazy, right? And I put that in there because that's the worst Love is Blind music I've ever heard, but that is Love is Blind music. That is so bad. Pretty bad. The pre-chorus though,
Starting point is 00:08:03 ah, God, I should have gone with my gut. I know, I know. All right, well why don't you give this one a little bit more room, huh? Okay. Is this Love is Blind music or is it not Love is Blind music? Oh my god. Oh god. I'm recording still. It's got the lyric thing going.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Okay, this would be after a fight at the resort. And then the guy's going up to the room, you know? And he's our cornerstone, yeah? Oh, Dill, this someone, man. He really, uh, he made this tough. Uh, this is love is why music this definitely love is why music. Are you sure? Yeah, I'm on to that is not love is by doing. You figured out how I figured this out and
Starting point is 00:08:59 it's wow. What a game. What a game for two over to you've already lost. Let's see if I can lose it all. Let's see if you can lose all three. Now I want you to be true to yourself, I want you to be true to your heart, okay? Is this Love is Blind music, or is it not Love is Blind music? I don't even know where you find shitty songs like this. This is Love is Blind music.
Starting point is 00:09:20 This is 100% Love is Blind. This is when a girl's going back to the women's quarters after she's just had the best conversation ever. She's holding that note. Do you want to give it a little bit more room to breathe? No, I know with 100% certainty this is love is blind music. It's so horrible. If I was the parent of whoever created this, I'd have to struggle to lie to them to tell them to continue in the music. Well, I'm struggling to tell you that is not Love is Blind music.
Starting point is 00:09:53 I told you. I told you it's my best game ever. There is no way that is not Love is Blind music. This artist has been on Love is Blind before, but that is not Love is Blind music. Okay, okay. I feel like I got fucked over with a technicality. No, no, no, you didn't get fucked over with a technicality. I recognize the voice.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Listen, this is how the game is constructed, okay? I'll go to an official playlist, because there are lots of playlists that say inspired by and some sign. I don't know which one's which there, right? So I go to a Love is Blind music playlist, because there are lots of playlists that say, inspired by and some sign. I don't know which one's which there, right? So I go to a Love is Blind music playlist, right? And I start listening to the trough of dog shit there. It's a very difficult game for me to produce,
Starting point is 00:10:35 because it makes me sad. I listen to the music. I go, wow, this is horrible. And then I start a radio off of that. And I go through all of the songs that are Bullshit that sound exactly like it and then I cross reference it with AI chat GPT LGBTQ to make sure that this isn't or is on love is fine music It's a perfect thing you suck today sake of transparency. I appreciate you working us through your process. Yeah fine I'm okay with the results. Yeah, I lost I'm a loser Oh for three
Starting point is 00:11:04 Guys today's episode is brought to you by factor. Okay factor is an amazing I'm fine, I'm okay with the results. I lost, I'm a loser. Oh, for three. Guys, today's episode is brought to you by Factor. Okay, Factor is an amazing, amazing company that we're gonna talk about later in the episode. That's right. Because, you know, I just got too excited to talk about Factor. That's what happened there. But you know, these ad salespeople,
Starting point is 00:11:22 they go, well, I was before the 10 minute mark, so I'm not really sure about that. But anyways, let's get to our blindfolds. That is our rating system for the show. Our blindfolds. Can I go first? Yes, please. I am very concerned that we don't need this. Why do we have, I'm watching Love is Blind, right? And I'm like, do we need to do this again? I think we do. I don't think, I don't think we do. It's your time. I'll share my blindfold. Thank you. Fucking crosstalk, I mean, Jesus Christ. The Love is Blind magic that we witnessed in season one was, it wasn't bloated, it was trimmed down, it was, for the most part,
Starting point is 00:12:19 kind of gangrenous, hideous people trying to fall in love with one another. Winehack, too. Yeah, Winehack. Winehack too. Yeah, Winehack. Winehack! You know, Del. Right. We... What are we doing with six episodes that are 90 minutes long, like 70 minutes long?
Starting point is 00:12:32 It's like, no, no, we don't need that. These people are Chugy Whites from the Midwest. I don't want to watch them talk about their fucking dead siblings for an hour and a half, six episodes on a weekend. Grow up Netflix, nobody wants to watch a dumps of this show. Give it to us one a week, we don't need this. All right, so- Zero blindfolds.
Starting point is 00:12:53 I'm not happy about this. I understand, I see where you're coming from. You're upset because Dylan and I watch this stuff differently than the listeners do. No, we don't, we don't. Yes we do. Because you have to take some notes and you have to commit some things to memory. No, we don't. We don't. Yes, we do. Because you have to take some notes and you have to commit some things to memory.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Yeah, well, yeah. Other people start this at 8 o'clock at night after the kids in bed, pour a glass of wine, and just let it roll. Right. And they fall asleep in the middle of the third episode. They wake up the next day. They go, I don't really know where we were,
Starting point is 00:13:21 but it doesn't matter. And they play on their phone. Yes. The season one, the average episode running time was 32 and 1 1. Well, it was maybe 39, but yeah. Maybe. And it was eight episodes, and it was amazing television.
