anything goes with emma chamberlain - temptation 

Episode Date: September 15, 2022

today we're going to be talking about temptation. which, in my opinion, is one of the most challenging things we deal with as human beings. it's something we deal with whether we're 2 years old or 102... years old. the temptations can change as we get older, but some form of it is always there. the reason i think it's so hard to deal with, is because in the short term, it's often easier and more fun- there's instant gratification. the problem is, usually things that are tempting, that you know are wrong, will end up leaving you miserable down the line. no one gets away with it - the universe doesn't work like that. i feel like it's the fighting of a temptation that helps you grow into a more morally solid person. it's so important for your self-development, self-esteem and more...recently i had my own sort of awakening with resisting temptation that really clicked for me and that's what i want to talk about today. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello. Today we're going to be talking about temptation, which in my opinion is one of the most challenging things that we deal with as human beings. It's very constant and it never goes away for your whole life. It doesn't matter if you're two years old or you're 102 years old. Temptation follows us throughout our lives. When you're two years old, you fight the temptation to steal a candy bar from your friend at preschool. And when you're 102 years old, maybe you're fighting the temptation to steal a magazine from the library. Like, temptation is always there.
Starting point is 00:00:47 The temptation to do things that don't align with you morally. The reason why I think temptation is so difficult to deal with is that there are a lot of scenarios in life when not sticking to your moral code, not doing the right thing is so much easier and is so much more fun and is so much more exciting in the moment. That's why things are tempting because in the moment, they'll give you instant gratification. You'll instantly win. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:01:28 You'll have an instant hit of excitement. The problem is usually things that are tempting that you know are wrong will end up leaving you miserable down the line. Nobody gets away with succumbing to Attemptation to do the wrong thing. Like nobody ever gets away with it. I think people sometimes feel like they're gonna get away with it. Like I've felt like before. Oh Maybe I could get away with doing the wrong thing. Just this once. But no life doesn't work like that. The universe The way that the cookie crumbles, it never works like that.
Starting point is 00:02:08 You never get to just cheat life and get away with it. It just doesn't work like that. So coming to a temptation is the easy choice. Fighting it is what's difficult. And I feel like it's the fighting of a temptation that helps you grow into a more morally solid person. Now, I actually feel like I sound like a cult leader right now because I did briefly go to Catholic school
Starting point is 00:02:42 and not that Catholicism is a cult, that's not what I'm saying. Okay, so don't fucking twist my, don't you dare twist my words. But I feel like I sound like a religious leader right now because I just remember in Catholic school like talking about resisting temptation in life. But for some reason when I was in Catholic school it didn't click for me at all.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Because the temptations that were being discussed were things that I wasn't necessarily morally against, like for example, having sex before marriage. Morally, I wasn't opposed to that. I was like, I'm gonna have sex before marriage, so that doesn't really click with my brain. But recently, I kind of came to my own conclusion about resisting temptation,
Starting point is 00:03:38 and I had my own sort of awakening that did click with my brain. And that's what I wanted to talk about today because what I've realized is resisting temptation, even when doing the wrong thing is so easy and seems like it's gonna be so rewarding and that it'll be fine and that you'll get away with it. Resisting that and doing the right thing,
Starting point is 00:04:02 even if it's behind closed doors and no one ever knows that you did the right thing when you didn't have to. That is such a powerful thing. For your own self-development, for your own self-esteem, for your own well-being, it's so important. So I just wanted to talk about it today. So coming to temptation, when the temptation forces you to go against your own moral compass always has a consequence, no matter what, and we need to talk about it.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Okay. Now, I want to clear up a few things before we get into it fully. Number one, I'm not talking about, like, mundane temptations, you know, like, ooh, I don't know, like, it's a one-off occasion and I'm tempted to spend a little extra money on this purse, you know, and it's like, it's like, I don't know, I had a hard week, like whatever, I'm just gonna get this purse.
