Anything Better? - NBA & NHL Playoff Picks! | Bet MGM

Episode Date: May 21, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's up everybody and welcome back to another anything better bet mgm playoff segment we got some playoffs to talk about gonna talk a little basketball gonna talk a little hockey but first guys if you have not signed up yet uh and you've been waiting for a big splashy number to make your first bet, we've got the perfect offer for you. You got to sign up as always and use bonus code Burr, B-U-R-R. Very simple. They're giving you money here, people. And you can place your first bet risk-free up to $1,000 if you lose your wager. Listen to this one.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Oh, this one. This one. If you lose your wager, listen to this one. Oh, this one, this one. If you lose your thousand dollar wager, okay, you'll get your stake back up to a thousand in free bets. I mean, I don't know what else, I don't know what else these people could do. The only thing they could do is ring your doorbell and hand you five, you know, crispy stacks, 10 crispy stack, a crispy stack, right? You just sign up, go to BetMGM, make sure you use bonus code Burr. You get your thousand dollars risk-free. And here we go. Let's discuss some of our NBA finals picks predictions. Okay, let's do it. So here's the deal. This is my thing. And I tweeted this yesterday and I called bill and I bugged bill all the time with this shit because every time I,
Starting point is 00:01:32 every this time, every year I watched the NBA playoffs and I'm going, Oh, Oh, this is what the refs want to have happen this game. This is what has to happen this game because it can't go four or five because nobody's making any money and it drives me nuts there's no way a team should have a great game against another good team and then the next game get blown out by fucking 30 and everybody's pissed off at the refs calls that being said i do think that um the celtics are, from what I've watched, especially with Jimmy Butler still scored 20-something points, overall on all cylinders, Marcus Smart being the key, in my opinion, even though Tatum and Brown are the scorers, Marcus Smart in the game healthy.
Starting point is 00:02:17 They're a better all-around basketball team, and they're going to go to the NBA Finals. My prediction is the Celtics just on what I've been watching. So you're asking me who's going to win Eastern conference? Well, you know, what are you seeing with the heat? Do you like, do you like them against the heat or no? Who's going to win? Who's going to win?
Starting point is 00:02:40 For no other reason. Cause the Celtics are the balls. You must've seen that clip, right? The Celtics. Somebody was twisting his nuts up. Oh, it's so funny. I don't know what you did there. You kind of like fucking took the Celtics
Starting point is 00:02:59 and you also just said the NBA is fixed and they want what? The Celtics to win? No, no, no. I don't think the NBA is like, oh, they want what the Celtics to win. No, no, no. I don't think the NBA is like, Oh, this is what team is going to win. I think the NBA manipulates a better series for money. I mean, it's the most, it's the easiest fixed game of the four.
Starting point is 00:03:20 It's the only game where I can sit down the star. All I got to do is give him there's a ref give him two quick ones that's it two quick ones you won't see him to the second quarter yeah right then you give him a third one he comes out in the third quarter number four i mean just keep that he's keep him on the fucking bench file file baseline baseline is another big one. He stepped out. Stepped out. Going that way. That MGM's like, hey guys, get him to bet on the game.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Let's not talk that it's fixed. Can you bet on that? Who's the next mobbed up ref that they catch and they try to act like he's the only one in the league? Yeah. This is what drives me nuts
Starting point is 00:04:00 about fucking NBA hoop. Your team's up 25 at the half and you still got to sit there and sweat it out. It's a game of runs. I can't handle it. I was watching the Celtics game. We were up
Starting point is 00:04:17 25, fucking third quarter. They hit a couple of threes or something like that, and I was just like, you know what? My fucking head, all this business I got to do i i don't need this i don't need it i just fucking shut it off i went out i just sat down you know and occasionally i just went i just looked at a fucking score i can't i it's so ridiculous how much i care like you know it was weird if that game was tight i i could just sit there and watch dude I love how you just said you do care like a therapist because you do you just went you do care
Starting point is 00:04:52 yeah you I've never yeah you're one of my you're you're probably one of my even more than Bartnick with hockey you're the one of my friends that when you watch your team that you love, you really invest heart and soul, dude. When you say, oh, I lost a month off of my life, you kind of... No, I had just... When my kids were born, I had to lay off the sports. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:19 My father-in-law was over and we were watching games and stuff like that. He loves all the Boston teams and he just was, you know, rooting and cheering. All we were doing was rooting and cheering. Like he's an easygoing guy. And even just rooting and cheering, my daughter was just like, you know, why are they yelling?
