Anything Better? - Anything Better - March Madness 2021 Special

Episode Date: March 18, 2021

Bill and Paul are joined by Sean Green and Ryan Kramer to talk about March Madness.  ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right. Now, Paulie, you know what time it is. Huh? Oh, yeah. It's time for March Madness. We got Sean Green and Ryan Kramer from Monkey Night Fight. Our favorite thing to say here, Monkey Night Fight, the sports gambling podcast. You know, I don't want to brag or anything, guys, but I kind of crushed it on all of my super bowl bets oh i got everything
Starting point is 00:00:26 from the coin toss to the color of the gatorade just saying as soon as as soon as the blue gatorade got dumped by twitter uh feed got lit up i'm just everyone i told you i told you blue gatorade you know burr had it right yeah you nailed it nailed it, man. And you were all over your buddy Brady and the Bucs. And, man, that was good. Passive-aggressive, Paul. Do you hear that? All over your buddy Brady. Could be that I just knew he was going to win.
Starting point is 00:00:53 It's my buddy now. Oh, God. I mean, you're a Brady backer. No, no, no. I'm a married man. I know passive-aggressive statements when I hear them. Got to throw it under the bus a little bit all over your buddy baby okay go ahead no i i mean again great job and again not not coming in the car wouldn't
Starting point is 00:01:15 i be all over him he's won six out of nine now seven out of ten you're making it seem like i bet some 50 to one horse i'm with you bill, Bill. Easy money. Easy money. Kramer was on the Bucs as well. You guys cleaned up. I love it. I love it. What about March Madness? I know we're on the Anything Better podcast, but Verzi, anything better than just watching a shit ton of March Madness games, having some action, actually having the March Madness
Starting point is 00:01:41 to talk about? Listen, I love a favorite, and I'm sticking to it because Gonzaga is not fucking losing. I'm telling you this right now. Gonzaga is undefeated. They're going to stay undefeated. They're the best team in the country. I actually watched them play a little bit.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Bill will tell you from experience of our friendship and many years of talking sports on the phone, in hotel rooms, in hotel rooms, in green rooms. I can't lay off a favorite. And if there was ever a favorite that I had to stick with, it's Gonzaga. So I'm sticking with him. Paul loves the regular season. What happens in the regular season in his world is what is going to happen in the playoffs. So if Gonzaga beats some Division III team by 80, he – He locks them in. I mean, I used to do – I used to drive me nuts back in the day
Starting point is 00:02:35 when he would talk about quarterbacks that were better than my buddy Brady. And I'd be like, listen, if you want somebody to throw 500 yards in November against a team that isn't going to make the playoffs, this is your guy. But if you want someone to win in January, I need wins in January. So March is different. I'm not saying I don't know shit about college hoop, but I can already tell you just because somebody is undefeated in the regular season, that does not carry as much weight
Starting point is 00:03:03 as my striped friend here is trying to tell you. No, I mean, yeah, Gonzaga has looked really good, but you're right. When these teams are undefeated in the regular season, it's just so much pressure leading up to eventually a letdown game. I mean, I like Gonzaga to maybe make it to the final four, but to win it all, I think it's a little crazy. I'm going with the team like michigan already got a couple tough losses out of the way you know now they they know what it's like to lose they don't want that taste in their mouth and gonzaga they just seem to every year we go through this ryan with gonzaga where they look so good they dominate the whack and then tournament time
Starting point is 00:03:42 they're in a minimal security prison okay if you play on tobacco road or you're you're in the big 10 i mean that's like you know you got to make a shank fellas fellas wire to wire it's over i'm with you paul actually i think it's becoming it's becoming popular to find a reason to pick against the best team in the country. And we've seen this in every other sport, Sean. The best team has come home and raised the trophy at the end of the year. So I think it happens again. Paul and I are uniting against...
Starting point is 00:04:16 And you know what? That Gonzaga coach, it's that Gonzaga coach's time. Okay? That dude has been knocking on the door for a while. He's finally got the team to do it. And I saw them play. I'm taking that action. I'm not watching him once this year.
