anything goes with emma chamberlain - my “hot girl summer” routine, explained

Episode Date: July 11, 2024

the collective decision to have a hot girl summer in 2019 was electric. megan thee stallion's song, hot girl summer, obviously solidified it by putting a term to the feeling of that time. since then really hasn’t been a summer, at least in my opinion, like the summer of 2019. so this year, i'm dedicated to having a good summer, and that's why, today, i'm going to be sharing with you my hot girl summer routine - it's healthy, it's balanced, and it's relaxed. it's taking all of the positive things from the summer of 2019 and leaving all the negative things behind. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm sure I don't need to explain to you what Hot Girl Summer is, because you lived through it. Unless you're four years old, you lived through Hot Girl Summer. Close your eyes and remember the summer of 2019. What did you hear? What did you see? What did you smell? What did you taste? What did you touch? Take a deep breath. And as you exhale, remember Hot Girl Summer.
Starting point is 00:00:25 There was something about the summer of 2019 that was magic. Megan Thee Stallion's song Hot Girl Summer obviously solidified it by putting a term to the feeling of the summer of 2019. But it went beyond words. Why, it was a feeling. Now, unfortunately, the term Hot Girl Summer now is a bit overused.
Starting point is 00:00:46 It's a bit chuggy. We're over it. We don't really use that term anymore. I feel like it's sort of stayed in the summer of 2019 and kind of for good reason because there hasn't really been a summer, at least in my opinion, like the summer of 2019 since. There was something really electric about that summer. The collective decision to have a hot girl summer was magic.
Starting point is 00:01:14 When I look back at my hot girl summer, I remember it being magical, but I also remember it being chaotic. Let me paint that picture for you. Hot girl summer for me consisted of a newly healed heart. Okay, I had just gone through my first major breakup and I was finally coming out the other side in the summer of 2019 and I was feeling strong again.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Now, for all of you who have experienced a first heartbreak, you know how challenging it is to get to the other side of that. And once you do, it's magical. So I think Hot Girl Summer came in my life at the perfect time because I kinda needed it. You know, I was rebuilding myself after the breakup and I was starting to find strength again and I was ready to get out into the world again.
Starting point is 00:02:07 And so it couldn't have come at a better time. But I was young, I was 18 years old, and it was definitely a chaotic summer. For example, I didn't take good care of myself. I was like sleeping three hours a night, pulling all nighters all the time, laying out in the sun with no sunscreen so I could get as tan as possible because I love being tan and to me, I can't have a
Starting point is 00:02:31 hot girl summer without a good tan. But I was burning my skin left and right. I actually was going into tanning beds a little bit during that summer to really try to get my tan good, which is so unhealthy. I was impulsive at the time. I remember dyeing my hair black on impulse at a hair appointment. There's actually a YouTube video of that on my YouTube channel.
Starting point is 00:02:53 I cried because I regretted my decision so much. I was filled with energy in a way that caused me to be a hypocrite. For example, I was newly single and I spent a lot of my time that summer talking to my friends about how I was gonna hook up with all these guys and finally be free. I did not do any of that, which was kind of disappointing
Starting point is 00:03:17 and somewhat embarrassing, you know, to talk about how it's hot girl summer and I'm gonna hook up with every guy I see and then to run away from every guy that I saw. Kind of embarrassing, so there's a lot of that going on. I think my summer actually looked more fun on social media than it actually was because I was posting photos of everything that I was doing in a very theatrical way.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Bikini pictures in Hawaii and wearing cool outfits on the beach that are actually kind of not really like convenient to wear on the beach. Like I remember I took one photo of me in this neon green bikini, and then I was wearing socks in Air Force One sneakers. It was like, wait, why are you wearing socks on the beach? Like, it was just weird.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Anyway, but I thought it looked cool. So I was like, I need a picture on this. Very odd. But, you like, I need a picture on this. Very odd. But, you know, when you're young and obsessed with Instagram, that's kind of what happens. All of this to say, Hot Girl Summer 2019 was magical. It was energized. It was Hot Girl Summer.