Starting point is 00:13:33 It accomplished what it was meant to do, which is entertain. It drove itself. I'll tell you why. Producers, we were invited to Love is Blind Live thing. We're very popular in the Love is Blind universe. I, and I know they listen, and I had suggested, maybe a mistake on my part, two years ago,
Starting point is 00:13:51 we needed more time in the pods, and I needed more emotion invested in the actual conversations. Big mistake on my part. Big mistake. Cause now I'm staring down the barrel of five episodes, at least in the pods before we get the fuck outta here.
Starting point is 00:14:08 If we're going to have broken lab rats who have volunteered to forego any turning of the world that they were previously a part of to be fucking lab rats, we don't wanna hear their substantive dialogue about the emotional stages that they can never occupy, period. So why don't we just cut the bullshit,
Starting point is 00:14:34 get some people with horrible credit and some really bad drinking problems, and just make the episodes 37 minutes? Okay, I get that, but I will say this. There's something about a slow How do you describe movies a slow burn? Yeah, you're talking about like Manchester by the sea I'm talking about a lot of movies that I click on a man Just by the sea was just like kind of sad feeling an hour and a half
Starting point is 00:14:56 Then you find out that he like locked his kids in a house and then like burnt it alive on accident I heard that there's pretty much a slow burn. It was a slow burn. Yeah and like burnt it alive on accident. I heard that. It was pretty much a slow burn. It was a slow burn. Yeah. Sometimes you gotta commit to some boring stuff. I'll just say this, these are my blindfolds.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Slow burn, I'm as a podcaster, not looking forward to nine hours of television that I need to watch and take notes on over the next week. But I am emotionally invested. I for some reason, I'm like, I cannot wait to see these people at that resort or once they look at each other, or when they start fighting, because that is the best part of this series is when they have sex, and then they're kind of like, Oh, that's what she looks
Starting point is 00:15:42 like. Oh, the other girl that I was talking to. It's just amazing television. So I'm getting a hand job. This is the foreplay. And I'm really not enjoying the hand job. Maybe there's a little too much. They're not paying attention to the stepchildren. I don't know. But eventually-
Starting point is 00:15:58 Kind of like a carnival game. Eventually, there will be that time when it starts revving up and getting very exciting. Yeah, and so I'm into it I like the casting these people are very impressive as far as their careers. There's only a couple fuck-ups Yeah, we don't need impressive. Okay David there's always a David on this show. Yeah, and by that I mean a on this show. And by that I mean a male pig.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Yeah, a douche bag. A douche bag that rather than going to therapy to figure out why he just sleeps with a bunch of women and is emotionally disconnected, rather than go to therapy to fix that, he signs himself up for a reality TV show. And then he goes, I like this, and the world needs it. Maybe. He's interesting to me because he's made it this far
Starting point is 00:16:48 And I'm still getting to learn the names just yeah full disclosure. Yeah, I think this is going to be a good season I think they did a good job on casting okay in in Minnesota. This is interesting I'm not happy about having to watch nine hours of television. Too many nice people This is interesting. I'm not happy about having to watch nine hours of television. Too many nice people Nice people are good Dylan. Whether or not when you go to people that showed up here to be famous Like I think second season you had who is the Indian guy who is a veterinarian? Not sure Shake he's a fucking douchebag shit back shake. Yeah Yeah, and there's been so many others but there but he was better than nice I mean how many times have we referenced the
Starting point is 00:17:29 not so subtle way of trying to find out if the girl was fat or not um if I was if we were at a concert and it was Brad Paisley and you couldn't see over the crowd could you could you sit on my shoulders? Yeah. Yeah. Two pots. I'm going to give it 50 blindfolds. I'm in. Today's episode is brought to you by Factor.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Are you ready to optimize your freaking nutrition this year? I am. Factor has chef-made gourmet meals that make eating well easy. They're dietician-appro approved and ready to heat and eat in two minutes So you can feel right and feel great no matter what life throws at you List some things that life could throw at you Good or bad bad a car accident name another one
Starting point is 00:18:19 God loss of a parent name another one. Oh, I gotta keep going. Yeah. Oh Having to watch nine hours of love parent. Name another one. Oh, I gotta keep going? Yeah. Oh, having to watch nine hours of Love is Wine? Name another one. Ooh, still going down that rabbit hole? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, man. Finding out that your grandmother was a Nazi. Any of that stuff can get thrown at you.
Starting point is 00:18:43 And while dealing with that stuff, because that's very complicated stuff to deal with, at least you can lose up to eight pounds in eight weeks with factor keto meals, based on randomized controlled clinical trial with factor keto. Results will vary depending on diet and exercise. But listen, let's say you find out
Starting point is 00:19:03 that your grandmother's a Nazi. It's very, very stressful. It's a heartache, you know, because you thought that she was filled with love, but she wasn't. She was filled with bile and hatred. You don't feel like cooking. You pop one of these in the however you want to heat it up. And it is legitimately really, really good food. Dill, here's a call to action. I've been using this product for the last two weeks.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Yeah. You can see clearly, Dillon. Don't I look better? You do. Healthier? You do. You were disgusting before factor, and now you're hot. I've lost eight pounds.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Go on our Instagram. This video's up. You can see it in my face. Yeah. I look handsome. Yeah. And then just go sign up for our patreon There is like a feed for some reason where?
