anything goes with emma chamberlain - coachella 2022

Episode Date: April 21, 2022

i’ve been sweating and breathing dust for three straight days and my feet are covered in blisters which can only mean i just got back from coachella. there is obviously so much hype around coachella... so i’m going to give you guys the pros and cons, recap what happened this year, and give you some tips and tricks so you can thrive at your next music festival Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello. I don't have a voice. I lost my voice because I was just at Coachella this past weekend and my lungs are filled with dust and I was screaming for three days straight and so I just don't have a voice. So in today's episode I'm going to talking very soothingly, very calmly, very lightly. And hopefully it has a sort of ASMR effect that's enjoyable. You know, hopefully the soft speaking is actually pleasant. This is an episode that you could even fall asleep, too, because my voice is so barely there. Anyway, I just got back from Coachella. It was a fun year, I would say.
Starting point is 00:00:55 It was a fun year. But every time that I go to Coachella, I'm always like, oh my God, that was so difficult. Like the whole weekend is so difficult. There's a lot of problems that you run into and a lot of them could be prevented if you just thought a little harder and you just planned a little harder.
Starting point is 00:01:22 And so that's why in today's episode, I'm going to be giving you festival advice. This could apply to Coachella or any other music festival that you want to go to. I would say Coachella is the most extreme festival. You know, it's the most, actually that might not necessarily be true. There's just a lot of hype around it. Coachella's like the Kylie Jenner of Music Festivals, right?
Starting point is 00:01:53 It's the most glamorous, it's the most talked about, it has the most hype around it, whatever. But anyway, I'm going to be giving some music festival advice today. My first piece of advice is that you need to be extremely thoughtful about what you wear. I'll use myself as an example. On one of the days of Coachella this year, I decided to wear a full body suit type thing. It was kind of like a romper, you know, it's like a, it's like shorts and a tank top connected. I decided to wear a romper that was very tight and very difficult to get on and off. But very cute, but very difficult to get on and off. This was a problem because every time I had to go to the bathroom throughout the day, I
Starting point is 00:02:51 had to fully take off this whole bodysuit. And normally that would be just a minor issue, but when it's 100 degrees out and you're sweating, taking on and off a full body suit is so difficult. It is so difficult. The sweat, like it makes your clothes cling to you in a way that makes it so difficult to get clothes on and off. So that was not great planning on my part, right?
Starting point is 00:03:22 A full body suit was not the right idea. Also wearing something extremely tight was not the right idea. Also wearing something extremely tight, not the right idea. I was sweating my ass off in this bodysuit. The fabric was like thick knit material and I was just boiling in that thing. So that just wasn't great planning. I also decided on one
Starting point is 00:03:47 of the days to wear a new pair of boots that I'd never worn before. I walked into the festival and within the first five minutes of me being there, I had massive blisters on my heel and I had to start asking everybody I knew if they had band-aids. Thankfully, one person was smart and brought a whole package of band-aids. I went through probably between 10 and 15 band-aids in that one day alone. And I have the most massive blister on my heel that I've ever seen. Now, it wasn't one of those things where it was like, oh, you know, I walked 20,000 steps, and then I started to get a blister.
Starting point is 00:04:31 No, I had a blister, like less than an hour after putting the boots on my feet, right? It was not good. And this catastrophe could have been avoided if I had worn a pair of boots that I had worn before because you know, you know the staple pieces in your closet. You know the pairs of boots in your closet that don't give you blisters and you know the ones that do. So when you're going to be walking for 10 hours a day at a festival, you know which boots in your closet are not going to cause a problem and you know which boots are going to.
Starting point is 00:05:14 But if you wear a new pair of boots, you don't know. You don't know what these boots are going to do to you, you know? So wearing a new pair of shoes was not the best idea. When picking out an outfit for a music festival, you need to think about a few things. Number one, are you going to be comfortable in it for 10 plus hours? Number two, are you going to have a wardrobe malfunction?
Starting point is 00:05:44 Is there a possibility that while you're dancing around, a butt cheek might pop out, a boob might pop out? You might sweat through your entire outfit, like these are questions you need to be asking. Also, when you decide to accessorize, let's say with rings, are the rings too tight? Because I had an issue this weekend where I got a ring stuck on my finger because when you're walking around a lot and you're moving around a lot and it's really hot out, your
Starting point is 00:06:22 body gets swollen a little bit. And so I didn't really think about this, and I was wearing a bunch of rings on my finger. And one of the rings got stuck so bad because I, when I put it on, it was in the morning. And my body temperature was cool and everything was fine. In the middle of the day, when it's really hot, and I'm sweating and I'm swollen because I've been walking around all day, I got a ring stuck on my finger. And it was so bad that in order to get it off, I literally was spitting on my finger so that I could squeeze it off.