Starting point is 00:04:18 But I can't do it the same again. I know too much. I've grown up too much. I will never have a 2019 Hot Girl Summer again. However, I'm really dedicated to having a good summer this year because the last two or three years, my summers have been a bit sad for a few reasons. I've kind of forgotten that it was summer,
Starting point is 00:04:41 the last few summers, and spent majority of my time indoors, working on my computer, ordering groceries for delivery. Like I've just spent so much time indoors during the summer because now that I'm an adult, I don't have a scheduled summer break. You know, when you're done with school and you become an adult and you start working,
Starting point is 00:05:04 you don't get a summer break anymore. So you sort of have to create your own version of summer break that includes working. And so it's a bit more challenging to experience the joy of summer, the older you get, which is a shame to me. And so that's why this year I'm very determined to really figure out a functional adult hot girl summer. And I know the term is chuggy now, like, oh, hot girl summer, it's over, we're leaving in 2019, the term is dead. Like I know it's kind of chuggy, I get it. I know I sound like, I don't sound very trendy right now using the term is dead. We're not, like, I know it's kind of choogie. I get it.
Starting point is 00:05:45 I know I sound like, I don't sound very trendy right now using the term hot girl summer. I get it, but it's the only term I have. And I'm particularly out of the loop these days because I don't really go on social media anymore at all. I consume almost no social media anymore. I have a whole episode about that. If you want to check it out,
Starting point is 00:06:03 the episode is called Managing My Internet Addiction. Go listen to that if you want to hear why out. The episode is called Managing My Internet Addiction. Go listen to that if you want to hear why I'm not really on social media anymore. Like consuming it. I still post on it, but I don't consume it. All of this to say, today I'm going to be sharing with you my hot girl summer routine. And I think what's so good about this hot girl summer routine is that it's healthy, it's balanced, it's relaxed, it's not chaotic. It's taking all of the positive things from the hot girl summer of 2019
Starting point is 00:06:35 and then leaving all the negative things behind. It's also doing the things that maybe I wish I would have done in the summer of 2019 in hot girl summer. This routine is somewhat aspirational, you know? It's like I created this routine for myself in an aspirational way. I was like, I really hope I can do this routine and it's working for me.
Starting point is 00:06:54 I'm actually able to do it. And it's making my summer delightful thus far. And I hope a lot of these things stick for the rest of the year. Okay, so let's begin. My hot girl summer routine explained. Let's start out with the activities. Number one, I'm trying to do as many things outside as possible.
Starting point is 00:07:16 I'm trying to swap as many indoor activities for outdoor activities as possible. For example, when I can, I'm trying to eat outside at the restaurant. Like if I go to a restaurant, I say, do you have any outdoor tables? When possible, I try to go to the farmer's market instead of the grocery store because the farmer's market is outdoors. And actually, on top of that,
Starting point is 00:07:41 it's seasonal produce for the most part, which is also delightful and even more tasty. Another example, when possible, instead of working out inside of a gym, I'm trying to experiment more with exercising outdoors, whether that's running outside or going for a hike outside or doing my squats or my pushups outside, trying to do as much outside as possible.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Now, we must have realistic expectations, right? There are times when it's so hot that going to the farmer's market seems incredibly unappealing, and we'd much rather go to the grocery store. Not everybody has a farmer's market available. Some people have to go to the grocery store. Sometimes there's no outdoor table available at a restaurant.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Sometimes working out at the gym is just more efficient and makes more sense for the efficiency of our day. It's not something to be rigid about. I feel like being rigid about anything in life creates a lot more stress than necessary. It's always good to be flexible in a way, but it's something to keep in the back of your head. Like whenever you're doing an activity,
Starting point is 00:08:50 to ask yourself, huh, could I do this outdoors? And would that be even more enjoyable? It's a good thing to keep in the back of your head. Like I'll discuss this more in a bit, but I've been trying to read more books and been trying to read a decent amount every day. And instead of reading indoors, I'll read outdoors instead. But the reason why this is so delightful is because during the colder seasons, we're inside
Starting point is 00:09:16 already enough. We kind of have to force ourselves to go outside. And my favorite way to do it is by combining it with something that I'd already be doing anyway. Okay, number two, I know I talk about this a lot. So this is nothing new, but healthy entertainment. I think this is particularly important for hot girl summer, because how are you supposed to enjoy the tranquility of summer? How are you supposed to enjoy the tranquility of summer? How are you supposed to enjoy the joy of summer when you're comparing your summer to everyone else's summer on social media?
Starting point is 00:09:55 Very challenging. Especially because I feel like everyone else's summer always looks so much better than yours on social media. For example, what's so wild is that even when you're on a beautiful vacation, you can always find a way to compare your vacation to everyone else's. And I found that over consuming what everyone else is doing for their summer makes your summer feel lame in comparison because Because you're not just comparing your summer to one other person's summer, you're comparing your summer
Starting point is 00:10:30 to everyone on the internet's summer. You're never gonna do as much as hundreds of thousands of other people are doing. You know what I'm saying? Like it's an impossible comparison. It's a ridiculous comparison, but subconsciously we do it. And so that's why I think it's so important
Starting point is 00:10:45 to entertain yourself in healthy ways during the summer so that you can be present and you can appreciate your summer for what it is. And that's where healthy forms of entertainment come in. For example, books, I'm really getting back into reading. I had a strong reading phase a few years ago where I was really reading and I was reading classic books and it was delightful and soul enriching.