Starting point is 00:19:51 Got a factor are saying they want to have okay just shut up Patrick eat smart with factor get started at factor meals comm slash factor podcast and use code factor podcast to get 50% off your first box plus free shipping. That's code Factor Podcast at slash factor podcast to get 50% off plus free shipping on your first box. Let's meet the pod rats. The pods are open. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:18 I miss Puffy and tipsy. Do you really? I do. And Dylan, let me just get out of the gate with this. They have a bigger cast, which they bragged about. A lot of whites. There's a lot of what's wrong with a lot of whites? It's Minnesota for God's sake. I know a lot of fucking nice whites from Minnesota. I'm just saying I'm not that amped up for that. You like a mixed cast a little bit? I don't like if somebody serves me a bowl of overcooked noodles with chili and
Starting point is 00:20:47 white onion on top. I want to be able to joke about how gross it is without really hurting their feelings. I get it. And that's Minnesota to me. That's the Midwest to me. Okay. And that's a good part of the Midwest.
Starting point is 00:20:58 The bad part of the Midwest are just hicks that have gone completely unnoticed. I mean, all the hicks are in the South. No, they're in the south. No, they're in the Midwest. They're filthy drunks. Well, what else is there to do up there? Let me say this. I love a big cast, and my favorite kind of reality TV,
Starting point is 00:21:16 although not 90 Day Fiance anymore, is multiple couples, which they bounce around to. It's way more interesting. One of the biggest disasters that ever happened was season four of Love is Blind where they literally went to the altar with two couples. It was unwatchable, it was horrible, it should have any other series would have taken a break to re-calibrate. We gotta figure this out. Yes, it was that horrible. The way that they counter that is to cast
Starting point is 00:21:42 more. This many people, more, many more more more more we as Americans we want more I love that we have more I would love for them to walk out of there and allow eight couples to go to the resort Netflix is the Walmart of streaming services that's right or the Costco puffy and tipsy head out Nick asks why do you want to be on love is blind the answer at this point and kind of always has been to a certain degree, which is why this show has laid waste
Starting point is 00:22:08 to so many contestants' lives. They just wanna be on television. And it's not even TV, they wanna be on anything. You think so? Some of these people I think, like there's a dentist in there, there's people with doctorates. Maybe- Prove me wrong, but I'm not gonna get proven wrong.
Starting point is 00:22:25 Okay, this is what I enjoyed about this reveal though. We got some real lookers here and we got our first leprechaun. That didn't make any sense, prove me wrong, but I'm not gonna get proven wrong. I guess I'm gonna stay in my trepidatious little angry place right for now. I'll be the positive person. You'll be the positive, I have no faith
Starting point is 00:22:42 in any of these chuggy whites and then if they have heart, that'll be a welcome surprise. Okay, so we have our first leprechaun. Yeah, and then one of the girls looks like the singer Tiffany It's the one that got drunk at all those chili cookouts. Ah You're talking about the singer the professional singer Tiffany, yeah, but in this case, it's Molly Yeah, yeah, she's never had a boyfriend. The little guy is named Daniel. I like Daniel. Yeah. And he has this idea that he's not going
Starting point is 00:23:14 to disclose that he's short. Daniel, David, Alex. I mean, it's just a bunch of fucking whites. Right, right. God damn, chooky white guys. I like Daniel a lot, but I would give him some advice. Do not hide the fact that you're kind of short. No, it's fucking rat boy short king summer.
Starting point is 00:23:31 I mean, what are we doing here? Think about this, and I wish Ruby was doing this recap with us, because she's let me know. I'm sorry to interrupt. It is so fucked right now, OK? The boomers fucked everything up, what with their greed and financial instruments and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Then, you and I are six, two. We walked through our entire life, right? Being like, oh, that's like you have a leg up, literally. And now, all of a sudden, we're into short guys. What the heck happened? Eggs are eight bucks and we're into Timothy Shams. It's like what kind of hat Tom Cruise is fighting? What kind of goddamn planet I got to live on to have privilege. Yeah, you know what I mean? I feel like I got ripped off. Yeah. I really do. It's just crazy. Well this little guy, I think it's at some point you're gonna have to bring up, personally I don't think 5'8 is short, but a lot of women, that phrase you know
Starting point is 00:24:35 tall, dark, and handsome, you know that when you ask a woman like what she'd prefer. Yeah. Apparently they're they're pretty judgmental about height So what he should is at some point when he connects with one of these ladies is go Hey, you know when you stand next to a car? Yeah, and Most people can see the top of the roof. I Can't where did tall dark and handsome come from because I feel like for the majority of American history You'd probably get killed for saying that can you I mean I? Think it means like maybe like a spray tan or something. I don't know okay mm-hmm definitely the tall part and handsome mm-hmm
Starting point is 00:25:20 But women love tall men no no that's fine. That's fine. I don't know. I don't know what the what the origin of it is. But what with the legacy of racism that's so robust in this country, I it's it's shocking to me that that became such a commonly said aphorism, you know, tall, dark, and handsome. I don't like a pasty white person. No, who does who does? All right, we're gonna begin here. We're gonna begin with. Well, before we begin, Nick, Nick has got to stop doing this thing where he goes, you know, this show is not about your looks, it's not
Starting point is 00:25:52 about your race, it's not about your age, and he extends it this time to it's not about your income. It is. We actually had a contestant who married a dude whose credit card didn't work at a gas station and she dumped him. Right, because your credit card should work at a gas station. That's right. I don't know, this card's not taking my PIN number. Can I borrow 40 bucks? That makes you a loser. Women don't want that. No. Because if you're going to have children with someone, you want to know that you'll be financially secure. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:26:27 Yeah. When my wife and I were starting to get fairly serious, we went on a trip to Barcelona and I had no money. She flooded the whole thing and I was like, hey, can you pay for this? You were young though. Yeah, I was. But still, even then my wife was like, oh God, he hasn't paid for a fucking thing on this entire trip.
