Anything Better? - Lettuce Flying

Episode Date: February 6, 2021

Bill and Paul break down their Super Bowl predictions....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up everybody is there anything better than episode three of the new podcast being the Super Bowl episode where we are going to have lettuce flying. I mean, we are, I'll bet on the color of fucking Mahomes' cleats. You think I give a fuck? Billy, we've been talking about, I mean, we are going to be talking Super Bowl prop bets. Your boy, Tommy, terrific, going for number seven in his 10th appearance. Oh, you got to do it.
Starting point is 00:00:41 You got to do it because you know what? This is also the last football game for a long time until August. And I know the big story out there is the pandemic and that forgetful Freddie's already going to get us into Iran, you know, to get the goop out of the ground. I mean, liberate them. I know those are bigger stories, but I have a bigger story. This is the last football game of the year. You take your wallet out and you empty it. You just depressed me when you just made me realize that we are not going to have NFL Sundays. It really is depressing.
Starting point is 00:01:14 It is. It goes by so fast. It goes by so fast. You know, it's 17 fucking weeks. You know what I mean? My daughter's got something. If you hear something, that's my daughter's toy i don't know what it is oh okay at least you at least you're not cursing in front of her it
Starting point is 00:01:30 starts talking i can't find it it's freaking me out there's nobody home right now paul paul's anything better no every once in a while you know your daughter's at school, your mom. Yeah, yeah, your mom, your wife. She lectures me so much. I slip and say my mom, your wife. You know what else you need to work on? What? What is wrong with what we got? Oh, dude, you cannot put a price tag on being in the house alone. Do you know what I do sometimes? I like I like to go for I like to go for a drive alone where I go, I'm going to go into town. I'm just going to go. Everybody knows this is Paul. This means everything. Another round of drinks. I'm going into town. I'm going to lay down. I'm going to go upstairs and lay down. I don't know what this is, but it works. I was thinking about something
Starting point is 00:02:18 because Stacy just got a new Lexus, 21 Lexus truck. And I was thinking about asking you this question on the show. If somebody said to you, Bill, you can have your number one pick of any engine, any make, any model, any interior. Okay. Any, you know, any horsepower, you know, I love the ponies under the hood, even though you say that that's not the part that makes them go. No, no, no, no. I just, people, you got to understand it's, it's horsepower to weight. You got to have a good ratio. Yeah. Cause the engine, the bigger the engine, and then there's more weight. Then you got to start, you know, kicking people out of your car. So you keep your time down. And by the way,
Starting point is 00:02:58 I'm going to be really disappointed if you say any other color interior than white. I mean, is there anything better than opening up and seeing the glow of white in the inside of a car? Yeah, well, there's something about you Mediterranean people. You guys, like, there's something angelic. I just think because your olive skin looks so good against it. You're wearing a white hoodie. You're literally wearing the interior that you want.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Like, there's, like, new money and, like, Italians and Greeks, you guys love white shit. You like white leather interior, a white fur coat, a white car. It's just, it's like, it's the Sistine Chapel to you guys. Dude, it's funny you said that. I was walking in the store and I saw a rack of white hoodies and I got like attracted to it like a bug to a light I just dude I just started walking towards it I'm like you're an Irish guy for me that's brown liquor I just see it in bottles and I still I just start I start salivating I can't lay off so what what car would your what car would be your ideal
Starting point is 00:04:01 everything you ever wanted in a car what would it be oh my god there's two i like too many of them you go muscle or you go yeah so you don't you go for the more of the muscle i go for more of the ride i think no i like a sedan that that can move it's kind of like what i like all right you want to hear my do my top five my top Yeah. This is just cars or can I pick trucks too? No, no, no. Any vehicle with interior engine, the whole deal. All right, Paul, I'm going to give you all my picks right here. Oh, it's the Super Bowl episode.
Starting point is 00:04:38 I'm fired up. I am too. I'm very excited. I'm very excited. And I want to have like a major letdown the next day when I realized there's no more football. Okay. 67 Cadillac Eldorado. Oh, wow. All right. With that blue mist, the exact one that they had in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Yep. Okay. But I liked that car before that, just for the record. I already have a 68 Ford F100. I would like an 86 Ford Bronco, blue and white, with like a fucking sick ass new engine in it. sick ass new engine in it um i'm just not muscle cars are for jerk offs man it's just for fucking that's like if you're in your 20s or you're some baby boomer trying to like relive your fucking childhood i'm just not into i'm not into the pony cars or any of that shit so uh then i'd probably go i'd probably get a couple motorcycles okay i have to get a harley the road king without the without the baskets in the back whatever that one is the standard with the white wall tires paul oh i love white walls then i'd get a ducati and then i'd probably throw throw a ferrari in there yeah you gotta an italian an italian supercar's got to be
Starting point is 00:06:06 thrown somewhere down there and a ferrari is art okay lamborghinis are for jerk-offs member gees are for people with abs and tattoos riding around driving around no shirt on you can tell you talk about the color they're like purple and lime green it's for jerk offs somebody on molly gonna wrap it around a fucking pole ferrari ferrari is for the self-made man yeah you gotta get red too it's it's like i got a jaguar you had to get green you got to get green with that yeah certain cars you have to get their like their factory their go-to um can i guess your top five cars um what i'm trying to guess at least one of them okay go ahead all right uh i'm well this is something you might go even bigger than this one but i would say
Starting point is 00:07:00 paul verzi without a doubt is gonna get a loaded all the toys all the toys oh you know that yeah all the toys you're gonna get a mercedes s550 you know you know stitched white leather interior there's gonna be some sort of aquarium lighting in there like to make you feel even more special like when you open it up they got that little the little mercedes logo like where where you step on the door that lights up yeah and like that and that's what's gonna make you buy the car they're gonna see you coming with your white hoodie and they're gonna shut off all the lights in the show room uh watch this we're gonna sell this kid this car watch this shit and they're gonna shut off all the lights in the showroom uh watch this we're gonna we're gonna
Starting point is 00:07:46 sell this kid this car watch this shit and they're gonna come in and they'll be kidding you hey wait we got the lights off no come on over here paul come on over here right and then all they're gonna do is just open the door and when you see that blue aquarium lighting in there he doesn't i mean this is this is crazy. Oh, yeah. Crazy. And they open the trunk, and they got a new pair of Jordans in the back. Limited edition AMG Air Force One, whatever the fuck, Jordan 1 things that you're into. That'd be it.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Oh, yeah. And then they give me, they hand me a lit Cuban to drive out with. I don't know why they don't do this why why is yeah i guess you can't smoke a stick in a car dude you can't listen you can't just have to you just have to forfeit the car yes you have to get a car do you ever see that video that really big fat italian guy and he gives life advice and he's smoking a fucking cucumber and he's playing like take me take me in he's going listen man just be happy just be fucking happy dude it's one he's the happiest guy he's driving like a cadillac smoking a stick not caring and you're on a cadillac and
Starting point is 00:08:59 you're smoking a cigar in it while driving you're in the best mood ever ever what what do you think tommy terrific tom brady who's going to the super bowl what do you think that guy at home in tampa is pulling up in is pulling dude if i was brady and i was him pulling up oh i'd be in a crushed velour white suit with a fucking and i'd get out of a black ferrari i'm being dead serious i'd get out of a black Ferrari. I'm being dead serious. I'd get out of a black Ferrari holding a football. Holding a football. Oh, shit. Holding a football. What do I think Tom Brady drives? I would think that he probably drives something understated. I bet he's got like an SG65. He wants something big. He's not pulling up in a fucking Ferrari. You ever see like when Shaq tries to sit in those fucking cars? You're going to stick the engine in the front. All the way in the back.