Starting point is 00:05:10 That's not morally, that's not going against your moral compass. Okay, that's just treating yourself a little bit. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about things that go against your moral code. It's more serious, okay? Little temptations that we deal with on a daily basis to do something that's a little bit more indulgent. It's like crucial as a human being to indulge every once in a while in more inconsequential temptations. Like that is not what I'm talking
Starting point is 00:05:38 about. What I'm talking about is stuff that goes against your belief system. But that's tempting regardless. Okay, that's what I'm talking about. That's the first thing we need to just get out of the way. The second thing is that temptation is different than a life or death situation. Going against your moral code because it is a life or death situation is different than succumbing to a temptation for no other reason other than the fact that you just kind of want to do it. You know what I'm saying? But that's like that's beyond this conversation a situation that's dire and serious like that is beyond this conversation and that's a and serious like that is beyond this conversation. And that's a whole other, just thing. That's a completely different thing.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Okay, so that's another thing I'm getting out of the way. If you need to defend yourself, if you need to eat, if you need to drink water, if you need a place to sleep, like whatever it may be, sometimes you have to do what you have to do to make things work, you know, and that's different than what I'm talking about today. Today it's like a little less serious. Now we can get into it. To start out, I want to talk about some moments in my life where I have succumbed a temptation and paid the price.
Starting point is 00:07:06 To start, I used to have a serious shopping addiction when it came to clothes. I would buy clothes just in ridiculous amounts. Okay, and I think the reason for that was that growing up, I always wanted to buy clothes, but growing up, I didn't have a lot of money. So I couldn't go and buy clothes as much as I wanted to. And buying clothes was more of a rare occasion.
Starting point is 00:07:39 And I never felt like I could fully express myself because I never felt like I had the resources and the proper clothes to do so. And that was frustrating for me as a young person. And then I made my own money and I was like, okay, I'm gonna buy extreme amounts of clothes. And so for a few years of my life, I did that. And in the moment, I was like, well, I know that this is potentially wasteful and not a good use of my money.
Starting point is 00:08:12 And it's not a thoughtful use of my money. And I deep down knew this is not a responsible way to be living my life. But at the same time, I was like, but it feels really good right now and I'm not really thinking about future me, you know, whatever. Fast forward a few years now I'm an adult
Starting point is 00:08:38 and it's taken me almost a year to cleanse my space of all of the things that I impulsively bought over the few years that I was like seriously shopping in a way that was not good. And luckily all of those things went to good places and they went to people that are going to use them and love them and you know, it didn't go to waste, which is great. But regardless, you know, trying to get rid of all of that stuff and feeling claustrophobic in a way, in my closet and in my home, for years because I couldn't stop buying shit. Like that was not worth it. I paid a price. I couldn't, like, I barely even wore the shit that I bought because I could never find it
Starting point is 00:09:35 because my closet was so claustrophobic. And I mean, I'm kind of inflating this whole situation. It wasn't that big of a deal, but I think it's a good lighthearted example of succumbing to my temptations. And then later I ended up paying the price, you know? Literally, like money wise, I wasted a lot of my money. Could have been worse because a lot of the stuff that I got was thrifted, whatever. but still, it was like too much. Not only did I waste my money, but also I clogged up my space and I ended up feeling claustrophobic and unhappy because I had too much stuff. And I couldn't even find the things that were in my closet.
Starting point is 00:10:19 I couldn't efficiently find things. And like that was a bummer. You know, so I ended up paying the price. Another way in my life that I've succumbed to temptations is with boys. I had one period of my life where I was talking to guys and having physical relations with guys that I knew deep down didn't respect me that I knew deep down didn't respect me and I didn't really respect them. And the interaction was like very transactional. And I felt really bad about it deep down,
Starting point is 00:11:03 but I was also like, I'm just gonna do it anyway because I really need validation right now because I feel like people aren't attracted to me. And so I'm just doing this to validate that I'm attractive hopefully to someone rather than like literally waiting to share an intimate moment with somebody who actually respects me and my koochi.
Starting point is 00:11:34 You know what I mean? Like I just, it happens. Like as humans, all of these temptations are normal. We're all gonna experience them in one way or another, whether like it's so normal to succumb to these temptations. But what cannot be forgotten is the fact that you will pay a price later. Like with me getting with these guys that didn't respect me
Starting point is 00:12:03 and I didn't respect them, I, to this day, have struggled with myself as steam because of those handful of experiences I had with those boys, where I went against my moral code, and I did that, and I still feel icky about it, to this day. And that's, listen, that's not fair to myself because, you know, I learned a lot from it. I learned that that is not something that makes me feel good. Like, I, it affects myself a steam. It made me feel icky.
