anything goes with emma chamberlain - divorce

Episode Date: December 17, 2020

Many of us have grown up with divorced parents, or lived through a divorce. Emma can relate, and she opens up about all of it. From the challenges of being stuck between two parents, living in differe...nt places, trying maintaining healthy relationships with both, awkward holidays, emotional struggles, and everything in between. Plus, Emma shares a first date experience and talks through ways to make them less awkward. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi guys welcome back to anything goes I'm how your host Emma Chamberlain I'm gonna regret that intro the second that I listen to this back I can feel it already like that one is probably gonna be a little cringey but I'm just rolling with it how are you guys doing I hope you guys are doing great I'm in my little studio in my closet with my sweet little baby kitty frangie. She's so sweet. Listen to her. Oh my God, it's like we're collabing.
Starting point is 00:00:35 She really loves to sit with me when I do my podcast and honestly, it's very therapeutic. But we have kind of a heavy topic today. So I'm going to start out by filling you in on my life. And then we can get into the topic. So for one, if you guys are just hopping in now and you're not really caught up with my life, my parents were staying with me for six weeks. My mom stayed with me for five weeks,
Starting point is 00:01:03 and then my dad stayed with me for a week. And then at one point, within that, I was with my dad for a weeks. My mom stayed with me for five weeks and then my dad stayed with me for a week. And then at one point within that, I was with my dad for a week. Like I went to, I went home and I traveled home and I was with my dad for a week. So like I was with my dad for two weeks and my mom for four weeks. And I lived with them that whole time.
Starting point is 00:01:19 And I really, I love my parents so much. I have a really great relationship with them. I'm very grateful for the relationship I have with my parents, but living with other people for six weeks, honestly made me a little bit depressed, and I don't know why that is, but it did. And now that they left, and I'm all by myself, I feel so much better.
Starting point is 00:01:40 And it's so weird because I do not know what the link is. I don't know why I feel better when I'm by myself, but it's really been good for my mental health to be back by myself. I don't know what it is. I think it's that I feel the freedom to do whatever I want. Like, truly whatever I want, I can walk around naked, I can cook something at two in the morning, I can have people over, not really, because we're in whatever, but like the two people that I see that are safe to see, like if I want to hang out with somebody at two in the morning, I can't, if my friend
Starting point is 00:02:13 needs me to pick them up at two in the morning, I can go do that. Like it's so nice to have that freedom. I can be loud, I can play music until two in the morning, like I just feel freedom, you know, and I think that that is really good for me and my mental health. So my parents leaving has been really good. I've been feeling a lot better in general. I also feel like I'm better about doing my chores
Starting point is 00:02:34 when my parents are here, because when they're here, I just try to make them do it, and manipulate them into doing it so that I don't have to do my chores. And then I just turn into like a lazy piece of shit. Like I literally don't think that I cleaned the litter box once the whole time my mom was here
Starting point is 00:02:48 because I was like, well she can do it. And she did. And she didn't even complain, but still it was like, the fact that I was being so irresponsible and just putting all my chores on my mom like made me feel bad. But then again, that is her job as a mom, so whatever. And then when my dad was here, I felt bad
Starting point is 00:03:03 because I was like, I should be hanging out with him and doing fun activities, but I also just want to lay in bed. I was like, I felt all this unnecessary pressure. But the good news is my dad built me a drum set while he was here. I ordered a drum set and my dad drove down and built it for me. So now I have a drum set in my room. It is directly next to my bed in the most inconvenient location, but hear me out. This drum set being directly next to my bed makes me play it 50 times more than I would otherwise. The fact that it's right next to my bed is the best thing I could have done for myself.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Whenever I get out of bed to go do something, I like hit the drums for a little bit. Whenever I'm about to lay in bed, I hit the drums for a little bit. And I'm already improving. Like I learned a new drum beat yesterday or no two days ago, and I'm already like solid at it. Because it's right next to my bed. So it's like, it's hard for me not to want to sit down
Starting point is 00:04:02 at it every time I go into my bed. So if you want to pick up a hobby, put it right next to your bed. That will really help unless it's something like running, then good luck. But, if it's something that you can put next to your bed, put that shit next to your bed. I swear, it's really good. I've also been thinking that I want to get back into journaling again, and it's so embarrassing because I hate talking about that corny shit. But I don't know, like I haven't written in a journal in a really long time and like
Starting point is 00:04:31 probably over a year. Yeah, over a year. I was consistently writing in a journal about a year ago. And it's so interesting to read. I actually made an episode reading some of my journal entries, but I feel like I'm in such a better spot now that I interesting to read. I actually made an episode of reading some of my journal entries, but I feel like I'm in such a better spot now that I wanna know, like, I think this would be a fun part of my life to look back on.
Starting point is 00:04:52 So, I think I'm gonna write in my journal after this. The only thing I don't like about writing in a journal is that my hand cramps, but that's also a very dumb reason not to write in a journal. So, I don't know, I think I'm gonna start journaling again. And you guys should too, because it could be kind of fun to look back on this time
Starting point is 00:05:09 and see like what was going through our heads, I guess. You know, it's just such a weird time. This would be such an interesting journal and read a show, your kids. Also, imagine if before bed, you read journal entries to your kid. I feel like kids would love that. I would have loved that if my one for my parents.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Although I'm probably going to write about shit that I don't think my kids would want to know. Like, oh my god, I have a question. Jeremy and I love him so much. And I hope he likes me back. Like that's literally all I fucking write about. My brain is broken. But anyway, another thing that's going on. Last night my friend went on a date
Starting point is 00:05:54 and it really got me thinking because I was like, mind you, also, she was tested and her day was tested and so it was not all as good in the COVID world. But it was so interesting to me because I was like thinking about going on a first date and it just blows my mind. I like the courage that it takes to go on a first date.
Starting point is 00:06:14 I've never done it. Like the closest I've been to a first date is, oh my God, I have a cramp. Oh, fuck, my period's coming for sure. But then again, I PMS for 10 days before my period comes. So I might as well be on my period 20 out of 30 days of the month, which is just, should be illegal, but whatever.
Starting point is 00:06:33 The closest thing I ever did to a first date was, one time a guy came over by himself and brought food, which is kind of a date, but is it? a guy came over by himself and brought food, which is kind of a date, but is it? It wasn't really, it felt like more of a hangout, but it wasn't, you know, it just felt like we were hanging out. Also, it wasn't like, I don't know, so I don't feel like that was a date. Because I feel like a date's like going out
Starting point is 00:07:01 and doing something, like going to watch a movie. Like me and this boy didn't like, we didn't even have like a plan necessarily. I think we just wanted to meet each other. But actually, do you know what? I'll consider it a first date. It was really, it was terrifying for me. I like, honestly, the thing about first dates
Starting point is 00:07:23 is that they're just inevitably going to be awkward. There's no way around it. How do you not make a first date awkward? How do you shove two people in a room that have never met before? I'm not even really a blind date. Like a date where you've never met the guy and then you meet for the first time at your first date.
Starting point is 00:07:44 That's what I'm talking about. Going on a date with a guy that you're already dating or going on a date with a guy that you've been friends with for years, completely different. First date meaning like, you've never met this dude and you're going on a date as your first time meeting. That's what I'm talking about. I guess I did go on a first date. Okay, but it just like didn't feel like it, but it was.
