anything goes with emma chamberlain - pet peeves #3

Episode Date: September 1, 2022

today we're talking about pet peeves. i have done this a couple times on the show, where i talk about my pet peeves and just list them off. but it has been a while and i have a whole new list. i have many more pet peeves...things that just piss me off, things that make me angry, things that have been bothering me and i am going to share them all today. why? there's literally no reason. there's no deeper meaning, no philosophical value, i just want to vent about what's been annoying me. maybe you guys will agree? maybe you will feel understood and related to. but that's what we're doing today. here we go. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello! Today we have our very first anything goes guest. Let me welcome him in. Declan, my cat, my first born. He is so cute. So what do you have to say? I love having cat company when I record my podcast. It is my favorite. Anyway, today we're talking about pet peeves. I did this a while ago where I just talked about my pet peeves. I just listed them off. And I have a whole new list.
Starting point is 00:00:42 I have so many more pet peeves. Things that just piss me off, things that make me angry, things that have been bothering me, and I'm going to share them all today. Why? There's literally no reason. Why?
Starting point is 00:00:59 There's no deeper meaning, there's no philosophical value, there's really nothing here. I just get to vent about what's been pissing me off. Maybe you guys agree, maybe you guys will feel understood and related too, but that's what we're doing today. Here are some things that have been pissing me off. Okay, number one, number one is every time I'm in the shower, and I'm shaving my legs, I really take my time to make sure that I'm getting every last little spot. Like I'm in the shower staring at
Starting point is 00:01:42 my legs, touching them, trying to make sure that I got every single last spot to avoid having a little rogue patch of hair. Okay, I really take the time. But no matter how hard I try to get every last spot on my legs shaved, I always, I'm not kidding, always miss my ankle. I'm looking at my ankle right now. I'm lifting it up. I miss an entire chunk of hair on my ankle. And the hairs on my ankle are not just pokey, you know what I mean? They're like insanely long. And the reason for that is,
Starting point is 00:02:27 is because I miss them every time. I always think about it when I'm in the shower. I'm like, oh, I'm gonna find those and I'm gonna shave them. But for some reason, when my leg hair is wet, like I can't see it as well. So it's only when I'm out of the shower, I'm all dry. And then I look down and there's my ankle. And it is just, there's a little patch on my ankle that's just not shaved.
Starting point is 00:02:51 And I've just given up at this point because I feel like that little patch is just going to be there forever. I need to shave it, maybe I'll shave it after I record this. I need to shave it when my hair is dry because I think the issue is that I can't, I clearly can't see them when I'm in the shower for whatever reason they're not visible to me. So I need to like go out of my way and shave them when my legs are dry.
Starting point is 00:03:14 It's just the moments when I see the ankle hair, I'm busy. Like for example, right now, I'm not gonna go pause recording, shave this little patch on my ankle and then come back. I'm not gonna do that. I'm now, I'm not going to go pause recording, shave this little patch on my ankle, and then come back. I'm not going to do that. I'm sitting, I'm comfortable, I'm not going to do it. I have a blanket wrapped around me, I'm not going to do it.
Starting point is 00:03:33 I feel like the moments that I realize that I have a little bit of ankle hair going on, I'm not in a place where I can shave it off. It really, really bothers me. So that's number one pet peeve. Number two is getting a haircut and not wearing one of those haircut robe things that you wear when you get a haircut. I've gotten a few little trims recently that were kind of spontaneous, like maybe I was getting my hair down at a photo shoot
Starting point is 00:04:12 and I was like, hey, can you just trim off the bottom of my hair, like just kind of clean it up on the bottom? Cause I have a bob right now, so it's like pretty easy to just touch it up, you know? But recently I've gotten a few haircuts and I haven't worn one of those little robes because the haircut has been kind of spontaneous, right? Don't ever do this. Don't ever do this because in the moment you're like, ah, like I don't I don't want to put on a robe or you know, what is it called?
Starting point is 00:04:43 I don't want to put on a robe or, you know, what is it called? A smock? Is it like a hair, not an apron, oh my god, how? I'm looking up what they're called, salon robe. It's called a salon robe, you know, like the plastic-y thing that they wrap around you when you get your hair cut, okay, whatever. Okay, it's called the cape.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Okay, hair cutting cape. Okay, whatever. You get what I'm talking about. And the heat of the moment, if you're just getting a quick little trim, you might think, oh, I don't need to wear the cape. I don't need to wear the robe. No, I don't. And then you have little pokey pieces of hair
Starting point is 00:05:28 in your shirt for the rest of the day. I cannot handle that feeling. I'm very particular about things being itchy. Another one of my pet peeves that I've discussed way too much is itchy tags in clothing. Like when you have like an itchy tag in the back of your pants or in the back of your neck, I can't handle that.
Starting point is 00:05:51 It like literally, I will, if I'm out in public and I'm wearing a shirt that has an itchy little tag, I will go to a store and buy a pair of scissors to cut it out. I also have a pair of scissors in my car constantly just in case I need to cut a tag out. I mean, I also use the scissors for other things, but like that's how serious it is for me. Yeah, getting a haircut and
Starting point is 00:06:18 not wearing the cape, you can't do that. Having the little hairs in your shirt, I cannot do that. And the other thing is, the hairs will stick. The hair sticks to your back. It sticks on you. So even after you shower, sometimes it doesn't all come off. And the shirt that you wore when you got the haircut will literally have little tiny micro hairs permanently attached to your shirt for at least the next three washes. Like you'll wash the shirt and there'll still be some leftover that are like pokey and itchy.