Starting point is 00:09:50 How about this? I bet that that guy, I bet that he probably is like an S550 or an Escalade or something like that. Something like, you know, you get past a certain height. They just don't make cars for people like that unless you get the big ones. What's Cam Newton showing up in if he was in the Super Bowl? That guy's showing up in a Crocodile Dundee hat with the fucking-
Starting point is 00:10:15 All right, I'm gonna be starting. Lamborghini that's orange. Cam goes in. Cam goes fucking in. The car would match his socks his belt and his hat 100 that guy yeah and he would dress like some sort of movie that just came out somebody the other day lebron james was dressed like fucking sherlock holmes oh yeah my fucking thing is if you dress like that and then you lose the game it's like let me
Starting point is 00:10:46 get this straight you were picking out a fucking outfit yeah what are we doing here i saw this whole thing on that fucking guy that lsu quarterback that got drafted by the uh by the oakland raiders and he just yeah he ate himself out of the league they were saying that they used to like they'd send him he wouldn't watch game film he wouldn't show up to watch game film so then they'd send it to his house and he dvd and he'd come in they'd be like hey what'd you think oh it's great game play great game play and he didn't have any input or anything so then one time they gave him a blank one there was nothing on it and he came in and go yeah what'd you think he's like oh great game plan great game plan so then dude they get this guy 70 million bucks oh 70 million bucks okay
Starting point is 00:11:30 that's why you never get you can't give a janitor a guaranteed fucking contract you think he's going to sweep the hall he ain't doing it he's already got the money oh dude him saying it's a great game plan and then how about the owners and gm just knowing they fucked up just knowing here's something even better so then they'd get the other players to bring the dvd over to make sure that he would watch it and he would make them go to wendy's and get like you know the sick fucking chicken sandwiches get him like five of them jesus that's where i started to get on his side paul because i gotta got to be honest with you, dude. I know you're not supposed to, but who the fuck doesn't want to sit down and eat five Wendy's fucking fried chicken sandwiches?
Starting point is 00:12:12 I'll be honest. It sounds kind of gross, dude. Like now. I know it is now, but I'm just saying, Paul. I know you're getting your fucking self together, but I'm just saying. Just every once in a while, just eat like you're still in fucking middle school. Oh, dude. I know. I know. saying just just every once in a while just eat like you're still in fucking middle school oh dude i know i know there is something about dude my uh my what about the cheese do you think you could eat my my late father-in-law rest his soul he told me a story that i'll never forget and i always tell stacy it's one of my favorite stories he goes ah one night because i was just
Starting point is 00:12:43 craving i was just craving k I was just craving Kentucky fried chicken. He goes, he goes, and I'm just, he goes, he goes, the place was 40 minutes away and I just can't stop thinking about it. He goes, so I said, fuck it. He goes, so I said, fuck it. He goes, I drove out. He goes, I drove 40 minutes to Kentucky fried chicken. He was like, I got the biggest fucking bucket of chicken. He goes, I just went in the parking lot and he goes i drove 40 minutes to kentucky fried chicken he really got the biggest fucking bucket of chicken he goes i just went in the parking lot and he goes and i sat there for an hour in my fucking glory and i just ate the chicken and he said it was a night i will never forget and to this day rest his soul i always tell stacy i go that story of a man who wanted something it was just a man who wanted something and It was just a man who wanted something.
Starting point is 00:13:26 He had the courage to go get it. And he fucking drove 40 minutes to get chicken and he got a hot. And you know, the bucket was hot and he just parked and just looked around. Because listen, I'm really big on eating alone. My thing was my place when I had a business here. I didn't know that. Oh, dude, I'm really big on a breakfast with the the sports section of the new york post my iced tea or coffee and my eggs and just being alone not talking to anybody and the place went
Starting point is 00:13:50 out of business because of covid so it sucks because i don't have that anymore but there's something about sitting in a diner alone and just eating your eggs with no fucking nothing else you know the paper dude paul paul let me tell you something new listen paul verzi knows how to live paul's the guy that taught me how to enjoy life paul's the reason i got married oh and i got kids because i saw him and he was happy i was i was used to hanging out with all these degenerate comics and paul was the guy fuck that i'm not living in the city i'm gonna have a life outside of this well you probably just looked at me and he goes if this dope could do it so could I oh no I didn't no I saw like
Starting point is 00:14:32 no I felt like a loser when I went over to your house dude I'm not lying to you like I went over there I felt like I felt like a loser I'm like um I can't explain what it's like to be in your 40s and still not have kids or be married. It's just you still feel like a teenager. It's not normal. And then you see like your friends get married and then they have kids and you just see them turn into this other. They become a dad. And you're sitting there going like, dude, I saw this guy like do this, this and this.
Starting point is 00:15:10 And, you know, I guess it was an element of that going like, wait, I did see this guy falling down drunk. And now he's a dad and he's doing it. And the kid is alive. I guess it's not as hard as I thought. I drank with this guy till four in the morning and his kids are alive. No, dude, it's's funny you went to my house and you're holding lucas who's your godson and he's three months old and you're holding him and i got and i got little ones and then now i go out to los angeles i go see you you got the toys around and it's like now i'm seeing it again it's like so we just we just went in different order but i'm going to tell you something bill something's going to happen and I'm calling it now.
Starting point is 00:15:45 This is my call. Stacey's worried about me with money, right? And I'm telling you this is what's going to happen. You know what? She should be. Stacey's going to call you privately. This is 100% going to happen. I actually thought about it.
Starting point is 00:15:57 She's going to call you privately, and she's going to go, Bill, listen, man, can I talk to you? Paul was talking about buying like a cat, cat some kind of exotic can you just and then you're gonna call me to go dude dude what the fuck are you doing what the fuck your wife is oh you don't need a lynx okay you want to see lynx go to the zoo all right yeah i thought you want to go on a boat ride, get a friend with the boat, fucking rent one. Oh, yeah, I'll talk. I'll talk to you after lunch, but definitely. First, you told me one time when you get money, you warned me that you were going to go through a fur coat phase. Well, you know what we were talking about, Tom Brady showing up. If I was going to the Super Bowl, if I was pulling up and I was playing a suit,
Starting point is 00:16:45 I would come out with probably a fur or some kind of suede jacket that really pops. Suede I can handle. Suede, I'm still putting my money on you. You show up in a fur coat, I'm like, this guy was down the French Quarter. All right, there's prostitute juice on that fucking thing. I'm fucking, I'm betting for the other guy.
Starting point is 00:17:04 Hey, Joe Willey. I'm telling you, dude, these guys who fucking show up. But, you know, LeBron dressed like Sherlock Holmes, and he won. They beat my Celtics. We missed, Kambay Walker missed like a fucking 10-footer. I would pay money to watch Bill Burr get out of his car in a fucking brown fur that was just puffy.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Oh, I mean, what i would do to see that one day just one day i'd have to have a hat too i think i could pull it off i don't know if i could keep a straight face that would be the hardest part oh great face dude i love to show up to a fucking peter rally wearing a fur and just pulling up be like hey can you guys clear out of the way? I'm trying to just be like showing it off on your fucking arm. Yeah, you would be the type of wide receiver who caught a really good touchdown, kept your toe tap, kept it in, and then you would just hand it to the guy. I would catch it, but I'd have to do something. I wouldn't go overboard. I wouldn't run to the screen and do that fuck. I wouldn't do that, but I'd have to do something. Let wouldn't go overboard. I wouldn't run to the screen and do that fuck.
Starting point is 00:18:05 I wouldn't do that, but I'd have to do something. Let me see what would your end zone dance be. I would do something my kids did. Like I would do some stupid thing with my hands or I would do a signal to my kids. Do this. Oh, like I'm going to do it again. Yeah, running it back.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Yeah. That's your this thing. I fucking hate. You know what I fucking hate? I fucking hate some fucking asshole has 25 attempts and he has 30 yards and then he finally breaks off an eight yarder and then he gets up and he starts doing this shit it's like motherfucker we've been feeding you the whole game dude jerome bettis used to get six yards listen i love jerome bettis jerome bettis used to get six yards get up stomp his feet and do this thing and then grab the ball and it's like dude it's like you didn't i mean it's not a 90 but him
Starting point is 00:18:51 he was that was him get like he was getting going he was feeling himself wearing down maybe that's what it is but like just some of these guys dude it's a six yard pass it's still third and four what the fuck are are you stopping around for? Yeah. Or another guy where they they're punching the ball. Like, Ooh, I almost, no, you didn't almost. Yeah. Yeah. The guy just gets tackled. Yeah. I can say this Paul. Cause I, I didn't play organized football past third grade. I didn't even make it to the season.