Starting point is 00:06:56 And I now have cuts all over my finger from trying to get this ring off because I just didn't plan accordingly. That piece of advice might not apply to all festivals because not all festivals occur in really hot weather, but Coachella does. So you need to plan for the hot weather and you need to plan for how your body is going to change throughout the day. You're going to get swollen, you're going to get sweaty. Are your clothes and your accessories going to become a problem when those things happen? All of that needs to be considered. And you would think, after three years of me going to Coachella, that I would know to plan
Starting point is 00:07:37 accordingly. For whatever reason, it seems that I forget every time that I go, that my outfit needs to be really well thought out. And it does, it can't be all about looking cute. It also needs to be about functionality. So I think really, really thinking about your outfits and whether or not they're going to be a problem later is possibly some of my biggest advice.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Because the truth is, is it, yes, music festivals are an opportunity to make a fashion statement. Don't get me wrong, I love that. But at the same time, it needs to be a wearable fashion statement. You know what I'm saying? You need to strike a balance between fashionable and comfortable. I'm not saying that you need to show up to the festival in some ASIC running shoes and running shorts.
Starting point is 00:08:33 I'm not saying that. You can still be fashionable. You can still be cute, but you have to be thoughtful. And I'd honestly avoid wearing boots at all costs because I wore boots two days in a row at the festival and I was in a lot of pain-bilt days. On the last day, I decided to wear sneakers and it was so much more comfortable. So I would really recommend finding a chic sneaker
Starting point is 00:08:59 and going that route instead of wearing boots because although boots are very cute, they're not very comfortable. And also you sweat in them and you get blisters in them. It's just not good. Anyway, my second piece of advice is to eat and drink as much as you can before you go to the festival because number one, the lines to get food in water are insane. You will be waiting for an hour to get food. That's just the truth of the matter. And the other thing is, the
Starting point is 00:09:37 food is so expensive. If you were to get a hot dog at a hot dog stand somewhere, it would be maybe $2. Maybe as high as $5. At a music festival, a hot dog is $15. You see what I'm saying? It's like out of control. The prices are insane. And so it's just better to prepare your body properly by eating a nice big meal and drinking a lot of water before you leave so that you don't have an emergency where you're like,
Starting point is 00:10:16 I'm starving. I need food right now. And then you get in line and you have to wait in line for an hour and then you get to the front of the line and then you see that then you see that a hot dog is $15, and you're like, I don't even want a $15 hot dog. Like, that's not even worth it to me. I don't even like hot dogs that much. And then you're like, well, now I'm stuck
Starting point is 00:10:35 getting a $15 hot dog. If you're not in desperate food mode while you're there, then you can make more rational decisions. You know, you can take your time and look around at all the different food options and be like, you know what, I'm in the mood for a veggie burger. And yes, the veggie burger is $25, but you know what, it's worth it to me because I love a good veggie burger. Or you could just bring a lot of snacks, you know. You could bring snacks in your bag,
Starting point is 00:11:07 eat snacks all day, and then make yourself a nice big dinner when you get home. Like, you need to plan the food situation. You can't just assume that you're going to be going to a festival and eating easily. Like, it's a challenge to get food. But you're also, you know, running around all day and you're getting hungry, you know, so you need to plan for the food situation. You usually can't bring drinks into festivals. You usually can't bring water into the festival. So I think you need to go and get a water bottle.
Starting point is 00:11:48 First thing, when you get into the festival, find one and buy one, and then just have it on you all day. Because you also don't want to get into a situation where you're really dehydrated, and then you have to wait in an hour long line to get water when you're already like extremely dehydrated. I will say though that all of the food I ate at Coachella this weekend was so good. Like I didn't have one bad meal at the festival.
Starting point is 00:12:18 I ate a few times while I was there. It was very difficult every time. It was a long process every time, and I just tried to avoid it at all costs by eating before and after, but the few times that I did eat while I was there, it was very good. So at least you know that the work is worth it, right?
Starting point is 00:12:38 Like the work to get some festival food is worth it. The food's amazing. I had some tater tots, like loaded tater tots, very good. I ate a lot of random different french fries off of other people's plates throughout the weekend. All of those being delicious. I had some popsicles, those were all very good. I had some ice cream. That was very good.