Starting point is 00:06:53 You have to wash that shirt at least three times. Like power wash before you get all the little hairs out. Can't handle it. Can't handle it. Okay, next one, when my cats push things off my nightstand, I talk about this all the time, but it is my biggest, it might be my biggest pet peeve. Every morning at around four in the morning,
Starting point is 00:07:14 my cats specifically Declan, my little boy cat, he pushes things off my nightstand. If I leave a glass of water on my nightstand. If I leave a glass of water on my nightstand, he will push it off and it will break. And he doesn't care. He doesn't care if there's water in it. He doesn't care. He doesn't care.
Starting point is 00:07:38 In the last episode, I told a story about how he pushed a glass of water off of my nightstand. And it hit by coincidence a bowl that I had on the ground because I had a bowl of cereal the night before. And I just put it on the ground. He pushed a glass of water off my nightstand. It hit the bowl. And both of them shattered so loud that the security
Starting point is 00:08:06 system in my house thought that I was being robbed because the glass breaking sound sounded like a window breaking. So my alarm system went off, and I woke up thinking that I was being robbed, and it was not good. So if you're thinking about getting cats, just know that that might happen to you. Another thing that they do to me when I'm sleeping, specifically at like 4 a.m. when they start to get hungry,
Starting point is 00:08:39 is they try, like my specifically Declan, tries to scratch my head. Like, he kind of tries to like, pounce on my head. Yeah, listen, I love cats. They're really generally an easy animal. You just have to clean their litter box and feed them. But when they're hungry, they will let you know. And it might be for in the morning.
Starting point is 00:09:05 So just keep that in mind. Okay, this next pet peeve is gonna make me sound like a total brat and I'm prepared for that. So, you know, but just know that I'm self aware and I know that this makes me sound like a brat. But my next pet peeve is when I go to a cafe and they don't have almond milk. Like, maybe they just do regular milk,
Starting point is 00:09:29 whatever that's less annoying, what really annoys me, is when a coffee shop makes the effort to have non-dairy milks, right? Like they have, you know, oh, they have soy milk, but they don't have almond. I'm like, what's going on? Like, who drinks soy milk anymore? I grew up drinking so much soy milk
Starting point is 00:09:55 because I grew up not drinking dairy milk. And so I drink soy milk all the time. Listen, I know, it's, whatever, it's frothy. It froths up really nicely, you know, when's, whatever, it's frothy, it froths up really nicely, you know, when you're making like a latte. I get it. I get why, you know, it's still, to me, I don't know anyone who drinks soy milk anymore. I feel like it's not really a thing.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Maybe it is. I just don't know anyone who drinks it. If you're going the, you know, extra mile to have non-dairy milk and you're doing soy milk and you're doing oat milk. And you're doing oat milk. You gotta do almond. Because I don't really like soy milk. And I don't really like oat milk anymore. Also oat milk hurts my stomach.
Starting point is 00:10:37 For some reason, don't know why. Don't know why, but it does. And I can't drink dairy milk because that would seriously hurt my stomach. So it's like, I just wish the places who were going the extra mile to do the non-dairy milk also did almond milk. I feel like it's the most versatile milk alternative. Even coconut milk. I love coconut milk. even coconut milk. I love coconut milk. I just can't when it's only oat milk in soy milk
Starting point is 00:11:06 because they're my two least favorite non-dairy milks. And a lot of places will just do those too and they don't do almond. And I'm like, I just don't get it. I just don't get it. I don't get it. It doesn't make sense. It doesn't add up.
Starting point is 00:11:20 It doesn't make sense to me. I almost, I get less frustrated or disappointed when I go to a cafe and they only serve dairy milk, classic milk, because I'm like, you know what, you guys just don't want to do the non-dairy milk thing, and I get it. But the places that do wanna do the non-dairy milk, I'm like, come on, almond milk, coconut milk, pistachio milk, hemp milk.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Come on. Like there's so many options. Macadamia not milk. All of those are amazing. Oat in soy milk are like my two least favorite non-daries. Come on. You know what I mean? Okay, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:06 I don't know, that was seriously, that's an embarrassing one, but it's just like, it really, if something about it pisses me off, because I go in there, I get excited, I'm like, ooh, they have non-dairy milk options, and then I look closer, and it's like the two that I can't stand.
Starting point is 00:12:21 So, whatever. Okay, next, Blankets that leave lint everywhere. I just bought some new blankets because like every two years or so, I buy new blankets because my blankets get disgusting because I wear my blankets around the house. I've done this since I was younger. I like walk around my house with a blanket.
Starting point is 00:12:46 I'm constantly, I sleep on my bed with just a blanket. I sleep on top of my duvet and sheets and stuff. And I just throw a blanket on top of me because why would I get under the covers when I could just use a blanket, you know? It's so much easier. I just fold up the blanket every morning and my bed's already made.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Life hack. I so I would actually consider myself a blanket connoisseur because I'm very picky about my blankets, you know, like they need to be really soft. They need to be kind of lightweight, not too heavy, but also not too thin, where it's like, why am I even wearing a blanket? This is a sheet, you know?