Starting point is 00:11:14 And I was like, wow, I really understand reading. I'm finally a reader. What a treat. But I think where I messed up was I started reading books that were too dense and too challenging for me, and then I gave up, and then I stopped reading for a while. And I am now recently getting back into it, I think because I'm not going on social media as much,
Starting point is 00:11:37 and I have a lot of free time where I'm too tired to work anymore, but I want some sort of entertainment. I don't wanna take a nap. I don't wanna sleep reading. So I've been reading a lot. I've also been listening to a lot of audio books, interestingly enough.
Starting point is 00:11:55 When it comes to books that I'm tangibly reading, I'm leaning towards books that have been recommended to me by close friends and family, particularly my loved one's favorite books. Like right now I'm reading one of my loved one's favorite books of all time, and it's something I probably would have never read otherwise. So it's fun, and it also helps me learn more about my various loved ones. So that's one way that I'm finding books to read. But I'm also trying to read classic books. And that's sort of what I'm reading when it comes to a real tangible book.
Starting point is 00:12:33 When it comes to audiobooks, I tend to listen to more like scientific books or like philosophical books, just because I don't know, like that tends to read more like a podcast. And I've been really enjoying that. Like, for example, I finally listened to the book Atomic Habits, which was a really popular sort of self-help book. So yeah, but what's been so great about it is that reading can go hand in hand with other parts of my hot girl summer routine. Okay, for example, I can read outside so it can help me spend more time outside. When I go to the beach, for example,
Starting point is 00:13:15 instead of hovering over my phone and going on my phone while I'm soaking up the sun, now I'm reading a book, like all the people that I've envied for the past fucking 23 years of my life. I've always envied the people who can read a book on the beach. Cause I've really never been that person.
Starting point is 00:13:34 And it's taken a level of discipline to get there. And it's taken quite literally removing social media from my phone. It's taken a lot of discipline and life changes to get to a place where I can enjoy reading on the beach and I can be that person. But I'm now becoming that person and wow, thank God. It's my turn. I'm sick of looking at the romantic people reading on the beach and thinking, oh, I'll never be that. I'm sick of it. And now it's me doing it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:01 When it comes to audiobooks, I'm loving listening to audiobooks when I go on walks or jogs or doing chores around the house. I'm really into the book. I'm into the book right now again. And I'm hoping that it doesn't pass again. You know? Like, yes, this is the summer of reading. Yes, this is a part of my hot girl summer routine, but I hope that this lasts for longer than that because I really do think that reading is so important and I know it's important and I really need to stick to it. So I'll let you know how it goes. Enough of reading. There are other hot girl summer activities that we must discuss such as
Starting point is 00:14:43 puzzles. There's something so summer about a puzzle. I don't know why. I don't know what it is. I actually feel like every season can sort of lend itself to a puzzle when I really think about it. But there is something particularly summary about a puzzle, having all the windows open and working on a puzzle after being outside all day. I don't know. There's something summary about it. Pouring a little glass of wine and working on a puzzle, putting on some music
Starting point is 00:15:10 or an audiobook and working on a puzzle. There's just something so delightful about it. Similar to board games and card games. I'm so into these classic forms of entertainment and I've really been getting into them, and I think the unfortunate thing is, our brains really have a hard time focusing on these things unless we've simplified what we're consuming overall. Like, I don't think I'd be able to enjoy a puzzle
Starting point is 00:15:35 or enjoy a board game if I was in a phase where I'm consuming a lot of quick, snappy entertainment, internet entertainment. Your brain learns to enjoy it when it's kind of all you have. Like when you're restricting other forms of entertainment, then you're sort of forced to do puzzles and play board games and read.
Starting point is 00:15:59 And all of these things are only enjoyable when they're kind of all you have. And that is something that we as individuals have to manage. How can we get to a place where these more simple, more relaxing, more tranquil forms of entertainment are entertaining to us? The thing I love about puzzles and board games is that they can be communal, which I think is also great during the summer. And then last but not least, casual art.
Starting point is 00:16:32 I've had phases again, where I've been into making art, not so that it's good, not to impress anyone, but just for my own joy, right? And I've had phases where I've been so good about being creative in sort of inconsequential ways. I'm not trying to sell my art, I'm not trying to post my art on Instagram. I'm just doing it because humans enjoy creating things. But similar to reading, I've gone through phases with it.