Starting point is 00:08:05 It's so, how the fuck does anybody expect that not to be awkward? That's almost why sometimes I like meeting guys in group settings, because I'm just like, there's so much less pressure. Whereas when you're one on one, it's like, oh my God, you have to start a conversation. You have to keep the convo going. Like, when do you end the first date? Like do you make a move on the first date?
Starting point is 00:08:28 Like there's so many questions. And my friend last night was so nervous and I was like, I never wanna do this. Like going on a first date sounds so not ideal. I honestly think that the way to do it is to like date your friend, like to meet a guy, become friends with him and then have a crush on him and then date him, I think that's the best way to do it. to like, date your friend, like to meet a guy, become friends with him and then have a crush on him and then date him, I think that's the best way to do it.
Starting point is 00:08:48 But at the same time, that doesn't always work and that also isn't always how the cookie crumbles. I just have like this weird obsession with first dates and the psychology of them and like why they're so uncomfortable. I'm trying to kind of crack the code. Hopefully I never have to go on a first day to again because I just like don't want, it just, no. Like I just, I will avoid that at all costs.
Starting point is 00:09:15 But I kind of spent some time last night thinking about it after I dropped a live off at her day, like trying to debunk like the awkwardness and how to like make it more comfortable. And I think the way to do it is to like kind of lean into the fact that it's a first date and it's awkward. Like, I feel like in retrospect, I've never done this before because I've not, I've gone on maybe one first date. So I don't really think I have a lot of experience here. But if I were to have to go on another first date,
Starting point is 00:09:47 I feel like what I would do is, and this might be corny, and you guys can tweet at me and tell me if this is fucking corny, but I would be like, okay, listen, like there's no, like you feel out the first five minutes, and if you feel like it's a little bit tense and awkward, and like stiff, which normally it is,
Starting point is 00:10:03 you just say something like, listen, let's just address that off in the room. This first date's are fucking weird. Like, just, let's just like, talk about, like just talk about your whole life story. Like just give me your entire life story. Like give, give a really solid conversation starter. Like, you know, be like, listen, I don't know how we're supposed
Starting point is 00:10:26 to even talk about anything. We know nothing about each other. Just tell me everything about you that you want to tell me about. Just give me the fucking spark notes of your whole life right now. Like, I feel like that's a good way to ice break. And then it'll be like, they'll go through everything. That'll start a conversation. And then it's like, there'll be so many many conversations within their story,
Starting point is 00:10:48 then it's your turn, and then it happens again. Next thing you know, you guys know a decent amount about each other, and then boom, you can move forward and have fun and start talking about other shit, watch a movie, who good fucking knows. But I think getting like a good understanding, I think the issue with the first date that I went on, I was too scared to ask them about themselves.
Starting point is 00:11:08 Like I was too scared to be like, okay, so tell me about you. And so then it was just like we didn't have anything to talk about because it was like I didn't know what to say. They probably didn't know to say we were like, fuck, like how do we even, where do we even start? Like we know nothing about each other barely. I mean, I had texted this person for a few weeks,
Starting point is 00:11:29 but, or like a month, but like, how are we supposed to, like, know where to start? Not to mention, I think both of us are kind of like, overthink everything, so it was just like a bad combination. If you go into it, no matter what type of personality type you have, if you go into it and you're like, fuck it, I'm just gonna ask this question that could spiral us down like a deep convo, great.
Starting point is 00:11:50 I think that that's the move. I don't know. I, I, but also if you give the, but never judge somebody solely off their first date, I feel like there's no way that I was my full potential on my first date and remember that. Like when you go on a first date, if you feel like somebody has potential,
Starting point is 00:12:10 even if the first date was awkward or uncomfortable, you should ride that wave anyway. Like I know for a fact that the time that I was on a first date I did an awful job. Like I just was fucking, had nothing. Like I just feel like I was so awkward and like I was just like grasping at like anything to like try to figure out how to make it comfortable
Starting point is 00:12:32 cause that's always my job, like that's always my like goals to make everybody in the room feel comfortable but on a first date it's very difficult to do that. So I was like word vomiting but then I would say nothing for like two minutes. Also I remember on my first date with this guy, we were in my home and I had no music playing
Starting point is 00:12:51 and it was just quiet. Don't ever do that. Why the fuck did I do that in my psycho path? Ah, that makes me cringe looking back. Oh my God, you, what was I doing? Anyway, I mean, it's fine. It ended up being fine. I think that the first date though that I had with this guy made it so that like the second and third date,
Starting point is 00:13:13 I'm not even date, but like time I hung out with him. I like knew I was like, okay, I need to, need to clean up my act. Like we need to have music playing every single time. So there's no awkward silence. Like you never have an awkward silence. Also, I need to have more conversation topics. Also, I need to be OK with being vulnerable and just
Starting point is 00:13:36 getting into my life story, even if they don't do that. To, there was a lot of things I had to think about. But regardless, first dates, they're awful, but they can turn into something really beautiful. So, although I really hope I never have to go on one again, matter respect to people who meet people on like dating apps and shit, and then go on a date with them and never met them.
Starting point is 00:13:58 I just can't imagine that, but anyway. Let's get into our topic of the day. After I go take a pee, hold on. This episode is brought to you by Squarespace. Squarespace is more than a website builder. It's in all in one place to make an online space that's entirely your own. Their all-in-one platform allows you to customize everything
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Starting point is 00:15:38 Call or go to for a quote today. All right. Today we're talking about divorce. My parents got divorced. Well, I guess I'll start out with my story. It's very blurry, but I'll do my best. So I grew up in a house with my mom and dad until I was about five.
Starting point is 00:16:06 I think I was in kindergarten when they got divorced, maybe first grade. And I remember like a few snippets, but because I was literally five or six, there's not a lot of memories for me, which is probably better to be honest. Like it's, I don't really know my life without divorced parents I don't really remember anything from my parents being married because I was so young Which might be good, but might be bad. I don't know but I was in kindergarten or first grade and I remember They sat me down in the living room and and tried to explain to me what was going on.
Starting point is 00:16:46 And I just don't really think I understood. I think they said like, mom's gonna go live somewhere else. And I was like, okay, like I don't think I understood the concept of divorce. And I remember going into my parents' room and seeing my mom bagging up all of her stuff. And I remember feeling like a lot of, it felt kind of chaotic, but yet there was no arguing, there was no fighting or anything,
Starting point is 00:17:16 but at least from what I can remember, but it was very bizarre to see my mom packing up. And I don't even remember when my mom moved or anything like that, I just kind of feel like it flashed forward to me being at my dad's Monday, wait, it was like Monday through Wednesday, and then my mom's Wednesday through Friday
Starting point is 00:17:41 and then switching off weekends. And that was it. And my mom moved to a one bedroom apartment in a town about 20 minutes away and So I had to share a bed with my mom, which I remember I actually kind of loved because I was like Wait, I get to sleep with my mom like this is awesome But that was kind of it like I never saw them fight I Didn't even know the divorce was happening or was going to happen.