Starting point is 00:13:25 I usually buy the same blankets. I've been buying the same fluffy blankets from Urban Outfitters time and time again for years, but I decided to upgrade to a new brand of blanket that has been raved about. Now, I'm not going to tell you what they are because I don't, because I do like the blankets. They just shed everywhere.
Starting point is 00:13:48 But I do like them, but they shed so bad for the first three washes, they're shedding. I cannot handle it. Blankets, or even sometimes fluffy, please pieces of clothing that are fuzzy, you know? That shed, oh my God. It's like, here's my thing, okay? I get it.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Fabrics, shedding is like normal, but why doesn't the company prewash their product until it no longer sheds? Because the shedding is out of control. I got this new blanket, I'm like walking around the house with it, I'm like sitting down on the couch, sitting down on my bed, walking around, whatever. And next thing I know, I have white fuzz everywhere,
Starting point is 00:14:38 it's all over my clothes. It's all over my clothes, worse than cat hair. And that's like a hard thing to beat, okay? Worse than cat hair, it's all over the couch, it's all over my clothes. Worst thing cat hair. Worst, and that's like a hard thing to be, okay? Worst thing cat hair. It's all over the couch. It's all over my bed. And the thing is, I'm not, I can't wash my couch to just like get everything off. I can't wash my couch.
Starting point is 00:14:56 So I had to, you know, lint roll it all off. Now, it wasn't just like a little bit of fuzz. I mean, it was on there. So I'm like, just lint rolling over and over again on my couch for like 30 minutes to get everything off. Can't handle it. Can't handle it.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Pre-wash it. Companies, if you make blankets, please pre-wash. Because in pre-wash a few times, pre-wash like three or four times. Get all of the lint gone before you give me this blanket. I can't deal with it. I can, I can, I can deal with it. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:15:32 It just really bugs me. Next, changing light bulbs. So I bought a bunch of cool, weird vintage lamps and stuff like that recently because I just think that they're cool looking and I love them. What I didn't anticipate was old vintage lamps all have different light bulbs.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Like I swear to God every single lamp I bought has a different, like requires a different type of light bulb. And even in general, you know, like even not vintage, like new lamps, they all require a different type of light bulb. How am I supposed to know? How, how, okay, like I don't know what, I don't know shit about light bulbs.
Starting point is 00:16:24 I don't even know how to know what type of light bulb a lamp is using. And don't even get me started about light bulbs that are in the wall. I'm not I don't know how I can't do that. That I can't do. I like that's when I call my mom. And I'm like, either you need to tell me how to do this or like I need to call somebody, I can't. But the thing is, it's not obvious what type of light bulb is like in a fixture
Starting point is 00:16:59 at any given moment. Like if you take the light bulb out, sometimes there's like a little code on the side that'll give you a little bit of information, but it's not obvious. I wish that there were different names for light bulbs that were obvious, like, you know, the most generic bulb. Why can't we just call that the generic bulb? And then it's just like across the board, all generic bulbs are generic bulbs.
Starting point is 00:17:23 And okay, that kind of exists, but not really though. Like, I feel like each bulb needs to have a name that's super obvious, easy to remember. And I also wish that there was more consistency like with the amount of watts that are in it. I don't even know what that means. There's so many different types of light bulbs and there's so many different, like I can't,
Starting point is 00:17:44 I cannot keep up. So one of my light bulbs and there's so many different like I can't I cannot keep up. So when one of my light bulbs in my house goes out, I just leave it. I'm like, you know what? I don't even need to replay it because it trying to figure out what kind of light bulb was in there before is so difficult that I don't even know how to replace it. I don't even know where to find a replacement. If it's a vintage bulb, 10 times harder, but even if it's a new bulb, a modern bulb, I'm still confused.
Starting point is 00:18:16 I'm not even kidding. I need to like watch a 40 minute video about all the different types of light bulbs because this is seriously something that stresses me out. I have anxiety on a daily basis about my light bulbs going out. I'm so anal about turning out my lights when I'm not using them. Obviously, because, you know, I don't want to use electricity when I don't need it, but even more than that
Starting point is 00:18:40 because I just don't want to change the bulb. The day that I need to change a bulb is a bad day. Okay, moving on, natural peanut butter. Listen, before you're like, but Emma, what? I know, natural peanut butter is delicious. I actually think natural peanut butter tastes better than like, Skippy, Jiff, Smuckers, like whatever. I personally think natural peanut butter tastes better,
Starting point is 00:19:07 when it's just blended up peanuts with a little bit of salt, delicious, okay? It's one of the few things in life that tastes better, not processed. Like a potato that's been blended up and turned into french fries and deep fried from like a fast food restaurant. Most of the time, unbeatable. Like more easily more delicious than a french fry where the potato was cut up and then it was
Starting point is 00:19:35 deep fried. Like that can be good, but most of the time the super processed fast food french fries are going to be the best. like an arby's curly fry That is barely a potato anymore. You know that they fucking blended that shit up added like probably like Microplastics into it and then we're like okay, it's not like but it's so good So don't get me wrong. I'm not like a food, you know like less processed taste better That's not always true, okay? And I know that.
