anything goes with emma chamberlain - the met gala

Episode Date: September 18, 2021

Emma is back from one of the craziest few weeks of her life, filled with a rollercoaster of emotions. She talks all about all the details of her time at the Met Gala, and the entire process leading up... to it: from getting the call she was going, to preparing and designing the dress with Louis Vuitton (and inspirations behind it), what actually happens at the event itself and after, and all of the feelings she’s had throughout. It's been a wild ride she's excited to share with everyone. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi everybody. I'm not gonna lie. I just had the craziest week of my life and I'm so excited to just sit down and tell you everything about it. Everything about it. This past week I went to my very first Met Gala and this was just absolutely insane to me because ever since I was probably 15 or 16, I have been heavily keeping up with the Met Gala every single year, looking at the outfits, keeping up with the Met Gala drama. Since I was 15 or 16, I've been obsessed with the mechalla. Every year when it happens, I'm looking on to see what everybody's wearing and
Starting point is 00:00:52 to form my own opinions. And it's always been my favorite event. With that being said, I never in a trillion years thought that I would be invited ever. Like, it just never crossed my mind as even a possibility. Even now, it still feels like a figment of my imagination. It feels like something that didn't even happen. It's so insane and mind-blowing to me. I think the reason why I really love the MacGala is because it's truly the perfect event.
Starting point is 00:01:31 It's a combination of a bunch of different types of celebrities and creative people mixed with the best designers, and it's all in one place. You know, other events like the Oscars and the Grammys are more specific. You know, they're specifically about music or specifically about film. Whereas the Mechalla is kind of this pool of a bunch of different designers and a bunch of different creative people and a bunch of different celebrities
Starting point is 00:02:08 and it's all in one place and it truly encapsulates pop culture in a way that I don't think any other event does. And there's something about it that's just so entertaining. And I just can't, I still just can't believe that I that I was I that I went there like what the fuck to be honest I can't remember when I got the call from my team telling me that I was invited I literally don't remember it
Starting point is 00:02:43 I don't remember what day I got the call I don't remember what I was wearing I don't remember what I thought immediately upon receiving the news. For some reason I blocked all of that out of my head I don't remember. Anything from the day that I found out that I was going. To be honest I think I was genuinely in shock. And that's kind of weird for me because I feel like with most things that have happened to me throughout my experience being on the internet, not a lot of it has shocked me in the way that this has. This truly threw me for a loop, okay?
Starting point is 00:03:21 Because it just came out of nowhere and I just really was not expecting it. And it was something that I truly thought was impossible. So it was almost like something impossible coming true and that just shocked me beyond belief. So I really don't remember that day. I do not remember the day that I found out. But eventually, you know, about a week after I found out, reality started hitting, right? You know, it was time to start preparing and it was kind of starting
Starting point is 00:03:53 to become real or in real and my fear started setting in, right? My first fear was that I didn't belong there. You know? This event had always had such a prestigious and almost a theory of presence in my mind. And obviously when I look at myself in the mirror, I just see me. And so my first fear was that I just wasn't going to fit in and that I just wasn't meant to be there. And I think part of me felt like I was going to be looked at as kind of a fool or I don't know I just was worried that I was going to stick out like a sore thumb in a way, in a bad way, right? And people were going to be like, why the fuck is she here? That was my first fear. My second fear was that I wasn't prepared enough. You know, like I haven't done a lot of red carpet events. I'm terrible at walking in high heels. I'm not the best in front of paparazzi and press. You know, am I prepared enough to walk on a carpet of this level?
Starting point is 00:05:31 Like, no, I'm not, you know? And that was my next fear. But my final fear was the largest of them all. And I haven't mentioned this part yet, but basically I was invited to the Megalla to attend as a guest, but I was also invited to the Megalla to interview celebrities on the red carpet for Vogue. So I had this whole other added layer of fear because of that. I've never interviewed people before, ever.
Starting point is 00:06:11 I don't even need interview people on this podcast. So I was like, oh shit, not only do I have to walk on this carpet and look like I have my shit together, but I also have to interview celebrities and pretend I have my shit together. This is a lot for mommy. This is a lot, you know what I mean? I was really terrified of interviewing these people because I didn't want to let anyone down, you know, Vogue put their trust in me to interview people on the red carpet for their
Starting point is 00:06:53 channel and by them doing that and by them choosing me, they're putting a lot of trust in me to do a good job and if I fuck it up, you know, it's gonna be really sad for me and sad for them. And sad for people who wanna watch the interviews and see what's going on. In years past, I loved watching all of the red carpet interviews. You know, and so I felt this immense pressure to do a perfect job for myself and for Vogue and for the people who wanted to watch it.