Starting point is 00:26:44 You know what I mean? Women don't like that. No, no, no, no. But it worked out for you. Yeah, no, it worked out great. So, uh, Daniel's up first. Seems like a nice guy. Love the call back to damn Daniel. That was just an era of innocence on the Internet. You know what I mean? I mean, there were still like people. What's the cultural reference? Remind me. Damn Daniel. What's the cultural reference? Remind me. Damn, Daniel! Back out of the camp with the way it finds. You remember?
Starting point is 00:27:08 Uh, might have passed me by. I didn't have an iPhone until 2014. That was an era where on the internet you had like innocent, humorous, funny things and then you had women like eating shit out of coffee cups. You know what I mean? So, uh, it was more binary and safe. Oh, I miss those times. Yeah, those times were good. His sister was born blind. That is very sad. And Taylor he sits down with first is a nurse. And you know what that means? This is
Starting point is 00:27:36 what I'll say. Daniel, I'm talking of him right now, is so normal that I think he's going to do fine here to. Normal is good. We've had enough of those guys that whip out an acoustic guitar and start rapping or something or improv, like just a bunch of fucking weirdos. I know, but, but for our purposes and for the purposes of American entertainment, let's bust out the acoustic guitar, right? We don't want, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:05 uh, uh, uh, you know, uh, uh, you know, it's like, get the fuck outta here. It's so boring. Okay, I think David is providing the douchery for us a little bit, although he scaled it back
Starting point is 00:28:17 on the second part of the episode, but definitely him coming out and there being a montage of him, I'm getting ahead of myself, sorry, is, so why are you fucking here? Fucking dumb bitch. Yeah. Which is what he was insinuating. I think he's a male pig. But right.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Yeah, we don't. I think they weeded out a lot of the people that are going to come in and kind of mess with the experiment. Yeah. This show thinks that this is the major problem with this show. This show thinks it has heart. We get to these reunions and we're talking about babies and we're talking about what does your future look like? You are hosting a fucking rodeo. Like this is nothing more than people flicking dirt in each other's face and crying. Let's behave accordingly. All right, Dylan, you and I are bumping heads on the direction of
Starting point is 00:29:12 the show. Yeah, I am bored as you are. However, again, the foreplay, I enjoy the real conversations. You're a little bit more cynical and you'd like it to be more I'm not cynical. I'm a realist. These people are not going we don't have a good batting average on this show Because love isn't blind. This isn't how human beings connect. This is a fucking This is a show that is mired with with Accusations of horrible treatment towards the cast. I'm just saying let's ramp that up Let's get the cattle prods in people's hands and let's have a good time. Let me say this the batting average of Indian culture and matchmaking or people doing the dolry thing where they're like the Dolry, isn't it the jewelry? Yes. Okay, so
Starting point is 00:29:59 Married at first sight which the show completely copied, although when you read the description on Netflix, it says bachelor meets 90 day fiance. Please explain to me what part of this show is similar to 90 day fiance. It is 100% stolen from Married at First Sight. The batting average for the first three seasons of Married at First Sight, they had like 19 marriages and they're still together.
Starting point is 00:30:22 This show aspires to be that. Now. Who's watching Married at First Sight? I am. They have like 32 episodes a season. It's crazy. All right. All right. Anyway. Let's get to B.Dot and D. Buck. These two love basketball. He coaches assistant girls basketball which is amazing and not that lucrative. We then get to Verdict. Oh I was gonna say have you ever seen Love and Basketball? No. It's great movie. It's yeah I hear it's phenomenal. Lebanese Lana we went to go see it in 2000 I've never forgotten about that film it came on came on about five years ago.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Was it Leo? Was Leo in that? Leo who's Leo? No he was in basketball diaries. Oh no no it's it's. Basketball diaries different. It's about two teenagers that come up in high school basketball and then they both become professional athletes and they fall in love. Well, they were in love before that, but it's great movie. Oh, but varsity blues isn't no. I want to say this and this might be get me in trouble. Oh God. I didn't like Britney's shoes. They look like something that a Martian would wear. They were very silver and they hurt my eyes to look at. It looks like something a Martian would wear before they come down here and eat our brains to learn how we think.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Yeah, yeah, okay. I didn't like it. All right. No problem. We then meet Virginia who is a foodie. Yeah, she's a foodie. And Dill, wait for it, wait for it, wait for it. Her favorite food as a foodie until I wait for it. Wait for it. Wait for it her favorite food as a foodie Burritos burritos. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, right. I liked you Virginia. Yeah, you you can really tell a foodie is a foodie when
Starting point is 00:31:58 They Their favorite food is one of the emojis. Oh Yeah, she should have said hot dog. Hot dog, cheeseburger. Now listen, I mean, that's some of my favorite foods. I mean, I wouldn't say that I'm a foodie, but because foodies are some of the most annoying people on planet earth.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Foodies are people that go to restaurants and then don't enjoy the experience. They just kind of like are there. What do you what what no I'm agreeing a hundred percent with you I I wasn't as annoyed by that term foodie as much as you were years ago but I've come around to it yeah yeah I like Virginia a lot very impressed pH PhD but you announcing that burritos your well favorite food it means your basic well basic. Well, and let us know how good the burritos are
Starting point is 00:32:48 in the Midwest. I'm sure they're amazing. Yeah, I mean, you can make burritos really great anywhere. And you know, Mexican culture is robust, and it's hit lots of different corners. Now, Dylan, you and I have discussed, how much information can you hint at in these pods to announce that you're hot fucking hot?