Starting point is 00:18:07 It completely came out of left field for me. I had no fucking idea that it was going to happen. And it just kind of became my life before I even had enough of a brain to know what was going on. And it became a routine before I could even comprehend what was going on. It was very interesting. It's very interesting in retrospect how little I remember of it. The only memory I have of my parents being married, I think, is one time, not one time, but in general.
Starting point is 00:18:39 My dad used to cook dinner and I would sit on my mom's lap in the kitchen while my dad was cooking dinner and they would sit on my mom's lap in the kitchen while my dad was cooking dinner and they would talk about their day. And I remember that in my memory maybe once or twice and that's about it and that's pretty much the only memory I have of them being married. I've never, I never saw them be affectionate with one another.
Starting point is 00:19:01 At least in my memory, I think they probably were but I never witnessed any affection between my parents. I have zero memory of that, which we'll get into later about how that may have affected me, but it was interesting. I never, it's not like I saw them as a loving couple, and then one day it was like, it was like, no, I only know them as being friends. But I was really, really fortunate that through the divorce, my parents have remained friends,
Starting point is 00:19:30 have continued communicating with one another, and have honestly had a really good friendship. My parents have a really great friendship, which is really interesting and kind of confuses a lot of people that see my family situation because they're like, Emma, how do you have divorced parents that are friends? How the fuck is that possible?
Starting point is 00:19:52 It is, it's very weird and rare, but I'm very grateful for it because I think that although my parents are divorced and there's a lot of unfortunate parts about it, or there were some unfortunate parts about it and some tough parts, my there were some unfortunate parts about it, and some tough parts. My parents were friends, and so I don't know what a really toxic divorce looks like. And so I'm grateful for that, but I also want that to be understood so that my situation with my experience with divorce might be better. It's not, I feel like I can't complain. Does that make sense?
Starting point is 00:20:34 I don't feel like it's fair for me to complain because my parents were so mature about it and kept me out of it to a point where like I just have never seen them fight before, which is unbelievable. And honestly kind of amazing. It's like, I'm grateful that they got divorced because I never had to witness my parents fighting. But there were also some cons to it too. So we'll get into it. But that was kind of the story. Oh my god. Frankie's under my blanket and like fighting with my body. She's like fighting with my foot. She thinks it's an animal. But anyway, basically day-to-day life was, you know, some of the struggles were definitely going back and forth between houses. Also figuring out like where I wanted to go to school, whether I wanted to be at
Starting point is 00:21:22 school closer to my dads or my moms. I went to school closer to my dads for elementary school, and then for middle school and high school, I was closer to my mom's house. And, or my mom's apartment, and the commute situation from whatever home was farthest was definitely tough, because I would have to wake up an hour earlier, and I had to have double of everything
Starting point is 00:21:47 so that I could get ready at both of my parents' houses. I had to like, lug clothes around in a bag constantly, back and forth, back and forth, lug my shit, back and forth, back and forth for 10 years. You know what I mean? And it was inconvenient, and it kind of felt like I was never fully settled in one spot.
Starting point is 00:22:03 It was like, I always knew that I was going to be, you know, moving from one house to the next every few days. So I never like, I always kind of felt like a little bit agile, a little bit on edge because it was like, fuck, I know I'm just going to be moving in a few days to the other parents' house. It was also hard because during the weekends, I just, you know, it was like deciding like who I wanted to spend time with and then, you know, all of my friends were closer to my mom's house.
Starting point is 00:22:31 So like sometimes I would spend a few extra weekends at my mom's house because my friends were there. But then I would feel bad because I feel like I was neglecting my dad. So there was a lot of moral dilemmas there. And also like my parents having to drive me back and forth from house to house. I feel like was stressful too. And it was a little bit messy,
Starting point is 00:22:53 but at the same time it was my life, and that was like, you know, so whatever, it just became normal to me. But it wasn't easy, it was kind of uncomfortable, but it also, I got used to it and it was fine. But I think that there were times when I envied a child that had one home with two parents under the roof that just could, like, they always felt like they had a solid one home that they could go home to.
Starting point is 00:23:17 And that was that in the end of story. And it wasn't like they had to be lugging shit around every week and whatever. I was jealous of that stability in a way, but at the same time, it didn't kill me. Like, it was fucking fine. It just was kind of a bummer. But there's a lot of things that were positive about it, and I want to get into that.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Number one, the relationships that I developed with both parents individually, because I was spending so much one-on-one time with each every week was something that I would have never had otherwise. The fact that when I was with one parent, I was with only them, it was extremely important for my relationships with my parents. I'm also an only child, so it was literally me and my one parent hanging out whenever I was at their house. And I
Starting point is 00:24:09 think that we just bonded in a way that was really unique and rare, and I am super grateful for that because now my parents are I'm so close to both of my parents, and I feel like they're kind of my best friends in a way as well as my parents, but they're so like my best friends in a way, as well as my parents, but they're still my best friends. And I don't think that that would have happened otherwise. I think that the fact that we were forced to be one-on-one half the week, it just was very special. And that was something that I'm really grateful for.
Starting point is 00:24:41 I think that the communication that I had between each parent and the kind of like attention that I got from each parent individually was really, really helpful. I really, I really think that. Also, never seeing them fight again. That was really special. I mean, the fact that I never had to see them fight, I think was partially confusing for me because I'm like, well, you guys never fought. So why are you divorced? That was kind of confusing to me, because I was like, you guys' relationship seemed fine.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Like why do you get divorced? But, but not seeing them fight, I think I missed out. Like I got to dodge a bullet of some trauma that could have formed there. Also getting to like leave one parent and spend time with the other and like If I was kind of butting heads with my mom I could go to my dad's or if I was kind of butting head with my dad I could go to my mom's and it was kind of nice to have an escape and I think that distance makes a love-girlfonder
Starting point is 00:25:35 And I think that that was really helpful for our relationships as well if we needed an escape from one another We could have that I could go escape one parent and go be with the other. And not that there was anything like, not that my parents were doing anything that would make me need to escape, but sometimes you just butt heads with a parent. I've had phases where I was butting heads with my mom more, or phases where I was butting heads with my dad more. And it was just nice to be able to go to another parent's house and just kind of like think about it and be like, why am I budding heads with my dad? You know? Why am I resenting my dad? Like whatever. And then
Starting point is 00:26:12 like figure it out and then go back to him later and feel like I'd gathered my thoughts at my mom's house without him around. And I got to have that escape. And I think that that was really nice too. As for cons, I already discussed going between houses. That was kind of tough. I also kind of already discussed jealousy of other families, but I'll kind of dig into it. I think it was really hard for me growing up to see all of my friends have just like a happy,
Starting point is 00:26:38 normal, married family. I don't think any of my friends growing up had divorced parents. I think I'd won throughout my whole middle school, elementary school, high school. I maybe had two max out of like the maybe 40 friends I had over the course of that time. I think I remember two of them having divorced parents. It wasn't the most common thing. And that was tough for me because I kind of felt like the black sheep. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:27:11 I was like, I felt different because I was like my family situation is very different and everybody else, you know, they would go home to their parents and they had a cute house with, you know, whatever and their parents like put their wealth together. So they were able to buy nicer things in my eyes. That's, I mean, don't even get me started on that.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Go to my money illusion podcast episode. If you wanna hear me talk more about jealousy of money, but I think that I was jealous of families that had like, dual incomes, because I was like, wow, they can like go on cool trips more often with the whole family, blah, blah, blah. And it was also tough. I just thought about this now, it's kind of off topic,
Starting point is 00:27:51 but I'm an only child and I had to deal with all of this by myself. It was very, I spent a lot of time in my own mind because I didn't have this like like rustling, bustling family where I was like, oh, siblings or like a bunch of like, you know, or both of my parents in the house, like cooking dinner and having conversations, like there's a lot of silence when you,
Starting point is 00:28:18 or go, when you live with just one parent at a time and you're an only child, it's, there's a lot of silence. And so I, I think that the reason why I am the person that I am today is because I had to get really comfortable with myself because I had to spend a lot of time by myself because it was just me and my one parent. And so I had a lot of alone time, if that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:28:44 And so I had a lot of alone time, if that makes sense. I felt like my home environment was so almost uneventful in comparison to my friends because they had both of their parents in the house and siblings and all of that. And it was weird because I was like, when I'm at home, it's like so different. In half the time, my parents were like working, both of my parents worked a lot.