Starting point is 00:07:28 And it was just overwhelming at first, you know. There was so much fear around the whole thing for me. But eventually I kind of got over the fear. And my perspective changed a little bit because the more I thought about got over the fear. And my perspective changed a little bit because the more I thought about it, the more I was like, you know what? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I do genuinely believe in myself, deep down.
Starting point is 00:07:58 I'm somebody who tends to be very self-deprecating, but I also do generally believe in myself, you know? And so I knew that I was capable of doing it. I knew that. I just had to keep reminding myself of that. And just remind myself that all I can do is do my best. And worst case scenario, I fuck everything up, and I never go to a mech all again. But guess what? All I can do is my best. You know, and so I kind of started to come to terms
Starting point is 00:08:34 with the fear. And I just kept reminding myself that I'm capable of doing a good job. And I just kept reminding myself about over and over and over again. And eventually the fear kind of completely went away, which was great. And I just kind of started getting excited. I especially started getting excited when it was time to start coming up with the idea for the dress. My dress was designed by Nikola, who is the women's designer for Louis Vuitton, and he created
Starting point is 00:09:15 a custom dress for me, which was a dream come true, truly. And it was just so cool because I have been working with them since I was extremely fresh in the fashion world. I still am fresh. Don't get me wrong. But the first fashion show I ever attended was a Louis Vuitton show. I've been working with them ever since and they've been a part of every step of my fashion journey. And so it was just so perfect that they were the ones that dressed me for the event. What was really cool was that because we were going to be making a custom dress, you know, I got to have a say about what I wanted the dress to look like. And obviously it was a collaboration between me and Louis Vuitton and my stylist and my
Starting point is 00:10:15 team. But I did definitely get a say. When Louis Vuitton asked me what I wanted the dress to be like the first thing I said was I Want to look like a woman in this dress for so long I've been perceived by the internet and by people in my life and even by myself As a girl like I've always been perceived as a girl as a girl, like I've always been perceived as a girl, as a teenager, but I'm 20 now,
Starting point is 00:10:47 and I really feel like I'm an adult now, and I wanted to show that at this event, and I wanted my dress to reflect that, to reflect that, to reflect that I'm no longer a teenager, you know? I'm no longer this little 16 year old on the internet.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Like I'm a woman now, you know? And I wanted to feel mature and elegant and feminine I wanted to feel mature and elegant and feminine and kind of dainty maybe even in this dress. In the past, I've always felt most comfortable, you know, wearing things that weren't super fancy, weren't super elegant, weren't super elegant. I've always felt most comfortable in things that were maybe a little bit more edgy or a little bit more tomboyish. And that's always how I felt the most comfortable.
Starting point is 00:11:59 But as I'm getting older and as I'm maturing, that's starting to change. And I'm starting to enjoy feeling fancy and dressing fancy and feeling like a woman. And I've never really felt like a respectable woman, you know, and I mean, I think that's probably because prior to now, I've always been a teenager and a young girl, and I'm just now entering adulthood. But regardless, I've always just kind of felt like a joke almost, not like a joke, but
Starting point is 00:12:39 like, I've always just felt like a little girl who nobody took seriously. And I wanted to feel like a respectable woman, you know, at this event. And so that was basically the messaging that I told Delui Vuitton and I said, you know, this is how I want to feel in this dress. I want to feel elegant, I want to feel feminine and, you know, show me what you got. Like, let's see it. So I gave those notes to Delui Vitton and then they came back to me with two designs and immediately I was drawn to one it was perfect it was
Starting point is 00:13:29 exactly what I was thinking of and my stylist worked with Louis Vuitton to perfect the dress I worked with my stylist and Louis Vuitton to perfect the dress We were all working in conjunction on making this dress perfect. There was a few little tweaks that we wanted to make, but pretty quickly, the entire concept for the dress was done, and then it was time to send it into production. I think the thing that was the most special
Starting point is 00:13:59 about this dress for me was that it really did feel like my debut as a woman. about this dress for me was that it really did feel like my debut as a woman, you know, because prior to now, I never felt comfortable in dresses. I never felt comfortable in high heels. I never felt me when I was fancy. It always felt wrong to me. I remember dressing up for high school dances and getting into dresses and heels
Starting point is 00:14:31 and just feeling like a shell of a person. I remember feeling not like myself and I remember feeling so uncomfortable and weirdly less confident. I know that that sounds so backwards, but for me, in the past, dressing up and being fancy actually made me feel insecure. And being in sweatpants and a sweatshirt
Starting point is 00:14:54 made me feel the most myself and the most confident. But now, you know, I'm at a place in my womanhood But now, you know, I'm at a place in my womanhood where I feel confident and comfortable in almost anything. Finally, I feel comfortable and confident in sweatpants and in a fancy dress and high heels. I finally reached a point where my confidence has less to do with outside variables like what I'm wearing and it has all to do with how I'm doing on the inside and my confidence is harder to shake now than it's ever been. And that was really exciting to me. I really wanted to show that to myself into the world that I'm a big girl now.
