Another Below Deck Podcast - The Worst Season of All Time | Love is Blind S8 E7

Episode Date: February 24, 2025

Pat and Dylan are back. Dylan complains about the show and Pat tries to lift his spirits to no avail.Traitors at YouTube -

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm killing the congestion fees. I'm killing them. They're done. I think our president is overstepping his bounds. Okay, so David Lauren, Lauren, Lauren. Well, you know, Mary, Eric Adams is desperate. You can do whatever you want. This is how boring this show is. I might allow Dylan to start talking about politics. Hi, hello and welcome to another Brands Banking episode. Namaste, it's BAT TV. Namaste, it's Love is Blind. I need all the peace I can because-
Starting point is 00:00:50 You're going to lose your mind? I'm going to lose my mind. I'm Dylan, that's Pat. Great to be here. Welcome to another Rage Room. We're going to... we have bats in hand. There's old TVs all over the place. I mean, I've never been in a Rage Room,
Starting point is 00:01:09 but like, I think you just break everything. Let me ask you this though, Dylan, because I think we're gonna shit all over this show. If we didn't have to go through six episodes with a total running time of seven hours, 45 minutes, and we just had this single standalone episode that we're about to recap. Would you feel as enraged as you do now?
Starting point is 00:01:28 Because this seems like this is pretty standard fare for a resort episode. I think it's very, very bad even for a resort episode. I have portions of my notes where I go, I literally just wrote out, I have nothing to say. Virginia and Devon? All right, slash another podcast network. Traders is there. I'm so bummed we don't have Ruby Rubes this week to break down. What a loss.
Starting point is 00:01:56 I want to say this though. It's a rivalry that we've been waiting for. And it was wonderful. And I can't wait to break it down. And you should really listen to us recap that. Yeah it's so good. Oh my god. But this show. And I want the audience to know, Dill. I'm gonna have this fresca.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Please do. Despite the fact that Dill and I complain about the show, we still have fun shitting all over it and that's the fun in it and you know this season isn't good either. None of you would stand up for this and defend it if you had to. You know it's just as awful as we do. That's kind of nice. It's very stevia like. Let me tell you something. My daughter Elliot loves those and she thinks it's a treat. When we give her a fresca it has zero calories. She basically it's an adult drink and that means something big to her. So on special occasions, we allow her to have one.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Okay. All right. I was going to say just don't come after Pat for the, you know, aspartame. And we're just trying to survive. Okay. Yeah. We're just trying to get through the world. Like the rest of you
Starting point is 00:02:59 give your blindfolds. I got to get the. Okay. Let me say this. You are the one who closed the doors a show really doesn't have the goods when they do a teaser trailer for the next week's episode and they manipulate an edit to fool you into thinking that you're going to see drama what I'm referring to is when season, I'm sorry, episode six ended and we saw what some of the next couple episodes were going to look
Starting point is 00:03:29 like. They cut to David sitting on a boat with Lauren, Boran Lauren, and he commented on her hair and it was a misogynistic kind of take like, why don't you change your hair? I don't like what you did with your hair today, something like that, and they cut to her face expressing disappointment. That moved in this episode like it didn't even happen. He said, I'm just kidding, and then she goes, I know you're such a joker, and then they move the fuck on. If that is what you're teasing to,
Starting point is 00:04:01 to get us to continue to watch this show, it's pretty manipulative and it's pretty desperate. And it's a sign that you don't have the goods. Zero blindfolds. Okay. So, um, and then we get to this drama right at the top of the show, which was insane. And I, it actually, actually had me asking more questions after they resolved it than I did before.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Okay, so this is a perfect, I'm gonna give it zero pots. This is, I think, the worst season of Love is Blind I've ever seen. I disagree, it was the one where only two couples made it to. I think that was better. Oh, that spicy Latina chick and that like that nerdy guy who borrowed or something Marlon and they got married and he proceeded to take a job in Long Beach and she lived in Arizona what a
Starting point is 00:04:52 wonderful marriage that must be okay this is worse than that in my opinion these are some of the most boring dumb uninteresting unlikable people I've ever seen on reality television. They're so boring. Devin in Virginia, I haven't written or found interesting one thing outside of him complaining or crying about God saving him from an ibuprofen addiction. That was actually quite hilarious. Outside of that, there is not a single thing that has happened with that couple. Joey and Monica. If I, I'll watch a video of Labradoodles if I want to see this, okay?