Starting point is 00:04:31 You and I are going to be booking Paul and Kramer's action on Gonzaga to win it all. I'll take that all day. I'll root for him because I would love to see somebody out of the WAC win it all. But, like, dude, come on, man is like you you've you got bum ass fights here you run defeated playing a bunch of who are they playing out there I I expected I expected to hear Verzi you know being being right there in the Jersey area Big East basketball talking about Georgetown the fact that Patrick Ewing won it as a player and as a coach cinderella story but you're going chalk with gonzaga versi yeah i mean listen when i watched
Starting point is 00:05:12 them play i the the rebounding the big guys down there like and here's the other thing i saw gonzaga get tested they were getting tested by uh i think it was byu yep byu was testing them byu was beating them okay why you yeah byu was beating them though and byu was beating them pretty good and people are going oh this is the game that gonzaga gives it up and you know what like the champions that they are mormons like chanting out of the game, Paul? Nothing scares a whole player when he hears Mormons chanting. Like champions, the Zags fucking won it. Like the champions that they are. They fucking came back and they won it.
Starting point is 00:05:54 They went to Utah and conquered the Stokers. Granted, they were playing a bunch of fucking white kids from BYU. They don't get along. Paul, do you have a gig at Gonzaga coming up? My God, this is crazy yeah they're gonna win talking about coach k they're gonna win it man they're gonna win it i'll put fucking five honey on it i'll put what do you want i'll take that send that this way buddy oh wow are you taking yeah but so you're taking the easy way out you're gonna just pick one of
Starting point is 00:06:20 30 something teams i mean who's gonna win the way out it? Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030
Starting point is 00:06:29 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030
Starting point is 00:06:35 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030,030 Speaker 0 1,030, Superbowl and it didn't work out for us. Take it the favorite bill. Who do you like? Any, any teams? I know you're not my team. I got three teams that I like that I root for Michigan, Kansas and Duke. So out of the three of them, the ones who had the best year is Michigan. I like their uniforms. I'm just kidding. I just, I'm like, I'm a housewife here dude i haven't watched enough uh i saw some kid on tennessee throw it down though oh yeah there's some elbows going yeah i'm going michigan yeah to the victors zaga they didn't play anybody pale hail to Michigan. Yeah. I mean 500 bucks off for Z. Yes. Speaker 0 Well, I don't know if you saw bill, but Juwan Howard, their coach, he was getting
Starting point is 00:07:30 into it. I always, I always got to support a team whose coach isn't afraid to get scrappy, start yelling at the other coach. And we it's, it's been hilarious in these COVID times where the, the, the coach is wearing the mask until he needs to pull it down and yell right in the, in the, you know, in the red space, you can almost, you can almost see the droplets coming out. Speaker 0 7th, you're going to hear my point and take this virus. That's how mad I am at you. It's like, why even wear these masks or the coaches who wear the creepy clear mask? It's just so unsettling just and they still
Starting point is 00:08:05 again just pull it down anytime they need to yell completely defeating the purpose of the mask that happened last night the Knicks had a heartbreaker against the 76ers yes Tom tibido's Tom tibido's mask was on his chin his shirt was out his boxer shorts, his fucking boxer shorts were over his fucking dress, his button down. And he just, it was like Corona didn't matter anymore. It's like, yeah, it's like a call. Speaker 3, if they're just going to pull it down to, to yell at these refs, interesting little side note, six of the refs already have been replaced for March madness. One tested positive and the other six were went out to lunch for them. Bill. I know you're not afraid to be a conspiracy theorist at times. Any,
Starting point is 00:08:50 any shenanigans potentially with the refs here? Speaker 3 I just don't, there's no upside for it for college basketball. They own those kids. They don't pay them. I think when you get to the pros, like, I mean, I think if they were going to be shaving points or doing something nuts like that, I don't think that they would get rid of a whole fleet of referees. I mean, it's a little too convenient for me. I don't like it. I like the there was only one mobbed up ref in the NBA in the 2000s.
Starting point is 00:09:23 I love that. Speaker 2 Speaker 0 5, Tim Donaghy was a solo actor. Not no one else was involved. Donaghy. I listened to some interviews. The guy's hilarious. He, he admits to being involved in these scandals, but he insists that the games he bet on, he didn't adjust the way he called the game which is the craziest thing like he admit that he was involved with the mob admitted everything else but tried to still keep some ref integrity there like dirt bag but I got a line okay exactly I I just happened to kids so wait a minute though wait a minute let's, Bill. Let's get to this bet.
Starting point is 00:10:05 So 500, I'm putting all the 500. You're just saying someone's going to take them out. You have it a little easier there. Oh, that's not the kind of thing. That's not who I am. How long have you known me? First of all, I'm not taking $500 of your hard-earned money. All right?
