anything goes with emma chamberlain - halloween

Episode Date: October 28, 2021

it's safe to say halloween hasn't always been my favorite holiday. there can be so much pressure on costumes, who dressed up like what, am i overdressed am i underdressed etc. it's stressful. BUT it also be kinda fun, so i'm walking you guys through all the ways to approach halloween this year. types of costumes, some of my favorites that i've done, and what you can do last minute if you're going out. but if you decide you're not feeling getting dressed up, i got you with some other fun activities, recipes you can cook, and some favorite movies. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You know, I consider myself to be a pretty carefree person. Like, I don't really care what people think of me, 90% of the time, which I would say is a pretty good percentage. Like, 90% of the time, I walk into a room and I'm like, fuck it. People can take it or leave it if they like me, if they like what I'm wearing, if they like what I'm talking about, then great and if not, then that is just the way that it's going to be and that's fine. You know, and listen, occasionally I have a little bit of social anxiety.
Starting point is 00:00:34 I start to get in my head about social interactions. It happens. But I would say 90% of the time I'm doing pretty good. I've gotten to a place in my life where I'm as carefree as I've ever been before. I've never been this carefree before. You know, like a good example would be, you know, recently I've become obsessed with these jackets that I re-found in my closet. They're like these soft puffer jackets that only moms should wear.
Starting point is 00:01:05 I don't think I should be allowed to wear these types of jackets as a 20 year old because they scream mom in such a distinct and special way that I just don't feel like I'm supposed to be wearing them. And there's something kind of embarrassing about wearing them, like it's just, I can't put a finger on why it's embarrassing, but it just is.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Especially in LA where everybody dresses really fashionable and cool, not everybody, but it's a lot more common to see people dressed fashionable and street style, cool. you know, and then I'm over here in my soft and squishy puffer jacket that has a very motherly silhouette to it. You know what I mean? It just screams mom and it doesn't scream cool in any way, shape or form. Well, I've been wearing these every day for the past two weeks and I have seen so many different people while wearing these soft puffer jackets that I own. I own two of them, which makes this whole thing even more dangerous because there's no reason not to wear them every single day. They're so comfortable and God, I wonder if I could buy more. They've been in my closet
Starting point is 00:02:22 for a while, but I just like rediscovered them. I need to buy more. I don't know if I could buy more. They've been in my closet for a while, but I just like rediscovered them. I need to buy more. I don't even care, right? Like, the point of this whole tangent was, you know, I literally am at a point in my life where I'm so carefree that I'm wearing mother-style puffer jackets in public more often than I wear anything else. And I don't care.
Starting point is 00:02:48 I don't care what people think of me. I don't care if people are like, ooh, she's not very fashionable or cool when they talk to me. Like, I don't give a fuck. I don't care. But there's one thing that's like kind of my kryptonite in a way. There's one thing that's like kind of my kryptonite in a way. There's one thing that absolutely destroys my confidence every time, and it's having to put on a costume. Like anytime I need to dress up for anything and go in public, I immediately feel so vulnerable. Let's say there's a costume party. The costume party is themed zoo animals
Starting point is 00:03:31 and everybody has to dress up like a zoo animal to go to this party. You walk in, you see somebody dressed up as like a hot giraffe, you know, your crush is dressed up as a koala because it's so funny because he's on the football team and he's such a, you know, muscley dude, but he's dressed up as a sweet and precious and squishy koala. And it's so funny because he has so many muscles. So it's like so funny that he's dressed up like a koala.
Starting point is 00:04:06 He should be dressed up like a tiger. Okay. Whatever. And then you show up and you're dressed up like a cheetah and you're looking around and you're like, is my costume funny enough? Is my costume too timid? Is it too tame?
Starting point is 00:04:24 Is it too boring? Do I not look cool in this costume? Do I look stupid in this costume? Is my costume stupid? Is everybody going to make fun of me about my costume behind my back? All of these questions start filling up your mind. And I haven't even touched on getting ready
Starting point is 00:04:44 for a costume party. While you're getting ready for a costume party. While you're getting ready for this costume party, you're putting on your costume, you're immediately having doubts. You're like, I don't know if this is the one. Do I have anything else in my closet? Could I make another costume? I'm not really feeling mine. Would if nobody else wears costumes?
Starting point is 00:05:00 Would if I'm the only one wearing a costume? And I show up looking like a fucking clown. What's the situation? Are one wearing a costume and I show up looking like a fucking clown? Like, what's the situation? Like, are we going full costume mode or are we kind of like half assing the costumes for this party? Like, we're wearing normal clothes, but it could kind of pass as a costume, but it could also pass as just normal street clothes. Like, what's the vibe? You know, should I text someone and ask, oh, that seems like I care too much. Oh, no. I Can't ask if anybody else, you know is going full 100% or if they're just going 50% I can't ask that, you know, like I just have to trust my gut here
Starting point is 00:05:36 But my gut is leading me in the wrong direction and it's not making a decision I don't know what I want to do. I don't know if I want to go 100% I don't know if I want to go 50% I don't know if I want to do. I don't know if I want to go 100%. I don't know if I want to go 50%. I don't know if I want to go 25%. There is something so vulnerable. There is something so uncomfortable. There is something so nerve-wracking about dressing up in a costume and seeing other people.
