Another Below Deck Podcast - What Lies Beneath | Below Deck S3 E3
Episode Date: February 18, 2025Patty and Dylan are back to break down compressed watermelon, What Lies Beneath, war, A Star is Born, things with no thumbs and how they're not scary and more from Bravo's Below Deck. Traitors at YouTube - the sponsors! use code BADTV for 30%Â
Discussion (0)
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So a couple of things that we glossed over Dylan. We did get a brief
Sea Rat history from Wee Ann. Yeah. Apparently he came from a warm, caring, loving family
and his parents have been married for 40 years. No. Which begs the question, how are you here?
So we're waiting for this. There's still plenty of show left to go, but I'm sure there's something
beneath the surface.
And then another Meanwhile here.
That's like Meg Ryan and Harrison Ford.
Let's just move on.
No, Michelle Pfeiffer.
Michelle Pfeiffer.
What lies beneath.
I saw that in the movie theater.
That's a ghost movie.
Yeah, it is.
Oh, fuck it.
Pretty good. I gotta watch that. Saw that the movie that a ghost movie
Hi, welcome bad TV, you know, we usually say another Below Deck podcast and it is still that.
It's just on a new feed and you haven't moved, so that's great.
We've just rebranded the channel.
It's Bad TV.
Below Deck is Bad TV and that's what we're here to talk about.
I'm Dylan, that's Pat.
And you're still Barnacles.
Permission to come aboard.
Oh yeah., oh absolutely.
And you can still hang out
in another Below Deck Facebook page.
Why not?
Mix it up there.
I'm not gonna touch that.
Yeah, yeah, that's fine.
But I'm happy to report, Dylan,
it appears that thousands and thousands of Barnacles
have followed the directions
and are now safely in Bad TV.
That's amazing
Yeah, that makes me feel really really happy. I know it was a tough migration
But you did it you did it you really really did it enough with the pageantry
I mean, let's get into below we're going to but now this is what you're going to enjoy
You don't need to go any other places
You're gonna have below deck here every week in a couple weeks
You're gonna have a second below deck episode where I think we're gonna recap
season two of Captain Lee's journey. We're like 2B now. That's right. Everything's here.
Everything's here including the Super Bowl. Yeah. And you're gonna have this
season, season eight of Love is Blind in this feed along with Beverly Hills
Housewives. Yeah. And if you want Traders go to That's right.
On the podcast network. because that is our favorite show
Mm-hmm. It's our best show. It really is I never get bored watching it and I never get bored talking about no
No, no, no, we're really passionate about that property Alan coming is I
Mean he's just a godsend love is blind on the other hand
I'm emotionally invested but we we gotta get out of those pods.
We'll talk about it on this feed in a little bit.
Someone needs to be held accountable for that.
I'm not going to say anybody needs to be killed or put in jail, but something.
We'll talk about it.
We need to talk to a producer at some point.
What do you guys doing? You think I give a fucking shit about these pod rats
talking about abortion?
Are you fucking kidding me?
What do you think, this is an underground communist meeting?
No, it's a bunch of fucking dumb ass reality TV people
talking about the nuances of abortion.
Yeah, I understand those conversations needed to be had when two people are going to get engaged.
I totally understand it.
What I don't understand is why do I need to watch it?
I don't need to watch it.
This is-
My mind didn't change.
There was nothing opened or relevatory.
We got to talk about Below the Deck.
We're going to talk about Below the Deck.
But here's what they can leave on the cutting room floor next season.
Jesus Christ.
Love is blind.
Conversations that go like this. The two people are talking. Okay. I'm going to be the girl. But here's what they can leave on the cutting room floor next season. Love is blind.
Conversations that go like this.
You know, the two people are talking.
I'm going to be the girl.
I can't believe we're doing this.
I know it's crazy.
I know it's crazy.
Can you imagine that we're doing this though?
Isn't it nuts?
It is nuts.
I feel safe with you though.
I do too.
But we like we could like get married like in like a couple of weeks.
I know. I do too but we like we could like get married like in like a couple weeks. I know, I know. Hey um did you get that stack of would you rather cards that I put next to you?