Starting point is 00:05:42 And let me just, let me continue the pain Sarah and Ben let me continue the pain for you Dylan we don't even have the prospect of some drama later on when they all meet up and see the people that they didn't see there were no actual conflicted throuples within this particular group of people that made it out of the pods right before we'd have some horny dude that he kind of was like, eh, am I going to pick so-and-so or so-and-so? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:08 And then he'd get to see her for the first time. Yeah. And then they go off and talk, and there's some jealousy. That will not happen the night they go out and eat fish tacos at the bar. Yeah. Do you remember seasons of yore where that guy picked the woman that looked like Megan Fox
Starting point is 00:06:21 over the girl that kind of did look like Megan Fox? Right. Well, to be fair, she's- I mean, she didn't, she just looked like an Instagram model. Yeah. You're talking about the thoughty, but the girl that he did get engaged to was Megan Fox, as you had pointed out aptly, the COVID. You pointed it out. She was COVID hot. No, you pointed that out. No, that was you. No, that was you. I don't know that one. Yeah, you do. That wasn't me. It was a great joke.
Starting point is 00:06:46 I think it was a great joke, and I'm proud of you for making it. Anyway, that was a good season. So we start with this examination. Yeah, this examination. I'm sure she's a wonderful nurse. That's her current occupation. She'd make an even better attorney. Her cross-examination of him was like Johnny Cochran level.
Starting point is 00:07:16 That guy got off a guy who took two people's heads off with a trowel. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He definitely did the juice. But Daniel and Taylor, Daniel and Taylor, she's hearing him and she hears his words but she's concerned. I mean I think it might be possible that I might have looked you up. I don't know, I guess. So just to summarize if you are haven't seen the show and are jumping in on this episode of this recap, having not watched it, impossibility, but just in case, there is this man she fears to have stalked her on Instagram
Starting point is 00:08:00 so that he could develop a dossier and win her out of the pots. She's very concerned about this. Nailed it. She says that she has the followers app. What is the followers app? Who has the followers app? And why do you have the followers app?
Starting point is 00:08:14 All right, come at me in the comments if Patty's incorrect. I think she made that up. No, I don't think she did. There's probably like a supplementary app you can have for Instagram where you look at your followers. You can easily go through and look at your requests, even in the past. And that's what she was doing.
Starting point is 00:08:34 She was scrolling through requests. Anyways, production steps in and says, if you would like the answers, we have your phone. And she takes a beat and says yes. Then share a Bueller joke which I genuinely these people are so goddamn dumb I thought that she was gonna say you know what just the Bueller joke alone was gonna be enough for her to go you know let's let's just get together yeah this is when the Wi-Fi went down and it bought him a little time okay Dylan I want to say something out of gate she had said I remember the Yeah, this is when the Wi-Fi went down and it bought him a little time. Okay. Dylan, hold on.
Starting point is 00:09:05 I want to say something out of the gate. She had said, I remember the request. I looked at his face and also I noticed that we had mutual friends. That is very specific information. And somehow she can't find that as she looks through her friend requests or whatever that app of hers. I mean, you know, as we break this down, you know, you have to ask the question, you know, who could possibly care?
Starting point is 00:09:36 Right? Well, she would. I had surmised that quite possibly she was disgusted by him. She is, you know, she doesn't want to go to Honduras with Sneezy the dwarf, you know what I mean? So she was trying to find any which way out. If Jacob Elordi walked out of that door that day, do you think she'd be going?
Starting point is 00:09:57 I think he might have looked me up on Instagram. Jacob Elordi is handsome from afar, and then you pull in and he's like very angular, but like, you know, no, I mean, he's just a hot piece of ass you know what I mean I mean six foot what is he six foot five he's tall I found out who his agent is at Gersh I'm gonna reach out I'm trying to get him in my movie okay cool so they filmed and aired someone on the production coming in and giving her the Wi-Fi password. They filmed her entering in and confirming that the password was all lowercase.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Yeah. All lowercase? Yeah. They then show her scrolling through as though we're in some kind of checkoff, anticipatory, high-stakes scene. And what I wanted more than anything was for Eric Andre to come in off-screen with a hammer and not only take out the phone, but everyone that was being filmed. This show is so bad and so insultingly bad. You know these TLC shows they're bad but at least like well actually they are too long. Some of them are like an hour and a half long right? It's generally two hours of a time slot and that counts for about an hour and 20 minutes of viewing. We've brought up
Starting point is 00:11:20 James Cameron before it's amazing. Nine years to create Avatar 2. Which is two episodes of Love is Blind. OK. So her gut right now is that they'll probably go to Honduras because she's revealed him to have not done this thing, even though he did do the thing. OK. I have a theory.