Starting point is 00:15:53 You know? I really think that me showing up in a fancy dress and still feeling like myself, really proved to myself that I'm maturing and that was really cool, you know, and that I'm becoming more comfortable with myself. My parents always used to tell me when I was younger that the older you get, the less you give a fuck about what people think, and the more consistent that your confidence becomes.
Starting point is 00:16:30 And I remember always being like, shut up, you guys, like shut up, but it's really true. Like, when I was younger, my confidence was so all over the map, do you know what I mean? I would have to be in a perfect situation to have confidence, right? Like, I'd have to be around the right people wearing the right outfit and in the right headspace
Starting point is 00:16:53 to feel confident when I was younger. Whereas now, it feels like my confidence is pretty consistent, you know, no matter who I'm around and what I'm wearing or what I look like in that given moment. Because I just give less of a fuck now than I used to. And it's so freeing. A lot of people really romanticize your teen years,
Starting point is 00:17:17 you know, they say that that's the peak of life. I completely disagree. Because when I was a teenager, my mind body and spirit were all over the fucking map. They were a mess. Nothing was aligned. It was a mess.
Starting point is 00:17:33 And generally my emotions were all over the place and I was not that happy. You know what I mean? There were so many feelings and lessons to be learned constantly in my teen years. And although I'm so very young, even just turning 20, I'm starting to realize how things are really leveling out and becoming a lot more chill, you know, and consistent. My emotions are becoming a lot more consistent and my confidence is becoming more consistent. And I truly owe that to every single year I've lived on this planet and every single year of wisdom that I've gained while being on this planet.
Starting point is 00:18:14 I wouldn't have been able to show up to this event with confidence and comfort like I did without every single year of life that I've lived leading up to this moment. And I wouldn't have been able to do this when I was 18, you know. I would have completely had a meltdown, but I think that this event came in a perfect time in my life because I'm finally crossing the bridge into adulthood and I'm just now starting to reap the benefits of that.
Starting point is 00:18:53 And I think that becoming an adult is actually really exciting because the confidence in wisdom that you have allows you to do things that are really exciting, that you maybe wouldn't have been able to do when you were younger because you just didn't have the resources. That was a huge thing that was brought to my attention when I attended this event. I just thought that was really cool. You know. So anyway, fast forward to about two weeks ago from right now. I had my very first fitting in the dress. The fitting was in Paris.
Starting point is 00:19:41 And I remember the first time I saw the dress, like the only thought I had was just like, this is exactly what I expected. Like this is exactly what I pictured in my head. This is perfect. Let's just get this on my body and see if it works. You know what I mean? Like let's just hope that it fits. And it was perfect.
Starting point is 00:19:59 I mean it was perfect. I immediately was in love with it. All of the pieces fell together. It was perfect. I immediately was in love with it. All of the pieces fell together. It was seamless. It was great. There were barely any fixes that we needed to make to the dress. It was very, very smooth and I was so grateful for that. After that fitting in Paris, I flew to New York because the Met Gala is in New York.
Starting point is 00:20:29 And then it was go time. From the time I landed in New York to the time that the Met Gala was, I was preparing. And it was crazy because the amount of prep that went into one red carpet event blew my mind. There were meetings, there were fittings, there were nail appointments, hair appointments, like there was so much prep that went into this. And it was kind of hilarious to me. Like, I almost had this moment where I woke up in the middle of all this prep and I had like this moment of realization where I was like
Starting point is 00:21:11 All of this for one event I I'd never prepared so heavily for something in my life and I was like how funny is it that? People who attend the Met Gala prepare this much just to walk on a red carpet for like seven minutes and then eat dinner? Like it was just like mind blowing to me how much prep went into it. But the good thing about it was that it kind of forced me not to think about the event itself. I was so consumed by preparing that I was barely even thinking about the fact that the event was even going to happen.