It's like oh my god why is it that we have to talk about below that. That being said I am
emotionally invested. I feel like I've been at one of those camps where they try and brainwash me.
Somehow they've gotten me. Are you talking about Scientology camp? Maybe one of those cults like I've been at one of those camps where they try and brainwash me somehow. They've gotten me
Are you talking about Scientology camp? Maybe one of those cults. I've watched enough of these people talk
I need to see where it goes. Yeah, but I'm ready to talk about below deck. Oh
Another piece of housekeeping. Perhaps. This is a moot point at this
stage of the game
Family members or friends thereof of a certain cast member of a Sea Rat, stay out of my goddamn DMs and our message board. I
don't care. I don't care. Your dumb family member or friend, whoever he is,
signed up for this show, therefore he's opened himself to mockery. Tough
tittles. And that's what we do. Does it have a negative energy signature? Yeah.
Are we good people?
Yeah. But I mean, if you're going to be a dick bag on TV,
we're going to talk about how you're a dick bag on TV.
That's all we can do. Let's get into blow deck.
I give this episode.
Oh, so many pots.
One thing, though, I can't do nasty thumbnail stuff.
I got queasy. I had so gross. I do not like blood.
I'm a wimp that way. Yeah. Every second that they cut to that I was like they should have put one
of those things like this episode contains blood or something. It was gross. What if I was eating?
I would have been pissed. Two pots. For that? Yeah. Hmm. Just that alone knocked it down 98 pots for me.
Wow, that's a big deduction.
It's a massive deduction.
Well, I'm loving this.
And poor Harry.
I love Harry.
You know, he was having the best day of his life before that happened.
I know.
Remember, I don't know Curb Your Enthusiasm.
God can really humble you.
Oh, definitely.
And what's his face said to Will Smith when he punched Chris Rock in front of the entire planet Earth?
The devil comes for you at your highest moment.
That's right.
That was Denzel Washington.
That said that to him.
Yeah, he said that to him and Bradley Cooper was right there with him.
Oh, wow.
That's a great story.
Well, anyway, Harry, he was having the best day of his life.
He just kissed the most beautiful girl he's ever kissed in his life.
Big Red.
He got a new roomie who he can probably work into
giving him that lead deckhand.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
The world was his oyster.
And, but I don't know how it happened,
but somehow the water and the weight of that skiff
crushed his goddamn fucking thumb.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Poor bastard.
Poor bastard.
Two pots.
Two pots.
Okay, I really like Harry this season.
Harry, I like you a lot.
You're a star.
He's getting the drama going.
He's back.
You mean star like Barbra Streisand star?
That's right.
Oh wow.
He's back channeling stuff.
He's going for it, making out with girls, making moves.
He's like quietly like the center of the through line
of my emotional caring for the show right now.
Yeah, yeah.
I wanna see him hook up with her.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyway, I also. see him hook up with her. Yeah, yeah.
Anyway, I also.
It's pretty much like Barbra Streisand.
Mm hmm.
A star is born.
Zarina and Anthony.
He can.
Tell me something girl.
Can you believe he thought he was a singer for 10 seconds?
Are you happy in this modern world?
That knucklehead would have sung that.
If you said said hey Bradley
We have a bonfire in the woods in Riverside. Can you come perform that?
I hate that song. I really do. I was so excited about that movie and that movie was just
Awful awful awful. It's been made three times. I didn't know that. I saw you singing
the... what'd she sing at that bar at my... la-ve-a-dros. So you sang it la-ve-a-dros. I think
you stole her. You want to sit outside this grocery store for a little bit, fall in love. I'm
gonna piss myself on your biggest night and Then I'm gonna hang myself in the garage
Okay, it's like Wow, that's pretty much the whole movie and scene
I really fell into something. He did did you lose me for a second?
I think so you did a better southern accent that he did
How many pots was even southerners was he from like Pittsburgh who knows
How many pots am I gonna get? Was he even southern or was he from like Pittsburgh?
Who knows?
Freaking dorks.
I love the drama in the kitchen.