Starting point is 00:10:20 So what are we going to do? A steak and a cigar. Okay. Okay? And before you take your first bite, you have to say, whoever loses, you have to be like, insert name here, God damn it. You were right. You've never been more right in your life,
Starting point is 00:10:36 and it is an honor for me to pick up this check. And I will buy dessert also. I'm just saying Michigan's going to go further than Gonzaga. Ooh. That's the best. That's the best. And that's, that's probably even money. And Bill was talking about being married. You know, it's a classic married guy thing. The bet is he just wants to hear someone else say they're right. I can't, I that's as a married guy, that's my fantasy. No longer, you know, two chicks at the same time, just the wife to go. You know what? After all this, you were right. Moving on. I don't want to
Starting point is 00:11:09 be heard. I just want to be heard. Listen to me, sweetheart. We, we got some, we got some awesome games here again, monkey knife fight. That's the place to go. They got college basketball, March madness tournament bets. We got prop bets for these players. Again, use that promo code Berg and a free $5 play and a hundred dollars or a hundred percent deposit match up to 50 bucks. He's in a promo code, burr monkey knife The first four game. Again, there were 64 teams, not enough for all the action had a crowbar four more teams in kicking things off Thursday night, UCLA, Michigan state, pretty good historic
Starting point is 00:11:51 matchup, you know, to kind of like powerhouses, not great years for either teams, UCLA kind of coming in cold tip off six 57 on the East coast. We got two player props more or less on these points, Michigan state forward, Aaron Henry, 16 and a half points. Kramer. I'll let you kick it off over under more or less 16 and a half. Speaker 2 I mean, he's, he's the NBA prospect too. So if you're, if you're an NBA guy, this guy's going to be playing in the league. And I think if you like Michigan state, you like this, you like Henry to score over 16 and a half points, Sean, as you know, I like UCLA in this one. So I'm going to take the under. Oh, okay. You're going under. What
Starting point is 00:12:34 are you, where are you at here? Michigan state forward, 16 and a half points first. This is actually the late game on Thursday night, getting the tournament started. Speaker 0 You know, I like, I like UCLA too. So, but so 16 and a half points, he's got, he's got to get 17. Yep. I'm going to take the under. Okay. Like it lock it up. Speaker 2 Taking the under Speaker 0 Now, now he's, now he's going anti-chalk bar. What are you doing here? Over, under 16 and.5 points. Aaron Henry, pretty good forward for Michigan State. I was loving the under, then Bursey said under.
Starting point is 00:13:09 So I don't know here. I'm with you. I was in my head not knowing who this kid is. Hey, I got all the unders right at the Super Bowl. Huh? All the unders of the yards that I said passing from Mahomes and Brady, I got right when I said the under for the Super Bowl. You sound like a community college right now, trying to be number one in something.
Starting point is 00:13:29 It's your niche. Number one half-way school in the Rhode Island region. We have the coldest Coca-Cola in any cafeteria in the Schenie Valley area. The best pool vending machine in the break room. Normally, I would say that I'm thinking this kid who I've never seen play, who I've already forgotten his name. Aaron Henry. Aaron Henry.
Starting point is 00:13:54 I would say that he's feeling the pressure. Normally, he'd be a little tight on this first game. However, these kids grew up with Instagram, right? They know what it's like to hit their marks say it be funny they've had and handled criticism and all of this crap everybody's all one and done now everybody's sick with it i believe is what the kids say i'm going to go positive trip all right so we have something to talk about i'm going i, I say the kid scores 21. Speaker 0 Oh, I like that. I'm going, I'm going over. He's he showed up big when they played Michigan, had a nice game. UCLA's defense has kind of fallen apart and big 10. They
Starting point is 00:14:36 actually played their conference tournament in this bubble site for the tournament. He's used to the rims. He's not a he's dialed in. I'm going over 16 and a half moving over to the UCLA side. And I'm, I'm sure I'm going to mispronounce this guy's name. Johnny juice Zang guard for the UCLA Bruins, 13 and a half points more or less. Paul, I know you're on UCLA. You going more here? Speaker 3 and Speaker 0 7, yeah, 13. He can have that at. Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to take over. I'm going to say he gets 14. Yeah. Just over. All right. I'm with you. I'm going over, even though I'm on Michigan state for the game laying too, I do think this is going to be a
Starting point is 00:15:15 little more high scoring than we're used to for a, for a big 10 pack, 12 game Kramer pack 12 shows up for the tourney. The Kentucky transfer has a huge game goes over scores 30, Sean. I'm saying he Speaker 2 Speaker 0 Speaker 2 Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 0 Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 1 Speaker 2
Starting point is 00:15:31 Speaker 1 Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 1 Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 1 Speaker 1
Starting point is 00:15:39 Speaker 2 Speaker 1 Speaker 1 Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Yo, Kramer just got me. Yo, you just got me. When you said Kentucky transfer, I just literally saw the bet. I just saw the bet I'm doing when you said Kentucky transfer. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Paul perked up. He's like, are you talking about a Blue Blood program? I got nuggets. Some sort of favorite action here? I got nuggets. Some chalky action coming your way. Bill, what about you, man? I think this kid tries to hang for a little while.