Starting point is 00:11:42 I don't think this is the last that we've dealt with this mystery. Who's the most interesting couple to you on the show? That would be the couple that I think is most likely to implode the quickest, and that'd be David and Lauren. David and Lauren, next one. Who's the most interesting?
Starting point is 00:12:02 I don't trust Joey Tarzan. Okay. So probably them next. But if I'm being honest, none of them. None of them. None of them. You know who would have been interesting? Madison. You know who would have been interesting? Molly. But we couldn't have that here. And Dill, you pointed out last time, look, you can't make things happen that aren't gonna happen, but you can produce things into existence. They should be in Honduras. All those people as couples.
Starting point is 00:12:37 I wanted to see Meg here. One episode with her at some shitty restaurant where they'll cut two or three times and there'll be some manufactured drama. That's not enough for me. I think this season might be a dud. All of the people that were good in the pods
Starting point is 00:12:56 and no one was really good in the pods, but every single person, Mason, Alex, Madison, Molly, Meg, are not on the show. And I think one of the reasons why they dragged the pods out so long is because those people were the most interesting and they had to have them on the show for the longest amount of time. Very interesting. That's a good theory. Which does not bode well for the remainder of the season. Now I have not watched episode 8 or 9. I looked ahead. I Patrick? I can tell you what we I
Starting point is 00:13:33 generally know because I've been watching this for four years. Yeah. We go back to our regular lives and then we go check out everyone's dwellings and then we have a party in our shitty apartment to invite some friends over that's an episode okay then we meet the families guess how long the barbecue at the resort is is this gonna be like episode next episode how long is the episode and running time no how long is the barbecue portion oh you looked at that running time, I hope it would take up an entire episode. 20 minutes.
Starting point is 00:14:08 Uh-oh. Well, it's what we expected. There's nothing there. 20 minutes. We spent seven hours in the pods. And then you have this moment where all of the people who were in the pods get to see one another again. 20 minutes long. Delight, I like mentioned this. We're in Honduras for an hour and 20 minutes of runtime. I'm not saying that the producers of the show should be killed. I'm saying they should be held accountable.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Well, like they should be in prison, not for a long time, but think about it, really think about what they've done to people. They've dumped these episodes on people, tricked them into watching and taken away their life force, their libido, for however many hours. Now we're, we have agency, we can choose to say no, but what these people, they've perpetrated theft, time theft, energy theft. It's disgusting. Well I think some listeners may go you know you have your own choice to walk out but you know what Dylan and I really don't. This is part of our business. We do. I want to stop watching so bad. We cannot. Pat does not want to. We get to Honduras. Puffy and Tipsy give us the spiel.
Starting point is 00:15:24 I can't stand these two. They're presiding over a sham. They're presiding over a sham. First off, these two puppets, I think they sold their rights to this show. They're just getting paid to show up. Yeah. It's exactly the life they tried to create.
Starting point is 00:15:37 She gets to drink all day. I don't know what he's doing off with that boy band to his. This show needs to be hosted by Werner Herzog. Oh yeah. Okay. You want to set it up? I think you'd do a good Werner. Give me a little bit of time. We'll get back to Werner, but I honestly, I think he would do it. I'm not even kidding. He showed up at the pilot for the Mandalorian. Why not show up here? I think he would do it. Tell me this show wouldn't be one of the best shows on television if Werner Herzog was at the helm.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Let me tell you something. Format needs a shake up, Dill. Dill, let me take over some proceedings here, because I think you're pulling me into a little too much of the negative here. Some people got to have some fun. Virginia and Dill. Get in the comments.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Let us know how many blindfolds you give this season and whether or not you want us to stop. Virginia and Devon, they sit down. These two. This is your least favorite couple, I think. He has a Kobe Bryant sleeve tattoo. This is a. You're not going to talk about it.
Starting point is 00:16:43 I'm going to rape someone. Well, I was going to say, I's it's okay to have a tribute to someone Who has five NBA titles? And someone who also anally raped a hotel worker I Mean Roman Polanski got a standing ovation art artist. You know what I mean? Yeah. Mmm. Can you separate the artists from their? degenerate vulgar disgusting crimes? Well, Mama was a champion.
