anything goes with emma chamberlain - embarrassing things i did in high school [video]

Episode Date: July 16, 2023

[video available on spotify] i think i'm finally at a place now where i can look back at my high school memories and i can laugh. and it's such a relief because prior to now, anytime i'd remember an e...mbarrassing high school memory, it was still too cringe to me. but i'm finally at a place now where i think i'm ready to share some of these memories, and what a beautiful thing that is. because cringey moments can haunt you. but eventually you get to a point where they become fun, funny, and somewhat a source of joy. so all of that to say, today i'm going to be telling some of my embarrassing high school stories. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I think I'm finally at a place now where I can look back at my high school memories and I can laugh. And it's such a relief because prior to now, anytime I'd remember an embarrassing high school memory, I'd have to close my eyes and force myself to forget the memory because I wasn't ready to handle it. It was still too cringed to me. It's still hurt myself esteem like I couldn't handle it yet. But I'm finally out of place now, six or seven years after high school, where I think I'm ready to discuss my embarrassing high school memories. And what a beautiful thing that is, because embarrassing moments,
Starting point is 00:00:49 cringy moments, can haunt you for a week. They can haunt you for five years. But eventually, you get to a point with these types of memories where they become fun. They become funny. they become funny, they become somewhat a source of joy. And that's what makes cringey and embarrassing moments so great, that's what makes them worth it.
Starting point is 00:01:17 So all of that to say, today I'm gonna be telling some of my embarrassing high school stories. I definitely have a lot. So this might not be the only episode I do telling embarrassing high school stories. But today we're going to discuss a few of them. So let's start with story number one, the football sweatshirt. I'm going to be naming these stories, by the way. I'm naming them. They get their own name. So football games are such an important part of high school culture, especially in America. I feel like football
Starting point is 00:02:00 season is the most romantic time of year in high school. When you watch any high school movie, you're probably seeing a lot of football related things. You know, the jock is walking around in his football jacket. There's usually some sort of drama happening during a football game. Like it's such a fundamental part of American high school. It's just such a romanticized thing. But anyway, I was never into sports like basketball, football, baseball. I didn't know how any of those games worked.
Starting point is 00:02:38 You know, watching those types of games, not that interesting to me. But there was something about football season in high school that was exciting to me. And it had nothing to do with the game of football. What was exciting to me about football season was this idea that, you know, I'd go to school during the day and then I'd go home and I'd do a little bit of homework and then I get all bundled up to go to a football game. And then my friends and I would get to hang out at this football game and try to
Starting point is 00:03:14 make eye contact with a cute football player and maybe even get lucky enough to talk to one of them after. Never, did not happen literally once, never spoke to a football player once. And then it would get dark. And after the football game, you know, we would all be hanging out in the parking lot. And it was just a fun and exciting thing to do on a school night. I will say my high school experience was a little bit unusual because I went to an all-girl school. So it wasn't like I got to experience the football excitement during my school day because at my all-girl school there was no football team. The football team that my school got to root for was our brother schools football team.