That tension is wonderful. I'm going to miss it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think.
Let me quickly give your pots.
Let me quickly say this about Anthony.
Anthony is a dick bag.
End scene.
No, no, no. There's more. Anthony is a dick bag. NC. No, no, no, there's more. Anthony is a dick bag, okay?
But he's a young man and he is...
He's used to being... He's destined for kitchens, right?
Kitchens are high intensity, high stress environments
where there really isn't that much conflict resolution
because you just have to keep going.
And you settle all the stress and you calm it all down environments where there really isn't that much conflict resolution because you just have to keep going.
And you settle all the stress and you calm it all down
by boozing and doing drugs and banging strangers.
No, no, your coworkers.
Right, your coworkers and strangers.
Then you wait.
Definitely coworkers, though.
I worked at a restaurant.
You wake up at god knows, 10, 11, 12.
They don't open up a restaurant worth its weight until four or five.
You rinse and repeat until 30 years down the road.
You have a psychotic break.
You go into therapy and then you, I don't know, try to become a novelist.
Well, you write, yeah, I was going to say you write a book.
So he is in the very early stages of that, okay?
He is not cut out for this show and he is a dick bag, but
I do think that he'll grow and mature. Here's the thing I'll excuse me let me
clear my throat I always feel bad for idiots that find their way on these
reality shows in their 20s. You're not ready bud. You're not ready. Don't show us this
don't show us this. It's gonna live forever on the internet. I mean come on man we pick up with our
timid night out Serena picks up the check which is a very good move best to
get it out of the way early and we've talked about this before for those uninitiated, the way that the
nights out work is that individual sea rats will pick up the whole tab. Okay. Now you don't want
to do this when the walls are closing in about charter five, six, because then the only thing
that can solve that is copious amounts of tequila. that's the most expensive item on a menu yeah I'll say now dill meanwhile I will say it mmm
say what no I said it oh meanwhile as Rina before she actually paid that bill
she was smoking alone because she's so troubled that her and Anthony's working
relationship isn't what uh she hopes it would be she had
noticed that they're both British, you know
And she thought they'd be eating crumpets and drinking at a pub with all those other people with crooked teeth
Yeah, and instead he's talking shit about yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's not what Brits are supposed to do
They're supposed to eat mushy fucking shit
That doesn't taste good and they're supposed to fucking be friendly with each other unless they're Irish in which case you heard about that whole
thing we saw IRA yeah yeah yeah yeah that's very crazy so the boys and girls
split and discuss the other sex big red is the hot commodity and funny enough, she wants Harry.
Yeah, she does.
She wants the puppy dog.
Now listen, when I say Big Red, I'm not trying to evoke like a big, fat trailer park.
She's like a stick of chewing gum.
She's a model for God's sake.
You know what I mean?
Should I not call her Big Red?
No, I think that's fine.
She's tall.
She's model-esque. Okay.'s great name. Yeah, she kind of reminds you know big red. It's like yeah. Yeah. I think it's a perfect name
So we head back
Know we don't head back. Well, yeah, we head back in advance and then now we get some Sea Rat history from we an well first
Don't we kiss I I don't have that in the notes, but I believe that's how it ended the last
episode. No, no, no, absolutely.
That's right. What am I sorry? I'm an idiot. We head to a club.
You're an idiot. Forgive me.
In the cars, we and, and Harry will really just wean
professors, his love for big red and Harry being the
subordinate says, fuck it, fuck the patriarchy.
You know, I think that's saying fuck the patriarchy, you know what I mean?
And he goes and he kisses Big Red. Now,
this is a very dangerous move for a young
Because Bosons of Yor have not handled this as well as we and there's a
pirate power dynamic there yeah you can't kiss any girl unless I tell you
yeah I mean God knows what Gary would do Gary would try to sabotage it
instantaneously and then treat him like shit well we saw what Gary would do yeah
yeah yeah so a couple things that we glossed over Dylan we did get a brief
Sea Rat history from we Anne. Yeah.
Apparently he came from a warm, caring, loving family. Uh,
and his parents have been married for 40 years,
which begs the question, how are you here?