Starting point is 00:13:05 I had a bunch of other things. It was all good, right? And I would argue that it was worth the money, but at the same time, you know, getting those things was so challenging that I was glad that I prepared myself before I left each day. My next piece of advice is plan your bathroom breaks thoughtfully, because the line to the bathroom is so long. If you're having a P emergency or a Poo emergency, you're fucked at a music festival,
Starting point is 00:13:42 because the lines to the bathroom are so incredibly long. But on top of that, the bathrooms are so unfortunate and dirty and gross that like it's not the kind of bathroom that you can run into at any given moment and just like plop down on the seat and like go to the bathroom. Like when you go into the bathroom out of music festival, you want to clean the seat first. You want to line the toilet seat with toilet paper or you know one of those like toilet seat liners because it's disgusting in there. It's not like the type of bathroom where you just like you know you're having a pee or poo
Starting point is 00:14:22 emergency and you just can run in and sit down immediately and start going to the bathroom. No, it's disgusting. You need to prepare, you need to clean the seat, you need to do the whole thing. And so I think it's wisest to do bathroom breaks every few hours with the whole group that you're with. And whether or not everyone has to go to the bathroom, it doesn't matter. Everyone needs to try. It's like before you leave for a road trip and your whole family is like, okay, we all have to go to the bathroom one more time. It's the same thing at Coachella.
Starting point is 00:14:54 It's like every few hours everybody needs to go to the bathroom and at least try because they might not have access to a bathroom for another few hours. I also don't recommend drinking too much coffee while you're there. I know it might be tempting to go to one of the coffee stands at a music festival and grab a coffee, but I think that you need to be drinking your coffee before you leave because coffee makes you have to pee and it makes you have to poop.
Starting point is 00:15:22 And guess what? Peeing and pooping at a music festival is one of the most difficult things that you'll do. So again, we need to be planning accordingly. I would say stick to water, honestly. And if you need caffeine, I don't know. I don't know what to tell you. You should have, you should have planned better and you should have had multiple coffees before you left, where you still had access to a toilet. My next piece of advice is don't bring things that you care about to a festival. You're going to lose things.
Starting point is 00:16:00 You're going to lose sunglasses. You're going to lose jewelry. You might even lose your bag. You know what I mean? Like, plan on losing things, bring things that you don't care about losing because you're running around all day and it's inevitable that something's going to get left behind at some point. It might be your portable phone charger. It might be your favorite pair of sunglasses.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Where cheap jewelry? Where cheap sunglasses? Bring a cheap portable charger. Like don't bring your favorite things. I actually managed to not lose anything, this whole entire Coachella. I don't know how it's possible, but years in the past, I would lose everything.
Starting point is 00:16:46 I would lose everything. By the end of the day, I left with less things than I brought, and every single time. This year, I don't know why I didn't, but normally I do. And so I think it's best to not bring things that you care too much about, because the last thing that you want is to be scrambling and upset
Starting point is 00:17:08 because you lost something important to you and to try and go find it and realize that it's gone into the music festival abyss. Like that's a terrible feeling. And the whole point of these festivals is to have fun. So you don't want to have a heartbreaking moment where you lost something that you care about. My next piece of advice is prepare yourself to wait around a lot.
Starting point is 00:17:35 Okay. Music festivals are so overpopulated, it is insane. There are so many people at these festivals. It is actually unbelievable. It reminds me of amusement parks. You know how when you go to an amusement park you prepare yourself to wait in lines to get on rides all day like I don't know if any of you have been to Disneyland or Disney World, but if you go to Disneyland or Disney World, you usually have to wait a minimum of an hour and a half to get on a roller coaster that will last for,
Starting point is 00:18:18 what, two minutes. It's the same thing with Coach Hella, you know what I mean? You might have to wait 45 minutes to get into the bathroom. You might have to wait an hour and a half to get food. You might have to wait two hours for a car to come pick you up from the festival. You might have to wait an hour for your favorite artist to come on. There's going to be a lot of waiting. So just prepare yourself for it
Starting point is 00:18:50 and just lean into it. You just kind of have to accept it. You have to accept that majority of your time spent at these music festivals will be spent waiting for the next thing. You know, it's not like boom, boom, boom, I'm running around and it's just like one exciting moment after another. No, there's a lot of waiting in between and you have to be ready for that. But if you bring the right people, you bring the right friends, the festival, it can be really fun. Like for example, this year I went with people that I have a lot of fun with. Every single person that I went with, I have fun with. And so it didn't even feel like we were waiting for stuff all the
Starting point is 00:19:30 time, even though we were, because we all had fun together and we all get along really well. And it was great. Years in the past, I've gone with people that I maybe don't get along super smoothly with, right? So everything felt a lot more grueling and there were a lot more disagreements and there was a lot more painful waiting. If you bring people that you have fun with in any scenario, you're gonna be in a good spot
Starting point is 00:20:00 because even the worst of moments will become fun. And that leads me to my next piece of advice. Be thoughtful about who you go with to music festivals, because music festivals will test your friendship. You think you have a great friendship with somebody, go, go to a music festival with them. There's a lot of room for argument because one person might want to go see an artist while another person might need to go to the bathroom. And it's
Starting point is 00:20:33 really not the best idea to separate from your group in Adam's music festival because it's very hard to find somebody again. Because the venues are huge. And also, there's usually no phone reception. Because there's so many people trying to call and text in a condensed area at one time that the phone towers, even though it is 2022, and you would think that technology has advanced past overwhelming a phone tower. You would think, but no.