Starting point is 00:17:07 And this summer I'm bringing it back because it is so delightful on a warm evening to take a piece of paper and some watercolors outside and to just paint with no strict goal in mind, just to paint. This is the summer of healthy entertainment. Is it hard to enjoy these things? At times, yes.
Starting point is 00:17:32 And I'm so guilty of like preaching this, right? Like preaching like, you guys, we have to be reading books. You guys, we have to be doing art. You guys have to be doing puzzles and playing board games. You guys, we have to do it with friends and family. You guys, we have to also do it alone. You guys, we have to be doing art. You guys have to be doing puzzles and playing board games. You guys, we have to do it with friends and family. You guys, we have to also do it alone. You guys, we have to be doing this. It's so healthy.
Starting point is 00:17:50 And then allowing it to just be a phase and allowing it to exit my routine. But I think in summer in particular, this is the time when we compare ourselves the most online, I would argue. Because not only are we seeing everyone else on vacation, but we're also seeing people posting in their bathing suits and posting, and they look hot,
Starting point is 00:18:14 and who knows how much they're face-tuned or not. And it's just, it's like, it's such a time of comparison that I think during the summer, more than ever, it's so important to entertain ourselves in a healthy way and to stay off social media as Much as possible because when I say stay off social media as much as possible We're still all going on it here and there But it's when you're on it too much and it becomes your reality that then things go sour
Starting point is 00:18:45 too much and it becomes your reality that then things go sour. Oh, healthy entertainment. I'm literally dedicating my life to enjoying healthy forms of entertainment again. Like it is my biggest goal in life in general right now, but especially for the summer. And I know it sounds cringe. It's like, shut up. No one wants to hear about you doing a fucking puzzle.
Starting point is 00:19:08 But I'm telling you, adding these things into my routine and altering my routine so that these things are enjoyable has improved my mental health in a way that is so significant that I would feel almost irresponsible not to try to convince you to try it as well if you haven't already. Because it took other people in my life talking about them making these changes in their life to inspire me to do it.
Starting point is 00:19:37 And so maybe I can be that for you. Okay, next. What other Haw Girls summer activities do we have? Getting in the water at least once a week? I don't know what it is about getting in a body of water. I think it's just really good for humans. Sorry, if you can hear my cat purring. He is sitting on my lap and he's so happy to be with me,
Starting point is 00:20:03 but he's really heavy. It's very uncomfortable. Now, depending on where you live, getting in the water might be kind of challenging. But if you can find a lake, an ocean, a pool, a hot tub, bathtub, it doesn't matter. There's just something so nice about being in a body of water as often as you can during the summer. And luckily for me, I live in California where we have the ocean and there's
Starting point is 00:20:31 pools everywhere, there's lots of water, but there's just something about it. That's so good for the soul. Like it just, I don't know, it's, it's cleansing and, and soothing and you can't enjoy it all year round. Like there are only a few months out of the year where you can go in the ocean, where you can go in a lake, where you can go in a pool and it's comfortable. In the last few summers, I've not gone in the water enough and I've deeply regretted it
Starting point is 00:21:02 because during the winter I've been like, wow, I would love to swim in the ocean right now or I'd love to, you know, float around in a pool right now, but I can't because it's 57 degrees and it's too cold. Now listen, I'm somebody who's kind of a baby about getting into water. Like, I really don't like cold water. Like, it's super trendy right now to do the whole sauna and then ice bath thing. You've probably heard about that. There's all these supposed health benefits that come from, you know, sitting in a sauna and then going in a cold plunge, like really, really ice cold water.
Starting point is 00:21:39 I usually kind of like to dabble in these trends, at least give them a try, because I'm always curious to see if there's something to it. I usually kind of like to dabble in these trends, at least give them a try, because I'm always curious to see if there's something to it. I will say I am not gonna do the ice bath thing. I'm just not gonna do it. Literally a doctor could call me up on the phone and say, Emma, I'm not kidding.
Starting point is 00:21:57 Going in an ice bath, you know, every day will extend your life five years. I'd be like, I don't know. I think it's fine. Like I, I would genuinely still struggle to do it because I just hate cold water so much. So going in the ocean sometimes for me is challenging and sometimes I'll even go to the beach and not get in because I'm too much of a baby and it feels too cold and I don't want to go in. But whenever I do, it's worth the push.