Starting point is 00:19:28 My dad saw the whole thing. he'd be yelling at my rather than talk to me going listen i think this sport is too dangerous but blah blah blah he was just yelling my mom grace they're down there they're banging their fucking heads together jesus what the fuck's going on though so i literally quit i quit so he'd stop yelling at my mother about it you want to know something though in a weird way dude i was like i wasn't fast but i wasn't slow i was sort of the middle but i was so fucking slow i couldn't beat anybody when i had the pads on i couldn't figure out what it was but you know i turned in the uniform and everything and but i kept the cup because i still played sports and shit yeah and it wasn't until i got to high school level that i realized in third grade he bought me an adult size cup so i was running down the field and the cup was like scraping the inside
Starting point is 00:20:14 of my fucking little legs dude you could have shot me with a shotgun when i had that thing on i would have survived dude i picture your father in the store i don't know what size just get just get him in a rush no i wanted to play wide receiver and daryl stingley had just gotten paralyzed with uh that hit on that preseason game with jack tatum so they didn't want me to do that and then i didn't so i didn't know what other position i wanted so i picked guard because it sounded tough and then i was just sitting there blocking i was like this fucking i never get the ball i didn't i didn't understand it that was a short sad career way of handling something they couldn't be like listen we really care about you we love you you shouldn't be playing this it was just everybody's screaming at everybody except talking about the thing well you know what your dad had the i mean he probably went about it wrong but he actually no no no he
Starting point is 00:21:12 was a hundred percent right yeah i was gonna make it to the nfl fuck out of here that's the thing that i see a lot dude that thing that i sent you matthew stafford getting hit dude that was one of the most brutal things dude it's like they're miked up he gets hit and he literally it looked like a comedy movie where they tried to exaggerate how bad it was his head and shoulder were embedded in the ground he was motionless and then he just got up and like kind of jogged and like they were trying to talk to me he's like get the fuck away from me his like ribs were cracked and it's just like dude i got one for you though and then he went back in through the winning touchdown and then comes back and people trying to hug him and he's going it's out it's out again it's out again then my
Starting point is 00:21:54 favorite thing is he gets the sideline and that one guy slaps him on the shoulder he goes dude i would have gone back don't touch me don't touch me don't touch me yeah i played quarterback i played quarterback because i had a good arm the thing was i would have never gone past like two years of high school because i'm you know i'm 5'8 bill 5'8 on the nose no but uh i had a good arm so we're playing and uh and the play is a tailback pitch I'm supposed to give. And I see my dad and my brother, Christian, walking in the parking from the parking lot from the car. And I look over. It's a true story. I look over and I go, I change the play. And I said, I said, quarterback sneak, quarterback sneak. This is a true story.
Starting point is 00:22:44 changed the play. And I said, I said, quarterback sneak, quarterback sneak. This is a true story. Please tell me you got in. And you know who my coach was? My coach was a man by the name of John Giuliani, who was actually Rudy Giuliani's cousin. Rudy. All right. And he was the coach. And we had six games schedule. We were the, we were the Eagles. I was a quarterback. We were five and one and we tied for first the year before I was on the Raiders. We were five and one, and we tied for first. The year before, I was on the Raiders. We were one and five. Oh, we were bad. But I see my dad and Christian come, and I go, guys, quarterbacks sneak up the middle, right?
Starting point is 00:23:14 And I snap it, and I run in, and I dive. I get a touchdown. Everyone goes nuts. I look over at my dad. You know, you want approval. That's why I tell dick jokes in a strip mall. And I run over over and the coach I got in yeah and and did he see it oh no him and my brother saw it and not only did they see it
Starting point is 00:23:31 but they they announced it in the loudspeaker where they announced the high school game so they were like Paul Verzi one yard run for a touchdown and I run off and my coach goes what happened I go you know my dad I want to he just looked at me and he goes you're lucky you got in because yeah he goes you're lucky you got in but i had to man i had to because my dad and brother and i was like i'm scoring this fucking thing in front of my dad you know i just i had to i mean it's the exact opposite i would have done the play that was called pitch to the tailback no i, I had to. My father's approval in this moment. Yeah. And it's so stupid.
Starting point is 00:24:09 I should have gave that kid the glory. And instead I was the, hey, we won the game. You know, we won the game. So, you know, sometimes you got to call your own number, Paul. You know?
Starting point is 00:24:18 Yeah. Listen, you're flashy. You know, you like the white leather. That's what you're going to do. Dude, Brady, Bruce Arians told, said Brady called that last play with that Scotty Miller before halftime when they had like a few seconds left. And he goes, let's just go for one. He actually, he actually called that play.
Starting point is 00:24:36 And Bruce Arians goes, I let him coach when he wants to. Actually said that. Dude, Brady's a fucking animal, man. Yes, he is. I'll tell you, I'll tell you that the biggest key to their game the guy that needs to have a big game for them as far as a positional one of the fancy fucking positions frank gore is that his name who's that running back no no um is that a buffalo bills years ago who's? Who's that running back?
Starting point is 00:25:06 They had that Ronald Jones, and then he got hurt. No, now it's Leonard Fournette. Leonard Fournette, Frank Gore. Six and one half dozen the other. Guys, Bill Burr with names. Bill Burr with names is what he called Mariano Rivera, Manny Rivera, for five arguments. And I'm going, am I a bad fan?
Starting point is 00:25:25 I'm going, am I a bad fan? I'm going, am I a bad fan? Who the fuck is Manny Rivera? And he would say it with conviction. You called the movie My Cousin Vinny, like Uncle Vinny's. Yeah, yeah, I'm not bad with that shit. And then I watched the movie and I can't remember what happened. I actually recommended a movie to a friend of mine
Starting point is 00:25:40 and she watched it and then she called up. She goes, what did you think about that the whole husband-wife relationship and i'm like ah i saw two weeks what happened what happened again he's like how the did you recommend it's like i just saw it i remembered it i thought it was cool anyway what's it what's the guy's name? Leonard Fournette. Yo, with conviction. Hold on a second. I was just talking about Jeff Gordon was George Stephanopoulos. Oh my God. I was in Madison Square Garden going, Paul, Paul, George Stephanopoulos, George Stephanopoulos. Dude, it was Jeff Gordon. We were fucking hammer hammered at the garden they're pouring gray gooses
Starting point is 00:26:25 to the fucking brim we're hammered and we're sitting around fucking tom hanks sarah jessica parr and all of a sudden bill paul paul paul george stephanopoulos dude and everybody's going yo yo there's jeff gordon i go bill that's fucking jeff gordon you go tell me you go tell me it doesn't look like them tell me and then you start again they look the same dude that they could be cousins right you just said with conviction dude frank gore needs to have do frank gordon george stephanopoulos and that dude from full house plays drums for the beach boys uh stamos john that's all the same guy Greek by the way when you're 52 and you got eyes like me and you refuse to buy glasses which I do oh you're one of those I'm not buying glasses I'm just gonna tell people what I'm just gonna be
Starting point is 00:27:17 like what does that say because I think once glasses ruin you it's like a cane second you get a cane you're a fucking pussy for the rest of your life you get cold easy you become that guy when you sit down you have to have a blanket on your legs you can never get a cane you can't get fucking glasses and paul you never ask for help don't ever say you're scared sorry that is such a that is a german irish i'll fucking wear i'm gonna wear fucking big gaudy fucking sam rothstein glasses in my 60s when i'm reading the new york post no it's tough i'm fighting it dude i am fighting but i just don't want them to like i'm trying to time my lasik you know like i'm gonna try i'm gonna do some science shit find out they can guesstimate when i'm going to die, but I don't do anything fucking stupid.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Right. And then I'm going to time my LASIK. So I'll have 2020 right to the end. Yeah, dude, my son, my son's got ridiculous. It wasn't, you're just like, yeah. All right. Well, no, I mean, you're one of those guys. You'll fight it to the end.
Starting point is 00:28:24 You're just, you know, oh, you're a stubborn one. Yeah, yeah. I'm going to be smoking sticks in my 90s. Did you see what our great producer Andrew Themos just did when I said John Stamos, he's Greek. Themos looked in the camera and he goes. Oh, yeah. No, you're Greek guys. You guys age.