Starting point is 00:20:08 But with peanut butter, I think it is true. The only issue with natural peanut butter is that when you get it, it comes with a layer of oil on the top because natural peanut butter settles. So all the peanut butter solids go to the bottom and all the peanut butter oils float to the top, right? And so you have to mix it up. And mixing up a jar of natural nut butter is one of the most frustrating experiences.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Possibly in the world, actually, I would argue, because here's what happens. So you stick your knife in there and you start stirring it up. And all of the peanut solids on the bottom are like rock solid. It's so hard, like it's hard. It's not mixable, it's not whatever. So you try to mix it, it's like a rock. So you have to kind of stab
Starting point is 00:21:06 it to like loosen it up, right? And then you try to get some of the oil seeping through into the cracks. Okay, that's step one. It's kind of annoying, but not too bad. Then you start mixing because it's like there's nothing left to do. You stabbed it, you've kind of incorporated some of the oil back into the solids, and then you're like, all right, let's start mixing. The oil will get everywhere. There's gonna be oil on your hands, there's gonna be oil on your shirt,
Starting point is 00:21:34 there's gonna be oil on the countertop, there's gonna be oil in your hair, there's gonna be oil in your eye, like there's gonna be oil everywhere. You're gonna, and it's gonna be there for like the next week and a half until you decide to deep clean your kitchen and deep clean your body, which for me only happens once a month. No, I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Can't make jokes like that because one time I made a joke I didn't shower like three years ago and then people still bring it up. So I really can't start that again. Anyway, there's gonna be a thin layer of peanut oil on your countertop until you decide to get out countertop cleaner and wash it off. The peanut oil is everywhere. And not only that, but mixing it up actually takes 10 minutes. It's not like, oh, I'm gonna open up a new jar of peanut butter
Starting point is 00:22:17 and just like, you know, I don't have a lot of time. I'm just gonna whip open this jar of peanut butter and just get going with my day. Uh-uh. Tough luck, buddy, boy. You are gonna be working on that thing for 10 minutes. If you want it to even be remotely smooth, is it worth it?
Starting point is 00:22:32 Oh, yeah. It is so worth it, but it is so annoying. It's so annoying, but it's so worth it. That's the problem. Because natural peanut butter's honestly one of the finest foods on the planet in my opinion. And there's so much you can do with it. You can just throw it on some fruit, like throw it on a banana, throw it on an apple, delicious. You can eat it by the spoonful.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Nobody's watching. Who cares? Even if somebody is watching. Who cares? You can make sauce out of it. Who cares? You can make sauce out of it. Mix a little bit of peanut butter with soy sauce, some chili oil, maybe some sriracha, some sesame oil, fucking delicious. A little bit of ginger, wow, that's yummy. I mean, peanut butter is one of the most versatile and incredible tasting things on the planet.
Starting point is 00:23:25 It's worth the work, but my God, is it annoying? Next, smart homes. Okay, if you don't know what a smart home is, it's basically where everything in somebody's house is like a touch screen. Now, I just moved into a new home and I had to get a new oven. And I will say I was a little bit enticed
Starting point is 00:23:45 by this smart oven, okay? Had a little touch screen on it. I was like, wow, this is, you know, this is kind of cool. I not a big fan of touch screen appliances and like smart home appliances, but this is really cool and it looks really nice and I think I want it. Okay. I try to avoid smart home stuff
Starting point is 00:24:06 as much as possible. Like my microwave, my toaster oven, my fireplaces in my house, most things are either on remote control that just have like a few buttons or, you know, it's like normal, like normal appliances and stuff because here's my thing, like normal appliances and stuff. Because here's my thing with smart home appliances.
Starting point is 00:24:29 They're always like touch screen and shit like that and they're usually like hardwired into your house. When something goes wrong, it is so difficult to get fixed. Like a good example would be my new oven that I was just talking about. There's a touchscreen, it's a smart oven, right? I use this thing for two weeks and then the screen malfunctioned, okay?
Starting point is 00:24:52 Now, the thing is, I know for a fact that the oven still works, but because the screen malfunctioned, now I can't use the oven at all. If I just had an oven where it was like the dials, you know what I mean? Like the little kind of things that you twist and it turns the oven at all. If I just had an oven where it was like the dials, you know what I mean? Like the little kind of things that you twist and it turns the oven on. We would have no issue here. We'd be having no issue. But because this screen is broken, now everything's broken.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Now I can't use the oven. That's my issue with like the whole idea of a smart home. Everybody's like, it's so technologically advanced. Yes, until it goes wrong. And you can't use your oven and you can't open your front door because your front door doesn't use a key. It uses a smart pad where you use your finger and it reads your finger. You know what I mean? Like shit like that, stop, stop.
Starting point is 00:25:44 I don't wanna feel like I'm playing with an iPod touch when I turn my oven on. I don't know why I thought that that was a good idea. In theory, it's all amazing. Like having a smart home in theory is amazing. If you have a maintenance dude on call, on speed dial, amazing, do a smart home, live in a smart home. Do, like, you know, be modern, right?