Starting point is 00:12:40 It wasn't like a safe, comfortable situation. Like, it just wasn't good, right? I mean, it was safe, but situation. Like it just wasn't good, right? I mean, it was safe, but not like you don't know, like when you're having physical interactions with somebody that is kind of a stranger that doesn't necessarily respect you, like there's a lack of communication that could make things less safe.
Starting point is 00:13:03 For example, they have an STD, how am I supposed to know? You know what I mean? Because we don't have that open communication and there's not the respect there to let me know, just in case they did. Luckily, they didn't, but I'm just saying. You see what I mean? So, psychologically, I'm still paying the price
Starting point is 00:13:22 for that temptation that I succumbed to. There's something to be learned from succumbing to a temptation. It's like a young child touching a hot stove. A young child doesn't know how hot the stove is until they touch it. And then they get burned and then they're like, I'm never touching the stove again. It's the same thing with these temptations
Starting point is 00:13:44 that we experience in life. You aren't a bad person, you're not evil, you're not doomed for life if you try things out and you maybe make the wrong decision a few times. But also if you can avoid them, you know, that's not a bad thing either. It's like if you can avoid them great and if you can't, you learn not a bad thing either. It's like, if you can avoid them great, and if you can't, you learn the lesson from it.
Starting point is 00:14:07 That's, so, you know, there's not a scenario in which you lose, as long as you learn something, you know? But I think that being mindful of temptations and how they could affect us later is not a bad idea. I wanted to go through some examples of how we as humans can be tempted. The first one is making money in an immoral way. Maybe that's stealing, maybe that's lying in some way.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Maybe that's participating in illegal activities. It's tempting to make money in dirty ways because money is one of the most tempting things of all. It's one of the most powerful things on the planet because it gives us freedom. It can give us everything. You know, it can give us a roof over our heads, food, expensive designer belongings. Like, it can give us so many different things. And when there's a large sum of money on the table, it can be hard to say no to it, even if you have to do something
Starting point is 00:15:30 naughty in order to get that money. But unless it's a life or death situation, it's not worth the temptation because not only could you get in trouble and lose all the money and your life, but also you can't be proud of your financial success because you didn't earn it properly. And that sucks. Another type of temptation is cheating on your partner. There are many reasons why people cheat, I think.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Number one, because they feel insecure in their relationship, they feel like their partner doesn't love them. And they're seeking validation elsewhere. Another situation could be they just have a crush on somebody else and they want something exciting and spicy and fresh and new and they're kind of bored in their current relationship because their current relationship is like comfortable and easy and they want something spicy again. They want to feel spice again, but yet they don't want to leave their partner because, you
Starting point is 00:16:30 know, their partner is so comfortable and safe, but yet they want something spicy at the same time. So instead of putting extra effort in and making their current relationship a little bit spicier, they go and have an affair of sorts. It makes sense why it's tempting, but resisting it is so important for a healthy relationship. Because number one, how can you face your partner the same way again?
Starting point is 00:16:57 Unless you truly are, I don't know, I don't know how you could face your partner the same. After that, you'll always feel guilt knowing that you're hiding such a huge secret. But also, how would you feel if your partner did this to you? Terrible. So why would you do it to them?
Starting point is 00:17:19 You know what I mean? Like, if your partner was in the same situation that you were in, how would you expect them to behave? Probably a lot better than you did. So why are you holding your partner up to higher standards than you're holding yourself up to? And you have to live with that choice forever.