Starting point is 00:29:09 And so although I got to spend time with them, like their jobs weren't too demanding to a point where I couldn't spend time with them, I still like had a lot of moments where I'd come home from school and my mom wouldn't be home for another five hours, you know what I mean? And so I had a lot of a loan time
Starting point is 00:29:26 and I do think it was really good. And I think that it actually has benefited me long term, but in the moment I was bummed out because I was like, fuck, like I don't have this fun rustling, bustling home to come home to. And that was hard. And it was always just me comparing my family situation to everybody else's,
Starting point is 00:29:46 which in retrospect I realize now, I'm so lucky. I never had to see my parents fight. I got to have close relationships with both of my parents. I got to grow trust between both of my parents, which made me have a lot of freedom at a young age. Also, I didn't have to experience my parents getting divorced as an adult or as an older person when you're actually conscious of what's going on.
Starting point is 00:30:09 I didn't have to experience that. There's so many pros to my life situation, but it was hard for me not to fix it on everybody else's life and compare and wish that I had theirs. This episode is brought to you by LiquidIV. You might think that hydration is only necessary after intense crazy activities like working out. But if you think about it, running errands is still running. That's why liquid IV powder hydrates you two times faster than water alone, with three times the electrolytes of traditional sports drinks.
Starting point is 00:30:37 I am a big fan of liquid IV. I drink liquid IV after workout. I drink liquid IV after a long day of sweating in the sun during the summer. I drink liquid IV if I just feel a little bit dehydrated. You know, maybe I have a little headache. I feel a little off. I love it. It's so easy.
Starting point is 00:30:59 You just rip the packet open, pour it into a bottle of water, shake it up, and gulp, gulp, gulp. I always keep a liquid IV in my bag because I never wanna feel dehydrated again. My favorite flavors are the passion fruit and the watermelon, and I actually think they're delicious. It's so easy to chug water when there's a liquid IV in it. It's so simple to use.
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Starting point is 00:32:33 I'll sip on liquid IV and it can really help. When I'm sick, when I just need a little boost, liquid IV is almost always in my bag, almost always. And my favorite flavor, if anyone is wondering, watermelon and passion fruit, although there are a lot of great flavors, but those are my most commonly consumed. And the interesting thing about liquid IV is that my preferred way to drink it is to pour it into a water bottle with lukewarm water and chug it. So not sure what that says about me. warm water and chug it. So not sure what that says about me. Grab your liquid IV in bulk nationwide at Costco or you can get 20% off when you go to and use code anything at checkout.
Starting point is 00:33:14 That's 20% off anything when you shop better hydration today using promo code anything at Next, the holidays were kind of tough too, because it was like, you know, going to my, I would sleep at my dad's and then hang out with my dad's family then I'd go to my mom's and it was like trying to figure out how to make the whole Christmas situation fair. Thanksgiving situation fair, Easter situation fair. It was like
Starting point is 00:33:48 morally challenging for me because I was like fuck like Who's parent and like how am I supposed to make this feel even like if it's Christmas Eve and I'm sleeping at my dad's house As my mom gonna be lonely by herself and all of this like moral dilemma and a lot of guilt a lot a lot of guilt Throughout my childhood, I felt guilt about neglecting one parent. I was like, if I get my one parent, a Christmas gift, I need to make sure that the other parent's Christmas gift is just as good. So that, you know, and, but I was never perfect.
Starting point is 00:34:17 It was like, I always felt like I was neglecting one parent. If it wasn't one, it was the other. And I felt this constant guilt. And they didn't even, you know, they never made me feel that way, but I think that I just felt that way. I think I just felt like I weirdly had a broken family. And I was just like, felt like it was like, it just felt like I felt bad for myself in
Starting point is 00:34:40 a way. But in retrospect, I don't think I needed to because I had a really great childhood and there's just no reason for that. The hardest part about it though is when my parents started dating. This was not okay with me. And this actually is the root for me of a lot of my issues. I would say out of the whole divorce, the biggest, say, like long-lasting trauma I took from it was seeing my parents going and dating other people.
Starting point is 00:35:13 And both of my parents started dating people at around the same time. Both of my parents have only had one significant other. My dad's currently single. He's not with the person that he was with before, but my mom has been dating the same guy for like seven years now. Like they've been together forever. With my mom, it wasn't as tough. I definitely, it made me angry. I think a lot because my parents, it made me, I was more hurt by my dad dating than my mom.
Starting point is 00:35:48 And I don't know why that is. I don't know what was more upsetting about my dad dating than my mom, but I think it's because I had a very weird attachment to my dad that I can never explain. But seeing him dating was the most painful thing I've experienced in my life thus far.
Starting point is 00:36:11 It was so incredibly hard for me. I was kind of a bitch growing up, I mean, I was also in my defense. I was between ages eight and 15, right? But I was not nice to my parents, significant others. between ages like eight and you know, 15, right? But I was not nice to my parents, significant others. I would go through phases, I'd have nice moments, but I'd also have mean moments.
Starting point is 00:36:34 I would resent my parents when they would leave me to go on a date with their significant other or if they would invite their significant other over. I'd feel really uncomfortable when their significant other was over. Not invite their significant other over, I'd feel really uncomfortable when their significant other was over, not because their significant other was even a bad person necessarily, but just because I felt uncomfortable seeing my parents with somebody that wasn't my other parent.
Starting point is 00:36:56 And I think that the fact that I'm so close with both of my parents made it even harder, because it was just so weird to me. And it made me feel dirty inside And it made me feel dirty inside. It made me feel sick inside. I just remember feeling this constant, like feeling of just darkness in my stomach, just having to see them move on from the other parent.
Starting point is 00:37:17 It was one of the worst things that I've ever experienced. But also, it hurt me that they were sharing their time with somebody that like I was like, I'm your guy's as kid and you guys are trying are using my time of the week To spend time with your significant other when I'm here. I was like, I only see you half the week I Want this time to be one-on-one. I don't want you to be bringing in your fucking significant other Which you know, I think that there's arguments to both sides of that. It's like, okay, well, yeah, but like, they're dating,
Starting point is 00:37:49 like now that I like am dating as an adult, like, I want to see my boyfriend every day, period. So I understand the want to be with your significant other every day, but I was like, but at the same time, they had a child and it was me and I was like, no, like I want my time with you guys to be one on one and I don't want you to be bringing your significant other over for dinner, like I want to have dinner with you.