Starting point is 00:05:44 Like, what's going on? And all we would do is just be like oh come on that was a strike that's it like that's how little i try to watch sports around no you you can't be in the other other room and just be like oh dad that's a bad word i mean sorry you uh you care so much you protect yourself Like you do that defense mechanism where I'll be like, dude, I've been, how long have we been friends? No, no. And you felt like you needed to protect yourself. We've been friends. Because when you were young, no one protected you. I'm okay, Bill. You're okay. But no, but Bill would do this thing where I would call him up and I'd go, dude, dude, we've been friends, what, 15 years? I'd call him up.
Starting point is 00:06:28 I'd go, dude, I love the defense you guys got. Or I love that receiver. And Bill would always go without missing. Yeah, no, but I don't know, man, because we still have – you would always – you just never wanted to go, yeah, we're all in. We're going to win. Smart. Yeah, no, because – Yeah, because I learned being young
Starting point is 00:06:48 just being like, oh yeah, it's going to happen. I'm just setting myself up for just falling off a hundred story building instead of a thousand. Having said that, I got to tell you, there's games when we need to win and they show Jason Tatum's face. I just look in his eyes. I go, we're going to win.
Starting point is 00:07:04 I knew we were going to win that game seven. All those Celtics greats were there, except Larry Bird. I don't know what we ever did. Guy never comes by, never swings by. Yeah, he's a private kind of – he's just one of those I'll watch from afar type of guys. He's in Indiana. He's not –
Starting point is 00:07:23 Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. i guarantee we did something maybe yeah there's always there's always something we always we always fuck things up jason tatum like it's amazing that the patriots um you know, once Kraft came around, that he honors all of these players during the Sullivan era. And he made like a Patriots Hall of Fame and he honors them and brings them to games and stuff like that. And that's a really good thing to do, I feel.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Have the greats coming back around saying it's a good place to play and all that type of shit. But like, you know, you're a great franchise, and, like, the old people don't come around. It's just kind of like, all right, I guess this is some business. So you have the Celtics winning the series against the Heat? Yeah, because the Celtics are the balls. I absolutely have them winning.
Starting point is 00:08:25 I mean, I don't think absolutely. Paul, I'm talking with my hat here, kid. I want him to win. How about that? What do I think about the series? I don't know shit about the Heat. How about that? All right.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Well, I know Jimmy Butler. Right. And I think other than... Is Kelly Olenek still there? No. And I think... I don't even know. I haven't seen that guy.
Starting point is 00:08:54 But they got this Abayu guy. They gave him all that money. I don't know if he's there, if he's hurt. I haven't seen him play. I haven't seen him play once in the playoffs. Let me tell you something about Kelly Olenek. That is the last white guy you want to see in a game seven. The biggest game sevens you're ever going to see in your life.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Oh, here we go. The man rises to the occasion. Here's some odds, Bill. We got the Miami Heat going to the Boston Celtics for game three. It's series is tied at one. Celtics are minus six and a half. And then the Mavericks are down. Oh, one,
Starting point is 00:09:30 they played tonight and they are six and a half point dogs. Do the Mavericks go down? I like the Mavericks. I like the Mavericks. Yeah. Luke is great, but I like the, I like the warriors in the series because if Klay Thompson could be 85% of Klay Thompson,
Starting point is 00:09:48 I think they'll shoot it out and win. So I'm taking that. All right, the risk of going 0 for 2 here, I'm going to go with the Dallas Mavericks because just know that Bill's betting with his heart this week. Okay. Heart's right on his sleeve. I think Dallas can surprise surprising people. You know,
Starting point is 00:10:07 I think all that talent they have on Golden State, you know, I'm thinking, I'm thinking that's a bit of a fluke. You know, what's funny is I had somebody come to my show in Tampa and go, dude, man, you and Burr won me some money in the NFL. Thank you. Now I'm going to give it all back. Now he's going to give it all back with our NBA picks. I'm in Tampa right now.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Oh, great city. You know the first Hooters in the history of this country? It's right over there in Clearwater. Is that right? That's right. And everybody always trashes Tampa. They gave us Hooters. they gave us hooters they gave us hooters they gave us scientology and they might be giving us paul the first back to back
Starting point is 00:10:55 to back stanley cup champion since the new york islanders that won four in a row in the early 80s nobody's won three in a row Paul nobody's won three championships in a row in the four major sports I think since your New York Yankees um is that true wow 98 99 2000 it makes me think of the sad. I feel sad saying this. I'm going there next week. It makes me feel sad for the Buffalo Bills because they had four. The Buffalo Bills could have potentially won four in a row. No.