Starting point is 00:28:42 You guys age well. Dude, you literally just went you just sucked in your fucking jaw dude i want to put a compilation of your face when you're getting ready before we do the podcast the shit you do you're like dude my kids make fun of that and they all my whole family imitates it yeah lucas lucas goes mom mom mom mom, come here, come here. And they all fuck with me. Yeah, you do that.
Starting point is 00:29:10 You look okay, Bill. You look okay. That was you every time in the world. You look okay. I would imitate you. Dude, I don't do that shit. And then I did it one time in front of your wife. She goes, he does that all the time.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Yeah. All right. Well, we got to talk uh it's coming up all what i was gonna say is uh um george lucas there what's the name of that running back um the tampa leonard fernet leonard fernet that's the fucking guy if that guy gets going that guy gets going pa Paul. I'm telling you, Paul, you can't get it. I've been talking this for a week. You cannot get enamored by Kansas City's offense. You can't get lulled
Starting point is 00:29:54 into standing in the center ring, having a fucking slugfest. This is all about time of possession and keeping Patrick Mahomes on the sidelines looking like that Bernie Sanders fucking meme that I'm sick of. I want the black guy with the big dick one to come back. You know what? I'm seeing something right now in the Bucs that I don't like, and here's what it is. Andrew, can we talk about this now? Here's what I don't like about what I'm seeing
Starting point is 00:30:19 with the Tampa Bay Bucs, which bodes well for me, is I'm seeing a little too much excitement of his teammates being there. I'm seeing a little bit of a quiet Chiefs team that is poised and that has been there before. They're sitting in the hotel watching their Netflix, and I'm seeing the Bucs doing all the fucking photo shoots, really, you know, Gronk doing what Gronk does. I'm telling you. Hey, the man has three rings.
Starting point is 00:30:45 He does. He does. Listen, I can't take anything away from that kid. I don't want to argue with you, Paul. You go easy on that former Patriot. There's so many Pats fans right now rooting for fucking Tampa. As they should. As they fucking should.
Starting point is 00:31:00 I know. I'm proud of Boston sports fans. They're not being fucking, you know, you play for them. No, fuck you. No, you can't. You can't. All right. I think these guys are of Boston sports fans. They're not being fucking, you know, you know, you play for them. No, fuck you. No, you can't. You can't. All right. I think these guys are coming on, Paul.
Starting point is 00:31:09 We're about to start this segment with Sean Green and Ryan Kramer. Okay. With all of the Super Bowl prop bets, we're going to be talking what players are going to get more yards, throw for more yards, touchdown. Who's going to win? Call her a Gatorade. Any dumb ass thing you want to bet on coin toss uh monkey knife fight which is such a fucking amazing name uh so we're gonna be doing
Starting point is 00:31:32 all of these bets we're gonna get a hooker and get suspended for the first half of the game whatever you want to bet on oh my money's on gronk with that one oh no uh uh so i'm really excited about this guy i Hope you enjoy. Hope you enjoy this and all the bets that we do for super bowl Sunday. Speaker 3 1, Paul. I know we, we talked on the phone real quick earlier today about this monkey knife fight promo, and I could hear in your voice, the excitement about gambling on more stuff about betting on more stuff, just having more action on the super bowl. What is your, you know, as on the super bowl. What is your,
Starting point is 00:32:05 you know, as far as super bowl bets, what's the weirdest thing you've ever bet on? Speaker 3 1, I bet big money on tails. Once in the coin toss, I usually go tails. And one time I put a stupid amount of money on it, but I was like, Hey, it's 50 50 and I hit it. And also who's going to score first. uh those are the those are the only ones i never did um i never did like national anthem length or anything like that but can i just tell you guys monkey when my wife heard the name monkey knife fight we bursted out laughing and i said i'm betting with those guys regardless of the service compared to the ones based on the name well yeah it's it's off that old, old Simpsons episode where they're
Starting point is 00:32:46 in international waters, betting on two monkeys go at it, fighting with knives. And you gotta, you gotta appreciate that for a company name. You know, a lot of people put, you know, fan draft wager and if they're like no monkey knife fight, that's what we're rolling with. What about you, bill? Any, any crazy action on this super bowl or in the past? Not on Super Bowls, but I went to the Masters with Paul Verzi in 2010. And we said, what did we sit on the 15th hole? Yes, we did. We were waiting for him to come through. You just sitting there drinking beers. And there was turtles on these rocks on this water hazard. And we were betting which ones were going to go in first and we got so much money going on it that people around us were like listening and i had the easiest system
Starting point is 00:33:30 he wasn't paying attention i just picked the turtle with the dry shell he was like looking at sizes and shit i'm like that one's getting a little dried out i love that though the handicapped like the dried shell that turtle is due look Look at him. He needs to go for a dip. Well, then three in a row before he figured it out, then he started picking the dry. Yeah. He beat me on those for sure. 1, that was my worst 3 sharp turtle racing. I like that. Some turtle insider. That was my worst super bowl prop
Starting point is 00:33:58 bet hosting a gambling podcast. Some guy hit me up. He's like, dude, I, I got an inside tip. The puppy bowl is already, it already happened. They already taped it. Team rough dominates. And I go, okay, this is an inside tip. I got to take advantage. So I bet a shit ton of money on team fluff thinking that they, Oh, Hey, the game's already happened. This is easy money. And then I watch it live and they, they just get destroyed. I'm sitting there screaming at the puppies like what are you doing you don't know how to cover a spread this is humiliating
Starting point is 00:34:29 it's uh it's it's horrible losing money on uh animal related props for the super it's it's funny you said that my dad got a tip in the in the in the 70s somebody just told him a goes this horse is taking it at Yonkers raceway and the horse didn't take it. No, any inside tip because every gambler has a system. They think like, Oh, I got to figure it out. I know a guy. I mean, we had the, uh, we had the guy who does the radio sideline reporting for the box, trying to get him to leak out the information on what possible Gatorade color we could be seeing bill. Any thoughts on a, on a Gatorade color for the super bowl?
Starting point is 00:35:11 Speaker 3 1,030,030,030 Speaker 3 1,030,030,030 Speaker 3 1,030,030,030 Speaker 3 1,030,030,030 Speaker 3 1,030,030,030 Speaker 3 1,030,030,030 Speaker 3 1,030,030,030 Speaker 3 1,030,030,030
Starting point is 00:35:19 Speaker 3 1,030,030,030 Speaker 3 1,030,030,030 Speaker 3 1,030,030,030 Speaker 3 1,030,030,030 Speaker 3 1,030,030,030 Speaker 3 1,030,030,030 Speaker 3 1,030,030,030 Speaker 3 1,030,030,030 Speaker 3 1,030,030,030 Speaker 3 1 a pewter, I mean, they don't have pewter colored Gatorade. I want to say red, but I think it's going to be blue. I'm going to go with blue. I'm going heads. I'm saying Leonard Fournette scores first.
Starting point is 00:35:39 Ooh, nice. Yeah. They're going to establish the fucking running game to keep them, that high powered offense off the field. What else did I say? I was going to bet. What's the over under I'm taking Tampa. What do I get? Three. You're a big,
Starting point is 00:35:54 you're a big Brady guy. Is it weird rooting for Tom Brady in the super bowl? Now that he's playing for the box, is it going to be a little bittersweet him him possibly getting his seventh, not wearing a piece? Not at all. Dude, I can't even tell you. All the Pats fans I know would go, dude, it's like watching a Pats game. Gronk is there.
Starting point is 00:36:13 We even had Antonio Brown for a minute. We're fucking psyched. Dude, we want this guy. I hope he wins, like, the next three in a row. I know. I love the guy. Dude, we weren't shit before he came. Well, Bledsoe and Parcells, they put us on the map and Roger Robert Kraft did. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:31 And then we got the new state, but he came in, do we had zero championships? Zero. As a non Patriots fan, it's tough to watch because finally one year, the Patriots aren't good. They're not in the playoffs. And now Patriots fans find this other route to get to the Super Bowl emotionally. And they're not even going to be hurt when he wins. They're ready to dump the Gatorade.