Starting point is 00:21:08 When there's a lot of people in one place, phone reception is not good. And so it's very difficult to call and text somebody and be like, hey, meet me here. It's just not going to happen. Calls are not going through. Texts are not sending. It's very hard to separate and then meet back up.
Starting point is 00:21:27 So you kind of need to stay together for the whole day. And I think you need to go with people that are willing to make some compromises with you, you know, because there's going to be conflicts of interest. You should also go with people that have similar music taste to you, or else, you know, one person is gonna wanna go see the country musician when you wanna go see Harry Styles. You see what I'm saying? It's like, you wanna be on the same page
Starting point is 00:22:01 with the people that you're going with. They need to be people that are chill. You got to go with your chill friends. If you're like, hmm, okay, I could go with my chill friends or I could go with my not chill friends. Go with the chill friends because otherwise there will be arguments. There will probably be arguments, regardless, but try to go with people that you really, really get along with.
Starting point is 00:22:31 My next piece of advice is don't come with any expectations at all. You can't, because you will inevitably be disappointed that way. In the years past, I've always been very disappointed after going to Coachella, because I had such high expectations that it was going to be the best weekend of my life, and that it was going to be smooth sailing all the way through, you know, and everything was just gonna be a dream.
Starting point is 00:22:59 It's gonna be a weekend from my dreams. And that never happened, because Coachella and music festivals in general are a mess. That's truly what they are. They're a mess. They're so exhausting. You're walking around all day. Your body hurts.
Starting point is 00:23:21 You didn't make it to that one performance that you really wanted to see. Your friend got really dehydrated and you know, you know, didn't feel very good. Like, there's always chaos. And that's the truth of a music festival. It's never perfect, it's never smooth sailing. So you can't go with expectations.
Starting point is 00:23:47 There's a good chance that you're not going to make it to see all the artists that you wanted to see. There's a chance that there's a technical difficulty during one of the artist performances that you wanted to see and it didn't turn out as amazing as you expected. There's a lot of that going on. There's a lot of mishaps. And so if you go to the festival and you have no expectations, you're like, I don't care what happens, whatever happens happens,
Starting point is 00:24:18 you're far more likely to have a good time. I think that the disappointment and the upset comes from an unrealistic expectation of what a music festival is going to be. It's not going to be the best weekend of your life. It's just not. Your best case scenario is that you maybe got to see one artist that you like and you didn't sprain your ankle. Like that's best case scenario and maybe you made a few good memories. To be honest, I think some of the best memories from music festivals, come from the chaos. Like, you know, honestly a fond memory for me is my friends and I running around trying to find band-aids.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Because multiple people in the group that I was with had blisters, and so we're all like, literally limping around the festival, trying to find band-aids. That ended up being a funny memory, right? A lot of the good memories come from those moments of chaos and then solving the chaos. It's the crisis averted that creates a good memory. It's not the smooth sailing that creates a good memory.
Starting point is 00:25:51 So keep that in mind. Don't have your expectations too high and just go into it with the mindset that I just want to make the most out of the weekend and have a decent enough experience and you're going to be pleasantly surprised if you go into it with that mindset. Whereas you're going to be horribly disappointed if you go into it thinking, I'm going to see all of my favorite artists this weekend. I'm going to see them all perform and it's all going to be perfect. And I'm going to be super comfortable the whole weekend.
Starting point is 00:26:20 And it's just going to be the best weekend of my life. No, no, no, nope. Next, wear a lot of sunscreen. You are in direct sunlight for the first six hours of the festival with almost no room or places to get shade. So you need to be prepared accordingly and you also need to be prepared to be in the sun for three days straight. Bring sunscreen with you, wear
Starting point is 00:26:52 sunscreen to the festival. Bring aloe vera to the place that you're staying so that you can put aloe vera on you after every day of the festival. You need to be prioritizing your comfort. And so that is a huge priority. Okay, but also bring a jacket because I didn't do this the first two days. I didn't bring a jacket or sweater or anything. And when the sun goes down, it gets cold, no matter what music festival you're at, it gets cold at night. And it might be annoying to carry around
Starting point is 00:27:37 a sweater or a jacket all day when it's fucking boiling hot. But in my opinion, the most fun part of a festival is after the sun goes down. And you don't want to be cold. I was so cold the first two days because I was wearing almost nothing. I was wearing like, I was covering basically just my abdomen. Like my legs and arms were out for the first two days. And the second of the sun went down, I was freezing cold and it made me miserable. It was like, that was the straw that broke the Kimmel's back
Starting point is 00:28:31 for the first two days. That was the thing that made me need to go home the first two days because it was like, okay, I could handle being a little sunburn. I could handle having a few blisters on my heels. I could handle, you know, smelling like shit because I'd been sweating all day. I could handle that, but the second I got cold, I was like, that's too much.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Now it's too much. Now I can't handle it. And I was so regretful every day that I didn't bring some sort of jacket. And I think that if I would have done that, I would have been a lot happier. So that's that. My last piece of advice is if you don't
Starting point is 00:29:18 end up going for whatever reason to a music festival that all your friends are going to. Don't beat yourself up over it. Don't get me wrong. Music festivals are very fun. There's a lot of memories to be made. It's like a weekend long party.