Starting point is 00:05:58 The only time that it's fun and cute and chill and easy is if you're just doing a little party with your friends, you know, you're close with everybody, you're comfortable with everybody, there's no room for embarrassment. That's when it's fun because you can really get creative and really let, you know, your creative side shine. But when you're going to a Halloween party, for example, There are people there that you're not really super close with that might judge your costume, you know. The environment's a little bit unfamiliar. That is extremely upsetting to me. And listen, I don't know if I am the only one. I know some
Starting point is 00:06:41 people who have no problem with dressing up and going to a costume party, more specifically dressing up and going to a Halloween party. I know a lot of people that get excited about this, that have a lot of fun with this, that don't overthink this. But for some reason, this is one thing that really makes me anxious. Like, shit.
Starting point is 00:07:00 And it's so stupid. Like, you know, I look at it from a bird's eye view. I put it into perspective and I'm like, Emma, it's a fucking costume party. No one's even looking at your costume, babe. Get over it. Get over yourself, get over it. But Halloween is in less than a week
Starting point is 00:07:24 when I'm recording this. You know, it's time to start thinking about my costumes for if I decide to celebrate Halloween in any social setting, which is, you know, TBD. No promises. It's possible. I don't know what my vibe is going to be on the day, but it's good to have a costume locked and loaded. And so I've been really heavily thinking about like, okay, what am I going to do this here?
Starting point is 00:07:52 And my thought process went a little something like this. There's basically three directions that you can go when it comes to picking out a Halloween costume or even just any costume in general. There's three directions that you can go. Number one, you can go accurate costume. This is if you dress up exactly like the thing that you're dressing up as, right? A good example would be you dress up as Spider-Man.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Okay, you go to the store and you buy a well-fitted Spider-Man suit and you just put the thing on and you look exactly like Spider-Man. It's very accurate. You look exactly like Spider-Man or another example would be, you know, you're going as a cat and you kind of go all in. You know, you do make up accurately like a cat. You make yourself accurately look like a cat. Not like a cute little cartoon cat.
Starting point is 00:08:51 No. You fully try to make your face look like a cat's face. And you put on a cat suit that makes your body look like it has fur all over it. You fully go in and you try to create an accurate costume. Now there's pros and cons to this. The pros is that it's usually pretty impressive when you accurately dress up as something and it's kind of foolproof, right? Nobody's going to question you on that.
Starting point is 00:09:24 People will immediately know what you are. You're not doing anything too crazy, too eccentric, necessarily. And so you'll just kind of fly under the radar. You know what I mean? Nobody's gonna be talking about your costume. You're not necessarily making any waves, but it's like safe.
Starting point is 00:09:47 It's kind of safe to just dress up like something point blank. There's cons to this though. The cons of dressing up as something accurately is that number one, people might say things like, oh, she took this too seriously. She took the costume too seriously and she just dressed up accurately like blank, you know, whatever the costume is.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Or somebody might say, oh, she didn't have any fun. What, you know, she just kind of dressed up like a cat. There's just, just yeah it looks cool but like she didn't have any fun with it like that's kind of embarrassing like she just took it so seriously and just whatever um would people actually ever say that probably not like in reality probably not but in in my imagination, oh they are saying that. Oh they are saying that. So that leads us to option number two when it comes to dressing up in a costume, which is to go the hot root. And by the hot root, I mean basically taking any costume in making it hot.
Starting point is 00:11:08 any costume and making it hot. I'm talking about you're dressing up as a cat, but instead of making your costume look super realistic, you just kind of have a little bit of ass out, you know? So it's like instead of, you know, the attention to detail going towards making sure that your cat suit has accurate looking fur. The attention to detail is more going into how much ass is being decided to be out. You see what I'm saying? Okay, and listen, option number two can be totally fun too. Like sometimes it's fun to go the hot costume route, you know, like I totally get it.
Starting point is 00:11:51 I have nothing against it. The only problem with this option for me is that I'm not fooling anybody. Okay, if I try to be a hot cat for Halloween, I'm gonna walk into this Halloween party and anybody who even relatively knows me be a hot cat for Halloween. I'm gonna walk into this Halloween party and anybody who even relatively knows me is gonna be like, I'm a what do you, what is, who, what, this is not you.
Starting point is 00:12:15 This just doesn't fit with you, you know? And they would be right. Like, I would walk into a Halloween party, dressed up as a hot cat and just feel like I was lying to myself because deep down I know that like, dressing up in a quote unquote hot costume just doesn't fit my personality.