So, uh, we're waiting for this. There's still plenty of show left to go,
but I'm sure there's something beneath the surface.
And then another Meanwhile here.
That's like Meg Ryan and Harrison Ford.
This just move on.
No, Michelle Pfeiffer.
Michelle Pfeiffer.
What lies beneath.
I saw that in the movie theater.
That's a ghost movie.
Yeah, it is.
Oh, fuck yeah.
It's pretty good.
I gotta watch that.
Yeah. You know, another one is Kevin Bacon, Stir of Echoes. Kind of the same plot. Stir of
Echoes huh? Very good. Okay. You know what I watched this weekend? What? Shutter Island. Ugh hate that
movie. That's such a great movie. You know what I watched this weekend?
Anora. Oh did you really? Yeah I'm starting to knock out some of those
pictures. Falls apart in the end doesn't it? It goes nowhere.
It goes nowhere.
It goes nowhere.
Like most of the movies I've seen.
Does anyone know how to write a goddamn script anymore
in this town?
It's crazy to me.
Keep it up, Hollywood.
It's like all the fucking intits are cool
in the beginning and stuff.
And you believe, oh, they have an interesting love, right?
And then it just goes nowhere.
I love those Armenian fellas, though.
So funny.
Oh they were great, they were Russian. But yeah. So we head back. Well hold on, meanwhile we got
Captain Jason, we cut to him like we have to always go to the captains. What are they doing?
Well the Sea Rats are out partying. Yeah. Well he's walking around in that ridiculous robe that he
was wearing there. The 70s called, they want their creepy robe back. And it begs the question, do you also
have mirrors on your ceiling?
Also another crap.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Who wants to look at that?
A lot of people from the 70s.
All right, so we had back.
You know who I bet had mirrors on the ceilings?
Old Bill and Hilldog.
Our former president? You think so? Former president, Bill and Hilldog. Our former president?
I can't.
You think so?
Former president, former secretary of state.
I bet they banged away underneath a panel of mirrors.
You know what I mean?
Wow. And then they die in their
They're like, who should we kill next?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah. Oh, no, I disagree.
Come on, Bill. Yeah, that's no, I disagree. Come on, Bill. Yeah,
that's her. Come on. Come on, Bill. Much love to the
Clintons. Way to go. Chelsea. I mean, my gosh, she's doing such
big things.
So yeah, this is at the club before we head back. Yes, this
is where Harry, I think he kind of pushed that kiss on her.
Don't get me wrong. she didn't push away.
No, no, she didn't push away.
But I think she really likes him.
Good job, Harry.
All right, so we, yes.
Good job, Harry.
Before Harry lays in that kiss though,
this is what I was talking about
when I was talking about my thoughts and odds.
Harry does a little back channeling with Laura.
Oh yeah.
He's a busy little beaver.
Listen, this is his second season. He may
not be boasting but he is in his second season. Yes he's learned a lot from the first. He's the
most experienced you know Sea Rat when it comes to reality tv outside of Serena but Serena's trapped
in the kitchen you know. So we head back throw some titty cups on the ceiling and get ready for a new
day. This show is so much fun right now right the boys are shitting up the bunk. I mean it's just
there's a lot of feels like below deck. It's all working. You know what I mean? I
understand why and Glenn much respect to you, but I understand why they probably
contemplated shelving your season. Your season is something that hurts the
brand. It is you watch it and people go I don't like below deck anymore and so they don't watch the other good seasons like I'm gonna give
some advice to production because you guys listen to me you DM me that was a
big mistake that was a horrible season don't do that anymore
okay it was really bad okay all right Jesus so we get some awkward recaps of the night previous with Harry and Big Red.
I don't know.
Did you mention that Marina's a little smitten with the wee man?
The wee man? Yeah.
I love that.
Wee-on is the wee man.
Yeah, well, wee-on attempts to drive a wedge a little in between Big Red and Harry.
But it's not working.
And credit to Wee and the Wee man, you know, he says, I'm going to go elsewhere.
That's right.
That's what you should do.