Starting point is 00:21:53 And so I actually got weirded out at one point because I felt so chill about the whole thing. The week leading up to it, I was like, why am I not nervous? I feel like I was more nervous months leading up to it, but when it came down to the final week before, I was not nervous and it was so weird. Everybody was like, are you freaking out? And I was like, no. And I don't get why. And it was especially weird because as you guys know,
Starting point is 00:22:20 if you listen to this podcast often, I talk about a lot that I have anxiety, but weirdly, I wasn't anxious about this event. And I think in retrospect it was because I was so distracted by preparing that I didn't even have time to sit down and get anxious. You know, and I thought that there was something wrong with me because I felt really numb about the whole thing. I just almost didn't feel anything the week leading up to the event.
Starting point is 00:22:52 I felt nothing, I felt numb. I was excited, but I was also just numb and it was weird because I felt like I was supposed to be having anxiety and I wasn't and it was weird. But I was also relieved because I was like, okay, the less anxiety I have to deal with the better. But I was like, why am I not having a panic attack every night about this?
Starting point is 00:23:15 It was so bizarre to me. But the anxiety in panic didn't really come until the last hour before I went. That's when things started to pick up and my brain started imploding. It was almost like my brain couldn't comprehend the fact that I was going. And so it just shut off and felt nothing and was just numb.
Starting point is 00:23:41 But then the hour before I left, it all came crashing down. My brain was like, okay, wait, this is actually happening now. Now it's time to get anxious. I am not going to lie when I was walking out of my hotel room after getting ready and I was all in my outfit and all of that. That's when I started to get anxious. I was the most anxious in the elevator. I remember that's when it hit me. I mean, the elevator about to get in the car and I was like, oh my God, I am so scared. And in the car, I felt a little bit better
Starting point is 00:24:18 because I was like, okay, I have a little car ride to relax before I have to do the thing. So then I felt a little bit better. But then when I got out of the car, I got anxious again. And everything happened so fast. It all happened so fast. From the second that I woke up on the day of the event,
Starting point is 00:24:38 to the time that I went to sleep that night, it was go, go, go. And I was just kind of running on adrenaline and excitement and nervousness all at once. My first impression of the event itself was that it was a lot less scary than I expected. I expected it to be so much more hectic, but it really wasn't that bad.
Starting point is 00:25:02 I just, I walked out, you know, there were all the cameras everywhere. I was like, okay, I'm a deep breath. Just, you know, do the three poses over and over again that you know how to do. Try not to trip while wearing your high heels and everything's going to be fine. It is funny how the red carpet is on stairs, which is so funny because everybody's wearing these extravagant outfits and it's so hard to walk in them. For most people, for me, it was like easy, but for most people, you know, their outfits are like crazy and heavy and like hard to maneuver in. And yet, the carpet is on stairs. So that makes it a lot more scary, right?
Starting point is 00:25:45 But I wasn't that scared because I was like, this is, my dress is easy to walk in. I'm not great at walking in heels, but I can do it. It was really not that scary. And I honestly, my anxiety shows itself physically, Actually, my anxiety shows itself physically sometimes with like shaking really bad or like my heart beating really fast. That happens to me kind of a lot in at really awkward times. Like if I'm meeting somebody for the first time, that will tend to happen to me.
Starting point is 00:26:23 And it's so embarrassing because I'll be meeting somebody for the first time and I'll give them a hug and I'll be shaking a little bit. And I'll be like, fuck, I just want this to turn off. You know what I mean? But luckily, I didn't have any of that. My body had no physical reaction. I wasn't sweating.
Starting point is 00:26:38 I wasn't shaking. My heart wasn't beating. And I was so happy. I was like, thank God. I just felt nervous in my brain, but in my body, like I didn't. And so that was so happy. I was like, thank God, I just like, I felt nervous in my brain, but in my body, like I didn't, and so that was really great. I didn't have a physical reaction, and I was so relieved.