Starting point is 00:12:40 You know, like, as easy and fun as it would be to show up to a Halloween party as a hot vampire, I just don't think that the hot costume route works for me. It just doesn't work for me. Now for the average person, you know, there are still pros and cons to going the hot route. Pros would be, you know, you might feel a little bit spicy and confident. And you should, if you know, you're dressing up in a hot costume and you're like feeling it,
Starting point is 00:13:14 and it matches your vibe and your energy, and you're loving it, you're living laughing and loving when you're wearing it, you should feel like a fucking baddie end of story. And that is a huge pro, you know, like kind of getting to have a little bit of fun, right? That's a pro. The cons of wearing a hot costume is that you don't know who's going to be around at said party. You don't know who you're going to see in general. Like what if you show up to this costume party and the host of the party's parents decided to hang out at the party
Starting point is 00:13:51 for the first hour. Now your ass is out in front of somebody's parents. Listen, to each their own, but that personally makes me a little bit uncomfortable. So when you're wearing a hot costume, you really have to know who you're about to see, and you have to be certain about who you're about to see, because things could get a little bit uncomfortable, and you could start to feel really weird all of a sudden if you're wearing this hot costume in front of the wrong audience.
Starting point is 00:14:17 That is a valid and big risk, okay? But also, if you're a little bit like me, another con of wearing a hawk costume could be that you don't feel like yourself, you don't feel right. Like, when I, I don't know what it is, I made a whole episode kind of about this whole thing. The title of that episode is called The Feminine Mild. But I don't feel comfortable or myself when I'm like, in any way trying to be quote unquote hot.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Like I can't do that. Like I just don't consider myself in any way, shape or form hot. And so dressing up in a quote unquote hot costume just feels like I'm lying to myself because I don't see myself as hot. Like I just don't see that. Like that just doesn't feel right.
Starting point is 00:15:13 And anytime I try to do that, it feels wrong. And I don't feel as confident because I don't feel like I'm being honest with myself. You know, nothing says confidence like being you. You know what I mean? When you feel confident in what you're wearing and you feel comfortable in what you're wearing, you're 10 times more confident immediately.
Starting point is 00:15:41 And that radiates throughout a room. Everybody can feel that. So if you show up to a Halloween party, you're wearing a hot costume, but you don't feel like that's you. Then you won't be radiating confidence. And that in turn is not as attractive. And let's all be honest with
Starting point is 00:16:05 ourselves if we're wearing a quote unquote hot costume, you know, we want to be a hoot a little bit, you know, like we want to feel hot and we want other people to be like, oh wow, she's kind of looking hot right now. That's the vibe. But if you don't feel confident when you're dressing up in a hot costume, then it defeats the whole purpose. You see what I'm saying? Because you walk into the room,
Starting point is 00:16:33 you're not feeling confident, you're not feeling good, you're not feeling spicy. Everything goes down the drain. Like what's the point of that? So that's another con of dressing up in a hot costume. No. We have option number three, and this is the hardest to pull off but the most impressive and show stopping option.
Starting point is 00:16:56 This is the funny option. Now the thing about wearing a funny costume is that no one can make fun of you. Okay, immediately there's a pro. No one can make fun of you because your whole costume is a joke. So nobody can laugh at you, they can only laugh with you. The thing about doing a funny costume is that there's pretty much no room to fail here. You know, there's no risk of feeling overdressed because if you walk in the room with an outfit that sparks humor, you know, like there's just nobody's going to be like, oh, they're overdressed, you know.
Starting point is 00:17:40 And if for whatever reason you did overdo it, you did overdress for this costume party, but your costume is funny, then you can kinda switch your narrative a little bit and be like, yeah, overdressed on purpose to be funny because my costume is funny, you idiots. You guys are fucking, you guys are like, you guys don't get it, you guys don't get this art form. Like I overdressed on purpose.
Starting point is 00:18:05 You idiots. You guys are stupid. And I'm so much funnier than all of you. You know, you can go that route. Also if you're feeling kind of crazy, you can honestly do a hot and funny costume. Now, it's not an easy thing to pull off, but it is absolutely possible. I've only been able to successfully pull it off once in my life, once in my life, but it was my best costume I've ever done.
Starting point is 00:18:32 And that was when I dressed up as Captain Underpants. My costume was very simple. I wore platform white shoes, scrunched down white socks, a pair of men's Calvin Klein briefs, a nude bra let in a cape. I looked like Captain Underpants, but I was showing a little bit of skin. I felt kind of like a baddie still like I didn't feel fully like Captain Underpants. I felt like Captain Underpants, but cute. I felt like captain underpants, but like, you know, if I moved the wrong way, like in Ascheek would slip out, or even like possibly a boob,
Starting point is 00:19:12 and like that's the vibe, that was the vibe that year. And it worked, because this was why it was so perfect, and this is why I was so happy with it, because when I walked into the Halloween parties that year, I got a few laughs, but also when I would look around and see like what other people were dressed up in and they were dressed, you know, more leaning towards the hot option, I didn't feel out of place, you know, it's kind of weird when you walk into a Halloween party and you went funny mode and everybody else went hot mode and you're like, fuck.
Starting point is 00:19:47 I look like a little bit too goofy now because everybody went hot mode and I went funny mode and now, you know, I look like the class clown and that's kind of fun but that's maybe only fun for 20 minutes, you know. Now I have to socialize with all these people that went the hot mode. I'm inevitably gonna feel a little bit self-conscious, not fully self-conscious, but a little bit, you know. If you go hot in funny mode,
Starting point is 00:20:17 you get a laugh out of everybody, but then, you know, when you look around and see everybody else who went hot mode, you still feel like you're up to bat, you know what I mean? You still feel like else who went hot mode, you still feel like you're up to bat, you know what I mean? You still feel like you're in the game, you know what I mean? You don't feel like you're just the joke of the party. You're the joke of the party, but hot.