That's what you should do.
You know what I mean?
Plenty of girls on the boat.
That's what William Wallace would do.
That's right.
That's what William Wallace.
Is that the guy I got all his
appendages ripped off? Oh, yeah. So sorry. What getting all your appendages ripped off?
That's brutal. How much? I mean, I can't even imagine. How much would you need to be paid
to be drawn and quartered? Oh, why? There's no amount.
What am I going to do with the rest of my life?
You'll be dead for sure.
You can't really survive that.
William Wallace did though.
In our hearts.
Yeah, I guess that's the that's the price.
Like what do you pay for a legacy?
You know what I mean? Oh actually stop it fucking hurts so badly like I had no
idea take it off fine we give up. Yeah. All right.
So Jason's getting into the tea a bit.
Serena tells the J-Man about Big Red and about Anthony being a dick bag.
I like his advice here.
You are the boss.
I got your back.
And he kind of, you know, they have a rapport so he knows that he can trust her.
Well, Harry moves in with Weehan and he's got a pep in his step,
but you know, we talked about,
I mean, the highs and lows of being a Sea Rat,
really being a human being.
Now, Dylan, you're the Curb Your Enthusiasm expert.
I've only seen like maybe five episodes total,
but one that I saw I really love,
which is an episode where Larry's filming a movie
with Martin Scorsese, doing a great job.
He comes back to California.
He tells Marty he needs more money. That right I need more and I find that's a prop money not
not yeah he's giving him notes that's yeah and he finds out that his mother
died and when he asked his stepdad why didn't you call me he says well she said
don't bother Larry and then Larry doesn't feel too bad about his mother dying.
And what he finds out is that, because his mother's dead,
it gives him a free pass to avoid all the stuff
that he hates, which is living life.
That is such a bizarre episode
for you to have just stumbled upon.
Oh, I loved it.
Because like the clouds part, it's kind of like,
I'm using this as analogy for Harry
before his thumb got ripped the fuck off is
if you remember there's little things like
There's suddenly a parking spot that opens up for Larry people
That wanted him to show up to some business thing. They say Larry don't worry about it
Your mother died you don't need to come and he realizes how beautiful this actually ended up
Mm-hmm. It was a great day And then I think it goes south in the end.
Yeah, no, it always does.
A, B, and C storylines all converge
into one kind of anarchistic moment for Larry.
But if you examine the genius of that for one moment,
this man wrote an episode of television
where he was gleeful and made all the use he possibly could
out of his mother's death.
That's right.
Amazing stuff.
And we'll talk about Below Deck.
If you're new to the show,
we kind of like attempt to not talk about it,
but we always find our way back after an ad break.
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Maybe we should talk about below deck a little bit. Yeah, I think so. All right,
Dill, this is the best part of the episode. This is a Marina and Bri, they
discuss Harry and then we get some confusion and see rat history from Bri.
Yeah. She was swept off her feet and treated like a queen
at some point.
My God, you see that guy?
And she was-
What a dime that guy was.
And she was engaged.
And then for some reason she decided
she'd rather clean toilets on a boat.
It's very confusing.
I guess she wanted more adventure.
Well, she wanted more out of life.
Excuse me, do you mind cleaning the urine off the floor?
Adventure. Yeah. Yeah. No, she she had everything right and it's a little bit like the story of Siddhartha
You know, you're in this gilded place, right and you really don't know how beautiful life is until you unpack a stranger's anal beads
And you really don't know how beautiful life is until you unpack a stranger's anal beads. That's when the kaleidoscope really starts to fracture and you can see how beautiful
things are.
It's an adventure.
So she didn't want to be confined to Jersey farmhouse housewife and we get to...
She scraps a lot on what that life would have been.
I mean, I didn't know what her...
Sounds beautiful to me.
Well, you know, not everybody wants that. They want more
travel and excitement but who knows you could have gotten married you crazy two
kids and traveled the world and then finally come around to wanting to have
that white picket fence lifestyle. Gosh get me on a farm in New Jersey
yesterday you know what I mean? Get me out of here. You know I was driving today and
a homeless man stepped into the middle of the lane with
his shopping cart.