Starting point is 00:04:09 And if you don't know what a brother school is, a lot of times all girls schools will have a correlating all boys school. And those two schools will do activities together, like football games, prom, etc. So you see what I mean. It was a little different. It wasn't like, on football days, I would get to walk down the hallways at school and see all the cute football players and their cute football jackets
Starting point is 00:04:36 and be like, good luck today. Like, I didn't get to do that part. You know, my full American high school fantasy wasn't... It wasn't quite like the movies, but listen, I was willing to take what I could get. So freshman year of high school, I start going to these football games and it was so fun. I loved it for all the reasons I mentioned earlier. It's this fun activity to do after school. And I kind of got into it. You know, I kind of got into this idea
Starting point is 00:05:13 of being a football fan for one season a year. But I remember at the end of the football season in freshman year, I realized I needed to get a football sweatshirt for the boys' school, because that was like the cool thing to do, to wear a football sweatshirt to the football games. And all my friends somehow had a football sweatshirt, whether it was because their brother went to that school or it was from a guy that they were dating, it felt like every friend I had had a football sweatshirt that was sort
Starting point is 00:05:55 of a hand me down from some boy in their life that played football at this school. And I'm an only child, okay? I don't have a cool older brother who plays football at this school. I don't have a boyfriend at this time. Boys don't necessarily like me, okay? I mean, it's not like they never liked me, but not enough and not often enough. The moral of the story is I didn't have a football sweatshirt. So you wanna know what I did? I went online. And online you could order, you know, school
Starting point is 00:06:31 merch for the All Voice School. And I went down this rabbit hole on the website. Like I managed to find a page where you could custom make a sweatshirt. Like you could pick out what color, base sweatshirt you wanted, and then you could pick out what color you wanted the logo to be, and then you could pick out what you wanted it to say on the back, and you could customize it, right? And I was so excited because I was like, my football sweatshirt is gonna be so fucking cool. Like this is gonna be iconic
Starting point is 00:07:05 Okay, this is gonna be the most iconic football sweatshirt ever so I I custom make The perfect sweatshirt it was white with a Big logo on the front So fucking boring it was it was honestly so boring, but anyway, and I ordered it. And I remember when I got it, I was so excited. And I was like, finally, I'm gonna fit in at the football
Starting point is 00:07:32 games. And so fast forward to the next football game I go to, I think it might have been actually the following year, sophomore year. I'm so excited to wear this custom sweatshirt. I am over the moon. I'm so excited. And I show up in immediately. One of my friends is like, where'd you get that? And I was like, I ordered it online. Like what?
Starting point is 00:08:00 I want to fit in. And she was like, what? And immediately it dawns on me. Like, it's not cool if you didn't get it as a hand me down. Like immediately it dawns on me. And I'm like, how did I not think of this sooner? Fuck. But I was like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:08:23 Maybe it's fine. Like maybe I'm going to get away with it. Yeah, it looks brand new. Like, it literally looks like freshly printed. You know, it has no vintage wash. It has no cracking design on the front. Like, it looks very new. Couldn't have looked newer. But maybe, I was like, maybe I'll get away with it, you know? After the football game, I remember one of our guy friends who was on the football team, was like, where'd you get that? And I was like, no, this, no.
Starting point is 00:09:00 And I was like, ah, well, I ordered it online. And he was like, no. And I was like, ah, well, I ordered it online. And he was like, no. And I was like, fuck, I just wasted $60 on this stupid custom football sweatshirt. And I'm sticking out like a sore thumb because no one else has this custom made sweatshirt. I don't even think anyone knew that you could go and custom make one of these sweatshirts online. So I'm just sticking out like a sore thumb and everybody knows that I ordered a fucking football sweatshirt because I didn't have a cool older brother or a cute boyfriend to give me one. And, you know, I will say, I pushed through the pain
Starting point is 00:09:51 and I think I wore it one or two times after that. Listen, it shouldn't be that embarrassing. And it isn't. In retrospect, it's actually kind of silly. Like saying this story out loud makes me realize how stupid it is. But to me, this was so embarrassing for multiple years. And it actually reminds me of another story that I wasn't going to tell,
Starting point is 00:10:11 but now I'm remembering it and I think it's funny. So, this story, story number two, is called The Supreme Sweatcher. When I was in high school, Supreme, the clothing brand, was really having a moment. It was really having a moment. It was like having its moment. Everybody who had rich parents had the Supreme sweatshirt with the red box logo on it. And it was like the coolest thing you could possibly wear. Now I remember at this time I had a crush on this kid
Starting point is 00:10:58 who was a total height beast. Okay. He had all of the height beast clothing. He had the Supreme sweatshirt. He had the anti-social social club sweatshirt. He had the Bay Puddy. I hope you know what I'm talking about because if you don't know what I'm talking about, all of the things I just mentioned will not make sense to you. But it was all like the cool, hot streetwear pieces of the time. Yeah, I had a crush on this kid. Oh my god, this is so embarrassing. Okay. Well, I didn't have
Starting point is 00:11:37 the money to be buying $300 sweatshirts online. That was not my situation, but the cool factor of these rare streetwear brands was undeniable at the time. It was so cool, okay. I decided I was gonna order fake streetwear stuff. I was gonna order fake supreme, fake anti-social social club. And I was gonna be the coolest kid in school for 50 bucks.