Starting point is 00:29:38 It's fun. Don't get me wrong. But it's also not life-changing. And if you have to miss a year, if you don't get invited, if you don't think it's worth it to spend money on the ticket this year, don't get too upset over it. Okay. It's not the end of the world. It's definitely not the most fun weekend of the year. It's actually very painful, very difficult. It's extremely expensive.
Starting point is 00:30:19 It's not really that worth it. It's truly, it's really fun, but it's also not that worth it. Like, it truly, it's really fun, but it's also not that worth it. Like, I don't think that it's an amazing enough experience to make it worth it. I think that you're better off going to a concert with your friends. Like, if you really want to see live music, go to a concert. Concerts are so much more fun, honestly, because they're always or usually at night, and they're also only a few hours, and I feel like you can really make the most of a concert because you can put all your energy into seeing that one performance instead of going to a festival
Starting point is 00:31:15 and having to run around all day and trying to see a bunch of different people and also having to figure out food and where you're gonna stay and get an Airbnb. That whole situation is so complicated. You're better off going to a concert in your hometown or in the city that you reside. You're better off doing that. It's just so much easier. It's so much more fun. You also get to hand select the artist that you want to see. Whereas at a music festival, the music festival chooses for you.
Starting point is 00:31:51 And usually you end up buying your ticket before you even know who's playing. And so I think that it's a better use of your money in your time to just go and see somebody in concert. You avoid so many of the issues that come with going to a music festival. So if you don't go, don't worry about it. Just plan to go to a concert instead. And you might even have a better time. But at the same time, if you do end up going to the festival, don't feel like you're wasting your time,
Starting point is 00:32:32 because in life, every experience, whether it's good or bad, is an experience. And that's what life is about. And so, I think that you're kind of good either way. You're good if you go, you're gonna definitely make some memories, but you're also good if you don't go, because there are so many other opportunities to see live music that are actually more enjoyable,
Starting point is 00:32:56 and also it's not great enough to beat yourself up over and not going. Okay, so that's all of my festival advice. I hope that that was helpful in some way, shape or form. But now I'm going to answer some questions about music festivals and Coachella that you guys asked me on the Twitter and AG podcast. So let's get into the questions. First question is Coachella overrated? I'm going to say yes. I'm going to say yes because it is the most hyped up music festival,
Starting point is 00:33:45 at least to my knowledge. Everybody talks about it, it's a whole spectacle. It feels like everybody's talking about it when it's Coachella weekend. It's a big deal in a way, right? And I know before I ever went, it was like my dream to go. Like I'd always wanted to go. And I thought it was like the most fun weekend of the year.
Starting point is 00:34:16 Like that's what I believed before I ever went. But the truth is, is that it's very difficult. You know, like the whole experience takes a lot out of you. You're physically in pain the whole weekend. You never end up seeing all the artists that you want to see play. You never see all the music that you want to see. And it's extremely expensive to go, you know, like the cost of staying in Palm Springs, which is the place that Coachella has held every year, staying
Starting point is 00:34:57 there is very expensive during Coachella season. The food in the water and everything is so expensive at Coachella. The lines for everything are so long. It's very exhausting and it's not just fun and easy like you would expect it to be. And because of that, I think that it's overrated. You know, I think that if you go to Coachella, a big part of going is just to say that you win. And also, you know, to just not have FOMO, right? I think that the best part about going to Coachella is not feeling the FOMO, you know, like when, and if you don't know what FOMO is,
Starting point is 00:35:45 that's the fear of missing out. So, if you go to Coachella and you experience it, then you're not sitting at home wishing that you were there wondering what it's like. And I think that that's honestly the best part about going is just feeling included in the fiasco that is Coachella. It's a lot of work, it's a lot of money, and it's never as perfect as you expected to be, and that's just the truth of it. I think it is overrated. But I also think that if you have the opportunity
Starting point is 00:36:23 to go, or if it's something that is a dream for you, that I think you should go because even though it's kind of a fucking mess, it's still fun, you know, and it's it's almost fun because it's a mess. And if you have the right perspective and you go in with no expectation and you go in just like, you know what, I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna go with the flow this weekend. You, there's a great chance that you'll have a good time because it's an adventure. And I love a good adventure.