Starting point is 00:17:11 You know, if you guys want to take a deep dive into Kobe, go look online for the transcript when he talked to the police. And he took a deep dive into somebody. So it's, you know. police. And he took a deep dive into somebody so it's you know. I think putting a tattoo a tribute to somebody like an entire appendage of your body I think something's wrong with David. You're dumb. Yeah. It means you're really dumb. You cried about the divine intervention of your ibuprofen addiction and have an entire arm dedicated to Kobe Bryant, which costs thousands of dollars. Thousands.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Going back weeks, you got to keep going back and getting that artwork done. You get a tattoo of a rocket on your hip, it's done. Can I tell you how long that take 40 minutes? Yeah, I was drunk. I don't remember. I regret it though. Yeah. And you know what? My wife like Virginia is pure and clean. No judgment on people that have tattoos. We were all stupid at some point. I have tattoos. Yeah. Yeah, you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:24 What's your tattoo? Oh my dead dog. That's right Do you have the years no just the mustache It's always weird what I see, you know, cuz I'm in the blue collar working business, you know I deal with a lot of construction workers and occasionally I'll walk by a dude that took off a shirt you know, he's shoveling and I see his auntie on his back shoulder and She was a rapist too Anyways, let's keep let's keep going. Oh, yeah, they joke about their age Yeah, let's move on David gets the boner killer news that boring Lauren got a she's got a coochie wax
Starting point is 00:19:03 So they won't there'll be no uh, smushing and pushing tonight. I think that he was really upset by that. Is that real? Yeah. Mmhmm. Really? Yeah. It's sensitive down there. Yeah. Okay. Uh, then uh, Sarah and Ben. He's pissed though. I think he was a little upset. He's pissed. They popped some bubbly and then they stared each other in the mirror and talked
Starting point is 00:19:29 about how this would be a great Christmas photo and the romance was like off the charts until she wanted to talk about DEI initiatives being thwarted in the state of Florida and she wanted to know what his thoughts were and that really killed the moment. Mm-hmm yeah he hadn't read up on it No, not yet, but he said he would and he was on her side whatever she would be on what I decide. Yeah Awkward yeah awkward vibes between these two standing in the mirror saying look at us. We should take a picture I don't know. I think he said Every time we pass a mirror. It should be a tradition for us to hold one another Again
Starting point is 00:20:08 Some of the dumbest people and also boring and that's why I had to insinuate that stupid thing that actually didn't happen Right. I get so bored watching this show moving on Taylor and Daniel. Yeah. Yeah, they share that they just love T Swift, you know, and Daniel yeah yeah they share that they just love T Swift you know and they discuss their Christmas ornament traditions that will probably never happen there are Taylor Swift fans come in a lot of different shapes and sizes there are you know it's an entire rainbow of people that like Taylor Swift I like some Taylor Swift song but my daughter's obsessed. But the majority of Taylor Swift fans don't come in all shapes and sizes. They come in Lauren's shape and size. Now I'm not
Starting point is 00:20:52 commenting on her body or anything I'm just talking about her aura, her spirit, her character. You mean Taylor? Taylor, yeah Taylor., we'll get to more, uh, Taylor Swift bonding in a moment. Will we? Yeah. They talk about it again, uh, when they're, uh, they take a little nice little walk down on a, uh, a beach and then, uh, but let's move on to Monica and Tarzan because they have dinner. He admits that, uh, he hasn't cut his hair in a while and, uh, I was, you know, as you know, I, I observe everything. He hasn't brushed his teeth in a while. Corn is less know as you know I observe everything he hasn't brushed his teeth in a while corn is less yellow that is so gross and then he's got the single one white tooth that's the front tooth I don't even know
Starting point is 00:21:32 how that happens yeah you know what I mean yeah like the yellow just shows up everywhere else but one tooth yeah yeah no it's tough well dentistry is a racket you know what I mean I I think it is. I think they're in cahoots with the the processed food business. Lauren and David, they take it very slow and they're very awkward because they don't know each other and they're getting married. Isn't this crazy? Yeah, it's crazy. I can't believe we did this. Me neither. Taylor and Daniel. I have this weird feeling that now we're past the Instagram thing. I think these two might actually work. I don't think so. Ben and Sarah. This is what this episode is. It just
Starting point is 00:22:16 bing bongs between all of the couples with nothing of substance to any of them. Ben and Sarah spill water and laugh about it. And then they spend a couple other edits like cleaning up the water. It's absolutely stupid. Dil, I'm telling you, I think past seasons, if we didn't hate the first six episodes as much as we do, this would just be a... by the way, this should have been cut down to 36 minutes and then we wouldn't even think about it. You'd just be like, all right, that was a dumb episode, throwaway episode. Let's get some drama. There's drama at the end. We'll see.
