anything goes with emma chamberlain - hypnosis, a talk with ricky kalmon [video]

Episode Date: October 12, 2023

[video available on spotify] today i'm going to be speaking with ricky kalmon, a hypnotist. my curiosity around hypnosis has been growing recently because i've been going through this journey trying t...o quit nicotine, and one of the options I read about online to help me quit was hypnosis. i want to understand how and why it works, and honestly, what it even is in the first place. ricky is a hypnotist and a mindset expert. he speaks on how our mindset can be the greatest tool in achievement, reducing stress, and increasing productivity and potential. so i present to you, ricky kalmon. i can't wait. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today I'm going to be speaking with Ricky Kalman, a hypnotist. My curiosity around hypnosis has been growing recently because I've been going through this journey trying to quit nicotine and it's been far more challenging than I ever could have anticipated. And I've been exploring every option to help me quit. And one of the options I write about online was hypnosis. It's been life changing for many people. And I just wanna understand how and why it works. And honestly, what it even is in the first place,
Starting point is 00:00:44 like what really is it? Ricky is a hypnotist, but more than anything, he's a mindset expert. He speaks on how our mindset can be the greatest tool in achievement, reducing stress, increasing productivity and potential. He's worked with Fortune 500 companies, sales teams, executives and sports teams. His book is called, Leverage Your Mindset, Overcome Limiting Beliefs, and Apply Your Life. Be less stressed, happier, and more mindful. So I present to you, Ricky Kalman, hypnotist, mindset expert. I can't wait.
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Starting point is 00:02:13 Get almost, almost anything. Order now. Product availability may vary by region. See you after details. Let's start with the first time you were exposed to the concept of hypnosis. If you know me from my early part of my career, most people did know that I did magic as a kid. I was a kid magician. I saw a hypnotist. I was completely blown away.
Starting point is 00:02:37 I didn't know what I was watching. And I also thought, this has to be rigged. Come on, there's gotta be a trick to this. There's gotta be some secret to this. We became good friends. He lily pulled me aside. I, this was not my intention. It's, I want to teach you how to do this.
Starting point is 00:02:52 And I said, why? I mean, I lily lily go, why? And he came out and said, because I really feel like you'll do something with this more than anybody else. Did, and I was 15 at the time. And for several years, I just studied what it was to really understand what's really happening.
Starting point is 00:03:09 I mean, and the ones I understood at a motorcycle, this is opposite of what most people think. Because even when we say, if I say I'm a hypnotist to somebody, what do you think the first thing is they say? I mean, I think a lot of people think that's a scammer. Scammer, you're gonna put me under, don't wanna look at my eyes, or if I even talk to me,
Starting point is 00:03:26 all that stuff, and even today on airplane, I mean, if you tell anybody, it's like, oh, here we go. Yeah. It has nothing to do with that at all. It has nothing to do with being a trance or being controlled by somebody. So back when I was very young, I said, well, why don't I create a show
Starting point is 00:03:42 that's the opposite of what people think? It's the opposite of the swing watch. At the same time, I said, well, why don't I create a show that's the opposite of what people think. It's the opposite of the swing watch. At the same time, you make it highly entertaining and energetic, fun, but can I show people how to do this? Can I show people that really there's a secret here, but the secrets within ourselves. And here I am today, and I kind of amorph into not only doing the show, but really now teaching people how to do it, from studying better, reducing stress, becoming a better version of ourselves.
Starting point is 00:04:11 It was really important to me to not only have fun, but show people what this is. Well, I guess my next question has to be, what is it? Because I don't know. What is hypnosis? Let's start from scratch. Okay. Driving here today.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Drive by yourself. Did you drive? I drove. All right. Kind of daydream a little bit. For sure. You're under it off. You knew where you're going.
Starting point is 00:04:35 You've been here before. You kind of knew where to exit everything else. So you were kind of like in this highway hypnosis, right? Yep. You ever driven 10, 20 miles and all of a sudden you just blink. You couldn't remember how far you just got there. Totally. But you were still protecting yourself.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Called action comes in. If your safety or security was in danger, what would you do? You'd snap out of it. Whatever you were drifting off to. Yep. Let me go one step farther. You're in your car, you're at home, you're doing something and your jam comes on. Your song.