Starting point is 00:36:52 No matter what problems come my way. If I go into something and I look at it as an adventure, then I always have a good time. And so I think if you go into Coachella with that mindset, there's a great chance that you're gonna have a good time. And so I think if you go into Coachella with that mindset, there's a great chance that you're gonna have a good time. Um, but it's also a mess. You see what I'm saying? Somebody said, do you think that Coachella is more about fashion
Starting point is 00:37:19 than the actual music? I do, honestly, because, as I mentioned earlier, it's so overwhelming and almost impossible to see all of the music that you want to see, that I feel like it's more of a fashion show and a big party. I think it's more of an opportunity for people to go and party and be dressed up while doing it. I honestly think that that's the main activity because seeing music at a festival like that is also not all that's cracked up to be. Because most of the time, you're at the back of the crowd.
Starting point is 00:38:09 It's so hard to push your way to the front. It's impossible to push your way to the front. Most of the time when you're watching a performance, you're not even like seeing the actual artist. You're just seeing the display because you're so far back that you can barely even see anything. And you can barely even hear it because there's so many people watching each performance that it's so hard to even get up close and personal with the performance. So not only is it almost impossible to make it to each performance that you want to see, but also when you get there,
Starting point is 00:38:52 there's a good chance that you're going to be standing at the so hard to get a good spot to watch each performance that unless you dedicate your whole day to seeing one artist and you dedicate your whole day to waiting at the front of the crowd so that when your favorite artist comes on, you're at the front. Unless you do that, you're gonna be at the back and you're not going to see shit. It's not about the music. It just isn't. I really do think that if you want to have an experience where you see your favorite artist live you should go to a concert because it's much more organized. Every seat in the house usually is placed in a spot where you can see the artist.
Starting point is 00:39:50 I would say concerts are more about the music and music festivals are more about the fashion and the partying. I really do think that. And don't get me wrong, like music is still important at these festivals and it's still a very fun element, because, you know, being at the back of a crowd isn't the worst thing. I personally prefer it. I like to stand at the back because I just want to hear the music.
Starting point is 00:40:14 I don't really care about seeing the artist physically, right? Like, I don't really care. I just want to listen to the music and dance around. And even if the sound quality at the back of the crowd isn't so good, like you still can have fun, right? But it's not great. You know, it's not ideal. Ideally, you know, like it wouldn't be as crowded
Starting point is 00:40:40 so that you could be more up close and personal with the performance. But that's just really unrealistic. And I think that a big part of Coachella is everything but the music. And it's funny because when you're walking around, you see so many people taking photos in their outfits and spending a lot of time doing that. And I think that that's because that's a huge part of the culture of the festival, right? Like before I left for the festival every day,
Starting point is 00:41:12 I took photos in my outfit. Like I just, I did because I was like, I can't help it. I put so much effort into these outfits. I'm just gonna, I have to take photos in them, you know? But I always took photos in my outfits before I left. Because when I got to the festival, I just wanted to enjoy.
Starting point is 00:41:29 I didn't wanna think about taking a photo in my outfit. I was like, no, that's a waste of my time. I wanna just enjoy myself once I get there. And on the third day of the festival, I gave up entirely and wore sweatpants and a tank top because I was so over it. But that's beside the point. Somebody said, how are the VIP parties?
Starting point is 00:41:55 You know, I'm gonna be completely brutally honest with you guys right now. I've been to so many different types of parties in my life. I've been to high school parties when I was in high school. I've been to high school parties when I was in high school. I've been to frat parties at colleges. I've been to sneaky, secret Hollywood parties. I've been to some VIP Coachella parties. I've been to a lot of different parties in my life.
Starting point is 00:42:21 They are all the same. I almost want to make a whole episode about this topic in general. I don't care what kind of party a party is. They're never as fun as you want them to be. Ever. I don't care if it's a high school party or if it's Justin Bieber's Coachella after party. Most parties are boring. That's just the truth of the matter. Most parties don't live up to your expectation. It's just the truth.