Starting point is 00:26:04 But it is a huge inconvenience. I mean, I think to a certain extent, trying to modernize your lifestyle is an inconvenience. I mean, even having an electric car can be an inconvenience in some ways. If you, I mean, that's very modern and very sort of technologically advanced, right? It is good in some ways and it's bad and some others because if you don't have access to say an electric car charger when you're on a road trip, that's a little spooky.
Starting point is 00:26:38 And sometimes charging an electric car takes like 10 hours, you know what I mean, not really. It takes like what, three hours in hour? I don't know, I don't have one, but like, you know, being technologically advanced in any way comes with its own set of challenges. And I think a lot of people are like, ooh, like I wanna touch screen this
Starting point is 00:27:01 or touch screen that in my home. Like I'm getting a new stove, I might as well, you know? Uh-uh, no. The classic, I love the classic. It wasn't broken, we didn't need to fix it. Yeah, moving on. Next we have ketchup packets. Ketchup packets are the only type of packet
Starting point is 00:27:23 will ketchup and mustard packets, I guess. They're so badly done that I just don't understand why they exist. Catch up packets are so god awful. It's shocking to me that we have touchscreen ovens and we still haven't upgraded the ketchup packets that they give you at a restaurant when you get takeout and shit like that. You know, like really? Okay, because here's the problem. Number one, the portion, the portion size, it's wrong.
Starting point is 00:28:02 Have you ever used only one ketchup packet? I haven't, I always use two, if not three or four. Because, you know, if you got like a burger, you got fries for me, a veggie burger, if I get a veggie burger and I get some fries, I need like three ketchup packets for my fries. I need one, maybe two for my veggie burger. Okay, portion size is off.
Starting point is 00:28:26 I think it could be twice as large. Second issue, they're always impossible to open. You're opening it with your teeth. It barely, it's never perforated properly. You can't get it open. And then when you're squeezing it out, you never get it all out. You never get every last drop out.
Starting point is 00:28:46 It's annoying. They're not well made. Now, there was a product that came out. I think it was by Hines. I'm looking it up. I think it was called Hines Dip in Squeeze, holy fuck. I remember when I saw that these came out. Hines, dip, dip in squeeze, holy fuck. I remember when I saw that these came out, I was in shock because they were
Starting point is 00:29:10 the first ketchup packet that made sense. Look up the Hines, dip in squeeze. These need to be the industry standard. These are so incredibly genius. Okay, so it's basically like a little cup, like a little plastic cup with a little plastic covering on the top, okay? And you could either peel off the top to dip,
Starting point is 00:29:38 catch up, to make it like a little ketchup cup, or you could tear off the top and you could squeeze the ketchup out. Literally, hines, oh my God. What you did with the dip in squeeze was exactly what we needed. It was exactly what we needed. The problem is they're not popular enough.
Starting point is 00:30:01 They're not popular enough. Oh my God, this just reminded me of another pet peeve, which is mini bottles of ketchup, mustard, whatever. Sometimes when you go to a restaurant and they like want to be a little fancy, they'll leave out a little mini bottle with like a little screw cap on the top of ketchup, mustard, maybe two inches tall.
Starting point is 00:30:27 They're pretty small and they usually have the little cap on top where you like screw it off and it makes the like sound when you open it. Okay, you know what I'm talking about? Those are also annoying because you can't get anything out. You have to dig your knife in there to get it out and you never get it all out. You always are left with a little bit of ketchup
Starting point is 00:30:53 or mustard in the bottom of the little mini jar. It's not really, it's not working for me. Like, we need to make dip in squeeze the industry standard for all single serve, all single serve condiments, like point blank. We just need to not, why are we running away from the dip in squeeze?
Starting point is 00:31:16 It was the best, if you're not Googling it right now, I'm seriously mad at you. You have to Google it. They're just so good. And if you ever see them at at like a fast food place or wherever Steel a few throw them in your bag use them later Steel them. I'm I am endorsing stealing right now for because they're that good
Starting point is 00:31:37 Like I'm risking getting in trouble for endorsing stealing because of the dip in squeeze Moving on. Okay, next pet peeve has a little backstory. So I got super inspired recently to organize my home, like deep organization, like getting all the bins, doing the thing. So I went out and I bought a bunch of containers. And I decided to go with clear containers, like clear acrylic plastic containers.
Starting point is 00:32:19 Just because I thought that they looked the best. And an issue that I ran into that I didn't expect to run into is the fact that all of these little containers, each individual one had a sticker label on them, so that when you're buying it, the cashier can scan that little sticker and you can be on your way. I wasn't too angry about having to peel off the stickers,
Starting point is 00:32:46 off of each individual container at first, because it's like, well, it's not a big deal. Like, it's not gonna be difficult. They probably designed these stickers to come off cleanly. You know what I mean? Because these are clear containers. Obviously, nobody's keeping the sticker on. Like, it's ugly.
Starting point is 00:33:03 No. These were the types of sticker labels that no matter how precise you were with trying to peel the sticker off, it left crazy residue. We're talking about an entire, basically, like just the top layer of the sticker came off. I spend, no, I still have containers now in my house that just have that sticker still
Starting point is 00:33:31 on it because it took me so, it took me like 45 minutes to get the sticker completely off of three containers. And I bought like 50 fucking containers. Why? Why are we doing that? You know what I mean? Come on. What are we doing?