Starting point is 00:04:59 But nobody else is around. What do you do? You just start jamming up, right? You lose yourself in the song. And if you know the words, even if you can't even carry a tent, you are literally into the moment. When you hear your song and you're by yourself and you know, nobody's looking, there's no fear, there's no doubt, there's no preconceived, you know, judgment, nobody's judging you. So when you're
Starting point is 00:05:19 hypnotized, all that doubt is kind of put off the side. It's in the room. It's gonna protect you. It's kind of like there the side. It's in the room. It's going to protect you. It's kind of like there, but you're so hyper focused on being in the now. Interesting. So, I help people get rid of that feeling of, you know, fear of doubt or whatever it means. It's something that kind of enters the room, that kind of controls your world and be so hyper focused on what the task is. So I guess in the best thought
Starting point is 00:05:47 process, to me, a safe hypnosis is not being asleep, being unconscious or being in a trance, although when you see somebody hypnotized setting them up in a situation, they might look slumped over like a ragdome. Yeah, but they're there. They're there. They're there. Yeah, you know, I can't walk up to somebody and go sleep. You know, um It's kind of like this this really great feeling of relaxation clarity and you feel like you got this jolt of energy at the same time. How do you think? It works like when it comes to Sort of changing somebody's mindset completely because so many people have had such powerful
Starting point is 00:06:27 experiences with it where they're able to like go against odds and statistics to quit something or change their mindset. They've been able to like fully transform their lives through this mysterious act. How does that work? Think about the minute you get up in the morning as you talk to yourself. Do you think that as you internally speak to yourself, it sets your day? For sure. So if you think and visualize somebody that's being hypnotized, aren't they being set up
Starting point is 00:07:06 in reality by a suggestion? Okay, so you're with me so far. So if every word that we say to ourselves internally, like our self-talk, we look in the mirror, we get dressed, we figure out if this looks good on us, whatever, you know, we do it. Everybody, I don't care. Again, I'll say we all have that self-talk. It can be our best friend or our enemy. Yeah, exactly. So, but at the same time, who we talk about the enemy like it's somebody else in the room. Oh, my mind got the best of me. Yeah. Who's mind are you talking about? Yes, yours. Yeah. That's very true. Realize that your internal voice can be your best friend or your worst enemy. So, totally. If those words you say to yourself are that powerful, aren't you kind of hypnotizing yourself daily?
Starting point is 00:07:46 Totally. All right, let's go even go deeper with that question, though that statement. Then who is the most powerful hypnotist in the world? I guess it's you. ourselves. Everybody has a moment in life. Everybody has a moment during the day or a week
Starting point is 00:08:00 where they're kind of misguided, misthought. Maybe a thought comes in the room and it kind of holds them back. But I think it's important to step back and reset sometimes and realize that that power that we're talking about this. And that's a powerful thing because you asked me where's it come from. It's us, it's individually, us. This is the way I'm thinking of it, but I can be totally wrong.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Hypnotizing somebody is putting them in a state where their voices are quiet. So then you can then come in and you can put your voice in and you can and then then their voices repeat it later. Is that it? I'm hiring you. That's the greatest way of living it. Because honestly, then you get it. I'm the kind of a catalyst here. But you said something which is so important because people need to get this.
Starting point is 00:08:44 If you look at hypnosis or a hypnotist to make you do something which is so important because people need to get this. If you look at hypnosis or a hypnotist to make you do something, you will be looking forever. So if I have a subject that's really willing to experience whether it's to show or self-care, understand I'm not going to make you do something. I'm going to help you get in the relax state. I'm going to repeat what you just said. I'm going to give you the suggestions and then it's your job to what resonates with you, to engrave it. So we all live by our phones, right?
Starting point is 00:09:09 I mean, they're the coolest thing ever. They we live by them. They're probably not three feet from us on a regular basis. Right. Under my belt, right? I'm sitting right here. All right. So we take full advantage to update the software
Starting point is 00:09:21 that makes those things run. A phone is basically a hard drive. Without the software, it doesn't work. Our brain's the same way. Totally. Our brain is as massive a hard drive, but the difference between our brain and the phone, the phone is limited on its space.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Your brain's not. If we update the phones to work better, why aren't we updating the most powerful hard drive in the world, and that's up here? Because the brain basically works on the last message you send it. It's going to be a bad day. Well guess what? Something bad happens. You already much say, see I told you so. But I really do believe that when we kind of connect with our own internal thoughts and we realize before we say something how powerful powerful it is. Yeah. We hypnotize ourselves.