Starting point is 00:22:50 I think there's something we can chew on at the end of this episode. But Joey and Monica talk about sleeping. Where am I here? Well, this is what happens. Ben and Sarah spill water and clean it up. Joey and Monica talk about and clean it up. Joey and Monica talk about sleeping and giggle and then Devin and Virginia talk about aqua for.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Yeah, the only thing I'd add. Yeah. Is that Monica sleeps with one of those noise machines. We have one of those for my two-year-old Quentin. Yeah and What's next Monica a star projector lamp Or four years old here. I really want to commend you for Doing your absolute best right now. Yeah, I am I want to commend you and I think the fans should get in the comments and congratulate Go ahead tell him you want to fucking peel him back, you know if we want to keep going with that, but
Starting point is 00:23:52 I Want to tell you that we've seen some bad reality television. Oh, we've been watching it for years and I Usually show up and get to work. And we can joke about lots of different things. The drip torture of this show is really eating away at my heart right now. It's really eating away at my heart.
Starting point is 00:24:13 That's why you're hosting. That's right. Let me take the lead here. All right, David and Lauren, I think as they lay in bed, I think he's angling for a BJ or an HJ here. OK. Yeah, oh, definitely. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:24:26 And she's like, I'm hot. Look, I understand I can't do anything for you down there, you know? Yeah. But, how about this guy? Yeah, he strikes me as somebody who wouldn't be too concerned with her climactic activity, really, ever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Why does that matter? Yeah. Well, I care. I mean, what we're all waiting for is who the hell banged, right? Eric Andre. Stage left. Next one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:59 I think Sarah and Ben, uh, went to town on each other. Everyone else is a little hush-hush about what took place. Yeah. Very coy. Daniel and Taylor thumb wrestled. Oh, yeah, that's crazy. OK, so Devon in Virginia, let's get to them. Can we really quickly, is the reason this season is so bad because of the Midwest?
Starting point is 00:25:22 OK, so I thought about that when you were given your blindfolds you know these people are very boring. They're very polite which might be one of those traits of places like that. They're not thirsty, thotty, notties, hotties. And I think you need a little bit of the bad there. I do like that they tried to go to a place where they could weed out as much of that as possible. Yeah. I mean this is why I'm not a massive fan of the Midwest. I mean listen the people there are lovely.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Their culture is lovely for them. Their customs lovely for them. There's a lot of charming stuff but it's either super nice people who have a drinking problem or hicks who have a drinking problem or hicks who have a drinking problem. Well we all have drug problems on the opposing coasts you know. No no drug problems here what are you talking about? Well I'm just saying I know a lot of LA people they're all on their fucking high horse while they're fucking starting their vino regimen around noon and then they pop the pills around
Starting point is 00:26:23 seven. Let's do this okay how much would you have to be paid to live the rest of your life in the Midwest I don't think there's a mouth for that because I'd be dead okay okay don't cast in the Midwest anymore go to Miami go to New York go to Dallas I don't know but gee you know the wife and I we we get bored sometimes. We're talking tonight and we start going like, let's get a house in X, you know, place. And then I don't want to squash our dreams,
Starting point is 00:26:53 but I really want to be like, how often would we go there? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Des Moines? Exactly. Yeah. That's a no for me. Sorry. Okay. And listen, we talk about how shitty our LA is all the time
Starting point is 00:27:09 I'm not saying I was great hundred episodes on how this place is a hellhole my god Speaking of which yeah Devin in Virginia get massaged together. Oh my god. Her body is banging and He tells her he's ready to get married and he says it's been easy and I think this is the part of the show that You're just like can you I want to kill myself and he thinks She'll always be there for him We'll see about that and then he ends with the statement that old parity has been Had a problem with for many many years until do you know what that is? No, he says well
Starting point is 00:27:40 The reason we're together is everything happens for a reason. Oh, yeah Well, the reason we're gathered is everything happens for a reason. Oh, yeah, yeah. Fires just burned down. Half of Los Angeles killed 27 people last week. For a reason. Well, everything happens for a reason, Dylan. Yeah. Yes, we needed some room for one of those new smart cities.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Yeah. I'm killing the congestion fees. I'm killing them. They're done. I think our president is overstepping his bounds. Okay, so David and Lauren. Lauren, Lauren. Oh, you know, Eric Adams is desperate.