Starting point is 00:26:53 I took the photos for like seven minutes. I did some interviews with some press outlet people, and then I headed up to the top of the stairs, and I set up to do my interviews and I was feeling pretty good. The first interview I did, I was a little bit awkward, I'll say. I don't remember who it was but the first interview I did, I was like, oh God, I don't know what I'm doing. Like I am whatever. And the hardest thing for me was like remembering
Starting point is 00:27:29 to put the microphone close to the person that I was interviewing his mouth. I felt very awkward about that. I was like, am I getting into their personal space? I feel weird. And I also kept forgetting to put it close to their face. So it was this combination of me feeling awkward doing it, but then also forgetting that I even had to do it in the first place.
Starting point is 00:27:52 But I got the hang of it by like the fifth interview. And everybody was so nice. You know, I wasn't really nervous to meet anybody because to be honest, I, you know, it's like everybody's just a human being. I was like, we're all, it's not that deep, you know, like, this is just supposed to be fun. And there's no need to be nervous or to be feel intimidated by anybody. Like, I just wanted to enjoy it and just not overthink it. And I luckily succeeded at that.
Starting point is 00:28:28 It was also interesting because I do have a little bit of social anxiety and I have a really hard time like, you know, being around people for long periods of time and like my social battery gets drained really easily. So that was another reason why I was really nervous about doing these interviews because I was like, I get drained by social interaction very quickly. So I don't know how this is going to go and I don't know if I'm going to hit a wall at a certain point and freak out or whatever. But the truth of the matter was every conversation was really short
Starting point is 00:29:05 and it wasn't too long. It was all very brief and short and sweet but really fun. But nothing dragged on too long to a point where I felt uncomfortable. You know, it was like when it comes to things like interviews, they're very quick and just fun and to the point. And so it actually wasn't as bad as I thought and it wasn't as intimidating as I thought. And it wasn't as intimidating as I thought because it wasn't like I was having to have a two hour hard to heart with somebody. It was like, let's just talk about the event and your look for five minutes and then say our goodbyes.
Starting point is 00:29:39 And that was comfortable for me because I can do small talk. I mean, I can do small talk all day long, you know, without getting super uncomfortable or anxious, I just get really uncomfortable with hanging out with people for like a long period of time. That's when I tend to get uncomfortable is when I'm at an event or something and I'm talking to someone for like an hour, but maybe I don't want to be in the conversation anymore or maybe the conversation is in a place where I don't want it to be.
Starting point is 00:30:07 That's when I tend to get anxious and emotionally exhausted is navigating longer conversations, but because the interviews were short, I felt super comfortable because they weren't super deep or emotionally exhausting as much. But I still did get emotionally exhausted by the end. By the time I was done with my last interview, I had been interviewing for three and a half hours, four hours, I think it was three and a half hours. It was time to go into the event, and into the dinner, and I was like, oh my God, I don't know if I...
Starting point is 00:30:39 I was like, I'm ready to go lay down. I am ready to go lay down. But of course, I was like excited. So I went in and to be honest, I kinda got what I wanted. I didn't really talk to many people because I was so excited to eat dinner because I was like, I hadn't really had time to like drink water or eat a snack while I was interviewing.
Starting point is 00:31:00 I was so hungry and so thirsty. So I was like, okay. Being socials my last priority. I do not have any desire to strike up a conversation and here right now, I'm just starving. So I ate, all was good. The food was delicious. There was some really cool performances,
Starting point is 00:31:22 which was so cool. And the overall experience was, you know, just really cool. It wasn't as intimidating though, as I expected. Like I expected to walk into the room for dinner, right? And it to be super intimidating, but it just felt like a restaurant. It felt like a restaurant with just like a bunch of people in it, and that was it. And it didn't feel scary.
Starting point is 00:31:52 And it didn't also feel like anything I had an experience before. I think I expected to walk into the room and feel like, you know, I was in another world, but it just felt normal, it felt normal to me, which was weird. I don't know why I expected it to be this scary thing, but it just ended up literally feeling like I was in a restaurant, which was great. It just felt comfortable.
Starting point is 00:32:19 And I would say that my overall takeaway from the whole thing is that it's an amazing event. It has, I love how it's technically like a fundraiser for the Metropolitan Museum. I think that that's really cool because the museum is beautiful and there's so much incredible art inside. Just being in there, I've never been in there before actually. It was my first time stepping foot into the Metropolitan Museum. And there I got to see a lot of the art just because you know I had to walk through the
Starting point is 00:32:49 building quite a few times and it was so awesome to like see the museum. It's such an awesome museum. If you're ever in New York, I really think you should go, I'm not somebody who's a huge museum gal. But this kind of changed my mind because just walking through it and seeing just a handful of the art that they have to offer was so cool and like so awesome. Like it was awesome. I can't explain it, but it was just really cool and I loved looking at it. Like I kind of started to understand why people like going to art museums, you know, for a second I was like, okay, wait, maybe now I get it.