Starting point is 00:10:05 And then we realize, it's my job to update my software right now. It's interesting because I think about myself, and this could be a personality type thing or not, I'm not sure. But I get stubborn about updating my software. Do you know what I'm saying? Like in my brain. So like, for example, I think a lot of people know whether we call it
Starting point is 00:10:26 noses or not that the way that we talk to ourselves, the way that we speak out into the world, it's not nothing, you know, it's powerful. But there's, it's so bizarre because I think so many people have like this mental block about fixing that. Like, I feel like people are very in denial of that truth. And I don't know. Have you seen that going back to what you said about we don't update our software. We don't guide ourselves because we get comfortable. Sometimes we fear change.
Starting point is 00:11:01 We fear change because we think, well, if this change isn't my cause pain, and that nobody gets in line for pain, right? But we're getting in line for something we want. We'll scan line for 20 minutes for, you know, whatever it may be. And ice cream sandwich. Exactly. I almost said that. And you, at the same time, we will play out. Well, why start if we're going to possibly fail? And we don't look at sometimes as changes an opportunity to grow. I think when we step back and we realize, we are all students of life.
Starting point is 00:11:35 The people you admire, the people you think are successful. They all have something in common. They probably have something to common with the way they think in their mindset. And the idea of people that are successful, not everybody is successful the first time. No. So you just got to show up for yourself. And you said something just a few moments ago about how powerful our words are. Yeah. I say this to myself every single day. Words are magic to the receptive listener. And that's me or somebody else. I've never thought of hypnosis is something that you can do to yourself All hypnosis is self- Hypnosis all of it. I'm I'm gonna fight any hypnotist that says that they have the power
Starting point is 00:12:16 To put somebody under. I mean that's little I mean seriously. I think I almost laugh at yeah the theatrical kind of you, mystical swinging watch, the tape and all that. I'm like, seriously? When I started, I'm like, I'm going to do the complete opposite. We're going to spell the fact that I have the power to put you under. I always tell people you have the remote control. I mean, literally, you can either turn it up, turn it down, put it on mute, put yourself on mute, change the channel. It's totally up to you. What's the difference between,
Starting point is 00:12:47 like meditation keeps coming to mind, right? Because it's so glad you're going there. Okay, great. This is awesome. What would you say the difference is between hypnosis and meditation? Okay, here we go. You set it up, meditation, get present,
Starting point is 00:13:02 get tranquil, get calm, get aware, whatever it might be. Just get really in tune with yourself and awareness. But then when you think about meditation when somebody goes, well, I meditated to visualize my future. I meditated to visualize my relationship. I meditated to appreciate, to have happiness and gratitude. Well, wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:13:21 If you're doing that, isn't that kind of self-impnosis? So very overlapping principles and finals. So at times, I'll actually say I'm going to put you maybe in a meditated state. It depends on who I'm talking to and what I'm addressing because at the end of the day, you know, my success is based on your success. So this isn't about me. I mean, it's like in their power. Yeah. How many times, do you watch sports at all? No. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Even Olympics, yes. Gymnastics. All right, so perfect example. Yes. So when an Olympic athlete is being interviewed, after they just won whatever it is, think about what they might say if they were being interviewed. And if you can imagine somebody being interviewed, I bet you, they give credit to their belief at their ability.
Starting point is 00:14:07 They usually talk about their belief in what they were going to do. Think about the celebrities, the musicians, the actors, the actresses that have come from nothing and built up this huge career. Usually they go, I just believed in myself. I want to thank all the people around me and we just really had this vision. Then they give credit to their talent, you know, the hard work, right? So if you listen,
Starting point is 00:14:31 look, listen to a gymnast or whoever it might be, they'll give credit second to the hard work and the pain and the ankles and, you know, the ice packs, but they give credit to their mind first. So think about anything that you think you're really good at and we're like you, a winning feeling. Would you give belief to that winning feeling based on your belief that you could do it first?
Starting point is 00:14:57 Honestly, yeah. Okay, yeah. But it still took hard work. It still was, you know, a lot of determination, a lot of resilience, but you gave belief to what you're gonna do. It's almost like, it's because it's the hardest thing to keep in place. Like your hope. But is it?
Starting point is 00:15:13 Well, I guess see, that's also, you're so right. Like, we convince ourselves that it's a my- No, don't stop there. Yeah. You hit a really strong point because I'm sure there are people right now that are listening to this going, I know what she means because we do this. We put up this block well. I can't.