Starting point is 00:16:04 Don't know who. I don't even remember his while. Don't know who. I don't even remember his name. Johnny Giuseppe. I write a lot of scripts, so here's my script. This kid tries to hang with them in the first half. He gets about eight. I think he can eke out another six in the second half. But this kid, I'm telling you,
Starting point is 00:16:21 who's going to rise to the occasion in Michigan State that I've never heard of, he's going to run away in the second half. I think that that's what happens. They both go over. Well, and he's going on that hero's journey for the screenwriters out there. I do appreciate Bill's honesty of just saying I'd never heard of this guy, but, and he can still hit a talking point and just kind of shows you these talking heads, even though they're pretend, did you see the clip of Paul Pierce talking about the Sixers and they, he w he thought they, they lost by 36 and he was given his whole take on the highlights and they had won by 36. Just shows you how to doubt some of these guys are all do Paul Pierce. When you watch him, he's a good dude, but that guy just is fucking checked out man yeah the guy who's phoned in a couple gigs i i know the
Starting point is 00:17:13 look uh what i said all right i've never seen a guy give a fuck less about a post game than paul pierce ever yeah look man that's like an astronaut getting excited that someone else is sitting in the rocket. Yeah. What's going on with them right now? I, you know, he's making sure there's no holes in the suit. Yeah. But give it to some nerd that wants to point. Does anybody care? Speaker 1 7,0 He's already been there. He's, he's not going to give a shit. All right. Florida versus Kramer. Your Virginia tech Hokies right now. Hokies lay in one. The player props. We're going to talk about Friday. East coast 12, 12, 15 tip Trey Mon, the guard for Florida,
Starting point is 00:17:59 his up his over under sitting at 17 and a half Kramer. I know you're a, you're a Hokie diehard. Are you, are you taking the under here? Listen, the former five-star recruit is starting to show up in a big way after going under this total four or five times in a row, Sean, he's gone over the last five games, obviously end of the season tournament time. The cameras are bright. He's going to try to do a lot himself here. I think he goes over. Okay. He's going to fail. He's going to press maybe, but getting a lot of shots up. I think he's finally coming into his own as they like to say,
Starting point is 00:18:30 Speaker 2 Verzi, Florida, sec country, train on you're going under 17 and a half. I'm with you. I think this is going to be a good game. The spread reflects that, but 18 points against this Virginia tech defense, which isn't amazing, but isn't like, isn't bottom barrel. I'll say this 18 is a lot. Kramer's the only one taking over. So Virginia tech, Speaker 2 in Kramer's Speaker 3 and 4, I think he gets there. Even if they're down by a lot, it's kind of like the football analogy of the quarterback. It's going to throw for a lot of yards either way. It's kind of the way they've been playing. So yeah, I'm going
Starting point is 00:19:03 over Speaker 0 7, 4, 5, 6, state, so you can play basketball year round. So these kids are out there playing defense and that humidity, you get them inside and air conditioning, they're going to shut this kid down. Speaker 2 What a relief central air. I like that. I like Speaker 1 They're going to start in this guy. I'm And again, Kramer, you can correct his pronunciation. There you go. 14 and a half points, Virginia tech Ford. I'm going to start in this guy. I'm going over here again. I Florida's defense has kind of fallen apart a little bit late. They've really killed me on some bets. So
Starting point is 00:19:57 I'm I'm on Virginia tech for the game. I think a Luma getting 15 is doable here. Speaker 2 and Kramer, you co-sign completely co-sign. I'd say, I think the Luma getting 15 is doable here. Graham, are you co-signing completely? Speaker 3 I'd say, I think the, the monkey knife fight folks are fell asleep with the wheel here. His usage has been incredible lately. I'd be very surprised if he doesn't go over calling out the monk. I mean, I fight quarks. I'm calling out the nerds with the computers. Wrong number here. He goes over. Are you with him? Versi? I am because he's, he's so into the team and he knows the team so well. He said that he said that with so much confidence that I'm taking that. Yeah. Yeah. You gotta, you gotta trust the guy who's got
Starting point is 00:20:36 the inside scooper. Where are you at over under 14? It's hard to go against Ryan's confidence, but you know, the fact that Hersey was enamored by it, I just had to go against it. I got to go against it. Sean, by the way, I love how your background looks like a footlocker the day after Christmas. Nobody wanted the Eagles jerseys and everything else sold. There's 92?