Starting point is 00:22:26 It's worth the push. And so I'm really trying to be good about getting in the water as much as possible. Okay, next. Don't get me wrong, going on vacation is fucking awesome. Like traveling is fucking awesome. I'm all for traveling. However, we also must consider the staycation.
Starting point is 00:22:45 During the summer, it's not always easy to get away from work or from life, and we can't always go on vacation. There are so many things that make traveling challenging. Like, there are a lot of barriers preventing us from traveling for various different reasons. The cost, the navigating around work, there are so many reasons why traveling is challenging, which is why I think it's so important to bring the vacation to you.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Like for example, I'm really making an effort to try to make my life in LA feel like a vacation, but you know, I have a beach relatively close by, stuff like that. So I can pretty easily bring the vacation to me in that way. But no matter where you live, you can do it. Having a barbecue in your backyard even can feel like a summer vacation if you have the right mindset about it. Even just taking a walk around your neighborhood on a warm evening can kind of feel reminiscent
Starting point is 00:23:46 of a vacation. It's bringing the vacation habits to home. When I think about my routine when I'm on vacation, I don't know, when I think of summer vacation, I think of eating a lot of fresh fruits and swimming a lot and going for a lot of walks and walking around town and walking into little shops and stuff like that. You can do a lot of that where you live. Integrating that into your summer life,
Starting point is 00:24:16 I think can be very good. Another hot girl summer activity is buying and eating produce that's in season. I kind of talked about this earlier with the farmers market, but I really recommend doing research about what produce is in season where you live and during the summer, like really leaning into it. I mean, I guess in any season, it's nice to do that, but for Hot Girl Summer, I'm eating stone fruits, like plums and peaches
Starting point is 00:24:51 and nectarines, and I'm eating fresh tomatoes, and I'm eating avocados and beets and all these things that are seasonally thriving right now, because it just, I don't know, it just like tastes so good. Tastes extra good. I'm like leaning into that. That's very randomly a part of my hot girl summer routine. Like right now I have so many different stone fruits
Starting point is 00:25:13 because they're in season. I have plums, I have apricots, I have peaches. They're all there. They're all in my fruit bowl. And it's so delightful. Next, responsible alcohol consumption. I don't know what it is about the summer, but in the past, I've been like, it's summer.
Starting point is 00:25:29 I am going to get drunk. Like, there's something about summer that just feels like a party. And in the past, I've had a lot of drunk summers, you know? Like, drinking by the pool, drinking on my friend's boat. Like, I don't know, like, just drinking as much as I possibly can. I think that I'm done with that. However, I am kind of loving having a glass of wine,
Starting point is 00:25:56 like one glass of wine, maybe two in a summery way. Okay, for example, working on a puzzle with a little glass of wine, playing a board game with a little glass of wine, after a hot day at the beach, having a little glass of wine with dinner, all tan and warm from the day at the beach, and then this cool glass of wine, delish, a fresh summery meal with seasonal produce with a little glass of wine. Wow. Wow, that's good. When I have wine at home, I like to put ice cubes in it. And I know, I already know that many of you are cringing about that
Starting point is 00:26:36 because that's so not what you're supposed to do. Like literally any sommelier would be like, that is a disgrace to the art that is wine. Like, why are you doing that? I think wine tastes better with a little bit of ice in it. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry to tell you this. And I'm so sorry to tell you to try it because I really think you should try it.
Starting point is 00:26:54 If you don't like wine, try it with some ice in it. I'm not kidding. I fucking love wine with ice in it. I'm like, I feel like people who drink wine with ice in it are like really hot aunts, like your hot aunt or like your kind of wild uncle randomly just puts ice in their wine. It feels very unhinged aunt coded, but it's so good. Okay, now that we've discussed the activities, let's discuss the self-care routine for the summertime.
Starting point is 00:27:29 I feel like summer is for healing. Like during the summer, I leave my hair alone. You know, I try not to use heat on my hair. I let it be natural and just let it grow. Same thing with the nails, like let the nails grow. It's also so hot that wearing makeup during the summer, it just sucks. I usually go no makeup or light makeup.
Starting point is 00:27:51 I also focus a lot on healing and hydrating the skin and the hair during the summer because being in the sun, being in salt water, all of that dries the hair and skin out. So during the summer I'm hydrating, which I've neglected in the past because I've felt like, oh, I'm so sweaty. I don't need to hydrate. Like I'm probably over hydrating, but that is not the case.