Starting point is 00:38:14 I want to be able to talk to you about my day. I felt like when my parents started dating, I almost lost my closeness with them for a period of time because I was now splitting my already half the week with another person. And that really, really hurt me. And my parents were just doing the best that they could. They did nothing wrong.
Starting point is 00:38:35 I mean, they may have fucked up a little bit here and there, but like as normal, they'd never did anything severely wrong at all. Totally we're just trying to figure it out. But I had a lot of resentment towards my parents because of them, you know, starting to, I felt like I was being forgotten for their new significant others. When in reality it was like, I just was so used to having
Starting point is 00:38:59 100% of the attention. And the second that it was like 50-50 with a significant other, I felt really shitty about it. Eventually, you know, with my mom, it was a lot easier. I think she kind of like figured that out that it was not working to have her boyfriend around and so she kind of was like, okay, we're going to keep this separate. My dad, it lasted for a little bit longer where his significant other was more involved in the day-to-day life of things.
Starting point is 00:39:27 And it was honestly, in retrospect, it's one of the most miserable times of my life. And having to share my dad with somebody when I was living with him was easily the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with in my life. I felt my relationship with him was suffering because of it. I felt like I wasn't as close to him. And honestly, a lot of resentment grew towards him.
Starting point is 00:39:49 And I didn't know how to communicate that. But I think eventually we both figured out like what the issue was and why it was an issue. And we were totally eventually able to solve it. And it was just, but it was like, and I was mad at my parents for years to follow because I was like, guys, like, why did you start dating and why did you make me,
Starting point is 00:40:10 why did you bring me into it? Why did I have to see it and like all this shit? But then I realized as I got older, like, my parents are human. If I was them in that situation, I would have done the exact same thing. It's a really hard thing to balance. Your child and your dating life as a divorced parent.
Starting point is 00:40:30 I can't even imagine how difficult that would be. I've completely forgiven my parents for that, but there was a lot of resentment there for quite a few years about just like me having to see it. I was just angry that I had to see it because just seeing it made me feel so terrible that I resented them for making me see it. And I feel like now that I moved out, I'm totally fine with it because I'm like, you guys can, I mean, I don't want to know really about it. Even still, I would prefer not to know about it. My mom is fine, but still to this day, I've really struggled with my dad dating people. I don't know what it is, but it makes me genuinely angry. I'm very protective of him for some weird reason. And I don't know what it is, but it makes me genuinely angry. I'm very protective of him for some weird reason.
Starting point is 00:41:07 And I don't know what it is, but him dating people is really hard for me. Whereas my mom, I'm more like, kind of feeling my mom and I are besties now, where we're like, girl, are you going on a date next week? We're both kind of like that with each other, but with my dad, I'm like, no, fuck that. No woman is ever allowed to talk to you again,
Starting point is 00:41:24 which is very selfish, but I don't know why I feel like that. I just do. I think I'm scared of him dating again in a way because of how our relationship suffered a little bit from it. Whereas with my mom, I feel like I bounced back a lot easier. But either way, as long as my dad is happy, I'm happy. I don't live at home anymore.
Starting point is 00:41:47 I don't have to see the shit if I don't want to. I think if I ever were to get a divorce, I wouldn't share my dating life with my kid in any way until they were out of the house and in college. That's just how I would handle it personally. Because I think that it was really hard for me and it was the hardest phase of my life thus far.
Starting point is 00:42:17 And it was like when I first felt depressed, like it was like really like, you know, it was one of the darkest times in my life thus far. And I just feel like if I ever had a kid, I would not want them to have to see me dating. And I would just want my kid to, it's like, okay, you have fucking 18 years until your kids out of the house. I think that you can wait to date in front of your kid. You can still date.
Starting point is 00:42:43 It's like when your kids at their other parents house Then you go on dates and shit. You don't need to combine it But I think that my parents didn't know how are they supposed to know they were trial and erroring and so you know that was that But it was really really hard it was really hard for me I Also think the other reason why I was hard was because I was an only child and because it was like if I was at my dad's house Or if I was at my mom's house and their significant other was over I was hard was because I was an only child and because it was like if I was at my dad's house or if I was at my mom's house and their significant other was over, I was inevitably third wheeling and that was my time to spend with each individual parent. So it was really hard for me and I didn't have a sibling to go like play fucking
Starting point is 00:43:17 club penguin with in my room like I was by myself with my parent and their significant other. It was a nightmare. It was awful. It was my least favorite. It's my least favorite part of my childhood easily. And it was awful, it was my least favorite part of my childhood easily. And I mean, if that's the least favorite part of my childhood, I'm grateful for that. It taught me a lot, it made me appreciate my one-on-one time with my parents even more, once we kind of figured out a system and figured out that like them bringing in their dating life to my life was not okay,
Starting point is 00:43:42 and not working. But I think because I'm an only child, I think it would have been different if I had siblings, truly, I really do, because I was just alone in it, and I was just third wheeling, and it just sucked, ass, especially when I was so used to having like a one-on-one relationship with my parents before they started dating, it was just like definitely something
Starting point is 00:44:04 we had to work through. But now I think my parents, my relationship with my parents is better than ever because we've been through all of those hardships and we've come out the other side and we've adjusted for one another and we've grown together. I mean, my parents were put into a very vulnerable situation by becoming divorced. And I think that they've had to grow a lot
Starting point is 00:44:29 from the experience. I've had to grow with them. And I think that that actually has given me, you know, a level of insight about adulthood from a young age that I wouldn't have seen otherwise. I had to see my parents in vulnerable situations. I saw my parents make mistakes. I saw my parents try to mend those mistakes. I saw my parents have to be friendly with one another even though, you know, that maybe wasn't
Starting point is 00:44:57 necessarily always the easiest thing. They made it seem easy, but whatever. I had really good role models and my parents were really good role models, the way that they handled everything, even if they made mistakes, which of course they made mistakes, they always figured out how to make it better, and they always would apologize to me. They would, it was in open, it was like a human to human thing. I never felt like I was smaller than them. It always felt like they would admit
Starting point is 00:45:25 if they did something wrong. They would admit like, you know what, like I should have had, like we should have had one on one time this week. Like they would apologize to me. They would like, and that's why we all grew from it. And that's why I think that we all are better people now from all of it
Starting point is 00:45:39 because we all grew from it, both me and my parents. And I think that that's a beautiful thing, despite the pain that there was for periods of time during it. Anyway, let's get into some questions. I literally loved talking about this so much. I feel like I really hope that this could help somebody or even whatever. I just, like, it feels good to talk about this.
Starting point is 00:46:04 Somebody said, did you ever feel like their divorce was your fault? No. For some reason, no. I didn't. And I think it was because I was so young that I didn't even like, I could never comprehend it being my fault because it's always been my whole life. And there was never a situation where I ever saw them fight over me. So because of that, no, I never felt like it was my fault, which I'm very grateful for. But if you have divorced parents and you feel like it was your fault, let me tell you this. Your parents brought you into this world. They made that decision.