Starting point is 00:20:35 You're the hot joke of the party. That's fire. And that's my goal every single year. Okay, I'm like, I need to try to do a hot but funny costume. Now listen, Halloween is literally in a few days and I don't know what I'm doing yet. I don't even know if I'm going to a Halloween party. I might not even need a costume, but I need to start thinking anyway, because it's just impossible to know what life's gonna throw at me, you know what I mean? In honor of Halloween
Starting point is 00:21:12 I'm gonna talk about some of my past Halloween costumes if you don't celebrate Halloween I'm sorry You're not really missing that much You know like Halloween hasn't been fun for me since I was 13. I wouldn't say you're missing anything if you don't celebrate. It's possibly one of my least favorite holidays, which I can talk about later, but I don't want to talk about it yet. We have to work our way there.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Thank you guys for your patience. In honor of Halloween, I need to discuss some of my past costumes. Between ages five and 13, I had a lot of fun with dressing up for Halloween. A lot of my costumes weren't very interesting, but a handful of them were. And those I will talk about.
Starting point is 00:22:04 In elementary school, every year for, but a handful of them were. And those I will talk about. In elementary school, every year for I think four or five years, I dressed up like a zombie every year. But I didn't fuck around though. My dad is an artist, he paints paintings, you know, art pieces for a living. And he's a very artistic man. And so when I told him that I wanted to dress up as a zombie, he was like, oh, let's fucking go. And he did my zombie makeup.
Starting point is 00:22:35 So well, it genuinely looked scary. And I was obsessed with it. I used to be really obsessed with creepy stuff when I was younger. Like, I was one of those kids that just really liked the Tim Burton movies and really liked going into hot topic and looking at all the goth stuff. I liked that shit as a kid for whatever reason.
Starting point is 00:22:59 So dressing up as a zombie for me was actually the best thing ever. But my zombie makeup was so realistic and so terrifying that I used to frighten other kids at school. And I remember one year, my school told me and my dad that like we had to dial it down because like it was genuinely scaring other children. So that was definitely a highlight. And then, you know,
Starting point is 00:23:27 also my mom is incredible at sewing and so one year she sewed me this gown and rubbed it in dirt and shit, fake dirt, not real dirt, fake dirt, let me clarify. And made me this corpse bride dress so that I could be a zombie bride. That was incredible. That's about it for elementary school. I didn't really do anything else pretty crazy. Those years were fun, but besides that, nothing interesting
Starting point is 00:24:06 happened. Middle school, I couldn't tell you what I dressed up as. Probably whatever my friend group was doing, because I was a complete sheep and did whatever my friend group in middle school did. They were wearing, you know, boots and leggings. I was wearing boots and leggings. They bought a certain brand of pen from, you know, the store to take notes with at school. I bought those pens, you know, I was just a fucking clone of my middle school friend group. So whatever they did is what I did. I'm pretty sure we were all cats at some point super creative, super spicy, super interesting,
Starting point is 00:24:48 super groundbreaking, and just overall super precious. But that was that. My freshman year of high school was the first time I dappled in a hot, quote unquote, costume. I dressed up as a lifeguard and the kind of disgusting part of this is that I bought these lifeguard shorts and this lifeguard sweatshirt when I was in fifth grade on my birthday in fifth grade on my birthday in fifth grade. My mom took me to a beach boardwalk that had like a bunch of touristy stuff. You know, there was roller coasters, funnel cake stands, hot dog stands, pizza stands,
Starting point is 00:25:41 gift shops, the whole nine yards. My mom took me there for my birthday, and I bought a lifeguard outfit. It came with like a little pair of shorts and like a little sweatshirt, crew neck situation. So, I bought this outfit in fifth grade, and then I just kept it in my closet,
Starting point is 00:25:59 and then freshman year of high school rolls around, and I was like, oh, this little lifeguard outfit that I bought when I was in fifth grade will probably show a little bit of ass now that I'm a freshman in high school and want attention. So I'm going to wear this for Halloween and I did and my entire ass was out the whole night and And I, the thing is, my intentions weren't right. Was I wearing this because I felt confident in it? No, I was wearing it because I wanted to, at least accomplish my first kiss or something.
Starting point is 00:26:38 I just wanted something. My intentions were bad. My intentions were strictly to get attention from boys uh... and i know that you know like i i'm not i'm not an idiot okay i know what i was trying to do as a fucking freshman in high school dressing up in a hot costume okay i know what i was doing
Starting point is 00:27:00 i'd love to say that i you know was just trying to just at the cost of was cute no i wanted I wanted attention. And the rest of the costume was actually pretty like tame. Like I wasn't going too crazy, but it was just like, when I would turn around, it was just like my whole ass. And it's funny to me because like, I don't even think I would do that now.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Maybe I would, I don't know, I would do that now. Maybe I would. I don't know. I just like, whatever. That was that. One year my friend and I decided to do Napoleon Dunway in Kip, which was possibly our best costume we'd ever done. And it's possibly one of the best costumes I've ever done, period. It was so good.