He just wouldn't move.
I mean, these, they've evolved to not see cars.
It's kind of crazy.
Where are they?
Do you see the cars coming?
Well, they've seen so many cars come at them real and fake that they're really not sure
which one is real or fake.
And we got to get to the preference sheet.
Yeah. Let's yell it.
Let's not yell it. The performance brand and enhancement coach will be on board. These are
the kind of guys that tell men that women are the reason they're poor and then charge them like
a thousand dollars to cry in a Ramada conference room, you know, there's there essentially scam artists
Yeah, Instagram has allowed so many people with six packs to scam people
Yeah, he at some point this particular life coach Eric Rock. He says
That life coaching is for free on the beach. He says
He loves living a rare life, and that's what he seeks out.
A rare life.
I think that's him bragging that he gets to pay for fancy vacations.
Yeah, yeah it is. And he'll wind up in I think a federal prison soon.
Yeah. So things are going well with all the departments. We're going to have diving, little
switch in interior, then we get to provisions.
Now, Serena takes a bit of a load off.
And Dick Bag, he is not happy about it.
Now, I know that the family members get a little bit pissed
off, that he's got a lot of love in his life.
But this is the issue at hand right now he's demanding more work
from Serena he wasn't he wasn't satiated. He fell sidelined right cleaning dishes
exactly so then he complains that he doesn't have enough work to do and then
complains about having too much work to do and he's confused why the work that he was formerly doing
hasn't been magically supplemented by Serena herself. The man is kind of he's
he's entitled in the sense that he kind of wills this dynamic where he's the
head chef and she's the sous chef and he's just like getting pissed off that it's not
Happening. Yeah, I think he's mad that he has to breathe as well. That's God's that's God's fault
What a fucking complainer
If he didn't quit on this job to go do another job, they'd have to fire his ass. This doesn't make sense
Yeah, lunatic. I think having a woman be his
boss might be a little bit a little bit of a factor as well. So the guests arrive
permission to come aboard. They watch or they listen to the show obviously.
Because we're really the only people that say that. That's right. I thought
that as well. So Serena and Big Dick Bag fight over compressed watermelon and then we head out but not before the balcony gets closed.
What a nice little feature on that boat. Beautiful. Is this the first time we've seen that? I've never seen anything like that on this show. I love it.
Just a little deck that opens up and you could dangle your little feet off of and look out on the wall. This boat is incredible. Dill, one thing that we glossed over before we move on. At some point Anthony,
after he gives Zarina the riot act, he calls his buddy and he complains that
he's working in a dirty galley with dirty food and then that's when he texts
whoever the hiring person is for another job. You know what? You've got to respect
that move.
Like rather than wallowing in it, he's like, I genuinely, this is not good enough for me and I
am getting out. And you know, a lot of people don't grab life by the reins like that. He's very type A and he's a dick bag. Yeah. And he can go be miserable somewhere else. So tons of,
meanwhile, we get some temperature chyron. Serena is cooking crew dinner because Anthony is a child
who needs to be, I mean, we're going a little too hard on him.
And then we head to the beach for a little beach picnic.
Anthony says, Canopy, so many times I've lost count.
I was trying to count.
And then serves saffron risotto balls, beef tartare,
and compressed watermelon.
And he says that all of the ingredients and dishes
have come together to demonstrate his worldly
thoughtfulness in cuisine, as opposed to Serena's basic food
with the flour on top.
The direct quote is, modern with worldly flavors,
cooked with thought and passion.
You can, too, come in third place on Chopped.
Because that's the stupid things that they say in the prepackage.
And also, this is chopped food.
I mean, it's rice balls.
It's chopped up steak.
And it's fruit.
So we're not reinventing the wheel here.
But it did look delicious.
Now the charter guest, Eric, he's talking.
I want to say this is the problem with Mr. Life Coach people, and I've been around a
couple of these idiots.
They never turn it off.
It's always on.
They always feel like they're spewing out like life advice that I'm going to take in
and it's going to help me.
It's like, I thought we're at a barbecue.