Starting point is 00:28:21 You could do whatever you want. This is how boring this show is. I might allow Dylan to start talking about politics. Alright, David and Boron Lauren, they joke about snoring. He admits he was kind of a prick before because he was so picky. He'd think about dating a girl, then he'd look on her Instagram and be like, what a pig. And then he admits, even if it doesn't work out, on a personal level, he's grown through
Starting point is 00:28:47 this process. That was my favorite line of the episode. He goes, you know, even engaged or not, I think this has really helped me. They dunk tank. So Ben and Sarah go on a catamaran. They both, they're both like looking at each other like, how did we get here? How did this happen? Well, you filled out an application online.
Starting point is 00:29:12 That's how it happened. Well, I mean, beyond that, you had zero career aspirations. It just really wasn't working. You have a cavernous heart that cannot be filled by anything earned. And so you turn to Netflix and you say, would you help me find some glimmer in life And that's what's so beautiful about this opportunity If we're going to
Starting point is 00:29:52 If we're going to lay down a bear trap for these people Let's break their fucking legs, right? I agree, we don't need to You know, if we're going to do it, let's do it, let's get Werner Herzog in And what would Werner turn the resort into? What kind of activities would they be doing? I want to see Joey and Monica kill something with a spear. I like that. I want to see.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Well, I don't like it. That's why I hate Naked and Afraid. They always got to kill like a frog. And I'm like that frogs He wasn't anticipating you being here That's why I can't watch naked and afraid either. I go into an existential spiral. I think about the frog I think they killed something pretty big last time I watched the I used to watch a fair amount of it Then I saw one episode where a guy takes out like it was like an armadillo like it was a sizeable animal
Starting point is 00:30:44 Let's try to squash him with a rock takes out, it was like an armadillo, like it was a sizable animal. Tried to squash him with a rock or something. No, he stabbed it. Oh great. Just over and over again, stabbed the thing. And I go, think about this. That armadillo's life was taken because a human being who is, doesn't need to be naked, but is going back to primalism, infrared primalism for a television show. Yeah, yeah, don't forget that. Rolled up on him and killed him. I'm done. Not watching naked afraid anymore. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Although it is fun to see overconfident men like shit on women and then the women survive. Yeah. Bail out two days. Women are the women are the toughest bitches when it comes down to it. I saw my wife push out two fucking kids out of her coochie moochie and I'm like wowza I couldn't do that. I really couldn't. No I know it's amazing. I'd say just put me down make sure the kid survives and then he'll raise it or she'll raise it if it came out of
Starting point is 00:31:42 my coochie moochie. Yeah, I hate naked and afraid. I watched an episode. They let someone show up with a crossbow. I'm like, what? Because you're allowed to bring one thing in. A crossbow? Yeah. Anyway, where were we?
Starting point is 00:31:57 I don't know. Oh, Taylor and Daniel, they take a walk. And he tells her that they definitely have a physical connection. Speak for yourself there, sleepy dwarf. They talk about sales for a little bit more. Oh, yeah. Yeah. He says, you know, my favorite part of today was, was when you were getting ready, I was watching you because women love when you watch them get ready. And he's like, and I was listening to, I just love how we
Starting point is 00:32:20 listen to Taylor Swift. And I had this thought, Dale. She's everywhere. She has really captured culture. Can I say something controversial? Yes. There is really no difference between Donald Trump and Taylor Swift to me. Mm.
Starting point is 00:32:40 OK. And I'm not saying that- You're being political. I'm not saying that, no, I'm not I I'm not saying maybe political I'm not saying that no, I'm not getting political. I'm just saying They have a mass massive amounts of fans I don't really get it and if you speak ill of the Godhead you are Descended upon I it just hoards and hoards and hoards of these people. It's it's like Bad blood when black bad blood comes on And I'm not saying if you love
Starting point is 00:33:08 Taylor Swift, you like that. That's not what I'm saying. I will say this. They are ubiquitous. I can't walk out of my house, turn on a radio station without hearing, I like your theory here, either of their names, either. And if you speak ill against them, the heavens, someone will come. It's just nuts. Think about this. What's one place where they wouldn't be? And I was thinking like an execution. But think about you're like gas chamber, some guy like murdered a bunch of people.