Starting point is 00:27:45 It was really accurate. We went the accurate route and we took our time and we really planned it out. And it just turned out really good. Because the thing about a good costume is that a decent amount of planning goes into it. You can't just go into your closet and start ripping shit out and like making a cut.
Starting point is 00:28:05 You know, you have to buy props, you know what I mean? You have to buy things to make it perfect. That's not necessarily true. I think you could go into your closet and get creative, but I've never had the patience for that. So like, I actually have to put effort in. I have to put time in. And I really did that with the Napoleon Dynamite costume.
Starting point is 00:28:21 And it turned out so good. Two years ago, my friends and I decided to do hot but funny SpongeBob. So I, you know, one of my friends was squidward, one of my friends was SpongeBob. I was Patrick and you know, that one was pretty good. That one was pretty good because it was like, it was funny, but it was still like, it was 50% funny, 50% hot, you know what I mean? And I feel like that was the success. I believe that was the same year that I did Captain Underpants.
Starting point is 00:28:57 I was just slaying the funny but hot costumes that year. And I put, you know, with both of those costumes, I put in ample effort, with both of those costumes, I put in ample effort. They turned out great, you know, I got a laugh out of them, but then also, you know, I felt relatively confident in them because even though, you know, I kind of maybe went a little bit of the hot route, like I still, the costume is rooted in funny and in humor. So I didn't feel too vulnerable. Those were all the years that like I did something significant, but all the years in between,
Starting point is 00:29:34 I've had the exact same problem, which is that Halloween comes around. I don't think about it until literally the day before and then I have to pull something together last minute and it ends up being absolutely terrible. A good example would be one year when I had just moved LA and Halloween rolled around and I was like I don't know how to do this. So I decided to be Barbie but when I went to the costume store they only had short blonde wigs, not long
Starting point is 00:30:05 blonde wigs. So I was wearing a short blonde wig. I didn't look like Barbie at all because Barbie has a long blonde wig. Hello, obviously. And I just took random pieces out of my closet that I thought Barbie would wear. And none of it was really that accurate. I don't even think I looked at a reference photo of Barbie at any point throughout creating my costume for her. Like, the whole thing was a train wreck. You know, I looked terrible. Like it just looked so lazy and wrong.
Starting point is 00:30:43 And that's kind of a recurring theme with majority of the Halloween years in my life. I just don't plan until the last minute and then everything goes to shit and I can't pull something together and I can't make it work. And that might very well happen this year. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Anyway, enough talking about costumes. I don't know what I'm gonna do this year. I don't have any advice for you because I don't even have advice for myself. If I'm being honest, I think that the best way to do Halloween is to just do a little party with your friends. Make some pumpkin related desserts, dress up
Starting point is 00:31:27 in funny costumes together, take the pressure off yourself and just relax. Am I gonna do that? Of course not, because I kind of weirdly enjoy putting myself in uncomfortable situations sometimes. Like, I enjoy the challenge here and there. You know, like, as much as I know that I'm probably going to hate going to Halloween
Starting point is 00:31:46 parties, you can bet your bottom dollar I'm nico. Because I just like, I want to see, like I'm curious, I'm like no Z, you know, and so I want to see what's going on there. And am I going to be extremely anxious about my costume and what people think of it? Yes. Yes. Unless I can successfully figure out a funny but hot costume in like three days, which, you know, Lord knows, is that possible? Ah, we shall see. The thing about holidays for me is that I like to look at
Starting point is 00:32:20 the holidays as a time to relax. And that's why I'm such a big fan of Thanksgiving and Christmas and Easter, even even though I don't really celebrate Easter. I mean, kind of whatever. But I love those holidays. I love the holiday season in general because you know, it's a time to unwind. You can put your phone down, hang out with your family, or your friends, and just decompress, and just kind of enjoy yourself. You can kind of let loose. That's what I love about the holidays. You get off your fucking phone,
Starting point is 00:32:54 and you just live in the moment with the people that you care about. And you eat good food, and you laugh, and you drink wine, and you just love life. You live laugh and you drink wine and you just love life. You live laugh and love. Okay. Halloween is not relaxing like that, which is why it might be my least favorite holiday.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Like, Halloween is all about the Instagram picture. Are you kidding me? It's all about going to the spiciest Halloween party you can find and getting a good Instagram photo in your costume. That is what's become. Unless you're still at trick or treating age, in which enjoy Halloween while at last bit, because it's not going to be fun anymore, when trick or treating is no longer socially acceptable for your age group.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Like, if I started going trick or treating right now, you know, I'd get the police called on me. My only option is to go to Halloween parties and to take Instagram photos in my fucking costume. Like that's, that's just, okay, listen, that's not a holiday to me, that's a chore. And I could make Halloween cute and fun, but I don't know, there's something,
Starting point is 00:34:04 there's something in me. It's like the devil on my shoulder is telling me, but Emma, you have to torture yourself and go to the Halloween party and dress up and then you have to post an Instagram photo on your cast, Jim. Like the devil on my shoulder is telling me that. The angel on my shoulder is like,
Starting point is 00:34:20 Emma, invite over the three people that you know and carve pumpkins and make pumpkin bread and pumpkin seeds and pumpkin pasta and pumpkin soup together and eat it around a fire and tell spooky stories. You know like that's what my angel and my shoulders are saying but you know on the day of the devil, which is Halloween, you know, the devil wins without fail every year. All right. Excuse me. I had a little loogie in my throat.