Starting point is 00:28:15 The summertime is shockingly drying. So I'm very focused on healing and hydrating. I also love yummy spelling stuff. Like when you're sweating a lot during the summer, I don't know, it's nice to feel like you smell good. So I'm using yummy smelling lotion, tropical smelling stuff, you know what I mean? Now let's discuss the tan of it all
Starting point is 00:28:38 because I love having a tan, okay, I do. And I know it's not healthy to have a tan. A dermatologist will tell you there's no healthy way to get a tan. You should be wearing sunscreen. You should ideally be wearing enough that you're not going to develop a tan. That's kind of the goal. However, I love having a tan so much that I know that I can't not do it. I'm willing to take the risk because I love having a tan so much.
Starting point is 00:29:11 However, unlike my hot girl summer in 2019, I am trying to be a bit healthier about it. I used to go in tanning beds. I didn't do that for very long, but I did do that for a bit. That was my lowest point. That was my darkest hour. I was so obsessed with being tan, because it made me feel more confident that I was willing to go into tanning bed,
Starting point is 00:29:34 which is so unhealthy. Nowadays, I'm allowing myself to tan with no sunscreen for like 15, 20 minutes at a time, which is still not healthy, and you should never do it. However, I'm just telling you what I'm doing and I'm probably gonna be wrinkly and it's fine. Like I just, I love being tan so much that I allow myself to tan without any sunscreen
Starting point is 00:29:54 for like 15 to 20 minutes per session outside. And then I put the sunscreen on, okay, so that I don't burn. And you know, I actually did go to the beach last weekend and I did not put on sunscreen at all for two and a half hours. And I did get a really severe burn. And I didn't have any, it wasn't severe actually, because I didn't get any blistering or anything,
Starting point is 00:30:14 but it was very painful. I could not comfortably sleep for multiple days. And that's not a part of hot girl summer. Sunburns are not a part of hot girl summer. Like sunburns are not a part of hot girl summer. Being tan, I get it. A lot of us are willing to get a tan, even though, you know, it's like the dermatologists are telling us no and for good reason,
Starting point is 00:30:36 but some of us cannot help it. We just can't help it. I'm one of them. But having a slow and steady tanning routine, a little bit here and there is my approach that to me seems healthier. And is it? Probably not.
Starting point is 00:30:49 So don't take my advice. And last but not least, let's discuss the summer uniform. What am I wearing this summer and why? Let's start with tops. Every summer, I'm loving a plain ribbed tank top. I'm just, it's a staple. It will always be in, it's timeless. It's the most obvious summer top,
Starting point is 00:31:12 but for a reason because it is so versatile, so comfortable, and it's cute. I would say nine out of my 10 summer outfits consist of some sort of plain ribbed tank top, usually a white one. And I mean, the rest, who cares? But like nine out of my ten summer outfits start with a plain ribbed tank top. For summer, I love a white tank top, but I also love like pastel blues and like light yellows and, you know, dusty like olive greens, summery earth tones.
Starting point is 00:31:45 I'm also loving sweatshirt shirts though. Okay, so imagine this, imagine a sweatshirt, like a crew neck sweatshirt, but with the arms cut off, like the sleeves cut off. This is great for the evening time, when it's getting a little bit cooler, but it's still warm out. It's nice and airy, but it's still kind of warm.
Starting point is 00:32:04 It's fleecy, great for the beach. Really cute too. Like I think that they're cute and I think that they're timeless. Sweatshirt shirts. I don't know, I'm loving it. Also windbreaker material shirts. Imagine a windbreaker or like a shell
Starting point is 00:32:20 that you put over your sweatshirt during the fall fall winter time. Now imagine that material made into a shirt, light, airy, kind of awesome. I've picked up quite a few shirts made of that material this summer. And they're very fashionable and very cool, but more than anything, they're just inefficient material for a shirt during the summer. I'm also kind of loving, I mean, I've been loving this for the last few years, but like, I really love the boat dad vibe, like polo shirts, light little sweaters,
Starting point is 00:32:55 cable knit polo shirts, like preppy little collared shirts, or collared sweater shirts. I really enjoy cosplaying as a yacht dad in the summer. And that has been going on for the last few summers and I don't see it going anywhere. I also find that it's hard to style oneself during the summer because it's so hot that it's like you can't really layer much to add dimension to an outfit.
Starting point is 00:33:22 However, I do enjoy playing around with lightweight vests. Like not like a sweater vest, cause that's kind of warm, but like maybe a light denim vest or a linen fabric vest. Like light vests can really add dimension to a summer outfit without adding too much warmth, which I think is really fun. So light vests are great.