Starting point is 00:33:28 But the events great, you know, it's super fun and exciting to see different looks and I obviously love observing fashion and I think a lot of people do whether they are super involved in fashion or not, I think it's just fun to see what people wear and to form your own opinion. And I think that's really fun and exciting. And I think that's why the event is so fun. And it was so incredibly humbling to get to go myself. And I really did have a great time.
Starting point is 00:34:03 And the whole thing, as much as it is this crazy prestigious event, it is really when it comes down to it, it's just a bunch of human beings dressing up in costumes and walking in a straight line, getting their photo taken and then eating dinner. And that's really what it is. And I think that that's not a negative thing. That's just the truth of it. It's just it's not. I always felt like these sorts of events were
Starting point is 00:34:32 almost like a theory and mysterious and I felt like it was going to feel more unfamiliar to me. Like I felt like it was going to feel more unfamiliar to me. Like I felt like it was going to feel like something I had never experienced before, but everything was very familiar in a weird way. Like I can't explain that very well, I'm struggling, but it felt very human. It didn't feel super ethereal and supernatural, almost like how I felt it would feel.
Starting point is 00:35:06 You know, it was like, I see people walking and you know, everybody's adjusting their outfits as they're walking, you know, getting their pictures taken. And you know, people are nervous and they're, you know, like you can see it in their faces and it felt human. And I thought that that was really cool. And inside of the dinner, everybody was just sitting at their table, eating and talking and it just felt very human. And that was comforting and cool to see. Because I think that we as humans put
Starting point is 00:35:48 that we as humans put celebrity culture on this pedestal. And at the end of the day, it's crazy how human it is. And as somebody who has always looked at the Met Gala specifically as this sort of a theory or not human event, it was really interesting to see how truly human it really was. a theory or not human event. It was really interesting to see how truly human it really was. And that was my main takeaway was that it's just a bunch of people in a room eating dinner and that's really what it is. And I think that that's really cool.
Starting point is 00:36:19 But also, the feeling of being there was crazy and I just have to say, I really, really from the bottom of my heart, want to take a second and just really thank you guys for supporting me from the time that I started on the internet to now and just being there for me and just watching me grow and growing with me truly. And I met so many of you guys while I was in New York and so many of you, you know, talked to me about the podcast and said, you know, that you enjoyed it. And that just truly means so much to me. And I wish I could, I, I'm getting choked up right now, even talking about
Starting point is 00:37:06 it because all I've ever wanted is just to, oh my god, I'm getting choked up. I'm not going to grow. I mean, luckily you can't see me. So that makes it easier. But all I've ever wanted to do was make content on the internet. I hate the word fucking content. All I've ever wanted to do was make things that make people feel understood and empathized with and I've always just wanted to have the most intimate relationship with you guys that I possibly can and I've always wanted to just create things that make people feel good and that are fun and lighthearted. And I just have always wanted, like, my goal with all of this
Starting point is 00:37:55 is to make someone's day better in any fucking possible way. That's all I care about. That's all I care about. And I value the relationship that I have with you guys more than you know. I'm so incredibly grateful. And the fact that I've been able to connect with you guys through the internet, even though we don't always get to meet face to face, the fact that I've been able to grow a relationship virtually with you through a microphone or through
Starting point is 00:38:26 a camera is the most one of it's my one of my most prized possessions in life is that. And I know that this whole episode has been extremely narcissistic. I'm just talking about myself and my experience at the event and I'm sorry I promise next episode we will get back to talking about You guys I'm sorry. I felt I literally halfway through recording this I had this thought in the back of my head. I was like I am being such a narcissist right now I'm just literally talking about me and It felt so wrong
Starting point is 00:38:58 But also I just like wanted to document this moment in time and share this experience with you guys So I'm just give me this one episode to be a narcissist. I promise we'll go back and not, I will literally, it's done after this. I promise, but anyway, I lost my true identity, but I just wanted to say how grateful I am for our relationship in connection
Starting point is 00:39:24 and for your constant support. And I truly felt like I've never been more loved on the internet than I have this weekend. And just seeing, you know, everybody, you know, all of you were so incredibly nice to me and proud of me and you know excited with me and it just was the most magical. That was what was so magical about this whole thing was really feeling the love from all of you more than I ever have because I was meeting so many of you, but then also, I was receiving so much love about me attending the event,
Starting point is 00:40:10 and I just felt so truly loved by the internet, and it was so fucking incredible, and I could literally cry, talking about it, I'm getting choked up, but I just, I felt so grateful. And I wish I could explain how grateful I feel, but I'm just so, fuck, I'm literally gonna start crying. I have to stop. Okay. Thank you from the bottom of my fucking heart for not only getting me here to being able to attend this event, but for being the most loving people and just supporting
Starting point is 00:40:56 me and being there for me through it all, I cannot thank you enough, but I actually have to stop before I start crying. Like I'm actually on the verge of tears and I don't know how my crying voice sounds and I'm gonna avoid crying again because I've already cried about this in the most happy way possible. But I am going to not try to not cry again. Anyway, so that was the MetGal experience.