Starting point is 00:17:38 You have to live with that memory of what you did and that could follow you forever and create guilt and discomfort for relationships for the rest of your life knowing that you're not always a loyal partner unless you learn from it but still it's also tempting sometimes to buy excess you know buy a bunch know, buy a bunch of clothes, buy a bunch of, I don't know, gaming equipment. I don't know. Maybe you like Minecraft and you want to play Minecraft and have 15 different monitors so that you can play Minecraft on 15 different screens. I don't know, excess. Access can be tempting because you feel like it's going to fill a void. You know, you feel like it's going to fill a void in your life and these physical belongings could fill
Starting point is 00:18:33 that void. But if you're aware of the fact that they're not going to fill that void and you're going to be left in a cluttered mess and you're going to be down a few thousand dollars possibly depending on how much you spend on your excess of belongings, then in a cluttered mess, and you're gonna be down a few thousand dollars, possibly, depending on how much you spend on your excess of belongings, then you might avoid making that decision, you know, and you might wait and save your money and spend it on one really good thing, rather than an excess of a bunch of mediocre things that will honestly lose their value anyway to you, because the more you have, the less each individual thing means something to you. Or maybe you struggle with the temptation to go out and party a few too many times per
Starting point is 00:19:19 week. It's tempting because partying is fun. It's reassuring. Well, sometimes it's fun. Depends. It has the potential to be fun. It's also reassuring socially. When you go to a party and a bunch of people talk to you and are hanging out with you, and you know, you're exchanging numbers and all these things, that's reassuring socially. It makes you feel good about yourself.
Starting point is 00:19:43 It boosts your confidence. But also, it's tempting because it's a distraction from your life. Going out, having drinks, doing the whole thing, socializing, whatever, is a distraction from your life. You can forget about your homework assignment that's due. You can forget about your shitty relationship. You can forget about your homework assignment. Let's do. You can forget about your shitty relationship. You can forget about whatever. You can forget about shit. And every
Starting point is 00:20:11 once in a while, I think this is honestly, you got to do it. You know, you got to have those nights where you just go out and you have fun and you let everything go. But when you do it too much, not only is it not even fun anymore, it gets stale. The novelty of going out and partying loses its sort of allure because it's not special anymore. It's not a special occasion anymore. Not only does it get ruined for you, but also it prevents you from addressing the issues that are present in your life.
Starting point is 00:20:46 And you can't work on yourself if you're constantly distracting yourself. And that will long-term make you miserable. Speaking of that, it can also be tempting to just slack off in life in general. And when I say slack off, I'm not saying to give yourself a break because you're feeling burnt out.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Okay, that is a different situation. But it's like when you have the energy to work, okay? But all your friends are going to the beach. And even though you know you need to work and you have the energy to do it, you just, you're like, oh, but I really want to go to the beach. And even though you know you need to work and you have the energy to do it, you just, you're like, oh, but I really want to go to the beach because it's way more fun.
Starting point is 00:21:29 And you know, it's like, it's being sort of irresponsible, not giving yourself a break because you're literally burnt out and you've been working yourself too hard. And it's gotten to a point where you literally can't work anymore without having a breakdown. Like that's not what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:21:46 I'm talking about slacking off just because there are funner options. I know funner's not a word. Don't even, don't mention it, okay? Because there are funner options happening around you, you're not getting your work done, you're not getting your shit done that you got to get done because there are funner things around. It's tempting because it's just so much easier and it's just so much more fun.
Starting point is 00:22:09 And sometimes in moments when you're tempted by a more fun option than work, you're like, well nothing matters anyway. Who cares if I get a good grade on this test? Who cares if I turn in this work assignment on time. Who cares? Nothing really matters. The problem with that is that affects your sense of self. When you neglect the work that you need to get done in life, you're subconsciously losing respect for yourself because your work ethic as a person gives you confidence, working hard at person gives you confidence. Working hard at things gives you
Starting point is 00:22:45 confidence because it proves to yourself that you are a valuable team player in some way and you are a valuable asset in some way and working hard at anything. Being disciplined with anything can help grow and solidify your self-esteem. So if you just keep throwing the things that you need to work on on the back burner, over time, that will impact your view of yourself. You'll start to wonder, what do I add to anything? Because I don't have work ethic, I don't have discipline.