Starting point is 00:15:33 I don't know if I'm good enough. Why try? I don't think it's possible. We've all said, I don't think it's possible. It's some part of our life. So, why don't we do that? Well, maybe it's a defense mechanism because we don't want to feel failure? That's always what I always use that. That's a defense mechanism. I mean, it so, but if we acknowledge it, because it's gonna
Starting point is 00:15:54 walk on the room. I mean, it has the key to getting the door. Oh, yeah. So when that fear comes into play or that defense mechanism, this is maybe, hey, Emma, you maybe you should try this because if you fail, people are gonna look at you and they're gonna judge you and all of a says, maybe, hey, Emma, you maybe you should try this because if you fail, people are going to look at you and they're going to judge you and all of a sudden, well, you're human. Let them sit in the corner. Give me a time out. I'm out. Yeah, exactly. It's like one of those things. It's so much easier said than done. And I think that that's why, you know, people probably people come to you and they're like, I need, I need to like, I need to start. Like I need to help getting started.
Starting point is 00:16:27 I'm curious what people come to you for. Because I can think of a million different things that I need to be hypnotized for. A million, by the way, a million different things. And we'll talk about that later. But like, what do you find you can help the most with when it comes to starting people on that journey? I think self-awareness is first. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:16:54 I think when it comes down to it, you start to realize, I think this is one of the things I talk about and everything I do. The greatest investment you'll ever make in your life. All your material things, the expensive, whatever it may be, and we do it, we cover our expensive stuff. We save our money for whatever it may be. We protect it, we hold on to it, but it can be replaced.
Starting point is 00:17:19 It might have sentimental value, whatever it may be, even if you saved up and you finally bought whatever it might have been, it still can be replaced. Totally. But we do forget to put ourselves first. And so I think that starts with getting people to really become very aware of self-care. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:17:36 And I say self-care rather than say self-help. Self-help sounds like there's a problem. Right. I'm helping. I know. Self-care. Yeah. because we all have our issues. I'll use myself as an example. I recently was like, I'm quitting nicotine.
Starting point is 00:17:55 It has been so terrible. And that's actually what sparked my interest in hypnosis because this shit is hard. And I just didn't even anticipate it being that hard, but see, I know exactly what you're gonna say. It doesn't have to be hard. Oh, it doesn't. You know, it's so funny.
Starting point is 00:18:17 I was at a party recently and I was talking to this kid about quitting nicotine and he got really into meditation. So it's just sort of a similar concept but under a different lens. There you go. Different umbrella. about quitting nicotine and he got really into meditation. So it's just sort of a similar concept but under a different lens, you know. Different umbrella. A different umbrella, but he was talking about how it was so easy for him to quit nicotine
Starting point is 00:18:33 when he started meditating. And I was like, listen, I was like, he just has something I don't, you know, it's all this stuff. Because we assume it's, because we look for the quick fix. We look for the magic, whatever it may be. And it can't be that easy. Yep. Listen, nothing life's easy. Yeah. But the more you do something, we get really good at it.
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Starting point is 00:20:51 okay, I want to quit nicotine. What would you do? Does the work continue outside of the office? Like, do you think that you can hypnotize somebody and they walk out that day and it's done or does the work have to continue in a way? If you think you're gonna go to any hitmaid just in the world, they're gonna snap their fingers and you're gonna walk out that day and it's done or does the work have to continue in a way. If you think you're going to go to any hitmatches in the world and they're going to snap their fingers and you're going to walk out of one session, you might have success.
Starting point is 00:21:11 I have shown people literally one time, cigarettes, the worst tasting thing they've ever experienced. Wow. Literally. Yeah. And yet, life is unpredictable. So how do you kind of like guide yourself? So you create habits of understanding how to do it yourself. My goal is that even if I do work with somebody,
Starting point is 00:21:31 one, one, I've worked with athletes and individuals, but I want to teach them enough skills, whether it's one, two, three, or even a whole months of coaching, that you don't rely on me. OK, give you a perfect example. Emma, I want you to visualize, just work with me for a second. We're gonna roleplay for a second. I'm ready. I'm so ready.
Starting point is 00:21:52 All right, I want you to visualize licking the bottom of an ashtray. Would you have a cigarette right now? You I only ever used a vape. Okay. So you used a vape example. All right, so what if, what if I'm going to be visual for a second. Okay. What if you dropped your vape in dirt?