Starting point is 00:33:09 Matt probably lots of different ways. Well at some point I think it was Tony the golden retriever had said that something he's white. I think I was David a date was a David. Okay. Yeah, but Virginia announces she's a former NBA Cheerleader. Yeah. Which is telling him she's hot. Yeah. And that's intentional.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Yeah. Good job, Virginia. And hey, you are hot. Good for you. So Joey is from Minnesota. He's kind of helping people calm down by asking them what calms them down. And he sits down with Monica. This was very confusing to me. kind of helping people calm down by asking them what calms them down. And he sits down with Monica. Um,
Starting point is 00:33:47 this was very confusing to me. They both love to swing dance and they both hate country music. That's right. That's little at odds. Is it not? Yeah. I like this guy. I do too, but he seems really sweet. Let me tell you something that I don't like. He's Joey the golden retriever, I think is his nickname. I think if a dog had hair that looked as ridiculous as Joey has, the dog would run in front of a moving car and kill himself was probably an Afghan. Lose that dumb hair. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Fucking you are so goofy looking. Honestly, geez, take it easy, man. He has three sisters, asterisk, right? A brutal way to, you know. He'll share the details later. Way too much trauma in this first episode of people talking about death and drug addicts. It's like, maybe it is like The Bachelor and 90 Day Fiance because one of the main is like The Bachelor and 90 Day Fiance because one of the main things that The Bachelor does so poorly is this mandate of forced trauma.
Starting point is 00:34:52 It's just like such an awkward thing. And that's not something you should bond on initially, that's something, I'm not a relationship expert, but if you're bonding over how miserable your childhood was, that's not a connecting point. No, no, no. There's so childhood was, that's not a connecting point. No, no, no. There's so many other things that should bring two people together. It could possibly be a connecting point,
Starting point is 00:35:09 but let's not start with that first base. Monica got broken up with. We'll get to more on her later. We've got to get to David next. Great guy. Asks every girl what is wrong with you. That is. Sprinkled in with some bad dad humor.
Starting point is 00:35:24 I don't like this guy. Yeah so it's a little bit like you, huh, it's a weird form of social neurodivergency where you land on a line that you think is cool and then you just everyone that question it's it's like it's like a little bit like the jock at summer camp who turns out to be so unlikable that even his friends turn on him and then it's just him and the kid that he was bullying at the lunch table and that that you know, that's a beautiful story. Right. But it is like, what are you doing? Yeah, it is like, what are you doing? He's a superficial dude. And it's funny
Starting point is 00:36:14 because I think he's going to pick the girl that has a tattoo that says fuck the patriarchy. No, he's not gonna pick her. Now, Molly said she would do anything in the bedroom once. That's a great point. He's not gonna play that part. But, Lauren, are you out of your mind? And also, an ass tattoo. Yeah. You can see, you know?
Starting point is 00:36:30 Yeah. Hey, Molly. This is why this show's good. You're picking up on those little details and you're being very acute to what a guy would pick up on. What David would pick up on. That's right. Yeah. What is that? Yeah. It's so weird that she does that. She's right. Yeah. What is what is that? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:51 It's so weird that she does that. She's cute. Okay, she looks like Bryce Dallas hard. Bryce Dallas. Hard. Yeah, that's her poor name. Yeah, that's a porn star name. Okay, so he works in aesthetics. And he tells Lauren that when she hits 30, she's going to be gross. She laughs that off because she's too nice and says that the greatest thing a father can do for their kids is love their mother. And I love Lauren for saying that. That's so beautiful.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Well, she didn't, she repeated it, but that was a, one of those things you buy at Walmart. Oh yeah, and her dad's dead, right? Yeah, her dad's dead. And he put that on his desk. And I thought about that and I actually lived that. My wife and I, we fucking passionately make out in front of our kids.
Starting point is 00:37:33 Oh yeah. And sometimes I bend her over. I'm like, this is how much daddy loves mommy. Right, right, right. Yeah, yeah. They'll appreciate that. Yeah, they'll see what a successful domestic partnership looks like.
Starting point is 00:37:44 And they'll know how to love. Again, why are you? Why are you spitting in my son's face? Well, that's a, that's what mommy and daddy do. Jesus Christ. That's how you show love. We're we, we don't want Ellie hanging out with Joshua anymore. She's too perverse for a seventh grader.
Starting point is 00:38:12 Molly sits down with David. If I wanted to have a boyfriend, I could. These two people are absolutely perfect for one another. David says that he's a white guy here, naughty little piggy. And says that he's a white guy here, naughty little piggy. And says that his parents aren't together anymore because his mom passed away. She's dead. We've got, we have got to stop doing this thing where we frame the split like it's a split but then we, you're being... I mean technically. It's not really like you don't bring in a divorce lawyer when somebody tragically passes in a car accident.