Starting point is 00:23:33 It makes you feel, and I've had moments like this in my life where I just couldn't get work done, because I was constantly surrounded by temptation to be social and to hang out with people and to go and do fun activities and so I didn't have any discipline and I didn't get any of my work done and it made me depressed because then I started to feel like a loser. I just felt like a fucking loser and when I started being a more disciplined with myself and I started creating a better balance where I was able to be social
Starting point is 00:24:12 and I was able to get work done, I was so much happier and so much more confident. And I felt so much more valuable in the sense of what I can offer to the world. It's interesting how that is. It's interesting, how that is. It's also tempting in life to be nosy. Maybe you wanna look at your partner's phone or you want to sneak into your mom's closet
Starting point is 00:24:35 and see what she got you for Christmas. Being nosy is very tempting. You wanna know what secrets people are hiding, but you have to resist that clawing need to be nosy because you have to think about how you would feel if somebody did it to you. How would you feel if somebody was going through your phone? How would you feel if somebody was going through your closet and seeing what you got them as a gift? How would you feel if somebody was impeding on your
Starting point is 00:25:04 privacy like that? One of the most valuable things that we have as humans is our privacy because privacy is so important for us to work through issues and to be truly ourselves. For example, let's say you wanna look through your partner's phone, and you're looking through, and you see a text between your significant other and their friend. And in their text chain, you see that your significant other was venting to their friend about you.
Starting point is 00:25:41 And saying like, oh, it annoys me when they do this, and it annoys me when they do that. And you see that and now you're angry at your partner. Your partner deserves the freedom to be able to vent to their close friends and family about your relationship because sometimes you need a sounding board. Sometimes it's not a good idea
Starting point is 00:26:02 to immediately bring an issue straight to the relationship, and you want to discuss it with somebody else first. That is like a right that every human should have to go and be able to just vent every once in a while and work things out with somebody else and not have to directly go to the source of the problem to solve it immediately. Sometimes you need a holding period where you go and you talk about it with your friends and family and you try to work it out and sort out your thoughts before you go and you
Starting point is 00:26:34 confront the situation head on. That's important. And so snooping through your partner's phone eliminates their ability to do that in safety and in privacy. Or let's say, you know, you want to do something a little bit more innocent and you want to go into your mom's closet and see what she got you for Christmas. Let's say you don't see the gift that you wanted. Now you're getting all pissed off at your mom because you're like, fuck you mom, you didn't give me what I wanted. Then, you know, you start giving your mom the cold shoulder because you're all pissed off because she didn't get you what you wanted for Christmas.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Then on Christmas morning, turns out she did get you what you wanted and it's right under the tree. It just showed up the day before Christmas and you didn't know that it was going to show up and you snooped and now it changed the course of Christmas, okay? And now you fucked up Christmas because you were being nosy when you shouldn't have been. It's just so much better to give everyone their privacy to leave things be.
Starting point is 00:27:36 And if you feel like your partner's cheating on you or you really wanna know what your mom got you for Christmas, you'll find out eventually. You'll find out if your partner's cheating on you without snooping through their phone. Maybe it's through having a conversation. Maybe it's through asking your partner to bring out their phone and show you with them sitting right there. Maybe you just need to end your relationship with that person anyway if you don't have
Starting point is 00:28:02 enough trust in them in the first place. Or when it comes to what your mom got you for Christmas, maybe you just need to fucking be patient and wait and see what's under the goddamn tree on Christmas morning. You see what I'm saying? You're gonna find out the truth eventually. So there's no need to meddle with how soon you figure it out.
Starting point is 00:28:22 There's other ways to go about it that are more morally sound. You know, the last example of temptation that I have for us to talk about today is the temptation to steal. I've never been somebody that stole things. I don't know why I just never did that. I know a lot of people go through a phase where they steal, like in middle school, everybody used to steal from them all.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Girls would go into Victoria's Secret, bring a bunch of underwear into the dressing room, put them on under their pants, and then leave the store. You know, like we're talking about that. Or girls would go into Nordstrom and take a tiny little compact makeup palette and shove it in their bag and then walk out. You know, like all of that.