Starting point is 00:22:08 Yeah. Sand, grit, um, spoiled food, right? Something gross. Mm-hmm. What if you dropped it in something really disgusting? Would you put that vape in your mouth? Fuck no. Okay. So right now, I'm asking you. Yeah. If I took your vape and I just dropped it in muck water,
Starting point is 00:22:27 or just gross, if I, perfect example, I mean, I'm gonna get graphic here. Yeah. So I took your vape and dropped the toilet and came back out and said here, I've dropped my vape in the toilet, and I had to throw it out. Okay, you wouldn't put it in your mouth, right?
Starting point is 00:22:39 No. That's a visualization. Yeah. And I'll tell you why this works so well. It's like, if an athlete stands there right before the pitch, the, you know, the big game and they just visualize success, they visualize determination, they visualize grit, you know, game on fierce feelings. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:57 They're probably going to go out and play a great game. Yeah. Or if they stand there, go, that opponent's really hard, they're going to be tough to beat. What are the, they've just given themselves two rows of destination success and failure. Yep. So I use visualizations a lot with people in that relaxed state. So right now, your hypnotized your eyes aren't even close. Do you want a vape and right now up against, you know, your lips, if it was just dropped into toilet. I, yeah, I don't need it right now. I'm not interested in that right now. My job is then to show you how to engrave that. So if that desire comes in the room, guess what comes in stronger,
Starting point is 00:23:31 the visualization. Everyone has hypnosis all wrong. Everyone is judging this concept beyond belief. Totally agree. I think hypnosis is just mindfulness at the end of the day, but it's guided and controlled with a goal in mind. You just said it, guided and controlled. So if I ask you to close your eyes right now, I'm not going to do it, but if I ask you to close your eyes, I'm going to help you relax really, really well. I'm going to help you get really, really comfortable. I'm going to help you just completely de-stress.
Starting point is 00:23:58 That's my, that's where everything starts. That's like the secret ingredient to baking a cake right now. And at that state where you stop thinking about your to-do's, your tasks, emails you have to do later on, who you're supposed to meet tonight, whatever, but you don't think about those things. And we just focus on that visualization of you dropping that vape pen in toilet water. Oh, thank God. And it becomes such a strong conversation that's repeated over and over.
Starting point is 00:24:22 So again, going into what you said, I think if there's a lot of misconceptions predetermined thoughts based on what hypnosis really is. And to me, it's just a guided meditation. Now, I'm excited because I'm not afraid of it. I think I've always been so afraid of the idea of hypnosis because I'm a very anxious paranoid sort of person. I have a tendency to, if I feel out of control, I panic. And so to me, the idea of hypnosis, I'm like, I feel like I'm going to be out of control. You're absolutely right. There are a lot of people say, well, I would never be hypnotized because I don't want to feel out of control. Well, to be honest with you, you have more control than you think. Well, I honestly think in a lot of ways,
Starting point is 00:25:07 based on what I'm hearing so far, like hypnosis can give you more control. If you are using it, if you understand it and you use it within yourself, like you now have more control. Absolutely. There are so many things that we cannot control in the world. We can't control somebody else's opinion.
Starting point is 00:25:28 We can't control what we hear, but we can control how we perceive and react in our own reality. We have control over how somebody else's words are going to affect us, or do we believe in what we can do based on our own internal voice. Think about what you want to do as you grow your brand and who you are. You don't have to share that, but you have internal beliefs. Those internal beliefs are fed and fueled by you. And the more and more you focus on that, even when something doesn't go your way and it's
Starting point is 00:26:00 not going to all the time, how do you make sure that you are always in control over your destiny and you are? What do you believe is the best way to keep the software in your brain at the most optimal point as often as possible? Like how do you recommend up keeping your brain software? No, I'm gonna go back to it again, because this is my philosophy. If you just spend five or 10 minutes a day, five or 10 minutes a day, to kind of reset,
Starting point is 00:26:36 and you can do it multiple times. So you can do it in the morning, afternoon, you know, after a big, whatever it may be, a big accomplishment, every day, we should be setting time. In fact, how many of you are going to give everybody a task? If you're listening right now, I'm going to give you a take away and don't dismiss the simplicity of this.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Use your phone or regular basis. Do you set reminders on your phone? All the time. All right, so it's calendar reminders and somebody, you're sharing an alert with somebody. Somebody sends you an invite, you have to do this at this time or meet them somewhere. We rely on that message. We hold ourselves our name to it. We show up. You don't just go, I'm not going them somewhere. We rely on that message. We hold ourselves our name to it. We show up. And you don't just go, I'm not going to show up and not call
Starting point is 00:27:08 that person. No, we made a contract. We made a promise. Okay, my point's made. How often do you set a reminder on your own phone for yourself to stop reset? Never. Okay, today's the day. Yeah. When this, when we're done recording, I'm going to watch you do it. I can't wait. I want to see you put a reminder every day and repeat it every single day. And you can move it. It might not be in the afternoon. It might be in the morning. It might be before you go to bed at night.