Starting point is 00:38:49 You know it's just not the thing to do. I'm divorcing your mother. She's dead. Now just because we're moving through cast members. I assume people watch the show as they listen to this podcast. I assume they don't. Molly, is Molly the artist? No. No, that is someone else. I'm sorry, Molly is the cute redhead.
Starting point is 00:39:09 Sorry, forgive me, forgive me. Okay. And then Meg. Meg is gonna- Oh, I love Meg. We'll get to Meg, whole life. No, no, no, I got a lot of thoughts on Meg. Yeah, now Meg's great.
Starting point is 00:39:21 All right. All right, let's go to the living quarters for a second because Devin in Virginia, why did I say the living quarters? They were, oh, this is where Devin shares with the guys that Virginia and him went to the same high school. I have a theory. Did you watch the trailer before coming in to watch the episode. You hear a female voice say, he knew who I was the whole time,
Starting point is 00:39:48 and what I looked like. And I think it's this couple. Because we're not in Los Angeles on this show. We're in fucking Minnesota. If a girl that went to the same high school as you, is only five years older, is an NBA dancer or a cheerleader yeah you fucking know that's true that's a good point so this is Pat's theory I could be
Starting point is 00:40:10 wrong but I think this is the couple where he knows who she is yeah she looks like what a little dick bag huh if that's true what a little bag of digs also I would assume when love is blind and puffy and tipsy show up to your town to start casting, it's a small pool of people. You're thinking you're going from 25 to 34 or whatever, and those people are all single. They kind of know each other, so you start talking. I think that's a fun aspect.
Starting point is 00:40:38 I don't know how interesting that will be. I think it's a good theory. I think it's a good theory. But let's get to Alex. Cool story from him. When he was younger, he had an afro severe acne braces and when he told the girl he had a crush on her, her and her friends started laughing at him and he ate lunch in the bathroom. Was your mother and dad drug addicts? By the way, they found each other in rehab. Right.
Starting point is 00:41:03 And it didn't work out because they were too young. And then she later married another guy who died of a fetinal overdose. And oh, I'm sorry. Someone gave you a noogie at lunch? Well, I mean, being ridiculed and laughed at like that is quite a it has a lot of staying power. I know. But when you're having a trauma bond and your contribution is when someone tells you a bunch of people I
Starting point is 00:41:28 know are dead from drug overdoses, and I'm basically an orphan, and then you go, Yeah, on the seventh grade, a girl told me I my hair look funny. Well, he's got some sad stuff. She's she's got sadder stuff. So this is Madison, I think she said she grew up in India surrounded by cornfields, but I might not have been she did She said it was boring and I always saw myself in my life is something bigger than this. Okay So she traveled around quite a bit Madison. Yes, Madison. She went to Paris. She went to the Middle East
Starting point is 00:41:54 she learned a lot including Arabic and She did all those things because she was fleeing a broken home that was helmed by a bunch of drug addicts. That's right. And if there's one thing I know about drug addicts, they're not great at helming really anything. No. Not good parents either. But she's trying to break this, I forget how she put it, generational cycle. Oh, yeah. OK. Now, Alex comes in, he goes, that's pretty sad. Get ready for this one. Get out the tissue box in the 11th grade. Someone. No, no, no, no, that's not what it was.
Starting point is 00:42:38 It was actually really sad. Oh, was it? Yeah. He got kicked out of house by his parents because he was so stupid. Yeah, because that works like that. No, I mean, listen, if that's real, if that's true, I want to meet those people yesterday. So I think these two seem great for each other. I actually really like them. They're really feeling each other. She also hints at how hot she is because she talks about how she was ugly as well to bond with him. Oh, yeah. And then she said, then I got my twenties and I had my quote unquote glow up.
Starting point is 00:43:07 Glow up. That's saying I'm hot. Right, right, right. Well, let's get to Mason. McCauley Culkin. He's a cinematographer. He's very close to his nieces. One is eight and one is three.
Starting point is 00:43:20 How can you be very close to a three year old and an eight year old? You show up at the house every other Sunday and bring a present. but he's also a skater boy. See you later, boy Yeah. Yeah. Yeah now Madison Some more sad stuff from Madison had a brother named Brett he's dead This is I'm sorry, I'm sorry This is too much
Starting point is 00:43:46 Too early. Well, yeah, and he's named after Brett Favre who's a tough person to be named after Brett Favre is not a good guy No, he's a pig who's cheated on everyone in the industry and then he sends dick pics. Yeah Well not not just that but he's siphoned a bunch of money or something. Yeah, Mississippi State funding. I think that's allegedly though. No, it's not allegedly. He's a scumbag. But yeah, we'll get to more of her family dynamics. And luckily, they're not a red flag
Starting point is 00:44:19 to the guys in the experiment. Because to more shallow, less understanding people, i.e. yourself and myself. I think that we would, we would both be, you know, on the other side of the partition going. Yes. I don't want any part of this. I'm sorry. Yeah. But Mason's got another date to get to. Oh yeah, even better.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Yeah. Meg! Yeah, she looks like a Meg. She does look like a Meg. I am very sad that she is not going to make it out of the pods. She's not? No. Yeah, probably not, right? No. She'd be fun outside the pods.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Why are you talking about Meg? Okay. She's a flight attendant. And a lot of people have told her her voice sounds like she's a sex worker. I was thinking let this play out because I've been on a lot of... No you sound like a moose. Not a sex worker, more like a hooved moose. I'd love to hear a moose tell me that I can't have any pretzels.