Starting point is 00:33:51 It's just like, it makes no sense. And it's so, it was upsetting. Moving on. Next, mixing golden silver jewelry. Now, I want this to not be a pet peeve. This is not a pet peeve when other people do it. I wanna say that too. Mixing gold and silver jewelry,
Starting point is 00:34:13 I've seen people do it and it looks so good, but for some reason, it's a pet peeve when I do it. Like, it's only a pet peeve when I do it. I have a gold nose ring right now and I've had a gold nose ring for the past like year. I cannot let myself wear silver jewelry. Like it makes me upset to wear silver jewelry because it doesn't match my nose ring.
Starting point is 00:34:36 I have this obsession with only wearing one either white gold or gold jewelry at any given moment. And I'm seriously particular about it. Like, if I'm wearing a bag, like a purse, and my purse has silver, hardware on it, my entire outfit has to have only silver. Like only silver zippers, only silver, hardware on my shoes, like all silver. That's the only occasion where I'll mix gold and silver is that all my jewelry will be gold, but all of the hardware on my clothing will be silver. That's fine, maybe.
Starting point is 00:35:18 It still kind of bothers me, but like I can handle it and I get over it. But I have a really hard time mixing and matching jewelry. I do it every once in a while, I can make it and I get over it, but I have a really hard time mixing and matching jewelry. I do it every once in a while, I can make it work, but it genuinely upsets me. And it's really tough with my nose ring because that's the thing that gets in the way. You know, it's not a big deal to like take off my,
Starting point is 00:35:41 all of my like daily earrings and necklaces and bracelet, whatever, that are all gold and it's not a big deal to change that. I can't change my nose ring. So it's not like every time I wanted to wear silver jewelry, I could just change my nose ring. Changing your nose ring is like a process. You have to go in to a piercing place
Starting point is 00:36:00 and they do it for you. And so I'm kind of stuck wearing only gold jewelry because of my nose ring and because of the fact that I'm so obsessive over it being only gold or only silver. I know that it's ridiculous because nobody can even tell that my nose ring is gold. It's so small.
Starting point is 00:36:21 But there's something about it that I just can't handle. Next. Okay, this is kind of funny. But there's something about it that I just can't handle. Next, okay, this is kind of funny. And I'm not making fun of anyone because, like this is not me making fun of anyone. But because, listen, we're all on our own journey. I'm not judging anyone and what they're doing. It's none of my business. But this is kind of a pet peeve, so I have to bring it up.
Starting point is 00:36:44 When people film themselves at dinner or at a party or at a concert or at a music festival or whatever, they film themselves at some sort of event like this and they try to make it look really fun. When it clearly is not actually that fun. And they do it in front of a bunch of people that are like chill, in like a chill mood. This has happened multiple, I've seen this happen multiple times. I was, I've seen especially like Coachella
Starting point is 00:37:18 is so much of that. You just see people like, okay, you see people give their phone to their friend and then like dance in the crowd, I actually did this. Oh my God, my first year at Coachella, I literally did this. So I'm guilty of this and I'm being a hypocrite right now. Anyway, hand their phone to their friend
Starting point is 00:37:34 and like start dancing whatever, looking all free and then they grab their phone and just like watch the video and like sit down on the ground and they're like chill. I'm like, you're lying, you're lying. The other day at dinner, I saw this woman in her friend, they were maybe like, I think they were like, maybe moms, it kind of seemed like moms night out sort of vibe. And they're like, but no, like this is fun. We're at this restaurant and there's like a DJ in this restaurant and they were like
Starting point is 00:38:06 filming themselves dancing by the DJ booth and then like went back to the table and we're like, you know, basically faking like something being a rager environment when it's clearly not to like brag on social media. That's a pet peeve because here's my thing. You don't need to be like turning up to have a really good time. So why fake it? And also, when you're really turning up, chances are,
Starting point is 00:38:32 you're not, when you're really turning it up. So, see, that's my pet peeve is like what I literally just said. Turn up, you know, like, oh, okay, anyway. When you're really enjoying yourself and you're living in the moment, chances are the phone's not coming on and that's why you never get that for your social media, okay?
Starting point is 00:38:51 So you have to fake it and you have to stage it. It's just, it's so pointless. It's also a lie, it's a blatant lie. You know, it's like, if you're having a dinner and it's a chill, cool dinner, and yeah, maybe there's a DJ, but still it's like, if you're having a dinner and it's a chill, cool dinner, and yeah, maybe there's a DJ, but still it's like a cool, relaxed dinner.
Starting point is 00:39:11 Just, if you didn't, you wanna share it on social media, share the truth of it, which is just you eating delicious food and there's a DJ, like you don't need to go up and fake dance for your social media so that people think you're having a crazy Friday night. It's just not, we don't need to be doing that. It's not true, it's not real, so don't do it. You know, I mean, do whatever you want, obviously,
Starting point is 00:39:34 but I don't know, I just think it's kind of silly, but next, lip liner and eyeliner pencils. I just personally think that we should be developed beyond the point of having pencils in our makeup routine. I don't want to get out of pencil sharpener when I'm doing my makeup. I think that should be eliminated completely and we should fully switch over to the twist, the twist eyeliner and the twist lip liner because the liner pencil sharpener is so inconvenient. And also, I always feel like when I'm sharpening my lip liner
Starting point is 00:40:17 or I'm sharpening my eyeliner, it's not like a really functional thing because it always ends up breaking. Like the tip always ends up breaking because of the sharpener. I always sharpen it too much. It's just like a mess. I think we should really just eliminate those altogether.