Starting point is 00:27:30 But what if every day you spent five or ten minutes just focusing on some new software? Maybe being a little appreciative towards the things you had experienced that day? Maybe just kind of resetting your thoughts? Sometimes in life, we look for the big, huge thing that's going to happen to make us happy. And we don't celebrate the small little things we do. So I think it's important to what's my win for the day. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:57 Do you think hypnosis is targeting the conscious mind or the subconscious mind? Wow, there's an overlap there. Or both, yeah. No, I think there's an overlap of what's unconsciously happening because in essence, how I may ask you a question. How unaware are we or do we think we are of being unaware? I think most people are very unaware myself included at times. We're could be anything yeah from the things we say to the way we respond to things.
Starting point is 00:28:25 I mean, I'll give you an example. Let's say I asked to go to dinner and I mentioned the name of a restaurant. And let's say three years ago you went there and it was horrible, worse experience ever. So when I mentioned the name of the restaurant, what happens? I mean, guttural. No. Right. You've not yet subconscious.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Pulled out of your memory bank, that's software through that memory forward so fast because that's what it does. Yeah. And I'll be responded and said, wait, I'm not going with you. I'm not going there. You didn't even ask me, well, why do you want to go there? Is this something I don't know? Maybe they've changed chefs. Yeah. Maybe it's different owner. New owner. I mean, we've all done. I've actually said it. I'm not going back to that place ever again, but sometimes we have to hit the pause button again. I know. I'm just, you know, I'm having this conversation with myself, like going, okay, don't be so close-minded. Don't be so fearful. It can get out of control though. Yeah. I'm not telling somebody to be so self, you know, critical of
Starting point is 00:29:26 their thoughts because we don't want to do that. We don't want to get to a point where we're like judging now everything, we're questioning everything. What am I saying? The right, no, just kind of like you want to create this software that's constantly evolving and growing because everything about you, Emma, your personality, your likes, your dislikes, your feelings, your emotions, your arguments, your resolutions, your dislikes your feelings your emotions your arguments your resolutions your commitments your gratitude Think about it. It's probably played out in your head on a regular basis all the time before it even happens It's so true Before you're given an opportunity to something what does our mind do?
Starting point is 00:29:57 It starts to run through our head. What would this be like is this possible? Can I do this am I worthy? And what wins is the self-belief. At Salesforce, we're all about asking more of AI. Questions like, where's the data going? Is it secure? Are you sure? Are you sure you're sure? Get answers you can trust from Salesforce
Starting point is 00:30:19 at At Public Mobile, we do things differently differently from our subscription phone plans to throwing a big sale right now when no one else is. Well, maybe they are, but who cares? Our sale is better. And it's on right now, no waiting necessary. You have the latest phone. Now, take advantage of a great price on a 5G subscription phone plan. It's the perfect deal for anyone who could use some savings right now. Subscribe today at Different is calling. It's one thing to tell yourself that you believe in yourself. It's one thing to say that you're grateful for something. It's one thing to say, you believe this will come true.
Starting point is 00:31:08 But what I've noticed in my own life is that the only time that that truly works, that sort of manifesting truly works, is when I believe it in my gut. Do you think that if you say something to yourself enough, it becomes true? Or do you think that there's something else that needs fixing in that situation? Our old limiting beliefs will either take us to a place of failure or down or we have an opportunity to grow. So I'm going to ask you a question. We've been sitting here for a while. I'm going to ask you a question. We've been sitting here for a while.
Starting point is 00:31:46 I'm going to ask you a question. I want you to come up with the first answer without even thinking about it. You ready? Are you going to quit nicotine? It's not obvious for me. I almost said no. I literally was about to be like, no. Because I don't want to. Okay. So I'm so excited. I was like, I'm so excited.
Starting point is 00:32:06 I was like, I'm so excited. I was like, I'm so excited. I was like, I'm so excited. I was like, I'm so excited. I was like, I'm so excited. I was like, I'm so excited. I was like, I'm so excited. I was like, I'm so excited.