Starting point is 00:21:00 Rest is sold, by the way. You got a medium? You got a medium? All we got is what's left. You can call it a footlocker sale, but you can't go out my boy, Reggie white minister defense. Sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't know that was right. Speaker 4 No, I said rest his soul. Rest his soul. But that's old school right there. Yeah. Yeah. Come on. That's my entire childhood. I do
Starting point is 00:21:22 have a, I have a bill Bergey custom Jersey on the way to hang up next to my Chuck bed and Eric, which, you know, talking to old school from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. My favorite part Speaker 3 7,0 I haven't been able to find that was a classic NFL clip. Speaker 0 7,0 Oh yeah. We talked about that when you were calling it for NFL Speaker 3 7,0 That guy 5th, Speaker 0 6th, Speaker 1 6th, Speaker 2 7th, Speaker 3 6th, Speaker 0 7th, Speaker 1 8th, Speaker 2 9th, Speaker 1 10th, Speaker 1 11th, Speaker 2 11th, Speaker 2 12th, Speaker 1 12th, Speaker 1 13th, Speaker 1 14th, Speaker 1 14th, Speaker 1 15th, Speaker 1 15th, Speaker 1 16th, Speaker 1 16th, Speaker 1 16th, Speaker 1 16th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker
Starting point is 00:21:48 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 17th, Speaker 1 Eric Hall of Famer. All right. Last game. We're going to get to this one. Another should be a classic here, Syracuse, who a lot of people argue and maybe not deserving to be in the tournament, especially at an 11 seat, not having to play in going up against San Diego state, the Aztecs round one late night, a six 40 on the East coast, buddy Bay. Hi. I'm of course, his dad is the coach. I've been all in a buddy Bay. Haim. The kid is just shooting lights out 31 point game against Virginia,
Starting point is 00:22:32 16 and a half way too low. All in buddy Bay. Haim Kramer. You've been making fun of me for my love affair with buddy Bay. I'm and the Syracuse orange. Are you go, are you brave enough to go under at 16 and a half Speaker 2 and a half to true statements, buddy is a dog's name. Yes. Also as a youth coach myself, youth girls soccer. If I make the playoffs like, like we see with Jim, you bet your ass. I'm playing my kids the entire goddamn game. So he's going to take all the shots. Buddy Bam goes over Speaker 0 7, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, gonna take all the shots buddy bam goes over versi versi where you at with buddy bayheim
Starting point is 00:23:06 yo this dude kramer i wish you coached my you just have the knowledge that i like it's like everything you say i'm just like i think this kid's got his shit together like i think that you know a lot of stuff and i do like the fact fact that this is Buddy Boeheim's first tournament or no? No. No. But this is his first tournament playing many, many minutes. He wasn't getting a ton of action on their previous tournaments. And that's what he said.
Starting point is 00:23:36 I think he goes, it's 16 and a half is a great number. But you know what? I think he chucks them up. I think he chucks them up to, you know, press his old man and show people it's Buddy Baham time. It's, I go over 17 points for the kid. And that is a, I know you're not a, Verzi, you're not a gambling tout, but that is a, that is right in toolkit number one of the gambling tout. This is a great number.