Starting point is 00:12:23 I remember one night going on my computer and going down a counterfeit designer rabbit hole and I ended up finding this website that was selling fake supreme box hoodies for like $20 and I was so excited. This website was like a god sent to me because not only did they have the supreme box hoodie available, but they had it available in 10 different colors. Okay, they had pink. They had black. They had gray. They had white. They had red and they had camo. I had so many options. How in the world was I going to choose? Well, after about 30 minutes of deliberation, I decided, I think I'm going to get the camo one. Oh my god. This is so embarrassing. I was like, the camo one looks the most badass. I've never seen anyone wear it. It's probably super rare, like the real one.
Starting point is 00:13:27 If, you know, it's probably super rare. And I'm about to get it for $20. So I order this $20 Supreme sweatshirt, camo. Great. One designer hoodie for $20 check done. But I was like, one's not enough. Like I need to paint this picture to people that I am a cool stylish kid. So I need to have more than one hype B streetwear piece in my closet. So I try to find a fake anti social social club hoodie. Easy. I find one in 30 seconds flat. Okay. I
Starting point is 00:14:15 decided to get the classic black one with just the logo on it. That's it. Because I ordered them from sketchy websites, it did take them probably three months to come. But I remember the day that they came in, it was like Christmas for me. I opened them up and I'm like, this is my ticket to finally being cool. Like everything's about to get really good from here. Okay. This hype-beast boy that I had a crush on Like, everything's about to get really good from here.
Starting point is 00:14:45 Okay. This hype-beast boy that I had a crush on is going to fall in love with me immediately because I have a Supreme Box hoodie. But not only is he gonna fall in love with me, but every other boy is also gonna fall in love with me. I'm gonna be walking through the streets. It's gonna be like me having to push all the high school boys off. It's going to be exhausting, but it's going to be
Starting point is 00:15:07 exhilarating. Things are really looking up for me. And at the time, I think I was struggling with the fact that I felt like boys never chose me first. I never felt cool enough for the boys. I never felt exciting to the boys. You know, I was somewhat maybe a little awkward. I was somewhat awkward. I was social, but I was still awkward. And I was very timid when it came to being like flirty and stuff.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Like that was not happening for me. I was really timid when it came to being like flirty and stuff. Like that was not happening for me. I was really timid about that. And I wasn't really confident in myself as a young woman. Like I was not confident in my womanhood. Like I didn't feel like a proper woman, you know? Well, I guess I was not a woman. I was a girl, but still, I got my period super late. At the time that I ordered my fake Supreme sweatshirt, I didn't even have my period yet.
Starting point is 00:16:10 I looked significantly younger, I would say, than a lot of my friends. And I just felt very insecure. And to me, this fake designer was gonna fix it all. I may not be a flirtatious master, but I got the Supreme Box hoodie. Maybe I'll start pulling, you know what I mean? Like maybe it's gonna happen. To make a long story short, my fake Supreme sweatshirt got found out immediately. Immediately.
Starting point is 00:16:49 People started coming up to me being like, where'd you get that? I was like, oh, online, whatever. Like online, I ordered it. All the hype beast kids found me out immediately. They were like, they've never made a camel one. The camel one doesn't exist. They've only ever made, you know, pink, white, and black. They've never made the camel one. The camera one doesn't exist. They've only ever made, you know, pink, white, and black. They've never made the camera one. The camera one doesn't exist. Oh, like, okay, what was it with me in fucking sweatshirts in high school? Like I, I should
Starting point is 00:17:15 be literally someone should have said, Emma, you are not allowed to order sweatshirts online. It is getting you into trouble. Stop. You think it's gonna make you cool and then it just backfires every time. No more sweatshirts for you. But hope was not lost, okay, because I still had the simple black anti-social social club hoodie.
Starting point is 00:17:38 And that was all I had left. I already wasted $20 on the Supreme one, but maybe the anti-social, social club one will fix it all, okay? Maybe it'll make me seem a little bit more legit. And it did. Everyone thought it was real. Everyone thought that one was real,
Starting point is 00:17:59 including the boy that I had a crush on. And you know what's funny? One time he was like, hey, like I have this guy that I know, he's reselling a bunch of the anti-social, social club hoodies. Like, are you looking for any other colors? Because I know this guy who could, yeah, and his prices are really good.