Starting point is 00:42:52 And so I went to a few after parties at Coachella. They were okay, but they weren't great and I was excited to leave. Like I never had fun. Parties are, you know what, I'm not even gonna speak anymore about it because I want to make a whole episode about parties. I feel like I've experienced so many different type of parties
Starting point is 00:43:12 and I just have some really strong opinions that I want to share. But I will say that all of the Coachella after parties that I went to were not great. They were not great. Everybody was tired. Nobody wanted to talk to each other. And they were just great. They were not great. Everybody was tired, nobody wanted to talk to each other, and they were just boring. The festival itself was a lot more fun than after parties.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Somebody said, what's the best way to get the most out of your trip? Number one, wear comfortable clothes. Number two, have zero expectations whatsoever. And number three, go with people that you would have fun with in a fucking empty room. Like, you know what I'm saying? Go with people that you would have fun with if you were stuck in a blank empty room for 12 hours,
Starting point is 00:44:07 like imagine you were stuck in an empty room, and you had to choose a few people to be stuck in that room with. Those are the people you go to Coachella with. Somebody said, how does it feel being around that many people? Having to act social, seeing celebrities, etc. Honestly, I enjoy this element of Coachella. One of my favorite parts about Coachella is the people watching. I love people watching. I love it. I love just sitting down and just watching people. Like, it's so entertaining to me. And I will say there's no better place to do that than Coachella. One of my favorite memories from this past weekend was my friends
Starting point is 00:45:00 and I sitting on the ground and just watching people walk by and back and forth for hours. Because we didn't have any artists that we wanted to see and we were like, you know what, let's just take a break, let's just sit on the floor and just like people watching, watch people walk around. That was the best part. It's so entertaining. There's so many people around. You're like, oh my God, there's a celebrity.
Starting point is 00:45:24 Oh my God, there's, you know, look at those people. They're fighting. Oh my God, look at those people. They're wearing such cute outfits. Oh my God, look at those people. Their outfits are really, really interesting and kind of awful. Like, it's so fun to just observe. And that's actually one of my favorite parts about it. So I think being in a place like that that's very crowded is actually really entertaining. And I didn't get anxious at all because I refused to put myself in any situation where I would get anxious. Like for example, I get really anxious in being in the middle of a crowd. So I just don't do that.
Starting point is 00:46:04 I just watch music from the back. I just, you know, stand really far back and I stand at the back of the crowd where, you know, you can escape at any moment and I just don't put myself in situations where I'm gonna feel overwhelmed. And because of that, the fact that there's so many people doesn't bother me. I think that trying to, you know, be in the middle of a crowd for a performance is when the overpopulation becomes a problem, right?
Starting point is 00:46:41 Like, the overpopulated nature of music festivals becomes stressful because you can pin yourself into a situation where it's very hard to escape. But if you don't do that, then it's actually very fun. Somebody said, how did you plan out your outfits? So, how I planned my outfits this year was I made a mood board. I went on Pinterest. I went on some of my favorite clothing websites, all that, and screen-chotted all the things that I loved.
Starting point is 00:47:22 And then I made a mood board. Then I sent it to my stylist because in the years past I didn't have a stylist and I would go and find pieces all by myself and it was extremely time consuming. But at this point in my life, I was like, you know what? It's time to kind of take some of the stress off my back and to collaborate with my amazing stylist on this, you know? Because in the years past, like, I wanted to do it all by myself. But this year, I was like, no, I'm going to get some help, you know. So I sent the mood word to my stylist and was like, this is the vibe. Then he went and he picked out a bunch of stuff. Then we did two fittings to find the perfect outfit. So the first fitting, we just tried on all the stuff and we narrowed it down to like five options
Starting point is 00:48:26 that we really liked, five to ten options that we really liked. We altered all the clothes to fit me and then during the second fitting we tried everything on again and picked out the final outfits and that was how it happened. And that was not. It was honestly the easiest. This year was the easiest fashion year for me because years in the past, I'd picked out all the outfits myself and done all of it on my own. But this year, working with someone who has the same taste as me and like just gets me, made the whole process so much easier. And it was really fun. It was great.
Starting point is 00:49:15 And it was easy because I had some help. Somebody said, how do you deal with the heat during the day at a music festival. Honestly, I think the best thing that you can do is wear clothes that are breathable. That's the hugeest thing. Like wearing breathable clothing makes two of the festival, I wore materials that were knit, like almost sweater material. That was not a good idea, because those materials are not breathable. They're very sweaty. They look really cool, but very sweaty. And so that was kind of a mistake on my end.
Starting point is 00:50:08 You wanna wear stuff that's breathable. You also wanna make sure that you're drinking water, cold water, because that really helps cool down your body temperature. I also recommend bringing a facial spray. I brought like a face spray, like, you know, like a facial mist spray, that really helps, because just spraying that on your face cools down your face, and that feels really good.