Starting point is 00:34:59 I asked you guys on the Twitter at AG Podcast to ask questions about Halloween, ask for advice about Halloween, just overall discuss Halloween with me and you guys had a lot to say. So I'm going to give some advice, answer some questions and discuss all things Halloween. Here we go. Somebody said, what are some Halloween food ideas slash recipes? Okay, one of my favorite Halloween recipes is roasted pumpkin seeds. They're so fucking good It they're really easy to make too. You just basically Clean all of the seeds from a pumpkin, you know, you can soak them in water and
Starting point is 00:35:40 rub rub them a little bit and get all the pumpkin guts off of them And then you let them sit and dry out for a little bit, get all the pumpkin guts off of them. And then you let them sit and dry out for a little bit. And then you put some olive oil, salt, maybe some paprika, maybe some chili powder, maybe a little bit of garlic, if you're feeling a little spicy, and you want to have a little added flavor.
Starting point is 00:36:03 And then you just pop them in the oven and then you take them out and they're so good and this is perfect if you are carving pumpkins with friends and you have all these excess seeds, you can roast them and they're really delicious. Like they are really good. Like I actually kinda wanna buy a pumpkin now so that I can make pumpkin seeds
Starting point is 00:36:22 cause they're so fucking good. You can eat, like I would eat a whole entire pumpkin's worth of seeds in like five minutes when I was the kid. They were so good. They just... They're so good. Oh my God. And I think they even have protein. Nutricious and fun. Another thing I really love pumpkin bread and I think it would be really fun to do like a pumpkin banana bread. Like just add a little bit of banana to your pumpkin bread so that it has that like warm banana flavor with the pumpkin. I think that would be so good. Google recipe for that. I don't have one, but you know whatever. Also, this is just my opinion, but I think that maple flavored things also fit in the, you know, Halloween vibe. So making some sort of maple pecan cookie, maple pecan
Starting point is 00:37:17 oatmeal cookie even would be really delicious. But if all of that sounds too high maintenance, Halloween is all about the candy. So it's like, if you're not really feeling cooking a full recipe, just put out a bunch of candy bars. Okay, like you can't go wrong. You know, Halloween is the day of candy. So you could also lean into that. You could also make homemade candy bars. That could be really fun. Like, you know, make your own Reese peanut butter cups.
Starting point is 00:37:48 That's super easy. Oh my God, that's great. All you do is just literally melt chocolate, mix peanut butter and powdered sugar together, and like maybe a little bit of extra oil if it's too dry. Spoon that into the, you know, wet melted chocolate, put a little bit of chocolate on top, you know, you put it in a little muffin tin,
Starting point is 00:38:08 and then, you know, you put it in the freezer, let it freeze for like an hour, and then pop them out, and then boom! Peanut butter cups, those are so good. I used to make those all the time. Super easy too. Somebody said, what's your favorite Halloween candy? Reese's peanut butter cups I
Starting point is 00:38:34 Really don't like candy corn. I'm sorry to those of you who like candy corn I just really would love a little bit more depth of flavor here, you know, it like There's just so many things that are better. I really love Reese's peanut butter cups. Of course, I like Twix, I like Kit Kat. You know, any generic chocolate bar is probably my favorite, but I also love any sour candy. So like sour punch straws, warheads, not a huge fan of sour patch kids. I know that that's a super unpopular opinion,
Starting point is 00:39:05 but I really don't like Sarah Patch Kids. They're not sour enough, and they're just not that great. Sarah Patch Watermelon are better, but they're still not my favorite. I prefer Sarah Patch Straws. Anyhoo, somebody said, what is an easy costume for last minute? I think that last minute, you know, your best bet is to dress up as like some type of
Starting point is 00:39:29 person, right? Because people wear clothes and you have clothes in your closet, you know what I'm saying? So it's easiest to go that route. So, you know, maybe you want to be a tennis player. That's super easy. Just find a plain short skirt in your closet, a collared button up shirt, and a headband. And boom, you're a tennis player. That's super easy. I actually did that one here in high school, and it was actually pretty cute. And I literally whipped it together out of stuff I already had. So that was really fun and easy.