Starting point is 00:18:19 They're only like $300. So I was like, one, yeah, no. I was like, put me in contact with that guy because I'm trying to grow my collection, like $300. There was like one. Yeah, no. I was like, put me in contact with that guy because I'm trying to grow my collection, like for sure. So yeah, pass that along for sure. It was so bad. Like it actually did backfire because kids did start to think that I actually was into the hypey stuff.
Starting point is 00:18:41 And so they'd be like, wait, like where'd you buy that? Like what seller? And I just wouldn't even know what to say. Because at the time with these hype beast clothing pieces, how it would work was, you know, these brands like Supreme, anti-social social club, whatever, they would do these limited drops and they would drop like a hundred hoodies, right?
Starting point is 00:19:02 And they'd sell out within seconds. And if you wanted to get your hands on them, what you'd probably have to do is order them through a third party seller. And the price would be up like quadruple because they were in such high demand. And so that's why they were so expensive. I mean, they were still expensive when they were first sold, like they'd first be sold for like $100 maybe, but then they'd end up being resold for like anywhere between $200 and 1,000 depending on how rare the piece was. Obviously, that's not something that I was able to participate in,
Starting point is 00:19:47 but I got all the cool kids thinking that it was. And so they were all like talking this hype beast language to me that I literally didn't understand and I just had to pretend it was traumatic but amazing. And I actually wore that anti-social social club hoodie for a while, like for years. Okay, next. Story number three, country music concerts. I can't believe I'm about to talk about this publicly. Like that's how crazy this story is. In high school, you want a party. But all the odds are against you, right?
Starting point is 00:20:27 You try to throw a party at one of your friend's houses and within 30 minutes, the cops are called or the parents come home and everyone gets kicked out and grounded. You want to do adult things. You want to drink alcohol, you know, you want to play crazy music, but all of the odds are against you. You're not legally allowed to drink. You're not to be trusted, home alone, without adult supervision. It's a nightmare, but yet it's all you want to do.
Starting point is 00:21:03 And there are quite a few ways in high school that we would try to get a party experience without throwing a house party because house parties never ended well. So one of the ways that we would try to party is by going to country concerts. So there was a concert venue, probably 40 minutes away from where I lived, and it was a pretty big concert venue. At least once a month, there was a country concert.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Now, I never liked country music, and to be honest, I don't even think a lot of kids in my high school liked country music. But here's the thing about these country concerts. They were so cheap. You could get a ticket to one of these country concerts for like $20. Whereas the really good concerts, like the Post Malone concerts, those were more like $100. Those were a little bit more expensive. But these country concerts were so cheap at the time.
Starting point is 00:22:13 And the way that this concert venue worked was closest to the stage. There were hundreds of rows of seats. But then behind the rows of seats, really far away from the stage, there was just a grass lawn. And if you buy one of those $20 tickets, you get access to that grass lawn. You don't really get a seat, and you can't really see the stage very well at all, but you get to hang out on the grass. This was basically the perfect scenario as a high schooler. It's like you're in a public place.
Starting point is 00:22:56 You're allowed to be loud. You're allowed to run around, dance around, do whatever. You don't need parents supervision, because it's a relatively safe place because there's security around police officers around. It's a relatively safe environment. Like, it's kind of just a free for all. And so every few months, all the kids
Starting point is 00:23:19 from all the various schools in my town would go to these country concerts. But here's what was fucking crazy about this. The goal, oh my God, I can't believe I did this. I can't believe anyone did that. I can't believe we did this. The goal when we would go to these concerts would be to make out with as many people as you possibly could.
Starting point is 00:23:46 This was very out of my comfort zone. This was like the Olympics. Like who can make out with the most people? Some of my friends were like trained athletes. You know, they had been training their whole life for this. This is like second nature to them. They are so comfortable with this idea. They love to do it. This is a fun activity. They're excited. They're confident. They're ready to go. I was like a JV rookie trying to play at the Olympics. You know what I'm saying? Like, I was not built for this.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Super insecure, had never had a boyfriend, like, had maybe kissed one boy before. I was not up for the challenge. It was just this thing that I felt like I had to do, like I felt like I had to go, you know? And I remember the first few country concerts I went to. I would just follow my friends around and like let them do their thing, you know what I mean? And I just kind of minded my own business.