Starting point is 00:24:04 This is a great number. This is a great number. Gives yourself a lot of wiggle room as a guy who's given out a bunch of bad picks. If you start out by complimenting the numbers, Speaker 2 and Speaker 3 Speaker 1 have no idea how numbers are created or what? So they get very impressed when you talk about the number as if you know, wow very important shout out to them great job over a monkey knife fight burn either way yes yes it'll all depend on who shows up you guys want to see a great gambling movie watch owning mahoney i'm trying to get through it it's done so well
Starting point is 00:24:39 as far as philip seymour hoffman um just the uh oh yeah well i probably shouldn't say that on a gambling website it's a it's a feel-good movie where he uh he wins every time um all right as far as buddy boham is that his name bayheim but yeah let me tell you something buddy there's only room for one bb in this entertainment business and you're looking at him i'm taking the under i say they shut you down business and you're looking at him I'm taking the under I say they shut you down buddy lock it up going what is the name of a stock car driver buddy Baker right oh another another BB that's true that's a real human too I thought it was just the dog name baseball player buddy Bell not a basketball player until he shows up and scores more than 17 and a half, which will not happen. Speaker 0 7, 0 7, 5, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, lock it up on the under. And don't worry. Most gambling movies end like uncut gems. So it's, it's cool. It's another sunny day movie. I mean, you know, that's how, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:35 I have a problem. You watch that movie, not going to spoil the end, but kind of a rough ending and just leaving the theater. I'm like, I got to figure out how he got that seven team or it. ending and just leaving the theater i'm like i gotta figure out how he got that seven teamer it and i got i gotta give me one of those uh stones that stone was good luck man what was that movie with um what was the movie with pacino and mcconaughey where mcconaughey was like his guy two for the money two for the money the brand of the money but the whole point of that movie was it's basically after all the shit they went through he goes it's a coin toss with the spread it's literally a coin toss it was one of the great montages in cinema history of mcconaughey lifting weights while like reaching over and picking games against the spread it's an all-timer uh as far as hilarious oh my god that's fucking hilarious well dude you know you only have abs once in your life if you're lucky to ever have them so Speaker 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5,
Starting point is 00:26:27 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, 0 5, Mitchell is the forward for the San Diego state as texts 15 and a half points. Ooh, I, again, I'm on cues here to win the game. I'm going under again, maybe I'm blind to just supporting buddy Bay. I'm cause my dog's name, buddy. And I'm all in, but I think their, their defense a little better than they're getting credit for Kramer. Are you over under Matt Mitchell, 15 and a half points, Speaker 2 in a half points, Matt Mitchell, as you know, Sean, we adopted San Diego state
Starting point is 00:27:10 to this podcast. So we are gals. I am sticking with that. Our gals and Matt Mitchell junkyard dog. He shows up. I think he has a nice game, hit some threes, gets over this 15 and a half point total Speaker 0 7, where you at Kramer's over. I030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,030,0 It's good. Classic roulette strategy. All right, bill, Matt Mitchell, 15 and a half. I know you've been breaking down his game film in the off season. What are you doing? Speaker 2, San Diego state had a basketball team, but the football team's been making some noise. And I think that they're, they're going to feed off of that. And this kid's going to go over 15 and a half. Not much though, because
Starting point is 00:28:07 it's a great number. Speaker 2, it's a great number. Should be noted. He did play well in the simulated March madness we created last year when March madness got canceled. So if that was a foreshadow of any Harbinger for things to come, all right, that'll do it for the tournament talk presented by monkey knife fight, head over to monkey monkey knife daily fantasy sports for the rest of us. Use that promo code bird, get the $5 game, the free play and a hundred percent deposit. Speaker 2 Zaga. Yeah. Zags Kramer's on the Zags Burr and I are on Michigan. We'll see how this shakes out. I'm staying on the
Starting point is 00:28:46 winning fucking train. I'm staying on the winning train. I got a prop for you, Paul, right here. There it is. There it is. You've been staying on the winning train. I won the last time, you bastard. What are you talking about? Gonzaga train. You're undefeated.
Starting point is 00:29:04 That's what I meant. Sorry. All right, guys. No, I mean Gonzaga train. They're undefeated. That's what I meant. Sorry. All right, guys. The guy gets one Gatorade color right. He's the fucking king. No, no, no. From coin toss to Gatorade. Paul, if you did what I did, you would have had Jordan 1s with your picks on the side of them.
Starting point is 00:29:20 What the fuck are you talking about? I really would. All right, that's it. Thank you, guys. All right, guys. Brian and Sean, everybody. Thank you so much.

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