Starting point is 00:40:07 And you can wear any kind of shoes with it. You could wear some sort of athletic shoe. You could wear some cool retro Reebok looking ass shoes. You could have fun with it. Or you could be like a cowboy, right? Like that's so easy. You're just wear cowboy boots and jeans and like a button up shirt and like a cowboy hat.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Like it's easy, you know. Stuff like that, like dressing up as a person, I think is the easiest bet. Unless you, for some reason, have cat ears lying around then like worst case scenario, you could always be a cat and draw a little nose on. Obviously, that's the most popular costume possibly on the planet. So, that's not always the most ideal option, but when desperate times call for desperate measures, sometimes you have to whip out the cat ears. You know? Another thing you could do last minute is,
Starting point is 00:41:01 if you have time to go to a costume store, as you could buy something that like, you could buy like one thing that makes a whole costume. For example, you know, let's say you want to be a vampire. All you need to buy for that is just vampire fangs. And then at home, you can do your own vampire makeup and just wear like an all black outfit. You already have everything else, you know, you just need the little things. Or again, like you let's say you want to be an animal of some sort, all you need to buy are the animal ears.
Starting point is 00:41:33 The rest you can do with your own closet and your own makeup. Sometimes that's like the best route, is just to like buy one staple thing from the store that you can find last minute, that you can mix and match with stuff that you already have to make a full costume. I've done that multiple years and it's worked out pretty well. Somebody said, it's my first time dressing up for Halloween and I feel kind of anxious because it's not something that I normally do.
Starting point is 00:42:00 I totally understand this. I have been dressing up for Halloween every single year for my entire life and I still get extreme anxiety about it, which is just so bizarre to me because it's so not that big of a deal, but for some reason this holiday causes me more anxiety then it really should. Like there's no reason for it to be making me this anxious. But I would say, you know, when it comes to dressing up this year, like just take it easy, like do something that you feel comfortable in, that you feel yourself in, you know, do
Starting point is 00:42:32 something that is kind of like a medley between what you wear on a day to day basis and a costume. You know, you don't need to go all out. Wear clothes that you feel comfortable in and then turn that into a costume in some way. Whether that's by adding cat ears or adding fake blood to your face and some fangs to make you vampire, like just take it easy this year. Because that will help.
Starting point is 00:42:59 Because I think that Halloween parties already create a lot of anxiety for some of us because we have the fear of overdressing. So just take it easy, go light this year, and that might help with some of the anxiety that you're feeling. Somebody said, what's your favorite scary movie for Halloween? Hands down, Coraline. There is no other Halloween movie in my eyes. Coraline is the only... Oh my God, I dressed up as Coraline last year. I totally forgot that I did
Starting point is 00:43:35 that because I didn't go anywhere. I just took a photo and then took it off immediately. I dressed up for Halloween for only Instagram last year. Is that sad? Yes, actually I had a few costumes last year. But with the core line one specifically, I literally put it on, took a photo in it, and then took it off. I didn't like, it was really, it was not my best work. Actually, the costume itself was some of my best work, if I'm being honest. But the fact that I just like put it on only to take a photo and it is, you know, there's
Starting point is 00:44:12 a moral dilemma there that I'm not ready to get into right now. But anyway, Coraline is the best Halloween movie. Somebody said Halloween makes me really sad because it reminds me of when I was a kid and everything was so easy and life was really fun and I'm just so scared of growing up. I don't know if that's normal. Unfortunately, I don't have any kind of, you know, quick fixed remedy for this because I'm, I deal with the same thing every year. I feel weirdly corrupt every year, you know, like going to LA Halloween parties instead of staying home and being
Starting point is 00:44:47 wholesome with my friends and cooking and watching scary movies and going out and going trick or treating, like I feel corrupt. But the truth of the matter is, you know, growing up is actually good. It's important. And there's so many great things that come with growing up. You know, your independence, the wisdom that you develop, all of that is so exciting. And, you know, it's not a bad thing. There's nothing bad about growing up. Like, I feel like I am getting closer and closer
Starting point is 00:45:20 to getting to a point in my adulthood where things kind of even out and become a lot more level and calm and cool and collected, unless crazy and sporadic, like it, you know, emotions run wild when you're young. And I feel like when you start getting older, you know, things start to settle down and that's really exciting. It might not sound like it is, but it is. Every chapter of life comes with pros and cons. The best thing that you can do is just live in the moment.
Starting point is 00:45:54 The beautiful thing about memories is that those live on forever in your head. Those don't have to go away. There's nothing wrong with remembering your childhood Halloween and enjoying that memory for what it is. And also, you know, things can still be fun and simple if you want them to be. You can figure out a way to make Halloween fun, wholesome, simple, comforting, just like it was when you were a kid.
Starting point is 00:46:25 It just might take a little extra effort and it might force you to go against the grain a little bit and not do what your friends are doing, but if you really want that, you could totally do that. Somebody said, I can't decide on a costume, any advice. Well, if you're deciding between multiple costumes, the best advice I have is to choose the most comfortable one because if you're going out and about on Halloween, the last thing you wanna do is be uncomfortable, it's a nightmare.
Starting point is 00:46:51 I always wear comfortable Halloween costumes because, you know, like Halloween night, you're like running around being a little rebellious kid, you know, you wanna go a little crazy. You wanna be comfortable. So that's rule number one. But also, I would say if you don't even have a starting point, you're like, I have no idea what to do.