Starting point is 00:41:24 I did end up after theience. I did end up After the event I did end up going back to my hotel. I changed into pajamas and Then I went to a few of the after parties and to be honest. I really have a hard time with parties I just don't ever really have fun So I only really went for a In hour or so and then I was like, you know what, I'm ready for bed. I had I I socialized a lot tonight. I'm over it. I'm gonna go to bed. So I went to bed probably the earliest out of everybody that night, which was great. And now I'm back in LA and life is back to normal and here we are.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Okay, let's get into some questions. I asked you guys on the Twitter to ask me questions about my experience and you guys delivered. So the Twitter is at AG podcast. If you ever want to ask questions and participate in the episodes, let's get into the questions. Somebody said, how was it meeting so many
Starting point is 00:42:26 famous people? You know, it's funny. I really don't look at celebrities any different anymore. And I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Obviously, there are some celebrities that I admire and am excited about. I would say one of the highlights for me was I got to interview Casey Musgraves and she's the most she's one of my favorite artists ever and I was losing it. I was so excited. Like yes I like so I was excited but at the same time I still look at her as a like normal human being because because I've been on the internet for so long and I've run into different celebrities here
Starting point is 00:43:08 and they're randomly throughout this experience, just like living in LA and, you know, different events and stuff like, I just started to realize that, they're just normal people. And so, which I know is so clear, it is the most fucking cliche thing to say, but it, I'm sorry, it's true. I like look at human beings as a human being
Starting point is 00:43:37 and I base how I feel about them based on their personality and like how they are in real life. And I kind of look at celebrities and their presence on the internet as a separate entity from like who they are in person. You know what I'm saying? And so I wasn't nervous because it was almost like I was meeting people like anyone. I was just meeting anyone. And And yes, they might have more followers on Instagram, but like, I was kind of meeting them with the same sort of baseline feeling that I have when meeting any new person, which is just like blank slate. And they can paint the picture as like who they are to me in real life.
Starting point is 00:44:25 And I'm going to judge from there. You know what I mean? And I'm going to base my opinion from there generally. And so because I go into all of it with such like a neutral head space, it was really not that crazy to me because, you know, we're all just human beings. And so it's obviously super cool, especially when you admire what someone does. But at the same time, it wasn't that scary
Starting point is 00:44:51 because I just look at everybody like, I don't put anyone on a pedestal anymore. So it wasn't that scary or crazy. Somebody said, do you have any Met Gala bathroom tea? Okay, this is such a bummer, but apparently the Met Gala bathroom is like where the party happened. It's like where it's at. But I never had to pee.
Starting point is 00:45:17 And the bathroom is literally a seven minute walk away from where the dinner is. So I was a little bit too lazy to walk all the way over there to check it out. So I never went to the bathroom. But hopefully if I get invited again, I will check that out. I would say that, you know, this was, because this was my first time going,
Starting point is 00:45:36 I definitely didn't cover all my bases. Like, I didn't go to the bathroom and see, you know, what goes on in there. I didn't talk to as many people as I probably would have if it was like my fifth met galley, you know what I mean? I was just trying to eat. I'm like literally, I'm not kidding. I got in there and I just sat down and started eating.