Starting point is 00:29:14 I personally could never do it. I just couldn't. It made me feel too guilty. I felt weird about it. I thought I was gonna get caught. I just didn't wanna go there. But I know that a lot of people struggle with the temptation to steal, especially when they're younger. But even in older ages, like, you know, sometimes you just, you're at the airport and you're like, I don't want to wait
Starting point is 00:29:36 in line to pay for this bottle of water. I'm just gonna steal it. Again, like if you don't need to steal, there's no excuse to steal. It's just not the right thing to do. Leave it for someone. See the way, okay, here's the way I look at it when it comes to stealing. If you don't need to steal because you can put food on the table, you can put water in your glass, you have a roof over your head. You just have no excuse. It's just not the right thing to do. And I always think of it like,
Starting point is 00:30:14 let's leave the stealing to people who need to steal, people who don't have enough money to put food on the table, people who don't have access to water. You know, people who don't have access to water, people who don't have access to a roof over their head, and they're doing the best that they can, but they're just not in a good spot right now,
Starting point is 00:30:32 and they need to steal to make ends meet and to survive. Leave stealing to those people, let them do it. That's the way I've always looked at it. I'm like, I don't need this for free. It's just not the right thing to do. And I think over time, the more things that you do that are just morally wrong in life, stealing, spying on people, buying and excessive things,
Starting point is 00:30:57 the more things that you do in life that go against your moral compass, but that have instant gratification. The more of those things that you do, the less confidence you'll have in yourself as a person. Think of it like this. If you were to look at somebody else, and they're a hard worker, they are a loyal friend, a loyal, significant other, they don't steal because they don't have to.
Starting point is 00:31:27 They are just a morally sound person overall. You look at that person. What do you think of them? Do you put them in a respectable place in your mind or do you put them in a less respectable place in your mind? Obviously, you're going to put them on a pedestal almost. You know, you're gonna, you respect them. Versus somebody who doesn't have that kind of discipline,
Starting point is 00:31:53 you're not gonna respect that person as much, right? The same thing applies for yourself in your own view of yourself. If you know deep down that you do your best every day If you know deep down that you do your best every day to be the best person that you can be and make the best choices that you possibly can, your view of yourself is going to be much higher and much more positive. Now this is not to say that you need to be perfect to have a good self-esteem and to view yourself as a good person.
Starting point is 00:32:28 There are going to be moments when you look at your partner's phone. There are going to be moments when you're partying too much. There are going to be moments when you buy too many things. There are going to be moments when you get tempted to cheat on your partner. Maybe you do cheat on your partner. Maybe you do cheat on your partner. But whether or not it impacts your self-esteem and your well-being long term is based on how you learn from it. If you succumb to that temptation and it makes you feel like shit and you say, I'm never doing that again.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Then that is a positive thing because you learn something. But if you succumb to a temptation and then the next day you're like, I feel like shit about it. So I'm just gonna go and I'm gonna do it again. Then that's when you start to get yourself and do a bad cycle. But it's never too late to turn it around. It's never too late to decide,
Starting point is 00:33:27 hey, you know what, I'm done. I'm going to be more disciplined with myself. I'm going to hold myself accountable to doing the right thing and being the best person I can be. It's never too late to mend your relationship to yourself in that way. And I think a lot of people can get discouraged to mend your relationship to yourself in that way.
Starting point is 00:33:48 And I think a lot of people can get discouraged when they're in a moment where they are having a hard time sticking to their morals, sometimes making the difficult choice to stick to their morals, because it's honestly more difficult most of the time to stick to your morals than it is to do the right thing. A lot of times doing the right thing has delayed gratification,
Starting point is 00:34:11 doing the wrong thing has instant gratification and long-term suffering. I said that earlier, but I'm saying it again because it's so important to remember. When you're in a moment in life when your temptation is stronger than your discipline, you can find yourself in a low point.
Starting point is 00:34:30 And because of your decisions, those might impact your self-esteem and your belief in yourself. And then you might feel like, well, I can't pull myself out of this and start making better choices because I'm a loser and you can start to feel like a fucking loser. I've been there. I've been there so many times throughout my life. And it's a vicious cycle because it's like succumbing to your temptations makes you not believe in yourself. And what you need to pull yourself out of it is to believe in yourself. So you almost need to form a false sense of belief in yourself for a little bit of time until you can pull yourself out of it
Starting point is 00:35:18 and say, you know what? I can turn this around. It doesn't feel like it right now. I don't believe in myself. I feel like a weak human being. But maybe I can turn this around. It doesn't feel like it right now. I don't believe in myself. I feel like a weak human being. But maybe I can turn this around. And it's taking it one step at a time. And it's considering every moment of discipline as a success, studying for an hour instead of going out to a party with your friends for one evening, that is something to celebrate. Not buying 50 things online because you're bored and instead just saying, you know what? I'm going to close out of this tab. I had fun filling my cart online, but I don't need to press check out. I don't need to pay for it. I don't need to pay for, I don't need to do that.