Starting point is 00:46:40 So, even if they're fighting over you, even if, you know, whatever, I don't care, it's not your fault, and do whatever you can to get that through your head. Because your parents made the decision to bring you into this world. And if they start fighting about you, that's their fault. They brought you into this world. They decided to have a child together. And if they're fighting about you or whatever, that is their fault because they're the reason
Starting point is 00:47:10 that you're on this planet. You didn't fucking choose it. Also remember that like, people arguing usually has more to do with them than even what they're arguing about. I don't argue with people very often, unless I'm in a bad spot. If I'm insecure or I've been bottling up my feelings, that's when I cause arguments.
Starting point is 00:47:35 If I have all of that in check, I'm having respectful conversations, not arguments. Never feeling it's your fault. Somebody said, do you ever imagine them getting back together? I don't. Like, if it, if I don't want it to happen, like I, I like, don't think that that would be good. I like them as divorce.
Starting point is 00:47:57 I've only known them as divorce. I don't see them getting back together and I don't want them to get back together. They are amazing co-parents. They're extremely compatible amazing co-parents. They're extremely compatible as co-parents, like unbelievably compatible. But as for a relationship, I don't think that they work well together.
Starting point is 00:48:15 I don't think that their personality is mesh and I don't think that they need the same things out of a relationship. My dad is an artist. He likes having his freedom. He likes doing his own thing. My mom is like more of a home body. She likes somebody that likes to just watch fun shows and movies with her when she's done with her work.
Starting point is 00:48:34 They don't have the same interests, you know what I mean? They don't have the same day-to-day kind of routine. The same things don't necessarily excite them. The only thing that they really have in common is me and and that is great because they're amazing at that. And you know, we have fun conversations. I think my parents and I all like have similar views on the world and stuff so we can have amazing conversations with the three of us about that shit, but I think on a day-to-day basis, they aren't compatible. And so, yeah, I don't see them getting back together. Are you happy, somebody asked, are you happy that they split up?
Starting point is 00:49:13 Yes, I kind of already said that, but I just wanted to make it clear. Why are you scratching on the door? Stop. Stop. Somebody said, my parents divorced when I was seven and sometimes I go into a spiral and think of how different life would have been if they never did. Does that ever happen to you?
Starting point is 00:49:30 You know, weirdly no, I feel like because I was so young and it's so like all I ever know that I can't even comprehend them being married. So I don't really spiral about it too often or at all, but I also feel like because it's out of my control, I try my best not to think about what could have been because it, yes, it could have been, but it didn't. So what's the point of, you know, I just can't even comprehend what it would have been like. So I think my imagination can't even go there.
Starting point is 00:50:03 But I think that, you think that remembering to stay present and not to dwell on what could have been is one of the most important things that you can do in your life and focusing on now and focusing on what's going on right in front of you, I think is the most important thing that you can do for yourself and your mental health. And so try your best not to think about that because there's nothing that you can gain from it. There's nothing positive that can come from it. It's not constructive and it's out of your control.
Starting point is 00:50:33 Somebody said, how do you feel like your divorce has affected you and your relationships? Okay, this is a kicker. I'm like sitting up for this one. It's definitely affected me a lot, for a lot of reasons. I think number one, I date with the hope of dating long term for one.
Starting point is 00:50:58 I crave long term relationships, not short term. So like if anything, I feel like it's going to be short term, I'm out immediately. I just don't even wanna do it. And I think that that's because I crave the stability of a long term relationship because I feel like I didn't have that growing up. So what I want that in my life. I like the idea of having stability or whatever in a relationship and having it be long term. I also think that I love,
Starting point is 00:51:28 whenever I'm dating a guy, I love them. I'm very all in because, and even if I don't show it necessarily, I'm very all in because I want to make it work as well as I fucking can and not be a quitter because like I will do anything in my power to keep a relationship going even if it's not good because I don't want to fail and I don't want like every time a relationship fails for me, it further proves in my mind that like marriage and love is like impossible. Because I think that my parents getting divorced and me never seeing my parents in love made me kind of believe in a way growing up that
Starting point is 00:52:20 like love wasn't even real and that like, I'd never seen it before. There was no example for me. So I just had a hard time understanding how it was possible to love somebody forever because I'd never seen it. And so every time I date a guy and it doesn't work out, I think it hits me a lot harder because it just further proves to me that love doesn't exist. But at the same time, that's not the right way to look at it.
Starting point is 00:52:48 Like, you're gonna date so many guys before you find the guy that you're gonna date, that's what I tell myself. You're gonna date so many guys before you find the guy that you either date for a really long time or you marry or who becomes your lifelong partner. Like, there's gonna be so many fucking hits and misses. Like, it's unreal how many there's gonna be.
Starting point is 00:53:05 And just because one doesn't work out when you're fucking 17 doesn't mean that you're never gonna find somebody. Like, you shouldn't marry the person that you meet at 17 most likely. That's probably not a good idea. It totally could be in some situations, but it's usually not. And so, but I feel like I always put a lot more pressure on myself to like make the relationship last as long as possible.
Starting point is 00:53:29 And I also feel like I'm always thinking about marriage. Whenever I'm in a relationship with a guy, I'm always like, what I marry this guy? What I marry this guy? What I marry this guy? I ask myself that every day. It's so fucking bizarre. And because I'm like, I'm 19, Emma, you're 19.
Starting point is 00:53:45 Why are you like dating this guy and asking yourself if you'd marry them every day? But that's kind of the way that I gauge whether or not I should be with somebody because if I wouldn't marry them, then I don't want to waste my time because my end goal is to have a successful marriage one day because I want to experience that in my life.
Starting point is 00:54:02 I didn't experience it from my parents. I didn't see that with my parents. So I want to experience it myself. And I'm constantly afraid that like I'll never find it. And so I think that I like, I'm super over. I'm so overly analytical of who I'm dating in a way because I'm like, are they like a good match for me? Would they be a good dad? Could I picture myself being 85 with this guy? And if the answer is yes in that moment, then I'm in. But that's why I think I maybe haven't been in that many relationships,
Starting point is 00:54:32 or I haven't been with very many guys because I'm like, well, most of them know. And then if the answer is, sometimes the answer is no, I wouldn't be with them long term, but it's like fun for now. But then I do that and then I'm like, well, I'm wasting my time because I could be finding
Starting point is 00:54:45 the person that I could be spending my life with. I date with the intention of spending my life with said guy, which I think kind of hinders me from having fun and like going out and like talking to dudes that I will never talk to again. Like, there's something fun and romanticized about that. And I think I missed out on that because my goal has always been for like long term.