Starting point is 00:24:57 And I enjoyed myself because it was a total fucking mess. Like it was a total mess, like all these high schoolers. So hungry to like party, all in one place, it was a fucking mess. That's the only way I could describe it. And so the first few times I went, it was more just like fun to hang out and watch. But the last few country concerts I went to, I was like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:25:30 Maybe it's my time to shine. I will say, I'm not gonna listen, we're not gonna go into detail here, but my record in one night was three. But, you know, I don't regret it actually anymore because it was kind of fun. You know, it was kind of fun, but okay, but okay, but I'm skipping over a part. I'm skipping over why it's embarrassing. It's embarrassing because this sort of behavior was so against my nature, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:05 that I would be stiff as a fucking board, like literally so rigid, like I could never get into it, like I was never into it. It was always like so forced. It was so forced in the sense that I was forcing myself to do it. Nobody was forcing me to do it by any means. It was always very respectful and like, which is actually very impressive. It was always respectful and great and whatever.
Starting point is 00:26:33 But I was like forcing myself to do this and participate in this sort of activity that was so against my nature that I was stiff, like I was uncomfortable. I couldn't do it. I couldn't get into it. And so that's why it was embarrassing because I think probably everyone who encountered me in that way at one of these country countries was probably like, what a freak.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Like I don't know, like what a nervous little nerd freak. Like, which by the way, being like a little nerd freak, that's actually badass ass and cool. So no regrets at all. But I think it was, it's just cringe for me to remember because number one, it's like, I can't believe I even did that in the first place. But number two, like I wasn't cool about it. Like it wasn't like, oh shit, like dang, three in one night for Emma, that's bad ass. It's like, oh, yeah, Emma tried it three times and was stiff as a board and very nervous every time
Starting point is 00:27:28 and it was never like badass and cool. Like some of my friends, it was like badass and cool. So I don't know. Psychologically for me, I think it was somewhat of an important experience because it did sort of build my confidence like, hey, you know what? Maybe I can find boys who like me and maybe I can do the all dreaded kiss and survive it, you know, and come out the other end alive. Because I was so nervous about that type of stuff, like any sort of, like,
Starting point is 00:28:08 any kind of intimacy, whether, I mean, it's like kind of a joke to even call that intimacy, I guess at all, but anything, any sort of behavior like that used to make me so nervous. And I think it did help me build my confidence a little bit, which I think is not to be ignored. But at the same time, I don't know if that's the right way to go about getting over that fear. So I guess the moral of the story is,
Starting point is 00:28:34 I don't regret doing it personally, but I wouldn't recommend it for others. Although I wouldn't judge you if you did that because hello, I mean, I did the same thing. And you know, like if I didn't do shit like that in high school, then it would have been boring. Like I wouldn't have any stories to tell now. So no regrets. Next story, we have the red receipt to sort of keep on theme with me embarrassing myself in front of boys. I had a crush on this guy. Okay,
Starting point is 00:29:03 this was a, this is a different guy from the guy I mentioned earlier. The guy I mentioned earlier is the Supreme Box logo hoodie guy. Okay, that's a different guy. This other guy was more of like a football kind of guy. He was definitely like somewhat cool, like he was kind of a cool guy, and he always had a girlfriend. Oh my God, always, always had a girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:29:26 But I was friends with him. I was sort of in his friend group and I always liked him. And I was willing to wait for him to finally realize that I was the one. And so I patiently waited through probably three girlfriends until finally he was single. And he was painful. Having a crush on a guy that has a girlfriend is awful.
Starting point is 00:29:52 And I was always very respectful of that. I never, ever tried to mess it up or anything. No, I was always very respectful. Okay, I release a tried from what I can remember. But finally, at one one point he's single. And we start texting a bit more. We were always in group chats together because again, as I mentioned, we were in the same friend group, but he started sort of texting me on the side and I was like, wow, cool.
Starting point is 00:30:17 And it starts to become sort of routine. We start sort of texting each other one on one more often on a daily basis. And, you know, in high school, you want to be cool, right? So I used to wait like three hours to respond to his text just to sort of play hard to get. I mean, I would like get a text from him and I'd open it up and I'd read it. And then I'd turn my phone off and not respond for like three hours, try to play hard to get. And I did this for probably like two months straight. You know, we're sort of maybe a little flirty with each other.