Starting point is 00:11:41 No? They could have. I mean, they went to four. There you go well you could have you could potentially have won them they could have gone two and two yeah they weren't that that that cowboys team would have been tough to beat they were they weren't beating that team yeah that team would have been tough that team was tough to beat beat. Jimmy Johnson, the three-headed monster. I know that they had, but I mean, I don't know. Well, speaking of hockey, Bill.
Starting point is 00:12:13 They could have beat you guys, but I don't know. They went up against Bill Belichick in 1990, and they went up against Joe Gibbs, Jimmy Johnson, Jimmy Johnson. I mean, those are all Hall of Fame coaches. Yeah. Yeah, not getting one is rough. But speaking of hockey, though, Bill, I was like, you know what? I got to watch this.
Starting point is 00:12:41 I was like, I'm not going to be a bandwagon fan, but I got to watch a Ranger game seven if I can. So I was going back and forth NBA playoffs. And then the Rangers go to overtime in game seven at the garden. And I'm like, all right, now I'm in this because it's like, it's the garden. I would have bet the house on the Penguins. I would have been, Crosby's going to do something.
Starting point is 00:13:02 Malkin, they've been doing it for decades. Malkin and Crosby actually almost did. Crosby had, Crosby's going to do something. Malkin, they've been doing it for decades. Malkin and Crosby actually almost did. Crosby just missed a goal, and then the Rangers won it, and Madison Square Garden went absolutely apeshit. And then my manager hits me up, and my manager goes, the great Rory Rosegard goes, hey, Paul, I'm taking you to game four If you want to go to game four of the Stanley cup playoffs. And I'm like, yeah, I'll go. I do a sports podcast. I love New York.
Starting point is 00:13:34 I love Madison square garden. I'll go, you know, I'm not going to lie and put a Jersey on. I'm not going to go nuts and like, be like they got to win or be devastated, but it'll be cool to be there in the building. So who do you got in that series, Bill? Who do you got? So Bill has – so just to recap this,
Starting point is 00:13:53 Bill has the Dallas Mavericks winning the series against the Golden State Warriors. You heard it here first. I got Golden State winning that one, and we both have the Boston Celtics beating the Miami Heat. So there you have it. And I'm going to actually take the Miami Heat getting six and a half, but losing that game.
Starting point is 00:14:22 So if you want to know my – I got one for you, Paul. Yeah. I got one for you, Paul. Yeah. I got one for you. I'm either going to go 2-0 or 0-2. I guarantee that. I'm not splitting this. Either both things I said were absolutely right,
Starting point is 00:14:41 or I'm fucking 400 miles down the road. The Boston Celtics are a better basketball team. They're going to the finals. The question is, does Luka Doncic, whatever, have enough? Did his arm get hurt? Can he beat the Golden State Warriors? That's what it comes down to. We're both going to win the Celtics.
Starting point is 00:15:03 We're both going to win the Celtics. Oh, how about this i just got this bad i got a bad feeling that the glow uh the i almost said the global warming the golden state warriors are reclaiming their their their crown they when clay plays you know he had both of those injuries. He tore an ACL in a knee and, and ripped his Achilles in the other leg and he's back and he looks like one game. He's clay again. And another game, he does not. If he can play, like I said, to that level, even close to it, Draymond green, they got that kid, Jordan pool. They got Andrew Wiggins. I like him to win it all and by
Starting point is 00:15:45 the way steve kerr annoys me so like i don't really like golden state like that you know and uh and i like steph curry but steph curry hit that big three last game and then he did this he like it was like in the middle like he did a full-on dude he hits a three he holds it up what you know me i like a little shit talk i like a little but then after that he holds it up and then he just he turned into i swear to god like uh rick flair walking he just starts doing this like down the court and you just see like luca and the mavs looking at him and that shit happened when the suns talked shit so i don't know golden states on a little bit of that like shit talking.
Starting point is 00:16:26 We'll see. Who do you got in the Stanley Cup, Bill? Who you got? You got the Rangers? You got to go Tampa the whole way. You're going Tampa the whole way. I think Tampa three-peats. I don't think anybody's going to stop them.
Starting point is 00:16:39 I hate the St. Louis Blues. Fuck those guys. I mean, I've done this all heart this week. You know, you got the Battle of Alberta. You got the Battle of Florida. Then you got St. Louis is playing Colorado. And what do you got? Who are the Rangers playing?