I thought that people paid you for this.
I haven't paid you for this.
That's my consent.
I agree in some fucking stupor of darkness
to pay you for these words.
Live one day, you know, every day like it's your last,
you know?
And awaken the leader inside of you.
The world doesn't have enough leaders.
I hadn't thought about that.
So we get to Harry's injury.
So gross. Him screaming. It's one of those things like you couldn't act that.
No, no, that was very real pain and very real horror. I know soldiers see much worse. I've
heard tale of men trying to resuscitate people and perform CPR, but they don't have
a chest.
Oh my god.
That's really tough.
It's like they're doing CPR on the invisible man.
Yeah, well, or they're doing CPR on an empty cavern of gore and dirt.
You know what I mean?
You can't resuscitate that.
Isn't that awful? War is awful.
You know what else it is? A racket.
So the Brazilian is amazing in this moment. She's so, this is the kind of energy you need
during a crisis. She's like, don't look at it, calm down, it's fine.
Did better than me, I would have screamed.
I would have screamed and cried.
So, good job for her.
I'm gonna make a prediction.
I think Marina is on another season.
She's great.
So we get to treating Harry's injury,
his fingernail is ripped off, he can't get it wet at all,
and he might have fractured his finger.
Gross. And we've talked about it before, the thumb is really the thing that makes us human. I've said it
And I'll say it again. I'm not really scared anything without a thumb
So we get to dinner
Gratitude is the attitude. Thanks for making me good-looking God. Amen
Well first that was the prayer.
It's so, it exemplified so much humility.
When you thank God for your good looks.
Amen, man.
It really does demonstrate a wholeness, you know, but before we get to that
Let's talk about an amazing company
Oh, yeah, no, we're gonna get to them in a second because it would seem as though
Dickbag might have been a little
Little loopy when he was making that octopus. Oh would
you say he was probably taking a little a little CBD or something? Maybe a little CBD maybe a
little THC. Oh is this Lumi? This is Lumi. This is a Lumi. I love Lumi. I'm gonna take a Lumi right now. Look at Pat. He's gonna take a Lumi
right now. That's how much he loves his pride. This guy never takes edibles,
okay? And Patty, this is the first, the first ones I've ever seen him ingest, you
know? It's pretty crazy stuff. He usually goes, I don't like this stuff, but Lumi,
it's consistent, mellow, and super delicious. Lumi gummies are
specifically designed to make you feel good. Not stoned. Okay,
whether you're looking for an end of day de-stress or a mid
day mood boost or help getting the best sleep ever. Lumi has a
strain that's right for you.
This strain smells like my Grammy sugar cookies.
you. This strain smells like my Grammy sugar cookies. Wow. Yeah, it's so good. What flavor is that? I can't read it because I don't have eyesight but. Okay. Wow. Really wish that
you could read it because the flavors are, it could be plum berry brunts. I think that's
what it is. Yeah, that's what it is. Yeah, so one 5-milligram gummy an hour before bed.
And this indica sets you straight right to dreamsville.
Lumi gummies are available nationwide.
Go to
Oh, no, I'm going to fall asleep.
And use code BADTV for 30% off your order.
Again, that's
Code BADTV, code bad TV Lumi gummies comm code bad TV
Okay, so he is high on something and the sous vide bag splits open water pours in
overboils the octopus and
Serena is so cool about it
Okay, because the curry that she makes with the plantains was intended to be the vessel for puss
But Anthony starboy Anthony fucked the entire wasn't intentional now if the roles were reversed and Serena did that
He would have thrown a fucking pot across the room if he was the head chef
Did he do it intentionally? No, no, he's just an idiot. Okay
so I Did he do it intentionally? No. No, he's just an idiot. OK. So I have to say, starting out a dinner with chicken broth,
chicken soup is a little.
Zarina's got tough skin.
She listens to the show.
I think she can take it.
I think I'm losing my ability to talk.
All right, well, I'll say this.