Starting point is 00:36:05 I'm just gonna wait and save this money and be more thoughtful and save up for something that will mean more to me and that will be a more valuable use of my precious space at home. That is a success. It's like, and then you start building that up, getting the temptation to look at your partner's phone,
Starting point is 00:36:24 thinking, ooh, I feel like I really want to look. What are they saying about me? And then not doing it. That builds your confidence a little bit. And then next thing you know, you feel better about yourself. Your confidence in yourself has grown exponentially. And not to get too spiritual, because I know I literally said in the beginning
Starting point is 00:36:44 of this episode that I feel like a fucking cold leader because I'm talking about, like this feels borderline religious. I promise you this is not that. I'm not gonna start a cult tomorrow. I'm not interested in that. This is not religious. But what I am about to say does sound kind of,
Starting point is 00:37:04 it is a little spiritual. And you can take it with a grain of salt. I don't even know why I feel this way, but I do. I feel like the universe lets you get away with nothing, whether it's God, the universe, karma, whatever is the power, the higher power of sorts. If there is any, whatever it is, whatever you believe in, that thing does not let you get away with anything. I always feel like it's just the universe, the way the universe just exists and like is.
Starting point is 00:37:43 I feel like you always end up paying for bad decisions eventually. Whereas I feel like you also get rewarded for good choices. And it might not be something as deep as like the universe or God or whatever. It might not be that. It might just literally be that when you make good choices in your life, good things just come to you because I don't know. I don't know. It just is that way. You know, when you are sticking to your guns and you are doing the right thing, things just end up coming to you in your life that are positive. I'm done. I'm done talking.
Starting point is 00:38:25 That's it. That's all we're talking about today. Okay. I find myself fighting off my desires all the time, you know, in so many different ways. But every time I fight it successfully and I do the right thing, I feel so much better. And I feel like recently
Starting point is 00:38:45 my self esteem has been so much better because I've been really doing my best to be disciplined with myself. And it really, really pays off. And I know it can be difficult at times because discipline and overworking yourself, there's a fine line. And you have to figure out that line for yourself. But once you do, it's so powerful. And it's life changing. And it makes the amazing moment so much more amazing when they're balanced out with a disciplined life. You know, I honestly wonder if you can have happiness and bliss and fun without discipline.
Starting point is 00:39:37 I'm not sure that you can, because I love and appreciate and enjoy going to a party I love and appreciate and enjoy going to a party so much more after spending the whole week working as hard as I could. I appreciate my relationships in life so much more because I give my Loved ones privacy in space and I don't impede on their lives and I Am not nosy about their lives and I just give them space and I'm loyal to them. I appreciate those relationships so much more because They're rooted in honesty. I don't know. I don't know you guys, I'm done, I'm literally done.
Starting point is 00:40:26 What did I just talk about for an hour? I don't know, like I just don't know. But I hope that you enjoyed, maybe, you know, maybe something in this was valuable, I really hope it was. Regardless, I just appreciate you listening. And I hope you enjoyed hanging out and it's always a pleasure. If you wanna subscribe to anything goes,
Starting point is 00:40:50 you can do so on any platform use stream podcasts. I'll talk to you next week. Per usual, every Thursday you know the drill. If you wanna check out my coffee company, I have a special code for you, the listener, AG15, check out my coffee company,, and use that code if you want to pick anything up. And that's all I got.
Starting point is 00:41:17 Thank you guys so much for hanging out. Let me know what you think. You can check out anything goes on Twitter, at AG podcast or Instagram, at anything goes and let me know what you thought of this episode and keep up with the episodes on those social medias. I don't know whatever. I'm out of here. Okay, talk to you guys next week. I love you all. I love you all. Bye. you all. Bye.

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