Starting point is 00:46:00 That's literally all I did. Everybody else is in the bathroom going crazy and socializing and stuff. And I was literally just eating. That's all I did the whole dinner. I have no regrets the food was delicious, but that's the truth of the matter. I maybe had a less interesting experience
Starting point is 00:46:18 than everyone else because I was just kind of chilling at the table and just not being too social. But anyway, somebody said, how was table and just, you know, not being too social, but anyway. Somebody said, how was it talking to people you know from social media and seeing them in person? I was nervous about this beforehand because there are so many people I followed and even some people that I had a mutual follow with, you know,
Starting point is 00:46:40 that I was gonna meet for the first time and I was like, okay, are we going to like, in LA, sometimes in particular, you meet someone that you follow on Instagram. And sometimes people pretend that they don't know. It's weird. So I wasn't sure if that was going to be the vibe. Everybody that I met that I followed on Instagram
Starting point is 00:47:00 that whatever in general, everybody was so nice. There was no awkwardness, there was no acting like we didn't know each other. You know, everybody was so cool in that way in polite. I honestly was shocked at how sweet everybody was. I don't think I met one person that wasn't really, really just genuinely cool. Somebody said, who was your favorite outfit? I would have to say, I really loved, I really loved, I loved so many. I loved Rosalie as outfit. Hers was so cool. I really loved Hunter Schaefer's outfit. That was incredible.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Kendall Jenner's dress was just fucking amazing. Kim Kardashian's look was amazing. I loved how she was wearing, if you didn't see, she was wearing like an all black outfit that covered even her face. Like you couldn't see. It was like she was a shadow almost, it was so sick. Oh my God, Soeti looked amazing. even her face. Like you couldn't see. It was like she was a shadow almost. It was so sick. Oh my God, Soeti looked amazing. I loved hers.
Starting point is 00:48:10 Oh, I loved Megan Fox's. I honestly loved everybody. Everybody looked gorgeous and amazing. I like, that was another thing. I've never seen that many just genuinely gorgeous people in my life. Like everybody was just dressed up to the nines and had been preparing for days.
Starting point is 00:48:27 And like it just was like so crazy to see, you know, everybody just fully dressed up to their absolute ability. And it was like crazy to see that many people dressed up to the nines in one place. It was like very cool. It was like everybody just was so, it was like a show, you know what I mean? Like it was like art almost and that was just crazy.
Starting point is 00:48:53 It was very like moving to see that many people just looking and feeling, you know, their most beautiful and whatever that meant to them. And that was just really cool. Last but not least, last question of the day, somebody asked me, what do you think is the biggest misconception about the MetGala? I honestly think that the biggest misconception would be
Starting point is 00:49:15 number one that everybody there is an asshole because that's definitely not true. Everybody is just there trying to have fun and just trying to have a friendly pleasant experience. I didn't feel like there was any competitiveness or weirdness or, you know, pretentiousness. It's just everybody was so kind and humble and I think that that was really cool to see. And definitely something that I don't think people would expect.
Starting point is 00:49:40 But the other thing was that, you know, it's also a very, it's still, it's, what I said earlier about the event being some sort of ethereal out-of-body experience, it felt very human and it was just a very human event. Everybody was just being themselves and yes, everybody was all dressed up and yes, you know, we were in a beautiful museum, but at the end of the day, it was just a bunch of people in crazy outfits, and it felt still very normal and comfortable, and it wasn't overly intimidating in any way, or anything like that. It was comfortable, and I think that that was really
Starting point is 00:50:19 interesting to me because I just did not expect that. And everybody was just super down to talk to whoever and hang out and it was just awesome. I mean, it was very chill, even though I, again, at dinner was not as social as I probably should have been, but whatever. But anyway, thank you guys again for everything. I love you all so much.
Starting point is 00:50:37 I'm so appreciative of you guys more than you know. And thank you for all of the love and support. You guys are the best. I'm so grateful. This is a moment that I'm going to remember for the rest of my life. And I'm just excited and glad that I got to share the experience with you.
Starting point is 00:50:55 And tell you the story and the real truth behind it. I hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, you can follow anything goes on any platform that you stream podcasts. You can leave a review on Apple podcasts. I really appreciate it and I read them all the time and they're always very touching and you can follow anything goes on Twitter and AG podcast. That's all I got to say. I love and appreciate you guys more than you know and I'll say it a million more times. And I hope you have a beautiful rest of your week. We will talk soon.
Starting point is 00:51:21 I'll say it a million more times and I hope you have a beautiful rest of your week. We will talk soon.

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