Starting point is 00:45:32 Can I have a pillow? This is her as a sex worker. No. Oh, okay. Yeah. Can I have some pretzels? No beverages or food on the flight. Oh my God, it's so sexy.
Starting point is 00:45:48 It's because the flight is so short. Oh, wow. I'm going across the country. Yeah. Yeah, shut up. Yeah, yeah, you haven't had a good time flying lately. No, not in the last eight years. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:01 Flying sucks. But listen, the big problem with Meg is that she's extremely annoying. It doesn't stop talking. But she has a lot of I like Meg a lot. She's very vivacious and she's full of energy and beautiful. All the all the all the boxes. Dylan, I'll do the heavy lifting.
Starting point is 00:46:24 Everybody. OK, let's do the heavy lifting here buddy. Okay, let's just say it. And this is going to get us in trouble. I don't care. I miss when this show is behind a paywall. Yeah, I bet you do. But I'm just going to say it because you all know it's true. Meg's crazy, which means Meg's amazing in bed.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Okay, here's the thing. If you are an adult human being Okay, here's the thing. If you are an adult human being and you are talking to me about Bob Lazar aliens, the Joe Rogan podcast, and your first kind of entry is that when people pour metal into ant farms, it reveals an incredibly intricate structure and you think that that's what the gods do to us with natural disasters.
Starting point is 00:47:06 I'm going to run the other way. One, okay where do we go with that? Two, I don't want to talk about aliens. I don't want to talk about aliens with grown adults. I really don't. There's nothing, you think they're real? I don't know. I do okay
Starting point is 00:47:27 Jesus that's it. I'm so sad for you to announce that we're not gonna see her leave this place. Yeah No, I don't think we are today's episode is brought to you by a magnificent company L-U-M-I Loomy Loomy is the best. Okay Lumi What is there to say about Lumi what can't you say you want to get a little weird you want to get a little
Starting point is 00:47:57 You want to get a little good up in you? Do you want to feel good? Do you want to feel de-stressed? Then use Lumi. Okay? They have consistent, mellow, super delicious flavors. Lume gummies are specifically designed to make you feel good, not stoned. Okay? Whether you're looking for an end of day de-stressor, a midday mood boost, or help getting the best sleep ever, Lume gummies has a strain that is right for you. Okay. I have been, I'm not a good sleeper. I've been taking the sleep gummies at night because my wife has to sleep through the night. She's pregnant. If I knock her, if I'm moving around and stuff, she's going to get up. Lume gummies have, I want to say they've
Starting point is 00:48:40 saved our marriage. I get stressed out and I take a specific gummy for that and it has changed my life Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. We are better men for loom because of loomie loomie gummies are available nationwide Go to loomie gummies comm that's L um I gummies comm and use code bad TV for 30% off your order again That's L um I gummies comm code bad TV loomMYS.COM code bad TV LUMIGUMMYS.COM code bad TV. Alright keep it going. Alright so I think where we are now is back with David and Molly I like Molly she is the redheaded girl and this is where it gets sexual on his part. I thought you're gonna call her Ringwald or something. No, no, no, no, who's I loved Molly Ringwald
Starting point is 00:49:30 she doesn't like God, what is it? Oh the movie Exorcist cuz I think where she went to school. I had a Catholic background She's totally terrified by that. Yeah, this is when he just like switches topics. Yeah Hey, well, what sexual position are you into? Yeah, you know how like speaking of that priest that told you that he had exercised a demon out of that Out of somebody in real life, you know how they get all bent up and stuff. Do you like that? Do you like that? She kind of plays along I was shocked by it, but he asked her what type of kiss kisser you are
Starting point is 00:50:02 Which is an absolutely stupid question. Yeah, I think like he's yeah I know what he's doing here. I see you David. I know what you're doing. What is he doing? He's trying to feel her out if she's down to be sexual Yeah, like how far can I get you to admit this stuff and it's kind of gross But it kind of works because she pretty much admits that she'd go rather far. Yeah. Yeah She said there's no nothing off limits in the bedroom. And this is when old Patty, you know, I'm a jokester. I would be like, uh, yeah, how about a gerbil? Yeah, nothing off limits. Nothing off limits. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What if she said no
Starting point is 00:50:45 Even that, I'll try. This girl's a freak. Yeah. Then I think we get to, because David is like a main cast member, like they love David. He picked Molly in this moment, like we mentioned. You think so? I think so, because Lauren is a boring Midwestern girl who won't eat ass like a fucking dork. You know what, I have a nickname for her, boring Lauren. Yeah. Because Lauren is a boring Midwestern girl who won't eat ass like a fucking door. You know what I had a name for
Starting point is 00:51:05 boring Lauren, yeah No, she's she's like wine hacks face. No it well, okay Lauren is very pretty and I didn't say she wasn't pretty Winehag is very pretty too. Yes Now when she's drinking no, no, I heard she's the sauce she turns into a witch and her skin starts to melt and it looks like she has more veins than she actually does in her face because it's it's not actually the veins it's just a makeup well it could be the veins okay so Lauren and David they discuss parents and siblings and he says he's learned how to deal with women from his sisters, you know, yeah That's another little tactic of these male pigs
Starting point is 00:51:49 Yeah, look, I know the sensitivity of women because I had sisters They taught me so well except for the last ten years of your life where you've admitted that you're basically a pig Yeah, yeah, exactly And he's got a lot of paradoxes, right? Like he says that he's really good at reading but that he has to read things 50 times in order to understand them. And it's like, that means that you're bad at reading actually. Taylor and Daniel are up next. She sounds like she survived attempted murder this morning.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Her voice is shredded as much as those ridiculous pants that she's wearing. Never wear those again, those are stupid. They're not functional. We're gonna reflect back on- You're a real fashionista. No, I just things that like don't make sense and shouldn't be seen for another 40 years to just like fashion
Starting point is 00:52:32 wise. Yeah, this is one of those. Okay, got it. Well, we get to Joey and Monica. Oh, God, this is in the men's quads. No, this is in the pods. Okay. No, this is in the pods. He reveals that he had a ton of D1 offers for college sports and declined them all to take care of his sister who was not going to be cared for by his mother and her sister, his sister had cerebral palsy I believe. He bought a home at 27, kind of as like a retirement home for his mother. The guy is a fucking gem. He's a nice guy.