If I was out of here, it's how we put chicken noodle soup
in front of me. I'd flip the table over. I don't care if it was
bolted down, I would flip it over. Teresa, judai style. Oh absolutely. But they really
really love it and listen a well-done chicken soup is one of the most
wholesome delicious things you can possibly eat. Jason asks if her and Anthony got any rest and we have another dust up here.
She says no and that she told Anthony that they could balance things better to which
he hasn't he has these Travis Bickle kind of like calm freak outs. You know what I mean?
And tells her that he's not complaining and that everything falls on him.
And we know that you're not complaining.
You're not complaining.
You're burning out.
The reason why we build in breaks for you,
you can't go out and binge drink and throw up and wake up
at noon the next day.
This isn't the restaurant industry.
You're on a boat cooking all day for people.
So if you don't get any rest, you're
going to make mistakes like you did today, which is
like day three of the charter.
So she is experienced in this world.
You are not.
That's why she's saying that they can balance the rest
a little bit better, because she knows
that you're going to fuck up.
God, this kid. Can I do a couple other me-wiles?
Yeah. Meanwhile, we and tells Marina that she's going diving in the morning with a charter guest and she pretty much has an orgasm
and he does not check with her boss. I mean it's crazy.
Like that seems like that's overstepping boundaries and
Laura isn't pleased with this move, and she shouldn't be.
I side with her.
I think that she should have stepped up a little bit more
and really ripped his guts open.
But the last dish is traditional island curry
with plantains instead of octopus.
We've got a lot of brothy things going on.
You know I love Serena, but we've got a lot of bowls
and a lot of liquid.
So I'm going to give this zero pots.
Wow, that's a high score.
I'm going to give it zero pots. Wow that's a high score. I'm gonna give it zero pots. Wow
oh that's that's gonna hurt. Yeah uh okay so at the end of the dinner big guy says that he
stops eating when he gets sick. Yeah. I mean I think he said when he's full. No when he gets sick.
Oh okay. And I think that that's pretty much scientifically incorrect but I don't know maybe
one of these barefoot gurus could prove me wrong.
The next morning this idiot says he thinks he's going to fast for the rest of the day.
Can you imagine going on vacation on a yacht and saying I'm going to fast for the day?
Power move.
It's like showing up to an orgy and going, nah.
Interesting comparison. You got to turn it off at some point. That's how you know it's a real
character and a persona. Right. When people just get completely fucking lost in it. Like, okay,
again, no one's paying you for your wisdom here. Enjoy yourself. Yeah. That's kind of the end of
the episode. It kind of is except Harry heads to the hospital. That's right. And then poor Harry yeah we really hope he's could you imagine losing Harry? No. That would be awful.
Dying because of a broken thumb. I know. Imagine explaining that to your mother or the obituary.
How did he fucking die? Because we all want to know how someone dies you know at that age
they never tell you in the obituary. Sometimes they do.
Well, if they don't, it was likely suicide and they're trying to be respectful to the
family or drug overdose.
Yeah, yeah, I get it.
Well, the next morning, the charter guests, they're they're sitting at the breakfast table
and there's crickets in the galley.
And that's when Anthony shares with Serena that he's leaving.
And he truly enjoys telling her that. But I'll
give her a couple more charters. But I'll give you a couple more and he loves that
cuz that's a that's a power move that's I'll give you my time. Yeah yeah. And she
seems more upset than I think she should be or would be. Well she goes straight up
to Captain Jason, hot ass comes downstairs and he really
sets the galley on fire.
I think he says you can get the fuck out of here.
Yeah, you can get the fuck out of here now.
I gotta say, this kid's gonna be successful.
What did you think of his passion for food and his worldly flavors, Dylan, when you saw
I mean, the kid can cook, but he's so inexperienced that he needs to be he can't take it all on
Hmm. He can compress watermelon if he's got a little picnic to do but but he's not ready to cook for
Wisdom gurus and their friends for you 24 hours straight. It's not gonna happen
Know your place. Good luck with the rest of your life. So get in the comments, let us know what you thought about the episode.
We love you guys very much.
Welcome to Bad TV, a new era.
I'm Dylan, saying goodbye.
Pat, say goodbye.
Later, dudes! Love