Starting point is 00:40:33 They're my pet peeve. Although I do use them all the time because my favorite lip liner is a pencil and it only comes in a pencil. It doesn't come in like a little twisty plastic thing. pencil and it only comes in a pencil. It doesn't come in like a little twisty plastic thing. I'm just all about container packaging development. Like the Hines tomato ketchup dip in squeeze. Love it. Love the technology. Lip liner, plastic twisty containers. I love it. It's so you get every last bit of lip liner. You get to use every last bit of that product. That's number one. And number two, you don't need to bring around a little sharpener
Starting point is 00:41:12 with you all the time just in case your lip liner breaks. I don't know. I don't know. Maybe it's just me. Next we have purses that are so small that they can't even fit your phone. Now, I think there's two situations we have going on here. Like, sometimes, you know, a little purse is more of an accessory, and it's like so tiny that it's like, it's obviously it's not for a phone. It's like a coin purse, but it's cute. So you want to wear it more like a piece of jewelry. That's one thing.
Starting point is 00:41:41 I do that sometimes, and then I just carry my phone in my back pocket, and it's whatever. But my pet peeve is when there's a bag that's like, it looks like it would fit your phone. But then when you actually try to put your phone in there, it doesn't fit. That's annoying. That is really annoying.
Starting point is 00:42:01 And the whole mini bag trend is happening. It's probably not going anywhere because it's such a convenient type of purse. You know, the type of purse that just fits like your phone, wallet, and keys. They're incredible because they're super lightweight. They're small. They fit under your arm. They're amazing. The problem is, some of them are designed a little bit too small. Some of them are designed a little bit too small. So they look like they fit your phone, but they don't actually. And if you buy a purse like that without trying it out, you might be in some deep shit later, you know,
Starting point is 00:42:36 when you can fit your car key and your wallet and there and that's it, you know, like that sucks. That's a hard day when you find that out. Because the truth is is that what do we really need to put in our, in our purses above all, our phone? Like that's one of the most important things that a person needs to hold. And so if it doesn't conveniently fit a phone, it better have a lot more to offer. It better be really artistic or something, and cool looking.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Otherwise we have a pointless purse on our hands. Next, Pet Peeve, is when things are cash only, okay? I don't carry cash. I don't. I don't carry cash. And I also don't carry a debit card. I only carry a credit card. So if I go somewhere,
Starting point is 00:43:22 and because I don't feel comfortable carrying around a debit card, because I don't feel comfortable carrying around a debit card because I don't want to lose it because then if somebody steals your debit card and then they go and they like buy a refrigerator because they feel like that's usually what people do when they steal your credit card. Like literally everyone who steals a credit card their first stop is Home Depot and they buy a refrigerator. I swear to God, it's happened to me, will not happen to me, but I've seen it happen to people in my life
Starting point is 00:43:48 like multiple times and they're like, oh, we got a new refrigerator and we got a new stove. I'm so curious about why that is. There's probably a reason for that. Anyway, I don't like carrying a debit card because if somebody steals your money, it goes straight out of your bank account. Whereas if somebody steals money from your credit card,
Starting point is 00:44:04 it's a lot easier to get back. You can cancel that purchase. It doesn't immediately come out of your account, right? So I don't carry a debit card and I don't carry cash because I just don't wanna lose those things, whatever. Also, I rarely ever need cash. It's so not frequent that I need cash that I just don't carry it.
Starting point is 00:44:24 So when something's cash only, and they're like, well, there's an ATM here. I'm like, no, I don't have a debit card. Maybe this is my own problem. Yeah, I think this is kind of self-inflicted because I should honestly constantly be carrying a little bit of cash. I'm not gonna carry my debit card, I refuse
Starting point is 00:44:41 because I will not get my debit card stolen. I probably should be carrying around cash. I get it, like, it's kind of my responsibility to be a responsible shopper and to constantly be carrying around cash. But I just feel like we're beyond that. What I do love though is when I don't have cash and somebody's like, well, do you have PayPal?
Starting point is 00:45:01 Like, we can do PayPal or we can do Venmo or we can do cash app and I'm like, love you. I love you because you get it. You get that cash is so 2000 and late, baby. We're not living that life anymore. It is all, I mean, I'm on Apple Pay mode. If like, I Apple pay for everything. They even have Apple Pay at the farmer's market now.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Like, they have it everywhere. It's everywhere. I remember, I mean, at the farmer's market now. Like they have it everywhere. It's everywhere. I remember, I mean, at the farmer's market, it's like they can't, it's not a real store. So it's a little bit more difficult to like pay by credit card. I remember when I used to go to the farmer's market, it was more like cash only and I knew that so I'd bring cash because it was just inconvenient for them
Starting point is 00:45:43 to like be bringing a credit card reader. I get it, it makes complete sense. That makes sense. That being cash only makes sense. But now even at the farmer's market, they have Apple pay, okay? So when I go somewhere and it's cash only, I'm like, I don't even know what to do.