Starting point is 00:16:55 The Canes. All right. Oh, Jesus. Yeah, they fucking handled us. Paul, I'm not going to lie to you. I've been fucking in an edit room for two months. I don't know what's happening anywhere. Okay, well, if you're not the hockey guy, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:17:14 I'm like that person who doesn't watch sports and goes like, I like those uniforms. All right, the Carolina Hurricanes beat us, so I'm going to go with them because of that dumb thing. Well, at least we lost to the Stanley, eventual Stanley Cup champions. At least they went to the Eastern Conference Finals or something. I just, I don't see anybody stopping Tampa Bay. Florida was supposed to beat them, and they're just doing that thing
Starting point is 00:17:42 where a great team just knows how to win. They know what to do. They're going to, they're just doing that thing where a great team just knows how to win they know what to do they're gonna they're turning it on florida by the time they figure out what's going on in that series the shit is going to be over and then they're going to be sitting there eight games away eight games away all sitting there with their fucking 49er beards. I guess they're going to take the whole thing, Paul. You're going to see three in a row. All right. Well, listen.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Not one. Not two. Three. Well, listen, I don't know hockey, so it's got to be you. All right. There you go, guys. Hey, can I imitate an NBA fan when the 40th three-pointer of the game goes in? Yes, please do.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Okay, the guy takes a shot. Ah! Ah! They used to take, like, fucking 10 three-pointers in a game, and I never saw anybody do that shit. I mean, every fucking time somebody takes 10 three-pointers in the game and i never saw anybody do that shit i mean every fucking time somebody takes a three-pointer somebody in front of you's got to go like this it's like we see the line put your fucking hand down you fucking chip stop doing what everybody's doing it because they're doing it
Starting point is 00:19:01 the fuck is wrong i I swear to God. It's the fucking herd mentality. It's one of the greatest things ever about a stand-up comic. Being a stand-up fucking comedian. It's your fucking instinct to just go. Listen, you're not good in a crisis. Playing crashes, we all got to pull in the same direction. You're the guy that eventually they're going to kill and use as a food source. But I'm saying as long as you're not in that situation being a stand-up comedian and always going the other way picking the mavericks and not the warriors
Starting point is 00:19:34 uh yeah that reminded me of uh that reminded me of my uh yeah no i heard you that reminded me of the herd mentality is um you know my son's little i tell you i tell you a story yesterday my son's young you know so we we went to the garden and it was the only nick playoff win and you know that whole thing that tom brady does really took off well let's fucking go let's fucking go which i don't mind a lot of people don't like let's go i like let's go because it's not it's like hey let's let's let's fucking go. Let's fucking go, which I don't mind. A lot of people don't like let's go. I like let's go. Cause it's not, it's like, Hey, let's, let's, let's fucking beat these guys. I like to go. What's wrong with let's go. Yeah, no, let's go is great. And the, and the, you know, Marcus smart hit that three and he looked at his bench and he goes, let's fucking go. I like it. Right. So Lucas keeps hearing this and my son is actually not a follower. So he just goes, dad,
Starting point is 00:20:24 dad, I kind of like when they do that. Can I, he goes, do you mind if I curse? Can I curse just one time when, when all the adults and everybody curses? And I go, yeah, buddy, you can. And dude, Emmanuel quickly is at the half court line. I do it. Madison square guard. I've never heard anything like this.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Emmanuel cookies at the half court line playoff game. We need to win. We lost game one and he throws Emmanuel Cook is at the half court line, playoff game. We need to win. We lost game one. And he throws an alley-oop from half court, and it looks like it's going to go over the backboard. And Obi Toppin catches it with his fingers. I don't know how he didn't, and he just yoked it. Dude, the place, fucking, I'm getting the chills now.
Starting point is 00:21:00 And my son is blushing. The place is going nuts. Everyone's standing up. The garden's rocking. And all these adults are going, yeah, let's fucking go. So Lucas is like, now's my time to curse. So he goes, let's fucking go. And I'm like, all right, buddy. It's like, you bitches take your pussy. Whoa, whoa, dude. Take your pussy back to Atlanta.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Like, dude, what the, he just wanted to like blow his load of like, cause his dad said he could go once. And he just, he just went in, dude. It was really funny. It was really funny. He got you on a technicality. Yeah. And he looked at me. I said, you could curse one time. Oh, I thought you meant this one time I can curse. Oh, I'm sorry. Um, all right guys. Well, listen, I'm sorry. All right, guys. Well, listen, that's the segment. Please, if you are watching these things and you want to make some money with us, have a good time. It's very, very easy to sign up. Just download the BetMGM app. Use bonus code Burr. Very simple. B-U-R-R. You're going to get a thousand dollars to bet. And if you lose your stack, you're getting it back.