Starting point is 00:47:11 Choosing a character from one of your favorite movies or TV shows will always be an easy go to. Like, my two favorite movies are Napoleon Dynamite and Halloween. In Halloween. Excuse me. My two favorite movies are Coraline and Napoleon Dynamite. And I've dressed up as Coraline once and Napoleon Dynamite twice at this point. It's always fun. It always starts up a fun conversation because, you know because if you're dressing up as your favorite movie,
Starting point is 00:47:46 people are gonna come up to you who also like that movie and they're gonna be like, oh my God, that's my favorite movie, no way. And then next thing you know, you have a little cute combo about it. It's cute. It's good. Somebody said, do you think it's better to stay
Starting point is 00:47:58 in and watch movies or go out and party? I don't think any, I don't think one is better than the other. I think it's a matter of like, what's gonna make you the most happy. If you would be completely happy and satisfied just staying at home and watching movies and being cozy in your bed, by all means do that. I can guarantee you're not missing anything. I can guarantee you that.
Starting point is 00:48:18 But if you're like me and you're like, ah, I need to know what's going on. Like I need to see, I need to see what's going on tonight. Like I'm curious, I'm nosy, I wanna see. I don't know if I'm gonna have a good time, but like I'd rather be miserable and know what happened and know what's going on tonight than not know. You know, like every other night I'm gonna stay in, but on Halloween night I wanna see what's up.
Starting point is 00:48:43 I wanna see like what people are dressing up as. I to see what the vibe is like, you know, whatever. You can always go to a party and then if you're like not feeling it, you just leave. Like you can leave at any point and then go home and watch a movie after. Like you don't need to stay the whole night. Sometimes it's fun to just go check things out, you know, make an appearance and then just go home and spend the rest of the evening watching movies and relaxing. Like you can do both. Or if you're stoked about a party, fucking send it. Like, they're, oh my God, I just sounded like a fucking
Starting point is 00:49:13 college frapp boy. Halloween is bringing out a weird side of me that I don't like. Yeah, if you're excited about the idea of going out, go out. If it's fun for you, then there's nothing wrong with that. You are one of the lucky ones. Go enjoy, baby.
Starting point is 00:49:31 When I was a little bit younger, I used to really love going to parties because it was kind of rare. So I'd always get super excited. I mean, I usually would end up being disappointed, but I'd get excited beforehand. And, you know, like, that was really fun. And there was nothing wrong with it. You know, there's nothing wrong with going to parties. If you enjoy doing it, it's only wrong if you are forcing yourself to do it and you hate it,
Starting point is 00:49:55 which is literally what I do. So I'm doing the wrong thing. So don't do what I'm doing. Somebody said, I've never really done anything on Halloween. Do you think I'm missing out on something or not? No, you're not missing out on anything. I can guarantee you that. Somebody said, me and my boyfriend have a cute couples costume, Coraline and YB. Yes, that's the best couples costume
Starting point is 00:50:16 possibly on the planet anyway. But we have nowhere to go. I don't want this Halloween to be lame like last year. I need advice on how to make it fun. You know what you could do? You know, even if you're a little bit too old to go trick or treating, just go out and go for a walk in a neighborhood somewhere.
Starting point is 00:50:31 You know, it's so fun. Like you'll see other kids, your age, even that are also going for a walk around. You'll see cute little kid costumes. You know, you might spark up a combo with some parents. You could even go trick or treating. Like nobody's gonna really give you shit. Like go fucking trick or treating.
Starting point is 00:50:48 Like there's nothing wrong with that. And it's actually fun, like even when you're too old to be doing it necessarily, like it's still fun. Or even if you just go on a walk, it's so fun. Or you could find a haunted house. That's fun, like finding like a real ass haunted house that's actually kind of scary.
Starting point is 00:51:06 That can be really fun too. You don't need to go to a party to have fun on Halloween. Or you guys could just invite your friends over and do a little home thing, you know. Anyways, you guys, that's all I got for today. This was the Halloween special. I hope that you enjoyed it. I got for today. This was the Halloween special. I hope that you enjoyed it. Halloween, you know, as much as it's not my favorite, I'm gonna try my best to have a good night. I'm actually planning on baking some pumpkin blondie bars today with almond butter as well, so it's like kind of pumpkin almond flavor. I don't know, I'm gonna throw some chocolate chips in there and just pray for the best. So that's kind of how I'm gonna celebrate. I hope that you guys have an amazing Halloween.
Starting point is 00:51:49 If you don't celebrate, I just hope you have an amazing rest of your week. I'll see you next week. I love you guys and appreciate you so much. Thank you for listening. If you wanna subscribe to anything goes, you can do so on any platform that you listen to podcasts. You can leave anything goes a review on Apple podcasts.
Starting point is 00:52:04 I really, really appreciate those. And I read them every single week before I record. And it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. So that even if I'm in a bad mood, I am then in a good mood when I record the episode. And last but not least, you can follow anything goes on Twitter at AG Podcasts. And you can participate in future episodes
Starting point is 00:52:23 if that is something that interests you. So thank you guys for listening. I love you guys so much and we'll talk soon. We'll talk next week. See you.

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