Starting point is 00:33:44 And a new addition to this summer has been flannels. I really hated flannels. I don't know if I hated flannels, but I wasn't really loving flannels for many years, but there are so many flannels in thrift stores and stuff. And I actually think that they can be really classic and really cool. And there is something really summery about them,
Starting point is 00:34:06 depending on the color scheme, like lighter plaid flannels are very summery and particularly a thinner flannel. I don't know, I'm kind of loving it for the summer. And you can kind of customize them to be to your liking. Like for example, you can cut a flannel, like you can cut the bottom off a flannel for a more summery vibe. I don't know, I'm kind of into the flannel. And of course, classic worn-in t-shirts are always great for the summer. Ones that are sort of thin and airy, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:34:37 that goes without saying, but I have to mention it. Let's move on to bottoms. Obviously denim shorts are always a staple. I particularly really like longer shorts these days, like mid-thigh, sometimes even all the way down to the knee. I like them because number one, I think they're timeless. But number two, they're more comfortable. I feel like I can move around and like my butt crack isn't going to fall out. Like I feel like I can move around and be efficient, but still benefit from the airiness of a short. I love long denim shorts in classic washes of denim, but I'm also kind of loving like sort of a cargo short too. Like not, but not like a full on cargo short,
Starting point is 00:35:23 but more of like a utilitarian looking short like for example a car heart short or a Dickies short like something that maybe more work pant ask a bit longer mid thigh down to the knee I'm into it like I don't know I really I love it But that's not to say that I don't ever like a shorter short because I do. Particularly more like athletic cotton shorts. These have been trendy for a while now,
Starting point is 00:35:54 especially like the Adidas sort of workout short, you know, like a simple little white cotton box or looking short or like a simple plaid box or short. I love these types of shorts. I think that they're classic and they're comfortable and you just can't go wrong. That's my favorite form of short short is something a bit athletic or box or like, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:36:18 short denim shorts, I don't tend to like as much. Like, I feel they're not very comfortable. And I don't know. And I'm on the fence on if they're timeless. Like I think they are actually. I just don't know if they're my style. I also really like statement skirts for the summer. Like weird, unusual skirts.
Starting point is 00:36:39 Like I have this long denim skirt and it has this red panel of fabric on the front and then another panel of denim on the front. So it's like they all overlap. And then there's like a little red tie around the waist. It's just like kind of an intriguing skirt. But it's fun to lean into interesting skirts during the summer because they're airy
Starting point is 00:37:03 and they're light and they're functional, but they can be paired with a white tank top and you can be good to go. So I've been enjoying like statement skirts that are weird or interesting. Also loving baggy pants, like any baggy pants great for the summer. Like I love a baggy pair of jeans with a little leather flip flop. I love that. That's classic California summer vibes, But the bagginess is also just better. It's more functional, you know, you get more air through there. So it's nice. Baggy denim, baggy work pants. I'm loving all of that. A recent new find though is windbreaker material pants. Like you know how I described earlier, the windbreaker shirts, the thin
Starting point is 00:37:40 sort of scratchy material, kind of awesome for pants as well. I picked up two pairs out of flea market recently. I just found them randomly and I was like, this is a great summer pant. They're breathable and light, but also they have a cool look. Like they're, I actually think that they'd be nice for other seasons as well, but because they're so thin,
Starting point is 00:38:02 I think they actually work best for the summer. Like summer evening vibes. I'm into sort of the sporty summer vibe, a little bit more than usual this summer. Speaking of that, let's get into shoes. I'm kind of loving functional shoes that are kind of cute, but also kind of ugly. So like hiking shoes, like a Merrell or something, or like a cute exercise shoe that works with like, this is not a new concept either. This has been trendy for the last few years.
Starting point is 00:38:35 A hiking shoe or a workout shoe that's cuter. People really love the Solomons, Merrells, kind of ugly shoes that can be, you know, paired with a stylish outfit and it works. I'm actually into that. I'm kind of late to this trend because for a long time, I was like, why would I wear these when I could wear like a cute, comfortable shoe?
Starting point is 00:39:00 But I will say that there's something about like a hiking shoe, for example, that's so comfortable. I understand why it's like worth the slight chuginess, the slight ugliness. I think for a long time I just had not worn a shoe like that, so I was like, I don't, why would you wear that when you could wear like a cute shoe? It's like, why would you wear a sort of ugly hiking shoe when you could wear like a samba? But I understand now that both can coexist.