Starting point is 00:46:03 I can't even, I don't know what to do. And the worst thing is when it's cash only. I'm like, I don't even know what to do. I can't even, I don't know what to do. And the worst thing is, is when it's too late. Like, let's say, this happened to me at a nail salon. I got my nails done. And at the end, they were like, oh, it's cash only. And I was like, wait, what? Like, they didn't mention that beforehand or anything. And I was like, wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:46:24 Hold on. I don't have cash. And they were like, do you have a debit card? And I was like, wait a minute, hold on. I don't have cash. And they were like, do you have a debit card? And I was like, no, I only have my credit card. And I was like, do you take Venmo? And they were like, no. And I was like, okay, well, do you trust me to go to the bank right now and come back
Starting point is 00:46:35 because I have no other option unless you can take my credit card in some way. They were like, yes. So I did go, I got cash, I came back. I'm really glad that they trusted me. I felt bad because I bet some fucking asshole would have just taken that opportunity and ran. But anyway, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Cash only, I think cash only is fine as long as there's a warning. Like, give me a warning and maybe I won't be, maybe it won't be a pet peeve. Like at the farmer's market, when it used to be cash-only, it was like they had a sign that said cash-only before you'd even walk in so you knew, anyway. I don't know. Next pet peeve is people who drink martinis.
Starting point is 00:47:22 The reason for this is it's a pet peeve because I'm jealous. I love everything about martinis. The reason for this is, it's a pet peeve because I'm jealous. I love everything about martinis. I love how they look. I love olives. So I love the fact that martinis are paired with olives. I love the fact that a dirty martini is vodka or gin or whatever with a little bit of olive juice. I'm obsessed with the concept.
Starting point is 00:47:46 They taste so bad to me. I can't drink them. And I'm so jealous of people who can drink martinis. That's why it's my pet peeve because I see someone drinking a martini and it looks so delicious. I'm like, wow, I love that. I'm sipping my vodka soda that looks I'm like, wow, I love that. I'm sipping my vodka soda that looks disgusting because I squeezed like seven limes into it and there's like lime pulp all throughout it and it just looks gross.
Starting point is 00:48:12 And then, you know, whoever I'm having dinner with is like drinking this classic, classic gorgeous martini that are taking a little nibble out of the olive. It's like, God, could life get any finer? And then, and I'm just so jealous, but I can't drink them because it's so alcohol, like it's so alcoholic, I can't do it. I'm gonna try though.
Starting point is 00:48:36 I think I could do it if there was like a lot of olive juice. I actually used to drink olive juice as a kid, and I loved it. Like I would drink pickle juice, all of juice straight out of the jar, I didn't care. It was just yummy to me. So I think if I mixed it like one part, all of juice, one part, like vodka or gin, maybe I could drink it and be fine. But when you go to a bar and you get a martini, like they're not doing it like that, you know,
Starting point is 00:49:07 they're doing it very alcohol forward. Even if you're like, I want an extra dirty, make it extra dirty. A lot of times they're not putting enough all of juice in there. It's just not enough. And so I need, I need to try to make it myself at home because I have like gorgeous little martini glasses
Starting point is 00:49:27 that I've had for so long and never used because I'm just waiting for the day that I can like drink a martini and not gag. Maybe it'll come with age and maybe it'll never come. We'll see. Next, being on camera on Zoom. I'm not doing it anymore. I hate being on camera on Zoom, I'm not doing it anymore. I hate being on camera on Zoom.
Starting point is 00:49:50 It's like my biggest pet peeve when it's like, oh, this is an on camera call. I can't do it anymore. I don't want to look at myself. I also, I feel like nobody wants to be on camera. So we should just all collectively agree to just go off camera on Zoom. We should just all agree. Right now that everybody's just not going to be on camera on Zoom anymore. Also, when I'm on Zoom, sometimes I like to do other things. Like sometimes I'm like cleaning the litter box on mute. And I'm still listening, I'm present, but I don't want to on camera because I wanna be able to do other things.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Or maybe I'm like laying in bed when I'm taking the zoom. I want that flexibility. Anyway, that's all I have for today. Those are my pet peeves right now. I probably have more. If you guys enjoyed this for whatever reason and want me to do another one, I will start writing another pet peeve list and I'm on it.
Starting point is 00:50:49 I just needed a second to complain. I just wanted to complain. You know what I mean? I just wanted an hour to just complain and have somebody listen to me. Tweet me or Instagram DM me your pet peeves. Twitter is at AG podcast. Instagram is at anything goes. Let me know what your pet peeves are.
Starting point is 00:51:09 I'm curious. Maybe we share some. Also, you can subscribe to anything goes anywhere you stream podcasts. You can rate in review anything goes. Where you stream podcasts. Thank you so much for listening. I love you. I appreciate you. If you want to check out Chamberlain Coffee, my coffee company, right now there's a code AG15 to get a little discount if you want to pick up some coffee or match up or anything of the sort. All right, that's all I got. Thank you guys for listening to me complain. I love you all so much.
Starting point is 00:51:44 And I can't wait to talk to you soon. Bye! Alright, that's all I got. Thank you guys for listening to Me Can Plan. I love you all so much. And I can't wait to talk to you soon. Bye!

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