Starting point is 00:32:22 I was like, I'm so excited. I was like, I'm so excited. realize what are we're capable of doing. I know deep down, just different conversations, you're going to stop and make a team. I know, I will. I know. Yes. But that pause in there, that little pause, that's what I'm there to do, is help you with that. It's figuring out why there's that hesitation. Right. Is to help you with an internal talk. And then you figure out, if you really do understand this, you're going to go, I want more. Totally.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Let's go. Well, it's already like melting my brain out of my ears and then reformulating it in a whole new way. But again, it goes back to it. It's like, you just, you know, you just have these conversations. You figure out what's, what direction you want to go. Yeah. And you kind of touched on it.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Does that self talk really have that much power and the answer is you've already teed it up perfectly. Yes. Yeah. 100%. To zoom in on like limiting beliefs. Yeah. Do we have to have some or do you think we don't need them at all? Like, is it unsafe to have no limiting beliefs? Yeah. I think that they're going to be there, and that's part of life. It's just how to navigate when something throws your curveball. You know, when something is a storm, how do you rise above the storm? I mean, I'm not trying to be cliche here, but how do you rise above the, you know, everything
Starting point is 00:33:43 else going on in life and find the good at what just happened? You know, how do you fuel the fire? How do you show the force of nature? You know, who you are? I mean, you know, even if it's just something as you think is so small, could be huge in the back of your thought process. What I've noticed with myself is I'm the least in touch with me when I'm drowning myself in entertainment. But I've noticed that that's something I do as a coping mechanism. Like when I don't want to software update my brand because that sounds like too much work. And when I don't want to address all these changes that I know I need to make, I drown myself in entertain.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Are you sure you binge watch? For me, it's like, it's scrolling on Instagram, it's going on Pinterest, it's online shopping, it's watching YouTube videos that aren't educational, because I do love watching like an educational thing on YouTube, but I'm definitely not doing that when I'm trying to drown. Right. Like I'm not, it's all, it's only things that are just, it's junk, you know what I mean? It's junk for the brain, it's not true.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Helpful, it's not teaching me anything, it's, you know, it's that. I feel like we're in such an overstimulating time that it's harder than ever to properly hypnotize yourself, properly meditate. Okay, but see how it is? You're gonna be like, it's not, it isn't hard, it doesn't have to be hard.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Back to your, that's a limited belief. What are we gonna do? What are we gonna do when we're done recording? You're gonna do it. Where's your phone? We're gonna make an appointment. And you can change the time, because you're in control, you set it.
Starting point is 00:35:23 Think about if you just sat for five minutes. If we made an appointment for five minutes on your phone and an alarm goes off, you know that's what you should be doing. And when you do that, then everything else just kind of put off the sign and you focus on you. And whatever the task it is to hand is afterwards, whether it's calling somebody important, having a relationship with somebody, prepping for the next project, whatever you have, watch how easy it is everything else after that. Watch how more focused you are on whatever you're going to do after that five minutes. It's interesting because I've gone through phases where I've been so dedicated to
Starting point is 00:35:59 taking those five, ten minutes, and it's never lasted longer than like a few months. What's so interesting is I know how helpful it is and I know how beneficial it is. But yet I get lazy and I'm like, you want to be automatic, you want that to be an auto thought. Yeah. That like driving our car, let's go back to the beginning
Starting point is 00:36:26 of this interview. So I said to you, driving your car becomes an automatic response called highway hypnosis. First time you ever got behind a wheel, you're probably nervous, nobody can talk. Don't turn the radio, don't talk to me, don't distract me. The second day, you're like a pro, right?
Starting point is 00:36:40 So same thing, you start to repeat something over and over again. And maybe it won't disappear. Maybe it becomes part of who you are, your personality. Everything you do on a regular basis is repeated. You got really good at that. And you either get really good at the bad habits. Are you get really good at the good habits? At the good habits. Because how often do you hear somebody saying, I have a habit of not vaping? Yeah. Do you ever hear somebody say that? No, you hear, I have a habit of not vaping? Yeah. Do you ever hear somebody say that? No, you hear, I have a habit of vaping.
Starting point is 00:37:09 We give it power. Yeah. When it comes to, you know, the good habits, it sounds like to me, the best path to take towards establishing those good habits is to remove the limiting beliefs, telling you that establishing those good habits is to remove the limiting beliefs, telling you that establishing those good habits is going to be challenging or impossible, and then just doing it.