Starting point is 00:22:05 I didn't even mean for that to rhyme, but it was perfect. So there you go. Visit BetMGM. Terms and conditions, 21 years of age, of course, or older to wager in Arizona, Colorado, DC, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, Nevada, New York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, or Wyoming only. New customers offer all promotions. What the hell's left? I know, right? I think that's, or maybe that's not Minnesota, Missouri. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:22:43 I think I, or maybe that's not Minnesota, Missouri. Sorry. I think I or maybe both Minnesota and Missouri new customers offer. All promotions are subject to qualification and eligibility requirements. OK, rewards issued, non-withdrawals, free bets or site credit. Free bet. Free bets expire in seven days from insurance. Excludes Michigan. Disassociated persons, please gamble responsibly. Gambling problem? Call 1-800-NEXT-STEP for Arizona. 1-800-522-4700 for Colorado, D.C., Louisiana, Nevada, Wyoming, Virginia.
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Starting point is 00:24:19 Yeah. Georgia, Hawaii, Ohio, and Utah, and other states where prohibited. Promotion offers not available in Nevada. Don't forget to download the app. Make sure you use bonus code BURR, B-U-R-R, when you sign up. And go get that $1,000. And go put that $1,000 on, you know, one of our picks. We're not too confident with this.
Starting point is 00:24:46 I like Celtics and Warriors. I'm not going to lie to you I would put the money on Celtics to win the series Especially coming home after that 20-point win There you have it Marcus Smart's the difference The kid's an animal And of course he's not a Nick Why would he be?
Starting point is 00:25:00 Why would he be a fucking Nick? All right, there you go, guys We'll see you later Enjoy the betting You know, you don't sound like a guy in a town right now where both baseball teams are just ripping it up. Well, we're not talking a lot to look forward to. And here you are. All you're doing is complaining about your fucking Knicks.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Yeah. Every week with you, Paul. I'm a delusional Nick fan. I was talking about that yesterday. I know. You sat I was talking about that yesterday. I know. You sat there fucking talking about them. They threw an alley-oop, and it was. Dude, I'll call a friend and be like, dude,
Starting point is 00:25:35 dude, Luka Donich was seen at JFK. He's coming. It's like, no, his sister lives here. It's the offseason. No, no, he's coming. The Mavs are in town. They got a game, Paul. No, he said he's coming. The Mavs are in town. They got a game, Paul. No, he said he loved them.
Starting point is 00:25:49 I'm telling you, he was smiling. He was taking pictures. He's coming here. Unless you heard something that I didn't think. No, dude, he was with his family. He was with his family at the Statue of Liberty, dude. He's going to be a Nick. He's going to be a Nick. I'm delusional, dude. Me and Lucas do a thing before we go.
Starting point is 00:26:10 We'll go. We'll sign off in a second. Me and Lucas do a thing where when he's like, Dad, can you just lay with me as I fall asleep? We Google every star to the Knicks just to see if there's an article where there's some hope. That's that's the level of desperation we're at. I've literally like laid with him and we go, all right, let's see Luka. And he'd be like, Luka Donich does have some interest, years of blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, dude, you never know. You never know. And we just laugh. He knows.
Starting point is 00:26:36 He knows too. Luka Donich sleeps with the fishes. All right, guys. Enjoy. Enjoy betting. Bet responsibly and enjoy the NBA and NHL playoffs. And for all you nerds out there, this was a free shirt. I don't know what this is. I like Batman, though. That's great. That's I love a trust fund kid that goes bad.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Hey, Bill, guess what's coming up in two months, three months? What are you talking about? Football season now. My Birmingham Stallions. Amazing games. Are they good? You know why there's nobody at those games, Paul? Because people's hearts can't take it.
Starting point is 00:27:24 They can't take the excitement. What's quieter, a USFL game or a WNBA game? Dude, that's a tough one. What would you rather go to? Well, I feel bad for the USFL guy that's taking a beating and then looking in the stands and nobody's there. Guy makes a one-handed catch. That your reason no not sexism uh i got a whole bit about that in my new special paul oh nice about how women blame us because they don't support women playing sports. Then it becomes fucking my fault.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Oh, boy. Why don't you take my lead? Watch what I do for my own sex. Why don't you try doing that? I got to be on like that shit that they talk when they sit there going, you know, Tom Brady makes like eight times what there's nobody watching you let's save that for the ab get your money yeah do not understand business
Starting point is 00:28:37 i don't know if this works i don't know what's funnier the point you're making or the fact that you're making it in a bat T-shirt while you're yelling is the greatest thing ever. Bill just likes rich people. All right, guys, this is Bet MGM. Enjoy. We will see you. Subscribe to the Anything Better YouTube channel and enjoy this week's Anything Better.

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