Starting point is 00:36:53 They're buying in on the Bucs. I learned how to have peace of mind as a sports fan. You don't root against anybody else. It's such a fucking waste of energy to even like hate your rival to the point if you lose to them it ruins your day you start asking grouchy around your wife and then can you really shit on her watching real housewives at that point it's like say what you want about how dumb this is but it doesn't affect my fucking mood. The next morning when I meet my cereal boys are doing well again.
Starting point is 00:37:26 1 0 I know you're, you're, you're basically describing my life because the Eagles lost to the Cowboys must win game. And we'd rented a cabin for Christmas. It was supposed to be a nice vacation. She's like, why are you ruining a vacation? I'm like, I didn't ruin it. Doug Peterson ruined this vacation. Jalen hurts, ruined this vacation. She goes, you need to go on a long walk. And I'm just going on this long walk, thinking of how much money I spend on this vacation and how it's ruined and fuck the Eagles. Speaker 2 1,020. Speaker 3 1,020. What's funny about Eagles fans is they always bring up that they beat
Starting point is 00:37:57 us in the super bowl. I don't have the heart to tell them that dude, we won the one right before you. And then right after you. I barely remember the game. It was a shitty game, too. Here's another thing, too. Tom Brady. Tom Brady won in 14, 16, 18, and now he's with the Bucs. He's won every other year since 2014. It's gone Patriots, Broncos, Patriots, Eagles, Patriots, Chiefs.
Starting point is 00:38:24 It's gone Patriots, Broncos, Patriots, Eagles, Patriots, Chiefs. And now the only thing I have to say is it's going to go Brady, Broncos, Brady, Eagles, Brady, Chiefs. I'm hoping Brady. Although I do love Mahomes. Yeah, Mahomes, I really like Mahomes. And I've heard you talk about this. We even have a sound drop of you going off on. Showtime, he's fun to root for he's so awesome but the the way the the commentators
Starting point is 00:38:52 kind of slobber all over oh my god they ball wash him it's like he'll throw like a fucking three yard no look pass it's like three yards like I hope you like when they first started selling them, they were like, I hope you appreciate what you are. Just like, dude, you don't need to sell this guy this hard. He's the real deal. No, I know. We're all acting like you're selling me fucking Cade McNown. Paul, I know you're a, you're on the chiefs for the game.
Starting point is 00:39:21 How do you, how do you kind of see it shaking out as far as game script wise, that they can be thrown a lot, trying to get the running game going a little bit. How do you see their path to victory? Well, you know, I was just telling Bill before, before this segment, I was telling Bill that the way the bucks are behaving with media day, they are acting like they haven't been there before. I've noticed the pictures and the poses, and I'm seeing a little bit of a lay low from the Chiefs. But one thing that I stick with, and Bill and I did this when we went to the Red River rivalry, and we went to the Cincinnati Bengals Jacksonville Jaguars game on the road. Jaguars game on the road here's a here's a betting tip but it's hard because you need to be at the game but this is what happens go down low before the game get there early and watch the teams come out because dude we bet big money on Texas right and Oklahoma ran out of the tunnel and they just start looking at Texas going and and we just knew immediately. It's fucking over.
Starting point is 00:40:32 Oklahoma not only wanted it, like they, and I'm going, it's fucking over. Do the same thing. We were standing there quietly. We were all excited. And when Texas, then Oklahoma came out and they were just getting in their grills. And then we were just watching the versus late leans over. He goes, they, they're looking pretty confident that's literally that's my handicapping strategy at the horse track i want to see the horses walk around the paddock see who looks like they've been there before same thing you can you can get to answer you want a mean jockey you gotta look for the
Starting point is 00:41:01 meanest jockey i think that that's how that sport works um to answer the question I think for me I think everything is Travis Kelsey because I had Travis Kelsey in my fantasy league the guy gets seven to ten catches every game and even if you the thing is they're going to be focused on on on Tyreek Hill and Mahomes I think so I think Kelsey is somebody has to be open somebody has to be single covered I think Travis So I think Kelsey is, somebody has to be open. Somebody has to be single covered. I think Travis Kelsey is going to have a monster game. I think Travis Kelsey is going to score first. I think it's going to be like a seven to 10 yard in the red zone touchdown. I think that Tyreek Hill is the main threat. And I still think if Mahomes gets the
Starting point is 00:41:42 ball out early, cause the Bucks defense is flying right now. So I think that Andy Reed knows that. I think he's got to get it out early. I think Tyreek Hill will have some big plays, but I think the guy you got to go to the moose, you got to go to the fucking got to go to Kelsey. He's had an insane year. And I kind of agree with you.
Starting point is 00:42:00 I think they see the Tampa Bay pass rush. They're down a couple offensive linemen. They're going to want to get the ball out quick and Andy Reed, not afraid to throw a bunch of passes. I mean, you know, Patrick, my homes is over under for attempts is set at like 41, something crazy. So I think they're going to be throwing a ton tonight. Speaker 0 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 42, 43, 41, 44, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 41, 42, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 45, 46,
Starting point is 00:42:20 47, 48, 49, 49, 42, 45, 48, 49, 42, 45, 49, 42, 45, 48, 49, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 42, 45, 45, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, This is the greatest show on turf and they won the year before. Now they're playing Tom Brady. This is what's going on. He's going to take them out. How many times does the man have to do it? Come on, your Eagles beat us at some point in the last decade.
Starting point is 00:42:37 I can't really remember. I think you guys won some game. It was like 58 to 63 or some shit. You got your ring. Look like the arena football league. Do not bet against this man. No, listen, do you guys think, cause I noticed this and I know you're an Eagles fan.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Do you think some mustard came off the fan bases? Fastball little, do you notice that when a team doesn't win for a while and then they finally win, the fans kind of go, it's like a rapper's second album. But it's like, they're just not as, once you get the fucking, once you get the prize. The first one, you're so hungry.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Yes. You're so hungry for the first one. But I talked to an Eagles fan who was like, ah, man, I'm still living off that other one. And I'm like, dude, you used to be a rabid lunatic. And now he's like, I'm good, dude. I'm good. Everyone. They were ruined with the championship. Well, that's where i am as a sports fan like what i just saw in the last 20 fucking years
Starting point is 00:43:32 it's like we ran the table with four teams new york's got like 58 fucking teams they've never run the table won every single championship in the four sports what am i gonna do i mean there's no way to sustain it i totally enjoyed it i got all the dumb hats so now what am i gonna do i'm gonna root against the chiefs to become a dynasty i hope they do my money doesn't but i'm not gonna be mad at them if the fucking eagles win it again i don't give a shit i don't i will i will give it is at some point for someone to address what a steaming pile of shit jim ursay is what a hypocritical steaming pile of shit and he runs a bitch-ass fucking organization that's all i need yeah i love it that's the grudge you hold on to that's not the grudge i hold on to because fucking meathead sports fans actually like he ran a successful smear campaign.
Starting point is 00:44:29 He really did. I mean, it was all the cheating himself. Ridiculously. Well, and the most annoying part was he turned every, you know, New England sports fan all of a sudden into some physicist with like ideal gas laws. Guys coming out of the woodwork oh fuck you you ain't throwing that on us that was all you cunts and espn proved proved that it was actually a disadvantage and they buried the story no it really you fucking assholes don't talk about how that guy tanked a whole fucking half a season to get Andrew Luck. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Oh, man. Yeah, you forgot that when they pumped in the noise. He sat on the competition committee. Now Andrew Luck. The way we covered his receivers fucking illegal and then stole our offense and won a Super Bowl. We didn't, bitch. Now Andrew Luck's like backpacking through Europe, hanging out in some hostel. Crap goes out to get a fucking handjob.
Starting point is 00:45:25 The whole world stops. This fucking guy's like a pill-popping lunatic with a dead mistress. Nobody says shit. And to the Bob Crabbe... And Crabbe was single. Go ahead. Who doesn't go to Florida and go to a jerk-off? Of course you do. You go look at the
Starting point is 00:45:41 alligators, you get one out. What else are you going to do? Go to Ybor City? There's nothing to do there. Not one of the sites. I'd love to meet the man who was outraged over Robert Graff going to a restaurant. They had a big game, wanted to relax before the game, get a massage. That's the boss move.