Starting point is 00:50:34 So I was doing that, also just hanging out in the shade as much as possible, and that's pretty much all you can do. And then once the sun goes down, you're good. But until then, you know, it kind of sucks. Somebody said, what's it like arriving in leaving Coachella? It's a mess. This actually might be the worst part about Coachella is the process of arriving to the festival
Starting point is 00:51:02 and leaving the festival. There's a lot of different options. There's an option to Uber, like to call an Uber or a lift, but that's extremely complicated because if you Uber to the festival, then that means you have to Uber back home from the festival. And calling an Uber to the festival is so complicated. There's like an Uber pickup and drop-off area, but the problem is there's thousands of people calling
Starting point is 00:51:32 an Uber at the same time. So it's like an absolute mess and it takes forever. The other option is that you can drive your car, but the parking lots are massive. And trying to find your car at the end of the day is extremely confusing because all the parking lots look the same. You're like, I don't remember where I put my car. And there's no reception. So like, even if you saved a pin in your phone of where your car was parked, there's a good chance that you're not going to be able to map yourself back to your car because there's no connection. Or if you hire a driver to drop you off and pick you up at the festival. Number one, that's extremely expensive.
Starting point is 00:52:14 But number two, it's impossible to get in contact with the driver because, again, there's no reception. So it's like, you can't call them and be like, hey, pick me up here. And even if you did do that, there's a good chance that they're going to get lost while trying to find you. That is easily the worst part of the whole festival is the drop off in pickup situation. I think that your best option is to drive your own car and park it somewhere and just hope that you remember. But also the traffic getting in and out of the festival is insane.
Starting point is 00:52:47 It's so bad. You're waiting for hours to get in and out of the festival unless you come or leave at awkward times. For example, if you show up to the festival really early, you have a good chance of getting a good parking spot and getting in with less traffic. Whereas if you come at like 5 p.m. 6 p.m. when most people are showing up, the traffic is terrible. And if you leave after the last show of the day, the traffic is awful. Because everybody's leaving at once. Whereas if you leave early, then there's no traffic at all, but the problem with that is
Starting point is 00:53:31 that you miss the last show of the night, which is usually the headliner or the most prestigious performance, you know what I'm saying? So it's kind of like a lose lose If you leave early Then you miss the most exciting performance, but you don't sit in traffic or you watched The last performance of the night the most prestigious one the most exciting one But then you sit in traffic for like two hours trying to get out of the festival. It's tough. It's really tough, honestly. You're kind of just going to be struggling one way or another.
Starting point is 00:54:16 Somebody said, do you feel like Coachella felt the same even after the pandemic? Honestly, yes, it felt completely normal. It felt the exact same as years that I've gone in the past, which was very shocking to me, honestly. Somebody said, why does the audience at festivals always seem so dead? Is it the culture of festival goers to listen silently? of festival goers to listen silently? I think what it is is that there's a lot of people at these music festivals that are watching performances of artists that they aren't really that big fans of, right? Because you're at the festival anyway and you're like, well, I've heard one song from this artist,
Starting point is 00:54:59 so I guess I'll go watch their set and I'll go watch their performance. But then, you show up and you know the lyrics to one song and not to the rest so then you just end up standing there kind of awkwardly because you're like, well, I only knew that one song. And I think that that's a lot of what happens. I think that the audience at festivals tends to be less passionate because there's a lot of people in the crowd that don't really know the artists that well but are just watching
Starting point is 00:55:24 it because they're already at the festival anyway. Whereas when you buy a concert ticket, there's a good chance that you're a fan of that artist, and you know all of the songs because why would you go to the concert otherwise? I think that that's why the audience tends to be less passionate at festivals. Anyway, on that note, I need to rest my voice because my voice is gone, and I also need to take a nap. And possibly just sleep for the rest of the week. I'm exhausted. My whole body hurts. I'm having the most severe back pain I've had in months, because body hurts. I'm having like the most severe back pain I've had in months because Coachella always makes my back pain worse. But yeah, thank you for hanging out. Thank you for listening
Starting point is 00:56:14 to me. Talk this week. I hope that you enjoyed. You can check out anything goes on Instagram at anything goes or on Twitter at AG podcast. You can subscribe to anything goes on Instagram, add anything goes, or on Twitter, at AG Podcast. You can subscribe to anything goes on any platform that you stream podcasts and leave a review. Almost platforms as well, if you would like. You can check out my coffee company called Chamberlaincoffee. Actually, this weekend at Coachella,
Starting point is 00:56:49 my company was selling Chamberlain Coffee cold brew ice cream. Dairy free at the festival. And that was really good, and I ate that multiple times, which was exciting. So that was kind of cool. Actually very cool and very much a dream come true. But yeah, that's all I got this week. You guys, thank you so much for listening. Don't go to Coachella.
Starting point is 00:57:18 And if you do, keep your expectations on the floor and expect nothing. And only then will it be a good experience. All right, love you guys. Talk to you next week.

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