Starting point is 00:53:11 Hair looks ridiculous. They bond over the film Sound of Music, which way too long. I've seen it multiple times. It is it is way too long. The Sound of Music, the racist one of the Nazi one. Nazi one. Okay. He's flexing here. These conversations of course as human beings when we're getting to know someone you're trying to, 48 Laws of Power will teach you this. There are certain things that you can read into why are
Starting point is 00:53:37 you mentioning this to me. Yeah. Clearly he's saying I'm established, I'm safe, yeah, I have money, yeah, I'm a golden retriever, I care for people. He's either going to be great the whole way through, or there's going to be some darkness that shoots out of those fingertips. Well, remember the real nice guy from last season where when he went away for one day, she discovered his text and he was telling us.
Starting point is 00:53:59 Oh, yeah. Remember that guy? Yeah, he came out somebody's head. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. He said, I want to drop him on the head. I was in a sleep study. I was just sitting there. I just started texting people about how I wanted to drop out somebody's head. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I was in a sleep study. I was just sitting there
Starting point is 00:54:05 I just started texting people about how I wanted to drop come on their head. Yeah This could be Joey the gold. All right. Well, we'll see back to David and Lauren They talked tats Lauren has FTP tattooed on her. Fuck the patriarchy. Fuck. Yeah Fuck the patriarch. Oh, yeah Fuck the patriarchy. Fuck yeah. Fuck the patriarchy. Oh, yeah. I mean, it is it's very evil. And fuck it. Seriously. Yeah, I agree. Yeah. David's tats are love always and proud of you. Yeah. Well, those were from? His mother, who's dead.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Yeah, a letter that she wrote him. Oh, that's so thoughtful. Divorced. His parents are divorced. By someone came between them. It was just the grim fucking reaper. Yeah, yeah. He had that hatchet.
Starting point is 00:55:00 He was like a divorce attorney. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like, you guys are not going to be together anymore. Right, right, right. It's not because he was cheating. It's because you divorce attorney. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's like you guys are gonna be together anymore, right? It's not because you know, he was cheating it's because you're dead Yeah, that is sad, yeah David and Lauren are good, but he's got one more date with Molly Molly Molly
Starting point is 00:55:18 And we continue to talk we continue to talk about that. Yeah human boy is he basic? Yeah. I was just talking about tattoos Why don't I just start this conversation? Yeah, she admits she has an about tattoos. Yeah, human, boy, is he basic. I was just talking about tattoos. Why don't I just start this conversation? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And she admits she has an ass tat. Yeah. Yeah. She's playing for the win here, I think. So you think between the more-
Starting point is 00:55:36 How do you feel about ass tats? Well, where are they? On the ass. Well, I don't like tattoos on people. I have three. They're stupid. I regret all of them. And I have enough money, I will have them laser removed. Yeah. And talk about your tattoos really quick. Well, I have one on my side that says rockin. I was in the deep depths of alcoholism. When I showed up to a tattoo shop legally, they probably shouldn't't have and what does the tattoo say again rocking yeah i and for the last 10 years when i go to the beach i sometimes question whether or not i want to take my shirt off not because i'm fat no my body's hot it's because i have rocking tattooed on the side of my beautiful body, right? Couldn't believe when I woke up the next morning. Yeah morning and saw this. Yeah. It's like, oh my god
Starting point is 00:56:33 Yep, so and the other one is a barbed wire that fair enough sober did that my mom bought that for me And what's the third one? This stupid thing. Oh, yeah the Sun because I'm a Leo Okay Ass tattoos are pretty trashy. Yeah Yeah, I think so, okay so then we get to the women's quarters and this is fun because Lauren
Starting point is 00:57:01 I'm sorry Molly thinks that it's a girl named Sarah who we've barely seen is the only other girl talking to David. Yeah. But in fact she makes a misstep misstep by sharing with Lauren that it's David and that's the cliffhanger. Get in the comments, let us know what you thought, let us know how you fared in the game, let us know how your weekends going, hope you had a happy Valentine's Day I'm Dylan saying goodbye we'll see you next week for more I'm Dylan saying goodbye Pat say goodbye LATER DUDES! You look around me and I see it isn't so
Starting point is 00:57:53 Some people want to build a world where it's silly love songs And what's wrong with that? I'd like to know And here I go

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