Starting point is 00:45:57 He did it right before the game. I'm just glad that fucking video didn't come out. Thank God. No one wanted to see that. Let the man enjoy let the man enjoy the twilight of his his wife rest her soul passed away the guy's going to a fucking joint to get a little relaxation the only guy around the man has money he's helping out the little guy stimulating the economy yeah they tried to turn it into some bigger story of like
Starting point is 00:46:22 oh this is uh sex trade and they're they're bringing these women in then turned out it was just some some woman from new york who noticed how happy goodell looks because the pats aren't in it fucking grinning ear to ear in every fucking stadium oh man he is oh he's such a cunt i don't know what we did to him i don't know what the fuck we did to him but that fucking he's got one he's did to him, but that fucking, he's got one. He's got one for us, man. He does have a hard on for the Patriots, you know, as a, as a non Patriots, sometimes it's a little fun to watch. All right, let's get some,
Starting point is 00:46:55 I don't like the truth. Let's get to some of these monkey knife fight, a prop picks here. Of course, get to some of these monkey knife fight, a prop picks here. Of course, together. Can't wait to put the money on the table. And is there anything better than watching the big game with a fucking wing in your hand? There's five honey riding on it. Speaker 3, and especially with these, with these props that you start, like if you're betting the over and you get it early, you get into third quarter and you're just, you already won the money. Everything is gravy afterwards. It's pretty awesome. And again, use that promo code Berg at a hundred percent deposit bonus
Starting point is 00:47:33 up to 50 bucks and a $5 free play monkey knife fight app. So they, they pair these prop bets up. You're going to pick two more or less. And if you hit both, you win a plus three 60. So a hundred dollars you win three 60, my homes, 335 passing yards. I'm going more there again. I think even if the bucks win the game, I think he's going to be thrown a ton Brady three Oh three and a half. I'm going less. And again, I think it's just more. They're going to run the ball. I don't see him tossing it a ton. Paul, what are you more or less on Brady and Mahomes? I think Mahomes is going to throw less. Yeah, under 330.
Starting point is 00:48:14 It's a high number. What is it, 336 you said? 333 and a half. Yeah, I think he's going to throw less than that. I could see him throwing for like 315, 295, two 95, something like that, because the Bucks defense is, I think the Bucks defense is good enough to, to stop them from throwing over, over that number. And, and the, the number that's really fucking, you know, hard is, is Brady. Cause that's right around, that's right around the number that I would say, but I'm going to say Brady under two, I'm going to say under both of
Starting point is 00:48:44 those. Yeah. It's interesting. He's he's only sharp angle there because i mean i think both teams might look to get the running backs going and these are big like these big numbers throwing 300 yards in a super bowl is fucking you know those defenses like it's kind of disrespectful to just be like oh he's gonna's going to throw for 350. I say under both of those. Yeah, it's interesting. I mean, Brady, of course, threw for 515 in a losing effort. Should have gotten the MVP that year against the Eagles. Against the Eagles. So he certainly has it in him, but that game was in a dome. I don't know. I think it's going to be a little bit more defensive.
Starting point is 00:49:20 Bill, where are you at with the game outside? I don't understand that. That was in a dome. at with the game outside? I don't understand that. That was in the home. How windy is it outside? I threw for 350. If I was inside, I'd throw for 515. Get that air conditioner behind you, man. The ball is just a nice little crosswind on the vent. That interests me.
Starting point is 00:49:44 Why do you think that Kansas City is going to try to get their running game going? Because I think there's a version of this where they try to get cute, and everyone thinks they're going to drop back and throw the ball 40, 50 times. And if they can take control of this game early, which is possible, Brady only three points in all of his Super Bowls in the first quarter, which is an amazing stat. So if they can get started early. It's a ridiculous stat. It has nothing to do with this year. He's on a different team with completely different.
Starting point is 00:50:10 I hate when people talk about it. I'm on team Brady for the next four days. I'm all in. I'm I've taken my medicine on Brady. I think he goes over. I think that's the easier one to pick. And what are you out with my home screamer? I'm going to go under. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:21 Bill, what are you at? Are you, are you under my homes over Brady? I am over on both. Over on both. All right. Over on both. I just think the way the game is played today, it's just like – I mean, you can throw 150 yards in the last two minutes
Starting point is 00:50:36 with a prevent defense. That's true. They're giving up the middle of the field. Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba. They just – and there's just so many – there's so many rules that are pro-offense. Well, ba, ba, ba. They just, and there's just so many, there's so many rules that are pro offense. Speaker 3, it's interesting too, is in the conference championship, especially that a
Starting point is 00:50:52 green Bay, Tampa Bay game, they really let them play for most of the game. Kind of had a late flag there early. It'll be interesting to see if they kind of put away the, the, the flags. We did some deep dive stuff on the ref. He is, he does lean more to letting them play. So it'll be interesting to see how that shakes out. If they're calling it tight, or if they're, they're letting them check a little bit in the defensive backfield. 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1
Starting point is 00:51:13 0 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 Kempner 1 0 K receivers anytime there's going to be contact they lower their head to their waist so it's like where's the guy supposed to hit him so i i would have a rule that like if if you're a running back like oh this it's almost like uh with hockey if it's not above the crossbar you can tip it below the crossbar you're accepting the risk of a fucking concussion and i would love to see them put every announcer through a combine where they force them to run full speed and then said, okay, try to tackle this target, but I'm going to move it at the last second. So yeah, I mean, I'm with you. We're probably going to see a garbage purse. I do think we might see a garbage personal valve, maybe roughing the
Starting point is 00:51:57 pastor in this one, just because of it's, it seems to be the thing everyone's hyper focused on. Speaker 0, Brady getting a rough in the passer call. I can't see that happening. Not in the Super Bowl. No crying. No crying. Jesus Christ. Fucking Philly fans.
Starting point is 00:52:12 You got your ring. Quit your crying. Another fun one. What are you suggesting? That star players get favorable calls? No, it's not. It's certainly not the NBA where, you know. They know where they're fucking. Through the nba i was saying the other day i've just come to accept the fact that 80
Starting point is 00:52:31 of the good players in the nba at some point are going to play for the lakers so it's so annoying this thing not even a league anymore it's like let's watch all the fucking athletes beat up the math team every other game poor math needs yeah it's like, let's watch all the fucking athletes beat up the math team. Every other game. Poor math. Yeah. It's like a pickup game where guys are just like, Oh no, these are my friends. I'm going to play with them. It's like, no, you know, you can be friends with guys, but come on,
Starting point is 00:52:54 let's keep these small markets. Interesting by sending it up. So the stars just can't decide to leave. Like they just sleep on the Pelicans, man. I think that they're going to be all right. I think that, you know what? Fuck brooklyn nets and fuck james harden that's the ugliest fucking jersey logo i've ever seen in my life with the parentheses with brooklyn bigger than the name of the team because they still think it's fucking cool to be in fucking will have you been to
Starting point is 00:53:20 williamsburg dude you guys could walk around will around Williamsburg with fistfuls of cash and nothing would happen to you. And they're fucking playing Brooklyn. Where Brooklyn at? Shut the fuck up, dude. The Marquette Center is a fucking dump. It's not Biggie Smalls is Brooklyn. It's kind of changed a little bit. It is amazing, though, to me,
Starting point is 00:53:41 that you could just take another NBA franchise and drop it into the fan base of New York Knicks and they would all just walk away. Like I was joking with Paul, I was trying to think of a world where an NBA franchise went to like Worcester, Massachusetts, or fucking Attleboro or Providence and then everybody like, yeah, you know what, fuck the Celtics. Attleboro! Attleboro! Rhode Island, you know what? Fuck the Celtics. Yeah. Where's Worcester at? Where's Worcester? We go hard. Best Chinese food in the state. Speaker 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Speaker 0 1. Here's another more or less mixing it up here. We got Leonard for net. His more or less is 55 and a half rushing yards. And then Tyree kill receiving yards, more or less 99 and a half. I'm going less on Tyree kill. I think they are going to focus a little bit on Kelsey. They played a ton of single high safety. The first game he'll let them up.