Starting point is 00:39:26 So functional kind of chuggy, but kind of cute shoes, kind of loving it. But also I am loving sort of a retro classic sneaker as well. Like I have these sort of low top converse looking sneakers that I wear all the time. Love those. Love all the little Adidas Spezials, Gazelles, like all of the different sort of retro inspired sneakers. Rainbow flip-flops. I'm telling you, I brought these up last year, but I like still love them. They're like a classic run-of-the-mill flip-flop, but they're so, I don't know, there's something about them. They're very flattering. They look really nice. I don't really love like the plasticy flip-flop, but they're so, I don't know, there's something about them. They're very flattering.
Starting point is 00:40:05 They look really nice. I don't really love like the plasticky flip-flops. I feel like they just don't last as long and they just don't look, they don't look good. I don't know. I don't like how they look on. They can be cute, but they're not my favorite. I love the classic rainbow brand flip-flops. I just think that they're so great. Also loving boat shoes. Boat shoes are in, I swear I predicted the boat shoe trend. I just think that they're so great. Also loving boat shoes. Boat shoes are in. I swear I predicted the boat shoe trend. I was like, I don't know why I just knew.
Starting point is 00:40:31 And it was so funny because people were like, the brand Sperry's paid you to say that. Like there's no way you did not get paid to say that. I did not, I did not. No one paid me unless like an alien came down and drugged and like stuck wires into my brain and like rewired my brain and I'm not aware of it, nobody told me to talk about boat shoes. I just literally had this gut feeling they were going to be trendy. And they kind of are and I'm kind of into it. I bought a pair and I was so excited.
Starting point is 00:41:02 And then they were too small. Like I started wearing them and I was like, after like 30 minutes of wearing them, I was like, wait a minute, I actually think these are too small. And so I've come to the conclusion that they're too small, but now they're sold out everywhere and I cannot find boat shoes from any brand in my size. So it's kind of a bummer because I'm kind of into the trend,
Starting point is 00:41:22 but I cannot find the fucking boat shoes. I, bummer. But anyway, but I cannot find the fucking boat shoes. I, bummer. But anyway, once I get boat shoes, I will be wearing them with little socks. I can't wait. And then simple flats, not like a ballet flat necessarily, but like simple flats, like just plain, a ballet flat, but without the ballet-ness to them,
Starting point is 00:41:43 you know, without the bow and not maybe in the ballet pink color or the red color. Simple, neutral sort of flats I'm loving as well. For accessories, I think the most classic in my personal favorite bag for the summertime is a boat bag. I just love a boat bag. The classic white canvas with the, you know, different colored accents. I have red accents on mine. It's just so classic and it's so cute and it's so functional.
Starting point is 00:42:15 So any bag that remotely suggests a boat bag, I love. But I also love retro beach bags, like bold retro floral patterns or crochet with like stripes around it. Like anything that feels sort of retro, I love. And then obviously, there's baseball caps, there's visors, there's sunglasses. I don't even know where to begin with those things because there's just so many variations that are great.
Starting point is 00:42:41 However, I will say I do love hats, like baseball hats that mean great. However, I will say I do love hats, like baseball hats that mean something. Like, I don't know if you go on a trip to a town and you fall in love with this town and then you pick up a baseball cap. Like that is meaningful. I like meaningful stuff like that. And for sunglasses, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Like I'm all over the place. I'm wearing every type of sunglasses you the place. I'm wearing every type of sunglass you can imagine. I'm wearing square frames. I'm wearing like tiny frames. I'm wearing like athletic looking frames. Like, you know, during the summer, it's time to really just have fun with the sunglasses. So I don't even know where to begin.
Starting point is 00:43:19 And maybe that's for the better because I think that that's the end of my list. And I think it's time that I let you go. So that's sort of my hot girl summer routine. Listen, it's nothing special. I'm not reinventing the wheel here, but these are sort of the habits and the mindsets that I'm adopting for the summer. And maybe one of these things inspired you and maybe you can integrate them into your hot girl summer routine because all of us deserve to have a hot girl summer routine and hot girl summer is all about of us deserve to have a hot girl summer routine.
Starting point is 00:43:45 And hot girl summer is all about the mindset. It's all about making the most of the summertime, bettering ourselves, but also having fun and being hot while doing it. And we're all hot and we should all have hot girl summer. That's all I got. Thank you all for listening and hanging out. Hopefully you enjoyed. And if you did, new episodes every Thursday and Sunday. So feel free to tune in and hang out whenever. You can listen to Anything Goes anywhere you stream podcasts. All the videos are exclusively on Spotify. You can check Anything Goes out on social media at Anything Goes.
Starting point is 00:44:18 You can check me out on social media at Emma Chamberlain. And you can check out my coffee company at And that's all I have for today. Thank you all so much for listening and hanging out. I love you all. I appreciate you all. And I will talk to you later. Bye.

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