Starting point is 00:55:06 But at the same time, that's the way that my brain works. So who cares? I also feel like my self-esteem was affected by my parents' divorce. And I don't know why that is. I'm still, I honestly should probably see a therapist about it. And my parents did try to put me in therapy when I was like 10 further divorced,
Starting point is 00:55:24 but it didn't work because I refused to talk to some random lady for an hour about my parents divorce. Sorry, no. Now I'm open to it, but like back then it was a no for me. But I think my self esteem got affected by it somehow. And I think my self-esteem might have been affected by it in a way where when my parents started dating,
Starting point is 00:55:49 and I wasn't like, I was still the number one priority, but I didn't feel like it. I felt like I was like, you know, now being, like it was like, my parents were also prioritizing their significant other and me. And I was like, you, and I think something about that fucked up myself esteem Just like me I I believed like oh well. I'm their child so on their number one priority and then feeling like I was sharing That with my parents significant other
Starting point is 00:56:18 That hurt me to have a steam wise because I was like holy shit. I'm their kid. I should be their number one number one and Like I have to split their it might like I have to split their attention with somebody else. When I'm already, like, you know, I just like, something about it fucked up myself a steam and makes me kind of like feel a little bit replaceable, which is not a rational feeling. Like, my parents did not, they still prioritize me, they still took care of me, they still spent time with me.
Starting point is 00:56:49 But when they started dating, it made me feel like I was being replaced by their significant other for some weird reason, and I don't know what the psychology is behind that. But because it wasn't like I really needed to feel that way, but that's the way that my brain processed the situation, whether that's fair to my parents or not, but that really affected myself a steam. And now I think in relationships, I tend to feel like I'm never enough,
Starting point is 00:57:14 because I feel like my parents chose me for another significant other. Even though that wasn't necessarily true, but that's the way that it made me feel and it just affected myself a same minute. That's so confusing for me to explain because I don't even fully understand it. But yeah, somebody said, my mom is moving to Rhode Island to take care of her mom and my dad is staying in Florida.
Starting point is 00:57:37 How do I choose who to go to if I'm very close to both? If you're very close to both, I think you choose where it's more convenient for you to live and where you're going to be happier. Where are your friends? Where are your hobbies? I would say go there. Or if you want to experience living in a new place, go to Rhode Island with your mom. Don't choose based on which parent you want to spend more time with.
Starting point is 00:58:01 Choose based on where you'd rather live strictly and make that clear to them. Be like, I wanna move to Rhode Island or I wanna move to Florida because all of my friends are in Florida or I wanna experience something new in Rhode Island and explain that to them. And also make an effort to call the other parent a lot and check in with the other parent
Starting point is 00:58:23 so that they know that, just remind them that you care and all of that. You'll be fine. Your parents will be fine. They're putting you in an uncomfortable situation where you have to make this decision so they cannot be hard on you about what decision that you do end up making. And just make it clear that it's not personal that it's like, you know, you love both parents equally. It's just that like this is what makes sense for you and your happiness. There was actually a period of time where I ended up living with my mom towards the end of my high school career.
Starting point is 00:58:54 I ended up moving in with my mom full time because I was in high school. I was taking all these hard classes and I did not have the energy literally to be going 30 minutes away to my dad's house from school every day. Like it was like, my school was 10 minutes away from my mom's house and 30 minutes away from my dad's house.
Starting point is 00:59:16 It just got to a point where it was the commute from my dad's house was just too much. So I ended up moving in with my mom pretty much full time. And my dad was cool with it and we still would spend time together. But it was like, I just, I need it. It wasn't that I didn't want to spend time with my dad. It was that it was literally like really difficult for me to be commuting from my dad's. And he totally understood. And so I think just communicating and explaining that it's not about them and it's about, you know, you doing what's best for you
Starting point is 00:59:45 in your life, in the structure of your life. Somebody said, do you actually get double the amount of Christmas, presents, and birthday presents? You know what I realized for my parents getting divorced was that I don't think dads, I think we need to give our moms full credit for all holiday gifting. My dad, it was actually so sweet.
Starting point is 01:00:06 My dad would really try to do the whole Christmas thing, but it was so funny how different the gifts were at my moms and my dad. It's like my dad's house was like shampoo and conditioner and like a hairbrush and like a toothbrush. And like just basically essentials for living at his house. Or like bad mitten rackets. It was all such dad shit.
Starting point is 01:00:30 Then at my mom's house, it was like close or fun makeup products, that type of shit. It was so funny and charming to see the difference. I mean, maybe I got double the amount of gifts, but also not really, because I feel like not really. My mom would definitely go out for a birthday and Christmas and my dad would be like, I don't think that gift giving is my dad's love language, which is totally fine because it's not mine either, so I didn't really care.
Starting point is 01:01:00 But I don't think I got doubled the gifts, because I think my dad is more about quality time. Like he would during the holidays or during birthdays, he would be the one that would like really want to get the vibes up. Like we would decorate the house together or go and get like, you know, dinner at our favorite burrito place for my birthday. Whereas my mom would totally go in on the gifts. And like that was her thing and she killed it every year. And so I got different things from both parents. I would not say I got double the gifts though.
Starting point is 01:01:29 Somebody said, do you ever feel resentment towards one of your parents because the other one constantly talks shit about them? This happens to me a lot. Not really and I've been really lucky that my parents have kept it really civil and not talked shit about the other parent to me. I mean, we've talked about, you know,
Starting point is 01:01:47 I've vented about different, you know, different traits of one parent to the other parent, but it's never been like, in a way that wasn't constructive. I feel like it's always been constructive and very mature on their end. But I would say some advice for you is to tell your parent, like, hey, I really don't think it's healthy.
Starting point is 01:02:07 Like, I have to be around both of you. And so if you're talking shit about my dad or if you're talking shit about my mom, like, I can't, it's hard for me to be around them afterwards. So like, let's not talk about it anymore. Like, it makes it way too difficult for me. Like, I can't, I can't manage that situation mentally. So, you know, just kind of kindly asking for those conversations to stop,
Starting point is 01:02:30 I think would be the best option. And even if it's hard because even if you feed into it and even if you agree with whatever parent, like it's really better to just try to be as good of a spot as you can with both parents. Somebody said, would you ever consider divorcing if you were to have kids in the future and the relationship didn't work out anymore?
Starting point is 01:02:53 Yes. I do not think that like because my parents got divorced and it was like kind of painful that I would never get divorced. If I got married and at a certain point we weren't happy, it's in the whole family's best interest for me and my set husband to get divorced. If I got married and at a certain point we weren't happy, it's in the whole family's best interest for me and my set husband to get divorced, a thousand percent. I'm not opposed to it. I would avoid it at all costs and I think that, you know, I'm going to, I'm really, I think that my like criteria for marriage is pretty fucking strict.
Starting point is 01:03:28 Like my criteria is as follows. Little to no arguing with my significant other now because if you are arguing now when you're like a teenager, slash in your early to mid 20s, if you're arguing in that relationship, good luck. Obviously, there's going to be little bumps in the road here and there, but like if you're fully having like screaming arguments at all, the second I have a screaming argument with somebody, I'm breaking up with them because I know it's not necessary. I know it isn't.
Starting point is 01:04:02 You do not need to have a screaming argument and I don't want that in a marriage. I want to have civil, respectful, understanding, egoless conversations with my significant other. And I know that that's possible. And I don't think that there needs to be any type of screaming or yelling or anything. And if that's happening at this age, it's only gonna get worse. So for me Dating somebody that's argumentative with me is a no like I can't do it and I definitely wouldn't marry a guy like that But that's not to say that there won't be you know some moments where it's like you know where there's communication or where there's
Starting point is 01:04:41 confrontation Absolutely, that's so fucking important But it does not need to be out of elevated tone, period. And if that's happening in the relationship, it's never gonna be coming from me and it's gonna be coming from the other person. And I don't wanna have anything to do with it. I refuse to communicate like that.