Starting point is 00:54:40 I think they're going to adjust there. So I think less on the receiving yards. And I think letter for net has a pretty decent game. I'm going more over essentially on 55 and a half rushing yards. Versi, where are you at with these two? Fuck man. Those numbers are perfect. Yeah. The numbers are perfect. I I'm going to say Tyreek Hill is going to be under a hundred yards. I think, I think Kelsey's the one, like I said before, that's going to have the yardage. So I would say under for Hill and for net 55 is a perfect number. I'm going to say, I'm going to say under, I'm going to say, dude, I got under for all four. Yeah. Kramer you're, I know you're leaning into the Ronald Jones angle for the box where you're at with four net and Hill. I think he's playing. I thought he was hurt. Yeah. He's he's not,
Starting point is 00:55:28 I mean, he's healthy. He hasn't had a setback. And this is one of those things where you got to take a stab lot, the public and most of the bedding. You look, if you look at the numbers for nets, totally much higher than Ronald Jones, I'm in the Jones camp. So I'm going to take under four, four net as far as Hill, as much as I don't think he's going to have a massive game. If he has half the game he had last time, he's still going over by 20 plus yards. So I would say I'm going to go over for Hill just cause it's terrifying to take an under with that man. And I'm going to go under also for Leonard for now, Speaker 0 7,050 – 00,050 – 00,050.
Starting point is 00:56:02 Speaker 3 0 7,050 – 00,050 – 00,050 Speaker 0 7,050 – 00,050 – 00,050 Speaker 3 0 7,050 – 00,050 – 00,050 Speaker 3 0 7,050 – 00,050 – 00,050 Speaker 3 0 7,050 – 00,050 – 00,050 – 00,050 Speaker 3 0 7,050 – 00,050 – 00,050 – 00,050 – 00,050 Speaker 3 0 7,050 – 00,050 – 00,050 – 00,050 – 00,050 – 00,050 – 00,050 also for Leonard Fournette. Bill, where are you at with these two? I'm going over with Tyree kill and Tyree kill is so good. If you keep into 120 yards, that's shutting that man down. Yeah. I don't know if he's 99 yards would be like, if he got hurt, which I don't want to see there, there was a diversity's point earlier about, you know, kind of trash talk and acting like they've been there before. Scotty Miller of the Tampa Bay Bucs is saying that he was faster than Tyreek Hill, which was just a hilarious all time. Dude, look at. Why would you say that? You know what that is?
Starting point is 00:56:33 That's what happens when you have a player coach walking around with the fucking Kango hat. Yeah. Stop trying to be their friends. Bruce Aaron's sidelines has been a great storyline. He wears the radio thing like a bandolier across his shoulder. friends. Speaker 0 7,050,050,050 Speaker 1 7,050,050,050 Speaker 0 7,050,050,050 Speaker 1 7,050,050,050 Speaker 0 7,050,050,050 Speaker 1 7,050,050,050 Speaker 1 7,050,050,050 Speaker 1 7,050,050,050 Speaker 1 7,050,050,050 Speaker 1 7,050,050,050 Speaker 1 7,050,050,050 Speaker 1 7,050,050,050 Speaker 1 7,050,050,050 Speaker 1 7,050,050,050 Speaker 1 7,050,050,050 Speaker 1 7,050,050,050 Speaker 1 7,050,050,050 Speaker 1 7,050,050,050
Starting point is 00:56:50 Speaker 1 7,050,050,050 Speaker 1 7,050,050,050 Speaker 1 7,050,050,050 Speaker 1 7,050,050,050 Speaker 1 7,050,050,050 Speaker 1 7,050,050,050 Speaker 1 7,050,050,050 Speaker 1 7,050,050,050 Speaker 1 7,050,050,050 Speaker 1 7,050,050,050 Speaker 1 7,050,050,050 Speaker 1 7,050,050,050 Speaker 1 7,050,050,050 Speaker 1 7,050,050,050 Speaker 1 7,050,050,050 Speaker 1 7 would say under, but like, I think that they're just going to be feeding him and trying to wear down Kansas City's defensive line early. Because it's all, I think it's all about time of possession. If you're going to be Kansas City Chiefs, you just
Starting point is 00:57:14 have, you got to have the fucking ball and keep them on the sideline because they got too many weapons. But I think that defense is very beatable. I think they have a good defense. I don't think they have a great defense. I think Tampa has a better defense than them. They need to get the ball going. So I think they're going to be feeding this guy. So I say he goes over. The only thing that will fuck me is if Ronald Jones also plays and they sort of go back and forth.
Starting point is 00:57:37 Well, yeah, Ronald Jones is interesting. I need a buck, 100 yards out of Fournette. That's what the Fournette. And that is, yeah, I mean, you can probably find that on monkey knife fight, a prop about Leonard for net hitting a hundred yards or maybe that's on that. I'll take it Speaker 0, Rushing and receiving yards like that. Speaker 3, Did the line of the game, the line of the game stated three, right? The line did not change or is it, is it three?
Starting point is 00:58:02 Speaker 3, Yeah, it's holding it three. 4.3 05.5 06.5 06.5 06.5 06.5 06.5 06.5 06.5 06.5
Starting point is 00:58:12 06.5 06.5 06.5 06.5 06.5 06.5 06.5 06.5
Starting point is 00:58:20 06.5 06.5 06.5 06.5 06.5 06.5 06 half. 0 1 S 1 0 3 0 K. And there's also all the Brady fan boys like me who were just going to bet them. 1 0 S 1 0 3 0 K. Well, and I, and I took my medicine 0 1 S 1 0 K. Well, yeah. And it's, it's weird to see the chiefs not be the public side. Cause they
Starting point is 00:58:35 have that high powered offense, bunch of big names, but then you're obviously you're going against Brady and his, you know, crazy super bowl record going for seven. This is another monkey knife fight game. They got picked three. You pick three of these, you win a six to one. So plus 600, you better Speaker 3, but you're just parlaying these player props and they, these ones have, have spread. So you're basically picking one to the other with the spread. First part, Patrick Mahomes passing yards or Tom Brady plus 30 and a half. Again, I'm leaning on my home's big yardage game, throwing the ball, Travis, Kelsey, or Tyree kill.
Starting point is 00:59:14 But Tyree kill is getting one and a half on the receptions. I still think Kelsey is going to be the guy come Sunday. Although you're getting a, you're getting a free and a half reception with Tyree kill. What does that mean? What does that mean? Three and a half with the, with the reception. So basically like if Kelsey had 10 catches, but Tyree kill at nine Tyree kill would win because the spread is one and a half. So he essentially would be 10 and a half. Oh, okay. Wow. Yeah. That's a, that's getting wild. Yeah. This is 4D chess over here. I would definitely take Kelsey because Kelsey is just going to run shorter routes. He's going to be right there. He's a bigger target.