Starting point is 00:30:58 And I'm really trying to just play hard to get so I can make him like me. Like that's how my brain worked at the time. And I remember one day he texts me and he tells me that he likes me. He admits it, he says it and I freak out. Okay, I completely freak out. Cause I'm like, I don't know how to respond. I'm so nervous.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Like what does this mean? And so I don't respond to this text for like four hours. I just stare at it like on my phone. Text page open, just stare at it on my phone for like four hours. Finally, I respond and I say something back. And then we somewhat start like dating, I guess. I mean, we never really dated. We may be dated for like a month, maybe two months,
Starting point is 00:31:48 and it was not serious and it was not, it was not good. Like, I immediately realized once we started getting kinda serious, like not even, but like somewhat serious. I was like, we actually don't know if I like him like that anymore. I got cold feet and I was like, I'm not really into it anymore. So we break up like a month after we start talking. It just ends. And we were main friends. But I remember like a few days after we ended our relationship, if you can even call it that. I'm texting with a friend. And they mention that I have my red receipts on.
Starting point is 00:32:26 You know where it shows at the bottom of the text message like this message was read at this time and I was like wait my red receipts are on? My heart drops into my stomach. She's like yeah your red receipts are on like Like they've been on, like forever, like ever since I met you. And I was like, you're fucking with me. You are fucking with me right now. You are fucking with me right now. My red receipts are not on. You are fucking with me. Then I start asking around. Like I start asking people, I'm like, are my red receipts on with you? Yeah. Why? Are my red receipts on with you? Yeah. Why? It all dawns on me. Okay. My entire one month relationship with this kid. I'm thinking I'm all bad ass, not responding to this kid's texts for like four hours at a time, thinking I'm playing all hard to get. And this poor guy is so confused
Starting point is 00:33:26 because this entire time, I had been leaving him on red for like four hours at a time. Oh, he knew what I was doing. He knew I was trying to be cool and like not respond to him when in reality, I'm reading every text message that he sends me immediately after I receive it. Like I'm reading it immediately.
Starting point is 00:33:52 And he knew this. And later, like probably two years later, I bring it up to him and I'm like, did I have my red receipts on with you that whole time? And he was like, yeah, it was fucking weird. I was like, why is she not just responding like she read it? Luckily we were able to laugh about it, but OMG, that one hurts. Okay, next story we have the track meet.
Starting point is 00:34:16 So in high school, I did track and field for one season. To give a little backstory, I'm not a runner. Okay, I am not a runner. And in high school, I really wasn't a runner. I grew up doing gymnastics, figure skating, competitive cheerleading. Like I've always enjoyed that sort of sport. You know, I did dance in high school,
Starting point is 00:34:45 and I did dance classes as a kid. Like, that was my world. I always enjoyed those types of sports, and running was not really my specialty. But in high school, I joined the cheer team for like half a season, and then I got kicked off the team because I was missing practice too much.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Because at the same time that I was doing high school cheerleading, I was also doing competitive cheerleading. And the coaches and the cheer captains got mad at me because they're like, you're missing so many practices because you're just going to your competitive cheerleading team. And that's annoying. So you're kicked off the team, but I still needed to get some sport credits in order to not have to take PE class because I really didn't want to take PE class. So I decided, you know what, if I can't be on the cheerleading
Starting point is 00:35:37 team, I'm gonna try cross country and track and field. I'd much rather do that than have to take PE class. So I have zero experience going into my first season doing my first and only season doing track and field. And because I was a cheerleader, the track and field coach said to me, you know, you should do hurdles because, you know, you have really good flexibility from being a cheerleader, you would be really greater hurdles. And so I start training hurdles. And I actually was pretty good at it considering I had never done it before. I wasn't terrible. I picked it up relatively quickly, but I'll tell you, this shit was so fucking hard. Okay. There were two types of hurdle races. One was called the 100 hurdle and one was
Starting point is 00:36:32 called the 300 hurdle. Now, when you think of a track, right, imagine the 100 hurdle is just running in a straight line down one fourth of the track and jumping over hurdles along the way. You're maybe only running for like, what, 20 seconds? It's short, the 300 hurdles. He's almost like running around the whole track and having to jump over hurdles every step of the way and you're running for closer to like a minute.
Starting point is 00:37:04 But you're not just running. You're also having to be jumping over these hurdles and you're trying to go as fast as you can. Now the 100 hurdles was always fun. Okay, I loved that, that race. But the 300 hurdles was my fucking worst nightmare and I would beg my coach, please don't make me have to do this race. I cannot do it.