Starting point is 00:33:36 He's about the gas, about to go in there. You look around there. Why, why would Trump or Taylor be there? Well, he's the president. So there's a plaque on the fucking wall going to the United States. And then I bet there's a poster of her somewhere. It shouldn't be in there. Or someone's got some headphones on piping out one of her dumb songs.
Starting point is 00:33:57 I have to tell you, I've probably heard Shake It Off in this house more than any other song in the last year. I hate that song. Listen to the lyrics. They were written for a four year old. My daughter's going to sing it. We do a lot. Listen, I love Bowen and Matt Rogers, but when they talk about
Starting point is 00:34:19 Taylor Swift is that she is some transcendent fucking genius. I just I just again, I don't get it. She's a genius cause she's captured the culture, but I ain't my guy. All right, sorry. Sorry to offend anybody. We don't get it. We don't get it.
Starting point is 00:34:33 If you get it, you get it. We don't get it. But baby now we've got pain in the blood. And it was a real upset. Oh, let's get to Joey and Monica and his OCD. This is a pretty common condition. It's so common that I don't know if he knew this, but Leo, there's a famous interview where he got admitted to it. He's kind of guy he walks through a door like six times. And, and after he bangs the 20 year old model, he has to like, turn a knob on the doorknob
Starting point is 00:35:02 like six times. Yeah, yeah he got it after he was playing Howard Hughes just picked up a little method. I think it was before that if you can believe. Oh you think? Yeah I used to do this when I was six I'd walk in inside a door and have to tap it. It's a natural human being thing. I have OCD about locks. I gotta make sure it's locked. I'm never present with the first lock. How annoying is that? You gotta be present with the first lock. How annoying is that? You got to be present with the first lock. Are you talking about locking your car going ee-oo? Lock the car, lock the door, did I lock it, gotta go back? Totally normal. Gotta be present with the first lock so you know. Right and then you can put your key away and then move on. Yes. This is a very stupid admission of him. Yep and he had OCD. This is an admission about him in the past and it's
Starting point is 00:35:42 fixed now I think. Oh then why bring it up you big dummy so Virginia and Devin hop in the pool and kind of dry hump Oh, this is very Romantical she wanted to she wanted some D and I and of course he wanted some V too, but that When we get to the next morning those two yeah, they had a good time Okay, cool. Next day next morning Lauren and David David's pissed that they haven't had sex. I mean he's pissed He's upset and I'm upset too because I don't know how she let him leave that hotel room with those sunglasses on How do you look at someone like that? Not really sure mmm, but she pees a lot finally we get to something that we can chew on
Starting point is 00:36:21 This is where he drops that bomb about the former boyfriends that he knows? Yeah. So he knows the guy that she was dating, I think, up two days before this experiment. It was a couple days. Yeah, a couple days. And sorry, dead horse. I love how he's bringing this up now.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Sorry to be a broken I love how he's bringing this up now. I'm sorry to be a you know broken record but he's so goddamn stupid that he thought that everyone was gonna be like him. Ah, having been in a serious relationship in four years. How could you possibly, I understand being a little like whoa that was pretty soon, but to think that Everyone what when was the last time you had sex with someone which is what I'd ask which is probably three weeks before he Showed up to this right shut the fuck up shut the fuck up then he brings up he goes Are you a little nervous about me meeting Molly? and I was like
Starting point is 00:37:24 You're digging a hole for yourself which is a physical impossibility given that they were out at the ocean right now but still well it's not you could if you have weights you can really don't get to the bottom you get to the bottom sorry about today yeah this episode really made me very angry. And it seems like there's no hope for the next two. What do you think? No, I don't think there are.
Starting point is 00:37:52 Relationships imploding is what this show lives on. This is the fuel, fighting jealousy. If we have none of that, we don't have a season. Get in the comments. Let us know what you thought about the episode what do you think about the season we love you very much I'm Dylan saying goodbye Pat say goodbye later dudes I look around me and I see it isn't so Some people want to build a world with silly love songs
Starting point is 00:38:37 And what's wrong with that? I'd like to know

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