Starting point is 01:04:58 Another thing is, I think honestly, having a lot in common, whether it's like music or things that you like to do on your day off or traveling, like whatever, I don't wanna date a guy that constantly, like that we were, we had nothing in common and we don't like to do things together. I like to be able to do things together with a guy,
Starting point is 01:05:21 and that's really important to me. Like if they like to fucking, even if they just like to eat the same type of food as me, it's like that simple, but, or if they like to go shopping, like whatever, or if they like interior design, they like to go to a fucking furniture store with you and look at furniture, like anything.
Starting point is 01:05:37 Or if they like traveling to the same types of places, that's super important. And that's a huge yes for me. And it's like all the cards need to be in line and there needs to be absolutely no red flags or else I will be out immediately. Because even though I will fight to the death to make a relationship last, if I have a few red flags, I'm out. Like I'll fight through a few red flags,
Starting point is 01:06:05 but then after a handful, it's over. But then at the same time, I'll fight through red flags, but until it's like, okay, yeah, wait, this is not, this is like not something that they're gonna work through, like this is permanent, this is who they are, I can't do this. But I think the most ideal situation is to date somebody with no red flags, That's that's on some
Starting point is 01:06:26 Wifey shit. That's when you're like, okay, I'm ready because I mean You think that you can be in a relationship. I've I've only once been in a relationship in my life where there's been no red flags It is hard to come by and I think people settle for red flags So like it's fine because this is like what you know This is normal like what I have to like you know I have to love them for them blah blah blah no you can find somebody with no red flags I've done it and it's unreal how the fuck is that possible is not crazy and it doesn't even
Starting point is 01:06:56 necessarily mean that like you know you never know you might find somebody and have no red flags and like you know they might end up you they might be perfect for you. They could still break up with you down the line. You'll still find somebody else with no red flags. It's really hard to do, but you can fucking do it. Because if I can do it, you can. Anyway, not that that even means that there won't be red flags down the line. Like a red flag could pop up two years into the relationship. But what I'm saying is, never settle for red flags.
Starting point is 01:07:25 Always be seeking a relationship with no red flags. And red flags do not mean no issues at all. You could be like, hey, I really feel like, you know, we haven't spent a lot of time together this week. Like I miss you. Like that's not the red flag. A red flag is like, okay, I feel like they're cheating on me. Like they haven't talked to me for a week, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:07:49 Okay, anyway. Somebody said, is it just me or does anyone else feel awkward telling your parent you're going to see the other one? I feel the need to lie. Do not lie. Okay, your parents fucking put you onto this planet. They made the decision to have a child and they share you 50, 50, you are 50% one parent
Starting point is 01:08:08 and 50% the other do not be apologetic about wanting to spend time with one of your parents, ever, never, never. You do not need to lie about that. And if they get jealous and weird, that is fucking their problem, and they need to grow up, because you are their child,
Starting point is 01:08:24 and that is their responsibility. Period. Somebody said, do you think it always happens? Like, if you get married, that you'll eventually get divorced inevitably, or do you believe in long-lasting marriage? I think that long-lasting marriage is possible. I think that there's always going to be bumps in the road. I think it's never going to be fully smooth sailing. I think expecting that is possible. I think that there's always gonna be bumps in the road. I think it's never gonna be fully smooth sailing.
Starting point is 01:08:46 I think expecting that is impossible. But I think that if you find the right partner that has no red flags and that's completely compatible with you and you're not settling and you're not rushing anything and it's something that I do believe in it. I do think it's a lot more rare than we wanna admit to ourselves.
Starting point is 01:09:06 I think that I never realized how easy it was to settle until I got into a relationship with that was actually really good. And there was no red flags and I was not settling and I admired the person. And I genuinely loved them, like with every bone in my body, and was not like, oh, I love them, but also like fuck this and that about them. Like it was, it's like, no, like I am here for all of it. And I'm not settling, I'm not like trying to make something work that's not working,
Starting point is 01:09:46 like it just works when it works. And I think, but a lot of the relationships I've been in prior, I was like fighting to make something work that was not working by any means. And like, I can only imagine how many people have like married somebody like that, have married somebody where they were like, eh, like this, where they didn't even realize that they're settling, I think that's what leads to divorce. Is when you actually are settling, but you didn't even realize that you are, because it's really easy to kind of push that to the back of your head.
Starting point is 01:10:18 I think that that's, but I think majority of people settle. And I didn't realize that until I wasn't settling anymore. And I like refuse to do that anymore. But it's a hard thing to do. Cause there's so many people on this planet, the likelihood of finding one that sucks for you is a lot more likely. It's hard to find somebody that really, really works for you.
Starting point is 01:10:42 It's completely possible for every single person on this planet more than possible, but it's not always going to be easy and it might take a lot of time. But I think that if you find that person that is almost your twin, but also the perfect balance of being really similar to you, but also having elements of themselves that you don't have and so that they can teach you and also like somebody that you admire and somebody that respects you and genuinely just like loves you.
Starting point is 01:11:14 I think it's really hard these days to find somebody that really just like loves you for you and like is not wishy washy and isn't just gonna pick up and leave the next day. It's hard to find that shit, but when you find that, I think that that's the stuff that lasts forever, you know? Somebody said, which parents house did you like better?
Starting point is 01:11:33 Honestly, I feel like my mom's house was nice because all my friends were nearby, and like my mom and I would do fun stuff, like go shopping and blah, blah, blah, blah. But I liked being at my dad's house because, I like being at my dad's house because it was kind of like a vacation house in a way because it was removed from my, it was like 30 minutes away from my school.
Starting point is 01:11:51 It was in a new town. And like, you know, my dad has a very creative house with like drum set and paints and canvases everywhere. So it was kind of like I was in another world. So I would say I like both equally. I think I'm gonna end it off there guys. I've been talking for far too long. But I really enjoyed talking about this and I hope that if you guys are either afraid of divorce in your own family or you're afraid of divorce, you're afraid to get married because you're afraid of divorce, there's so many ways that people think about this
Starting point is 01:12:29 and people fear it and stuff. There's nothing to fear in it. I think that it usually happens for a reason. And I know with my family, it definitely did. And I don't have any regrets or anything like that. And I think, it can be really shitty and really painful. But I think that what you learn from any struggle in life is a beautiful thing. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Starting point is 01:12:55 And if you want to tweet me more topics like this that you want me to talk about, the Twitter is at AG podcast. Leave us a little review on Apple podcasts, a little five star z's if you like it. I appreciate you guys coming back every weekend listening to me and I love hanging out with you guys and talking to you guys. It's like my free therapy session. I still don't have a therapist officially. I talk to one every like few months when I am so depressed that I'm in a dangerous spot,
Starting point is 01:13:21 but you guys are kind of my daily therapist. So I appreciate you guys a lot. I love you all a lot. Have an amazing week and I will see you next Thursday or whenever you listen again. Bye everybody. Love you guys. Forehead kiss.

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