Starting point is 00:37:26 It is too hard. I cannot physically do it. And you would always say, no, you have to do it anyway. And I had two embarrassing moments doing the 300 hurdle race. The first one, I can't believe I did this. So the first half of the 300 hurdle race, I'm doing good.
Starting point is 00:37:42 I'm doing fine. I'm definitely not winning. I'm probably in last place. But I'm doing fine enough. Okay. It gets to the last hurdle that I was supposed to jump over. And nobody was racing next to me. And there was no hurdle next to me. Like, I just had a completely empty lane next to me. I get to the last hurdle. And for some reason, I didn't see it. I didn't see the last hurdle. And what I think happened was I was accidentally looking at the lane next to me that was completely empty, right? Instead of looking at my own lane, maybe just because that was more comfortable for my head, like to be running with my head sort of turned to the side and said, I don't know, long story short, all of
Starting point is 00:38:30 a sudden I look back to my lane and I realize, oh, fuck, there's a hurdle right in front of me and I'm supposed to be jumping over it, but it's too late. I should have already jumped like a split second ago. So what does my brain decide to do? Have me run around the hurdle. Instead of just hitting the hurdle with my body and not jumping over it and letting it tip over, my brain just decided to run around the hurdle. And normally I wouldn't have been able to do that because in a normal race, every lane
Starting point is 00:38:59 is filled. But in this particular race, for some reason, there were some lanes empty. And so I was able to just run around the hurdle. I did get disqualified and it did somewhat become iconic, but it was really embarrassing. It's just like, you know, high school sports are taken so seriously by the coaches and by the parents and by the kids. And there were so many child prodigies
Starting point is 00:39:24 it felt like on my track team. And I was just this absolute trainwreck, you know? And I felt so judged by everybody. But in retrospect, it is iconic actually. But I can't tell what's worse. That or the one time when during 300 hurdles race, I was jumping over one of the hurdles and my back foot got caught on the hurdle
Starting point is 00:39:48 and I tripped and ate shit and rolled on the ground and then got back up and finished the race. I don't know what's more embarrassing. I don't know. Both of those things happened all in one season and my coach would not let me quit the 300 hurdles. He kept making me do it. It's safe to say that was my last season of track and field.
Starting point is 00:40:11 I do kind of miss it because it actually was kind of fun. I did enjoy it. Somewhat were any of those stories even embarrassing? Like when I'm reflecting back on all those stories, I'm like, none of those are really that embarrassing to me anymore. And you know, I wonder if it's because for so long, those memories just lived in my head. And a lot of times when something's just in your head, it can feel so much more serious and Intense, but then when you speak it out loud you realize that's just not that big of a fucking deal
Starting point is 00:40:53 And that applies to a lot of other things in life too, you know You can be really anxious about something and then if you just speak it out loud You realize wait, I don't need to be anxious about this. It's actually not that big of a deal. That's why talking about things is so important because I just told all the stories and realized not one of those was that embarrassing. They were fun. I enjoyed talking about them, but they weren't that embarrassing. So there's your food for thought. Remember that things can feel so much more serious when they're trapped in the confines of your mind. But when you let them out and you speak them, you can put them into perspective real quick.
Starting point is 00:41:40 So that's all I have. I'm going to try to remember more high school stories. I probably have more. My high school career was not very long. I only went until like halfway through junior year. You know, I only got two and a half years of material for you. But there's definitely some shit in there. I hope you enjoyed.
Starting point is 00:42:01 I hope you enjoyed. I love and appreciate all of you. And I always have the most incredible time sitting and talking to you. And I hope that you enjoyed as well. And if you want, you can subscribe to anything goes for new episodes every Thursday and Sunday. You can follow anything goes on Instagram at anything goes or on Twitter at AG podcast. You can follow me on Instagram to see what I'm up to on a personal level at Emma Chamberlain. You can check out my coffee company,,
Starting point is 00:42:31 and use code AG15 for a little discount. We have coffee, we have tea, we have mugs, we have tumbler cups, we have it all. I hope you have a beautiful rest of your day. And yeah, I just appreciate you. All right, I'll talk to you later. Bye now.

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