Starting point is 00:59:51 Everybody in the world is going to be trying to stop Tyree kill. He's going to get his catches and he's going to get his yards, but I don't think he's going to. Yeah. And then the last more yards with less catches. Cause he just, you know, nobody, nobody's talking about special teams. I have a feeling, and I don't know if there's a prop bet with this, I got a feeling that that Kansas City Chief kid, I don't know if it's Hartline or whatever,
Starting point is 01:00:12 the kid that fumbled on the one or whatever, he fumbled on the thing and then they scored, and then he came back and he got his head together. I have a feeling that kid's going to have a big play on special teams. Can I bet that anywhere or no? Oh, yeah. Yeah, defensive or special teams touchdown, I think, is 20 to? Speaker 3 0 Yeah. Yeah. Defensive or special teams touchdown, I think is 20 to one for the chiefs. I got a little taste on that. And though, I mean, those are the kind of
Starting point is 01:00:31 like fun random bets that are just great for the super bowl. I also, you guys will like this one. I have a offensive lineman to score a touchdown at like 25 to one. I could see Speaker 4 0 It'd be a chief. That's an Andy Reid move. Yeah, exactly. That's what I was saying. I liked that bet. It's a, it's fun. And just seeing an offensive line and spike the ball. It's going to be someone on the right side. Cause they're not going to leave them blind on the other side. That is true. And I, is that where Remmers plays? They're missing. They're missing both their tackles, but yeah, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7,
Starting point is 01:01:13 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 7, 0 little, they're a little off the beaten path. Last one here, Godwin receiving yards or Mike Evans receiving yards. And Mike Evans is getting 12 and a half yards against Chris Godwin. I think Evans might be the guy over Godwin for this game. It's kind of interesting. They go back and forth. Godwin had a huge game against green Bay, but I think Evans might have the bigger game come super bowl. Paul, where are you at with these last three? Dude, I mean this fucking wholeheartedly. If the Bucs win this game,
Starting point is 01:01:51 Mike Evans is going to be a huge part of it. You could just see it unfolding when you watch them week to week and the chemistry he's got with Brady. And Brady loves him, you know, but, you know, 15-yard line in the red zone, he loves going to him. I definitely, I would take evans over over godwin uh in that one for sure hey was there any action on uh tyreek
Starting point is 01:02:12 hill or that number 17 who's that number 17 on the chiefs the cool heartline kid that's the kid are you talking about him right now that special teams kid that i think is going to do something yeah i mean you might be able to, they have a ton of like player player match-ups. So I'm sure they have one for him. The spread's probably going to be pretty big on that one. I'm sure Hardman's getting like, what do you think Kramer? 50, 60 yards. Speaker 4 0 Yeah. I mean, Hardman's an interesting guy. I said one fun way to play a prop on him is that he gets a rushing attempt. They get him involved in like a reverse or something. I saw that was like three, three and a half to one. So, I mean, it's here's the key to
Starting point is 01:02:49 the super bowl, like PSA at anyone listening is have enough prop bets where you're, you're sufficient every five minutes, something, some sort of action is happening. So you don't get bored with the game when Tom Brady and the bucks are Speaker 3 1,020.2.2 Speaker 3 1,020.2 Speaker 3 1,020.2 when tom brady and the bucks all right well here's how i watch the game what i do is i grill and i smoke a stick and i hit record and i don't start the game i shut off my phone i don't start the game for like 90 minutes uh like 45 i mean i can't do that everything all the dumb commercials
Starting point is 01:03:22 stupid halftime fucking show oh you're gonna miss the weekend then you get you get caught up uh end of third quarter early fourth quarter if you do it right yeah that's probably right jim florentine it's better for like the west coast because east coast i mean the game comes on later out west is perfect nobody wants to hear the weekend at halftime. It's fucking garbage. It's fucking garbage. Canadians. Every year. Dude, I'm going to bet all this shit. What am I supposed to do with that robot?
Starting point is 01:03:55 Yeah, I don't need to see a fox doing calisthenics. It's a fucking show. Florentine, God bless him. So, Bill, where are you at with these? You got Mahomes, Brady. I'm going to say you're going Brady. What about us? Speaker 0 7,0, Speaker 3 7,0, Speaker 0 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 0 7,0, Speaker 3 7,0, Speaker 0 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 0 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 0 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0,
Starting point is 01:04:09 Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0, Speaker 1 7,0 homes will throw more. Oh, Speaker 1 Okay. I don't think he's going to win, but I still think he's going to throw more. It's going to be one of those weird games. Well, and that's the thing too, for his passing yardage, she can throw for 400 and bucks still win this game. I wouldn't be shocked if something like that happens. Kelsey receptions, Tyreek Hill receptions. Tyreek is getting one and a half catches against Kelsey. Speaker 0 No, Kelsey is going to have Kelsey going to have more for sure. This is my time.
Starting point is 01:04:47 You had your time. You guys can vote. Did I give that? Did I give that? I don't even know if I give that. So if I didn't give it, I'm sorry. Oh no, that's all good. And then the last one.
Starting point is 01:04:55 Kelsey, just cause like I said, he's a big, I, you know what? I actually jumped in during your question. Hey, we're, we're having fun. Your head is shaped exactly like that. Mike. It's fucking unbelievable. I got, I got it dialed in. Speaker 0 5, 0 6, 0 7, 0 8, 0 9, 0 10, 0 11, 0 12, 0 13, 0 14, 0 15, 0 16, 0 17, 0 18, 0 19, 0 20, 0 21, 0 22, 0 23, 0 24, 0 25, 0 26, 0 27, 0 28, 0 29, 0 30, 0 31, 0 32, 0 33, 0 34, 0 35, 0 36, 0 37, 0 38, 0 39, 0 40, 0 41, 0 42, 0 43, 0 44, 0 45, 0 46, 0 46,
Starting point is 01:05:23 0 47, 0 49, 0 50, 0 51, 0 52, 0 52, 0 53, 0 54, 0 55, 0 56, 0 56, 0 57, 0 58, 0 59, 0 59, Which one's Godwin? There are other options. I don't even know about Penn state. He, he had the big game against green Bay. He's kind of an up and down. He's the kid who had the five. He has some drops though. So I'll go with Evans. All right. Kramer, where are you at with these?
Starting point is 01:05:34 I kind of, I like the angle that I think Evans is the sneaky guy that everyone seems to be forgetting. He's the number one guy. And let's not forget. He made Johnny football look good in college. Like that guy's good. We were at that that game I watched him against Alabama uh Johnny Manziel threw two touchdowns to him and they went up 14 nothing to Alabama and then Alabama had five in a
Starting point is 01:05:56 row without that was I'll tell you that's the loudest I've ever heard any fan base ever ever we were in college station they They were going fucking crazy. And Johnny Manziel had beat Alabama in Alabama. One of my favorite games ever Speaker 3 1,040. Speaker 4 1,040. Speaker 3 1,040. Speaker 1 1,040. Speaker 3 1,040.
Starting point is 01:06:15 Speaker 4 1,040. Speaker 3 1,040. Speaker 1 1,040. Speaker 3 1,040. Speaker 3 1,040. Speaker 3 1,040. Speaker 3 1,040. Speaker 3 1,040.
Starting point is 01:06:23 Speaker 3 1,040. Speaker 3 1,040. Speaker 3 1,040. Speaker 3 1,040. Speaker 3. That'll do it for the monkey knife fight props. Make sure you get in there, get the app, sign up, use that promo code bird, get that sweet deposit bonus. Make sure you subscribe to anything better. Speaker 1 1 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 11 0 10 0 11 0 11 0 10 0 11 0 11 0 11 0 11 0 11 0 11 0 a b-u-r-e i don't know it should have been beer all right well appreciate the time guys make sure you check out the anything better podcast on all things comedy good luck with the pics gentlemen all right great thank you so much guys take it easy guys go to monkey knife. They are the fastest growing daily fantasy gambling site on the planet.
Starting point is 01:07:07 Okay. They have games like more or less. Who's going to throw more passing yards? 330, 305, less or more. Brady Mahomes. You could go to all those prop bets. Okay. They have, you don't have to be a pro gambler to do it.
Starting point is 01:07:23 This is just amongst friends having fun, fantasy sports betting with your favorite players, or maybe you're not so favorite players. Me and Bill, we just had a lot of fun betting Brady Mahomes yards. Who's going to score first? Color of the Gatorade. I got blue. Color of the Gatorade. Makes no sense. Both teams are red.
Starting point is 01:07:43 And the name is Monkey Knife knife fight i don't care what site you're gambling on you have to go to and put a bet on that simply because simply because of that and and uh if you sign up with an account you'll get a five dollar free pass right now uh and 100% instant deposit matchup, $50 by using promo code BURR, B-U-R-R, monkey knife fight, guys. It's growing really fast. It's really so much fun, all the prop bets to gamble on. So go there, sign up for your account, get your free $5, and they will match it with promo code B-U-R-R, $50. Guys, this has been episode three. Thank you guys so much for the amazing comments, reviews. Please subscribe and like Anything Better Podcast
Starting point is 01:08:35 on iTunes, Spotify, everywhere you can get it. We really appreciate it. Hope you enjoy the show. We'll see you guys next week. Thank you.

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