Starting point is 00:37:32 And that's it. When it comes to bad habits, what's that? What's that process? Okay. So you have a bad habit. If you stopped the bad habit, what have you replaced it with? You know, sometimes people say they don't want to stop, you know, smoking or using nicotine or vaping is because a bad habit, if you stopped the bad habit, what have you replaced it with? Sometimes people say they don't want to stop smoking or using nicotine or vaping, it's because they're
Starting point is 00:37:49 fearful that they're going to start eating. They take one vice and replace it with another one because it's a satisfying thing. The use food is a comfort, is vaping a comfort to you. Now, so let me ask you, I'm not gonna use you in the example here, but I'm gonna use somebody else. If I ask somebody about smoking or vaping, I would usually ask them, where do you do this? Do you take a break? Do you do it in your home? Do you do it in your car?
Starting point is 00:38:14 Do you walk away from everybody else? And you walk outside just to have some personal me time. And so you go a little deeper with that conversation. So are you using the vaping as an excuse to get away from your reality to calm yourself down? And that inhale of oxygen, which our brain craves, our body craves, because oxygen is a source of life, source of everything.
Starting point is 00:38:35 Exactly, can't live without it. Yeah. So are we really craving a little more oxygen to calm ourselves to reduce stress? Is it really the vaping or the nicotine that's reducing the stress, or is it the timeout? Is it the personal awareness? Is it a distraction from whatever, you know, it might be? And then when you do quit using that as excuse, what are you replacing it with? And usually somebody will say, I don't, I don't, I usually, you know, food is
Starting point is 00:39:08 usually my other comfort. Well, maybe it's just breathing. Yeah. Everybody's different. What are you craving the vapor? Are you craving more oxygen? Are you craving time out? Are you craving relaxation?
Starting point is 00:39:20 You know what it is for me? Does it relax you? It's, or it's the, I've always had an oral fixation. Like since I was a kid, suck my thumb, my whole childhood until nine years old, quit that very challenging. At like 15, I start vaping and it replaces that oral fixation because I'm a very anxious girl. We look at quitting a bad habit as like a loss,
Starting point is 00:39:43 almost in a weird way. You know, like I think from my perspective, I've almost felt the sense of loss when I decided I was gonna like stop vaping. Because you're probably playing out something that hasn't even happened yet in your back of your mind. But I feel like, oh my god, my life, I'm gonna have, I'm gonna be missing something, right? But I think it's so valuable for somebody who's trying to quit about habit. To be like, no, it's not a loss.
Starting point is 00:40:12 I'm replacing that with something else. So that replacement is so huge. And I didn't even think about that. Once during my ongoing journey of stopping, completely, one day. Soon, soon, one day soon. But we have time. We have time.
Starting point is 00:40:35 I have time. But I think there are replacements huge. Because it's like, it's those moments when you're anxious. Like, I'll use me as an example. It's the moments when I'm anxious and all I want is a vape because I used to just hit the vape. Think about what you're asking. You're asking for a timeout. Well, I'm very inspired. That's for sure. Because I think I've been enabling myself in a lot of areas to have bad habits, you know, to not be as self-aware as I know I want to be and should be.
Starting point is 00:41:10 I don't know. I've sort of more recently convinced myself that that's too hard. And I think it really comes down to being able to spot the lies that you tell yourself is so... Being able to spot the lies that you tell yourself is so, it's so powerful, but I also think it's one of those things that once you're aware of it, you can't unsee it. Do you know how many people right now are listening to this
Starting point is 00:41:40 that can resonate with them? How many people are sitting listening as driving a car, walking with friends, just listening to this conversation, going, I understand that. I understand that. I have a big decision. I have to apply for college.
Starting point is 00:41:55 I have to make a decision on this, and it's going to be hard. Or I have to go to work to a new job I've never done before. It's a limiting belief there. It's not just about breaking up that habit, it's about exploring what's possible. But think about how many people right now have an overwhelming task of change and growth. They're not alone now. I feel like there's nothing else to say. Oh, there's no. We can go. To be honest, we need a part two because we need you a whole episode about falling
Starting point is 00:42:23 in love and how that's hypnosis. That's the next episode. We're doing that. You'll come, I'll pull you back in one day. Because we have to do... I say careers, love, life, relationships. Yeah, you can, you know, you can help others. It's never ending. No, it's not.
Starting point is 00:42:39 Thank you for doing this. Oh, you're awesome. Thank you. This is not the last time. Okay. You melted my brain in all the best ways. Oh my gosh. I love that.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Thank you for doing this. Oh, you're awesome. Thank you. This is not the last time. Okay. You did, you melted my brain in all the best ways. Oh my gosh. I love that.

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